当前位置:文档之家› 书面表达针对练(1)邀请信(1)



书面表达针对练(一) 邀请信






















I'm writing to invite_you_to_visit_the_paper-cutting_exhibition. Paper-cutting is one of_Chinese_traditional_art_forms_and_I'm_sure_you_will_like_it.


The exhibition will_be_held_in_the_local_museum_from_8:00_am_to_11:00_am_next_Saturday.


There_are_some_famous_artists. They will perform_how_to_cut_paper_on_the_spot.


Some beautiful paper-cutting works, which_were_collected_from_all_over_the_country,_will_be_on_show.


If you like, you_can_also_join_in_paper-cutting. I'm_sure_it_will_be_an_unforgettable_experience_for_you.





There_are_some_famous_artists_who_will_perform_how_to_cut_paper_on_the_spot .


Some_beautiful_paper-cutting_works,_collected_from_all_over_the_country,_wi ll_be_on_show.


One possible version:

Dear Henry,

I'm Li Hua, one of your students. I'm writing to invite you to visit the paper-cutting exhibition. Paper-cutting is one of Chinese traditional art forms and I'm sure you will like it.

The exhibition will be held in the local museum from 8:00 am to 11:00 am next Saturday. There are some famous artists who will perform how to cut paper on the spot. Meanwhile, some beautiful paper-cutting works, collected from all over the country, will be on show there. If you like, you can also join in paper-cutting. I'm sure it will be an unforgettable experience for you.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.


Li Hua



Dear Henry,

I am writing to invite you to take part in the Chinese paper-cutting art exhibition be held in the art gallery from 8:00 am to 11:00 am the next Sunday.

As is known for us, paper-cutting is a tr aditional art form in China, that has a history of more than 1,500 year. People often beautify theirs homes with paper-cutting during festivals and weddings. In this exhibition, you can see paper-cutting with all kinds of patterns. Beside, some famous arti sts will perform how to cut paper on the spot. I wish that you can grasp this opportunity to learn tradition Chinese culture further.

I'm looking forward to hear from you.

Yours sincerely ,

Li Hua


Dear Henry ,

I am writing to invite you to take part in t he Chinese paper-cutting art

exhibition ∧to be held in the art gallery from 8:00 am to 11:00 am the next Sunday.

As is known for to us, paper-cutting is a traditional art form in China, that which

has a history of more than 1,500 year years . People often beautify theirs their

homes with paper-cutting during festivals and weddings. In this exhibition, you can see

paper-cutting with all kinds of patterns. Beside Besides

, some famous artists will perform how to cut paper on the spot. I wish that you can could

grasp this opportunity to learn tradition traditional

Chinese culture further. I'm looking forward to hear hearing

from you. Yours sincerely ,

Li Hua


高考英语作文邀请信常用句型模板 英语邀请信写作策略: 开头段:表明写作意图,向某人发出邀请。 主体段:说明邀请的具体原因,邀请的内容。 结尾段:表示强烈的期盼,并希望尽快得到答复。 英语作文常用句型: 1.I am please to invite you to participate in…to be held from…to in… 我很高兴邀请你参加从……到……在……举行的……活动。 2.It is my pleasure/agreat honor for me to invite yo u to…如能邀请你参加……是我莫大的荣幸。 3. It is my pleasure to extend an invitation to you to go traveling with me.我很高兴邀请你和我一起去旅游。 4.I hope that youwon’t decline my invitation.我希望你不会拒绝我的邀请。 5.I will coverallthe expenses involved.我会负责有关费用。6.we were wondering if the session could consist of...我们想知道会议是否可以包括…… 7. would you please let me know as soon as possible if you can acceptmyinvitation?你能否早日告诉我是否能接受我的邀请?

邀请信英文模板 模板句型: 开头句:说明邀请目的 on behalf of…, i have the honor to invite you to… 我谨代表……,以……的名义,邀请您…… It is with the great pleasure that i write to cordially invite you to…很荣幸地诚挚邀请您…… 结尾句:期盼回复 I do hope that you will be able to come. 我们希望您能到来。 we should be very pleased if you could honor us with your company. 贵公司如能赏光,我们将不胜荣幸。 范文一: dear professor wang, on behal f of the student union of the english department, i’m writing to invite you to give us a speech on chinese history. we’re going to have such a speech at 2:30 p.m. this tuesday afternoon in the meeting room 401. it would be great honor if you can join in our activity please inform us whether you could come. we’re looking forward

2020年高考英语书面表达训练07 邀请信万能句式和模板

邀请信 一、分类 1.普通英文邀请函 第一种邀请信邀请的对象一般是朋友、熟人,所以内容格式上的要求都比较松,可以写得随便一些。只要表明邀请的意图,说明活动的内容、时间、地点等等。但既然是邀请信,那么就一定要在信中表达非常希望对方能够参加或者出席的愿望。 2.正式英文邀请函 第二种邀请信一般由会议或学术活动的组委会的某一个负责人来写,以组委会的名义发出,而且被邀请者通常也是属于比较有威望的人士。因此,这类邀请信的措辞要相对正式一些,语气要热情有礼。 这一类邀请信通常要包括以下内容:首先表明邀请对方参加的意图以及会议或学术活动的名称、时间、地点;然后要对被邀请者的威望和学术水平等表示推崇和赞赏,表明如果被邀请者能够接受邀请,会给会议或者活动带来很好的影响;接着要说明会议或活动的相关事宜,最好是能引起对方兴趣的事宜;当然不能忘了表达希望对方能够参加的诚意;最后还要请收信人对发出的邀请做出反馈,如确认接受邀请。 二、谋篇布局 邀请信通常包括以下三部分: 1、首段: 说明事由,发出邀请。 表明邀请对方参加的意图以及活动的名称、时间、地点等简要信息。 2、主体: 介绍活动,陈述理由。 要对被邀请者的威望和学术水平等表示推崇和赞赏,表明如果被邀请者能够接受邀请,会给会议或者活动带来很好的影响;接着要说明会议或活动的相关事宜,最好是能引起对方兴趣的事宜。 3、尾段: 作总结,期待回复或参与 三、常见句型 【首段】说明事由,发出邀请。 1.It’s our honor to invite you to participate in a surprising party which will be held on Monday,March 26, 2018 in our dinning hall that is not very far from your home. 我们将为…...举办惊喜派对。我们想邀请/我们非常荣幸地邀请你...... 2.I’m *** from **** School,the president of the Student Union. An English speaking contest of our school will be held on August 6. I am wondering whether you are available and able to share the important moment with us.


01邀请信 模板① Dear________, ________(开门见山地点、活动),It would be pleasant to have you here(表达邀请愿望). Will you give me the pleasure of your company(正式发出邀请)? During the party/conference, we will have a lots of activities you will be interested in (开始介绍活动内容). First, __________(介绍举行的活动一). Second, _________(介绍举行的活动二). I know/believe you be very interested in _________(引出受邀请人参加的理由). First/For one thing________(希望受邀人参加的理由一),Second/For another__________(希望受邀人参加的理由二)。 The party/conference would not be complete without you(总结受邀人参加的必要性). The party/conference will begin at ________(提出活动的地点). It is possible for us to meet at ________(提出具体约定时间). We do hope you can come ________(再次发出邀请). Yours Li Hua 模板② Dear________, There will be a________(内容) at/in________(地点) on________(时间). We would be honored to have you there with us. The occasion will start at________________(具体时间). This will be followed by a________(进一步的安排). At ________________(时间), we will have ________________________(另一个安排). I really hope you can make it. RSVP before_________________________(通知你的最后期限). Yours Sincerely, Li Hua

高考英语作文 邀请信

层级四高仿模板快得分——“七大文体”有诀窍(安排7个学案) 近几年全国卷高考写作文体基本稳定,主要考查书信文体的写作,书信依据表达的内容又可分为邀请信、建议信、申请信等七种类型。针对这七种文体分类训练,有利于考生掌握各文体的写作特点和行文规范,并提供可供“仿作”的架构模板,有利于考生在考场上快速打开思路,依模板临摩快得分。 学案(一)邀请信 [题型技法] (学一学) 邀请信作为应用文的一种,也是高考英语书面表达的一个常考体裁。根据邀请信的性质可将其分为普通邀请信和正式邀请信。普通邀请信对内容和格式的要求都不高,只要说明活动的内容、时间、地点等即可。正式邀请信的措辞要正式、语气要热情有礼,然后介绍活动的情况。邀请信的末尾都要表示出希望对方参加或出席的愿望。 [经典考题] (悟一悟) [典例](2017·全国卷Ⅱ)假定你是李华,想邀请外教Henry一起参观中国剪纸(paper-cutting)艺术展。请给他写封邮件,内容包括: 1.展览时间、地点; 2.展览内容。 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 [满分范文] Dear Henry, ①I am Li Hua, a student from your writing class.②There is going to be a paper-cutting exhibition in the Art Museum on Sunday. ③I am writing to invite you to go

there with me. ④You know, paper-cutting is one of the traditional Chinese art forms with a long history.⑤Since you are fond of traditional Chinese culture, I think this is a great opportunity that cannot be missed. ⑥The exhibition lasts from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm. ⑦Not only will all kinds of paper-cutting works created by famous artists of this field be on show that day, but a lot of useful and interesting activities will be held, from which you can have a clearer picture of Chinese culture. ⑧Anyone interested is welcome to visit for free. ⑨Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua [阅卷评点] ①同位语成分“a student from your writing class”的使用,使语言表达更地道。 ③使用邀请信的常用句式“I am writing to invite you to ...”表明写信目的,直奔主题。 ④句中使用with短语作定语,使表达更丰富。 ⑤使用了高级词汇opportunity,以及since引导的状语从句和that引导的定语从句,增加了文章的得分点。 ⑧形容词interested作后置定语使语言更简洁地道,高级结构“be welcome to do sth.”的使用为文章锦上添花。 [增分佳句] (背一背) 1.开头部分常用语: (1)I am writing to invite you to .../I’m writing to tell you that there will be a ... 我写信邀请你……/我写信告诉你有一个(场)…… (2)I am very pleased to invite you to participate in ... to be held in ... 我很高兴邀请你参加在……举行的…… (3)I think it would be a great idea if you could participate in ... 我想你要是能来参加……那就太好了。 (4)It is my pleasure to extend an invitation to you to ... with me. 我很高兴邀请你和我一起…… 2.表达活动内容常用语: Here are some details about this activity./The following are some details about this activity./Some details about this activity are as follows. 本次活动的一些细节内容如下。 3.结尾部分常用语: (1)Would you please drop me a line to let me know if you can come to ...? 如果你能来……请写信告诉我,好吗?


邀请信范文四篇 结构要点: 邀请信是邀请收信人参加某项活动的书信,包含三个方面: 1.邀请对方参加活动的内容、时间和地点; 2.与该活动有关的注意事项; 3.期待对方接受邀请,并可表示感谢。 语言注意点: 邀请信叙事一定要清楚、明白。如写给朋友,可选用活泼、真诚的言辞;如写给长辈、上级、名人等,语言则应正式、礼貌。 Directions: Write a letter to one of your high school classmates who is in a nearby city, and invite him/her to your city at this weekend. Some necessary details must be included. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming” instead. Sample1: Dear Linda, We haven’t seen each other for six years after graduation. I am so glad t o hear that you have graduated from UCLA and come back to work in Suzhou. If you are free this Saturday, please come to Shanghai and have a good time with me. We can first go to the Century Park, where the flowers are all in blossom. Let’s go boating on the lake—isn’t it plea sant in the cool breeze? Then I will treat you to dinner at a western restaurant on Huaihai Road—it is small but really nice—I’m sure you will enjoy it. After dinner, let’s go to a concert—you are a music lover, aren’t you? If you couldn’t come, please not ify me before Friday. If you can, please tell me which train you will take and I will meet you at the railway station. I am looking forward to meeting you. Sincerely yours, Li Ming Sample 2: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter. Suppose you are Zhang Yu. Write a letter to invite your friend to China to celebrate the Spring Festival – Chinese Lunar New Year with you. You should write at least 150 words according to the suggestion given below in Chinese: 1、介绍你写信的原因。 2、如何度过这个节日,有什么活动。 3、期待他/她的到来。 Dear Peter: I am more than delighted to invite you to join us to celebrate the Spring Festival –Chinese Lunar New Year. Similar to the importance of the Christmas Day for the westerners, the Spring Festival is the most important celebration for Chinese people. Because of its incomparable status, people carry out a variety of activities across the country to welcome the Spring Festival. The whole family having reunion dinner together is indispensable. According to the traditional custom, the ways of the Spring Festival celebration include lion dances, temple fairs, festive lanterns and so on. You can select some folk handicrafts at temple fairs and present them to


专业:播音主持 学号:2014221118510037 姓名:向洁 invitation: dear sherley: my birthday falls on 14th june and i am counting the days of happiness . i am waiting for my friends and family to gather at yangluo suqare on 14th june and show wishes on me .on this special occasion. i invite you and your family to be present with me . your present will be most eagerly awaited . looking forward to see you on that day . affectionately, jane acceptance: dear jane, your friend, sherley rejects: dear jane , i do believe you can enjoy yourself. love, sherley篇二:邀请函英文范文 邀请函英文范文 dear xxx: i am writing to invite you to join me in xxxx(city name) and to stay with me here for three years until my current course finishes in december 2005. i am also sending you a set of documents, listed below, for your use in connection with your application for entry clearance to enter the uk as my dependant. for further information, i can be contacted at the above address. take care. love you your husband 公司晚会邀请函范文(中英文) (称谓) 今天我们特别邀请您参加____(地点名称)分店开张的庆祝活动。我们希望能和您共同庆祝,并邀请您一边品尝香槟酒,一边参观。 热烈欢迎您于____(日期),____(时间a)-____(时间b)的到来。 如果您的熟人或朋友也对我们的产品感兴趣,欢迎您带他们一起来。


高考英语书面表达系列之邀请信 基本套路: 第一段:1、问候;2、自我介绍;3、写信背景;4、写信目的; 第二段:具体介绍邀请的原因(活动细则) (1)时间、地点、人员;(2)活动的主题、方式、组成部分; (3)活动的意义(meaningful有意义的instructive 有教育意义的educational有教育意义entertaining 有娱乐意义historically meaningful 有历史意义culturally meaningful 有文化意义thought-provoking 发人深省的); 第三段:1、希望你能来;2、感谢读信;3、期待回复; 基本套话: 1. I am writing to invite you to…我写信是想邀请你…… 2. I think it a great idea if you could participate in …如果你能参加……那就太好了 3. I wonder if you can come…我想知道你是否能来…… 4. How would you like to join us in …你想不想来参加我们的…… 5. Would you please drop me a line to let me know/inform me if you can come to …? 你可以写信告诉我你是否能来……吗? 6. My family and I would feel much honored if you could come/make it. 如果你能来,我们全家将不胜荣幸 7. I really hope you can make it. 我真心你希望你来 8. We would be sincerely looking forward to your coming. 我们真诚期待你的到来 9. I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision soon. 我希望能在那里见到你,请早点告诉我你的决定 10. We would be very glad to invite you as an expert/judge/instructor/advisor to our university/college/school/class. 很高兴邀请您作为专家/评委/指导员到我们学校 经典实例: (2010全国1)假如你是育才中学学生会主席李华。你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛(speech contest),希望附近某大学的外籍教师Smith女士来做评委。请参照以下比赛通知给她写一封信。 1、英语演讲比赛主题:人与自然 2、时间:6月15日下午2:00—5:00


英语作文邀请信范文3篇 很多朋友都知道邀请函的作用以及写法,但是对于英文邀请函,是否都清楚呢?那么英语作文邀请信范文该怎么写呢?下面是小编为大家整理的英语作文邀请信范文,希望对大家有帮助。 英语作文邀请信范文3篇1Dear Professor Wang, On behalf of the Ohio State University and the IEEE Computer Society, I would be very pleased to invite you to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming 2004 International Conference on Parallel Data Processing to be held in Bellaire, Michigan, from October 25 to October 28, 2004. You are an internationally acclaimed scholar and educator. Your participation will be among the highlights of the Conference. We sincerely hope that you could accept our invitation. As you know, this is the 10th anniversary of the Conference and we plan to make it a truly international meeting. We have accepted


邀请信 【文体概述】 邀请信包括宴会、舞会、晚餐、婚礼等各种邀请信件。要求叙事一定要清楚、明白,要写清楚三个方面内容:1. 邀请对方参加活动的具体内容、时间和地点;2. 邀请对方的原因;3. 期待对方接受邀请。 【常用语块】 1. 邀请某人做某事_________________________________ 2. 代表某人_________________________________ 3. 为了做某事_________________________________ 4. 计划/打算做某事_________________________________ 5. 拓展某人的视野_________________________________ 6. 丰富某人的生活_________________________________ 7. 接受某人的邀请_________________________________ 8. 玩得开心_________________________________ 9. 在学校会议厅_________________________________ 10. 表演节目_________________________________ 11. 渴望你的到来_________________________________ 12. 学生会_________________________________ 13. 参加聚会_________________________________ 14. 给某人留下深刻的印象_________________________________ 15. 有信心_________________________________ 【套用句式】 1. 作为他们的代表,我写信是想邀请你…… ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. 这是(关于这次活动的)简要日程计划表。首先,……。其次,……。最后,……。 ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. 将会有很多的活动,例如……等等。 ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. 我真诚地希望你能接受我们的邀请/加入我们,以及我相信……


高考英语作文必背范文-邀请信 邀请信 Dear________, There will be a________(内容) at/in________(地点) on________(时间). We would be honored to have you there with us. The occasion will start at________________(具体时间). This will be followed by a________(进一步的安排). At ________________(时间), we will have ________________________(另一个安排). I really hope you can make it. RSVP before_________________________(通知你的最后期限). Yours Sincerely, Li Hua ◇词句模板◇

1.段首常用语: (1)I am writing to invite you to… (2)I think it would be a great idea if you could participate in… (3)I wonder if you can come… (4)How would you like to join us in…? 段尾常用语: (1)Would you please drop me a line(写信给我) to let me know if you can come to…? (2)My family and I would feel much honored if you could come. (3)We would be looking forward to your coming with great pleasure. (4)I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision soon.


邀请信 1.I am writing to invite you to… 我写信是想邀请你...... 2.I think it would be a great idea if you could participate in… 我想如果你能参加...... 3.I wonder if you can come… 我在想你是否能来参加...... 4.How would you like to join us in…? 你能来参加我们的...... 5.I would like you to come… 我希望你能来....... 6.The purpose of the activity is to... 举办活动的目的是... 7.It’s my honor if... 如果......我将感到荣幸 8.We would feel much honored if you could come. 如果你能来我们都将不胜感激。 9.It is my pleasure / a great honor for me to invite you to ... 非常荣幸邀请你参加...... 10.It is my honor to inform you that there is an academic meeting in (place)on (date)a (time). 很荣幸的通知你,在......(时间、地点)将有一个学术会议。 11.If you have no other plans for this weekend night, will you do us a favor of going to our party?如果你周末晚上没有其他安排,能否赏脸来我们的派对? 12.Would you please let me know as soon as possible if you can accept my invitation? 如果你能接受我的邀请能否尽早让我知道? 13.I am sure that you will enjoy yourself here. 我保证你在这儿会玩得很尽兴。 14.I hope that you won’t decline my invitation. 我希望你不会拒绝我的邀请。


应用文写作-邀请信 1、请写一封信邀请你的英语外教Smith一同前往参观国际非物质文化遗产博览园the International Intangible Cultural Park。内容如下: 1、时间安排:12月10日8点校门口集合乘大巴前往,下午3点返回。 2、活动内容:随导游参观;中午野餐(自备) 要求:1、100字左右; 2、可适当增加内容。 参考词汇:遗产:heritage Dear Smith, _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Yours, Li Hua 2、假定你是李华,想邀请邀请外教Henry一起参观中国剪纸(paper-cutting)艺术展。请给他写封邮件,内容包括: 1.展览时间、地点; 2.展览内容。 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________


邀请信 【写作方法】 ① 首段:开门见山说明写作目的。 ① 主体: a. 具体交代邀请原因; b. 邀请内容:活动性质、时间、地点、日期; c. 有关要求和希望。 ① 尾段: a. 再次盛情邀请; b. 希望尽快答复。 模板 Dear 写信邀请的人, How is everything with you? I am writing to invite you to 活动. This 活动will be held at/in 地点on 时间。We would be glad / delighted / honored to have you there with us. The 活动will start at 具体时间. Then, we will have/do 其它接下来的活动。And around 几点, we will另一个活动。 You can take Bus No.___ to come here. I really hope you can come. I am looking forward to your reply. Yours, 写信的人

写作内容 假如你是Wang Ying,请根据以下信息给你的英国同学Tom写一封信,下周一是你的生日,你准备在家里开一个生日晚会,并邀请部分同学和朋友参加。晚会7:30开始。属时,你们英语老Mr. Smith也会来,你住在东风路12号,乘7路或42路公交汽车在东风路站下车。 范文1 Dear Tom, Next Monday is my birthday. Would you like to come to my birthday party? It will start at 7:30p.m.. I’ve invited some classmates and friends. Besides, our English teacher Mr. Smith will come. I live at No.2 Dongfeng Road. You can take Bus No.7 or No.42, and get off at the stop of Dongfeng Road. I am looking forward to your coming. Yours, WangYing 范文2 Dear Monica, This Saturday is my birthday. And I' m going to hold a party in my house. As my best friend, I hope you will come. I think you will be free at that day. There will be cake, cookies, candies, pie and soon in the party. Lily said she will dance for me at that night. It must be very interesting and exciting. By the way, the party begins a seven o'clock, but I hope you can come a litter earlier to help me prepare something about the party. I am looking forward to your reply/coming. Yours, Lee


话题: 如果你是李华,你将以学生会主席的身份,写一封信,邀请你校的外教Mr.johnson来参加圣诞节晚会,并希望他能为你们主持晚会。 要求: 1,明确晚会举办的时间地点 2,适当描述晚会节目 3,语气委婉 4,100词左右 5,可适当增加内容,完善文章。 Dear Mr.ohnson, I am Lihua ,a 17-year-old teenager,the president of the students’Union of our school .It’s my honor to invite you to participate in the Chrismas party , which will be held at our school’s theatre,next Friday . Here are some details about this activity . During the party , there wil be show some short plays that is very fancy to adjust the atmosphere .And there are into xicating Englishsongs . Last but not least , there is going to be performance of some wonderful dances . Surely, many interesting activities are waiting for your participation . We ope that you will accept our invitation . Ofcause , if it is


高三英语二轮复习书面表达学案一 ----邀请信 真题重现: (2016全国III卷) 假定你是李华,你所在的校乒乓球队正在招收新队员。请给你的留学生朋友Eric 写封邮件邀请他参加,内容包括: 1.球队活动 2.报名方式及截止日期 注意: 1. 次数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

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