当前位置:文档之家› 国际会计复习---业务题答案版2011



International accounting Exercise (2011)

A. Complete the following sentences

1.We view accounting as consisting of three broad areas: (measurement)、(disclosure) and (auditing). (Measurement)is the process of identifying, categorizing, and quantifying economic activities or transactions. (Disclosure) focuses on issues such as what is to be reported, when ,by what means, and to whom.

2. Double-entry originates in the (Italy ) city states.

3. Hofstede’s four cultural dimensions are: (individualism vs. collectivism) , (high power distance vs.low power distance),(high uncertainty avoidance vs low uncertainty avoidance ) and (masculinity vs. femininity).

4. The four culture dimensions that affect a nation’s financial repor ting practices by Gray refer to ( professionalism vs. statutory control),(uniformity vs. flexibility), (conservatism vs. optimism ) and (secrecy vs. transparency).

5. In the countries that the sources of finance mainly rely on the (Capital market or equity market),such as US and UK. Disclosure are extensive to meet the requirements of widespread public ownership.

6.In the countries that the sources of finance mainly rely on the (banks or credit system ),such as Japan and Switzerland. In order to protect the creditor, extensive public disclosure are not considered necessary.

7.The legal system of Western world can be considered two different types, one is (code law or civil law) and the other is (common law or case law).

8. In (code law or civil law) countries, laws are an all-embracing. Accounting standards and procedures are incorporated into national laws.

9.Accounting standard setting normally involves a combination of (private) and (public) sector groups. The (private) sector includes the accounting profession and other groups affected by the financial reporting process. The (public )sector includes such agencies as tax authorities. ministries responsible for commercial law, and securities commissions.

10.One key distinction in financial reporting is weather accounting is oriented toward (a fair presentation) of financial position and results of operations or toward (compliance with

legal )requirements and tax laws.

11.Accounting in the United States is regulated by a private sector body (the Financial Accounting Standards board, or FASB), but a governmental agency (the Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC)underpins the authority of its standards. SEC have right to supervise and revise to the standard finally .

12.The accounting “(the true and fair)” view appear in United Kingdom(companies law)(1948) first.

13.In France, large companies must also prepare documents relating to ( the prevention of business bankruptcies) and (a social report).

14.The following three exchange rates can be used to translate foreign currency balances to domestic currency. they are (current rate.),(historical rate )and(average rate)

15. In France ,Business expenses are deductible for tax purpose only if they are (fully booked) and reflected in annual financial statements.

16. In France, CNCC is a professional society composed of certified public auditors. Administered by ( Ministry of Justice).

17. A feature of French accounting is the dichotomy between (individual company) financial statements and those for the (consolidated)group.

18.Conservative(balance sheet )valuations are central to (creditor protection). This creates a tendency to undervalue(低估) assets and overvalue liabilities

19. (Certified public accountants)in Germany are called WPs. Or (enterprise examiners ).

20. In German, the second-tier(二级)body of auditors is named( Book Examiners), who are only allowed to audit small and medium-sized companies

21. There are two classification auditors in Japan. One engaged in (statutory audit), the other engaged in (independent ) audit.

22. One of the accounting paradoxes(悖论)in ( Netherlands) is that it is a code law country but it’s accounting is oriented toward fair presentation.

23.The Dutch flexibility toward accounting measurements may be most evident in permitting the use of ( current value )for tangible assets such as inventory and depreciable assets.

24.The majority countries in the world use the direct quote . except (U.K. or British) and ( U.S. or America ).

25.There are two accounting treatments for foreign currency transaction ,one is

(single-transaction ) perspective and the other is( two-transaction ) perspective.

26. In a (direct quote ), the exchange rate specifies the number of domestic currency units needed to acquire a unit of foreign currency.

27.Under a ( deferral ) method ,translation gains and losses are listed on the balance sheet. It is regarded as a single item ”“Translation adjustment”, list at the part of “owner’s equity”. 28.Under (No deferral ) method translation gains and losses are listed on the income statement. It is regarded as ”“Translation gains or losses”,list after “management expenses”.

29.There are four methods can be used in foreign currency translation. They are(current rate ) method, (current-noncurrent) method,(monetary-nonmonetary) method and (temporal )method.

30. Use ( current )rate to translate statement items should not give rise to translation gains or losses, so it can preserves the original cost equivalent of a foreign currency item in the reporting currency.

31. Exchange gains and losses can be divided two parts :( translation ) gains and losses and (transaction ) gains and losses.

32. Under ( current rate ) method all foreign assets and liabilities translated at the current rate. But except for the items owner’s equity.

33. Under (current rate ) method ,the consolidated statements preserve the original financial statement relationships such as financial ratios.

34. (monetary-nonmonetary ) method views monetary assets and liabilities exposed to exchange rate risk.

35.Under(temporal ) method, foreign currency balances at historical cost are translated at historical rates, and foreign currency balances at current cost or market value are translated at the current rate.

36.A subsidiary company perspective requires the ( current rate ) translation method in order to preserve relationship exiting in the foreign currency statements.

37. General price level change refers to a movement in the prices of all goods and services in an economy on average. Positive price movement is termed ( inflation ). Negative price movement is called ( deflation ).

38 .Holding gain refers to the (increase) in the current cost of a nonmonetary asset.

39. An excessive rate of inflation as when the general level of prices in an economy increases by more than 25 percent per annum is called( hyperinflation ).

40. Inflation is the increase in the general level of prices of all ( goods ) and (services) in an economy.

41. Accounting for the financial statement effects of general price-level changes is called the (Historical cost-constant purchasing power )model.

42. GPL is a cost ratio that compares the cost of a basket of goods in the current period with the cost of that same basket in a (base or prior ) period.

43. Purchasing power gain or loss is the difference between the net monetary items measured by (constant purchasing power currency) unit with the net monetary items measured by (nominal currency) unit.

44. Under general price level accounting, net income is the sum of the two numbers ,one is adjusted operating income ,the other is ( purchasing power gain or loss ).

45.Current cost-based net income include two parts, one is (realized income,)the other is (unrealized holding gains. )

46. At present, primary derivative financial instruments may be classified into following categories: (futures contract),(option contract),(forward contract )and (swap contract).

47. The recognition of derivative financial instruments can be mainly divided into three phases: (initial recognition),(subsequent recognition) and (de- recognition).

48. Accounting for the financial statement effects of general price-level changes is called

the(historical cost-constant purchasing power) model. Accounting for specific price changes is referred to as the (current cost )model

49. Under the ( European ) options , the buyer will make a choice at the end of time. Under the (American ) options , the buyer will make a choice before the end of time.

50.( Exercise Price ) means the trading price of a option contract that both sides

agreement.(Exercise Value )is the profit get by the buyer. It is a intrinsic value of a option.

51.( Interest rate swap ) means the exchange of the debts which use the same currency at different interest rate.

52. The three types of hedging are:( fair value hedging),( cash flow hedging ) and hedging for a firm’s net investment of overseas operating .

53. (Tax neutrality) means that taxes have no effect on resource allocation decisions. If taxes influence the allocation of resources ,the result will probably be less than optimal. 54.( Taxes equity) means that taxpayers who are similarly situated should pay the same tax

55. The government of the host country levy taxes on the benefit from (dividend),( interest )and (royalty payments) that gained by foreign investor is called ( withholding tax ).

56.The principles on the income from a foreign country Including (territorial) principle, (person) principle and ( world ) principle.

57. The method of avoidance of international double taxation usually consist of( tax deductions), (tax credit ), (tax exemption.) and (bilateral tax treaties).

58. There are two basic tax administration systems in the world ,one is (classical ) system ,the other is(integrated) system.

59.The countries or areas those with few natural resources offer permanent tax inducements for

a business. They are called(Tax havens).

60.(Bilateral Tax treaties) refers to the agreements between countries on taxation of income and withholding taxes

B. Choose the Correct Answer for Each Item Below

1. In general ,which of the following items is not the basic characteristic of Fair Presentation Accounting?( d )

a. with a common law legal system

b. shareholders as the principal source of finance.

c. auditors exercise more judgment and auditing profession tends to be more development and self-regulated .

d. the public sector is relatively more influential in standards setting.

2.In which country the financial accounting and taxation are separated? (b)

a. Germany

b. United Kingdom

c. Japan

d. France

3. In general ,which of the following items is not the basic characteristic of Legal Compliance Accounting?(c)

a. have a code law legal system

b. rely heavily on banks and the governments as sources of finance.

c. the private sector is relatively more influential in standards setting.

d. have a close linkage between financial and tax accounting.

4.In the chapter of” Comparative Accounting”, what are the three areas that we have compared? (abc)

a. accounting regulation and enforcement

b. financial reporting

c. accounting measurements.

d. disclosure

5.Which is the most important accounting regulation of France? (a)

a. PCG

b. Code de Commerce

c. Accounting act

d. Company Law

6. In France, which organization has real regulatory power. ( b)

a. CNC (National Accounting Board)

b. CRC (Accounting Regulation Committee)

c. AMF (Financial Markets Authority)

d. OEC (Institute of Public Accountants)

7.In which country the legal permit the professional accountant's on-the-job condition is the same as certified accountant. So, more than 85 certified accountants are the certified public auditor at the same time . (a)

a. France

b. Germany

c. Japan

d. Netherland

8.In France, besides basic financial reporting such as balance sheet and income statement, large companies must also prepare documents relating to (ab )

a. the prevention of business bankruptcies

b. social report

c. cash flow statement

d. selected quarterly data

9. A leading Japanese scholar refers to Japan Accounting regulation as a “triangular legal system”. Which one of the following is not belong to the system? ( d )

a. Commercial Code

b. Securities and Exchange Law

c. Corporate Income Tax Law

d. Civil Law

10. In Japan, the financial statements and supporting schedules of small and medium-sized companies are subject to audit only by (a ).

a. Statutory Auditors

b. Independent Auditor

c. Enterprise Examiner

d. Book Examiner

11. In Japan, the financial statements of publicly held companies must be audited in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Law by ( ab ).

a. Statutory Auditors

b. Independent Auditor

c. Enterprise Examiner

d. Book Examiner

12. In Japan, ( a )do not need any particular professional qualifications and are employed by the company on a full-time basis.

a. Statutory Auditors

b. Independent Auditor

c. Enterprise Examiner

d. Book Examiner

13. Which one of the following reporting is the unique to Japan? ( d )

a. balance sheet

b. income statement

c. cash flow statement

d. proposal for appropriation of retained earnings

14. (c ) is the important accounting regulation of Netherlands.

a. Commercial Code

b. Tax Law

c. Civil Code

d. Securities and Exchange Law

15. The first country to develop an accountancy profession is ( c ).

a. France

b. Germany

c. United Kingdom

d. United State

16. The “true and fair view” begin to appear first in ( c) Companies Law (1948)

a. France

b. Germany

c. United Kingdom

d. United State

17.In Britain ,( b ) is empowered to issue accounting Standards.

a. Financial Reporting Council

b. Accounting Standards Board

c. Financial Reporting Review Panel

d. Urgent Issues Task Force

18. Which one of the following foreign currency translation method belongs to single rate method( a )

a. current rate method

b. current-noncurrent method

c. monetary-nonmonetary method

d. temporal method

19. what methods belong to Multiple rate methods.( bcd )

a. current rate method

b. current-noncurrent method

c. monetary-nonmonetary method

d. temporal method

20.Under( d ) , foreign currency balances at historical cost are translated at historical rates, and foreign currency balances at current cost or market value are translated at the current rate.

a. current rate method

b. current-noncurrent method

c. monetary-nonmonetary method

d. temporal method

21. ( c) method views monetary assets and liabilities exposed to exchange rate risk.

a. Current rate method

b. Current-noncurrent method

c. Monetary-nonmonetary method

d. Temporal method

22 Under( bcd)method, depreciation, amortization charges at historical rates in effect when

related assets are acquired.

a. current rate method

b. current-noncurrent method

c. monetary-nonmonetary method

d. temporal method

23.Under( a )method, depreciation, amortization charges at current rates .

a. current rate method

b. current-noncurrent method

c. monetary-nonmonetary method

d. temporal method

24.Functional currency can be the( abc ) currency.

a. parent

b. local

c. another foreign

d. any

25. Generally we select the (b) currency as functional currency when sales market of a subsidiary company is largely in the host country and denominated in local currency.

a. parent

b. local

c. another foreign

d. any

26..( a ) belongs to monetary assets .

a. cash

b. inventory

c. equipment

d. land

27.( b ) belongs to nonmonetary assets.

a. cash

b. inventory

c. accounts receivable

d. notes receivable

28. ( d ) will bring purchasing gains during a period of inflation.

a. cash

b. inventory

c. accounts receivable

d. accounts payable

29. ( ac ) will bring purchasing loss during a period of inflation.

a. cash

b. inventory

c. accounts receivable

d. accounts payable

30. ( b ) will bring holding gains during a period of inflation.

a. cash

b. inventory

c. accounts receivable

d. accounts payable

31. During a period of price changes, assets recorded at their original acquisition costs resulting in an overstatement in reported income. This will not lead to( d).

a. higher taxes

b. higher dividends

c. higher wages

d. underestimate income

32. Accounting for the financial statement effects of general price-level changes is called the ( a )model.

a. historical cost-constant purchasing power

b. historical cost-nominal purchasing power

c. current cost-constant purchasing power

d. current cost- nominal purchasing power

33. During inflation, a firm holding monetary assets experiences a ( a ).

a .purchasing power loss b. purchasing power gain c. holding loss d. holding gain

34. Current cost-based net income generally include three items. They are(abc )

a. current cost-based operating income

b. realized holding gains

c. unrealized holding gains

d. unrealized operating income

35. Under current cost accounting model,( c ) need to adjusted from historical cost to current cost.

a. cash

b. accounts receivable

c. inventory

d. short-term debt

36. (abc ) belongs to basis financial instruments.

a. common stock

b. corporate bonds

c. accounts receivable

d. bonds option investment

37. ( d) belongs to derivative financial instruments.

a. common stock

b. corporate bonds

c. accounts receivable

d. bonds option investment

38.( a ) is regarded as a standardized forward contract.

a. futures contract

b. option contract

c. swap contract

d. commodity contract

39. ( c )refers to the account treatment for a financial instruments at the settlement date.

a .Initial recognition

b .Subsequent recognition

c. De-recognition

d. Accounting recognition

40. According to the choice of the initial recognition time point ,there are two accounting model use for dealing with derivative financial instruments .(ab)

a. transaction date accounting

b. settlement date accounting

c. initial date accounting

d. subsequent date accounting

41. Under the ( b) options , the buyer will make a choice before the end of time.

a. European

b. American

c. call

d. put

42. Withholding tax refers to the tax imposed on ( abc ) to foreign investors.

a. dividend

b. interest

c. royalty

d. operating earnings

43. ( a) is called border tax.

a. Customs duties

b. Export duties

c. Withholding tax

d. Corporate tax

44. A company operating abroad encounters a variety of taxes, which is not one of them?( d )

a. corporate income tax

b. withholding tax

c. Border tax

d. business tax

45.What are the important factors that can affect the tax burden of a business?( abc )

a. tax rates

b. taxable income

c. social overhead costs

d. economic level

46.The principles on the income from a foreign country of China is ( c )

a. territorial principle

b. person principle

c. world principle

d. source jurisdiction principle

47. In ( a ) ,businesses that purchase real estate may get tax preference from 6% to10% at the year of purchase

a. America

b. England

c. Germany D. China

48. Under( a ), Corporate income is taxed twice.

a. classical system

b. integrated system

c. tax-split System

d. tax- credit system

49. The complicating Variables that affect the International Transfer Pricing including (abcd).

a. tax considerations

b. tariff considerations

c. competitive factors

d. environmental risks

50.OECD identifies several broad methods of ascertaining an arm’s-length price. They

are(abcd )

a. comparable uncontrolled price method

b. comparable uncontrolled transaction method

c. resale price method

d. cost-plus pricing method

C. Explain to the Concepts

1. International accounting

International accounting is a area of accounting which study on how to treatment specific accounting practice of a multinational company or how to provide information of an entity to non-domestic readers


Goodwill is capitalized as the difference between fair value of the consideration given in the exchange and the fair values of the underlying net assets acquired.

4.direct quote

The exchange rate specifies the number of domestic currency units needed to acquire a unit of foreign currency.

5.indirect quote

The exchange rate specifies the price of a unit of the domestic currency in terms of the foreign currency.

6.current rate

The exchange rate in effect at the relevant financial statement date.

7.functional currency

The primary currency in which an entity does business and generates and spends cash. It is usually the currency of the country where the entity is located and the

currency in which the books of record are maintained

8.historical rate

The foreign exchange rate that prevailed when a foreign currency asset or liability was first acquired or incurred.

9.monetary items

Obligations to pay or rights to receive a fixed number of currency units in the future.

10.settlement date

The date on which a payable is paid or a receivable is collected.

11. general price level change

Refers to a movement (change) in the prices of all goods and services in an economy on average.

12. specific price change

Refers to the movement (a change) in the price of a specific good or service caused by changes in demand and supply.

13. general purchasing power equivalents

Currency amounts that have been adjusted for changes in the general level of prices.

14. specific price change.

The change in the price of specific commodity, such as inventory or equipment.

15. holding gain

Increase in the current cost of a nonmonetary asset.

16. hyperinflation

An excessive rate of inflation as when the general level of prices in an economy increases by more than 25 percent per annum.

17. purchasing power

The general ability of a monetary unit to command goods and services.

18. monetary gains

Increase in general purchasing power that occur when monetary liabilities are held during a period of inflation.

19. monetary losses

Decreases in general purchasing power that occur when monetary assets are held during a period of inflation.


GPL is a cost ratio that compares the cost of a basket of goods in the current period with the cost of that same basket in a prior or base period.

D. Answer the questions below

1. What factors are contributing to the importance of international accounting as a field of study?

Growth and spread of multinational operations

Global competition

Cross-border mergers and acquisitions

Internationalization of capital markets

2.What are the major influence factors of the accounting pattern?

1) sources of finance

2)legal system


4)political and economic ties


6)level of economic development

7)education level


3. How many components are included in a typical annual financial report of a large U.S. corporations? What are they?

A typical annual financial report of a large U.S. corporation includes the following components:

(1)report of management

(2)report of independent auditors

(3)Primary financial statements (income statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flows,

statement of comprehensive income, and statement of stockholders’equity)

(4)management discussion and analysis of results of operations and financial condition

(5)notes to financial statements

(6)five-or ten-year comparison of selected financial data

(7)selected quarterly data.

4 .Please explain the main contents of the Director’s reports in British.

The director’s report addresses principal business activities, review of operations and likely developments, important post-balance sheet events, recommended dividends, names of the directors and their shareholdings, and political and charitable contributions.

5.British financial reporting generally include 7 parts, what are they?

(1)Director’s report

(2)Profit and loss account and balance sheet

(3)cash flow statement

(4)Statement of total recognized gains and losses

(5)Statements of accounting policies

(6)Notes that are referenced to the financial statements

(7)Auditor’s report

6. Fluctuating exchange rates cause several major issues in accounting for foreign currency translation, what are they?

(1)Which exchange rate should be used to translate foreign currency balances to domestic


(2)Which foreign currency assets and liabilities are exposed to exchange rate changes?

(3)How should translation gains and losses be accounted for?

E. Judgment of the item below is false or true

1. Domestic accounting is an information specialty providing information about a firm to users of that information as a basis for economic decisions. √

2. International accounting is a branch of accounting. It resolves the specific accounting practice of a multinational company or providing information of an entity to non-domestic readers.√

3.Accounting can be divided into three broad areas : measurement ,disclosure and auditing. √

4.In the history of accounting ,double-entry originates in the British city states. ×

5.In the history of accounting, Dutch enhance periodic income measurement.√

6. Hofstede’s four cultural dimensions are: Professionalism vs. statutory control, Uniformity vs. flexibility, conservatism vs. optimism and Secrecy vs. transparency .×

7. In the countries that the sources of finance mainly rely on the banks, such as US and UK. Disclosure are extensive to meet the requirements of widespread public ownership.×

8.The legal system of Western world can be considered two different types, one is code law and the other is civil law. ×

9.In most common law countries, accounting rules are establish by private-sector professional organizations.√

10.In Sweden and Germany, financial accounting is separated from tax accounting.×

11.In Netherlands, tax legislation determine accounting standard.×

12. Accounting in Sweden developed from the microeconomic approach. ×

13. Accounting developed from macroeconomic approach in the Netherlands.×

14. Accounting developed as independent discipline in the U.K and the U.S.√

15.Under Uniform approach, Accounting is standardized by central government and used as a tool for administrative control. Japan is the example.×

16. The private sector who set the accounting standards includes the accounting profession and other groups affected by the financial reporting process. √

17.The accounting practice emphasize Fairness and Substance over Form when the orientations of accounting is compliance with legal requirements .×

18. When the orientations of accounting is compliance with legal requirements, financial and tax accounting are unified that there will be no deferred tax .√

19.In France, a company whose employee exceed 300 peoples should be considered a large company. It has more disclosure obligation.√

20.In Germany, auditor must report to the state prosecutor all criminal acts that they find in the course of auditing. √

21. In Britain, more than 85 certified accountants are the certified public auditor at the same time ×

22. Creditor protection is a fundamental concern of German accounting .√

23. British accounting is designed to compute a prudent income amount that leaves creditors unharmed after distributions are made to owners. ×

24.In Germany, WPs and Book Examiner are legally sanctioned to conduct independent audit examinations of companies.√

25. In Japan, the commercial Code is administered by the Ministry of finance.×

26.In America, expenses can be claimed for tax purposes only if they are fully booked.×

27. In Japan ,both statutory and independent auditors must audit large corporations. √

28. In the Netherlands, independent auditors may complain to the enterprise chamber if it believes that a company’s financial statements don’t conform to applicable law. ×

29.In a indirect quote, the exchange rate specifies the number of domestic currency units needed to acquire a unit of foreign currency.×

30.Domestic currency equivalents are obtained by multiplying foreign currency balances by direct

exchange rate quotations or dividing foreign currency balances by indirect quotations. √

31. Under a single-transaction perspective, exchange adjustments are treated as an adjustments to the original transaction accounts on the premise, that a transaction and its settlement are a single events.√

32. Under a two-transaction perspective, collection receivables is considered a separate events from the sale that gave rise to it.√

33.Translation gains or losses result from a restatement process. Transactions gains or losses result from the physical exchange of one currency for another. √

34. Gain or loss on a settled transaction arises whenever consolidated financial statements are prepared before settlement and the current rate has changed since the transaction date. √35. Under partial deferral method ,To recognize losses as soon as they occur, but to recognize gains only as they are realized.√

36. The subsidiary company perspective views a foreign subsidiary as an extension of the parent .×

37. Specific price change refers to a movement (change) in the prices of all goods and services in an economy on average.×

38. Inflation reflects the specific price change ×

39. Generally specific price change caused by changes in demand and supply.√

40. Adjusting assets values for changes in specific prices is called current cost adjustments.√

41. Accounting for specific price changes is referred to as the current cost model.√

42. Accounting for general price changes is referred to as the current cost model.×

43. GPL is a measure of the general purchasing power of the monetary unit.√

44. The objective of general price level adjustments is to measure income such that it represents an amount that could be withdrawn from the business while preserving the general purchasing power of the firm’s original investment.√

*45. GPL is a cost ratio that compares the cost of a specific item with its cost in a prior or base period.×

46. SPL is a cost ratio that compares the cost of a specific item with its cost in a prior or base period.√

47. Derivative instruments dealing with "leveraged effect". As long as the proportion of the deposit

is paid out, the transactions can be conducted.√

48. Initial recognition of financial instruments refers to adjust the value changes caused by the changes in fair value at the end of accounting term.×

49. Under an European options ,the buyer will make a choice at the end of time.√

50. Corporate income tax belongs to direct taxes.√

51. Consumers ultimately bear the cost of value-added tax.√

52. Border tax have important effects on business decision such as the structure of acquisition. ×

53. Transfer tax is designed to keep domestic goods price competitive with imports.√

54.A low tax rate does not necessarily mean a low tax burden.√

55. Tax- credit system is one of the classical system .×

56. Under tax-split system ,generally use of different rates on retained earnings and distributed earnings, the rate on retained earnings is lower than distributed earnings .×

57. Arm’s-length principle refers to Intra-firm transactions are priced as if they took place between unrelated parties in competitive markets.√

58. Comparable profits method is one of the pricing method under arm’s-length principle .√

59. Profit-split methods is one of the pricing method under arm’s-length principle .√

60.The principles on the income from a foreign country of America is territorial principle .


F. Drills of Business Transaction

1.XYZ is a U.S. company, its foreign exchange business as below:

On Dec. 1, 2008 ,XYZ company purchases a quantity of merchandise , on that day the exchange rate is UK£0.6169=US$1 .Assume the transaction costs is UK£81050,payment period is 60 days.

Assume the following exchange rates :

December 31,2008 UK£0.6150=US$1

January 31,2009 UK£0.6159=US$1


Prepared double entries under Two-transaction Perspective when transaction ,

statement and transaction settlement date.

1. On Dec. 1, 2008. Transaction Date

Dr.Merchandise Inventory $131382.72 Cr.Accounts Payable $131382.72 £81050÷0.6169

2. On Dec. 31,2008. Statement Date

Dr. Foreign Exchange Loss $405.9 Cr. Accounts Payable $405.9 £81050÷0.6150-81050÷0.6169

3. On Jan. 31,2009. Settlement Date

(1)Dr. Accounts Payable $192.58

Cr. Foreign Exchange Gain $192.58


(2)Dr. Accounts Payable $131596.04

Cr.Cash $131596.04

2.On January 1, assume that a U.S. firm borrows 5 million Swiss francs (CHF) for three years at 6 percent interest paid semiannually in Swiss francs .The principal does not have to be repaid until the end of loan. Assume also that the loan is adjusted for any exchange rate change every six months. Assume the following exchange rates for the first year:

January 1 $0.8000

June 30 $0.7900

December 31 $0.8800

The average exchange rate for the first six months was $.7960 and for the next six months was $.8500.

Required:Please prepare the journal entries for the first year.

On January 1

Cash $ 4,000,000

Loan Payable $ 4,000,000

CHF 5,000,000 x0.80000

On June 30

(1) Loan Payable $50,000

Foreign Exchange Gain $50,000 CHF 5,000,000 x(0.80000-0.7900)

(2)Interest Expense $119,400

Foreign Exchange Gain $900

Cash $118,500 Interest Expense:

CHF 5,000,000 x. (0.06/2) x0.7960 = CHF 150,000x0.7960 =$119,400

Interest Paid:

CHF 5,000,000 x. (0.06/2) x0.7900 = CHF 150,000x0.7900=$118,500

On December 31

(1) Foreign Exchange Loss $450,000

Loan Payable $450,000 CHF 5,000,000 x(0.8800-0.7900)

(2)Interest Expense $127,500

Foreign Exchange Loss $4,500 Cash $132,000 Interest Expense:

CHF 5,000,000 x. (0.06/2) x0.8500. = CHF 150,000x0.8500 =$127,500

Interest Paid:

CHF 5,000,000 x. (0.06/2) x0.8800 = CHF 150,000x..8800=$132,000

3. Assume a company earns $1000,000 this year, subject to a 35 percent corporate income tax . And distributes a 70 percent dividend to its shareholders, who subject to a 30 percent personal income tax .

Assumed that the credit ratio is 25% .(Tax credit system )

Required: Please calculate the total tax paid on corporate income

(1) Under Classical System

(2) Under Tax Credit System

3. (1) Under Classical System (2) Under Tax Credit System

Corporate income:$1000,000 Corporate income:$1000,000

-Income tax at 35% 350,000 -Corporate income tax at 35% 350,000 =Net income $650,000 = Net income $650,000 Dividend (70%)$455,000 Dividend(70%)$455,000 -Personal income tax at 30% 136,500 Tax credit at 25% $113.,750 =Net amount to shareholders $318,500 Corporate income tax $350,000 Total tax paid on corporate income: -Credit paid in advance 113,750 Corporate tax $350,000 =Actual corporate income tax $236,250 Individual income tax 136,500 Dividend to shareholders $455,000 Total $486,500 +Tax credit 113,750

=Actual dividend :$568,750

Individual income tax (30%)$170,625

-Tax credit 113,750

Actual individual income tax $ 56,875

Total tax paid on corporate income

Corporate tax $350,000(236,250+113,750)

Individual income tax 56,875

Total $406,875

4.On Jan. 8, 2009 ,An American company signed a two-month futures contract to purchase bond futures , on that day the value of bond futures (market price) was $300 000.

The company paid for $30 000 initial margin deposits (at 10% of the futures price) and will fill pay or return a certain amount of deposits with the increase or decrease of the futures price.

Suppose on Jan. 31, the market price of the bond futures rose to $320 000.

On Feb. 28, the company closed the deposit at $315 000 and paid $ 1600 for interchange fee based on predicting the price will decline constantly. Then, settled the differences .

transaction date accounting settlement date accounting

1. January. 8 (transaction date)

(1)Bonds Futures Investment $300 000

Bonds Futures Contract Payable $300 000

(2)Deposits Paid $30 000 (1) Deposits Paid $30 000

Cash $30 000 Cash $30 000

2.January. 31

(1) Deposits Paid $2000 (1) the same

Cash $2000


读书破万卷下笔如有神 《管理会计》复习题2 一、单项选择题(下列各题只有一个符合题意的正确答案。将你选定的答案编号用英文大写字母填入每题的括号中。本类题共10分,每小题1分。不选、错选或多选,该小题均不得分) 1.下列项目中,能够规定管理会计工作对象基本活动空间的假设是( A )。 A.多层主体假设 B.理性行为假设 C.合理预期假设 D.充分占有信息假设 2.最优化、效益性、决策有用性、及时性、重要性和灵活性,共同构成了现代管理会计的( B )。 A.管理会计假设 B.管理会计原则 C.管理会计术语 D.管理会计概念 3.在历史资料分析法的具体应用方法中,计算结果最为精确的方法是( C )。 A.高低点法 B.散布图法 C.回归直线法 D.直接分析法 4.如果完全成本法的期末存货成本比期初存货成本多10 000元,而变动成本法的期末存货成本比期初存货成本多4 000元,则可断定两种成本法的营业利润之差为( C )。 A.14 000元 B.10 000元 C.6 000元 D.4 000元 5.在其他因素不变的条件下,其变动不能影响保本点的因素是( D )。 A.单位变动成本 B.固定成本 C.单价 D.销售量 6.在采用平滑指数法进行近期销售预测时,应选择( C )。 A.固定的平滑指数 B.较小的平滑指数 C.较大的平滑指数 D.任意数值的平滑指数 7.在管理会计中,将决策划分为确定型决策、风险型决策和不确定型决策的分类标志是( B )。 A.决策的重要程度 B.决策条件的肯定程度 C.决策规划时期的长短 D.决策解决的问题内容 8.下列各项中,属于经营预算的是( A )。 A.管理费用预算 B.经营决策预算 C.现金预算 D.预计利润表 9.对产品的设计、试制阶段所进行的成本控制属于( A )。 A.前馈性成本控制 B.防护性成本控制 C.反馈性成本控制 B.预防性成本控制 10.下列各项中,属于成本中心控制和考核的内容是( A )。 A.责任成本 B.产品成本 C.直接成本 D.目标成本 将你选定的答案编号用(下列各题有两个或两个以上符合题意的正确答案。多项选择题二、. 读书破万卷下笔如有神 英文大写字母填入每题的括号中。本类题共15分,每小题1.5分。不选、错选、少选或多选,


《管理会计》考试题库及答案 一.单项选择题 1.C 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.B 15.D 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.C 21.C 22.A 23.C 24.C 25.C 26.B 27.B 28.C 29.C 30.D 31.A 32.D 33.B 34.C 35.A 36.A 37.B 38.C 39.B 40.D 41.C 42.A 43.A 44.B 45.D 46.C 47.D 48.A 49.C 50.B 51.D 52.B 53.B 54.C 55.A 56.B 57.D 58.A 59.C 60.A 61.D 62.C 63.D 64.C 65.B 66.D 67.A 68.B 69.C 70.D 71.B 72.C 73.B 74.D 75.B 76.C 77.D 78.B 79.B 80.D 81.A 82.D 83.D 84.A 85.C 86.B 87.B 88.A 89.C 90.B 91.B 92.C 93.D 94.D 95.B 96.A 97.C 98.B 99.B 100.A 101.C 102.B 103.C 104.C 105.C 106.B 107.A 108.B 109.C 110.A 111.D 112.B 113.A 114.B 115.B 116.A117.A118.A119.D 120.A 1.下列各项中,与传统的财务会计相对立概念而存在的是()。 A.现代会计B.企业会计C.管理会计D.管理会计学 2.现代管理会计的一个重要特征是()。 A.具有统一性和规范性B.必须遵循公认的会计原则C.方式方法更为灵活多样D.方法单一 3.在Y=a+()X中,Y表示总成本,a表示固定成本,X表示销售额,则X的系数应是()。 A.单位变动成本B.单位边际贡献C.变动成本率D.边际贡献率 4.单位产品售价减去单位变动成本的差额称为()。 A.单位收入B.单位利润C.单位边际贡献D.单位边际贡献率 5.在变动成本法下,固定性制造费用最终应当在损益表中列作()。 A.非生产成本B.期间成本C.产品成本D.直接成本 6.贡献毛益率和变动成本率的关系是()。 A.互为倒数B.互补C.相等D.没有关系 7.在销售收入既定的条件下,盈亏临界点的高低取决于()的多少。 A.固定成本B.变动成本C.总成本D.销售量 8.只有超过()的销售量才能为企业提供利润。 A.固定成本B.变动成本C.边际成本D.保本点 9.下列各项中,属于因果预测分析法的是()。 A.趋势分析法B.移动平均法C.本量利分析法D.平滑指数法 10.列各项中,不属于定量分析法的是()。 A.判断分析法B.算术平均法C.回归分析法D.平滑指数法 11.下列指标中,其分母为时期平均指标的是()。


精品资料 XXXX 学 院 2015 /2016 学年第 2学期考试试卷( A )卷 课程名称: 管理会计 适用专业/年级:2014级会计电算化 本卷共 6 页,考试方式: 闭卷 ,考试时间: 120 分钟 一、单项选择题 (本题共12小题,每题1分,共12分) 1.将全部成本分为固定成本、变动成本和混合成本所采用的分类标志是( ) A.成本的目标 B.成本的可辨认性 C.成本的经济用途 D.成本的性态 2.管理会计的服务侧重于( ) A.股东 B.外部集团 C.企业内部的经营管理 D.债权人 3.在变动成本法下,销售收入减去变动成本等于( ) A.销售毛利 B.税后利润 C.税前利润 D.贡献边际 4.下列项目中,不能列入变动成本法下产品成本的是( ) A.直接材料 B.直接人工 C.变动性制造费用 D.固定性制造费用 5.某企业每月固定成本1000元,单价10元,计划销售量600件,欲实现目标利润800元,其单位变动成本为( )元 A.10 B.9 C.8 D.7 6.从保本图上得知,对单一产品分析,( ) A.单位变动成本越大,总成本斜线率越大,保本点越高 B.单位变动成本越大,总成本斜线率越小,保本点越高 C.单位变动成本越小,总成本斜线率越小,保本点越高 D.单位变动成本越小,总成本斜线率越大,保本点越低 专业班级: 姓 名: 学 号: 密 封 线 装 订 线

精品资料 7.下属因素中导致保本销售量上升的是() A.销售量上升 B.产品单价下降 C.固定成本下降 D.产品单位变动成本下降 8.在历史资料分析法的具体应用方法中,计算结果最为精确的方法是() A.高低点法 B.散布图法 C.回归直线法 D.直接分析法 9.下列长期投资决策评价指标中,其数值越小越好的指标是() A.净现值率 B.投资回收期 C.内部收益率 D.投资利润率 10.编制全面预算的基础是() A.直接材料预算 B.直接人工预算 C.生产预算 D.销售预算 11.通过预算编制可以进行( ) A.事前控制 B.事中控制 C.事后控制 D.全程控制 12.销售量不变,保本点越高,则能实现的利润() A.越小 B.不变 C.越大 D.不一定 二、多项选择题:(本题共8小题,每题2分,共16分) 1.下列各项中属于生产经营相关成本的有() A.增量成本 B.机会成本 C.专属成本 D.沉没成本 2.下列项目中,可以列入变动成本法下产品成本的是() A.直接材料 B.直接人工 C.变动性制造费用 D.固定性制造费用 3.根据成本按习性分类,()不随产量的变化而变化。 A.固定制造费用总额 B.单位变动成本 C.单位销售成本 D.单位固定制造费用 E.变动生产成本总额 4.从保本图得知() A.保本点右边,成本大于收入,是亏损区 B.销售量一定的情况下,保本点越高,盈利区越大


《国际会计》 第一章国际会计的形式与发展 一、单项选择题 1、国际会计成为一门新的会计学科,大致在(A) A 20世纪70年代 B 20世纪60年代 C20世纪90年代 D20世纪50年代 2、跨国公司兴起导致的独特的会计问题是() A 国际物价变动影响的调整 B 国际财务报表的合并 C 外币报表的折算 D 国际税务会计 3、“四大”会计师事务所的业务扩展与委托人的联系使用的是(A) A 同一名称和同一语言 B 不同名称和同一语言 C 不同名称和不同语言 D 同一名称和不同语言 4、第一次国际会计师大会举行的时间、地点是(A ) A 1904年圣路易斯 B 1952年伦敦 C 1962年纽约 D 1972年悉尼 5、1977年于慕尼黑举行的第十一次国际会计师大会上创建的国际会计师联合会(IFAC)的前身是(A ) A 会计职业界国际协调委员会(ICCAP) B 国际会计准则委员会(IASC) C 国际审计事务委员会(IAPC) D 国际会计师大会技术委员会 二、多项选择题 1、国际会计的三大课题是(ABC ) A 国际物价变动影响的调整 B 国际财务报表的合并 C 外币报表的折算 D 国际税务会计 2、现有的国际性会计事务所(会计公司)中所谓的“四大”包括(A B C D ) A普华永道B毕马威国际C德勤D永安国际E安达信国际 3、国内性质的会计师事务所为从事国际业务而进行的临时协作一般要通过哪些途径联系?() A 国际性的职业届会议 B 双方直接联系 C 各国的执业会计师协会下设的国际联络委员会 D 各国政府 4、我国注册会计师考试的报考者的条件包括(AB )

A 具有大专或大专以上学历 B 具有会计、审计、统计、经济中级或中级以上的专业技术职称 C 有两年的会计师事务所工作经验 D 必须是中国公民 5、自1994年,我国已允许(ABCD)参加我国注册会计师统一考试。 A 我国大陆公民 B 香港居民 C 澳门居民3 D 台湾居民 E 外国籍公民(该国法律允许中国公民参加该国注册会计师考试) 6、20世纪70年代国际会计的研究中,悲观主义者的“国别会计”观的主要观点包括(ABC ) A 各国会计的差异是各国不同的经济、政治、社会、法律、文化等环境影响所形成,不可能协调一致。 B 国际会计应该是世界上所有国家的会计和惯例的集合体。 C 要制定一套世界性的完整的能为各国真正接受的会计准则是不可能的。 D 国际会计研究的可以急务无不与跨国公司的经营活动的要求有关。 三、判断题 1、建立在“联盟”基础上的兼具国际和国内性质的会计师事务所,其利润是在世界范围内的入伙成员之间进行分配的。(F) 2、20世纪70年代国际会计的研究中,乐观主义者把国际会计视为跨国公司(母公司)与国外子公司会计。(F ) 3、国际会计就是跨国公司与国外子公司之间的会计实务。(F ) 4、会计随着商业活动的扩展而传播。(T ) 5、会计职业界提供国际服务有二个层次,分别是一体化的国际性会计师事务所、兼具国际和国内性质的会计师事务所(F ) 6、跨国公司的存在对会计国际化没有影响( F ) 7、外币交易、外币报表的折算、衍生金融工具的处理等会计方法具有国际性质(T ) 8、货币市场和资本市场的国际化是会计国际化的主要推动力。(T ) 9、国际财务报表的合并、外币报表折算、国际物价变动影响的调整,称为国际会计的“三大课题”(T )。 10、国际会计是国际性交易的会计,不同国家会计原则的比较,以及世界范围内不同会计准则的协调化。(T )。 第二章会计惯例和财务报表的国计比较 一、单选题 1、2003年12月,国际会计准则理事会在其《改进国际会计准则》项目的改进后IAS2《存货》中,已经取消了的存货计价方法是()A先进先出法 B后进先出法 C加权平均法 D移动平均法 2、德国的会计惯例对流动负债和长期负债的划分描述正确的是() A 凡在资产负债表日期1年以后到期的负债项目,应归入长期负债 B 凡在资产负债表日期4年以后到期的负债项目才归入长期负债 C 采用了“一年或营业周期孰长”的规定 D 2年以后到期的负债项目才归入长期负债 3、增值表创始于,流行于。() A 西欧,西欧 B 美国,美国 C 西欧,美国 D 美国,西欧

管理会计 复习题

厦门大学网络教育2011-2012学年第一学期 《管理会计》复习题 一、单选题 1.每期等额的收入或支出的复利终值之和称为(C )。 A.复利现值B.复利终值C.年金终值D.年金现值 2. 编制全面预算的起点是(C)。 A. 业务预算 B. 生产预算 C. 销售预算 D. 财务预算 3.已知上年利润为10万元,下一年经营杠杆系数为1.4,销售量变动率为15%,则下一年利润预测数为( C )。 A.14万B.15万C.12.1万D.12.5 4.不受固定成本影响,和产销量保持一致变动的是(A )。 A.贡献边际总额B.单位变动成本 C.利润D.保本点 5.变动成本法下期末存货成本不包括(C )。 A.直接材料B.直接人工 C.固定制造费用D.变动制造费用 6. 净现值和内部收益率(A )。 A. 都属正指标 B. 都属反指标 C. 前者是正指标,后者是反指标 D. 前者是反指标,后者是正指标 7.下列各项中,能反映变动成本法局限性的说法是(D )。 A.导致企业盲目生产B.不利于成本控制 C.不利于短期决策D.不符合传统的成本观念 8.在其它因素不变时,固定成本减少,保本点(B )。 A.升高B.降低 C.不变D.不一定变动

9. 在现金流量计算中,不属于现金流出的是(B)。 A. 所得税 B. 折旧 C. 付现成本 D. 初始投资额 10.下列各项中,属于非折现指标的是(A )。 A.投资回收期法B.净现值法 C.内含报酬率法D.现值指数法 11.如果本期销售量比上期增加,其它条件不变,则可断定变动成本法计算的本期营业利润(B )。 A.一定等于上期B.一定大于上期 C.应当小于上期D.可能等于上期 12. 下列指标中,(D )属于考核投资中心的最佳指标。 A. 责任成本 B. 贡献边际 C. 投资利润率 D. 剩余收益 二、多选题 1.与决策相关的成本是(ABDE )。 A.机会成本B.增量成本C.沉没成本 D.专属成本E.可延缓成本 2.管理会计的基本原则中,决策有用性原则包括(BC)。 A.效益性 B.相关性 C.可信性 D.及时性 E.灵活性 3.影响保本点的因素有(ABCE )。 A.单位售价B.单位变动成本C.固定成本总额 D.安全边际率E.品种结构 4. 企业处于保本状态时,则(AB )。 A. 利润为零 B. 安全边际为零 C. 贡献边际为零 D. 贡献边际率为零


《管理会计》试卷 2 分,共 20 分) .管理会计的基本内容不包括( )。 .成本控制 B .经营预测 C .预算管理 D .成本核算 .现代企业会计的两大分支:除了财务会计还有( )。 .财务管理 B .预算会计 C .管理会计 D .成本会计 .下列哪个选项中不属于管理会计和财务会计的区别内容( )。 .会计主体不同 B .核算依据不同 C .法律效力不同 D .最终目标不同 .通过成本性态的分析,把企业全部成本最终分为( )。 .变动成本和销售成本 B .变动成本和固定成本 .固定成本和生产成本 D .销售成本和生产成本 .变动生产成本不包括以下哪个选项。( ) .直接人工 B .直接材料 C .固定性制造费用 D .变动性制造费用 .如果某期按变动成本法计算的营业利润为8000元,该期产量为4000件,销售量为2000期初存货量为零,固定性制造费用总额为4000元,则按完全成本法计算的营业利润为 ) .10000元 B .8000元 C .5000元 D .6000元 .某公司单位变动成本为10元,单价15元,固定成本10000元,欲实现保本,应销售( ) .200 B .2000 C .100 D .1000 .某公司生产A 产品,该产品的单位变动成本为50元,单价为80元,如果固定成本保持20%时,想保持保本销售量不变,单价应调整为( )。 .10元 B .96元 C .90元 D .60元

9.某小家电生产企业5月实际销售台灯为6000台,原来预测该月销售量为5500台,则预测6月销售量为()台,假设平滑指数为0.6。 A.5500 B.5700 C.5800 D.6500 10、在采用变动成本法计算的企业中,单位产品的标准成本不包括()标准成本。 A、直接材料 B、直接人工 C、变动制造费用 D、固定制造费用 二、简答题(每小题10分,共40分) 2.简述变动成本法的优缺点。 3.简述全部成本法和变动成本法下分期营业利润出现差额的根本原因。 4. 简述什么是预测分析?预测分析有哪些方法以及内容? 三、计算题(每小题10分,共40 分) (1)采用高低点法将维修费分解为固定部分和变动部分,并写出成本模型。 (2)若8月份的业务量预计为15000机器小时,计算该企业8月份的维修费预计数。 2.已知:某企业只生产A产品,单价p为10万元/件,单位变动成本b为6万元/件,固定成本a为40 000万元。20×4年生产经营能力为12 500件。 要求:计算该企业的保本点销售量和保本点销售额指标。 3. 企业1999年生产乙产品10000件,销售9000件。该产品单位销售价格为40元,单位产品变动生产成本为24元,单位变动销售及管理费用为4元。该企业全年固定制造费用为60000元。全年固定销售及管理费用为25000元,假定该企业乙产品无期初存货。 要求:分别按变动成本法和完全成本法编制收益表。(本题10分) 4.某公司2008年度的生产能力只利用了70%,实际销售收入850000元。获得利润42500元,并以17000元发放了股利。该公司2008年年末的简略资产负债表见表1.


国际会计是会计的一个分支,它主要研究企业从事国际间的经营活动所涉及的会计问题,同时通过会计模式的分类和比较研究,协调各国会计准则和惯例,以期建立统一的世界会计报告体系 1.会计国际化的原因是什么? 第一,国际贸易迅速发展的需要 第二,资本输出迅速发展的需要 第三,跨国公司经营和发展的需要 第四,促进本国经济发展、会计发展的需要 第五,会计具有国际化的本性 3. 影响会计模式的环境因素有哪些? 经济、政治、社会、法律、地理、文化。前几项统称为社会经济环境因素,最后一项是文化因素。社会经济环境因素具体有法律制度、企业资金来源、税制、政治和经济联系、通货膨胀、经济发展水平、教育水平、地理条件等。文化因素包括个人主义、权力距离、不确定性规避、阳刚之气。 4. 缪勒教授对会计模式是如何分类的? 1)按宏观经济要求发展会计 在这种发展模式中,会计与国民经济政策密切相关,公司的目标要服从国民经济政策。为了提高经济和企业经营的稳定性,一般都鼓励企业将各年利润平滑化,折旧率的调整要适应刺激经济增长的需要,并且为了鼓励投资而允许建立特种储备,为了宏观经济的需要而重视增值表、社会责任会计和税务会计。瑞典是这种模式的例子。 (2)以微观经济学为基础发展会计 会计被视为是企业经济学的分支,强调经济活动的中心是私人和企业。会计在其计量和计价过程中要反映经济现实,这意味着会计规则既要成熟又要有灵活性。基本的会计概念是要保持公司资本的真实价值,因此重置成本会计得到重视。荷兰是这种模式的例子。 (3)作为独立学科发展会计 将会计视为能够自我发展、自成体系的独立学科,因而会计形成了独立的自我发展模式。会计不从属于政府的政策和任何经济理论,而是通过成功企业的实务逐渐形成了自己的概念结构,并且在会计实务中经常使用“公认会计原则”的表述。美国是这种模式的例子。 (4)以统一的模式发展会计


一、单选题 1.在现代企业会计系统中,管理会计又可称为()。 A、算呆账的报账型会计 B、外部会计 C、算活账的经营型会计 D、责任会计 2.在各类固定成本中,能够在不改变企业生产经营能力的前提下降低其总额的是()。 A、约束性固定成本 B、酌量性固定成本 C、半固定成本 D、单位固定成本 3.单位产品售价减去单位变动成本的差额称为()。 A、单位收入 B、单位利润 C、单位边际贡献 D、单位边际贡献率 4.如果完全成本法的期末存货成本比期初存货成本多20000元,而变动成本法的期末存货成本比期初存货成本多8000元,则可断定两种成本法的广义营业利润之差为()。 A、8000 B、12000 C、28000 D、20000 5.下列有关贡献边际率与其他指标关系的表达式中,唯一正确的是()。 A、贡献边际率+保本作业率=1 B、贡献边际率+变动成本率=1 C、贡献边际率+安全边际率=1 D、贡献边际率+危险率=1 6.根据本量利分析原理,下列措施中,只能提高安全边际而不会降低保本点的是()。 A、提高单价 B、增加产量 C、降低单位变动成本 D、降低固定成本7.下列各项中,不属于定量分析法的是()。 A、判断分析法 B、算术平均法 C、回归分析法 D、平滑指数法 8.下列各项中,属于无关成本的是()。 A、沉没成本 B、增量成本 C、机会成本 D、专属成本 9.利用已知的零存数求整取的过程,实际上就是计算()。 A、复得终值 B、复利现值 C、年金终值 D、年金现值 10.本量利分析中的业务量不包括下列中的()。 A、销售收入 B、产量 C、销量 D、保利量 11.在管理会计中,狭义相关围是指()。 A.成本的变动围B.业务量的变动围 C.时间的变动围D.市场容量变动围 12.下列各项中,能反映变动成本法局限性的说法是()。 A.导致企业盲目生产B.不利于成本控制 C.不利于短期决策D.不符合传统的成本观念 13.在变动成本法下,销售收入减变动成本等于()。 A.销售毛利B.税后利润C.税前利润D.贡献边际 14.如果本期销售量比上期增加,其它条件不变,则可断定变动成本法计算的本期营业利润()。 A.一定等于上期B.一定大于上期C.应当小于上期D.可能等于上期15.在计算保本量和保利量时,有关公式的分母是()。 A.单位贡献边际B.贡献边际率C.单位变动成本D.固定成本


管理会计习题 一、复习思考题 1.试说明决策的意义和种类。 2.什么是成本基础定价法?常用的成本定价方法有哪些 3.什么是生产决策?它与成本决策有何区别? 4.什么是差量分析法?应用差量分析法的关键是什么? 5.应用线性规划法主要解决什么性质的问题?这类问题具有哪些特点? 6.怎样编制滚动预算? 滚动预算方法简称滚动预算,是指在编制预算时,将预算期与会计年度脱离,随着预算的执行不断延伸补充预算,逐期向后滚动,使预算期永远保持为一个固定期间的一种预算编制方法。 7.一个责任中心的可控成本应符合哪些条件?(b卷考可看可不看) a.责任中心能通过一定的方式事先知道将要发生的成本 b.能对发生的成本进行确切的计量 c.能对所发生的成本进行调节控制 8、怎样编制零基预算? a.确定费用项目 b.排列费用项目开支的先后顺序;项目根据开支分为可避免和不可避免的,按开支必要性的大小确定各项费用预算的优先顺序 c.分配资源,落实预算 9、全面预算的基本体系是什么? 全面预算体系是由一系列预算按其经济内容及相互关系有序排列组成的有机体,主要包括经营预算、专门决策预算和财务预算三大部分 10、产品成本与责任成本的主要区别? 1.归集和分配的对象不同:a.责任成本:责任中心成本 b.产品成本:产品成本 2.分配的原则不同:a.责任成本:看是否为中心成本 b.产品成本:以受益对象分配 3.核算的基础条件不同:a.责任成本:以责任单位为基础 b.产品成本:财会以会计科目分类归集,以产品为基础 4.核算的主要目的不同:a.责任成本:考核业绩 b.产品成本:正确计算期间损益 11、变动成本法和完全成本法的产品成本和期间成本有何不同? 二、判断题(判断下列各题是否正确,正确的在括号内打“√”,不正确的打 “X”。不需改错) 1.为了扭亏为盈,凡是亏损的产品都应当停产。 ( F ) 2.生产决策中,应用边际贡献分析法就是通过比较各备选方案所提供的单位边际贡献的大小来确定最优方案。 ( F )


管理会计复习题 一、填空 1、企业达到保本状态的业务量就是保本量。 2、短期经营决策必须通盘考虑的因素有相关业务量、相关收入和相关成本。 3、根据企业内部责任单位的权限范围以及生产经营活动的特点,责任中心通常分为成本中心、利润中心和投资中心。 4、标准成本系统包括标准成本、差异分析和差异处理。 5、净现值法是以投资方案净现值的大小来评价投资方案是否可行的一种决策分析方法。 二、单项选择题 1、管理会计中,混合成本可以用直线y=a+bx来模拟,其中bx表示(C) A 固定成本 B 单位变动成本 C 变动成本总额 D 单位固定成本 2、在责任会计中对成本中心评价与考核的重点是( C ) A 产品成本 B 变动成本 C 责任成本 D 直接成本 3、如果产品的单价与单位变动成本的下降百分率相同,其他因素不变,则保本销售量( B ) A 不变 B 上升 C 下降 D 不确定 4、销售百分比预测法是用来预测( B )的 A 现金流量 B 资金需要量 C 资金运动状况 D 投资效果 5、只要固定成本不等于零,经营杠杆系数恒( A ) A 大于1 B 小于1 C 等于1 D 等于0 6、应增产哪一种产品的选择主要考虑( C ) A 产品的销售收 B 产品的利润 C 每小时产品的边际贡献 D 产品的单位边际贡献 7、在计算成本差异时,如果已知材料成本差异总额为-5000元,材料价格差异为+2000元,则材料数量差异为(A) A ―7000元 B ―3000元 C +7000元 D +3000元

8、下列各项中,属于长期投资决策静态评价指标的是( C ) A 现值指数 B 内含报酬率 C 投资报酬率 D 净现值指数 9、零基预算在编制时对于所有的预算支出均(A)为基底 A 以零 B 以销售预算 C 以原始资料 D 实际出发 10、在责任会计中,将企业内部交易结算和内部责任结转所使用的价格称为(C)。 A 变动成本 B 单项责任成本 C 内部转移价格 D 重置价格 11、在一定时期内每间隔相等时间收入或支付的款项称为( D ) A利率B现值C终值D年金 12、管理会计把利润变动率相当于业务量变动率的倍数称之为(C) A经营杠杆B安全边际C经营杠杆系数D安全边际率 三、多项选择题 1、下列项目中,完全成本法和变动成本法在确定本期的营业净利润时都将其作为期间成本处理的是( ABC ) A 销售费用 B 管理费用 C 财务费用 D 固定性制造费用 2、在生产单一品种条件下,对保本点、保利点和实现目标税后利润都有影响的因素包括( ABC) A 固定成本 B 单位变动成本 C 销售单价 D 销售量 3、短期决策的常用方法有以下几种(ACD ) A 差量法 B 差别法 C 平衡分析法 D 数学模式法 4、变动成本的主要特点是( CD ) A 成本总额的不变性 B 单位成本反方向变动性 C 成本总额的正比例变动性 D 单位成本的不变性 5、下列项目中属于现金流出的项目有(BCD) A 折旧费 B 设备更新支出 C 开办费支出 D 所得税 6、变动成本法下与完全成本法下共同的产品成本内容为(ABC) A 变动制造费用 B 直接人工 C 直接材料 D 制造费用


《管理会计》练习题及参考答案 一、选择题 1.下列各项中,属于划分传统管理会计和现代管理会计两个阶段时间标志的是( C )A.19 世纪90 年代 B .20 世纪20 年代 C .20 世纪50 年代 D .20 世纪70 年代2.在财务会计中,销售费用的正确归属是( D ) A.制造费用 B .主要成本 C .加工成本 D .非制造成本 3. 某企业年如借得50000 元贷款,10 年期,年利率12%,每年末等额偿还。已知年金现值 系数(P/A,12 %,10)=5 .6502,则每年应付金额为( A ) 元。 A.8849 B .5000 C .6000 D .28251 4.在普通年金终值系数的基础上,期数加1, 系数减 1 所得结果,在数值上等于( B )。A.普通年金现值系数 B .即付年金终值系数 C.普通年金终值系数 D .即付年金现值系数 5. 在前后各期产量和成本水平均不变的条件下,若本期完全成本法计算下的利润小于变动 成本法计算下的利润,则意味着( D ) A.本期生产量大于本期销售量 B .本期生产量等于本期销售量 C.期末存货量大于期初存货量 D .期末存货量小于期初存货量 6. 下列各项中,各类项目投资都会发生的现金流出是( B )。 A.建设投资 B .固定资产投资 C. 无形资产投资 D .流动资金投资 7. 下列有关贡献边际率与其它指标关系的表达式中,唯一正确的是( B ) A.贡献边际率+保本作业率=1 B .贡献边际率+变动成本率=1 C.贡献边际率+安全边际率=1 D .贡献边际率+危险率=1 8. 已知某企业的销售收入为10000 元,固定成本为2200 元,保本作业率为40%。在此情况下,该企业可实现利润是( C ) A.1800 元 B .2300 元 C.3300 元 D .3800 元 9. 如果产品的单价与单位变动成本的变动率相同,其他因素不变,则保本量( C ) A.不变 B .上升 C. 下降 D .不确定 10. 某投资项目原始投资额为100 万元,使用寿命10 年,已知该项目第10 年的经营净现金 流量为25 万元,期满处置固定资产残值收入及回收流动资金共8 万元,则该投资项目第10 年的净现金流量为( C )万元。 A.8 B .25 C .33 D .43 11.现代管理会计的主体是( A )


会计学专业《管理会计》模拟试卷一 一、单项选择题(在下列每小题的四个备选答案中选出一个正确的答案,并将其字母标号填入题干的括号内。本大题共10道小题,每小题1分,共20分) 1.某企业全部资本 为150万元,负债比率为45%,负债利率12%,当销售额为100万元,息税前利润为20万元,则财务杠杆系数为( )。 A.1.68 B.2.5 C.1.15 D.2.0 2.在变动成本法下,其利润表所提供的中间指标 是( )。 A.贡献边际B.营业利润 C.营业毛利 D.期间成本 3.阶梯式混合成本又可称为( )。 A.半固定成本 B.半变动成 本 C.延期变动成本 D.曲线式成本 4.下列会计系统中,能够履行管理会计“考核评价经营业 绩”职能的是( )。 A.预测决策会计 B.规划控制会计 C.对外报告会计 D.责任会计 5.在利润敏感性分析中,如果企业正常盈利,则对利润影响程度最高的因素 是( )。 A.单价 B.单位变动成本 C.销售量 D.固定成本 6.企业的销售利润率等于( )。 A.边际贡献率与安全边际率之乘积 B.边际贡献率与安全边际率之差 C.边际贡献率与安全边际率之商 D.边际贡献率与安全边际率之和 7.已知企业只生产一种产品,单位变动成本为每 件45元,固定成本总额60000元,产品单 价为120元,为使安全边际率达到60%,该企业当期至少应销售的产品 为( )。 A.2000件 B.1333件 C.1280件 D.800件 8.在零部件自制或外购的决策中,如果零部件的需用量尚不确定,应当采用的决策方法是( )。 A.相关损益分析法 B.差别损益分析法 C.相关成本分析法 D.成本无差别点法 9.在短期经营决策中,只要买方出价低 于( ),企业不应接受特殊价格追加定 货。 A.单位产品成本 B.单位变动成本 C.正常价格 D.单位固定成本 10.投资项目的建设起点与终结点之间的时间间隔 称为( )。 A.项目计算期 B.生产经营期 C.建设 期 D.试产期 11.已知某投资项目的项目计算期是10年,资金于建设起点一次投入,当年完工并投产。 经 预计该项目包括建设期的静态投资回收期是4年,则按内部收益率确定的年金现值系数 是 ( )。 A.10 B.6 C.4 D.2.5 12.与弹性预算相对应的预算是( ) 。 A.固定预算 B.零基预算 C.增量预算 D.定期预算 13.固定制造费用预算与固定制造费用标准成本的差额称为固定制造费用()。 A.耗费差异 B.能量差异 C.闲置能量差异 D.效率差异


2020年国际会计考试题库258题[含参考答案] 一、填空题 1.初始确认后,应以摊余成本(历史成本)计量除为交易目的而持有的金融负债及属于负债的衍生工具以外的其他所有金融负债。(第7章知识点9在表内确认衍生金融工具交易的第三关) A.正确 B.错误 【参考答案:A】 2.根据协议,1973年成立的国际会计准则委员会作为国际会计师联合会的团体成员,独立制定和发布国际会计准则和审计准则。(知识点5 国际会计协调化和趋同化的国际组) A.正确 B.错误 【参考答案:B】 3.采用账户式资产负债表的大多数英联邦国家的企业,把资产列在,负债和业主权益列在。 【参考答案:右方 ;左方】 4.与资产负债表中财务状况的计量直接联系的要素是: ..。 【参考答案:资产 ;负债 ;权益】 5.除外,不要求对外公布财务报告,会计报表中对信息的披露要求不够充分。 【参考答案:上市公司】 6.与资产负债表中财务状况的计量直接联系的要素是: ..。 【参考答案:资产 ;负债 ;权益】 7.的会计实务体系被公认为当今在世界范围内影响最大的会计模式。 【参考答案:美国】 8.指在机构和组织中,等级制度和权力的不公平分配能被接受的程度。 【参考答案:权利距离】 9.IASB是的简称。 【参考答案:国际会计准则理事会】

10.采用账户式资产负债表的大多数英联邦国家的企业,把资产列在,负债和业主权益列在。 【参考答案:右方 ;左方】 11.除了中国注册会计师协会需对政府部门进行报告以外,中国注册会计师的管理与的制度是相似的。 A.美国 B.英国 C.德国 D.日本 【参考答案:A】 12.居住国应征所得税税额=全球总收益*居住国适用税率-已在国外缴纳的所得税。 A.正确 B.错误 【参考答案:A】 13.不但要求确认递延所得税资产,而且要求确认在一定条件下确认以后结转亏损的所得税资产。 A.美国 B.挪威 C.加拿大 D.巴西 【参考答案:A】 14.存货(指在库的)按账面与可实现净值孰低法计价,并以先进先出法或平均成本法为基础,而不允许采用后进先出法。 A.正确 B.错误 【参考答案:B】 15.会计协调化的近期目标是国际准则的“标准化”乃至“统一化”。(第5章知识点3协调化与可比性.标准化.统一性和趋同化) A.正确 B.错误 【参考答案:B】 16.企业财务报告首先应遵从公允性,而后才是合法性。


中南大学现代远程教育课程考试复习题及参考答案 管理会计 一、名词解释 1.变动成本 2.机会成本 3.内部转移价格 4.经营杠杆 5.本量利分析 6.成本习性 7.完全成本定价法 8.目标利润 9.质量成本控制10.剩余收益 11.无关成本 12.盈亏临界点 二、判断题:正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”。请将答案填写在题后括号内。 1.在既定的生产能力可以生产甲产品亦可以生产乙产品的情况下,最终生产哪一种 产品应以单位贡献边际高者为优。 [ ] 2.采用高低点法进行成本性态分析时,若业务量最高点、最低点与成本最高点、 最低点不一致时,高低点坐标的选择以业务量为准。 [ ] 3.只要有固定生产成本存在,按完全成本法计算的销货成本及存货成本就一定大于 按变动成本法计算的销货成本及存货成本。 [ ] 4.管理会计主要为企业外界服务,因而又可称为“外部会计”。 [ ] 5.会计机构隶属于企业的服务部门,构成现代企业会计两大分支的管理会计和财务 会计应当合并在一起。 [ ] 6.在变动成本法模式下,产品成本只包括变动生产成本,固定生产成本和固定非生产 成本作为期间成本处理。 [ ] 7.有剩余生产能力时,只要客户出价高于单位产品变动成本即可为其加工生产。 [ ] 8.在投资决策中,采用现金流量衡量备选方案的经济效益不便于货币的时间价值。 [ ] 9.计划期预计折旧和预计利润应全额作为追加资金需用量的减除项目。 [ ] 10.在各因素对利润的敏感分析图中,各因素形成的直线与利润线的夹角越大,对利润 的敏感程度越大。 [ ] 11.通常,边际贡献是指产品边际贡献,即销售收入减去生产制造过程中的变动成本 和销售、管理费用中的变动费用之后的差额。 [ ] 12.采用专家判断法进行销售预测所需的时间短,费用低,比较实用。 [ ] 13.改善品种结构,提高贡献边际率大的产品销售比重,有利于企业降低综合贡献 边际率。 [ ] 14.用加权平均法进行成本预测所依据的资料是业务量和总成本。 [ ] 15.当特殊订货不冲击正常生产任务时,如果不追加专属成本且剩余生产能力无法转 移时,只要特殊订货单价大于单位变动成本,就应该接受订货。 [ ] 16.差量成本和变动成本是两个不同的概念,差量成本总是等于变动成本总额的增减额。[ ] 17.在开发新产品的品种决策时,可用单位产品贡献毛益的大小作为取舍优劣的标准。[ ] 18.在利用现值指数法排定两个独立投资方案的优先次序时,贴现率的高低不会影响方案的优先次序。[ ] 19.风险投资的利润率通常为货币时间价值与风险报酬之和。 [ ] 20.若A、B、C三个方案是独立的,那么用内部收益率法可以做出优先次序的排列。[ ] 21.现金预算实际上是其他预算有关现金收支部分的汇总,以及收支差额平衡措施的具体规划。[ ] 22.现金预算以实物量指标总括反映经营活动和资本支出的结果。 [ ] 23.一般情况下,使某投资方案的净现值小于零的折现率,一定小于该方案的内部收益率。[ ] 24.在产品或劳务有市价的情况下,按市价制定内部转移价格最为合适。 [ ] 25.运用净现值法与内含报酬率法对同一决策问题分析,所得结论应该是相同的。 [ ] 26.正常标准成本从数额上看,它应当大于理想标准成本,但又小于历史平均成本。[ ] 27.在标准成本系统中,直接材料的价格标准是指预计下年度实际需要支付的材料 市价。 [ ]


《管理会计》期末考试试题 一、单项选择题:(每题2分,共20分) 1、下列项目中处于管理会计核心地位的是() A. 预测决策会计 B. 规划控制会计 C. 责任会计 D. 标准成本会计 2、在下列项目中,管理会计与财务会计不存在区别的是() A. 核算程序 B. 核算要求 C. 最终奋斗目标 D.核算依据 3、管理会计将全部成本区分为固定成本和变动成本的依据是() A. 成本性态 B. 成本性态分析 C. 成本的经济用途 D. 成本的可控性 4、下列项目中属于变动生产成本的是() A.变动制造费用 B.变动管理费用 C. 变动销售费用 D. 变动财务费用 5、在变动成本法下,构成产品成本的是() A.变动生产成本 B.生产成本 C. 变动成本总额 D. 固定成本与变动成本之和 6、如果产品的单价与单位变动成本上升的百分比相同,其他因素不变,则保本销售量() A. 不变 B. 上升 C.下将 D. 不确定 7、下列属于无关成本的是() A. 联合成本 B. 可延缓成本 C. 估算成本 D. 可分成本 8、与年金终值系数互为倒数的是() A. 年金现值系数 B. 资本回收系数 C. 偿债基金系数 D. 复利现值系数 9、计算净现值,可以用净现值除以() A.各年投资额之和 B.各年投资现值之和 C. 各年现金流量之和 D. 各年投资平均余额 10 属于全面预算的财务方面预算有() A.销售预算 B. 成本预算 C.现金预算 D.采购预算 二、多项选择题:(每题3分,共30分) 1、全面预算的主要内容包括() A.专门决策预算 B. 业务预算 C. 综合预算 D. 财务预算 E. 销售预算 2、进行成本控制的最终直接结果就是可以降低成本,从而可以使企业的() 利润增加 B.抗风险能力增加 C.资金占用减少 D.竞争能力增强 E. 销售量增加


《管理会计》复习题及答案 一、选择题 1.下列各项中,属于划分传统管理会计和现代管理会计两个阶段时间标志的是( C ) A.19世纪90年代 B.20世纪20年代 C.20世纪50年代 D.20世纪70年代 2.在财务会计中,销售费用的正确归属是( D ) A.制造费用 B.主要成本 C.加工成本 D.非制造成本 3.某企业年如借得50000元贷款,10年期,年利率12%,每年末等额偿还。已知年金现值系数(P/A,12%,10)=5.6502,则每年应付金额为( A )元。 A.8849 B.5000 C.6000 D.28251 4.在普通年金终值系数的基础上,期数加1,系数减1所得结果,在数值上等于( B )。 A.普通年金现值系数 B.即付年金终值系数 C.普通年金终值系数 D.即付年金现值系数 5. 在前后各期产量和成本水平均不变的条件下,若本期完全成本法计算下的利润小于变动成本法计算下的利润,则意味着(D ) A.本期生产量大于本期销售量 B.本期生产量等于本期销售量 C.期末存货量大于期初存货量 D.期末存货量小于期初存货量 6. 下列各项中,各类项目投资都会发生的现金流出是( B )。 A.建设投资 B.固定资产投资 C.无形资产投资 D.流动资金投资 7.下列有关贡献边际率与其它指标关系的表达式中,唯一正确的是( B ) A.贡献边际率+保本作业率=1 B.贡献边际率+变动成本率=1 C.贡献边际率+安全边际率=1 D.贡献边际率+危险率=1 8. 已知某企业的销售收入为10000元,固定成本为2200元,保本作业率为40%。在此情况下,该企业可实现利润是( C ) A.1800元 B.2300元 C.3300元 D.3800元 9. 如果产品的单价与单位变动成本的变动率相同,其他因素不变,则保本量( C ) A.不变 B.上升 C.下降 D.不确定 10.某投资项目原始投资额为100万元,使用寿命10年,已知该项目第10年的经营净现金流量为25万元,期满处置固定资产残值收入及回收流动资金共8万元,则该投资项目第10年的净现金流量为( C )万元。 A.8 B.25 C.33 D.43 二、多项选择题 战略管理会计的基本特征包括(ABCD )。 A、长期性 B、全局性 C、外向性 D、信息的非财务性 1、战略管理会计的主要内容包括(ABC )。 A、战略成本管理 B、战略定位分析 C、战略绩效评价 D、战略利润分析 2、管理会计的内容有(ABC )。 A、决策与规划会计 B、控制与评价会计 C、战略与管理会计 D、成本与利润会计 3、管理会计的职能有(ABCDE )。 A、决策职能 B、规划职能 C、控制职能 D、评价职能 E、计量职能 4、管理会计与财务会计的联系有(ABCDE )。 A、起源相同 B、目标相同 C、基本信息相同 D、服务对象交叉 E、某些概念相同 5、成本按其性态可以分为(ABC )。 A、固定成本 B、变动成本 C、混合成本 D、线性成本 6、常见的混合成本有(ABCD )。 A、半变动成本 B、半固定成本 C、延期变动成本 D、曲线变动成本

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