当前位置:文档之家› 保护环境英语作文:预防火灾保护森林




In the lush forest, there lived thousands of animals, in the woods happily running and danced trippingly in streams of water; the birds in the branches chirp, as if to say spring fairy tale. The world in the forest is a picture, it is a harmonious and beautiful song.

The sudden fire, mercilessly swallowed large tracts of green. Many animals are homeless, they have no home, no food, no happy heaven. People have lost the fresh air and clean water. The large burning of the land, crying, telling......

The parched earth mother gasped, her cracked body, scarred. This shocking scene, let my heart tremble: who is destroying our forests, our green home? Who is that young had beautiful mother earth, become so weak and old?

Forest fire. And the forest fire is our human beings.

In the face of the earth mother, we say sorry to you, is our reckless and irresponsible behavior, and the protection of forest consciousness, let you suffer such pain and suffering.

To protect the forest, from the little things, from my start. As our students, should be a small propagandist, to protect the forest knowledge conveyed to each person.

The forest is a natural oxygen bar, let us in the four seasons of life, to enjoy life is beautiful; forest can let the dust storms, tsunamis and other natural disasters prohibitive. Imagine, if there is no forest, we humans will not exist.

Earth mother, I want to let you always put on green clothes. Let the forest fire become history, let the human

and forest depend on, let the forest and human harmonious coexistence.

















小学语文四年级下册课外阅读 一、收易拉罐的小男孩星期天我去美国友人家里玩,喝完饮料,顺手将空罐扔进了垃圾袋。“不,不,别丢掉,放杂物间那个硬纸箱里去。今天是星期天,他们会来收的。”朋友说。“谁?” “两个男孩子。” 过了大约一小时,有人敲门,一个男孩的声音:“可以进来吗?”朋友应( y in g y in g)声道: “进来吧。”听见他们熟门熟路地进了杂物间,又听到叮叮当当一阵空罐儿响。朋友与我在 屋里聊天,全然不介意小家伙们在杂物间里折( zh e zh e )腾。 十分钟光景,孩子们在外屋喊了声:“谢谢啦!再见。”接着传来轻轻的关门声。我忍不住好奇,走进了杂物间。几个曾装满空罐儿的硬纸箱空了,一个摞( lu cuo)一个地放得整整 我推开大门,路上走着那两个小男孩,大的14 岁左右,在推一辆装了不少空罐子的手推车;那个小的大约只有10 岁,在前面蹦蹦跳跳地走着。朋友讲这是哥儿俩,就住在附近,每个星期天收集邻居家的空易拉罐,已经有一年多了, ( )是刮风下雨,( )大雪纷飞,次次不落。 “这易拉罐能卖多少钱?”我知道回收这种空罐子不会比在中国更赚 (zhucn zh m ) 钱。 “是卖不了多少钱,可小哥儿俩讲他们要靠这钱买一辆汽车。” 卖易拉罐买汽车?这中间的距离在我看来无疑比从地球到月球还远。“这能行 他们说是仔细算过的,哥哥吗?”“不知道。”他把一个刚喝完的易拉罐放进了一个硬纸箱, 达到法定驾驶车龄时就能买上车了。” 哥儿俩还在路上走着,那小的拉了条绳子在前面拖,一边叽叽喳喳与在后面推车的哥哥说着什么,清脆的童音在静静的街上回荡。 突然,我涌上一个念头,追上这哥儿俩,冲着他们说:“嗨,男子汉们,将来你们这辆车就叫‘易拉罐号' 吧! ” 1.认真读短文,用“ ”画出文中带点字的正确读音。 2.选择正确的词语填写在文中的( )里。 尽管??还是无论??还是?? 3.“介意”的意思是__________________________ 。 4.短文主要讲哥儿俩想用_______________ 买______________ ,就利用星_____________ 。 (3 分) 5、你从作者称呼哥儿俩“小家伙们”到“男子汉们”的变化中体会到了什么?作者为什么说 “将来你们这辆车就叫‘易拉罐号' ”? 收易拉罐的小男孩星期天我去美国友人家里玩,喝完饮料,顺手将空罐扔进了垃圾袋。“不,不,别丢掉,放杂物间那个硬纸箱里去。今天是星期天,他们会来收的。”朋友说。“谁?” “两个男孩子。” 过了大约一小时,有人敲门,一个男孩的声音:“可以进来吗?”朋友应( y i n g y ing) 声道“进来吧。”听见他们熟门熟路地进了杂物间,又听到叮叮当当一阵空罐儿响。朋友与我在屋里聊天,全然不介意小家伙们在杂物间里折( zh e zh e)腾。 十分钟光景,孩子们在外屋喊了声:“谢谢啦!再见。”接着传来轻轻的关门声。我忍不住好奇,走进了杂物间。几个曾装满空罐儿的硬纸箱空了,一个摞一个地放得整整齐齐。我推开大门,路上走着那两


保护森林的演讲稿400字 森林是地球的重要资源,也是我们赖以生存的后盾,保护森林是每一个地球居民的责任,以下是小编为你整理的有关保护森林的演讲稿,仅供参考。 保护森林的演讲稿400字篇一春天带来了大自然的万物复苏和欣欣向荣,三月植树月到了,我们不得不对植树绿化这件事重视起来。 我从网上看到:我国的绿化面积不到世界平均水平的一半。但是,我国的木材的砍伐量却是世界第一,森林面积不断减少。因此,我们更应该重视森林,爱护森林,从自己做起,从一点一滴做起,作为小学生的我们还做不了什么大事情,但我们可以从节约每一张纸,少用一次性筷子等小事做起,为祖国增添一份绿色。 看看现在的环境吧:因为树木的砍伐,城市的环境质量日益下降,沙尘暴也陆续在各个地方出现了,世界越来越沙漠化也成为了一大难题。我希望通过人们的努力,清澈的河流会漫游着鱼群,在清澈的小河里欢快游淌,鸟儿在枝头放声鸣唱,我希望有一天,狂暴的洪水不再咆哮,每一个山谷都盛开着希望之花,每一条小溪都跳着欢乐之舞,所有的荒原都变成绿洲,所有的生命都得到上天的关爱和人类的善待。 保护森林不是空话,更重要的是行动,我先到了郊区专门植树的地方栽了一棵小树,之后参加了社区的宣传绿化活

动,还动员全家做好每一件保护森林的事情…… 希望大家都行动起来,保护森林,爱护绿化,为祖国增添一棵棵茂盛的树木! 保护森林的演讲稿400字篇二森林资源作为陆地生态系统,是生态环境中最重要的组成部分,它除了提供木材和各种林副产品外,还具有涵养水分、保持水土、防风固沙、调节气候、保存生物物种、维护生态平衡等作用。 我国是一个森林资源贫乏的国家,人均森林面积的蓄积量在世界各国中排名第一百二十位以后。严重的问题是,我国的森林资源在数量和质量方面却处于不断下降的趋势中。一九八一年与一九七六年相比,全国森林面积减少了三百零九万公顷。据调查,我国有二十三个省、市、区的森林面积是减少的,其中主要原因是乱砍滥伐、毁林开荒,和破坏生态平衡。森林资源的减少,引起气候恶化、沙尘暴、海啸,甚至还会导致物种灭绝等。 现如今,人们已经认识到森林资源的重要性。大批大批的人投入到栽树的行列中,有些人甚至不惜一切代价花钱请人来栽树;有些人为了保护森林资源献出了宝贵的生命;有些人从乱砍滥伐的行列中重新加入到栽树的行列中……我们小学生也应该去栽树,看到乱砍滥伐的人及时制止、举报。 朋友们,让我们一起来保护地球上的森林资源,创造祖国的美好未来吧!


作文 在干燥寒冷的冬季,火灾频发,给人民的生命财产安全造成巨大损失。请用你听到的或看到的重大火灾实例,以校学生会的名义,在校园网上发表一篇文章,呼吁同学们的安全防火意识。 主要内容应包括: 火灾带来的危害和防火的重要性。 你的建议(学习必要的防火知识;制定班级防火安全条例;逃生训练;不要玩火等) 语言点提示 fire safety regulations 防火安全条例 fire extinguisher 灭火器 A As winter is approaching, it’s getting cold and dry and fires are more likely to break out ,so it’s of great importance to be aware of the potential danger. On Nov 15,2010,dozens of people were killed or injured in a fire in Shanghai,which has been the most severe accident concerning public security in our city in recent yeares,Fires occur frequently every year in our country and cause huge casudties (伤亡)and dramatic losses,As a result,fire has been listed one of the top killers in China.As heavily populated public areas,schools are more mlnerable to fires so it’s especially vital for everyone, teacher or student, to improve your auaveness of fire prevention in case all of us are threatened with flames. On account of the severe fact ,we appeal to every class to make fire satety regulations,which will be an important factor in rou time class examination. The student’s union is going to organize drills for excuvation in the near future . Officers from the fire department are due to come to our school next week to teach necessary knowledge and skills. In fire prevention,induding manipulating fire extinguishers. We urge every student not to play with fire and be sure to take care when you are working with fire. The current situation calls for the efforts made by each individual.For the sake of yourself and others,please bear all the things avove in mind and remember that this is not a joke as it involves the safety and interests of all the people.If you have any problem,please contact the student’s Union. B It is reported that several tragedies of disasters in the year of 2010., which has aroused the public awareness of the fire prevention . It is commonly b elieved that fire accident does great damage to people’s lives and property. For instance , a se rious fire broke out in Shanghai last year resulting from a faulty use of electric appliances.To our grief , quite a few people lost their precious lives and a great many people got injured in the accident .for these reasons , we have come to realize how dangerous the fire accident is and how important it is to arouse our consciousness of preventing fire. The students’ Union ha s made some suggestions to prevent fire and the tips are listed as follows : Firstly , it is essential to obey the safety regulations in case of fire, for example , you can’t play with fire. As studetns , we should take responsility for not only ourselves but also our school. Secondly , Preventative measures should be taken so as to avoid the disastrous result. We can take some trainings of how to use the fire extinguishers and how to escape from the fire as quickly as possible. Last but not least , we each should learn some knowledge of fire prevention , which is very useful when you meet with fire accident . Everyone should bear in mind that fire accident is the difference between life and death.we appeal to every student to improve your awareness of fire prevention. 现在……问题越来越严重/普遍. 13) Problem of ……is known as one of the most serious problems in today’s world. 全球变暖 The problem of global warming is known as one of


三年级语文下册:阅读理解训练题 阅读一 木匠的最后一栋房子 一个上了年纪的木匠准备退休了。他告诉雇主,他不想再盖房子了,想和他的老伴过一种更加悠闲的生活。他虽然很留恋那份报酬,但他该退休了。 雇主看到他的好工人要走感到非常惋惜,就问他能不能再建一栋房子,就算是给他个人帮忙。 木匠答应了。可是,木匠的心思已经不在干活上了,不仅手艺退步,而且还偷工减料。 木匠完工后,雇主来了。他拍拍木匠的肩膀,诚恳地说:“房子归你了,这是我送给你的礼物。” 木匠感到十分震惊:太丢人了呀……要是他知道他是在为自己建房子,他干活儿的方式就会完全不同了。 你就是那个木匠! 每天你钉一颗钉子,放一块木板,垒一面墙,但往往没有竭心全力。终于,你吃惊地发现,你将不得不住在自己建的房子里。如果可以重来……但你无法回头,人生就是一项自己做的工程,我们今天做事的态度,决定了明天住的房子。 1.根据短文内容填空

木匠因为上了年纪,想过一种更加悠闲的生活准备退休。雇主请他建最后一栋房子,木匠答应了,可不仅手艺退步,而且还偷工减料。 完工后,雇主把房子送给了木匠,木匠感到太丢人了_。 2.写出下列词语的近义词: 悠闲(清闲 ) 报酬( 酬劳) 惋惜( 可惜 )诚恳(真诚 ) 3.仔细阅读,回答问题 (1)木匠的心思为什么已经不在干活上? 因为他不想再盖房子了,想过一种更加悠闲的生活。 (2)木匠得知房子归自己了,为什么感到十分震惊? 要是他知道他是在为自己建房子,他干活儿的方式就会完全不同了。 (3)读了这篇短文,你受到了什么启示? 人生就是一项自己做的工程,我们今天做事的态度,决定了明天住的房子。 阅读二: 有一天,一只老山羊爬山时把腿shuāi【摔】坏了,请毛驴把他背(bēi bèi)回家。毛驴向他要十斤山芋做报酬,老山羊只好一瘸一拐地走了。


森林防火作文300字4篇 护林防火你我同行 巍山紫金中学七年级(82班)左盛蕾 火,有人将它称之为希望之光。有人说,是它改善了人类的饮食方式;是它将我们人类从严寒中救起。 确实,火给我们的生活带来了诸多的益处。但是,“无物尽善,过则成灾。”火,在给我们带来了方便、受人喜爱的同时,这无情的火苗也无数次酝酿了一场场的悲剧。也许,不是火魔的处心积虑;也许,只是不经意的一点点火星,我们的一片片森林便被火魔吞噬了。 我,作为一名中学生,做不到每时每刻奔波于各个角落,观察是否有火灾隐患;做不到忙禄于各个村庄之间,向每一个公民宣传防火知识;更做不到让火魔在这个世界上消失。 但是,我应该做力所能及的、对防火有益的一点点小事,比如:请家人在闲暇之余种上几株小树,遍野的翠绿树木,能阻挡风势,减小火势;告诉家人不乱垦乱伐;向家长和村民还有其他人宣传安全用火知识;护林防火的法规??这些,虽不能杜绝火灾,但却能有效的减少火灾,为我们的安全筑起第一道防线。 我,一名中学生,请你、你、还有你,一起与我同行,为保护森林,预防火灾,做出一点点微乎其微的贡献吧! 护林防火,你我同行!携手共创“无烟、火”之美丽祖国! 指导教师:左增福 护林防火你我同行

巍山紫金中学七年级(82)班只春梅 “一点星星火,可毁万亩林”,你知道吗?或许,一个小小的烟头,就能毁掉一片森林。 在我们所生活的“水球”里,在人类还没有出现之前,一群袁猴 在快乐的嬉戏,处处都有树木,可称做“绿球”。人类的出现,给树林的生存造成了威胁,许多珍惜动植物相继灭亡,难怪有人认为人类是树林的克星。不,我相信人们已经醒悟,已经认识到了森林的重要性,水火无情的本性。 在我的家乡,房前村后、上山山下,到处都是树林、森林。只要 人们稍不注意,一点点星星火就会烧毁一座座绿色的大山。 护林防火,刻不容缓,我将与地球的人们一起携手,宣传“护林”“防火”的重要性。“纵火”之心不可有,“防火”之心不可有无。 行动吧!让火成为我们的朋友。我们必须从自己做起,树立消防 意识,保护森林,防火在前。 指导教师:左增福 护林防火人人有责 巍山紫金中学七年级(82)班只琼宇 环境恶化是21世纪的一大问题,而环境恶化的元凶之一就是火魔。 火,是一个多么美妙的字。远古时候,火给人们温暖,帮助人们 驱赶野兽。可现在,火却被我们这些现代人滥用。就像一个鲜鲜事物,刚有时,十分珍惜;普遍了,想干嘛就干嘛。我有时真的认为,我们


以火灾为话题的英语作文 导语:水火无情,指水和火是不讲情面的,如疏忽大意,容易造成重大灾祸。下面是yuwenmi小编为备考的同学准备的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! 火灾(The Fire) There was a big fire in one office building in our neighborhood at about nine4 o'clock last night. Many firemen and fire engines came. In the beginning, we saw flames with thick black smoke coming out from the sixth floor; and we also heard the explosion of the gas tank mixed with the noisy sounds from shattering windows. Soon the fire spread one by one to the floors above, and finally reach the top floor. Some aluminum window frames and some brick walls meted and collapsed from the heat. Many people like myself stood outside on the streets watching the fire in horror as we heard the sirens and gas explosions. Luckily there was no one in that office building when the fire broke out. The fire-men were unable to control the fire until the top floor was burned out; it took about one and a half hours


初一优秀英语作文:保护森林 Now in some places of our country a number of people have been cutting down the trees in the forests because they need wood and more farmland. The areas of forests are getting smaller and smaller. Some scientists say that there will be no vast forests in 20 or 30 years. It is really a terrible thing. Where the forests disappear dust storms will occur occasionally. The weather will get hot and dry. The whole earth will become a big desert. A lot of plants and animals will disappear.Crops will not grow anywhere. Life will be difficult for everyone. The human beings will be punished for their forest-destroying activities. Therefore we should realize the importance of taking care of our forests. We should do our best to protect our living environment and keep mountains green,water clean and the sky blue.


课外阅读: 一、贺卡和棒糖 8岁那年,有一天,我的祖母小声对我说:“今天是你妈妈的生日。”我想给妈妈买点好的礼物,可我一分钱也没有。只有一个办法,拣空汽水瓶,一分钱一个卖到拐(ɡuǎi)角的废品站。于是,我就开始拖着我的粉红色的小货车,在邻居的垃圾里找瓶子。每装满一车,我就拖到废品站去。 天很晚了,我估计钱已经凑够了,就拉着小货车到了山上的杂货店,拿出我亲手挣的硬币,这些钱除了买一个生日卡外,竟然还有一点富余。我的眼睛盯住了棒糖,剩下的钱刚好还能给妈妈买一块。我把糖塞进裤兜(dōu)里,把生日卡叠好放进衬衣口袋,便向家里跑去。 这时,天已经黑了。当我绕到拐弯处的时候,看见妈妈正在找我。她一定很担心,甚至很生气。 “你干什么去了?让我到处找你!” 我很紧张,当被拉进屋里时,我哭了起来。 “你去哪里了?”妈妈大声说。 我哭得更厉害了,抽泣(qì)着说:“我捡瓶子卖钱给你买生日礼物了。” 我从衬衣的口袋里拿出没签字,只有脏手在上面留下黑印的生日卡,又抽出几乎断成两半的棒糖:“还有这个。” 妈妈什么也没有说,扑过来紧紧抱住我,把脸埋进我的头发里,

嘤嘤地哭了。 那天晚上,邻居们问窗台上怎么有块糖。 “儿子送我的生日礼物!”妈妈自豪地说,眼睛湿润了。 1.给下面的多音字组词。 空kōnɡ()挣zhēnɡ()几jī () 空kònɡ()挣zhènɡ()几jǐ () 2.文章中哪些词句是写“哭”的,把它们写在横线上。 哭:______________________________ 3.文章描写了“我”的想法、动作、心情、表情和语言,你能在文章中找出相应的句子吗? 想法:_____________________________________________________________ 动作:_____________________________________________________________ 心情:_____________________________________________________________ 表情和语言:___________________________________________________


森林防火作文300字 森林防火作文300字(一) 一提起森林,人们往往会想到绿色的小草、漂亮的小花、高耸的大树、生机勃勃的小动物……一切是多么美好!可近年来,美丽的森林遭到了严重的破坏,就是因为它;;火。 森林起火有两个原因:一是认为原因,人造成的火灾,占森林起火的百分之九十九;二是自然原因:由雷电、天气干燥自然起火,只占森林起火的百分之一。 2004年2月28日,福建省德化县上涌镇下涌村葫芦牧山场,因针式绝缘子脱离高压电杆横杆,产生碰击,引发森林火灾,造成4人死亡;2004年2月14日,邵武市水北镇龙斗村下厂组大窠山场,因农民在菜地烧杂草引发森林火灾,造成8人死亡的重大事故,受害面积27.5公顷,大火延烧了19个小时左右,扑灭直接费用达26万元…… 这一个个天文数字给的代价实在太重了。我倡议: (1)不要再森林中乱扔烟蒂,火柴梗; (2)不要在森林中放烟花爆竹; (3)不要在森林中防火驱兽; (4)不要在森林中烧火取暖、烧烤食物; (5)不要在森林中玩火自乐;

(6)不要在森林中烧杂草、已枯死的树。 让我们携手一起保护森林资源,行动起来! 森林防火作文300字(二) 春天的时候,春风吹在人身上真是舒服。但是在这个季节也是森林防火期。 记得前几年听电视说,在云南又发魁祸首是一个精神病人。他在从森林里玩火点着了树,所以才酿成生了一起森林大火,这个罪了森林大火。这次大火大约烧掉了几万棵树,如果用这些树的树浆能产生几亿张白纸,而现在就被这大火活生生给吞没了。 从这些事我觉得,首先是很多人没有责任心,让一个精神病人把火种带进森林了,其次是很多人有责任心,迅速的把1500人转移到安全的地方,然后把火扑灭了。但是,后果已经造成了,该损失的也损失了。 从这次大火中我总结出了一句话:一个人犯的小错可能引起很大的错误,所以我们应该提高自己的防范意识。 明年三月十二日植树节,让我们赶快行动起来把损失的树木给补回来吧! 让我一起多植树,保护我们的森林,保护我们的地球。 森林防火作文300字(三) 森林火灾是森林最危险的敌人,所以我们要把危险到最小。 那作为我们小学生能做些什么?我想应该先从我们自己做起,严格遵守小学生守则,不在野外玩火。并要做好森林防火宣传员的工作,


火灾逃生的英语作文 火灾逃生的英语作文一:一场大火 A Big Fire (937字) One night, when I was about to go to sleep, I suddenly heard an explosion of bomb. I watched out from the window and saw that heavy smog rise from a factory near my home. Then flames leap out. My father realized that it was an explosion and then caused a fire. He called 119 and 120 immediately. At the same time, my neighborhoods looked out from balconies and windows. They made phone calls, telling others what happened, or discussed with others. After a while, several fire engines and ambulances arrived. They immediately starting to put out the fire and rescue the trapped people. About half an hour later, the fire

was put out, two people injured and no people died. It was lucky. However, it reminds us that we should focus on preventing fire carefully in daily life. A slightest mistake may cause serious consequences. 某天晚上,我正准备去睡觉,突然听见一声爆炸声。我从窗口看去,看见离我家附近的一家工厂上升起了浓浓的烟雾,还蹿出火苗。我爸爸意识到那是爆炸并且引起了火灾,他马上打了119报火警和120急救。与此同时,我的邻居们也从陽台和窗口看去,他们打电话,告诉他人所发生的事,或者相互间议论。过了一会儿,几辆消防车和急救车到达现常他们马上投入到灭火工作中,解救被困人员。大约半个小时之后,火被扑灭了,幸运的是,只有两个人受伤,没有人死亡。但是,这也提醒我们在日常生活中要时刻注意小心防火,一个细微的错误就有可能带来严重的后果。 火灾逃生的英语作文二:遇到火灾如何逃生(英文


《保护环境的英语作文》 保护环境的英语作文(一): Now, our side of the car constant more up, the environment also increasingly worse! That the air around us there are many harmful substances。 Therefore, we want to Sue around things start to do。 For example, we can go to school by bike or walk, it can exercise。 If you have time can use less elevator, many climb stairs。 We can not only physical exercise, but also to protect our environment。 此刻,我们身边的汽车不断的多了起来,环境也越来越糟糕!以至于我们周围的空气有很多有害物质。所以,我们要苏身边的小事做起。比如,我们能够骑自行车上学或者步行,这样还能够锻炼身体。有时光的话能够少用电梯,多爬楼梯。我们不仅仅能锻炼身体,也能保护我们的环境。 保护环境的英语作文(二): There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years。 One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air,water and soil。 the polluted air does great harm to peoples health。 The polluted water causes diseases and death。 What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities。 To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot。 Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution,to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution。 Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today。 In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures。 First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education。 Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution。Finally,those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished。 We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves。 保护环境 目前环保还存在着许多问题。最严重的问题就是空气、水和土壤的严重污染。污染的空气对人类的健康十分有害。污染的水引起疼病,造成死亡。更有甚者,随着现代社会的迅速扩建,植被大大的减少。


新课标人教版小学语文三年级下册课外阅读练习二答案 还魂草 大巴山的槲枥树林里,有撑着小伞的蘑菇,有支着耳朵的木耳,还有一种小草,大家叫它还.(hái huán)魂草。 走进密密的槲枥树林,温润的沃土上铺着一叠厚厚的落叶,从叶缝.(féng fèng)间筛下的光斑,yìng( 映)在落叶上,像圆圆的邮戳,我们扒开落叶,便会在青青的苔藓上找到还魂草。 还魂草茎细如线,叶如huā bàn(花瓣),草叶像盛开的花儿。我们拔起它,抖去泥沙,晾干后收藏.(cáng zàng)起来。老人拿它pào(泡)茶喝,能明目强身;我们拿它当书签,送给好朋友。 还魂草真能还魂吗?每当我看书累了,便把还魂草从书页中取出,放进盛.(chéng shèng)满清水的杯中,立刻干细的茎徐徐伸直,干枯的叶缓缓伸开,重又显得那么嫩绿,那么鲜活。还魂草的生命力是那么旺盛.(chéng shèng)! 从海外回来的爷爷,每次离开的时候,都要带一束还魂草,他说,还魂草系.(jìxì)着他的魂儿,就像故乡系着他的梦。 1、判断带点字的正确读音下面画上“-”。 2、在文中的()内写出汉字。 3、在文中找出下列词语的近义词:立即(立刻)渐渐(缓缓)碧绿(嫩绿) 4、认真读短文后填空: (1)、短文告诉我们,在大巴山的槲枥树林里,落叶下面,青青的苔藓上可以找到还魂草。 (2)、还魂草的作用有:能明目强身、拿它当书签,送给好朋友。 (3)、还魂草能“还魂”,指的是它 生命力很旺盛。 (4)、从最后一段可以看出,爷爷 热爱故乡、思念故乡。 木匠的最后一栋房子

一个上了年纪的木匠准备退休了。他告诉雇主,他不想再盖房子了,想和他的老伴过一种更加悠闲的生活。他虽然很留恋那份报酬,但他该退休了。 雇主看到他的好工人要走感到非常惋惜,就问他能不能再建一栋房子,就算是给他个人帮忙。 木匠答应了。可是,木匠的心思已经不在干活上了,不仅手艺退步,而且还偷工减料。 木匠完工后,雇主来了。他拍拍木匠的肩膀,诚恳地说:“房子归你了,这是我送给你的礼物。” 木匠感到十分震惊:太丢人了呀……要是他知道他是在为自己建房子,他干活儿的方式就会完全不同了。 你就是那个木匠! 每天你钉一颗钉子,放一块木板,垒一面墙,但往往没有竭心全力。终于,你吃惊地发现,你将不得不住在自己建的房子里。 如果可以重来……但你无法回头,人生就是一项自己做的工程,我们今天做事的态度,决定了明天住的房子。 1.根据短文内容填空 木匠因为上了年纪,想过一种更加悠闲的生活准备退休。雇主请他建最后一栋房子,木匠答应了,可不仅手艺退步,而且还偷工减料。 完工后,雇主把房子送给了木匠,木匠感到太丢人了_。 2.写出下列词语的近义词:悠闲(清闲)报酬(酬劳)惋惜(可惜)诚恳(真诚) 3.仔细阅读,回答问题 (1)木匠的心思为什么已经不在干活上? 因为他不想再盖房子了,想过一种更加悠闲的生活。 (2)木匠得知房子归自己了,为什么感到十分震惊? 要是他知道他是在为自己建房子,他干活儿的方式就会完全不同了。 (3)读了这篇短文,你受到了什么启示? 人生就是一项自己做的工程,我们今天做事的态度,决定了明天住的房子。


四年级保护环境的作文300字保护森 林,人人有责 四年级保护环境的作文300字保护森林,人人有责 在阳光明媚的照耀下,森林一片和谐,富有生机:小鸟们在森林上空翩翩起舞,啄木鸟医生认真地给大树伯伯治病,小蜜蜂正勤劳地在花丛中穿梭,采着花蜜,小兔子们在林中小道间练习赛跑,羚羊家族不甘落后,也成群结队的开展跳远活动,小松鼠蹦跳在众多大树之间搬运松果,准备过冬的粮食……一阵幽风吹来,林中茂密的枝叶也高兴得手舞足蹈,咯咯欢笑…… 忽然,不知谁把一粒火种带入森林……吹来一阵阵风,那火种滚动几下,便起死回生,燃了起来,凤助火势,火势慢慢地吞噬了整个森林,浓烟滚滚,仅仅半个小时,就烧光了整个森林,小动物们就这样失去了自己的家园。 “火”这个不起眼的字,让森林从富有到贫穷,让可爱的小动物们家破人亡。我们要把这把双刃剑排斥在森林之外,爱我家园,护我森林。

云南昭通镇雄县第一小学小学四(4)班四年级:李木子 四年级保护环境的作文300字保护森林,人人有责 在阳光明媚的照耀下,森林一片和谐,富有生机:小鸟们在森林上空翩翩起舞,啄木鸟医生认真地给大树伯伯治病,小蜜蜂正勤劳地在花丛中穿梭,采着花蜜,小兔子们在林中小道间练习赛跑,羚羊家族不甘落后,也成群结队的开展跳远活动,小松鼠蹦跳在众多大树之间搬运松果,准备过冬的粮食……一阵幽风吹来,林中茂密的枝叶也高兴得手舞足蹈,咯咯欢笑…… 忽然,不知谁把一粒火种带入森林……吹来一阵阵风,那火种滚动几下,便起死回生,燃了起来,凤助火势,火势慢慢地吞噬了整个森林,浓烟滚滚,仅仅半个小时,就烧光了整个森林,小动物们就这样失去了自己的家园。 “火”这个不起眼的字,让森林从富有到贫穷,让可爱的小动物们家破人亡。我们要把这把双刃剑

How to survive a fire accident--如何预防火灾英文介绍

How to survive a fire accident A few days ago a fire accident happened in our city and many people were killed. Judging from the casualty, I find that self-protection may mean life and death in time of danger. First, when a fire starts, we should put it out with water or an extinguisher. If we are not able to, we should leave the house immediately, covering our mouth and nose with wet a towel. Only in this way can we prevent ourselves from breathing in poisonous smoke. Next we should dial 119 for help. Remember we should tell the fire brigade the right information so that they can arrive in time. If the fire happens next to our door and we are trapped in the room, we should stay near a window making some visible sign to attract the firemen’s notice, then we will have more chance to survive. In a word if we prepare ourselves well for a fire accident, we are sure to survive. Now many people live and work in tall buildings. It is often not so easy to get away from there in an emergency. So how to survive in case of a fire is a problem concerning all those involved. No one knows for sure when a fire will break out, so it is extremely necessary to make preparations before a fire starts. You should check the fire escape in advance and make sure that you can find it easily in the dark when the lights fail. You should find out where the nearest extinguisher is and know how to use it. When you meet with a fire accident, you should be calm and phone the fire brigade for help immediately. That is a vital way to save your life. And take care not to be overcome by smoke, which contains harmful gas and may kill you quickly. Cover your mouth with a wet towel. It will help keep you from absorbing the gas. If you cannot get away, it is of great importance to wave something out of the window to attract the attention of passers-by. In short, if you have made preparation before a fire, chances are that you will survive the accident. Many people now live and work in tall buildings. It is usually not easy to get away in an emergency. So it is vital for us to learn how to survive a fire accident. In my opinion, when we are in a strange building, what we should bear in mind is to check the fire escape route in advance and make sure that we can find it in complete darkness. Meanwhile, we should know where to find the nearest fire extinguishers and how to use them. When the building catches fire, don’t let ourselves overcome by panic. It is very important to dial 119 as soon as possible. We can cover our mouths and noses with wet towels so that we will not take in smoke, which is poisonous. If we decide to leave the room, don’t take the elevator. Use the stairs instead. We can strike some objects to attract attention as a sign for help. In a word, if we have made full preparation and response quickly and properly, we will surely live a happy life. What will you do when the building you live in is on fire? Maybe you will be at a loss when the fire breaks out. Let me show you some tips to escape. When the fire is on, the electricity is not available. So you may be in the darkness if it happens in

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