当前位置:文档之家› If you are happy中英文歌词

If you are happy中英文歌词

If you are happy中英文歌词
If you are happy中英文歌词

If you're happy 如果觉得快乐。

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap, clap).


If you're happy and you know it clap your hands. (clap, clap).


If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it.


If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. (clap,clap).


If you're happy and you know it,

stomp your feet (stomp, stomp).


If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet (stomp, stomp).


If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it.


If you’re happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp, stomp).


If you're happy and you know it, shout hurray (hurray, hurray).


If you're happy and you know it shout hurray (hurray, hurray).


If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it.


If you're happy and you know it, shout hurray (hurray, hurray).


If you're happy and you know it, do all

three (clap,stomp, hurray!).


If you're happy and you know it do all three (clap,stomp, hurray!).


If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it.


If you're happy and you know it, do all three (clap,stomp, hurray!)



Do you ever feel like breaking down 你觉得自己要崩溃了吗? Do you ever feel out of place 你觉得自己很迷茫吗? Like somehow you just don't belong 不知为何你总是格格不入, And no one understands you 没有人懂你。 Do you ever wanna run away 你有没有想要逃掉? Do you lock yourself in your room 你有没有把自己锁在屋子里? With the radio on turned up so loud 把收音机开的声音很大, That no one hears you screaming 这样就没有人听见你在大声尖叫。 No you don't know what it's like 不,你不知道, When nothing feels alright 一切都不对的那种感觉。 You don't know what it's like to be like me 你不知道,我的心情是怎样的。

To be hurt 受伤害, To feel lost 迷失自己, To be left out in the dark 被遗弃在黑暗中, To be kicked 被人落井下石, When you're down 当你倒下的时候 To feel like you've been pushed around 觉得人人都针对你, To be on the edge of breaking down 在崩溃的边缘。 And no one's there to save you 没有人来拯救你, No you don't know what it's like 不,你不知道这种感觉。 Welcome to my life 欢迎来到我的世界。 Do you wanna be somebody else 你想成为别人吗?


Fiction 然而,我无法忘记你 这一切我无法相信 所以今天也无法放你走 我要再次编写我们的故事 还有很长没有完成 将如同渗透皮肤般的失落 暂时的埋藏起来 重新再次的写下故事的开头 你和我都展露幸福的微笑 为了让你无法离开 出口的小房间里 故事设在一个没有 我像是一切 都没问题的吻了你 无法逃脱你的甜蜜不能 对我们而言 没有所谓的结束 这样我再次(Fiction in Fiction in Fiction) 无法忘怀(Fiction in Fiction in Fiction) 在我心中 这个故事将不会结束 抓住你(Fiction in Fiction in Fiction) 不会放开(Fiction in Fiction in Fiction) 到今天还沉醉在

你我没有结束的故事里in Fiction So!BEAST> 现在这里只有幸福的故事 只属于我们的幸福故事 就这样 (与现实不同) 这里写著 也渐渐被填满 你跑向我抱住我 抱住你以后 我绝对无法放开不能 对我们而言没有所谓的结束 这样我再次(Fiction in Fiction in Fiction) 无法断绝(Fiction in Fiction in Fiction) 在我心中 这个故事将不会结束 抓住你(Fiction in Fiction in Fiction) 不会放开(Fiction in Fiction in Fiction) 直到今天还沉醉在 你我没有结束的故事里in Fiction 我再说一次 现在你在我身边 我是这么相信著 我是失去目标的作家 这个小说的结尾 应该怎么写 我爱你我爱你我爱你

幼儿园大班英语《If you are happy……》教案

幼儿园大班英语《If you are happy……》教案 活动目标:1、加强幼儿的音乐欣赏力,训练其节奏感 2、学习词组clap you hands,stmp you feet 3、锻炼幼儿的表现力 活动准备:磁带 活动过程: 一、greeting good morning everybody! 二、topic 1、完整的聆听歌曲 “今天老师给小朋友准备了一首歌,这首歌的名字叫if you are ha y……,现在,大家一起来听一下。听完之后,老师要请小朋友来说一下,你听完这首歌后有什么感觉。” “孩子们,歌曲听完了,你们有什么感觉啊?” 2、学习词组clap you hands “孩子们,现在咱们来听一下这首歌曲的第一段,要认真仔细的听,听完以后老师有问题问大家。”

“孩子们,在刚才的这一段音乐里,除了有唱歌的声音,还有什么声音?” “对,有拍手的声音,那你们知道拍手英语怎么说吗?” “read after to me,clap you hands。 跟读。 “小朋友们说的真棒,现在在老师要请小朋友和老师一起听着音乐来一起做一下clap you hands。” 练习。 3、第二、三、四段的的学习同上。 4、完整的练习 “小朋友们,这4段我们已经全部学习完了,现在我要和大家一起把这一首 歌完整的来表演一下,你们自己说你们能做下来吗?” “好,咱们来试一下。” 5、rview “小朋友唱的太好了,但是我们不要忘了刚才才学过的英语。” 带领小朋友们一起说,边说边做动作。 三、结束 活动反思: 在这节课上,孩子们表现出了很好的音乐欣赏水平和表演水平。

先是请小朋友们完整的欣赏,问他们在听完了这首歌后有什么感觉,好多小朋友们抢着回答,有的说高兴,有的说快乐,有的说很爽,也有的说很开心,说的很准确,我很高兴,大大的表扬了大家一番。 然后是分段欣赏,提问大家除了有音乐,还有什么声音。小朋友们就能说出有拍手的声音。到了第二段就有些难度,没能听出是什么声音。但是我一提醒,大家就都能回答上来了。 整体练习的时候,除了有几个小朋友抢拍儿,其他的小朋友完成的还是很好的。 这说明我们班的小朋友经过两年的持续训练,已经对音乐有了浓厚的兴趣和欣赏水平了,下一步,我打算把这首歌教给孩子们,使他们不光会欣赏,还能演唱。

歌舞剧 猫 中英对照歌词

Are you blind when you're born? Can you see in the dark? 你出生时是目盲的吗?你能在黑暗处看到事物吗? Dare you look at a king? Would you sit on his throne? 你敢目室国王吗?你想坐在王位上吗? Can you say of your bite that it's worse than your bark? 你能说你的咬力不如你的叫声吗? Are you cock of the walk when you're walking alone? 当你独自行走时你很自信自傲吗? Because jellicles are and jellicles do 因为杰利克是杰利克能 Jellicles do and jellicles would 杰利克能杰利克会 Jellicles would and jellicles can 杰利克会杰利克能 Jellicles can and jellicles do 杰利克能杰利克做 When you fall on your head, do you land on your feet? 当你头朝下落下时,你能用脚着地吗? Are you tense when you sense there's a storm in the air? 当你感到风暴来临时,你会很紧张吗? Can you find your way blind when you're lost in the street? 当你迷路时,你能本能的找到正确的方向吗? Do you know how to go to the heaviside layer? 你知道如何升向九重天吗? Because jellicles can and jellicles do 因为杰利克能杰利克做 Jellicles do and jellicles can 杰利克做杰利克能 Jellicles can and jellicles do 杰利克能杰利克做 Jellicles do and jellicles can 杰利克做杰利克能 Jellicles can and jellicles do 杰利克能杰利克做 Can you ride on a broomstick to places far distant? 你能骑着扫把去很远的地方吗? Familiar with candle, with book, and with bell? 你喜爱玩耍蜡烛,书籍或是铃铛吗? Were you Whittington's friend? The Pied Piper's assistant? 你是惠廷顿的朋友?或是吹笛手的助理吗? Have you been an alumnus of heaven and hell? 你能自由的通往天堂和地狱吗? Are you mean like a minx? Are you lean like a lynx? 你是一个爱出风头的姑娘吗?你瘦的像一只山猫吗? Are you keen to be seen when you're smelling a rat? 当你闻到一只老鼠你会努力的寻找吗? Were you there when the pharaoh commissioned the Sphinx? 当法老委派做狮身人面像时你在场吗? If you were, and you are, you're a jellicle cat 如果你在并且你是,你是一只杰利克猫. Jellicle songs for jellicle cats 杰利克歌咏杰利克猫 Jellicle songs for jellicle cats 杰利克歌咏杰利克猫 Jellicle songs for jellicle cats 杰利克歌咏杰利克猫

Gee-少女时代 中韩文对照歌词、及中文音译之欧阳歌谷创编

Gee-少女时代中韩文对照歌词、及中文音译 欧阳歌谷(2021.02.01) ????-Gee Made by Jessie (Sscia)A-ha! listen boy my first love story my angel I'm a girl my sunshine oh oh let's go (??)????????????太帅气了,太耀眼了??????????紧张的不能呼吸Gee Gee Gee Gee baby baby baby Gee Gee Gee Gee baby baby baby (Ffany)oh ????????????太害羞,都不敢看你了??????????陷入你的爱情中,太羞涩Gee Gee Gee Gee baby baby baby Gee Gee Gee Gee babe babe....... (??&??)?????(????)怎么办(怎么办)?????(??????)紧张的心(很紧张的心)(????????)怦怦跳??????????????七上八下睡不着觉(Ssica)?????????我好像笨蛋???????????只知道你的笨蛋????????在那样乖戾看你的我 (All)??????????no no no no no 非常闪亮的他?????????? oh oh oh oh oh 非常大吃一惊了的我?????????? Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee 身体被电到了????? oh ye ???? oh ye ye ye 帅气的眼神 oh ye 很香的气味 (Yuri)oh ????????????非常非常漂亮,心情


我的歌声里 没有一点点防备 也没有一丝顾虑 你就这样出现 在我的世界里带给我惊喜情不自己可是你偏又这样 在我不知不觉中悄悄地消失 从我的世界里没有音讯 剩下的只是回忆 你存在我深深的脑海里 我的梦里我的心里我的歌声里 你存在我深深的脑海里 我的梦里我的心里我的歌声里 还记得我们曾经 肩并肩一起走过那段繁花巷口 尽管你我是陌生人是过路人 但彼此还是感觉到了 对方的一个眼神一个心跳 一种意想不到的快乐 好像是一场梦境命中注定 你存在我深深的脑海里 我的梦里我的心里我的歌声里 你存在我深深的脑海里 我的梦里我的心里我的歌声里 世界之大为何我们相遇 难道是缘分难道是天意 你存在我深深的脑海里 我的梦里我的心里我的歌声里 你存在我深深的脑海里 我的梦里我的心里我的歌声里 你存在我深深的脑海里 我的梦里我的心里我的歌声里 如水 期待过我们似细水 可惜蒸发出眼泪 明白你最近有些暂时伴侣偷一刻午睡彷佛专一使你极空虚 怀疑被你抱着我念着谁 无论你再好亦舍得失去 难过亦过难道我 嫌损失未够多

早放手可减轻痛楚 不等泡沫给吹破 不想去知谁填补我 无悔在我还是我 任你多么差错 无谓去追问为何 深知告别损失非我 让情人离别 似水清洗我 原谅你对着我说谎 出于好意的作状 明白你最近已经避谈近况 早不敢寄望 心中早把相爱如观光 情如瀑布泻下也未惊慌 心境已随着那水花得到释放 难过亦过难道我 嫌损失未够多 早放手可减轻痛楚 不等泡沫给吹破 不想去知谁填补我 无悔在我还是我 任你多么差错 无谓去追问为何 深知告别损失非我 让情人离别 似水清洗我 难过亦过难道我 嫌损失未够多 早放手可减轻痛楚 不等泡沫给吹破 不想去知谁填补我 无悔在我还是我 任你多么差错 无谓去追问为何 深知告别损失非我 让情人离别 似水清洗我 心中有涟漪吹过又回到最初平静去做我

if you are happy 歌词

If You Are Happy If you’re happy ,happy, happy, clap Your hands. If you’re happy ,happy, happy, clap Your hands. If you’re happy ,happy, happy, clap your hands, clap your hands. If you’re happy ,happy, happy, clap Your hands. If you’re angry ,angry, angry, stomp Your feet. If you’re angry ,angry, angry, stomp your feet, stomp your feet. If you’re angry ,angry, angry, stomp Your feet. If you’re scared ,scared, scared, say oh no. If you’re scared ,scared, scared, say oh no. If you’re scared ,scared, scared, say oh no, say oh no. If you’re scared ,scared, scared, say oh no. If you’re sleepy ,sleepy, sleepy, take a nap. If you’re sleepy ,sleepy, sleepy, take a nap. If you’re sleepy ,sleepy, sleepy, take a nap, take a nap. If you’re sleepy, sleepy, sleepy, take a nap. If you’re happy ,happy, happy, clap Your hands. If you’re happy ,happy, happy, clap, clap your hands. If you’re happy ,happy, happy, clap Your hands.

英语文化 学英语必须要知道的经典英文歌曲14 Hallelujah

歌曲背景 "Hallelujah" is a song written by Canadian singer Leonard Cohen, originally released on his album Various Positions (1984). Achieving little initial success, the song found greater popular acclaim through a recording by John Cale, which inspired a recording by Jeff Buckley. It has been viewed as a "baseline" for secular hymns. "Hallelujah"为加拿大著名游吟诗人、民谣歌手Leonard Cohen在1985年创作的歌曲,收录在其专辑"Various Positions"中。其歌词充满诗意,内涵丰富,曲调缓慢忧伤,加上Leonard沧桑嗓音的低吟浅唱,演绎出了一种清淡而悠长的回味。 Hallelujah的版本很多,其中最有影响力的还是美国著名创作型歌手Jeff Buckley的翻唱版本,被收录在其1994年的专辑"Grace"中。Jeff被U2的Bono形容为“噪海中的纯净一滴”,他的声音明丽甜蜜又性感飘渺,诠释起悲伤和记忆来却更令人印象深刻。 中国歌手邓紫棋在现场演唱会上翻唱了本曲。 英文歌词 Now I've heard there was a secret chord 我曾听闻一曲传奇中的旋律 That David played, and it pleased the Lord 是大卫弹奏来取悦上帝的赞颂 But You don't really care for music, do You? 但祢真正喜悦的(是人的作为,而)不是音乐,对吧? Well it goes like this 旋律是这样的 The fourth, the fifth F和弦,G和弦(复杂的心情无可言喻) The minor fall, the major lift 大小调起承转合(指戴维泣不成声的祷告颂唱,至五音不全) The baffled king composing Hallelujah

Hello Hello中文音译歌词

Hello Hello中文音译歌词 它达盘够你威落烧烧米都那也给 思气库威NO 木西慢库韩吗嘚(dei) 哈喽哈喽 就库吗收喽都奥赛卡机阿那灯巧欧内给 挠也给克(kei) (ruai)阿都(tuai)能乖嘎狂交思勒 木气库卡气亲气慢盘桥包一秒三Q 三Q 克(Kei)思库吗达嫩收气卡嫩巧内气够一烧 古嘚(dei)要哈喽哈喽克要乃呀巧萨要 哈角了那也嘎巧西卡巧要 古嘚(dei)要三Q 三Q 挠也哈库西库那吗里挠no了挠库买达令库买够米角 因努勒吐里弄嘎西巧那拉库了烧捞克带那内该 努哈那交巧米嘎唉no 唉no 克交欧高威嫩 一呀喽嘎巧儿几都谋啦台莫机哈能恰喽黑喽苏苏威苏嘎 台某内吗偷阿扑门萨一机慢亲no思亲no思 唉加台里恰嫩红加马嫩乃一里哈你呀 古嘚(dei)要哈喽哈喽克要乃呀巧萨要 哈角了那也嘎巧西卡巧要 古嘚(dei)要三Q 三Q 挠也哈库西库那吗里挠no了挠库买达令库买够米角 收西外吗嘚(dei)哇都给某嘚(dei)萨西那内给 唉萨哈门包门台勒巧劲库的巧 乃吗嫩挠巧那嫩黑吗no 嘚(dei)喽 no哇哈嫩气巧内高呀 古嘚(dei)要哈喽哈喽克要乃呀巧萨要 哈角了那也嘎巧西卡巧要Like crazy Just Run Run Run Running Go Go 不他凯My Bus To the Stage My Heart is Beat Beat Beat Beating Boom Boom 心脏卡几得聊哦能hurricane sound 诺匹Jump Jump Jump 怕拉哈能儿威落 莫儿里Quick Quick Quick 达聊嘎能过呀Start You and I 哪儿里所莫里古和里Telepathy 那儿据哦一能古(I'm crazy now) 达儿空马Jasmine 和昂读巴不堆能Stress I want to be free 古妹Paradise OH OHOH 够古思路卡泰呀My friend Don't think Just run OH OHOH 古古能那也巴哒路 Like crazy Just Run Run Run Running

If you are happy歌词

If you're happy 如果觉得快乐。 If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. 如果感到快乐你就拍拍手。 If you're happy and you know it clap your hands. 如果感到快乐你就拍拍手。 If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it. 如果感到快乐,而且你想表达出来。 If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. 如果感到快乐,那就拍拍手。 If you're happy and you know it,stomp your feet. 如果感到快乐就跺跺脚。 If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet. 如果感到快乐就跺跺脚。 If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it. 如果感到快乐,而且你想表达出来。 If you’re happy and you know it, stomp your feet. 如果感到快乐就跺跺脚。 If you're happy and you know it, shout hurray. 如果感到快乐你就喊声耶 If you're happy and you know it shout hurray. 如果感到快乐你就喊声耶 If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it. 如果感到快乐,而且你想表达出来。 If you're happy and you know it, shout hurray. 如果感到快乐你就喊声耶 If you're happy and you know it, do all three. 如果感到快乐你就三样一起做吧。 If you're happy and you know it do all three . 如果感到快乐你就三样一起做吧。 If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it. 如果感到快乐,而且你想表达出来。 If you're happy and you know it, do all three . 如果感到快乐你就三样一起做吧。If you're happy 如果觉得快乐。 If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. 如果感到快乐你就拍拍手。 If you're happy and you know it clap your hands. 如果感到快乐你就拍拍手。 If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it. 如果感到快乐,而且你想表达出来。 If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. 如果感到快乐,那就拍拍手。 If you're happy and you know it,stomp your feet. 如果感到快乐就跺跺脚。 If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet. 如果感到快乐就跺跺脚。 If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it. 如果感到快乐,而且你想表达出来。 If you’re happy and you know it, stomp your feet. 如果感到快乐就跺跺脚。 If you're happy and you know it, shout hurray. 如果感到快乐你就喊声耶 If you're happy and you know it shout hurray. 如果感到快乐你就喊声耶 If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it. 如果感到快乐,而且你想表达出来。 If you're happy and you know it, shout hurray. 如果感到快乐你就喊声耶 If you're happy and you know it, do all three. 如果感到快乐你就三样一起做吧。 If you're happy and you know it do all three . 如果感到快乐你就三样一起做吧。 If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it. 如果感到快乐,而且你想表达出来。 If you're happy and you know it, do all three . 如果感到快乐你就三样一起做吧。


1A 1.Are You Sleeping? Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? Brother John, Brother John? Morning bells are ringing, Morning bells are ringing. Ding, ding, dong! Ding, ding, dong! 2.Ten Little Indians One little, two little, three little Indians,

Four little, five little, six little Indians, Seven little, Eight little, Nine little Indians, Ten little Indian boys. One little, two little, three little Indians, Four little, five little, six little Indians, Seven little, Eight little, Nine little Indians, Ten little Indian girls. 3.Happy Birthday to You Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear friend. Happy birthday to you.

4.Hot Potato One potato, two potatoes, Three potatoes, four, Five potato, six potatoes, Seven potatoes, more. 5.Hot Cross Buns Hot cross buns! Hot cross buns! One a penny, two a penny. Hot cross buns! If you have no daughters, Give them to you sons!

If you are happy and you know it (1)

If you are happy歌词 If you are happy and you know it.clap your hands clap clap If you are happy and you know it.clap your hands错误!链接无效。 If you are happy and you know it. Then your face will surely show it. If you are happy and you know it.clap your hands. clap your hands clap clap If you are happy and you know it stamp your feet. stamp ,stamp If you are happy and you know it stamp your feet. stamp ,stamp If you are happy and you know it. Then your face will surely show it. If you are happy and you know it stamp your feet. stamp ,stamp If you are happy and you know it shout hurray hurray. If you are happy and you know it it shout hurray hurray. If you are happy and you know it Then your face will surely show it. If you are happy and you know it it shout hurray hurray. If you are happy and you know it Do all three clap stamp hurray If you are happy and you know it Do all three clap stamp hurray If you are happy and you know it Then your face will surely show it. If you are happy and you know it Do all three clap stamp hurray

English song-as long as you love me英文经典脍炙人口歌曲歌词解析

歌名:As Long As You Love Me 歌手:Justin Bieber 所属专辑:Believe Acoustic 作曲 : Persson Svensson 作词 : Persson Svensson As long as you love me yeah 只要你爱我就好 I'm under pressure, seven billion people in the world trying to fit in 我们在压力下跟着全世界70亿人适应这个社会 Keep it together, smile on your face even though your heart is frowning 紧紧相依,你心有困懑却面带笑容 But hey now, you know girl, we both know it's a cruel world 但是现在,宝贝你知道,我们都知道世界多么残酷 But I will take my chances 但我愿意(搏一搏)抓住我的机会 As long as you love me, we could be starving, 只要你爱我,我们可以挨饿(饥肠辘辘) We could be homeless, we could be broke 可以流离失所,也可以支离破碎 As long as you love me I'll be your platinum, I'll be your silver, i'll be your gold 只要你爱我,我是你的铂金,我是你的银,我是你的财富(我会不离不弃,无坚不摧,所向披靡)


A1段:乃莫西莫四百呆那盖四呆拉来大拉 哇拉呆一给喽勾豆嘎拉古尼闹诺莫 马大闹买嘎一大勾那喽勾来 莫纳尼莫一哇那一呆右 A2段:乃莫西莫四百呆来嗖来拉乃嘎那拉 那个那一呆一给喽勾豆莫拉古尼纳诺莫 呆莫所恩那过多白K那嘎哇 莫纳尼莫云塞那一呆右 B1段:K米尼豆类大盖及盖走音呆莫 柏苦诺心音坐哇Hi豆嗖大盖 C1段:Hi豆一右 Hi豆一右莫力嗖勾喽勾拉乃欧勾哇西呆一K塞一呆四给那右欧尼西呆右 洒看呆莫嘎一呆马不大欧阿拉西太莫 马乐K米哇柏扩农多多 大一西买呆阿乃塞来莫忆右 A3段:乃莫西柏柏扩农来大嘎卡那欧那嘎 K米豆欧乃记莫农嘎后西因大 呆莫莫苦尼哇送塞西那嘎大 加塞乃呆柏扩尼K呆右 B2段:K米尼豆类大盖阿一洒来呆莫 柏苦诺心音坐哇Hi豆嗖大盖 C2段:压买呆右压买呆右压洒西勾西那一呆右豆西呆莫莫古尼哇米嘎一那呆盖那一右 一呆一右一呆一右勾豆八哎右西耶呆右 勾ong那农西大那一右一到尼尼西那一呆 C3段:Hi豆一右 Hi豆一右莫力嗖勾喽勾拉来欧勾哇西呆一K塞一呆嗖给那右欧尼西呆右 洒看呆莫嘎一呆马不嘎欧阿来西太莫 马乐K米哇柏扩农多多 大一西买呆阿乃塞来莫忆右 A4段:乃莫西柏柏扩尼勾勾喽嘎阿农那拉 豆压呆嗖呆欧米子盖来八因农 嗖勾西后后哎恩乃K米豆右 嗖来八乃勾勾尼阿力右

A1段:吶若能将一切都彻底舍弃 笑着活下去就会变得轻松吗 可我的心还会痛 所以求你什么都别说 A2段:吶若能将一切都彻底遗忘 无需泪水的生活也会变得轻松吗 可是我做不到 所以求你什么都别给我看 B1段:再怎么接近你 我的心脏仅此一颗 C1段:好残忍好残忍你干脆就这么 撕碎我的身体吧随你喜欢就好了 呐喊过挣扎过再怎么哭肿双眼 你却依然抱紧我不放手真的已经够了 A3段:如果我的心愿可以实现 只求能和你有共同点 可是我身上并不存在 那么至少来我这里吧 B2段:再怎么被你爱着 我的心脏仅此一颗 C2段:停止吧停止吧别再对我温柔了 无论如何我就是理解不了啊 好痛真的好痛亲口告诉我吧 这种事我不懂啊别留我一个人 C3段:好残忍好残忍你干脆就这么 撕碎我的身体吧随你喜欢就好了 呐喊过挣扎过再怎么哭肿双眼 你却依然抱紧我不放手真的已经够了 A4段:吶如果我有心我该怎么做 才能找到它 你微微笑着说道 那个啊就在这里唷

if you are happy幸福歌

if you are happy歌词 If you're happy and you know it Clap Your hands If you're happy and you know it Clap your hands If you're happy and you know it Never be afraid to show it If you're happy and you know it Clap your hands If you're happy and you know it Stamp your feet If you're happy and you know it Stamp your feet If you're happy and you know it Never be afraid to show it If you're happy and you know it Stamp your feet If you're happy and you know it Wink your ok If you're happy and you know it Wink your ok If you're happy and you know it Never be afriad to show it If you're happy and you know it Wink your ok If you're happy and you know it Clap Your hands If you're happy and you know it Clap your hands If you're happy and you know it Never be afraid to show it If you're happy and you know it Clap your hands If you're happy and you know it Stamp your feet If you're happy and you know it Stamp your feet If you're happy and you know it Never be afraid to show it If you're happy and you know it Stamp your feet If you're happy and you know it Wink your ok If you're happy and you know it Wink your ok If you're happy and you know it Never be afriad to show it If you're happy and you know it Wink your ok 兔子舞 left left right right go turn around go go go left right left left right right left left right right go go go left left right right go turn around go go go Jumping grooving dancing everybody Rooling moving singing night&day Let's fun fun together Let's play the penguing's games Smacking beating clapping all together Rocking bumping screaming all night long Let's go everybody And play again this song left left right right go turn around go go go left left right right go turn around go go go


[悬崖上的金鱼公主]的中文音译歌词《悬崖上的金鱼公主》的中文音译歌词 波~妞波~妞波妞人鱼的孩子 来自蔚蓝色的海洋 波~妞波~妞波妞鼓起了 圆滚滚肚皮的女孩子 呗~嗒呗嗒漂~嗯漂嗯 可以足够了吧计上去哟! 呢~憩尼憩不~嗯不嗯 手手也很好没有喔! 与那个孩子一起跳着心也跟着起伏哟! 吧~咕巴咕啾!吧~咕巴咕啾! 最喜欢那个孩子红彤彤的 波~妞波~妞波妞人鱼的孩子 来自蔚蓝色的海洋 波~妞波~妞波妞鼓起了 圆滚滚肚皮的女孩子 古~咕古咕好香耶! 肚子饿了就吃吧! 咻~咕咻咕看看吧 那个孩子也一定看见了 我们一起欢笑厚着脸皮 哇~酷哇酷啾!哇~酷哇酷啾! 最喜欢那个孩子红彤彤的

波~妞波~妞波妞鱼的孩子 来自悬崖之上 波~妞波~妞波妞女孩子 圆滚滚肚皮的人鱼孩子! ポーニョポーニョポニョさかなの子(こ) po-nyo po-nyo po nyo sa ka na no ko 青(あお)い海(うみ)からやってきた a o i u mi ka ra ya te ki ta ポーニョポーニョポニョふくらんだ po-nyo po-nyo po nyo fu ku ran da まんまるおなかの女(おんな)の子(こ) man ma ru o na ka no on na no ko ペータペタピョーンピョン pe-ta pe ta pyo-n pyon 足(あし)っていいなかけちゃお! a shi tte i i na ka ke cya o ニーギニギブーンブン ni-gi ni gi bu-nn bun おててはいいなつないじゃお! o te te ha i i na tu na i ji ya o あの子(こ)とはねると心(こころ)もおどるよ a no ko to ha ne ru to ko ko ro mo o do ru yo パークパクチュッギュッ! パークパクチュッギュッ! pa-ku pa ku cyu ggyu! pa-ku pa ku cyu ggyu あの子(こ)が大好(だいす)きまっかっかの

早教英语儿歌-If You Happy

早教英语儿歌-If You Happy If you're scared and you know it, Hide your eyes (Cover eyes with hands) If you're scared and you know it, Hide your eyes (Cover eyes with hands) If you're scared and you know it, Then your face will surely show it If you're scared and you know it, Hide your eyes (Cover eyes with hands) If you're sad and you know it, Cry a tear (Bring fisted hands to eyes and say "Boo Hoo") If you're sad and you know it, Cry a tear (Bring fisted hands to eyes and say "Boo Hoo") If you're sad and you know it, Then your face will surely show it

If you're sad and you know it, Cry a tear (Bring fisted hands to eyes and say "Boo Hoo") If you're angry and you know it, Stomp1 your feet (Stomp feet twice) If you're angry and you know it, Stomp your feet (Stomp feet twice) If you're angry and you know it, Then your face will surely show it If you're angry and you know it, Stomp your feet (Stomp feet twice) If you're happy and you know it, Shout "Hurray!" (Shout "Hurray!") If you're happy and you know it, Shout "Hurray!" (Shout "Hurray!") If you're happy and you know it,

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