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仁爱版英语八年级下册UNIT5 TOPIC1基础练习题

一、听力(共20题, 每小题1分,计20分。)

A. 听对话回答问题


( ) 1. What’s the weather like today?

( ) 2. What does the man have for breakfast?

( )3 . How does the man’s father go to Beijing?

( )4 . What did the man’s cousin buy in the supermarket?

A. B. C.

( )5 . How often does the man write to his parents?

A. Once a week

B. Once a month

C. Twice a month

( )6 . Where are they talking?

A. In a restaurant.

B. In a park.

C. In a zoo.

( )7 . Where did the man put the bag just now?

A. Under the chair.

B. On the chair.

C. On the table.

( )8 . When did the boy go to school in the past?

A. At 7:00 a. m.

B. At 6:30 a. m.

C. At 6:50 a.m.

( )9. Where would the man like to live?

A. Moonlight Town.

B. Sunshine Town.

C. Starlight Town.

( )10 . What does the man mean?

A. He likes sitting here.

B. He doesn’t mind the woman’s sitting here.

C. He asks her not to sit here.



( ) 11. How many brothers or sisters does Lin Tao have?

A. None(没有).

B. One.

C. Two.

( ) 12. Have Jane’s parents worked in the same place?

A. No, he hasn’t.

B. No, they haven’t.

C. Yes, they have.


Plan for summer vacation

Tom ●doesn’t want to stay at home

●plans to go 13

David ●is going to visit Harbin

●will stay there for 14 days

Alice ●will have the 15 lessons

●wants to be a dancer

( )13. A. fishing B. camping C. swimming

( )14. A. 5 B. 6 C. 7

( )15. A. singing B. driving C. dancing


( )16. What does the speaker think of young students’’taking part-time(兼职的)jobs?

A. It is good.

B. It is bad.

C. It is boring.

( )17. How many part-time jobs are given in this passage?

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Three.

( )18. Why do people need dog walkers?

A. They don’t like dogs.

B. They don’t like walking.

C. They are too busy.

( )19. What does a golf course (高尔夫球场)worker do?

A. He/She plays golf all the time.

B. He/She picks up balls for players.

C. He/She cleans the golf course.

( )20. When do parents need childcare workers?

A. Any time in the day.

B. On weekends.

C. When they are at work.



( )21. ---- Did you have ________ good time in Hong Kong?

----Yes, I did. It was ________ amazing trip. A. a ; an B. the ; the C. a ; the D. the ; an

( )22. You get a point ___________ you answer a question correctly.

A. while

B. that

C. every time

D. than

( )23. You often move it with your hand to work on the computer. Which one is it?

A. The keyboard.

B. The mouse.

C. The printer.

D. The menu.

( )

24. ---- Where is Mr. Green now? I haven’t seen him for a few days.

---- He ________________ to Shanghai for a meeting. A. goes B. will go C. is going D. has gone

( )25.Here’re so many popular t ourist attractions around the world. Pick out the one from the USA.

A. Mount Fuji

B. The Stature of Liberty

C. The Leaning Tower of Pisa

D. The Tower Bridge

( )26. I am too busy to listen to her ______ talk. She has talked for about two hours.

A. hopeless

B. endless

C. harmless

D. careless

( )27. He is a teacher. He has been a teacher ________ 1990 and he ________ by his students.

A. in, was loved

B. until, loves

C. since, is loved

D. for, has loved

( )28. I use my computer ________________ information online every weekend.

A. look for

B. for searching


to finding D. to search for

( )29. ---Do you know Beihai Park?

---No, I __________ there, but I _________ the Summer Palace several times.

A. haven’t gone; have gone to

B. haven’t been, have been to

C. haven’t gone; have been to

D. haven’t been; have gone to

( )30. ---Where did you get the book?

---From the library. And I have _______it for two weeks.

A. borrowed

B. lent

C. kept

D. bought

( )31. My uncle ___________ a farmer. Now he is a driver.

A. is used to

B. is used to be

C. used to being

D. used to be

( )32. How are you, Millie? I haven’t seen you ____________.

A. for two months

B. since three weeks

C. since last Monday ago

D. two days ago ( )33. I was glad to hear that these books _______ and they _______ yesterday.

A sold well , sold out

B were sold well , were sold out

C sold well , were sold out

D were sold well , be sold out

( )34. ---Do you have________________ about what to do for May Day holiday, Amy?

--- Yes. I’m planning to ___________________.

A. any ideas; travel to abroad

B. some ideas; travel abroad

C. any ideas; travel abroad

D. some ideas; travel to abroad

( )35. My coat _____________ in the room already. Can’t you see it?

A. has hanged

B. is hanging

C. is hanged

D. has hung



This morning, I got a funny feeling. Today I had to give a report in my 36 , and I had been afraid to do so for a long time.

Mom came into the kitchen, asking , “Are you ready, 37 ?”

“ Yes.” I answered quietly. 38 in fact I wasn’t ready!

On my way 39 school, I could feel my heart beating. I hated this!

I went into Mrs. Owens’ class. She was smiling, and saying 40 to all her students as she did every morning.

“ Hi, Sam,” she said to me as I walked 41 the classroom.

“ Hi,” I said and quickly sat in my 42 . I looked at the clock. The time was near. Then Mrs. Owens started, “ Sam, it’s time for you to show yourself.” “Show 43 ? Oh, no!”

I got up slowly, 44 the ground as I walked to the front of the class. Then, I looked up, and everyone was looking at me. Mrs. Owens knew I was 45 , so she came beside me, and put her hand on my back.

She said to the class, “Sam has worked very hard on his 46 ,and I know it is a very interesting report.” Then she turned to me and asked, “Sam, 47 did you like best about your report on Hawaii?”

I thought about the fun things I 48 about surfing before, and I started to talk. I talked and talked 49 the whole class, and I was not nervous at all. It was great fun. It wasn’t frightening. The class cheered as I finished and Mrs. Owens was 50 .

In fact, I can do better than I think I can— if I try! I am proud of myself.

( )36.A. class B. house C. party D. hometown

( )37.A. friends B. classmates C. Owens D. Sam

( )38.A. Then B. But C. So D. Or

( )39.A. on B. from C. to D . in

( )40.A. sorry B. hello C. goodbye D. thanks

( )41.A. into B. out of C. away from D. far from

( )42.A. bed B. seat C. dinning room D. reading room

( )43.A. me B. us C. myself D. ourselves

( )44.A. looking after B. look over C. looking at D. looking for

( )45.A. glad B. nervous C. active D. happy

( )46.A. dictionary B. magazine C. newspaper D. report

( )47.A. what B. who C. where D. whom

( )48.A. will read B. have read C. am reading D. read http://ww w.xkb1 .com ( )49.A. in front of B. over C. beside D. near

( )50.A. playing B. dancing C. singing D. smiling




( )51. The cruise(海上航游) will begin__________.

A. at seven in the morning

B. at seven in the evening

C. at ten in the morning

D. at ten at night

( )52. Mr. King will see______ during the cruise.

A. trees

B. buildings

C. bridges

D. fantastic city lights

( )53. Helen wants to have dinner on the ferry with her son, 14 and her daughter, 10, they should pay______.

A. HK $ 810

B. HK$720

C. HK$324

D. HK$510


When I was walking down the street one day, I found a small bag on the ground. I picked it up and opened it to see if I could find out the owner’s name. There was nothing inside it except some dollars and an old photo--- a picture of a woman and a young girl about twelve years old. I put the photo back and took the bag to the police station. Before I left, the policeman wrote down my name and address. He thought the owner might want to thank me.

That evening I went to have dinner with my aunt and uncle. They had also asked a young

woman to have dinner with us. Her face was familiar, but I couldn’t remember where I had seen her. During our talk, the young woman happened to say that she had lost her bag that afternoon. At once I remembered where I had seen her. She was the young girl in the photo, though she was now much older. She was very surprised, of course, when I told her about the bag.

After dinner we went to the police station and she got back her bag. The policeman said to me, “It’s a wonderful thing. You not only found the bag, but also the owner of the bag.”

( )54. In the bag there was _______.

A. nothing

B. a new photo and some money

C. an old picture and some money

D. some dollars and a piece of paper

( )55. The writer opened the bag because he wanted to________.

A. find some money

B. find some letters

C. find the owner’s photo

D. find out whose bag it was

( )56. The writer gave the bag to ________.

A. a policeman

B. his uncle

C. his aunt

D. his friend

( )57. The writer knew the young woman because _________.

A. he had met her somewhere before

B. she looked like the girl in the picture

C. she often had meals with the writer

D. she was the old woman in the photo


David hated spending money. When he had to buy something in a shop, he always tried his best to knock down the price, even for the cheapest things. If he wanted to buy a bottle of orange, for exam ple, and the shopkeeper asked for $2, David would say, “Make it $1.90 and I’ll buy it.” Sometimes the shopkeepers agreed to reduce their prices a little. “What’s ten cents?” they asked themselves. “If it makes this man happy, it won’t hurt me very much.” I n this way David saved a few cents here and a few cents there, and by the end of the year he had saved several hundred dollars.

One day he had a very bad toothache and had to go to the dentist. The dentist looked at the tooth and said, “This tooth will have to come out. It’s too serious to save.” “How much must I pay you to take out a tooth?” David asked. “Forty dollars,” the denti st said. “How long will it take you to pull out the tooth?”he asked. “About two minutes,”the dentist answered. “Forty dollars for two minutes’work!”he shouted, “That’s robbery (抢劫).”The dentist smiled. “You’re right,”she said. “Thank you for telling me. I’ll pull your tooth out very slowly. How about if I take half an hour?”

( )58. In the passage the underlined word “reduce” means “____________”

A. feel worried about

B. be interested in

C. get higher

D. make less

( )59. David thought that two minutes was ____________.

A. too little time to pull out a tooth

B. too little time to pay the dentist $40

C. too long to pull out a tooth

D. too short for the dentist to finish the operation(手术)

( )60. What kind of person do you think David was?

A. He was very strict with others .

B. He was very clever.

C. He was very generous.

D. He was very stingy(吝啬).


Thirty years ago, Lake Ponkapog in Hartwell, New Jersey, was full of life. Many birds and animals lived beside the water, which was full of fish. Now there are few birds, animals, and fish. The lake water is polluted. It is in a colour of dirty brown, and it is filled with strange plants.

How did this happen? First, we must think about how water gets into Lake Ponkapog. When it rains,water comes into the lake from all around. In the past, there were forests all round Lake Ponkapog, so the rainwater was clean. Now there are many homes around the lake. People often use the chemicals (化学制品)in their gardens. They use other chemicals inside their houses for cleaning and killing insects. There are also many businesses. Businesses use chemicals in their machines of shops. Other chemicals fall onto the ground from cars or trucks. When it rains, the rainwater picks up all the chemicals from home and businesses and then carries them into the lake . They pollute the water and kill the animals.

Boats on the lake are also a problem. Lake Ponkapog is a popular place for motorboats(汽船).But oil and gas(汽油)from boats often get into the lake. So more bad chemicals go into the water this way.

People in Hartwell are worried . They love their lake and want to save it. Will it be possible? A clean lake must have clean rainwater going into it. Clean rainwater is possible only if people are more careful about chemicals at home and at other chemicals on the ground. And they mustn’t use motorboats any more on the lake. All these may change people’s lives. Only then can Lake Ponkapog be a beautiful,clean lake again.

( )61. In the past, the water in Lake Ponkapog was made clean by _________.

A. forests

B. rain

C. birds

D. fish

( )62. Chemicals from homes and businesses __________.

A. are always clean

B. can help the animals

C. are good for the lake

D. get into the rainwater

( )63. Cleaner rainwater will mean ____________ .

A. more boats on the lake

B. more dirty things in the lake

C. a cleaner lake

D. a dirty lake

( )64. To save Lake Ponkapog, people need to _________.

A. be more careful about chemicals

B. use the water

C. grow fewer plants in the gardens

D. use more motorboats on the lake

( )65. The passage is about ____________.

A. boats on the Lake Pankapog

B. why the water is dirty in Lake Ponkapog

C. clean rainwater

D. dirty lakes



The Internet has become not only a necessary but also a false world for people . With the development of the Internet , Internet friendship has also become very popular. Online friends are those people who have known each other through the Internet . Making Internet friends is the same as making pen friends . Many famous websites provide very warm Internet friendship . One can find many people on these websites and they share the same interests .It is difficult to make friends with someone you can’t see or feel . That is the main problem of Internet friendship . A virtual friendship would not last forever without seeing each other , but it is an advantage for some people because they are afraid to speak in public .

On the other hand , the chances of cheating(欺骗) are very high in an Internet friendship . Some people make friends on the Internet with wrong ideas. So while making friends over the Internet , one has to be very careful . Here is some advice for you .

●Don’t give personal information , such as your telephone number , address , location , school name as well as your parents’information to strangers on the Internet .

●Do not exchange personal photos of you or any family member with people you meet over the Internet .

●Do not go to meet a person you have just met over the Internet . You’d better ask older or other experienced people for advice if you want to go to meet an Internet friend .

●Do not accept(接受)someone’s request if you feel he or she is dishonest.

Internet 66


1. It’s good for some people who are 68 to speak in public.

2.One can find many people on the websites with the 69 interests .


It’s not 70 to make friends with someone you can’t see or feel .

Four pieces of 71

on making online friends

1.Keep your personal information 72 from your online friend .

2. Don’t 73 your personal photos with the people you meet on the Internet .

3.Ask other people for advice before 74 an Internet friend .

4. Do not accept someone’s request if you feel he or she is 75 .



66.____________ 67.____________ 68.____________ 69.____________


71.____________ 72.____________ 73.____________ 74.____________




76. Sunshine Town used to be a ▲(安静) town with green hills and fresh air.

77. Luckily, we had a lot of support from local ▲(企业).

78. We couldn’t stop ▲(鼓掌)when we saw the pop star.

79. The mouse doesn’t work. Please ▲(重新启动))the computer again.

80. Project Green Hope helps ▲(保护) rivers and lakes in China.


81. A new educational CD-ROM ▲(call) “Online Traveller”has just come out.

82. Tsim Sha Tsui is the ▲(culture) centre of Hong Kong. Would you like to go there?

83. This kind of machine is ▲(wide) used in this big company.

84. All the fans screamed with great ▲(excite)when they saw their favourite singers.

85. Reading the Great English Class can improve your ▲(know) of English.


86. It was my job ▲(introduce) each pop star.

87. We created the file and ▲(control) the computer.

88. Our headmaster Mr. Li said that the middle school students ▲(tell) not to smoke.

89. The little boy was looking at the blue sky and ▲(lie) on the grass when he fell asleep.

90. The students ▲(study) in Yancheng Middle School since 2011.

76.____________ 77.____________ 78.____________ 79.____________


81.____________ 82.____________ 83.____________ 84.____________


86.____________ 87.____________ 88.____________ 89.____________



Now more and more people use computers for work and study. The computer brings us j 91 and wealth. However, it damages(损害) our h 92 .

Firstly, it damages the eyes. Long time of web-surfing will m 93 our eyes dry and painful(疼痛的). Secondly, it hurts the back b 94 people always sit in front of a computer for several hours. Thirdly, it is h 95 to the stomach. This is the result of unhealthy diet.

Therefore, we should use computers in a right way to r 96 the damage. Scientists say that people should rest for about 5 to 10 minutes after w 97 on a computer for an hour. Also, we should do some activities, l 98 relaxing the legs and arms, doing eye exercises. As for diet, we should eat food rich in protein(蛋白质) and vitamins, such as eggs, fish and f 99 fruit. For near-sighted people, they should wear g 100 .

91.____________ 92.____________ 93.____________ 94.____________


96.____________ 97.____________ 98.____________ 99.___________ 100.___________



101. 最近,这个工厂发生了巨大的变化。

The factory _________________________ a lot ___________________________.

102. 电脑被用来收发电子邮件。

Computers are used to _________________________________________________.

103. 这次演出真的很成功,每个人似乎很高兴。

The show was really _____________________________ and everyone _____________________________.

104. 乡下的天气与城市里的相当不同。

____________________in the country ________________________________________ in the


105. 他们不是去年结婚的。他们已经结婚多年了。

They ________________________last year. They ___________________________ for many years.

B. 书面表达(共1题,计15分)

我们的家乡发生了日新月异的变化,许多游子皆有探乡的愿望却不能成行。李明为他们设计了名为‘Hometown Traveller’的CD-ROM,请你仔细阅读下面的信息,根据提示语,向他们介绍并推荐有关家乡的CD-ROM.

Name of the CD-ROM Hometown Traveller

Designer Li Ming

Settings Yancheng

Sold in Yancheng Middle School

Goal To travel around the hometown to learn more about it and make it better

Changes to Hometown Environment: (pollution, air…)

Development: (building, road …)

Transport: (buses, trains…)


2.要点须包括表格中的所有信息,Changes to Hometown部分每点适当发挥至少两句;3.词数:80词左右。



2017年人教版八年级英语下册单元知识点归纳 Unit 1 W hat’s the matter 一、重点短语归纳 1. foot---feet 脚<复> tooth---teeth 牙齿<复> 2. have a cold 感冒 3. have a stomachache 胃疼 4. have a sore back背疼 5. have a sore throat喉咙疼 6. have a fever发烧 7. lie down and (have a)rest 躺下休息 have a rest 休息 8. hot tea with honey 加蜜的热茶 9. see a dentist 看牙医 see a doctor 看医生 lots of water多喝水 of ,a lot of 许多;大量 a lot a lot of=lots of,可以修饰可数名词复数和不可数名词,一般用在肯定句中。: a lot,是一个副词词组,跟动词连用;表示十分,很等意思; Thanks a lot. 12. have a toothache牙疼13. That’s a good idea好主意 14. go to bed 去睡觉 go to bed early 早上床睡觉 15. feel well感到好feel ill 感到不舒服 I don’t feel well= I’m not feeling well我感觉不舒服. 16. start doing/ to do sth 开始做某事 to do 是一件事情完成了,开始做另外一件事情 doing是原来的那件事情做到一半,现在又开始做了,是同一件事情。 17. two days ago两天前 18. get some rest 多休息;休息一会儿 19. I think so我认为是这样 20. be thirsty口渴 21. be hungry 饥饿 22. be stressed out紧张 23. listen to music听音乐 24. healthy lifestyle健康的生活方式 25. traditional Chinese doctors传统中医 26. need to do sth 需要做某事 I have a toothache. I need to see a dentist. 我牙痛, 我需要去看牙医. We need to keep our classroom clean. 我们需要保持教室的干净. 27. too much + 不可数名词太多的… much too +形/副实在太…极其,非常 too many + 可数名词复数太多的… good for sth./ doing sth. 对……有益,对……有好处 be bad for sth./ doing sth. 对……有害 be good to 对…好 be good at =do well in 在……方面好,擅长 good grades 取得好成绩 用法 be angry with sb生某人的气 be angry at/ about sth 就某事生气 ’s easy to do sth做某事是容易的。It’s important to do sth . 做某事很重要。 diet平衡饮食 tired 感到疲倦 be/get tired healthy 保持健康 =keep healthy=keep in good health shouldn’t eat anything.=He should eat nothing. 他不应当吃任何东西. sb some advice给某人建议give advice 提出建议 advice 是不可数名词 a piece of advice 一则建议take one’s advice 采纳或听从某人的建议 He gave me some good advice. 他向我提了一些很好的意见。 8 hours a night 每晚睡眠八小时 get enough sleep 得到充足的睡眠 medicine 吃药服药 I have to take medicine three times a day for my cold.因为感冒,我不得不一天吃三次药。二固定结构


仁爱英语八年级下册单词 Unit5 Topic 1 Why all the smiling faces? invite 邀请、招待 say thanks to 向……表示感谢 worried 担心的,焦虑的 smile 微笑;笑容 none没有一个;毫无 △disappointed 失望的,沮丧的 taste 有……味道;尝,品(味道);味道、滋味 unhappy 不快乐的;伤心的 unpopular 不受欢迎的;不得人心的 rich 有钱的;富有的 silly 傻的;愚蠢的 cruel残忍的;残酷的;无情的 △landlord地主;房东 seem似乎,好像 opera 歌剧;歌剧艺术 Beijing Opera 京剧=Peking Opera film电影;影片 △moving 感动人的,令人感伤的 proud 骄傲的;自豪的 be proud of 骄傲;自豪 smell 发……的气味;闻到;嗅到;闻;嗅;气味 set the table 摆放家具 be able to 有能力做(某事),会做(某事) upset 难过的;不高兴的;失望的 surprised 惊奇的,惊讶的,吃惊的 △Austria 奥地利 cry 哭,哭泣 lonely 孤独的,寂寞的;偏僻的 lively 活泼的;充满生气的 cheer up 使……振作起来,使……高兴起来 mad 发疯的;生气的 at first 首先,开始 △Titanic 泰坦尼克号 America 美国;美洲 fall into 落入 △frightened 受惊的,害怕的 in the end 最后,终于 everywhere 到处 come into being 形成;成立 main 主要的


(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!) 仁爱版英语八年级下学期全册教案 织金七中周文 举 Unit 5 二、教材分析 本单元的三个话题紧紧围绕情感这个主题展开。第一部分通过Kangkang, Maria, Jane和Michael四个同学谈论《音乐之声》以及与Mr.Lee 的谈话自然地引出了高兴和快乐、失望和遗憾的情感。第二部分由Beth的哭泣引出伤心的情感,进而由老师的出现引出安慰及建议等用语。第三部分围绕Michael的病情巩固各种情感,并引出事物对情感的影响。本单元主要以活动的形式,联系生活实际,把英语教学和情感教育有机地结合起来。 Topic 1 这个话题通过Mr.Lee和同学们对话,呈现了孩子们的高兴和李老师因没有票而感到失望和遗憾,进而引出各种情感,集中体现了有关情感的形容词及一些短语。在这个话题中,你将学会如何表达自己的情感,如何描述自己或他人的情感,还可以了解一些戏剧和电影等方面的相关知识。主要句型有: You lookfeelsound... They are very lucky. Did Michael’s mother sound worried? How does Mr. Lee feel? He feels disappointed. Why is ’t get the ticket to The Sound of Music. 三、教学建议 Topic 1 Section A Section A需用1~2课时。 重点活动是1,2和3。 教学目标: 1.能听懂谈论个人情感的比较熟悉的话题,获取主要信息。 2.掌握be+adj. 的用法。 教学过程: 第一步:复习 师生问候。谈谈寒假生活及过春节的感受。


仁爱版初二英语试卷及答案 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 ( ) 21. I want to be _________ engineer when I grow up. A.a B. an C. the D. \ ( ) 22. Are you sure _________ the way to the library? I don’t want to get lost. A.in B. with C. about D. for ( ) 23. _________ the __________ of the class, he played a very beautiful song. A.In, begin B. At, begin C. In, beginning D. At, beginning ( ) 24. We need ___________ people to finish the job. A. hundreds of B. hundred of C. 3 hundreds D. 3 hundred of ( ) 25. My father is sleeping, but the radio is too noisy. Can you ___________? A. turn down it B. turn it off C. turn it up D. turn off it ( ) 26. Do you have _____________ for me when I take the exam? A. many advice B. some advices C. an advice D. any advice ( ) 27. _________, they often play Chinese Kung Fu. A. Keep healthy B. Keeping health C. To keep healthy D. To keep health ( ) 28. ---__________ do you speak English so well? --- By talking to foreigners a lot. A. When B. What C. Where D. How ( ) 29. Li Ping __________ swim when he was only 5. A. can B. will C. is able to D. was able to ( ) 30. __________ the room until you finish all your work. A. Don’t leave B. Leave C. Leaves D. To leave ( ) 31. It’s unhealthy to sleep with all the windows ___________. A. close B. closing C. closes D. closed ( ) 32. Mike’s mom is ill. He is ___________ her at home. A. looking for B. looked after C. looking after D. looked at ( ) 33. I can’t go to your party, because I have __________ homework to do today. A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too ( ) 34. _________ the afternoon of next Friday, we _________ to plant trees in the mountain. A. On, go B. In, will go C. On, will go D. At, are going ( ) 35. I look forward to ___________ America next year with my family. A. visit B. visiting C. visits D. visitor ( ) 36. She doesn’t know _____________ next. A. what can she do B. how she can do C. what to do D. how to do ( ) 37. These students ___________ a party on the playground if it __________ tomorrow. A. will have, won’t rain B. have, won’t rain C. will have, doesn’t rain D. have, doesn’t rain ( ) 38. Cook the food for __________, and then you can have a delicious meal. A. more 10 minutes B. 10 another minutes C. 10 more minute D. another 10 minutes ( ) 39. He is __________ that we all like him. A. so a good boy B. such a good boy


Unit5 feeling happy Topic 1 why all the smiling faces? 一、重点词汇 1、cruel 残忍的 2、silly 傻的 3、smile 微笑 4、rich 富裕的 5、proud 骄傲的 6、taste 品尝 7、smell 问起来8、set 设置9、able 能够 10、since 自从。。。11、lively 活泼的12、play 玩 13、mad 发疯的14、please 请;令人高兴的15、marry 结婚 16、main 主要的17、role 角色18、express 表达 19、culture 文化20、peace 和平 二、重点短语 1 Why all the smiling faces? 为什么你们都笑容满面。 2 You look so excited. 你看起来很兴奋。 3 invite/ ask sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事 4 one of 其中之一 5 prepare sth for sb= get sth ready for sb 为某人准备好某事 6 say thanks / hello / sorry / goodbye to sb 向某人说声谢谢/ 你好/抱歉/再见 7 None of 没有一个 8 What a shame / pity. 真遗憾。 9 get the ticket to = buy the ticket for 买到。。。的票 10 not at all 一点也不 11 What do you like best? = What’s your favorite? 你最喜欢什么? 12 be proud of = take pride in 为。。。感到骄傲 13 be worried about = worry about 为。。。而担心,担心。。。 14 wait in line 排队等候 15 be pleased with sb = be satisfied with sb 对某人感到满意 be pleased at sth 为某事而感到高兴 16 taste delicious 尝起来美味smell terrible 闻起来恶心17 set the table 摆放餐具 18 have a temperature = have a fever 发烧 19 I hope everything goes well. 我希望一切进展顺利。 20 ring up sb ring sb up 打电话给某人 21 be able to 能够 22 of all time = all the time 一直,总是 23 care for = take care of = look after 照顾 24 because of 因为,由于 25 cheer up cheer sb up 使。。。兴奋起来 26 at last = in the end = finally 最后,最终 27 be on 上演tell a story = tell stories 讲故事 28 on the / one’s way to在去往。。。的路上 29 be with a history of 200 years = have a history of 200 years =have 200 years of history 有着两百年的历史 30 come into being 形成 31 be full of 充满,装满 32 ( have a ) fight against sb 与某人打架/吵架


仁爱版英语八年级下册单词表 Topic1Whyallthesmilingfaces? invite邀请、招待 saythanksto向……表示感谢 worried担心的,焦虑的 smile微笑;笑容 none没有一个;毫无 △disappointed失望的,沮丧的 taste有……味道;尝,品(味道);味道、滋味unhappy不快乐的;伤心的 unpopular不受欢迎的;不得人心的 rich有钱的;富有的 silly傻的;愚蠢的 cruel残忍的;残酷的;无情的 △landlord地主;房东 seem似乎,好像 opera歌剧;歌剧艺术 BeijingOpera京剧=PekingOpera film电影;影片 △moving感动人的,令人感伤的 proud骄傲的;自豪的

beproudof骄傲;自豪 smell发……的气味;闻到;嗅到;闻;嗅;气味setthetable摆放家具 beableto有能力做(某事),会做(某事) upset难过的;不高兴的;失望的 surprised惊奇的,惊讶的,吃惊的 △Austria奥地利 cry哭,哭泣 lonely孤独的,寂寞的;偏僻的 lively活泼的;充满生气的 cheerup使……振作起来,使……高兴起来mad发疯的;生气的 atfirst首先,开始 △Titanic泰坦尼克号 America美国;美洲 fallinto落入 △frightened受惊的,害怕的 intheend最后,终于 everywhere到处 comeintobeing形成;成立 main主要的 role角色 facial面部的;脸上的


UNIT5 重点课文汉语意思 5、1、A 康康:嗨!近来怎么样? 简:非常好,谢谢你。你看起来很兴奋。怎么了?康康:你猜!我爸妈想邀请你爸妈一起去看电影。玛利亚:真的吗?他们要去看什么电影? 康康:《音乐之声》。 简:哦,那是我爸妈最喜欢的电影之一。他们什么时候去? 康康:这周六。我们晚上可以在我家玩。我妈妈会给我们准备一些美味的食物。 简:哇哦!听起来很不错!我太高兴了。请替我谢谢你妈妈。 康康:好,我会的。我来这儿的时候,看到了布朗先生。他很沮丧,因为他没有买到《音乐之声》的门票。迈克尔:太遗憾了! 5\1\B 史蒂夫:嗨,康康!你知道布朗先生怎么了吗?他好像有点不高兴。 康康:他很沮丧是因为他没有买到《音乐之声》的门票。我觉得他真的特别想看这部电影。 简:我希望下次他能看到这部电影。这也是我最喜欢的电影。我觉得它特别有趣。你呢,玛丽亚? 玛丽亚:我喜欢歌剧。我最喜欢的是《猫》。它特别好笑和有趣。康康,你喜欢歌剧吗? 康康:不,我一点都不喜欢。太无聊了。但是我爸妈很喜欢京剧。 玛丽亚:那你最喜欢什么呢? 康康:电影《阿凡达》。它太有趣了。 5\1\C 《音乐之声》是最受欢迎的美国电影之一。 它是关于一个住在澳大利亚的年轻女子的故事。 她的名字是玛丽亚。 她到冯特拉普家族去照顾七个孩子。 冯特拉普先生去世了,整个个家族都很悲伤。 孩子们每天又哭又闹。父亲很孤单,而且经常因为孩子们的哭闹而大发雷霆。玛丽亚教孩子们唱动听的歌曲,并且教他们表演短小有趣的戏剧,让他们开心。父亲一开始很愤怒,但是孩子们开心的笑容让他也快乐了起来。 5\2\A 王老师:嗨,海伦!你看起来很担心啊。出什么事了吗? 海伦:是李红。她很不开心。 王老师哦,天啊!听到这我很抱歉。是什么问题?海伦:因为英语考试考差了,她在厕所里面哭。她对自己要求很严。你知道,李红是新来这里的。她很安静,很害羞。她感到很孤独,因为她没有朋友可以说话。 王老师谢谢你告诉我。我觉得我应该和她谈谈。 海伦:谢谢你,王老师。我真的很担心她。 5\2\B 王老师:嗨,李红。你今天感觉怎么样? 李红:我感觉很难过,因为我英语考试没及格。 王老师:那太糟糕了,李红!你难过的时候怎么不跟别人聊聊呢? 李红:我想,可是我不知道该怎么跟别人说。 王老师:别担心。你这个年龄谁都有这种感觉。你想和谁交朋友? 李红:嗯,海伦挺好的。她经常给我讲笑话,逗我开心。她好像挺喜欢我。 王老师:是的。我确定她愿意做你的朋友。好了,好了!没事了。 李红:谢谢,王老师。我现在觉得好点了。


Unit 5 Feeling Happy Topic 3 Many things can affect our feelings. Section A needs 1 period. Section A需用1课时。 The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。 Ⅰ. Aims and demands 目标要求 1. Learn some new words and phrases: calm down, bitter, CD, DVD, test, speech, monitor 2. Learn useful expressions: How long have you felt like this? I hate to go to the hospital. 3. Learn how to describe feelings: These days I feel very bored and lonely at home. I’m worried about the test at the end of the month. 4. Le arn the usages of “make + object + v./adj.” It makes me feel nervous. The TV programs make me sleepy. 5. Learn how to reassure others: Don’t be afraid! Be brave! Take it easy. Don’t worry. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/手机/小黑板 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间: 5分钟) 复习电话用语并创设情景导入新课。 1. (假设一名学生因病缺席,教师让一名学生扮演那名生病的学生,用手机进行师生对话,复习打电话及询问病情的表达。学习单词,掌握nervous和bitter;理解calm down。) T: Suppose one student is absent, and I will make a phone call with him/her. Example: T: Hello! May I speak to Li Ming? S1: Hello! This is Li Ming speaking. T: This is Mr.Wang speaking. You didn’t come to school today. What’s wrong with you? S1: I have a bad cold. It makes me very upset. T: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Don’t be nervous. Calm down and listen to me. How long have you felt like this? S1: One day. T: You need to go to see a doctor. S1: No, I’m afraid of taking medicine. T: Be brave. I know medicine is a little bitter, but it’s good for your health. Follow the doctor’s advice, and you’ll get well soon. S1: I hope so. Thanks a lot. (板书) nervous, bitter, calm down 2. (询问几名学生是否担心下周的英语演讲和数学测试,并给予安慰。)


初二英语试卷及答案仁爱版 导语:从小学就开始学习英语,不过很多人却仍学不好,所以英语基 础知识扎实不扎实很重要,以下是###整理的初二英语试卷及答案仁爱版,希望对大家有协助。 一、基础知识(共30分) I.根据句意及首字母提示写单词,使句子完整、通顺。(每小题0.5分,共5分) 1.Youmustbeveryc__________whenyougoacrossthestreet. 2.Let’shaveam________afterlunch.Ihavesomethingimportanttotel lyou. 3.Thereisnomoneyinmyw__________.Canyoulendmesome? 4.Canyouhelpmef_______theturkeywiththisbreadmix? 5.Mymotherisnotavailabletomorrow,soIhavetohelplooka_______myl ittlesister. 6.Idon’tlikeeatinghamburgers,let’sgotoaChineserestauranti__ ________. 7.Inhiss________time,heoftenreadsbooks. 8.Ifyouhaveaf________,youmustletthenursetakeyourtemperature. 9.ThenewDisneymovie,SnowWhite,ismyfavoritec__________.

10.Ididn’tgotobedu_____12o’cloc klastnigh,becausetherewastoo muchhomework. II.用所给词的适当形式填空。(每小题0.5分,共5分) 11.Don’tworryabouthim.Hecantakegoodcareof___________(him). 12.---Iwantyoutocometomybirthdayparty. ---Great!Thankyoufor__________(invite)me.. 13.TheSpringFestivalisanimportant_____________(tradition)fest ivalinChina. 14.The___________(travel)losttheirwayinthemountains. 15.Don’tforget__________(turn)offthelightwhenyouleavetheroom. 16.Hehasa___________(stomach),sohedoesn’twanttoeatanything. 17.Pleasetakethismedicine_________(two)aday. 18.It’sgoingtorain.You’dbetter_________(take)anumbrella. 19.Theboysenjoy_________(swim)onhotdays. 20.Idon’t_________(exact)knowwherehelives. III.选择填空(每小题1分,共20分) 21.-- Iheardthatyouwentbikeridinglastweekend.Whatdoyouthinkofit? --Itwas______interestingexperience. A.a B.the C.an D.\


29. in time 及时 八下英语知识点 30. save a life 挽救生命 31. get into trouble 造成麻烦 32. right away 立刻;马上 Unit 1 What's the matter33. because of 由于 一、重点短语34. get out of 离开;从…出来 1. have a fever 发烧35. hurt oneself 受伤 咳嗽2. have a cough 36. put a bandage on sth. 用绷带 3. have a toothache 牙疼包扎 4. talk too much 说得太多37. fa ll down 摔倒 喝足够的水5. drink enough water38. feel sick 感到恶心 6. have a cold 受凉;感冒39. have a nosebleed 流鼻血 7. have a stomachache 胃疼40. cut his knee 割伤他的膝盖 背疼8. have a sore back 42. have problems breathing 呼吸喉咙痛9. have a sore throat 困难 躺下来休息10. lie down and rest 43. mountain climbing 登山运动加蜂蜜的11. hot tea w ith honey 44. be used to doing sth. 习惯做热茶某事 看牙医12. see a dentist 45. run out (of) 用完;用尽 拍X 光片13. get an X-ray 46. so that 以便,为了 14. take one' s temperature 量47.so...that如此...以至于...


电大附中2007学年(上)八年级英语第一次阶段性检测 笔试部分(120分) 一、单项选择(15分) ( )1. Milk is good _______ our ________. A. to , healthy B. for , healthy C. for , health ( )2. Although he is very ill , ________ he works very hard . A. and B. but C. / ( )3. - _______ do you read English books ? - Twice a day . A. How long B. How often C. How soon ( )4. _________ color ,I like yellow very much . A. As B. As for C. for ( )5. What do you usually do ______ weekends ? A. on B.of C. in ( )6.He watches TV for half _____ hour every day . A. the B. a C. an ( )7.- _______ the matter with you ? - I have a sore throat . A. Who’s B. What’s C. How’s ( )8. You look sick . You _______ see a doctor . A. should B. can C.do ( )9.If you have a sore throat , you should drink some hot tea _______ some honey . A. with B. in C.on ( )10.Mr Li was ill .- ____________. A. Thank you B. I’m sorry to hear that C. OK ( )11. ________ are you going for vacation ? – Italy . A. Where B. When C. What ( )12. I’m going to Huangshan . - _______________. A. Don’t be too happy . B. Have a good time C. How is the weather . ( )13.She _______ sightseeing tomorrow . A. goes B. going C. is going ( )14.Can I ask you _______ questions about your vacation plans ? A. some B. any C. much ( )15.They are going to Beijing _______ vacation. A. in B. to C. for 二、完型填空(10分) Dear Robert, I hope you are well. Thank you for your last letter. You ask me about Mid-autumn Day. Now, let me 1 you something about it. Everyone in China likes Mid-autumn Day. It 2 comes in September or October. 3 that day, everyone eats mooncakes. A mooncake is a delicious,


最新人教版八年级英语下册单元测试题全套及答案 (2016-2017学年度第二学期,标准配套试题,含期中,期末试题) Unit 1What's the matter单元测试题 笔试部分(100分) 五、单项选择。(15分) (B )21.—Bob's head feels very hot now. —Maybe he has ________ fever.Please take him to see ________ doctor. A.a;/B.a;a C.the;/D.the;a ( A )22.He can't walk because there's something wrong with his ________. A.feet B.arms C.ears D.hands ( D )23.________ her surprise,Peter turned down her invitation. A.From B.Of C.With D.To ( D )24.—Did you take your ________ at home,Linda? —Yes.I have a low fever.It's nothing serious. A.trouble B.situation C.matter D.temperature ( A )25.—I cut myself just now. —Well,you ________ put some medicine on the cut. A.should B.shouldn't C.can't D.mustn't ( C )26.The climber hurt himself ________ the mountain. A.climb B.to climb C.climbing D.climbed ( C )27.—What do you think of your classmate Li Gang? —I know what you ________.I don't like him either. A.control B.remember C.mean D.follow ( D )28.The movie star was really tired,but the reporters kept on ________ him questions. A.asks B.asked C.to ask D.asking ( D )https://www.doczj.com/doc/ae13168160.html,st month,the old woman ________ from the bike and hurt her head. A.lay down B.put down C.turned down D.fell down ( A )30.—Who did Cathy go swimming with last Sunday? —Nobody.She went swimming by ________. A.herself B.itself C.himself D.yourself ( D )31.—Doctor,I feel bad.I ________ all day. —I think you have the flu. A.risk B.breathe C.worry D.cough ( D )32.—Did you read the story? —Of course.It was ________ interesting ________ I read it twice. A.too;to B.too;that C.such;that D.so;that ( A )33.—How does Jane go to school? —She ________ ride a bike to school,but now she ________ going there by bus. A.used to;is used to B.used to;used to C.is used to;used to D.is used to;is used to ( B )34.No matter how hard it is,don't ________.It will be better in the future. A.make up B.give up C.put up D.take up ( B )35.—________? —I have a toothache. A.How do you like it B.What's the matter


Unit 5Feeling Excited Topic1: I’m so happy. 1. How are you doing?=How are you? 你好吗? 2 .invite sb. to do sth= ask sb. to do邀请某人做某事 3. prepare for sth准备某事(准备时间较长思想上的准备):prepare for the exam sth for sb.为某人准备…:prepare food for Lily to do sh准备做…:I prepare to go hiking. 4.say sth to sb.对某人说….:say thanks/hello/goodbye to Peter 5.系动词+adj.系表结构 ① be (am/is/are/was/were) ②感官v.(feel, look, sound, taste品尝,smell闻、嗅) ③四变化(turn/become/go/ get) *turn侧指颜色变化 ④ keep, make 7. a ticket to/for…一张…的票the answer to the question问题的答案 the key to the door/car/bike/… a way to…一种…的方式 8. be+ adj. + 介词结构 be proud of自豪,骄傲be worried about; 担心…… be interested in; 对……感兴趣 be surprised at; 对……感到惊奇 be strict with sb. 对……某人严格 10. set the table for sb.为某人摆餐具 e.g. I’m setting the table for guests. 我希望一切顺利。


仁爱版英语八年级下册 单词表 Revised as of 23 November 2020

仁爱英语八年级下册单词表 Unit 5 Topic 1 invite [n'vat] v. 邀请,招待 [银vai 特] disappointed [,ds'pntd] 失望的[地斯儿泡因提的] film [f?lm] n. 电影;影片 [飞油母] smell [smel] v. 发气味;闻,嗅; n. 气味[斯迈奥] seem [sim] v.似乎,好像 [细木] opera [pr] n. 歌剧 [奥普r] lonely [lunli] adj. 孤独的,寂寞的;偏僻的[楼恩利] lively ['lavl] adj. 活泼的;充满生气的[来v利] almost [:lmst] 几乎,差不多 [奥谋斯特] mainly [meinli] 主要地 [门利] role [r?ul] n. 角色 [肉欧] facial [ fel] adj. 面部的;面部用的 [飞售] painting ['pent] n.油画,水彩画[盆停] gesture ['dest] n. 姿势,手势[杰斯q] frightened ['fra?tnd] 受惊的;害怕的[福ruai ten的] worried [' wrd] adj. 担心的,烦恼的[挖瑞的] upset [p'set] adj. 心烦的,苦恼的 [阿普赛特] Unit 5 Topic 2 exam [gzm] 考试,检查 [一格eai木] strict [str?kt] adj. 严格的;严密的[斯坠克特] shy [a] adj. 害羞的 [晒] fail [fel] v. 不及格;失败;衰退 [飞欧] someone 某人 [撒目玩] feeling ['fil] n. 感觉;感情 [飞铃] joke [d?uk] n. 笑话;玩笑; [旧克] usual [ju:ul] adj. 通常的,平常的 [油肉欧] either [e(r)] adv.(用于否定句)也;[一e] accept [k'sept] v. 接受 [ 克赛普特] lovely ['lvl] adj.可爱的;美好的 [拉v利] helpful [helpfl] adj.有帮助的,有益的 [害哦普否] international [intnnl] 国际的 [因特乃申nou] useless [美][jusls] adj.无用的[油丝了丝] deal [di:l] v. 对付;处理 [地欧] elder ['eld(r)] adj. 年长的,年纪大的[挨哦d] refuse [ri?fju:z] v. 拒绝,不愿 [瑞飞油字] sadness [sdns] n. 忧伤,悲哀 [赛的n 斯] anyone pron. 任何人,无论谁 [爱你玩] unfair [nfe] adj. 不公平的,不公正的[安fai儿] though [e?u] conj. 虽然,可是 [eou] Unit 5 Topic 3 test n. 测试,考查,试验 [太斯特] nervous ['nvs] adj. 紧张不安的 [n v 斯] speech n. 演讲 [斯比气] sick [s?k] 有病的,患病的;(想)呕吐的[细克] affect ['fekt] v. 影响 [ fai 克特] confident [knfdnt] 自信的,有信心的[康飞den特] mood [mud] n. 心情;情绪 [木的] proud [praud] adj. 自豪的;骄傲的[普绕的] anyway 尽管,即使这样 [爱你为] ready ['red] adj.准备好的[ruai地] passport ['pas,p?rt] n. 护照 [怕斯泡特] boss [b?s] n. 老板;领班 [抱斯] grandson 孙子 [格软伞] environment [n'varnmnt] 环境[银vai 儿人门特] especially [i'spel] 特别,尤其[一斯白sh利]

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