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[00:00.00]The Ant Bully 别惹蚂蚁
[00:30.30]edited by kinapple
[01:43.18]Oh, that's it! Spindle, taillight. 哦,就是这个! 斯宾德,点灯!
[01:56.63]Hey. Hey! 嗨,嗨!
[01:58.76]What? What do you mean, "what"? 怎么回事? 什么怎么回事?
[02:01.43]Hey! Hey, what are you doing? 嘿!嘿,你干什么呢?
[02:03.90]Yeah, this is the sleeping chamber. Go to sleep. 是啊,这是休息室 睡觉的地方
[02:07.77]Don't make me come up there! 你可别惹得我上去找你麻烦
[02:09.74]I'm so sorry, but I must have the final ingredient for my potion. 对不起 但我一定要找到我的配方中的最后一种配料
[02:14.65]Now, what's more important: 你们觉得什么更重要呢?
[02:16.51]Me completing my life's work for the salvation of the colony...Which includes you guys. 是我终其一生追寻拯救 这个包括你们这些家伙的大家庭的工作呢?
[02:24.59]Or your sleep? 还是你们的睡眠?
[02:26.89]Sleep. I'm going with sleep. Yeah, the second one. 我们的睡眠,我要睡觉 对,我也选第二个
[02:29.66]Well, then I shall try to be very quiet. 那好吧,那我就轻一点
[02:33.03]Clacktiel. Clacktiel(咒语)
[02:37.27]That's it, I'm coming up there! 又来了,我要上去了
[02:42.44]Fire crystals. 火焰水晶!
[02:44.98]At last. The final ingredient. 终于找到了,最后一种配料
[02:52.88]I'm on vacation. 我在休假
[02:58.09]No. No, cut it out. Dogpile. 不,不,剪断它得了 叠罗汉(多人压在一人身上)
[03:00.89]Dogpile. 叠罗汉
[03:07.20]It's the Destroyer! 是那个破坏者!
[03:14.44]Atomic wedgy. 力拔千钧
[03:17.17]And a clean break. 斩钉截铁
[03:18.74]Clean break. Excellent wedge. Yeah. All right. 斩钉截铁,力拔千钧 好啊,好啊
[03:21.14]Come on, man, I'm running out of underwear. 别闹了,伙计,我已经没有多余的内衣裤了
[03:23.95]Well, what are you gonna do about it, huh? Nothing. 那你打算对我怎么样呢,嗯? 好像无能为力吧
[03:26.45]Because I'm big and you're small. Yeah. 因为我比你强大得多 是啊
[03:31.46]Because he's big and you're small. Hey. 因为他比你强大得多 嘿
[03:36.73]Quit repeating everything I say. 你以后不要跟我鹦鹉学舌了
[03:39.60]I was just adding emphasis, dude. 我只是要替你强调一下,老大
[03:41.80]Man, why you gotta be hating? 你别总这么愤愤不平的不行吗?
[04:01.62]Destroyer. 破坏者
[04:16.97]Zoc? 佐克?
[04:19.14]Water! 水来了
[04:20.94]Zoc. Hova, please, get to the grass. 佐克 霍娃,快点,到草丛去
[04:23.17]It's dangerous up here. 这里太危险了
[04:24.74]But I've always wanted to see a human up close. 不过我一直想近距离的看看这家伙
[04:27.41]I hear they're capable of speech, like us. 我听说他们可以像我们一样对话
[04:29.91]They are nothing like us. 他

[04:38.42]What you gonna do about it, ants? Nothing. 你们想对我怎么样呢,蚂蚁们? 无能为力吧
[04:41.49]Because I'm big and you're small. 因为我比你们强大的多
[04:45.23]Away, monster, or I will use my powers to destroy you. 快走开,你这个怪物 否则我一定会消灭你的
[04:53.50]Powers that I have yet to perfect. Run! 尽管我的能力还未臻完美 快跑
[05:05.22]Hello. 你好
[05:06.65]We mean you no harm. 我们对你没有危害的
[05:10.19]Oh, great. Shoe! 哦,你说的太好了 鞋来了
[05:11.69]Shoe! 鞋来了!
[05:19.76]Please, go in peace. Look out! 求你了,不要再闹了! 小心!
[05:27.44]Are you all right? L... I guess he didn't hear me. 你没事吧 嗯...我想他可能没有听见我的话
[05:32.74]Lucas. 卢卡斯
[05:34.78]Peanut, it's time to come inside now. 花生果,该回家了
[05:44.09]Peanut. 花生果
[05:46.82]I think I might have gotten through to him. 我想他可能听懂我说的话了
[05:49.46]What do you think? Destroyer. 你觉得呢? 破坏者
[05:55.23]Tiffany, Lucas, we're leaving now. 蒂芬妮,卢卡斯,我们要走了
[05:57.90]Lucas? All the numbers are on the fridge. 卢卡斯,你们要做的事情我都贴在冰箱上了
[06:00.74]Good one. Extended play. Lucas. 干的好,下一关 卢卡斯
[06:05.14]What are you doing back there? Why didn't you answer? 你躲在那里干什么呢? 为什么不回答我?
[06:09.31]Are you all right, sweetie? I'm fine. 你没事吧,宝贝儿? 我很好
[06:11.58]I was just playing with my friends. I don't know. 我刚才和朋友们玩呢 我可不知道
[06:15.15]Maybe we shouldn't go on vacation. Come on, it's our big wedding anniversary. 也许我们不该去休假 这可是我们的结婚周年纪念啊
[06:18.96]We're going to Puerco vallarta. 我们还要去派瑞克·瓦拉塔(墨西哥餐馆)呢!
[06:20.89]And I gotta spend a little quality time with the mamacita. 我还要和美味的墨西哥饭食多呆一会儿!
[06:26.33]Don't cancel your vacation just because of me. 不必因为我取消你们的度假
[06:28.97]I can solve my own problems. Problems? What problems? 我能解决自己的问题 问题?你出什么问题了?
[06:33.14]Does it have anything to do with why I can't find your underwear? 是不是与我找不到你的内衣裤有关啊?
[06:36.31]No! 不是!
[06:37.71]Bed-wetting is nothing to be ashamed of, Peanut. 尿床也没有什么不好意思的啊,花生果
[06:40.84]What? Just stop it, Mom! 什么? 你能不能别这样啊,妈妈?
[06:42.91]I don't have any problems except for you treating me like a baby. 只要你不总是把我当成个婴儿就没有事了
[06:46.58]Peanut. And stop calling me that. 花生果 别那么叫我了
[06:49.75]Just go away and leave me alone. 你快走吧,让我自己呆会儿
[06:57.03]I, Zoc, call upon the elements: 我,佐克,召唤

[06:59.90]The wind that blows, rain that falls, fire that burns. 吹动的风,下落的雨,燃烧的火
[07:04.87]Deliver your awesome power and transform my potion. 赐予我完成配方的伟大力量吧
[07:09.24]Clacktiel. Clacktiel(咒语)
[07:14.51]That was great, sweetie. 太棒了,亲爱的
[07:16.75]I loved the smoke effects. Didn't you, Spindle? 我喜欢那些烟雾效果 你呢,斯宾德?
[07:20.82]You... 你...
[07:22.32]...rock. Curse upon your children. 石头,我诅咒你们的孩子
[07:24.35]I don't think rocks have children, honey. 我可不觉得石头有孩子,亲爱的
[07:28.12]They won't now. Okay. What's the matter? 只不过现在没有罢了 好吧,那又怎么样?
[07:31.66]Hova, the potion is supposed to change color. 霍娃,配方上说颜色应该有所变化的
[07:34.13]It's not changing color. It's not changing color. 颜色该有所变化 颜色该有所变化
[07:37.77]I call upon the elements: Wind, rain, et cetera. 我召唤了所有的力量:风啊,雨啊,等等
[07:40.24]Transform my potion and clacktiel. 完成我的配方,clacktiel
[07:45.68]Clacktiel, clacktiel... Clacktiel, clacktiel...
[07:49.25]Maybe you're pronouncing it wrong. How could I pronounce it wrong? 是不是你咒语的发音有问题 发音怎么会有问题?
[07:52.55]I made it up. Take a break. 那是我发明的 休息一下吧
[07:55.92]Hova, perhaps you didn't notice... 霍娃,你可能没有注意到...
[07:57.72]...but we were almost squished today, and the colony is in shambles. 但是今天我们差点被踩扁 我们的家园也是混乱一片
[08:01.89]I am this close to finding a solution to the human problem... 我距离解决这个人类问题的方法 是如此的接近
[08:06.16]...and you tell me I need to... Hova, what are you doing? ...告诉我,我该怎么办... 霍娃,你要干嘛?
[08:08.90]Nothing, I'm not doing anything. No. Wait. 没什么啊,我什么也没有干 不不,等一下
[08:11.07]No. I'm simply walking towards you. 不要 我只是在朝你走过去
[08:13.10]There's no reason to panic. Wait. Now, Hova... 你为什么要这么惊慌啊 等一下,霍娃,你别...
[08:15.51]I'm just coming towards you. Wait. No. Hova. No. 我只是在朝你走过去 等一下,别,霍娃,别
[08:18.14]Does it tickle? What about when I do this? 痒痒吗?你觉得怎么样?
[08:20.58]Why are you laughing? I see you laughing. 你为什么要笑啊? 我看到你笑了!
[08:22.68]Don't make me clacktiel you. 你可别惹我对你说咒语
[08:24.91]Well, I'm glad you two have something to laugh about. 不错啊,真高兴看到你们还能乐得起来
[08:30.55]Head of council. Hi. 议长大人 嗨
[08:32.92]How nice of you to... It was unexpected. 真高兴你能... 真是太意外了
[08:36.46]Forgive me. I was working on an experiment. 请原谅,我正在做试验
[08:39.26]Oh, yes, I see. 哦,是吗,

[08:41.63]Well, we were... How may I be of service? 是,我们... 有什么可以效劳的?
[08:45.37]Zoc, attacks from the Destroyer grow more frequent. 佐克,破坏者的攻击越来越频繁了
[08:48.77]Our food supplies are now desperately low. 我们的食物供应现在也得不到保证
[08:51.71]The council was hoping perhaps you might have a solution. 议会希望你能找到解决的办法
[08:57.35]Fight back. We must stop the Destroyer. 反击 我们必须要阻止破坏者
[09:00.18]But thousands of ants would needlessly die. 但是成千上万的蚂蚁可能会为此丧生啊
[09:02.65]Perhaps if we could communicate, you know, just talk with the human. 如果我们能够交流 就是与人类交谈
[09:06.56]Oh, what a great idea. Let's have a nice chat. 哦,好主意 那我们就好好谈谈
[09:10.29]Well, hello, Destroyer. Gee, you look kind of tired. 嗨,你好,破坏者 你看起来好累啊
[09:13.76]Why don't you just rest your feet on my girlfriend. 为什么不停住要踏在我女朋友身上的脚呢?
[09:16.43]Okay, oka... 好,好...
[09:17.83]Sometimes you're a real stinkbug, you know that? 你知道吗? 有时候你真像个散发着恶臭的虫子!
[09:20.47]Zoc, a war with the human is... It's impossible. 佐克,与人类开战是不可能的
[09:25.81]A wizard knows no such word. 巫师才不会相信这些的
[09:34.65]Whatever. Bye, Tiff. Bye, Lucas. 无论怎样 再见了,蒂芬妮,再见了,卢卡斯
[09:38.22]I love you. 我爱你们
[09:42.46]You kids mind your grandma. 你们要照顾好奶奶
[09:44.76]Okay, goodbye. Have fun. 再见了,玩得开心点
[09:47.20]Don't worry, everything's under control. 不必担心,一切尽在掌握
[09:55.64]A little help, please. 请帮个小忙吧
[09:57.81]I think it's your turn. 我觉得该你了
[10:00.58]Teeth in the grass. 草里的假牙
[10:03.91]Mommo, here's your... what are you doing? 奶奶,这是你的... 你在干嘛?
[10:08.12]Preventing alien abduction, that's what I'm doing. 防止被外星人带走啊 这就是我在干的事情
[10:12.39]Thank you. 谢谢
[10:15.99]Dang crabgrass. 该死的杂草
[10:18.46]See these? Airflow. Aliens hate airflow. 看到了吗?气流! 外星人最怕气流了
[10:23.63]Drives them nuts. And if they try to cut the power in the middle of the night... 会让他们发疯的 而且如果他们想在午夜时分切断电源
[10:30.37]...these babies will wake me up. 这些小家伙就会叫醒我的
[10:33.14]We gotta be prepared. Tell your friends. I don't have any friends. 我们得做好准备,去告诉你的朋友们 我没有朋友
[10:37.48]Well, who's gonna look out for you when you get old... 那到你老的时候,谁照看你啊?
[10:40.12]...and your teeth are falling out, and them aliens are after you? 到时候,你的牙也都掉了 外星人就会紧紧跟在你的身后
[10:44.29]Lucas. I'll look after myself. 卢卡

斯 我会照顾好自己的
[10:49.43]Good night, Mommo. Good night. Sleep tight. 晚安,奶奶 晚安,睡个好觉
[10:52.66]Don't let the bedbugs bite... 小心别让臭虫咬到
[10:54.86]...or creep into your ear and lay eggs in your brain. 或者钻进你的耳朵里 然后在你的脑袋里产卵
[11:12.85]Dance, Pukas. Dance, monkey boy, dance! 跳一个,卢卡斯 跳啊,猴仔子,跳啊
[11:17.02]Think fast. 快想想吧
[11:40.68]Clacktiel. Clacktiel(咒语)
[11:45.65]You... 你...
[11:47.58]Zoc, please, not in front of Spindle. 佐克,别在斯宾德面前这样
[11:51.65]Sorry. 对不起
[11:54.26]God, there must be something I missed. 天啊,我一定是落下了什么
[11:58.26]Wait. A crack. 等等,一条裂缝
[12:00.46]That's it. Imperfections in the crystals. 就是它,晶体的不完整性
[12:03.73]Perhaps coating it in a viscous compound. 也许应该弄上点粘稠的化合物
[12:06.80]Spindle. Resin. 斯宾德,拿树脂来
[12:17.28]Clacktiel. Clacktiel(咒语)
[12:23.79]Oh, that's it. It worked! The potion is complete! 噢,就是它,奏效了 终于完成了
[12:29.06]Praise the Mother! Yes! Yes! Yes! 母亲万岁!耶!耶!耶!
[12:33.96]No! 不
[12:37.33]Zoc. Hova, hang on. 佐克 霍娃,坚持住
[12:40.77]Spindle, get the potion. Quickly. 斯宾德,去拿药剂,快去
[13:14.34]Hello. 你好
[13:17.81]Yep, I was about your age when I flooded my first colony. 是啊,我也是在你这个年纪冲了第一个蚂蚁窝的
[13:23.55]Brother, those were good times. Good times! 那可真是段美好的时光 美好的时光啊
[13:29.15]Who are you? Stan Beals is the name. 你是谁? 我叫斯坦·比尔斯
[13:32.56]Beals-A-Bug Pest control. 比尔斯虫害防治公司
[13:35.83]Exterminator, eradicator, solver of problems. 消灭虫害,根除虫害 问题的最终解决者
[13:38.70]Hey, you must be the Nickle boy, right? 嘿,你一定是尼克家的小孩对不对?
[13:41.56]Now, your dad ordered my services... 你父亲预订了我们公司的服务
[13:43.77]...but he forgot to sign the contract before he left. 但是在离开前却忘了签合同
[13:46.57]Busy man. Lot on his mind. It happens. 忙碌的人总有许多事要处理时 就会这样
[13:49.71]So he just told me to talk to you... 所以他让我跟你谈,你叫...
[13:53.01]Lucas. Yeah, Lucas. 卢卡斯 对,卢卡斯
[13:56.08]He said, "You have my son, Lucas, sign the contract for me... 他说:“如果我离开时忘了的话
[14:00.02]...if I happen to forget to before I leave. He's a grown man now." 你可以叫我儿子卢卡斯签那份合同 他现在是个大人了!”
[14:04.22]His exact words. 他确实是这么说的
[14:07.36]I don't know. Do you have any references? 我不知道 你有什么证明文件吗?
[14:10.93]References? 证明文件?
[14:13.03]There's one. 当然有了
[14:16.67]I don't think I should. 我觉是我还是不要签了

[14:20.00]You don't think you should, huh? You don't think? 你觉得你不要签了? 你不要签了?
[14:24.34]So who does your thinking for you? Your mommy? 那你觉得该让谁签呢? 你妈妈吗?
[14:28.04]Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, what do I do? 妈咪,妈咪,妈咪 我该怎么办?
[14:30.68]I'm just a little baby that can't think for myself. 我还只是个不能照顾自己的小孩
[14:33.72]Please wipe my little bottom for me. 帮我擦擦屁股吧
[14:35.65]Wipe me. Oh, oh, please, wipe me. 擦擦吧,噢,噢,擦擦吧,求你了
[14:40.89]Give me that stupid contract. Yes, sir. A very mature decision. 把那份该死的和同给我吧 是的,先生,深思熟虑的结果啊
[14:45.13]Enjoy a world that"s entirely bug free 想想一下那个没有虫子的世界吧
[14:47.73]Just sign right here And leave the killing to me 你只需要在这里签个字 剩下的活就都交给我吧
[14:51.93]I wrote that. 这是我写的
[15:08.38]Are you all right? I'm fine. 你还好吗? 我没事
[15:11.09]Spindle? Spindle? 斯宾德?斯宾德?
[15:15.49]Spindle. You saved it. 斯宾德,你保住了它
[15:19.16]Oh, well, come here. 噢,快过来
[15:20.96]Well, someone's getting an extra moldy root tonight. 今天晚上一定有人 被这场大水冲得不行了
[15:24.13]Okay, okay. Zoc. 好的,好的 佐克
[15:28.94]Spindle, light. 斯宾德,点灯
[15:38.38]Mother, help us. Oh, no. 母亲,帮帮我们吧 哦,不!
[15:41.72]To attack without provocation, without reason... 毫无缘由,无所顾忌的攻击我们
[15:45.62]...just because they can, it's... It's barbaric. ...仅仅是因为他们能够攻击我们... 简直太野蛮了
[15:50.63]But what can we do? 但我们又能做什么呢?
[15:53.46]We are lost. 我们失败了
[15:56.23]No. We are saved. 不,我们可以获救的
[15:59.40]This is our salvation. 还有我们的救星
[16:02.71]A potion? 这是什么?
[16:05.01]What exactly does it do? 它有什么用吗?
[17:41.54]Hey. Hey, hey. 嘿,嘿,嘿
[18:02.29]Human. Come with us. 人类小孩,跟我们来
[18:11.40]Shoo. Shoo. Get away. Get away. 嘘,嘘,快离开这儿,快离开这儿
[18:13.80]I got a fan. I'm windy. 我有风扇,我会吹风的
[18:17.91]I am windy. 我会吹风的
[18:23.55]Hello? 嗨?
[18:25.62]Hello? 嗨?
[18:28.38]Hello? 嗨?
[18:34.49]Scanning. Scanning. Scanning. 搜索,搜索,再搜索
[18:38.83]Stop! Hey, come on! Cut it out! 停下来,快点,停下来
[18:41.00]What are you doing out of bed, tiny Lucas? 你不好好睡觉跑出来干什么呢,小卢卡斯?
[18:55.24]Who are you? What did you do to me? Let me go! 你们是谁?你们要干什么? 放开我
[19:26.38]Gross. Hey, cut it out. 快,放开我
[19:45.63]Put me down! Hey. Stop. Put me down. 放我下来,快点,放我下来
[19:54.04]Put me down! 放我下来
[20:01.24]What is that? Oh, he smells. 这是什么?它

[20:03.08]It's the human. It's Peanut, the Destroyer. 是人类 那个花生果,破坏者
[20:08.75]Oh, my. 哦,我的天啊
[20:10.82]All right, Peanut, this way. It's small. 好了,花生果,这边来 他变小了
[20:14.09]What is it? Touch it. 这是什么? 碰碰试试
[20:15.62]Don't touch it. Hey. 不要碰 嘿
[20:16.79]Poke it. He's so soft. 戳他一下 好软啊
[20:19.93]His skeleton is on the inside. He's inside out? 他的骨架在里面 他的骨架从头到尾都在里面
[20:31.14]Where are you taking me? Help! 你们要带我去哪里? 救命啊
[20:35.78]Who are you? What did you do to me? Let me go! 你们是谁?你们要干什么? 放我走
[20:41.58]Human... 人类...
[20:43.62]...you have been brought before the council... 你被带到这里来
[20:46.76]...to face judgment for crimes against the colony. 是为了接受议会 关于你针对我们群落罪行的审判
[20:50.73]Read the charges. 宣读指控书
[20:52.80]"This human-destructor beast... 这个禽兽不如的人类破坏者
[20:55.26]...hereafter referred to as Peanut the Destroyer... 后面简称破坏者
[20:58.77]...did willfully and with malice aforethought...crush the food-storage chambers... 蓄意破坏我们的食物储藏室
[21:04.47]...flood all of the lower hatching chambers... 冲毁了所有的孵化室
[21:07.04]...and douse the colony with the dreaded yellow rain." 并利用黄色的雨水浸泡了我们的家园
[21:12.82]Hey, come on, I had to go. 嘿,别这样,我得走了
[21:16.19]Sentencing of the human will be handed down... 对于此人的判决
[21:19.66]...by the queen herself. 将由蚁后本人亲自执行
[21:31.33]Greetings, my children... 你们好啊,我的孩子们
[21:35.30]...and to our unusual guest... 至于这位特别来客
[21:39.84]...a human that threatens the very existence of our colony. 这个时刻威胁到我们家园的人类
[21:45.28]Wait a second! Wait, wait, wait. Time out. 等一下,等等,等等 暂停一下
[21:48.42]How was I supposed to know ants had feelings or families or trials? 我怎么会知道蚂蚁也有感觉 也有家庭甚至是审判?
[21:52.82]You're just a bunch of stupid ants. Destroy the Destroyer! 对我来说你们只是一群愚蠢的蚂蚁罢了 毁了这个破坏者
[21:56.76]Throw him in the pit. Let's eat him! 把它扔进地窖 把它生吞了吧
[21:59.50]No, wait. We are not mindless savages. 不,等一下 我们可不是没头脑的野蛮家伙
[22:03.40]This human should be studied. 我们应该先研究一下这个人
[22:05.70]And then we'll eat him. Yeah. 然后再吃了它 是啊
[22:07.47]Eat! Eat! Eat! 吃了它!吃了它!吃了它1
[22:10.91]Order. Order. 注意秩序,注意秩序
[22:13.91]Be still, be still. 安静,安静
[22:16.25]Tonight we have a choice. 今晚我们得做个选择
[22:20.05]We could destroy this human and make safe this day. 我们可以杀了他谋得一日

[22:25.59]Or we could change the nature of this human... 也可以改变这个人类的本性
[22:30.56]...and perhaps create a brighter future for all ants. 也许这样才能为所有的蚂蚁谋得美好的未来
[22:36.40]I therefore sentence the human to live and work in the colony... 因此我判决这个人类与蚂蚁一起生活工作
[22:41.67]...to learn our ways. He must become an ant. 学习我们的所有,他要变成一只蚂蚁
[22:47.51]What? No. No, my queen. 什么? 不,不,女皇陛下
[22:51.35]What if he does not become an ant? 如果他变不成蚂蚁怎么办呢?
[22:55.65]Okay, I mean, come on. 我的,我的意思是,那怎么办?
[22:58.35]That would be regrettable. 那就太可惜了
[23:01.89]But... But who will teach him our ways? 但,但是谁来交他我们的生活方式呢
[23:06.10]I will. Hova? 我来吧 霍娃?
[23:08.76]It is done. 就这么定了吧
[23:10.40]Let us continue our work. 散会
[23:14.74]That's it? How long am I gonna be like this? 难道就这样吗? 我还要这样多久?
[23:17.41]I wanna go home. 我要回家
[23:18.84]Wait. This is inhuman. 等等,我是人类啊
[23:21.64]Yes, it is. 对啊,没错
[23:27.15]Hello, Peanut? 你好,花生果?
[23:30.12]Destroyer? 破坏者?
[23:32.56]Hello? We have to go. 喂?我们得走了
[23:35.56]It's time to start your training. 训练时间到了
[23:38.93]Where are you? 你在哪儿?
[23:45.33]Okay, okay. It's simple. 好的,好的,这很简单
[23:46.64]All I have to do is run past the guards, then escape the anthill... 我只需要躲过守卫,然后逃离这个蚁丘
[23:49.87]...and not get eaten by anything. Well, hello there. 免得被他们吃掉 你好啊
[23:53.04]You know, there's a million things I wanna ask you. 你知道的,我有很多很多的事情要问你
[23:55.54]When were you hatched? Are you? Are you male or female? 你是什么时候孵出来的? 你是...?你是公的还是母的?
[23:59.08]And how do you tell the difference? 你们是如何区分的?
[24:00.85]Is it? Oh, is that how? 就是...?哦,难道就是靠那个吗?
[24:03.85]Hey, stop peeking. Or... or I'll stomp on you. 嘿,你少偷看我 否则...否则我要踩死你
[24:08.32]Well, I wouldn't if I were you. You see, I'm the only friend you've got. 我如果是你就不会这样 你瞧,我是你在这儿的唯一的朋友
[24:12.26]You're gonna eat me. 你要吃了我
[24:13.80]You know, now that you mention it, you do look soft and chewy... 至于你提到的这一点 你看起来这么软,肯定很耐嚼
[24:17.20]...but I promised the queen I wouldn't. 但我跟蚁后保证过,我决不会吃了你的
[24:21.10]Cross your heart. 那你在心前划个叉
[24:22.50]What? Oh, all right. 什么?那好吧
[24:24.31]Cross my heart, I will not eat you. 心前划个叉,我绝不会吃了你
[24:27.08]I said, cross your heart, not your butt. 我是

[24:29.41]I just did. 我是在心脏前啊
[24:31.38]See, there, did it again. 看,就在那儿,我又做了一遍
[24:33.78]Strange custom. 奇怪的风俗
[24:35.42]I'm still not going. 我还是不会去的
[24:37.05]Peanut, you need to... My name's Lucas, not Peanut. 花生果,你确实需要... 我叫卢卡斯,不是花生果
[24:40.16]Lucas. 卢-卡-斯
[24:42.06]Well, Lucas. You heard the queen. 好吧,卢卡斯,你也听见蚁后的话了
[24:45.26]You must become an ant if you ever want to return home. 如果想回家,你就必须先变成一只蚂蚁
[24:48.13]And how am I supposed to do that? 那我要做什么?
[24:50.23]Well, you just have to find your place in the colony. 嗯,首先你先要确定你在这个家里的工种
[25:03.18]So, Lucas, do you have any special skills? 那卢卡斯,你都有什么特长啊?
[25:06.95]I can make milk come out of my sister's nose. 我能从我姐姐的那里抢牛奶
[25:09.59]Okay, well, let's try foraging. 那好吧,我们去试试觅食工作
[25:13.56]The instructor is a personal friend of mine. 这门工作的讲师是我的一个朋友
[25:15.72]I'm sure she'd love to help. 她肯定会乐意帮忙的
[25:18.03]Peanut? The Destroyer? 花生果,那个破坏者?
[25:20.40]I had to move out of my nest because of you. 因为你,我不得不搬出了我的家
[25:22.70]I lost everything. 我失去了所有的东西
[25:24.47]Took me all morning to rebuild. 重建工作花费了我整个早晨
[25:26.90]Hova, don't tell me that you are mentoring this... This... This... 霍娃,别告诉我你要知道 这个...这个...这个...
[25:32.11]It's Lucas. 是卢卡斯
[25:35.81]Why is he covered in trash? Is he crazy? Because I don't teach crazy ants. 他身上为什么要盖着这个垃圾? 难道疯了吗?我可不教疯子!
[25:39.38]No, no, no. He calls the trash "clothes." 不不不,他把这称作“衣服”
[25:43.09]They like keeping their gender traits hidden. 他们喜欢把自己的生殖器隐藏起来
[25:45.95]He's male. 他是个公的
[25:48.99]Okay, Lucas, you're on the blue team. 好吧,卢卡斯,你去蓝队
[25:52.06]Oh, man. That's not fair. Come on. 哦,伙计,这不公平 别这样
[25:53.90]Hey, hey, hey, quiet. 嘿,嘿,嘿,安静点
[25:56.10]And suck in that thorax. 都给我挺胸抬头
[25:58.90]Like everything in the colony, foraging is a team effort. 就像我们这个大家庭的其他工作一样 觅食也是一项团队工作
[26:03.41]In this test, each team must act as a single unit to avoid obstacles... 在这项测试中,每个小队都要作为一支独立单位 绕过所有的障碍
[26:09.61]...retrieve the sweet rock and return to the nest. 重新将甜味的石头带回巢穴
[26:13.52]No ant gets left behind. 任何蚂蚁都不许落后
[26:16.75]First team back wins. 先到的一队获胜

questions? 有问题吗?
[26:24.56]Hello, baby. Fugax. 你好啊,宝贝儿 福加克斯
[26:27.33]Well, isn't it true that scout ants, such as myself... 嗯,像我这样的侦查蚂蚁
[26:31.50]...lead an exciting life of adventure and intrigue. 总是过着冒险与刺激的生活
[26:36.44]Fugax! While foragers, such as you... 福加克斯! 但是像你们这样的觅食者
[26:40.11]...just walk around and pick up sticks. 却只会在周围逛逛,搬搬东西
[26:45.71]Questions, anyone? 你们有什么问题吗?
[26:47.12]Oh, sir? The guy with the crooked mandibles. 哦,先生? 你这个弯下巴的家伙
[26:49.45]What kind of adventures? 都是什么样的冒险啊?
[26:51.15]Well, I'm glad you asked. 很高兴你能问我
[26:53.69]Fugax. Gather round, young scouts. 福加克斯! 过来围一圈,小家伙们
[26:57.26]In my travels, I have journeyed far beyond the great flat rock. 我最远的行程已经越过了那片平坦的巨石
[27:04.30]You mean, the street? 你是指,街道?
[27:06.37]No. The great flat rock... 不,是那片平坦的巨石
[27:09.34]...where the humans ride in their giant metal cocoons. 在那边人类都驾着巨大的金属茧
[27:14.78]Cars. 汽车!
[27:16.88]Did I call on you? 我让你说话了吗?
[27:18.35]Who invited captain Party Pooper? 谁叫这个家伙来的?
[27:20.78]Fugax, meet the Destroyer. 福加克斯,这是那个破坏者
[27:22.82]Destroyer? 破坏者?
[27:31.49]Now, are there any other? 现在,还有什么...?
[27:36.70]Are there any other questions about your assignment? 关于你们的任务还有什么问题吗?
[27:40.20]Yeah, what's a sweet rock? 那个甜味的石头是什么?
[27:43.24]Go. 冲啊
[27:51.51]Bridge. Stack up. 搭桥! 叠起来!
[27:53.15]Bridge, hooyah. 搭桥,呼呀
[27:54.75]Come on, Peanut. 来啊,花生果
[27:56.15]Hello, I can do it myself. 我能自己搞定
[28:03.06]Hey, guys. I think he's dead. 嘿,伙计们,我想他是不是死了?
[28:06.13]I'm not dead. 我没死
[28:08.46]Ladder. Ladder, hooyah. 搭梯! 搭梯,呼呀!
[28:11.27]Come on. Grab hold. 快点 快抓住
[28:13.77]I don't need your help. 我不需要你们的帮助
[28:15.90]I need your help! I need your help! 我需要,我需要!
[28:18.14]Bye, losers. 再见了,失败者
[28:20.91]Come on. 快点
[28:25.71]All right. Hurry, human. 好吧 快点,人类
[28:28.18]You're gonna make us lose. 你要让我们输掉了
[28:29.55]Hey. I've only got two legs. 嘿,我只有两条腿
[28:32.99]Go, Two Legs, go. 快点,两条腿的,快点
[28:35.29]Go, Lucas. 快点,卢卡斯
[28:36.76]Spring. Spring, hooyah. 弹簧 弹簧,呼呀!
[28:39.23]Hooyah. 呼呀!
[28:42.63]Oh, time out. 哦,稍等
[28:44.80]I don't think I can do this... 我觉得我可能不行
[28:46.90]All right. 好吧
[28:50.34]Let me off! Don't let go! 放开我 不能走
[28:53.81]I'm gonna be si

ck. 我会生病的
[28:55.64]Don't let go. 不能走
[28:57.45]I'm letting go. Don't let go. 我得走 不能走
[29:02.85]He let go. 他走了
[29:10.16]A jellybean? All right, Lucas. 一颗豆子糖? 好啊,卢卡斯
[29:13.06]Good thinking. 好主意!
[29:15.56]Slingshot, hooyah. 弹弓,呼呀!
[29:25.61]All right, Lucas. Good job. Yeah, Peanut, you rule. 不错,卢卡斯,干得好 是啊,花生果,
[29:28.44]Come on, we're losing. Let's go. Good job, Lucas. 快点,我们要输了,走吧 干的好,卢卡斯
[29:31.71]Did we win yet? Almost. 我们已经赢了吗? 还差一点
[29:33.48]We just have to get the sweet rock over the finish line. 我们要把甜味的石头带到终点线
[29:36.59]Come on, let's go. 来吧,我们走
[29:39.15]Hurry up, Peanut. 快点啊,花生果
[29:41.86]Yeah, right. 这就对了
[29:44.79]Hurry, Lucas, climb the wall. 快,卢卡斯,爬上墙去
[29:46.86]Climb fast, Peanut. 快爬,卢卡斯
[29:48.30]They're catching up. 他们要赶上了
[29:49.93]Bye-bye, loser. 再见了,失败者
[29:51.73]Climb the wall. 爬上墙来
[29:54.50]Come on. Climb the wall. 快点,爬上墙来
[29:56.47]Come on. 来吧
[29:58.81]Forget it. This game is rigged. 算了吧,他们这是作弊
[30:01.64]Ladder. Hooyah. 搭梯 呼呀
[30:03.38]Come on. Let's go. Go, go, go. 快点啊,上,上!
[30:07.52]We got it. We go it. Yeah, man. All right. 我们赢了,我们赢了,好唉
[30:09.65]Red rules. 红队赢了
[30:13.42]Red team wins. 红队赢了
[30:15.29]All right. We did it. 好啊,我们做到了
[30:20.56]Thanks for trying. 谢谢你的努力

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