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(3) 成为现货基准价格


(5) 促进经济国际化


















































































项目质量管理 简答/论述题:【复习重点】 1.质量管理八项原则?P19 【1】以顾客为关注焦点;【2】领导作用;【3】全员参与;【4】过程方法;【5】管理的系统方法;【6】持续改进;【7】以事实为决策基础;【8】与供应商保持互利的关系。2.进入质量预控的基本步骤是什么?/如何进行项目质量预控?P219 项目质量预控就是针对控制对象预测造成质量问题的因素,拟订质量控制计划,设计控制程序,制定检验评定标准,提出解决有关问题的对策,编制质量制手册等,是一种科学的管理方法。它主要包括以下几个方面: (1)影响因素预测。通过因素分析并参照以往的经验等途径,对在项目实施中可能出现的影响质量的因素加以分析、整理,并绘制成因果分析图。 (2)拟订质量控制计划。一个可行的质量控制计划必须有效而经济,为此在制定计划时必须考虑项质量目目标。 (3)设计控制程序。控制程序规定了在项目实施过程中,不同的阶段所需进行的质量控制内容和方法。 (4)制定检验评定标准。检验评定标准是判断项目质量状况的依据,应根据有关规范;标准;结合具体情况加以制订。 (5)确定对策。根据所预测的影响项目质量的因素,提出对策,并归纳为对策表。 编制质量控制手册,质量控制手册是项目质量控制的指导性文件。 3.什么是控制图?控制图分为几大类?每一类包括什么内容?P155 控制图:可以用于区分质量波动是由于偶然因素引起还是由于异然因素引起的,从而判断项目实施过程是否处于控制状态的一种有效工具。 根据控制对象的不同,控制图分为计量值控制图和计数值控制图。计量值控制图包括:【1】平均值与极差控制图;【2】平均值与标准差控制图;【3】中位图与极差控制图;【4】单值与移动极差控制图;计数值控制图包括:【1】不合格品数控制图;【2】不合格品率控制图;【3】缺陷数控制图;【4】缺陷率控制图。 4.简述合格控制类型?P202 根据所采用的合格控制方法:【1】抽查;该方法通常要求从每批项目产品中抽取一定比例样品作为样本,做通过或通不过的检验,符合规定要求的予以验收。【2】全检;对产品逐一加以检查,合格者接收,不合格者拒收。【3】合格证检查;【4】抽样验收检查。5.标准化与质量管理有何关系?P245 【1】标准化是进行质量管理的依据和基础;【2】标准化活动贯穿于项目质量管理的始终;【3】标准化与质量在PDCA循环中互相推动,共同提高。 6.工序质量控制的基本原理和程序分别是什么?P230 论述题1 (1)工序质量控制的基本原理是:{1}采用数理统计方法,通过对工序一部分(子样)检验的数据,进行统计分析,以判断工序的质量是否稳定、正常;{2}若不稳定,产生异常情况,则必须采取对策和措施予以改进,从而实现对工序质量的控制。工序质量控制的基本原理决定了工序质量控制的程序。 (2)工序质量控制的基本原理决定了工序质量控制的程序;(3)工序质量管理可以简单归纳为:计划-->执行-->检查-->处理的管理控制循环系统。 其程序是:【1】确定各控制点的质量目标。根据质量方针确定控制点应达到的质量水平;【2】制订标准、规程。对所控制的工序,应制定切实可行的质量标准、技术标准、作业规程等技术文件以指导作业;【3】培训。为使工序能够按规程进行,并满足相应的标准,操作者必须首先了解并理解有关标准和规程,并贯彻到实际操作过程中。【4】作业。作业


山东经济学院2010--2011学年第 1学期期末试题 英美文化概况(110126)试卷(5) 注意事项:所有的答案都必须写在答题纸上,答在试卷上一律无效 Ⅰ. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). (本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 1. Britain is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. 2. The divine right of the king means the sovereign derived his authority from his subjects. 3. In Britain, Grammar schools select children at the age of 11 and provide them with a general education. 4. The Prime Minister and Cabinet decide on the general direction of Britain’s foreign policy. 5. The origin of Bowling lies in the victory celebration ceremony by the ancient warriors. 6. Americans have to join a political party in order to vote or to be a candidate for public office. 7. The Clinton Administration made national security, economic prosperity and promotion of democracy the three pillars of the American foreign policy. 8.It takes at least fours years to get a bachelor’s degree from an institution of higher learning in the US. 9. In Britain, Grammar schools select children at the age of 11 and provide them with a general education. 10. The president has the authority to appoint federal judges, and all such court appointments are subject to confirmation by the House of Representatives. 11.The main duty of the Congress is to make laws, including those which levy taxes that pay for the work of the federal government. 12.Most people in Scotland speak the old Celtic language, called “Gaelic” 13. When George W. Bush became President, his foreign policy has two prominent elements: isolationism and faith in military strength. 14. Harvard College was originally founded to train government officials. 15. There are about 60 members of the Commonwealth. 16. The state of Pennsylvania used to be inhabited by the Quakers. - 1 - (共页)


《卓越绩效评价准则》的主要内容包括哪些方面?答:《卓越绩效评价准则》的主要内容包括组织的评价和七大部分,分别是领导,战略,顾客与市场,资源,过程管理,测量、分析与改进以及经营结果。其中前六项表示组织的过程,最后一个表示组织成果。 产品质量法调整的社会关系有哪些?答:产品质量法调整的社会关系分为两大类。第一类是在产品质量监督管理过程中产生的监督与被监督、管理与被管理的社会关系。这类社会关系的主体,一方面依照法律规定行使监督管理职权的产品质量监督管理机关,如我国各级技术监督局及计经委的技术质量管理处(科、室),另一方面则从事产品生产经营活动的组织或个人。第二类是在产品交换过程中产生的具有等价交换性质的社会关系。这类社会关系的主体,一方面是产品的生产者、销售者,另一方面则是产品的用户、消费者。 根据我国现行法律规定,有哪些产品质量责任?答:产品质量责任,是产品的生产经营者违反产品质量义务时应承担的法律责任。根据现行法律的规定,产品质量责任分为行政责任、经济民事责任和刑事责任。 何谓抽样检验,抽样检验适用于何种情况?答:抽样检验是按统计方法确定的抽样方案从每一批产品中抽取适当数量的部分产品作为样本,对样本中的每一个产品、每一个过程或每一项服务进行检验,通过这样的检验来判别一批产品是否符合要求。抽样检验适用于下面几种情况:生产批量大、自动化程度高、质量比较稳定的产品或工序;进行破坏性检验的产品或工序;外协件、外购件成批进货的验收检验;某些生产效率高、检验时间长的产品或工序;检验成本较高的产品或工序;漏检少量不合格品不会引起重大损失的产品或工序。 简述ISO 9000系列标准的作用。答:(1)ISO 9000系列标准的产生是卖方(供方)赢得竞争的一种手段;(2)ISO 9000系列标准的产生是保护消费者(买方)利益的必然要求;(3)ISO 9000系列标准的产生是各国政府保护本国自身利益有力武器。 简述PDCA循环的具体步骤。答:PDCA循环的具体步骤包括:(1)找出存在问题,选定课题;(2)分析产生问题的原因(即对5M1E进行调查研究);(3)找出影响最大的原因;(4)制定措施计划(回答5W1H);(5)执行措施计划;(6)调查效果总结经验;(7)巩固成绩;(8)找出尚未解决的问题转入下一个PDCA循环。 (1)收集数据;(2)对数据进行分组;(3)计算组平均 (5)作出控制图。 简述不同类型产品的质量特性。答:(1)硬件和流程性材料类型产品的质量特性。对于硬件和流程性材料类型的产品,产品的质量特性大致可归纳为性能、可信性、安全性、适应性、经济性、时间性六个方面。(2)服务类型产品的质量特性。对于服务类型的产品,其质量特性大致可以归纳为功能性、经济性、安全性、时间性、舒适性、文明性等六个方面。(3)软件类型产品的质量特性。对于软件类型的产品,其质量特性大致可归纳为功能性、可靠性、易使用性、效率、维护性、可移植性、保密性和经济性等八个方面。 简述成功实施六西格玛管理所必需的团队构成及分工。六西格玛管理所必需的团队构成及分工如下:(1)倡导者.倡导者是六西格玛项目的领导者。主要负责部署项目、确定目标、分配资源和监控过程等,决定“该做什么”。倡导者的支持和鼓励是六西格玛项目取得成功的最重要的驱动因素。(2)黑带大师.黑带大师是实施六西格玛管理的技术专家,级别最高,为专职六西格玛管理人员。其主要职责是:协助倡导者选择项目;挑选、培训和指导黑带;参与项目评审等,决定“该如何做”。黑带大师的技术支持是六西格玛项目成功实施的基本保证。(3)黑带。黑带是专门从事六西格玛项目的技术骨干,为全面推行六西格玛管理的中坚力量。该职位成员来自组织的各个部门,经过系统培训并取得认证,也为专职六西格玛管理人员。黑带负责配合黑带大师组建项目团队、执行项目实施方案、为绿带和员工提供六西格玛管理工具和技术的培训。同黑带大师一样,黑带在六西格玛管理中起到技术保证作用。


The industrial revolution refers to the mechanization of industry and the consequent changes in social and economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Britain was the first country to industrialize. The industrial revolution A period in the late 18th and early 19th centuries when major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, production, and transportation had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions in Britain. The Industrial Revolution, was a period of unprecedented technological, economic and social change that completely transformed British culture from a largely rural, static society with limited production and division of labour into the world's first modern industrial society. the Black Death It was the deadly bubonic plague who spread through Europe in the 14th century. It swept through England without warning and any cure, and sparing no victims. It killed between half and one-third of the population of England. Thus, much land was left untended and labor was short. It caused far-reaching economic consequences. The Black Death----It was one of the deadliest pandemics in human history, peaking in Europe between 1348 and 1350. It is widely thought to have been an outbreak of bubonic plague caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestisis and have started in Central Asia. It came without warning, and without any cue.The Black Death is estimated to have killed30% to 60% of Europe's population and had profound effects on the course of European history. In England, it killed almost half of the total population, causing far-reaching economic consequences. the Progressive Movement The Progressive Movement is a movement demanding government regulation of the economy and social conditions. It spread quickly with the support of large numbers of people across the country. It was not an organized campaign with clearly defined goals.(Rather, it was a number of diverse efforts at political, social, and economic reforms. In spite of limitations of the movement, it brought about changes and improvement in many fields.) Roman Britain was the part of the island of Great Britain controlled by the Roman Empire between AD 43 and about 410. Britannia already had cultural and economic links with Continental Europe, but the invaders introduced new developments in agriculture, urbanisation, industry and architecture, leaving a legacy that is still apparent today. The first Romans to campaign extensively in Britain were


dotourists from all over the world like to go to Scotland They like to enjoy the beautiful Scottish scenery, to drink Scotch whisky and to see Scotsmen wearing kilts and playing bagpipes. were the results of the Industrial Revolution in Britain The Industrial Revolution changed Britain in many ways. First, industrial productivity increased dramatically. Britain became the most advanced industrial country and also the financial center in the world. Second, urbanization took place. Many new cities sprang up. Third, it caused great changes in the class structure. The old social classes declined, and new ones emerged and developed. Rise and Fall of the British Empire. Colonization of Newfoundland, the first Britain colony overseas, in 1583 marked the beginning of the British Empire. By 1837, Britain had long been an empire which included the colonies in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and many small states in the West Indies. By the end of the 19th century, the Britain Empire included a quarter of the global population and nearly a quarter of the world’s landmass. During the mid-19th century, the Britain government consolidated the existing colonies by bringing them under the direct control of the government. Before World War I, Britain had the largest colonial empire in the world. However, Britain suffered great loss to its manpower in the two World Wars and exhausted its reserves of gold, dollars and overseas investment. Most of Britain’s colonies gained indepependence since the 1940s, which inevitably led to the fall of the Empire. are the three functions of the House of Commons The three functions are: to draft laws, to scrutinize, criticize and restrain the activities of the government, and to influence future government policy. is the Commonwealth of Nations The Commonwealth of Nations is a voluntary association of independent sovereign states, all of which acknowledge the British monarch as the head. The Commonwealth is not a political union of any sort, and its member states have full autonomy to manage their internal and external affairs. It is primarily an organization in which countries with diverse economic backgrounds have an opportunity for close and equal interaction after gaining independence. The major activities of the Commonwealth are designed to advocate democracy, human rights, and to promote economic cooperation and growth within its members. were the major causes of Britain’s relative economic decline in the postwar period First, Britain suffered great losses in the two World Wars and had gone heavily into debt to finance the war. Second, the era of the Britain Empire was over. India and other British colonies, which provided raw material and large market for Britain goods, gained their independence. Third, Britain was forced to maintain an expensive military presence in many overseas locations until the end of 1960s. Fourth, Britain had to make substantial financial contributions to NATO and UN Security Council. Finally, Britain failed to invest in industry after World War II whereas its competitors like Germany and Japan caught up with Britain by investing in the most modern equipment and means of production.


简答题 1.质量管理的发展大致经过了三个阶段及特点①质量检验阶段—以事后检验为主②统计质量控制阶段—数理统计方法与质量结合③全面质量管理阶段—三全一多样 2.全面质量管理是什么及特点 全面质量管理就是以(质量)为中心,全体职工以及有关部门积极参与,把(专业技术)、(经营管理)、(数理统计)和(思想教育)结合起来,建立起产品的研究、设计、生产、服务等全过程的质量体系,从而有效地利用(人力)、(物力)、(财力)、(信息)等资源,以最经济的手段生产出顾客满意的产品,使组织、全体成员及社会均能受益,从而使组织获得长期成功和发展。 全面质量管理的基本要求可以概括为“三全一多样”。即(全员)的质量管理;(全过程)的质量管理、(全企业)的质量管理、(多方法)的质量管理。 3.简述PDCA循环的内容。 PDCA循环是一种科学的工作工序,也是质量改进的方法,通过PDCA循环提高产品、服务或工作质量: ① P(Plan)——计划。发现问题,找出原因为质量改进制定计划; ② D(DO)——执行。按预定计划组织实施; ③ C(Check)——检查。通过检查找出偏差; ④A(Act)——行动(或处理)。采取措施纠正改进。 这4个阶段不断循环下去,周而复始,使质量不断改进。 4.2008版ISO9000系列标准核心标准: ISO9000:2005《质量管理体系——基础和术语》 ISO9001:2008《质量管理体系——要求》 ISO9004: 2009《追求组织的持续成功- 质量管理方法》 ISO19011: 2011《管理体系审核指南》 5全面质量管理的八项原则是什么? 答:原则1、以顾客为关注焦点,原则2、领导作用、原则3:全员参与、原则4 过程方法、原则5、管理的系统方法、原则6、持续改进、原则7 、以事实为基础进行决策、原则8、互利的供方关系 6.质量术语 质量:一组固有特性满足要求的程度 质量方针定义:由组织的最高领导者正式发布的该组织总的质量宗旨和方向 质量目标定义:在质量方面所追求的目的 质量控制质量管理的一部分,致力于满足质量要求 质量保证质量管理的一部分,致力于提供质量要求会得到满足的信任 质量管理在质量方面指挥和控制组织的协调的活动 质量管理体系在质量方面指挥和控制组织的管理体系 质量策划:质量管理的一部分,致力于制定质量目标,并规定必要的运行过程和相关资源,以实现质量目标。 质量改进:质量管理的一部分,致力于增强满足质量要求的能力。


英美文化概况简答论述 简答: 1.The Functions of Parliament ① First and foremost, it passes laws. ②provides the means of carrying on the work of government by voting for taxation. ③scrutinize government policy, administration and expenditure and to debate the major issues of the day. ④There are no legal restraints upon Parliament. However, it does not assert its supremacy, but bears the common law in mind and acts according to precedent. Strictly speaking, the Parliament today consists of the Queen, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. 2.George Washington George Washington was one of the founding fathers of the American Republic. He was the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army in the War of Independence against the British colonial rule and the first President of the United States. 3.The Open University The Open University ―founded in the 1960’s for people who might not get the opportunity for higher educarion for economic and social reasons.It’s open to everybody and doesn’t demand the same formal educational qualifications as the other universities. Universities courses are following through TV, correspondence,videos and a net work of study centers. Ath the end of their studies at the Open University, successful students are awarded a university degree. Universities in the UK. 4.The strategy of Preemption In an address delivered to the West Point graduates, President Bush, for the first time, put forward the strategy of preemption(先发制人), which is formalized in the National Security Strategy issued in Sept. 2002. By preemption, the US means that when it determines that a country which is repressive and hostile to the US has acquired or produced weapons of mass destruction(大规模杀伤性武器)or has the potential to possess such weapons, the US should use force to remove this threat to US security and should not wait till the danger becomes imminent or until the Us is attacked. This is known as Bush Doctrine. 5. Comprehensive schools Comprehensive schools are the most popular secondary schools in Britain today. Such schools admit children without reference to their academic abilities and provide a general education. Pupils can study everything from academic subjects like literature to more practical subjects like cooking. 6. The Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights consists of the first 10 amendments which were added to the Constitution in 1791. The Bill of Rights was passed to guarantee freedom and individual rights such as freedom of speech, the right to assemble in public places, the right to own weapons and so on.


质量管理学试题 一.单项选择题(每小题2分,共20分) 1.为使质量满足规定的质量要求所采取的作业技术和活动是( )。 A.质量管理 B.质量保证 C.质量控制 D.质量体系 2.日本被誉为战略型国家,在国际市场竞争中所使用的武器就是( )。 A.资源 B.技术 C.垄断 D.质量 3.提出组织的管理者必须关注14个要点的质量管理专家是( ) A.戴明 B.休哈特 C.石川馨 D.费根堡姆 4.创立了世界上第一个认证标志的国家是( ) A.美国 B.英国 C.德国 D.日本 5.在ISO9000族标准中,其目的在于增进顾客满意度的标准是( ) A.ISO9000 B.ISO9001 C.ISO9004 D.ISO19011 6.在质量管理方面,公司的最终责任是面向( ) A.管理层 B.一线员工 C.外部顾客 D.内部顾客 7.产品质量产生、形成和实现过程中全部活动的总和,其含义为( ) A.质量体系 B.质量职能 C.质量控制 D.质量保证 8.在PDCA 管理工作方法中,关键是( )。 A.P 阶段 B.D 阶段 C.C 阶段 D.A 阶段 9.我国第一个与国际惯例接轨的系列标准是( )。 A.GB/T 19000—ISO9000 B.ISO9000 C.GB/T —19000.1—ISO9000-1 D.GB/T19002—ISO9002 10.质量管理的发展大体经历了三个阶段,最初的阶段是( ) A.SQC 阶段 B.质量检验阶段 C.TQC 阶段 D.TQM 阶段 二.名词解释题(每小题4分,共20分) 1.质量管理 2.质量改进 3.产品质量 4.质量控制 5.顾客满意 三.简答题(每题5分,共20分) 1.质量检验的功能。 2.简述质量改进的程序。 3.简述引起质量变异的两类原因(按性质)。 4.简述质量监督的重要意义。 四.计算题(每题10) 某零件内径尺寸公差为025 .001.020+-φ ,加工100件以后,得到x =20.011,S=0.005, 求工序能力指数。 五.论述题(每题15分,共30分)


2011英美文化与国家概况期末考试填空与简答复习题 1.Of all these isles, the largest one is called Great Britain. For the sake of convenience, Great Britain is often shortened to Britain. 2.United Kingdom is made up of four parts, England, Wales,ScotlandandNorthern Ireland. 3.The island of Great Britain can be divided into two parts according to its geographic features: the Highland Zone in the north and west and the Lowland zone in the south and southeast. 4.In America, The presiding officer of the senate is the Vice-president of the United States who serves as chairman when the Senate is in session. 5.Britain did not produce cotton and textile industry used to rely on wool as the principal fiber. 6.In Britain, the city Birmingham is well known for its production of automobiles, electricity equipment, electronics, munitions, and arms. 7.British government is produced through contest between two major political parties every five years 8.British can enjoy higher education in three ways:


英语专业考研英美概况自测题(一) British Survey Test Part I Geography 1. The total area of the U.K. is _____. A. 211,440 B. 244,110 C. 241,410 D. 242,534 2. England occupies the _____ portion of the U.K. A. northern B. eastern C. southern 3. The most important part of the U.K. in wealth is _____. A. Northern Ireland B. England C. Scotland 4. _____ is on the western prominence between the Bristol Channel and the Dee estuary. A. Wales B. Scotland C. England 5. Wales was effectively united with England in the _____ century. A. 14th B. 15th C. 16th 6. By the Act of Union of _____ Scotland and the kingdom of England and Wales were constitutionally joined as the Kingdom of Britain. A. 1707 B. 1921 C. 1801 7. Physiographically Britain may be divided into _____ provinces. A. 13 B. 12 C. 14 8. Mt. Ben Nevis stands in _____. A. the Scottish Highlands B. Wales C. England 9. The main rivers parting in Britain runs from _____. A. north to south B. south to north C. east to west 10. Cheviot hills lie along the border between _____ and England. A. Scotland B. Wales C. Vale of Eden 11. The longest river in Britain is _____. A. Severn B. Clyde C. Bann 12. London is situated on the River of _____. A. Parret B. Thames C. Spey 13. Edinburgh is the capital of _____. A. England B. Scotland C. Wales 14. The rivers flowing into the _____ are mainly short. A. North Sea B. English Channel C. Dee estuary 15. Mt. Snowdon stands in _____. A. Scotland B. Wales C. England 16. The source of the important River Thames is in the _____. A. Cotswolds B. Oxford Clay C. Pennines 17. About _____ of the water requirements are obtained from underground sources. A. 50% B. 38% C. 42% 18. Gaelic is mainly spoken in _____. A. Scotland B. England C. Northern Ireland 19. The Bank of England was nationalized in _____. A. 1964 B. 1946 C. 1694


《英美文化概况》(13) 中国石油大学(北京)2013--2014学年第一学期 《英美文化概况》期末考试试卷A(闭卷考试) 班级:________ 姓名: _______ 学号: ______ Part I Tell whether each of the following statements is true or false. (20 分) 1._________ The best-k nown En glish lege nd, King Arthur, derives from the Anglo- Saxons ' time. 2._________ English drama flourished during Elizabeth I era. 3._________ After World War II, the British economy became the 2nd largest power in the world. 4._________ America was named after the great discoverer Amerigo Vespucci.

5._________ Britain is situated in Western Europe. 6._________ The Lake District is closely related with English literature in the 19 th century. 7._________ The Iongest river in North America is the Missouri River. 8._________ Com mon laws are laws which have bee n established through common practice in the courts. 9.________ The "Bill of Rights" was added to the Constitution in 1791. 10.________ Most heavily populated districts have more senators than the small states. 11._______ The United States has two major political parties: the Democratic Party and the Conservative Party. 12.________ Tolerance and respect for others are central to the way of life in the U.K. 13.________ The Protestant Church and the Catholic Church are two major groups in Christianity. 14.________ The second largest religious group in the U.K. is Buddhism. 15. _______ The University of Oxford is the second oldest university in the English-speaking world. 16. _______ Easter Day is to celebrate Christ 's resurrection from the dead.

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