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『经典背诵短文【18】Modern American Universities』

『经典背诵短文【18】Modern American Universities』
『经典背诵短文【18】Modern American Universities』

Modern American Universities

Before the 1850’s, the United States had a number of small colleges, most of them dating from colonial days. They were small, church connected institutions whose primary concern was to shape the moral character of their students.

Throughout Europe, institutions of higher learning had developed, bearing the ancient name of university. In German university was concerned primarily with creating and spreading knowledge, not morals. Between mid-century and the end of the 1800’s, more than nine thousand young Americans, dissatisfied with their training at home, went to Germany for advanced study. Some of them return to become presidents of venerable colleges-Harvard, Yale, Columbia-and transform them into modern universities. The new presidents broke all ties with the churches and brought in a new kind of faculty. Professors were hired for their knowledge of a subject, not because they were of the proper faith and had a strong arm for disciplining students. The new principle was that a university was to create knowledge as well as pass it on, and this called for a faculty composed of teacher-scholars. Drilling and learning by rote were replaced by the German method of lecturing, in which the professor’s own research was presented in class. Graduate training leading to the Ph.D., an ancient German degree signifying the highest level of advanced scholarly attainment, was introduced. With the establishment of the seminar system, graduate student learned to question, analyze, and conduct their own research.

At the same time, the new university greatly expanded in size and course offerings, breaking completely out of the old, constricted curriculum of mathematics, classics, rhetoric, and music. The president of Harvard pioneered the elective system, by which students were able to choose their own course of study. The notion of major fields of study emerged. The new goal was to make the university relevant to the real pursuits of the world. Paying close heed to the practical needs of society, the new universities trained men and women to work at its tasks, with engineering students being the most characteristic of the new regime. Students were also trained as economists, architects, agriculturalists, social welfare workers, and teachers.

Children’s numerical skills

People appear to born to compute. The numerical skills of children develop so early and so inexorably that it is easy to imagine an internal clock of mathematical maturity guiding their growth. Not long after learning to walk and talk, they can set the table with impress accuracy---one knife, one spoon, one fork, for each of the five chairs. Soon they are capable of

nothing that they have placed five knives, spoons and forks on the table and, a bit later, that this amounts to fifteen pieces of silverware. Having thus mastered addition, they move on to subtraction. It seems almost reasonable to expect that if a child were secluded on a desert island at birth and retrieved seven years later, he or she could enter a second enter a second-grade mathematics class without any serious problems of intellectual adjustment.

Of course, the truth is not so simple. This century, the work of cognitive psychologists has illuminated the subtle forms of daily learning on which intellectual progress depends. Children were observed as they slowly grasped---or, as the case might be, bumped into---concepts that adults take for quantity is unchanged as water pours from a short glass into a tall thin one. Psychologists have since demonstrated that young children, asked to count the pencils in a pile, readily report the number of blue or red pencils, but must be coaxed into finding the total. Such studies have suggested that the rudiments of mathematics are mastered gradually, and with effort. They have also suggested that the very concept of abstract numbers---the idea of a oneness, a twoness, a threeness that applies to any class of objects and is a prerequisite for doing anything more mathematically demanding than setting a table---is itself far from innate.







国学经典诵读作文精选5篇 国学,是指以释、道、儒三家学问为主干,文学、艺术、戏剧、音乐、武术、菜肴、民俗、婚丧礼仪等等为枝叶的传统中国文化体系。xx为大家整理了国学经典诵读作文精选5篇,欢迎参考! 上小学后,我一直非常喜欢《中华诵·国学经典诵读》这本书,它每学期的文章都不同,每次读完后我总是感想很多,受益匪浅,现在我就和大家一起慢慢来分享吧! 《国学经典诵读》里记载的都是我国历史上流传下来的许多精美华章,内容很丰富,既有最美的古典诗词以及《弟子规》、《千字文》、《三字经》等经典,又有《论语》、《孟子》、《大学》等诸子典籍。其中我最喜欢的就是每个单元后面的《千字文》,尽管每期书上选登的都只有短短几个字,却字字是经典,内含着很深刻的道理。比如在三年级上册的第十六篇《千字文》中仅有“尺璧非宝,寸阴是竞”八个字,它的意思很容易理解,就是“美玉不能算是真正的宝贝,即使是片刻时光也要努力争取利用”。但通过这简单的八个字它却告诉了我们这样一个终生适用的道理:在这个世界上,很多东西都是有价的,可以用金钱来衡量,但只有时间是永远也买不来的,失去了,就永远不会再来。所以,必须好好珍惜时间。

“黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟”,现在我已经是一名三年级的小学生了,我一定要懂得时间的宝贵,好好珍惜,充分利用每一分每一秒来做有意义的事情。上课时专心听讲,下课后认真完成作业,空闲时多读各种像《国学经典诵读》这样有益的课外书,还要合理安排时间,把我的围棋和乒乓球爱好坚持下去,争取做个“德智体美劳”全面发展的好孩子。 当我合上了《中华诵——国学经典》这本书时,突然有很多话要跟大家讲。 我读的是五年级上册。这本书中,一共有六个单元。而我最喜欢的是第一单元。 这个单元里有三首诗。这三首诗所描绘的夏日,都是美不胜收的。所以,我很喜欢这个单元。我觉得这个单元写的景色非常美丽,让我读的津津有味。我最喜欢的是第一首古诗:《山亭夏日》。 《山亭夏日》这首诗是这样写的:“绿树荫浓夏日长,楼台倒影入池塘。水晶帘动微风起,满架蔷薇一院香。”意思是:夏天到了,白天越来越长,绿树底下树荫浓密,楼台的倒影映入池塘。微风吹拂,水面上波纹晃动,就像水晶做成的帘子。棚架上开满蔷薇花,满院清香弥漫。在这首诗中,我看到了诗人对山亭夏日的安详、静谧的向往,同时,我还深深地感受到夏日的美好。夏日,虽然烈日炎炎,但是,一


目录 第一单元《弟子规》总叙入则孝 总叙 (1) 入则孝(一) (4) 入则孝(二) (9) 第二单元千家诗朋友,我们一起品尝生活吧 1.秋浦歌李白 (13) 2.咏史高适 (15) 3.罢相作李适之 (18) 4.洛阳道储光羲 (20) 5.悯农 (其二) 李绅 (22) 第三单元《弟子规》出则悌 出则悌(一) (26) 出则悌(二) (29) 第四单元千家诗同学,我们一起领略季节风光吧 1.左掖梨花丘为 (33) 2.江南《汉乐府》 (35) 3.秋日耿湋 (38) 4.秋风引刘禹锡 (40) 5.风李峤 (42) 第五单元《弟子规》谨 谨(一) (45) 第六单元千家诗同伴,我们一起感受真情吧

1.送郭司仓王昌龄 (50) 2.逢侠者钱起 (52) 3.行军九日思长安故园岑参 (55) 4.思君恩令狐楚 (58) 5.观永乐公主入番孙逖 (60) 6. 答李浣韦应物 (63) 第七单元《弟子规》谨 谨(二) (67) 第八单元千家诗伙伴,我们一起走进大自然吧 1.长干行李白 (72) 2.早发白帝城李白 (74) 3.竹里馆王维 (77) 4.鹿柴王维 (80)

一国学驿站--《弟子规》总叙 总叙 dì zǐɡu? shanɡ r?n xùn shǒu xiào tì cì jǐn xìn 弟子规圣人训首孝悌次谨信 fàn ài zh?nɡ?r q?n r?n yǒu yú lì z? xu? w?n 泛爱众而亲仁有余力则学文 一国学驿站--《弟子规》入则孝 入则孝(一) fù mǔ hū yìnɡ wù huǎn fù mǔ mìnɡ xínɡ wù lǎn 父母呼应勿缓父母命行勿懒 fù mǔ jiào xū jìng t?nɡ fù mǔ z? xū shùn ch?nɡ父母教须敬听父母责须顺承 dōnɡ z? wyn xià z? qìng ch?n z? xǐnɡ hūn z? dìnɡ冬则温夏则凊晨则省昏则定 chū bìɡào fǎn bì miàn jū yǒu chánɡ ya wúbiàn 出必告返必面居有常业无变 shì su? xiǎo wù shàn w?i ɡǒu shàn w?i zǐ dào ku? 事虽小勿擅为苟擅为子道亏 wù su? xiǎo wù s? cánɡɡǒu s? cánɡ q?n x?n shünɡ 物虽小勿私藏苟私藏亲心伤


Fall in Love with English 爱上英语 Hiding behind the loose dusty curtain, a teenager packed up his overcoat into the suitcase. He planned to leave home at dusk though there was thunder and lightning outdoors. He had got to do this because he was tired of his parents’ nagging about his English study and did not want to go through it any longer. He couldn’t get along well with English and disliked joining in English classes because he thought his teacher ignored him on purpose. As a result, his score in each exam never added up to over 60. His partner was concerned about him very much. She understood exactly what he was suffering from, but entirely disagreed with his idea. In order to calm him down and settle his problem, she talked with him face to face and swapped a series of learning tips with him. The items she set down helped him find the highway to studying English well. The teenager was grateful and got great power from his friend’s words. Now, he has recovered from being upset and has fallen in love with English. 2 Different Countries Have Different Kinds of Englishes 不同的国家有不同的英语 Voyages of people from England play an important part in spreading the English language. At present, English is frequently spoken as an official or common language in many countries, such as America, Singapore, Malaysia and some African countries. All based on British English, the English spoken in these countries can be well understood by native English speakers. But actually, these Englishes have been gradually changing in accents, spellings, expressions and the usage of vocabulary. Because of this fact, you can make use of the differences to tell which country the foreigners of your block are from. For example, if a boss fluently commands his driver, “Come up straight to my apartment by elevator and take some gas for my trucks and cabs”, instead of requesting, “Please come to my flat by lift and take some petrol for my lorries and taxis”, you can recognize his American identity, while the latter suggests that he is British .3.A Hard Trip一次辛苦的旅行 My sister was fond of traveling. Ever since graduating, she had been determined to organize a trip to an old temple. Since transporting fare was expensive, she decided to use a bicycle to cycle there not caring about the disadvantages. Her stubborn attitude was always her shortcoming. Once she made up her mind to do something, no one could persuade her to change her mind. Finally, we gave in as usual though we preferred to take a train. After we prepared everything, including the schedule, reliable weather forecast and


The Force of Habits Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed. The more we do a thing, the more we tend to like doing it; and if we do not continue to do it, we feel uncomfortable. This is called the force of habits, and the force of habits should be fought against. This applies even to such good things as work or rest. Some people form a bad habit of working too much, and others of idling too much. Bad habits, once formed, are difficult to get rid of. The wise man always remembers to check any bad habit. He warns himself “I am now becoming idle” or “I like too many sweets” or “I smoke too much”. And then adds, “I will get myself out of this bad habit at once.” The Way to Achieve Success Many people say that they owe much of it to the cultivation of certain good habits in early life. In forming good habits, I think we should pay attention to four things, that is honesty, industry, enthusiasm and thrift. “Honesty is the best policy.” This is a proverb to which we must pay attention. There are so many temptations in society that through a little carelessness we may go astray. But when we are honest, people will not be dishonest to us. Industry gives every man and woman, every boy and girl, proper work to do. To do nothing is going to ruin oneself. Enth usiasm is a great force. One’s soul will expand if one devotes oneself to a noble cause. The difficulties in our way are tremendous, but what can we not accomplish, if with enthusiasm }


三年级下册目录 第一单元论语 (一) (2) (二) (7) 第二单元春意阑珊 1.初春小雨韩愈 (15) 2.春晴王驾 (18) 3.春日偶成程颢 (21) 4.春怨金昌绪 (24) 5.江畔独步寻花杜甫 (26) 第三单元论语 (三) (31) (四) (35) 第四单元怡情山水 1.书湖阴先生壁王安石 (42) 2.滁州西涧韦应物 (45) 3.山亭夏日高骈 (48) 4.江雪柳宗元 (51) 第五单元百家姓 百家姓 (56) 第六单元依依别情 1.别董大高适 (66)

2.送杜少府之任蜀州王勃 (69) 3.春夜别友人陈子昂 (73) 4.送友人李白 (76) 5.送友人入蜀李白 (80) 第七单元故土情思 1.次北固山下王湾 (84) 2.和晋陵陆丞早春游望杜审言 (87) 3.江南旅情祖咏 (90) 4.同王徵君洞庭有怀张谓 (94) 5.黄鹤楼崔颢 (98) 第八单元祖国名胜 1.圣果寺释处默 (103) 2.登兖州城楼杜甫 (106) 3.禹庙杜甫 (109) 4.登总持阁岑参 (112)

国学经典--第一单元《论语》学而第一 (一) ◎子曰①:?学②而时习(③之,不亦说(yua)④乎?有朋⑤自远方来,不亦乐⑥乎?人不知⑦,而不愠(yùn)⑧),不亦君子⑨乎?” ◎有子①曰:?其为人也孝弟(tì)②,而好犯上者③,鲜(xiǎn)④矣;不好犯上,而好作乱者,未之有也⑤。君子务本⑥,本立而道生⑦。孝弟也者,其为人之本与⑧?? ◎子曰:巧言令色①,鲜(xiǎn)②仁矣。? ◎曾子①曰:?吾日三省(xǐnɡ)②吾身。为人谋而不忠③乎?与朋友交而不信④乎?传不习乎?? (二) ◎子曰:?道①千乘(shanɡ)之国②,敬事③而言,节用而爱人④,使民以时⑤。? ◎子曰:?弟子①入②则孝,出③则弟(tì),谨④而信,泛(fàn)⑤爱众,而亲仁⑥,行有余力⑦,则以学文⑧。? ◎子夏①曰:?贤贤②易③色;事父母能竭其力;事君,能致其身④;与朋友交,言而有信。虽曰未学,吾必谓之学矣。? ◎子曰:?君子①,不重②则不威;学则不固③。主忠信④。无⑤友不如己者⑥;过⑦则勿惮(dàn)⑧改。?


经典英语短文背诵 第一天:THE NEWSPAPER 报纸 Nowadays the newspaper possesses [p?'zes] considerable value. Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political [p?'litik?l] situation of the world. If we form. the habit of reading the newspaper, we shall (will) get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstance['s?:k?mst?ns]. Though students have to do the homework everyday, they should spare at least one or two hours to read newspaper. In this way, they can not only increase knowledge, but also keep up with the times. In a word, reading newspaper is of great benefit to students. 现今报纸拥有极大的价值,人人都应该看它。它每天提供我们各种类类的消息。它告诉我们世界政治局势。如果我们养成看报的习惯,我们就能得到足够的知识来因应我们的环境。学生虽然每天须做功课,但他们至少应该匀出一两个小时来看报。哪些,他们不但能增加知识而且也能赶上时代。总而言之,看报对学生很有益处。 第二天:MY DAIL Y LIFE 我的日常生活 Though my daily life is extremely monotonous[m?'n?t?n?s], I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render['rend?]报答service to my country. I get up at six o’cl ock every day. After I wash my face and brush my teeth, I begin to review my lessons. I go to school at seven o’clock. After school is over, I return home. We usually have supper at seven o’clock. Then I begin to do my homework. I want to finish it before I go to bed. 虽然我的日常生活十分单调,但我却竭力设法去适应它。为什么?因为我打算做一个好学生,希望将来为国家服务。 我每天六点起床、洗脸刷牙后,就开始复习功课,七点钟我就去上学。 放学后,我就回家了。我们通常在七点钟吃晚餐,之后我就开始做家庭作业,希望在睡觉前把它做完。 第三天:A MODEL STUDENT 模范学生 Do you mind being called a bad student? Of course not.So far as I know, everybody intends to be (become) a model student. However, to be a model student is by no means an easy thing. Firstly, he must do his best to obtain knowledge. A man without sufficient knowledge will not succeed. Secondly, he must remember to improve his health. Only a strong man can do great tasks. Thirdly, he should receive moral education. If his conduct is not good, no one will consider making friends with him. 你介意被称为坏学生吗?当然不。就我所知,每个人都打算做模范学生。 然而,做模范学生却不容易。第一,他必须尽力获得知识(求知)。一个没有足够知识的人是不会成功的。第二,他必须记住促进健康。只有强壮的人才能做大事。第三,他应该接受道德教育。如果他品行不好,没有人会考虑和他交朋友的。 第四天:HOW TO GET HAPPINESS 如何获得快乐 There is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world. Without it, life will be empty and meaningless. If you wish to know how to get happiness, you must pay attention to the following two points.


One: 假设你是星光中学的李华,将参加主题为“Let’s Ride Bicycles”的英语演讲比赛。请撰写一份演讲稿,主要内容包括: 1. 目前汽车带来的空气污染和交通堵塞等问题; 2. 骑自行车的益处,如节能环保、有利健康等。 参考词汇:低碳生活(low-carbon life);节能(energy saving) One possible version: Good morning, everyone, I am Li Hua from Xingguang Middle School. The topic of my speech is “Let’s Ride Bicycles”. As is known to all, with the improvement of people’s living standards, cars have become a popular means of transport, bringing great convenience to our life. However,they have also caused some problems such as air pollution and traffic jams. How can we sove the problems then ? As far as I’m concerned, riding bicycles is a good solution. For one thing, bicycl es don’t need any petrol and they’re energy-saving. For another, bicycles are environmentally-friendly because they won’t give off waste gas. What’s more, riding bicycles is a good way for us to exercise and it is beneficial to our health. Therefore,let’s take the responsibility t o build up a low-carbon city by riding bicycles. Come on and join us! Thank you! 1.众所周知as is known to all 2.随着人们的生活水平的提高with the improvement of people’s living standards 3.给……带来很大的方便bring great convenience to …… 4.解决问题solve the problems 5.在我看来as far as I'm concerned 6.一方面……另一方面……而且…… For one thing …. For another…. What's more,… 7. be beneficial to…= be good for…对…有利 8. build up 创建


【孩子必看的国学经典】国学经典诵读文章 在传统文化学习中,孩子可以不只局限于类似百家姓、唐诗宋词等幼儿的内容,可以多看看一些国学经典。下面由小编给你带来关于孩子必看的国学经典,希望对你有帮助! 孩子必看的国学经典1.《吕氏春秋》 《吕氏春秋》是战国末年(公元前221年前后) 秦国丞相吕不韦组织属下门客们集体编纂的杂家著作,又名《吕览》,在公元前239写成,当时正是秦国统一六国前夜。 此书共分为十二纪、八览、六论,共二十六卷,一百六十篇,二十余万字。书中尊崇道家,肯定老子顺应客观的思想,但舍弃了其中消极的成分。 同时,融合儒、墨、法、兵众家长处,形成了包括政治、经济、哲学、道德、军事各方面的理论体系。吕不韦的目的在于综合百家之长,总结历史经验教训,为以后的秦国统治提供长久的治国方略。 孩子必看的国学经典2.《史记》 《史记》记载了上自中国上古传说中的黄帝时代,下至汉武帝元狩元年,共3000多年的历史。全书包括十二本纪、三十世家、七十列传、十表、八书,共一百三十篇,五十二万六千五百余字。 作者司马迁以其”究天人之际,通古今之变,成一家之言”的史识,使《史记》成为中国第一部,也是最出名的纪传体通史。史记》对后世史学和文学的发展都产生了深远影响。其首创的纪传体编史方法为后来历代”正史”所传承。 同时,《史记》还被认为是一部优秀的文学著作,在中国文学史上有重要地位。鲁迅称其为”史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”。

孩子必看的国学经典3.《汉书》 《汉书》-班固《汉书》与《史记》同为纪传体史书。不同的是,《史记》起于传说”三皇五帝”,止于汉武帝时代,是一部通史;而《汉书》却是专一记述西汉一代史事的断代史。这种纪传体的断代史体裁,是班固的创造。从此以后,历代的”正史”都采用了这种体裁。这是班固对于我国史学的重大贡献。 《史通六家》说:”如《汉书》者,究西都之首末,穷刘氏之废兴,包举一代。撰成一书。言皆精炼,事甚该密,故学者寻讨,易为其功。自古迄今,无改斯道。” 孩子必看的国学经典4.《论衡》 《论衡》-王充《论衡》书不仅对汉儒思想进行了尖锐而猛烈的抨击(但它并不完全否定儒学),而且它还批判地吸取了先秦以来各家各派的思想,特别是道家黄老学派的思想,对先秦诸子百家的”天道”、”礼和法”、”鬼神与薄葬”、”命”、”性善和性恶”等等,都进行了系统的评述。因此,后人称《论衡》书是”博通众流百家之言”的古代小百科全书。尽管《论衡》书不可能摆脱当时时代的局限,用自然主义和直观的观察来描述世界,特别是在社会历史观上基本是唯心论的,但它产生在中国历史上的一个重要历史时期,即封建国家处于统一和强大、儒学与谶纬神学相结合,成为统治阶级的正统思想的时期,它敢于宣布世界是由物质构成的,敢于不承认鬼神的存在,敢于向孔孟的权威挑战,并确立了一个比较完整的古代唯物主义体系,这在历史上是起了划时代的作用的。它对今后的唯物主义者、无神论者,诸如魏晋时期的哲学家杨泉、南朝宋时的思想家何承天、南朝齐梁时的无神论者范缜、唐朝时期的刘禹锡和柳宗元、明清之际的思想家王夫之等等,都产生了不同程度的影响。 孩子必看的国学经典5.《楚辞》 是我国第一部浪漫主义诗歌总集。由于诗歌的形式是在楚国民歌的基础上加工形成,篇中又大量引用楚地的风土物产和方言词汇,所以叫”楚辞”。《楚辞》主要是屈原的作品,其代表作是《离骚》,后人因此又称”楚辞”为”骚体”。 感谢您的阅读!


初中国学经典背诵篇目 七年级上学期 满江红 【南宋】岳飞 怒发冲冠,凭栏处、潇潇雨歇。抬望眼、仰天长啸,壮怀激烈。三十功名尘与土,八千里路云和月。莫等闲、白了少年头,空悲切。 靖康耻,犹未雪。臣子恨,何时灭。驾长车踏破,贺兰山缺。壮志饥餐胡虏肉,笑谈渴饮匈奴血。待从头、收拾旧山河,朝天阙。 山羊坡·潼关怀古 【元】张养浩 峰峦如聚,波涛如怒,山河表里潼关路。望西都,意踌躇。伤心秦汉经行处,宫阙万间都做了土。兴,百姓苦;亡,百姓苦! 3.大风歌 【汉】刘邦 大风起兮云飞扬,威加海内兮归故乡,安得猛士兮守四方! 菩萨蛮·书江西造口壁

【南宋】辛弃疾 郁孤台下清江水,中间多少行人泪。西北望长安,可怜无数山。青山遮不住,毕竟东流去。江晚正愁余,山深闻鹧鸪。 采桑子·书博山道中壁 【南宋】辛弃疾 少年不识愁滋味,爱上层楼。爱上层楼,为赋新词强说愁。而今识尽愁滋味,欲说还休。欲说还休,却道天凉好个秋。 卜算子·咏梅 【南宋】陆游 驿外断桥边,寂寞开无主。已是黄昏独自愁,更著风和雨。无意苦争春,一任群芳妒。零落成泥碾作尘,只有香如故。 7.江城子密州出猎 【宋】苏轼 老夫聊发少年狂,左牵黄,右擎苍。锦帽貂裘,千骑卷平冈。欲报倾城随太守,亲射虎,看孙郎。 酒酣胸胆尚开张,鬓微霜,又何妨!持节云中,何日遣冯唐?会挽雕弓如满月,西北望,射天狼 8.念奴娇赤壁怀古 【宋】苏轼

大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。故垒西边,人道是,三国周郎赤壁。乱石穿空,惊涛拍岸,卷起千堆雪。江山如画,一时多少豪杰。 遥想公瑾当年,小乔初嫁了,雄姿英发。羽扇纶巾,谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭。故国神游,多情应笑我,早生华发。 人生如梦,一尊还酹江月。 七年级下册篇目 1.破阵子为陈同甫赋壮词以寄之 【宋】辛弃疾 醉里挑灯看剑,梦回吹角连营。八百里分麾下炙,五十弦翻塞外声。沙场秋点兵。 马作的卢飞快,弓如霹雳弦惊。了却君王天下事,赢得生前身后名。可怜白发生。 2.永遇乐京口北固亭怀古 【宋】辛弃疾


经典英文美文 >01 The Language of Music A painter hangs his or her finished picture on a wall, and everyone can see it. A composer writes a work, but no one can hear it until it is performed. Professional singers and players have great responsibilities, for the composer is utterly dependent on them. A student of music needs as long and as arduous a training to become a performer as a medical student needs to become a doctor. Most training is concerned with technique, for musicians have to have the muscular proficiency of an athlete or a ballet dancer. Singers practice breathing every day, as their vocal chords would be inadequate without controlled muscular support. String players practice moving the fingers of the left hand up and down, while drawing the bow to and fro with the right arm -- two entirely different movements. Singers and instrumentalists have to be able to get every note perfectly in tune. Pianists are spared this particular anxiety, for the notes are already there, waiting for them, and it is the piano tuner's responsibility to tune the instrument for them. But they have their own difficulties: the hammers that hit the strings have to be coaxed not to sound like percussion, and each overlapping tone has to sound clear. This problem of getting clear texture is one that confronts student conductors: they have to learn to know every note of the music and how it should sound, and they have to aim at controlling these sounds with fanatical but selfless authority. Technique is of no use unless it is combined with musical knowledge and understanding. Great artists are those who are so thoroughly at home in the language of music that they can enjoy performing works written in any century. 01 音乐的语言 画家将已完成的作品挂在墙上,每个人都可以观赏到。作曲家写完了一部作品,得由 演奏者将其演奏出来,其他人才能得以欣赏。因为作曲家是如此完全地依赖于职业歌手和职业演奏者,所以职业歌手和职业演奏者肩上的担子可谓不轻。 一名学音乐的学生要想成为一名演奏者,需要经受长期的、严格的训练,就象一名医科的学生要成为一名医生一样。绝大多数的训练是技巧性的。 音乐家们控制肌肉的熟练程度,必须达到与运动员或巴蕾舞演员相当的水平。歌手们每天都练习吊嗓子,因为如果不能有效地控制肌肉的话,他们的声 带将不能满足演唱的要求。弦乐器的演奏者练习的则是在左手的手指上下滑动的同时,用 右手前后拉动琴弓--两个截然不同的动作。歌手和乐器演奏者必须使所有的音符完全相同协调。钢琴家们则不用操这份心,因为每个音符都已在那里等待着他们了。 给钢琴调音是调音师的职责。但调音师们也有他们的难处:他们必须耐心地调理敲击琴弦的音锤,不能让


Chapter 1 Dogs People often say that a dog is man's best friend. Over thousands of years, man has taught his dogs to do many kinds of work besides guarding the home. For example, sheepdogs are famous for their ability to control a flock of hundreds of sheep. Dogs have been used to aid disabled people for centuries. A guide dog can lead its blind owner. Nowadays, dogs can be taught to turn on light switches, open refrigerator doors and dial the telephone for their disabled owners. For the majority of people, however, dogs are simply pets and friends for both young and old members of the family. guard 看守,看护sheepdog 牧羊犬flock 群aid 帮助disabled 残疾人century 世纪guide dog 导盲犬dial 拨majority 大多数 狗 人们总是说狗是人类最好的朋友。几千年来,除了看家外,人类还教会了狗去做许多其他的事,例如,牧羊犬就因其可以控制数百只羊的羊群而出名。 狗用来帮助残疾人已有好几个世纪了。导盲犬可以为盲主人引路。现在,人们还教狗为残疾主人打开电灯、开冰箱和拨电话。然而,对于大多数人来说,狗只是家里老人和孩子们的宠物和朋友。


国学经典A级背诵篇目(文章部分) 1、《论语》其一 子曰:“益者三友,损者三友。友直,友谅,友多闻,益矣。友便辟,友善柔,友便佞,损矣。”(《季氏第四》) 子曰:“益者三乐,损者三乐。乐节礼乐,乐道人之善,乐多贤友,益矣。乐骄乐,乐佚游,乐宴乐,损矣。”(《季氏第五》) 子曰:“君子有三戒:少之时,血气未定,戒之在色;及其壮也,血气方刚,戒之在斗;及其老也,血气既衰,戒之在得。”(《季氏第七》) 2、《论语》其二 子曰:“志士仁人,无求生以害仁,有杀身以成仁。” 子贡问为仁。子曰:“工欲善其事,必先利其器。居是邦也,事其大夫之贤者,友其士之仁者。” 子曰:“君子义以为质,礼以行之,孙以出之,信以成之。君子哉!”(《卫灵公》) 子曰:“君子求诸己,小人求诸人。”(《卫灵公》) 子曰:“人能弘道,非道弘人。” 子曰:“过而不改,是谓过矣。” 子曰:“吾尝终日不食,终夜不寝,以思,无益,不如学也。”(《卫灵公》) 3、《论语》其三 颜渊问仁。子曰:“克己复礼为仁。一日克己复礼,天下归仁焉。为仁由己,

而由人乎哉?”颜渊曰:“请问其目?”子曰:“非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言,非礼勿动。”颜渊曰:“回虽不敏,请事斯语矣。”(《颜渊第一》)子夏为莒父宰,问政。子曰:“无欲速,无见小利。欲速,则不达;见小利,则大事不成。”(《子路十七》) 子曰:“父母在,不远游,游必有方。”(《里仁十九》) 子曰:“三年无改于父之道,可谓孝矣。”(里仁二十》) 子曰:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”(《雍也二十》) 4、《论语》其四 子曰:“富与贵,是人之所欲也;不以其道得之,不处也。贫与贱,是人之所恶也;不以其道得之,不去也。君子去仁,恶乎成名。君子无终食之间违仁,造次必於是,颠沛必於是。” 子曰:“事父母几谏,见志不从,又敬不违,劳而不怨。” 子曰:“父母之年,不可不知也:一则以喜,一则以惧。” 子曰:“古者言之不出,耻躬之不逮也。” 5、《礼记·学记》 博学之,审问之,慎思之,明辨之,笃行之。有弗学,学之弗能,弗措也;有弗问,问之弗知,弗措也;有弗思,思之弗得,弗措也;有弗辨,辨之弗明,弗措也;有弗行,行之弗笃,弗措也。人一能之,己百之;人十能之,己千之。果能此道矣,虽愚必明,虽柔必强。 6、《礼记·学记》 玉不琢,不成器;人不学,不知道。是故古之王者,建国君民,教学为先。《兑命》曰“念终始典于学”,其此之谓乎! 虽有嘉肴,弗食,不知其旨也。虽有至道,弗学,不知其善也。是故学然后


第一天:THE NEWSPAPER 报纸 Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value. Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political situation of the world. If we form. the habit of reading the newspaper, we shall (will) get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstance. Though students have to do the homework everyday, they should spare at least one or two hours to read newspaper. In this way, they can not only increase knowledge, but also keep up with the times. In a word, reading newspaper is of great benefit to students. 现今报纸拥有极大的价值,人人都应该看它。它每天提供我们各种类类的消息。它告诉我们世界政治局势。如果我们养成看报的习惯,我们就能得到足够的知识来因应我们的环境。 学生虽然每天须做功课,但他们至少应该匀出一两个小时来看报。哪些,他们不但能增加知识而且也能赶上时代。总而言之,看报对学生


国学经典诵读推荐篇目第一部分:概说 一、指导思想 党的十八大《国家“十二五”时期文化发展规划纲要》把传统文化的传承与保护放在了突出位置,核心价值向传统文化回归,在优秀的传统文化中寻找答案,而不能一味照搬西方文化理念。要把以“仁义礼智信”为核心的儒家思想精髓,以及一切有益于中华民族伟大复兴的中华传统文化传承下来,古为今用,当代核心价值应当大量地从中吸取养分,而不能将其妖魔化,甚至另起炉灶,事实证明那是行不通的。 为此,我们要结合德育大纲、中小学语文教学标准,结合“中国梦”和《公民道德建设纲要》,充分汲取传统教育中科学的方法,在我校系统、适量地开展“国学经典”诵读,使孩子们从小受到传统文化的熏陶渐染,在道德、文化的修养上达到一个全新的境界。 二、目的与意义: 1、培养孩子的读书兴趣,提升了语文能力。在吟诵表演中让中学生更加感受到祖国语言的博大精深。学生从中感受到历史、地理、天文、常识、艺术知识的丰富,激发学习、读书的兴趣,逐步使学生能出口成章、引经据典,提升学生的语文能力。 2、提高孩子的注意力、记忆力。让孩子记住中国传统文化中的一些经典,在其记忆力正在发展的时候加以训练,“不求甚解、但求熟背”,使学生的记忆力达到较高的顶峰,注意力更加集中,使学生终生受益。 3、了解中华传统文化经典,接受人文精神熏陶。中华国学经典即是中华文化中最优秀、最精华、最有价值的典范性著作。通过诵读活动帮助学生了解中华传统文化经典,接受传统文化和人文精神熏陶。长远地默默地变化其气质。 4.加强学生思想道德建设。通过“国学经典诵读”教育教给学生做人的道理,提高学生的自身修养;在学生心灵中不断地产生潜移默化的作用,渐渐地陶冶其性情,开启其智慧,让经典诵读为孩子的一生提供营养。 5.诵读的过程就是学生书面语建设的过程。传统经典,字字珠玑,金声玉振。我们应当让广大青少年在吟咏诵读中含英咀华、衔华佩实,使他们不再有灿烂的心声无以言表的尴尬,少一点粗俗的表白,多一点儒雅的谈吐;少一点词穷木讷,多一点含蓄幽默。在学习与生活中左右逢源、信手拈来、出口成章、下笔有神。 三、国学经典诵读的内容来源 (一)以儒家经典为核心的传统经典。 (二)优秀的古诗文 四、国学诵读经典的处理原则 在充分尊重原典的完整性的基础上,谨慎地弃除或改写经典中一些确实与

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