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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in the 21st century(生活在21世纪的优缺点)

Living in the 21st century offers certain advantages,such as a higher standard of living, but it also has some disadvantages, such as a polluted environment.

To begin with, most people now have more money for less hard work. They earn higher salaries than before and enjoy better social security, such as social welfare for laid-off workers and disability insurance.

Secondly, because of the advance in medical technology which leads to better medical care and treatment, people’s life expectancy is longer. Moreover, most people now can afford to buy foods of high nutrition and enjoy their leisure time.

Thirdly, modern conveniences such as radio, TV, internet, various vehicles and labour-saving machines in the home, all greatly facilitate human communication, transportation and housework as well.

Nevertheless, living in the 21st century also has its disadvantages. The most serious one is the increasingly polluted environment; air is filled with smog and water is contaminated by iehemicals from factories.Another main disadvantage is the

personalization of human relattonships which mostly result from people’s ever-increasing contact with machines and numbers. Still one more disadvantage is the weakening of spiritual values. An undeniable fact is that a large number of people are solely interested in materialistic culture,while neglecting spiritual civilization. Limited by space, we have to skip the examples.

In conclusion, although the 21st century has indeed given us a lot of advantages, it may not have made us wiser, because it has also made our earth dirtier, our people less humane, and our spirituali iife poorer, We shpuld continue to enjoy the benefits of technological advancement,however, we must

make a concerted effort to preserve our natural environment for future generations. Moreover, we should take the time now to make our lives more meaningful in anihcreasingly impersonal, computerized world.

On responsibility .(关于个人责任)

We Chinese place a high value on responsibility. It is traditional deal for us Chinese to take care of our parents. We owe them a great deal for the love they give us while we are growing up. It is right, then, when

they are getting older with each passing day, we help them and see that they are well cared for. In this way, we give back some of the love and care they have given to us.

As loyal Chinese citizens, we must have a strong sense of responsibility to our country. I t is our duty to keep China strong in the eyes of the world. Therefore, we should study and work hard for China’s strongness which also depends on the advanced science and technology. We must be willing to join the Army and defend our country, would we be threatened by an invader(侵入者). In short, to be a responsible citizen ,we must put our country’s welfare above our own needs. Finally, we must remember that we have a responsibility to the world we live in. It is important that we learn to live in peace with the other nations of the world and to protect our environment.If we carry out these responsibilities, we will be respected (受尊敬的)citizens of our country.


For thousands of years, people have accepted challenges in different fields. There are not only physical challenges, but also social andintellectual(聪明的) challenges. Some people risk(冒…险) their lives in

playing sports to see how well they can do. Others try to make and invent(发明) something to make life easier. They all enjoy challenges.

Why do people enjoy these challenges? There are probably many reasons. One is curiosity. The other is the personal feeling of success, of achievement, and nowadays, for some people, it is a business.

Today, we still have many challengers before us. Medical science faces the challenges of conquering many diseases which still attack human beings. Engineers and planners must build new cities, design and produce new kinds of transportation. Scientists must develop new forms of energy. In short, we live in an age of challenges.

My View on Job-Hopping

Many people are inclined to do one job in their lives. In their opinions, people who change their jobs frequently are superficial and tactless. They believe that the only way to success is to stick to one job, for constant practice in a professional field helps make an txpert.

But there are still many people who don’t agree. They argue that change means progress. If you are not satisfied with your present job, of

course you have the right to replace it with a more challenging and better

paid one. Every change is a step to further success. This idea may be.

the reason why they change their jobs so often.

For my part, I think it reasonable to change your job if you have

a better opportuniry. But once you have found a position where you can

fully display your ability, it is advisable to settle down to it and put all

your efforts into it. Only in this way, can you get the true joy of achieving

your goal.





Environmental pollution

I read a piece of news recently. It says that in Japan marly businessmen ave selling fresh air to customers.and now it is becoming more and more popular. Why? --Fresh air is getting less and less in Japan, and so is it in the U. S. A.

In fact, environmental pollution is a very serious problem the whole world is facing.it is mainly caused by the waste products released from artificial substances, industrial

production and increased consumption of goods. Bedsides, the use of chemical substances in agriculture also causes environmental pollution. Look at the sky, you can see that dense smoke is being released from the high and big chimneys; those dirty and poisonous substances are flowing into the rivers that we use for drinking water and millions of tons of waste products are heaping around us.

How to change this condition? More and more countries are trying to work out some effective means to bring it under control, but no great success has been made.

1. 大学生了解社会的必要性3.我打算怎么做


With the development of our society, the campus no longer is an "Ivory Tower". It is necessary for college students to go outside to get to know the world. They should acquire knowledge not only from books but also from the society. Thus(因此) they can adapt to society more quickly

after they graduate from school. Science and technology are developing rapidly with each passing day. Most students can keep themselves informed by watching TV, listening to the radio, reading newspapers and using computers. It’s also good to take a part-time job, such as

tutoring(辅导), or working in a restaurant. Any of these methods will enable students to get in touch with society.

Summer vacation will soon be here. I’ve already enrolled(登记) to be a volunteer to help others. I think I can do well. Although I won’t be paid, the most important thing is that I can learn a lot about society.

1. 面试在求职过程中的作用

2. 取得面试成功的因素:仪表、举止谈吐、能力、专业知识、自信、实事求是

Nowadays, in an ever tighter job market, great importance has been attached to an interview by both the employer and the applicant. The interview, so to speak, has become indispensable for getting a satisfactory job. On the one hand, the interviewer can take advantage of the occasion to learn about the candidates, such as their work experiences, education and their personalities, so as to pick out the right person for the company. On the other hand, the interviewee can make

use of the opportunity to get to know the job he is going to take up, the salary, the working conditions and many other things about the job he is interested in.

Therefore, the job interview is very important to a job-hunter. But how can one succeed in it? Firstly of all, the interviewee must pay attention to his or her appearance. The first impression is always where we start. Get dressed properly and neatly. Secondly, good manners are equally important. Don’t be too proud, and neither too timid. Just be courteous. Thirdly, the interviewee must demonstrate his aptitude and skills for the job and his knowledge about eh job-related areas. Be confident. Last but not the least, the interviewee ought to be honest about his or her personal as well as academic background,To sum up, the job interview is indeed important, but there is no need to be nervous. As long as the interviewee has the ability for the job, with careful preparation and a fairly confident and honest performance, his or her success can be ensured.

Opportunity and Success




Some deem that opportunity is the key to success. For example, those global business giants like Google owe their success to the huge opportunities they meet. Google's boom benefits from the frenzy of Internet. Another striking example is Zhang Liangying's overnight sensation. Super Girl Voice Contest, a golden opportunity for her, put the spotlight on her.

Others argue that intelligence and diligence outweigh opportunity. There is solely a Google around the planet. The Internet superpower gains from its co-founders' advanced technology and keen insight into the global internet market. Zhang Liangying demonstrated her distinguished talent and the very wide vocal range. For this reason, she left an favorable impression with judges and won a host of diehard fans.

In my eyes, success is strongly linked with both. The combination of these two factors breeds success. There are enormous opportunities beckoning us. We must seize them and exert our all-out intelligence and ability.


On Doing Small Things





图画的内容和构图不难:父亲和男孩子的对话,孩子说“Dad,I am a bit worried about disposing of nuclear weapon. (爸爸,我有点担心清除核武器这个问题)”,父亲则回答“If you can empty the dustbin, you can do anything. (如果你能把垃圾桶倒掉,你就能坐好任何事情)”,说话间,手指着垃圾桶。

这幅图画和2012年6月的六级漫画作文非常相似,当时的图中,也是两人对话,女儿和父亲。父亲问女儿:“Hi, sweetie, how was your school today ? (嘿,小甜心,你在今天在学校过得怎么样?)”女儿非常冷漠的回答:“Dad, you can read all about it on my blogs. (爹哋,你自己可以在我的博客上读到所有内容)”,然后呢,女儿拔腿出门,留下父亲一脸惊愕。


作文的第一段,要进行简单描绘图画内容,这是必须的,也是题目中强制要求的(a brief description of the picture)。描述的时候,只要把父子两的对话移植到第一段,然后把父亲手指垃圾桶的动作描绘一下就可以了,非常简单。

作文的第二段,进行主旨提炼并且论述。这幅图画很容易看出主题,那就是做大事之前,要先做小事(一屋不扫,何以扫天下),而且题目中其实早就已经透露了主题了(express your views on the importance of doing small things before undertaking something big.)因此,第二段通篇论述小事做起的重要性就可以了。属于我在课堂上讲过的作文三大分类之“积极主题,论述意义”



We can see from the illustration there is a father talking to his son.

Having heard his son’s words “Dad, I am a bit worried about disposing of

nuclear weapons”, the father replies, “If you can empty the dustbin here, you can do anything”, pointing the garbage can beside him.

Funny and common as the conversation sounds, it reflects that the father intends to advise his son to do small things before undertaking the big. Unquestionably, doing small things is the first step of success and will lay root for doing something big. By doing something small, we are enabled to accumulate experience, master skills and train ourselves to be more patient. In other words, we can be well prepared for further challenges in the course of fulfilling small things. By contrast, those who set out to do something big will be constantly haunted by disappointment, frustrations or even failures. As when opportunity “something big” appears, they can hardl y seize them because of the lack of experience and confidence stems from doing small things. Taking the picture presented above as a case in point, how can the little boy succeed in disposing of nuclear weapons if he even doesn’t know how to empty the dustbin?

From my perspective, under no circumstances should we undervalue the power of doing small things. Instead, we should regard small things as the source of experience, skills and the prerequisite of success. “Great achievement only belongs to those who can do small things perfectly.” Aristotle once said.


1. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Private Tutoring Private tutoring is “in”. A recent investigation shows that about 80 percent of pupils have private tutors. While private tutoring has both advantages and disadvantages, I feel that we should give more thoughts to its negative effects. Such a popular practice clearly indicates that people are attaching greater importance to education. Many parents either missed the chance of obtaining a good education themselves or have been too busy with their own business. When their children meet with difficulties in study, they are helpless. Private tutoring seems to be the only solution. As private tutoring is usually given on the one-to-one basis, the teacher knows the strong points as well as the weak points of the pupil; and teaching is, in most cases, directly to the point. Private tutoring benefits a lot of pupils, indeed. While on the other hand, private tutoring has its own disadvantages. For one thing, it takes up so much of the pupil’s time that they can hardly find enough time for rest or entertainment, which is essential for kids’ physical and mental health. Besides, some teachers, busy “shuttling” from one family to another, tend to neglect their regular teaching duties. What is more, some teachers are eager to help pupils do well on the test, offering the so-called tips for test-taking instead of helping them acquire


四级写作范文必背经典 大学英语四级范文背诵(01) COLLEGE STUDENTS SHOULD ATTEND PHYSICAL EXERCISE Physical exercise is a necessary part of college life. However, still some college students do not like to attend sports activities, they think those activities waste their time and influence their study. Indeed, it is very unwise for college students to keep distance from physical exercise because physical exercise is not harmful but good to them. College students can benefit a lot from physical exercise. First of all, attending physical sports can help students build a strong body, and keep abounding energy. Moreover, physical exercise is an effective way to relief pressure and keep a pleasant move. Besides, by attending physical activities, students can have chances to contact and communicate with others which can help them improve their social skills. Nowadays, all colleges and universities have provided many sports facilities for students to do physical exercises, students can chose freely according to their interests and needs. As for me, I am keen on all kinds of ball games, especially football and basketball. From these games, I have gained a lot, and enjoined great pleasure. To conclude, physical exercise is beneficial to every college students, and therefore do not hesitate to attend sports activities. 大学英语四级范文背诵(02) Online games As a product of modern computer and the Internet, online games have become very popular among college students. Many students have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these games. But as we see, some students lacking self discipline on too much indulge in these games. So that their health and academic performances are affected. This phenomenon has caused much worry from the teachers and parents. However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train their ability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate their imagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring college students much pleasure and release their pressure greatly. Form my point of view, online games are wonderful entertainment if you play them in a clever way. When they interfere too much with your study, it is better for you to give them up at once, but if you have enough self control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them. 大学英语四级范文背诵(03) Certificates Craze on Campus In recent years, to get a certificate has become a new craze among college students. Just randomly, ask a student on campus what he or she is busy doing, quite possibly, you may get the answer that he or she is preparing for a certificate of some kind. Why does this craze appear? There are two mainly reasons behind this phenomenon. First, it is the employments pressure that forces college students to get more certificates. With the admission expansion of


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.doczj.com/doc/bb3671973.html,/ielts/xd.html(报名网址) [范文9] importance of education the prosperity of a nation depends on the development of education. throughout the world whatever advance has been made in science and technology is due to education, which brings forth by scientists and inventors. it is never overdone no matter how one emphasizes the importance of education. there is no doubt that countries with undeveloped education will remain poor. education is as vital to the development of an individual as it is to that of a nation. of all the elements of success in our careers none is more vital than education. it is not the genius that makes the difference between success and failure. education is the driving power. in fact, most of the famous people in our times spent many years in studies. can you name any great men you admire who are not educated persons? yet some people are still ignorant of its importance. some parents, especially in the countryside, think that it is unnecessary to send their children to school. some other parents are so selfish that they have their children work for money. in consideration of the situation, compulsory education must be enforced to ensure that there will be enough educated young people for the future of our country. [范文10] the importance of self education self education brings success. though we students have teachers to help us, still we should pay more attention to self study. here are some suggestions. first, read outside our class. every new book one reads will benefit him in one way or another. the more we read, the more we are benefited. as life is short and knowledge is infinite, we should try to read as many books as we can. second, improve our memory and reasoning powers. if we read more and more, we can make our memory and reasoning powers improve to some degree. moreover, we shall be able to write more clearly and correctly. third, develop our character. when we have formed the habit of reading, we can put into practice what they have taught and build up a good character. in a word, if we want to educate ourselves, the most important thing for us to do is to read not only our textbooks, but also any other books that are within our reach. 五、图表、信函及其他 [范文1] should women have equal job opportunities with men? this table shows the different opinions about whether women should have equal job opportunities in the following three countries, china, the u.s.a. and japan. as can be seen in the table, the people who agree with this point exceed those who disagree, especially in china. however, there are still some people in the three countries, especially in japan who are against women’s equal job opportunities with men.


英语四级优秀作文范文(3篇) 【篇一】It’s Time to Stop Software Piracy 1. 盗版软件比比皆是 2. 盗版软件猖獗的原因 3. 如何打击盗版软件 ●审题概述● 这是一篇主要论述盗版软件猖獗原因和打击盗版软件的措施的文章。第一段,概述中国盗版软件泛滥的情况。第二段,重点分析盗版软件猖獗的主要原因。第三段,侧重阐述打击盗版软件的措施。 【范文】 It’s Time to Stop Software Piracy China has often been criticized for the rampant practice of software piracy. Take a look around. We operate on pirated Windows systems, defend PC security with pirated Kaspersky anti-virus programmes, process files with pirated Microsoft Office, draft 3D designs with pirated AutoCAD, refine pictures with pirated Adobe Photoshop, and study English with pirated Kingsoft’s electronic dictionaries and translators. It’s no exaggeration that pirated software is everywhere. The logic behind the phenomenon is simple and clear: if a pirated copy is available for just a tiny fraction of the normal price, not to speak of many of the free downloads online, who would pay for an authentic copy? Cheaper prices aside, easy access is another important factor. With such a large gathering of pirated upgrades around, who would bother to spend time and money searching the stores for an authorized yet outdated version? Despite these apparent benefits, the practice of software piracy should be banned, because it represents unfair competition and by nature it’s a no-win situation. But how? Two approaches are to be taken at the same time: Technically, software developers should enhance their antipiracy engineering, so that cracking the software should be virtually impossible. And legally, the government should also tighten its antipiracy laws and toughen up the penalties, so that violations should be costly. ◇第一段思路点评:概述中国盗版软件泛滥的现状。 ◇语言点提示: the rampant practice of software piracy猖獗的盗版软件 ◇第二段思路点评:论述盗版软件猖獗的原因。 ◇语言点提示: (1)downloads online 在线下载 (2)authentic copy正版 ◇第三段思路点评:阐述打击盗版软件的具体做法,包括软件商和政府采取的应对措施。 ◇语言点提示: tighten its antipiracy laws and toughen up the penalties加强反盗版立法和盗版惩罚


范例一 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Attend Your Classes Regularly。You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 现在大学校园里,迟到、早退、旷课是常见的现象 2. 保证学生的出勤率对大学教育的重要性 3. 作为一个大学生应该怎样做 Attend Your Classes Regularly Nowadays it is a very common phenomenon that some university students are late for or even absent from classes. And still there are some students who slip out of the classroom before the class is over. Class attendance has become a thorny problem to both the students and teachers. In fact, it is very important for the students to attend their classes regularly. First, it will ensure you to catch up with the teachers in your learning. That is very helpful to you if you want to do a good job in your study. Second, attending classes regularly is a way of showing respect to your teachers ,too. Your teachers will feel bad if the students do not attend their classes, which, in turn, will affect their teaching and be no good for the students. Third, attending classes regularly will help to form a good habit of punctuality, which is of great importance for the students to do a good job in the future. Therefore, we university students should form the good habit of attending our classes regularly from now on. And some day we’ll benefit from it. 点评:2008年元月三日,中山大学博士发帖称遭导师虐待;2008年元月四日,中国政法大学爆“杨帆门”事件;近几年,中小学老师或打学生或猥亵学生、体罚学生等各类新闻不断曝光,进而引发了师生关系的大讨论。本范例题为四级考试传统的问题解决型的写作,与校园生活密切相关。 范例二 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Students’ Rating of Their Teachers。You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 学生给老师打分已经普遍 2. 人们对其持不同态度 3. 我的看法 Students’ Rating of Their Teachers Nowadays, it has become as common in colleges and universities for students to grade teachers as for teachers to grade students. In some universities students’ rating has even become the only source of information on teaching effectiveness.. This, however, has caused great controversy. Some are in favor of the rating system, They hold that since students attend the teachers’ classes every day, they should have their opinion


作文1 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Online Games. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1)现在有一些大学生沉迷于网络游戏,家长和学校对此忧心忡忡 2)但有人认为网络游戏并不是一无是处 3)你对此的看法是…… 【思路点拨】 本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出对于某问题的一种反面看法,提纲第2点指出对于该问题的正面看法,提纲第3点要求谈谈“我”对该问题的看法,由此可判断本文应为对比选择型作文。 根据所给提纲,本文应包含如下内容:指出大学生沉迷于网络游戏的问题,阐述家长和老师对该问题的否定态度和他们的担忧;指出一些人对待网络游戏的肯定态度,并阐述网络游戏的好处;表明“我”对网络游戏的看法。 【参考范文】 Online Games As a product of modern computer and the Internet, online games have become very popular among college students. Many students have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these games. But as we see, some students lacking self-discipline are too much indulged in these games so that their health and academic performances are affected. This phenomenon has caused much worry from the teachers and parents。 However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train the ability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate their imagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring college students much pleasure and release their pressure greatly。 From my point of view, online games are a wonderful entertainment if you play them in a clever way. When they interfere too much with your study, it is better for you to give them up at once. But if you have enough self-control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them。 作文2 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Machine Translation and Human Translation. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1)现在诸多的电子辞典及相关翻译软件被开发出来,人们不再需要翻阅厚重的字典 2)有人认为以后机器翻译会完全取代人工翻译 3)你是否同意这种观点,为什么? 【思路点拨】 本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出一种新兴事物,提纲第2点针对该事物提出一种有争议的观点,提纲第3点要求表明“我”是否同意这种观点,由此可判断本文应为对比选择型作文。 根据所给提纲,本文应包含如下内容:描述电子辞典和翻译软件的使用现状,引出机器翻译会代替人工翻译的观点;表明“我”对这一观点的态度并说明理由;总结“我”的观点,提出建议。


大学英语四级考试万能作文模板 对比观点题型 (1)要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。 1.有一些人认为。。。 2.另一些人认为。。。 3.我的看法。。。 The topic of ①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions of it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ②-----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more, ③-------------理由二). Moreover, ④---------------(理由三). While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,-----------------(支持B的理由一). Secondly (besides),⑥------------------(理由二). Thirdly (finally),⑦------------------(理由三). From my point of view, I think ⑧----------------(我的观点). The reason is that ⑨--------------------(原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice . (2)给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点 Some people believe that ①----------------(观点一). For example, they think ②-----------------(举例说明).And it will bring them ③-----------------(为他们带来的好处). In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing,④-------------(我不同意该看法的理由一). For another thing, ⑤-----------------(反对的理由之二). Form all what I have said, I agree to the thought that ⑥------------------(我对文章所讨论主题的看法). 阐述主题题型 要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述。 1.阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义。 2.分析并举例使其更充实。 The good old proverb ----------------(名言或谚语)reminds us that ----------------(释义). Indeed, we can learn many things form it. First of all,-----------------(理由一). For example, -------------------(举例说明). Secondly,----------------(理由二). Another case is that ---------------(举例说明). Furthermore , ------------------(理由三). In my opinion, ----------------(我的观点). In short, whatever you do, please remember the say------A. If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you”ll necessarily benefit a lot from it. From Joozone.. 解决法题型 要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径 1.问题现状 2.怎样解决(解决案的优缺点) In recent days, we have to face I problem-----A, which is becoming more and more serious. First, ------------(说明A的现状).Second, ---------------(举例进一步说明现状) Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, ---------------(解决法一). For another -------------(解决法二). Finally, --------------(解决法三).


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Attend Your Classes Regularly。You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 现在大学校园里,迟到、早退、旷课是常见的现象 2. 保证学生的出勤率对大学教育的重要性 3. 作为一个大学生应该怎样做 Attend Your Classes Regularly Nowadays it is a very common phenomenon that some university students are late for or even absent from classes. And still there are some students who slip out of the classroom before the class is over. Class attendance has become a thorny problem to both the students and teachers. In fact, it is very important for the students to attend their classes regularly. First, it will ensure you to catch up with the teachers in your learning. That is very helpful to you if you want to do a good job in your study. Second, attending classes regularly is a way of showing respect to your teachers ,too. Your teachers will feel bad if the students do not attend their classes, which, in turn, will affect their teaching and be no good for the students. Third, attending classes regularly will help to form a good habit of punctuality, which is of great importance for the students to do a good job in the future. Therefore, we university students should form the good habit of attending our classes regularly from now on. And some day we’ll benefit from it. 点评:2008年元月三日,中山大学博士发帖称遭导师虐待;2008年元月四日,中国政法大学爆“杨帆门”事件;近几年,中小学老师或打学生或猥亵学生、体罚学生等各类新闻不断曝光,进而引发了师生关系的大讨论。本范例题为四级考试传统的问题解决型的写作,与校园生活密切相关。 范例二 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Students’Rating of Their Teachers。You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 学生给老师打分已经普遍 2. 人们对其持不同态度 3. 我的看法 Students’ Rating of Their Teachers Nowadays, it has become as common in colleges and universities for students to grade teachers as for teachers to grade students. In some universities students’ rating has even become the only source of information on teaching effectiveness.. This, however, has caused great controversy. Some are in favor of the rating system, They hold that since students attend t he teachers’ classes every day, they should have their opinion about their teachers’ effectiveness. Others, on the contrary, are strongly against it. They believe that there is much more to teaching than what is shown on students’ rating forms. Students sh ould not be expected to judge whether the materials they use are up to date or how well the teacher knows about the subject. These judgments require professional knowledge, which is best left for the teachers’ colleagues. I think students’ rating of their teachers is necessary, but it should be conducted in a way that can really shed meaningful light on teachers’ performance. Instead of rating the teachers’ knowledge on the subject, students should be asked to estimate what they have learned in a course, an d to report on such things as a teacher’s ability to communicate with students, his or her relationship with students, and his or her ability to arouse students’ interest in the subject. 点评:越来越多的高校采取让学生给老师打分的形式来了解教学反馈,并以此作为促进教学质量的有效手段。对此做法,管理部门及教学双方褒贬不一,看法迥异。本范例题为校园生活热议话题,值得关注。

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