当前位置:文档之家› 剑桥一级上9--12单元测试题





1 m ____t____ _____ bike

2 l____ rry

3 tr____ ck

4 tw____nty

5 _____l___v___n

6 un____le

7 n____phew

8 c____ _____sin

9 h____bby 10 tw____lv_____


1 fly a kite ____________

2 roller-skating _____________

3 listen to music ____________

4 去购物______________

5 浇花______________

6 看报纸___________________-__


1 What your is hobby


2 what plus is one one


3 on the where is desk


4 you like what do doing


5 is who he _______________________

四用 a , an 填空

1 ______ apple

2 ______ orange

3 ______ pear

4 _______ banana

5 _________ icecream 五根据要求写单词

1 chick(复数)___________

2 baby复数__________

3 three同类词____________

4 open 反义词_______________

5 go 同类词________________


1 What are they ? __________ A They're balls B They're white C four balls

2 Who is your father's father? A aunt B niece C grandfather

3 Who is she? A nephew B father C mother

4 What is she doing ? A He is drinking . B She is watering the flowers .

5 How many balls ? A They're birds B four C It's a cat .

6 What does she like doing ? A She likes dancing . B She like singing .

7 What 's ten minus one ? A It's one . B It's nine .

8 Where is my mouth? A on the nose B under the nose .

9 _______ is my toy cat ? -- in the desk A What B Who C Where

10 What _____ you doing ? I am having lunch . A are B is C am


1 你把照片里的动物给别人看,可以说

A Look at the animals

B Look at me .

2 你想让别人把鞋子穿上应该说

A Put on your shoes

B Take off your shoes


A What is your hobby ?

B What is your name ?

4 打开门应该说

A Open the door

B Close the door.


第一单元:1铅笔__________2 格尺__________3 书_________ 4 书包_____________

5 橡皮___________

6 铅笔盒___________

7 朋友____________8我的______________

9 你的___________ 10他的____________11我们的__________12他们的_________

13 她的______________

1 What is her name ? A My name is Lucy . B Her name is May .

2 How old is she ? A She is 6 years old . B He is 9 years old .

3 What is this? A It is a book . B This is an eraser .

4Who is your friend ? A My friend is lily . B She is 7 .

第二单元:1 狗_________2 鸭子____________3 公鸡__________ 4 蜥蜴___________ 5 兔子__________6 绵羊___________7 山羊___________8 海龟___________

9 青蛙___________10 绵羊___________11 奶牛____________12 马______________

13 鱼___________14 猫__________ 15 小鸟_____________16猪_______________

1 What is your favourite animal ? A My favourite animal is dog . B My favourite animal is cats.

2 What animals do you like ? A I like pandas . B I don’t like animals.

3 What animal is it ? A It is a elephant . B It is an elephant .

第三单元:1 苹果__________2 香蕉__________3 梨____________4 柠檬__________

5 桃子____________

6 芒果____________

7 椰子_____________

8 西瓜______________

9 葡萄___________10 菠萝_______________ 11 柚子____________12 橘子___________

1What is your favourite fruit ? A Ilike bananas .B My favourite fruit is dogs .

2 Would you like an apple ? A Yes, please . B Yes , I do

3 Do you like an orange ? A yes , I do .B No, I don’t .

第四单元:在。。。里 2 在。。。上3在。。。下4 棒球 5

1 What is in your hat ? A It is a pear . B That is an apple .

2 What is under your mouth ? A a nose B an eye

第五单元;1 头发________2 脖子__________ 3 眼睛__________ 4 头____________

5 鼻子__________

6 脚_________

7 腿___________

8 手___________

9 耳朵_______

10 嘴___________11 拍__________12 接触___________13 双腿跳__________

14 单腿跳________15 看见_______16 闻_________ 17 听见________18 品尝______

1 What can you see ? A I can see a bird .B I can jump .

2 What can you hear ? A I can see a dog . B I can hear a dog .

3 What can you smell ? A Ican smell a flower . B I can touch the flower .

4 What can you do with your hands ? A jump B hop C touch

5 What can you do with your foot ? A write B hop C draw

第六单元:1 ;拍球_________________ 2 踢毽球____________________

3 画小丑的鼻子_____________________

4 扔口袋_______________________

5 接住口袋____________________

6 捉迷藏_____________________

7 跳房子_______

8 Where is Sam ? He ____________(一定)in the lemon house .

9 Which one do you want to play first ? A Iwant play hide and seek .B I want to play hopscotch 第七单元:1洋葱2 茄子3 胡萝卜4 西红柿5土豆6 南瓜7 豌豆8豆9黄瓜

10 Which one do you like the apple or the banana ? A I like the banana .B Yes ,I do

11 Mr Potato _______ the blue bag . A in B with Con

第八单元:1 红色 2 白色4 蓝色5 黄色6 绿色7 粉色8 橘黄色9黑色10 棕色11紫色12 深蓝色13灰色

14 What colour is it ? It is y__________.

15 Do you like blue ? Yes,______________

16 What is red ? The a__________is red .

17 What is your favourite colour ? _______ favourite colour is purple .

18 What colour do you like ? I like w____________.

第九单元:1在。。。上 2 在。。。下3 在。。。里4 在。。。后面5 在。。。旁边6 两者之间7 在。。。前面8 在。。。附近9 小船10 摩托车11 卡车

12 Where is the car ? It is u_________the desk .

13 What have you got ? I have got a toy p ___________

14 Have you got a toy car ? No ,_______________

第十单元: 一到二十默写

What is one plus one ? ________________

What is three minus one ? ____________________

第十二单元:1妈妈_____________2 爸爸__________3 爷爷_____________4奶奶____________5 姑姑_______________6 叔叔______________7 侄子______________

8 侄女________________9 女儿_____________10 儿子___________

11 堂兄_________________ 12 姐___________ 13 哥哥________________

What are they doing ? A They are read a book . B They are watching TV .





第十二单元:爱好____________ 骑自行车_________________ 去购物___________________ 穿红裙子________________游泳___________ 帮妈妈___________________

和朋友聊天_______________听音乐__________________ 爬树_________________

画画_____________放风筝_______________ 滑旱冰______________________

1What is your hobby ? My hobby is ___________________

2 What does she like ? She likes _____________________________


Whose shirt is it ? It is _________ shirt. A my B mine C hers

This is his shirt .That is ______________ A mine B her C their

第十四单元:拖到_____________ 扫地_________________ 喂鸟__________________

擦食厨___________________ 刷地___________________沏茶_________________

梳头__________________ 整理书__________________洗西红柿_______________

吹气球__________________猜的游戏______________ 猜谜语__________________

组单词________________做好的射击________________唱歌_____________钓鱼________ 现在进行时:构成:1 主人+ 仆人+ 动词ing

2 变否定在仆人后加

3 变疑问仆人提前。


剑桥少儿英语一级下单元测试题 Unit 1--- Unit 2 I. 根据图片默写单词. 1. 2. 3. 4. c__rr ___t d___ ____ ce r____d____ l___ ___ ___ n 5. 6. 7. 8. s ___ ___ g s___ i____ k ____ c ____ w ___ ___k II. 选择划线部分读音不同的选项。 ( ) 1. A. morning B. door C. work D. draw ( ) 2. A. stand B. carrot C. had D. water ( ) 3. A. these B. dress C. last D. start ( ) 4. A. hippo B. monkey C. front D. brother ( ) 5. A. cow B. window C. how D. now III. 按要求完成下列各题。 1. box __________ (复数) 2. let us _______________(缩写) 3. eye __________(同音词) 4. lie ______________(现在分词) 5. Mr. ___________(对应词) 6. teach ______________(现在分词) 7. cold ___________(反义词) 8. friendly ____________(名词) 9. him ___________(名词性物主代词) 10. these _________(单数) IV. 选择题。 ( ) 1. Look at these goats. They like _________ grass. A. eat B. eating C. eats ( ) 2. --- ________ you like frogs? --- No, I don’t. A. Do B. are C. Does ( ) 3. On the farm, there _______ many animals. A. is B. am C. are ( ) 4. I like dogs and cats. But I __________ like goats. A. am not B. doesn’t C. do not ( ) 5. ---____________ ? ---- He is drawing. A. What are you doing? B. What is she doing? C. What is he doing? ( ) 6. --- Hello, Jane. --- Hello, Sam. Wait __________ me. A. for B. at C. about ( ) 7. – What’s _______ breakfast? --- I have some dumplings. A. for B. at C. to ( ) 8. – Are these dogs dirty? -- ____________ . They are clean. A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren’t. C. No, they are. ( ) 9. He is Robert Jenkins. He is ____________. A. Miss Robert B. Mr. Jenkins C. Mrs. Jenkins. ( ) 10. She is __________ English now. A. learning B. learns C. learn V. 按要求完成下列各题。 1. Han Jing is singing songs. ( 就划线部分提问) _________ __________ Han Jing ____________?


时间:2008年08月21日作者:来源:网络ⅰ、单词连线。在右边找到左边各单词的汉语释义,并连线。(20分) horse 照相机鱼carrot baseball 大象足球soccer camera 马热狗fish elephant 剪刀胡萝卜hockey scissors 棒球曲棍球hot dog ⅱ、单词分类。请将下边方框中的单词按照用途放入不同的房间。(20分) bed bathtub kitchen knife flowers wardrobe TV table computer broom telephone clock bookcase mirror bowl lamp chairs sofa refrigerator towel cupboard bedroom: bathroom: kitchen: living room: ⅲ、情景交际。请从B栏中找出A栏各句的答语,并将其字母序号填入题前括号中。(20分) A ()’s he doing ()are my cats ()you got a computer ()do you do at school

()are you ()’s her favourite sport ()you like bananas ()’s your name ()have some chicken. ()old are you B a. Her favourite sport is tennis. b. I’m 9 years old. c. They’re behind the bookcase. d. Yes, I lik e. e. He’s sleeping. f. I’m fine. Thank you. And you g. No, thanks. h. No, I haven’t. i. My name is May. j. I read books. ⅳ、读短文,判断正()误()。 I like sports. My favourite sport is badminton. At 7:00 ., I go to school and play badminton with my friends. In the afternoon, I play badminton. In the evening, I watch badminton games on TV. Do you like playing badminton ( ) 1. I don’t like sports. ( ) 2. My favourite sport is table tennis. ( ) 3. I go to school at seven in the morning.


剑桥少儿英语一级下测试题Reading and writing Part 1 Look and read. Put a tick (√) or a cross(×) in the box Examples: This is a star. √ This is a monster. ×Questions: 1 .This is an onion. □ 2 This is a bean. □ 3.

This is a tomato. □ 4. This is a hot dog. □ 5 This is a monster. □ Part 2 Look and read. Write yes or no Examples: Three children are swimming. yes __ Four children are watching TV. no __

Questions: 1The dog is sleeping. __ 2There is a baseball in the picture. 3Some children are playing football. 4There are four books on the grass. __ 5Two children are playing tennis. Part 3 Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the words. Example: e y e s Questions: 1. ___ ___ ___ ___ 2.

剑桥少儿英语一级下 9-12单元测试题

剑桥少儿英语一级B Unit9—Unit12 Name: 一.听音辩词。Listen and choose the words. 10’ ()1.A.bounce B.house C.mouse D.mouth ()2.A.cloud B.round C.sound D.found ()3.A.call B.mall C.tall D.ball ()4.A.down B.how C.cow D.now ()5.A.care B.hare C.dare D.bare 二.听音写数。Listen and write the numbers.10’ ( )1.A.139******** B.139******** C.139******** ( )2.A.5239661 B.2593661 C.2539166 ( )3.A.two zero one nine B.three four six double one C.double nine seven eight ( )4.A.710 B.170 C.1700 三.Choose the answer for these sentences.20’ ( )1.It’s a nice day,isn’t it? A.I can see eighteen boys. ( )2.let’s go and join them. B.Sure,here you are. ( )3How many children can you see in the park? C.Yes, it is. ( )4.May I use the sticky tape? D.So do I . ( )5.I love paper-folding lessons. E.Good idea!let’s go. ( )6.What’s the boy doing? F.Yes,I can. ( )7.Can you see an old lady? G. He’s doing his homework. ( )8.what’s big? H.The house is big.


培优学校(剑桥英语)一级1-5期中测试 姓名:____________ 得分:____________ Part One :听力部分(17分) 一、听录音,补充丢失的字母(0.5*20 / 10分) 1. p__n 2.d__sk 3.h__t 4.m__p 5. b__t 6. b__ok 7.b__g 8. l__g 9. p__n 10. f__n 11.v __n 12.sa__nd 13.app__e 14.eg__ 15.b__d 16.m__p 17.do__ 18.c__b 19.co__k 20.f__x 二、圈出你听到的单词(0.5*14/ 7分) 1. your my 6. sheep cow 11.table desk 2. eraser pencil-case 7. pear peach 12.hat friend 3.chicken turtle 8.coconut lemon 13.eye ear 4.horse goat 9.Miss Sir 14.see touch 5. grapefruit apple 10.head arm Part Two: 笔试部分(83分) 一、判断正误并写出正确形式(1*5 / 5分) 1. a apple ( ) ________________________ 2. an fish ( ) ________________________ 3. a eraser ( ) ________________________ 4. some apple ( ) ________________________ 5. three book ( ) ________________________


今天教育剑桥少儿英语一级1-4单元测试卷姓名:_________ 成绩:___________ 一听力请选出你所听到的内容(10分) 1.( ) A. Dan B. Lan C. Fan 2.( ) A. cat B. bat C. hat 3.( ) A. fan B. pan C. van 4.( ) A. Ben B. Den C. Ken 5.( ) A.dog B.fog C.log 6.( ) A. hid B. lid C. kid 7.( ) A. hit B. nit C. pit 8.( ) A. bed B. desk C. pen 9.( ) A. wet B. hen C.egg 10.( ) A. fog B. mop C.not 二.写出下列名词的复数形式(10分) sheep ________ 2. grape ________ fish ________ 4. dog________ 5. nose________ 6. mango ________ 7 ear ________ 8. banana________ 9. head________ 10. apple________ 三.单项选择(10分) ( )1.I _____a long nose. A . has B. have C. am ( )2. The cat has _____leg A. a B. two C. an ( )3. ______is she? ------- She is my grandmother. A. What B. Who C. Where ( )4. He is a____. A. student B. my brother C. our teacher ( )5. The ____ears are small. A .boy B. monster C. boy’s ( )6. I’m a teacher. I work in ____. A. school B. hospital C. home ( )7. ____is you favourite fruit? A. Who B. What C. Where ( )8.Can you speak English? ------- __________ A. Yes, I am B. No, I don’t C. No, I can’t ( )9.I can sing ____ I can dance. A. but B. and C. well ( )10. She can ____ the violin well. A. speak B. tell C. play 四.把正确的答案写在题前(10分) How are you? A. A bird. What colour do you like? B. It’s a sheep. What's your favourite fruit? C. Hopscotch. What would you like? D. Nice to meet you,too.. Where is Sam? E. I can see a dog. What can you see? F. He must be in the lemon house. What’s in my hat? G. Fine,thank you. What’s this? H. I like green. Nice to meet you. I. I want some coconuts. 10、Which one do you want to play first? J. I like apples. 五. 试找出一个不同类的单词,并圈出来(20分) apple banana eye watermelon ear nose turtle hand bear lemon elephant dog ant blue green yellow pineapple house mango pear cow fox green panda

剑桥少儿英语一级下册unit 1-2 练习题

金成外语一级下册 Unit 1 School opening day 第一课时姓名: 听写 一.写出下列单词或者短语 1.开学日 _______________ 2.再;又_________ 3.担心 _________ . 4.让某人做某事_________ 5. 道路;方法 _________ 6.好的;伟大的____ 作业 一.根据汉语提示补全句子 1.Today is _________ (开学日) 2.再一次见到你很高兴。 Nice to meet you _________. 3.不要为我担心 . Don’t _________ _________ me. 4.请这边走。 This _________ ,please. 5.Can you tell me _________ _________ _________ school?(去学校的路) 6.太棒了! That ’s _________ . 7.她与安娜在一起。 She _________ _________ Anna now. 8.It’s _________ _________ see you _________ .(看见你回来真好) 9._________ (怎么样) was you holiday? 10.祝你过的愉快。 ___________________________。 ___________________________ 二.根据图片补全对话 1. A: Oops! B:Don’t _________ . Let ______ help _______! 2. A:It’s good ______see you back. How______ your holiday? B:It______great! :It’s ______to ______ you all again! B:______she our new friend? A:______, she is . 作业: 1.背听写部分 2.听读Unit 1课文,并背重点句子 3.完成作业部分练习题。 4.家长签字: ______________________ 金成外语一级下册 Unit 1 School opening day 第二课时姓名: 听写 一.写出下列单词或者短语 1.开学日 _______________ 2.再;又_________ 3.担心 _________ . 4.让某人做某事_________ 5. 道路;方法 _________ 6.好的;伟大的____ 7.穿;戴________ 8.几乎;差不多________ 9.听________ 10.问候________ 11.想要________ 12.介绍 ________ 13.更好的________ 14.学期________


剑桥一级下英语测试题 一找出发音不同的单词,在下面划三角(10分) 1 see bee week beg 2 pea tea sweater eat 3 car farm park carrot 4 mother letter her ruler 5 shirt girl bird short 二选择(20分) 1 How _____ your arm A am B is C are 2 Can I have some_____ A pears B apple C lemon 3 Do you often eat hot dogs A No, never B Yes, I like C No, I don’t like 4 What’s Chinese_______ eraser A for B on C at 5 ________ coloured ball do you want A What B How C Which 6 Who’s ___ art teacher A you B your C yours 7 _____ day is it today A What B How C Where 8 He ____ short A am B is C are 9 She is tall ______ thin A and B or 10 Is she strict___________ A Yes she is B Yes he is C No he is

三英汉互译(20分) 睡觉____________ 汉堡__________ 打开____________ crayons___________ painter_________ corn________ picture book_________ 果汁_____ glasses_________ swimmer__________ young_______ 高的______ he’s= _________谁是________ 星期一_________ day_________ kind________ 聪明的______ 星期四_________ quiet_______ 四连线(10分) 1 What books do you like reading A I like story books. 2 It’s a nice day, isn’t it B I’d like a burger 3 Hello, nice to see you back C Oh , it’s nice to be back 4 I’m sorry, I’m late D That’s ok. Don’t be late next time 5What would you like, Ann E Yes, it is 五完成句子(10分) 1 谁是你的英语老师______________________________(英文) 2 Is she quiet_______________________(中文) 3 What is her like(改错)____________________ 4 what it day today is________________________(连成句子)


Unit7 一.默写单词: 水果___________ 蔬菜___________土豆_________柠檬________________ 香蕉___________ 桔子_____________ 西红柿___________ 梨________________ 二.写出下列名词的复数形式 pear-- ____________ bean-- ____________ tomato-- lime-- ____________ potato-- ____________ coconut-- watermelon-- ____________ peach-- ____________ eggplant-- 三.找出下列单词划线部分发音不同的单词。 ( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. A. A. A. A. A. apple egg lime carrot number B. B. B. B. B. tomato vegetable which potato coconut C. C. C. C. C. carrot yellow pumpkin tomato blue D. D. D. D. D. bag red Miss coconut pumpkin 四.选择题。 ( ) Which one do you like, limes oranges? A. Limes. B. Yes. C. No. ( ) 2. Which one is fruit? A. Carrot. B. Dog. C. Watermelon. ( ) 3. Mr. Pear ___a yellow jacket.A. in B. on C. with ( ) 4. Let ___ welcome Miss Pear. A. I B. we C. us ( ) 5. Let us ___ a fruit party. A. do B. have C. with


Unit 1 Hello! I’m Sam. Name _______Mark_______ 一、选出与所给单词相对应的图片 ( ) 1. pencil A. B. ( ) 2. ruler A. B. ( ) 3. chair A. B. ( ) 4. boy A. B. 二、填写空缺的字母。 pencil-c__se r__ler b__g b__ __k b__t p__n penc__l 三、写出下列单词的汉语意思 1. pen 2. book 3. eraser 4. ruler 5. pencil 1. _________ 2._________ 3.__________ 4.________ 5.__________ 四、选择题 ( ) 1 . Your name, please? A. Hello! B. Peter. C. A pen. D. Ok! ( ) 2. Good morning! A. Hello! B. Hi! C. Good morning! D. Fine. ( ) 3. Show me your bag, please. A. B. C. D. ( ) 4. Hello! I ____ Sam. A. am B. is C. are D. / ( ) 5. This ____ my new book. A. am B. is C. are D. / ( ) 6. He ____ my friend. A. am B. is C. are D. / ( ) 7. She ____ her mother. A. am B. is C. are D. / ( ) 8. We ____ Peter and Sam. A. am B. is C. are D. / ( ) 9. You ____ Dan. A. am B. is C. are D. / ( ) 10. They ____ my friends. A. am B. is C. are D. / ( ) 11. My friend ____ Bill. A. am B. is C. are D. / ( ) 12. Nice to see you. _____________ A. Nice to see you, too. B. Hello! C. Hi! D. Good afternoon. ( ) 13. Wha t’s your name? _____________ A. Nice to see you, too. B. I’ six years old. C. Hi! D. My name’s Ann. ( ) 14. I’m =_______ A. I are B. I am C. I is D. I m ( ) 15. he’s =_______ A. he are B. He am C. he is D. he m ( ) 16. You’re =_______ A. You are B. You am C. You is D. you am Unit 2 It’s a goat. Name__________ 一.听力,选出与所听容相符的图片 ( ) 1. A. B. C. ( ) 2. A. B. C.


剑桥少儿英语一级A册unit1——unit11测验 Name _____________ Marks_____________ Listening (30 points) Part 1、.听录音,选择正确的答案(8’) ()1.A pen B. pencil C. book D. bag ( ) 2.A horse B. fish C. duck D. dog ( ) 3.A orange B. mango C. coconut D. pear ( ) 4.A hair B. head C. mouth D. arm ( ) 5.A hat B.sock C. book D. flower ( ) 6.A cousin B. lizard C. tomato D. potato () 7.A blue B .yellow C. green D. red ( ) 8.A table B. cow C. rabbit D. eraser Part 2、听录音,写出Yes 或No (5’) 1.ear_____ 2.goat_______ 3.mango______ 4.nose_____ 5.potato_____ Part 3、听录音补充丢失的字母。(5 ‘) 1. te__ 2.d__sk 3.h__t 4.m__p 5.d__d 2.6.b__at 7. __nder 8. l__g 9. ha__r 10. turt__e Part 4、根据你所听到的内容把下列短文补充完整(12’) This is my (family / father) . There are (six / five) people in my family. Look! This is my grandfather. He is old. He is (76 / 67) years old. He is drinking (water / tea). This is my grandmother. She is watering a (flower / tree). This is my father. He is tall and (fat / strong). He is reading a (book / newspaper). This is my mother. She is thin and beautiful. She is (cook / cooking) in the kitchen. This is my brother. He is very lovely. He is only (5 / 6 ) years old. He is playing with a toy (plane/ car). This is me. I’m a


剑桥少儿英语一级下册1-6单元 ClassEnglishName? ChineNameScore? Part1按要求变换下列各词(20分) A.写出下列名词的复数形式. butterfly________Sheep________ Foot________Child________ Tomato________Pencil-box________ Television________Knife________ Radio________Bathtub________ B.写出下列各词的现在分词. Ride________Take________ Swim________Put________ Draw________Learn________ Sit________Do________ read________Kick________ Part2按要求把下列各单词分到各个房间里(10分) Knife Bowl Chair Camera Bathtub Sofa Bookcase Wardrobe Computer Teddybear Scissors Mirror Bed Television Cupboard Cooker

Part3请根据所学内容填写下表.(20分) Part4请用括号中所给词的适当形式填空(10分) 1.What’s________(you)favouritefruit ________(I)likepineapples. 2.________(he)isagoodboy. Welike________(he) 3.Ilike________(they), but________(they)favouritefoodisgrass.


剑桥少儿英语一级上册期末考试试卷(共100分) 姓名:________ 得分:______ 听力部分 一.圈出你所听到的单词。(6分) 1. Eraser ruler pen 2. clap touch pick 3. carrot onion potato 4. sheep goat spider 5. eyes neck hair 6.white black purple 二.圈出你所听到的句子。(12分) 1. A: This is my bag. B: This is my new book. 2. A: what’s this? B: It’s a goat. 3. A:I can see a car. B: He’s got three eyes. 4. A: What’s in the hat? B: What’s on the table now? 5. A: I like bananas. B: I don’t like oranges. 6. A: Here you are. B: Thank you! 三.选择你所听到的正确单词并将字母填入题前括号内(10分) ( )1、This is a beautiful __________. A. house B. Yes C、mouse ( )2、Let’s have a fruit and vegetable _________. A. carrot B. party C、fuuny ( )3、He’s got three ______. A. eyes B. legs. C、ears ( )4、This is my _________,Tony. A. friend B. mummy C、grandpa ( )5、I like ____________. A、pineapples B、watermelons C、pears


剑桥少儿英语一级1—4单元测试 姓名:_________ 成绩:___________ 听力部分 一.请选出你所听到的内容(10分) 1. ( ) A. Dan B. Lan C. Fan 2. ( ) A. cat B. bat C. hat 3. ( ) A. fan B. pan C. van 4. ( ) A. Ben B. Den C. Ken 5. ( ) A. dog B. fog C. log 6. ( ) A. hid B. lid C. kid 7. ( ) A. hit B. nit C. pit 8. ( ) A. bed B. desk C. pen 9. ( ) A. wet B. hen C. egg 10. ( ) A. fog B. mop C. not 二. 圈出你所听到的句子(5分) 1. A. This is my bag. B. This is my new book. 2. A. What’s this? B. It’s a goat. 3. A. I can see a car. B. He’s got three eyes. 4. A. What’s in the hat? B. What’s on the table now? 5. A. I like bananas. B. I don’t like oranges. 三. 听句子选择(5分) ( ) 1. This is a beautiful __________. A. house B. dress C. skirt ( ) 2. Show me your_________. A. pen B. ruler C. eraser ( ) 3. It’s got three ______. A. eyes B. legs C. hands ( ) 4. This is my _________, Tony. A. friend B. mother C. father ( ) 5. I like ____________. A. pineapples B. watermelons C. grapes


The Examination of Cambridge Young Learners English Teacher: Miss Le Name: ________ Score: _______ Listening Part 一、听到的单词,在图片下面打勾(6分) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 二、看图,听音标号 (10分) 1) 2) 三、听音,填词(4分) 1. What’s _______ favourite sport? My favourite sport is playing__________. 2. What’s Mary doing? She is ______ milk and ______ breakfast. 3. Can you _______ like a _______? Yes, I can. 4. What’s your hobby? I like to ______ books and _______TV.

Writing Part 一、照样子变换下列单词(20分) . cat----cats butterfly _______ sheep______ foot ________ child ________ tomato _______ photo________ cake__________ man_________ leaf________ mouse________ sleep-----sleeping ride_______ sit______ swim ________ do _______ kick ________ draw ________ learn _______ put ________ Take ________ write________ 二、看图选单词,并写在横线上(10分) 1) This is a ____________ (pencil, pen) 2) I can see a ____________ (window, door) 3) This is a ____________ (desk, chair) 4) I can see a ____________ (tiger, snake) 5) This is a ____________ (mouse, horse) 6) I can see a ____________ (ball, kite) 7) This is a ____________ (mirror, yo-yo) 8) I can see a ____________ (watch, doll) 9) This is a ____________ (eye, nose) 10) I can see a ____________ (h ouse, horse) 三、选择题(10分) 1.My name’s Ann ,what’s yours? A.Tom. B.Yes,it is. C.Fine,thanks. 2.How old are you? A. I’m Lucy. B.Good morning. C.I’m fiv e. 3.What color do you like? A.How are you? B.Green. C.My mother. 4.Where’s father? A.He’s sleeping. B.He’s at home. C.He’s fourty. 5.Is it very big? A.Yes,it is. B.No,I’m not. C.Yes,he is. 6.Whose ball is that? A.I don’t like it. B.My sister is six. C.It’s my brother’s. 7.What’s your favorite food? A.It’s small. B.Burgers. C.I like it. 8.What are they doing? A.They’re playing football. B.They are short. C.They are my friend. 9.What do you do at school?


剑桥英语第一单元测试题 班级________ 姓名________________ 成绩__________ I.听对话,填写短文中所缺的单词。(共10分,每空2分) Paulo is from 1.___________. He is a 2.___________. He is studying 3._________ and 4.____________. He and Tom are in the same 5._________________. II.选择填空(共10分,每题1分) ( ) 1. ---- How are you? ---- _______________ A. Hello! B. I’m twelve. C. Pretty good. ( ) 2. ---- Nice to meet you. ---- _______________ A. Thank you very much? B. Good to meet you. C. I’m very glad. ( ) 3. ---- Tom, this is my brother. His name is Wilson. ---- ______ A. Pleased to meet you, Wilson. B. Good. C. I’d like to meet him. ( ) 4. ---- This is Chuck. ---- Hi, ________. A. Miss Chuck. B. Mrs. Chuck C. Chuck ( ) 5. ---- Who are the two women over there? ---- ____ names are Lisa and Kate. A. their B. they C. there ( ) 6. Maria’s parents ______ from Argentina. A. is B. are C. comes ( ) 7. ---- How do you spell ______ last name? ---- M – A – N – D – E – L. A. you B. the C. your ( ) 8. ---- What ____ people call you? ---- They call me Amy. A. is B. are C. do ( ) 9. Kate, this is Lisa. ______ is from Canada. A. He B. She C. It ( )10. My name is Elizabeth Mandel. You can call me ______. A. Mr. Mandel B. Mr. Elizabeth C. Mrs. Mandel III.完形填空(共10分,每空1分) Peter: Hello. 1 you in my class? Lucy: Yes, I am. I’m Lucy. Peter: Hi, Lucy. __2__ name is Peter. Lucy: Nice to meet __3__. Peter: Nice to meet you, too. Lucy: Peter, __4__ you know the girl in red? Peter: Yes, she __5__ my sister, Gina. Lucy: Gina, a good name. What __6__does she like?

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