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Chinese Translation Theorists Should Reread Nida’s Translation Theory—Comments from the Wrong Translations of Nida’s Translation Abstract: The writer of this paper points out and analyses the mistakes in the Chinese translation of Eugene A·Nida’s definition for translation. A reference translation by the writer is provided. In this paper the suggestion is made that the great influence caused by the wrong translations should be liquidated.

Key Words: Eugene A· Nida, translation definition, wrong translation

在现在的中国译论界,尤金·奈达(Eugene A·Nida)的名字如雷贯




奈达是世界著名的语言学家兼翻译家,他清楚地知道语言的文本意义不可能一点一滴地落实,也不存在什么“全部意义”。不同语言之间的形式差异和它们所蕴含的文化差异造成了翻译中的许多不可译因素,他不可能提出“等值”或“等效”翻译原则。请看他在The Theory and Practice of Translation (2)中的翻译定义。

Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style。








3.原文“reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language”中的“in the receptor language”的中文意义是“用接收语”,不是“在译入语中”。其中的“in”是“用”的意思,相当我们平时说的speak in English或write in the Chinese language中的“in”。“speak in English”译成中文是“用英语说”,不是“在英语中说”。“write in the Chinese language”的中文译文是“用中文写”,不是“在中文中写”。


4.1《牛津当代大词典》(英汉双解)(3)p589, equivalent adj. …, 4,相当的,相对的(corresponding)。

4.2《韦氏新世界学生词典》(4)p346, equivalent adj. 相等的,相当的,…Three teaspoonfuls are the equivalent of one tablespoonful.3茶匙相当于1汤匙。

4.3《新英汉词典》(5)p404, equivalent 1 a. (在力量等上)相等的,相当的,相同的:be equivalent to等于,相当于。

4.4定义中的“equivalent”是名词,因为它被closest和natural所修饰。“equivalent”有两种词性,一是形容词,二是名词。当它是名词时,其意义是sth that is equivalent(《柯灵斯英语词典》p495),因此名词“equivalent”一词有两种意义,一是“相等”,二是“相当”。如果“equivalent”的意义是“相等”,前面不能加形容词“the closest”,即不能说“the closest equivalent”(最接近的相等);反之,这样说就不合符逻辑。如果“equivalent”的意义是“相当,前面可以加形容词“the closest”,即可以说“the closest equivalent”(最接近的相当)。综上所述,“equivalent”不能译成“对等”,只能译成“对应”或“相当”。


原文“The closest natural equivalent of the source language”中的“natural”不能译成“最自然的”,“natural”是原级形容词,不是最高级。


按照译者的理解,译入语中存在“对等语”。读者不明白,既然存在对等语,为什么不用对等语去再现原语的信息而用最切近的对等语去再现原语的信息呢?这不是与所谓的“等值”翻译原则相矛盾了吗?用最切近的对等语再现原语的信息是达不到“等值”翻译的效果的。7.怎样理解“equivalent of the source language message”是译好此定义的关键。“equivalent”是名词,其意义是“对等物”或“对应物”。“equivalent of the source language message”的意义是“源语信息的对等物或对应物”,即与源语信息对等或对应的信息。“equivalent”不能译成“对等语”,可以译成“对应语”或“相当的词”,但要看它所处的语境。例如,“Some American words have no British equivalents”可以译成“一些美国英语词语在英国英语中没有相当的词语”。“equivalent of the source language message”中的“equivalent”不能译成“对应语”或“相当的词”,更不能译成“对等语”,因为它后面的限制语是“the source language message”,而不是“the source language”。然而有些译论家却将“equivalent”译成了“对等语”。这样的翻译,就产生了误解,读者会跟上文第2点所引用的引文一样理解,认为奈达的定义蕴含了等值标准的意义。更为严重的是,有些译论家将“reproducing the closest natural equivalent of the source language

message”译成“用最切近的、最自然的对等语再现原语的信息”。此译文给读者非常严重的误导。此译文言下之意是奈达主张翻译用最切近的对等语翻译。退一步说,那使将“对等语”理解为与“对应语”,同义,那么翻译也是用“对应语”翻译。在此译文的误导下,译论界许多人认为奈达的翻译原则是,翻译不仅要在译语中寻找顺乎自然的对等语,而且还要找到最切近的对等语。也就是说只能直译,不能意译。“good clothes”只能译成“好的衣服”,不能译成“衣冠楚楚”。“kill two birds with one stone”也只能译成“用一块石头杀死两只鸟”,不能译成“一石二鸟”、“一箭双雕”或“一举两得”。“…mais, trois jours apre’s Julien, elle mourut en embrassant ses enfants”只能译“然而,于连死后三天,她拥抱着孩子们去世了”。不能译成“但在于连死后三天,她也吻着孩子,魂归离恨天了”。严格地说,按照上述译文,“elle mourut”与英文“she died”等值,“she died”与汉语“她死了”对应,因此将“elle mourut”译成“她去世了”也不行,因为“去世了”不是“died”的最切近的对等语,唯一的译文只能是“她死了”。如此理解奈达的理论,完全违背了奈达翻译定义的原义。













正如equivalent(equivalence)在上面的定义中不能译成“对等”一样,术语dynamic equivalence,functional equivalence,formal equivalence,translation equivalence,stylistic equivalence,social cultural equivalence,linguistic equivalence等也不能译成动态对等、功能对等、形式对等、翻译对等、文体对等、社会文化对等、语言对等,因为其中的“equivalence”是“sth that is equivalent”,即“相等”、“相当”之义。根据语境它们可分别译成动力相当、功能相当、形式对当、对当翻译、风格对对当、社会文化对当、言语相当。



[2]Eugene A·Nida & Charles R. Taber: The Theory and Practice of

Translation [M], 1969。

[3]《牛津当代大词典》(The New Oxford Illustrated English—Chinese Dictionary)[M],世界图书出版公司,1997年3月。

[4]《韦氏新世界学生词典》(Webster’s New World Student’s Dictionary),[M],辽宁教育出版社,2001年。




[8] Nida, Eugen A, Language And Culture—Contexts in translating [M],上海外语教育出版社,2001,11

[9] Nida, Eugene A. & Charles R. Taber. The theory and Practice of Translation [M.] Leiden: United Bible Societies, 1969.

[10] Nida, Eugene A Language and Culture—Contexts in Translating [M]. 上海外育教育出版社,2001。

[11] Catford, J.C A linguistic Theory of Translation [M]. Oxford University Press,1965.

[12] 耿龙明等编。翻译论丛[C].上海外语教育出版社,1998。

[13] 《中国翻译》编辑部主编。文化丝路织思[C].国际文化出版社公司。

[14] 黄振定。翻译学—艺术论与科学论的统一[M].湖南教育出版社,


[15 ] 玛丽?斯内尔-霍比,《翻译研究—综合法》(Translation Studies —An Integrated Approach),[Z],上海外语教育出版社,1993年10月。

[16] 李田心,不存在所谓的翻译(科)学[J],中国翻译,2000年第5期。

[17] 李田心,语言规律、规则和翻译科学[J],外语与外语教学2001年第5期。

[18] 李田心,再读《必须建立翻译学》有感[J],福建外语2001年第1期。

[19] 李田心,奈达翻译定义之我见[J],外语研究2004年第6期。

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[21] 李田心,谈奈达翻译理论中几个基础概念词的误读和误译[J],上海科技翻译2004年第4期。

[22] 李田心,谈译名“功能对等”并由此造成负面影响的审视[J],上海翻译2005年第3期。

[23] 李田心,解码奈达翻译理论—评译论界盛行的几个错误观点[J],韩山师范学教2005年第3期。

[24] 周流溪,也谈对奈达翻译理论的认识[J],外语与翻译2005年第3期。

[25] 孙迎春。英汉双向翻译学语林[M].山东大学出版社,2002

【作者简介】李田心(Li Tian Xin),任教于广东外语外贸大学南国商学院。主要研究方向:翻译理论与实践、语法。曾在《中国翻译》、


The American translation theorist Eugene A. Nida wrote in 1964: Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalence of the source language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.(所谓翻译,是在译语中用切近而又最自然的对等语再现原语的信息,首先是意义,其次是文体。)

奈达翻译理论研究 第四章 笔记

Chapter four A comparative study of Nida’s theory and Jin Di’s theory Jin Di, on the basis of Nida?s theory, he formulated his own theory of “equivalent effect”. 4.1 Jin Di’s Translation Theory Jin Di is renowned for his translation theory of “equivalent effect”and his Chinese version of Ulysses. 4.1.1 A survey of Jin’s translation activity and translation study In his work In Search of the Principle of Equivalent Effect (1989), he put forward his own theory of “equivalent effect”. 4.1.2 Jin’s view on translation before his reception of Nida’s theory The gist of his argument was that “translating must meet the requirements of accuracy and smoothness.” “Accuracy” meant the content of the translated text should be consistent with that of the original text. “Smoothness”meant the language of the translated text should conform to the convention of the target language. Accuracy and smoothness in translation were two sides of a coin, and one could not be separated from another. What distinguished Jin from others was that he strongly objected to then the popular idea that “faithfulness should be given priority over smoothness when one of them has to be sacrificed”. Jin mentioned more than once the close relationship between translation accuracy and target readers. He wrote: A translation should be smooth and natural so that target readers do not feel big gaps between the two languages concerned. Accuracy and smoothness as a translation standard are like two sides of a coin, one cannot be separated from the other. If the reader cannot understand the so-called “accurate” translation and do not know what it means, there is of little significance for such “accuracy”. If the translator only pays attention to smoothness in his work, but ignores the consistency between the original text and the translated text, his translation is not legitimate. 4.1.3 Jin’s theory of equivalent effect and its relationship with Nida’s theory In On Translation: with special reference to Chinese and English, Jin basically adopted Nida?s “dynamic equivalence”, which was defined in terms of a dynamic relationship, namely, “the relationship of target language receptors to the target language text should be roughly equivalent to the relationship between the original receptors and the original text”. The book mentioned above was acclaimed as “a masterpiece of combination of Nida?s translation theory with Chinese translation with Chinese translation practice”. Jin argued that Nida?s theory was intended to guide Bible translation for evangelism, and the ultimate purpose of Bible translating was to make receptors “response to the translated message in action”. Thus, according to Jin, the concept of “response”in Nida?s theory was not suitable for a theory of general translation. Jin


?外语专题? 奈达翻译理论中的尴尬 3 周开鑫 (重庆交通大学外国语学院,重庆400074) 摘 要:尤金?奈达为翻译理论的发展做出了不小的贡献。但奈达译论中存在明显的偏颇和不足,集中反映在他的“动态对等”、 “读者反应”、 “语言表现力”、“翻译即交际”、“翻译‘三性原则’”等新概念上。这种偏颇和不足的根源在于他学术经历、翻译实践和价值标准的局限性。 关键词:奈达; 译论; 尴尬; 根源 中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-0297(2007)05-0111-04 奈达(Eugene A.Nida)是我国语言学界和翻译学界十分熟悉的名字,也是当今我国翻译研究中引用最多的外国翻译理论家之一。他在从1945年至今的半个多世纪中,共发表过语言学和译学著作约40部,论文300余篇,从语言学、符号学、信息论、交际论等角度对译论进行细化和扩展,提出了许多新观点,堪称当代翻译理论界的泰斗。我国译界一些人曾一度言必奈达,将其“动态对等”原则奉为金科玉律,几近顶礼膜拜的程度。然而如果用批判的眼光审视奈达的译论,就会发现许多尴尬之处。本文节选奈达的基本译论和创新观点,试析其中的不足及其产生的根源,就教于同行。 一、奈达对翻译的基本观点 奈达和C.R.Taber合著的《翻译理论与实践》中这样定义“翻译的性质”:“Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source2language message,first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.”(翻译是用译语,首先在意义上,然后在风格上,实现原语信息最切近的自然对等)[1](P12);或(谭译)(从语义到风格在译语中用最切近的自然对等语再现原语信息)[2](P35)。该定义包含以下内容: 1.翻译是语际活动,是用译语再现原语的信息。这就排除了“语内翻译”。 2.信息包括意义和风格,既然措词不是both…and…而是first…and secondly…,两者分了主次:前者为主,后者为次。这就为重视内容而忽视风格埋下了伏笔。 3.信息的转换须实现“对等”,而不是“对应”,更不是“接近”。这是对“忠实”原则的超高、刚化要求。 4.这种“对等”必须“自然”,不生硬,不带“翻译腔”(translationese),即所谓“The best translation does not sound like a translation.”[3](P756)(最好的翻译听起来不像翻译)。这是“意译”论主张。 5.“对等”是“最切近的”(最大程度的),包括意义、风格、表层、深层、环境、文化等各方面的“对等”。这里包含着自我否定。 奈达进而阐发了翻译涉及的诸多矛盾,归纳起来有:内容与形式[3](P757)、意义与风格[3](P758)、对等与同一[3](P755)、最切近的对等与其它对等(非最切近的,如基本、比较、大致对等)[3](P759)、自然(动态)对等与形式对应[3](P759、P712),甚至还有语境一致与词语一致[3](P760)、听觉(口头)形式与书面形式[3](P760、P738)、受众(读者)需要与语言形式[3](P787)、适应受众的形式与传统的形式[3](P760)等等。其中有些交叉重叠,使人感到十分复杂。而在处理这些矛盾时,奈达的态度总是重前轻后或者取前舍后。 此外,奈达还在《翻译新概念》[3](P737-754)中明确指出并阐明自己理论的创新,其中包括:(1)“动态对等”论[3](P774); (2)“读者反应”论[3](P738-740);(3)“对译语的新态度”:尊重译语的特点[3](P741),一切语言都有同样的表现力和一切信息(除形式是信息的本质因素外)都可译[3](P742-744),必要时可牺牲形式成全意义[3](P744-746);(4)“对源语的新态度”:源语既有优势又有局限性,语义受制于语言环境和文化环境[3](P747),翻译要理解原作者的意图[3](P748)、忠实于原作的意思,既不超前又不滞后,既不过头又不欠足[3](P749-750); (5)“翻译就是交际”[3](P773):翻译有信息功能[3](P775)、表达 第7卷第5期 重庆交通大学学报(社科版) 2007年10月Vol.7 No.5JOURNAL OF CHON GQIN G J IAO TON G UNIV ERSIT Y(Social Sciences Edition) Oct.2007 3收稿日期:2007-06-04 作者简介:周开鑫(1942-),男,重庆人,重庆交通大学外国语学院教授,主要从事英语语言文学及翻译研究。

奈达翻译理论研究 第二章 笔记

Chapter Two Reviews of Nida’s Translation Theory 2.1 A survey of Chinese traditional translation theory before the 1980s Chinese translation studies can be roughly divided into 2 phases, 1) traditional translation studies before the 1980s 2) modern translation studies from the 1980s to the present time. 2.1.1 Debate over Literal and Free translation in Buddhist translation It is generally agreed that the first recorded statements on translation were made by Zhi Qian(支谦), a translator of Buddhist scriptures in the period of The Three Kingdoms. Master Lao Zi says that beautiful words are not faithful, and faithful words are not beautiful. Confucius says that words cannot fully express one’s thoughts, and thoughts cannot express what one really means. Evidently, early discussions on translation not only touched upon the question of “difficulty”and “fidelity”of translation, but also revealed the conflict between “substance”(质) and “ornament”(文). Dao An(道安AD313—385) in the Eastern Jin Dynasty further emphasized the principle of “fidelity”, insisting that the translators of Buddhist sutras should adhere to the original text without any alteration at the expense of the original words and sentences. Since early Buddhist translators took “fidelity” as their translation principle and adhered too closely to the original, many translations were unintelligible word-for-word renderings. This situation in Buddhist translation did not change until AD 401 when Kumarajiva arrived in Chang’an to take charge of Buddhist translation. He was opposed to literal translation. He advocated free translation. He insisted that the text be translated with the target language usage, and the draft be polished for literary quality. Xuan Zang(602—664), the great Buddhist translator in the Tang Dynasty, who succeeded in regulating free translation and literal translation. He emphasized the importance of the transference of the style in translation. 2.1.2 Translation principles in the late Qing Dynasty Ma Jianzhong, the eminent Chinese linguist, says the translated text should be similar to the original without any difference between them. The reader of the translation benefits from it almost the same as the reader does from the original. Ma could be considered the first person to have explored translation theory in modern China. The most influential translation principle in the history of Chinese translation theory was formulated by Y an Fu in 1898. And Y an’s postulation of the three—character translation principle does not point the way forward for the solution of literal translation versus free translation. During this period, Lin Shu, Y an’s contemporary, was the most renowned figure for literary translation. Lin knew no foreign language at all, but “translated”, or rewrote.


第27卷第3期唐山师范学院学报2005年5月Vol. 27 No.3 Journal of Tangshan Teachers College May 2005 奈达翻译理论初探 尹训凤1,王丽君2 (1.泰山学院外语系,山东泰安 271000;2.唐山师范学院教务处,河北唐山 063000) 摘要:奈达的翻译理论对于翻译实践有很强的指导作用:从语法分析角度来讲,相同的语法结构可能具有完全不同的含义;词与词之间的关系可以通过逆转换将表层形式转化为相应的核心句结构;翻译含义是翻译成败的关键所在。 关键词:奈达;分析;转换;重组;核心句 中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-9115(2005)03-0034-03 尤金?奈达是美国当代著名翻译理论家,也是西方语言学派翻译理论的主要代表,被誉为西方“现代翻译理论之父”。他与塔伯合著的《翻译理论与实践》对翻译界影响颇深。此书说明了中国与西方译界人士思维方式的巨大差别:前者是静的,崇尚“信、达、雅”,讲究“神似”,追求“化境”;后者是动的,将语言学、符号学、交际理论运用到翻译研究当中,提倡“动态对等”,注重读者反应。中国译论多概括,可操作性不强;西方译论较具体,往往从点出发。他在该书中提到了动态对等,详细地描述了翻译过程的三个阶段:分析、转换和重组,对于翻译实践的作用是不言而喻的。笔者拟结合具体实例,从以下角度来分析其理论独到之处。 一 一般来说,结构相同的词组、句子,其语法意义是相同或相近的。然而奈达提出,同样的语法结构在许多情况下可以有不同的含义。“名词+of+名词”这一语法结构可以对此作最好的阐释。如下例: (1)the plays of Shakespeare/ the city of New York/ the members of the team/ the man of ability/ the lover of music/ the order of obedience/ the arrival of the delegation 在以上各个词组中,假设字母A和B分别代表一个名词或代词,它们之间存在着不同的关系。在the plays of Shakespeare 中,Shakespeare是施事,plays是受事,用公式表示就是“B writes A”;在the city of New York中,city和New York是同位关系,用公式表示就是“A is B”;the members of the team中,members和team是所属关系,即“A is in the B”;在the man of ability中,“B is A’s characteristic”;在the lover of music中,lover表示的是活动,即动作,music是它的受事,因此可以理解为(he/she)loves the music, 用公式表示就是“X does A to B”(X施A于B)或“B is the goal of A”(B为A的受事);在the order of obedience中,obedience表示的是活动,order是它的受事,因此用公式表示就是“X does B to A”(X施B于A)或“A is the goal of B”(A为B的受事);在the arrival of the delegation中,arrival表示动作,而delegation是动作的发出者,所以是“B does A”。 因此它们的结构关系如下所示: the plays of Shakespeare——Shakespeare wrote the plays. the city of New York——The city is New York. the members of the team——The members are in the team. the man of ability——The man is able. the lover of music——(He/She) loves the music. the order of obedience——(People) obey the order. the arrival of the delegation——The delegation arrives. ────────── 收稿日期:2004-06-10 作者简介:尹训凤(1976-),女,山东泰安人,泰山学院外语系教师,现为天津外国语学院研究生部2003级研究生,研究方向为翻译理论与实践。 - 34 -


奈达翻译理论简介 (一)奈达其人尤金?奈达(EugeneA.Nida)1914年出生于美国俄克勒荷马州,当代著名语言学家、翻译家和翻译理论家。也是西方语言学派翻译理论的主要代表,被誉为西方“现代翻译理论之父”。尤金是当代翻译理论的主要奠基人,其理论核心是功能对等。 尤金先后访问过90个国家和地区,并著书立说,单独或合作出版了40多部书,比较著名的有《翻译科学探索》、《语言与文化———翻译中的语境》等,他还发表论文250余篇,是世界译坛的一位长青学者。他还参与过《圣经》的翻译工作。他与塔伯合著的《翻译理论与实践》对翻译界影响颇深。此书说明了中国与西方译界人士思维方式的巨大差别:前者是静的,崇尚“信、达、雅”,讲究“神似”,追求“化境”;后者是动的,将语言学、符号学、交际理论运用到翻译研究当中,提倡“动态对等”,注重读者反应。中国译论多概括,可操作性不强;西方译论较具体,往往从点出发。他在该书中提到了动态对等,详细地描述了翻译过程的三个阶段:分析、转换和重组,对于翻译实践的作用是不言而喻的。 (二)奈达对翻译的定义 按照奈达的定义:“所谓翻译,是指从语义到文体(风格)在译语中用最切近而又最自然的对等语再现 源语的信息。”其中,“对等”是核心,“最切近”和“最自然”都是为寻找对等语服务的。奈达从社会语言学和语言交际功能的观点出发,认为必须以读者的反应作为衡量译作是否正确的重要标准。翻译要想达到预期的交际目的,必须使译文从信息内容、说话方式、文章风格、语言文化到社会因素等方面尽可能多地反映出原文的面貌。他试图运用乔姆斯基的语言学理论建立起一套新的研究方法。他根据转换生成语法,特别是其中有关核心句的原理,提出在语言的深层结构里进行传译的设想。 奈达提出了词的4种语义单位的概念,即词具有表述事物、事件、抽象概念和关系等功能。这4种语义单位是“核心”,语言的表层结构就是以“核心”为基础构建的,如果能将语法结构归纳到核心层次,翻译过程就可最大限度地避免对源语的曲解。按照4种语义单位的关系,奈达将英语句子归结为7个核心句:(1)Johnranquickly.(2)JohnhitBill.(3)JohngaveBillaball.(4)Johnisinthehouse.(5)Johnissick.(6)Johnisaboy.(7)Johnismyfather. (三)奈达翻译理论的经历阶段 奈达翻译理论的发展经历过三个阶段,分别是描写语言阶段、交际理论阶段和和社会符号学阶段。 第一个阶段始于1943年发表《英语句法概要》,止于1959年发表《从圣经翻译看翻译原则》。这一阶段是奈达翻译思想及学术活动的初期。 第二阶段始于1959年发表的《从圣经翻译看翻译原则》,止于1969年出版的《翻译理论与实践》。主要著作有《翻译科学探索》、《信息与使命》。在这10年中,奈达确立了自己在整个西方翻译理论界的权威地位。1964年出版的《翻译科学探索》标志着其翻译思想发展过程中一个最重要的里程碑。第三阶段始于70年代,奈达通过不断修正和发展自己翻译理论创建了新的理论模式———社会符号学模式。奈达在继承原有理论有用成分的基础上,将语言看成一种符号现象,并结合所在社会环境进行解释。在《从一种语言到另一种语言》一书中,奈达强调了形式的重要性,认为形式也具有意义,指出语言的修辞特征在语言交际及翻译中的重要作用,并且用“功能对等”取代了“动态对等”的提法,是含义更加明确。 三、对奈达翻译理论的评价 (一)贡献 奈达是一位硕果累累的翻译理论家。可以说,在两千年的西方翻译思想发展史上,奈达的研究成果之丰是名列前茅的。他的研究范围从翻译史、翻译原则、翻译过程和翻译方法到翻译教学和翻译的组织工作,从口译到笔译,从人工翻译到机器翻译,从语义学到人类文化学,几乎无所不包,从而丰富并拓展了西方的翻译研究领地。 奈达的理论贡献,主要在于他帮助创造了一种用新姿态对待不同语言和文化的气氛,以增进人类相互之间的语言交流和了解。他坚持认为:任何能用一种语言表达的东西都能够用另一种语言来表达;在语言之间、文化之间能通过寻找翻译对等语,以适当方式重组原文形式和语义结构来进行交际。因此也说明,某

奈达翻译理论研究 第一章 笔记

奈达翻译理论研究 A Study on Nida’s Translation Theory 马会娟著 English Abstract This book makes a systematic research on Nida’s translation theory, clarify some misunderstandings concerning his theory, disclose its true nature and explore its validity and limitations in literary translations. Examples from Today’s English V ersion and Today’s Chinese V ersion of the Bible, which were translated, following Nida’s translation theory, demonstrate that Nida’s theory, contrary to some popular wrong assumptions, is applicable to translation practice between foreign languages and Chinese. A comparative study of Nida’s theory and Jin Di’s theory is made to reveal the similarities and differences between the two theories, and the reasons for their discrepancies are also explored. Examples from Jin’s Chinese translation of Ulysses are examined against the principle of “equivalent effect”. This book also explores the limitations of Nida’s theory in literary translation, pointing out that his theory fails to address the issue of transference of aesthetic values of literary work into another language. Attempts have been made to amend Nida’s theory in respect of transferring aesthetic values of literary work by means of “formal aesthetic markers”and “non-formal aesthetic markers”, with aim of marking it more suitable for literary translation between Chinese and English. CHAPTER ONE Introduction 1.1 Reasons for further research on Nida’s translation theory His works on translation set off the study of modern translation as an academic field ( Snell—Hornby, Heylen, Baker) Before his theory was introduced into China in the 1980s, people mainly focused attention on traditional Chinese theories, especially Y an Fu’s three—character principle of translation: faithfulness, smoothness and elegance. Since Nida’s theory was grounded solidly on contemporary developments of linguistics, communication theory, information theory, semiotics and anthropology, Chinese translation scholars took great interest in his theory. Chang Namfung summarizes 4 kinds of misunderstandings regarding Nida’s theory in China: 1)“Dynamic equivalence” is only an ideal translation ctiterion 2)Nida’s theory is unfit to guide translation practice between Chinese and English because it grows out of translation experience among Indo—European language 3)Nida’s takes “reader’s response” as a translation criterion in evaluating translation 4)Nida doesn’t respect the cultural factors in the source language and his maintenance of complete naturalization in translating is a kind of cultural hegemonism. The term “equivalence” in Nida’s theory never means “identical”, but only “substantially the same”. “dynamic equivalence” is founded on information theory, and is has on direct

奈达翻译理论研究 第三章 笔记

Chapter three A study of Nida’s translation theory 3.1 Nida’s views of language and culture 3.1.1 Nida’s view of language In The Theory and Practice of Translation, he holds that the translator should see the receptor language as valid as the source language concerning the following aspects: (1) Each language has its own genius, and to communicate effectively one must respect the genius of each language; (2) Anything that can be said in one language can be said in another, unless the form is an essential element of the message; (3) To preserve the content of the message the form must be changed. The views above have some implifications: Firstly, when a translator realizes that each language has its own distinctive features, such as unique ways of word building, patterns of phrase order, special discourse structures, etc, he will not impose the formal structures lacking in the receptor language. Secondly, translating is possible. According to Nida, languages do not differ essentially in what they can say, but in how they say it. Thirdly, since all languages differ in form, it is inevitable to alter the form in order to preserve the content in translating. In regard to the extent to which form must be changed to preserve the meaning, Nida holds that the greater the differences between the source and the receptor language/cultures, the greater the need for adjustments depending on the linguistic and cultural distances between languages. Nida also offer some fresh views about source language: (1)In languages there is no such things as one being superior to another (2)The translator must try to reproduce the meaning of a passage as intended by the writer. In Nida?s view, a faithful translation does try to match words or grammatical structures between the two languages, but to reproduce what the writer means. Since Nida holds that understanding and appreciation of the original text are fundamental to translating, he emphasizes the importance of meaning analysis in translating process. 3.1.2 Nida’s view of culture Language is a part of culture and therefore translating from one language into another cannot be done satisfactorily without adequate knowledge of the two cultures involved. Language reflects the culture, provides access to the culture contexts of words are the keys to understanding the meanings of texts. Biculturalism is more important than bilingualism in a successful translation. Since words or idioms only have meanings in terms of the cultures in which they function, the translator cannot understand them adequately without careful consideration of their cultural backgrounds. Cultures are reflected only in certain aspects of language, such as vocabulary and


西方现代翻译研究的一大特点,是把翻译问题纳入语言学的研究领域,试图对翻译研究这个古老的课题赋予新的含义,增添新的内容,从而提出新的研究方法、理论模式和翻译技巧。奈达(EuguneA.Nida)的理论就是西方现代翻译理论研究领域中的突出代表。打破了中国传统译论中静态分析翻译的标准。 他是迄今美国翻译理论最著名的代表,也是当代整个西方翻译理论界最具影响的人物之一,正因为有了他,美国翻译研究领域才有了自己的“明星”,美国翻译理论也得以在二战后不断呈现后来居上的状态。 1914年11月11日,出生于美国俄克勒荷马州。2011年8月25日,在比利时布鲁塞尔与世长辞,享年96岁。这位在学术界赫赫有名的人物,一生的主要学术活动都围绕《圣经》翻译展开。在《圣经》翻译的过程中,奈达从实际出发,发展出了一套自己的翻译理论,最终成为翻译研究的经典之一。早在上个世纪八十年代初,他的理论就介绍到中国,并成为西方理论中被介绍的最早、最多、影响最大的理论. 奈达著作等身,他单独或合作出版著作40多部,发表论文250余篇,另外,还有13本专供《圣经》译者使用的参考书。 奈达的翻译理论主要经过三个阶段的发展:谭载喜1999,xv-xxi 第一阶段:早期带有明显美国结构主义色彩的语言学阶段或描写语言阶段(1943-1959)他的研究重点是语言的句法现象和词法现象,特

别是关于《圣经》的翻译研究,这一阶段是奈达翻译思想及学术活动的初期。深受美国结构主义语言学者Edward Sapir, L. Bloomfield 等的影响。通过借鉴乔姆斯基转化生成语法的语言学理论,使自己的翻译理论更加科学化和系统化。 第二阶段:翻译科学说和翻译交际说阶段(1959-1969)这个阶段的研究成就,对于确立奈达在整个西方翻译理论界的权威地位,起了非 常关键的作用。1964年他出版了重要专著《翻译科学探索》此书的问世,可以说是奈达翻译思想发展过程中的一个最重要的里程碑。对这一时期奈达的基本翻译思想加以综述,可归纳为四个方面。 1.翻译科学说:奈达认为,翻译不仅是一种艺术、一种技巧,还是一门科学。这里所谓的科学是指可以“采用处理语言结构的科学途径、语义分析途径和信息论来处理翻译问题”(Nida et al,1969:vii)即采用一种语言学的、描写的方法来解释翻译过程。 2.翻译交际说:把通讯论和信息论用于翻译研究,认为翻译就是交际。Transalting means communicating.这是奈达翻译思想第二阶段的主要标志,也是他整个思想体系中一个最大的特点之一。 3.动态对等翻译说:这是奈达最为人熟知的一个理论。所谓动态对等具体说来是指“从语义到语体,在接受语中用切近(原文)的自然对等语再现原语信息”(Nida et al,1969)。 4.翻译功能说:奈达从社会语言学和语言交际功能观点出发,认为翻译必须以读者为服务对象。


奈达与卡特福德翻译理论中几个概念之比较 尤金?奈达和约翰?卡特福德同属于西方翻译理论语言学派比较著名的代表人物。他们各自的代表作《翻译理论与实践》和《语言学翻译理论》都借鉴了现代语言学的研究成果, 力图从 语言学角度对翻译进行更加客观、准确、科学的分析和描写, 从而对翻译实践产生了实际的指导意义。但是, 这两位学者在描述翻译的本质和过程中却采用了不同的视角, 其理论的侧重点更是不尽相同。笔者将两种翻译理论所涉及的几个概念进行 分析对比, 以便我们更清晰地把握这两种理论的异同, 从而提升自身的理论水平。 一、母论奈达和卡特福德的翻译理论均植根于语言学, 都属于较为系统的、科学的翻译理论。然而, 二人所依据的母论却是不同的。 奈达的翻译理论主要以乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)的转换生 成语法(T-G Grammar) 作为自己的母论。转换生成语法借鉴了数学、哲学和语言学原理, 将语法结构分成深层结构和表层结构, 并提出了核心句(kernel sentence) 和一系列的转换规则, 形 成了一整套语法体系。根据转换生成语法, 尤其是核心句的原理, 奈达提出在语言的深层结构里进行转译的设想, 并创建了一种完整的语际转换过程的描述模式,即在翻译过程中, 译者先把源语的表层结构转化为深层结构, 然后在译入语中找到与

之对等的深层结构, 最后再把这一对等的深层结构表现为它的表层结构。这种表层―深层―转换―深层―表层的转换模式使得翻译过程变得具体可行。 相比而言, 卡特福德的翻译理论则主要得益于韩礼德(Michael A. K. Halliday) 的系统语言学。系统语言学包含两个基本出发点: 第一, 强调语言的系统性, 语言是包含许多子系统的系统。依据每种语言所存在的系统各不相同, 卡特福德得出翻译不可能百分之百传达原文含义的结论。韩礼德的系统功能语法提出,语言有三个基本层次:实体(substanee)、形式(form)和语境(context) 。卡特福德在坚持每种语言都自成体系的同时, 将上述三个概念引入到翻译理论中, 具体阐释意义不可译性的根源。第二, 系统语言学强调语言和社会紧密联系, 研究语言必须从社会着手。但在这一点上, 卡特福德的翻译理论似乎并没有深入探讨语言和社会的关系, 甚至有人认为他的理论研究纯属静态语言比较, 是纯粹为计算机服务的。 卡特福德没有完全遵从韩礼德的系统功能语法, 他着重从语音、字形、语法和词汇这四个层面分析其与各实体(即语音实体(phonie substanee) 、字形实体(graphie substanee) 和语境实体(situation substanee)) 之间的关系。他认为,语言是形式, 不是实体, 而是对实体的一种抽象。语音、字形、语法和词汇是形式的不同表达方式。在运用这些表达方式体现实体的过程

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