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Thank you. Thank you, President Chen, Chairmen Ren, Vice President Chi, Vice Minister Wei. We are delighted to be here today with a very large American delegation, including the First Lady and our daughter, who is a student at Stanford, one of the schools with which Beijing University has a relationship. We have six members of the United States Congress; the Secretary of State; Secretary of Commerce; the Secretary of Agriculture; the Chairman of our Council of Economic Advisors; Senator Sasser, our Ambassador; the National Security Advisor and my Chief of Staff, among others.

I say that to illustrate the importance that the United States places on our relationship with China.

I would like to begin by congratulating all of you, the students, the faculty, the administrators, on

celebrating the centennial year of your university. Gongxi, Beida. (Applause.)

As I'm sure all of you know, this campus was once home to Yenching University which was founded by American missionaries. Many of its wonderful buildings were designed by an American architect. Thousands of Americans students and professors have come here to study and teach. We feel a special kinship with you.

I am, however, grateful that this day is different in one important respect from another important occasion 79 years ago. In June of 1919, the first president of Yenching University, John Leighton Stuart, was set to deliver the very first commencement address on these very grounds. At the appointed hour, he appeared, but no students appeared. They were all out leading the May 4th Movement for China's political and cultural renewal. When I read this, I hoped that when I walked into

the auditorium today, someone would be sitting here. And I thank you for being here, very much. (Applause.)

Over the last 100 years, this university has grown to more than 20,000 students. Your graduates are spread throughout China and around the world. You have built the largest university library in all of Asia. Last year, 20 percent of your graduates went abroad to study, including half of your math and science majors. And in this anniversary year, more than a million people in China, Asia, and beyond have logged on to your web site. At the dawn of a new century, this university is leading China into the future.

I come here today to talk to you, the next generation of China's leaders, about the critical importance to your future of building a strong partnership between China and the United States.

The American people deeply admire China for its thousands of years of contributions to culture and religion, to philosophy and the arts, to science and technology. We remember well our strong partnership in World War II. Now we see China at a moment in history when your glorious past is matched by your present sweeping transformation and the even greater promise of your future.

Just three decades ago, China was virtually shut off from the world. Now, China is a member of more than 1,000 international organizations -- enterprises that affect everything from air travel to agricultural development. You have opened your nation to trade and investment on a large scale. Today, 40,000 young Chinese study in the United States, with hundreds of thousands more learning in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America.

Your social and economic transformation has been even more remarkable, moving from a closed

command economic system to a driving, increasingly market-based and driven economy, generating two decades of unprecedented growth, giving people greater freedom to travel within and outside China, to vote in village elections, to own a home, choose a job, attend a better school. As a result you have lifted literally hundreds of millions of people from poverty. Per capita income has more than doubled in the last decade. Most Chinese people are leading lives they could not have imagined just 20 years ago.

Of course, these changes have also brought disruptions in settled patterns of life and work, and have imposed enormous strains on your environment. Once every urban Chinese was guaranteed employment in a state enterprise. Now you must compete in a job market. Once a Chinese worker had only to meet the demands of a central planner in Beijing. Now the global economy means all must match the quality and creativity of the rest of the world. For those who lack the right training

and skills and support, this new world can be daunting.

In the short-term, good, hardworking people -- some, at least will find themselves unemployed. And, as all of you can see, there have been enormous environmental and economic and health care costs to the development pattern and the energy use pattern of the last 20 years -- from air pollution to deforestation to acid rain and water shortage.

In the face of these challenges new systems of training and social security will have to be devised, and new environmental policies and technologies will have to be introduced with the goal of growing your economy while improving the environment. Everything I know about the intelligence, the ingenuity, the enterprise of the Chinese people and everything I have heard these last few days in my discussions with President Jiang, Prime Minister

Zhu and others give me confidence that you will succeed.

As you build a new China, America wants to build a new relationship with you. We want China to be successful, secure and open, working with us for a more peaceful and prosperous world. I know there are those in China and the United States who question whether closer relations between our countries is a good thing. But everything all of us know about the way the world is changing and the challenges your generation will face tell us that our two nations will be far better off working together than apart.

The late Deng Xiaoping counseled us to seek truth from facts. At the dawn of the new century, the facts are clear. The distance between our two nations, indeed, between any nations, is shrinking. Where once an American clipper ship took months to cross from China to the United States. Today,

technology has made us all virtual neighbors. From laptops to lasers, from microchips to megabytes, an information revolution is lighting the landscape of human knowledge, bringing us all closer together. Ideas, information, and money cross the planet at the stroke of a computer key, bringing with them extraordinary opportunities to create wealth, to prevent and conquer disease, to foster greater understanding among peoples of different histories and different cultures.

But we also know that this greater openness and faster change mean that problems which start beyond one nations borders can quickly move inside them -- the spread of weapons of mass destruction, the threats of organized crime and drug trafficking, of environmental degradation, and severe economic dislocation. No nation can isolate itself from these problems, and no nation can solve them alone. We, especially the younger generations of China and the United States, must make common cause of our

common challenges, so that we can, together, shape a new century of brilliant possibilities.

In the 21st century -- your century -- China and the United States will face the challenge of security in Asia. On the Korean Peninsula, where once we were adversaries, today we are working together for a permanent peace and a future freer of nuclear weapons.

On the Indian subcontinent, just as most of the rest of the world is moving away from nuclear danger, India and Pakistan risk sparking a new arms race. We are now pursuing a common strategy to move India and Pakistan away from further testing and toward a dialogue to resolve their differences.

In the 21st century, your generation must face the challenge of stopping the spread of deadlier

nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. In the wrong hands or the wrong places, these weapons can threaten the peace of nations large and small. Increasingly, China and the United States agree on the importance of stopping proliferation. That is why we are beginning to act in concert to control the worlds most dangerous weapons.

In the 21st century, your generation will have to reverse the international tide of crime and drugs. Around the world, organized crime robs people of billions of dollars every year and undermines trust in government. America knows all about the devastation and despair that drugs can bring to schools and neighborhoods. With borders on more than a dozen countries, China has become a crossroad for smugglers of all kinds.

Last year, President Jiang and I asked senior Chinese and American law enforcement officials to step up our cooperation against these predators, to

stop money from being laundered, to stop aliens from being cruelly smuggled, to stop currencies from being undermined by counterfeiting. Just this month, our drug enforcement agency opened an office in Beijing, and soon Chinese counternarcotics experts will be working out of Washington.

In the 21st century, your generation must make it your mission to ensure that today's progress does not come at tomorrow's expense. China's remarkable growth in the last two decades has come with a toxic cost, pollutants that foul the water you drink and the air you breathe -- the cost is not only environmental, it is also serious in terms of the health consequences of your people and in terms of the drag on economic growth.

Environmental problems are also increasingly global as well as national. For example, in the near future, if present energy use patterns persist, China will overtake the United States as the world's largest

emitter of greenhouse gases, the gases which are the principal cause of global warming. If the nations of the world do not reduce the gases which are causing global warming, sometime in the next century there is a serious risk of dramatic changes in climate which will change the way we live and the way we work, which could literally bury some island nations under mountains of water and undermine the economic and social fabric of nations.

We must work together. We Americans know from our own experience that it is possible to grow an economy while improving the environment. We must do that together for ourselves and for the world.

Building on the work that our Vice President, Al Gore, has done previously with the Chinese government, President Jiang and I are working together on ways to bring American clean energy technology to help improve air quality and grow the Chinese economy at the same time.

But I will say this again -- this is not on my remarks -- your generation must do more about this. This is a huge challenge for you, for the American people and for the future of the world. And it must be addressed at the university level, because political leaders will never be willing to adopt environmental measures if they believe it will lead to large-scale unemployment or more poverty. The evidence is clear that does not have to happen. You will actually have more rapid economic growth and better paying jobs, leading to higher levels of education and technology if we do this in the proper way. But you and the university, communities in China, the United States and throughout the world will have to lead the way. (Applause.)

In the 21st century your generation must also lead the challenge of an international financial system that has no respect for national borders. When stock markets fall in Hong Kong or Jakarta,

the effects are no longer local; they are global. The vibrant growth of your own economy is tied closely, therefore, to the restoration of stability and growth in the Asia Pacific region.

China has steadfastly shouldered its responsibilities to the region and the world in this latest financial crisis -- helping to prevent another cycle of dangerous devaluations. We must continue to work together to counter this threat to the global financial system and to the growth and prosperity which should be embracing all of this region.

In the 21st century, your generation will have a remarkable opportunity to bring together the talents of our scientists, doctors, engineers into a shared quest for progress. Already the breakthroughs we have achieved in our areas of joint cooperation -- in challenges from dealing with spina bifida to dealing with extreme weather conditions and earthquakes -- have proved what we can do together to change the

lives of millions of people in China and the United States and around the world. Expanding our cooperation in science and technology can be one of our greatest gifts to the future.

In each of these vital areas that I have mentioned, we can clearly accomplish so much more by walking together rather than standing apart. That is why we should work to see that the productive relationship we now enjoy blossoms into a fuller partnership in the new century.

If that is to happen, it is very important that we understand each other better, that we understand both our common interest and our shared aspirations and our honest differences. I believe the kind of open, direct exchange that President Jiang and I had on Saturday at our press conference -- which I know many of you watched on television -- can both clarify and narrow our differences, and, more important, by allowing people to understand

and debate and discuss these things can give a greater sense of confidence to our people that we can make a better future.

From the windows of the White House, where I live in Washington, ., the monument to our first President, George Washington, dominates the skyline. It is a very tall obelisk. But very near this large monument there is a small stone which contains these words: The United States neither established titles of nobility and royalty, nor created a hereditary system. State affairs are put to the vote of public opinion.

This created a new political situation, unprecedented from ancient times to the present. How wonderful it is. Those words were not written by an American. They were written by Xu Jiyu, governor of Fujian Province, inscribed as a gift from the government of China to our nation in 1853.

I am very grateful for that gift from China. It goes to the heart of who we are as a people -- the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, the freedom to debate, to dissent, to associate, to worship without interference from the state. These are the ideals that were at the core of our founding over 220 years ago. These are the ideas that led us across our continent and onto the world stage. These are the ideals that Americans cherish today.

As I said in my press conference with President Jiang, we have an ongoing quest ourselves to live up to those ideals. The people who framed our Constitution understood that we would never achieve perfection. They said that the mission of America would always be "to form a more perfect union" -- in other words, that we would never be perfect, but we had to keep trying to do better.

The darkest moments in our history have come when we abandoned the effort to do better, when we

denied freedom to our people because of their race or their religion, because there were new immigrants or because they held unpopular opinions. The best moments in our history have come when we protected the freedom of people who held unpopular opinion, or extended rights enjoyed by the many to the few who had previously been denied them, making, therefore, the promises of our Declaration of Independence and Constitution more than faded words on old parchment.

Today we do not seek to impose our vision on others, but we are convinced that certain rights are universal -- not American rights or European rights or rights for developed nations, but the birthrights of people everywhere, now enshrined in the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights -- the right to be treated with dignity; the right to express one's opinions, to choose one's own leaders, to associate freely with others, and to worship, or not, freely, however one chooses.

In the last letter of his life, the author of our Declaration of Independence and our third President, Thomas Jefferson, said then that "all eyes are opening to the rights of man." I believe that in this time, at long last, 172 years after Jefferson wrote those words, all eyes are opening to the rights of men and women everywhere.

Over the past two decades, a rising tide of freedom has lifted the lives of millions around the world, sweeping away failed dictatorial systems in the Former Soviet Union, throughout Central Europe; ending a vicious cycle of military coups and civil wars in Latin America; giving more people in Africa the chance to make the most of their hard-won independence. And from the Philippines to South Korea, from Thailand to Mongolia, freedom has reached Asia's shores, powering a surge of growth and productivity.


克林顿两届就职演讲稿 克林顿首任就职演讲稿(中英文): My fellow citizens : Today we celebrate the mystery of American renewal. This ceremony is held in the depth of winter. But, by the words we speak and the faces we show the world, we force the spring. A spring reborn in the worlds oldest democracy, that brings forth the vision and courage to reinvent America. When our founders boldly declared Americas independence to the world and our purposes to the Almighty, they knew that America, to endure, would have to change. Not change for changes sake, but change to preserve Americas ideals; life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. Though we march to the music of our time, our mission is timeless. Each generation of Americans must define what it means to be an American. On behalf of our nation, I salute my predecessor, President Bush, for his half-century of service to America. And I thank the millions of men and women whose steadfastness and sacrifice triumphed over Depression, fascism and Communism. Today, a generation raised in the shadows of the


篇一:地震演讲稿 尊敬的吴老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家晚上好! 您还记得吗? 2008年5月12日下午14点28分。 您还记得吗?中国——四川——汶川县。 您还记得吗?2013年4月20日早晨8点02分您还记得嘛?——四川——雅安 看着这些熟悉的数字我的心是如此的沉重和苦涩 2013年4月20日早晨8点02分,当我们还在熟睡之际,梦想人生之时,雅安却发生了大地震,我们被这残酷的灾难所震醒,心被这残酷的灾难所震颤,在这天灾发生的一刻,我想到了那次汶川地震。它就像噩梦一样留在我们心中永远挥之不去。 那一次,四川汶川县发生了里氏八点零级地震,全国大半地区都有明显震感。它给人们和国家造成了严重的生命和财产损失。说它是大地震,是因为它比我们都知道的唐山地震还要严重,余震异常频繁,是新中国成立以来,一次史无前例的大灾难! 然而,在这如此恐怖的灾难面前,我们的中国子民没有退缩,我们一起手挽手去挑战地震----这个张牙舞爪的恶魔。 “一方有难,八方支援。众志成城,抗震救灾。”不错,当大地震发生后,全国乃至全世界都举行了捐款捐物捐衣捐水活动,各国人民也纷纷解囊相助,用爱心来为灾区人民营造幸福乐园。 两次地震给四川人民带来流离失所的悲痛,同时也体现了众多人们伟大的人格,在灾难降临的时候,四川人民没有退缩,中国人民没有退缩,他们抛弃了个人的一切,甚至写下遗书奔赴抗震救灾第一线。国家领导人不惜一切代价抢救灾情,为灾区人民送去温暖和希望。温家宝总理李克强总理在第一时间赶到了抗灾第一线,向灾区人民嘘寒问暖,表达了党中央对他们的爱护及关心。总理们在抗震前线吃的是馒头榨菜,每时每刻都往返在各个救灾帐篷之间?? 社会的各界仁人志士同样也为抗震救灾做出了很大贡献。他们有的是从全国各地赶来的志愿者,有的是没有遇难的本地人,有的则是来四川探亲的??他们也许失去了亲人,也许没有了家园,但是他们没有时间去过多悲痛,而是化悲伤为力量,为了灾区人民夜以继日地奔波着忙碌着。还有那些最可爱的官兵战士们,为了多救出一个灾民,为了早一分钟让灾民脱离危险,他们置自己的生死于不顾,和时间赛跑,和余震斗争,多么可爱的人啊,我们向他们致敬!在这块被灾难和阴霾笼罩的土地上,每一分每一秒都在回荡着一组组爱的交响乐! 用我们的爱心和行动,谱写出我们众志成城的一个好日子。阳光会灿烂,月亮会微笑,孩子的眼睛会被水灵灵的希望擦亮。我们手牵手,用一种不屈的精神一起去迎接美好的明天!我们手牵手,用一种伟岸的气魄一起去迎接美好的明天!篇二:地震演讲稿.doc 地震演讲稿-国旗下讲话:让我们唱响同一首歌 清风徐来,红日升起,雄壮激越的国歌旋律在校园的高空飘扬的时候,同学们,你有没有感受到这是多么幸福安宁的生活?你有没有为此对这份幸福充满感恩?这些日子,我是如此强烈地感受到了这些,但是我还想到了同一蓝天下却承受着巨大的痛苦的我们的四川同胞们,他们遭遇到毁灭性的人生浩劫,正经受着的家破人亡的悲伤,正面临着大片大片废墟的茫然无措。。。 真相是如此残酷,了解真相更是令人痛苦。但是,哪一个黑头发黄皮肤的的中国人不突然放下手头的工作泪眼婆娑地盯着新闻里一个又一个关于同胞们受灾的镜头,哪一个流着中国血喝着黄河水的中国人不倾耳收听抗震救灾的行动? 下面,我想就我所了解的四川地震的有关情况为大家作个具体的介绍。 北京时间5月12日14时28分,在四川汶川县(北纬31度,东经103.4度)发生7.8级地震。包括北京在内的近半个中国都有震感。此次四川地震震级高,又属浅源性地震,释放能量剧


大学生英文演讲稿3篇 ——WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改—— honorable judges, fellow students:recently, ther is a heated debate in our society. the college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinary places. but will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds?will we be able to better the lives of others? will we be able to accept there sponsibility of building the future of our country? the cynics say the college students are the pampered lost generation, which would cringe at the slightest discomfort. but the cynics are wrong. the college students i see are eagerly learning about how to live independently. we help each other clean the dormitory, go shopping and bargain together, and take part time jobs to supplement our pocket money. the cynics say we care for nothing other than grades; and we neglect the need for character cultivation. but again, the cynics are wrong.we care deeply for each other, we cherish freedom, we treasure justice, and we seek truth. last week, thousands of my fellow students had their blood typetested in order to make a contribution for the children who suffer from blood cancer.


大学英语演讲稿范文:Self-educatio n Self education: a model of College English speech 编订:JinTai College

大学英语演讲稿范文:Self-education 小泰温馨提示:演讲稿是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,体现着演讲的目的和手段,用来交流思想、感情,表达主张、见解;也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和经验等等;同时具有宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏等作用,可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感情传达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。本文档根据演讲稿内容要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 when finishing the high school course, not every student has the chance or ability to go to college. some students choose to seek a job, start their own business or pursue other interest. however, for some students who want to get further education, they choose self-education, self-education is no better than university studies. on the one hand, self-education lacks of a well-defined structure. in the school, the teacher will make some plans for students’ studies; they plan the target, the fulfillment of expectation and assessment


美国克林顿总统在北京大学的演讲稿演讲范文 PRESIDENT CLINTON: Thank you. Thank you, President Chen, Chairmen Ren, Vice President Chi, Vice Minister Wei. We are delighted to be here today with a very large American delegation, including the First Lady and our daughter, who is a student at Stanford, one of the schools with which Beijing University has a relationship. We have six members of the United States Congress; the Secretary of State; Secretary of Commerce; the Secretary of Agriculture; the Chairman of our Council of Economic Advisors; Senator Sasser, our Ambassador; the National Security Advisor and my Chief of Staff, among others. I say that to illustrate the importance that the United States places on our relationship with China. I would like to begin by congratulating all of you, the students, the faculty, the administrators, on celebrating the centennial year of your university. Gongxi, Beida. Applause. As I’m sure all of you know, this campus was once home to Yenching University which was founded by American missionaries. Many of its wonderful buildings were designed by an American architect. Thousands of Americans students and professors have come here to study and teach. We feel a special kinship with you. I am, however, grateful that this day is different in one important respect from another important occasion 79 years ago. In June of 1919, the first president of Yenching University, John Leighton Stuart, was set to deliver the very first commencement address on these very grounds. At the appointed hour, he appeared, but no students appeared. They were all out leading the May 4th Movement for China’s political and cultural renewal. When I read this, I hoped that when I walked into the auditorium today, someone would be sitting here. And I thank you for being here, very much. Applause. I come here today to talk to you, the next generation of China’s leaders, about the critical importance to your future of building a strong partnership between China and the United States.


《》 I have been in University for about one year. During my stay here, I came to realize that university life is like drinking coke. We experience all tastes of life here, sour, sweet, bitter and hot. Lucky for me, life in university is rich and colorful. With more free time,we can do many more things besides study, such as joing societies clubs, and taking part-time jobs. Such activities not only make our life more colorful, but also help us improve all kinds of skills. The university is a society miniature, what we learn here will benefit our future life. University life is like drinking coke. I“m experiencing it. And I know, I enjoy it! 我一直在大学呆了一年多。我儿时,我才意识到大学生活就像喝可哀。 的生活经历口味、酸、甜、苦、辣。 我从省,离这儿很远。我常常想念妈妈的亲戚、朋友,在我的家乡。 然而,我经常见到。那么孤独总是会陪伴我。我很难过,我无法和在一起。 荣幸的是,我在大学生活是多彩的。有更多的闲暇,可以做更多的事情除了学习,如加入社团俱乐部,打工。的活动,使的生活多彩,而且还能帮助改进各样的技能。大学是社会,里学到的微缩有利于今后____的生活。的人生之路不会一帆风顺。挫折是无法的。失败的____的考试,跟男孩女孩的朋友,或者拒绝由有前途的公司,会让的挫折。有时候,觉得很悲痛,甚至大哭起来。 喝可哀是优美的,undesirble随之打嗝。这是苦的,酸和焦急,而且甜。 你甚至可以感觉到激烈下一杯。全身后,大学的经验是成长的一。哭泣,微笑着,坠入爱河,受伤,离开,学习,然后做的人。 大学生活就像喝可哀。我的感受。我知道,我喜欢它! 1/ 1

最新-克林顿就职中文演讲稿 克林顿1993年就职演讲+(中英文) 精品

克林顿就职中文演讲稿克林顿1993年就职演讲+(中英文) 春天重新降临到这个世界上最古老的国家,它给我们带来了重新塑造美国的构想和勇气.WhenourfoundersboldlydeclaredAmerica"sindependencetotheworldandour purposestotheAlmighty,theyknewthatAmerica,toendure,wouldhavetochange. Notchangeforchange"ssake,butchangetopreserveAmerica"sideals;life,libe rty,thepursuitofhappiness.Thoughwemarchtothemusicofourtime,ourmission istimeless.EachgenerationofAmericansmustdefinewhatitmeanstobeanAmeric an.当我们的缔造者们大胆地向全世界宣布美国的独立,向上帝宣布我们的目的时,他们知道,美国要长久地存在下去,就必须改革. 我们不是为改革而改革,而是为了保持美国的理想——生活、自由和追求幸福.虽然我们伴随着时代的乐曲前进,我们的使命却是永恒的. 每一代美国人都必须明确作为一个美国人意味着什么.Onbehalfofournation,Isalutemypredecessor,PresidentBush,forhishalf-centuryofservicetoAmerica.AndIthankthemillionsofmenandwomenwhosestead fastnessandsacrificetriumphedoverDepression,fascismandmunism.我的前任布什总统为美国服务了半个世纪,在此,我代表我们的国家向他致以崇高的敬意. Today,agenerationraisedintheshadowsoftheColdWarassumesnewresponsibili tiesinaworldwarmedbythesunshineoffreedombutthreatenedstillbyancientha tredsandnewplagues.我还要向千百万人民表示感谢,他们以坚定的信念和牺牲战胜了经济萧条、法西斯主义.今天,在冷战的阴影下成长起来的一代人在世界上已肩负起新的责任. 这个世界虽然沐浴在自由的阳光下,但仍然面临着旧的仇恨和新的灾祸的威胁.Raisedinunrivaledprosperity,weinheritaneconomythatisstilltheworld" sstrongest,butisweakenedbybusinessfailures,stagnantwages,increasingin equality,anddeepdivisionsamongourpeople.我们在无与伦比的繁荣中成长,继承了一个仍然是世界上最强大经济,但是. 商业失败、工资停滞、不平等加剧,以及我们自己的人民四分五裂,削弱了这


英语演讲稿:地震 sinceweenterthe21stcentury,thespiritofcooperationhasbecomem oreandmoreimportant.win-winisapopularword.inthisway,oneplus oneisactuallybiggerthanratherthanjustequaltotwo. inthishighlydevelopedsociety,theprogressofscienceandtechnol ogyistheresultofcooperation.thehumangenomeprojectisagoodexa mple.morethan1000topscientistsfromdifferentcountrieshavepar ticipatedinthegreatproject.everyscientistmaybea’one’,buto neplusone,thefinalresultismuchgreaterthan’two’. thethemeofoursocietyisnotcompetition,butcooperation.everyst ageofpracticeshowsthatpeoplewithspiritofcooperationorteamwo rkwillwinsuccessmuchmoreeasilythanthosewithoutthespirit,and acountryorregionwilldevelopfasterandbetterifcooperatingwith theoutsideworldinsteadofself-enclosed.wecanbenefitfromeacho herifwecreatevaluetogether.wemustcorrectlyhandletherelation shipbetweencooperationandcompetition,andlearntocooperatewit hother.weneedtomakeoneandonebiggerthantwo. theterribledisastercausedmorethen40075inhabitantsdeathsandc


大学生活英语演讲稿 篇一:如何充实度过大学生活的优秀英文演讲稿范文模板如何充实度过大学生活的优秀英文演讲稿范文模板 这是一篇如何充实度过大学生活的优秀英文演讲稿范文,是由为您收集整理的,愿您喜欢~ Honourable judges and friends, Good morning! i am very glad to be here to share my college life with you . Two years ago, i came into this city of and started my college life , the most memorable journey of my life. i was just a shy and little girl that time. all the things seemed fresh to me: new faces, large library and physics lab etc. i breathed the air of college greedily, i was curious about everything.the class given by the teachers are excellent.they provide us with information not only from our textbook but from other sources as well.i actively involved in student union and varies of association. but soon i realized that i do not make full use of my spare time ,so i got a part-time job to help a junior student with math lessons besides,i also took part in activities concerning public welfare. we taught the kids there who could not


克林顿就职演讲稿 篇一:克林顿就职演讲稿-中英文对照 克林顿就职演讲稿-中英文对照 Inaugural Address of George W.Bush January 20 2001 President Clinton distinguished guests and my fellow citizens:The peaceful transfer of authority is rare in history mon in our country.With asimple oath we affirm old traditions and make new beginnings.As I begin I thank President Clinton for his service to our nation and I thank VicePresident Gore for a contest conducted with spirit and ended with grace.I am honored and humbled to stand here where so many of Americas leaders e before me and so many will follow.We have a place all of us in a long story.A story we continue but whose end we willnot see.It is the story of a new world that became a friend and liberator of the old a storyof a slave-holding society that became a servant of freedom the story of a power thatwent into the world to protect but not possess to defend but not to conquer.It is theAmerican story.A story of flawed and fallible people united across the generations bygrand and enduring ideals.The grandest of these ideals is an unfolding American promisethat everyone belongs that everyone deserves a chance that no insignificant person wasever born.Americans are called upon to enact this promise in our lives


地震自救自护知识英语演讲稿篇一:地震自救自护知识 地震自救自护知识 1、学校避震正在上课时,要在教师指挥下迅速抱头、闭眼、躲在各自的课桌下。在操场或室外时,可原地不动蹲下,双手保护头部,注意避开高大建筑物或危险物。不要回到教室去。震后应当有组织地撤离。千万不要跳楼!不要站在窗外旁!不要到阳台上去。 2、家庭避震 地震预警时间短暂,室内避震更具有现实性,而室内房屋倒塌后形成的三角空间,往往是人们得以幸存的相对安全地点,可称其为避震空间。这主要是指大块倒塌体与支撑物构成的空间。室内易于形成 3、公共场所避震 听从现场工作人员的指挥,不要慌乱,不要拥向出口,要避免拥挤,要避开人流,避免被挤到墙壁或栅栏处。 在影剧院、体育馆等处:就地蹲下或趴在排椅下;注意避开吊灯、电扇等悬挂物;用书包等保护头部;等地震过去后,听从工作人员指挥,有组织地撤离。 在商场、书店、展览、地铁等处:选择结实的柜台、商品(如低矮家具等)或柱子边,以及内墙角等处就地蹲下,用手或其他东西护头;避开玻璃门窗、玻璃橱窗或柜台;避

开高大不稳或摆放重物、易碎品的货架;避开广告牌、吊灯等高耸或悬挂物。 4、户外避震 就地选择开阔地避震:蹲下或趴下,以免摔倒;不要乱跑,避开人多的地方;不要随便返回室内。避开高大建筑物或构筑物:楼房,特别是有玻璃幕墙的建筑;过街桥、立交桥;高烟囱、水塔下。避开危险物、高耸或悬挂物:变压器、电线杆、路灯等,广告牌、吊车等。避开其他危险场所:狭窄的街道;危旧房屋,危墙等。 切记:千万不要跳楼!不要靠近在窗户!不要到阳台上去!不要乘电梯! 地震时的自救四大常识 1、大地震时不要急 破坏性地震从人感觉振动到建筑物被破坏平均只有12秒钟,在这短短的时间内你千万不要惊慌,应根据所处环境迅速作出保障安全的抉择。如果住的是平房,那么你可以迅速跑到门外。如果住的是楼房,千万不要跳楼,应立即切断电闸,关掉煤气,暂避到洗手间等跨度小的地方,或是桌子,床铺等下面,震后迅速撤离,以防强余震。 2、人多先找藏身处 学校,商店,影剧院等人群聚集的场所如遇到地震,最忌慌乱,应立即躲在课桌,椅子或坚固物品下面,待地震过


大学生英语演讲稿范文三分钟 Although we would all love to be Ms Popular at home and in the office, at work the task is not to be liked, but to be effective, says computer sales executive Andrea. “This is possibly the single most important lesson we can learn. You can't always be popular. You shouldn't have to be; it's not what you're there for. Progress depends on having your own ideas and sticking to them. And that means having the guts to make difficult decisions when you have to,” she says. We're aware from day one in our first job that every decision we make is either a building block or a stumbling block on our career path. We should use the time to lay the groundwork of future respect by being professional, responsible, innovative, diligent and reliable. Respect is never given for nothing. Claire knew that she was offered a move to Paris with her finance company because she had gained a reputation for keeping cool under fire. And the next step up the ladder would depend on her performance in Paris. “It's essential to build regard if you're going to be able to do what you want in your job,” she says. Winning respect enhances all you do. A proposal for change is more likely to be well received; an application for a raise or a request for promotion is more likely to succeed.


【克林顿提名奥巴马英语演讲稿完整版】 Former President Bill Clinton's remarks to the Democratic National Convention, as prepared for delivery. Clinton veered from these prepared remarks multiple times throughout his speech. We're here to nominate a President, and I've got one in mind. I want to nominate a man whose own life has known its fair share of adversity and uncertainty. A man who ran for President to change the course of an already weak economy and then just six weeks before the election, saw it suffer the biggest co llapse since the Great Depression. A man who stopped the slide into depression and put us on the long road to recovery, knowing all the while that no matter how many jobs were created and saved, there were still millions more waiting, trying to feed their children and keep their hopes alive. I want to nominate a man cool on the outside but burning for America on the inside. A man who believes we can build a new American Dream economy driven by innovation and creativity, education and cooperation. A man who had the good sense to marry Michelle Obama. I want Barack Obama to be the next President of the United States and I proudly nominate him as the standard bearer of the Democratic Party. In T ampa, we heard a lot of talk about how the President and the Democrats don't believe in free enterprise and indiv idual initiative, how we want everyone to be dependent on the government, how bad we are for the economy. The Republican narrative is that all of us who amount to anything are completely self-made. One of our greatest Democratic Chairmen, Bob Strauss, used to say that every politician wants you to believe he was born in a log cabin he built himself, but it ain't so. We Democrats think the country works better with a strong middle class, real opportunities for poor people to work their way into it and a relentless focus on the future, with business and government working together to promote growth and broadly shared prosperity. We think "we're all in this together" is a better philosophy than "you're on your own." Who's right? Well since 1961, the Republicans have held the White House 28 years, the Democrats 24. In those 52 years, our economy produced 66 million private sector jobs. What's the jobs score? Republicans 24 million, Democrats 42 million! It turns out that advancing equal opportunity and economic empowerment is both morally right and good economics, because discrimination, poverty and ignorance restrict growth, while investments in education, infrastructure and scientific and technological research increase it, creating more good jobs and new wealth for all of us. Though I often disagree with Republicans, I never learned to hate them the way the far right that now controls their party seems to hate President Obama and the Democrats. After all, President Eisenhower sent federal troops to my home state to integrate Little


大学生关于英语演讲稿范文 Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman! First I want to say is that I’m very proud of to be invited to to present my topic here, which is “ Inter Civilization”. Before I begin my topic, please allow me to ask you a question: Every time you click the mouse to surf the web, do you know what does it mean? On the , you can make friends overseas and call them with IP phones; you can get information from all over the world; you can even give a hand to some people in troubles and get help when in need. However, we have to admit that inter also leads to intimacy before acquaintance; it scatters secrets outwards, not inwards; and, most worrying of all, it is a vehicle for liars. Here we should see, there exists good and evil, right and wrong on the web. As izens, we’d better grow to realize the importance of Inter Civilization.

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