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I. Transference of Terms of Rhetorical Devices

1. Transference of Terms of Rhetorical Devices from English to Chinese

Simile------ Allusion------

Personification------ Parallelism------

Synaesthesia------ Oxymoron------

Synecdoche------ Anticlimax------

Euphemism------ Alliteration------

Metaphor------ Antithesis------

Transferred Epithet------ Paradox------

Metonymy------ climax------

Understatement------ Repetition------

Hyperbole------ Assonance------

2. Transference of Terms of Rhetorical Devices from Chinese to English

隐喻------ 对照------

移就------ 隽语------

转喻------ 层递------

低调陈述------ 重复------

夸张------ 元韵------

明喻------ 引喻------

拟人------ 平行------

通感------ 矛盾修饰----

提喻------ 突降------

委婉语------ 头韵------

II. Identify the rhetorical devices according to the given definitions.

1. It’s repetition of an initial sound, usually of a consonant or cluster, in two or more words of a phrase, line of poetry, etc.

A. Parallelism

B. Metonymy

C. Alliteration

D. Metaphor

2. It’s a figure of speech containing an implied comparison, in which a word or phrase ordinarily and primarily used of one thing is applied to another.

A. Metaphor

B. Hyperbole

C. Simile

D. Personification

3. It’s the humorous use of words, or of words which are formed or sounded alike but have different meanings, in such a way as to play on two or more of the possible applications; a play on words.

A. Allusion

B. Pun

C. Climax

D. Oxymoron

4. It’s a figure of speech that consists in using the name of one thing for that of something else with which it is associated.

A. Parallelism

B. Metonymy

C. Alliteration

D. Metaphor

5. It’s a statement that is not strong enough to express facts or feelings with full force; or It’s

a statement that expresses an idea, etc, too weakly.

A. Parallelism

B. Climax

C. Rhetorical Question

D. Understatement

6. It’s a figure of speech in which something of an unpleasant, distressing, or indelicate nature is described in less offensive terms, as in the expressions “under the weather” for “ill” or “passed away” for died”.

A. Metaphor

B. Hyperbole

C. Euphemism

D. Parallelism

7. It’s usually an implicit reference, perhaps to another work of literature or art, to a person or an event.

A. Allusion

B. Simile

C. Metaphor

D. Synecdoche

8. It’s a figure of speech that consists of phrases or sentences of similar construction and meaning placed side by side, balancing each other.

A. Parallelism

B. Antithesis

C. Irony

D. Repetition

9. It’s a figure of speech that combines incongruous and apparently contradictory words and meaning for a special effect.

A. Allusion

B. Pun

C. Climax

D. Oxymoron

10. It is a sentence in which the last part expresses something lower than the first. In fact, a bathetic declension from a noble tone to one less exalted. The effect can be comic and is often intended to be so.

A. Repetition

B. Anticlimax

C. Paradox

D. Climax

11. It’s a figure of speech in which one thing is likened to another, in such a way as to clarify and enhance an image. It is an explicit comparison.

A. Metaphor

B. Hyperbole

C. Simile

D. Personification

12. It’s a figure of speech in which human qualities and abilities are attributed to inanimate objects, animals, abstractions, and events

A. Metaphor

B. Hyperbole

C. Simile

D. Personification

13. It’s a figure of speech in which a sensation produced in one modality when a stimulus is applied to another modality, as when the hearing of a certain sound induces the visualization of a certain color

A. Synaesthesia

B. Antithesis

C. Oxymoron

D. Metonymy

14. It’s a figure of speech in which a part is used for a whole, an individual for a class, a material for thing, or reverse of any of these.

A. Simile

B. Metaphor

C. Allusion

D. Synecdoche

15. It’s a figure of speech that greatly exaggerates the truth.

A. Metaphor

B. Hyperbole

C. Simile

D. Personification

16. The rhetorical opposing or contrasting of ideas by means of grammatically paralleled arrangements of words, clauses, or sentences

A. Synaesthesia

B. Antithesis

C. Oxymoron

D. Metonymy

17. It refers to the repeating of an y element in an utterance, including sound… a word or phrase,

a pattern of accents.. or an arrangement of lines…

A. Repetition

B. Antithesis

C. Alliteration

D. Parallelism

18. It’s a method of humorous or subtly sarcastic expression in which the intended meaning of the words used is the direct opposite of their usual sense.

A. Metaphor

B. Hyperbole

C. Irony

D. Simile

19. It’s a literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule.

A. Metaphor

B. Pun

C. Simile

D. Parody

20. A figure of speech in which a single word, usually a verb or adjective, is syntactically related to two or more words, with only one of which it seems logically connected.

A. Repetition

B. Antithesis

C. Zeugma

D. Parallelism

III. Identify the rhetorical devices employed by the boldfaced words in the following sentences.

1. O dear! O dear! What shall I do? I have lost my love and my lipstick too.

A. Repetition

B. Anticlimax

C. Paradox

D. Climax

2. Australia is so kind, just tickle her with a hoe, and she laughs with harvest.

A. Metaphor

B. Hyperbole

C. Simile

D. Personification

3. My heart is like a singing bird.

A. Metaphor

B. Parody

C. Simile

D. Oxymoron

4. When Della had finished crying, she went to the window and looked out sadly at a grey cat walking along a grey fence in a grey back-yard.

A. Parallelism

B. Antithesis

C. Irony

D. Repetition

5. On the 14th of March, at a quarter to three in the afternoon, the great living thinker ceased to think. He had been left alone for scarcely two minutes, and when we came back we found him in his armchair, peacefully gone to sleep but---- forever.

A. Metaphor

B. Hyperbole

C. Euphemism

D. Parallelism

6. O, wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?

A. Parallelism

B. Climax

C. Rhetorical Question

D. Understatement

7. Of all the students in the class I like him the best.

A. Anastrophe

B. Anticlimax

C. Rhetorical Question

D. Understatement

8. You can ask him for the meaning of the word. He is like a walking dictionary.

A. Metaphor

B. Hyperbole

C. Simile

D. Oxymoron

9. Books are the ever-burning lamps.

A. Metaphor

B. Hyperbole

C. Simile

D. Oxymoron

10. Money makes the mare go.

A. Paradox

B. Assonance

C. Alliteration

D. Simile

11. There was an audible stillness, in which the common voice sounded strange.

A. Metaphor

B. Hyperbole

C. Simile

D. Oxymoron

12. Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit we cannot flower and grow without it.

A. Metaphor

B. Hyperbole

C. Simile

D. Oxymoron

13. One teacher writes that instead of drowning students’ compositions in critical red ink, the teacher will get far more constructive results by finding one or two things which have been done better

than last time, and commenting favorably on them.

A. Parallelism

B. Transferred Epithet

C. Alliteration

D. Metaphor

14. He looked at me with a bitter look.

A. Synaesthesia

B. Antithesis

C. Oxymoron

D. Metaphor

15. ---Why are Sunday and Saturday the strongest days in a week?

---Because the rest are week (weak) days.

A. Metaphor

B. Pun

C. Simile

D. Irony

16. All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.

A. Antithesis

B. Hyperbole

C. Simile

D. Personification

17. ---Why can you never expect a fisherman to be generous?

---Because his business make him sell fish (selfish).

A. Metaphor

B. Pun

C. Simile

D. Irony

18. Women were running out to the line of march, crying and laughing and kissing the men good-bye.

A. Antithesis

B. Hyperbole

C. Repetition

D. Parallelism

19. Money is a bottomless sea, in which honor, conscience, and truth may be drowned.

A. Metaphor

B. Pun

C. Simile

D. Irony

20.I wish I could write better.

A. Pun

B. Hyperbole

C. Climax

D. Understatement

IV. Identify the rhetorical devices employed in the following sentences.

1. Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit we cannot flower and grow without it. ( )

2. One teacher writes that instead of drowning students’compositions in critical red ink, the teacher will get far more constructive results by finding one or two things which have been done better than last time, and commenting favorably on them. ( )

3. And, it being low water he went out with the tide.( )

4. They were short of hands at harvest time. ( )

5. In the dock, she found scores of arrows piercing her chest. ( )

6. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.

( )

7. The drunkard smashed the glasses, upturned the table, and hit an old woman.

( )

8. One mad action is not enough to prove a man mad. ( )

9. He intended to take an opportunity this afternoon of speaking to Irene. A word in time saves nine. ( )

10. No X in Nixon. ( )

11. All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. ( )

12. He looked at me with a bitter look. ( )

13. The man is no fool. ( )

14. You want your pound of flesh, don’t you? ( )

15. The child is father of the man. ( )

16. Perhaps, perhaps Mera might come. ( )

17. A professor tapped on his desk and shouted, “Gentlemen, order!”

The entire class yelled, “Beer.”( )

18. I used to organize my father’s tools, my mother’s kitchen utensils, my sister’s boyfriends. ( )

19. A man from the continent was traveling in England. He had caught a very bad cold. He coughed day and night…He put on his coat and hat and went to a chemist’s. When asked what he wanted, the traveler said, “I want something for my cow, please.”( )

20. Have you ever been to an Irish Wedding? I have just returned from one…

21. Wit without learning is like a tree without fruit. ( )

22. I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed! ( )

23. The senator pledged to oppose war, fight poverty, protect individual freedom and name a new state flower. ( )

24. It is a quarter to five in the morning, the sun has already climbed above the horizon; the birds are busy celebrating the new day and have eagerly been in search of food. ( )

25. Who wouldn’t have dreamed of becoming rich overnight? ( )

26. What she had said I didn’t hear. ( )

V. Two or more than two rhetorical devices are used in the following sentences. Read and select the rhetorical devices in each sentence.

1. Time is like a fashionable host, that slightly shakes his passing guest by the band; and with his arms stretched, a s he would fly, grasps in the comer.The welcomes ever smile, and farewell goes out sighing.

A. Metaphor

B. Hyperbole

C. Simile

D. Personification

2. The seed ye sow, another reaps;

The wealth ye find, another keeps;

The robes ye weave, another wears;

The arms ye forge, another bears.

A. Parallelism

B. Antithesis

C. Alliteration

D. Repetition

3. Every man has in himself a continent of undiscovered character. Happy is he who acts the Columbus to his own soul.

A. Simile

B. Metaphor

C. Allusion

D. Synecdoche

4. Miss Bolo went straight home in a flood of tears and a sedan chair.

A. Metaphor

B. Hyperbole

C. Simile

D. Syllepsis

5. These little thoughts are the rustles of leaves; they have their whisper of joy in my mind.

A. Metaphor

B. Hyperbole

C. Simile

D. Personification

6. A drop of ink may make a million think.

A. Pun

B. Antithesis

C. Alliteration

D. Metonymy

7. How soon hath Time, the subtle thief of youth, stolen on his wing my three and twentieth year!

A. Metaphor

B. Hyperbole

C. Simile

D. Personification

8. She did experiments after experiments. There was failure, success, more failure, a little success,

a little more success.

A. Metonymy

B. Climax

C. Hyperbole

D. Repetition

9. The mother is undergoing the joyful pain, and the painful joy of childbirth.

A. Hyperbole

B. Antithesis

C. Oxymoron

D. Metonymy

10. Why are lawyers all uneasy sleepers? Because they lie first on one side and then on the other, and remain wide wake all the time.

A. Pun

B. Anticlimax

C. Rhetorical Question

D. Understatement

11. A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.

A. Metaphor

B. Hyperbole

C. Simile

D. Personification

12. It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions in favor of vegetarianism while the wolf remains of a different opinion.

A. Metaphor

B. Hyperbole

C. Simile

D. Personification

13. He was such a marvelous teacher that whenever he recognized a spark of genius you could be sure he’d water it.

A. Metaphor

B. Understatement

C. Irony

D. Paradox

14. Polly, I love you. You are the whole world to me, and the moon and the stars and the constellation of out space.

A. Pun

B. Hyperbole

C. Climax

D. Understatement

15. Then Night, like some great loving mother, gently lays her hand at our fevered head, and turns our little tear-stained face up to hers, and smiles.

A. Metaphor

B. Hyperbole

C. Simile

D. Personification

16. On Sunday they pray for you and on Monday they prey on you.

A. Antithesis

B. Parallelism

C. Alliteration

D. Pun

VI. Revise the following sentences with the given rhetorical devices.

1. David’s beloved grandfather passed away last week.

2. He looked at me with a sad look.

3. Sorry, my pocket can’t afford such a pair of shoes.

4. I never believe until then that any meal could defeat me, but on that day I met my Waterloo.

5. Her hostility melted.

6. She is lovely, kind-hearted and has a quick mind.

7. I was knocked down by a motorcycle, but it was not serious.

8. He is a man of wide experience and who is also very popular with the farmers.

9. To chew carefully and eating slowly are necessary for good digestion.

10. On the train I met with a girl from my hometown and who just graduated from Tianjin University with MA degree.

11. My heart is like a singing bird.

12. She is as cool as a cucumber..

13. They were short of hands at harvest time.

14. The bad news was a dagger into her heart.

15. They stormed the speaker with questions.

16. He looked at me with a bitter look

17. You want your pound of flesh?

18. He doesn’t have an idea of his own. He just parrots what other people say.

19. His grandfather passed away recently.

20. Her happiness vanished like the morning dew.

VII. Find the rhetorical devices employed in the following passage.


A Dream of Rainbow

(1) When I was small, I often gazed into the sky, It was bright blue, with a few sheets of cloud floating. Especially after a rain, after a rain, there would appear a splendid and glamorous rainbow, which was like a great bridge hung in the sky. How I wished I had been an eagle soaring up to the bridge! I was obsessed with it. Grandma told me that in the heaven lived supernatural beings, and that it was the kind-hearted and well-behaved people who could step into the heaven through the rainbow. She taught me to be a good boy; then I would have a chance to walk on the rainbow some day.

(2) It was a beautiful dream. Gradually, I grew up to be a high school student. However, I buried myself in lesson, exercises and even boring tests all day long. Day in and day out. Such a pressing routine has deprived me of my interest as well as my chance to gaze into the sky.

(3) In the summer of 1998,after finished the college entrance examination, I had time for relaxing myself at last. One day, shortly after a heavy thundershower, I opened the window and then pleasant smells of the earth greeted me. I couldn’t help breathing deeply with my eyes closed. After some while, I opened my eyes satisfactorily. Just guess what I saw. The blue sky! Or rather the blue-gray sky. It seemed that I met an old friend, who had changed so much that I could hardly recognize him.

I craned my head out to look for the rainbow of which I have a deep love. But to my disappointment, she didn’t appear in the sky. Why could it be that!

(4) Now, I come to understand it is the pollution that made the rainbow so strange to me and compelled her to be away from me. In the past few years, economic prosperity has been greatly promoted at the cost of air and environmental pollution. As result, while people are enjoying the prosperity, they are suffering a great deal from pollution. No wonder scientists say this is the revenge of nature! It is never too late to mend anyhow. Now more and more people have become coolly aware of its harmful consequences; and effective measures have been taken for anti-pollution. I believe that pollution will be able to disappear in the near future and our sky will be able to renew its bright blue as it used to.

(5) Last night, I dreamed a beautiful dream: I saw a rainbow that has been never seen for ages. Then I flew in the sky to the rainbow as lf I had wings. When I landed on such a gorgeous bridge, all supernatural beings gave me a warm welcome…

Rhetorical Devices used:

Paragraph (1)_____________________________________________________


Paragraph (2)_____________________________________________________


Paragraph (3)_____________________________________________________


Paragraph (4)_____________________________________________________


Paragraph (5)___________________________________________________



The Olympic Aspiration of an Ordinary Chinese Farmer

(1) The Beijing’s bid for the 2008 Olympics reflects the common aspiration of the 1.3 billion Chinese people. Apart from Beijing, every city of China has been launching a series of rich and varied supporting activities. However, the country folks are no less enthusiastic than the town people, and they have their own way. Comparatively speaking, the events in cities are tremendous in power and grandeur; while the activities in the countryside are like a gentle breeze and a mild rain. The earnest aspiration of rural resident for the Olympic bid can be mirrored just from an ordinary Chinese farmer -----my uncle, who is 68 years old, living in a small village about 100km east of Shijiazhuang, Hebei Privine.

(2) During the week-long Labour Day holiday, I went to see him. I was very happy to find him hale and hearty. But nine years ago, he suffered from severe T.B. Ever since his recovery a year later, he has taken exercise: doing Taijiquan, kicking shuttlecock, especially having a long walk every morning at all seasons. His good health is attributed to his regular physical exercise, and he thus realize what an important role it plays in building up the health of a person as well as that of the whole nation.

(3) Last year, when he heard the news on TV that Beijing decided to participate in the bid for hosting the 2008 Olympic Games, he felt quite excited and threw himself into fervent support. Since then, reading newspapers becomes a must every day. He has accumulated an intimate knowledge of the Olympics, such as its brief history, its creed, its motto,

(4) My visit to him was turned into a sole conversation about the Olympics. After a comprehensive analysis, he told me that he has one gratification and one anxiety about the Beijing’s bid. His gratification is that the Beijing’s bid enjoys worldwide support, and most countries in the world favor Beijing as a host of the 2008 Summer Games. As to his anxiety, that is Paris and Toronto are the two most formidable rivals for Beijing. Over 90 per cent of all 123 IOC members have ever been to Paris, but only 40 per cent have been to Beijing. More unfavorably, the US congress created all sorts of obstacles in an attempt to block China’s bidding wheel. “What does it matter if we meet some difficulties? ”he said resolutely. “I am still confident of the final success.”He expressed his hope that he would go to Beijing to watch the Games in 7 years.

(5) Now, the rural areas have seen a steadily growing economy. The great majority of farmers enjoy a high standard of living. They know that the hosting of the Games will be a boost to the country’s economic prosperity and tourism, and can bring them a better life. At the same time, people from all over the world can get a good opportunity to see through sport a real China ----its honest and hospitable people, its ancient and splendid culture, its 300-year-old and vitalizing capital, its rural scenery, its historical sites, its scenic attraction…

(6) The Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics is being longed for by all Chinese people from as high as state leaders to as country folks like my uncle.

Rhetorical Devices used:

Paragraph (1)_____________________________________________________


Paragraph (2)_____________________________________________________


Paragraph (3)_____________________________________________________


Paragraph (4)_____________________________________________________


Paragraph (5)_____________________________________________________


Paragraph (6)_____________________________________________________



An Unforgettable Trip

(1) The train was cracking for Qinhuangdao -----a beautiful city which I had been longing for, and which often appeared in my dreams. My thoughts had already flown out to the sea: the red sun shining in the sky, millions of shells and pebbles on the beach, lots of people playing in the water, and the waves breaking and foaming. With the dreamlike scene, smile crept up and stayed on my face. Four hours passed, and we arrived at our destination late at night.

(2) We set out very early the next morning. Just several minutes later, the wind brought us the scent of the sea, and the sea greeted us. Jumping off the car, I ran wildly along the shore. I was amazed at the vast surface and the blue water, which were far more magnificent than I had imaged. Some birds were flying above and singing beautiful songs; A couple of ships were sailing at a distance; the sea and the sky converged in the distance so that I couldn’t tell one from another. Throwing off my shoes, I stepped into the water -----waves lightly patting my legs, gentle breeze kissing my checks, fresh air penetrating my lungs. I couldn’t help shouting loudly to release my deep depression.

(3) Just a month ago, I failed the postgraduate entrance exam against 3 points. God treated me so unfairly that I almost lost my confidence in the future. But now facing the vast sea , I felt how small I was, and how insignificant my personal gains and losses were. The grandeur of nature relaxed me a lot and gave me much inspiration. The world isn’t as dismal as I thought. Before this I had

only seen the dark side of the coin instead of both. It is true that I often met with troubles, but worries, troubles, even misfortune are not everything. Life is beautiful yet transient so that I shouldn’t sink into depression all the time. Instead, as a youth, I should embrace life and enjoy life. I once read a philosophical saying from a book : “ Yesterday is an invalid check; tomorrow is a kind of deposit which can’t be used; today is the money in front of you.”So I must value today and let yesterday go and let all gloominess go. Woken up from the meditation by gust of hailing, I found the sun jumping above sea, it lights made everything bright. I cried, “A new day is coming.”

(4) Now, I have learned to love life. I can find happiness and beauty from my surrounding: the bright sun, the blue sky, the green grass, the beautiful flowers, the singing bird, the smiling faces---all can bring me joy and satisfaction. Oh, an unforgettable trip.

Rhetorical Devices used:

Paragraph (1)_____________________________________________________



Paragraph (2)_____________________________________________________



Paragraph (3)_____________________________________________________



Paragraph (4)_____________________________________________________



Singers Shouldn’t Earn More Than Composers

(1) With the steady growth in the county’s economy as well as the people’s living standard, people attach more importance to the colorful cultural life. As a result, many pop stars rise to fame overnight, even making a huge fortune a year. On the other hand, the composers of popular songs that make these singers famous earn only a small fraction of what these “ noted stars” earn. Recently, this phenomenon has aroused wide concern, and heated public debate has arisen.

(2) The pains and gains of the so-called stars are not matched. One hour’s performance may bring them thousand of yuan, while the composers are too far behind to catch up, so it is unfair and discouraging. Most of the composers, as we know, are musicians and experts in music who devote themselves to research and composition of knowledge. Singing stars are always the idols of youngsters. Many of them get rich quick without toil and sweat, thereby making youngsters disbelieve in the maxim “ No pains, no gains”; some of them even have an extravagant and wasteful way of living, which is tremendously tempting and misleading.

(3) Of course, every thing has two faces. It goes without saying that the stars enrich people’s entertainment and make our life colorful; anyhow, the bright side should not keep us from criticizing its dark one.

(4) All in all, I should say that the pop stars do not deserve such high payment than composers do. The government should levy heavier income tax on these stars in order to narrow the gap between the income of so-called pop stars and that of composers.

Rhetorical Devices used:

Paragraph (1)_____________________________________________________



Paragraph (2)_____________________________________________________



Paragraph (3)_____________________________________________________



Paragraph (4)_____________________________________________________




1.B 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.B 11.B 12.B 13.静止 14.车 15.时间相等时,通过的路程越多,运动越快;路程相等时,用的时间越短,运动越快16.3.10 337.5 17.减速 54 18. 20 变速②③ 144 19.10m/s 20.(1)100Km/h (2)0.7h 物理寒假作业(二) 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.三水管 0 14.1531;不能;真空不能传声. 15.次 16.跳动振动声音不能在真空中传播 17.400;能 18.振动响度能能量 19.刻度尺桌面快高幅度响度 20.(1)此处海洋的深度为3000m; (2)不能,因为真空不能传声 21.火车的速度是12m/s;火车在隧道内行驶的时间为250s. 物理寒假作业(三) 1.AC 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.C 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.色散反射折射直线传播 14.(1)直线(2)红绿蓝(3)光的反射 15.凹近 16.1、不变 17.0°折射 18.靠近.>. 20.

1.托盘天平 不变 2.偏大 3.不变 变小 4.右 37.4 5.(1)物体和砝码位置放反了 (2)天平调平时游码未移到零刻度线处 (3)用手拿取砝码 6.300 不变 7.64 8×103 8.正 0.8 9.D 10.C 11.C 12.B 13.B 14.B 15.D 16.D 17.B 18.B 点拨:氧气的体积不变;m 1=ρ1V =2.5kg/m 3×10-2m 3=0.025kg =25g ;m 2=25g -5g =20g ;ρ2=m 2V =0.02kg 0.01m 3 =2kg/m 3。 19.(1)读出量筒内盐水的体积V (2)量筒内盐水的体积/mL (3)m 1-m 2 V 20.(1)47.4 (4)m 0ρ水 m 1+m 0-m 2 21.设甲、乙两种金属的质量均为m ,ρ=m 总V 总=m +m m ρ甲+m ρ乙=2m m (ρ甲+ρ乙)ρ甲ρ乙=2ρ甲ρ乙 ρ甲+ρ乙 。 22.汽车行驶100km 消耗的汽油的质量是m =ρV =0.75×103kg/m 3×1.0×10-2m 3=7.5k g ,所以200kg 93#汽油可以行驶的距离为200kg 7.5kg ×100km ≈2666.7km 。 23.根据题意可得,瓶子装满水和汽油时液体的质量分别为m 水=320g -120g =200g ,m 汽油=266g -120g =146g ,∵瓶子的容积一定,即水和汽油的体积相等,∴根据ρ=m V 可得 m 水ρ水 = m 汽油ρ汽油 ,即 200g 1.0g/cm 3 =146g ρ汽油,解得ρ汽油=0.73g/cm 3=0.73×103kg/m 3>0.71×103kg/m 3,∴该汽油是不合格的。 物理寒假作业(五) 1.相互 形变 2.1.2 3.重力的方向总是竖直向下 4.球拍 球 5.kg 400 6.力的作用点 7.重 地球 竖直向下 8.4 水平向右 点拨:虽然物块B 静止不动,但是物块B 相对于物块A 是向左运动的,所以物块A 对物块B 施加了向右的摩擦力。物块B 静止,受到的摩擦力等于弹簧测力计的拉力4N 。 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.D 13.B 14.C 15.C 16.B 17.B 点拨:根据题意可知,F =5N ,k =100N/m ,利用公式F =kx 可得x =F k = 5N 100N/m =0.05m =5cm ,所以弹簧的长度为10cm +5cm =15cm 或10cm -5cm =5cm ,其中15cm 符合B 选项,故选B 。 18.A 点拨:摩擦力的大小与接触面积的大小无关,所以F 1=F 2;在其他条件相同时,滚动摩擦


初三历史寒假作业 一月二十八日正在形成中的人:南方古猿 完全形成的人早期猿人、晚期猿人、早期智人、 人类的形成晚期智人---出现三大人种、、。 原因:生产力的发展 氏族社会分期:氏族社会、氏族社会 建立时间:约公元前3000年 古代埃及文明标志:金字塔--- 大河流域----- 建立时间:公元前18世纪 人类文明的摇篮古巴比伦王国文明标志:汉谟拉比法典-- 古代印度---种姓制度(等级制度)、、、 1、大多数人类学家认为人类的始祖是() A.南方古猿 B. 元谋人 C. 北京人 D. 爪哇人 2、中国山顶洞人属于下列哪个进化阶段() A. 早期猿人 B. 晚期猿人 C. 早期智人 D. 晚期智人 3、公元前18世纪,统一两河流域,建立奴隶制中央集权国家的国王是() A. 凯撒 B. 汉谟拉比 C. 伯里克里 D. 屋大维 4、公元前两千多年前的古代印度有严格的等级制度,其中处于第二等级的是() A. 婆罗门 B. 刹帝利 C. 吠舍 D. 首陀罗 材料题 法典规定:奴隶可以被任意杀死,凶手只需赔偿奴隶主的财产损失,无需偿命。 1、上述材料反映的是世界古代史那部法典?这部法典由谁制定的? 2、从内容上看,它维护的是谁的利益? 3、它有什么历史价值? 一月二十九日 斯巴达城邦:崇尚武力 古代希腊雅典城邦政治: 西方文明之源经济:文化: 罗马共和国:建立时间前公元509年,扩张:称霸地中海古代罗马建立时间:公元前27年,建立者 罗马帝国扩张:地跨亚、非、欧三洲 分裂:时间东罗马 西罗马:476年灭亡,标志着 1、“它是民主政治的摇篮,是奥林匹克的故乡。”这里的“它”指的是() A. 斯巴达 B. 雅典 C. 罗马 D. 迈锡尼 2、公元前5世纪后半期,雅典奴隶制民主政治发展到古代世界的高峰,下列相关表述正确的是() A. 手工作坊中严禁使用奴隶劳动 B. 外邦人担任政府公职


高三物理寒假作业(八) 一、选择题 1.如图,两个质量相同的物体A和B,在同一高度处由静止开始运动,A物体自由落下,B物体沿光滑斜面下滑,则它们到达地面时(空气阻力不计)() A.动能相同B.B物体的动能较小 C.重力做功的功率相等D.重力做功的功率A物体比B物体大 2.根据《电动自行车通用技术条件》(GB17761)标准规定,电动自行车的最高时速应不大于20km/h,整车质量应不大于40kg,假设一成年人骑着电动自行车在平直的公路上按上述标准快速行驶时所受阻力是总重量的0.05倍,则电动车电机的输出功率最接近于()A.100W B.300W C.600W D. 1000W 3.关于功、功率和机械能,以下说法中正确的是() A.一对相互作用的静摩擦力同时做正功、同时做负功、同时不做功都是可能的 B.一个受变力作用的物体做曲线运动时,其合力的瞬时功率不可能为零 C.一个物体受合外力为零时,其动能不变,但机械能可能改变 D 雨滴下落时,所受空气阻力的功率越大,其动能变化就越快 4.如图所示,一直流电动机与阻值R=9Ω的电阻串联在电路上,电动势E=30 V,内阻r=1 Ω,用理想电压表测出电动机两端电压U=10 V,已知电动机线圈电阻R M=1 Ω,下列说法中正确的是 A.通过电动机的电流为10 A B.通过电动机的电流小于10 A C.电动机的输出功率大于16 W D.电动机的输出功率小于16 W

5.现使线框以速度v匀速穿过磁场区域,若以初始位置为计时起点,规定电流逆时针方向时的电动势方向为正,B垂直纸面向里为正,则以下关于线框中的感应电动势、磁通量、感应电流及电功率的四个图象正确的是( ) 6.如图为三个门电路符号,A输入端全为“1”,B输入端全为“0”.下列判断正确的是() A.甲为“非”门,输出为“1”B.乙为“与”门,输出为“0” C.乙为“或”门,输出为“1”D.丙为“与”门,输出为“1”


2019年八年级上册物理寒假作业答案 2019年八年级上册物理寒假作业答案(人教版.长江出 版社) 1 1、B、2.45 2、28.2 25.1 3、2.5 4、人、河岸 5、运动 6、地面、地面、椅背、车 7、A 8、c 9、C 10、C 11、A 12、D、13、B 14、B ? 2 1、长、短 2、每秒行驶5米 3、6.25 22.5 4、250 5/3 5、路程、时间、V=s/t 6、0.4 便于测量时间 7、100min 8、路程、时间、速度 9、6.25m/s 交接棒所用时间少 10、80 22.22 0.45 11、 8 6 大于 12、(1)v=s/t=300m/5h = 60 km/h (2) v=s/t=300m/2.5h=120 km/h (3)t =t1—t2 =5h—2.5h =2.5h ? 3 1、振动、空气、山间铃响马帮来 2、不能、能 3、快 4、不相同、空气、耳朵 5、小于、波的、泡沫塑料屑在飞舞、在振动 6、C 7、C 8、C 9、音调、音色、音调、响度 10、频率、快慢、频率、高 11、

次数 HZ 20---20190HZ 12、强弱、振幅、振幅、大、远近 13、分贝、90dB 14、慢、低、大、大 15、音色、响度 16、信息、能量 17、C 18、B 19、C 20、A ? 4 1、A 2、C 3、A 4、A 5、A 6、C 7、空气柱、空气柱、频率、空气 8、(1)能量 (2)音色、 9、(1)无法正常交流 (2)无法听音色 (3)感受不到声音带来的信息 10、(1)声音可以在固体中传播 (2)更好的接收声音 (3)听诊器 ? 5 1、36.4、=、体温计有缩口,水银不会回流 2、A:没有水平放置 B:正 C:接触了容器底 D:没有接触液体 3、甲、38.5 38.5 4、(1)10 (2)是、有固定的凝固点 5、放、低 6、B 7、B 8、D 9、C 10、C 11、d a c b e 12、(1)温度保持不变、(2) 温度继续上升、(3) 图略 ? 探究性学习


初中历史知识点总结【浙教版初三上学期历史寒假作业答案】第一题1—5ABDCA6—10BBBCD11—13AAC 第二题1.象形文字2. __3.日本大化改新4.穆罕默德5.- 6.英 7.英国 8.独立宣言 9.1789,巴士底狱10.明治维新11.巴赫12.适者生存 P66,第三题1.《解放黑人奴隶宣言》2.瓦解南方种植园奴隶 主势力,增强了北方军队战斗力 第四题1.为西欧国家的殖民掠夺开辟了道路,有利于欧洲资本 主义发展,也促进了世界的孤立,分散向整体方向发展。 2.蒸汽机的发明是第一次工业革命的标志,它以煤炭为燃料, 给工作机提供动力,将人类带进蒸汽时代。 3.内容:人生由平等;法律是公共意志的表现,法律面前人人平等;私有财产神圣不可侵犯。 意义:对于反封建制度和等级制度具有重大历史意义。

P67,第一题1—5CBDCA6—10AACAD11—15AAADC16—19BDCA P68,第二题它是第二次资产阶级革命,维护了国家统一,废除了奴隶制度,使北方资产阶级掌握了全部政权,为美国的资本主义迅速发展开辟了道路。第三题1.他有功也有过。功:颁布了法典,确立资本主义社会立法,发展了资本主义之商业,多次打败“反法同盟”,维护革命成果,扩大革命影响。过:建立了独裁帝国。 2.认同。其实质是因为主要 __之间发展不平衡后起义希望重新瓜分世界,因此,一战后 __之间的狗咬狗,为非正义战争。 P69,第一题1—5AADAD6—9DACD 第二题1.它是列宁对社会建设的掠夺,其实也是大大提高劳动生产的积极性,促进国民经济的恢复,巩固工农联盟,稳定苏俄维权政权。 2. __之间经济政治发展不平衡。 3.成就:建立齐全的工业体系,实现粮食白给白赊,也在核工业与航天技术上取得显著的成绩。优势:地大人多,重视教育、教育,


2020年八年级(初二)物理寒假作业答案导读:本文是关于2020年八年级(初二)物理寒假作业答案,希望能帮助到您! 一、填空题(每空格1 分,共30分) 1、物质由液态变成气态的过程,称为 ,其中有、两种方式。 2、毛毛在平面镜中看到自己的像是 (填“实”或“虚”)像,当毛毛靠近镜子时,它在镜子中的像的大小。(填“变大”或“变小”或“不变”) 3、在下面的空格中填上长度的单位。 (1)手掌宽度约1 ; (2)成人腰带处高度约1 ; (3)铅笔芯直径约1 ; (4)指甲宽度约1 。 4、水的密度是,读为,其物理意义是,将1000g的水倒掉一半,剩下一半水的密度为。 5、质量1㎏的物体,带到月球上该物体的质量 (填“大于”或“小于”或“等于”)1㎏。 6、声音是由发声体的产生的,声音在金属中比空气传播得 (填“快”或“慢”) 7、某人站在穿衣镜前2m处,他在镜中的像到镜面的距离是,当他距镜面的距离靠近了1.5m时,人与像的距离应为。 8、光线沿与镜面成60角的方向射到镜面上,入射角是。当入射角变小时,反射角将 (填“变大”、“变小”或“不变”)。 9、童话故事中小白兔不用看就明白门外喊开门的不是兔妈妈而是大灰狼,这是因为不同的物体发声,其是不同的。

10、黑人运动员马丁以10s的成绩赢得百米比赛的冠军。马丁百米跑步的平均速度是 m/s,马丁跑步过程的最大速度填“大于”、“小于”或“等于”),他的平均速度。 11、“掩耳盗铃”是在处减弱声音的,无声x枪的“无声”是在处减弱的。 12、如右图是给某晶体加热时的温度随时间变化曲线,请根据图像回答下列问题。 (1)在2—5min这段时间内晶体处于状态,热量(填“吸收”或“放出”)。 (2)由图可知此晶体的熔点是℃。 13、一块冰的体积为200dm3,它的质量为,当它化成水后水的质量为。 (ρ冰=0.9×103㎏/m3) 二、选择题(每小题2分,共20分) 14、某同学在松花江畔观察到的下列自然现象中,属于吸热的物态变化是 ( ) A:早春江面上皑皑冰雪的消融 B:初夏江面上浩浩浓雾的形成 C:深秋江边上晶莹冰凌的生成 D:初冬江岸上美丽雾淞的出现 15、甲乙两个物体质量之比为3:2,体积之比为1:3,那么它们密度之比为( ) A: 1:2 B:2:1 C:2:9 D:9:2 16、寓言《龟兔赛跑》大家都很熟悉。寓言中的白兔骄傲自大,在比赛途中睡了一大觉,醒来后发现乌龟已快到终点了。而乌龟在整个比赛过程中始终坚持不懈,即使在落后的情况下也毫不气馁,最终取得了胜利,则整个过程中 ( )


2020九年级上册物理寒假作业答案导读:本文是关于2020九年级上册物理寒假作业答案,希望能帮助到您! 第一次运动和声音的世界参考答案 一、选择题 1.B 2.B 3.D 4.D 5 .D 6.A 7. C 8.C 9.B 10.B 11.ABD 12.ACD 二、非选择题 13.2.80cm ; 2.8cm 14.河岸(青山);竹排 15.物体在一段时间内通过的路程与通过这段路程所用时间的比;物体运动的快慢;米/秒;米每秒;m/s;km/h;1m/s=3.6km/h 16.响度;音调;音色;快慢;高 17. 传递信息;响度 18.振动;声音 19.介质;无线电(波) 20. 3.13;4.76;5.13 第二次多彩的光参考答案 一、选择题 1.A 2.C 3.D 4 . C 5.A 6. A 7. ABD 8. ABD 二、非选择题

9. 3.0×108 ;漫 10.1.6;2;左右;上下;不变 11.折射;虚;反射;虚 12.(略) 13.(1)凸透镜的中心 (2)缩小 (3)倒立 (4)放大放大 第三次力、力与运动参考答案 一、选择题 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.ABC 13.ACD 14.ACD 15.AD 二、非选择题 16.相互 17.增大压力、增大 18.4 、6 19.作图略 20解:(1)G1=m1g=900kg×10N/kg=9×103N (2)∵G=mg ∴m2=G2/g=1.5×104N÷10N/kg=1.5×103kg=1.5t 第四次密度与浮力参考答案 一、选择题 1.D 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.D 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.B 12.ABC 13.ABC 14.AD 二、非选择题 15.不变 16. 20 、竖直向上、上浮 17.小于、增大、上浮


初中三年级历史寒假作业答案 初中三年级历史寒假作业答案 参考答案 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题。每小题2分,共40分。请将正确答案填入下表相应序号内) 题号12345678910 答案ACDDAACBBC 题号11121314151617181920 答案DADCDDABBC 二、读图知史(11分) 21、(11分) (1)章西女王玻利瓦尔华盛顿(共3分) (2)(章西女王)——印度民族大起义——失败 (玻利瓦尔)——拉美独立运动——胜利 (华盛顿)——美国独立战争——胜利 (以上答案,结果部分教师可以自行掌握,共6分) (3)(言之有理即可)(2分) 三、材料分析(31分) 22、(12分) (1)英国资产阶级革命:《权利法案》美国独立战争:《1787年宪法》(4分)

(2)英国:君主立宪制美国:联邦制,民主共和制,三权分立制均可(2分)资本主义发展成为时代的主流(1分,言之有理即可) (3)(只要答出三方面即可的全分)(3分) (4)资产阶级(2分) 23、(8分) (1)瓦特(1分)蒸汽机(1分)蒸汽时代(2分) (2)科学技术是第一生产力,或工业革命极大的提高了生产力等(1分,言之有理即可) (3)环境污染问题(1分) (4)在发展经济的同时,必须注意保护环境(2分)(开放性,言之有理即可,比如:“发展经济不能以牺牲环境为代价”“实行可持续发展战略”等) 24、(11分) (1)第一次世界大战(1分)萨拉热窝事件(1分)萨拉热窝事件是第一次世界大战的导火线(1分)协约国(1分) (2)英国(1分)因为英国最早进行工业革命,经过工业革命,英国成为世界上最强大的国家,并走上了殖民扩张的道路。(2分) (3)矛盾十分尖锐。后起的帝国主义国家德国等要求重新分割世界,与英国等老牌资本主义国家展开了激烈的争夺。(1分,言之有理即可)三国同盟和三国协约。(2分)是一场帝国主义掠夺战争。(1分) 四、历史探究(18分) 25(8分)(1)美国和苏联(2分)(2)美国爆发经济危机缓解经济危机,维护资本主义统治(灵活掌握)(2分) (3)集中全力实现社会主义工业化(言之有理即可)破坏、迟滞、阻碍等等均可(2分)


城阳二中小学部寒假作业评比方案 愉快的寒假生活已经结束,新学期已经开始。为了更好地了解学生寒假作业完成情况,同时也是为了奖励优秀,鞭策后者。学校决定开展“学生寒假作业展评”活动。同时评出各年级优秀作业,并予以奖励。 一、领导小组。 组长:宋启峰 副组长:王金利 成员:郝义智、杜家勤、苑克绿、李明启、唐文青、张兴珍 二、评审要求:根据寒假作业要求并能按时认真完成,各科作业书面整洁、书写工整、完成率和正确率高等要求为评审依据。 三、评选办法: 1、班内评:由班主任组织,成立以班干部为评审的评审组,评出本班前前十名优秀作业。于三月十三日(周五)下午放学前将评审的优秀寒假作业送教科室。 2、校内评:由教科室组织,成立以主管校长、科任教师为评审的评审小组。教教科室将各班评送的作业在小学部二楼东的一间室口(原五年级四班)进行展出,同时由评审组根据各班寒假作业具体情况,每年级各设一等奖十名、二等奖十名、优秀奖若干名进行奖励。记分依次是5分、4分、3分。各项得分将计入班级量化总分。

四、评比科目及方法 1、一年级语文参评作业内容是: 写作类(日记)、实践类(手抄报)、书法(练字)。 一年级数学参评作业内容是: 实践类(数学手抄报)、数学日记 二年级语文参评作业内容是: 作文类(作文)、实践类(手抄报)、书法(练字) 二年级数学参评作业内容: 书写(作业类)、实践类(数学日记) 三-六年级语文参评作业内容是: 读书类(读后感、作文)、实践类(手抄报)、书法(练字) 三-六年级数学参评作业内容是: 书写类(作业类)、实践类(数学日记、数学手抄报) 三-六年级英语参评作业内容是: 书法(作业)、实践类(英语手抄报) 五、各班上交参评作品件数及要求 (1)作文类:一、二年级每班上报十篇日记。三-六年级每班上报十篇作文或者读后感。 (2)书写类:每班上交书法作品10件、数学作业类10份。英语作业类10份。


八年级物理上册长江寒假作业答案 一、选择题(每题2分,共24分,请将答案填在下面的答题框内) 题号1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 答案 1.在一些“模仿秀”电视节目中,表演者在模仿歌星演唱时,主要是模仿歌星声音的 A.响度 B.音调 C. 频率 D.音色 2.同学们在探究“固体熔化时温度的变化规律”后,四个小组在交流过程中,分别展示了自己所绘制的晶体熔化时温度的变化曲线,如图所示,其中正确的是() 3.为改变过度依赖激素促进植物生长的种植状态,江南农科所着手研究利用夜间光照促进植物生长的技术.对于绿色植物而言,下列颜色的灯光照明中,效能最低的是 A.红光B.绿光C.蓝光D.黄光 4.下列光现象中,能说明光沿直线传播的是 5.如图所示,小猫在平面镜前欣赏自己的全身像,此时它所看到的全身像是图中的 6.在探究光的反射规律的时候,老师把一块平面镜CD竖立在讲台上,坐在A点的甲同学通过平面镜看到了坐在B点的乙同学。如右图所示,在这一现象中,光线的入射角是()A.... 7.如图所示,用焦距为l0cm的凸透镜,观察一张印有20XX年南京青奥会会徽的图片,此时图片到凸透镜的距离应 A.大于10cm小于20cm B.等于20cm C.大于20cm D.小于10cm 8.人的眼睛像一架神奇的照相机,对于近视者而言,远处物体经晶状体折射所形成像的位置以及相应的矫正方式是 A.像落在视网膜的前方,需佩戴凹透镜矫正 B.像落在视网膜的前方,需佩戴凸透镜矫正 C、像落在视网膜的后方.需佩戴凹透镜矫正 D.像落在视网膜的后方.需佩戴凸透镜矫正 9.某车做匀速直线运动,已知前4秒的路程为40米,那么在第8秒时的速度是 A.5m/s B.10m/s C.12.5m/s D.62.5m/s 10.一般人步行10min通过的路程最接近于 A.7m B.70m C.700m D.7000m 11.一辆汽车沿平直的公路向西快速行驶,一个行人沿该公路的便道向西散步。以汽车为参照物行人 A.向东运动 B.向西运动 C.静止不动 D.无法确定 12.将一物体分别放在甲、乙两凸透镜前相等距离处,通过甲透镜成缩小的像,通过乙透镜成等大的像,由此可推断 A.所成的都是实像,甲透镜的焦距小于乙透镜的焦距 B.所成的都是实像,甲透镜的焦距大于乙透镜的焦距. C.所成的―个是实像、一个是虚像,甲透镜的焦距小于乙透镜的焦距. D.所成的―个是虚像、一个是实像,甲透镜的焦距大于乙透镜的焦距. 二、填空题(每空1分,共28分) 13.(1)图(a)中刻度尺的分度值是_____cm,物体的长度是cm;


吴中区2013—2014学年度第一学期寒假作业(一) ( 初一历史 ) 一、单项选择题 (每小题1分,共20分。每小题只有一个最佳答案。) 1、“人们一说起中国发现的远古人类化石,没有不首先提到北京人的”。下列关于北京人的叙述,错误的是 A .他们是我国境内已知的最早的人类 B .他们依然保留着某些猿的特征 C .他们已懂得用火烧烤食物 D .他们能够制造和使用工具 2、过上农耕生活的原始居民已经会建造房屋。如题1图所示,居住在该样式房屋中的原始居民是 A.元谋人 B.北京人 C.半坡人 D.河姆渡人 3、右图1是我国古老传说中黄河流域一位著名的部落首领。下列有 关该部落首领的传说,正确的是 ①他联合炎帝,打败蚩尤 ②他建造宫室,制作衣裳 ③他教人们挖井,发明舟车 ④他发明养蚕缫丝,创造了文字 A .①②③ B .①②④ C .②③④ D .③④ 4、下表为商代历史简表.其中空缺的一项应是 5、春秋战国乱悠悠。“春秋五霸”、“战国七雄”等争霸局面的出现,源自哪一制度的衰落? A.世袭制 B.禅让制 C. 郡县制 D.分封制 6、成语故事蕴含着丰富的历史信息,下列成语源于春秋争霸的是 A.退避三舍 B.围魏救赵 C.纸上谈兵 D.三顾茅庐 7、他(右图 )建立了我国第一个统一的多民族的封建国家,并开创了中央集权制度。下列史实与他有关的是 ①最高统治者称皇帝,独揽一切大权 ②简法轻刑,修订法律 ③在中央设丞相、太尉和御史大夫 ④在地方推行郡县制 ⑤颁布“推恩令” A .①②④ B .③④⑤ C .①③④ D .①②⑤ 8、“有志者事竟成,破釜沉舟百二秦关终属楚;苦心人天不负,卧薪尝胆三千越甲可吞吴。”此联所涉及的历史事件分别发生在: A.春秋和战国 B.秦和春秋 C.战国和三国 D.秦初和汉初 9、课本剧是学生喜闻乐见的学习方式,但不应背离深重的严谨性。下面是某班同学编演的秦朝历史剧的相关信息,其中符合史实的是 A.一位商人携带五铢钱前往南海郡做生意 B.读书人可以进私学并阅读列国史记 C.各地官员均用大篆写告示 半地穴式房屋复原图


优秀生寒假作业答案三篇 篇一:文化生活寒假作业(2)答案 富顺第三中学校高xx级政治文化生活寒假作业(2)参考答案 1、【答案】B 【试题立意】:本题涉及考点:文化的多样性和中华文化的包容性。以澳门的不同宗教的和睦相处,建筑、婚礼、饮食等方面的中西借鉴、交流和融合为背景材料,要求考生运用文化的多样性和中华文化的包容性的相关理论对澳门的这种文化现象进行“描述和阐释” 【解析】:澳门的不同宗教的和睦相处,建筑、婚礼、饮食等方面的中西借鉴、交流和融合的文化现象一方面可以说明文化是多种多样的①,另一方面说明文化是相互借鉴和融合的具有包容性④,但这不是由地理环境决定的,中西的元素也没有主次之分②③ 2、【答案】D 【解析】本题以“中国元素”为背景考查中华文化特点及作用的相关知识。①项错误,中华民族精神的核心内容是爱国主义;②项错误,人民群众的伟大实践是中华文化发展的力量源泉;“中国元素”体现了中华文化的独特性,独特性是中华文化博大精深的表现之一,因此③④项正确,所以本题的答案是D。 【考点定位】民族精神、中华文化的特点及作用等。 3、【答案】B 【解析】本题以城市雕塑为背景考查文化生活中有关文化的特点相关知识。①项正确,城市雕塑体现着一个城市的文化内涵和品位,说明精神产品离不开物质载体;②项错误,城市雕塑体现着城市文化,具有鲜明的个性特征,未体现世界文化的所谓认同

感归属感;③项正确,每一座城市雕塑都承载着一定的文化内涵与精神寓意。④项错误,城市雕塑不能决定城市发展的文化方向。故正确答案是B。 【考点定位】文化的特点、文化的作用等。 4、【答案】A 【解析】本题以城市雕塑为背景,考查文化生活有关知识。①项正确,优秀城市雕塑显适示了该城市的文化底蕴,②项错误,活跃文化市场不是文化价值,而是其经济价值,故排除;③项正确,作为优秀文化的城市雕塑可以增强人的精神力量;④项错误,培育优秀的文化人才是教育的功能,因此本题的正确答案是A。 【考点定位】必修3:优秀文化塑人生、文化的特点、精神活动离不开物质载体。 5、答案】C 【解析】本题以城市雕塑作为公共环境艺术作品为背景,考查文化生活有关知识。①项说法错误,城市环境不能依赖于雕塑风格;②项正确,作为公共环境艺术作品,城市雕塑体现的理念应与城市环境相统一;③项本身错误,环境作为一种物质现象不能成为时代精神这种意识的产物;④项正确,优秀的艺术作品总能体现历史与现代的结合。因此本题的正确答案是C 【考点定位】必修3:精神活动离不开物质载体、文化的特点等。 6、答案】C 【解析】本题以中文菜单英文译法的出版为背景,考查文化生活中有关文化交流的相关知识。A 项错误,材料的做法是为了更好的传播中华文化,并不能丰富中华文化的内涵,故排除;B


七年级历史寒假作业答案,七年级历史寒假 作业 提供的七年级历史寒假作业,欢迎阅读。 年月日星期天气 一、基础巩固 1、是我国境内已知的最早人类。 2、北京人往往几十个人在一起,共同劳动,共同分享劳动果实,过着生活。这就形成了早期的社会。 3、山顶洞人生活的集体,是由血缘关系结合起来的。

4、生活在长江流域的原始居民是;生活在黄河流域的原始居民是。 5、我国原始社会结束、奴隶社会开始的标志是。 6、中华民族的主干部分是华夏族的祖先( ) ①炎帝部落②黄帝部落③蚩尤部落④禹部落 A、①② B、①③ C、③④ D、②③ 7、传说继黄帝之后,我国黄河流域出现了尧、舜、禹三位杰出的部落联盟首领。他们成为部落联盟首领的方式是( )

A、选举制 B、分封制 C、世袭制 D、禅让制 8、历史小诊所: 小华在学完北京人和山顶洞人后,对他们进行了比较,其中有两处错误,请你找出并加以改正。 北京人保留了猿的某些特征;使用打制石器;会人工取火;不会缝制衣服。山顶洞人的模样和北京人一样;使用打制石器;会人工取火;会缝制衣服。 (1)错误改正 (2)错误改正

9、文物识史: 小明假期参观半坡遗址,看到了两样有趣的文物。你从这两样文物中可以知道关于半坡原始居民的哪些历史信息? (1) (2) 10、我国在原始社会时期有哪几项世界性贡献(举出三个)? 二、拓展迁移 1、马克思说:劳动创造了人,你认为这句话有道理吗?为什么?

2、动手试一试: 会不会制造工具是人和动物的根本区别,我国远古居民已经会使用打制石器和磨制石器。自己动手打制一件石器、磨制一件石器,体会我们的祖先生存的艰辛。再比较一下,磨制石器与打制石器在花费功夫和形状上有哪些不同?使用哪种石器效率高? 3、最近,一部反映住房难的电视剧《蜗居》红遍大江南北。其实住房问题自古以来都是人们关注的焦点。早在原始农耕时代,人们就对住房给予高度的关注。河姆渡原始居民和半坡原始居民他们住的房子什么样式的?他们住房样式不同的主要原因是什么? 三、知识准备 1、中华开国五千年,神州轩辕自古传。创造指南车,平定蚩


【导语】寒假到,快乐悄悄挂在脸旁,欢心轻轻潜入心房,轻松时时绕满身旁,一句问候送上幸福锦囊,寒假,愿你欢乐开怀,惬意自在!与朋友一起分享快乐时光吧!搜集的《2019初二物理寒假作业答案》,希望对同学们有帮助。 【篇一】 Part11 1、D 2、A 3、B 4、略 5、C 6、B 7、C 8、B 9、C10、C (11、12、13略) Part12 1、缩小、变大 2、C、投影仪 3、实、小、照相 4、> 5、小于、正立、虚6.略 7、B8、D9、D10、C11、A12、A13、C14、B15、D16、目、实、f Part13 1、照相机、凸透镜、视网膜 2、薄、远处、厚、近处 3、厚、强、前、近处、远处、凹透镜、发散 4、显微镜、望远镜 5、凸透镜、目镜、物镜、实、投影仪、放大镜、虚 6、实、放大的、照相机、放大镜、扩大视角、野、外界因素 7、大 8、A9、B10、C11、b12、D13、D14、B15、B16、A17、A 18、A19、B20、D21、D Part14 1、右、71 2、2:3 3、左3.2 4、4.70.94 5、D 6、A 7、B8、D9、C10、C11、A12、C13、越大、相等 【篇二】 一、选择题:DBBCC、DBBDD。 二、填空题 1、振动,介质,0,音色,响度。 2、光在同种均匀介质中是沿直线传播的。 3、先升华后凝华,液化,凝华。 4、凸,倒立,弱。 5、异种,吸引。 6、同一高度,缩小,照相机。 7、蒸发,熔化,吸。 8、电流表的正、负接线柱接反了。电流表的量程选小了,烧坏。 9、0.22,串联电路中电流处处相等。 三、作图(学生上黑板画) 四、实验题: 2、(1)并联电路中干路电流等于各支路电流之和。


亲爱的同学们,紧张的一学期学习已经结束,愉快的寒假生活即将开始,在放松的同时千万别忘了充实自己哟,因为学习就是一个温故知新的过程。下面就让我们温习一下学过的知识,同时了解一些下学期将要学到的内容吧。 同学们可以回家去网上搜一下《中国古代十大王朝》看一看,还有很多的纪录片和视频多动手、多看看。 最后祝亲爱的同学们过一个快快乐乐的春节!


1、同学们自己动手上网搜集一下关于秦始皇的视频或资料结合七年级历史上册 学过的内容,介绍一下你了解的秦始皇。(温馨提示:想一想评价帝王的方法有哪些,可以学以致用) 2、温故而知新 《沁园春?雪》里写到“惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,……还看今朝。” ----毛泽东 (1)词中提到的秦皇指哪位著名帝王? (2)这位帝王为加强中央集权,在政治、经济、思想方面分别采取了什么措施?

(3)他建立的国家疆域辽阔,东西南北各到达哪里? (4)秦朝是因为暴政而亡的,秦的暴政又体现在哪些方面? 汉武帝

1、同学们自己动手上网搜集一下关于汉武帝的视频或资料结合七年级历史上册学过的内容,介绍一下你眼中的汉武帝。 2、学以致用 材料一:“师异道,人异论,百家殊方,旨意不同。” 材料二:“诸不在六艺之科孔子之术者,皆绝其道,勿使并进。” 请回答: (1)材料一中的“百家殊方,旨意不同”指的是什么时期的什么事件? (2)材料二中的“孔子之术者”指的是什么?

(3)如果你是当时一位官宦子弟,你可以在什么地方读书?你使用的主要教材会是什么内容? (4)如果你是汉武帝时期的一位政治家,你会劝说他接受诸子百家中的哪一学派的政治主张来治理国家,并说明理由。 孝文帝(拓跋宏)


九年级物理寒假作业答案浙教版 (2021最新版) 作者:______ 编写日期:2021年__月__日 第五次压强参考答案 一、选择题 1.D 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.A 7.A 8.B 9ABD10ABC

二、非选择题 11.相等;不相等 12.减小压强,增大压强。 13.靠拢;小 14.(1)海绵(或物体)的形变程度 (2)受力面积一定时,压力越大,压力作用效果越明显;(3)丁(4)等于 15.解:(1)小华受到的重力G=mg=40kg×10N/kg=400N (2)小华在单脚滑行时对冰面的压力F=G=400N 她单脚滑行时对冰面的压强 p=F/S=400N/1.5×10-3m2=2.67×105Pa 当小华双脚站立时,她对冰面的压强变小,因为压力不变,受力

面积变大。 第六次机械与人参考答案 一、选择题 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.B 8.BD 9.ABC10.ABD 二、非选择题 11.2000方向12.8×1058×104 13.如右图 14.(1)右(2)二可以直接在杠杆上读出力臂 第七次简单热现象参考答案 一、选择题 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.C

9.CD10.BC11.AB 二、非选择题 12.凝华液化 13.(1)汽化(2)液化(3)升华 14.凝华放出凝固 15.乙不变低 第八次内能与热机参考答案 一、选择题: 1.A 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.BD10.BD 二、非选择题

11.增大做功 12.内机械惯性 13.无规则大热传递 14.(1)Q放=vq=0.5m3×7.0×107J/m3=3.5×107J (2)Q吸=cm∆t=4.2×103J/(kg•℃)×100kg×50℃=2.1×107J (3)η=×100%=×100%=60%


九年级历史寒假作业及答案参考 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题。每小题2分,共40分。请将正确答案填入下表相应序号内)1.下面是一位同学准备自编剧本中的一段:一位商人慕名来到了①文艺复兴的发源地英国,拜会了②文艺复兴的先驱莎士比亚,探讨了③但丁的悲剧《哈姆雷特》,他们还欣赏了④达•芬奇的《蒙娜丽莎》。你认为剧本中应该修改的地方有 A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①③④ 2.北京2008奥运会有一个口号“同一个世界,同一个梦想”。15世纪末到16世纪初,促使世界开始由相对分散走向整体的是 A.丝绸之路 B.郑和下西洋 C.新航路的开辟 D.工业革命 3.拿破仑说:“我真正的光荣,并非打了40次胜仗,滑铁卢之战抹去了关于这一切的记忆。但有一样东西不会被人忘却的,它将永垂不朽,那就是我的民法典。”他这样评价其法典的主要理由应是 A.法典是他亲自审定颁布的 B.法典是一部最为完整的法律文献 C.法典彻底改变了社会面貌 D.法典确立了资本主义的立法规范 4.有同学将启蒙思想和文艺复兴作比较,得出了如下结论,你认为不正确的是 A.都是资产阶级思想 B.都起到了解放人们思想的作用 C.都对教会思想进行抨击 D.都首先产生于法国 5.英、法、美资产阶级革命的共同点是 A.改变了原来的社会性质 B.建立了资产阶级的君主立宪 C.都受到启蒙思想的直接影响 D.遭到外国武装干涉 6.“三角贸易”促进了欧洲资本主义的发展,这主要是指 A.为资本主义发展积累了大量资金 B.为资本主义发展开拓了市场 C.为资本主义发展提供了劳动力 D.为资本主义发展提供了技术支持 7.“起来,饥寒交迫的奴隶;起来,全世界受苦的人!”……这首雄壮的《国际歌》创作的最初动机是为了纪念 A.宪章运动 B.德国工人运动 C.巴黎公社 D.《*宣言》发表 8.世界上第一次群众性的、政治性的无产阶级革命运动是: A.法国大革命 B.英国的宪章运动 C.巴黎公社的建立 D.十月革命 9.在美国有一种说法:一个女人(斯托夫人)一本书(《汤姆叔叔的小屋》又名《黑奴吁天录》)引发了一场战争,这场战争是 A.美国独立战争 B.美国南北战争 C.拉丁美洲独立运动 D.欧洲革命 10.运用所学知识判断下列属于俄国1861年改革与日本明治维新不同点的是 A.是自上而下的资产阶级改革 B.走上了资本之义发展的道路 C.摆脱了严重的民族危机 D.改革不彻底,保留了大量封建残余 11.“苹果落地”这种常人司空见惯的自然想象却引发了一位科学家的思考,并促成了一项科学发现。这位科学家和这项科学发现是 A.达尔文--进化论 B.莱特兄弟--飞机 C.爱因斯坦--相对论 D.牛顿--万有引力 12.右图中人物是美国的“发明大王”,若请你为他配音,可以选择的台词是 A.“天才不过是百分之一的灵感,加上百分之九十九的汗水”


2021年初一历史寒假作业答案 (2021最新版) 作者:______ 编写日期:2021年__月__日 1、D 2、C 3、C 4、C 5、C 6、D 7、A 8、C 9、B10、A11、B12、D13、D 14、(1)非(2)热带雨林(3)波斯(4)苏伊士红 15、(1)0o,20oW(纬度0度,西经20度)(2)东北(3)亚洲北美洲欧洲 (4)太平洋大西洋印度洋

16、(1)东南亚太平印度(2)波斯日本(3)苏伊士非 17.春游日记 (1)工厂画在白云镇东南部乡村路与 公路交汇处附近即可(2分) (2)西北高,东南低(2分) (3)夏季(2分) (4)受季风的影响,夏季盛行东南风,冬季盛行偏北风(意思正确即可)(2分) 18、(1)A (2)100正北(或北) (3)0.5

1、我国陆地面积与以下哪个大洲的而积差不多大() A.欧洲 B.大洋洲 C.南极洲 D.南美洲 2、义乌有一家很有地方特色的粤菜馆,是下列哪个省的饮食文化吗?() A.四川 B.广东 C.福建 D.湖南 读我国四个省级行政区轮廓图(比例尺大小不一致),回答3~5题 ①②③④ 3、四个省级行政区中,纬度的是() A.① B.② C.③ D.④ 4、四个省级行政区中,黄河干流流经的是() A.① B.② C.③ D.④

5、四个省行政区与其简称对应正确的是() A.①——鄂 B.②——鲁 C.③——豫 D.④——川 读地图,知地理信息:据此回答6—8题 6、从图1中看出,我国的地理位置是() A.北半球太平洋西岸 B.南半球太平洋西岸 C.北半球太平洋东岸 D.南半球太平洋东岸 7、在图2中,哪一序号是代表我国人口分布的地理分界线() A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 8、这两幅地图中,你能确认它们的比例尺大小吗?() A.图1的大 B.图2的大 C.图1和图2的比例尺一样大 D.不能确定 9、我国的邻国中,面积的是,人口最多的是。


物理2020八年级寒假作业答案人教版l 1 1、B、2.45 2、28.2 25.1 3、2.5 4、人、河岸 5、运动 6、地面、地面、椅背、车 7、A 8、c 9、C 10、C 11、A 12、D、13、B 14、B l 2 1、长、短 2、每秒行驶5米 3、6.25 22.5 4、250 5/3 5、路程、时间、V=s/t 6、0.4 便于测量时间 7、100min 8、路程、时间、速度 9、 6.25m/s 交接棒所用时间少 10、80 22.22 0.45 11、 8 6 大于 12、(1)v=s/t=300m/5h = 60 km/h (2) v=s/t=300m/2.5h=120 km/h (3)t =t1—t2 =5h—2.5h =2.5h l 3 1、振动、空气、山间铃响马帮来 2、不能、能 3、快 4、不相同、空气、耳朵 5、小于、波的、泡沫塑料屑在飞舞、在振动 6、C 7、C 8、C 9、音调、音色、音调、响度 10、频率、快慢、频率、高 11、次 数 HZ 20---20000HZ 12、强弱、振幅、振幅、大、远近 13、分贝、90dB 14、慢、低、大、大 15、音色、响度 16、信息、能量 17、C 18、B 19、C 20、A l 4

1、A 2、C 3、A 4、A 5、A 6、C 7、空气柱、空气柱、频率、空气 8、(1)能量 (2)音色、 9、(1)无法正常交流 (2)无法听音色 (3)感受不到声音带来的信息 10、(1)声音能够在固体中传播 (2)更好的接收声音 (3)听诊器 l 5 1、36.4、=、体温计有缩口,水银不会回流 2、A:没有水平放置 B:正 C:接触了容器底 D:没有接触液体 3、甲、38.5 38.5 4、(1)10 (2)是、有固定的凝固点 5、放、低 6、B 7、B 8、D 9、C 10、C 11、d a c b e 12、(1)温度保持不变、(2) 温度继续上升、(3) 图略 l 探究性学习 1、真空中不能传声 2、B 3、D 4、50 5*10000 5、D 6、折射、虚、火车、地面 7、A 8、11.268 9、吸、熔化、力、熔点 10、惯性、力 11、同意,水滴就像一个凸透镜,把阳光会聚,使树林燃烧,从而引起火灾。 12、因为衣服只能反射它原本的颜色。 13、测得十分钟的路程,用V=S/T的公式求出速度 l 6

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