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abandon vt.抛弃;放弃=forsake, desert;give up n.放纵;沉溺with abandon=unrestraint
abandoned adj.被抛弃的,废置的=empty, deserted
abandonment n. 抛弃;放弃 
abbreviate vt.缩短=shorten, cut vt.缩写
abbreviated adj.简短的
abbreviation n.缩写;缩写词
abide vi.遵守abide by=follow, comply with, observe vt.忍受=endure, put up with, bear, tolerate 
abiding adj.持久的=enduring 
ability n.能力,才干=capacity, skill
inability n.无能,无力
capability n.(实际)能力,性能,容量 
variability n.可变性
viability n. 生存能力;可行性
ablaze adj.闪耀的;燃烧的=radiant, bright;burning
blazing adj.炽烧的,闪耀的
abnormal adj.反常的,异常的;变态的=anomalous, unusual
normal adj.正常的,正规的,标准的
normally adv.正常地
abolish vt.废除,取消=eliminate, annul
abolition n.废除,革除
abolitionist n. 废奴主义者
abort n.中止计划(任务)=stop
abound vi.充满;富于abound in=be full of,be plentiful
abrasion n.磨(擦)破;表面磨损=scratch, friction
abrasive adj.研磨的
abrupt adj.突然的,意外的=sudden, unforeseen
abruptly adv.突然地
absenteeism n.旷课;旷工
absent adj.缺少的;不在的,缺席的=missing;not present
absence n.缺乏,没有;不在,缺席
absentee n.缺席者
absolute adj.完全的;绝对的=utter,complete;definite
absolutely adv.完全地;绝对地=utterly,definitely
absorb vt. 吸收(液体等);吸取(知识等)=take in, receive
absorption n.吸收=assimilation, reception
abstract adj.抽象的=theoretical n/vt. 摘要,提炼=summary
abstraction n.抽象概念=concept,idea
absurd adj.荒谬的,可笑的=preposterous, ridiculous, foolish
abundant adj.丰富的,充裕的;大量的=plentiful, profuse
abundantly adv.丰富地=in great numbers, amply
abundance n.丰富,充裕=profusion, richness
abuse n.(权利等的)滥用;(物品的)不精心使用;虐待(人)=misuse
abut vi. 邻接,毗邻abut to=adjoin, be close to
academic adj.学术的;学院的;理论的=scholarly;collegiate;theoretical
academician n.学会会员;院士;学者
accelerate v.加快,加速=speed up, hasten,increase
accelerated adj.加速的,迅速的=rapid
acceleration n.加速度
decelerate V.(使)减速
access n./v.接触,接近(的机会)have access to=approach n.入口,通道=entrance,entry
accessible adj.可接近的;可得到的=available, approachable;attainable
accessibility n.易接近;可达到
accessory n.附件,零件
accidental adj.意外的,偶然的=unexpected, unforeseen
accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地=inadvertently, by chance
accident n.意外事件,事故
acclaim n.赞誉,赞许=recognition, praise vt.喝彩,欢呼;称赞=hail, applaud
acclaimed adj. 受赞誉的,受人欢迎的
accommodate v

accommodation n.住处
accommodating adj.乐于助人的
accompany vt.陪伴,伴随;伴奏=travel with, be associated with
accompanying adj.陪伴的,伴随的=attendant, concomitant
accompaniment n.伴奏
accomplish vt.完成,达到,实现=achieve
accomplishment n.成就=achievement, fulfillment
accomplished adj.精通的,熟练的=skilled, experienced
accordion n.手风琴
account n.记述;说明,解释=report, description n.户头;账目open an account
on account of 由于...,因为...=because of, due to
take account of 考虑到;体谅
take into account 重视,考虑
account for 解释
accounting n.会计学
accountant n.会计员,会计师
accredit vt.委派;授权=authorize, commission
accumulate vi.堆积,积聚;积累=pile up, collect
accumulated adj.积聚的
accumulation n.积聚=accretion, concentration
accurate adj.准确的,正确的=precise, correct
accuracy n.精确性,正确度
accurately adv.正确地
inaccurate adj.错误的
accuse vt.指责,归咎=blame, condemn
accusation n.谴责;控告=indictment, charge
accustomed adj.习惯了的accustomed to=habitual to, used to
achieve vt.完成,实现=accomplish, fulfill
achievement n.成就,功绩=feat, accomplishment
acid n.酸 adj. 酸的=sour, tart adj. 尖酸的,刻薄的=harsh, tart
acidic adj.酸的,酸性的
acidity n.酸度,酸性
acquaint vt.熟悉;使了解acquaint with=inform about
acquaintance n.熟人
acquisition n.获得;得到的人(或东西)=acquirement, attainment
acquire vt.获得,学到=obtain, secure
acronym n.首字母缩写词=abbreviation
actually adv.实际上,事实上=truly, really, in fact
actual adj.实际的,现行的=true, real
activate vt.刺激,使活动=encourage, stimulate
actuate vt.开动,促使=set in motion, motivate
actively adv.活跃地,积极地=energetically, vigorously
acute adj. 灵敏的,敏锐的=keen, penetrating adj.(事情)剧烈的;很严重的=intense;critical, severe
acumen n.敏锐,聪明=acuteness, insight
adapt v.(使)适应,调整;改编=adjust, modify
adaptation n.改编,改写;适应环境=modification, adjustment
adaptable adj.能适应的,适应能力强的=flexible, pliant
adaptive adj.适合的;适应的
addict vt.使沉溺,使上瘾be addicted to=indulge in, be devoted to n.上瘾者
addictive adj.(使人)上瘾的
additive n.添加剂=addition, supplement adj. 加法的
additional adj.另外的,附加的,额外的=further, extra
in addition to 除..之外
adept adj.熟练的,擅长的=competent, skilled
adequate adj.足够的,充足的=sufficient, enough
inadequate adj. 不充分的
adhere vi.黏附,粘牢adhere to=stick, cling vi. 追随,坚持adhere to=follow
adhesive n.粘着物=glue, paste adj. 粘着的=sticky, glutinous
adjacent adj.毗连的,邻近的=neighboring, nearby
adjoin vt.毗连,

邻近=be next to, border on
adjoining adj.毗邻的=neighboring, adjacent
adjunct n. 附件,附属=addition, accessory
adjust vt.调整;使适于=adapt, regulate
adjustment n.调整
administer vt.管理=govern, supervise
administration n.经营,管理=management, supervision n.当局,政府=directors, executives
administrative adj.管理的;行政的
administrator n.管理者;行政官
admire vt.钦佩,崇拜;欣赏=esteem, be impressed;appreciate
admiration n. 钦佩,赞美
admiring adj. 赞赏的
admit vt.准许,接纳=give access to, allow entrance to vt.承认=acknowledge, accept
admittedly adv.公认地;诚然,无可否认地=doubtlessly, surely
adobe n.泥砖,土坯=clay, brick
adopt vt.采用,采纳=accept, take on vt.收养=raise
adoption n.采用
adorn vt.装饰=decorate, embellish, ornament
adornment n.装饰;装饰品=embellishment, decoration
unadorned adj.未装饰的,朴实的=plain, unembellished
advance vt.提高,发展;提升=further, progress vt.提出=propose, suggest vi.前进=proceed, move forward n.前进,进步=improvement, progress
in advance 预先,提前
advancement n.进展;提升=progress:promotion
advanced adj.高级的;年老的;先进的
advent n.(尤指不寻常的人或事)出现,到来=coming, appearance
adventure n.冒险经历=risk, venture
adventurous adj.喜欢冒险的,敢做敢为的=valiant, venturesome
adventurer n.冒险家
adverse adj.负面的,不利的=ill, disadvantageous adj.敌对的,相反的=hostile, antagonistic
adversely adv.相反地;不利地=negatively, detrimentally
adversity n.不幸,灾难=misfortune, mishap
advocate n.提倡者,主张者=champion, proponent vt.拥护,主张=urge, preach, support
aesthetic adj.美学的,审美的
anesthetic n.麻醉剂
affect v.影响;假装
affected adj.装模作样的
affection n.友爱,挚爱,情爱=fondness, love
affective adj.感情的,表达感情的=sentimental
affectionate adj.亲爱的,挚爱的=loving
affiliate vt.使隶属;接纳为成员affiliate with=associate;incorporate
affinity n.紧密关系=connection, relationship n.吸引;喜爱=attraction;liking
affirm vt.断言;证实,确认=assert;confirm
afflict vt.折磨;使苦恼=plague, suffer, torment
affliction n.痛苦,苦恼=problem, suffering, pain
affluent adj.富有的,丰富的
afford vt.付得起;冒险做=pay;risk vt.提供=provide, give
affordable adj.负担得起的,便宜的
agenda n.日程,议程=schedule
aggravate vt.使恶化,使加重=worsen, exacerbate
aggravating adj.恼人的,讨厌的=irritating, annoying
aggregate n.总数=total, sum n.聚集体,集合体=combination n.总数=total,sum
aggregation n. 集合,群体
aggressive adj. 自信的;大胆的和积极进取的=enterprising, powerful adj. 好斗的,有敌意的=combative, hostile
aggressiveness n.侵略;争斗
agile adj.敏捷的,活

泼轻快的=nimble, brisk
agility n.敏捷,活泼
fragile adj.易碎的,脆的
fragility n.脆弱
aging n.老化,成熟的过程
agitation n.焦虑,不安;煽动=anxiety, disturbance
agreeable adj.(指计划等)使人愉快的,合意的=pleasing, acceptable adj. 容易相处的=affable, friendly
disagreeable adj.不令人喜欢的,令人厌恶的
ailment n.疾病(尤指轻病、小病)=sickness, illness, affliction
aim n. 目标,计划=objective, object, plan vi. 针对;打算,意欲aim at=direct towards
air n. 空气,空中=atmosphere vt. 晾干,使通风=ventilate, aerate
airborne adj.空气传播的;空运的,空降的=aloft, flying, in the air
airstream n.(尤指与飞机前进方向相反的)气流
ajar adj.(门窗等)微开的=half-open
akin adj.同族的;类似的
akin to 有密切关系的=related;similar
alchemy n.炼金术
alchemist n.炼金术士,炼丹家
alder n.赤杨树(一种植物木材,用于雕刻、制作家具等)
alert adj.机敏的=wary,vigilant vt.警报;使随时掌握,了解=warn, alarm n.警戒,警报
algae n.海藻
alien adj.相异的;陌生的=strange, unfamiliar
salient adj.显著的,突出的
alignment n.排列;联合,联盟=arrangement;association, alliance
alike adj.相同的,相似的=similar, resembling
all but 几乎=almost, nearly
allegation n.宣称,主张,断言
allegory n.寓言 parable, fable
alliteration n.(诗歌的)头韵
allocate vt.分配
alloy n.合金=mixture vt.使成合金=mix
allude vi.暗指,影射,间接提到=imply, refer to
ally n.联盟;同盟者=confederate, partner, collaborator v.结盟 combine
rally n.集会
aloft adv.在高处;在空中=airborne, in flight
alone adj./v.单独的(地)=solitary;by oneself
aloof adj.远离的;冷淡的,漠不关心的=separate, remote;indifferent
alter vt.改变,修改=modify, change, convert
alteration n.变更,改造=renovation, change
alternate adj.交替的,轮流的=intermittent, every other adj.替代的=alternative vi.交替,轮流=fluctuate, rotate, interchange
alternately adv.交替地,隔一个地=one after another
alternation n.交替,轮流
alternative adj.(两种或两种以上的东西中)另一可选的(事务),另外的(选择)=option, choice
altitude n.(海拔)高度=elevation, height
latitude n.纬度
platitude n.陈词滥调
amateur adj.业余的=nonprofessional, inexpert n.业余爱好者=nonprofessional, layman
amaze vt.使吃惊,使惊叹=stun, astonish, shock
amazing adj.令人惊异的=awesome, astounding, surprising
amazement n.惊愕,惊异=wonder, surprise
ambience n.周围环境,气氛=atmosphere, environment
ambitious adj.有雄心的,渴望成功的=aspiring, enterprising
ambition n.雄心,抱负=aspiration
ambivalent adj.有矛盾情绪的,举棋不定的=mixed, contradictory
ambivalence n.矛盾心理=conflicting feelin

gs, vacillation
amble vi.漫步,缓行 =ramble, roam
scramble vt.搅乱,使混杂
amenable adj.顺从的;应服从的=submissive, tractable
amendment n.改正,修正=correction, revision
Amendment n.宪法修正案
amend vt.改正,修正=revise, change
amenity n.pl.生活福利设施,文娱康乐场所 n.(不可数)愉快,适意
amid prep.在…中=in the middle of, among
pyramid n.金字塔;金字塔现象/形状
amnesia n.健忘症
amount n.量,总合=quantity, sum vi. 总计;等于amount to=total, reach
paramount adj.最重要的,最高权力的
ample adj.富足的,充足的=abundant, plentiful, sufficient
trample vt.践踏,踩坏=destroy
amplify vt.放大;扩大;增强=enlarge;expand;strengthen
amplification n. 扩大
an army of 大群的,大量的=a large number of
analogy n.类比,类推=comparison n.类此物=parallel, similarity
analogous adj.类似的=comparable, similar
analyze vt.分析,分解=diagnose, examine
analysis n.分析;分析报告=study, investigation
psychoanalysis n.心理分析
anarchist n.无政府主义者 rebel
anatomy n.解剖;解剖学=dissection
ancestor n.祖先,祖宗=forefather, forebear
ancestry n.家系,血统=descent, origin
ancestral adj.祖先的,祖传的
anecdotal adj.轶闻的,多轶闻趣闻的
anecdote n.短故事,轶事=episode, story
anesthesia n.麻醉
anesthetic n.麻醉剂,麻药
angular adj.有角的,尖角的
rectangular n.矩形的,成直角的
triangular adj.三角形的
animated adj.栩栩如生的,动画的;活泼的,生动的=lively, vigorous, vivacious
annex vt.兼并,吞并,附加=append, add
annihilate vt.消灭,歼灭;消减=conquer, destroy, demolish
announce vt.宣布,发表,通告=herald, give out, proclaim
announcement n.宣告,发表
announcer n.广播员;报幕员
annoy vt.使恼怒;打扰=disturb, irritate
annoying adj.恼人的,讨厌的;使人愤怒的=bothersome, troublesome, irritating
annual adj.每年的=yearly (adj.)
annually adv.一年一次,每年=yearly (adv.)
anomaly n.异常,不规则;异常的人或物=aberration, abnormality
anonymous adj.匿名的=unknown, nameless
anthem n.圣歌,赞美诗=song, hymn
anthology n.诗集,文选=collection
anthropology n.人类学
antibiotics n.抗生素=antibacterial
antibiotic adj.抗菌的,抗生的
anticipate vt.预期,预料=expect, predict
anticipation n.期望,预料
antiquate vt.使古旧,废弃
antiquated adj.陈旧的,过时的=old-fashioned, obsolete
antique n.古董=relic, curio adj. 古时的,陈旧的=old, archaic, ancient
antiquity n.古迹;古物=relic n. 古代=ancient times n. 古老
antiseptic n.杀菌剂,防腐剂=bactericide
anxious adj.渴望的;担忧的
anxiously adv.忧虑地=eager, keen;worried
apart from 除…之外 except for, aside from
apologize vi.道歉=beg pardon
apology n.道歉,歉意
apologetic adv. 道歉的=re

appeal n.吸引力=attraction;charm vi. 吸引appeal to=attract, fascinate vi. 上诉,申诉appeal to=challenge
appealing adj.动人的,媚人的=attractive, charming
appetite n.胃口,食欲=desire
applaud vi.喝彩,欢呼=clap, acclaim
application n.申请 n.施用,运用;作用,影响
apply vt.涂抹;充当,使用=exert vi.应用,适用(apply to=use for) vi. 申请apply for/to
applicant n.申请人
appliance n.用具,器具
appointment n.约会 n.指定=arrangement
disappointment n.失望
appoint vt.任命,选派=designate, nominate
apportion vt.(按比例或计划)分配=istribute, allot
appraisal n.评价,估价=assessment, evaluation
appreciable adj.(数量或变化)很大的,值得重视的=onsiderable, perceptible
appreciate vt.赏识;鉴赏=admire, value vt. 感激=be grateful for
appreciation n.欣赏;口味,兴趣=recognition;taste
apprentice n.学徒,徒弟;见习生 vt.令人当学徒
approach n.方法=access, method vt. 接近,靠近=near
approaching adj.接近的,逼近的=impending
appropriate adj.适当的,恰当的=apt, proper, suitable
appropriately vt.拨款 adv. 适当地=allocate
appropriation n.拨款=funding, allotment
approve vt.批准=sanction, ratify vi. 赞成,同意approve of=endorse
approval n.赞成,正式批准=sanction, endorsement
disapproval n.不赞成
approximate v.接近,近似=approach adj. 大约的,估计的=estimated, rough
approximately adv.近似地,大约=about, roughly
apt adj.恰当的,贴切的=appropriate, suitable adj. 易于…的=likely
aptly adv.适当地,得体地
aquatic adj.水生的,水栖的=watery
aquarium n.水族馆
arbitrary adj.专横的,专制的,武断的
Arbitrarily adv.专横地=dictatorial, autocratic
arboreal adj.树栖的;树的=tree-dwelling;treelike
archaeologist n.考古学家
archaeology n.考古学
archaeological adj.考古学的,考古学上的
ethnoarchaeology n.种族文化考古学,文学群落考古学
architect n.建筑师
architecture n.建筑;建筑学
architectural adj.建筑上的;建筑学的
ardent adj.热烈投入的,极热心的=passionate, zealous, enthusiastic
arduous adj.费力的,艰难的=difficult, strenuous, hard
arena n.竞技场,舞台
aria n.独唱曲,咏叹调
arid adj.干旱的;贫瘠的=dry;barren, infertile
semiarid adj.雨量非常少的,半干旱的
arithmetic n.算术
armor n.装甲;装甲车=shield
armored adj.披甲的,装甲的
arms n.武器,兵种=weapon
armory n.兵工厂,军械库;纹章学=arsenal
aroma n.香气,芬芳,芳香=fragrance, scent
aromatic adj.芬芳的=fragrant
arouse vt.刺激,激起;唤醒=excite, stimulate;awake
arrange vt.计划,准备=plan, schedule vt. 整理,摆放=put together, organize
arrangement n.排列,安排=composition, order
an array of (排列整齐的)一批;一系列;大量=collection;large number

arthritis n.关节炎
article n.论文,文章=essay, editorial n. 物品=object, item n.条款
particle n.点,微粒
articulate vt.清楚地讲话,清晰地发音=enunciate, pronounce adj. 善于言辞的;表达清晰的=clear
particulate adj.微小的
artificial adj.人造的,人工的=synthetic, man-made, unreal adj.虚假的,矫揉造作的
artisan n.手工业工人,手艺人
as far as 就...来说;远及
as such 就象这样做,就本身而论
as a rule 通常,总的来说=usually, generally
as a rule of thumb 大概来说
ascend vt.(渐渐)上升,升高;攀登=climb, mount
ascending adj.上升的,向上的=climbing, rising
ascent n.攀登,上升
ascribe vt.把…归于ascribe to=assume to be true, attribute to
aspect n.(问题等的)方面;(事物的)一部分=respect;facet n.观点,角度=perspective, viewpoint
aspiring adj.有抱负的,有理想的,积极向上的=ambitious, enthusiastic
aspiration n.雄心,抱负=ambition, longing
assault n.(武力上的)袭击;(口头上的)攻击=attack, onslaught
assemble vt.集合,装配=put together, gather vi. 聚集=congregate, convene
assembly n.集会;参加集会的人们(译成...大会,...议会)=gathering, meeting n. 装配,安装
assembly line 装配线,流水线
assemblage n.集合,组合
assert vt.声称,坚持=emphatically state, declare
assess vt.估计,分析,评估=estimate, judge
assessment n.估价,评估
asset n.assets 财产,资产=properties n. 优势;重要的品质=advantage
cassette n.盒式磁带
videocassette n.录像带
assignment n.任务,作业=task, job n. 分配=distribution, appointment
assimilate vt.学习,吸收(知识)=understand, grasp vt. 吃,吸收(食物或营养)=absorb
assistant n.助手,助教=helper, aide adj.辅助的,助理的
assist vt.援助,帮助=help
assistance n.协助,援助
assistantship n.(大学)研究生助教奖学金
associate v.关联,联合associate with=pertain to, connect to n.伙伴=comrade adj. 准的/副的(比正职低一级)
association n. 关联,联合=alliance, connection n.协会=club, union
assorted adj.各式各样的,多样混合的=varied, miscellaneous
assortment n.各类物品的聚集,混合物=variety, conglomerate
assume vt.假定,设想=suppose, presume vt. 承担(责任);采用(形式或姿势)=take on, bear
assumption n.假设;就职;确信的想法=hypothesis, supposition;instalment
assure vt.巩固,确保;向…保证,使确信=solidify;guarantee, convince
assuredly adv.确实地,确信地=certainly, undoubtedly
reassure vt.使...安心,打消...疑虑
astonish vt.使惊讶=surprise, shock
astonished adj.惊讶的
astonishing adj.(某事或物)惊人的,奇迹的=astounding, miraculous
astound vt.使惊异=surprise, shock
astounding adj.令人吃惊的
astronomy n.天文学
astronomer n.天文学

astronomical adj.天文学的=celestial
astute adj.机敏的,精明的=shrewd, judicious
asymmetrical adj.不均匀的,不对称的=unbalanced, uneven
at intervals 不时;相隔一段距离
at the cutting edge of 在…前线(指巨大进步或极其重要的状态或位置)
at one session 一下子,一次性
atheist n.无神论者=nonbeliever
theist n.有神论者
athlete n.运动员=sportsman
atmosphere n.空气;大气;气氛
atom n.原子
atomic adj.原子的;微小的
atomization n.原子化;雾化
atrophy n.萎缩;萎缩症=shrinkage
attachment n.依恋,喜欢=preference, affection, love n. 附件,附加装置,配属=accessory, adjunct
attach vt.系,缚=fasten, annex
attached adj.附加的,附属的
attain vt.达到,获得=accomplish, achieve
attainment n.成就=fulfillment, achievement
attempt n./vi.尝试=try, endeavor;effort
attend vt.参加;入学=be present at, go to n.照顾(病人);照料,料理=take care of,tend
attendant n.侍者,护理人员=aide, servant adj. 伴随的=accompanying
attendance n.出席,出席的人数
attire n.盛装,穿着=clothing, dress
attorney n.代理人,辩护律师=lawyer
attractive adj.吸引人的,有魅力的=appealing, pleasing, inviting, intriguing, tempting
attract vt.吸引;引起注意=lure, allure
attraction n.吸引;吸引人的事物=affinity, appeal
attribute n.属性,品质=characteristic, trait vi. 把…归于,归因于attribute to=identify as, ascribe to
audience n.听众,观众=spectator, viewer
audit vt.旁听
audible adj.听得见的=perceptible, discernible
auditorium n.大礼堂
audition n.(对艺人的)面试(试演/试唱)=tryout, test
auger n.螺丝钻,钻孔机
augment vt.增加,增大=increase, enlarge
aurora n.极光=auroral light
authentic adj.真迹的,真的;可靠的,确实的=genuine, real;valid, trustworthy
authenticate vt.证明(某物)为真=verify, confirm
authority n.权力,权限;(某领域的)权威人士=jurisdiction, power n.authorities 当局=officials, government
authorize vt. 授权,批准=empower, commission
autobiography n.自传
autobiographical adj.自传的,自传体的
biography n.传记
automatic adj.(尤指机器)自动(化)的;(人)无意识的,机械的
automated adj.自动的=mechanical, automatic
automatically adv.自动地=automated, mechanized;involuntary
autonomy n. 自治,自治权=independence, liberty
autonomous adj.自治的,独立的=independent, self-governing
auxiliary adj.辅助的;补充的=aiding;supplementary
available adj.自由的,有空的=free adj.可利用的,可得到的=obtainable, accessible
avalanche n.雪崩=snowslide
avant-garde n.先锋派(艺术流派);先锋,前卫=vanguard, cutting edge
average adj.一般的,通常的;平庸的=typical;mediocre n.平均水平;平均数=mean vt.平均为
aversion n.厌恶,憎恨=opposition, dis

averse adj.反对的,不愿意的=opposed, unwilling
avert vt.转移;避免,规避=prevent, avoid
aviation n.航空;航空学=flying, flight;aeronautics
aviator n.飞行家
avid adj.渴望的;急切的;贪婪的=eager;enthusiastic
avocation n.(个人)副业;业余爱好=sideline;hobby
avocational adj.副业的,嗜好的
avoid vt.躲避,规避=shield away from, shun, prevent
avoidable adj.可避免的
avoidance n.避免
awareness n.察觉;觉悟;意识+of/+that=realization, consciousness
awkward adj.笨拙的,不灵活的=clumsy, inept
awkwardly adv.(见到生人)局促不安地,笨拙地
axis n.轴;轴心=shaft, pivot
baby-sitter n.临时保姆,代人照顾婴儿者
bachelor n.(文理)学士(学位);单身汉=unmarried men
back and forth 来来回回,来回地=backwards and forwards, to and fro
backbone n.骨干,支柱=support, mainstay n. 脊椎,中枢=spine
backdrop n.舞台背景;背景=background, setting
baggage n.行李=luggage, packing
balance n.平衡=equilibrium, symmetry, stability vt.使平衡,使均衡=equilibrate
balanced adj.均衡的;平稳的
imbalance n.不平衡,不均衡
overbalance vi. 失去平衡
bald adj.秃头的;光秃的=hairless
bald eagle 白头海雕(美国国鸟)
balloon n.气球
balloonist n.气球驾驶者
ban vt.禁止,查禁=prohibit, proscribe
banner n.旗帜,标语,横幅=flag, sign
bang v. 发出砰的一声,重击
Cuban n./adj. 古巴人;古巴(人)的
band n. 乐队;队=orchestra;team n.(光或颜色的)带;带子=strip, ribbon, belt vi.联合,集合=unite, ally
bandleader n.乐队指挥
bandmaster n.乐队指挥
bandanna n.大手帕
bankruptcy n.破产
bankrupt adj.破产了的 v.(使)破产
bar n.酒吧 n.条,棒;栅=strip, stick n.律师业
snack bar 快餐店
bar code 条形码
barb n.(鱼钩等的)倒钩;倒刺
barbed wire 带倒钩的铁丝(铁丝网)
barbecue n.吃烤肉的野餐
barber n. 理发师=haircutter, shaver
bare adj.无遮蔽的,赤裸的,光(秃)的=naked, nude adj.仅有的,勉强的
barely adv.仅仅=just, only adv.几乎不能=hardly, scarcely
barge n.驳船=flatboat
bark n.树皮=outer covering, skin n./vi.狗叫,咆哮=yelp, howl
barn n.谷仓;畜棚
baroque adj.【建】巴洛克式的(有繁华的装饰和复杂的形式);(艺术,建筑等)高度装饰的,过分雕琢的=embellished, elaborate
barrel n.桶=vessel
barren adj.贫瘠的;荒凉的=infertile;desolate
barrenness n.荒凉
barrier n.屏障,障碍;栅栏=obstacle, hindrance;hurdle
barter n./v.物品交换,易货贸易=trade, exchange
basement n.地下室=cellar, storage room
basin n.盆;盆地
bead n.珠子=pearl;(液体)小滴=drops, droplet
beaded adj.以珠装饰的,珠状的
beak n.鸟嘴=nib
beam n.大梁=rafter, brace n.(光线的)束,柱=ray
girder n.钢结构大梁
bear vt.负担

,支撑=support, sustain vt.具有,带有=carry, have vt.生产,生育=yield, give birth n.熊
polar bear 北极熊
grizzly bear 灰熊
unbearable adj.无法忍受的,承受不住的=unendurable, intolerable
forebear n.祖先,祖宗
beard n.胡须
beat v.打击,敲击=whip, strike v.打败,战胜=defeat adj.疲倦的=exhausted, tired, worn out n.拍子
bedrock n.基础;基石=foundation, basis
on behalf of 代表…,作为…的代表=represent
behavior n.举止,行为=conduct, manner
behave vi.举止,表现=perform
behave oneself 举止得体,端庄
belie vt.给人错觉;掩饰=misrepresent;disguise
believe in 相信=have confidence in, trust
bellows n.风箱;风琴的风箱
belong to 属于
beneath prep./adv.在…之下=below, under
benefit n.利益,好处=welfare, gain vt.有益于,有助于
beneficial adj. 有益的,有利的=advantageous, favorable
benign adj.(病)良性的;亲切和蔼的=innocuous;kind, gentle
bequest n.遗产;遗赠=inheritance, legacy, endowment
besides adv.除了…(还有)=in addition to
besiege vt.围攻;困扰=surround;harass
bestow vt.给与,赐赠(祝福、奖励、荣誉等)=endow, confer
betray vt.背叛=be disloyal to, be unfaithful to vt.(非故意地)暴露,显露=indicate, show
beverage n.(除水之外的)饮料=drinks, refreshment
bias n.偏见,偏好=prejudice, preference
unbiased adj. 没有偏见的
bicameral adj.两院制的,有两个议院的
bilateral adj.两边的;双边的=two-sided;mutual
bill n.帐单,发票=invoice n.(细长或扁平的)鸟嘴 n.议案,法案=act, proposal n.钞票,纸币
hillbilly n.山地内部的贫农,山里人
billion n./adj.10亿
biography n.传记=accounts of people's life
autobiography n.自传
biographer n.传记作家
biologist n.生物学家
biological diversity 生物多样性
biodiversity n.生物差异,多样性
bison n.美洲或欧洲的野牛
bitter adj.苦(味)的 adj.(令人)痛苦的;尖酸刻薄的=painful;acrid, acrimonious
bitterness n.苦味;辛酸,苦难
bizarre adj.奇异的,古怪的=odd, strange, fantastic
blame vt.谴责,责备=condemn, rebuke n.过失,责备=condemnation, reprehension
bland adj.淡味的;无味的=mild;flavorless, tasteless
blanket n.毯子;厚的遮盖物=coating
blast vi.爆破=explode, burst n.一阵(风、气流或噪音)=gale, gust
blast furnace 鼓风炉
blazing adj.炽烧的;闪耀的=burning;bright
blaze vi.燃烧,照耀=burn brightly n.火焰,光辉=flame
ablaze adj.着火的,闪耀的
bleach vt.去色,漂白=whiten, blanch
bleak adj.荒凉的;凄凉的=desolate, barren, gloomy
blend vt.混合,掺混=combine, mix n.混合(物)=combination, mixture
blessing n.祝福,恩赐=boon, benediction
blink v.眨眼=shut the eyes briefly, wink
blizzard n.暴风雪=snowstorm, storm
block n.一块(木头或石头等)=chunk n.街区=stre

et vt.阻碍,阻止=hinder, obstruct
bloom n./vi.花/开花=flower, blossom
blossom n./vi.花/开花
blues n.抑郁,沮丧;忧郁布鲁斯音乐(蓝调音乐)=gloom, depressed spirits
bluff n.悬崖,绝壁=cliff, precipice
blunt adj.(说话)直言不讳的=outspoken, candid, direct adj.(刀、铅笔的)钝的,不尖的=dull
blush vi.脸红,羞愧=flush
board n.(薄而平的)木板=lumber, plank n.委员会 n.膳食费用 vt.上(船、飞机等)=get on
boarder n.寄宿者;寄生者
boardinghouse n.寄宿公寓
keyboard n.键盘
cupboard n.食橱,碗碟柜
boast n./v.自夸,以有…而自豪=brag, vaunt
boastful adj.吹嘘的,自负的
boiling point 沸点
bold adj.勇敢的,大胆的;放肆/无礼的=brave, daring, intrepid;impudent
bolster n.垫子,枕垫 vt.支持=support, strengthen
bonanza n.额外好处;带来好运的事物;富矿带=boom
bond n.联结,联系;粘连;化学键=link, tie, connection n.债券=securities, debenture
boom n.突然的景气;行情暴涨=bonanza, prosperity vi.急速发展=prosper, expand, flourish
baby boom 生育高峰
boon n.为…之恩惠,对…极为有用之物=blessing, benefit
baboon n.狒狒
boost vt.增加,提高,促进=raise, advance
boring adj.令人厌烦的=tiresome, tedious
boredom n.烦恼,无聊=tedium, dullness
bore vt.钻孔=drill vt.令人厌烦
boulder n.巨石=rock, fieldstone
bounce vi.跳起,弹回=jolt, rebound
bound adj.被束缚的;有义务的=tied, held, committed n.范围,限制=limit, constraint
boundary n. 分界线,边界=dividing line, border, frontier
boundless adj.无限的,无边无际的=infinite, borderless
bouquet n. 花束=bunch
bow n.(小提琴等的)弓;弓形
bowlegged adj. 弯脚的
bowl n.碗,碗状物
elbow n.肘
rainbow n.彩虹
braid vt.编织=weave, plait
brain n.脑,大脑;头脑,智力=intelligence, intellect
brawl n.争吵=fight, quarrel
brawling n. 争吵,喧嚷=fighting
breach vt.打破,突破=break n.违背,破坏=violation, infringement
break apart 分开,分裂=split, divide
break out 爆发;发生=begin, burst out
breakdown n.失败;故障=failure;malfunction n.分解;细目分类=decomposition,;itemization of
breakup n.分裂,分离=divorce, separation
break up 分裂,分离=divide, separate
breathless adj.无声息的,喘不过气来的=out of breath
breathing n.呼吸=respiration
breath n.呼吸,气息
breathe v.呼吸,呼出=respire
breathtaking adj.令人激动的;惊人的=stunning, awesome
breed vt.养育,繁殖=raise, hatch, mate
crossbreeding n.异种交配,杂交
breeze n.微风=light wind
brighten v.点亮=lighten vt.使愉快;使乐观=cheer;encourage
brilliance n.聪明;辉煌=cleverness;magnificence
brilliantly adv.辉煌地,灿烂地=brightly, radiantly
brim n. 边;边缘=brink, edge
broad-brimmed adj.宽边的
briny adj.盐水的,咸的=sa

line, salty
brisk adj.活泼的,轻快的=energetic, swift
briskness n.敏捷,活泼
brittle adj.易碎的=breakable, fragile
broaden v.放宽,变宽,扩大=widen, expand
brochure n.小册子=short pamphlet
bronze n. 青铜;铜像
Bronze Age 青铜器时代
sun-bronzed adj.被太阳晒成古铜色的
brook n.小河=creek, stream
brown n./adj.褐色(的),棕色(的) vt.使成褐色,晒黑=tan
brownish adj. 呈褐色的
bubble n.气泡,水泡=foam
buckle n.皮带扣环=fastener v.扣紧;(使)变弯曲=fasten;distort
bud n.芽,蓓蕾=shoot, sprout vi.发芽
taste bud 味蕾
buddy n.密友,伙伴
budget n.预算=estimate
buggy n.轻型马车(双轮单座的轻马车)
building block 积木
bulb n.球茎,球状物
bulk n.大批;大部分=majority, main part n.大小,体积=volume, mass
bulky adj.庞大的,笨重的=cumbersome, unwieldy, clumsy
bump n.肿块;突起=lump, bulge v.碰(伤),撞(破)=collide
bump into 偶遇
bunch n.串,束;群=clump, cluster, gathering vi.捆成一束;聚集=pack;crowd
bundle n.捆,束,包=packet, parcel vt.捆=pack
burgeon vi.迅速成长,发展=thrive, mushroom
burning n./adj.燃烧(的)=flaming adj.强烈的=intense, ardent
burrow n.洞穴=tunnel, den vi.挖地洞=dig
bush n.矮树丛=shrub
bust n.半身像,半身雕像
combustion n.燃烧
combustible adj.易燃的
robust adj.精力充沛的
statue n.全身雕像
butter n.奶油
buzz n./v.嗡嗡声;发出嗡嗡声
buzzer n.蜂鸣器
by chance 偶然=accidentally, incidentally
by-product n.副产品=derivative
cab n.出租马车、汽车=taxi, taxicab
taxicab n.出租车
the Cabinet n.内阁
cabinetmaker n.家具师,细工木匠
cabin n. 小屋;船舱=cottage
log cabin 小木屋
cactus n.仙人掌
cadence n.(说话时语调的)抑扬顿挫=beat, rhyme
calculate vt.计算;估计=compute, determine;estimate
calculation n.计算,考虑
calculator n.计算器
calibration n.校准;标度,刻度=adjustment;measurement
calm adj.(天气、海洋等)静的,平静的=placid, quiet, tranquil adj. 镇静的,沉着的=cool, composed vt. 使平静,使镇定,平息=tranquilize, soothe
campaign n. (政治或商业性)活动,竞选运动=drive, battle vi.竞选;作战=seek,run for
champion n. 冠军 vt.拥护,支持
championship n. 锦标赛
cancel vt. 取消=revoke, call off
cancellation n. 取消
candid adj. 率直的,坦白的=straightforward, frank
candidate n. 候选人
cannibalism n. 同类相食
canopy n. 天篷,遮篷=covering, umbrella
canvas n. 帆布;画布
capability n. 能力=capacity, skill
capable adj. 有能力的=competent
capacity n. 容量;能力=content, volume;ability, capability
captivity n. 囚禁,拘留=prison, confinement
carapace n. (蟹或龟的)甲壳
carat n. (宝石重量单位)克拉
cardiac adj. 心脏的 
carbohydrate n. 碳水化合物

cardinal adj. 首要的,主要的=principal, main n.朱红雀(一种美洲鸟,雄性有深红色羽毛)
career n. 生涯,职业=vocation, occupation
careerism n. 野心,追求名利
careless adj. 粗心的,疏忽的=negligent, heedless
carelessly adv. 不注意地,粗心地=recklessly
careful adj. 小心的,仔细地=deliberate, cautious
cargo n.货物=shipload, freight
caricature n. (滑稽模仿的)讽刺画,漫画=parody
carnival n. 狂欢节=festivity
carnivorous adj. 食肉的=meat-eating, predatory
carve vt. 切开;雕刻=cut;sculpt
carver n. 雕刻匠,雕工
carving n. 雕刻品,雕花
cast vt. 浇铸=shape, mold vt. 投,抛=project, throw
cast-iron adj. 铸铁的
cast off 丢弃,摆脱=get rid of
cast away 使失事,使漂流
forecast n./vt. 预测,预报
broadcast n./vt. 广播;传播
rebroadcast vt. 重播
newscast n. 新闻广播
overcast adj. 阴天的,阴暗的
casual adj. 非正式的,随便的;漫不经心的=informal, purposeless, unplanned
catalyst n. 催化剂;促使事情发展的因素=enzyme, stimulus
catalyze vt. 促使;激励
catastrophe n. 异常的灾祸=disaster, calamity, cataclysm
catching adj.(接触)传染的;有魅力的,迷人的=contagious;charming, attractive
eye-catching adj. 引人注目的,耀眼的
catch on 理解,领会
categorize vt. 分类=classify, sort
category n.种类,类目;范畴=group
cater vi. 满足需要,迎合=satisfy(cater to)
caterpillar n. 毛虫
cathedral n. 总教堂,大教堂=church, temple
cause vt. 导致,引起=induce, bring about, provoke n. 原因;事业=reason;career
cautious adj. 小心的,谨慎的=conservative, careful
caution n. 小心,谨慎=care vt. 警告=warn
cavern n. 大山洞,大洞穴=cave
cavity n. 洞;腔=hole, cavern
cease v. 停止,终止=stop, terminate
ceaseless adj. 不停的=incessant, endless
celebrated adj. 有名的,大名鼎鼎的=distinguished, famous, well-known
celebrate vt. 庆祝,祝贺;表扬,赞美=praise
celebrity n. 名人
celestial adj. 天体的;天上的=astronomical, heavenly
cell n. 细胞,单人牢房,电池
cellist n. 大提琴家
cello n. 大提琴
census n. 人口调查,人口普查
centennial n. 百年纪念=hundredth anniversary
centigrade adj. 摄氏(温度)的
ceremonial n. 仪式=ritual, ceremony adj. 正式的;仪式的=formal, ceremonious
ceremony n. 典礼,仪式;礼节=ritual, rite
chafe vt. (将皮肤等)擦热,擦破=scratch, abrade vt. 使恼火=irritate, vex
chagrin n. 懊恼,失望=embarrassment, disappointment
chalk n. 粉笔
chamber n. 室;房间=cell, compartment, room
chamber music 室内音乐
champion n. 冠军;拥护者=winner, victor;advocate vt. 支持;主张=stand up for, support
championship n. 锦标赛
chaos n. 混乱=disorder
chaotic adj. 混乱的=disorganized
chapel n. 小礼拜堂
character n. 角色;性格=part

;nature, personality
characteristic adj. 典型的,表现特征的,特有的=typical, distinctive n. 特征,特性=distinguishing feature, property, attribute
characterize vt. 表现…的特色,刻画…的性格=distinguish
be characterized by 以…为特征,典型代表
charcoal n. 炭;木炭
charitable adj. 慈善事业的,慈善的;仁慈的=benevolent;kind, humane
charter v. 包租;特许=license, authorize n.宪章,章程
chart n. 海图,图表=graph, diagram vt. 制图=plot
chaste adj. 贞洁的;(思想、言论)朴素的
chat vi. 闲谈=talk
chateau n. 城堡,高级旅馆
check vt. 检查,核对;阻止,控制=control, suppress, restrict n.支票
checkup n. 审查;身体检查
checkout n. 检验,校验
check out 检验,校验
paycheck n. 付薪水的支票
chef n. 厨师
cherish v. 怀抱(希望等);珍爱=harbor;treasure, value
chill vt. 使冷,变冷;冷却=cool, freeze n. 寒意,寒战=coolness, coldness
chilly adj. 寒冷的=cold
chilli n. 红辣椒
chimpanzee n. 黑猩猩
gorilla n. 大猩猩
chisel n. 凿子=gouge v.砍凿,凿刻=cut, sculpt
chivalry n. 骑士气概,侠义;(男人)对女人彬彬有礼,献殷勤
choke vt. 使窒息=asphyxiate, suffocate
chop vt. 砍=cut, hew
choppy adj. 波浪起伏的,(风)不断改变方向的=wavy
chord n. 琴弦,心弦、
clavichord n.翼琴(钢琴的前身)
harpsichord n.大键琴
chore n. 家务杂事
choreography n. 舞蹈编排
choreograph vt. 设计舞蹈动作
choreographer n. 舞蹈指导
choreographic adj. 舞蹈术的,舞台舞蹈的
chorus n. 合唱团=ensemble
chronic adj. 长期的;慢性的=persistent, habitual, long-term
chronological adj. 按年代顺序排列的
chronology n. 年代学,年表=time sequence
chubby adj. 丰满的,圆胖的=plump, fat
chunk n. 大块;矮胖的人或物
cider n. 苹果酒,苹果汁
cipher n. 密码=code
circuit n. 电路
closed circuit 闭路的
circular adj. 循环的;圆的=round
circle n. 圆周,圆形物 n.(具有共同兴趣、利益的人组成的)圈子,集团=group, society vt. 包围,环绕=orbit, encircle
circulate v.(使)循环;(使)传播
circulation n. 循环;流通
circulation desk 图书借还台
circumference n. 圆周;周长=perimeter, periphery
circumscribe vt. 划界限;限制=make the boundaries of; confine,restrict
circumstance n. 环境,情况=situation, condition
citadel n. 堡垒,要塞=fort, fortress
cite vt. 引用,举例=refer to, quote
citizenship n. 公民(的身份)
civil adj. 公民的;市民的=civic adj. 国内的
civil rights 公民权
civil war 内战
civility n. 彬彬有礼,斯文
civilization n. 文明,文化=culture
civilian adj.平民的;民用的=nonmilitary, noncombatant n. 平民
clam n. 蛤,蛤肉
clamor n. 叫嚣,喧哗=outcry, uproar, commotion
reclamation n. 开垦;改造;(废料等的)回收

an n. 家族,宗族=faction, tribe
clap n. 拍手声;霹雳声 v. 鼓掌;轻拍=applaud,slap
clarify vt. 澄清,阐明=illuminate, elucidate
clarification n. 澄清,净化
classify vt. 把…分类,分等级
classification n. 分类,分级
clause n. 分句;条款=sentence, phrase
clay n. 粘土;泥土
clergy n.(集合称)圣职者,牧师
clergyman n. 牧师,教士
cliff n. 悬崖峭壁=bluff, precipice
climate n. 气候;社会风气或趋势=weather condition;atmosphere, environment
climatic adj. 气候上的
cling vi. 粘紧,附着=stick(cling to) vi. 坚持(意见),墨守(习惯)=adhere to(cling to)
clinic n. 门诊所=dispensary, infirmary
clinical adj. 临床的
clip vt. 修剪=trim, cut off
clockwise adj./adv. 顺时针方向的(地)
counterclockwise adj./adv. 逆时针方向的(地)
clog vt. 障碍,阻塞=congest, jam
clumsy adj. 笨拙的;愚笨的=awkward, inept
cluster n. 簇,串,群=group, bunch vi. 丛生;聚集=concentrate, gather, assemble
clutch v. 抓住,攫取=grasp tightly n.一次产的或孵的蛋(或卵)
coalesce vi. 联合,合并=associate, combine
coalescence n. 合并,联合
coalition n. 联合,同盟=alliance, union
coarse adj. 粗糙的=rough, harsh
coax vt. 哄诱,巧言诱哄=persuade, cajole
code of laws 法典
codify vt. 编成法典,编辑成书
coexist vi. 同时存在,共存=coincide
cognitive adj. 认知的;感知的
coherent adj. 粘在一起的=adhesive, cohesive adj.连贯的;有条理的=logical, sound
coherence n. 一致
incoherence n. 不连贯,不一致
cohesion n. 附着(力),凝聚力=unity, solidarity
cohesive adj. 粘着的
coil n. (一)卷;线圈= ring, roll vt. 盘绕,卷=twist, curl
recoil vi. 弹回,反冲
coin n. 铸币=nickel vt. 创造(一个新的词语或短语)=create, invent
coinage n. 造币,货币制度
coincide vi. 同时发生;相符合,相巧合=occur at the same time as, correspond
coincident adj. 一致的,巧合的=concerning, simultaneous
coincidence n. 一致;同时发生或同时存在的事
collaborate vi. 协作,合作=work together, cooperate
collaboration n. 合作
collapse n. 倒塌;崩溃,失败=breakdown, failure
colleague n. 同事,同僚=fellow worker, associate, co-worker
collective adj. 集体的,共同的=common
collide vi. 碰撞;冲突=bump, hit;conflict
collision n. 碰撞;冲突,抵触=crash, impact
colloquial adj. 口语的,通俗语的=conversational, informal
colloquialism n. 俗话,白话,口语
colonize vt. 建立殖民地,拓殖=settle vt. 定居,居于=plant
colony n. 殖民地;群体=group, community
colonial adj. 殖民的,殖民地的
colonel n. 陆军上校
colossal adj. 巨大的=huge, gigantic
combination n. 化和,组合=blend, union
combine v. 联合,结合=blend, fuse, merge
combustible adj. 易燃的=flammable, burnable, inflammable

bustion n. 燃烧
comet n. 彗星
cometary adj. 彗星的,彗星似的
comic adj. 滑稽的,好笑的;喜剧的=funny, ridiculous
comical adj. 滑稽的,好笑的
commander n. 司令官,指挥员=chief, leader
commemorate vt. 纪念=remember, memorialize
comment n. 注释,评论=remark, judgment vi. 谈及;注释,评论
commentator n. 评论员,讲解员
commentary n. 注释,解说词
commerce n. 商业=trade, business
commercial adj. 商业的,贸易的
commercialize vt. 使商业化,使商品化
commission vt. 委任,任命;委托,委托制作=authorize n.佣金
commissioner n. 委员,专员
committed adj. 效忠的;忠于…的=dedicated, devoted
commit vt. 犯(错误),干(坏事)
committee n. 委员会
commitment n. 信奉,支持;许诺,承担义务
commodity n. 商品,日用品=goods, article of trade
commonsense adj. 具有常识的
commonplace adj. 平凡的=ordinary, common
communal adj. 公共的;公社的=public, common
communicate vt. 传达,沟通;通信=convey, inform;correspond
communication n. 沟通;通讯
community n. 社区;社会=society, district
commute v. 通勤
commuter n. 经常往返者
telecommuter n. (通过在线方式)远距离工作者
compact adj. 紧凑的,紧密的;简洁的=compressed, condensed;concise vt.压缩;使密集=solidify, tighten
compaction n. 压紧
companion n. 同伴,同事=associate, partner
comparable adj. 可比的,比得上的;类似的=equivalent, similar
comparative adj. 比较的=relative
comparatively adv. 相当地;比较地=relatively, rather
compatible adj. 可以并存的,相容的,协调的=agreeable, congenial
incompatible adj. 矛盾的,不调和的
compel vt强迫,使不得不
Compelling adj.紧迫的,强制的=force, coerce
compensate vt. 补偿,赔偿=make up, reimburse
compensation n. 补偿,赔偿
compensatory adj. 补偿性的
compete vi. 竞争,比得上=vie, contest, fight
competent adj. 有能力的,能胜任的=capable, adept
competence n. 能力,胜任
competition n. 竞争,竞赛=struggle, rivalry
competitiveness n. 竞争能力
competing adj. 有竞争性的,不相上下的
compile vt. 汇集,编辑=work over, gather, collect
complacence n. 自满,自以为是=arrogance, satisfaction
complaint n. 抱怨,怨言=grievance, criticism
complain v. 抱怨;悲叹=lament
complement vt. 补充,使完善=supplement n.补足物,补充物=addition
complementary adj. 补充的,补足的
complex adj. 复杂的,费解的;结构复杂的=intricate, compound n.综合体=network
complexity n. 复杂(性)=complication
complicated adj. 费解的,棘手的;结构复杂的=intricate;circuitous
complication n. 并发症;复杂,复杂性=complexity, intricacy
complicity n. 共谋;同谋,共犯=conspiracy, collusion
complimentary adj. 赞美的=flattering, laudatory
compliment n. 恭维,称赞=

praise, commendation
comply with 遵从,符合=obey, conform to
component n. 成分,组成部分=constituent, element, ingredient
compose vt. 作曲,写作;组成=write, create
be composed of 由…组成=be made up of, consist of
recompose vt. 重写;重新安排
composition n. 构成,组成=makeup, constitution n. 写作,作文;作曲=writing, essay
decomposition n. 分解;腐烂
compound n. 化合物=mixture, composite
compound eyes 复眼
comprehend vt. 领悟,理解=understand, grasp
comprehensible adj. 可理解的,易于了解的=understandable
comprehension n. 理解,包含=grasp
comprehensive adj. 全面的,综合的=inclusive, overall
compress vt. 压缩,浓缩=compact, concentrate, condense
compression n. 浓缩,压缩
compressed adj. 被压缩的,紧凑的=compact
comprise vt. 包含;由…组成=consist of, contain
compromise n. 妥协,折衷=concession
compulsory adj. 必须做的,被强制的=mandatory, obligatory
compute vt. 计算=calculate, reckon
computation n. 计算,估计=calculation
concave adj. 凹的
conceal vt. 隐藏,隐瞒=hide, secrete
concede v. 承认=acknowledge, admit
conceive vt. 构思;设想=design, consider
concentric adj. 同心的=concentric circle
concept n. 概念,观念=notion, idea
conception n. 观念,认识=thought, idea
misconception n. 误解
conceptual adj. 概念上的
concert n. 音乐会 n. 一致;共同=harmony, accord(in concert)
concerted adj. 商议好的,协定的
concerto n. 协奏曲
concise adj. 简洁的,简明的=succinct, terse
conciseness n. 简洁,简短=brevity
conclude v. 推断;作出结论=deduce, infer vi.结束=finalize, wind up, end
conclusive adj. 最后的,决定性的=definitive, decisive, final
inconclusive adj. 非决定的
concomitant adj. 伴随的 n. 伴随物=in conjunction with, accompanying, associated with
concrete n. 水泥=cement adj.具体的,实体的=tangible, solid
concurrent adj. 同时发生的=simultaneous, coincident
condemn vt. 谴责=blame, denounce
condemnation n. 谴责=blame
condensation n. 压缩,浓缩=compression
condense vt. 使浓缩;精简
condenser n. 冷凝器
condiment n. 调味品=seasoning, flavoring
condition n. 条件;状况;健康状况=situation, state;fitness
air conditioner 空调
conditioning n. (心理)条件作用,训练
condor n. 秃鹰
conduct vt. 做(试验、研究等);引导,带领=carry on, direct vt. 传导=convey, pass on n.举止,行为=behavior, manner
conductivity n. 导电率;传导率
conductor n. 导体
cone n. 圆锥,松果
confederate n.同盟者,盟友=ally, collaborator
confederacy n. 联盟=alliance
confer v. 颁给,赋予=bestow(confer sth. on sb.) v. 协商(confer with)
conference n. 会议;协商会,讨论会=meeting;discussion
confess vt. 坦白承认=acknowledge, admit
confession n. 承认,招供
confide vt. 吐露(心事),倾诉=dis

close, reveal;tell
confident adj. 有信心的,自信的=assured
confidence n. 信心
overconfident adj. 过于自信的,自负的
configuration n. 轮廓,构型=contour, outline
confine vt. 限制=limit, circumscribe(confine to)
confined to bed 卧病不起的=bedridden
confining adj. 狭窄的=cramped
confinement n. 限制,禁闭=restriction, limitation
confirm vt. 证实,使…更坚定=verify, corroborate
confirmation n. 确认,证实
conflict n. 争论,冲突,斗争=fight, struggle
conflicting adj. 相冲突的,相矛盾的=opposing, rival, incompatible
confluence n. 汇合;聚集=conflux;throng
conform vi. 遵守,顺从;符合=comply with, follow, fit, meet(conform to)
conformity n. 一致,符合
nonconformity n. 不墨守陈规,不一致
nonconformist n. 非国教徒,不尊奉英国国教的基督教新教教徒
confront vt. 面对,正视=face
confuse vt. 搞乱,使糊涂=disorient, mix up
confuse…with… 把…认为=take…for…
confusion n. 混乱,混淆
congenial adj. 合得来的;适意的=compatible
congenital adj. 先天的,天生的=present at birth, inborn, innate
congestion n. 拥挤,拥塞=overcrowding
congested adj. 堵塞的;拥挤的=clogged, crowded
congratulation n. 祝贺,道喜
congregate v. 聚集=assemble, convene, gather
conglomerate n. 混合=assortment
congress n. 国会,议会
congressional adj. 会议的,大会的;国会的
congressman n. 国会议员
conifer n.松类,针叶树
conjectural adj. 推测的=based on guessing, hypothetical
conjecture n./v. 推测,猜测
connect v. 连接;联系;联合=join, link, relate
connection n. 连接
disconnect vt. 分离,断开
connoisseur n. 鉴赏家,行家=specialist, expert
conscience n. 良心,良知
conscientious adj. 尽责的,一丝不苟的=diligent, responsible, reliable
conscious adj. 有意识的,神志清醒的=awake adj. 意识到的=aware, alert
consciously adv. 有意识地,自觉地=purposely, intentionally
consciousness n. 意识,知觉
unconscious adj. 不省人事的,未发觉的,无意识的
consecutive adj. 连续的=successive, sequential
consequence n. 结果,后果=result, aftermath, outcome
consequent adj. 作为结果的,随之发生的=resulting
consequently adv. 从而,因此=therefore
conservative adj. 保守的,谨慎的;守旧的=traditional, conventional
conservatism n. 保守主义,守旧性
conserve vt. 保存,保藏 n.可长期保存的食物=retain, preserve
conservation n. 保存,保持=preservation
conservationist n. (天然资源的)保护管理论者=people who want to conserve natural resources
considerable adj. 相当大(多)的;值得考虑的;相当可观的=much, great, significant
considerably adv. 相当地=substantially, very much
considerate adj. 考虑周到的,体贴的=thoughtful
consideration n. 体谅,考虑
consistent adj. 一致的;稳定的,变化少

consistency n. 浓度,密度
consistently adv. 一贯地=steadily, regularly
consonant adj. 协调一致的=compatible, harmonious
consort vi.陪伴,结交=associate, join(consort with 配对,结交;与…一致)
consortium n. 协会,联盟,财团
conspicuous adj. 显著的;显眼的,引人注目的
conspicuously adv显著地=noticeable, prominent
conspiracy n. 阴谋,共谋=plot, intrigue
constant adj. 不变的,持续的;一再重复的=invariable, repeating
constantly adv. 不断地=incessantly, perpetually, continually
constellation n. 星座 n.灿烂的一群=gathering, cluster
consternation n. 惊愕,惊慌失措=dismay, shock
constituent n. 成分,要素=component, element, ingredient n.选民=districts' voters
constitution n.组织;宪法
constitute vt. 建立(政府),组成,构成=make up, form
constitutional adj. 宪法的;章程的
constrain vt. 限制,约束=restrain, hold back
constraint n. 限制,约束=bound, restraint
constrict vt. 约束;收缩=limit, restrict;shrink, contract
constricted adj. 抑制的,约束的=limited
construct vt. 建造;创立=erect, build
construction n. 建筑,建造
consult vt. 咨询,请教=confer, advise
consultant n. 顾问,咨询者
consume vt. 消费,消耗;大吃大喝=devour, eat
consumer n. 消费者
consumption n. 消耗,消费
contact vt. 使接触,与…联系=get in touch with, reach
contagious adj. 传染性的;有感染力的=infectious;catching
contain vt. 包含,容纳=include, incorporate, house
container n. 容器;集装箱=receptacle
contaminate vt. 弄脏,污染;感染=taint, pollute, defile
contamination n. 玷污,污染=pollution
contemplate v. 沉思,对…作周密思考=ponder, meditate
contemporary adj. 当代的,现代的=modern, existing n.当代人,同龄人
contender n. 竞争者
contention n. 争论,争辩=controversy
content n. 内容;容量=volume, capacity adj. 满足的=gratified, satisfied
contented adj. 满足的,心安的
context n. 上下文,语境=circumstance, setting
contiguous adj. 接近的,接壤的=abutting, adjacent, net to
contagious adj. 传染性的;有感染力的
continent n. 大陆
continental adj. 大陆的,大陆性的
supercontinent n. (地理)超大陆
transcontinental adj. 横贯大陆的,大陆那边的
continuation n. 继续,延长=continuance, prolongation
continuity n. (时间或空间的)连续性,连贯性=coherence
continuum n. 连续统一体=sequence, succession
contour n. contours 轮廓=configuration, outline n.周线,等高线
contract v. 收缩=shrink, constrict v.定契约,立合同=undertake n.契约,合同=compact, agreement
contraction n. 缩短,收缩
contractor n. 定约人,承包人
contradict vt. 同…矛盾,同…抵触=confront, oppose
contradictory adj. 反对的,矛盾的=paradoxical, opposing
contrary adj. 相反的;对

抗的=in conflict with, opposite
contrast n. (对比,对照的)差异 vt. 对比,对照=compare
contribute to 有助于,对…起作用
controversy n.争论,辩论=contention, argument
controversial adj. 引起或可能引起争论的=controvertible, disputable
convenient adj. 方便的;近便的,容易到达的=handy, suitable;near, accessible
inconvenient adj. 不便的,有困难的
convenience n. 便利,方便
convention n. 会议;传统=conference;norm, custom
conventional adj. 传统的,习俗的=traditional, customary
conventionally adv. 按照惯例地,照常套地
unconventional adj. 非传统的
converge vi. 聚合,集中于一点,会聚=meet, come together
conversation n. 会话,非正式会谈=dialogue, talk
conversational adj. 对话的,会话的
converse vi. 谈话,交谈
conversant adj. 亲切的,熟悉的
conversion n. 转变;改变信仰=change, transformation
convert vt. 转换;转变信仰=alter, change, transform
converter n. 炼钢转炉
convex adj. 凸出的=bulging
convict vt. 证明…有罪,宣告…有罪
conviction n. 确信,深信,坚信=assurance, confidence
convincing adj. 令人信服的=persuasive
unconvincing adj. 不足以令人相信的
convinced adj. 确信的,深信的
convivial adj. 欢乐的,快乐的=festival
cooperate vi. 合作=collaborate
cooperation n. 合作,协作
cooperative adj. 合作的,协力的
coordinate vt. 使…协调,相配合=integrate, harmonize
coordinated adj. 协调的,配合的
coordination n. 调和
copper n. 铜
coral reef 珊瑚礁=corals
reef n. 礁,暗礁
core n. 中心,核心;地核=center
crust n. 地壳;外壳
mantle n.地幔
corps n. 军团,兵团
correlate vt. 使相互关联;使相互影响=relate, associate
correlated adj. 有相互关系的
correspondence n. 通信;信件=mail n.符合,一致=agreement
corrosion n. 腐蚀,侵蚀=decay, erosion
corrosive adj. 腐蚀的,腐蚀性的=erosive, caustic
rodent n. 啮齿类动物
corruption n. 腐败,贪污,堕落=bribery, fraud
cosmic adj. 宇宙的=universal
cosmopolitan adj. 世界性的,全球的=worldwide
costume n. 服装=dress, attire vt. 穿上服装;穿衣
counsel n./vt. 劝告=advice/advise;suggestion/suggest
counseling n. 咨询服务
counselor n. 顾问,法律顾问
counteract vt. 消除,抵消=negate, act against
counterbalance v. 使平衡
counterclockwise adj./adv. 逆时针的(地)
counterfeit vt. 伪造,仿造=forge adj.伪造的,假冒的=bogus, fake
counterpart n. 相似的人或物,配对物=version, analogue, match
countless adj. 无数的=innumerable, infinite
couple n. (一)对,(一)双;夫妇=pair vi.连合,结合=connect
coupled with加之,除…以外=in addition to
courier n. 送急件的人,信使=messenger, carrier
court n. 法庭;球场 vt. 向…献殷勤,追求;设法获得(他人的支持等)=woo, pursu

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