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Wuthering Heights

《呼啸山庄》(Wuthering Heights),英国女作家艾米莉·勃朗特(Emily Bront?)的小说,也是她唯一的一部小说,于1847年首度出版。当时因为内容对人性丑恶的描写而遭致非议,被称为是一本“可怕而野蛮”的书,书中写尽了寂寥的荒野、偏僻的古堡、粗暴的爱情,气氛阴郁而浓厚,被当时人所不容。但是随着时间的推移,这部小说逐渐的被主流社会所认同,并且被认为是勃朗特姐妹所有的作品中最为出色的一部。艾米丽独特的气质,对世界的感悟,对荒原的依恋和描写,给这部小说增添了独特的审美意味,这是这部小说明显不同于维多利亚时代其他小说的原因。其中也继承了象征、恐怖和神秘等哥特小说手法。

小说的背景是十八世纪英格兰北部的约克郡,呼啸山庄的主人、恩肖先生(Earnshaw)带回一个身分不明的吉普赛男孩,取名希斯克利夫(Heathcliff),这位小男孩夺去了主人对小主人亨德利(Hindley)和他妹妹凯瑟琳(Catherine)的宠爱。主人恩肖死后,亨德利从外地娶回一女子(法兰西斯),继承了山庄,为了报复,他把希斯克利夫贬为奴仆,并百般迫害,可是妹妹凯瑟琳却和他产生了爱情,希斯克利夫天性倔强,性格敏感而多疑,两人之间却又存在着激烈的冲突。后来,凯瑟琳受外界影响,改而爱上有钱、成熟的画眉庄园的青年埃德加·林顿(Edgar Linton)。使希斯克利夫在暴风雨之夜愤而出走,三年后再出现时,已经是一名富商,他的出现造成呼啸山庄诡异的气氛,希斯克利夫的爱变得偏激,他不但想报复凯瑟琳,还不放过她身边的每一个人,他用赌博赢得了山庄,亨德利成为他的仆人,亨德利最后死得不明不白,儿子哈里顿则成了奴仆。他还故意娶了埃德加的妹妹伊莎贝拉(Isabella)为妻,造成兄妹失和,并施以迫害。埃德加反对凯瑟琳和希斯克里夫继续来往,这使得凯瑟琳越来越忧郁,内心痛苦不堪的凯瑟琳在生产中死去。希斯克利夫甚至想把凯瑟琳的遗体从坟墓里挖出来见最后一面。


Wuthering Heights is the only published novel by Emily Bront?, written between October 1845 and June 1846[1] and published in July of the following year. It was not printed until December 1847 under the pseudonym Ellis Bell, after the success of her sister Charlotte Bront?'s novel Jane Eyre. A posthumous second edition was edited by Charlotte in 1850.[2]

The title of the novel comes from the Yorkshire manor on the moors of the story. The narrative centres on the all-encompassing, passionate, but ultimately doomed love between Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff, and how this unresolved passion eventually destroys them and the people around them

Opening (chapters 1 to 3)

In 1801, Mr. Lockwood, a rich man from the south of England, rents Thrushcross Grange in the north of England for peace and recuperation. Soon after his arrival, he visits his landlord, Mr. Heathcliff, who lives in the remote moorland farmhouse called "Wuthering Heights." He finds the inhabitants of Wuthering Heights to be a rather strange group: Mr. Heathcliff appears a gentleman but his mannerisms suggest otherwise; the reserved mistress of the house is in her mid-teens; and a young man appears to be one of the family, although he dresses and talks like a servant.

Being snowed in, Mr. Lockwood stays the night and is shown to an unused chamber, where he finds books and graffiti from a former inhabitant of the farmhouse named Catherine. When he falls asleep, he has a nightmare in which he sees Catherine as a ghost trying to enter through the window. Heathcliff rushes to the room after hearing him yelling in fear. He believes Mr. Lockwood is telling the truth, and inspects the window, opening it in a futile attempt to let Catherine's spirit in from the cold. After nothing eventuates, Heathcliff shows Mr. Lockwood to his own bedroom, and returns to keep guard at the window.

As soon as the sun rises, Mr. Lockwood is escorted back to Thrushcross Grange by Heathcliff. There, he asks his housekeeper, Nelly Dean, to tell him the story of the family from the Heights.

The Childhood of Heathcliff (chapters 4 to 17)

Thirty years prior, the Earnshaw family lived at Wuthering Heights. The children of the family are the teenaged Hindley and his younger sister, Catherine. Mr. Earnshaw travels to Liverpool, where he finds a homeless dark-skinned boy whom he decides to adopt, naming him "Heathcliff." Hindley finds himself robbed of his father's affections and becomes bitterly jealous of Heathcliff. However, Catherine grows very attached to him. Soon, the two children spend hours on the moors together and hate every moment apart.

Because of the domestic discord caused by Hindley's and Heathcliff's sibling rivalry, Hindley is eventually sent to college. However, he marries a woman named Frances and returns three years later, after Mr. Earnshaw dies. He becomes master of Wuthering Heights, and forces Heathcliff to become a servant instead of a member of the family.

Several months after Hindley's return, Heathcliff and Catherine travel to Thrushcross Grange to spy on the Linton family. However, they are spotted and try to escape. Catherine, having been caught by a dog, is brought inside the Grange to have injuries tended to while Heathcliff is sent home. Catherine eventually returns to Wuthering Heights as a changed woman, looking and acting as a lady. She laughs at Heathcliff's unkempt appearance. When the Lintons visit the next day, Heathcliff dresses up to

impress her. It fails when Edgar, one of the Linton children, argues with him. Heathcliff is locked in the attic, where Catherine later tries to comfort him. He swears vengeance on Hindley.

In the summer of the next year, Frances gives birth to a son, Hareton, but she dies before the year is out. This leads Hindley to descend into a life of drunkenness and waste.

Two years pass and Catherine has become close friends with Edgar, growing more distant from Heathcliff. One day in August, while Hindley is absent, Edgar comes to visit Catherine. She has an argument with Nelly, which then spreads to Edgar who tries to leave. Catherine stops him and, before long, they declare themselves lovers.

Later, Catherine talks with Nelly, explaining that Edgar had asked her to marry him and she had accepted. She says that she does not really love Edgar but Heathcliff. Unfortunately she could never marry Heathcliff because of his lack of status and education. She therefore plans to marry Edgar and use that position to help raise Heathcliff's standing. Unfortunately, Heathcliff had overheard the first part about not being able to marry him and runs away, disappearing without a trace. After three years, Edgar and Catherine are married.

Six months after the marriage, Heathcliff returns as a gentleman, having grown stronger and richer during his absence. Catherine is delighted to see him although Edgar is not so keen. Edgar's sister, Isabella, now eighteen, falls in love with Heathcliff, seeing him as a romantic hero. He despises her but encourages the infatuation, seeing it as a chance for revenge on Edgar. When he embraces Isabella one day at the Grange, there is an argument with Edgar which causes Catherine to lock herself in her room and fall ill.

Heathcliff has been staying at the Heights, gambling with Hindley and teaching Hareton bad habits. Hindley is gradually losing his wealth, mortgaging the farmhouse to Heathcliff to repay his debts.

While Catherine is ill, Heathcliff elopes with Isabella. The fugitives marry and return two months later to Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff hears that Catherine is ill and arranges with Nelly to visit her in secret. In the early hours of the day after their meeting, Catherine gives birth to her daughter, Cathy, and then dies.

The day after Catherine's funeral, Isabella flees Heathcliff and escapes to the south of England where she eventually gives birth to Linton, Heathcliff's son. Hindley dies six months after Catherine. Heathcliff finds himself the master of Wuthering Heights and the guardian of Hareton.

The Maturity of Heathcliff (chapters 18 to 31)

Twelve years later, Cathy has grown into a beautiful, high-spirited girl who has rarely passed outside the borders of the Grange. Edgar hears that Isabella is dying and leaves to pick up her son with the intention of adopting him. While he is gone, Cathy meets Hareton on the moors and learns of her cousin's and Wuthering Heights' existence.

Edgar returns with Linton who is a weak and sickly boy. Although Cathy is attracted to him, Heathcliff wants his son with him and insists on having him taken to the Heights.

Three years later, Nelly and Cathy are on the moors when they meet Heathcliff who takes them to Wuthering Heights to see Linton and Hareton. He has plans for Linton and Cathy to marry so that he will inherit Thrushcross Grange. Cathy and Linton begin a secret friendship.

In August of the next year, while Edgar is very ill, Nelly and Cathy visit Wuthering Heights and are held captive by Heathcliff who wants to marry his son to Cathy and, at the same time, prevent her from returning to her father before he dies. After five days, Nelly is released and Cathy escapes with Linton's help just in time to see her father before he dies.

With Heathcliff now the master of both Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange, Cathy has no choice but to leave Nelly and to go and live with Heathcliff and Hareton. Linton dies soon afterwards and, although Hareton tries to be kind to her, she retreats into herself. This is the point of the story at which Lockwood arrives.

After being ill with a cold for some time, Lockwood decides that he has had enough

of the moors and travels to Wuthering Heights to inform Heathcliff that he is returning to the south.

Ending (chapters 32 to 34)

In September, eight months after leaving, Lockwood finds himself back in the area and decides to stay at Thrushcross Grange (since his tenancy is still valid until October). He finds that Nelly is now living at Wuthering Heights. He makes his way there and she fills in the rest of the story.

Nelly had moved to the Heights soon after Lockwood left to replace the housekeeper who had departed. In March, Hareton had an accident and has been confined to the farmhouse. During this time, a friendship developed between Cathy and Hareton. This continued into April when Heathcliff begins to act very strangely, seeing visions of Catherine. After not eating for four days, he is found dead in Catherine's room. He is buried next to Catherine.

Lockwood departs but, before he leaves, he hears that Hareton and Cathy plan to marry on New Year's Day. Lockwood passes the graves of Catherine, Edgar and Heathcliff, pausing to contemplate the peaceful quiet of the moors.


经典英文电影台词100句 美国电影学会于近日评选出了美国电影中的一百句最佳台词,《乱世佳人》的克拉克·盖博口中的“坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎”荣膺榜首。评选结果的影片涵盖面十分广泛,最早的可以追溯到1927 年的第一步有声片《爵士歌手》,最近的则是2002年的《指环王之双塔骑兵》。其中《乱世佳人》、《卡萨布兰卡》、《绿野仙踪》等经典老片在榜上占据了不止一席之位,而《卡萨布兰卡》凭借6句经典台词居首位。美国电影学会总监费斯登堡认为,这些经典的电影台词已经成为了美国语言文化的一个组成部分,评选的目的是为了重新激起人们对美国经典电影的热情。 1,Frankly,my dear,I don't give a damn. 坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎。(《乱世佳人》1939) 2,I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse. 我会给他点好处,他无法拒绝。(《教父》1972) 3,You don't understand!Icoulda had class.I coulda been a contender.I could've been somebody,instead of a bum,which is what I am. 你根本不能明白!我本可以获得社会地位,我本可以是个竞争者,我本可以是任何有头有脸的人而不是一个毫无价值的游民!(《码头风云》1954) 4,Toto,I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. 托托,我想我们再也回不去堪萨斯了。(《绿野仙踪》1939) 5,Here's looking at you,kid. 就看你的了,孩子。(《卡萨布兰卡》1942) 6,Go ahead,make my day. 来吧,让我也高兴高兴。(《拨云见日》1983) 7,All right,Mr.DeMille,I'm ready for my close-up. 好了,德米勒先生,我已经准备好拍摄我的特写镜头了。(《日落大道》1950) 8,May the Force be with you. 愿原力与你同在。(《星球大战》1977) 9,Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night. 系紧你的安全带,这将是一个颠簸的夜晚。(《彗星美人》1950)


呼啸山庄经典台词 2017-05-30电影《呼啸山庄》改编自艾米莉·勃朗特同名小说。 影片由多次获得奥斯卡最佳导演奖的美国威廉·惠勒执导,梅尔·奥勃朗、劳伦斯·奥利弗、大卫·尼文等主演,讲述了一个爱情与复仇的离奇故事,充满了凄婉哀伤的悲剧色彩。 《呼啸山庄》经典台词1.如果你还在这个世界上存在着,那么这个世界无论怎么样,对我都是有意义的;但是如果你不在了,无论这个世界多美好,他在我眼里也只是一片荒漠,而我就象一个孤魂野鬼。 2.在这个世界上,我的最大的悲痛就是希刺克厉夫的悲痛,而且我从一开始就注意并且互相感受到了。 在我的生活中,他是我最强的思念。 如果别的一切都毁灭了,而他还留下来,我就能继续活下去;如果别的一切都留下来,而他却给消灭了,这个世界对于我就将成为一个极陌生的地方。 我不会像是它的一部分。 我对林敦的爱像是树林中的叶子:我完全晓得,在冬天变化树木的时候,时光便会变化叶子。 我对希刺克厉夫的爱恰似下面的恒久不变的岩石:虽然看起来它给你的愉快并不多,可是这点愉快却是必需的。 耐莉,我就是希刺克厉夫!他永远永远地在我心里。 3.凯瑟琳,你知道我只要活着就不会忘掉你!当你得到安息的时

候,我却要在地狱的折磨里受煎熬,这还不够使你那狠毒的自私心得到满足吗?4.我在那温和的天空下面,在这三块墓碑前留连!望着飞蛾在石南丛和兰铃花中扑飞,听着柔风在草间吹动,我纳闷有谁能想象得出在那平静的土地下面的长眠者竟会有并不平静的睡眠。 5.你现在才使我明白你曾经多么残酷——残酷又虚伪。 你过去为什么瞧不起我呢?你为什么欺骗你自己的心呢,凯蒂?我没有一句安慰的话。 这是你应得的。 你害死了你自己。 是的,你可以亲吻我,哭,又逼出我的吻和眼泪:我的吻和眼泪要摧残你——要诅咒你。 你爱过我——那么你有什么权利离开我呢?有什么权利——回答我——对林敦存那种可怜的幻想?因为悲惨、耻辱和死亡,以及上帝或撒旦所能给的一切打击和痛苦都不能把我们分开,而你,却出于你自己的心意,这样作了。 我没有弄碎你的心——是你弄碎了的;而在弄碎它的时候,你把我的心也弄碎了。 因为我是强壮的,对于我就格外苦。 我还要活吗?那将是什么样的生活……6.在这个世界上,我的最大的悲痛就是希刺克厉夫的悲痛,而且我从一开始就注意并感受到了。 7.在我的生活中,他是我最强的思念。


Heathcliff is a fictional character in the novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Bront?. Owing to the novel's enduring fame and popularity, he is often regarded as an archetype of the tortured Romantic Byronic hero whose all-consuming passions destroy both himself and those around him. Heathcliff can also be viewed as a reflection and product of his psychological past: the abuse, neglect and scorn of those with whom he grows up render him abusive, neglectful and scornful. Legend has stereotyped him somewhat into a romantic hero, and he is generally known more for his love for Catherine Earnshaw than his final years of vengeance in the second half of the novel, in which he grows into a bitter, haunted man (although there are also a number of incidents in Heathcliff's early life that show that he was an angry and sometimes malicious individual from the beginning; again, these tend to be glossed over in the popular imagination). His complicated, mesmerising and altogether bizarre nature makes him a rare character, with components of both the hero and the anti-hero. Catherine Earnshaw, known as Catherine Linton after her marriage, is the main female protagonist of Emily Bront?'s novel Wuthering Heights. While residing in her ancestral home Wuthering Heights, she forms a deep romantic bond with foster brother Heathcliff, one that leads them both into misery, violence and despair. Edgar Linton is a character in Emily Bront?'s novel Wuthering Heights. His role in the story is that of Catherine Earnshaw's husband. He resides at Thrushcross Grange and falls prey to Heathcliff's schemes for revenge against his family. Edgar is the father of his and Catherine's daughter, Catherine Linton, and the brother of Isabella Linton. He is a complete foil of Heathcliff as a character, as shown by his tender, gentle, and weak personality as opposed to Heathcliff's savage, tyrannical nature. Isabella Linton is a female character in Emily Bront?'s only novel Wuthering Heights. She is the sister of Edgar Linton and the wife of Heathcliff. Hindley Earnshaw is a male character in Emily Bronte's novel Wuthering Heights. The brother of Catherine Earnshaw, father of Hareton Earnshaw, and sworn enemy of Heathcliff, he descends into a life of drunkenness, degradation, and misery after his wife Frances dies in childbirth, enabling

呼啸山庄 故事梗概 中英文

《呼啸山庄》简介 1801年,洛克乌先生来到山庄拜访希克厉先生,要租下他的画眉山庄,希克厉先生对他很粗暴,还有一群恶狗向他发起进攻。但他还是又一次造访希克厉先生,他遇到了行为粗俗,不修边幅的英俊少年哈里顿恩肖,和貌美的希克厉先生之子的遗孀。由于天黑又下雪希克厉先生不得不留他住了下来,夜里他做了一个奇怪的梦,梦见树枝打在窗齿打碎玻璃,想折断外头的树枝,可手指却触到一双冰凉的小手,一个幽灵似的啜泣声乞求他放她进来。她说她叫卡瑟琳·恩萧,已经在这游荡了20年了,她想闯进来,吓得洛克乌失声大叫。希克厉先生闻声赶来,让洛克乌出去,他自己扑倒在床上,哭着叫起来:“卡茜,来吧!啊,来呀,再来一次!啊,我心中最亲爱的!卡瑟琳,最后一次!”可窗外毫无声息,一阵冷风吹灭了蜡烛。 第二天,洛克乌先生来到画眉山庄,向女管家艾伦迪恩问起此事,女管家便讲了发生在呼啸山庄的事情。 呼啸山庄已有300年的历史,以前的主人欧肖夫妇从街头捡来一个吉普赛人的弃儿,收他做养子,这就是希克厉。希克厉一到这家就受到才先生的儿子享德莱的欺负和虐待,可享德莱的妹妹卡瑟琳却与希克厉疯狂地相爱了。 老主人死了之后,已婚的享德莱成了呼啸山庄的主人。他开始阻止希克厉和卡瑟琳的交往,并把希克厉赶到田里去干活,不断地差辱他,折磨他,他变得不近人情,近乎痴呆,卡瑟琳也变得野性十足。 一次,他们到画眉山庄去玩,卡瑟琳被狗咬伤,主人林敦夫妇知道她是欧肖家的孩子,就热情地留她养伤,而把希克厉当成坏小子赶跑了。卡瑟琳和林敦的儿子埃德加、女儿伊莎贝拉成了好朋友。卡瑟琳住了五个长星期回来后,变成温文尔雅,仪态万方的富家小姐。当他再次见到希克厉时,生怕他弄脏了自己的衣服。希克厉的自尊心受到了伤害,他说:“我愿意怎么脏,就怎么脏。”他发誓要对享德莱进行报复,他心中的野性和愤恨全部对准享德莱。 1778年6月,享德莱的妻子生下哈里顿恩肖后因肺病死去,亨德莱受了很大的打击,从此变得更加残忍,更加冷酷无情。卡瑟琳徘徊于希克厉和埃德加的爱情之间,她真心爱希克厉,但又觉得与一个仆人结婚,有失身份。当埃德加向她求婚时,想到他的漂亮和富有,便答应了。但在她灵魂深处,非常明白自己错了,便向女仆艾伦迪恩吐露真情:“我对埃德加的爱像树林中的叶子,当冬季改变树木的时候,随之就会改变叶子。我对希克厉的爱却像地下永久不变的岩石……我就是希克厉!他无时无刻不在我心中,并不是作为一种乐趣,而是作为我的一部分。” 希斯克里夫不巧听到了她们对话的前半部分,痛苦万分,当夜离开了呼啸山庄,卡瑟琳因希克厉的离去而大病一场。后来林敦夫妇相继得热病而死,在他们死后三年,卡瑟琳同埃德加结婚了。


呼啸山庄经典语录语句大全 起来!别让自己退化成了一条下贱的爬虫。 没有什么东西能阻挡燃烧的激情,包括死亡。 惩罚恶人是上帝的事,我们应该学会饶恕。 如果你还在这个世界存在着/那么这个世界无论什么样/对我都是有意义的/如果你不在了/无论这个世界多么美好/它在我眼里也只是一片荒漠。 时间的流逝给他带来的是对命运的屈从和一种比寻常的欢乐更甜美的沉思。 我相信人死后是有灵魂的,因为是我害死你的,所以你尽管来找我,这样我们就又可以在一起了。 我这么爱他,并不是因为他长的英俊,而是因为他比我更像我自己。不管我们的灵魂是什么做的,他的和我的是完全一样的。 伤害我的人我可以原谅,而伤害你的人呢?我怎能原谅!

在我的生活中,他是我最强的思念。如果别的一切都毁灭了,而他还留下来,我就能继续活下去;如果别的一切都留下来,而他却给消灭了,这个世界对于我就将成为一个极陌生的地方。我不会像是它的一部分。 有谁能想象得出在那平静的土地下面的长眠者竟会有并不平静的睡眠。 你有理由怀着一颗骄傲的心而腹中空空的去睡觉。骄傲的人自讨苦吃,然而,如果你为自己的心胸狭窄感到内心不安的话,那么,你就必须请求宽恕。 我爱他脚下的土地,头顶上的空气,他触摸过的每一件东西,他说过的每一句话,我爱他所有的神情,每一个动作,还有他整个人,他的全部。 没有什么东西能阻挡燃烧的激情,包括死亡。 我这么爱他,并不是因为他长的英俊,而是因为他比我更像我自己。不管我们的灵魂是什么做的,他的和我的是完全一样的。 ——艾米莉·勃朗特《呼啸山庄》 如果你还在这个世界存在着/那么这个世界无论什么样/对我都是有意义的/如果你不在了/无论这个世界多么美好/它在我眼

英语论文 呼啸山庄

毕业论文 题目:Return to Nature – On the Conflict between Nature and Civilization in Wuthering Heights 学院:外国语学院

摘要 艾米莉·勃朗特是英国维多利亚时期一名杰出的作家。她短暂的一生只留下一部杰作--《呼啸山庄》。这部小说因其永久的魅力和广泛的畅销被列为世界名著。然而,这部小说的价值直到二十世纪才被人们重新发现。随着时间的推移,她的小说越来越受到关注。一百多年来,学术界对其小说《呼啸山庄》分别从主题、主旨、写作技巧、语言风格、女性主义、生态批评等不同角度进行过研究。本文从象征主义的角度来解读自然和文明的关系,二者之间相互斗争,但最终因为文明的侵犯和本性的扼杀造成了西斯克里夫和凯瑟琳的爱情悲剧,同时折射出造成人类悲剧命运的根源和重回自然的思想。 勃朗特在《呼啸山庄》中构建起分别象征着自然的呼啸山庄和文明的画眉山庄,把维多利亚时代的矛盾压缩进两个家庭的故事中。本文以凯瑟琳的命运为中心线索,分别论证了呼啸山庄和画眉山庄的象征意义。凯瑟琳是文明和自然的交织点,通过论述凯瑟琳的异化,迷失和归复来说明文明压抑了人性,要求人顺应人性回归自然的思想。 关键词:自然;文明;凯瑟琳;西斯克里夫;象征主义

Abstract Emily Bront? is a brilliant writer in Victorian Age. In her short life, she writes only one novel, Wuthering Heights, which has become a worldwide classic for its enduring interest and wide popularity. However, the novel is ignored by the readers and critics of the Victorian Age. It is not until the 20th century that the true value of the novel is discovered. As time passes by, her novel has gained more and more attention. Throughout the hundred years the scholars have attained remarkable achievements from diffident points of view, such as themes, narrative skills, writing style, language, feminism and ecocriticism. This paper tries to apply symbolism to analyze the relation between nature and civilization, which are fighting with each other. But the violation of civilization and the death of nature are responsible for the tragedy of Heathcliff and Catherine. The novel mirrors the root of tragedy of human and akes people to return to nature. In this novel Bront? builds Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange, which are the tokens of nature and civilization respectively. She condenses the contradiction of the Victorian Age into the story of the two families. The paper is built around the fate of Catherine. It studies the symbolic meanings of Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange. Catherine is the conjunction of nature and civilization and the conflict of them is vividly shown in her. The alienation, loss and return of Catherine indicates that civilization represses the nature of human and man should return and comply to nature. Key words: nature; civilization; Catherine; Heathcliff; symbolism


《飘》经典语录 1 我从来不是那样的人, 不能耐心地拾起一地碎片, 把它们凑合在一起, 然后对自己说这个修补好了的东西跟新的完全一样。 一样东西破碎了就是破碎了。 我宁愿记住它最好时的模样, 而不想把它修补好。 然后终生看着那些碎了的地方。 2 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。 3 Later, respectively, wander and suffer sorrow. 从此,各自飘零,各自悲哀。 4 所有随风而逝的都属于昨天的,所有历经风雨留下来的才是面向未来的。 5 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。 6 Love to meet before separation 爱到分离才相遇 7 Tomorrow is another day! 8 我从来没有耐心把破碎的东西补好我宁愿记得它好的时候而不是看着那伤疤过一辈子。——瑞德 9 In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you. 我爱你,直到世界终结。 10 也许上帝希望我们在遇到那个对的人之前遇到一些错误的人,因此,当我们最终遇到那个人的时候,我们才知道如何感恩。 11 爱人的人是易被伤害的,因为他是向对方完全敞开的。 12 老奶奶:我们对不可能回避的事实总是低头的。我们不是小麦,而是荞麦。小麦熟了的时候,因为是干的,不能随风弯曲,风暴一来,就都倒了。荞麦熟了的时候,里面还会有水分,可以弯曲。大风过后,几乎可以和原来一样挺拔。我们不是挺着脖子硬干的那种人。刮大风的时候,我们是柔和顺从的,因为我们知道这样最有利,遇到困难,我们向无法回避的事情低头,而不需要大吵大闹,我们微笑,我们干活,这样来等待时机。等到我们有力量的时候,就把那些垫脚石踢开,这就是渡过难关的窍门,我的孩子。


《呼啸山庄》的叙事特色 摘要: 《呼啸山庄》以其超越生死的爱恨情仇打动了一代又一代人,其中,独特的叙事特色是其独具魅力的重要原因之一。艾米莉〃勃朗特从女性书写的叙事角度出发,运用不可改变的叙事循环、复杂巧妙的叙事方式与叙事顺序、有意设计的叙事时距,写出了一个爱恨泯灭的自由荒原的故事。 关键词:《呼啸山庄》;叙事角度;叙事方式;叙事顺序;叙事时距 勃朗特三姐妹中,艾米莉的《呼啸山庄》远没有夏洛蒂的《简爱》出名、风靡,而且还招来批评、厌恶与反感。但她留给世人的唯一小说《呼啸山庄》历久弥新,以其精妙的叙事手法和震撼人心的主题,激发了一代又一代读者的浓厚兴趣,吸引了众多评论家的注意。终于,20世纪上半叶形势发生了变化,批评界对《呼啸山庄》的评价远远超过了《简〃爱》,读者也开始理解这部作品蕴含的丰富思想和别致的叙述技巧。 《呼啸山庄》中,凯瑟琳和希斯克利夫青梅竹马、情投意合,他们受到压迫而反抗。他们的爱情是基于性格上的一致、情感上的共鸣、志趣上的相投。他们爱情的基础不是由互补性,而是由同一性构成的。他们的爱情超越了生死的界限,带有神秘主义的味道,但又是现实的。希斯克利夫对凯瑟琳有着绝对强烈的情感,爱之中又掺杂着极端的狠,他一步步地实行残酷的复仇计划,一步步让那些人跌入深渊,而最后看到小凯蒂和哈尔顿与他心爱的人相似的眼睛时,他放弃了,也释怀了,与凯瑟琳在呼啸山庄的高空上团聚。在充满野性和平静相融合的文字底下,《呼啸山庄》为我们展示的是一段时间跨度长、感情炽烈、超越生死的爱情,这与世俗的爱情有着极大的不同。读过《呼啸山庄》的读者,都被这虐深的爱念深深地打动,到底是要爱到什么程度,男主人公表达出充满毁意的爱。而其深深的感染力正是与艾米丽独特的叙事有关,笔者将在下文对其进行详细论述。


呼啸山庄经典台词 1、黑色,黑色,是我爱人头发的颜色。 2、我把我的心掏给了他,他却接过来把它捏死,然后把我那破碎的心掷还给我。 3、我喜欢你,以为你比我跟像我自己。 4、他的冷漠是出于厌烦卖弄陈列感情,厌烦相互之间显弄**。他在掩饰之下一样在爱在恨,认定再度被人爱和被人恨,是有失体面。 5、骄傲的人给自己招来伤心和痛苦。 6、要是有一种不会连累到自己的报复方法,我当然高兴。可是阴谋和**是两头尖的矛,它们也会刺伤使用它们的人,而且受的伤会比他们的敌人还重。 7、不是忍冬拥抱荆棘,而是荆棘偎依忍冬。 8、时间会让人听天由命,也会带来比快乐更甜美的忧伤。 9、灾祸还没有降临,却先提前二十年就哀悼起来了,这不是很蠢吗? 10、只有孤独才是真正属于自己一个人的。 11、但愿我在外面,但愿我重新是个女孩子,野蛮、顽强、自由,任何伤害只会使我大笑,不会压得我发疯。 12、只要心地好,就会使你有一张好看的脸。 13、我们说到底总是为了自己。温和和慷慨的人,比起横行霸道的人不过是自私得更合公道罢了。当情势导致两个人都感觉到,一方的所好在另一方心中并不占据最显要位置的时候,幸福就到头了。

14、我喜欢你,因为你比我更像我自己。 15、没有什么东西能阻挡燃烧的**,包括死亡。 16、珍惜耳朵那是地狱里的时尚,是魔鬼的虚荣心。 17、夜深了,孩子们哭了,坟头里的亲娘听见了。 18、他永远不知道我多么爱他,并不是因为他长的英俊,而是因为他比我更像我自己。不管我们的灵魂是什么做的,他的和我的是完全一样的。而林惇德灵魂就如月光和闪电,或者霜和火,完全不同。19、你知道我只要活着就不会忘掉你!当你得到安息的时候,我却要在地狱的折磨里受煎熬,这还不够使你那狠毒的自私心得到满足吗? 20、当我忘了你的时候,我也就忘了我自己。 21、一个明智的人应该懂得,有自己给自己做伴,就足够了。 22、整个世界成了一个可怕的纪念馆,处处提醒我她存在过,而我却失去了她! 23、我对死,既不害怕,也没有预感,也并不巴望着死。我干嘛要这样呢?我身体结实,生活有节制,也不去干那些出生入死的事儿,我应该,也可能是这样,活在世上直到我头上找不出一根黑头发来。 24、我这么爱他,并不是因为他长得英俊,而是因为他比我自己更像我自己。不管我们的灵魂是什么做的,他的和我的是完全一样的,而林敦的和我们就截然不同了,就像月光跟闪电,冰霜跟火焰。 25、我爱他脚下的地,爱他头上的天,爱他触摸的每一样东西,爱他说出的每一个词儿。我爱他所有的表情,所有的行为,整个儿爱他整个儿的人,好了吧!


1,Frankly,my dear,I don't give a damn. 坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎。(《乱世佳人》1939) 2,I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse. 我会给他点好处,他无法拒绝。(《教父》1972) 3,You don't understand!Icoulda had class.I coulda been a contender.I could've been somebody,instead of a bum,which is what I am. 你根本不能明白!我本可以获得社会地位,我本可以是个竞争者,我本可以是任何有头有脸的人而不是一个毫无价值的游民!(《码头风云》1954) 4,Toto,I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. 托托,我想我们再也回不去堪萨斯了。(《绿野仙踪》1939) 5,Here's looking at you,kid. 就看你的了,孩子。(《卡萨布兰卡》1942) 6,Go ahead,make my day. 来吧,让我也高兴高兴。(《拨云见日》1983) 7,All right,Mr.DeMille,I'm ready for my close-up. 好了,德米勒先生,我已经准备好拍摄我的特写镜头了。(《日落大道》1950) 8,May the Force be with you. 愿原力与你同在。(《星球大战》1977) 9,Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night. 系紧你的安全带,这将是一个颠簸的夜晚。(《彗星美人》1950) 10,You talking to me? 你是在和我说话吗?(《出租车司机》1976) 11、原文:“Would you be shocked if I changed into something more comfortable?” 出处:琼·哈罗(Jean Harlow),《地狱天使》Hell's Angels,1930 译文:“假如我换一身更舒服的衣服你会觉得震惊吗?” 12,I love the smell of napalm in the morning. 我喜欢闻弥漫在清晨空气中的汽油弹味道。(《现代启示录》1979) 13,Love means never having to say you're sorry. 爱就是永远不必说对不起。(《爱情故事》1970) 14、原文:“I could dance with you'til the cows come home. On second thought, I'd rather dance with the cows until you came home.”


《呼啸山庄》中的爱的解读 【摘要】《呼啸山庄》通过三十多年的时间跨度,叙述了恩萧和林顿两家两代人的感情纠葛,是一个错综复杂、惊心动魄的爱情和复仇故事。因此,本文就主人公希斯克利夫和凯瑟琳的生死之爱、他们这种暴烈之爱的情感来源以及他们之间爱与恨的对立统一进行简要的解读。 【关键词】生死之爱;暴烈之爱;情感来源;爱与恨;对立与统一 奠定英国作家艾米丽·勃朗特在英国文学史上地位的小说《呼啸山庄》,主要描写了吉卜赛弃儿希斯克利夫在被山庄的老主人收养之后,受到了侮辱并且恋爱也不成功因而外出去致富,最后回来对和他的女朋友凯瑟琳结婚的地主以及他们的子女们进行报复的一个故事。这部小说里所描写的爱情的痛苦、迷恋、残酷以及执着都深深的震撼了人们的内心,全文都充满着强烈的反抗压迫、争取幸福的一种斗争精神,但又始终都笼罩着一种离奇、紧张、浪漫的艺术气氛。本文试从他们的生死之爱、暴烈之爱、爱的原型以及他们之间爱与恨的对立统一等方面进行探究。 一、希斯克利夫与凯瑟琳的生死之爱 凯瑟琳在嫁给林顿之后可以说就已经从希斯克利夫的世界抽离了,这是迫使希斯克利夫离开山庄的最重要的原因。他的离开是因为受不了凯瑟琳对他灵魂的背叛,所以只有离开这个充满着他们爱的回忆的地方,但是这也是他再次回到庄园的原因,希斯克利夫承受不了这种思念的痛苦,再次归来,感受到回忆,让他的内心再次有了熟悉并且美好的温暖。可以说凯瑟琳对希斯克利夫的爱从内心里就是一种灵魂之爱,而对于林顿的爱则是一种对亲人的爱,这是两种完全不同的爱,但同时又都是美好纯洁的。林顿发现凯瑟琳与希斯克利夫之间的这种灵魂之爱的时候很坚决的要求凯瑟琳断绝这份爱,而这也把凯瑟琳逼上了死亡之路,也引发了希斯克利夫在随后的十八年里的相思之痛,整天认为凯瑟琳并没有离开这个世界,并始终想着盼望着凯瑟琳的归来,过着这样非人的痛苦的生活。 二、希斯克利夫与凯瑟琳暴烈之爱的情感来源 希斯克利夫是一名流浪儿,他没有父母,没有国家,甚至是自己的种族也把自己给抛弃了,因而他也是一名黑暗阴沉的孩子,在被老庄主收养之后,不可避免的会遭到山庄里的那些世俗人们的蔑视与欺负。老主人恩萧先生和凯瑟琳是山庄里唯一善待他的人。恩萧先生把他看做是上帝的恩赐,给予了他父亲般的关爱,但是这份爱又遭到了他亲生儿子的嫉恨。凯瑟琳是老主人的女儿,只有她和希斯克利夫平等相待,只有她才可以唤起希斯克利夫内心中的激情,所以她是希斯克利夫能在逆境中不断前进的勇气以及唯一的希望。虽然凯瑟琳懵懂的嫁给了别人,并因此导致了两人在后来遭受了明明相爱但却不能相守的痛苦,凯瑟琳最终在悔恨与自责中早早离世。凯瑟琳死后的十八年里希斯克利夫也陷入了巨大的痛苦之中,这种天人永隔的思念让希斯克利夫几乎发疯,在最后,在这种痛苦中他


《呼啸山庄》英文读后感 篇一:呼啸山庄英文 呼啸山庄英文读后感 In this summer, I read another book Wuthering Heights. Wuthering Heights is written by Emily Bronte. After reading that book, the love and the hatred between Catherine and Heath Cliff still linger in my head. The story begun with a mistake that made by Lockwood, a temporary resident. He is seeking shelter from the blizzard he staggers through the door of Wuthering Heights, finding the atmosphere inside is just as cold as ice. The master of the house, Heath Cliff, provides a bed reluctantly and it seems like that he feels ill at ease with his visitor’s ing. There's a sad tale behind his indifference, one which the elderly housekeeper Nelly Dean is happy to share.


电影《G one w ith T he Wind乱世佳人》经典台词中英文对照 https://www.doczj.com/doc/ae12496561.html,nd is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for. Because it's the only thing that lasts. 土地是世界上唯一值得你去为之工作, 为之战斗, 为之牺牲的东西,因为它是唯一永恒的东西。 2.I wish I could be more like you. 我要像你一样就好了。 3.Whatever comes, I'll love you, just as I do now. Until I die. 无论发生什么事,我都会像现在一样爱你,直到永远 4.I think it's hard winning a war with words. 我认为纸上谈兵没什么作用。 5. Sir, you're no gentleman. And you miss are no lady. 先生,你可真不是个君子,小姐,你也不是什么淑女。 6.I never give anything without expecting something in return. I always get paid. 我做任何事不过是为了有所回报,我总要得到报酬。 7.In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you. 哪怕是世界末日我都会爱着你。


世界名著中的好句好段 一、《红与黑》中的经典语句 1.他的记忆是残酷的,开始纤毫毕露地为他重现那天夜里的情景。 2.敢讲极猥亵的趣闻,而且是纤毫毕露,绘声绘色,机制和才华都要贬值百分之二十。 3.这可高傲而冷酷的心灵第一次受到热烈的感情的裹挟。但是,这预热烈的感情虽然制服了骄傲,却仍旧终于骄傲的种种畏惧。 4.在与法律之前,合乎“自然的”只有狮子的力量,或者动物饥寒时的需要,更简单地用一个字表示,便是“欲”。 5.我可以蔑视世界上任何危险,眉头都不皱一皱。 6.单单他们的吵嚷就足以使体质脆弱的人神经错乱。这些吃得饱穿得暖的乡下人,只有在使出两肺的全部力量大叫才能感到那种吵吵闹闹的快乐,才能觉得表达得完全。 7.然而理智已经不再对他的行动有任何威力了。一种盲目的本能驱使他延缓对生命作出决定。 8.然而谁又会想到这如姑娘一般白皙、温柔的容貌背后竟会隐藏着一种宁可死去一千次也要飞黄腾达的坚如磐石的决心。 9.与永远的快乐或地域里永远的沸油相比,六十年的考验算什么? 10.对于一个二十岁的青年。他对世界的憧憬,以及如何在这个世界上有所作为,是压倒一切的。 11.每个人的心底都有一座坟墓,是用来埋葬所爱的人的。 12.人们做着最残忍的事,却没有残忍的精神。 13.在错误面前,个性是那么渺小和无力。 14.谦卑地聆听那些让人站着都能睡着的蠢话。 15.新事物的香味太过浓郁,他们虚脱的头脑受不了,必须靠时光冲淡这一味道。艺术品一定要积满成年灰尘后才会有人领悟。 16.命运让我们在这世界上彼此靠在一起,我们几乎尽可能的伤害对方。他

在我死的时候来给我最后的打击。 17.在热情的激昂中,灵魂的火焰才有足够的力量把造成天才的各种材料熔冶于一炉。 18.假如没有劳动这个压舱的货物,任何风暴都会把生活之船翻掉。 19.于连看见一只雄鹰从头顶上那些巨大的山岩中展翅高飞,在长空中悄然盘旋,不时划出一个个巨大的圆圈。于连目不转睛的凝视着这只猛禽。其动作的雄健与安详令他怦然心动。他羡慕这种力量,他羡慕这种孤独。 20.但是他年轻的血沸腾着不允许他在这种烟雾似的梦幻中浪费太多时光。他已经厌倦了这虚无缥缈的占有,他渴望抓住梦境。 二、《大卫·科波菲尔》中的经典段落 1.人要善良:善良的科波菲尔和他的母亲因为善良而有了皮果提这样忠实的仆人,才有了贝西对科波菲尔的无私的资助,才有了科波菲尔与斯蒂福兹和特拉德尔深厚友谊。不要轻易要求别人觉得难受的事情,对自己要有高要求,但不要对别人太苛求。艾米丽朵拉汉姆斯蒂福兹等都向往美好的爱情,但对外在的影响及相关的东西不认真不敏感,从而造成遗憾甚至付出了生命的代价,正所谓一失足成千古恨。爱妮斯是科波菲尔的主心骨,一生的伴侣。一定要善良但不能傻和让人随意忽悠,在遇到事情的时候和最信得过的人详细的分析讨论。人生就是一部故事。 2.就这样,我用一个新名字,在一个全新的环境中开始了我的新生活。那么些日子来我所处的疑虑状态过去了,我觉得就像一场梦一样。 3.我从没想到我有了姨奶奶和狄克先生这么两个怪怪的监护人。我也从没明明白白想过我的一切。我心中有两件事是清清楚楚的: 昔日的布兰德斯通生活变得很遥远了——仿佛留在无法丈量的雾中了;我在默德斯通——格林伯公司的生活永远被一层幕布罩上了。从此那幕布不曾被人揭开过,就是我在讲述这一切时也勉强用手把它揭开一下便急忙放下。回忆那生活令我感到那么痛苦,那么多的烦恼和失望,以至我连回顾一下我受命运安排把那生活过了多久的勇气也不曾有过。那生活是否有一年,或更多,或更少,或并不


《呼啸山庄英文读后感》 呼啸山庄英文读后感(一): Thoughts or reflections on reading Wuthering Heights The book was written by Emily Bronte, it published in 1847。But at that time, it seemed to hold little promise, selling very poorly and receiving only a few mixed reviews。 I found this in our school library,I chose this book because the title attracted me。 The book is structured around two parallel love stories, the first half of the novel centering on the love between Catherine and Heathcliff, while the less dramatic second half features the developing love between young Catherine and Hareton。 In contrast to the first, the latter tale ends happily, restoring peace and order to Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange。 In the story,the two houses, Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange, represent opposing worlds and values。 I spent twenty days reading this book。 After reading this book, I felt for Heathcliff at first。 Heathcliff begins his life as a homeless orphan on the streets of Liverpool, and then he tyrannized by Hindley Earnshaw。 But he bees a villain when he acquires power and returns to Wuthering Heights with money and the trappings of a gentleman。His malevolence proves so great and longlasting。 As he himself points out,his abuse of Isabellahis wife is purely sadistic, as he amuses himself by seeing how much abuse she can take and still e cringing back for more。 Catherine represents wild nature, in both her high, lively spirits and her occasional cruelty。 She loves Heathcliff so intensely that she claims they are the same person。 However, her actions are driven in part by her social ambitions, which initially are awakened during her first stay at the Lintons, and which eventually pel her to marry Edgar。 Catherine is freespirited, beautiful, spoiled, and often arrogant, she is given to fits of temper, and she is torn between her both of the men who love her。 The location of her coffin symbolizes the conflict that tears apart her short life。 She is buried in a corner of the Kirkyard。 In contrast to Catherine, Isabella LintonCatherines sisterinlaw represents culture and civilization, both in her refinement and in her weakness。 Ultimately,she ruins her life by falling in love with Heathcliff。 He never returns her feelings and treats her as a meretool in his quest for revenge on the Linton family。 Just as Isabella Linton serves as Catherines foil, Edgar Linton serves as Heathcliffs。 Edgar grows into a tender, constant, but cowardly man。

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