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C级(2011新增) 第八篇 The State of Marriage Today C级

*第三十一篇Pool Watch

*第三十二篇The Cherokee Nation

*第三十三篇 A Ride in a Cable-car

*第三十四篇(10新增)Career With a Uniform

*第三十五篇(10新增)Dorm Food More Comfy

*第三十六篇 A Tale of Scottish Rural Life

*第三十七篇Who Wants to Live Forever?

*第三十八篇Immigration and Problems (2011新增) Excessive Demands on Young People

*第三十九篇Eat to Live

*第四十篇New US Plan for Disease Prevention

+第四十一篇The Operation of International Airlines


+第四十三篇Can Buildings Be Designed to Resist Terrorist Attack?

+第四十四篇(10新增)Americans Get Touchy

+第四十五篇(10新增)Women Staying in Mini-Skirts for Longer

+第四十六篇Defending the Theory of Evolution Still Seems Needed

+第四十七篇The Best Way to Reduce Your Weight (2011新增) Spoilt for Choice 多不胜选

+第四十八篇Finding Enlightenment in Scotland

+第四十九篇The Beginning of American Literature

+第五十篇Older V olcanic Eruptions

第八篇The State of Marriage Today C级

Is there something seriously wrong with marriage today? During the past 50 years,the rate of divorce in the United States has exploded:almost 50%of marriages end in divorce now, and the evidence suggests it is going to get worse.If this trend continues.it will lead to the breakup of the family,according to a spokesperson for the National Family Association.Some futurists predict that in l 00 years.the average American will marry at least four times.and extramarital affairs will be even more common than they are now. But what are the reasons for this,and is the picture really so gloomy? The answer to the first question is really quite simple:marriage is no longer the necessity it once was.The institution of marriage has been based for years partly on economic need.Women used to be economically dep endent on their husbands as they usually didn’t have jobs outside the home.But with the rising number of women in well—paying jobs,this is no longer the case,so they don’t feel that they need to stay in a failing marriage.

In answer to the second question,the outlook may not be as pessimistic as it seems.While the rate of divorce has risen,the rate of couples marrying has never actually fallen very much,so marriage is still quite popular.In addition to this.many couples now cohabit and don’t bother to marry.These couples are effectively married,but they do not appear in either the marriage or divorce statistics.In fact.more than 50%Of first marriages survive.The statistics are deceptive because there is a higher number of divorces in second and third marriages than in first marriages.

So is marriage really an outdated institution? The fact that most people still get married indicates that it isn’t.And it is also true that married couples have a healthier

life than single people:they suffer less from stress and its consequences,such as heart problems,and married men generally consider themselves more contented than their single counterparts.Perhaps the key is to find out what makes a successful marriage and apply it to all of our relationships!


1.Which is true about the problem of marriage in the United States today?

A) Divorce leads to the breakup of the family.

B) Half of the married couples get divorced:

C) American people marry more than four times.

D) More and more people are getting divorced.

2.What does “this is no longer the case” in paragraph two mean?

A) It is not necessary to get married any more.

B) Women do not need a husband any longer.

C) Women are not economically dependant any more.

D) Many wives do well-paying jobs outside home now.

3.Why may the outlook of marriage not be as gloomy as it appears?

A) Many people still like to get married.

B) The rate of divorce has actually decreased.

C) Over 50%of the marriages continue to exist.

D) The statistics of divorce is not quite true。

4.How do people usually feel in their marriage life?

A) They are much healthier.

B) They feel no longer single.

C) They are more satisfied.

D)They suffer a lot less.

5.Which of the following about marriage is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A) There will be more relationships outside marriage.

B) Many people try to get married again after divorce.

C) Marriage has long been partly an economical need.

D) It is a fact that most people choose to get married.


Divorce n.离婚

Evidence n.证据,迹象

Futurist n.未来主义者

Explode v.激增,迅速扩大

Predict v.预言,预料,预报

Extramarital adj.婚外的

Gloomy adj.阴暗的;令人沮丧的

Institution n.制度,习俗

Outlook n.展望,前景

Pessimistic adj.悲观的

Cohabit v.同居

Effectively ad.实际上

Statistics n.统计,统计资料

Deceptive adj.迷惑的,骗人的

Outdated adj.旧式的,过时的

Indicate v.表明,暗示

Consequence n.结果,后果

Contented adj.满足的,满意的

Counterpart n.对应的人(或物)


National Family Association:美国国家家庭联合会

*第三十八篇Excessive Demands on Young People B级

Being able to multitask is hailed by most people as a welcome skill,but not according to a recent study which claims that young people between the ages of eight and eighteen of the so-called Generation M1 are spending a considerable amount of their time in fruitless efforts as they multitask. It argues that, in fact, these young people are frittering away as much as half of their time again as they would if they performed the very same tasks one after the other.

Some young people are juggling an ever larger number of electronic devices as they study. At the same time that they are working, young adults are also surfing on the Internet, or sending out emails to their friends, and/or answering the telephone and listening to music on their iPods2

or On another computer. As some new device comes along it too is added to the list rather than replacing one of the existing devices.

Other research has indicated that this multitasking is even affecting the way families themselves function as young people are too wrapped up3 in their own isolated worlds to interact with the other people around them. They can no longer greet family members when they enter the house nor can they eat at the family table.

All this electronic wizardry is supposedly also seriously affecting young people's performance at university and in the workplace. When asked about their perception of the impact of modern gadgets on their performance of tasks, the overwhelming majority of young people gave a favourable response.

The response from the academic and business worlds was not quite as positive. The former feel that multitasking with electronic gadgets by children affects later development of study skills, resulting in a decline in the quality of writing, for example, because of the lack of concentration on task completion. They feel that many undergraduates now urgently need remedial help with study skills. Similarly, employers feel that young people entering the workforce need to be taught all over again, as they have become deskilled.

While all this may be true, it must be borne in mind4 that more and more is expected of young people nowadays; in fact, too much. Praise rather than criticism is due in respect of5 the way today's youth are able to cope despite what the older generation throw at them.


1.According to a recent study, what is probably true about the multitasking Generation M?

A)They are highly commended for being so effective and efficient.

B)They waste more time than they should save, contrary to common assumptions.

C)They should prioritize and focus on the most important tasks on hand.

D)They need to improve their organizational skills SO as to complete all their tasks.

2.With the advent of new gadgets, what will happen to Generation M's present e-devices?

A)They make way for the latest and greatest and are retired by the young people.

B)They are put away temporarily but stay in rotation for their owners to choose from.

C)They become part of the ever increasing collection of novelties.

D)They are either sold or traded so that their owners can update their toys and hobbies.

3.How will multitasking affect Generation M adversely?

A) It makes them feel lonely and pitiful.

B) It makes them aloof and elusive to family and friends.

C) It makes them selfish and possessive.

D) It makes them impolite and ungrateful.

4.What is the biggest problem for multitasking undergraduates in universities?

A) They should adjust their academic attitudes seriously.

B) They should seek psychological professionals for assistance.

C) They should take some crash courses to catch up with their classmates.

D) They should try harder to focus on one task before moving on to the next.

5.In dealing with today's youth, what approach should parents take?

A) Be supportive and understanding.

B) Be realistic and lower their expectations.

C) Be encouraging and let their children stick to their old habits.

D) Be patient and hope everything will work out just fine eventually.


excessive adj.过多的,额外

interact vi.交流,沟通,互动

multitask vi.同时进行多个任务

wizardry n.魔力,法术

supposedly adv.据认为,据推测

hail vt.赞扬

performance n.表现,行为

claim vt.声称,主张

perception n.认识,看法,见解

considerable adj. 相当大的,相当多的

impact n. 影响,作用

gadget n. 小巧的机械装置

fritter vt. 消费,浪费

overwhelming adj. 压倒性的

juggle vt. 耍弄,玩耍

majority n. 大多数

electronic device n. 电子装置,电子仪器

academic adj. 学术的,学校的

decline n. 下降,衰退

surf vi. (网上)冲浪,漫游,浏览

concentration n. 专心,专注

indicate vt. 表明,指出

remedial adj. 补习的,补救的

affect vt. 影响

deskilled adj. 逐渐失去技能的

isolated adj. 鼓励的,与世隔绝的

due adj. 应有的,适当的


1. Generation M:M代表multimedia。Generation M 即“多媒体时代”,是指伴随着计算机和因特网的普及而成长起来的一代年轻人。他们多出生于1980年之后,热衷于计算机、因特网、视频游戏、

智能手机。这些新媒体和传统媒体如电视、印刷品、音响制品结合起来,使得他们的世界异常丰富多彩。“多媒体时代”的另一特征就是可以multitask,即多项任务同时进行,如他们可以_边上网冲浪、一边听着音乐、一边看着电视里的MTV、一边和朋友短信聊天、同时还做着自己的家庭作业。2.iPod:美国苹果公司的一款音乐播放器,除了可以播放MP3音乐外,iPod还可以作为高速移动硬盘使用,可以显示联系人、日历和任务,以及阅读电子书和聆听有声电子书以及播客(Podcasts)。3.be wrapped up in...注意力完全集中于……

4.bear in mind记住

5.in respect of关于,就……而言

+第四十七篇 Spoilt for Choice A级

Choice, we are given to1believe, is a right. In daily life, people have come to expect endless situations about which they are required to make decisions one way or another. In the main2, these are just irksome moments at work which demand some extra energy or brainpower, or during lunch breaks like choosing which type of coffee to order or indeed which coffee shop to go to.

But sometimes selecting one option as opposed to another can have serious or lifelong repercussions. More complex decision-making is then either avoided, postponed, or put into the hands of the army of professionals, lifestyle coaches, lawyers, advisors, and the like, waiting to lighten the emotional burden for a fee2. But for a good many4people in the world, in rich and poor countries,choice is a luxury, not a right. And for those who think they are exercising their right to make choices, the whole system is merely an illusion, created by companies and

advertisers wanting to sell their wares5.

The main impact of endless choice in people's lives is anxiety. Buying something as basic as a coffee pot is not exactly simple. Easy access to a wide range of consumer goods induces a sense of powerlessness, even paralysis, in many people, ending in the shopper giving up and walking away6 or just buying an unsuitable item that is not really wanted in order to solve the problem and reduce the unease.Recent surveys in the United Kingdom have shown that a sizeable proportion of electrical goods bought per household are not really needed.The advertisers and the shareholders of the manufacturers are, nonetheless, satisfied.

It is not just their availability that is the problem, but the speed with which new versions of products come on the market. Advances in design and production mean that new items are almost ready by the time that goods hit the shelves7.Products also need to have a short lifespan so that the public can be persuaded to replace them within a short time. The classic example is computers, which are almost obsolete once they are bought. At first, there were only one or two available from a limited number of manufacturers, but now there are many companies all with not only their own products but different versions of the same machine.This makes selection a problem.Gone are the days when one could just walk with ease into a shop and buy one thing8: no choice, no anxiety.

The plethora of choice is. not limited to consumer items. With the greater mobilitv of people around the world, people have more choice about where they want to live and work--a fairly recent phenomenon. In the past, nations migrated across huge swathes of the earth in search of food, adventure, and more hospitable environments. Whole nations crossed continents and changed the face of history. So the mobility of people is nothing new. The creation of nation states and borders9 effectively slowed this process down. but what is different now is the speed at which migration is happening.


1.What is the difference between the decision to shop in a certain supermarket and the decision to drop out of college according to the first paragraph?

A)The former is a right while the latter is not.

B)The latter has more impact on life.

C)The former may happen for many times in life.

D)The latter requires a fee.

2.When people can not easily decide what to buy,what is the least possible choice?

A)Give up.

B)Walk away.

C)Buy an unsuitable item.

D)Seek advice.

3.Why do products have short lifespan nowadays?

A)They are more often replaced with better ones.

B)They have Worse quality.

C)They have too many versions.

D)Computer technology advances too fast.

4.How does migration differ from the past?

A)People now migrate across the whole earth.

B)People now migrate for better life.

C)People now have more choice about where to migrate.

D)People now migrate for better environment.

5.Which is the best summary of the writer's attitude towards choice in a commercial society?

A) More choice,more anxiety.

B) Better more choice than no choice.

C) Better no choice than more choice.

D) All choice is not easy.


spoil vt.使某人扫兴

irksome aaj.令人心烦的

brainpower n.智能

option n.选择

repercussions n.(常指意料之外的)影响,后果

complex adj.复杂的

postpone vt.&vi.延迟,延缓

professional n.专业人士adj.内行的

coach n.教练员,指导

luxury n.难得的享受

illusion n.幻觉,想象

ware n.商品,货物

impact n.影响

anxiety n.焦虑,不安

consumer n.消费者

induce vt.引起,导致

paralysis n.麻痹

unsuitable adj.不恰当的,不适宜的

unease n.焦虑,不安

sizeable adj.相当大的,颇大的

proportion n.部分,比例

shareholder n.股东

manufacturer n.制造商,厂家

nonetheless adv.然而,不过

availability n.可获得性,可使用性

version n.版本

obsolete adj.过时的,被淘汰的

plethora n.过多,过剩

phenomenon n.现象

migrate vi.迁徙

swathe n.大片土地

hospitable 有利的,适宜的

skip v.跳过

obese adj.肥胖的

metabolic adj.新陈代谢的

psychiatric adj.精神病的

abnormal adj.异常的


1.be given t0:倾向于

2.in the main-.大体上,基本上

3.More complex decision-making is then either avoided,postponed,or put into the hands of the army of professionals,lifestyle coaches,lawyers,advisors,and the like,waiting to lighten the emotional burden for a fee.对于情况更复杂的决策,人们或者回避、拖延,或者求助于各式各样的专业人士--生活方式指导人员、律师、咨询师等等,而他们也正等着你付费来缓解心理重负呢。put A in the hands of B由B为A做决策。the like等等,诸如此类的(人或物)。4.a good many:也可说a great many, (用来强调所指数量)非常多的。

5.And for those who think they are exercising their right to make choices,the whole system is merely an illusion,created by companies and advertisers wanting to sell their wares.对那些自认为行使选择权的人来说,这整个体制不过是销售商和广告商为了卖货而制造出的人来说,这整个体制不过是销售商和广告商为了卖货而造出的一种幻觉而已。exercise one’s right 行使权力。

6. Easy access to a wide range of consumer goods induces a sense of powerlessness, even paralysis, in many people, ending in the shopper giving up and walking away.购物更便捷,商品更丰富,但这却让很多人感到不知所措,甚至麻痹,最后只好放弃挑选,一走了之。access to…获得的渠道。

7. hit the shelves:上架,上市

8. Gone are the days when one could just walk with ease into a shop and buy one thing.那种无它可选,轻松购物的日子一去不复返了。此句为倒装句。

9. nation states and borders:国家和疆域。


第五篇Why People Use Pseudonyms

*第十二篇 Sport or Spectacle?

+第十五篇Life Expectancy in the Last Hundred Years

第五篇Why People Use Pseudonyms C级

You can't choose the name you are given at birth,but in many countries you can change it legally when you reach adulthood. Of course, most people never change their names --1-- they feel unhappy about them. However, some people do --2-- this course of action—particularly artists! What makes an artist want to change their name? Sometimes it's for purely --3--

reasons, such as the Nobel Prize winning poet from Chile, Neflali Reyes. He didn't want his father to --4-- he was writing poetry, so he changed his name to Pablo Neruda when he was a young man.--5-- other times the reason may appear eccentric; take the case of the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa, --6-- wrote under 75 different names. The reason ?‖ When I use a different name, I always write in a different way," he explained. In most cases,--7-- ,the reason is for social, historical, political, or cultural reasons. Here are some of most --8--:

The person's real name is jus --9-- long and difficult to remember. Let's be honest, Madonna Louise Ciccone is not as –10-- to remember as just plain "Madonna". And short names are much easier to remember:William Bradley became Brad Pitt and Edson Arantes do Nascimento became Pele.Sometimes names are changed for marketing –11--.For example,if a name sounds too "foreign", it may be changed to something that is more recognizable in a –12--. So in the film world, Ramon Estsvez adopted the name Martin Sheen. Or maybe the artist's doesn't sound very attractive -- Chad Everett does –13—a lot better than Raymond Cramto.

Artists sometimes --l 4-- the name of someone they admire. Robert Zimmerman changed his name to Boo Dylan because of his admiration for the Welsh poet, Dylan Thomas.

Another reason may be practicality: in the past, women found it very difficult to get published.To –15-- this situation they's situation they sometimes gave themselves men's names, so the English author Mary Ann Evans became George Eliot, and she did get her books published!


1.A)as if B)as C)even if D)even

2.A)take B)make C)do D)have

3.A)private B)individual C)own D)personal

4.A)understand B)know C)recognize D)observe

5.A)At B)On C)In D)During

6.A)whom B)which C)who D)that

7.A)but B)although C)though D)however

8.A)popular B)common C)ordinary D)average

9.A)so B)too C)very D)much

10.A)easy B)short C)simple D)brief

11.A)aims B)ends C)goals D)purposes

12.A、)market B)film C)country D)business

13.A、)look B)sound C)appear D)seem

14.A)choose B)give C)change D)get

15.A)admit B)assure C)avoid D)affect


pseudonym n.假名,笔名

legally ad.法律上,合法地

eccentric adj.古怪的,反常的

Portuguese adj.葡萄牙的,葡萄牙人的,葡萄牙语的'

plain adj.清楚的,明白的

marketing n.推销,营销

recognizable adj.可辨认的,可识别的

attractive adj.有吸引力的,引人注目的

adopt v.采取,采纳

admire V.赞赏,钦佩


Nobel Prize:诺贝尔奖

*第十二篇Sport or Spectacle? B级

Muhammad Ali1 is probably the most famous sports figure on earth: he is recognized on every continent and by all generations, The diagnosis of his illness --l—Parlonson’s disease2after his retirement fuelled the debate about the dangers of boxing and criticism --2-- the sport. That, plus his outspoken opposition --3—women’s boxing, made people wonder how he would react when one of his daughters decided to take --4—the sport. His presence at Laila’s first professional fight, --5-- , seemed to broadcast her father's support. Of course Muhammad Ali wanted to watch his daughter fight. The ring announcer introduced him as the "the greatest" and as he sat down at the ringside the crowd chanted. Twenty-one-year-old Laila's debut fight was a huge success and there was as much publicity for the fight --6-- her father's fights once attracted. --7-- , Laila's opponent was much weaker than she was and the fight lasted just 31 seconds. Since then. Laila has won most of her fights by knocking out3 her opponent. "She knows --8-- she's doing, all fight, "said one referee about her. "She knows about moving well. You can see some of her dad's moves."

Laila Ali4 would rather not compare herself --9-- her father. She prefers to make her own --10-- . Her father supports her decision to enter the sport but he has not spared her the details of what can happen.Laila realizes that her father wants her to understand the --11-- possible scenario to see --l2-- she still wants to go forward with it. She knows she's going to get hit hard at times, that she may get a broken nose or a swollen face,but at least she is prepared for it.

Laila's decision to start boxing --l3-- her father’s struggle with the symptoms of Parkinson's disease has of course sparked a mixture of debate and --14--. But Laila is a feisty and determined individual and it is that as much as her famous last name that has made her a magnet for worldwide media attention. Of course, the --l5-- on the boxing scene of a woman with her family history attracts even more questions about whether women's boxing is sport or spectacle.


1. A)with B)for C)as D)

2. A)of B)on C)for D)at

3. A)on B)to C)with D)at

4. A)after B)over C)along D)up

5. A)therefore B)however C)accordingly D)whereas..

6.。A)as B)like C)for D)to

7. A)Luckily B)Similarly C)Undoubtedly D)Unfortunately

8. A)that B)what C)how D)why

9. A)as B)like C)to D)against

1 0.A)fight B)name C)success D)image

11.A)better B)best C)worse D)worst

1 2.A)if B)that C)what D)how

1 3.A)in spite B)spite C)despite D)despite of

1 4.A)argument B)criticism C)quarrel D)bickering

1 5.A)arrival B)birth C)departure D)attention


spectacle n.场面;景象

recognize vt.赏识;认可

continent n.洲,大陆

diagnosis n.(医学)诊断法

retirement n.退役;、退休

fuel vt.激起,加强,刺激

debate n.辩论;讨论,

criticism n.批评;批判;指责

outspoken adj.直言的

opposition n.反对

react vi.做出反应;回应

presence n.出席;到场

broadcast vt.传播(消息等)

ring n.拳击台

chant vi.(反复地、有节奏地)欢呼

debut n.(演员、运动员)首次亮相

publicity n.宣传;公众的注意

attract vt.吸引;引起注意

opponent n.对手;敌手

referee n.裁判员

compare vt.比较;对照

spare vt.省去,免除

scenario n.事态;局面

swollen adj.肿起的;浮肿的

symptom n.症状

spark vt.导致,激起

feisty adj.个性强而好争辩的

magnet n.有吸引力的人


1.Muhammad Ali:穆罕默德·阿里,世界上最伟大的拳击运动员之一。1999年,他被《体育画报》杂志评为本世纪最佳运动员。退出拳坛后,阿里一直致力于宗教、慈善事业和维护世界和平的工作,受到许多国家上至总统下至普通百姓的拥戴。然而,职业拳击生涯中他头部受到的29000多次的重击,使阿里一直饱受帕金森综合症的困扰。

2.Parkinson's disease:帕金森综合症,又称震颤麻痹,是一种中枢神经系统变性疾病,临床表现有癫痫、偏瘫、头痛、共济失调、眼球运动障碍、言语不清、体位性低血压、痴呆等。随着病情


3.knock out:(拳击术语)一拳击倒

4.Laila Ali:莱拉·阿里,拳王阿里与他第三任妻子的女儿,1999年9月进入女子职业拳坛,并很快取得了较好的成绩。他曾说:“我不像拿自己和父亲作比较,我们是完全不同的。但有一点,作为他的女儿,我自然会有一些独特的拳击技术,这是别人不可能具备的。在现阶段,我认为自己棒极了!''一些商家看中了这对拳坛父女的商业价值,最近,一家运动品牌就利用电脑技术,让阿里父女在拳台上同场竞技。在这样的比赛中,我们看到的,并不是胜负,而是一种生命力的延续。

+第十五篇Life Expectancy in the Last Hundred Years A级

A hundred years ago,life expectancy in developed countries was about 47: in the early 21st century, men in the United States and the United Kingdom can expect to live to about 74. Women to about 80, and these _____l_____ are rising all the time. What has brought _____2_____ these changes? When we look at the life_____3_____of people l00 years ago, we need to look at the greatest_____4_____of the time. In the early 20th century, these were the acute and often _____3_____ infectious diseases such as smallpox. Many children died very young from these diseases and others, and the weak and elderly were always at risk.

In the_____6_____world these diseases are far_____7_____today, and in some cases have almost disappeared. A number of_____8_____have led to this: improvements in sanitation and hygiene, the discovery and use of antibiotics, which_____9_____bacterial diseases much less dangerous, and vaccinations_____l0_____common diseases._____11_____, people's general health has improved with improvements in our general environment: cleaner air, better means of preserving food,better and warmer housing,and better understanding of nutrition.

Genetically,we should all be able to live to about 85 but_____l2_____people do live longer today, there are still some big killers around that are preventing US from consistently reaching that age. The problems that affect people today are the more chronic illnesses, such as heart disease and strokes, and those_____l3_____by viruses, such as influenza and AIDS l. Of course, cancer is a huge killer as well. In most cases these diseases affect_____l4_____people, but there are worrying trends in the developed world with problems such as obesity_____l5_____more heart disease and illnesses such as diabetes at younger ages.

The killers today can be classed as "lifestyle diseases",which means that it may be possible to halt their progress.


1. A ages B years C lives D countries

2. A in B about C to D with

3. A length B time C duration D span

4. A people B killers C invention D nation

5. A more B less C high D highly

6. A developed B less developed C undeveloped D developing

7. A more deadly B deadly C 1ess deadly D fatal

8. A improvements B factors C jobs D measures

9. A makes B causes C make D from

10. A against B for C to D cause

11. A And B Therefore C In addition D Nevertheless

12. A when B yet C however D while

13. A spread B affected C produced D created

14. A poor B weak C older D young

15. A and B leading to C from D with


Expectancy n.预期

Acute aaj.(疾病)急性的

Infectious adj.传染性的

Smallpox n.天花

Sanitation n.环境卫生

Hygiene n.个人卫生

Antibiotic n.抗生素

Bacterial adj.细菌性的

Vaccination n.种痘,接种

Preserve vt.保藏,防止(食物)腐烂

Nutrition n.营养

Chronic aaj.(疾病)慢性的

Stroke n.中风

Virus n.病毒

Influenza n.流行性感冒

Trend n.趋势,倾向

Obesity n.肥胖

Diabetes n.糖尿病

Halt vt.使...停止


Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome(AIDS):艾滋病,后天性免疫缺乏综合症




1.D 从第一段里可以了解到选项A与C都是预计将来会发生的,而不是如今的情况。B选项与第一段第二句“almost 50%of the marriages end in divorce”不符。第一段第二句里的“the rate of divorce in the United States has exploded”、“the evidence suggests it is going to get worse”话语正好说明了D选项的情况。

2.C 第二段第四句、第五句说得很清楚,妇女们如今在外工作在经济上不再依赖她们的丈夫,因此觉得无需维持行将失败的婚姻。

3.A从第三段里可以了解到离婚率并没有下降而是上升了,因此B选项不对。而C选项与第三段里“In fact,more than 50%of first marriages survive”所说不符,该选项没有提到是第一次婚姻。同样,D选项在文中也没有说到,文中第三段的最后一句只是说统计数据具有欺骗性,而没有说数据失实。


5.B A选项在第一段最后一句里提到了,C选项和D选项分别在第二段、第四段里提到了,而B选项却没有哪一段具体提到。









1.B 从第一段第一句话中的"a considerable amount of their time""fruitless efforts''以及该段最后一句话中的"frittering away as much as…"可以进行同义替换,waste就是fruitless和fritter的同义词。2.C 从第二段的最后一句话中的"added to the list rather than replacing"可以判断出,这些年轻人的电子设备是越来越多,而不是A被取而代之、8被轮流使用、D被出售或交换以便买更新的产品。

3.B 答案A是文字游戏,原文中"isolated worlds"应该理解为孤立的世界,即独自“alone”,而不是孤独“lonely”。答案C说他们变得自私和占有欲强,想买更多电子产品,显然不对。答案D 说他们变得不懂礼貌和不知感恩,均是对第三段最后一句话中的“no longer greet”和“nor can they eat at the family table”的字面理解。答案B是两个近义词,重点在性格变化上,变得“若即若离,难以捉摸”。

4.D 答案A认为是态度问题,把客观问题主观化。答案B是遇到选项,试图用“remedial help”误导大家联想到remedy一词,故引出psychological professional 的曲解。答案C把第五段第一句中的“later development”和“decline in the quality of…”表象化,认为应该抓紧赶上同学(catch up)。答案D才是正确答案,问题症结在于multitasking 难以让人集中注意力,造成浪费时间、影响表现等后果,这些前文均已提过。

5.A 答案A把praise 替换成了相对隐性的近义词。答案B只针对最后一段的第一句话,断章取义。













1.B根据文章第一句话,这两种选择都是权利,所以A不对,选项C本身没错但文中丝毫未提及,选项D有可能发生,但不是绝对的。选项B符合But sometimes selecting one option as opposed to another can have serious or lifelong repercussions 的意思。














1.C 本句前半句提到"大多数人不会改名字",因此可以判断是选有让步转折意义的"even if'',其他的选项都没有这个意思,尤其要注意even是副词,不可以这样用于句首引出从句。

2.A 本句的意思是想说"有些人,尤其是艺术家们,会更改名字"。不过,本句没有直接说change their names而是说采取行动,那么只能用take与action进行搭配,其他动词都不合适。

3.D 根据后面such as后所举的例子知道,某些人改名字完全出于个人的原因,故选择personal。private是指与公众无关的,私隐的;individual是与集体对立而言,个体的;而own则必须放在物主代词的后面一起来表达属于某人的。

4.B 本句是想说他改名字是为了不让父亲了解到他在写诗这件事,因此选know。understand 是理解的意思,recognize 是认出,observe 是察觉、观察到的意思。

5.A 本句里的times是时机、场合的意思,at other times是表示“其他的情况”,还有其他的固定搭配也是用at这个介词,如at all times,at the best of time等等,其他介词无此搭配。'

6.C 本句是举葡萄牙人的例子来说明某些人更改名字的理由很奇怪,后半句是想说此人用过75个不同的名字。对本句结构做出分析后,应该是非限定性定语从句对此诗人做出补充解释,故用wh0。that不能用于非限定性定语从句,which则不能表示人,只能表示物,whom是用来做宾格形式只能作宾语不能作主语。

7.D 如果注意到了此空前后的逗号的话就应该知道需要填一个副词来表示转折了,四个选项中只有however是副词,所以其他的选项都不对。

8.B 前一句刚说到大家改名字有社会、历史、政治、文化等方面的原因,通过下面几段里所给出的例子可以知道本句是想说“下面是几种常见的原因”,所以选common用于指常常发生的情况,而popular是指大家都喜欢的,ordinary和average则都是指没什么特别的。

9.B 根据后文,本句是想说某些人的名字太长、太难不好记住,是一个too…to…的结构,表达“太……而不能……”的意思。

10.A.根据上下文知道,本句是想说简单明了的Madonna更容易记住。从本句中的plain一词可以断定不是想说长短,所以short和brief都不对,而simple则是与复杂相对立的,因此选用easy一词与前句的difficult来对应,后一句话中的easier to remember也可以帮助我们选择easy。

11.D 此题四个选项都能表示目的,但各有不同,aim是偏重于想要取得的目标;end往往表示最终目的,而且常常用于指与手段相对应的目的;goal则更多的是指个人或者某群体决心要达到的目标,通常指一般的趋势或方向而没有最终的具体目标;而purpose则主要是指所向往的结果,是行为、行动的缘由。

12.A根据前一句中的marketing purposes一词可以判断此旬是想说把名字改成在市场上更好识记的,因此选market,而不是在某个国家、某部电影或者是某笔生意里更容易辨识。

13.B 根据前半句里的doesn't sound可以判断此处应该选用sound来表示听上去怎样,其他三个选项里的词意上不恰当。

14.A从后面一句可以推断此句是想说艺术家有时候根据自己所欣赏的人的名字给自己取笔名或艺名。如果用give一词的话则必须有themselves来作间接宾语,不然就不是给他们自己取名字了。也不能用change,但如果是change into的话还可以表示把名字改成别的名字,而get则是“获得”、“得到”的意思,所以只能用choose来表示“选用”的意思了。

15.C 本句是想说为了不让作品得不到出版的情况出现而取个男子的名字,因此选avoid。admit 是承认的意思,assure是确认的意思,,affect则是影响的意思。



我们没法选择出生时的名字,但是在很多国家人们可以在成年后改名。当然,绝大多数人即使不喜欢自己的名字也不会改。然而,有的人却付诸行动——尤其是艺术家!为什么艺术家想改名呢?有时仅源于单纯的私人原因。比如诺贝尔奖得主,智利诗人Neftali Reyes,因为不想让父亲知道自己写诗,就在年轻时改名为Pablo Neruda。有时改名的理由也很奇怪,就拿葡萄牙诗人Fernando Pessoa来说吧,他的笔名多达75个。为什么?他解释说:“每用一个不同的名字,我就写不同的诗。”

然而,改名大多是由于社会、历史、政治或文化因素。以下是一些最常见的情况:也许是因为真名太长太难记。老实说,Madonna Louise Ciccone的确不如Madonna来得好记。简短的名字记起来容易得多,比如William Bradley改名为Brad Pitt,Edson Arantes doNasaimento 改名为Nascimento Pele。

有时改名是出于市场要求。比如,假使名字听起来太“外国”,就可能被换成在市场更容易认的名字。所以电影圈里的Ram6n Est6vez重起一个名字Martin Sheen。或者因为艺人的真名听上去没什么吸引力——Chad Everett确实比Raymond Cramton好听多了。

有时艺术家改名时会选择他们崇拜的人的名字。出于对威尔士诗人Dylan Thomas的崇敬,Robert Zimmerman把他的名字改成了Boo Dylan。

另一个原因可归结为现实考虑。过去,女人出书很难。为了避免这一局面,英国作家Mary Ann Evans把她的名字改为George Eliot,最后果真出版了自己的书!



1.C diagnosis of…as把某种疾病诊断为……,类似的短语有regard…as,consider...as 和think of…as等。

2. A 此题是对语法的考查,criticize由动词变为名词criticism,其逻辑上的宾语应由介词of引导。

3.B考查介词短语搭配,be opposed to和opposition to,固定搭配。

4.D take up是从事某种职业,take after是与某人长得相像,take over是接手,take along 是随身携带。

5.B 根据上下文判断,前面讲拳王阿里反对女子从事拳击运动(his outspoken opposition women's boxing),随后又讲他亲自出席女儿的首场比赛,明显对比,故应选however。

6.A as much…as 属于固定搭配。

7.D 首场比赛,备受媒体关注,不了比赛仅持续了31秒,难免令人失望,故应选unfortunately,因观众难以目睹拳王女儿的风采。

8.B she knows what she’s doing,此句型口语中较为常见,如某人说I know what I’m doing 或 I know what I’m talking about,则表示说话者本人对自己的言行很有信心。

9. C 对介词短语 compare A to B 的考查。前者有比作、比拟的意思,后者表示把A和B作比较的意思。

10.B make one’s own name 表示成功、成名的意思。其他表示成功的短语还有make it,口语中更常见。答案C make one’s own success有中式英语Chinglish之嫌。

11. D 考查上下文,下文中“a broken nose or a swollen face”暗示拳击运动员受伤病困扰的苦恼,更不要说拳王本身正受帕金森综合症的折磨。另外,possible 一词之前常出现形容词最高级。综合上文两处的解释,worst 是最佳答案。

12.A 拳王表明拳击运动可能会造成严重的后果,意欲让女儿白己决定“是否”继续


13. C 此题考查易混淆短语 in spite of和介词despite,多一个of或少一个of,都不对。

14. B对上下文的考查,文中第一段就有"fuelled the debate about the dangers of boxing and CRITICISM of the sport”。

15. A 对上下文的考查,文中多次提及拳王女儿是初登拳坛,如第一段中“His presence at Laila’s FIRST professional fight”,如第二段中的“Twenty-one-year-old Laila’s DEBUT fight”,都是暗示莱拉“出现”在拳坛,故arrival最合适。答案B的搭配应该是the birth of ,而不是介词on 。答案C的departure 是离开拳坛。答案D的attention 首先介词搭配应该是to,其次意思也不是甚为贴切。









1. A通过上下文可知此处应为"年龄".

2. B bring about意思是"带来",bring in意为赚取,实现(一定利润),没有bring to这个短语,如果用with,此句话必须变成what has it brought with these changes才符合语法,但意思就不符合文章了。

3. D life span是一个固定搭配,意为寿命。

4. B从下一句可以看出此处应指那些不治之症。

5. D本句举了天花的例子,下一句指出很多孩子死于这些病,所以此处应为一个表严重的词。high是形容词,不能修饰后面的形容词。Acute不是比较级,所以and后面也不应用比较级。

6. A本句后部分说在一些国家这些病已经消失,通过常识得知应该是发达国家。

7. C本句后部分说在一些国家这些病已经消失,整段都在说明情况好转,故选C.

8. B冒号后面列举的内容不能统一用其他几个词概括,只能用factor.

9. C注意这里的which不是非限制定语从旬中指代前面l句话的作用,而是指代前面两项内容:卫生的改善和抗生素的发明使用,所以which后的动词不用三单形式。cause没有这样的语法搭配。


11.C前面说的是对疾病的防范和控制加强,后面说的是整体环境的改善,两者为并列关系,但是And在书面语中不能这样使用,所以只能选in addition.


13.A those指代流感和艾滋病等靠病毒传播的疾病,those后面的动词是过去分词作定语。spread 的过去分词与原形相同。


15.B obesity是心脏病和糖尿病年轻化的重要原因,它和心脏病、糖尿病不是并列关系,而是因果关系,所以选择leading to,现在分词作结果状语。


第十四篇Sex change surgery guidelines drafted (A级,2010新增但没考到,2011教材文章)

China is set to 1 its first clinical guideline on .sex-change surgery, according to a notice put on the website of the Ministry of Health yesterday.

The ministry is now soliciting public and professional opinions on the draft guideline. The coming guideline aims to regulate and standardize sex reassignment surgery, part of a treatment for gender identity disorder in transsexuals.

Experts 2 nearly 2,000 Chinese have undergone sex-change surgery while 100,000 to 400,000 are still considering it. However, no official number is available. In the draft, the MOH sets 3 criteria for both surgical candidates and medical institutions.

Candidates for the surgery must be older than 20 and single, the draft guideline said. They are also required to prove a persistent desire for a sex change, to live for at least five consecutive years full-time in the new gender role, and to engage 4 mental therapy for at least one year.

Before surgery can take place, a candidate must receive a recommendation for the operation from a 5 after an appropriate series of therapy sessions.

Also, several legal requirements 6 be met before the procedure.

The candidate must provide proof from police that he or she has does not have any criminal offenses in the past.

Police must also agree to change the sex status on the identity card of the 7 receiver before the operation can, take 8 .

The advent of such a guideline 9 to show that the government is concerned _ 10 the needs of a relatively small 11 of people who want to change sex.

But doctors also warn that all stakeholders, including the hospital and prospective receivers, should be highly cautious about this surgery.

The operation is more than a medical procedure due 12 its huge social and legal consequences. Doctors should make it clear to those 13 sex-change surgeries that the option always remains to continue to live in the original role. The guideline requires surgeons to tell patients about other options 14 hormone therapy. They are also required to explain the risks involved, and underlying social barriers including discrimination, and administrative recognition and approval.

For the candidates, the surgery itself is not the big issue 15 the long run. The real issue is the kind of life he or she will have to lead afterward.


solicit v. 请求

reassignment n. 再分配

transsexual n. 变性者

stakeholder n. 利益相关者

练习:1. A) issue B) provide C) withdraw D) bring about

2. A) boast B) estimate C) blame D) offer

3. A) maximum B) minimum C) less D) few

4. A) in B) into C) on D) onto

5. A) physicist B) chemist C) psychologist D) geologist

6. A) can B) must C) may D) cannot

7. A) respective B) prospect C) expecting D) prospective

8. A) position B) location C) place D) scene

9. A) believes B) is believed C) is believing D) believed

10. A) about B) with C) around D) of

11. A) numeral B) figure C) digit D) number

12. A) in B) with C) to D) into

13. A) seek B) seeking C) sought D) have sought

14. A) as B) such that C) as such D) such as

15. A) in B) on C) under D) blow


1.A issue 在这里作动词使用时,表示―发行、颁布‖的意思。withdraw 表示―取回、收回‖,bring back 表示―恢复‖。因此,issue 符合题意。

2.B 四个选项填入后得出的句子在句法和语义上都成立,但最佳答案是estimate,因为对于无法准确测量的数字专家只能做出―估测‖。

3.B 根据上下文的意义,卫生部提出的应该是―最低‖标准。

4.A engage in 是一个固定词组,表示从事或者参与某项工作或者活动。

5.C 这四个选项分别表示物理学家、化学家、心理学家和地质学家,根据上下文的意思来看,只有得到心理学家的许可是最合理的。

6.B 法律或者法规中的条文和要求是必须遵守的,因此必须用must。

7.D prospective 表示―未来的、将来的‖,respective 表示―各自的、分别的‖,prospect是动词,表示―期待‖,这几个词词形相近,容易混淆。

8.C take place 是固定的短语搭配,表示―发生、进行、举行‖的意思。

9.B be believed to 表示―确信‖。

10.A concerned about 指―忧虑、担心‖,而concerned with 是指―关心、感兴趣‖。

11.D a number of 是一个固定短语,表示―若干、不少‖的意思,用在可数名词前。

12.C due to 引入原因,表示―因为、由于‖。

13. B 在本句中,用seek 的现在分词形式充当名词的定语,意为―寻求变性手术的那些人‖。其他三个选项都是动词的限定形式,都是可以单独充当谓语的,因此不符合要求。

14.D such as 用于举例说明的场合,as 表示―像……一样‖,后面跟谓词短语,as such 强调某事的程度或者结果,表示―如此……以致……‖。

15.A in the long Fun 是固定搭配,表示―从长远的观点来看、最终‖。











【经典资料,WORD文档,可编辑修改】 【经典考试资料,答案附后,看后必过,WORD文档,可修改】 第八篇What Is a Dream For centuries, people have wondered about the strange things that they dream about. Some psychologists say that this nighttime activity of the mind has no special meaning. Others,however, think that dreams are an important part of our lives. In fact, many experts believe that dreams can tell us about a person’s mind and emotions. Before modern times, many people thought that dreams contained messages from God. It was only in the twentieth century that people started to study dreams in a scientific way. The Austrian psychologist, Sigmund Freud,was probably the first person to study dreams scientifically. In his famous book, The interpretation of Dreams (1900), Freud wrote that dreams are an expression of a person’s wishes. He believed that dreams allow people to express the feelings, thoughts, and fears that they are afraid to express in real life. 1 The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung,however,had a different idea about dreams. Jung believed that the purpose of a dream was to communicate a message to the dreamer. He thought people could learn more about themselves by


2015年职称英语理工类C级考试真题及答案第一部分:词汇选项 1. The weather last summer was awful. A. bad B. fair C. dry D. hot 参考答案:A 2. The law carries a penalty of up to three years in prison. A. message B. guilt C. obligation D. punishment 参考答案:D 3. My piano playing has improved significantly since I had a new teacher. A. definitely B. generally C. certainly D. greatly 参考答案:D 4. There is a need for radical changes in education.

A. revolutionary B. long-term C. short-term D. systematic 参考答案:A 5. It frustrates me that I‘m not able to put any of my ideas into practice. A. discourages B. shows C. surprises D. frightens 参考答案:A 6. I realized to my horror that I had forgotten the present. A. limit B. fear C. power D. fool 参考答案:B 7. He tried to assemble his thoughts. A. gather B. clear C. share D. spare

2015年全国职称英语考试 理工类新增文章汇总 考试重点内容 word版 全网独一份

2015年全国职称英语考试理工类新增文章汇总 word版全网独一份 注:押题皇后王霞老师授意,新增文章仍然是考试热门文章,务必掌 握。 2015年职称英语教材理工类的变动比较小,一共只有5篇新增文章。2015年职称英语教材理工类新增的5篇文章,分布在阅读理解和补全短文:阅读理解理工C和理工B各新增一篇文章;补全短文理工A、B和C各新增一篇文章。完形填空理工类整体都没有新增文章。

理工C阅读理解新增文章 第九篇An Essential Scientific Process All life on the earth depends upon green plants. Using sunlight, the plants produce their own food. Then animals feed upon the plants. They take in the nutrients the plants have made and stored. But that’s not all. Sunlight also helps a plant produce oxygen. Some of the oxygen is used by the plant, but a plant usually produces more oxygen than it uses. The excess oxygen is necessary for animals and other organisms to live. The process of changing light into food and oxygen is called photosynthesis. Besides light energy from the sun, plants also use water and carbon dioxide. The water gets to the plant through its roots. The carbon dioxide enters the leaves through tiny openings called stomata. The carbon dioxide travels to chloroplasts, special cells in the bodies of green plants. This is where photosynthesis takes place. Chloroplasts contain the chlorophylls that give plants their green color. The chlorophylls are the molecules that trap light energy. The trapped light energy changes water and carbon dioxide to produce oxygen and a simple sugar called glucose. Carbon dioxide and oxygen move into and out of the stomata. Water vapor also moves out of the stomata. More than 90 percent of water a plant takes in through its roots escapes through the stomata. During the daytime, the stomata of most plants are open. This allows carbon dioxide to enter the leaves for photosynthesis. As night falls, carbon dioxide is not needed. The stomata of most plants close. Water loss stops. If photosynthesis ceased, there would be little food or other organic matter on the earth. Most organisms would disappear. The earth’s atmosphere would no longer contain oxygen. Photosynthesis is essential for life on our planet. 词汇: nutrient n.营养物 organism n.生物体,有机体 carbon dioxide n.二氧化碳 chloroplast n.叶绿体 molecule n.分子 vapor n.水蒸气 oxygen n.氧气 photosynthesis n.光合作用 chlorophyll n.叶绿素 glucose n.葡萄糖 cease v.停止 注释: 1.Then animals feed upon the plants.动物以植物为食。 练习: 1.In the first paragraph,the word “excess” means Aheavy. Bextra. Cgreen. Dliquid.


阅读理解:第三篇Cooking Oil Fumes Tumor C级 The leading cause of lung cancer among women in the city was cooking oil fumes while men are more likely to develop the disease from smoking ,said medical experts after a five-year research study . Doctors announced the results yesterday with analysis on some new tendencies in lung cancer. They said patients are younger, especially women. According to the Shanghai Tumor research Institute, more local residents die of lung cancer in the city than anything else .Following breast cancer ,it has the second-highest incidence rate. “An unhealthy lifestyle is a very important reason for lung cancer ,” said Dr He Yumin from Shanghai Minshen Traditional Chinese Medicine Tumor Diagnosis and Treatment Center. He followed 2,276 lung cancer patients for five years. Among them, 1,483 were male. Smoking causes 70 percent of cases among men while only 18 percent of female patients developed cancer from smoking or inhaling second-hand smoke, according to the report. However, more than 60 percent of women with the disease had long term, close contact with strong oil fumes from cooking and complained about irritated eyes and throat. About 32 percent of women fried foods in boiling oil in unventilated kitchens and about 25 percent of women’s bedrooms were adjacent to the kitchens. However , local women were adjacent to then cooking oil fumes could lead to cancer .come claimed they may change food preparation methods. “Unless my family and I don/t eat at home every day , I must stay in the kitchen to cook,” said Xu Li, a 45-year-old local woman. “I know the fumes are bad for the skin, but it is the first time I heard that it can result in lung cancer. I have already started frying less.” Doctors said women’s lung cancer had few links to personal health and physical condition, but was closely related to family cancer history, unhealthy dietary habits and weak immune systems. Other experts agreed with He. “Smoking is by far the biggest cause of lung cancer for men,” said Dr Tan Binyong, honorary president of the Respiratory Disease Institute at Fudan University’s Medical College. “It’s true that second-hand smoke and cooking fumes are the main causes among women.” He’s research also warned people not to stand near of stalls selling fried foods due to the poor quality of oils used. The chance of catching lung cancer is three times higher if exposed to the fume for a long time, experts said. 练习: 1.What a new tendency in lung cancer is concluded by the researchers? D A Men are more likely to develop lung cancer than women. B Women are more likely to develop lung cancer than men. C Patients with lung cancer become older, especially males. D Patients with lung cancer become younger, especially females. 2. Which of the following diseases is the most common among the local residents in Shanghai? B A Heart disease. B Breast cancer. C Infectious diseases. D Lung cancer. 3. What symptoms may be complained of by most women with lung cancer after long term, close contact with cooking oil fumes? A


2014职称英语《理工B》真题及答案(代码22) 第一部分:词汇选项 下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。 1. The majority of people around here are decent. A. real B. honest C. normal D. wealthy 答案:D 2. The curriculum was too narrow and too rigid. A. hidden B. traditional C. inflexible D. official 答案:C 3. The committee was asked to render a report on the housing situation. A. furnish B. copy C. publish D. summarize 答案:A 4. Afterwards there was just a feeling of let-down. A. excitement B. disappointment C. anger D. calm 答案:B 5. Several windows had been smashed. A. cleaned

C. fixed D. broken 答案:D 6. The worst agonies of the war were now beginning. A. pains B. parts C. aspects D. results 答案:A 7. London quickly became a flourishing port. A. major B. large C. successful D. commercial 答案:C 8. She felt that she had done her good deed for the day. A. homework B. justice C. model D. act 答案:D 9. He led a very moral life. A. human B. intelligent C. natural D. honourable 答案:D 好学教育2015年职称英语考试过关课程课件汇总:https://www.doczj.com/doc/ae14183747.html,/RhFad1W 10. His stomach felt hollow with fear.


正保远程教育旗下品牌网站美国纽交所上市公司(NYSE:DL) 职业培训教育网职业人的网上家园https://www.doczj.com/doc/ae14183747.html, 职称英语考试辅导《综合类》第三部分讲义5 概括大意与完成句子 4.问句不是主题句,需参考问答来确定主题 例1:So who decides which names are used each year? The World Meteorological Organization uses six lists in rotation, so each list is reused every six years.(2006) A.Reason for naming hurricane B.Warming of an approaching hurricane C.Deadly women D.History of naming hurricanes https://www.doczj.com/doc/ae14183747.html,anization responsible for naming hurricanes F.Ways to track hurricanes [答疑编号505916030701] 【答案】E 例2:That leads to another question.Why does anyone wear a tie? Ties serve no purpose.They do not cover any part of your body and keep you warm.They always seem to get covered in food stains.Perhaps that is the purpose of the tie.It lets everyone know what you just ate.(2007) A.Origin of the tie B.British ties https://www.doczj.com/doc/ae14183747.html,elessness of the tie D.Old-fashioned ties E.Role of the tie F.Signs of a tieless era 老师手写内容: reason n. 原因 use n. 使用 purpose n. 目的,用途 useless adj. 无用的 useful adj. 有用的 uselessness n. 无用,无效 usefulness n. 有用,有效 no purpose 没有目的 [答疑编号505916030702] 【答案】C 例3:Is there a future for ties? The signs are not promising.Many political leaders, including British Prime Minister Tony Blair, now go without ties. A.Origin of the tie B.British ties https://www.doczj.com/doc/ae14183747.html,elessness of the tie D.Old-fashioned ties E.Role of the tie


职称英语新增文章一 职称英语文章一 1. On the night of August 17, 1959, at about 20 minutes before midnight, the ground in the vicinity of Yellowstone National Park began shaking violently. At the time there was a rumbling sound, something like a huge truck would make. Both the heaving of the ground and the noise were very frightening but lasted not quite 45 seconds. 1、1959年8月17日的晚上,大约午夜前20分钟,黄石国家公园附近大地开始猛烈 摇动。同时,大地发出如同重型卡车发出的轰响。大地的升降和啸叫都令人非常害怕,但 是一切不超过45秒。 2. What was even more frightening was the sound of huge boulders which began rolling down the steep mountain. In one part of the upper reaches of the Madison River, a whole mountain began shifting, then came crashing down to fill the deep valley and dam the great river with millions of tons rock and trees. 2、更令人害怕的是巨石开始从陡峭的山上滚下来的声音。在麦迪生河上游的一条支 流处,一整座山开始移动,之后,它崩塌下来填满深深的山谷,上百万吨岩石和大树如坝 般阻挡住大河。 3. A dozen or more campers along the river were buried deep beneath the great landslide. Others were able to climb to safety, some of them badly hurt, but were trapped by the slide. Finally these people were saved, many of them by helicopter. 3、十几个,或许更多沿河的露营者被深埋在大滑坡下。幸存的野营者开始爬向较安 全的地方,其中一些人伤得很重,仍然不时陷入滑坡。最后这些人都获救了,其中多人得 救于直升飞机。 4. This earthquake near Yellowstone Park was just one of nearly a million that happen every year all over the world. And as bad as this quake was, many have been worse. Earthquake experts say that the Yellowstone quake of 1959 was about as bad as the one which hit San Francisco in 1906.But the San Francisco quake caused more damage because it struck in a place where there were so many people living. In San Francisco 700 person lost their lives. An earthquake in Japan in 1923 took 160,000 lives. In china in 1920 an earthquake took 200,000 lives. It is easy to understand why earthquake are so feared.


2016年全国职称英语考试必过技巧 1、试题概况及答题顺序 1.1、必杀技:见下表中“答题顺序”: 1.2、详解 1.2.1、词汇、阅读理解、完型填空所占分值最高(合计高达75分),放到前面来做,避免万一时间不够,可以确保先抓住大部分分数。 1.2.2、词汇、阅读理解、完型填空都是部分来自教材,放到前面来做,记忆比较深刻,答题成功率较高。 1.2.3、阅读判断放到最后,是因为本题根据经验蒙答案(具体方法后面详述)成功率可拿到全部7分中的3分,这样可以腾出时间给需要查词典即可稳拿分数的词汇题,所以阅读判断的答题时间只有1分钟。 2、词汇(1分/题*15=15分) 2.1、必杀技: 2.1.1、准备一本正式出版的英语同义词词典,推荐牛津出版社出版,外研社翻译出版的《牛津英语同义词词典》。 2.1.2、教材练习不用做,把答案勾画出来,只需记住其中题目划线部分或者答案是词组的,其余不用看。 2.1.3、考试时看到有教材中的词组题则直接答上,其余的查词典。 2.2、详解: 2.2.1、职称英语考试允许带一本正式出版的,并非针对职称英语考试而编写的词典。而本题考核内容就是同义词(词组),显然使用同义词典效率更高。 2.2.2、词组记忆相对容易而查词典找同义词组相对较困难,又因试题来自教

材练习4-9题,所以必须记住教材中的词组题。教材词汇练习一共100题,其中有词组的也就20个左右,记住绝对没有困难; 2.2.3、因职称英语词汇数量有限,直接查同义词词典,一般前三个义项就会有答案。 3、阅读理解(3分/题*15题=45分) 3.1、必杀技: 3.1.1、熟记教材文章练习题的正确答案,重点掌握去年教材上没有的新增文章,考试时先找教材上的文章,做出来。 3.1.2、其他文章,先作考试题目中有人名、地名、国家名、数字、年代等专有名词的题。 3.1.3、勾画出考试题目中的关键词(一般是名词,不必认识它也不必查词典),然后到文章中找一样的关键词定位。 3.1.4、定位关键词后,对比文章中关键词附近的词或词组,与答案选项中词或者词组重合的最多的即为正确答案。(就像玩拼图游戏,考察你的眼力!ˇ?ˇ) 3.1.5、如果你无法定位关键词,则:、如有选项为“以上X项皆是”,即为正确答案,、看四个答案选项中有无大部分相似的。如有,若意思完全相反的其中一个必是答案;若意思并非相反的则较长选项为答案,如没有大部分相似的,则最长的选项为答案。 3.1.6、如果考试题目是针对文章中的某个单词的意思,那么就相当于是一个词汇题,则同义词词典又派上用场了! 3.1.7如果考试题目是问文章主旨(如作者的观点,替换文章标题等)的,则需要细读文章题目,每段第一句和文章最后一句,并大致搞清意思。然后选择意思最接近的一项答案。 3.2、详解: 3.2.1、考题共3篇文章,其中1篇(5个题占15分)来自教材。根据历年经验,教材新增文章作为考题的概率较大。所以熟记教材上所有文章(以教材新增文章为重点)的练习题答案,即可保证稳拿15分!注意:因为考试会把ABCD4个答案选项次序打乱,所以不要只记正确答案的ABCD编号,而要记住正确答案


职称英语考试理工类B级考试试题(1)2 第2部分:阅读判断(第16-22题,每题1分,共7分) 阅读下面这篇短文。短文后列出了7个句子。请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。如果该句提供的是正确信息。请在答题卡上把A涂黑:如果该句提供的是错误信息。请在答题卡上把B涂黑:如果该句的信息文章中没有提及。请在答题卡上把C涂黑。 The Smog(烟雾) For over a month. Indonesia was in crisis. Forest fires raged out of control as the country Suffered its worst drought for 50 years . Smoke form the fires mixed with sunlight and hot dry air to form a cloud of smog This pollution quickly spread and within days it was hanging over neighbouring countries including Malaysia.Singapore and Thailand When the smoke combined with pollution from factories and cars.it soon became poisonous (有毒的)。Dangerous amounts of CO became trapped under the smog and pollution levels rose. People wheezed f喘息)and coughed as they left the house and their eyes watered immediately. The smog made it impossible to see across streets and whole cities disappeared as grey soot (烟灰)covered everything.In some areas,water was hosed(用胶管浇)from high—rise city buildings to tIY and break up the smog.


2014年职称英语(理工类)考试辅导课程讲义 目录 第一部分了解职称英语 (3) 一、概述 (3) 二、评价目标 (3) 三、考试内容与试卷结构 (5) 四、命题原则 (6) 五、答题及计分方法 (7) 第二部分答题技巧 (8) 一、词汇选项 (8) 二、阅读判断 (10) 三、概况大意与完成句子 (10) 四、阅读理解 (12) 五、补全短文 (13) 六、完形填空 (13) 第三部分 2013年新增文章 (15) 2013年职称英语理工类新增文章篇目(ABC类) (15) 阅读理解新增文章 (17) 第十一篇 (17) 第十九篇 (19) +第四十八篇 (22) 完形填空新增文章 (25) 第三篇 (25) 第八篇 (28) +第十三篇 (31) 第四部分 2013年真题 (36) 2013年职业英语(理工类)A级考试真题 (37)

2013年职业英语(理工类)B级考试真题 (55) 2013年职业英语(理工类)C级考试真题 (70)

第一部分 了解职称英语 一、概述 总述:全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试是由人事部组织实施的一项国家级外语考试。 专业类别 注:三类考试的共同点和不同点:每个级别的试卷内容,除综合类外,普通英语和专业英语题目各占50%。对于类别的区分意义不大,原则上考生报综合、理工、卫生的任何一类都是可以的,考生可结合自身情况及单位规定进行报考。在正式考试中,50%的题都是一样的。 等级 总分:100分 考试时间:120分钟 注:参加考试的考生允许带一本普通的英语字典进入考场。建议参加C 级和B 级考试的考生可以使用《牛津英汉双解词典(中级)》,参加A 级考试的考生适用《牛津英汉双解词典(高级)》,还可以同时考虑准备一本《牛津英语同义词词典》。 二、评价目标 总目标:


2020年职称英语新增文章:教材理工类第六篇 第六篇 The Apgar Test The baby was bom at 3:36 p. m. At 3:37,she scored 4 out of 10 on her first test. At 3:41,she scored 8 out of 10. The doctor was glad. Another baby, bom at 8:24 p. m.,scored 3 out of 10 on his first test He scored 4 out of 10 on his second test. He took another test at 8:34 and scored 5. 1 He called for help1. These newborn babies took a test called the Apgar test. This test helps doctors diagnose problems. 2 Most babies take two tests. The first is at 1 minute after birth, and the second is at 5 minutes after birth. If a baby’s score at 5 minutes is less than 6,the baby takes another test at 10 minutes after birth. The Apgar t est is not an intelligence test. It’s a test that shows a baby’s health right after it is bom. The Apgar test measures things such as a baby’s color, heart rate, and breathing. The test has five parts, and the score for each part can be 0,1,or 2. 3


2016年全国职称英语考试必过 技巧 欧阳光明(2021.03.07) 1、试题概况及答题顺序 1.1、必杀技:见下表中“答题顺序”: 1.2、详解 1.2.1、词汇、阅读理解、完型填空所占分值最高(合计高达75分),放到前面来做,避免万一时间不够,可以确保先抓住大部分分数。 1.2.2、词汇、阅读理解、完型填空都是部分来自教材,放到前面来做,记忆比较深刻,答题成功率较高。 1.2.3、阅读判断放到最后,是因为本题根据经验蒙答案(具体方法后面详述)成功率可拿到全部7分中的3分,这样可以腾出时间给需要查词典即可稳拿分数的词汇题,所以阅读判断的答题时间只有1分钟。 2、词汇(1分/题*15=15分)

2.1、必杀技: 2.1.1、准备一本正式出版的英语同义词词典,推荐牛津出版社出版,外研社翻译出版的《牛津英语同义词词典》。 2.1.2、教材练习不用做,把答案勾画出来,只需记住其中题目划线部分或者答案是词组的,其余不用看。 2.1.3、考试时看到有教材中的词组题则直接答上,其余的查词典。 2.2、详解: 2.2.1、职称英语考试允许带一本正式出版的,并非针对职称英语考试而编写的词典。而本题考核内容就是同义词(词组),显然使用同义词典效率更高。 2.2.2、词组记忆相对容易而查词典找同义词组相对较困难,又因试题来自教材练习4-9题,所以必须记住教材中的词组题。教材词汇练习一共100题,其中有词组的也就20个左右,记住绝对没有困难; 2.2.3、因职称英语词汇数量有限,直接查同义词词典,一般前三个义项就会有答案。 3、阅读理解(3分/题*15题=45分) 3.1、必杀技: 3.1.1、熟记教材文章练习题的正确答案,重点掌握去年教材上没有的新增文章,考试时先找教材上的文章,做出来。 3.1.2、其他文章,先作考试题目中有人名、地名、国家名、数字、年代等专有名词的题。


2015职称英语理工类A真题及答案(完整版) 第1部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1. I will not tolerate that sort of behavior in my class. A. control B. observe C. regulate D. accept 2. She showed a natural aptitude for the work. A. sense B. talent C. flavor D. taste 3. Most people find rejection hard to accept. A. excuse B. client C. refusal D. destiny 4. The organization was bold enough to face the press. A. pleased B. powerful C. brave D. sensible 5. They were locked in mortal combat. A. deadly B. open C. actual D. active 6. We were attracted by the lure of quick money. A. amount B. supply C. tempt D. sum 7. The procedures were perceived as complex and less transparent. A. clear B. necessary C. special D. correct 8. The Stock Exchange is in turmoil following a huge wave of selling. A. Service B. danger C. disorder D. threat 9. He believes that Europe must change or it will perish. A. survive B. last C. die D. move


2010年职称英语等级考试用书(理工类) 新增文章参考译文 第四部分阅读理解 第三篇 公民科学家 理解大自然对气候变化有怎样的反应需要监视世界各个角落的关键生命周期事件——花开、叶子的出现、第一只青蛙叫出春天的到来。但是生态学家不可能去到世界的各个角落,所以他们向非科学家求助,这些非科学家有时也被称作公民科学家。 气象科学家不可能足迹遍及天下。因为在世界上有如此多的地方,没有足够的科学家来观察它们。所以他们请求你来帮助观察全世界气候变化的迹象。公民科学家运动鼓励普通人根据自己的兴趣来观察某一个特定的方面——鸟儿、树木、花开等等——并把他们的观察结果发送到一个巨大的数据库来供专业科学家研究。这有助于数量有限的科学家得到如果只靠他们自己根本收集不到的巨大数据。就像公民记者帮助报道传统新闻报道方式所忽略的小型社区的相关信息一样,公民科学家也对他们所居住的环境很熟悉。所需要的就是每天或每周留出几分钟来搜集数据并发送过来。 一群科学家和教育家在去年发起了一个叫做纽约国家物候学的组织。“物候学”就是科学家们所说的在自然中研究每个事件的时间。 其中一个小组的首要尝试就是依靠科学家和非科学家来收集关于每年植物开花和长叶子的数据。这一项目叫做花季追踪计划,它收集遍布美国的各种各样的植物生长周期的数据。参与这一项目的人们——这一计划对所有人开放——把他们的观察记录在花季追踪计划网站上。 “人们不需要是植物学家——他们仅仅需要环视四周看看周围有什么。”Jennifer

Schwartz说,她是这项计划的教育顾问。“通过收集数据,我们就能够估算出气候变化对植物和生物群落会有怎样的影响。” 第六篇 北极冰山融化 地球的北极和南极都以冰冷闻名。但是,去年北冰洋上的冰含量跌到了历史最低点。 正常情况下,每年冬天在北极附近的北冰洋开始结冰,并在夏天缩减。但是多年以来,在夏天结束时冰的含量在下降。 自从1979年以来,每l0年在夏季末的冰覆盖量都下降11.4%。在1981到2000年之间,北极冰的厚度下降了22%——变成了l.13米这么薄。 去年,北极的冰雪覆盖达到了最薄的程度。在2007年夏天快结束的时候,冰层已经缩减到只覆盖四百二十万平方公里。这比那年的平均覆盖面积少38%,比两年前最低记录少23%。这个持续的趋势令科学家们万分担忧。 冰雪融化有许多原因,话雅图华盛顿大学的海洋学家张金伦说,有许多原因导致了冰层融化。极不寻常的强风去年刮过大西洋,风把大西洋中部的冰散去,留下大面积的薄冰和没有冰覆盖的海面。 科学家们还怀疑在大西洋上空有比过去越来越少的云层。晴朗的天空使更多的阳光照射大西洋。升高的温度使水和空气都变温暖。在去年大西洋的部分海域,表面温度比平均温度高3.5摄氏度,比历史最高点还高l.5摄氏度。 由于空气和水都变暖,冰从上面和下面都开始融化。在波弗特海的部分海域,阿拉斯加的北部和加拿大的西部,夏天开始时冰的厚度为3.3米,但到了季末仅仅为50厘米。 新的测量表明,情况远远比科学家们仅仅从表面上看到的要严重得多,新罕布什尔州汉

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