当前位置:文档之家› 《程序设计综合训练》1答案



________。a=-2L;printf (“%d\n”,A);

A. 赋值不合法

B. 输出值为-2

C. 输出为不确定值

D. 输出值为2

正确答案:B 满分:2 分

2. 以读写方式打开一个已有的文本文件file1,并且FILE *fp,下面fopen函数正确的调用方式是()。

A. fp=fopen(“file1”,“r”)

B. fp=fopen(“file1”,“r+”)

C. fp=fopen(“file1”,“rb”)

D. fp=fopen(“file1”,“w”)

正确答案:B 满分:2 分

3. 以下函数原型说明正确的是________。

A. float add(int x, int y) ;

B. int add(int x;int y) ;

C. char add( x,y) ;

D. int add(char x[ ] [ ]) ;

正确答案:A 满分:2 分

4. 下列为字符常量的是________。


B. "I"

C. 'Z'

D. She

正确答案:C 满分:2 分

5. 在C语言中,引用数组元素时,其数组下标的数据类型允许是________。

A. 整型常量

B. 整型表达式

C. 整型常量或整型表达式

D. 任何类型的表达式

正确答案:C 满分:2 分

6. 下面各函数中能实现打开文件功能的是

A. fopen

B. . Fgetc

C. . fputc

D. fclose

正确答案:A 满分:2 分

7. 若用数组名作为函数调用时的参数,则实际上传递给形参的是________。

A. 数组元素的个数

B. 数组的第一个元素值

C. 数组中全部元素的植

D. 数组首地址

正确答案:D 满分:2 分

8. 下列对字符串的定义中,错误的是_____ 。

A. char str[5]= "abcde"

B. char str[ ]= "abcde"

C. char *str ="abcde"

D. char str[ ]={ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', '\0'}

正确答案:A 满分:2 分

9. 一个共用体变量所占内存是________。

A. 该共用体第一个成员所占的内存量

B. 该共用体最后一个成员所占的内存量

C. 该共用体占内存最多成员所占的内存量

D. 该共用体所有成员所需内存量的总和

正确答案:C 满分:2 分

10. 语句if (!i ) i++;中的条件表达式!i 等价于________。

A. i==0

B. i!=1

C. i!=0

D. -i

正确答案:A 满分:2 分

11. C语言中规定,if语句的嵌套结构中,else总是与________配对。

A. 与最近的if 配套

B. 与第一个if 配套

C. 按缩进位置相同的if配套

D. 与最近的且尚未配对的if 配套

正确答案:D 满分:2 分

12. 已知:int a,*p=&a; 则为了得到变量a的值,下列错误的表达式为________。

A. p[0]

B. *p

C. &*a

D. *&a

正确答案:C 满分:2 分

13. 设有int x,y;以下语句判断x和y是否相等,正确的说法是该语句________。if (x=y) printf(" x is equal to y.");

A. 语法错

B. 不能判断x和y是否相等

C. 编译出错

D. 能判断x和y是否相等

正确答案:B 满分:2 分

14. 有程序段如下,不能表示为地址的是________。int x=2,*p;p=&x;x=x+1;

A. &x

B. p

C. &p

D. &(x+1)

正确答案:D 满分:2 分

15. C语言中规定,if语句的嵌套结构中,else总是与________配对。

A. 与最近的if 配套

B. 与第一个if 配套

C. 按缩进位置相同的if配套

D. 与最近的且尚未配对的if 配套

正确答案:D 满分:2 分

16. 已知char x[]="hello", y[]={'h','e','a','b','e'};, 则关于两个数组长度的正确描述是 .

B. .x大于y

C. .x小于y

D. 以上答案都不对

正确答案:B 满分:2 分

17. 若有说明语句“int a[5],*p=a;”,则对数组元素的正确引用是()。

A. a[p]

B. p[a]

C. *(p+2)

D. p+2

正确答案:C 满分:2 分

18. 以下函数的类型是________。int sum(double x, double y){ double s; s=x+y; return s;}

A. 字符型

B. 不确定

C. 整型

D. 实型

正确答案:C 满分:2 分

19. 以下函数的类型是________。int sum(double x, double y){double s; s=x+y;return s;}

A. 字符型

B. 不确定

C. 整型

D. 实型

正确答案:C 满分:2 分

20. 设有定义语句“char s[]=”123”;”,则表达式“s[3]”的值是________。

A. ?1?

B. ?3?

C. ?\0?

D. 语法出错

正确答案:C 满分:2 分

21. 若shortint 类型数据占两个字节,则下列语句的输出为________。int k=-1;printf (“%d,%u\n”,k,k);

B. -1,32767

C. -1,32768

D. -1,65535

正确答案:B 满分:2 分

22. 若有定义:int b[5];则以下对b 数组元素的正确引用是________。

A. *&b[5]

B. b+2

C. *(*(b+2))

D. *(b+2)

正确答案:D 满分:2 分

23. 下列变量定义正确的是________。

A. int x_1 ; y;

B. intx=y=5 ;

C. intfor=4;

D. int printf=2,x_y=2;

正确答案:D 满分:2 分

24. 在C语言中,正确的int类型的常数是________。

A. -2U

B. 059

C. 3a

D. 0xAF

正确答案:D 满分:2 分

25. 以下叙述正确的是________。

A. 函数的定义和函数的调用均不可以嵌套

B. 函数的定义和函数的调用均可以嵌套

C. 函数的定义可以嵌套,但函数的调用均不可以嵌套

D. 函数的定义不可以嵌套,但函数的调用均可以嵌套

正确答案:D 满分:2 分

26. 若有说明语句:inty[][4]={0,0,0,0,0,0};则正确的叙述是________。

A. 数组y的每个元素都可得到初值0

B. 二维数组y的行数为1

C. 该说明等价于int y[0][4]={0};

D. 有元素y[0][0]至y[0][5]可得到初值,其余元素均得不到初值0

正确答案:A 满分:2 分

27. 当执行以下程序时,________。#includevoid main(){ int a; while(a=5) printf("%d ",a--);}

A. 循环体将执行5次

B. 循环体将执行0次

C. 循环体将执行无限次

D. 系统会当机。

正确答案:C 满分:2 分

28. 若变量c为char类型,能正确判断c为小写字母的表达式是________。

A. 'a'<=c<= 'z'

B. (c>= 'a')||(c<= 'z')

C. ('a'<=c)and('z'>=c)

D. (c>='a')&&(c<='z')

正确答案:D 满分:2 分

29. 若有定义char x[ ]= "12345"; char y[ ]={ '1', '2', '3', '4', '5'};则。

A. x数组与y数组的长度相同

B. x数组长度大于y的长度

C. x 数组长度小于y数组长度

D. x数组等价与y 数组

正确答案:B 满分:2 分

30. 若有以下定义:float x;int a,b; 则错误的switch语句是________。

A. switch(x)

B. switch(a){case 1.0:printf("*\n");{case 1:printf("*\n"); case 2.0:printf("*\n"); } case

2:printf("*\n"); }

C. switch(a+b)

D. switch(a+b); {case 1:printf("*\n"); {case 1:printf("*\n"); case 1+2:printf("*\n"); }case

2:printf("*\n"); }

正确答案:D 满分:2 分

31. 在C语言中,以作为字符串结束标志

B. ? ?

C. ?0?

D. ?\0?

正确答案:D 满分:2 分

32. 若有以下变量说明和数据的输入方式,则正确的输入语句为________。变量说明:float x1,x2;数据的输入方式:4.52<回车>3.5<回车>

A. scanf(“%f,%f”,&x1,&x2);

B. scanf(“%f%f”,&x1,&x2);

C. scanf(“%3.2f,%2.1f”,&x1,&x2);

D. scanf(“%3.2f%2.1f”,&x1,&x2);

正确答案:B 满分:2 分

33. 以下叙述不正确的是________。

A. 一个C源程序文件必须包含一个main( )函数

B. 一个C源程序文件可由一个函数组成

C. 一个C源程序文件是一个编译单位

D. 一个C源程序文件可由多个函数组成

正确答案:A 满分:2 分

34. 下列语句中,把变量fp说明为一个文件型指针的是( ) 。

A. FILE*fp;

B. FILEfp;

C. file*fp;

D. filefp;

正确答案:A 满分:2 分

35. 已知:char a;int b;float c;double d; 执行语句c=a+b+c+d;后,变量c的数据类型是________。

A. int

B. char

C. double

D. float

正确答案:D 满分:2 分

36. 已知:inta[10]; 则对a数组元素的正确引用是()。

B. a[3.5]

C. a(5)

D. a[0]

正确答案:D 满分:2 分

37. 若变量已正确定义,与语句if(a>##k=0;else k=1;等效的是________。

A. k=(a>

B. ?1:0?

C. k=a>b;

D. k=a<=b;

E. a<=b?0:1;

正确答案:C 满分:2 分

38. 下列表达式没有错误的是________。int x,*p;

A. 5.0%2

B. x+1=5

C. &p

D. &(x+1)

正确答案:C 满分:2 分

39. 若有定义:intx,*pb;则正确的赋值表达式是________。

A. pb=&x

B. pb=x

C. *pb=&x

D. *pb=*x

正确答案:A 满分:2 分

40. 下列数据中属于“字符串常量”的是()。

A. “a”

B. {ABC}

C. …abc\0?

D. …a?

正确答案:A 满分:2 分

41. 组成C程序的基本单位是________。

A. 表达式与语句

B. 若干文件

C. 函数

D. main函数

正确答案:C 满分:2 分

42. 对二维数组的正确定义是()

A. int a[ ] [ ]={1,2,3,4,5,6};

B. int a[2] [ ]={1,2,3,4,5,6};

C. int a[ ] [3]={1,2,3,4,5,6};

D. int a[2,3]={1,2,3,4,5,6};

正确答案:C 满分:2 分

43. 以下有关switch语句的正确说法是________。

A. break语句是语句中必须的一部分

B. 在switch 语句中可以根据需要使用或不使用break语句

C. break语句在switch 语句中不可以使用

D. 在switch 语句中的每一个case都要用break语句

正确答案:B 满分:2 分

44. 若有以下定义:float x;int a,b; 则错误的switch语句是________。

A. switch(x)

B. switch(a){case 1.0:printf("*\n");{case 1:printf("*\n"); case 2.0:printf("*\n"); } case

2:printf("*\n"); }

C. switch(a+b)

D. switch(a+b); {case 1:printf("*\n"); {case 1:printf("*\n"); case 1+2:printf("*\n"); } case

2:printf("*\n"); }

正确答案:D 满分:2 分

45. 若在一个C源程序文件中定义了一个允许其他源文件引用的实型外部变量x,则在另一文件中可以使用的引用说明是________。

A. externfloatx;

B. floatx;

C. extern auto float x;

D. extern static float x;

正确答案:A 满分:2 分

46. 简单变量做实参时,实参与其对应的形参之间的数据传递方式是________。

A. 双向值传递方式

B. 地址传递方式

C. 单向值传递方式

D. 用户指定传递方式

正确答案:C 满分:2 分

47. 若有定义:int b[5];则以下对b 数组元素的正确引用是________。

A. *&b[5]

B. b+2

C. *(*(b+2))

D. *(b+2)

正确答案:D 满分:2 分

48. 有如下程序inta[10]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10},*P=a;则数值为9的表达式是

A. *P+9

B. *(P+8)

C. *P+=9

D. P+8

正确答案:B 满分:2 分

49. 语句if (!i ) i++;中的条件表达式!i 等价于________。

A. i==0

B. i!=1

C. i!=0

D. -i

正确答案:A 满分:2 分

50. 下列错误的语句是________。

A. intk,*p=&k; scanf(“%d”,&k);

B. intk,*p=&k; scanf(“%d”,p);

C. intk,*p; *p=&k; scanf(“%d”,p);

D. intk,*p ; p=&k; scanf(“%d”,p);

正确答案:C 满分:2 分


Unit 1 Listening skills (1)David(2) Leigh(3)Vicky Klein(4) Laura Tish Hill(5)Anthony McDonald Listening in Task 1BDBCA Task 2 John 2,3,5 Lisa 1,4,6 Task 3 1. In order to gain admission to a study course. 2.To corner him. 3.He could answer either ten easy questions or one really difficult. 4.He was jolted / shocked. 5.Because the interviewer had promised that he would only ask one difficult question. Task 4 (1)attention(2)closing(3)five(4)checkouts (5)leave Let’s talk Further listening and speaking Task 1 1.new and different 2.on his own 3.a bit confused4.talk with 5. sleep in Task 2 FTTFT 第一单元Unit test Part I BDCDB

Part II (1)all right (2)better(3)meet(4)how’s(5)major(6)What about Part III DBCAC Part IV 1-5 AACBD6-10 DCADB11-15 CBDAD16-20 CBCBD Unit 2 Lead in task 1 baseball basketball kickboxing tennis tai chi jogging skiing swimming Listening skills DACBD Listening in Task 1 DBCDA Task 2 (1)strong and healthy (2) energy (3) sleep better(4)different (5)tastes and needs (6)careful Task 3 went golfing together. 2. He was giving him tips. 3. On Hole 8. 4. The ball bumped against the tree and landed near where it had started. 5. Because the tree was only three feet tall at that time. Task 4 Department 6. exercise opportunity Let’s talk Jack 2,4,5 Jim 1,3,6 Further listening and speaking Task 1 1. local clubs 2. weekly 3. popular 4. big three 5. fan base Task 2 FTTFT


NO.* Book-I(《大学英语》全新版) Unit 1 Part A Communicative Function 1.How are you?/ I'd like you to meet my classmate. 2.I'm.../ May I introduce...to you?/ Pleased to meet you. https://www.doczj.com/doc/bb1078231.html,e and meet my family./ ...this is Tom./ It's good to know you./ ...t his is my sister. Part B Text Exercise 1: 1. B 2. D Exercise 2: 1.Yang Weiping: China/ Chemistry/ Likes listening to English programs on radio and TV; enjoys English pop songs/ Started learning English several years ago/ F avorite activity: listening; Difficulty: speaking 2.Virginia: Singapore/ Library science/ To get a good job, one has be to fluent in English./ Started learning English in high school./ Favorite activity: readi ng; Difficulty: writing Part C Exercise: How to Improve Listening Comprehension Among the four skills of listening , speaking, reading and writ ing, I find listening most difficult, because I worry about the wo rds I don't know. Now I am trying to focus on the general idea, not worrying about he new words. This makes me feel good, b ecause I know I have understood something. Then, I listen again carefully and if I have any problems I play the difficult part ag 1N0.*


视听说教程1参考答案 ——第三四单元 第三单元 Sharing: Task 1 (1)living in London (2)how they feel about London and the most exciting things they have done in London Sharing: Task 2 (1)Living (2)Much (3)interesting places (4)Something (5)feel about Sharing: Task 3 Correct order: a, d, b, g, h, f, e, c Sharing: Task 4 1.(1) exciting (2) amazing concert (3)incredible 2. the theater/the theatre 3. (1) the best place (2) different

(3) compared to 4. play football 5. (1) interesting things (2) the best thing (3) tickets (4) culture Listening: Task 2 Activity 1Correct order: a, d, h, e, b, g, c, f Listening: Task 2 Activity 2(1) Australia (2) Outback (3) go further (4)frightened (5) Don't move (6) the dogs (7) frightening Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1Keys: 2, 4 Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2 biggest island nervous women 1500 money overwhelmed Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 1It's / It is there leave a message call speak、moment、ring、number、this、picking up Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1 Row


Unit 1 一. 单项填空 1.--- Mary’s got crazy and has been sent to the mental hospital. Did you tell her boss about that? --- Yes, but I _____ her husband first. A. should have told B. shouldn’t have told C. must have told D. needn’t have told 2.There was ______ time _____ Chinese used foreign oil. A. a; when B. a; while C. /; when D. /; while 3.It was because of bad weather __________ the football match had to be put off. A. so B. so that C. why D. that 4. --- Look! The telephone is broken. Someone damaged it ________ purpose. ---That may be right. But perhaps it was broken _________ accident. A. on; by B. by; by C. on; on D. by; on 5. What great trouble we had ___________ where his house was. A. in finding B. to find C. find D. found 6.Some students have trouble _____ grammar while others have difficulty______ new words. A. in; remember B. for; to remember C. on; remembering D. with; remembering 7. I cannot spend ________ money on the car which is ________ expensive for me. A. too much; much too B. far too; too much C. much too; too much D. too many; much too 8. catch the first bus, he got up very early this morning. A. In order to B. In order that C. So as to D. So that 9. There are altogether 6 people in the room, the baby________. A. include B. including C. included D. to include 10. The manager of the factory told us that very little ______ was made of the waste material in the past. A. cost B. value C. use D. matter 11. There is no ______ swimming-pool in this school and the students often go to swim ______. A. indoors; outdoors B. indoor; outdoor C. indoor; outdoors D. indoor; indoors 12. It is the first time that I _______ this kind of moon cake. A. enjoyed B. have enjoyed C. enjoy D. enjoying 13. When was it _____ your mother showed you around the West Lake ? A. until B. if C. which D. that 14. In the reading room, we found her _______ at a desk, with her attention ______ on a book. A. sitting; fixing B. to sit; fixed C. seating; fixing D. seated; fixed 15. I’m glad you’ve come; I am _______ telephoning you. A. at the point of B. to the point of C. on the point of D. in the point of 二:完型 You Did More Than Carry My Books Mark was waking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with a baseball bat and several other things. Mark 16 down and helped the boy pick up these articles. _17 they were going the same way, he helped to carry some of them for him. As they walked Mark _18 the boy’s name was Bill, that he 19 computer games, baseball and history, that he was having a lot of _20 with his other subjects and that he had just broken 21 with his girlfriend. 1


新视野大学英语视听说教程1答案Unit1 II. Listening Skills Listening for Names 1.David 2.Leigh 3.Vicky Klein https://www.doczj.com/doc/bb1078231.html,ura Tish Hill 5. Anthony McDonald III. Listening In 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A Task 1: Enrolling Task 2: Living on Campus 1. She thinks it’s easy to make friends. 2. It’s convenient to use the library, the labs, the sports center and many other facilities. 3. It’s near the shopping center. 4. They would have to get up so early to get to classes on time. And then it would take a lot of time to get home. 5. It seems all the same every day. Task 3: Learning to speak English 1.formal 2.formally 3.casual https://www.doczj.com/doc/bb1078231.html,mon 5.native 6.relaxed 7.friendly Task 4: An Announcement 1.attention 2.closing 3.five 4.checkouts 5.leave V. Let’s Talk Speaker Major Future Job Plan Tuition Source Michael Travel and tourism To work for a travel agency Working his way through school Jane Computer science


新视野大学英语视听说教程1[第二版]答案(标准答案,正确率100%)Unit1 Lead-in Task1这个不计入分数 Listening skills Task 1. Listening for names:1.David 2.Leigh 3.Vicky Klein https://www.doczj.com/doc/bb1078231.html,ura Tish Hill 5.Anthony McDonald Listening in > Task 1 1-5 BDBCA Listening in > Task 2 John选择235 Lisa 选择146 Listening in > Task 3 这个不计入分数 Listening in > Task 4 1-5 attention closing five checkouts leave Speaking out > Model 1这个不计入分数 Speaking out > Model 2这个不计入分数 Speaking out > Model 3这个不计入分数 Let's talk > Task 1这个不计入分数 Let's talk > Task 2这个不计入分数 Let's talk > Task 3这个不计入分数 Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 1-5 new and different on his own a bit confused talk with sleep in Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 2 1-5 FTTFT Further listening and speaking > Further speaking > Task 1 这个不计入分数 Unit Test按照顺序:BDCDB 1.all right 2. better 3.meet 4.how's 5. magir 6. what about DBCAC AACBD DCADB CCBDA


全新版大学英语视听说教程1 学生用书答案 知乎(答主纯手工打字,有错误请小可爱们多包涵,有错误欢迎指出) U1 Listening A: 1、Answers will vary. (e.g. He is picking an asparagus plant; he is a farmer.) 2、Answers will vary. (e.g. Some people have too much rain; other people do not have enough water. 3、Answers will vary. C: 1、crucial 2、resources 3、huge 4、on average 5、conserve 6、requires 7、cut 8、leak 9、wastes 10、statistics D: 1、C 2、BC 3、B E: 1、70 2 2、7.5 billion 3、9 billion 4、1,799 5、3,000 13 F: 1、water brush your teeth 2、shorter showers 3、meat 4、leaky faucets Extended Listening Exercise A: 1、C 2、B 3、D 4、C Exercise B: S2: 6、20、25、80 S3:put off、dripping、leaky、leave、brushing your teeth、shorter showers、laundry Exercise C: 1、C 2、B 3、B 4、A 5、A Exercise D: wasteful a、leave the lights on b、drink half of it c、go bad Exercise E: 3 2 1 4 Exercise F: 1、D 2、B 3、A Exercise G: 1、36 2、140,000 3、15.4 3 17 Exercise H: 1、B 2、A 3、B 4、C Exercise I: 1、agreement world greenhouse emissions 2、February 2005 3、air conditioning jackets and


Umt 1 班别 ________ 姓名 ____________ 分数 _________ 一、 听力理解(略) 二、 单项选择 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。 (每小题1分,共15分) )31. — _____________ d oes she study En glish? — ____________ work ing with a group. A. How; By B. How; In C. How often; For D. What; At )32. If you meet some new words, you can ________________________ in a dicti on ary. A . look it up B . look up it C . look them up )33. Mary was born ____________ a singing voice. A. from B. in C. with )34. Stand up _______________ I can see how tall you are. A . so that B . such that C . such )35. The camera is ____________ expe nsive _____________ I can A. so; that D . then 't afford it. D. eno ugh; that excit ing to watch a football match. B. this C. that D. it t pass your exams ________________ you work harder. B . if C . unless D . after 't use money ___________ , we will have a difficult time. B. easily C. loudly D. wisely )39. I ' m going to London and my sister is going there _________________________ . A. n either B. also C. either D. as well )40. Good learners aren ' t afraid __________ mistakes. Instead, they learn __________________ mistakes. A. of making; from B. of making; in C. to making; from D. to make; in )41. Whether or not we can stay healthy mainly ____________________ our eat ing habits. A. cares about B. depe nds on C. pays atte nti on to )42. — I don ' t have a partner to practice Englis_________________ .-c-n-j- —Why not join an En glish Ian guage club to practice ___________________ ? A . /; speaking B . with; speaking )43. — What did Tina say? A. fall in love with B. get on well with )44. This is a new word, I don w __________________ ' C . /; to speak —Sorry, I didn ' t C. pay atte nti on to t kno D. finds out with; to speak what she said. D. look forward to A. what to use B. how to use C. what using )45. — My liste ning is very poor. What should I do? — _________ you practice, ____________ your liste ning will be. A. The more; the more B. The better; the better C. The better; the more D. The more; the better 三、 完形填空 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的选项中选出最佳答案。 D. how using (每小题1分,共10分) I like En glish very much. I think En glish is very importa nt and _46_. Here are my opinions of _47_ En glish well. I thi nk there are many ways _48_ learn En glish. For example, ask ing the teacher _49_ help is very helpful. One of my good _50_ said he had trouble _51_ En glish. His _52_ En glish is very poor. So he reads aloud every morning. Now he can speak En glish very well. Watch ing En glish shows on TV can also be helpful. You can learn many words _53_ them. _54_ 'Where there is a will, there is a way(有志者,事竞成 )".Believe you can do it _55_. ( )46. A. useful B. use C. used D. u si ng ( )47. A. study B. studies C. study ing D. t o study ( )48. A. to B. for C. of D. i n ( )49. A. to B. for C. with D. o f ( )50. A. friend B. a friend C. friends D. frie ndly D . look up them D. at

大学英语听说教程1 参考答案

听说教程的参考答案 Unit1 part C: 1) most difficult the words he doesn’t know focus on the general idea 2) focus on the general idea carefully 3) main idea details Part D 1—5 DCBDB Unit 2 1) T 2) F the frowning students remembered the angry article better 3) T 4) F the specialists still don’t know why facial expressions help money Part D 1---3 DCD Unit 3 part C: busy lives 2) six to fifteen 3) reading 4) remain current 5) revise and update Part D : 1---3: ACA Unit 4 Part C: 1) he calls because he can’t attend Laura’s party 2) Some of his friends are coming from Scotland to see him 3) He will take his friends out to dinner 4) She says that Simon can drop in later with his friends Part D : 1---5 BDDCA Unit 5 Part D : 1---4: BDBA Unit 6 Part D : 1---5: ACBDD Unit 7 Part D : 1---3: DCB Unit 8 Part D : 1---3: BCB Test 1: 1—5: ACCBD 6---8:DBD 9---12:ACBD 13----15:BCD 16) language 17) acquire 18) success 19) throughout 20) radio 21) concerts 22) succeed 23) Listening is basically the understanding of words and the relationship between sentences 24) This is impossible even when we listen in our own language


六年级英语第八册第一单元测试题 (考试时间:40分钟满分:100分) 实验小学吴乐佳 一、听力部分(共四大题,计30分) I.听录音,选择每组中你所听到的字母组合。(6分) 1. ZNM CMN 2. CYU SIV 3. JLR GAI 4. ALF IOE 5. VHF VKQ 6. HTI HBR II.听录音,选择每组中你所听到的单词。(10分) ( ) 1 A. strong B. stronger C. longer ( ) 2. A. taller B. shorter C. smaller ( ) 3. A. hot B. short C. shorter ( ) 4. A. 156cm B. 165cm C. 155cm ( ) 5. A. happy B. healthy C. heavy III.听录音,选择正确的图片。(4分) 1. 2. A B A. B 3. 4. A B A B IV.听录音,选择与录音相符的答案。(10分) ( )1. A. Bai Ling is two years older than Amy. B. Amy is two years older than Bai Ling. ( )2. A. I’m heavier than Zhang Peng. B. I’m not heavier than Zhang Peng.

( )3. A. My bedroom is 15 square meters. B. My bedroom is 13 square meters. ( )4. A. Lucy’s sister is 5cm taller than Sarah’s sister. B. Lucy’s sister is 5cm shorter than Sarah’s sister. ( )5. A. My pencil is 1cm longer than yours. B. My pencil is 2cm longer than yours. 二、笔试部分(共八大题,计70分) I.字母填空。注意大小写形式。(共6小题,计6分) 1.c e 2. H J 3.x z 4. t v 5. j l 6. E G II. 根据图片,选择正确的单词。(共4小题,计4分) 1.A.tall B.long 2.A.strong B.short 3.A. thin B.long 4. A.biger B.bigger III选出与其它三项不属于同一类的单词。(共5小题,计10分) ()1. A.dog B. fish C.apple D.bird ()2. A.short B.two C. eleven D. ten ()3. A.taller B.shorter C.stronger D.writer ()4. A.big B.heavy C.take D.long ()5. A. singer B.thinner C.worker D.doctor IV.选词填空。(共5小题,计10分) 1.It’s (cold/hot) today. You can wear your shorts. 2. (Wait/Stop) at a red light. 3.How ( tall/taller) is he?


Unit 1 Part two 2.Scanning for background information Exercise 1.upset, informal, student, school, young 2.restaurant, polite, middle-aged or old 3.bookstore, middle-aged, worried 4.library, young, middle-aged, mid or low level of education, excited , middle-aged or old, impatient, high, annoyed 5.student health center, young, student, worried, not rich, middle-aged, professional, receptionist 3.Scanning for the main idea Exercise Main idea: a basketball game Key words: $50 in the pool; ticket; front row center; three-pointer; third quarter; best game; Shaq stole the ball, strong as football players; as graceful as ballet dancers; seven feet tall 4.Scanning for the important points Exercise 1a 2 b 3 b 5. Inferencing Exercise 1false 2 true 3 true 4 false 5 true 6 false


21世纪大学英语应用型视听说教程1 Unit 1 Part A Section A Ⅱ 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B Section B Ⅰ 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T Ⅱ 1.textbooks 2.list 3.bookstore 4.library 5.sell 6.Really 7.entrance 8.pay 9.meet https://www.doczj.com/doc/bb1078231.html,ter Ⅲ 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.A Part B Section A Ⅱ 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.F Section B Ⅱ 1.1701 2.undergraduates 3.winner 4.senior 5.same 6.remained 7.explain 8.hearts 9.conversation 10.chose Section C Ⅱ 1.marks 2.introduction 3.goals 4.assist 5.perform 6.quickly 7.guide 8.receive 9.international 10.arrival Ⅲ 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D Part C Ⅰ 1.what to eat 2.very likely 3.need to think about 4.Once in college 6.I see Part D Section A

Ⅰ 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.B Ⅱ 9.C 10.D 11.C 12.A Ⅲ 13.D 14.D 15.C Section B Ⅰ 16.C 17.D 18.B Ⅱ 19.C 20.A 21.B Ⅲ 22.B 23.D 24.A 25.B Section C Ⅰ 26.cultures 27.contacts 28.key pals 29.consideration 30.sites 31.research 32.nick 33.identity 34.never give your personal information to anyone 35.Tell your teachers,parents or classmates if problems arise 36.Ask appropriate questions that will also help you learn about other cultures Unit 2 Part A Section A Ⅱ 1.D 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.D Section B Ⅰ 1.health 2.missing 3.soul 4.balance 5.journey 6.caring 7.views 8.firm 9.person 10.burning Ⅱ 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B Ⅲ 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.F Part B Section A Ⅱ 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F Section B Ⅱ 1.couple 2.battle 3.recent 4.ocean 5.trip 6.superstars 7.prefer 8.realistic 9.Regardless 10.theater Section C Ⅱ 1.concern 2.scared 3.interrupt 4.assure 5.sight 6.stuck 7.move 8.trouble Ⅲ 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.E 5.B Part C Ⅰ 1.drawing 2.a much 3.a love letter 4.not much of a writer 5.Why not propose


1 Good morning 综合测试题1 一、写出下列字母左邻右舍。(10分) 1. _____B______ 2. ______c ______ 3. _____f______ 4. ____E_____ 5. _____g _____ 二、写出下列大字字母的小写字母。(6分) 1. BEE ________ 2. BAG _______ 3. BED _______ 4. HB _______ 5. CD _______ 6. CAAC _______ 三、比较下列每组字母或单词的读音,相同的用(S), 不同的用(D)表示。(10分) 1. b, a ( ) 2. c, e ( ) 3. a, e ( ) 4. b, d ( ) 5. a, c ( ) 6. Dale, Alice ( ) 7. Frank, thanks ( ) 8. evening, Helen ( ) 9. A, H ( ) 10. E, F ( ) 四、单项选择。(8分) ( )1. ---Good evening, Eric. ---_________, Cindy. A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening ( )2.一Good morning! ---_________ A .Thank you B .Good morning! C .Hello! ( )3.一Hello! 一_________ A .Hello! B .Thank you C .I’m fine ( )4.一Sit down ,P1ease . ---_________. A .I’m fine B .My name is Li Lei C .Thank you ( )5.一What’s your name? --________. A .Clark B. I’m OK . C .Thank you ( )6能代替画线部分的选项。 You are fine. I ’m fine, too. A .good B. Ok C .nice ( )7.一Morning, class! Good luck to all of you in the exam(考试)! 一Morning, teacher !________! A .The same to you B. You , too(也) C .Thank you ( )8.一Hello, Jack. How are you doing? 一 ________! A .Reading a book B. OK C .That ’s all right. 五、从所给选项中选出能回答以下问题的交际用语。(5分) 1.A :Good morning ,class . B: __________________. 2.A :Hello ,Jim .How are you? B :________. 3.A :What’s your name? B :____________ . 4.A :Sit down ,please . B :___________. 5.A :What’s this? B :__________. a .It’s “B”. b .Good morning ,teacher . c .Fine ,thank you . d .My name is Jim . e .Thank you . 六、连词成句。(10分) 1.good ,you ,to ,morning __________________ 2.you, hi, how, Grace, are __________________ 3.name ,my ,Jim ,is __________________ 4.sit ,Please ,down __________________ 5.fine ,you ,thank __________________ 七、选择正确的答案填空。(5分) ( )1.早上老师进教室时,同学们应对老师说:“____________ ” A .Hello! B. How are you? C .Good morning ,Mr /Miss…! D .Good afternoon ( )2.假设你叫Lin Lin ,当人家问你“Are you Lin Lin?”时,你应该说: “___________”

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