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Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?


● 重点单词


1.shake n.& v. 摇动;抖动

2.peel v. 剥皮;去皮

3.pour v. 倒出;倾倒

4.yogurt n. 酸奶

5.honey n. 蜂蜜

6.watermelon n. 西瓜

7.spoon n. 勺;调羹8.add v. 增加;添加

9.finally adv. 最后;最终10.salt n. 食盐

11.sugar n. 食糖12.cheese n. 干酪;奶酪

13.corn n. 玉米;谷物14.machine n. 机器;机械装置

15.dig v. 掘(地);凿(洞);挖(土)16.hole n. 洞;孔;坑


1.sandwich n. 夹心面包片;三明治

2.piece n. 片;块;段

3.traditional adj. 传统的;惯例的

4.autumn n. 秋天;秋季

5.celebrate v. 庆祝;庆贺

6.prepare v. 使做好准备;把…准备好

7.pie n. 果馅饼;果馅派

8.mix n. 混合配料v.混合;融合

9.pepper n. 胡椒粉;柿子椒10.fill v. (使)充满;装满

11.plate n. 盘子;碟子12.cover v. 遮盖;覆盖n. 覆盖物;盖子

13.serve v. 接待;服务;提供14.temperature n. 温度;气温;体温

● 重点短语


https://www.doczj.com/doc/ad16417586.html,k shake 奶昔

2.turn on 接通(电流、煤气、水等);打开

3.cut up 切碎


5.how many/much 多少


7.one cup of yogurt 一杯酸奶8.make fruit salad 做水果沙拉

9.make sth. for sb. 为某人做某物10.Russian soup 俄式汤/罗宋汤

11.take out sth. from…从…取出某物12.one more thing 另外一件事

13.cook for another 10 minutes再煮十分钟


1.in most countries 在大多数国家

2.traditional food 传统食物

3.on special holidays 在特殊的假日里

4.in the United States 在美国

5.a time to do sth. 做某事的时间

6.give thanks for…因…而感谢

7.see…as…把…看作是…8.mix together 融合在一起

9.fill…with…用…装满…10.cut…into thin pieces 把…切成薄片11.cover…with…用…遮盖…12.one by one 一个接一个地

13.for a long time 好长时间

● 重点句子


1.How do you make a banana milk shake? 你怎么制作香蕉奶昔?

2.Turn on the blender. 打开搅拌器。

3.Cut up the bananas. 切碎香蕉。

4.Pour the milk into the blender. 把牛奶倒进搅拌器中。

5.--How many bananas do we need? 我们需要多少根香蕉?

--We need three bananas. 我们需要三根香蕉。

6.--How much yogurt do we need? 我们需要多少酸奶?

--We need one cup of yogurt. 我们需要1杯酸奶。

7.I want to make Russian soup for a party on Saturday.我想为周六的聚会制作俄式汤。B部分

1.Here is one way to make turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner.


2.First, mix together some bread pieces, onions, salt and pepper.


3.Next, fill the turkey with this bread mix. 接下来,将这份面包混合物填在火鸡里。

4.Finally, cut the turkey into thin pieces and eat the meat with vegetables like carrots and potatoes. 最后,把火鸡切成薄片,和像胡萝卜、土豆之类的蔬菜一起吃。

5.Cook it at a very high temperature for a long time. 在高温下将它煮好长时间。

6.It's time to enjoy the rice noodles! 到享用米线的时间了!

● 重点单词变形

















?单数:数量是1; 如:a cow(一头牛);a book(一本书);an apple(一个苹果)等。


?复数:数量超过1,如:two pens(两只钢笔),four pigs(四只猪),some boys(一些男孩)等。可数名词变复数形式比较多样,其变化规则如下:





eg:There is a little water in the glass. 玻璃杯中有一点儿水。

I want some tea,please. 请给我来点茶。

There is a lot of rice in the bowl. 碗里有很多米饭。

I will tell you much good news. 我会告诉你许多好消息。


不可数名词的数量还可以用适当的量词(由普通名词充当)作单位来表示,结构为“数词+量词+ of + 不可数名词”。其单复数变化就体现在量词上。

eg:a piece of paper 一张纸three pieces of paper 三张纸


eg:a piece of meat 一块肉 a piece of bread 一片面包

two pieces of news 两则新闻/两条消息 a piece of paper 一张纸

2)glass(玻璃杯) , cup(茶杯) , bottle(瓶)

eg:a glass of milk 一杯牛奶 a cup of tea 一杯茶

six bottles of water 六瓶水


eg:a basket of food 一篮食物five bags of rice 五袋大米

a box of juice 一箱果汁

⑶可数名词复数前可用many, some, any, few,a few等修饰;不可数名词前可用much, some, any, little, a little 等修饰。

eg. many teachers 许多教师much money 许多钱

some books 一些书some juice 一些果汁

⑷提问可数名词的数量用how many;提问不可数名词的数量用how much

eg:How many books do you have? 你有多少本书?

How much salt do we need? 我们需要多少盐?


通常情况下,当一个名词作定语修饰另一个名词时,其复数形式只需将其中心词变为复数形式就行。但当man或woman修饰另一个名词时,变复数时要将中心名词及man、woman 都变成复数。

eg:a girl student→ girl students女学生 a new-comer→ new-comers新来的人

a m a n driver→ m e n drivers男司机 a wom a n teacher→ wom e n teachers女教师

2、turn on的用法

turn on意为“打开;接通(电流;煤气;水等)”,其反义短语为turn off意为“关闭;切断(电流;煤气;水等)”。

eg:Please turn on the radio. 请打开收音机。

Don't forget to turn off the light. 不要忘记关灯。

● 与turn相关的短语:

Turn on the blender. 打开食物搅拌器。



eg:Turn on the blender. 打开食物搅拌器(命令)

Go and wash your hands!快去洗手!(命令)

Be quite, please!请安静!(请求)

Be kind to the children.善待孩子们。(劝告)

Watch your steps!小心脚下!(警告)

No photos!禁止拍照! No Smoking!禁止吸烟!(禁止)● 祈使句的类型及用法


4、cut up的用法

cut up 意为“切碎",相当于cut…into pieces,cut up是一个"动词+副词”型短语,人称代词作宾语时只能放在两词之间;名词作宾语时,可放在两词之间,也可放在up的后面。

eg:Please help me cut up the apples. 请帮我把苹果切碎。

Hand the meat to me. I'll cut it up. 把肉递给我。我要切碎它。

Cut up the bananas. 切碎香蕉。

● 与cut相关的短语:



eg:Please pour the water into the bowl. 请把水倒入碗中。


eg:She walked into the room. 她走进了房间。

She is walking in the room. 她正在房间里走来走去。

●在put, throw, break, fall等动词之后,既可以用in,也可以用into,这时in也表示动态,常含有into的意思。

eg:He put all the books in/into the bag. 他把所有的书都放进了包里。

● in可以用作副词,into则不能。

eg:Come in!进来!

6、milk shake的用法

milk shake意为“奶昔”,此处shake作名词,意为“奶昔”,是一种用牛奶、冰激凌和水果或巧克力做成的饮料。

eg:How do you make a banana milk shake? 你怎样做香蕉奶昔?

● shake还可用作动词,意为"摇动;抖动”。其过去式为shook。

eg:The house shook when the earthquake started. 地震开始时房子摇晃起来。

We usually shake hands when we meet for the first time. 第一次见面时我们通常握手。



eg:I need an apple. 我需要一个苹果。

She needs to have a try. 她需要试一下。

How many bananas do we need ? 我们需要多少香蕉?

● need作情态动词,意为“需要”,一般用于否定句或疑问句中,后面必须接动词原形。eg:You need not go there. 你不必去那里。

You needn't finish that work today. 你今天不必完成那项工作。

8、how much与how many的用法

--How much water do you want? 你想要多少水?

--Two bottles. 两瓶。

--How much are your shoes? 你的鞋子多少钱?

--90 yuan. 90 元。

--How many books do you have?你有多少本书?

--six. 6本。


“基数词/不定冠词+表示计量单位的名词+ of”可以用来表示数量,修饰不可数名词或可数名词复数。

eg:We need one cup of yogurt. 我们需要一杯酸奶。

a cup of tea 一杯茶three bags of salt 三袋盐ten bottles of water 十瓶水

six boxes of apples 六箱苹果


add用作及物动词,意为“增加; 添加”。add…to…意为“添加…到…”。

eg:Next, put the beef, carrots and potatoes into a pot and add some water.



Remember to add some honey. 记得加入一些蜂蜜。

If you add six to ten,you will get sixteen. 5加10等于16。

?add to意为''增加;增添”。

eg:The TV adds to our happiness. 电视增加了我们的快乐。

?add up to意为''总共是;总计为”。

eg:All of these add up to 20. 所有这些总共是20。

8、another 10 minutes=10 more minutes

another 10 minutes意为“另外10分钟”。“another +基数词+名词”表示“又…再…”,相当于“基数词+ more+名词”表示“又…再…”

eg:Then, add the cabbage, tomatoes and onion and cook for another 10 minutes.


The doctor worked for another two hours after twelve o'clock.

=The doctor worked for two more hours after twelve o'clock.


12、first, next, then与finally

finally副词,意为“最后;最终",其同义短语为at last和in the end.

eg:Finally, they agreed with our plan. 最后,他们同意了我们的计划。

Finally, don't forget to add some salt. 最后,不要忘记加一些盐

● first,next,then与finally一起使用,意为''首先…,接下来…,然后…,最后…”,用来描述做某件事的过程或步骤的先后顺序,使叙述更加有条理。

eg:First, cut up an apple. Next, put it into the blender and add some milk. Then,turn on the blender. Finally, enjoy your apple milk shake.




eg:I don't know what to do next. 我不知道接下来做什么. (作宾语)

Do you know how to plant a tree ? 你知道怎样种树吗?(作宾语)

We haven’t decided where to go for lunch. 我们还没有决定去哪里午餐。(作宾语)

where to go is not decide yet. 去哪儿还没有决定(主语)


eg:what to do next?= what will you to do next? 下一步怎么办?

Why go there?=Why do you go there? 为什么去那里?


● “疑问词+动词不定式”的同义转换。

eg:I don't know what to do.=I don't know what I should do. 我不知道做什么。

● 动词不定式的动词后面是否加介词。

eg:I didn't decide which room to live in. 我没有决定住哪个房间。

I didn't decide where to live. 我没有决定住在哪儿。


eg:I don't know what to do.我不知道做什么。

I don't know how to do it.我不知道怎样做它。

14、dig a hole


eg:They will dig the garden before winter. 他们将在冬天来临前把花园翻一遍。

What are they digging? 他们在挖什么?

There are some holes in the wall. 墙上有些洞。

He dug a hole and planted a tree. 他挖了个洞并种了一棵树。


1、a piece of

a piece of意为“一片;一块;一段;一张;一条;一首”

a piece of:一块一片一条一首一张

a piece of 后接不可数名词,表示数量;如果表示的数量超过一个,则piece用复数形式。a piece of短语作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;而…pieces of短语作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。

eg:First,put some butter on a piece of bread. 首先,在一片面包上放一些黄油。

I'm hungry. Please give me a piece of bread. 我饿了。请给我一片面包。

She wrote something on a small piece of paper.她在一小片纸上写了点儿什么。

There is a piece of bread on the plate. 盘子里有一片面包。

There are two pieces of bread on the plate. 盘子里有两片面包。


traditional为形容词,意为“传统的;惯例的”,可在句中作定语或表语。其名词为:tradition 意为“传统”。

eg:In most countries, people usually eat traditional food on special holidays.


In fact, many people like traditional Chinese medicine in the world.


It's our tradition to eat dumplings at the Spring Festival. 春节吃饺子是我们的传统。



eg:It is a time to give thanks for food in the autumn. 是一个感恩秋季获得食物的时候。

The next train to arrive is from Qingdao. 下一列到站的火车是从青岛开来的。

4、give thanks for sth.与give thanks to sb.

give thanks for sth. 意为“因某事表示感谢”。give thanks to sb. 意为“对某人表示感谢”。eg:It is a time to give thanks for food in the autumn. 是一个感恩秋季获得食物的时候。

I'd like to give thanks for your help. 对你的帮助,我深表谢意。

Betty's parents gave thanks to the doctor. 贝蒂的父母对那位医生表示感谢。



celebrate动词,意为“庆祝;庆贺”。它的过去式和过去分词都是在后面加-d,名词为:celebration 意为“庆祝;庆典;庆祝活动”。形容词为:celebrated 意为“著名的;闻名的;驰名的”。

eg:These days, most Americans still celebrate this idea of giving thanks by having a big meal at home with their family.


How do you usually celebrate Thanksgiving? 你们通常怎样庆祝感恩节?

7、one way to do sth.

one way to do sth. 意为“做某事的一种方式或方法”,其中动词不定式短语作名词way 的后置定语,该结构相当于one way of doing sth.。

eg:Here is one way to make turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner.


This is the most traditional way to celebrate Spring Festival.

=This is the most traditional way of celebrating Spring Festival.



mix…and…意为“把…和…混合”,其中mix用作及物动词,意为“(使)混合; 融合”。

eg:First, mix together some bread pieces, onions, salt and pepper.


You can't mix oil and water. 你不能把油和水融合。

She mixed the butter and sugar together. 她把黄油和糖拌在了一起。

● mix up意为“混合;混淆”。

eg:Let's mix up the two kinds of seeds. 让我们把这两种种子混合在一起吧。

● mix也可用作名词,意为“混合配料”,相当于mixture。

eg:Please add water to the cake mix.请往蛋糕混合料里加水。


fill此处用作及物动词,意为“(使)充满;装满”。fill…with…意为“用…填充/装满…”。常见短语:be full of=be filled with 充满…

eg:Next, fill the turkey with this bread mix. 接下来,用这种面包混合配料装满火鸡。

The boy filled the bottle with sand. 那个男孩儿用沙子把瓶子装满了。

10、a few, few, a little与little

a few意为“一些;几个”,修饰可数名词复数,相当于several或some,表示肯定概念。

eg:There are a few eggs in the fridge,so I needn't buy any at once.


There are few eggs in the fridge, so I must buy some.


I can only speak a little French. 我只会说一点儿法语。

There's little rice in the bowl. 碗里没多少米饭了。



eg:When the turkey is ready, place it on a large plate and cover it with gravy.


Don't place the bottle near the fire. 不要把瓶子放在火附近。

There is no place for your book. 没有地方放你的书。


cover用作及物动词,意为“覆盖;遮盖”。cover…with…意为"用…覆盖…”;be covered with意为“被……覆盖”。

eg:When the turkey is ready, place it on a large plate and cover it with gravy.


Lucy covered her face with her hands. 路西用双手捂住了脸。

The mountain is covered with thick snow all year round.那座山终年被厚厚的雪覆盖着。

● cover用作名词时,意为“封面;覆盖物;盖子”。

eg:The cover of the magazine is nice. 这本杂志的封面很漂亮。

You can use a cover to cover the cup. 你可以用一个盖子盖住这个杯子。


serve用作及物动词,意为“接待;服务;提供”。常用短serve sth. to sb.或serve sb. (with) sth. 意为“用某物招待某人”。其名词为:service 意为“接待;服务;伺候”

eg:Finally, serve it to your friends with some vegetables.


人教版八年级上册知识点汇总与习题 Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? 短语归纳 go on vacation去度假stay at home待在家里go to the mountains去爬山 go to the beach去海滩visit museums 参观博物馆go to summer camp去参观夏令营 quite a few相当多study for为……而学习go out出去most of the time大部分时间 taste good尝起来很好吃have a good time玩得高兴of course当然in the past在过去 feel like给……的感觉;感受go shopping去购物walk around四处走走because of因为one bowl of… 一碗…… the next day第二天drink tea喝茶find out找出;查明 go on继续take photos照相something important重要的事up and down上上下下 come up出来buy sth. for sb. / buy sb. sth.为某人买某物taste + adj. 尝起来…… look+adj. 看起来…… nothing…but+动词原形除了……之外什么都没有 seem+(to be)+ adj. 看起来…… arrive in+大地点/ arrive at+小地点到达某地 decide to do sth.决定去做某事try doing sth.尝试做某事/ try to do sth.尽力去做某事 forget doing sth.忘记做过某事/ forget to do sth.忘记做某事enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事 want to do sth.想去做某事start doing sth.开始做某事stop doing sth. 停止做某事 dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事keep doing sth.继续做某事 Why not do. sth.?为什么不做……呢?so+adj.+that+从句如此……以至于…… tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事 语法讲解 1. go on vacation 度假 vacation相当于holiday,但vacation表示长的假期。 4. something interesting有趣的东西 1)something,anything,nothing,everything是指物的不定代词。 somebody,someone,anybody,anyone,nobody,everybody,everyone是指人的不定代词。somewhere,anywhere,nowhere,everywhere是指地点的不定代词。


英语八年级上册短语,语法知识点总结 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 本单元的话题:谈论假期活动内容,复习一般过去时。 一.本单元的语法:1.学习一般过去时; 2.学习不定代词和不定副词的用法。 1.不定代词和不定副词的用法: (1)一般情况下以some开头的不定代词和不定副词用于肯定句,以any开头的不定代词和不定副词用于否定句、疑问句;以no开头的不定代词和不定副词表示否定含义(no one为两个单词); (2)不定代词或不定副词和形容词连用时,形容词放在后面。 He has something important to do.他有重要的事情要做。(肯定句用something,形容词important放后) Did you buy anything special? (一般疑问句用anything,形容词special放后)(一般疑问句用不定副词anywhere,形容词interesting放后) 二. 本单元的短语和知识点: 1. go on vacation去度假go to the mountains 上山/进山 2.stay at home呆在家go to the beach去海滩visit museums 参观博物馆go to summer camp去参观夏令营 3.study for tests为考试而学习\备考go out出去 4. quite a few相当多,不少(后跟可数名词复数)take photos照相most of the time 大部分时间 5.buy sth for sb = buy sb sth为某人买某物 6.taste good. 尝起来很好taste(尝起来)、look(看起来)、sound(听起来)为感官动词,后跟形容词 7.have a good\great\fun time过得高兴,玩得愉快(=enjoy oneself) 8.go shopping去购物 9.nothing…but+动词原形:除了……之外什么都没有 10. seem to do sth:好像… I seem to know him.我好像认识他。 seem+(to be)+形容词:看起来…The work s eems(to be)easy.这工作看起来


人教版八年级英语上册 Unit 1 How often do you exercise? 一、词汇精讲 1、always、usually、often、sometimes、hardly ever和never always、usually、often、sometimes、hardly ever和never是英语中最常见的频度副词。 (1)always 的频度为100%,表示动作重复、状态继续,中间没有间断,意思是“总是”、“永远地”。 The sun always rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳总是东升西落。 (2)usually 的频度为70%左右,意为“通常”、“平常”,即很少有例外。 He usually goes to bed at ten o’clock. 他通常10点钟睡觉。 (3)often 的频度为50%左右,意为“常常”,但不如usually那么频繁,表示动作重复,中间有间断。 He is often late for school. 他上学经常迟到。 (4)sometimes 的频度为20%左右,意为“有时”,表示动作偶尔发生。可以位于句首,以示强调。多用于一般现在时。 It is sometimes hot and sometimes cold. 天气忽冷忽热。 Sometimes he does it this way and sometimes he does it that way. 他有时这样做,有时那样做。 (5)hardly ever 的频度为5%左右,意为“几乎不”、“偶尔”,表频率,位置是“行前be 后”。 I hardly ever go out these days. 这些天我几乎不出门。 (6)never 的频度为0,意为“从来不”、“永不”。 My parents are never late for work. 我父母上班从来不迟到。 【拓展】 (1)这些副词在句子中的位置基本相同,一般放在助动词、be动词或情态动词之后,行为动词之前。即:“行”前“助(系)”后。 Peter is always late for school. Peter上学总是迟到。 I usually do my homework in the evening. 我通常在晚上做作业。 (2)hardly和hard hardly和hard形式上很接近,但意义截然不同。 1)hard作形容词时,意为“困难的;硬的;勤奋的;严厉的;苛刻的”。 hard作副词时常用来表示程度,意为“努力地;猛烈地;剧烈地”。


八年级英语语法归纳整理(下册) Topic1 一. 重点词汇 ( 一 ) 词形转换: 1.discuss(名词) discussion 2.queen(对应词) king https://www.doczj.com/doc/ad16417586.html,fortable(名词) comfort 4.safely (形容词) safe (名词) safety ( 二 ) 词的辨析 1. find out / look for / find 2. cost / pay for / spend on 3. other /else 4. raise /rise 5.each /every 6.exciting / excited (三)重点词组: 1.go on a visit to 去……旅行 2. make the decision 做决定 3.bring back 带回 4.go on a field trip 去野外旅行 5.decide on (upon) sth 对某事做出决定 6 see the sunrise 看日出 7. make a reservation 预订 8. come up with 想出(主意) 9. look forward to (doing) sth 期望 10. pay for 支付;赔偿 11. raise money 筹钱 12. book a ticket 订票 13. make a room for sb 为……订房间 14. have a wonderful time 玩得愉快 15. in the daytime 在白天 16. a two-day visit 为期两天的旅行 17.find out 查出


八年级上册英语知识点总结完整版 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 本单元的话题:谈论假期活动内容,复习一般过去时。 本单元的语法:1.复习一般过去时;2.学习不定代词和不定副词的用法。 2.不定代词和不定副词的用法: (1)左边的some、any、every、no与右边的body、one、thing 构成不定代词,some、any、every、no与右边的疑问副词where 构成不定副词; (2)一般情况下以some开头的不定代词和不定副词用于肯定句,以any开头的不定代词和不定副词用于否定句、疑问句;以no开头的不定代词和不定副词表示否定含义(no one为两个单词);(3)不定代词或不定副词和形容词连用时,形容词放在后面。 He has something important to do.他有重要的事情要做。(肯定句用something,形容词important放后) Did you buy anything special? (一般疑问句用anything,形容词special放后) Did you go anywhere interesting last month?上个月你去令人感兴趣的地方了吗? (一般疑问句用不定副词anywhere,形容词interesting放后) (4)不定代词和不定副词做主语时,后面的动词用单数形式。

Everone is here today.今天每个人都在这里。 本单元的短语和知识点: 1. go on vacation去度假go to the mountains 上山/进山 2.stay at home呆在家go to the beach去海滩visit museums 参观博物馆go to summer camp去参观夏令营 3. study for tests为考试而学习\备考go out出去 4. quite a few相当多,不少(后跟可数名词复数)take photos照相most of the time大部分时间 5.buy sth for sb = buy sb sth为某人买某物 6. taste good. 尝起来很好 taste(尝起来)、look(看起来)、sound(听起来)为感官动词,后跟形容词 7.have a good\great\fun time过得高兴,玩得愉快(=enjoy oneself) 8. go shopping去购物9. nothing…but+动词原形:除了……之外什么都没有 He had nothing to do at home but read yesterday.昨天他在家除了读书无事可做。 10. seem to do sth:好像… I seem to know him.我好像认识他。seem+(to be)+形容词:看起来…The work seems(to be)easy.这工作看起来很容易。 11.keep a diary记日记 12. in+大地方:达到某地(get to +地方:达到某地) arrive at+小地方:达到某地(get的过去式为got)


新目标八年级英语上册语法复习 1) leave的用法 1.“leave+地点”表示“离开某地”。例如: When did you leave Shanghai? 你什么时候离开上海的? 2.“leave for+地点”表示“动身去某地”。例如: Next Friday, Alice is leaving for London. 下周五,爱丽斯要去伦敦了。 3.“leave+地点+for+地点”表示“离开某地去某地”。例如: Why are you leaving Shanghai for Beijing? 你为什么要离开上海去北京? 2) 情态动词should“应该”学会使用 should作为情态动词用,常常表示意外、惊奇、不能理解等,有“竟会”的意思,例如: How should I know? 我怎么知道? Why should you be so late today? 你今天为什么来得这么晚? should有时表示应当做或发生的事,例如: We should help each other.我们应当互相帮助。 我们在使用时要注意以下几点: 1.用于表示“应该”或“不应该”的概念。此时常指长辈教导或责备晚辈。 例如: You should be here with clean hands. 你应该把手洗干净了再来。 2. 用于提出意见劝导别人。例如: You should go to the doctor if you feel ill. 如果你感觉不舒服,你最好去看医生。 3. 用于表示可能性。should的这一用法是考试中常常出现的考点之一。例如: We should arrive by supper time. 我们在晚饭前就能到了。 She should be here any moment. 她随时都可能来。


2018新人教版八年级上册英语单元语法及知识点归纳 Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? 【重点语法】 不定代词:不指名代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词叫做不定代词。 用法注意: 1. some 和any +可数名/不可数名。 some 多用于肯定句,any多用于否定句、疑问句和条件从句。有些问句中用some,不用any, 问话者希望得到对方肯定回答。 2. 由some, any, no, every 与body, one, thing构成的复合不定代词作主语时,其谓语动词用三单。 3. 不定代词若有定语修饰,该定语要置于其后:如:something interesting 【重点短语】 1. buy sth for ab./ buy sb. sth 为某人买某物 2. taste + adj. 尝起来…… 3. nothing...but + V.(原形) 除了……之外什么都没有 4. seem + (to be) + adj 看起来 5. arrive in + 大地方/ arrive at + 小地方到达某地 6. decide to do sth. 决定做某事 7. try doing sth. 尝试做某事/ try to do sth. 尽力做某事 8. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 9. want to do sth. 想去做某事 10. start doing sth. 开始做某事=begin doing sth. 11. stop doing sth. 停止做某事区分:stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事 12. dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事 14. so + adj + that + 从句如此……以至于…… 16. tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事 17. keep doing sth. 继续做某事 18. forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事/ forget doing sth 忘记做过某事


初二英语语法总结 1) leave的用法 1.“leave+地点”表示“离开某地”。例如: When did you leave Shanghai? 你什么时候离开上海的? 2.“leave for+地点”表示“动身去某地”。例如: Next Friday, Alice is leaving for London. 下周五,爱丽斯要去伦敦了。 3.“leave+地点+for+地点”表示“离开某地去某地”。例如: Why are you leaving Shanghai for Beijing? 你为什么要离开上海去北京? 2) 情态动词should“应该”学会使用 should作为情态动词用,常常表示意外、惊奇、不能理解等,有“竟会”的意思,例如:How should I know? 我怎么知道? Why should you be so late today? 你今天为什么来得这么晚? should有时表示应当做或发生的事,例如: We should help each other.我们应当互相帮助。 我们在使用时要注意以下几点: 1. 用于表示“应该”或“不应该”的概念。此时常指长辈教导或责备晚辈。例如: You should be here with clean hands. 你应该把手洗干净了再来。 2. 用于提出意见劝导别人。例如: You should go to the doctor if you feel ill. 如果你感觉不舒服,你最好去看医生。 3. 用于表示可能性。should的这一用法是考试中常常出现的考点之一。例如: We should arrive by supper time. 我们在晚饭前就能到了。 She should be here any moment. 她随时都可能来。 3) What...? 与 Which...? 1. what 与 which 都是疑问代词,都可以指人或事物,但是what仅用来询问职业。如:What is your father? 你父亲是干什么的? 该句相当于: What does your father do?


八年级上册英语知识点 Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? 一、短语 stay at home 待在家里 go on vacation 去度假 go to the mountains 去爬山 go to the beach 去海滩 visit museums 参观博物馆 quite a few 相当多 go to summer camp 去参观夏令营 study for 为……而学习 go out 出去 most of the time 大部分时间 taste good 尝起来很好吃 of course 当然 have a good time 玩得高兴 go shopping 去购物 feel like 给…的感觉;感受到 in the past 在过去 walk around one bowl of… a bag of apples drink tea 喝茶 take photos 二、习惯用法 taste + adj. nothing…but+arrive in+大地点 / arrive at+小地点 到达某地 decide to do sth. 决定去做某事 try doing sth.尝试做某事 try to do sth.尽力去做某事 forget doing sth.忘记做过某事/ forget to do sth.忘记做某事 enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事 want to do sth.想去做某事 start doing sth.开始做某事 stop doing sth. 停止做某事 dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事 keep doing sth.继续做某事 Why not do sth.? 为什么不做……呢? so+adj.+that+从句 如此……以至于…… tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事 三、词语辨析: 1. anywhere 与 somewhere 两者都是不定副词。 anywhere 在任何地方 , 常用于否定句和疑问句中。I can’t find it anywhere. somewhere 在某处,到某处,常用于肯定句。 I lost my key somewhere near here. 2. seem + 形容词 看起来….. You seem happy today. seem + to do sth. 似乎、好像做某事 I seem to have a cold It seems / seemed + 从句 看起来好像…;似乎…. It seems that no one believe you. seem like ….好像,似乎….. It seems like a god idea. 3. decide to do sth.决定做某事 They decide to visit the museum. decide + 疑问词 + 动词不定式 He can not decide when to leave. 4. start doing sth = start to do sth. 开始,可与begin 互换 。 He started doing his homework. (扩展,非必会)但以下几种情况不能用begin . 1)创办,开办: He started a new bookshop last month. 2)机器开动: I can’t start my car. 3)出发,动身: I will start tomorrow morning.


八年级上册英语知识点归纳 Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? 一、短语归纳 go on vacation去度假stay at home待在家里 go to the mountains去爬山 go to the beach去海滩 visit museums 参观博物馆go to summer camp去参观夏令营 quite a few相当多 study for为……而学习go out出去 most of the time大部分时间taste good尝起来很好吃have a good time玩得高兴 = of course当然 feel like给……的感觉;感受到go shopping去购物 in the past在过去walk around四处走走because of因为(与 because的区别P6)one bowl of…一碗…… the next day第二天drink tea喝茶 find out找出;查明 go on继续 take photos照相 something important重要的事 up and down上上下下come up出来 二、用法归纳 taste + adj. 尝起来…look+adj. 看起来…… how do you like。。。=what do you think of。。。你觉得。。。怎么样? 例:你觉得新来的老师怎么样? there is nothing much to do没什么事可做(P3)。Nothing special () 对比:anything special(P2)anywhere interesting(P2) nothing…but+名词/动词原形除了……之外什么都没有 我今天早上只喝了一杯茶____________________________________________________ 我除了看电视,无事可做_____________________________________________ seem+(to be)+ adj. 看起来…(P3)例:你今天看起来很高兴____________________________ arrive in+大地点 / arrive at+小地点到达某地 = decide to do sth.决定去做某事try doing sth.尝试做某事 / try to do sth.尽力去做某事forget doing sth.忘记做过某事/ forget to do sth.忘记要做某事(P6) enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事want to do sth.想去做某事 start doing sth=begin doingsth.开始做某事 stop doing sth. 停止做某事stop to do sth.停下来去做另一件事(P6 ) dislike doing sth.不喜欢做某事(p7) keep doing sth.继续做某事(P8) Why not do. sth.?为什么不做……呢=why don’t you do sth(表示建议) how about doing sth =what about doing sth =shall we do sth (表示建议) so+adj.+that+从句如此…以至于…(P8)(注意与so that 的区别) tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事(P8) too many/ too much/ much too 三者的区别below/above()bring/take()P5


初二英语知识点总结: (一) 一般将来时 一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或者存在的状态。通常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next year, next month, next week, in 100 years等。 be going to do (动词原形)结构:表示打算、准备做的事情或者肯定要发生的事情。如:It is going to rain. will do 结构表示将来的用法: 1. 表示预见 Do you think it will rain? You will feel better after a good rest. 2. 表示意图 I will borrow a book from our school library tomorrow. What will she do tomorrow? 基本构成如下: 一般疑问句构成: (1)will+主语+do…? Will Sarah come to visit me next Sunday? (2)there be 结构的一般疑问句:Will there + be …? Will there be fewer trees? Yes, there will. / No, there won’t 否定句构成:will + not (won’t)+do Sarah won’t come to visit me next Sunday. 特殊疑问句构成: 特殊疑问词+will+主语+…?What will Sarah do next Sunday? 根据例句,用will改写下列各句 例:I don’t feel well today. (be better tomorrow) I’ll be better tomorrow. 1. Gina has six classes today. (have a lot of homework tonight) _____________________________ 2. I’m tired now. (sleep later) _____________________________ 3. My parents need a new car. (buy one soon) _____________________________ 4. We can’t leave right now. (leave a little later) _____________________________ 5. The weather is awful today. (be better tomorrow) _____________________________ 答案:1. She’ll have a lot of homework tonight. 2. I’ll sleep later. 3. They’ll buy one soon. 4. We’ll leave a little later. 5. Maybe it’ll be better tomorrow. (二)should的用法:


最新(2013秋)人教版八年级上册英语知识点及单词 Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? go on vacation去度假stay at home待在家里go to the mountains去爬山 go to the beach去海滩visit museums 参观博物馆go to summer camp去参观夏令营 quite a few相当多study for为……而学习go out出去most of the time大部分时间 taste good尝起来很好吃have a good time玩得高兴of course当然feel like给……的感觉;感受到go shopping去购物in the past在过去walk around四处走走because of因为 one bowl of…一碗……the next day第二天drink tea喝茶find out找出;查明go on继续 take photos照相something important重要的事up and down上上下下come up出来 buy sth. for sb. / buy sb. sth.为某人买某物 taste + adj. 尝起来……look+adj. 看起来…… nothing…but+动词原形除了……之外什么都没有 seem+(to be)+ adj. 看起来…… arrive in+大地点/ arrive at+小地点到达某地 decide to do sth.决定去做某事 try doing sth.尝试做某事/ try to do sth.尽力去做某事 forget doing sth.忘记做过某事/ forget to do sth.忘记做某事 enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事want to do sth.想去做某事start doing sth.开始做某事 stop doing sth. 停止做某事dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事keep doing sth.继续做某事 Why not do. sth.?为什么不做……呢? so+adj.+that+从句如此……以至于…… tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事 Unit2 How often do you exercise? help with housework帮助做家务on weekends在周末how often多久一次hardly ever几乎从不once a week每周一次twice a month每月两次every day每天be free有空 go to the movies去看电影use the Internet用互联网swing dance摇摆舞play tennis打网球 stay up late熬夜;睡得很晚at least至少have dance and piano lessons上舞蹈课和钢琴课 go to bed early早点睡觉play sports进行体育活动be good for对……有好处go camping去野营not…at all一点儿也不……in one’s free time在某人的业余时间the most popular最受欢迎的 such as比如;诸如old habits die hard积习难改go to the dentist去看牙医 morn than多于;超过less than少于 help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事How about…? ......怎么样?/ ……好不好? want sb. to do sth.想让某人做某事How many+可数名词复数+一般疑问句?……有多少……? 主语+find+that从句. ……发现……spend time with sb.和某人一起度过时光 It’s+ adj.+ to do sth. 做某事的……的。ask sb. about sth.向某人询问某事 by doing sth. 通过做某事What’s your favorite……?你最喜爱的……是什么? the best way to do sth.做某事的最好方式 Unit3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.


初二英语知识点归纳八年级英语知识点汇总 升入初二,英语越来越难了,想要学好英语,就要常对所学过的英语知识点进行归纳,下面就来给大家分享初二英语知识点归纳,希望对大家有所帮助。 (一) 一般将来时 一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或者存在的状态。通常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next year, next month, next week, in 100 years 等。 be going to do (动词原形)结构:表示打算、准备做的事情或者肯定要发生的事情。如:It is going to rain. will do 结构表示将来的用法: 1. 表示预见 Do you think it will rain?

You will feel better after a good rest. 2. 表示意图 I will borrow a book from our school library tomorrow. What will she do tomorrow? 基本构成如下: 一般疑问句构成: (1)will+主语+do…? Will Sarah e to visit me next Sunday? (2)there be 结构的一般疑问句:Will there + be …? Will there be fewer trees? Yes, there will. / No, there won't 否定句构成:will + not (won't)+do

Sarah won't e to visit me next Sunday. 特殊疑问句构成: 特殊疑问词+will+主语+…?What will Sarah do next Sunday? (二) should的用法: should用来提出建议和忠告,后边加动词原形,否定句直接在should后边加not. 例如:I think you should eat less junk food. 我认为你应该少吃垃圾食品。 She drives a lot and she seldom walks. So I think she should walk a lot. 她经常开车,很少走路。所以我认为她应该多走路。


1) leave的用法 1.“leave+地点”表示“离开某地”。例如: When did you leave Shanghai? 你什么时候离开上海的? 2.“leave for+地点”表示“动身去某地”。例如: Next Friday, Alice is leaving for London. 下周五,爱丽斯要去伦敦了。 3.“leave+地点+for+地点”表示“离开某地去某地”。例如: Why are you leaving Shanghai for Beijing? 你为什么要离开上海去北京? 2) 情态动词should“应该”学会使用 should作为情态动词用,常常表示意外、惊奇、不能理解等,有“竟会”的意思,例如: How should I know? 我怎么知道? Why should you be so late today?你今天为什么来得这么晚? should有时表示应当做或发生的事,例如: We should help each other.我们应当互相帮助。 我们在使用时要注意以下几点: 1. 用于表示“应该”或“不应该”的概念。常指长辈教导或责备晚辈。例如: You should be here with clean hands. 你应该把手洗干净了再来。 2.用于提出意见劝导别人。例如: You should go to the doctor if you feel ill. 如果感觉不舒服,你最好去看医生。 3. 用于表示可能性。should的这一用法是考试中常常出现的考点之一。例如: We should arrive by supper time. 我们在晚饭前就能到了。 She should be here any moment. 她随时都可能来。 3) What...? 与 Which...? 1. what 与which 都是疑问代词,都可以指人或事物,但是what仅用来询问职业。如: What is your father? 你父亲是干什么的? 该句相当于: What does your father do? What is your father's job? Which 指代的是特定范围内的某一个人。如: ---Which is Peter? 哪个是皮特? ---The boy behind Mary. 玛丽背后的那个男孩。 2.What...? 是泛指,所指的事物没有范围的限制;而Which...? 是特指,所指的事物有范围的限制。如: What color do you like best?(所有颜色)你最喜爱什么颜色? Which color do you like best, blue, green or yellow? 你最喜爱哪一种颜色?(有特定的范围) 3. what 与which 后都可以接单、复数名词和不可数名词。如: Which pictures are from China?哪些图片来自中国? 4) 频度副词的位置


人教版八年级上册英语单元词组及搭配 Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? 词组 go on vacation去度假stay at home待在家里go to the mountains去爬山 go to the beach去海滩visit museums 参观博物馆go to summer camp去参观夏令营 quite a few相当多study for为……而学习go out出去most of the time大部分时间 taste good尝起来很好吃have a good time玩得高兴of course当然feel like给……的感觉;感受到go shopping去购物in the past在过去walk around四处走走because of因为 one bowl of… 一碗…… the next day第二天drink tea喝茶find out找出;查明go on继续 take photos照相something important重要的事up and d own上上下下come up出来 搭配 buy sth. for sb. / buy sb. sth.为某人买某物taste + adj. 尝起来…… look+adj. 看起来……nothing…but+动词原形除了……之外什么都没有seem+(to be)+ adj. 看起来…… arrive in+大地点/ arrive at+小地点到达某地decide to d o sth.决定去做某事 try d oing sth.尝试做某事/ try to d o sth.尽力去做某事 forget d oing sth.忘记做过某事/ forget to d o sth.忘记做某事 enjoy d oing sth.喜欢做某事want to do sth.想去做某事start d oing sth.开始做某事 stop doing sth. 停止做某事dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事keep doing sth.继续做某事 Why not do. sth.?为什么不做……呢?so+adj.+that+从句如此……以至于…… tell sb. (not) to d o sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事 语法:不定代词和一般过去时态 Unit2 How often do you exercise? 词组 help with housework帮助做家务on weekends在周末how often多久一次hardly ever几乎从不once a week每周一次twice a month每月两次every day每天be free有空 go to the movies去看电影use the Internet用互联网swing dance摇摆舞play tennis打网球 stay up late熬夜;睡得很晚at least至少have dance and piano l essons上舞蹈课和钢琴课 go to bed early早点睡觉play sports进行体育活动be good for对……有好处go camping去野营not…at all一点儿也不…… in one’s free time在某人的业余时间the most popular最受欢迎的 such as比如;诸如ol d habits die hard积习难改go to the dentist去看牙医 morn than多于;超过less than少于 搭配 help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事How about…? ......怎么样?/ ……好不好? want sb. to do sth.想让某人做某事How many+可数名词复数+一般疑问句?……有多少……? 主语+find+that从句. ……发现…… spend time with sb.和某人一起度过时光 It’s+ adj.+ to d o sth. 做某事的……的。ask sb. about sth.向某人询问某事 by doing sth. 通过做某事What’s your favorite……?你最喜爱的……是什么? the best way to do sth.做某事的最好方式 语法:频率副词的用法

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