当前位置:文档之家› 2015级计算机专业研究生《高级计算机网络》考卷_1





1、一个4 kHZ的信道,信噪比为20分贝,如用8级信号,则该信道最多每秒可发送多少





动、微移动、先应式切换(Predictive Handover)和反应式切换(Readictive Handover)的概念。请解释这些概念分别出现在移动通信的什么环境下?(10)







(1) 双向隧道技术虽有将节点的移动性隐藏起来的优点,但也带来了严重的三角路由问题和


(2) 远程加入算法中,移动节点每次改变所在网络后,都要重新加入组播组中,并重新计算




二卷模拟答案 Section A Directions:Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET. Discoveries in science and technology are thought by many to come in blinding flashes or as the result of dramatic accidents: Sir Isaac Newton noticed the falling apple in his garden and came forth with the gravitation law. This notion is obviously not true. Sir Alexander Fleming did not, as legend would have it, look at the mold on a piece of cheese and get the idea for penicillin there and then. In fact, he had experimented with antibacterial substances for nine years before he made his discovery. Inventions and innovations almost always come out of laborious trial and error. Innovation, as well as inventions, is like soccer; even the best players miss the goal and have their shots blocked much more frequently than they score. Section B Directions:Translate the following passage into English. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET. 自然界开始了一次新的实验。人类不再只是能适应某一特定的环境,而是获得了能适应 任何环境的能力。他们分散到世界各地,在迁移中不断变化,直到成为在地球上分布最广的 物种。人类在身体和文化方面都适应于他们迁入的新环境。居住在赤道附近的人为了在强烈 日光下保护自己,渐渐地有了黑色皮肤。迁移到寒冷地带的人为了利用阳光合成维生素D, 渐渐地有了较为白皙的皮肤。住在寒冷而干燥地区的人们长得矮胖,以便保存热量;住在干 燥而炎热地区的人们长得高瘦,以便使热量容易散发。 答案: Section A 很多人认为科技发现是灵光一闪,或戏剧化事件的产物:艾萨克·牛顿爵士在花园中注意到了苹果落地,从而发现了万有引力定律。很显然,这一观点并不正确。弗莱明爵士并不如传闻所言那样,看到一片奶酪上的霉菌,在当时当地就想到(发明)了抗生素盘尼西林。事实上,他做了九年之久的抗细菌物质的实验,终于才有了他的发现。发现和革新总是来自于勤勉的“试误”实验。革新和发明就像是足球赛,即使是最好的选手也会射不进球,他们射门受阻的次数远远大于射门得分的次数。 Section B Nature began a new experiment. Instead of adapting to a specific environment, man has the capacity to adapt himself to any specific environment. They spread throughout the globe, changing as they moved, until they became the most widely distributed species on the earth. Man adapted physically as well as culturally to the new surroundings into which he moved. People who lived near equator developed dark skin to protect themselves from strong sunlight; people who moved to colder climates developed light skin to take advantage of the sunlight for the synthesis of vitamin D; people in cold dry climates became stocky to conserve heat. People in hot dry climates tended to become tall and thin to dissipate heat.


计算机专业研究生英文的自我介绍 good morning,madam and sir!it’s a great honor for me to meet you here today. i would like to introduce myself for you. my name is ***** and my admission number is *****. i come from *** county, ** province. *** county is also called general county, for it has ever made 54 generals in history. every year thousands of people get patriotic education there. in XX, i was admitted to school of college of mathematics and computer science,guangxi normal university in guilin. i majored in computer science. i have been interested in my major since i was in middle school, because computer can make our life easy. my college teachers were very patient, friendly and knowledgeable. i learned a lot in college, such as how to study, how to get along with others and so on. i also learned independence and the importance of working hard. in XX, i graduated from college with honor. college life was wonderful and unforgettable. it’s one of the most important parts in my life. now i work as a teacher in a middle school in *****. i teach computer science there. i try my best to be a good teacher. i’m responsible and work very hard. i love my students. they are very young, happy and clever. in order to take entrance exam for graduate, i spend most of spare time on studying. of course i often play badmintonwith my colleagues or with my students. my favorite is studying, especially, discussing and solving the problem with others, because i can learn much from my partners, and i can express my own opinion. i like computer science, especially, computer architecture. i want to have different challenges in my life.that’s all, thank you.


2020计算机专业考研好还是就业好 伴随着互联网的发展,IT人才的短缺现象将会越来越严重。在我国,IC人才、网络存储人才、电子商务人才、信息安全人才、游戏技术人才严重短缺;在软件人才层次结构上,水平高的系统分析员和有行业背景的项目策划人员偏少,同时软件蓝领也比较缺乏。据保守估计,目前中国市场对IT人才的需求每年超过20万人。随着IT业越来越火,各大高校计算机专业报名的人数也越来越多。而近年来,随着毕业生人数激增,就业率与供求比例明显走低。 计算机系统结构:适合于从事计算机网络、嵌入式技术、高性能计算、网络信息安全与多媒体信息处理等领域的工作。很多跨国公司和国内知名大型企业,如Microsoft、IBM、HP、AMD.Intel、Oracle、SAP、华为等公司对该专业人才的需求量都较大。 计算机软件与理论:计算机软件与理论可选择的就业方向很多,只要是计算机有关的工作基本都可以很快上手。可谓软硬通吃。 计算机应用技术:对于本专业的毕业生来说拥有较好的创新能力和编程开发能力是非常重要的,建议大家不妨可以选择一下人才稀缺的行业,不仅可以避免激烈的就业竞争,薪酬也较为客观。 客观来说,高等教育在计算机专业传统的教育理论型、研究型人才培养上有较大的优势,但在应用型人才的培养上存在层次单一,教学内容滞后,理论与实践严重脱节的情况,课程设置陈旧,设施跟不上,使得现在大多数毕业生理论有余,岗位需要的专业应用技术相对不足。许多毕业生、甚至需要较长的培训才能胜任工作,有的甚至还不如参加过短期培训的人员。这种状况最终导致很多计算机专业的毕业生,捧着毕业证找不到工作。从而直接导致计算机专业就业橄榄型结构的出现:软件高端管理职位与基础操作职位毕业生无法胜任,企业严重短缺此类人才,而中级职位由于竞争激烈,工作难找。


2017年在职研究生考研英语二真题及答案解析 考研教育英语教研室 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) People have speculated for centuries about a future without work.Today is no different,with academics,writers,and activists once again 1 that technology is replacing human workers. Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by 2 . A few wealthy people will own all the capital,and the masses will struggle in an impoverished wasteland.. A different and not mutually exclusive 3 holds that the future will be a wasteland of a different sort,one 4 by purposelessness:Without jobs to give their lives 5 ,people will simply become lazy and depressed. 6 today’s unemployed don’t seem to be having a great time. One Gallup poll found that 20 percent of Americans who have been unemployed for at least a year report having depression,double the rate for 7 Americans. Also,some research suggests that the 8 for rising rates of mortality,mental-health problems,and addicting9 poorly-educated middle-aged people is shortage of well-paid jobs. Perhaps this is why many 10 the agonizing dullness of a jobless future. But it doesn’t 11 follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with unease. Such visions are based on the 12 of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment. In the 13 of work,a society designed with other ends in mind could 14 strikingly different circumstances for the future of labor and leisure. Today,the 15 of work may be a bit overblown. “Many jobs are boring,degrading,unhealthy,and a waste of human potential,” says John Danaher,a lecturer at the National University of Ireland in Galway. These days,because leisure time is relatively 16 for most workers,people use their free time to counterbalance the intellectual and emotional 17 of their jobs. “When I come home from a hard day’s work,I often feel 18 ,” Danaher says,adding,“In a world in which I don’t have to work,I might feel rather different”—perhaps different enough to throw himself 19 a hobby or a passion project with the intensity usually reserved for 20 matters.


计算机专业考研复试英文自我介绍模板Good morning,deer professors.I am glad to be here for this interview. My name is XXX, 23 years old. I come from LuAn, a city of AnHui Province. I am going to graduate from the mathematics and computer science college computer science department of Hunan Normal University in July, 2017. In the past year I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination. Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be here. So I just feel a little bit nervous,because this is my first time to have such an interview. In the past three and a half years, I have learnt some basic knowledge of computer science and technology. For example, from the courses of data structure and data mining, I got to know data storage form and information mining. When I learnt more about this field, I became more interested in it. Apart from the textbooks, I borrowed some relevant ones from our library to read. My passion in computer science and technology is the reason why I would like to pursue my further study in this field. Owing to my diligence and persistence, I could concentrate on my study and I believe that I could do better with your help.


计算机专业研究生的读研规划 时光荏苒,回眸一看,不觉在安大计算机已经过了一学期的研究生生活了.大多数作为计算机学院的研究生,一个很大的误区就是计算机专业毕业出来的研究生都得找编程、写算法方面的工作,于是读研的大部分时间就耗在如何通过增加项目实践经验来充实自己的研究生阶段生活。而以这种作为读研模式的研究生注定了出来找工作很可能还是和一些 比较优秀的本科毕业生竞争抢饭碗,most importantly,这不是正确的读研模式。读研究生出来必须能具备本科生所不具备的能力素质和科研修养,要不然研究生学费就白交了,钱是小事,关键是读研所耗费的青春就白白浪费了..多宝贵的3年!很可惜,安大计算机学院大多数实验中心效仿的是这种读研机制...:( 但关键是看个人,如果自己对某个研究方向感兴趣的话可以自己独立钻研,把计算机专业看做一门科学而不是纯粹的工程实践诚然是一个重大的观念性的转折。下面我引用一篇牛人对攻读计算机专业研究生的一些看法: 如果你有实际开发工作经验,感觉自己的水平和实力进入了一个高原期,迫切需要从理论上提高,那么计算机学院是唯一选择。因为计算机学院才能让你在理论上更上一层楼。软件学院从教学计划上就没有把你往这方面带。当然能不能更上一层楼最终还是完全取决于你自己。需要特别说明的是,工作经验并不一定等于开发经验,我见过很多工作2-3年的人,但是没有一点开发经验。

你说:“他们都有很强的开发能力,只是不太喜欢读书,也只是希望混个学历对今后在岗位上晋升有好处”,我可以向你保证,你所说的人绝对不是开发能力很强的人。因为: 1)高手不可能不喜欢读书; 2)高手不可能想去混一个学历; 3)高手不可能认为晋升是因为学历的原因。 还需要说明的是,考计算机的人未必个个都是高手,严格来说,大部分都不会编程序。也就是说,庸庸碌碌之辈仍然占绝大多数。研究生毕业的师兄只拿2500元左右的比比皆是,所以不要寄希望于拿一张研究生文凭出去赚高薪。但是,对于有实际开发工作经验的人,要想自己在3年之中有一个真正的提高的话,计算机学院提供了广阔的平台。就我所知,每一个月拿2万以上的也有(上海育碧,图形特效算法设计)。所以,同为研究生毕业,能力的差距是极大的。所以,不要去问“研究生毕业能拿多少钱?”,要问“像我这种水平的人,研究生毕业能拿多少钱?”这样人家才能够准确地回答你。 所谓“有实际开发工作经验”是指你目前已经具备下列能力: 1)你已经认为C++和汇编语言都是很简单的语言,并能够自如地运用;


计算机专业考研哪些方向比较好 1、计算机应用技术 研究方向:计算机网络、实时计算机应用、CIMS、计算机图形学、并行计算、网络信息安全、数据库、情感计算、数据挖掘、分布式计算、知识工程、计算机视觉、自动推理、机器学习、草图理解、网络性能分析与协议设计、网络管理与安全、计算机图形学、信息可视化、基于GPU的高性能计算、复杂系统(应急、物流、海洋)领域工程、基于SOA的空间信息共享与业务协同、语义搜索引擎、自然语言处理、机器翻译、搜索引擎、空中交通信息系统与控制、民航信息与决策支持系统、智能交通系统理论与技术等。 专业特点:计算机应用技术是针对社会与各种企事业单位的信息化需求,通过对计算机软硬件与网络技术的选择、应用和集成,对信息系统进行需求分析、规划和设计,提供与实施技术与解决方案,创建优化的信息系统,并对其运行实行有效的技术维护和管理的学科。 培养这方面人才所涉及的知识面包括:数学与信息技术基础、程序设计基础、系统平台技术、计算机网络、信息管理与安全、人机交互、集成程序开发、系统架构与集成、Web与数字媒体技术、工程实施、职业操守等。培养目标是为企事业单位和政府机构提供首席信息官及承担信息化建设核心任务的人才,并提供为IT企业提供系统分析人才。 科研状况:本专业是天津市第一个计算机类博士点,主要从事计算机技术在其它领域应用中核心技术问题研究及相关信息系统开发。近年来在计算机集成制造(CIMS)、计算机辅助教学、虚拟现实技术应用、计算机工业控制、电子商务等方向承担国家863项目及重大项目、国家自然科学基金十余项。承担省部级及横向科研课题近百项。为国家和天津市的信息化建设做出了重要贡献。 近几年报考简况:本专业从80年代初开始招生,至今已为国家培养出硕士学位研究生300多名。近年来,报考人数和录取名额逐年同步增加。 硕士期间主要课程及论文要求:主要课程:高等计算机网络、计算理论、排队论及在计算机中的应用、应用组合数学、软件体系结构、面向对象方法学、分布式计算机系统、并行计算、高级计算机图形学、高级人工智能、模式识别与理解、机器学习、密码学与信息安全、统一建模语言。 论文要求:论文选题涉及计算机在各领域应用的理论研究、尖端技术开发、以及在国民经济各个领域的应用研究。论文应能全面反映本学科发展动态、具有科学性、先进性和一定的创新性。对于理论研究课题,要求达到较高的理论水平和创新;对于系统设计、系统开发及系统应用课题,要求指导理论正确,实现技术先进,设计新颖,所设计的系统应能付诸实现、具有实际应用价值并能够带来明显的社会经济效益。 就业方向:本专业培养的研究生具有坚实的计算机科学与技术的理论基础,全面掌握计算机应用领域的理论和工程方法,能很好地胜任高等院校、科研院所、大型企事业单位、高新技术产业等的教学、科研、系统设计、产品开发、应用系统集成等工作。 2、计算机软件与理论 研究方向:计算理论、算法理论;软件工程、中间件、智能软件、计算环境;并行计算、网格计算、普及计算;密码学、信息安全、数据理论;图形图象算法、可视化方法;人工智能应用基础;理论计算机科学其他方向


计算机考研专业英文自我介绍 on. I also learned independence and the importance of working hard. In 2008, I graduated from college with honor. College life was wonderful and unforgettable. It’s one of the most important parts in my life. Now I work as a teacher in a middle school in *****. I teach computer science there. I try my best to be a good teacher. I’m responsible and work very hard. I love my students. They are very young, happy and clever. In order to take entrance exam for graduate, I spend most of spare time on studying. Of course I often play badmintonwith my colleagues or with my students. My favorite is studying, especially, discussing and solving the problem with others, BECause I can learn much from my partners, and I can express my own opinion. I like computer science, especially, computer architecture. I want to have different challenges in my life.That’s all, thank you. 计算机考研专业英文自我介绍


计算机技术专业研究生培养方案 (专业代码:085211) 一、培养目标 计算机技术领域重点研究如何扩展计算机系统的功能和发挥计算机系统在各学科、各类工程、人类生活和工作中的作用。计算机技术是信息社会中的核心技术,也是实现现代化的关键技术之一。 计算机技术工程硕士的培养目标是面向国民经济信息化建设和发展的需要、面向企事业单位对计算机技术人才的需求,培养高层次实用型、复合型计算机技术和计算机工程管理人才。具体要求是: 1. 计算机技术工程硕士专业学位获得者应拥护党的基本路线和方针、政策;热爱祖国,遵纪守法,具有良好的职业道德和创业精神,具有科学严谨和求真务实的学习态度和工作作风,身心健康。 2. 计算机技术工程硕士专业学位获得者应掌握计算机领域的基础理论、先进技术方法和现代技术手段,了解本领域的技术现状和发展趋势;具有很强的工程实践能力,具备运用先进的工程化方法、技术和工具从事数据分析、软件设计、系统开发和维护等工作的能力,以及工程项目的组织与管理能力、团队协作能力、技术创新能力和市场开拓能力。 3. 掌握一门外语,具备良好的阅读、理解和撰写外语资料的能力和进行国际化交流的能力。 二、学习方式及年限 采用全日制学习方式,学习年限一般为3年。 三、培养方式 采用课程学习、实践环节和学位论文相结合的培养方式。课程设置厚基础理论、重实际应用、博前沿知识,着重突出专业实践类课程和工程实践类课程。 专业实践环节是计算机技术工程硕士研究生培养中的重要环节,鼓励研究生到企业实习,完成必要的技术方案设计、项目开发与管理等工作,可采用集中实践与分段实践

相结合的方式。计算机技术工程硕士研究生在学期间,必须保证不少于半年的校外专业实践。 学位论文选题应来源于工程实际或具有明确的工程技术背景。 硕士生的培养,实行双导师制,其中一位导师来自培养单位,另一位导师来自企业的与本领域相关的专家。也可以根据学生的论文研究方向,成立指导小组。采取以导师为主、导师与指导小组集体培养相结合的方式。培养采用系统理论学习、进行科学研究、参加学术活动和社会实践活动相结合的办法。既要使硕士生牢固掌握基础理论和专业知识,又要培养硕士生具有从事科学研究、高校教学工作的能力。 硕士生的指导教师由学术水平较高,在研究工作中有一定成就的教授、副教授担任。导师要教书育人,为人师表,全面关心研究生的成长,及时给予指导。 指导小组应对研究生的培养质量全面负责,其主要职责是:(1)参与制定本专业研究生培养方案及研究生个人培养计划;(2)审核学位课程的命题及评分结果;(3)负责对研究生进行中期考核,对硕士学位论文质量和进展情况进行检查;(4)协助组织学位论文答辩。 四、课程设置 课程学习和实践环节实行学分制。课程设置参见课程设置表,总学分数不少于32学分,具体要求如下: 1. 公共课程(政治理论、外语等),要求修满4学分; 2. 学科基础类课程(数学类课程等),要求修满6学分; 3. 专业基础类课程,要求修满6学分; 4. 选修课程,至少修满8学分; 5. 实践教学,要求修满8学分。 五、中期考核 1.考核内容:研究生中期考核要求认真填写《研究生中期考核登记表》,学院对研究生的政治思想、课程学习、科研和教学能力等各个培养环节进行全面、综合测评。 (1)政治思想品德、学习态度评定:研究生要认真做思想小结,并认真填写好中期考核表的自我总结。


2019年在职研究生英语统考作文必背模板 写作模板1. (单一话题议论文) 第一段概述(大约40字): When it comes to the topic of______(作文的话题及某种社会现象,一般是作文标题).Some people hold the idea that ______ (人们的看法,观点). As far as I’m concerned, I think______ (我的看法,观点). So I firmly support (object to) the______(观点). 第二段正文(大约70字): There are several reasons for this______(这种现象或某种观点), but in general, they come down to three major ones , which listed as follows. To start with _____(第一个原因) .That is to say_____ (扩展介绍).What's more _____ (带来的影响).Secondly, ______(第二个原因).Besides_____ (扩展介绍).As a result of_____(带来的影响). And finally_________(第三个原因或者影响).Even more_________(扩展介绍).Not only _________ but also _________ (带来的影响). Obviously, it is high time that we_________( 本段小结). 第三段总结(大约40字): To sum up, I insist that______ (我的看法,观点).It is necessary that effective actions should be taken to solve the problem. On one hand,________ (给出建议). And on the other hand,_______( 给出建议).I believe all these measures will certainly help to ______(改变某种现象,进一步完善). 写作模板2. (辩证对比话题) 第一段概述(大约40字): Nowadays, when it comes to the _______(作文的话题及某种社会现象,一般是作文标题), the answers may vary from person to person. Some people hold the idea that_______(第一种看法,观点),but others argue that_______(第二种看法,观点). As for as I’m concerned, both_______(上述观点一)and_______(上述观点二). I will_______(陈述我的观点)for the following reasons. 第二段正文:(大约70字): In my opinion, __________(第一种看法,观点)can bring____ to________ (优势或者劣势). For one thing________ (阐述理由一). And it is usually ____(阐述理由一).What's more _____ (阐述理由一). Despite many obvious advantages ofthe first opinion, we can still find the second one also has some advantages when compared with the first. First of all ______(阐述理由一). Because of_______(阐述理由二). Even more _____ (阐述理由三,及带来的后果及影响). 第三段总结(大约40字): From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion. It is undoubted that _______(第一种看法,观点)is as important as_______(第二种看法,观点). So as for me, I agree to take the middle road. They both should be play extremely important role in our modern society. Only in this way can we become_______(总结,展望,呼吁) 各种文体写作要求 1.议论文 1.1.写作技巧,布局结构。 第一段:开头句指出某种社会现象,扩展介绍,所产生的影响和后果,大约30-40字。 第二段:出现这种现象的原因和后果,大约50-60字。


软件工程(或计算机专业)英语面试,这是本人复试是整理的,成绩一般,大神勿喷。为什么考研(很重要的点,我是软件工程专业的,本段是关于软件工程的) I learnt a lot from university courses during the past four year. However,I think furtherstudy is still urgent for me to realize self-value. Life is precious. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development,especially in this competitive modern world. And,I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here. The major that I hope pursue for my further education is program design. Because I find software are playing a more and more important role in each part of our modern society. And nowadays in China, with the recognition by the government, our domestic software industry is growing rapidly and that may provide a lot of chances to us. I plan to concentrate on study and research in this field in my graduate time. And I hope I can form a systematic view of software engineering and make a solid foundation for future profession after three years study here. 自我介绍 Good morning. I am very glad to be here for this interview. First,let me introduce myself. I come from Suqian city jiangsu province. I will graduate from nanjing university of posts and telecommunications in july this year.In the university, my major is software engineering.I like this major, my ideal is to become an outstanding software engineer.I have learned a lot of courses in the college, data structure, database, software engineering, computer network, software testing, etc.I spent a lot of time to learn the course. In my spare time, I like reading some domestic and foreign literature and magazines, such as "Eugenie Grandet", "the reader". I think reading can increase their self-cultivation and logical ability, and it can exercise a person's patience. I am also very interested in the football, My favorite team is Real Madrid.(本段有语法错误,不过面试中,老师不会在意的,老师只会在意你的流畅度和发音。大神可自行修改) I learnt a lot from university courses during the past four year. However,I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. Life is precious. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development,especially in this competitive modern world. And,I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after Two and a half years study here. I want to improve programming ability. Because I find software are playing a more and more important role in each part of our modern society. And nowadays in China, with the recognition by the government, our domestic software industry is growing rapidly and that may provide a lot of chances to us. I plan to concentrate on study and research in this field in my graduate time. And I hope I can form a systematic view of software engineering and make a solid foundation for future profession after two and a half years study in this famous university. That is all, thank you very much. 问题篇(划线部分为必须掌握的点,听不懂的点千万别说pardon,就算再说一遍一般也听不懂) 1、Where are you from? 1、你来自哪里? I come from suqian in the north of Jiangsu province, it is not famous, but it has a very long history. Suqian is the hometown of Xiang Yu.The native place of xiang yu is located at the ancient wotong lane, birthplace of the overlord in the west chu period.Every year a lot of people come to visit it.Suqian also has a very good ecological and cultural environment, I love my hometown.

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