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六、读写综合 2017-2018汕头金平区 六、读写综合(本大题分为A、B两部分,共20分) A. 信息归纳(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡,把答案写在答题卡指定的位置上。 em I don’t use it anymore. I just t like it when they keep asking me about the things I have shared

六、A)信息归纳(每题1分) 81. Friends’ Circle 82. He doesn't use it anymore. 83. to make sure she was all right 84. nearly 36%/36 percent 85. his aunt B. 书面表达(本题15分)根据要求完成短文写作,请将作文写在答题卡指定的位置上。

微信已经成为我们生活的沟通交流的平台之一,很多同学也喜欢在微信朋友圈上分享自己的所思所感所见,但你在朋友圈分享的内容你的父母看得到吗?请你就此写一篇短文谈谈你的看法。 1.你觉得向父母屏蔽朋友圈合适吗?为什么? 2.你日常会与自己父母沟通吗?若有,一般是什么内容;若没有,原因何在? 3.你认为青少年与父母沟通要注意什么?(两点) 作文要求:1.不得照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。 2.语句连贯,词数80个左右。作文的开头已经给出,不必 ..抄写在试卷上,也不计入总词数。 Some of children block their parents on WeChat Moments. B) 书面表达(15分) Some of children block their parents on WeChat Moments. I don’t think it proper because Wechat Moments can help parents understand our ways of looking at things. As for me, I do communicate with my parents. However, it is always about my study. I hope we can share more about our lives. In my opinion, for better communication with our parents, first of all, try to listen to them carefully and understand what they mean. What’s more, try not to be upset or angry but just let them know how we feel. Only in this way can we improve our communication with our parents. (95w) 评分原则与方法:建议从内容、语言、书写及字数这几方面进行评分 内容要点分数分布:(8分,要点齐备即可得8分) 1.你觉得向父母屏蔽朋友圈合适吗?为什么?----- 1 分 2.你日常会与自己父母沟通吗?若有,一般是什么内容;若没有,原因何在? ------ 2分3.你认为青少年与父母沟通要注意什么?(两点)--- 2×2分


九年级英语读写综合专题训练 班级___________姓名____________ (一) A.信息归纳(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 请阅读下面有关地震的文章,根据所提供的信息,完成下列表格。 A terrible earthquake happened in Japan on March 11th, 2011.As a result of the extreme (激烈的) earthquake, the huge waves washed away all the coast (海岸) area northeast of the country.The more serious danger is nuclear power station explosion (核电站爆炸).Though a lot of countries including China have sent much help to Japan, the Japanese are still in trouble, because many people were killed in the disaster. And some earthquakes even cause tsunamis (海啸).It was said that 300 thousand people died in Indonesian tsunami as a result of the earthquake in 2004. How awful it is when we talk about them!As natural phenomena (自然现象), earthquake happens just like it would rain and thunder.People can't avoid earthquakes but can try our best to predict and evacuate (疏散) before it happens.Building stronger houses and teaching people how to protect themselves when there is an earthquake are also good ways to reduce damage. B.书面表达(本题15分) 作为一名中学生,假如有一天你所在的地方突然发生地震,你认为你能做些什么和不能做什么?请你以“How to keep safe when an earthquake happens?”为题写一篇短文。 内容包括: 1.保持镇定,迅速躲到安全的地方(move to a safe location)去,如坚固的桌子下面。 2.可以用手或软的东西保护(protect)脸和头。 3.当确定震动停止时尽快跑到户外,若已在户外,就要远离高的建筑物。 4.不要乘坐电梯。 __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________


第六讲【读写综合】“变形记”读写基础 一.经典引路 八月槎 旧说天河与海通。近世有人居海渚者,每年八月有浮槎去来,不失期,人有奇志,立飞阁于槎上,多赍粮、乘槎而去。十余日中犹观星月日辰,自后茫茫忽忽亦不觉尽夜。去十余月,奄至一处,有城郭状,屋舍甚严。遥望宫中有织妇,见一丈夫牵牛渚次饮之。牵牛人乃惊问曰:『何由至此?』此人为说来意,并问此是何处,答云:『君还至蜀都,访严君平,则知之。』竟不上岸,因还如期。后至蜀,问君平,君平曰:『某年某月,有客星犯牵牛宿。』计年月,正此人到天河时也。」 思考:文言文中记录了哪个神话传说? 二.基础过关 阅读下面的文字,完成下面6个小题。 ①对联,又称楹联,是我国独有的一种文学样式,是中华传统文化的重要载体。对联A ,相传起于五代后蜀主孟昶(chǎnɡ),后历经北宋、明、清三个重要的发展时期,最终成为中华文化中的一朵奇葩。对联对仗工整,韵律协调,言简意赅,意蕴丰富,雅俗共赏。它营造出来的诗化的氛围像阳光一样,照进每一个国人的日常生活。在一些古镇,我们看到的民间对联,虽然在格律上不那么讲究,但切合百姓实际,与古镇的环境B ,C 。比如一个作坊的对联“打金打银打世界染山染水染江山”,看了就不由得喜欢,喜欢里面透着的那种粗犷和豪气。 ②古往今来,对联一直被誉为“诗中之诗”,蕴含其中的修辞魅力令人称奇。不少妙联的创意都直接与汉字有关,或利用字形,或利用字音,或借助字义,巧妙构思,形成佳对。我们把这种艺术手法称为“汉字修辞”。其中有这样几种:一、析字,分为拆字和合字两种。如拆字联“闲看门中木思间心上田”,上联拆首字“闲”为“门中木”,下联也对应地拆首字“思”为“心上田”。又如合字联“少水沙即现是土堤方成”,上联合“少水”为“沙”,下联也对应地合“是土”为“堤”。二、嵌字,即在上下联的相同位置巧妙嵌入有特定意义的汉字、历史典籍或人名掌故等。三、异字同音,即将几个字形、字义不同而读音相同的字用于同一对联中。四、回文,既可以顺读,又可以倒读。这些“汉字修辞”的运用使对联具有组合精巧、构思奇特、风趣别致的艺术魅力。 ③其他修辞手法的魅力也令人拍案叫绝。如以下几联:【甲】郑板桥故居联“春风放胆来梳柳夜雨瞒人去润花”;【乙】固原六盘山联“峰高华岳三千丈险据秦关百二重”;【丙】桂林阳朔联“水作青罗带山为碧玉簪”;【丁】明代学者胡居仁自勉联“苟有恒,何必三更眠五更起最无益,莫过一日曝十日寒”,都巧妙地运用了不同的修辞手法,拓展了对联的审美空间,增强了对联的审美情趣。 【链接材料(异字同音联的故事)】 一天,苏轼带着小他两岁的弟弟苏辙游巫山。山上一位老道听说有“神童”之称的苏轼来了,便想当面考考他。老道出了个异字同音对“无山得似巫山好”,苏轼不假思索,立即对出下联:“ A?”老道连连称妙。谁知,苏辙在一旁却说:“兄长的下联对得还不甚工稳,不如改一改。”苏轼问:“怎么改?”苏辙便念道:“ B?”苏轼和老道听了齐声叫好。从此,苏辙也远近闻名了。 1.对文中加粗字的注音,全都正确的一项是(2分) A. zǎi ɡāi fēn kuànɡ B. zài hé fèn ɡuǎnɡ C. zǎi hé fèn kuànɡ D. zài ɡāi fēnɡuǎnɡ


专项六读写综合 《考试大纲》中书面表达的“评分原则”及“各档次评分范围与要求”。 评分原则与方法: ①采用总体评分法:考生能否根据写作提示,较好地把阅读文章中与写作相关的内容进行归纳、提炼、运用来完成书面表达任务。评分时,先确定所属档次,然后以该档次的要求进行微调,最后给分。原文照抄的,只能在第5档中调整;但正确引用原文少数句子且运用得当的,不扣分。 ②注重内容的完整及语言表达的准确;语法、单词拼写和标点符号错误,每处扣0.5分。 ③少于或多于规定词数15个的扣0.5~1分。 ④对于在完成任务前提下的适当发挥,最多加分不超过1分。 评分档次和要求: 第一档:13~15分要求:内容涵盖所有的要点,表达准确,意思连贯,符合逻辑,只有个别语言错误。 第二档:10~12分要求:内容涵盖所有的要点,表达清楚,意思连贯,符合逻辑,但有少数语言错误。 第三档:8~9分要求:内容涵盖大部分要点,表达较为清楚、连贯,基本符合逻辑,但有一些语言错误。 第四档:5~7分要求:内容涵盖部分要点,能写出少量正确句子,但整体表达不太连贯,且语言错误较多。 第五档:0~4分只能写出一些单词,不成句子,缺乏逻辑性,错误很多。 提示:同学们在平时的练习中可以自己根据评分细则给自己的作文打分,也可以同桌之间互评,也可以让老师评价,不断在实践中理解中考的要求,领悟书面表达的要领,这样才能真正提高自己的书面表达能力。一味的练习而不去反思和总结,练习的效果就会大大减弱,只有在平时的练习中不断的评价自己,不断的总结自己的不足,然后有针对的去练习这样才能在中考中取得好的成绩。 训练题(一) A. 1.a network https://www.doczj.com/doc/a716860047.html,lions of computers together around the world 3.In a few seconds 4.People’s home, schools, offices or companies 5.English B.One possible version: Internet Internet is becoming an important part of our life. It’s more convenient for us to search the information, buy something and chat with friends far away by using Internet. People can work better and faster with Internet. Though Internet is good for our work and daily life, there is something bad on Internet. Some teenagers may look through dangerous websites so that they may do something bad. Some may not work hard because they spend too much time on computer games. I think all of us must pay attention to these. As students, we should look for useful information on Internet to improve our study. I believe Internet will make us learn better if we make good use of it.


广东省中考英语读写综合真题 2012 年广东省初中毕业生学业考试 六.读写综合(本大题分为A,B 两部分,共20分) A) 信息归纳(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成下面表格,把答案写在答题卡指定的位置上。 BBC World Have Your Say: “ Life in China” Every day, BBC News on TV,radio and online brings you stories from across the world. But what we want to hear are the stories that matter to you. Have got a story about life in China today? If you do, please put your stories here. I like travalin g and I have traveled a lot around China. During the trip, I often find that a number of Ch inese don’t have good pulic manners(举止). They always loudly on the phone and smoke everywhere. The worst is that they often break the rules in public. For example, when I travled in HongKong in January this year, I saw a kid eating noodles on the underground , which is against the rules. However, the kid’s mother didn’t think he did wrong. Can you believe it? Let’s improve our public manners. (Mike, Shenzhen) I am a 14-year-old boy from a poor village in Fuyang , Anhui Province. Like many other left-behind children(留守儿童)in China, l live with my grandparents now. my father went to work inn Shanghai several years ago. Last year, my mother went there to care for him because his health is not as good as before. They tell me to listen to my grandparents and call me about twice a month to ask about my study. I really miss my parents ans I hope I can afford to go to school in Shanghai. I think every child needs parents’ love and care. (Wu Peigen, Anhui Province) The topic of BBC. World Have Your Say today 81. The thing that the kid did on the underground 82. The time when Mike traveled in HongKong 83. Wu Peigen’s age84. People who live with Wu Peigen now 85. [来源:Z&xx&https://www.doczj.com/doc/a716860047.html,] B)书面表达(本题15分)根据要求完成短文写作,请将作文写在答题卡指定的位置上。 假如你是一名叫李明(Li Ming)的中学生,看了上述故事后,你想表达自己的看法。请你给栏目编辑写一封电子邮件,内容包括: 1.你对其中的哪个故事感兴趣?原因是什么? 2.你对这个故事所提及的现象的看法。 3.就该现象提出至少两条解决问题的建议。 作文要求: 1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。 2.语句连贯,词数80个左右。作文开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数,也不必抄写在答题卡上。 Dear Editor, I read the stories on BBC World Have Your Say today,__________________________________________


读写综合训练 A.信息归纳(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 节俭在当今社会是否还需要,很多人都有自己的看法。请阅读一下短文,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡,把答案写在答题卡指定的位置上。 As is known to all,waste has become a more and more serious problem.We can easily see many people throw a lot of food into the garbage can.Some people spend thousands of yuan buying fashionable clothes.What do you think of them?Here are some of students’ opinions:

B.书面表达(本题15分)根据要求完成短文写作,请将作文写在答题卡指定的位置上。 当今社会,浪费和奢侈消费变得越来越严重,为创建文明城,我市启动了“节俭生活,从我做起”行动。请你写一篇以“Saving”为题的80字以上的短文,内容包括: 1.你对节俭的看法; 2.在生活中你看到了哪些不节俭的行为;(至少两件) 3.列举两件以上你在生活中做过的有关节俭的事; 4.号召大家参与到节俭活动中来。 Saving Our government has called on the citizens to do something for saving so that we can enjoy our happy life.We middle school students should do something for it .In my opinion,


读写综合训练 A.信息归纳 请阅读下面有关因特网的文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。 Internet plays a very important role in everybody's life.It has made a huge difference in the world. First, the World Wide Web can provide unlimited information.If we need some information, we can get information online.Second, online education is very important in our life.It can give us excellent resources of information, save our time, money and it's convenient.We can also exchange thoughts and opinions without leaving our house.If we feel stressed, we can listen to songs in order to relax. But the Internet also has some harmful aspects.Somebody goes deeply in the net-work games, they even desert (放弃) their studies finally.For example, the students spend much time playing computer games each time, so they often ask their parents for money or borrow money from others.Some students even use mobile phones to play games in class.They don't listen to the teacher carefully and usually forget to do their homework.It not only wastes money, but it's bad for the students' health and study. Overall, Internet has become an inseparable part of our life.Only when we can make it serve our needs, can we get good most from it.So, please use the Internet in a proper way. 读了以上同学的调查报告,你有何感想?你是否也沉迷于网络游戏呢?请以“远离电脑游戏”为主题写一篇英语短文,内容包括: 1.中学生玩电脑游戏的负面影响(包括对学习的影响,对经济的影响,对身体的影响等); 2.中学生的主要任务是学好各门功课,应把时间放在学习上; 3.建议中学生远离网络游戏,专心学习。 作文要求: 1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名; 2.语句连贯,词数80个左右。 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


2012年八年级四科综合素质测试 英语试题 一单项填空(10分) 1 There is _______”h”in the word “how”. A. a B the C. an D。 / 2. A terrible earthquake happened in Japan_____ March, 2011. A. to B. on C. in D. at 3 — You come from England, don't you? — ___________ . How do you know that? A. No, I do B. No, I don't C. Yes, lam D. Yes, I do 4. — It's so cold today. — Yes, it's __________ colder than it was yesterday. A. some B. more C. very D. much 5 — How long may __________ your bike? — For a week. But you mustn't it to others. A. borrow, lend B.keep, lend C. lend, borrow D. keep, borrow 6 — Have you ever been to Canada? — Yes, I _______ there last year with my parents. A. have been B. have gone C. went D. go 7 — I’m going to Hainan with my aunt next week. — _______! A. Have a good time B. Best wishes to you C. Congratulations D. Please go 8 — __________ are the apples? — Four yuan a kilo. A. How many B. How much C. How heavy D. How expensive 9. — Will you please take a message for the headteacher? A. It doesn't matter B. Sure. I'll be glad to C. Yes, I'll take D. I can help you 10.— Math is as interesting as English, I think. — __________ . English is more interesting than math. A. I think so B. I don't think so C. I hope so D. I don't hope so 二、完形填空(15分) When I was about 12 years old, I really wanted a new bike! I __11 my parents my birthday wish, but I knew there was little hope because my family could _12 have that money. On my birthday my parents told me they had my _13 outside in the back yard. At once I __14__ out to the yard. There was my bike, __15__ it wasn’t the bike that I thought it would be. This one was pink, old and worn with


近年中考英语读写综合题实战系列集锦 2016年北京中考 八、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分) A 108-year-old Message in a Bottle On No vember 30, 1906, George Bidder dropped a bottle from a boat into the North Sea. The weighted glass bottle sank almost to the sea floor, and then it move slowly for 108 years and 138 days. Its journey ended when Marianne Winkler found the bottle in 2015. Winkler was then on vacation on Amrum Island. She picked up the bottle when it was washed up onto the beach. She saw a piece of paper inside, but didn’t br eak it open. She could tell that the bottle was old. So she didn’t want to damage it. Finally she got the piece of paper out of the bottle. She found that the paper was actually a postcard. On the back of the card there was thi s message: The Marine Biological Association(海洋生物学协会) would pay a shilling(先令) for the bottle. A shilling was a unit of money that was used in Great Britain before the early 1970s. Winkler filled out the card and posted it. The association was surprised to get a postcard addressed to George Bidder, the president of the association from 1939 to 1945. The workers of the association searched on the Internet to find a shilling. They found one and sent it to Winkler as a reward. The message in the bottle was the oldest ever re-discovered. For this reason Marianne Winkler got a place in “Guinness World Records”(吉尼斯世界纪录). She broke the record for the oldest message in a bottle. Winkler’s bottle was not the only one Bidder sent to sea. Between 1904 and 1906, he spent away more than one thousand bottles. He placed postcards inside them. The bottles were part of a research project to map currents(洋流) in the North Sea. This was the best method at that time. But whether the association could get the bottles back depended on the people who found them. The association reported that about 55 percent of the bottles were returned. They added that the experiment was a success as it showed the east-to-west flow of the North Sea’s currents. 61. How long did the weighted glass bottle move in the sea? 62.Did Marianne Winkler find the bottle in 2015? 63.What was in the bottle? 64.Who was George Bidder? 65.Why did Bidder drop bottles into the sea?


读写综合训练1 (本题分为A、B两部分,共20分) A.信息归纳(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡,把答案写在答题卡指定的位置上。 Eyes are very importa nt to us, so we have to be careful to look after them. However, readi ng, writing, using a computer, watching TV can all make your eyes feel dry and tired. This morning, our class held a class meet ing to discuss how to protect eyesight(视力).Here are three stude nts ways to keep good eyesight. Lucy: Exercise your eyes I don ' t have problems with my eyes, and I can see very well. I think it I exercise them a lot. For example, I will let me eyes take a break every 20 minutes, and I will look at something further away for 20 sec on ds. Sometimes I will look to the left the n to the right 2 times with my eyes closed then do the same looking up and down. If my eyes are dry, I will blink(眨眼)more. Kate: Wear sun glasses on bright days It ' s importa nt to wear sun glasses whe n you are outside, especially duri ng the after noon whe n the sun light is bright. In fact, I always wear sun glasses to protect my eyes whe n I am outdoors.___ Tom: Eat food for sight My mother says that eating right things helps keep eyes healthy, so she always prepares me some food like dark gree n vegetables, eggs, nu ts, bea ns and ple nty of fruit. Fish is good for our eyes, too. 根据要求完成短文写作,请将作文写在答题卡上指定的位置上。 你身边近视的(short-sighted)同学多吗?请你写一篇题为" How to Stay Away From Be ing Short-sighted? ”的短文,谈谈你的看法。 内容包括:1?描述你自己或你的同学是怎么近视的,以及近视带来的不便。 2 3 作文要求:1 2 提出预防近视的建议(至少两条)。呼吁每个同学要注意保护视力。 不能照抄原文;不得在文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。语句连贯,词数80个左右。短文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。 How to Stay Away From Being Short-sighted? we ll get short-sighted if we do n' t pay attention to protecting our eyes. For example, s because


阅读写作综合练习 Last year my English lesson was very difficult for me. First of all, __________________________________ (我很难听懂老师) when she talked to the class.S he spoke too quickly, and I couldn’t understand every word. Later on 后来, _____________________________________________ (我realize认识到这不重要) if you don’t understand every word. Also I ______________________________(害怕讲英语) in class, because ________________________________________________ (我不知道同学们是否会嘲笑我). I couldn’t always make complete (完整的) sentences(句子), either. Then I started to watch English-language TV. It helped me a lot. I think __________________________________________(做大量的听力练习是……的secret秘诀之一) of becoming a good language learn er. ________________________________________ (我发现很难的另一件事情) was English grammar. So I decided to take lots of grammar notes (笔记) in every class. I also started ______________ (写) my own original(原创的) sentences by using ________________________________________ (我正在学的语法grammar) . It’s surprising how much this helped. Now I am ____________________(喜欢学) English and I got an A last final exam. Many of my classmates came up to __________________________________________________ (问我怎样取得这么好的成绩). ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________ (我告诉了他们我所遇到的这些问题和解答这些问题的方法). They were very happy after _______________ (听到) these things and said, “__________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ (我们已经知道了你这次期末考试为什么考得这么好的原因). Thank you very much, Fang Wei ! ” 1

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