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2009山东专升本真题 C语言程序设计

2009山东专升本真题 C语言程序设计
2009山东专升本真题 C语言程序设计


山东2010年专升本汉语言文学 综合一 教育学 一.1.“其身正,不令而行,其身不正,虽令不从。”出自() A.《论语》 B.《孟子》 C.《学记》 D.《说文解字》 2.教育学作为一门学科在大学里讲授,最早始于() A.洛克 B.斯宾塞 C.康德 D.赫尔巴特 3.学校工作的核心是() A.教学 B.班级管理 C.教师队伍建设 D.基础设施建设 4.世界上最早颁布义务教育法的国家是() A.日本 B.英国 C.德国 D.法国 5.学校最早产生于() A.原始社会 B.奴隶社会 C.资本主义社会 D.社会主义社会 6.人类教育赖以存在和发展的决定性力量是() A.政治需要 B.自然环境 C.人口数量 D.社会生产 7.人的发展需要决定了教育必须把内容加工成青少年易于接受的形式,这体现了教育的() A.社会文化传承功能 B.社会文化选择功能 C.社会文化传播功能 D.社会文化创新功能 8.心理学家提出的发展关键期概念,主要针对个体身心发展的() A.顺序性 B.阶段性 C.不平衡性 D.互补性 9.从教育功能作用的性质划分,教育功能可分为() A.筛选功能和协调功能 B.正功能和负功能 C.个体功能和社会功能 D.基本功能和派生功能 10.结构主义课程论的主要代表人物是() A.布鲁纳 B.杜威 C.斯克里文 D.泰勒 二.简答题 1.简述教师劳动的主要特点 2.我国学校德育包括哪些主要内容? 3.教学大纲一般由哪些部分组成? 三.论述题 1.学校教育内容有什么特点?请结合实际进行论述。 2.试论确定教育目的的主要依据。 心理学 四. 1.人们希望自己被他人或群体接纳、爱护、关注、鼓励和支持,这是出于马斯洛需要层次理论中的() A.生理需要 B.安全需要 C.归属和爱的需要.求知的需要 2.在工作任务比较简单或机械的情况下,最佳的动机水平是()


山东省2004专升本计算机考试真题 一.单选题(将一个正确答案涂在答题卡上,每小题1分,共50分)1.计算机系统中,一位二进制数所包含的信息量叫做________。 A.字节 B.字 C.千字节 D.比特 2.在GB2312-80中,规定每一个汉字、图形符号的机内码都用________个字节表示。 A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个 3.下列关于计算机病毒正确的说法是________。 A.它是一种人为编制的特殊计算机程序,隐藏在计算机系统内部,对系统软件资源及文件造成干扰和破坏,使其不能正常运转 B.感染了它,计算机仍然可以正常运用 C.它只破坏硬盘上的信息 D.它只破坏内存中的信息 4.世界上第一台电子数字计算机取名为________。 A.UNVAC B.EDSAC C.ENIAC D.EDVAC 5.下列数中,有可能是八进制数的是________。 A.488 B.717 C.187 D.379 6.下列说法错误的是________。 A.任何二进制都可以用十进制来准确表示 B.任何二进制小数都可以用十进制来准确表示 C.任何十进制整数都可以用二进制来准确表示 D.任何十进制小数都可以用二进制来准确表示 7.汉字“川”的区位码为“2008”,正确的说法是________。 A.该汉字的区码是20,位码是08 B.该汉字的区码是08,位码是20 C.该汉字的机内码高位是20,机内码低位是08 D.该汉字的机内码高位是08,机内码低位是20 8.下面关于Windows多媒体应用的说法中,正确的是________。 A.媒体播放机是专门用来播放动画的 B.CD播放机可以播放各种格式的音频文件 C.使用“控制面板”中的“多媒体”图标可以管理多媒体设备和设置多媒体属性 D.*.WAV文件是Windows的标准视频文件 9.下列说法不正确的是________。 A.计算机对信息的处理包括数据输入、加工、结果输出三个阶段 B.计算机进行信息处理是自动的,不需人工干预 C.计算机处理信息是按程序执行的 D.计算机处理信息,通过分析,执行一条条指令完成的 10.有关存储地址的说法不正确的是________。 A.将存储单元按顺序编号,这些编号称为地址 B.地址与存储单元建立一一对应关系 C.存储单元与地址是人为手工划分的 D.存取数据必须通过地址找到存储单元


用法和语法结构(Part II Vocabulary and Structure),共30题,考试时间为20分钟。从题中所给的A, B, C,D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 A节(Sectiona)词语用法 21.There is miserable news that very few people______ the earthquake A.recover B.survived C.existed D.discovered 22.I asked him to________ me a few minutes SO that I could have a word with him. A.spend B. spare C.save D share 23 _______your book.and do this work first.You may read it later. A.Put out B.Put away C.Put up D.Put on 24.Until then did I realize that their marriage had______ because they had little in common. A.put off B.given up C.broken down D.called off 25.Would you like to come to see a film with me tonight? I’d loveto._____I didn’t finish my homework yet. A.and B.so C.as D.but 26 _______you’ve got an opportunity,you should take good advantage of it. A.Now that B.After C.Although D.As soon as 27.Many companies are seeking to exploit and develop the rich natural_______ regions. A.sources B.resources C.materials D.power 28.Some local companies are making great efforts to _____ with foreign companies for a share of the maret.. A.connect B.combine C compete D.compare 29.Many students will watch TV only to_____time during the summer vacation. A.spend B.waste C.enjoy D.kill 30.We were all _________when we heard the _____ news that the rescue team found another survivor. A.excited;excited B.exciting;exciting C.excited;exciting D.exciting;excited B节(Section B.语法结 31.He has so many inventions that he is really______ Edison of ____Japan. A.an;the B.an;/ C.the;the D.the;| 32.All the things ________, his proposal is of greater value than yours. A.considered B.considering C.to consider D.consider 33.Even though they _______side by side for twenty years,the two neighbors


2009-2013年江苏专转本英语历年真题 2009年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试试卷大学英语 第Ⅰ卷(共100分) 注意事项: 1.答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必按规定要求填涂答题卡上的姓名、准考证号等项目。 2.用铅笔把答题卡上相应题号中正确答案的标号涂黑。答案不涂写在答题卡上,成绩无效。 Part Ⅰ Reading Comprehension(共20小题,每小题2分,共40分) Directions: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by four comprehension questions. Read the passage and answer the questions. Then mark your answer on the answer sheet. Passage One Questions 1~5 are besed on the following passage. Young Koreans are beginning to do it alone when it comes to finding a partner, though matchmaking is still the most common way for boys to meet girls. Professional matchmakers can make thousands of American dollars by introducing suitable marriage partners to each other, but partners also play a role in the process during which young Koreans meet. In Confucius Korea, where marriage is regarded as more of a business contract than a sacred thing, the scene of the first meeting is repeated hundreds of times a day in coffee shops in the main hotels around Seoul. The business of continuing the family lineage (血统)and keeping the blooding pure is often too important to be left to romance and chance encounters. Often, the girl will work out a system of secret signals with her mother, from which her parents can tell if she is interested. For example, if the girl orders a coffee it might mean that she wants her parents to leave her alone with the boy, while a milk shows that she wants them to stay. Sometimes the matchmaking is not always so formal, with the introduction being made by friends. But whether through friends or families, there is hardly a Korean man in the country who has not gone through this process --- sometimes six or seven times. 1. The word “matchmaking” in the passage means ____. A. a very formal ritual(仪式)attended by boys and girls B. introducing boys and girls to know each other for the purpose of marriage C. producing matches to make a fire or light a cigarette D. arranging games between men and women 2. The fact that the first meeting is repeated again and again in coffee shops in the main hotels suggests that ____. A. Koreans like drinking coffee in coffee shops very much B. men and women want to meet as many times as possible C. they are busy with communicating with different people D. marriage is seen as a business contract instead of something sacred

2010年山东专升本日语综合二 会话试题

会话(50分) 一、ヤン和田中正在谈话。选择(1)一(10)的正确答案的完成对话。 (本大题共10小題,每小题1.5分,共15分) <会話1> 田中:「ヤンさん、いつも本を読んでいますが、何かしけんを(1)勉強しているんですか。」 ヤン:「いいえ、これは私の趣味なんです。子どもの時から両親がたくさん本を買って(2)ので、好きになりました。」 田中:「どんな本をよく読みますか。」 ヤン:「歴史の本や科学の本が特に好きです。おもしろくて、しょくじの時間をわすれて(3)こともあります。」 田中:「それに、本はわたしたちにいろいろなことを(4)くれますね。」 ヤン:「これからも本をたくさん読んで(5)と思っています。」 1.A.うけるようにB.うけさせるために C.うけるためにD.うけさせるように 2.A.いただいたB.くれたC.さしあげたD.あげた 3.A.いくB.くるC.しまうD.おく 4.A.かんがえてB.かんがえられて C.かんがえさせてD.かんがえさせられて 5.A.いくB.いこうC.くるD.きて <会話2> ヤン:「今日の会議は何人ぐらい集まるか知っていますか。」 田中:「いいえ、よくは(6)。」 ヤン:「そうですか。今日は小川先生が(7)と間きましたよ。」 田中:「わたしも、小川に(8)聞いて、楽しみにして来たんです。」 (日语专业综合二试卷共7页)第3页

ヤン:「今夜は帰りがおそく(9)だけど、大丈夫ですか。」 田中:「ええ、けさ、家族には(10)から、大丈夫です。」 6.A.知りませんB.知ってありません C.知っていますD.知らないでいます 7.A.まいるB.めしあがるC.うかがうD.いらっしやる 8.A.お会いになることをB.お会いになると C.お会いになるようにD.お会いできると 9.A.なりそうB.んるようなC.なりそうなD.なるだろう 10.A.言うつもりだB.言っておいた C.言わないでいるD.言おうと思った 二、按下列要求写出适当的日语表达。(本大题共10小题,每小题1.5 分, 共15分) 1.祝您周末过得愉快! 2.有事情请跟我联系。 3.请代我向您父母问好。 4.我吃好了。 5.闭嘴! (日语专业综合二试卷共7页)第4页


山东省2017年普通高等教育专升本统一考试 英语试题 本试题分为第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,共10页。满分100分。考试用时120分钟。考试结束后,将本试题和答题卡一并交回。 注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、考生号、身份证号填写到试题规定的位置上。 2. 第Ⅰ卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,答案不能答在试题上。 3. 第Ⅱ卷答题必须用0.5毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定域内相应的位置;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不能使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分:听力理解(PartⅠListening Comprehension.本大题共20小题,每小题1,共20分。) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C), and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Short Conversations 1 . A)She finished her reading two weeks ago. B)She finished her reading quickly. C)She will write an English novel in two weeks. D)She couldn’t finish her reading in less than a month. 2.A)It gets on your nerves if you buy five of them. B)It's a very good bargain. C)It's too expensive. D)If you buy five, the price is lower. 3 . A)She wants to know when the man will be free. B)She will be busy every day this week. C)She will be able to go some time later. D)She doesn’t want to go to the theater with the man at all. 4. A)The airplane has already left. B)The plane is overdue. C)They should take the 9:45 flight. D)The plane has arrived early at 3:39.


2009年陕西省高校在校生专升本英语考试试题 注意事项: 1.本卷满分为150分。考试时间为150分钟。 2.本卷分试卷I和试卷II,均用钢笔或圆珠笔答卷。第I卷为客观题,考生必须把答案用大写字母写在答题纸上;第II卷为主观题,考生直接把答案写在试卷上。 3.答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。 试卷I I. V ocabulary and structure (40%) Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then write your answer on the Answer Sheet. 1. _________a solution to the problem of water shortage, we have to put all our efforts together. A. To work out B. Working out C. Work out D. Being worked out 2. Smith regretted _________ to the meeting yesterday. A. not going B. Working out C. not to going D. not to be going 3. A professor, along with some students, _________ now working in the new laboratory. A. is B. were C. are D. was 4. Just as I was leaving the house, it occurred ________me that I had forgotten my keys. A. on B. in C. at D. to 5. Do you have any idea why he _________? A. is looked sad B. is looking sad C. looks sadly D. looks sad 6. My children are looking forward to ________a trip to Beijing next month. A. make B. making C. be making D. have made 7. Numerous studied have shown that ________the teacher’s expectation, the greater the achievement of the student. A. the higher B. the highest C. as high D. the high 8. We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so let’s have _______one this month. A. other B. more C. the other D. another 9. Why not _______to professor Smith for advice? He is an expert in this field. A. go B. your going C. to go D. you go 10. Only after the students have mastered the rules of pronunciation________. A. can they memorize words more easily B. when can they memorize words more easily C. then they can memorize words more easily D when they can memorize words more easily 11._______formal occasions, you should tale about some world issues or social problems, not


2005年陕西省高校在校生专升本英语考试试题 注意事项: 1.本卷满分为150分。考试时间为150分钟。 2.本卷分试卷I和试卷II,均用钢笔或圆珠笔答卷。第I卷为客观题,考生必须把答案用大写字母写在答题纸上;第II卷为主观题,考生直接把答案写在试卷上。 3.答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。 试卷I I. Vocabulary and structure (40分) Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then write your answer on the Answer Sheet. 1. The professor needs an assistant that he can to take care of problems in his absence. A. count in B. count up C. count on D. count out 2.I am not sure whether l can get any profit from the business, so I can't make a(n) decision about what to do next. A. exact B. denied C. sure D. definite 3. Because of the cold weather, they through the night in the camp. A. kept the burning fire B. kept the fire burning C. kept the fire burnt D. kept burning the fire 4. Convenience foods which are already prepared for cooking are in stores. A. ready B. available C. probable D. approachable 5. Many people are reported in the natural disaster. A. being killed B. to be killed C. to have killed D. to have been killed 6. If the whole surgery beforehand carefully, there would have been a better result. A. was planned B. has been planned C. had been planned D. were planned 7. Jane has said little so far, responding only briefly when A. spoken B. speaking to C. speaking D. spoken to 8. to finish quickly. A. Not every worker want B. No every workers want C. Not every worker wants D. No every workers wants 9. The photos on the wall grandma of those happy, old days when a large family lived together. A. recall B. retain C. remember D. remind


山东省2008年普通高等教育专升本统一考试 英语试卷 (考试时间:120分钟) Part1 listening comprehension(15 points,1 point each ) Section A 1.A.30 dollars. B.40 dollars. C.50 dollars. D.60 dollars. 2.A.At a concert. B.At a flower shop. C.At a museum. D.At a restaurant. 3.A.Two blocks. B.Three blocks. C.Four blocks. D.Five blocks 4.A.The man’s father didn’t go. B.The man thought the game was excellent. C.They thought the game was unsatisfactory. D.The man’s father thought the game was satisfactory. 5.A.Go to dance. B.Go to the Student Centre. C.Go to a lecture. D.Stay at home. Section B Question 6 to 10 are based on the following conversation: 6.A.She works at the meat counter. B.She puts groceries out on the shelves. C.She carries groceries out of the store for customers.\ D.She checks the quality of milk products. 7.A.He wants to earn money for school. B.He wants to keep his family’s yard looking nice. C.He wants to be able to work outdoors. D.He wants to get exercise while working. 8.A.Because he can’t earn much money. B.Because he has to work for too long. C.Because he does’t have time for lunch. D.Because he sometimes has to work in bad weather. 9.A.He is going to finish his homework. B.He is going to cut grass. C.He is going to plant trees. D.He is going to buy groceries. 10.A.They are a couple. B.They are schoolmates. C.They are doctor and nurse in a school. D.They are boss and secretary in a company. Question 11 to 15 are based on the following passage. 11.A.Lung cancer. B.High blood pressure. C.AIDS. D.High fever. 12.A.Because smoking makes them good thinkers. B.Because smoking makes them feel relaxed. C.Because smoking is fun to them. D.Because smoking cures them of cancer. 13.A.Cigarette ashes. B.Nicotine. C.Tar. D.Not mentioned in the passage. 14.A.To buy cigarettes with less tar. B.To smoke only a few cigarettes a day.


2010年专升本英语历年真题归类汇编2 Ⅱ.句子类型(按结构分类) 重点:复合句,尤其是主语从句、宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句的构成及其常用关联词:状语从句、定语从句的种类。 主语从句 1. ______ we will do next is still under discussion. A. That B. When C. Where D. What 2. (老师为我所做的)when I was in difficulty changed my life. [What my teacher did for me] 3. was once regarded as impossible has now become a reality. A. That B. Which C. Who D. What 4. you say now can’t make up for what you’ve done. A. No matter B. Whatever C. However D. That 5. ______ books you borrow from the library should be returned in two weeks’ time. A. Whatever B. Which C. No matter what D. What 6.(那个国王埋葬的地点)is still unknown. [Where the king was buried] 7. ______ she will be given this job is still under discussion. A. Although B. Whether C. If D. What 8. It won’t make much ______ whether you leave to day or tomorrow. A. different B. difference C. differently D. differences 9. It isn’t quite ______ that he will be present at the meeting. A. certain B. sure C. right D. exact 同位语从句 1. He was overcome by the fear ______ he had lung cancer. A. which B. what C. that D. of 2. So far there is no proof ______ spaceships from other planets do exist. A. which B. that C. how D. what 3. The belief that the children of working mothers usually suffer is ______by most scientists. A. rejected B. refused C. resisted D. reduced 宾语从句 1.I hope ______ my letter. A. her to answer B. that she should answer C. that she will answer D. her answering 2. 我认为他们不会推迟这次旅行的。[I don’t think that they will put off the trip.] 3. Although I expected something different, I was still surprised by which he said. 4. He found at last ______ he had been looking for. A. that B. what C. where D. which 5. Do you know ______ the best drink is? A. that B. when C. where D. what 6. They held a conference to decide to meet the emergency. A. how B. what C. that D. which 7. Historians can’t tell us when or where or ______ the first food was cooked. A. who B. which C. how D. what 8. The old man asked me______.


2019年专升本信息真题 本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷的第Ⅱ卷两部分,共八页。满分100分。考试用时120分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第Ⅰ卷 一、单项选择题(本大题共50小题,每小题1分,共50分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中 只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其选出并将答题卡的相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。 1.第一代电子计算机采用的电子元器件是() A.晶体管 B.电子管 C.集成电路 D.大规模集成电路 2.网页是一种应用()语言编写,可以在www上传输,能被浏览器认识和翻译成页面并显示出来的文件。 A.Visual Basic B.Java C.HTML D.++ 3.关于数据的描述中,错误的是() A.数据可以是数字,文字、声音图像 B.数据可以是数值型数据和非数值型数据 C.数据是数值、概念或指令的一种表达形式 D.数据就是指数值的大小 4.通过按下键盘上的()按键可以将屏幕画面复制到剪贴板。 A.PrintScreen B.Al+PrintScreen C.Cirl+Delete D.Shif+PrintScreen 5.下列不属于系统软件的是() A.数据库管理系统 B.操作系统 C.程序语言处理系统 D.电子表格处理软件 6.计算机软件系统中,最核心的软件是() A.操作系统 B.数据库管理系统 C.语言和处理程序 D.诊断程序 7.Word2010是Microsoft公司推出的一款() A.电子表格处理软件 B.数据库管理系统 C.文字处理软件 D.操作系统 8.Word2010中,第一次保存某文件,出现的对话框为() A.全部保存 B.另存为 C.保存 D.保存为 9.Excel2010中,工作表是一个() A.树形表 B.三维表 C.一维表 D.二维表 10.下列计算机网络的传输介质中,传输率最高的是() A.同轴线缆 B.双绞线 C.电话线 D.光纤 11.Access2010数据表中的一列,称为() A.标题 B.数据 C.记录 D.字段 12.Internet中计算机之间通信必须共同遵循的协议是() A.FTP B.SMTP C.UDP D.TCP/IP 13.构成Excel2010工作律的基本要求是() A工作表 B.单元格 C.单元格区域D.数据 14.在Windows7中,按名称、大小等排列方式排列桌面上图标的正确操作是()


江苏省专升本英语真题2009年 第Ⅰ卷 Part Ⅰ Reading Comprehension Directions:In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by four comprehension questions. Read the passage and answer the questions. Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Passage One Young Koreans are beginning to do it alone when it comes to finding a partner, though matchmaking is still the most common way for boys to meet girls. Professional matchmakers can make thousands of American dollars by introducing suitable marriage partners to each other, but partners also play a role in the process during which young Koreans meet. In Confucius Korea, Where marriage is regarded as more of a business contract than a sacred thing, the scene of the first meeting is repeated hundreds of times a day in coffee shops in the main hotels around Seoul. The business of continuing the family lineage(血统) and keeping the bloodlines pure is often too important to be left to romance and chance encounters. Often, the girl will work out a system of secret signals with her mother, from which her parents can tell if she is interested. For example, if the girl orders a coffee it might mean that she wants her parents to leave her alone with the boy, while a milk shows that she wants them to stay. Sometimes the matchmaking is not always so formal, with the introduction being made by friends. But whether through friends or families, there is hardly a Korean man or woman in the country who has not gone through this process—sometimes six or seven times. 1、 The word "matchmaking" in this passage means ______. A. a very formal ritual (仪式) attended by boys and girls B. introducing boys and girls to know each other for the purpose of marriage C. producing matches to make a fire or light a cigarette D. arranging games between men and women 2、 The fact that the first meeting is repeated again and again in coffee shops in the main hotels suggests that ______. A. Koreans like drinking coffee in coffee shops very much B. men and women want to meet as many times as possible C. they are busy with communicating with different people D. marriage is seen as a business contract instead of something sacred 3、 Why does the matchmaking still exist in Korea? ______ A. Because most people want to keep the bloodlines pure and chance encounters romantic. B. Because most people try to avoid romance and keep the bloodlines pure. C. Because most people regard marriage as continuing family lineage and romance. D. Because most people try to break family lineage and bloodlines. 4、 Which of the following is true according to the passage? ______ A. Almost every man or woman in Korea has to go through the matchmaking. B. From the signal the boy's parents know whether their son is interested in the girl or not. C. At present young Koreans no longer need matchmaking to heep them find

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