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英语名师面对面答案 模块1
英语名师面对面答案 模块1


Unit 1 School Life



1 短途旅行,远足

2 (餐后的)甜点

3 朝代,王朝

4 捐赠,捐献

5 善举;好意,善意

6 介绍

7 最近,近来

8 集会;(尤指立法者之)会议

9 批准,通过;赞成10 诗,诗歌11 准备,筹备12 做饭,烹饪,烹调13 通知,告知14 从前的,以前的15 具有挑战性的


1 attend

2 respect

3 grade

4 average

5 extra

6 drop

7 field

8 article

9 culture 10 gift 11 guest 12 flat 13 please 14 cover 15 professor 16 run 17 broadcast 18 continue 19 generation 20 require 21 earn 22 achieve 23 literature 24 e mail 25 prepare 26 miss 27 experience 28 immediately 29 develop 30 display 31 speech 32 attention 33 title 34 recent 35 regret 36 host 37 close 38 poet 39 select 40 nature


1 for free

2 pay attention to

3 make/deliver a speech

4 inform sb of sth

5 know of

6 on the first day

7 attend assembly

8 earn respect from

9 achieve high grades 10 average people 11 at lunchtime 12 on the school field 13 on average 14 according to 15 first of all 16 introduce oneself to 17 surf the Internet 18 be available for 19 equip with 20 upon finishing one’s studies 21 develop on interest in 22 refer to 23 the other day 24 relate to 25 in short form 26 make a decision 27 make a decision 28 consist of 29 come up with 30 give suggestions on


1 respectable respected respectful

2 achievement

3 challenge

4 experienced inexperienced

5 introduction

6 development developing developed

7 donation

8 gifted

9 pleased pleasing pleasure 10 information informed11 approval disapprove disapproval12 scare scared


1 C

2 (1)B (2)C

3 (1)B (2)are well prepared for the exam (3)prepare their case

4 C

5 (1)C (2)join;in (3)joined (4)attends (5)to attend (6)join in

6 C

7 (1)choose (2)selecting (3)choose (4)elected

8 B

9 B 10 C 11 (1)of (2)with 12 A 13 (1)is directly responsible for (2)D 14 A 15 (1)faraway (2)far(away)from (3)far from (4)away from 16 C 17 B 18 B 19 (1)C (2)A 20 A




答案: C should have的后面省略了come。should have come表示“本应该而实际上没有”。

2 答案: C regret doing sth.意思是“后悔做了某事”。D为被动语态,不合题意。

3 答案: A 本题主要是对词义及搭配的考查。favor的意思是“恩惠,善意的行为”。do sb.a favor或do a favor for sb.的意思是“帮某人一个忙”,因此本题的正确答案选A。

4 答案: C later为副词,意为“后来”,come back late“回来晚了”。

5 答案: B 不定代词考查。Neither含有“两者都不”之意,一方对应另一方,故用the other指“两者中的另一个”。

6 答案: B 根据句子后面的时间状语in the past few years可以知道句子应该使用现在完成时。

7 答案: B “one of+名词/代词”接定语从句时,先行词是前面的名词或代词,而不是one,因此可以排除A和C;再根据live用作及物动词时一般要接同源宾语live(a happy/sad/poor,etc.)life,因此选B。其中on the go可以看成是相当于形容词的短语作定语。

8 答案: A 第一个used to意思为“过去常常”;第二个is used to意思为“被用来做……”全句意思是:长江过去常大面积泛滥,但是现在江水被用来发电。

9 答案: D 本题考查学生综合能力。首先要知道he 是定语从句,对先行词The TV set进行修饰。由于the TV set在定语从句中作宾语,所以可以省略关系代词that或which。而定语从句中有have sth done结构,即文章的句子为:The TV set that /which he has had repaired works well now.主句为The TV set works well now.

10 答案: D 本题考查短语动词的区别。turn up的意思是“将音量调高”、“出现,露面”;turn over意思是“打翻,移交;翻身”;而turn in表示“上交”;turn down表示“将音量等调低或拒绝”的意思。结合上下文的意思应该选D。

11 答案: B 本题主要考查冠词的用法。Internet为特指对象;而一条高速的新宽带网为泛指,用不定冠词a。

12 答案: C 本题主要考查动词时态的用法。选项A表示过去所发生的事情;B表示经常性或习惯性的动作;C表示目前的情况和影响;D时态不符合对话的时间和语境。

13 答案: A 第一空,来自社会各阶层的人。是不特指,不用冠词.第二空,在Jiangsu 前有形容词new因此,应加冠词a。表示一个全新的江苏。

14 答案: A 作宾语从句的主语:he believed可视为插入语。

15 答案: A 容易选B。原因是受思维定势的影响认为whose life是一个整体。定语从句的主语应该是life,本句可以改写为:life had once been very hard for him,所以在定语从句的for后面还缺少了一个宾语。所以选A。


1 答案: B 她刚刚搬到附近,她奶奶带她来见我。follow跟随;meet遇见,相识,结识,被引见/介绍(给某人)(无被动式);join加入;support支持。

2 答案: A 我藏在我母亲后面,她藏在她奶奶后面,相互不敢看对方。scared害怕的;annoyed烦恼的;worried着急的;delighted高兴的。

3 答案: D 不久我们就不再害羞,一起玩了起来。temper脾气;interest兴趣;


4 答案: C 她正在遭受家庭问题。take up从事;get through完成;go through 遭受,经历;make up编造;组成;化妆;弥补。

5 答案: B 从后文Even if they aren’t as cool as others可知:我拒绝了她,并且和一些“酷人”玩。

6 答案: A 从下文It was last year when I noticed the problem. 可知:因为他们知道她有问题。

7 答案: C would表示过去常常发生的事情。

8 答案:B我想我太专心了以至于没意识到她需要一个人。too... to 结构表示太……而不能。

9 答案: D admit承认;accept接受;consider考虑;realize意识到。

10 答案: A 我不知道为什么,但她开始自残了。cut herself自残。

11 答案: C 起初,我很伤心。calm平静的;considerate体贴的;upset难过的;helpful有帮助的。

12 答案: B 但是我们还是保持联系。stay in touch保持联系。

13 答案: D 联系上文I deserted her...可知:因为她的新朋友基本上抛弃了她。

14 答案: A 从下文or people think they are crazy可知:并且人们说她疯了。crazy疯狂的;stubborn顽固的;clumsy笨拙的;stupid愚蠢的。

15 答案: C “我”从来不知道好朋友是什么样的,直到你叫“我”不要伤害我自己。

16 答案: C “我”非常感激你的帮助。appreciate感激。

17 答案: C 你甚至不知道你在帮“我”。由上下文可知应选C。

18 答案: D 我想我在生活中得到的教训就是不要放弃朋友。honour荣誉;favour 帮忙;pleasure高兴;lesson教训。

19 答案: A 他们需要有一个人在那里(帮助他)。

20 答案: C 如果你抛弃了他们,你自己会感到内疚的。


1 答案: B 细节理解题。从第二段中“...is the first consumer product to help

you take control of your sleep”可知,Zeo是第一个能够帮助控制睡眠的消费产品。所以选B项。

2 答案: B 事实细节题。从“What you do with that information is what makes Zeo so remarkable”可知接下来的“Take control of your sleep”一节讲述的是Zeo的特别之处。通读该节内容可知,Zeo的独特之处在于能够根据个人的睡眠情况设定个性化的计划,从而使你获得你需要的睡眠,因此B项符合题意。

3 答案: D 事实细节题。从文章黑体的部分Try Zeo risk free,and enjoy free shipping和FREE SHIPPING可知答案。

4 答案: A 推理判断题。这是一则广告,该广告的目的就是要推介产品Zeo给消费者,当然希望人们去买,去用该产品,所以选A项。

5 答案: D 根据文中Canadians Returning To Canada 的要求$750 CAN是免税的,所以只需交$50 CAN的关税。

6 答案: A 根据文中Americans Returning To the US 的要求$800 US 免税,而next $1000US at3% 得知除800以外的800到1000以内需交3% 800乘以3%=24。

7 答案: C 根据题目中they drive a car from Canada to America, 用排除法可排除两项A,B, 而D 错在a certified copy 是不需要的。


(1)conclusion (2)more (3)e mails (4)recorded (5)responsible (6)unexpected (7)benefits (8)sales (9)honestly (10)communication/communicating



(1)approve of

(2)the bold attempt

(3)reform the current university entrance system

(4)provide sb. with an opportunity to do sth.

(5)quality students and students talented in certain subjects

(6)push high schools to do sth.

(7)pay more attention to the students’ all round development

(8)object to

(9)lead to cheating

(10)be qualified to recommend students

(11)be unfair to sb.

(12)across the country

(13)There’s no point doing sth.

(14)as far as I’m concerned

(15)be in favor of the reform

(16)the process of recommendation is transparent

(17)support the reform

(18)be not mature


(1)approve of

(2)the bold attempt

(3)reforming the current university entrance system


(5)quality students and students talented in certain subjects with an opportunity to enter

(6)push high schools to

(7)pay more attention to the students’ all round development

(8)object to

(9)lead to cheating

(10)are qualified to recommend students

(11)is unfair to

(12)across the country

(13)there is no point giving

(14)As far as I’m concerned

(15)in favor of this reform

(16)the process of recommendation is transparent

(17)support new reforms

(18)they are not mature

Unit 2 Growing pains



1 主要地;大体上

2 垃圾

3 心烦的,苦恼的;使心烦

4 自私的

5 混乱,杂乱,一团糟

6 现金

7 真诚地


1 act

2 curtain

3 bend

4 explain

5 can

6 charge

7 reason

8 behavior

9 fault 10 mad 11 rude 12 explanation 13 boring 14 test 15 score 16 silly 17 cafe 18 valuable 19 argument 20 relationship 21 fight 22 spare 23 truly 24 vacation 25 surprise 26 touch 27 sink 28 leave 29 adult 30 trust 31 teenager 32 scene 33 hard 34 punish 35 grandparent 36 mark 37 mix 38 interest 39 insist 40 chat 41 period 42 freedom 43 suggest 44 crazy 45 forbid


1 be common to

2 turn up/down

3 a waste of waste one’s time on sth./in doing sth.

4 no more/not any more

5 force sb.to do/into doing

6 be supposed to do

7 what to do with sth./how to deal with sth

8 go unpunished /wrong

9 go out 10 instead of 11 be hard on 12 now(that) 13 feel like doing/sth./would like to do 14 in the form of 15 be expected/required to do 16 let…go 17 call on sb.18 change…for/into 19 learn from 20 be proud of/take pride in 21 get good marks 22 stay up 23 mix up…

with/be mixed up 24 be nervous about 25 keep…in mind 26 tidy up/clean up 27 make no/little/much difference 28 argue about/over sth with sb.29 be upset with/about 30 at the moment 31 than/as expected 32 insist on/insist that sb.(should)do 33 help sb with 34 like crazy 35 after all 36 explain to sb sth/explain sth to sb.37 be rude to 38 be up(to) 39 every time/each time 40 work on 41 as though/if 42 forbid/prevent /stop/keep sb from doing 43 take/follow one’s advice 44 stop doing 45 be angry with sb./about sth.46 for nothing 47 think of/consider/treat/look on…as 48 clear up 49 in a mess 50 can’t wait to do 51.in charge(of) 52.differ from 53.in fact/as a matter of fact/actually 54.someone else’s 55.shout at 56.at present/at the present time


1 action actor

2 surprised surprising

3 touching touched

4 explanation

5 punishment unpunished

6 bore bored boredom

7 interest interesting interested

8 value

9 argue 10 free 11 suggestion 12 true truth


1 C

2 A

3 B

4 A

5 (1)nervous (2)anxious (3)upset

6 (1)scenery

(2)view (3)scene (4)sights (5)B 7 (1)fault (2)mistakes (3)error

8 D 9 D 10 B 11 (1)about (2)with (3)of (4)for 12 (1)A (2)

D 13 A 14 for改为on 15 A 16 A 17 B 18 (1)had turned to a stone

(2)as if angry (3)as if to leave 19 (1)C (2)B 20 C 21 B 22 D



1 答案: B 含有suggestion的名词性从句,从句的谓语动词应用(should)do.put off的意思是“推迟”。

2 答案: B mix with:和……混合,此处有“与……相处融洽”之意。

3 答案: B 灯自行熄灭,用go out;若用turn off,则要用被动语态;而leave sb.in the dark表示“使……处于黑暗中”。

4 答案: A 这就是我不同意的地方。agree是不及物动词,所以用where来引导表语从句。

5 答案: D 电影开始了五分钟,for five minutes为一段时间要求谓语动词要用延续性动词,故A和C先排除,而从句的动作发生在主句动作之后。

6 答案: D go unreported意思为“没有被报道”。

7 答案: C insist on sth./doing sth.是固定短语;而第二个空考查定语从句,where=in which=in the very place,在句中做状语。

8 答案: D be left in the charge of sb.意思是“交由某人负责”。

9 答案: C 表示对过去已经发生事情的推测应该用情态动词的完成时形式,might 指“可能,也许”可能性不大;结合上下文的意思可以知道应该用被动形式。

10 答案: B deal with应该和how搭配;而do with和what搭配。本句意思是:你知道如何处理那边的垃圾吗?

11 答案: A 词组play....a part in(起……的作用)分开使用了。part在这里是特指,由定语从句所修饰,所以用the。

12 答案: A 第一个空用(be)tired of表示“对……感到厌倦”;boring speech 表示演讲令人觉得乏味。

13 答案: D ill意为“生病”不可作定语;但意为“坏的,恶劣的”可作定语,在此修饰不可数名词luck。

14 答案: D 容易选B。本题考查动词的主动形式表示被动含义的用法。burn可以用主动形式表示被动意义。类似的动词还有read,write,sell,open等。

15 答案: A 此题考查定语从句的用法。the reason为he gave的宾语,因此应用关系代词that/which或者省略关系代词。




答案: D 爸爸把我介绍给了她。

2 答案: A 因为是最坏的孩子而著名。

3 答案: B no later than表示不迟于。

4 答案: C 表示微微地抬了一下我的头。

5 答案: C 你错了。

6 答案: A 前面有not后面用but,不是最坏的而是最聪明的。

7 答案: B 这句话开始了我们之间的友谊。用友谊说明关系的亲密。

8 答案: D 在我心目中,我一直是一个坏男孩。

9 答案: B 继母把我父亲说服了去上一个牙科学校。

10 答案: A 在那儿我父亲的事业将更加成功。

11 答案: C 而在那儿,我们弟兄们可以得到更好的教育。

12 答案: D 给我买了二手的打字机,让我开始写作。

13 答案: D 我非常感激她的热心。

14 答案: A 我接受了她的信念。

15 答案: B 我从事的写作,因此用writing。

16 答案: C 我不是唯一的受益者。

17 答案: B 我爸爸成了我们镇上最富裕的人。

18 答案: A 热情有着多强大的力量呀!

19 答案: D 不断得到增强。

20 答案: B 这种力量是贫穷和暂时的挫折所不能相比的。


1 答案: D 推理判断题。A项与文中内容不符;B项在文中没有信息支持;C项错误,并非所有人都死了;D项可由第二段第一句“这是巴黎地区9天内的第三场致命火灾”推出。

2 答案: A 细节理解题。由第三段第一句“...admitted having started the fire for fun”可知答案。

3 答案: C 推理判断题。由第四段中“Witnesses claimed to have seen a group of youths who lived in the building start the fire”可知该题选C项。

4 答案: D 推理判断题。本段说明了青少年常盲目模仿而犯罪。“Each time there is a new story,sometimes that gives ideas to people who then turn into criminals”暗示了答案。

5 答案: D 推理判断题。根据文章第二段第一句可推断出作者对Robby缺乏信心,所以勉强把他安排在音乐会最后出场。画线句后面的话也暗示了作者并不相信Robby的能力。

6 答案: A 推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段中Robby的话可知对母亲的爱使他最终获得了成功。其他三项都不符合文章内容。

7 答案: C 推理判断题。纵观全文可知,尽管Robby在弹钢琴方面没有太多的天赋,但他为了母亲一直在努力,正是他身上的那种锲而不舍的精神才让他在音乐会上有完美的表现。

8 答案: C 推理判断题。音乐会的高潮应该是Robby通过麦克风讲述他和母亲的故事,这让作者和在场的听众深受感动。


(1)painted (2)invented(3)newspapers(4)pictures(5)response(6)radio(7)replaced(8)advertisers(9)Today/Nowadays(10)popular (五)书面表达


(1)be free to the public

(2)for both education and entertainment

(3)attract more visitors

(4)contribute to

(5)promoting knowledge and culture

(6)open their doors to the public for free

(7)be free for certain special groups

(8)be provided free for

(9)be strictly regulated

(10)to keep the museums functioning well

(11)charge visitors an entrance fee

(12)figure out visitors’ expectations

(13)instead of


(1)be free to the public

(2)for both education and entertainment

(3)attract more visitors

(4)contribute to

(5)promoting knowledge and culture

(6)open their doors to the public for free

(7)be free for certain special groups

(8)is provided free for

(9)be strictly regulated

(10)to keep the museums functioning well

(11)charge visitors an entrance fee

(12)figure out visitors’ expectations

(13)instead of

Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good



1 健身房,体育馆

2 动人的,感人的

3 定期地,有规律地

4 肥胖的

5 跳过,略过

6 苗条的,纤细的

7 尴尬的,难为情的

8 放松的,轻松的

9 影响


1 stay

2 ashamed

3 operation

4 work

5 failure

6 harmful

7 exact

8 follow

9 seldom 10 attractive 11 pressure 12 suggestion 13 lift 14 effect 15 risk 16 recognize 17 regular 18 control 19 skin 20 ability 21 amount 22 diet 23 weight 24 since 25 exercise 26 recover 27 contain 28 chemical 29 match 30 advice 31 damage 32 stranger 33 actress 34 properly 35 consider 36 achievement 37 post 38 energy 39 yet 40 system 41 count 42 concentrate 43 loss


1 Failure is the mother of success

2 in secret

3 fall out

4 at the risk of doing

5 put on/gain weight

6 along with

7 concentrate on

8 in no time

9 be dying to do 10 work out 11 go on a diet 12 side effect 13 take the risk of doing 14 at risk 15 in recognition of 16 in the long term 17 as a matter of fact 18 be dying for 19 hear from sb. 20 stay slim 21 be ashamed of 22 at the moment 23 follow sb’s advice 24 be embarrassed about 25 come across 26 get hurt 27 build up 28 cheer up 29 give up on sb. 30 sth.is a headache to sb. 31 take in 32 for instance 33 on no terms 34 come to terms 35 health is priceless 36 regret doing 37 in addition 38 learn from sb. 39 now that 40 keep fit 41 what’s more

42 more than 43 recover from 44 the day to come 45 in history 46 burn off 47 bring sb.to terms 48 on one’s terms


1 weigh

2 shame

3 recovery

4 fail

5 harm

6 chemistry

7 operate

8 exactly

9 attract attraction 10 touch 11 touched 12 strange strangely 13 embarrass embarrassing embarrassment


1 (1)D (2)C

2 (1)in (2)out of (3)under (4)beyond

3 A

4 C

5 B

6 C

7 B

8 (1)match (2)fits (3)suits (4)D 9.(1)contain (2)included (3)hold 10 A 11 B 12 B 13 B 14 C 15 (1)去掉weight前的the (2)去掉the 16 D 17 B 18 A 1

9 A 20 B 21 C 22 (1)B (2)C



1 答案: B “match sb.”意思是“与某人匹敌”;“in”表示在某方面。

2 答案: D it用法考查。it的两个重要用法是作形式主语和形式宾语。本题考查形式宾语,指代后面的真正宾语……不定式结构。符合it作形式宾语的“6123句型结构”。即

6指主句中常用的动词:think, believe, make, find, consider, feel




3 答案: A contain指一个整体包括的内容,可用于表示包含所含之物的全部或部分;include表示一个整体由几个部分组成,侧重包括者只是整体的一部分,是专门挑出其中部分给以强调。本句意思是:这本书里有许多有趣的故事(全部所含),其中包括《飘》(挑出其中部分给以强调)。

4 答案: D 如果两种或两种以上的情况也同样适用于某人或某物时,要用句型So it is with sb.或It’s the same with sb.A选项错在不能用“I”,而要用“me”。

5 答案: D 介词之后以及动词discuss之后的宾语从句一般用whether,而不用if来引导。

6 答案: A come across偶然遇见;come about发生;come to想起;共计;达到;come at到达;攻击;袭击

7 答案: B rather than与the sales girls形成比较结构,去掉rather than the sales girl就可以看出宾语从句实际上是一个强调句,被强调的部分是宾语从句中的主语the sales manager,后面的rather than the sales girls也对句子谓语动词形式的选择形成了一定的干扰。考虑到主谓一致的原则,应该选B。

8 答案: C donate...to意思是“向……捐赠”。

9 答案: C 表示成千上万的外宾被吸引来参加上海的世博会。

10 答案: C 第一空用what作told的宾语构成主语从句;第二个空用that引导同位语从句,说明the news的具体内容;第三个空用which引导一个非限制性定语从句,


11 答案: D consider作“认为”解时,后面接to do sth.又因为“偷钱包”这件事已经发生,因此动词不定式用完成形式。

12 答案: A to see to与have too much work搭配,即:have too much work to see to(有太多的工作要处理),其中see to(处理,照看)为不定式作宾语,修饰work不定式to come与much前的too搭配,构成too...to句型表示“太……而不能”的意思。

13 答案: C Mr Tom does为定语从句修饰all,后面的does do是谓语动词的强调形式。do good to是“对……有好处”的意思。

14 答案: A 表示过去一段时间内持续进行且未完成的动作用过去进行时。

15 答案: D A意思为“无风不起浪”,B意思为“熟能生巧”,C意思为“条条道路通罗马”,D意思为“不劳无获”。根据上一句句意,此题应选D。


1 答案: A 考查动词辨析。根据下文判断:作者年幼的时候经常光顾那个图书馆,对图书馆管理员的态度及图书馆对借书数量的限制很清楚,所以这一切并不让她感到“吃惊”。

2 答案: C 考查形容词辨析。根据表示让步关系的however判断,本空应使用terrible来与下文的well相对应。

3 答案: B 考查动词短语辨析。turn out的含义为“结果表明,最终的结果是”,后面接形容词或副词,符合语境。

4 答案: A 考查形容词辨析。rewarding在这里是现在分词作伴随状语,意为“奖赏,报答”,和后面的名词构成动宾结构。

5 答案: D 语境化选词。smiling和文章开头的the unsmiling librarian形成对比,并和下文的“Can I help you?”照应。

6 答案: D 考查动词辨析。本句中的serve as相当于act as,意为“充当”,经常充当我的译员。

7 答案: D 考查名词辨析。根据文章第一段中的growing up in Berlin可以判断作者的母语是德语。

8 答案: A 考查动词辨析。根据下文的while shelving可以判断,图书馆需要招人来将书上架(shelve)。

9 答案: B 考查名词辨析。a knowledge of对……的了解。

10 答案: C 考查形容词辨析。根据后面的介词from可以判断此处应用hidden。be hidden from sb不为某人所知。

11 答案: C 考查短语辨析。根据下文的It was a slow process(这是一个缓慢的过程)可知此处用step by step表示“逐步地”。

12 答案: A 考查动词辨析。recognize有“认出”的意思,符合语境,表明了作者初学英语的水平。

13 答案: B 考查名词辨析。根据上下文,作者对自己能阅读感到惊讶,认为这是一件很神奇的事情(wonder)。

14 答案: B 考查动词辨析。accompany有“陪伴,伴随”的含义,符合语境。

15 答案: A 考查动词辨析。根据下文的in和out的暗示作出判断。check in登记(图书的)归还;check out登记(图书的)借出。

16 答案: D 考查形容词辨析。根据上文的新移民脸上的hesitant expression(犹豫的表情)判断这里应使用shy(害羞的)。

17 答案: C 考查连词。for在这里表示原因。

18 答案: A 考查形容词辨析。”我”完全理解他们踏上的艰难之路。

19 答案: B 考查习惯用语。think to oneself是固定用法,含义为“心想,思忖”。

20 答案: D 考查名词辨析。(just)the way为“正如,就像……一样”,后为方式状语从句。



答案: B 在文章倒数第二段中有明确答案。

2 答案: C 在文章第8段看到 There are so many issues that need to be settled.及第9段中 But the key issue is really money。

3 答案: D 尽管在文章第8,9段中提到存在的问题,但从最后两段中不难看出作者是持支持的态度。

4 答案: B 贯穿全文须知这只是一个梦想。

5 答案: D 推理判断题。根据第一段和第二段的信息可知,“我”对学生们缺乏创新意识和批判性思维感到很失望。

6 答案: C 细节理解题。由第二段特别是最后三句可知,学生综合运用所学知识和批判性思维来解决问题是创新。选C项。

7 答案: C 词义猜测题。由第四段中this new government program可知scheme 表示“计划,方案”,故选C项。

8 答案: B 推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句可知B项正确。由第四段前两句可排除D项;由第三段可排除A项;C项在第四段第一句直接提到,不用推断。

9 答案: A 主旨大意题。整篇文章讲述中国教育中存在的问题并由此引发的思考——有了更为自由宽松的学习环境,才能有创造性的研究。


(1)education (2)global / world (3)decision / choice / plan (4)e mailed (5)staying / travelling / study (6)enables (7)increasing (8)smoother (9)Conclusion (10)tend / choose / plan



(1)the people surveyed

(2)appears naturally

(3)consider it necessary for CCTV to do sth

(4)make money

(5)be of benefit to the development of...

(6)more than one third of them

(7)have nothing to do with

(8)do harm to the image of...

(9)draw a conclusion

(10)be unavoidable

(11)take the audience’s feelings into account


(1)the people surveyed

(2)apears in the programmes naturally

(3)consider it necessary for CCTV to

(4)make money

(5)is of great benefit to the development of

(6)more than one third of them

(7)has nothing to do with

(8)harm has been done to the image

(9)draw a conclusion

(10)is almost unavoidable

(11)take the audience’s feelings into account

【名师面对面】中考英语总复习 第14讲 八年级下册 modules 5-6考点跟踪突破 外研版

八年级下册Modules 5~6 一、词汇。 A.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次,每空限用一词。 tidy,humor,art,clever,value 1.Our math teacher is very humorous.He always makes us laugh. 2.The boy is so clever that he answers the question in no time. 3.Tony,your room is a little untidy.Could you please tidy it up? 4.This book is very valuable to me in my studies. 5.Lao She is called “the great people's artist”. B.根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。 You have seen him all over the world,and there are 6.thousands(千) of his fans.When you feel sad, see his warm smile and you'll be 7.happy(高兴).It is Doraemon,a cat robot from the 22nd century. Secret 1:Why does Doraemon always help Da Xiong? Doraemon helps Da Xiong 8.because(因为) he is the great-great-great-great grandfather of Doraemon's 9.owner(主人) in the 22nd century.Doraemon wants to help him become a 10.successful(成功的) man in the 21st century so that Doraemon's owner can have a 11.better(更好的) life in the next century.To help him get the job done,Doraemon has a magic pocket filled with https://www.doczj.com/doc/ac4329239.html,eful(有用的) tools. Secret 2:Why does Doraemon have blue skin? It is a long story.In the 13.beginning(开始),Doraemon's skin was yellow.One day,he lost his ears by accident and his girlfriend laughed at him.Doraemon felt 14.sad(伤心) and cried for a long time.When he stopped 15.crying(哭泣),he found that his yellow skin had turned blue. 二、语法填空。 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Maybe the word “he llo” is used __16__ (often) than any other word in the English language.Everyone in the United States and other countries __17__ the word again and again,every day of the week. The American inventor Thomas Edison __18__ (believe) to be the first person to use “hello” on the telephone soon after the __19__ (invent) of it.At first,people __20__ their words on the telephone with “Are you there?” They were not sure if the small machine could __21__(real) carry voices. Edison was a man of __22__ words.He wasted no time.The first time he picked up the phone,he did not ask __23__ anyone was there.He was sure someone was there and


洛基提醒:英语学习已经进入互联网时代 相信绝大多数英文学习者的最终目的都是为了能和外国人顺畅的交流,我们姑且先把这里的“外国人”局限在母语是英语的人,而且主要是哪些说没有特别独特口音的说英语者,那么,“哇呀呀呀呀,接招吧!”看看下面这英文面对面的“六招”,你是不是已经可以运用自如了。 第一招,看https://www.doczj.com/doc/ac4329239.html, 挑战指数5 看什么? 2+2——表情、动作+眼睛、嘴唇 一、看表情、动作。这样做第一是帮助大家更容易而准确地判断对方所要表达的意思,第二是有助于大家模仿说英文的情态,让你更好、更快、更强地融入英文状态。 二、看眼睛、嘴唇。看眼睛是出于对别人的尊重,这是英语文化的交流习惯,专注地直视对方的眼睛,表明你在认真地倾听和咀嚼对方的话语。而间或看对方的嘴唇,能一定程度上有助于你捕捉对方的话语。当然,要注意这两者的适度交换,看对方眼睛的时间应该稍多于看对方嘴唇的时间。 第二招:听 挑战指数:7 1+1——内容+ 语音 口语对话一般情况下都是比较简单的句型,表达意思直接而明白。所以,听出对方的意思是交流的第一步,也是最有挑战的招数之一。在此过程中,除了要注意学习对方使用的表达法之外,还可以关注对方的语音,尤其是当对方的语音是你想要模仿的那种的时候(这里单指没有怪异口音的美音、英音)。在关注对方语音的时候,可以从发音(单音、连读、缩读)、语气、语调和节奏几个方面入手,尽量让自己浸泡其中,达到潜移默化的作用。 第三招:记 挑战指数:8 在这里主要指的是对方谈话时的遣词造句,以及谈话所涉及的内容领域,即可以为你提供的背景知识。说到遣词造句,我个人认为,主要的精力还是应该放在“词汇”的准确运用和“表达法”的多样化上面。“达意”是最重要的第一步,接下来就是怎样让自己的话语更“准确”和“地道”了。至于“谈话所涉及的内容领域”则是帮助你扩展知识面,增加“谈资”的一条重要途径。 第四招:答www.Ehttps://www.doczj.com/doc/ac4329239.html, 挑战指数:9 听懂后要能回应对方,恐怕是对中国同学最大的挑战。出这一招的时候,大家可千万别天马行空,不着边际。应该就事论事,做到观点鲜明、思路清晰、论述得当、有理有节。这个招数的使用有点儿象“攒电脑”——根据自己的经济实力和购买需求,将不同的部件组合到一起。用在“答”这个招数上就是:最大限度地运用自己有限的“口力词汇”(即张嘴能说得出的表达法)传情达意。 第五招:问考试大(www.Examda。com) 挑战指数:9 1+1——不明白时的问+ 求知时的问 我并不担心中国同学为了“求知”而发问的能力,即使是在口语交流时,起码他们通常都能灵活运用“5w+1h”(即who, what, where, when, why + how)的六个疑问词。我反而很担心看上去更容易的“不明白时的问”。因为,中国同学似乎潜意识里有种心理障碍,就是不



Unit 1 nice to meet you! Period 1 【教学目标】 语言知识目标: A) 词汇:first, last, telephone, number, age, address, e-mail,engineer,street, company, manager, secretary, patient, vocational, nurse, name card, vocational school. B)句型: Hello!/Hi! Good morning/ good afternoon/ good evening. I’m….. Nice to meet you!/ Nice to meet you too. Where are you from? 教学重点和难点 1.重点: A) 认知新词汇:first, last, telephone, number, age, address, e-mail,engineer,street, company, manager, secretary, patient, vocational, nurse, name card, vocational school. B) 认知last name 和first name 在中西方的差异。

2.难点: 语言功能:Enable students greet peple in English. 情感目标: A) 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,发挥学生学习英语的主动性。 B) 通过小组活动、组间竞赛等,培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。 C) 学习英语文明礼貌的询问和回答方式。 学习策略: A)认知策略:为完成学习任务而自觉采取一些适合自己的学习方法和手段。 B)交际策略:学会与他人合作交流,并能把语言材料用到真实的生活情景中去。 C)资源策略:学会利用一切可利用的学习资源,如学习用品,字典,录音机和网络等获取更多的信息。 D)调控策略:在学习的过程中,通过自我评价和反思,不断调整自己的学习方法。 【教学步骤】 Period 1 Step 1 Warming up 1. Introduction: 1min


职高英语基础模块下册期中考试姓名_____________ (测试范围:基础模块上册,下册Unit 1-Unit 6) 第一部分英语知识运用 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个符合题意的最佳选项。 1. There is “x” in the word text. a B. an C. 不填 2. _________strange a girl she is! How 3. Let me tell you_______________________. much I spent on the car much does the car much did I pay for the car D. How much is the car 4. He wants ______some vegetables. buy buy 5. Which is ____ , Canada or Australia large B. larger C. the larger D. the largest 6. The family ____ together is important during the Spring festival. getting B. to get C. got D. get 7. ________of the students are girls, and the rest______ boys.

A. Two third, is B. The two third, are C. Two thirds, are D. Two thirds, is 8. I’m looking forward to _____ from you. A hearing B. to hear C. to be heard D. to have hear 9. The girl ____ to bed until her mother came back home last night. went B. didn't go C. go D. don't go 10. He is _____ _____ to join the Army. A enough old B. old enough C enough young D. young enough 11. He was born ______ December 24,1990. A in B on C at D by 12. A wild animal zoo will ______ in our city. A. be built B. build C. built D. be building 13. It's no use ______ over spilt milk. A. crying B. cried C . cries D. cry 14. --______ --I'm looking for a shirt for myself. A. Do you what to buy it B. Can you help me C. What can I do for you D. What are you looking at


英语基础模块下册单词Unit1 theGreatWall tower beacontower rebuild dynasty pass heaven dragon province engineer guide booklet brief introduction pick pickup famous befamousfor........ wonder locate be located in... perod war warring state protect force emperor unify link extend population condition carry stone brick century coast total length list

site marvelous magnificent climb ancient alarm smoke excited tourist lady gentleman capital history interest place of interest such as... square palace museum andsoon block traffic light traffic crossing seem Unit2 shop supermarket center shopping plaza shopping plaza department store department store mall grocery green grocery style

Australia buy silk blouse wife souvenir salesgirl certainly size wear extra color prefer perfect RMB quite cheap fade worry be worried about..... easily wash gently in total cash in cash credit credit card Visa card available sign receipt sure expensive several type attention final selection cashier national cotton panda


Unit one Welcome to our school (reading) 1、掌握重要单词 welcome glad hard visit thank want read study after love 2、重要短语的识记与运用 Welcome to be glad to do a lot of next to 教学重点: 学习并掌握文章中的重要句型 教学难点: 文中精彩句子的熟练运用 教学方法: 讨论法、练习法 教学过程: 一、复习检查(听写、小组互查) 本单元重要单词。 welcome meet glad class let hard visit thank want later desk read study after see love time chair . 重要短语的识记与运用 Welcome to be glad to do look at a lot of 二、出示目标,自主学习 互相讨论,找出文章中重要短语、句型 1、重要短语 a lot of (lots of) next to welcome to ④be glad to do ⑤look at ⑥a lot of 2、重要句型 welcome to xinhua vocational school. I’m glad to meet you here. There are four reading rooms in the library. ④How large it is ! ⑤Thank you for your visit! ⑥Can you see a red building next to the library? 三、知识点导学 1、welcome to xinhua vocational school. 考点:Welcome to sp 欢迎来到某地 2、I’m glad to meet you here. 考点:be glad to do


英语基础模块下册 Unit1 Travel The Great Wall 1.the Great Wall“长城” 2.Jiayuguan Pass“嘉峪关” in Gansu Province“在甘肃省” The west end of the Great Wall“长城西端” a beacon tower“烽火台” Shanhaiguan Pass“山海关” The First Pass under Heaven“天下第一关” The Old Dragon Head“老龙头” The east end of the Great Wall“长城的东端” during the Ming Dynasty“在明朝期间” on business“出差,因公” an American engineer“一位美国的工程师” talk to“与……谈话” a tour guide“一位旅游向导” hope to visit the Great Wall first“希望先参观长城” be far from“离……远” a booklet with a brief introduction“一本简介小册子”pick s b up“搭载,开车接(某人)” tomorrow morning“明天早晨,明天上午” one of the world’s most famous wonders“世界上最著

名的奇观之一” be famous for…“因……而著名” be located in …“位于,坐落于” in the north of China在中国的北方” during the Warring States Period(476-221BC)“战国时期(公元前476-公元前221年)” the first Emperor of the Qin Dynasty“秦朝第一个皇帝”,即“秦始皇” have sth done“使……,被……”指让人做某事。 It’s said that…“据说……” It is believed that…“据信……” It is reported that…“据报道……” one fifth of China’s population at the time“当时占全国人口的五分之一” be forced to do…“被迫做” under terrible conditions“在恶劣的条件下” It takes sb some time\money to do…“做某事花费某人(时间\钱)” 4 feet long “四英尺长”“数量+形容词(long,wide,high…)”表示某物的尺寸。 to be enough to do sth “足够做……” in the 16th century“在16世纪”


Watching anime is one of my favorite things.A lot of people say that watching anime wastes time and it is a kind of naive thing, but I don't think so. In fact, I can learn a lot from watching anime. For example ,I can learn something like belief , confidence , intelligence and so on.And I like the anime person too. Because they usually stronger than the real people. They can make our dream come true. My favorite cartoon is ONE PIECE.Monkey·D·Luffy is a hero who has a great and very distant dream, to become the strongest man in the sea -" ONE PIECE". He and his friends struggle for the dream.He told everyone:" I want to become the king of the sea." But this is not a game, they fought against the evil.Several times, they almost died, but the dream made them fight, Luffy said:" I have decided to become ONE PIECE would fight for it, even if I was going to die."At that time,my heart was shocked.I thought I had, he believed that dream is the most important thing, but in his heart, there is something more important than dream, what?He would have replied: " what can be more important than friends?" One time, Luffy encountered the princess who was going to lose her country, he said: "OK! I will help you to regain your country!"I was surprised to hear the words, and I'm really worried for this idiot.His companions also doubted him: "you fool! She may be a fraud ?"He added: "she is our friend, the friend will not lie!" His words are so calm and firm. One piece give me too much touched feelings, give me too much enlightenment, the friends from the sea let me know, I can find so beautiful friendship from them. When I see a mountain, he will tell me:"Take out ONE PIECE of courage!Climb it!" The voice will always around with me until I become the ONE PIECE of my heart!


英语语文版基础模块下册教案 Unit 1 Travel Warming up&Word Study 提供者:刘媛琴 一、教学目标 1、知识与能力 (1)学习长城的一些景点的英语名称,如:the Great Wall,the First Pass Under Heaven,Jiayuguan Pass and so. (2)掌握握一些词汇和短语:rebuild,province,engineer,pick sb up and so on. (3) 能结合图画进行简单介绍或问答。 2、过程与方法 通过教师的讲解和学生的课堂语言实践,提高学生的语言应用能力,并为阅读课做准备。 3、情感态度与价值观 学会相互合作;了解长城是世界奇观之一,是我们中国人的骄傲;激发学生的爱国热情和民族自豪感 二、教学重点 掌握握一些词汇和短语的用法:rebuild,province,engineer,pick sb up and so on. 三、教学难点 用英语简单介绍有关长城的情况。 四、教学方法 研讨、探究与实践 五、课时:一课时课型:新授课 六、教学准备:Some Pictures 七、教学过程 Step1 lead in 教师提出问题: What do you know about the Great Wall? Have you ever been to the Great Wall? Where is the First Pass Under Heav 学生回答上述问题。 说明:分享个人经历激发学生热情,活跃班级气氛,进行有效导入。 Step2 Presentation 教师展示图片,给出景点的英语名称 the Great Wall,the First Pass Under Heaven,Jiayuguan Pass...


与老外面对面“飚英语” 相信绝大多数英文学习者的最终目的都是为了能和外国人顺畅的交流,我们姑且先把这里的“外国人”局限在母语是英语的人,而且主要是哪些说没有特别独特口音的说英语者,那么,“哇呀呀呀呀,接招吧!”看看下面这英文面对面的“六招”,你是不是已经可以运用自如了。 第一招,看 挑战指数5 看什么?2+2——表情、动作 + 眼睛、嘴唇 一、看表情、动作。这样做第一是帮助大家更容易而准确地判断对方所要表达的意思,第二是有助于大家模仿说英文的情态,让你更好、更快、更强地融入英文状态。 二、看眼睛、嘴唇。看眼睛是出于对别人的尊重,这是英语文化的交流习惯,专注地直视对方的眼睛,表明你在认真地倾听和咀嚼对方的话语。而间或看对方的嘴唇,能一定程度上有助于你捕捉对方的话语。当然,要注意这两者的适度交换,看对方眼睛的时间应该稍多于看对方嘴唇的时间。 第二招:听 挑战指数:7 1+1——内容 + 语音 口语对话一般情况下都是比较简单的句型,表达意思直接而明白。所以,听出对方的意思是交流的第一步,也是最有挑战的招数之一。在此过程中,除了要注意学习对方使用的表达法之外,还可以关注对方的语音,尤其是当对方的语音是你想要模仿的那种的时候(这里单指没有怪异口音的美音、英音)。在关注对方语音的时候,可以从发音(单音、连读、缩读)、语气、语调和节奏几个方面入手,尽量让自己浸泡其中,达到潜移默化的作用。

第三招:记 挑战指数:8 在这里主要指的是对方谈话时的遣词造句,以及谈话所涉及的内容领域,即可以为你提供的背景知识。说到遣词造句,我个人认为,主要的精力还是应该放在“词汇”的准确运用和“表达法”的多样化上面。“达意”是最重要的第一步,接下来就是怎样让自己的话语更“准确”和“地道”了。至于“谈话所涉及的内容领域”则是帮助你扩展知识面,增加“谈资”的一条重要途径。 第四招:答 挑战指数:9 听懂后要能回应对方,恐怕是对中国同学最大的挑战。出这一招的时候,大家可千万别天马行空,不着边际。应该就事论事,做到观点鲜明、思路清晰、论述得当、有理有节。这个招数的使用有点儿象“攒电脑”——根据自己的经济实力和购买需求,将不同的部件组合到一起。用在“答”这个招数上就是:最大限度地运用自己有限的“口力词汇”(即张嘴能说得出的表达法)传情达意。 第五招:问 挑战指数:9 1+1——不明白时的问 + 求知时的问 我并不担心中国同学为了“求知”而发问的能力,即使是在口语交流时,起码他们通常都能灵活运用“5w+1h”(即who, what, where, when, why + how)的六个疑问词。我反而很担心看上去更容易的“不明白时的问”。因为,中国同学似乎潜意识里有种心理障碍,就是不好意思当面表示没有听清对方的话语,或是不明白对方说的是什么意思。其实,口语交流当中,这一点是很重要的。因为它能保证双向交流的准确性,以免对方以为你什么都明白,而实际上,你可能听得一头雾水。哦,差点儿忘了说,“求知时的问”还有一个重要的功用,就是让谈话更加顺畅和有趣,因为你在求知时的提问,一边都表示出你对谈话的兴趣,这样,交流才可以彻底地达到双向互动的。(当然,如果你不愿意和对方讲话,他硬是厚着脸皮跟你讲话,你就可以考虑不“求知”了,这样才能让谈话尽快结束) 第六招:改 挑战指数:10 叮叮当!难道这就是传说中的“终极挑战”?那么,改什么呢?很简单,就是改你自己说话当中不正确和不地道的地方。那你肯定要问了:“老师,我怎么知道我哪里说得不对呢?”呵呵,别急,不用你自己找,有人帮你找。“啊?!谁那么好心?”“好心人”远在天边近在眼前。“啊?!难道是老师你?”不不,大家别误会。我指的“近在眼前的好心人”就是和


职高英语基础模块下册教案 Unit 5 Honesty Period I Vocabulary 学习目标: 6. 记住本单元的单词。掌握本单元的重点单词,短语和词的用法。 7. 词汇检查: 齐读单词,注意单词的发音. 检查预习,两人一组互考本单元的词汇和短语。二.自主学习探究:(根据本单元词汇,做下列练习) I .Useful phrases: silent __________ 2. 旷课___________ midnight _______________ 4.扔掉_____________ up ______________ 6. 说实话_____________ a lie ____________ 8.说完了,就这些___________________________ to oneself _____________ 10.不得不________________________ …out of __________ 12怎么了______________ down ________ 14.烦恼,不安____________ …any more ______________ n .Useful words. 8. We _____________ 猜(想,认定) he was at home. But in fact, he wasn't. 9. Her father ___________ 承(诺,答应) to buy her a new piano. 10. __________ (突然地), he fell off his bike and hurt his arm. 11.It's _____________ (自私的)of you to do that. 12.Go _________ 径(直地) down the street and then turn left. 13.She is used to ____________ e a rl y . She has fa l l e n _____ (睡觉) now. 14.Speech is silver and ___________ 沉(默) is golden. 15.I'm so sorry. It'sall my _________ 过(错,责任). 16. The mother walked into the room _________ 轻(轻地,安静地) in order not to wake up the baby. 17. Jenny wrote me a _________ 便(条) asking me to phone her back. 18. The boy found his grandpa __________ (躺) on the ________ (地面) . 19. ______________________ Mr Brown will 飞)to New York next week.


英语基础模块下册 Unit1TravelThe Great Wall 1.the Great Wall“长城” 2.JiayuguanPass“嘉峪关” 3.in Gansu Province“在甘肃省” 4.The west end of the Great Wall“长城西端” 5.a beacon tower“烽火台” 6.ShanhaiguanPass“山海关” 7.The First Pass under Heaven“天下第一关” 8.The Old Dragon Head“老龙头” 9.The east end of the Great Wall“长城的东端” 10.during the Ming Dynasty“在明朝期间” 11.on business“出差,因公” 12.an American engineer“一位美国的工程师” 13.talk to“与……谈话” 14.a tour guide“一位旅游向导” 15.hopetovisittheGreatWallfirst“希望先参观长城” 16.be far from“离……远” 17.a booklet with a brief introduction“一本简介小册子” 18.picksbup“搭载,开车接(某人)” 19.tomorrow morning“明天早晨,明天上午”

20.one of the world’s most famous wonders“世界上最著名的奇观之一” 21.be famous for…“因……而著名” 22.be located in…“位于,坐落于” 23.in the north of China在中国的北方” 24.during the Warring States Period(476-221BC)“战国时期(公元前476-公元前221年)” 25.the first Emperor of the Qin Dynasty“秦朝第一个皇帝”,即“秦始皇” 26.have sth done“使……,被……”指让人做某事。 27.It’s said that…“据说……” 28.It is believed tha t…“据信……” 29.It is reported that…“据报道……” 30.one fifth of China’s population at the time“当时占全国人口的五分之一” 31.be forced to do…“被迫做” 32.under terrible conditions“在恶劣的条件下” 33.It takes sb some time\money to do…“做某事花费某人(时间\钱)” 34.4feetlong“四英尺长”“数量+形容词(long,wide,hig h…)”表示某物的尺寸。35.to be enough to do sth“足够做……” 36.in the 16thcentury“在16世纪” 37.by hand“用手;以手工” 38.Bohai Bay“xx” 39.on the coast of Bohai Bay“渤海湾的海滨”


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 英语语文版基础模块下册教案 Unit 1 Travel Warming up&Word Study 提供者:刘媛琴 一、教学目标 1、知识与能力 (1)学习长城的一些景点的英语名称,如:the Great Wall,the First Pass Under Heaven,Jiayuguan Pass and so. (2)掌握握一些词汇和短语:rebuild,province,engineer,pick sb up and so on. (3) 能结合图画进行简单介绍或问答。 2、过程与方法 通过教师的讲解和学生的课堂语言实践,提高学生的语言应用能力,并为阅读课做准备。 3、情感态度与价值观 学会相互合作;了解长城是世界奇观之一,是我们中国人的骄傲;激发学生的爱国热情和民族自豪感 二、教学重点 掌握握一些词汇和短语的用法:rebuild,province,engineer,pick sb up and so on. 三、教学难点 用英语简单介绍有关长城的情况。 四、教学方法 研讨、探究与实践 五、课时:一课时课型:新授课 六、教学准备:Some Pictures 七、教学过程 Step1 lead in 教师提出问题: What do you know about the Great Wall? Have you ever been to the Great Wall? Where is the First Pass Under Heav 学生回答上述问题。 说明:分享个人经历激发学生热情,活跃班级气氛,进行有效导

入。 Step2 Presentation 教师展示图片,给出景点的英语名称 the Great Wall,the First Pass Under Heaven,Jiayuguan Pass... 说明:学生熟悉英语景点名称,为后面的讨论做准备 Step3 Practice in class 1.教师讲解词汇和短语的用法: (1)The students read the words and phrases. (2) The students make the sentences with the wors and phrases. 2.教师布置讨论任务,给出例子:This is a beacon tower.It was used.. 3.学生分组,介绍长城的景点 说明:锻炼学生合作运用英语力 Step4 Students' Activity 学生表演,,教师给予学生英语口语的帮助并鼓励他们开口说英语。 每组派代表作为导游介绍你长城景点 说明:锻炼学生英语口语能力 Step5 Homework 1.Practise introducing a place in English. 2.Pre-view the text of reading. 说明:为学习新课打基础,促进学生自主学习 八、板书设计 Warming up&Word Stu dy Words and phrases rebuild重建province省engineer工程师For the first time 第一次Pick sb up开车接某人On business出差 九、课后反思与建议 The students are interested in this lesson,so they are lively in class,but they are not good at spoken English,they need improving it. Unit1 The Great Wall 一、教学目标 1、知识与能力

【名师面对面】中考英语总复习 第5讲 七年级下册 modules 9-12考点跟踪突破 外研版

七年级下册Modules 9~12 一、词汇。 A.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次,每空限填一词。 write,fly,safe,cross,shop 1.Mo Yan is a famous writer. 2.Shenzhou Ⅹ landed safely. 3.The flight will be late because of bad weather. 4.His mother often goes shopping on Sundays. 5.Don't go across the bridge.It's dangerous. B.根据汉语提示填写单词。 6.—Is Mr. Black still single?(2014,鄂州) —No,he has_been_married(结婚) for two months by now. 7.What other language(s)(语言)do you speak except English? 8.When do you think the ship will arrive(到达)? 9.Several Germans(德国人) came to the factory and worked there for half an hour. 10.The railway station is a noisy(吵闹的) place,many people go in and out every day. 二、语法填空。 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Are trees important?Yes,trees are useful to man in three very important __11__.The first and the __12__ (important) way is that they provide man with much food,wood and other products.Trees provide not only man with food,but __13__ many animals with food.__14__ trees,many animals could not live on the earth.It's not easy for people __15__(live) on the earth,too. The second important way is that trees give us shade(阴凉) on a __16__ summer day.People want to have a __17__ under the shade of a tree after they have walked a long way.You can imagine __18__ important the shade of a tree is to man and to animals. The third important way is that trees help to prevent droughts and floods.However,in some __19__ (part) of the world,people have not realized the third important way.People have __20__ (cut) down large numbers of trees.In the end they find that they have lost the best friends they had. 11.ways 12.most_important 13.also 14.Without 15.to_live 16.hot 17.rest 18.how 19.parts 20.cut 三、完形填空。(2014,咸宁) Weakness A boy lost his left arm in a car accident.When he was 10 years old,he decided to study judo(柔道).The boy began lessons __21__ an old Japanese judo coach.The boy was doing well,so he couldn't understand __22__,after three months of training,the coach had taught him only one action.“Sir,” the boy finally said,“shouldn't

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