当前位置:文档之家› 申请出国英文版个人陈述模版



Statement #1

My interest in science dates back to my years in high school, where I excelled in physics, chemistry, and math. When I was a senior, I took a first-year calculus course at a local college (such an advanced-level class was not available in high school) and earned an A. It seemed only logical that I pursue a career in electrical engineering.

When I began my undergraduate career, I had the opportunity to be exposed to the full range of engineering courses, all of which tended to reinforce and solidify my intense interest in engineering. I've also had the opportunity to study a number of subjects in the humanities and they have been both enjoyable and enlightening, providing me with a new and different perspective on the world in which we live.

In the realm of engineering, I have developed a special interest in the field of laser technology and have even been taking a graduate course in quantum electronics. Among the 25 or so students in the course, I am the sole undergraduate. Another particular interest of mine is electromagnetics, and last summer, when I was a technical assistant at a world-famous local lab, I learned about its many practical applications, especially in relation to microstrip and antenna design. Management at this lab was sufficiently impressed with my work to ask that I return when I graduate. Of course, my plans following completion of my current studies are to move directly into graduate work toward my master's in science. After I earn my master's degree, I intend to start work on my Ph.D. in electrical engineering. Later I would like to work in the area of research and developm ent for private industry. It is in R & D that I believe I can make the greatest contribution, utilizing my theoretical background and creativity as a scientist.

I am highly aware of the superb reputation of your school, and my conversations with several of your alumni have served to deepen my interest in attending. I know that, in addition to your excellent faculty, your computer facilities are among the best in the state. I hope you will give me the privilege of continuing my studies at your fine institution.

(Stelzer pp. 38-39)

Statement #2

Having majored in literary studies (world literature) as an undergraduate, I would now like to concentrate on English and American literature.

I am especially interested in nineteenth-century literature, women's literature, Anglo-Saxon poetry, and folklore and folk literature. My personal literary projects have involved some combination of these subjects. For the oral section of my comprehensive exams, I specialized in nineteenth century novels by and about women. The relation ship between "high" and folk literature became the subject for my honors essay, which examined Toni Morrison's use of classical, biblical, African, and Afro-American folk tradition in her novel. I plan to work further

on this essay, treating Morrison's other novels and perhaps preparing a paper suitable for publication.

In my studies toward a doctoral degree, I hope to examine more closely the relationship between high and folk literature. My junior year and private studies of Anglo-Saxon language and literature have caused me to consider the question of where the divisions between folklore, folk literature, and high literature lie. Should I attend your school, I would like to resume my studies of Anglo-Saxon poetry, with special attention to its folk elements.

Writing poetry also figures prominently in my academic and professional goa ls. I have just begun submitting to the smaller journals with some success and am gradually building a working manuscript for a collection. The dominant them e of this collection relies on poems that draw from classical, biblical, and folk traditions, as we ll as everyday experience, in order to celebrate the process of giving and taking life, whether literal or figurative. My poetry draws from and influences my academic studies. Much of what I read and study finds a place in my creative work as subject. At the same time, I study the art of literature by taking part in the creative process, experimenting with the tools used by other authors in the past.

In terms of a career, I see myself teaching literature, writing criticism, and going into editing or publishing poetry. Doctoral studies would be valuable to me in several ways. First, your teaching assistant ship program would provide me with the practical teaching experience I am eager to acquire. Further, earning a Ph.D. in English and American literature would advance my other two career goals by adding to my skills, both critical and creative, in working with language. Ultimately, however, I see the Ph.D. as an end in itself, as well as a professional stepping stone; I enjoy studying literature for its own sake and would like to continue my studies on the level demanded by the Ph.D. program.


Personal Statement For nearly one year, when all other colleagues had gone back home after work or to the bars for relaxation, I kept myself busy with the designing, programming, and refactoring work. W hen I got home every day after ten o’clock in the nig ht, I would read papers of XXX and continue for seeking the universities and professors attractive to me until one o’clock in the morning. My sense of responsibility for the company made me obliged to finish all the projects in my hands before I leave for America. And my yearning for the free American environment which is easy to inspire researchers’ potential made me willing to live such hard life under much greater pressure. Although over two years’ software development work in Beijing Grandsoft Technolo gy Co., Ltd has already helped me accumulate considerable experience in software programming and designing and make some achievements admirable in others’ eyes, I, who will be promoted as a senior development engineer, know clearly that only the xxx program in your department can fully exert my strength and make my pursuit come true. I know that I belong to the kind of people who are able to better realize the life values and meaningfulness while doing certain interesting things, who enjoy challenges and thinking and who are always in pursuit of creative ideas. However, the work I was taking up now is almost always repetition of what has already existed. That’s why I gave up the achievement without hesitation. I know that I will be able to master the most advanced technology and thoughts in the xxx program. In such a bright and promising field, I believe I will be able to inspire all my ability in facing challenges, and finally become a top talent to make contributions to the development in the field. Moreover, my studying and working experiences make me very confident in myself to believe that I have got the ability and potential to realize my pursuit. I became interested in computer science in Chongqing Nankai Middle School, a school emphasizing cultivating personal interests. But my unusual performance in the National Entrance Examination failed me for entering the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University. Being clear of my interest and goal, I spent quite a lot of time in computer science besides the basic courses required by the university. Although I didn’t gain an extraordinary GPA, I succeeded in transferring to the School of Software. Afterwards, my GPA continued increasing and my foundation in the major was consolidated. I have a good habit in learning and working. No matter how great the pressure was, I would stick to my studies after work. And I finished reading books like Interconnection Networks - An Engineering Approach and reviewed (Introduction to Algorithms, Computer Networks, Database Systems Concepts) twice. In addition, I am very creative. I could solve the instability in file transmission by using FTP/HTTP method instead of the original Web Service/COM+ method to cope with different network situations after independent


出国留学英文自我介绍范文精选 出国留学英文自我介绍范文精选1 Morning greetings, dear teacher. I come very happily to here for yours interview. My name is xx. I when 21 years old. I come from naturally, a small cities Guizhou Province. Undergraduate course period our country will complete in China Jiaotong University. Myself mainly in electrical engineering and automation. I very interesting computer, specially in programming. I am a difficult study student, particularly is interested in mine matter coming, I by enormous will. Prepares the graduate student in several day of me to take a test, I insisted that studies surpasses 10 hour daily. Is only as a result of this point, I may through the first test finally. My also person harbors the enormous ambition. When I am a young boy, I have a dream to become a scientist. I want to realize my dream, causes itself to become a qualified person. I love my big, my very long time does the research in this archive. However, I thought that further studies needs me to realize my dream urgently. This is must seize any opportunity, self-development, particularly in this competition intense modern world. I thought that the


准留学生们在动手写个人陈述(Personal Statement)的时候往往摸不着头脑,不知如何下手,其实留学个人陈述只要在写之前理清思路和重点,就能下笔如有神助哦。专门提供留学资讯的Hotcourses中国小编就以一篇留学个人陈述范文为例,为大家解析一下留学个人陈述模板的框架和语言风格。 留学个人陈述模板的开头部分 留学个人陈述在开头需要直奔主题,因为外国老师不喜欢绕来绕去的措辞,最好在开始就表现出积极的态度,以及表明自己为什么想要学这个专业,同时也不要忘记了阐述自己的独特之处。当然,因为这个是开始,所以要以简单明了为主。 以下就是英文的模板例文: I graduated from xxx university with a degree in xxx (subject). I would like to apply xxx at youruniversity. With my great passion in the area, I hope to become an expert in xxxx industry. Iunderstand that xxxx university is famous for xxxx, it has established a great r eputation in thexxx industry with lots of graduates from becoming leaders in the field. I want to become one ofthem, and therefore, I am very interested and keen to be involve d in your university… 译文:我是某某大学某某专业毕业的学生,想申请贵校的某某专业。我对某某专业很感兴趣,希望将来能成为这个行业的专家。我知道贵校的这个专业十分出名,在业界有很高的声誉,也培养了很多此行业的精英。我想成为此行列中的一员,所以我很想成为贵校的一份子,在该专业领域深造。 分析:这个开头的语言简练,并以第一人称为主,能让招生老师一目了然。留学生们切记,开头段不要写太长太复杂的句子,因为长难句不仅会显得啰嗦,还会让人失去阅读兴趣。 留学个人陈述模板的主体部分 需要开始阐述留学生的学术背景,如果有工作经验的话,需要描述一下工作背景如何和此专业相关 英文模板例文如下: My preparation for your programme has been expansive and thorough. First, I have a sol idbackground in xxx and xxx. Second, during my undergraduate years, I joined a club cal led xxxwith the focus on xxx. Our projects dealt with xxx, and other xxx. My work outsid e the campus,in job placements through xxx university, granted me excellent opportuniti es for real-worldexperience. While exploring the possibility of graduate-level work, I discovered that my interests are perfectlymatched with your programme. My interest in xxx, especially, was piqued during my xxx class.The aspects of the xxx fascinated me and made me long to supervise a lar ge project in this fieldone day. Although I realise my current limitations, my whole-hearte d enthusiasm, combined withguidance from your exceptional faculty, will carry me throug h the rigors of studying and forge meinto an expert xxx after the one/two year master co


出国留学自我介绍和计划书 出国留学自我介绍和计划书 第一篇: 留学计划书和自我介绍1 留学计划书 我叫徐悠然。从很早就开始对韩国的各个方面产生了浓厚的兴趣,并且我的家里人以前都在韩国,让我更加真实的了解了韩国这个让人充满幻想的国家,目前中韩两国交流越来越频繁,去韩国留学这个想法,我一直就没有忘记过。 忠北大学好像是韩国十大重点大学之一。学园的环境,体验课让我很感兴趣,我的朋友有两个在忠北大学。听她们的描述,使我迫不及待,在这样的大学里学习是我盼望已久的,所以我申请去忠北大学学习,希望忠北的校长老师们能给我一个机会,我会珍惜这难能可贵的学习机会,在宝贵的学习时间里,努力提高自己,尽快适应新的环境,刻苦地学习知识,到韩国留学后,我尽一切积极融入到学校,新同学里,积极的面对未来的学习和生活。我的家人以前在韩国工作,所以支持我到韩国留学,我要努力学习,半工半读供自己上学,减少家里的负担。 申请人: 徐悠然 自我介绍 我叫徐悠然,女,1993年4月24日出生

1999年进入小学校门就读于哈尔滨市中山路小学校。我在这里学习了5年,毕业于201X年。 201X年升入文府中学,读完了4年初中,于201X年毕业。201X 年进入哈尔滨市现代服务中等技术学校,于201X年毕业。 在高中3年生活当中,我帮助老师,团结同学,积极参加学校组织的活动。上学期间,和大家的相处,让我知道了什么是友情,什么叫做舍不得,我知道天下没有不散的宴席,我们毕业了还是会分开的。我出生在一个还算不错家庭。在两三岁的的时候父母便离开了我去了韩国,有奶奶带我长大。后来知道了一些韩国明星,韩剧,好看的风景,好听的语言,所以一直向往着可以去韩国,并且随着中韩交流日益发展,许多带有韩国文化及风格的事物进入中国,可以更多的了解韩国文化。并且从201X开始学习跆拳道,这个是我说了好几年,家长才让学习的,我很喜欢这项运动。我计划在韩国学习期间刻苦学习,深入了解韩国文化,学习韩语,早日进入韩国大学学习知识。愿我学业完成后,可以为中韩事业的交流做出自己的贡献。 希望忠北大学给我一个学习更多知识的机会,入学以后一定努力学习。 申请人: 徐悠然 第二篇: 出国留学自我介绍和学习计划 self-introdution stud plan basi information


金融专业留学个人陈述英文范文 金融专业的学生不少,很多学生会选择,金融专业的PS该怎么写最好呢?想必是出国人士比较关心的问题,别担心,和一起来看看金融专业PS英文范文,欢迎阅读。 金融专业PS英文范文 Economics and Finance Personal Statement Having a flair for Economics and accounting I have decided that I want a degree in Accounting and Finance or Management. The many brilliant representatives of the management community around the world have strengthened that resolve. When I worked in my school as a tutor of English as a Second Language for students from a community school in Muscat, I realized the importance of a strong leader who could organize, command respect, and be able to work well with others. These ideas were further enforced by my month long internship at Novartis Pharmaceutical (Accounts and Finance Department and Human Resources Department). I attended the Harvard Model Congress in Paris and won the Award of Distinction. One skill in particular that contributed to this award was my confident public speaking. The last 4 months have been crucial in my learning of real world business and economics. For my IB Extended Essay, titled “To What Extent Does Subway in Oman Operate as an Oligopoly”, I set out to prove the oligpolistic structure of the fast food market in Oman. In this effort, I have come across many real life complexities in pricing behaviour, profit making and other aspects of the Theory of the Firm. While attempting to explain


美国留学申请如何写个人陈述 什么是个人陈述 个人陈述是在申请过程中按照学校要求来写一篇有关申请人背景,学术成就和未来研究和职业目标的文章。一篇成功的个人陈述不但应该语言流畅,逻辑严谨,层次分明,更要充分显示申请人的才华并抓住审阅人的注意力。几乎所有学校都要求提交个人陈述。 个人陈述也有不同的名称,如Personal Statement,Statement of Purpose,Statement of Intent, Statement of Objectives, Academic Statement,Study Plan,Academic Objectives等。 个人陈述应当包含以下内容: (一)申请者的学术或专业兴趣及背景; (二)欲研究的方向; (三)未来的职业目标。 如果个人陈述写作得当,可以很大程度地提高申请者获得录取和奖学金的机会。这对申请者来说是一个绝好的机会。可惜的是很多申请者对TOEFL、GRE可谓呕心沥血,而对个人陈述往往一蹴而就,敷衍了事,内容贫乏、语法错误连篇。而西方的大学并不单是通过传统的考试来考评其申请者的资格,这并不是说他们的录取标准不严格。外国教授在决定你是否正是他们想要的人时,首先希望听一听你对于你自己作何评价。当你通过申请文书来介绍你自己时,你会发现所面临的机遇和挑战同样之大。 要写出成功的申请文书仅仅有那些适用于任何类型写作的基本写作技巧(清晰、简洁)是远远不够的。一篇好的申请文书要求申请人能够用一种与其他申请人完全不同方式,巧妙地展现自己的独特个性和经验。这是一件要求比较高,通常非常繁累的工作。这不仅仅对中国人如此,以英语为母语的人在此类写作时也会感到十分的头疼,但是我们中国人还需克服语言的障碍。 美国留学申请如何写个人陈述 个人陈述的内容应包含下列三项资料: (一)申请者的学术或专业兴趣及背景; (二)欲研究的方向; (三)未来的职业目标; 写作时,依以上三点将文章分为三个主要部分。不要像列清单,也不要重覆申请表格已有的资料。 注意事项: (一)详读学校的写作说明并了解问题的重点,不赘言,不遗漏,且在要求的字数内完成。例如学校要求五百字内完成(In 500 words or less discuss ...),则全文最好不要超过五百字。如果学


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 出国自我介绍信 对于想要出国深造的同学来说,一封优秀的自我介绍信是十分重要的!下面是小编为大家整理的出国自我介绍信,希望对大家有帮助。 出国自我介绍信篇一 进出口公司: 我叫徐,大学国际贸易系xx级本科毕业生,中共党员。 四年大学苦读,我在德智体各方面都取得了较全面的发展,学习成绩一直在年级前三名,综合积分专业排名第一。xxxx通过浙江省计算机二级等级考试,xxxx年通过全国大学英语六级等级考试,具有良好的英语写作与会话能力。连续四年获得省优秀三好学生称号。 大学四年来,我先后担任国际贸易95(1)班班长、系学生会主席、校《学生通讯》主编,承办校园十大青年歌手、月光书会等多项校园活动,业余时间我特别注重计算机能力培养,选修、自学了各类计算机课程。能熟练运用C++语言、FORTRAN语言、VEP50数据库语言、WINDOWS98等操作。 xxxx年暑假实习期间,参与公司对俄罗斯畜产品贸易谈判工作,获得实习单位的好评。 贵公司从事国际贸易,正是我向往的工作单位,如果能到贵公司工作,我相信我的工作能力一定不会让你们失望,我一定会珍惜这一难 1 / 10

得的机会,努力作出自己的贡献。 xxx xx年x月x日 出国自我介绍信篇二 尊敬的xx: 您好! 我叫XXX,男,,XXX年7月毕业于XXXX旅游管理专业。 我喜欢旅游,大学我选择了旅游管理专业,开始系统学习旅游管理知识,课程涉及XX国家的旅游文化,当时XX国家独特的文化内涵给了我很大的感触,我想自己毕业后如果能到XX国家进一步学习,对开阔视野提升知识面一定会有很大的帮助,但是要去XX国家,语言是首先要解决的问题,毕业后,我选择到烟台昂立外语学院学习XX 国家语,经过一段时间的学习,我发现国内学校教的大都为书面化的东西,只有到XX国家才能领悟到精确的本土文化,我跟父母说了我的想法,父母表示大力支持,,并且他们已经为我提供了足够的留学资金。正好有朋友给我推荐了白石大学,这所大学可以先学习基础语言后学习专业,我觉得挺不错,为了我的梦想,我会在学校努力学习语言,语言合格后,继续留在本校读研,相信本校的专业一定会让我学有所成的。学成回国后,我准备开个主题旅游策划公司,实践自己所学知识。我对所学的这个专业充满激情和动力,当然,我更热爱我的祖国和爸爸妈妈,相信通过我的努力,我会更好的回报祖国的培养和爸妈的养育之恩。


https://www.doczj.com/doc/b018113918.html, 您的个性化留学文书专家免费申请英国、澳洲、新西兰Once being asked about what subject to take in college or what career to pursue in the future, I have to pause for a moment to structure my expression; it seems not that easy to logically and comprehensively present what Mathematics, Environmental studies, and Finance means to me in one or two sentences. . The genesis of my intense interest in Mathematics roots in my participation of Math Olympiads in junior school, with the initial purpose of exploring my IQ. Though not offering me any decent prize, it aroused my enthusiasm in the magic world of number. I thrive on the challenge of utilizing algebraic approach to solve geometric problems while sometimes do the contrary, using geometric knowledge to help me understand algebra. I particularly enjoy the moments of presenting to my classmates about using a seemly strange but effective method to approach a complex problem. However, being a mathematician is not my dream. As a child love outdoors and be fascinated by the incredible description of countryside life in Chinese poems, I feel brokenhearted while seeing the smoking chimneys, flowing raw sewage, and sky glow that covers the light of stars. The strong sense of social responsibility foster my commitment, as a human being, to change that as possible as I can. Besides, I have passion for finance. I usually play a funny game with my father, a banker for more than three decades. I drawn variables from the case he provided, organized and calculated them by bringing my mathematic talent and creativity into play, and predicted the stock index in future. I am extremely excited while being told that I hit it. It indeed took certain amount of time to decide my subject and career path, since I do not want any void in my life. Eventually, I find my dreaming career, to be an entrepreneur investing in new energy. In this position, I am able to utilize my talents and fulfill my responsibility. With this goal in mind, I proudly designed a perfect path of my education. Taking advantage of Cornell’s demanding but top-notch undergraduate education, I lay myself solid foundation in mathematics, which is able to satisfy my enthusiasm in it and fully prepare me for graduate studies in Finance; I can list a dozen of finance elitists with a bachelor degree in mathematics. In addition, by minoring in environmental studies, I learn about natural resources and conservation, as well as social sciences related to environmental issues. I am going to envision the image of myself after 20 years, as an owner of a company named ‘invest the future’. @Magic Essay


留学面试英语自我介绍范文(精选5篇) 当来到一个陌生环境中,我们通常会被要求作自我介绍,自我介绍有助于自我宣传、自我展示。现在你是否对自我介绍一筹莫展呢?以下是小编为大家收集的留学面试英语自我介绍范文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 留学面试英语自我介绍1 Dear Sir: Good morning/afternoon everyone! It is my honor to be here and I really appreciate you offer me the chance of interview .Now I will introduce myself first .My name is……from Xiangfan in Hubei province. Im an honest, responsible, and warm-hearted person. I can adapt different environments quickly .Second I like this kind of field very much and I take it as my career .Till now I have one year experience in this field. As a 21 years man, Id like to experience more to enrich myself and then it can help me to laid good foundation for my future career .There is no use doing what we love ,we must love we do just like the field. At the same time, I am really proud of myself applying for this job. I hope you can give me a chance and I will try my best to do it better. Finally , I hope your hotel can become the best one among hotel industry。 Thanks for your time. 留学面试英语自我介绍2 Good morning , ladies and gentlemen It is my great honor to have this opportunity to introduce myself. and I hope I could make a good performance today, eventually become a member of your school. Now let me introduce myself please. Im a graduate student from **** UNIVERSITY . My name is *** ,**years old. , born in **. GuangDong province . My major is English, and I will graduate this June. In the past 3 years,I spent most of my time on English studying and practise. I have a good command of both spoken and written English and past CET-4 with a ease. Skilled in use of Office 20XX, excel. My graduate school training combined with my cadet teacher should qualify me for this particular job.


谢谢你的观看美国留学教育学专业的个人陈述英文模板 【- 专业资讯】 下面是我们搜集的几篇美国教育学专业的推荐信英文范文,希望对大家的美国留学申请推荐信写作有所帮助,我们提供的推荐信英文模板仅供参考,请大家不要照搬。 范文一: It is my conviction that the meaning of life does not dwell in the length of time that one can live or the material abundance that one can acquire, but in the richness and the wonderfulness of life itself. With the increase of my age, many things in my life have changed. But one thing remains constant, that is, I will consistently insist on doing what I like to do and hope that my endeavors can be valuable to the life of others. I see this as the only way whereby I can realize the value of my life. My undergraduate study focused on economics and I achieved remarkable scholastic performance in this field. My GPA is 谢谢你的观看


留学申请个人陈述范文 留学申请个人陈述范文 个人陈述样本一: 个人陈述 申请人:********* 申请学校及专业:************* 尊敬的学校领导,您好,我很高兴能写这样一篇文章向您描述我的个人背景,以及对贵校和想 学专业的一些见解。 我叫*******,是一个活泼开朗、热情大方的女孩,我做事积极上进,有责任心,适应能力很强。我是一个即将毕业的大四学生,大学四年让我学到了许多专业的知识,马上要毕业了,我不打算工作,也没有选择考研,而是非常希望去贵校继续学习,因为我对时尚买手与产品管理这个专业有着浓厚的兴趣。我出生在中国北方的一个沿海城市,父母一起经营着一家广告公司,在他们的努力下,我从小到大一直过着衣食无忧的生活。因为工作的关系,我的父母很注重穿衣打扮,这对我也有着潜移默化的影响,平时我很喜欢看各种时尚杂志,逛商场,买服装、饰品,对时尚产业有着非比寻常的热爱。所以,我想在大学毕业以后去贵校求学,学习时尚和管理的知识,成为一个真正 懂时尚,并且可是在时尚领域工作的人。 上中学的时候我就知道,意大利是欧洲文艺复兴的发源地,在艺术、时尚、宗教、料理、电影、建筑、经济及音乐等方面具有重要的影响力,现在的意大利走在时尚最前沿的国家,拥有无数顶尖的时尚品牌,在悠久的历史文化的衬托下,散发着无穷的魅力,去意大利求学是我一直以来的梦想。意大利优秀的学校很多,最吸引我的就是贵校--Polimoda。我了解到,Polimoda时尚学院是全世界最为著名的时尚专业院校之一,有着优厚的师资力量,是国际时尚奢侈品业备受推崇的专业院校,坐落在国际时尚创意设计与奢侈品管理教育之都、世界历史文化名城意大利佛罗伦萨,在实习


出国留学自我介绍书怎么写 改革开放以来的出国留学教育,对我国社会主义发展新局面的开创影响深远。出国留学是我国加快科教事业和人才发展的重要措施,同时是我国对外开放的重要组成部分。那么出国留学的自我介绍书怎么写呢,以下是小编为大家整理的关于出国留学自我介绍书怎么写,给大家作为参考,欢迎阅读! 出国留学自我介绍书怎么写篇1 尊敬的大使馆签证官: 一、我叫……,出生年月,哪里人,现在是哪里的学生(或已获学历、学位、就职单位) 二、说明出国留学的原因,说明为什么选择该国家 三、本人的学习计划 四、最后说明得到了父母的支持,承诺会好好学习,不违背该国家的法律法规。 最后希望得到签证官的批准,感谢用语 属名及日期

出国留学自我介绍书怎么写篇2 my name is xxxxxxxxxx,and jhonvie is my english name. i was born in novemberxx, xxxx ,in xxxxx rovince, china . now i am studying as an undergraduate in xxxxxxxx college of xxxxxxxxxx university . i take tourism management as my major. here are parts of the courses i have learned during my undergraduate as follows: tourism culture, principles of management, microeconomics,principles of tourism, tourism geography, organization behavior, culture tourism, economic law, accounting principles, principles of statistics, management information system. 我叫XXX,XXXX年X月XX日在XXXXX市出生。于XXXX年X 月毕业于XXXXXXXX学院,主要学习xx专业.我出生在一个充满着温馨和谐的气氛的家庭里。父亲是忠厚善良的工人,从小就严格教导我怎样去做人,培养我做一个遇事坚强,做事有毅力,对什么事情都要充满责任感的人。母亲出自教师家庭,潜移默化的培养了我的严谨性格和对知识的渴望。在这种教育环境下,我慢慢的长大成人了。从小学起就成绩突出的我,性格开朗,喜欢交朋友,有了朋友的陪伴我度过了丰富精彩的童年时光。 步入初中之后,父母对我的学业更加严格要求。由于成绩突出曾担任学习委员班长之职。XXXXX年XX月考入XXXXXXX高级


出国留学文书个人陈述范文 个人陈述是留学申请材料中较重要却也比较难把握的部分。当申请者苦恼于GRE、TOEFL等标准化考试的成绩,一份得体的个人陈述却有可能让你力挽狂澜,从众多申请者中脱颖而出。在某些学校,个人陈述已经代替了面试,作为评价学生的一个重要依据。因此,个人陈述在整个申请材料的准备中占据了举足轻重的地位,也有必要赢得众位申请者的重视——来自admitwrite专业留学文书写作机构推荐,超一流的写手导师,名校招生信息实时更新。 个人陈述应回答: 为什么要选择这个学校和专业; 有什么优势、潜力或业绩使你符合对方录取标准; 出国后打算、计划和目标。 个人陈述是每个人个性和独特经历的体现,并没有统一的语言要求和写作格式。但是在留学文书的准备中,个人陈述属于正规的书面文体,用语最好符合书面语的规定。版面的安排应该整洁有序。同时在个人陈述的准备过程中应该仔细阅读申请学校的网页,寻找学校是否对于语言和格式有明确的要求。在个人陈述的写作中切忌不要堆砌辞藻,不要过多使用长句和难懂的单词。否则会使阅读者头疼,可读性降低。写作要真实、诚恳、具体,语言要流畅,逻辑要清晰,内容要有血有肉,富有感染力和说服力。一般以1-2页600-800字为佳,太长则令人没有耐心仔细读完。另外,不要把文章写成炫耀你词汇量和句法的“GRE阅读文章”。 写个人陈述是一件见仁见智的事,并没有明确而统一的写法。书写个人陈述首先要做的是搜集素材,认识自己,挖掘出自身的特点,寻找自己的闪光点。认识自己,这是一件说起来容易,做起来难的事。要知道,申请的过程其实是你向学校推销自己的过程。 Chemistry What I love about chemistry is the constant sense of discovery: looking at the simplest reactions on a molecular level is like glimpsing a whole new world. I am keen to learn at the cutting edge of current knowledge and to contribute to new discoveries. During the course of my degree I hope to take part in some research; after leaving university I am looking to work in science, possibly in research, and some experience will almost certainly come in useful. I would also like to continue my study of French at university - I think it is a beautiful language and one of my ambitions is to become fluent. As part of my study, in addition to the A level course, I have taken part in the RSC Analytical Chemistry competition in a school team; I am a regular subscriber to the New Scientist magazine and have attended several courses, including an ISCO course on Forensic Science. I am also an affiliate of the RSC, and I’m currently looking for work experience possibilities in this field. I joined ***** School on a scholarship and during my time here I’ve won seven prizes in total, including two for French and Maths; I am now looking forward to the challenges presented by my appointment as one of fifteen Gown Prefects in the school. However, as well as taking my work and responsibilities seriously I have a lot of fun as well. I sing in the school choir and the chamber

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