当前位置:文档之家› 交大网络教育第一学期下半期英语听力第一次作业答案




a. In a lift.

b. In a hotel.

c. In a building.

d. In an apartment.

Question 2


a. Be a teacher.

b. Own a restaurant.

c. Work part time.

d. Study business.

Question 3


a. Use a different phone.

b. Leave before the phone rings.

c. Wait until his secretary gets home.

d. Ask Tom to call the secretary.

Question 4


a. She liked Canada all year round.

b. She did not like Canada.

c. She liked Canada in the winter.

d. She liked Canada is spring, summer and fall.


a. Neither the man nor the woman took the computer course.

b. The woman took the computer course but the man didn't.

c. Both the man and the woman took the computer course last year.

d. The man took the computer course but the woman didn’t.

Question 6


a. A foreigner who wants to learn Chinese.

b. A Chinese who wants to learn English.

c. A Chinese who teaches English.

d. A foreigner who has stayed in China for some tim


Question 7


a. To exchange lessons.

b. To share the cost.

c. To take an English course.

d. To change the arrangement.

Question 8


a. He is studying in London.

b. He hasn't seen the woman at least for 2 years.

c. He must be a university teacher.

d. He is surprised at the woman's achievements.


a. The job gives her a sense of achievement.

b. She can have time to work in a restaurant.

c. She finds satisfaction in working for the disable


d. She was keen on social work even at university.

Question 10


a. It was a luxury hotel.

b. It was a small hotel with benches in front.

c. It was a hotel in a park.

d. It was a hotel near the police station.

Question 11


a. He was used to sleeping on the bench.

b. He was not used to a warm and soft bed.

c. He would rather have a good dream.

d. He couldn't offer to pay for the room.

Question 12


a. A rich lady’s dream.

b. A poor man’s good luck.

c. A poor man’s dream.

d. A rich lady’s jok



a. To dig a hole all the way through the earth.

b. To dig for worms and insects.

c. To dig for a jar full of treasures.

d. To realize their dream by digging.

Question 14


a. They admired the two brothers.

b. They thought the two brothers were crazy.

c. They thought the two brothers were ambitious.

d. They volunteered their help.

Question 15


a. Don't laugh at friends, but give them a hand instead.

b. If you try hard you will reach the goal you set yourself in your life.

c. The meaning of a goal is to give you a direction to follow in your life.

d. You will find great fun in hard work.


大学英语听说3听力原文和答案 Unit 1 Reservations Part A Exercise 1 1. M: I’d like to book a double room with bath for four nights. W: Sorry, sir. We’re full up(全满). Can I recommend the Park Hotel to you? It is quite near here. Q: What does the woman suggest that the man do? 2. M: I’d like to see Mr. Jones this afternoon, please. W: I’m sorry but Mr. Jones will be busy the whole afternoon. Can you manage at 10:30 tomorrow morning? Q: What does the woman say to the man? 3. W: Can I book two tickets for the show ―42nd Street‖ on Sunday night, Oct. 31st? M: Sorry, madam. All the tickets on that night are sold out. But tickets are available for Nov.3rd(十一月三号). Q: When can the woman see the show? 4. M: I’d like to reserve(预订)two tickets on Flight 6051 to Edinburgh, for October 20th. W: Sorry, Sir. We’re booked up(预订一空的) on the 20th .But we still have a few seats available on the 21st. Q: When does the man want to leave for Edinburgh? 5. W: Garden Restaurant. May I help you?


针对数据库SPJ中以上4个表S、P、J、SPJ,用SQL语句进行以下操作: (1找出所有供应商的姓名和所在城市。 Select SNAME,CITY from S; (2找出所有零件的名称、颜色、重量。 Select PNAME,COLOR,WEIGHT from P (3找出使用供应商S1所供应零件的工程号码。 Select JNO from SPJ where SNO='S1'; (4找出工程项目J2使用的各种零件的名称及其数量。 Select p.PNAME,s.QTY from SPJ s,P p where s.JNO='J2' and s.PNO=p.PNO; (5找出上海厂商供应的所有零件号码。 Select s.PNO from SPJ s,S s1 where s1.CITY='上海' and s.SNO=s1.SNO; (6找出使用上海产的零件的工程名称。 select JNAME from j where JNO in(Select s.JNO from SPJ s,S s1 where s1.CITY='上海' and s.SNO=s1.SNO; (7找出没有使用天津产的零件的工程号码。 SELECT DISTINCT JNO FROM J WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM SPJ,S WHERE SPJ.JNO=J.JNO AND SPJ.SNO=S.SNO AND S.CITY='天津'; (8把全部红色零件的颜色改成蓝色。

Update P set COLOR='蓝' where COLOR='红'; commit; (9由S5供给J4的零件P6改为由S3供应,请作必要的修改。 Update SPJ set SNO='S3' where SNO='S5' and JNO='J4' and PNO='P6'; commit; (10从供应商关系中删除S2的记录,并从供应情况关系中删除相应的记录。DELETE from SPJ where SNO='S2'; commit; DELETE from S where SNO='S2'; commit; (11 请将(S2,J6,P4,200插入供应情况关系。 INSERT INTO SPJ(SNO, PNO, JNO, QTY VALUES('S2','J6','P4',200


EXERCISE 1 1.Listen and fill in the missing letters 1.y_ _d 2.sch_ _l 3.gl_ _ 4.z_ _ 5.c_ _ 6.m_ _n 7.bl_ _ 8.r_ _ 9.s_ster 10.r_d_ 2. Listen and choose the words ( )1.A.glass B.class C.grass ( )2.A.smell B.small C.smile ( )3.A.think B.thing C.thin ( )4.A.write B.right C.waht ( )5.A.green B.grape C.gray 3.Listen and fill in the missing words 1.I have three______of juice. 2.______it.It’s sweet. I like it. 3.----Do you like red ones____green ones?----I like red ones. 4.How does the red apple_____? 5.______grapes are very sweet.

EXERCISE 2 1. Listen and fill in the missing letters 1.c_ _d 2.l_ _k 3._ _erry 4._pple 5.sw_ _t 6.m_st 7._ _ree 8. _ _ose 9.p_ _k 10.t_st_ 2. Listen and choose the words ( )1.A.those B.these C.they ( )2.A.how B.who C.what ( )3.A.sour B.sweet C.crunchy ( )4.A.green and round B.purple and round C.big and round ( )5.A.in his yard B.in her yard C.in the yard 2.Listen and choose the best answers ( )1.A.Yes,I do. B.Yes, I like. C.I like oranges. ( )2.A. It’s sweet. B. It’s hard. C. It’s sour. ( )3.A.Yes, it is. B. Yes, they are. C. They are sweet. ( )4.A. Here you are. B.Thank you. C. OK. ( )5.A. Yes, it can. B. The bird. C. No, the fox can.


伊犁师范学院计算机科学系 实验训项目报告 一、小组成员及分工: 姓名:张雁 学号:0908******* 二、指导老师:王慧玲 三、说明程序编制要点,以及自己在项目制作中的难 点及解决办法: 编写的要点:编写N个函数分别用来求平均分;总分按降许序排列;按姓名查找学生的成绩;找出各科 最高分的学生姓名,学号等。编写主函数提供不 同的选择途径。 难点:函数之间的调用,姓名的比较和交换。 解决办法:通过参数的传递;用字符串处理函数。 四、说明项目中所涉及的知识点及难点: 知识点:基础知识,结构体,选择结构程序设计,循环结构程序设计,数组,字符数组,常用的字符串处理函数,函数的调用。 难点:函数的调用,循环程序设计。

五、附录源程序: 注:必须有一定的注释,说明函数功能以及主要语句所起的作用 #include "stdio.h" #include "string.h" #define m 5 void search(); /*声明按姓名查找学生的信息*/ void ave(); /*声明turn out average*/ void paixu(); /* 声明score pai mingci*/ void maxandmin(); /*声明maxandmin score student's number,name and every course score*/ struct student /*声明define a struct*/ { int num; /*student’s number */ char name[10]; int math,english,chinese; /*three course score*/ int no; /* student mingci*/ float sum; float ave; }stu[m]; main() { int i; int q=0,p;


1、什么是工作说明书? 答:工作说明书是对项目所要提供的产品或服务的叙述性的描述。对内部项目而言,项目发起者或投资人基于业务需求,或产品或服务的需求提出工作说明书。对外部项目而言,工作说明书作为投标文档的一部分从客户那里得到,如:邀标书,投标的信息,或作为合同的一部分得到。 2、霍兰德的人业互择理论将人格类型区分为哪六大类? 答:现实型(R):有运动机械操作的能力,喜欢机械、工具、植物或动物,偏好户外活动。 传统型(C):喜欢从事资料工作,有写作或数理分析的能力,能够听从指示,完成琐细的工作。 企业型(E):喜欢和人群互动,自信、有说服力、领导力,追求政治和经济上的成就。 研究型(I):喜欢观察、学习、研究、分析、评估和解决问题。 艺术型(A):有艺术、直觉、创造的能力,喜欢运用想像力和创造力,在自由的环境中工作。 社会型(S):擅长和人相处,喜欢教导、帮助、启发或训练别人。教师职业生涯规划理论 3、什么是晕轮效应? 答:晕轮效应英文The Halo Effect),又称“光环效应”,属于心理学范畴,晕轮效应指人们对他人的认知判断首先是根据个人的好恶得出的,然后再从这个判断推论出认知对象的其他品质的现象。 4、360°绩效评估的主体包括哪些? 答:自己: 自我评价,是指让经理人针对自己在工作期间的绩效表现,或根据绩效表现评估其能力 和并据此设定未来的目标。当员工对自己做评估时,通常会降低自我防卫意识,从而了解自己的不足,进而愿意加强、补充自己尚待开发或不足之处。 同事: 同事的评价,是指由同事互评绩效的方式,来达到绩效评估的目的。对一些工作而言, 有时上级与下属相处的时间与沟通机会,反而没有下属彼此之间多。在这种上级与下属接触的时间不多,彼此之间的沟通也非常少的情况下,上级要对部属做绩效评估也就非常困难。但相反的,下属彼此间工作在一起的时间很长,所以他们相互间的了解反而会比上级与部属更多。此时,他们之间的互评,反而能比较客观。而且,部属之间的互评,可以让彼此知道自己在人际沟通这方面的能力。 下属: 由部属来评价上司,这个观念对传统的人力资源工作者而言似乎有点不可思议。但随着知识经济的发展,有越来越多的公司让员工评估其上级主管的绩效,此过程称为向上反馈。而这种绩效评估的方式对上级主管发展潜能上的开发,特别有价值。管理者可以通过下属的反馈,清楚地知道自己的管理能力有什么地方需要加强。若自己对自己的了解与部属的评价之间有太大的落差,则主管亦可针对这个落差,深入了解其中的原因。因此,一些人力资源管理专家认为,下属对上级主管的评估,会对其管理才能的发展有很大的裨益。 客户: 客户的评价对从事服务业、销售业的人员特别重要。因为唯有客户最清楚员工在客户服务关系、行销技巧等方面的表现与态度如何。所以,在类似的相关行业中,在绩效评估的制度上不妨将客户的评价列入评估系统之中。

上海交通大学网络教育英语听力_作业二 (test2)

T e s t2 Part A. Short Conversations Directions: In this part, you will hear 5 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. -- I can't find my pen. I need to write a letter. -- I’ll look for it later. Right Now, I need your help fixing this bookshelf before painting it. Question? What will they do first ? 1. A. Write a letter. B. Fix a bookshelf. C. Paint the bookshelf. D. Search for a pen. -- I thought Amy majored in mathematics in college, now she has just found a job as an engineer in building company. -- That's true. After studying mathematics for three years, she changed her major to architecture. Question? What is true of Amy ? 2. A. She is an engineer. B. She is a mathematician. C. She is the manager of a company. D. She is an artist. -- Why is Mary? -- She ran out of milk and went out to go get some. Question. Where is Mary ? 3. A. She has gone home. B. She has gone out for a walk. C. She is getting a newspaper. D. She is at a store. -- How many people will come to the party on Saturday? -- We have to cross off 15 names from our original list of 100 Question. How many people do they expect to attend the party? 4. A. 1 5. B. 50. C. 85. D. 100. -- Did you meet te new teacher yesterday ? -- I've been sick for three days. Question. What does the woman mean ? 5. A. The new teacher is sick. B. She hasn't met the new teacher yet. C. There are three new teachers. D. She didn't like the new teacher. Part B. Longer Conversations Directions: In this part, you will hear 2 conversations. At the end of each conversation, two questions will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. Question 6 and 7 are based on the following conversation. -- What do you think? Am I OK?


Unit One Optional Listening 1 Boy(B): Hey, Grandma, what’s in this box? Grandma(G): Oh, nothing really…just a few old keepsakes. B: Keepsakes? G: Young man, you know what a keepsake is! B: No, I don’t. I really don’t. G: Well, it’s something you keep. It’s something that gives you a lot of memories. B: Oh. What’s this? G: Now don’t go just digging around in there!... Hmmm, let’s see… that’s my first diary. B: Can I …? G: No, you can’t read it! It’s personal! I wrote about my first boyfriend in there. He became your grandfather! B: Oh, OK… Well then, what’s that? It has your picture in it. G: That’s my passport. You can see, I traveled to Europe by ship. B: What’s that big book? G: My yearbook, it’s my high school book of memories. B: Class of 1961! Boy, that’s old! G: That’s about enough out of you, young man. I think it’s time we put this box away and… Optional Listening 2 1. At the age of thirteen, I took my first trip alone. 2. I went to visit my grandparents in Los Angeles. 3. I felt very nervous about traveling so far, 4. but my mother said, “Don’t worry. You’ll be fine.” 5. I got on the airplane and talked for a long time to a very nice woman who sat next to me. 6. My grandparents met me at the airport and took me to their home. 7. I stayed there for two weeks, 8. and I had so much fun with them! 9. It was my first time in Los Angeles, 10. and I saw lots of really interesting places. 11. In the end, I didn’t want to go home! Optional Listening 3 Making memories A popular new hobby is scrapbooking---making beautiful books to hold special memories. Scrapbook pages can include photos, drawings, journal entries. It’s not hard to make a scrapbook that you will enjoy for many years. Here are the steps. 1. Choose a theme for your scrapbook pages. Some examples: “School days,”“Family travel,”“Memories of my grandparents,”“Baby’s first year.” 2. Select photos for each page. Two or three really good photos are better than ten so-so photos. 3. Find other paper keepsakes to use with your photos. Look for old newspaper clippings, postcards, tickets, report cards, letters--- anything made of paper. Use your imagination!


英语听力作业(二) T e s t2 Part A. Short Conversations Directions: In this part, you will hear 5 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. 1. A. Write a letter. √B. Fix a bookshelf. C. Paint the bookshelf. D. Search for a pen. 2. √A. She is an engineer. B. She is a mathematician. C. She is the manager of a company. D. She is an artist. 3. A. She has gone home. B. She has gone out for a walk. C. She is getting a newspaper. √D. She is at a store. 4. A. 1 5. B. 50. √C. 85. D. 100. 5. A. The new teacher is sick. √B. She hasn't met the new teacher yet. C. There are three new teachers. D. She didn't like the new teacher. Part B. Longer Conversations Directions: In this part, you will hear 2 conversations. At the end of each conversation, two questions will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. Question 6 and 7 are based on the following conversation. 6. A. Father and daughter. √B. Doctor and patient. C. Teacher and student. D. Shopkeeper and shopper. 7. A. In a few days. B. Very slowly. √C. Before leaving the office. D. In a moment. Question 8 and 9 are based on the following conversation. 8.√A. Type his paper. B. Help him with his research. C. Present his findings at the July conference. D. Organize all the notes. 9. A. February. B. July. C. September. √D. May. Part C. Passages Directions: In this part, you will hear 2 passages. At the end of each passage, three questions will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. Question 10 to 12 are based on the following passage. 10. A. Very well. B. Just so-so. C. Excellently. √D. Terribly. 11. A. Found a job in a big company. √B. Tried to get a job.


期末大作业报告 课程名称:数字图像处理 设计题目:车牌识别 学院:信息工程与自动化学院 专业:计算机科学与技术 年级:xxxxx 学生姓名:xxxxxxx(学号xxxxxxxxxxxxx) 指导教师:xxxx 日期:20XX.6.10 教务处制 车牌识别 摘要:数字图像处理技术是20世纪60年代发展起来的一门新兴学科,随着图像处理理论和方法的进一步完善,使得数字图像处理技术在各个领域得到了广泛应用,并显示出广阔的应用前景。MATLAB既是一种直观、高效的计算机语言,同时又是一个科学计算平台。它为数据分析和数据可视化、算法和应用程序开发提供了最核心的数学和高级图形工具。根据它提供的500多个数学和工程函数,工程技术人员和科学工作者可以在它的集成环境中交互或编程以完成各自的计算。MATLAB中集成了功能强大的图像处理工具箱。由于MA TLAB语言的语法特征与C语言极为相似,而且更加简单,更加符合科技人员对数学表达式的书写格式,而且这种语言可移植性好、可扩展性强,再加上其中有丰富的图像处理函数,所以MA TLAB在图像处理的应用中具有很大的优势。车牌识别技术是智能交通系统的重要组成部分,在近年来得到了很大的发展。本文从预处理、边缘检测、车牌定位、字符分割、字符识别五个方面,具体介绍了车牌自动识别的原理。并用MATLAB软件编程来实现每一个部分,最后识别出汽车牌照。 关键词:车牌识别、数字图像处理、MATLAB

一、设计原理 车辆牌照识别系统的基本工作原理为:将摄像头拍摄到的包含车辆牌照的图像通过视频卡输入到计算机中进行预处理,再由检索模块对牌照进行搜索、检测、定位,并分割出包含牌照字符的矩形区域,然后对牌照字符进行二值化并将其分割为单个字符,然后输入JPEG或BMP 格式的数字,输出则为车牌号码的数字。牌照自动识别是一项利用车辆的动态视频或静态图像进行牌照号码、牌照颜色自动识别的模式识别技术。其硬件基础一般包括触发设备、摄像设备、照明设备、图像采集设备、识别车牌号码的处理机等,其软件核心包括车牌定位算法、车牌字符分割算法和光学字符识别算法等。某些牌照识别系统还具有通过视频图像判断车辆驶入视野的功能称之为视频车辆检测。一个完整的牌照识别系统应包括车辆检测、图像采集、牌照识别等几部分。当车辆检测部分检测到车辆到达时触发图像采集单元,采集当前的视频图像。牌照识别单元对图像进行处理,定位出牌照位置,再将牌照中的字符分割出来进行识别,然后组成牌照号码输出。 二、设计步骤 1. 提出总体设计方案: (1)车牌图像预处理方法 因为车牌图像都是在室外拍摄的,所以不可避免地会受到光照、气候等因素的影响,而且拍摄者的手部抖动与车辆的移动会造成图像的模糊。要去除这些干扰就得先对车牌图像进行预处理。由于当前数码相机的像素较高,原始图像的数据一般比较大,输入的彩色图像包含大量颜色信息,会占用较多的存储空间,且处理时也会降低系统的执行速度。因此对图像进行识别等处理时,常将彩色图像转换为灰度图像,以加快处理速度。对图像进行灰度化处理后常用的方法是图像二值化、去除背景图像、增强处理、边缘检测、滤波等处理等。


一、听力 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. How is the woman going to the airport? A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. By train. 2. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Mother and son. B. Teacher and student. C. Husband and wife. 3. What does the girl want to do? A. She wants to keep the disks for another week. B. She will borrow the disks next week. C. She will have to return them straight away 4. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The patient has had an appointment. B. It’s a common practice to have an appointment beforehand. C. The doctor doesn’t want to see him 5. What does the man want to do? A. He asks the woman to take care of his daughter. B. He wants to ask for leave. C. He wants to go to visit her. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7小题。 6. Where is the People’s Hospital? A. Right in the third block. B. It is far away. C. Somewhere on the left beyond the third block. 7. Who is injured? A. The man who asks the way. B. An old man. C. His friends. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10小题。 8. What was Dan.worried about at first? A. His family. B. His biology paper. C. His birthday party 9. What will Alice do over the weekend? A. To celebrate her grandmother’s birthday. B. To work on her biology paper. C. To read at the library 10. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Classmates. B. Father and daughter. C. Teacher and student. 听第8段材料,回答第11至13小题。 11. What does Joseph call Nancy for?


第一部分 1.Woman:This is my family. I'm married. My husband's name is Bill. We have two children — a boy and a girl. Our little girl is six years old, and our little boy is four. Jennie goes to kindergarten, and Aaron goes to nursery school. My father lives with us. Grandpa's great with the kids. He loves playing with them and taking them to the park or the zoo. 2.Man:This is a picture of me and my three sons. We're at a soccer game. Orlando is twelve, Louis is ten, and Carlos is nine. All three of them really like sports. Orlando and Louis play baseball. Carlos is into skating. 3.Man:This is my wife June, and these are my three children. Terri on the right is the oldest. She's in high school. She's very involved in music. She's in the orchestra. Rachel — she's the one in the middle — is twelve now. And this is my son Peter. He's one year older than Rachel. Rachel and Peter are both in junior high school. Time really flies. June and I have been married for twenty years now. 4.Woman:This is a picture of me with my three kids. The girls, Jill and Anne, are both in high school. This is Jill on the right. She'll graduate next year. Anne is two years younger. My son Dan is in college. It seems like the kids are never home. I see them for dinner and sometimes on Saturday mornings, but that's about it. They're really busy and have a lot of friends.第二部分 John:It's super, Mary. It's just what I wanted. Mary:Well, I know you said your old calculator was no good any more. John:Well, it wasn't that it was no good. It just wouldn't do all the things I need to do at work. And it certainly wouldn't remember telephone numbers for me like this one. Mary:I suppose you're going to start putting in numbers straightaway. John:I've put in one while we've been chatting. I've put in our solicitor's number. You know how often I need to call him on company contracts. Mary:So what others are you going to put in?


一、单项选择题。本大题共20个小题,每小题 2.0 分,共40.0分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.审计是由( A)专职机构和人员对被审计单位的财政、财务收支及有关经 济活动的实性、合法性、效益性进行的审查监督活动。 A. 独立的 B. 特殊的 C. 国家的 D. 民间的 2.审计的(B )是保证有效行使审计权利的必要条件。 A. 独立性 B. 权威性 C. 客观性 D. 及时性

3.对本单位及其下属单位的财务计划或与财务收支有关的经济活动及其经 济效益进行审计监督的是(C ) A. 政府审计 B. 社会审计 C. 内部审计 D. 外部审计 4.国家审计、内部审计和民间审计是审计按其(D )的分类。 A. 内容 B. 目的 C. 客体 D. 主体 5.(D)是民间审计组织与被审单位就审计项目所签定的正式文件。 A.

审计通知书 B. 审计报告 C. 审计建议书 D. 审计业务约定书 6.不属于审计准备阶段的内容是(B)。 A. 明确审计任务 B. 正确处理期后事项 C. 确定审计重点 D. 编制审计计划 7.函证法是通过向有关单位发函了解情况取得审计证据的一种方法,这种方 法一般用于(C )的查证 A. 无形资产

B. 固定资产 C. 往来款项 D. 待摊费用 8.审计人员在进行财务收支审计时,如果采用逆查法,一般是从( D)开始 审查。 A. 会计资料 B. 会计账簿 C. 会计凭证 D. 会计报表 9.下列证据的证明力大小顺序是(A) A. 实物证据 > 书面证据 > 口头证据 B.

口头证据 > 书面证据 > 实物证据 C. 书面证据 > 实物证据 > 口头证据 D. 实物证据 > 口头证据 > 书面证据 10.审计人员通过监盘、观察等方法,可以获取(A )。 A. 实物证据 B. 书面证据 C. 口头证据 D. 环境证据 11.审计人员对存货盘点进行监督,取得盘点记录是证明实物的( B)。 A. 外部证据 B. 直接证据 C.


听力练习:英语听力训练习题及答案 听下面5段对i舌征段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三二个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相对应位置听完每段对话后,你 都有10秒钟的时间来回答相关小题和 阅读小一小题。每段对活仅读一遍。 1.when did the alarm(闹钟)ring? a.at 5 o’clock. b.at 7 o’clock. c.at 8 o’clock. 2. what do we lean from the conversation? a.henry doesn’t like the color. b. someone else painted the house. c.henry painted the house himself. 3.where is the man working? a.in a beer shop. b. in a bus station. c. in a restaurant. 4.what does the woman mean? a.they don’t have m any tickets. b.it is bard for them to get any tickets. c.all the tickets are sold out. 5.how will the couple get home? a.they will walk home. b.they will take a taxi. c.they will take the subway(地铁).

第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面五段对话或独白每段对话或独白后有儿个小题,从每题所给的a,b,c只个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相对应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间:。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6.who is mr. jones going to meet? a.the manager of the clothing factory. b. the managing director(常务董事). c.the secretary. 7.where is the office mr.jones would like to get to? a.the second door on the right. b.the first door on the left. c.the second door on the left. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8. what will the three-week special include? a.hotel,food and travel in japan. b.a free round trip flight ticket. c.flight,hotel,and two meals a day. 9,which one do you think the man choose at last? a.the one which is$1,215. b.the one which is$1,400.

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