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赖斯的演讲 keynote speech
赖斯的演讲 keynote speech

赖斯的演讲keynote speech formerU.S.Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at the World Economic Forum 主旨演讲在世界经济论坛年会


人名:Klaus,President of the World Economic Forum

President Couchepin 瑞士总统Pascal Couchepin

Bismarck 俾斯麦(政治家,学过历史的都知道吧^^)

Hank Paulson 美国财长,曾经的高盛公司一把手

Thank you very much. Thank you, Klaus, for that terrific introduction. I’m tempted to ask if you are the conductor and to say that it is a very good thing if no one misses any notes, the piano or the orchestra.

I want to applaud you for everything that you’ve done to put this World Economic Forum together and to make it a place where people come to share ideas, and ideas that can indeed lead to a better world. It is a wonderful gathering of civil society, of business, of great leaders from around the world. And also, I note that you’ve also gone out of your way to include young people, and I thank you very much for your effort.

Let me thank also President Couchepin for the work that the government and people of Switzerland have done in generously welcoming us to this beautiful country.

President Karzai, Dr. Pachauri: Thank you very much for your wonderful work and I’m really just delighted to share the dais with you tonight.

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen:

It is an honor to join you here, and as Klaus has said, I have tried to get here several times before. I was determined to make it as Secretary of State and I guess I can say better late than never, Klaus. I spoke at the Forum by video in 2006, and I had the pleasure last year of receiving a group of Young Global Leaders at a first-ever U.S. Policy Summit. And so I understand that some of them are here today. It’s a wonderful legacy that you’re leaving, Klaus, in bringing these young people in.

I was thinking about what I was going to say tonight, and I’ve been watching the news and I’ve been looking at the images on television and I’ve reflected on the events of the day. And of course, what comes front and center for all of us is the turbulence – political and economic – in our world:

The violence in Kenya. The tragic assassination of Mrs. Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan. The ongoing and at times halting efforts of Iraqis and Afghans to

build peaceful, functioning governments. The looming danger of climate change. The forecasts of market woes and economic troubles. Even a growing concern about globalization itself – a sense that increasingly it is something that is happening to us, not controlled by us.

As I took a look at all of this, I decided to do something risky: I want to talk about the importance of ideals and I want to talk about the need for optimism in their power.

Now, I know that whenever Americans start talking about idealism and optimism, international audiences groan. Perhaps there is a little concern that you’re going to hear a long, moralizing lecture. Well, I promise not to do that.

And another common concern when Americans talk of idealism and optimism is, “Well, there they go again,” the innocents abroad. Indeed, there is a long international tradition of viewing America as kind of young and na?ve.

Well, in our defense, I would just say we’re not that young.

And if you are tempted to think that we are na?ve, then you should hope

that Bismarck was right when he said, “God has a special providence for fools, drunks, and the United States of America.”

Seriously though, I recognize that there is a climate of anxiety in our world today. And it is tempting for many people to turn inward, to secure what they have, and to shut others out. Some want to go it alone. And there is certainly cynicism about the salience of our ideals when it seems that it’s just hard enough to protect our interests.

I know that many are worried by the recent fluctuations in U.S. financial markets, and by concerns about the U.S. economy. President Bush has announced an outline of a meaningful fiscal growth package that will boost consumer spending and support business investment this year. My colleague, Hank Paulson, who had hoped to be with you, is leading our Administration’s efforts and working closely with the leaders of both parties in Congress to agree on a stimulus package that is swift, robust, broad-based, and temporary.

The U.S. economy is resilient, its structure is sound, and its long-term economic fundamentals are healthy. The United States continues to welcome foreign investment and free trade. And the economy, our economy, will remain a leading engine of global economic growth. So we should have

confidence in the underlying strength of the global economy – and act with confidence on the basis of principles that lead to success in this world.

And on that note, I would submit to you this evening that there is not one challenge in the world today that will get better if we approach it without confidence in the appeal and effectiveness of our ideals –political and economic freedom, open markets and free trade, human dignity and human rights, equal opportunity and the rule of law. Without these principles, backed by all forms of national power, we may be able to manage global problems for awhile, but we will not lay a foundation to solve them.

This is the core of America’s approach to the world. We do not accept a firm distinction between our national interests and our universal ideals, and we seek to marry our power and our principles together to achieve great and enduring progress. This American approach to the world did not begin with President Bush. Indeed, it is as old as America itself. I have referred to this tradition as American Realism.

It was American Realism that enabled the United States to come into being in the first place. It was American Realism that led us to rally our allies to build a balance of power that favored freedom in the last century. And in this century, it is this American Realism that shapes our global

leadership in three critical areas that I’d like to talk about tonight: the promotion of a just economic model of development; the promotion of a freer, more democratic world; and the role of diplomacy in overcoming differences between nations.

First, let us take development. Amidst the extraordinary opportunities of the global economy, which we will talk about here, the amount of deprivation in our world still remains unacceptable. Half of our fellow human beings live on less than $2 a day. That’s simply not acceptable in a civilized world. But as we approach the challenges of development, let us remember that we know what works: We know that when states embrace free markets and free trade, govern justly and invest in their people, they can create prosperity and then translate it into social justice for all their citizens.

Yes, some states are growing economically through a kind of “authoritarian capitalism.” But it is at least an open question whether it is sustainable f or a government to respect people’s talents but not their rights. In the long run, democracy, development, and social justice must go hand in hand.

We must treat developing nations not as objects of our policy, but as equal partners in a shared endeavor of dignity. We must support leaders and citizens in developing nations who are transforming the character of their

countries –through good governance and economic reform, investment in health and education, the rule of law and a fight against corruption. And we must transform our foreign assistance into an incentive for developing nations to embrace political and economic liberty, to build just and effective states and to take ownership of their own development.

In recent years, the United States has been trying to put these principles into practice in our core development policies. Indeed, under President Bush, and with the full support of our Congress, the United States has launched the largest international development effort since the Marshall Plan.

We have met or are clearly on course to meet all of our international commitments to increase official development assistance: Since 2001, we have doubled our assistance to Latin America, we’ve quadrupled it for Africa, and we’ve tripled it worldwide, all wh ile reforming it to better support responsible policies of developing states.

We have put $7.5 billion into our Millennium Challenge Account initiative, which is rooted in the ideals of the Monterrey Consensus. We have also launched historic efforts to combat malaria and HIV/AIDS. In fact, President Bush’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief is the largest effort ever by one nation to combat a single disease.

But more and better aid has to be accompanied by the global expansion of free and fair trade. It isn’t easy – I will tell you, it is not easy -- for the American president to advocate free and fair trade at a time of growing economic populism. Yet President Bush remains committed to completing a successful Doha Round, and my colleague Susan Schwab, who is here tonight in Davos, is working hard to do just that.

The President has pledged that the United States will eliminate all tariffs, subsidies, and barriers to free flow of goods and services –including agriculture – as other nations do the same. We expect our partners to join us in finding a way to make Doha a success.

If we are to continue expanding global economic growth, we also need to find a new approach to energy and the environment. If we proceed on our current course, we have an unacceptable choice: Either sacrifice global economic growth for the health of our planet – or sacrifice the health of our planet for fossil fuel-led growth. We cannot do that. We have to reject this course –and work instead to cut the Gordian Knot of fossil fuels, carbon emissions, and economic activity.

I want to assure you that we Americans realize how central a solution to

climate change is to the future health and success of the international system. And we will be tireless in helping to lead the search for that solution: through the UN Framework Convention and through the Major Economies Meetings that President Bush proposed, the first of which we hosted this past September.

As we work for a more just economic order, we must also work to promote a freer and more democratic world –a world that will one day include a democratic Cuba, a democratic Burma, and a fully democratic Middle East.

Now, this emphasis on democracy in the Middle East is controversial, I admit, and some would say, “Well, we’ve actually made the situation worse.”

I would ask: Worse compared to what?

Worse than when the Syrian army occupied Lebanon for nearly 30 years? Worse than when the Palestinian people could not hold their leaders accountable, and watched as a chance for peace was squandered and evaporated into the second intifada?

Worse than the tyranny of Saddam Hussein at the heart of the Middle East, who terrified his neighbors and whose legacy is the bodies of 300,000

innocent people that he left in unmarked mass graves?

Or worse perhaps than the false stability which masked a freedom gap, spawned hopelessness, and fed hatreds so deep that 19 men found cause to fly airplanes into American cities on a fine September morning?

No, ladies and gentlemen, the past order in the Middle East is nothing to extol, but it does not make the challenges of the present less difficult. Even when you cherish democratic ideals, it is never easy to turn them into effective democratic institutions. This process will take decades, and it will be driven, as it should be, and as it only can be, by courageous leaders and citizens in the region.

Different nations will find ways to express democratic values that reflect their own cultures and their own ways of life. And yet the basics are universal and we know them – that men and women have the right to choose those who will govern them, to speak their minds, to worship freely, and to find protection from the arbitrary power of the state.

The main problem for democracy in the Middle East has not been that people are not ready for it. The problem is that there are violent forces of reaction that cannot be allowed to triumph.

The problem is that too many Lebanese journalists and parliamentarians are being assassinated in a campaign of intimidation, and that the Lebanese have not been permitted to elect their president freely.

The problem is that too many peaceful human rights activists, and journalists, and bloggers are sitting in prison for actions that should not be considered crimes in any country.

The problem is not that a group like Hamas won one free election; it is that the leaders of Hamas still refuse to make the fundamental choice that is required for any democracy to function: You can be a political party, or you can be a terrorist group, you cannot be both.

We should be under no illusions that the challenges in the Middle East will get any better if we approach them in a less principled fashion. In fact, the only truly effective solutions to many of these challenges will emerge not in spite of democracy, but because of it.

Democracy is the most realistic way for diverse peoples to resolve their differences, and share power, and heal social divisions without violence or repression.

Democracy is the most likely way to ensure that women have an equal place in society and an equal right to make the basic choices that define their lives.

And democracy is the most realistic path to lasting peace among nations. In the short run, there will surely be struggles and setbacks. There will be stumble and even falls. But delaying the start of the democratic enterprise will only mask tensions and breed frustrations that will not be suppressed forever.

Now this brings us, finally, to the matter of diplomacy. Do optimism and idealism play a role in this endeavor, which is by its very nature the art of the possible? Is it as Lord Palmerston said –that “nations have no permanent enemies and no permanent allies, only permanent interests?”

Well, I can assure you that America has no permanent enemies, because we harbor no permanent hatreds. The United States is sometimes thought of as a nation that perhaps does not dwell enough on its own history. To that, I say: Good for us. Because too much focus on history can become a prison for nations.

Diplomacy, if properly practiced, is not just talking for the sake of talking. It

requires incentives and disincentives to make the choice clear to those with whom you are dealing that you will change your behavior if they are willing to change theirs. Diplomacy can make possible a world in which old enemies can become, if not friends, then no longer adversaries.

Consider the case of Libya. Just a few years ago, the United States and Libya were locked in a state of hostility. But as Libya has chosen to reject terrorism, to renounce its pursuit of weapons of mass destruction, and to rejoin the international community, the United States has reached out, and today, though we still have our differences, we have nothing to fear from one another.

The United States is building a similarly positive relationship with Vietnam, which would have been unthinkable 30 years ago – and of course with China, we have built a productive relationship that redounds to the benefits of both our peoples.

But perhaps nowhere is it clearer that we have no permanent enemies than in our relationship with Russia. Ladies and gentlemen, the recent talk about a new Cold War is hyperbolic nonsense. Our relations today are fundamentally different than they were when all we shared was the desire to avoid mutual annihilation.

The fact is that the United States and Russia are working constructively today on many issues of mutual interest –from counter-proliferation, to counter-terrorism, to the pursuit of peace in the Middle East. And we are determined to remember this, even when we hear unwise and irresponsible rhetoric from Russia itself that harkens back to an earlier time.

To be sure, there have been disappointments. Though we recognize that Russians today enjoy considerable personal and economic freedom, we believe tha t Russia’s greatness will ultimately be secured best through greater political freedom for its people – and through the establishment of strong institutions that check the power of the state, rather than serve the interests of a few.

We also believe that Russia should contribute to a transparent and open global energy economy, not a monopolistic one. But whatever the difficulties, no one can imagine a world in which the absence of U.S.-Russian cooperation will make any of our challenges easier to solve.

It is because America desires no permanent enemies that we can imagine a better relationship with North Korea, and we are working to build it through the Six Party Talks. North Korea is disabling its Yongbyon nuclear facility,

but there are other obligations that have yet to be met and must be, including the provision of a complete and accurate declaration of all nuclear programs and activities.

Still, we continue to believe that we can use the Six Party Talks for even larger purposes: to finally end the conflict on the Korean Peninsula; to forge a mechanism for security cooperation in Northeast Asia; to make peninsular issues a source of regional cooperation, not conflict; and to improve relations between North Korea and the international community, which would benefit no one more than the North Korean people themselves.

Let me assure you that the United States also has no desire to have a permanent enemy in Iran, even after 29 years of difficult history. Iranians are a proud people with a great culture, and we respect the contributions that they have made to world civilization. We have no conflict with Iran’s people, but we have real differences with Iran’s government –from its support for terrorism, to its destabilizing policies in Iraq, to its pursuit of technologies that could lead to a nuclear weapon.

With our agreement yesterday to pass a third Chapter 7 sanctions resolution, the permanent members of the Security Council plus Germany showed that we remain united, that we do not want Iran to become a nuclear weapons

power, and that we will continue to hold Iran to its international obligations.

Ultimately, though, this problem can and should be resolved through diplomacy. Should Iran suspend its uranium enrichment and reprocessing activities – which is an international demand, not an American one – we could begin negotiations, and we could work over time to build a new, more normal relationship – one defined not by fear and mistrust, but growing cooperation, expanding trade and exchange, and the peaceful management of our differences.

Our confidence that there are no permanent enemies also gives us hope that two states, Israel and Palestine, will one day live side by side in peace and security. The Annapolis process will support the bilateral efforts of Prime Minister Olmert and President Abbas to end the conflict between their peoples. But we must not lose sight of what that peace will really mean.

Peace will mean that Palestinians will never again suffer the humiliations of occupation and wasted hours spent in checkpoints – and will instead be free to work and prosper in a state of their own. Peace will mean that Israelis who have so justly and proudly defended the Jewish state for the past 60 years will finally see their right to exist affirmed and accepted by their neighbors. And peace will mean that the hatreds borne of this now 60 year-old conflict

will pass away with this current generation, not be passed on to infect new ones.

All conflicts must end, and nations need not have permanent enemies. But Lord Palmerston was wrong on the other part of his quote – that nations have no permanent allies. The United States has permanent allies: They are the allies with whom we share values –allies like Japan, and South Korea, and Australia, the allies we have in our own hemisphere, and of course, the allies we have across this continent – within NATO and the European Union.

Let me speak for a moment about this extraordinary alliance called the transatlantic alliance. The United States expects a lot of our allies. And our allies expect a lot of us. And the alliance has endured recent frictions, but it has never fractured. And the transatlantic alliance is defined today not by the differences between us, but by the work we do together to support the global success of our shared ideas – most importantly in Afghanistan.

I recognize that this is not easy work. We have all struggled to master the challenge of counterinsurgency– of marrying our civilian reconstruction and development efforts with our military operations. NATO is not performing perfectly. Neither is America. And our publics need to be told honestly that we are engaged in a real war in Afghanistan, that there will be sacrifices,

that this is not just a peacekeeping operation, and that the stakes could not be higher for the Afghan people, for our alliance, and for international security.

But for all of the challenges NATO is facing, let us remember how far we have come. I remember when NATO saw the world in two parts: There was Europe, and then there w as “out of area” – which was pretty much everything else. So who could have imagined seven years ago that our alliance today would be training troops in Iraq, providing air lift in Darfur, and rooting out terrorists in places like Kandahar? These are increasingly the challenges of the 21st century, and I am optimistic that NATO will meet them, just as it met the challenges of last century.

It is true, ladies and gentlemen, that optimism and confidence in our ideals are perhaps a part of the American character, and I admit that this can make us a somewhat impatient nation. Though we realize that our ideals and our interests may be in tension in the short term, and that they are surely tested by the complexities of the real world, we know that they tend to be in harmony when we take the long view.

Like any nation, we have made mistakes throughout our history, and we are going to make them again. But our confidence in our principles, and our

impatience with the pace of change, is also a source of our greatest successes –and this will ensure that the United States remains a strong, confident, and capable global leader in the 21st century.

Yes, our ideals and our optimism make Americans impatient, but our history, our experience, should make us patient at the same time. We, of all people, realize how long and difficult the path of democracy really is. After all, when our Founding Fathers said “We the People,” they did not mean me. It took the Great Emancipator, Abraham Lincoln, to overcome the compromise in our Constitution that made the founding of the United States of America possible, but that made my ancestors three-fifths of a man.

So we Americans have no reason for false pride and every reason for humility. And we believe that human imperfection makes democracy more important, and all who are striving for it more deserving of patience and support. History provides so many affirming examples of this.

After all, who would have thought that Japan would be a pillar of democratic stability in Asia? Once, that seemed impossible. Now, it seems inevitable.

Who would have thought that Germany and France would never go to war again and would instead join in union? Once, that too seemed impossible. Now,

it too seems inevitable.

And who would have thought that NATO and the European Union would erase old divisions of East and West, that they would unite democratic nations across Europe, and that the Alliance would hold its 2006 Summit in Latvia? Once, that seemed impossible. Now, it too seems inevitable.

And even today, from time to time, we catch the occasional glimpse of what a better world could look like. I have seen it while sitting in a provincial council in Kirkuk, and watching as Iraqis search in peace for ways to resolve their differences. I have seen it when I watched the Saudi Foreign Minster applaud the Israeli Prime Minister’s speech about a new opportunity for peace.

And I have seen what a better future could look like when, improbably, I have watched the American president stand with elected leaders under the flags of a democratic Iraq, a democratic Afghanistan, and the democratic future state of Palestine.

That ultimately is the role of confidence in the eventual triumph of our ideals: to face the world everyday as it is, but to know that it does not have to be that way –and to keep in sight the better, not perfect, but better


罗振宇2019跨年演讲精华版全文(略有删减)2018年12月31日20:30,深圳“春茧”体育馆座无虚席,罗振宇“时 间的朋友”跨年演讲如约而至。 罗振宇曾发下大愿望:跨年演讲要连办二十年。今年,是第四场,也是倒数第十七场。 在历时四个小时的演讲中,罗振宇通过对过去一整年的回顾和未来的展望,连发“扎心五问”,最终揭示出—— 比起普通人无法把控的大趋势,真正能给所有人带来机会,从细微处引发大变化的,恰恰是我们身边的各种“小趋势”。 以下是精华版全文(略有删减): 第一部分:开篇 1 2018年,一些大公司干着干着突然遇到危机了,多少被公认有前途的行业,干着干着突然就遇到了拐点。甚至好多事和自己是咋干的,都没有关系。 我们不操心行业和公司层面的事,就想想咱们自己。2018年过来之后,我多少感觉,所有那些曾经看起来坚固牢靠的东西后面,现在都想打一个问号:这个世界还会好吗?

以前,变化可能只是生活的一部分;现在,变化可能成了生活本身。2 2018年,我们告别了很多曾经熟悉的人。 我们都曾经为他们哀悼过,时而还感慨:一个时代结束了。这种感慨在朋友圈里如此密集,以至于有人说:2018年,时代结束了太多次。 但只要我们的情绪稍微平复一些,我们就应该意识到一个事实:其实并不是这一年故去的人特别多,而是我们这一代中国人,从40年前开始,才有机会知道很多人。在我们的少年时代,大众媒体把他们推到了我们面前。他们成为我们理解这个世界的符号、原型、榜样、接口和拐杖。所以今年他们的离场,才对我们有这么大的冲击。 我们并不是在告别谁,我们是在告别自己的一部分。我们必须习惯,这个世界抽换掉一些我们喜欢的、熟悉的东西。 所有正在看跨年演讲的人,虽然我们岁数各不相同,但是其实都是同一代中国人,也就是“改开一代”。如果你觉得2018年有很多复杂的情绪,那正说明了,改开一代终于从青春期走到成年礼。成年的滋味总是很复杂,熟悉的也许只能用来怀念,依赖的也许必须要放手。 3


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年轻干部演讲稿 年轻干部演讲稿 尊敬的各位领导、各位评委,同志们: 大家好!我红军纪念馆园区的一名工作人员,xxxx号选手xxxx。我今天演讲的题目是《理顺“四口气”做个尽业人》。在我看来,今天的演讲赛不仅是一个自我展示和相互学习交流的平台,更是一场自我认知与自我评判的机会。今天我站在这儿主要谈谈这半年来的工作心得和生活感受,在此与各位分享,敬请指正。 工作换句话说就是做事儿,学会做事儿的前提是要学会做人,尤其是要做一个尽业人。我刚才谈到的“四口气”中的第一口“气”就是: 少一点儿傲气多一点儿志气 作为年轻干部,我们身处在学堂和社会的交合处,难免有些书生意气,滋生了些许傲气。我们完成学业,从某种程度上说只是单纯的学业的完结。可是我们的学习还在继续,因为社会这本大书我们才刚刚翻开第一页。当务之急,我们最匮乏的就是两个字——经验。有人说:经验就是一枚不好看但是很实用的书签,夹在人生的课本中,供你随时翻看。说到这儿,我们身边的这些前辈耗费了若干年的光阴奉献在祖国

的基层,积累出来的经验就是我们这些初出茅庐的年轻干部的精神财富。想到这儿我们还有什么资本来骄傲,还有什么底气来自我感觉良好?! 少跟别人斗气多争一口气 在工作中,和同事或多或少会有些意见分歧或者其他的小摩擦,影响情绪。人非圣贤,孰能无过!有位哲人说过:生气是拿别人的错误来惩罚自己,这不划算的。别人说你人品不好,我们可以不断收敛自己的言行举止;别人说你能力不行,可以通过学习来自我提升呀,把和别人斗气的时间和精力用来弥补自己的缺憾,何乐不为? 少一点儿怨气多一点儿勇气 平日里,咱们身边难免会有很多抱怨的声音,诸如:看谁不顺眼、事儿太多、压力太大、分工不均、怀才不遇等等,屡见不鲜。说到这儿,我们不得不承认一个事实:以我们现有的社会阅历,看别人不顺眼只能是自己的修养不够。倘若你抱怨自己怀才不遇,一个朋友说过这么句话:怀才就像怀孕,时间久了才会被看出来。所谓的怀才不遇就是十月怀胎的火候还不到,窖藏百年的酒才是陈酿!这个世界充满了挑战,避开这些鸡毛蒜皮,勇敢地面对生活中工作中的点滴与挫折,调整好心态,毕竟百人争锋,勇者胜!当你失败了,就把它当做人生财富来收藏;成功了,就是财富人生咯。 少一点儿邪气多一点儿正气


罗振宇“时间的朋友”2016跨年演讲全回顾 欢迎各位,时间的朋友,看看四十年前的我,变化也不大。过去过得不爽的人,叫做时间的朋友,当你有些事情没有做,会有淡淡忧伤,常常有这样的时刻。很多年前我失恋了,去香山坐缆车。只有我一个人坐,半山腰狂风大作,前不见古人后不见来者,觉得命就扔在那里,我发誓我能安全下山就好好做人,做一个脱离低级趣味的人,当然后来并卵,下山后该怎样还是怎样。 我们的人生需要失恋坐缆车这种时间的特殊时刻,所有动物都有三种情绪:人多了爱恨和忧伤,爱不是愉悦、恐惧、愤怒,它一定是多了时间的尺度,人要是没有时间的尺度,爱不起来、也恨不起来,当时间的维度开掘地越深,属于人性的光辉就越加灿烂。 2015年发生了很多事情,很多记不住,现在没人做十大新闻了,因为每个人关注都不同,有人关注优衣库,有人关注经济,有人关注苹果什么时候降价。我作为媒体人,不要以为多元化就是事实,会自动呈现在你面前,越是多元化看到世界越扭曲。过去中国媒体的话语权更多控制科技,都是互联网公司的头条,它霸占了很多我们的话语权,它给我们真是的世界吗?不一定。 去年董明珠给股东一百多个亿,没人知道,但是刘强东生孩

子全国都知道;王建林去年的资本拼命往海外铺,没人知道,他的公子发微博,天下皆知;汽车产业去年最热闹的人是贾跃亭,要做超级汽车,其实谁在真正关注汽车500强企业?是吉利汽车的李书福。我们看到最热闹地新闻未必是这个世界的真相。2015年的我发愿是做20年演讲,我虽然不能给出最真实的一年,但把看到的表象掀开,所能洞察到最深的本质是什么,这是我的努力,感谢时间的朋友的捧场。 我们都处在信息蜂巢,信息越发大,得到的信息越少。我做媒体的时候,有一个心得,几个记者采访企业家应该向他挑战,提出让他难堪的问题。我从来不相信这句话,我从来相信企业家是这个时代的宝贵财富,挑战他,你问他到张口结舌,又有什么光采?我和领导沟通,我不愿意站在企业家对面,而是他的身后,帮助我的用户重新呈现它眼前看到的世界,这是媒体这最有价值的信息开发。 2015年我虽然讲中国江湖的风风雨雨,我永远不在乎输赢,他们在构建一个伟大的商业文明,和过去的文明都不同,2015年职场人商业人我们都作出一点点的努力,然后会投射到天幕上。2015年舞台上大人物表演的剧情,给这个时代构建的商业文明留下了什么? 我聊七个话题:互联网恐慌

2020 ASCO_KEYNOTE-177_1L MSI-H结直肠癌_Debrief

2020 ASCO抢先看: 恶黑消化领域新进展 June, 2020


Colorectal 结直肠癌ASCO Plenary Session LBA 4 KEYNOTE-177 1L MSI-H CRC

结直肠癌 ?全球第三高发恶性肿瘤?全球致死率第二高肿瘤?中国每年新发38万例

Microsatellite Instability (MSI)和结直肠癌 ?结直肠癌可分别根据RAS、BRAF突变状态和微卫星状态来进行划分 ?MSI是指DNA复制时插入或缺失突变引起的微卫星序列长度改变的现象,是由某种MMR蛋白(MLH1、MSH2、MSH6、PMS2)功能异常所致的错配修复缺陷(dMMR)引发 MMR蛋白功能异常>>>错配修复缺陷>>> MSI序列长度改变 ?MSI,即微卫星不稳定性,见于10-20%的早期结直肠癌患者和3-5%的转移性结直肠癌患者1,2 ?这类患者的肿瘤常位于右侧(近端),呈黏液性和低分化,并可见淋巴细胞浸润,同时更易于发生BRAF突变

Pembrolizumab是首个被美国FDA批准用于这是美国FDA批准的首款不依照肿瘤来源,而是依照生物标志物进行区分的抗肿瘤疗法 2017年5月, FDA批准帕博利珠单抗用于高 度微卫星不稳定(Microsatellite Instability-High, MSI-H)或错配修复缺陷 (Mismatch Repair Deficient, dMMR)的 实体瘤患者。这是美国FDA批准的首款不 依照肿瘤来源,而是依照生物标志物进行 区分的抗肿瘤疗法 (MSI-H结直肠癌既往需接受过氟尿嘧啶、奥沙利铂和 伊立替康治疗,而MSI-H非结直肠癌实体瘤患者既往需 接受过一种以上的治疗)


新提拔干部发言稿(精选多篇) 第一篇:新提拔干部发言稿 各位领导、同志们: 近一段时间以来,我们新提拔的领导干部对党的一系列文件进行认真系统的学习,来讲,不少领导也开了专题讲座,这里面,给我触动最深的是我们书记关于“忠诚履责、尽心尽责、勇于负责、敢于问责”的讲话,感受极深,思想上有强烈的共鸣。下面,我就尽责的话题谈几点个人看法与心得。 (一)明确责任。 这里又有两个方面的意思,一个是要明确责任的含义,责任是什么?通俗点讲,责任就是分内应做之事,也就是承担应当承担的任务,完成应当完成的使命,做好应当做好的工作。如果再全面一点理解就是,责任既是权利,又是义务,是权利和义务的统一体。另一个就是要明确我们自身的责任是什么,换句话讲,就是我们的分内应做之事是什么?从工作职责的角度来讲,我和在座的同志们分内应做之事,就是履行好党和人民交给我们的职责,这就是我们目前的责任。更具体一些,当然可以明确到我们每一位同志的岗位职责,比如说领导的责任、干部的责任,等等。 (二)增强责任心。

责任心与责任是紧密相关的,我个人的理解是,责任心就是对自己所担负的责任的重要性的认识程度,以及思想和注意力的集中程度。通俗点讲,就是把某件事情是否认真当作一件事来办的态度。毛泽东同志曾讲过,世界上怕就怕认真二字,共产党就是最讲认真的。这里的“认真”,我认为就是指的责任心。从一定的意义上讲,我们事业的成败往往取决于责任心,中国共产党之所以能够领导人民从胜利走向胜利,就是因为最讲认真,最富于责任心。 对于一名政府工作人员来讲,责任心、责任意识是第一位的,是首要的。在座的同志,有部分是企管站站长,对于安全管理的职责及其重要性应该都很熟悉。无论是从经济发展还是社会管理的角度来讲,安全管理的重要性都是无庸置疑的,既直接关系到经济发展,又关系到人民群众生命财产安全,完全称得上是责任重于泰山。安全出了问题,伤了人、死了人,问题大不大?当然大,对我们来讲,这就是天大的事情。因此,对我们所履行的责任,要倾注全部的注意力,树立如临深渊、如履薄冰的责任心和责任意识,在工作中真正做有心、用心、尽心之人,而绝对容不得半点马虎和大意。实际上,这就是对我们自己负责,就是对人民群众生命财产安全负责,就是对党和人民的事业负责。 (三)忠诚履行责任。


罗振宇演讲观后感 周六大家一起观看学习了罗振宇的跨年晚会,从中我接触到了很多新的概念,例如,雁阵模型、豌豆公主效应、超级用户、流量用户、拳击比赛逻辑、人生算法、先发优势等。对互联网商业时代也有了更多的认知,这些对于专业从业人群,可能是非常普遍的道理,非常普遍的现象,但对于我这种“门外汉”还是很陌生。我们通过看他的演讲,了解了一些新的知识,了解了一些新的思维,这对自己的企业和工作都有些帮助的。 他提到“雁阵模型”,就如有领头雁,后面有跟着的。日本承接美国的产业转移,亚洲四小龙承接日本,中国承接亚洲四小龙。所以,21世纪初,中国才成了“世界工厂”。中国在雁阵中永远也不会是领头雁,因为我们虽然规模大,但是干的是低端产业,是别人转给我们的。但随着中国各项成本的提高,“世界工厂”的地位迟早是要交出去的。这恰好与我所接触到的科技兴国战略遥相呼应,将曾经主要依靠资源、资金和廉价劳动力推动的经济,转化为持续、快速、健康发展的新经济模式。这也再次使我认识到科教兴国与人才强国的重要性。 诺基亚曾在全球手机销量第一的地位,却快速被苹果及三星双双超越。面对新操作系统的智能手机的崛起,诺基亚失去了自己优势,甚至措手不及。因为在智能手机之前,诺基亚是世界上自己自由产业链最大的厂商,工厂是自己的,有全产业链的控制能力,成本控制能力最强。但这在新智能面前,成为阻碍他发展的最大问题,当产业创新速度太快的时候,工厂的设备也要随之而变,而变的成本实在太高,这是跟不上上游创新的速度。而诺基亚之后的企业,比如说苹果,以此为鉴,只创新,只管品牌供应链,制造全部外包出去。 罗振宇的演讲内容大概就是中国社会和所有的互联网创业者面临的非常普遍的问题。但他只是把大家目前面临的问题去陈列出来,让大家一起去讨论这些问题。他并没有给出答案,目前也不会有答案,但是这样可以引起我们的深思,使我们在今后探索的道路上目标更为明确。


Apple数字化教学师资培训 课程简介 通过典型案例教学,开创性的实践教学,让学员充分了解全球移动学习发展趋势和电子教材在移动学习中发挥的作用和优势,亲身体验次从MacOS,iOS系统学习到iBooks Author电子教材制作的完整流程,并培养普教教师使用苹果设备解决教学中问题的能力。 培训采取课堂讲授、讲师指导上机练习、注重培训学员的实际操作能力,帮助学员得到系统全面的技能训练。 培训目标 根据教学中的实际工作情况和现状,帮助习惯使用Windows的教师快速了解MacOS系统的基础使用,具体学习苹果硬件和MacOS操作系统的使用技巧,使之工作效率能够在现有基础上得到进一步的提高与进步,使培训的效果能够在工作中体现出来。 学习使用苹果应用程序,电子课件、电子教材的制作流程及方法,培养教师综合使用苹果产品(MacOS+iOS)知识和技能。实现MacOS,iWork,iLife和iBooks Authors的基本操作及运用,挖掘这些工具背后隐藏的技巧,并在学习过程中,形成独特的苹果思维理念,并能处理教学中实际遇到的问题。 学习来自于现有的完善的苹果教育解决方案案例,了解iTunes U,电子教材,Apps在整个教学体系中的应用,学习设置iTunes U课程。 培训对象 此培训课程针对初次接触Mac和iPad的教师。 培训信息 ?课程长度:1天 ?每班人数:不超过20位 培训环境设置: 教室环境要求:投影仪或大尺寸电视,音频播放,黑板或白板,Mini DisplayPort to VGA 转接器(选配:Apple TV,Wifi连接) 培训电脑要求:Mac或Macbook Pro ,Macbook Air ,iPad2 或New iPad 软件环境要求: Mac设置:OS X升级到最新版本,确保Mac上安装好的app都更新到最新版本ilife+iWork iPad设置:iOS升级到最新版本,确保iPad上安装好的app都更新到最新版本


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开始使用Keynote 创建或打开演示文稿 Keynote 提供了各种主题,您可从中选取主题来创建新的演示文稿。 您也可以打开Keynote ’09 或Microsoft PowerPoint 演示文稿。您必须先将在电脑上创建的演示文稿导入iPad,然后才可以将其打开。若要了解如何操作,请参阅以下章节中的相关主题: 导入与导出演示文稿、 打开演示文稿 存储在iPad 上的所有Keynote 演示文稿,均可在“我的演示文稿”视图中找到。它们显示为每个演示文稿第一个幻灯片的大图预览。 如果您打开Keynote 后瞧不到您的演示文稿预览,则意味着演示文稿已经打开且处于待编辑或查瞧状态。轻按工具栏左上角的“我的演示文稿”以查瞧打开的演示文稿。 在“我的演示文稿”视图中,左右扫动来查瞧您所有的演示文稿。请务必在演示文稿预览(而非视图的空白区域)上扫动。 创建新的演示文稿: 在“我的演示文稿”视图中,轻按屏幕左上角的“新建演示文稿”,然后轻按您想要使用的主题。(滚动来查瞧所有主题。) 新的演示文稿将打开,并在屏幕左侧的幻灯片导航器中显示一个幻灯片。 轻按来添加新的幻灯片。若要了解更多有关添加新幻灯片的信息,请参阅以下章节中的相关主题: 添加与整理幻灯片、 在文本占位符中键入您自己的文本,然后使用您自己的图像替换图像占位符。 若要了解如何使用占位符文本与图像,请参阅替换文本与图像占位符。 替换文本与图像占位符 大部分Keynote 幻灯片模板已包含文本与图像占位符,您也可用您自己的将其替换。 替换占位符文本: 连按两次文本占位符,然后开始键入。 当您完成键入时,您可以在键盘上轻按以隐藏它。 替换图像占位符: 若要添加您自己的图像,必须先通过与iTunes 同步,将这些图像传输到iPad 上。若要了解如何同步,请参阅《iPad 使用手册》中的说明(在iPad 上的Safari 书签中,轻按“iPad 使用手册”,然后搜索“同步”)。 轻按图像占位符右下角的,打开“相簿”窗口,该窗口将显示iPad 上可用的所有相簿。 如果您已替换占位符图像但想要更改,请轻按该图像以选择它,然后再次轻按它,再选择“替


用“爱岗敬业、全心服务”诠释基层干部 尊敬的各位领导,各位评委: 大家好!今天,我演讲的题目是《用“爱岗敬业、全心服务”诠释基层干部》。 我——是一名普通的基层干部,也许只是一滴水、一粒沙。我的生命没有耀眼的光华,也做不出什么“惊天地、泣鬼神”的壮举,但在建设陕西强县的进程中,我愿意作一颗星星、一粒火种,与千万同胞们汇聚成灿烂星空,燃烧出美丽图景,成为建设和谐社会的生力军! 雷锋同志说得好:“人的生命是有限的,可是,为人民服务是无限的。我愿把有限的生命投入到无限的为人民服务之中去”。基层干部既是一种职业,一种选择,更是一种责任,一种付出,是一种精神、一种姿态,更是一种奋发进取的勇气。“权为民所用,情为民所系,利为民所谋”,想人民群众之所想、急人民群众之所急、解人民群众之所需,全心全意为人民服务,把为人民服务变成一种自觉的行为,这就叫基层干部。 爱岗敬业、无私奉献是我们的宗旨;实事求是,谦虚谨慎是我们的工作态度;求真务实、廉洁高效是我们的工作作风。为民谋利,造福百姓,做人民满意的基层干部是我们崇高的追求。 岁月磨练人的意志,苦难砥砺人的品行。我们每个人的成长前进都离不开基层这个大家庭。当前,是我们泾阳加快发展的关键时期,我们必须在推进泾阳科学发展中冲得出来,豁得出去,在创先争优中勇当先锋,充分发挥自己的激

情与才能,勤奋工作,把一点一滴的小事做好,把一分一秒的时间抓牢,积极主动、创造性地开展工作,在提高工作质量和效率上下功夫; 在提高工作能力、提升工作档次上作努力,在服务大局、服务基层中作贡献,一心一意抓学习,全神贯注做工作,只争朝夕报社会,成才在岗位,奉献在岗位。 作为一名年轻的综合文字工作者,我积极进取,力争上游,尽力要求自己养成观察、体验和积累的习惯,充分利用一切可以利用的学习机会,不断提高自己的理论水平和业务素养,给自己“开小灶,补营养”。工作中,我始终保持严谨踏实的工作态度和吃苦耐劳的工作精神,及时了解和掌握党和国家的大政方针和上级的有关精神,做到通晓上情、了解外情、熟悉下情;对工作中的重难点,坚持知在先、思在先、谋在先,始终与领导的思维同频共振,以强烈的责任心,一丝不苟地工作,保质保量地完成了承担的各项工作,保证了上情下达,下情上报,促进了工作的高效运转。经过长期磨砺,个人的写作水平持续提升,得到了领导和同志们的一致好评。今年我的调研报告《掌握民情解民忧关注民生解民困》得到领导的重视,我个人还被推荐参加了市委组织的全市公文写作大赛,并荣获三等奖。不管工作有多忙,每天我都要抽时间练书法,强体魄,一方面丰富自己的精神世界,另一方面让紧张的大脑得到有效放松,更好地投入工作。 “路漫漫其修远兮”,我们所做的事是琐碎而平凡的,但我信奉海尔总裁张瑞敏所说的一句话:“把每件简单的事做好就是不简单,把每件平凡的事做好,就是不平凡。”或许我们很渺小,或许我们的工作岗位很平凡,但是我们都要拥有一颗爱党、积极向上的心,在群众中做好表率,在工作中创先争优,把自己的岗位坚守好,把自己的工作完成好,用


罗振宇跨年演讲全文精 选文档 TTMS system office room 【TTMS16H-TTMS2A-TTMS8Q8-

2017罗振宇跨年演讲全文 一个月前,我问了一遍身边的朋友和我们的用户同样一个问题:对你来说,2017年哪一天你认为很重要我得到了很多答案。 其中最有共识的答案是,10月18日,十九大召开的那一天很重要。对这个国家,对我们所有人,都很重要。 如果你问我,哪一天很重要当然就是今天——2017年12月31号。 各位时间的朋友,感谢收看“时间的朋友”跨年演讲,这是倒数第18场。 我们的2017 2017年,我们这个国家已经变得很牛很牛。 GDP大概是12万亿美元,是全球第二大经济体; 世界财富500强公司中,中国已占115家; 我们有着世界上最大的中等收入人口、最多的在校大学生;你看,全是好事。但是好事多,不见得焦虑少。我很焦虑——我们这家小小的创业公司能不能长大社会阶层是不是真的像有的人说的已经固化我的孩子们渐渐长大了,该让他们去哪种学校

过去,我们提到商业,脑子里蹦出来的第一个词,是“竞争”。而现在,你还来不及摆好姿势和竞争对手厮杀,用户就已经变成了另一个物种了。过去商业世界的主题是和对手竞争。未来商业世界的主题是追赶上用户。 用户是一条河,在奔腾向前 《爱丽丝漫游奇境》里红桃皇后说过一句让人很费解的话,“在我们这个地方,你必须不停地奔跑,才能留在原地。”之前,我们以为这是童话;2017年,才意识到这是现实。 一方面是大者越大、强者恒强,前面的咱是追不上了。另一方面,是所有人都在逾越规则、所有人都在离经叛道,后面的很快就要把咱超过去了。 2017年,我就这样逢人就问,关于我们这一代人形形色色的焦虑,得到了各色各样的答案。随着时间的推移,所有的讨论,都逐渐聚焦到了以下六个问题上: 第一,我们不是强者,还能不能登上舞台 第二,我们刚刚进场,怎么找到新玩法 第三,跟不上变化,会不会被淘汰 上面三个问题,离我们很近。更进一步,还有三个问题,看似离我们有点远,但其实对我们每个人的影响更大。 第四,中国经济增长会不会遇到天花板


iTunes 文件共享功能怎么使用 “文件共享”让您可以将文件从电脑拷贝到iPad 上的应用程序,也 可以从应用程序拷贝到电脑。就让小编来告诉大家iTunes 文件共享功 能怎么使用的方法吧,希望对大家有所帮助。 iTunes 文件共享功能使用方法 使用随附的基座接口转USB 电缆将iPad 连接到电脑。 在电脑上打开iTunes。 从iTunes 左侧的“设备”部分中选择您的iPad。 点按“应用程序”标签,并向下滚动到页面底部。 注:如果未看到下图所示的“文件共享”部分,则表明您的iPad 未安装任何支持文件共享的应用程序,如iWork(iPad 版)应用程序。 在“文件共享”部分下,您可找到当前安装在iPad 上且使用文件 共享功能的应用程序列表,如Keynote、Pages 和Numbers(iPad 版)。选择某个应用程序可查看iPad 上与该应用程序相关联的文件列表。 您可以将文件拖放到“文稿”列表中以将它们发送到iPad 上的应 用程序。也可点按“添加”按钮,找到要从电脑中发送的文件,然后点按“选取”。您选择的文件会立即拷贝到iPad 上的应用程序。只能选择该iPad 应用程序支持的文件。有关iWork(iPad 版)所支持文件的列表,请参阅文章最后的附加信息部分。 将文件从iTunes 拷贝到iPad 后,请在iPad 上打开Keynote、Pages 或Numbers。 导航到“文稿管理器”屏幕: 轻按左侧的第二个按钮,然后轻按“从iTunes 拷贝”: 随即会打开“从iTunes 拷贝”窗口: 您使用文件共享功能拷贝到iPad 的任何兼容文件都会列在“从


2018干部演讲稿(4篇) 同志们: 今天我们以 ___谈话的方式,在这里对这次新调整任用的位正科级干部进行一次廉政谈话。今天的任前廉政谈话,既是学习勉励的过程,也是警示教育的过程,目的是告诉同志们党的纪律和廉政规定,明确哪些能做、应做,哪些不能做、不应做。 教育在先,预防在前,是对党员 ___干部真正的关心,真正的爱护。加强廉洁自律,是对每位党员特别是党员 ___干部保持 ___员先进性的最基本要求,是加强党的先进性建设的重要内容和客观体现。这次系统新调整任用的正科级 ___干部,是我们发展的 ___,同志们必须带头廉洁自律,自觉做到廉政勤政,切实担负起抓党风廉政建设和经济工作的双重责任。下面我讲四点意见,也是向大家提出四方面的要求。 一、增强责任意识,认真履行党风廉政建设职责 认真履行党风廉政建设职责,是各级党政 ___的一项重要 ___任务。这次新调整任用的干部都是 ___班子成员,是建设工作的 ___者、 ___者、决策者,也是抓党风廉政建设的主体。因此大家在履行职责时要做到“一岗双责”。既要抓好经济工作、业务工作,亦

要担负起抓党风廉政建设的责任,切实落实好党风廉政建设责任制。党风廉政建设与经济、业务工作二者关系是紧密 ___、相互促进的。党风廉政建设的核心问题是密切党同人民群众的血肉 ___,良好的党风政风,能够为经济建设、业务工作的开展提供良好的人际环境,党群、干群关系好, ___就有威信,班子就有凝聚力、战斗力,在发展中就可以攻坚破难,无往而不胜。同样,经济发展得好,又能够为党风廉政建设提供坚实的物质基础,干部群众 ___到___发展的成果,得到实惠,党风廉政建设才能得党心民心。 党风廉政建设责任制考核每年都进行,从考核的结果来看,各级各部门都能贯彻执行,但离完全达到目标要求则还有差距。在实际工作中,确有一些 ___干部对党风廉政建设重视不够,认为是虚的东西,能过关就可以。必须切实认识到, ___忽视党风廉政建设,党群、干群关系中的矛盾不能及时得到疏理,肯定会出事,甚至会出危害社会稳定的大事;相反,只要 ___班子的主要负责人敢抓敢管,一个班子、一个单位乃至一个地区就不容易出问题;即使出了问题,也容易得到纠正。 所以,一定要抓好本单位、本部门的党风廉政建设,特别是主要___干部,不仅自己要廉政勤政,还要带好班子。要按照“谁主管,谁负责”的原则, ___倡廉的任务分解到下属各部门单位和每个 ___干部,抓好检查落实,切实担负起应尽的责任,做到一级抓一


翻译批评与赏析 学期论文 学院:高级翻译学院 专业: 2014 级英语笔译 姓名:王红伟 学号: Y140254

前言 学习感悟 本学期有幸选了陈老师开设的选修课—翻译批评与赏析,陈老师授课方式新颖独到,以德国功能翻译理论学派重要代表人物凯瑟琳娜·赖斯的《翻译批评:潜力与制约》一书为主线,以学生讲解老师总结答疑为主要方法,并穿插有课堂讨论,让学生各抒己见,畅所欲言,一学期的学习让我收获颇丰。 在未上陈老师的课之前,自己的翻译批评往往多是感性的翻译评论,没有系统的批评理念与批评模式,面对一个译本,只会从表层进行主观评判,既缺乏系统性又不具有客观性,难以服众。经过一学期的学习我认识到翻译批评绝不是为了批评而批评,更不能带有学术偏见而起意气之争,相互攻讦,翻译批评应该是建设性的,必须公正、客观、全面,有理有据。 作为翻译专业研究生,更应该对翻译批评认真加以学习,用全面的眼光看待翻译,树立科学的翻译批评观,并将其用于指导、审视自己的翻译活动。

翻译批评的文本功能视角 —兼评赖斯的文本类型理论 摘要:凯瑟琳娜·赖斯是德国功能派翻译理论的主要奠基者,在其扛鼎之作《翻译批评:潜力与制约》中赖斯借鉴德国心理学家布勒的语言功能划分模式将文本划归为三种基本类型:信息型文本、表情型文本和操作型文本,并建议根据文本功能采取相应的翻译方法。本文从赖斯的文本类型理论着手,结合不同文本译例,并对之加以述评。 关键词:赖斯;翻译批评;文本类型;文本功能;《翻译批评:潜力与制约》 1. 引言 凯瑟琳娜·赖斯(Katharina Reiss)是德国功能派翻译理论研究的先驱,1971年赖斯出版了其扛鼎之作《翻译批评:潜力与制约》“是德国从语言功能角度切入翻译研究的开端作品”,(陈吉荣,2007:3)赖斯在该书中以文本类型理论为基本框架,试图建构一个客观、可行、全面的翻译批评模式。赖斯的文本类型理论基本沿用了德国心理学家布勒的语言功能三分法影响,根据布勒的语言功能工具模式,赖斯把文本划分为三种主要类型,即信息型文本、表情型文本和操作型文本(亦称感染型)。(张美芳,2009:53) 2. 文本类型理论 赖斯的文本类型理论是其翻译批评模式的核心架构,支撑起了其整个翻译批评理论的基本框架。赖斯的文本类型理论观点较多地受到了德国心理学家布勒关于语言功能分类的影响,布勒将语言功能划分


罗振宇跨年演讲全文:只需生长 2016-01-01 11:19 网易科技报道 网易科技讯1月1日消息,罗辑思维创始人罗振宇昨日晚在北京水立方举行了名为“时间的朋友”为主题的跨年演讲。以下为罗振宇2015跨年演讲的全文: 欢迎各位,时间的朋友,看看四十年前的我,变化也不大。过去过得不爽的人,叫做时间的朋友,当你有些事情没有做,会有淡淡忧伤,常常有这样的时刻。很多年前我失恋了,去香山坐缆车。只有我一个人坐,半山腰狂风大作,前不见古人后不见来者,觉得命就扔在那里,我发誓我能安全下山就好好做人,做一个脱离低级趣味的人,当然后来并卵,下山后该怎样还是怎样。 我们的人生需要失恋坐缆车这种时间的特殊时刻,所有动物都有三种情绪:人多了爱恨和忧伤,爱不是愉悦、恐惧、愤怒,它一定是多了时间的尺度,人要是没有时间的尺度,爱不起来、也恨不起来,当时间的维度开掘地越深,属于人性的光辉就越加灿烂。 2015年发生了很多事情,很多记不住,现在没人做十大新闻了,因为每个人关注都不同,有人关注优衣库,有人关注经济,有人关注苹果什么时候降价。我作为媒体人,不要以为多元化就是事实,会自动呈现在你面前,越是多元化看到世界越扭曲。过去中国媒体的话语权更多控制科技,都是互联网公司的头条,它霸占了很多我们的话语权,它给我们真是的世界吗?不一定。 去年董明珠给股东一百多个亿,没人知道,但是刘强东生孩子全国都知道;王建林去年的资本拼命往海外铺,没人知道,他的公子发微博,天下皆知;汽车产业去年最热闹的人是贾跃亭,要做超级汽车,其实谁在真正关注汽车500强企业?是吉利汽车的李书福。我们看到最热闹地新闻未必是这个世界的真相。2015年的我发愿是做20年演讲,我虽然不能给出最真实的一年,但把看到的表象掀开,所能洞察到最深的本质是什么,这是我的努力,感谢时间的朋友的捧场。 我们都处在信息蜂巢,信息越发大,得到的信息越少。我做媒体的时候,有一个心得,几个记者采访企业家应该向他挑战,提出让他难堪的问题。我从来不相信这句话,我从来相信企业家是这个时代的宝贵财富,挑战他,你问他到张口结舌,又有什么光采?我和领导沟通,我不愿意站在企业家对面,而是他的身后,帮助我的用户重新呈现它眼前看到的世界,这是媒体这最有价值的信息开发。 2015年我虽然讲中国江湖的风风雨雨,我永远不在乎输赢,他们在构建一个伟大的商业文明,和过去的文明都不同,2015年职场人商业人我们都作出一点点的努力,然后会投射到天幕上。2015年舞台上大人物表演的剧情,给这个时代构建的商业文明留下了什么? 我聊七个话题: 互联网恐慌


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争做优秀干部演讲稿篇一 今天,很荣幸走上讲台,和那么多乐意为班级作贡献的同学一道,竞选班干部职务。我想,我将用旺盛的精力、清醒的头脑来做好班干部工作,来发挥我的长处帮助同学和x班集体共同努力进步 我从小学到现在班干部一年没拉下,但我一身干净,没有“官相官态”,“官腔官气”;少的是畏首畏尾的私虑,多的是敢做敢为的闯劲。 我想我该当个实干家,不需要那些美丽的词汇来修饰。工作锻炼了我,生活造就了我。戴尔卡耐基说过“不要怕推销自己,只要你认为自己有才华,你就应该认为自己有资格提任这个或那个职务”。 我相信,凭着我新锐不俗的“官念”,凭着我的勇气和才干,凭着我与大家同舟共济的深厚友情,这次竞选演讲给我带来的必定是下次的就职演说。我会在任何时候,任何情况下,都首先是“想同学们之所想,急同学们之所急。”我决不信奉“无过就是功”的信条,恰恰相反,我认为一个班干部“无功就是过”。因为本人平时与大家相处融洽,人际关系较好,这样在客观上就减少了工作的阻力。我将与风华正茂的同学们在一起,指点江山,发出我们青春的呼喊。当

师生之间发生矛盾时,我一定明辨是非,敢于坚持原则。特别是当教师的说法或做法不尽正确时,我将敢于积极为同学们谋求正当的权益如果同学们对我不信任,随时可以提出“不信任案”,对我进行弹劾。你们放心,弹劾我不会像弹劾克林顿那样麻烦,我更不会死赖不走。 既然是花,我就要开放;既然是树,我就要长成栋梁;既然是石头,我就要去铺出大路;既然是班干部,我就要成为一名出色的领航员! 流星的光辉来自天体的摩擦,珍珠的璀璨来自贝壳的眼泪,而一个班级的优秀来自班干部的领导和全体同学的共同努力。 我自信在同学们的帮助下,我能胜任这项工作,正由于这种内驱力,当我走向这个讲台的时候,我感到信心百倍。 你们拿着选票的手还会犹豫吗?谢谢大家的信任!


一、什么是翻译批评? 翻译批评是指在一定的社会条件下、遵循一定的翻译原则、并运用一定的方法,对某一译作所作的评价。这种评价必须避免随意性和盲目性、杜绝胡批乱评和感想式的点评,应该在一定的理论指导下,历史地、客观地、全面地、系统地去观察和分析翻译过程和翻译结果,必须尽可能做到客观、科学和公正。应当同时是一"译者、译文阅读者、译文分析家、翻译理论家与翻译史家"(Berman,1995)(许钧,袁筱一:"试论翻译批评",《翻译学报》1997年第1期)。 :1)为欣赏而作的翻译批评;2)为纠正错误而作的翻译批评。前者重在分析出自优秀翻译家笔下的模范之译作,评价其艺术价值、所遵循的翻译原则及采用的相关技巧,意在立为范文,为翻译界同行或初学者视为楷模而学之;后者则重在剖析粗制滥造之译作,分析并纠正其中的错译和误译,意在警示他人以此为鉴。 翻译批评就其思想方法而论可分为3类:1)功能性批评(functional approach), 2)分析性批评(analytical approach)和3)对比性批评(comparative approach)。功能性批评在分析和评论译文时较为笼统,其重点在整个译作的思想内容而不顾及语言细节。在某种程度上来说,它是一个主观的批评方法,类似老师凭印象给学生打分。分析性批评则是较为细致客观的剖

析,译文中的每一个词语、每一句话、每一语段和段落都会对照原文加以对比和分析,错误的译文被分门别类地挑出来加以评论,并提出改进意见;好的译文挑出来加以褒扬。对比性批评是选择同一原作的若干种译文,同时采用译文与原文对比、译文与译文对比的方法找出各自的优劣之处。好的加以褒奖,劣的予以批评。 翻译批评有助于克服翻译界存在的滥译、乱译等问题,因而对繁荣我国翻译事业有着不可低估的现实意义和深远的历史意义;翻译批评有助于纠正译作中出现的错误、改进不足,因而对提高译文的质量有着积极的作用;翻译批评还是联系翻译理论和翻译实践的重要桥梁,因为任何翻译理论的建立均有待于翻译实践的检验;反之,任何翻译实践都会自觉或不自觉地遵循一定的翻译理论。翻译批评还是翻译课的一个重要组成部分,因为它有助于增强学习翻译人员的翻译能力,提高其翻译水平,扩大其知识范围,加深对所译作品或材料的了解,学习新知识,提高译出语和译入语的水平。比较语言学、比较文学和外国文学的学习和研究也离不开翻译批评。因此,做好翻译批评与做好翻译应是同等重要的,是相辅相成的,切不可等闲视之。 翻译批评--翻译批评原则(2) 二、翻译批评的原则

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