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Unit 16 Stories


Lesson 1 Stories from History


1)witness vt . 目击,经历n . 目击者,目击证人


She witnessed the accident . 她亲眼看见该事故。

He has witnessed many battles . 他经历过多次战争。

a witness to the accident . 事故的目击者

2)admire vt . 钦佩,赞赏,羡慕


He admired the way she had coped with life . 他很赞赏她对待生命的态度。

All those who knew him admired him for his good work .


I admire him for his courage . 我佩服他的勇气。

3)authentic adj . 真实的,与事实相符的;真正的,非伪造或复制的


an authentic account by an eyewitness 一份目击者的真实证言

an authentic painting by Corot 一幅真正的科伦特的画

She has authentic charm whereas most people simply have nice manners.


They could only try to make the curtain as authentic as possible.


4)characteristic adj.显著的,独特的n.突出的标记或特征


I like the characteristic flavor of apples. 我喜欢苹果特有的味道。

What are the characteristics that distinguish the Chinese from the Japanese?


●be characteristic of 所独有的特征,有...的特色

Isabel was a tall girl with the oveal face, straight nose, fine eyes and full mouth that appeared to be characteristic of the family.


5)sympathy n.同情,同情心;和谐,对应


It's useless just to seek sympathy from others. 一味寻求同情是没有意义的。

He is in sympathy with their beliefs. 他与他们的信仰一致。

●feel sympathy for(=have sympathy for)对……表示同情

●in sympathy with 同情;赞成;和…一致




When I arrived, Jane had left. 我到时简刚刚离开。

She had changed so much that I couldn't recognize her.



She had run out before I could stop her. 我还没来得及阻止,她就冲了出去。

By the end of June, they had treated 1,000 patients.




1.Anyone who ________ the attack should call the police.

2.The thief ran away, but I could remember his physical ________.

3.If headaches only ________ at night, the lack of fresh air and oxygen is often the cause.

4.I like ________ Italian food, which can only be offered in this restaurant.

5.My ________ is that they are completely out of control.



2.Thick chipboard across the window frames ________ daylight.

3.If you get this job, your family will have enough money to ________.

4.They laid him ________ so that he could feel better.

5.Jim ________ in a heavy rain, so he didn't catch the train.


1.The play ________ (start)when I got to the theater. And most people were seated well. 2.I ________ never ________ (break)my word. You can trust me.

3.I ________ (live)in London for ten years before I moved to Paris.

4.By the time I got home, my brother ________ (leave).

5.He believed that he ________ (do)the right thing.


1.Although I don't agree with everything, I still think you are right ________.

A.in the way B.in a way C.on the way D.by the way

2.A heavy earthquake happened on May 12th 2008 in Sichuan, on such an occasion, words can not express my ________.

A.trouble B.awesome C.sorrow D.surprise

3.________ 1748, they had found an awesome historical site.

A.For B.At C.In D.By

4.I'm sorry I ________ I had given you so much trouble.

A.don't know B.haven't known C.didn't know D.am not knowing 5.Peter, who ________ for an hour, was very angry when his sister finally turned up.

A.had waited B.was waiting C.is waiting D.waited



I remember one night a few years ago when my daughter was mad with worry. After my Harvard Extension School classes, I usually arrived at the bus station near my home by 11:00 p. m., but on that night I was nowhere to be found. My daughter was 1 . It wasn't safe for a single woman to walk 2 on the streets at night, especially one as 3 as I am: I can kill a robber with my smartness, but I'm just too short to do any real physical damage.

That night my daughter 4 the bus station, drove around the streets, and contacted some friends. But she couldn't find me 5 she called my astronomy professor who told her that I was on top of the Science Center using the telescope to gaze at the stars. Unaware of the time, I had gotten 6 in the heavens and was only thinking about the new things I had learned that night in class.

This story shows a habit I have 7 over the years: I lose track of the time when it comes to learning.How else do you 8 a woman who began high school at age 71 and who is graduating with a bachelor's degree at 89? I may have 9 late, but I will continue to learn as long as I am able to because I have found that the world is a final 10 that you can never be prepared enough for.

My studies were 11 when I was in the 7th grade. I loved school but I was forced to leave it to 12 for my family. I eventually married and raised 5 children and 20 grandchildren.

I knew I was as smart as a college graduate—I had proved it by running a successful family business for decades that still exists.13 I wanted more.I wanted to feel 14 when I spoke and I wanted people to respect my opinions.

I am here today to prove that if you have treated education as your main 15 , and not as

a means to an end, then you, too, know that the power of knowledge makes me the most outstanding 89-year-old woman at the bus stop.

1.A.curious B.nervous C.confused D.surprised 2.A.lonely B.slowly C.alone D.bravely 3.A.clever B.foolish C.frightened D.defenseless 4.A.entered B.reached C.checked D.examined 5.A.after B.when C.unless D.until 6.A.ready B.lost C.tired D.used

7.A.got B.found C.expected D.developed 8.A.explain B.force C.change D.respect 9.A.decided B.started C.arrived D.married 10.A.place B.result C.exam D.decision 11.A.damaged B.prepared C.completed D.interrupted 12.A.pay B.care C.look D.study

13.A.But B.For C.And D.So 14.A.happy B.proud C.honest D.confident 15.A.belief B.degree C.goal D.way


Pompeii Buried!

In the year A. D 79, Pompeii was a wealthy city on the west coast of Italy. In August that year, the people of Pompeii began to see signs that the nearby volcano Mount Vesuvius was ―waking up‖. Vesuvius was often active. These prolonged signals did not scare most people. They went about their daily lives, and they were sure that the mountain would soon quiet down again. I believe they should not have been so certain.

On the morning of August 24, the top of the mountain split apart in a huge explosion. Smoke shot up into the sky, blocking out the sun. Birds fell dead from the sky, terrified animals ran and tried to hide. Even then, many people took no precautions to protect themselves.

At first, a light layer of ash began to cover the city. People simply brushed the powder off their clothes and hair. Before long, though, small pieces of rocks began to fall from above. Some people tied pillows to their heads to protect themselves. Later, larger rocks began to fall. Many people fled the city, but some stayed behind. In my opinion, those who stayed should have known they were in great danger.

A foul(难闻的)odor filled the city. Deadly gases seeped(渗出)through the cracks in houses. People were forced to seek fresh air outside. There, though, the air was thick with dust and gases. The rocks still rained down. The people were forced inside again.

Soon the city was covered in ashes and rocks nine feet deep. Rooftops caved in, trapping those inside.On August 25 a glowing mixture of gas and molten(熔化了的)rock from the erupting volcano flowed over Pompeii, killing everyone in its path.

The once-great city remained hidden under layers of ash until 1594. Then workers building a water channel nearby found the buried city. Since then, digging has continued. In 1860, an Italian scientist took over the project. We should all be grateful for his careful work. The most interesting results are plasters casts of the bodies of humans and animals.These casts show the frightened victims of Vesuvius frozen in time nearly 2,000 years ago.

1.The author feels that people in Pompeii ________.

A.could have all survived B.were stupid to find a way out

C.knew how to protect themselves D.didn't have any chance to escape 2.Which of the following is the right order of the Pompeii story?

a.A foul(难闻的)odor filled the city.

b.Birds fell dead from the sky, terrified animals ran and tried to hide.

c.The top of the mountain split apart in a huge blast.

d.Pieces of rock began to fall from above.

e.Many people fled the city.

f.A light layer of ash began to cover the city.

A.c, f, b, d, e, a B.c, b, f, d, e, a

C.b, c, f, d, a, e D.e, c, b, f, d, a

3.The last people were killed by ________.

A.the foul odor

B.the falling rock

C.thick gases and dust

D.the glowing mixture of gas and molten rock

4.The city of Pompeii was finally discovered by _______.

A.some tourists B.volcano researchers

C.an Italian scientist D.workers building a channel

Lesson 2 Name Stories


1)specific adj.特有的,具体的,准确的n.细节(多用复数)


specific qualities and attributes 独特的品质和属性

There are several specific problems to be dealt with. 有几个具体问题需要解决。

This report offered the most specific and accurate description.


Things improved when we got down to the specifics. 当我们注意了细节后,事情开始好转。

●be specific about

She was quite specific about the type she wanted. 她对自己想要的型号非常明确。

2)significance n.重要性(importance),意义,含义


Ideas about the social significance of religion have changed over time.


The ceremony has great symbolic significance. 这场仪式有着伟大的象征意义。

They failed to appreciate the true significance of these discoveries.


●be of great(some,no,little)significance

A sacred site might be a mountain that is of some significance to a tribe.

圣地有可能就是一座对部落有一些特殊意义的山。3)phrases with “come”

●come about出现,发生

How did the changes come about? 这些变化是怎么发生的?

●come across偶然遇到或找到

I came across my old college schoolmate in town today.我今天在镇上偶遇我大学的老同学。

●come along进展,跟随

Things are coming along fine. 事情进展顺利。

I‘ll come along on the hike. 我将徒步旅行来这里。

●come around(to)苏醒

When I came around(to),I was lying on the kitchen floor.


●come at攻击

He maintained that he was protecting himself from Mr. Cox, who came at him with an axe.

他坚持说他当时是出于自卫,因为Mr. Cox正拿着斧子向他冲过来。

●come out成为众所周知,发行或发表

The whole story came out at the trial. 整个真相在审问中变得众所周知。

The author's new book just came out. 作家的新书刚出版。

●come over顺便拜访

Please come over to our house and have tea with us. 欢迎来访并一起喝茶。

4)figure out算出,了解,解决,断定


His job is to figure out the balance in their account. 他的工作就是算出帐户中的平衡。

It took them a month to figure out how to start the equipment.


They are trying to figure out the politics of the situation.


I don't want to be a detective to figure that out. 我不必像个侦探一样对这件事下判断。5)tease v.戏弄,开玩笑n.戏弄人的手段,喜欢戏弄别人的人

Don't get upset. I was only teasing. 别伤心,我就是开个玩笑。

His friends used to tease him about his tatty clothes. 他的朋友以前经常笑话他穿的破衣服。

Calling her by her nickname has always been one of his teases.


My brother is such a tease. 我哥哥是个爱捉弄人的人。


1)表达猜测,假设和意见(Expressing guesses, assumptions and beliefs)

●I guess…(表猜测)

I guess you think that's enough significance for one name but there is more.

●I suppose…(表假设)

I suppose we must have had one sometime in the past.

●I believe…(表意见)

I believe that when you dig deep,every name has a story to it.


●Guess what? I was born on a boat!

●Suddenly my mother started to feel some pain.

●My parents got off the boat with their new baby and then went to the hospital to see if

everything was OK.

●After that, my parents decided I should be called Jiangsheng.



1.Can you be a little more ________ in your instructions?

2.I can always ________ you to cheer me up.

3.Suddenly his son's relationship with the girl took on a new ________.

4.They were forced to return to their country of ________.

5.I saw something in the distance, but I couldn't ________ what it exactly was.

6.We had to ________ the inconvenience in the small village.

7.The best way to deal with a ________ is to ignore him.

8.Many people are suffering economic ________ nowadays.

9.If you don't know what you want, you might ________ getting something you don't want.Ⅱ.翻译下列句子。


_____________________________________________________________________________ 2.你觉得我们是不是可以相聚聊会儿天儿?

_____________________________________________________________________________ 3.专家们认为即将到来的干旱会是很严重的。


then, in the end, a year before, suddenly, first, now

Robert and the school library. ________ an older student pushed past them in line.Robert complained, ―I can't believe it. Those older kids think they own the library.‖

________, the students with complaints like this might have felt they didn't have any options. ________ Robert and Hannah have a way to take action. They arranged to meet with a trained peer helper.________ the mediator asked the girl who had cut in front of Robert and Hannah to join their discussions.―I know I cut in on them,‖ the student admitted.―The younger kids get books just for fun. I need books for projects and assignments.‖

―Wait a minute,‖ Hannah said.―We check out books for projects, too.‖ The discussions continued. ________ the mediator suggested ways to approach the other students who were part of the problem. The three students also talked to the librarian. ________, the problem was solved. 四)能力训练


What's in a Name?

A young couple I know has been trying to choose a name for their first child, who will arrive soon. It hasn't been easy.

They don't want to name their baby 1 a relative, a famous person or themselves. They want something distinctive, but not unusual.

They asked if I had any suggestions, 2 I went through the same thing a couple of times. They 3 me one of those books of names to help parents make a 4 .―It even has a list of the most popular names today,‖ the husband said, ―and a list of the names that were popular years ago, 5 you were a kid.‖

I looked at the list and wasn't 6 . Everybody I know has a kid with a trendy name. Girls are being named Heather, Jennifer, Jessica, Kimberly, Allison and Melissa. Boys are being named

Jason, Joshua, Christopher, Scott, Mark and Jeffrey.

When I was a 7 , I didn't know anybody named Heather or Joshua. In my 8 , boys had solid, workmanlike names: Stanley, Walter, Albert, Henry or Joe.Girls had in-the-kitchen names 9 Mildred, Dorothy, Helen, Eleanor, Bertha and Gertrude. Today it is not 10 to find people with names like Heather Potkowski, Kevin Bongorino. No wonder young people grow up 11 about who they are.

So I suggested that they go 12 an old-fashioned name, maybe Gertrude, so they could call her Gert.

―I am not going to name my daughter Gert,‖ the woman said.―It's13 .‖

―If it's a14 ,‖ the husband said, ―I'm kind of leaning toward Lisa.‖

I made a retching sound and 15 them that by the year 2010, one out of every five young females in America would be named Lisa. And they would all marry guys named Mark. 1.A.in B.after C.out D.about 2.A.since B.why C.unless D.although 3.A.listed B.found C.called D.showed 4.A.baby B.choice C.plan D.family 5.A.when B.which C.where D.because 6.A.happy B.anxious C.surprised D.interested 7.A.writer B.student C.father D.kid 8.A.neighborhood B.country C.school D.state

9.A.with B.like C.for D.by 10.A.unfamiliar B.unusual C.important D.popular 11.A.mad B.angry C.clear D.confused 12.A.on B.like C.for D.with 13.A.wonderful B.awful C.amazing D.interesting 14.A.girl B.boy C.baby D.son 15.A.suggested B.laughed C.warned D.recommended Ⅱ.阅读与表达

A Mother's Love

It was a Friday. We'd responded to an early morning alarm in Brooklyn at a burning garage. As I was getting my gear on, I heard the sound of cats crying. I couldn't stop-I would have to look for the cats after the fire was put out.

This was a large fire. It took a long time and many firefighters to finally bring the enormous blaze under control. At that moment I was free to investigate the cat noises, which I still heard. There continued to be a tremendous amount of smoke and intense heat coming from the buildings.I couldn't see much, but I followed the meowing to a spot on the sidewalk about five feet away from the front of the garage. There, crying and huddled together, were three terrified little kittens. Then I found two more, one in the street and one across the street. They must have been in the buildings, as their fur was badly singed. I yelled for a box and out of the crowd around me, one appeared. Putting the five kittens in the box, I carried them to the porch of a neighboring house. I started looking for a mother cat.It was obvious that the mother had gone into the burning garage and carried each of her babies, one by one, out to the sidewalk. Five separate trips into the raging heat and deadly smoke -it was hard to imagine. But what had happened to her?

A cop told me he had seen a cat go into a vacant lot near where I had found the last two

kittens. She was there, lying down and crying. She was terribly hurt: her eyes were blistered shut, her paws were blackened, and her fur was singed all over her body. In some places you could see her reddened skin showing through the burned fur. She was too weak to move anymore. I went over to her slowly, talking gently as I approached. I didn't want to alarm her. When I picked her up, she cried in pain, but she didn't struggle. She gave me a look of utter exhaustion and then relaxed in my arms as much as her pain would allow. Sensing her trust in me, I felt my throat tighten and the tears start in my eyes. I was determined to save this brave little cat and her family. Their lives were actually in my hands.

1.When was the author able to look for the cats? (within 7 words)____________________________________________________________________________ 2.How did the author know the kittens had been in the buildings? (within 8 words)____________________________________________________________________________ 3.Why didn't the mother cat struggle when she was picked up? (within 8 words)____________________________________________________________________________ 4.How do you understand the sentence ―Their lives were actually in my hands‖?(within 15 words)____________________________________________________________________________ 5.What do you think is the most moving part of the story? (in your own words)____________________________________________________________________________

Lesson 3 Life Stories


1)severe adj.严重的,严厉的,严峻的


I suffered from severe depression at that time. 我当时患有严重的抑郁。

This is a dreadful crime and severe sentence is necessary.


Shortages of professional staff are very severe in some places.

有些地方专业人才的缺失还是很严峻的。2)restriction n.限制,限定,束缚


The restrictions on the use of the playground are: no fighting,no damaging property.


supply on restriction 限制供应

The 30 mph speed restriction applies in all built-up areas.


3)now that既然,由于

Now that you are settled, why not do some serious study?


Now that she has retired, she lived with her sister.

既然已经退休了,她就跟姐姐住在了一起。4)expand v.扩大,详细阐述,展开

She expanded her store by adding a second room.


He expanded his remarks afterward. 他在后面详细阐述了他的评论。

The bird expanded its wings and flew off. 鸟展开翅膀飞走了。





Johnny was a nomad. With a tin pot on his head,this wanderer traveled the land planting apple seeds.



念,人物和环境之间存在的差异。例如happy和sad就是一对反义词,begin和end也是反义词。前缀un-,in-,im-能够把一个词转变成反义词,如usual加前缀变成其反义词unusual;secure加前缀in变成其反义词insecure;mature加前缀im变成其反义词immature. 我们在阅读故事时,要注意作者所选用的反义词,这样有助于我们理解人物,观念或其他方面所表现出的不同。



1.The engineers noticed that the pipes were not ________ as expected. They remained the same size.

2.After four months abroad, every hour at home is ________.

3.I was depressed by our ________ lack of progress.

4.We will never know the ________ detail of his death.

5.His face was set in an expression of ________ determination.

6.He never spoke in a ________ voice.

7.The company looks forward to making a significant ________ in business in China.

8.The relaxation of ________ means that they are free to travel or work.


Once there were a king and his queen, who had three beautiful daughters. The youngest one, Psyche, was the most beautiful of the three daughters. People said she was Aphrodite on earth—the goddess of beauty. Men from neighboring countries swarmed to enjoy the sight of her, but none treated her as someone to court. Therefore, Psyche remained single, started feeling miserable, and began to hate her beauty.

Meanwhile, the goddess of beauty, Aphrodite, disliked this entirely, so she instructed her son, Eros, the god of love, to shoot his golden arrows into the girl, and thus make her fall in love with the worst specimen of the human race, who was not born in a noble family, with no wealth, intelligence, character, handsomeness, or courage.

1.A dark cloud of bees came ________(move quickly)out of the hive.

2.I was ________(date)Billy at the age of 19 and married him at when I was 21.

3.Is it difficult being a ________(not married)mother?

4.She went to bed, ________(unhappy)and depressed.

5.Joe is a very careful person, while Fraud is an ________(completely)different matter. 6.Even in a highly skilled workforce, some people will be more capable and ________(so)better paid than others.

7.I wanted very much to believe that he was pure and ________(morally good). 8.Economic reform has brought relative ________(property)to farmers.


In ancient Greece, people felt it necessary to consult the Oracle of Apollo when they were puzzled about their future. Therefore Psyche's father went to Delphi, and there he asked where he was to find a husband for his most beautiful daughter, and it declared that Psyche was to marry a horrible monster on the top of the mountain.

Meanwhile, Eros came to Psyche's home with his mother's instructions. However, he was so attracted by her beauty that in a haste of fulfilling his task, he hurt himself with his golden arrow and fell hopelessly in love with her.

1.________(hide information from)your doctor about how much exercise you should attempt. 2.Critics were ________(not mysterious)by the election result.

3.She proudly ________(keep as a secret)that she had once been introduced to the Queen. 4.That seems like a ________(lovely)mess that will drag on for years.

5.Jane was writing a letter and ________(in a different time)Pat was watching TV.

6.In spite of her bad temper, she is still ________(dislike)to him.

7.In their ________(slowness)to escape the rising water, they dropped some expensive equipment.

8.I looked around ________(hopefully)to find someone for help.



When I met Sara at the beginning of the school year, I really didn't think about her very much. She seemed like any normal 1 .

It happened during a break when Sara and I were the only students in the classroom. Then I heard the sound of 2 . One sniffle (啜泣), then after another. 3 turning to face Sara, I knew she was crying.

Sara and I were not good friends. I hardly even 4 her. I didn't want to just go over to her and start acting 5 I were a teacher or something.The sniffles kept coming, one after another.―Hey, Sara, what's wrong?‖ I asked.

―Oh... it's just... some... things... that I... have to... 6 ,‖ she replied with tears rolling down her cheeks.

What should I say? I really wanted to show that I did 7 .

Then Sara began talking, ―Today's my birthday.‖

―Well, happy birthday!‖ I said8 .

―There's nothing to be9 about,‖ she said.

Sara told me that her mother was a drug addict and she gave her to Social Service. They placed her in a foster family (寄养家庭).

When Sara finished her story, I realized 10 she was sad on her birthday, but I didn't know what to do.

Then it just came out of my mouth as if 11 w ere everyday talk, ―We'll love you.‖

―What?‖ she said.

―Sara, my friends and I will love you. I am a member of a joy club, where we tell stories and help each other with problems. You'll 12 being with us if you come along.‖For the next month Sara 13 to talk to me whenever we were alone in the classroom.

Then one day she said she'd like to attend the club on Saturday. After that, I noticed with 14 that she was in the club every weekend, hoping she felt herself 15 when she was with us. 1.A.teacher B.student C.professor D.headmaster 2.A.nervousness B.happiness C.sadness D.illness 3.A.Without B.After C.From D.Until 4.A.realize B.recognized C.met D.knew 5.A.because B.if C.so that D.as if

6.A.get back B.get through C.get in D.get off 7.A.care B.apologize C.surprise D.understand 8.A.excitedly B.cheerfully C.carefully D.naturally 9.A.sure B.anxious C.happy D.painful 10.A.why B.how C.that D.what

11.A.we B.they C.I D.it

12.A.keep B.imagine C.enjoy D.consider 13.A.began B.stopped C.hoped D.continued 14.A.care B.pity C.joy D.patience 15.A.loved B.minded C.pleased D.improved


Jimmy Carter, now 84 years old, is the 39th president of the United States of America. During his presidency, diplomatic relations between the People's Republic of China and the United States were improving. After losing the election to Ronald Reagan in 1980, he went back to his peanut farm in his hometown Georgia, where he made furniture and cradles for his grandchildren. As a former president, Carter started to write books, to involve himself in negotiating peace and monitoring over 60 democratic elections in developing countries. The following is the profile of Mr. Carter.

At 62, he started skiing. At 64, he climbed Mount Kilimanjaro. At 70, he climbed Mount Fuji.And he still plays softball games in Plains, Georgia.Some analysts say that former US presidents Jimmy Carter was leaving an even more important legacy in his post-presidency than in his presidency.In 1982, Jimmy Carter with Mrs.Carter founded the non-profit, non-partisan Carter. He has become a much respected and high-profile global peace-negotiator during times of crisis in the DPRK, the Middle East and many other troublesome spots. And he has authored more than 20 books including bestsellers.

1.During Jimmy Carter's presidency, the relations between China and the U. S. A were not very good.()2.After losing the election, Jimmy carter went back to his hometown and made a living by making furniture and cradles.()3.Some people think that Jimmy Carter was doing bigger contributions to the world during his post -presidency.()4.Jimmy carter did what he could to maintain world peace.()

Lesson 4 Communication Workshop


1)tiresome adj.令人厌倦的;使人疲倦的;吃力的


Some people might think that it would be too tiresome to wait in the queue.


a very tiresome lecture 极其令人厌烦的讲演

a tiresome jo

b 一件吃力的工作

2)awkward adj.笨拙的,不舒服的,尴尬的,棘手的


Ann made an awkward gesture with her hands. Ann用手做了个笨拙的手势。

It was small but heavy enough to make it awkward to carry. 它又小又沉,很不好上手拿。

an awkward remark 令人窘迫的评论

an awkward silence 令人尴尬的沉默

I was the first to ask awkward questions,but there'll be more to come.

我是第一个问棘手问题的人,但更多这样的问题还在后面。3)tense adj.紧绷的,神经紧张的


A bath can relax tense muscles. 洗个澡会帮助放松紧绷的肌肉。

After three tense weeks he phoned again. 紧张的三周过后,他又打了一次电话。

Hearing what I said,Dart,who had been very tense,finally relaxed.




Bang! The race started.

Tori ran just behind Kate, as Coach instructed, listening to the sound of Kate's breathing and the pounding of feet on the track. She planned to stick close to Kate's shoulder for the first three laps, and then sprint past her in the final stretch.




1.He could make things very ________ for me if he wanted to.

2.Unfortunately, I am still very ________ behind the wheel of the jeep.

3.I am really afraid to meet the ________ old lady next door. She always has a way to make me feel bad.

4.Every person stood up to ________ his unforgettable act of courage.

5.There is no point in getting ________ about the situation. If you calm down, you might find a way to solve the problem.

It was in summer, 1988. I volunteered to work with the Special Olympics and was assigned as a trainer for a young man named Joey. He was 18 years old, had Down' s syndrome(综合症状)and 1. ________ to be with. He wore a pair of 2. ________ glasses and a lasting smile, and was quick to laugh and give a thumbs-up to everyone he saw-Joey was everyone's friend. His race was

the 3. ________ one-quarter-mile run, the 4. ________ rap around the track. At each practice, I stood at the finish line and called 5. ________, ―What are you going to do, Joey?‖ as he rounded the 6.________corner.―We're gonna win!‖ he shouted back.

We hit the track 7. ________ Saturday for the six weeks preceding the race, and his time 8. ________ improved until he was making the finish line in just under three minutes.we would follow up our practice with a trip to the local burger joint, where every time he would tell the waitress that he couldn't have French fries.―I' m training,‖ he said 9. ________. He always added, ―I' m going to win 10. ________ medal and could I please have a salad?‖


1.Plants need to be looked after and protected ________ bad weather.

A.within B.during C.at D.on

2.He ran out of the room ________ I could say anything to comfort him.

A.after B.until C.before D.then

3.Her parents could help with child care ________ she worked.

A.during B.before C.since D.while

4.The passengers ________ in the traffic accident were in great need of first aid.

A.destroyed B.injured C.damaged D.wounded

5.How could I love myself ________ I look like this?

A.when B.until C.unless D.although



As a black woman, Patricia Pania led an ordinary but happy life. She never wanted to be a public figure. All she wanted to be was a mother and home-maker. But her life was turned upside down when a motorist, disturbed by his cell phone, ran a stop sign and crashed into the side of her car. The knock killed her 2-year-old daughter.

Four months later, Pania courageously decided to try to instruct the public and to fight for laws to ban drivers from using cell phones while driving a car. She wanted to save other children from what had happened to her daughter. In her first speech, Pania got off to a shaky start. She was trembling and her voice was soft and uncertain.But as she got into her speech, a dramatic change took place. She stopped shaking and spoke with a strong voice. For the rest of her talk, she was a forceful and inspiring speaker. She wanted everyone in the audience to know what she knew without having to learn it front a personal tragedy. Many in the audience were moved to tears and to action.

In later presentations, Pania gained honor and respect as a highly effective speaker.Her appearance on a talk show was broadcast three times and her message was sent to over 40 million people.Her action increased public awareness of the problem, and made over 300 cities and several states deal with limitation on cell phone use.

1.What was the great change in Patricia Pania's life?

A.She became a public figure.

B.She finally gave up driving.

C.She decided to be an educator.

D.She stopped being a homemaker.

2.Why did Patricia Pania decide to make speeches?

A.To gain honor and respect.

B.To make people have mercy on her.

C.To increase public awareness of the problem.

D.To let others know about her personal tragedy.

3.How did Pania feel when she began her first speech?

A.Forceful and determined.

B.Courageous and excited.

C.Calm and confident.

D.Nervous and unsure.

4.What could be expected as a result of Pania's efforts?

A.Limitation on cell phone use while driving.

B.More strict training for women drivers.

C.New rules to ensure children's safety.

D.Improved traffic conditions in cities.


A Famous Father

A great man died today.He wasn't a world leader or a famous doctor or a war hero or a sports figure. He was no business person, and you will never see his name in the financial pages. But he was one of the greatest men who ever lived. He was my father.

I guess you might say he was a person who was never interested in getting receipt or receiving honors. He did dull and tiresome things like paying his bills on time, going to church on Sunday and serving as an officer in the P.T. A. He helped his kids with their homework and drove his wife to do the grocery shopping on Thursday nights. He got a great kick out of hauling his teenagers and their friends to and from football games.

Tonight is my first night without him. I don't know what to do with myself. I am sorry for the times I didn't show him the proper respect. But I an grateful for a lot of other things.

I am thankful that God let me have my father for 15 years. And I am happy that I was able to let him know how much I loved him.That wonderful man died with a smile on his face and fulfillment in his heart. He knew that he was a great success as a husband and a father, a brother, a son and a friend. I wonder how many millionaires can say that.

1.What kind of people might appear in the financial pages?

____________________________________________________________________________. 2.Can you list things the father did for his family?

____________________________________________________________________________. 3.What does the author feel sorry for?

____________________________________________________________________________. 4.What does the author mean by saying ―I wonder how many millionaire can say that.‖?




1.It's reasonable to ________ that people go into this business in search of fame.

A.believe B.trust C.know D.realize

2.We can only ________ how fast a dinosaur might have run.

A.guess B.figure C.answer D.provide

3.They are trying to ________ the politics of the whole situation.

A.come out B.put out C.figure out D.block out 4.Since we are determined to stay here, we have to ________ the inconvenience.

A.put up B.put off C.put down D.put up with 5.— I wish I had passed the driving test.

— Yes, I know. But ________ hard up to now?

A.do you practice B.did you practice C.had you practiced D.have you practiced 6.I once ________ in a foreign trade company for five years. Still, I don't regret giving up the well-paid job.

A.worked B.have worked C.was working D.had worked 7.— Have you seen your nephew lately?

— Yes, in fact I saw him yesterday. I ________ him for three years.

A.haven't seen B.didn't see C.hadn't seen D.don't see

8.— What's the matter, John? You look sad.

— Oh, nothing much. Actually, I ________ of my friend Jim who had died in a car accident.

A.am thinking B.have just thought C.was thinking D.had just thought Ⅱ.根据中文含义,完成句子。

1.Every time they went dancing, they ________.(都以坏心情告终)

2.(既然你不愿意帮忙)________________, we can only do it on our own.

3.Your idea is ________________________.(有重要意义)

4.She found that ________________________.(她把箱子落在火车上了)

5.By the end of last month, ________________________.(他们已经治疗了3万个病人)Ⅲ.完形填空

Lessons in Baseball

I played baseball whenever and wherever I could. I played organized or sandlot. I played with my brother, with my father, with friends. If all else 1 , I bounced a rubber ball off the porch stairs, imaging all kinds of 2 things happening to me and my team.

It was with this attitude that I 3 the 1956 Little League season. I was a shortstop. Not good, not bad. Just addicted.

Gordon was not addicted. 4 was he good.He moved into our 5 that year and signed up to play baseball. The kindest way of describing Gordon's baseball skills is to 6 that he didn't have any. He couldn't catch. He couldn't hit. He couldn't throw. He couldn't run. In fact Gordon was afraid of the 7 .

I was relieved when the final selections were 8 and Gordon was assigned to another team. Everyone had to play at least half of each game, and I couldn't see Gordon improving my team's chances in any way. Too bad for 9 team.

After two weeks of practice, Gordon dropped out.My friends 10 that team laughed when they told me how their coach ―directed‖ two of the team's better players to11 Gordon into the woods and have a chat with him.―Get lost‖ was the message that was delivered and―Get lost‖ was the one that was h eard.

Gordon got lost.

I told my coach the whole 12 .I shared the episode in full detail, figuring my coach would 13 to the league office and have Gordon returned to his original team. Justice and my team's winning would both be served.

I was 14 .My coach decided that Gordon needed to be on a team that 15

him—one that treated him with respect, 16 that gave everyone a fair chance to contribute according to their own abilities.

Gordon became my team member.I don't think Gordon even hit a foul ball in the entire season. It wasn't that Gordon didn't get extra 17 . The coach gave him extra batting practice and worked with him on his fielding, all without 18 improvement.

I'm not sure whether Gordon learned anything from my coach. I did. I learned a lot from my coach that summer, but the most important lessons were not about 19 .They were about character and integrity. I learned that we all have 20 , whether we can stop the ball or have to turn and chase it. I learned that doing something right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing.

1.A.failed B.tried C.finished D.stopped 2.A.bad B.wonderful C.terrible D.lucky

3.A.left B.went C.entered D.waited

4.A.Yet B.Also C.Nor D.Therefore 5.A.classroom B.neighborhood C.school D.team

6.A.tell B.notice C.talk D.say

7.A.ball B.team C.coach D.player 8.A.made B.thought C.chosen D.came 9.A.other B.others C.else D.another 10.A.in B.on C.at D.with 11.A.take B.bring C.walk D.direct 12.A.game B.story C.class D.practice 13.A.tell B.offer C.explain D.complain 14.A.wrong B.right C.sad D.confused 15.A.cheated B.trained C.wanted D.needed 16.A.the one B.one C.another D.that 17.A.money B.courage C.room D.help 18.A.much B.little C.some D.many 19.A.happiness B.baseball C.practice D.life 20.A.value B.skills C.use D.importance



My idea of perfect childhood memory is one in which the person remembers the event clearly as if it happened yesterday and remembers it as being a happy time. Of all my memories I have one that I would consider a perfect childhood memory.

In my neighborhood there is a large lake with a small island in the center of it. For as long as I could remember. It had been every child's dream to get to it. It was to be our greatest adventure. We named it Alligator Island, because of the alligators(鳄鱼)that lived on the island and in the surrounding lake.

One day when I was about 10 years old, I was helping my friend Erika clean her garage and we discovered a blow-up raft. Naturally we had to wonder if it would stay afloat in the water, so we decided to blow it up and find out. After a few hours of struggling, the rubber boat was finally ready to test. We took it to the pool and it did float. Immediately we began making plans to visit Alligator Island with our new means of transportation.

We decided to ask Erika's brother and another of our friends to come with us. Since the lake was across the street from Erika's house, we did not have to pull the raft far and soon we were on our way to the island.

About halfway to the island we began to get nervous about the possibility of alligators really being in the lake and we tried to turn around, but none of us knew how to use the paddles very well. After a few attempts, we realized how silly we were and continued onward. When we finally did reach the small land mass, it was not anything special. Just a few trees, some dirt, and insects. But the excitement and pleasure of actually achieving our goal were all we needed.

Needless to say, we were the envy of the neighborhood for quite some time.This is my perfect childhood memory and it is something I doubt I will ever forget for as long as I live. 1.The island is called Alligator Island because ________.

A.there are alligators on the island

B.there are alligators off the island

C.the shape of the island is like an alligator

D.it is said that there are alligators on the island

2.According to the passage, such a memory is the most unforgettable to the author because ________.

A.the adventure is full of dangers and risks

B.the author has tried a new kind of transportation

C.the author has finally realized the dream of going to the island

D.the author has been proved to be very intelligent during their adventure

3.What was the response of the author's neighborhood to the adventure?

A.They admired those kids.

B.They showed satisfaction.

C.They were astonished by their courage.

D.They showed worry and scolded the kids.

4.Which would be a good title for this passage?

A.A Childhood Full of Adventures

B.A Perfect Childhood Memory

C.Adventures on an Island

D.Alligator Island


Long after the 2002 World Cup was won, disappointed fans were still angry at the questionable refereeing(裁判)decisions that made their team lose the match. A researcher was sent to study the performance of some top referees.

The researcher organized experimental matches between four youth teams.Each match lasted an hour, divided into three periods of 20 minutes which different referees were in charge.

Observers noted down the referees errors of which there were 61 over the matches compared to an ordinary match of 90 minutes, each referee made almost 23 mistakes, a remarkably high number. The researcher then studied the videotapes to study the matches in detail. Surprisingly, he found that errors were more likely when the referees were close to the incidents. When the officials to it right, they were, on average, 17 meters away from the action. The average distance in the case of errors was 12 meters. The research shows the proper distance is about 29 meters. There also seemed to be a proper speed. Correct decisions came when the referees were moving at a speed of

about 2 meters per second. The average speed for errors was 4 meters per second.

If FIFA football's international ruling body wants to improve the justice of refereeing at the next World Cup, it should encourage referees to keep their eyes on the action from a distance, rather than rushing to keep up with the ball, the researcher argues.

He also says that FIFA's insistence that referees should retire at age 45 may misguide.If keeping up with the action is not so important, their physical condition is less important.

1.The experiment carried out by the researcher was meant to ________.

A.make new rules of football refereeing

B.examine the rules for football refereeing again

C.study the causes of errors made by football referees

D.review the decision of referees at the 2002 World Cup

2.The findings of the experiment show that ________.

A.errors are less likely when a referee stays in one spot

B.the more slowly the referee runs, the more likely errors will happen

C.the farther the referee is from the incident the fewer the errors are made

D.errors are more likely when a referee keeps close to the ball

3.The underlined word ―officials‖ in the passage most probably refers to ________.

A.researcher sent to study in the experiment

B.the referees of the experimented matches

C.the observers at the site of the experiment

D.the inspectors of the football matches

4.What is one of the possible conclusions of the experiment.?

A.Age is not the most important for a football referee.

B.A football referee should be young and strong.

C.The ideal retirement age for a football referee is 45.

D.An experienced football referee can do well in poor health.







Unit 17 Laughter


Lesson 1 What's So Funny?


1)harmony n.协调,和谐

the magnificent harmony of colors in nature 自然界色彩的美妙调和

maintain the harmony between the two nations 保持两国之间的和谐

[扩展]harmonious adj.和谐的,调和的

a harmonious arrangement of colors 调和的配色

a harmonious relationship 友好的关系

2)delay n. /v.延误,延期


I arrived without delay. 我顺利抵达,毫无耽搁。

The train was delayed one hour by the accident. 这班火车因车祸而延误了1个小时。

What delayed you so long yesterday? 昨天你为什么耽搁这么久?

3)burst out laughing突然笑起来


The balloon suddenly burst. 气球突然破了。

He burst into the room. 他突然闯进房间。

She burst into tears at the exciting news. 当她听到这个另人兴奋的消息,突然大哭起来。


教师个人发展学年度目标 杨林作为教师,为了使自己能更好掌握基本的课堂教学的规律,提高研读教材的潜力,初步构成自己的教学风格,努力成为一名我们学校的达标教师和学生的良师益友,我制定了三年发展规划及学年度目标 一、自我分析 (一)个人优势 工作踏实,具有强烈的事业心和职责心,热爱教育事业,热爱学生,在工作上能够用心完成学校领导布置的各项任务;与同事关系融洽,能和同事和睦相处,乐于助人;善于理解别人的不同意见,虚心向他人学习;有必须的教学经验和理论知识;能够用心参加各类教研活动和教师继续教育学习。 (二)个人存在问题 教育科研潜力薄弱,课题研究和论文写作潜力有待进一步提高;驾驭教材的潜力、设计课堂教学的潜力和教师语言水平有待进一步的提高,在专业素养和专业知识上有许多不足,尤其缺乏对学生心理状态、特征的认识和研究;教育科研方面,往往停留在感性经验的层面。 二、三年发展规划总目标: 1、教育理念得到更新,能够以发展性眼光来看待学生与教学,具有必须的创新精神及教研意识。

2、进一步学习现代教育理论、现代教育技术,掌握基本的教学规律,努力提升专业素养和教育教学潜力。 3、结合区数学科的研究专题,用心开展实验工作,努力提高课堂教学效率。 4、透过系列的学习与研究,使自己成为一位“志存高远、爱岗敬业、为人师表、教书育人、与时俱进”的新型教师。 三、三年发展规划实施阶段发展目标 第一年度目标: (1)提升自身文化素养,无论是作为管理者还是作为一名教师,都务必有丰富的文化底蕴,在工作中才能得以游刃有余,得心应手。 (2)向身边优秀的教师学习管理经验、教学艺术和教学技术,及时积累教育教学工作中的成功与失败,总结经验、吸取教训,做一名快乐、充实、幽默具有亲和力的受学生欢迎的老师。 (3)养成“善于反思、勤于积累”的习惯。对自己的教育教学活动要及时进行反思,积累经验,把“育人”放在首位,树立为学生一生负责的理念,培养人、塑造人,构成自己独有的工作风格。 (4)用心参加各种专业培训或讲座学习活动,认真写教案,教学反思,经常教学随笔。 第二年度目标: (1)提升个人修养,做一名达标的教师。用人格魅力和深厚的人文素养去影响学生,在工作中“多做”、“多想”、“多听”。


新课程标准学段目标与内容 第一学段(1~2年级) (一)识字与写字 1.喜欢学习汉字,有主动识字、写字的愿望。 2.认识常用汉字1600个左右,其中800个左右会写。 3.掌握汉字的基本笔画和常用的偏旁部首,能按笔顺规则用硬笔写字,注意间架结构。初步感受汉字的形体美。 4.努力养成良好的写字习惯,写字姿势正确,书写规范、端正、整洁。 5.学会汉语拼音。能读准声母、韵母、声调和整体认读音节。能准确地拼读音节,正确书写声母、韵母和音节。认识大写字母,熟记《汉语拼音字母表》。 6.学习独立识字。能借助汉语拼音认读汉字,学会用音序检字法和部首检字法查字典。 (二)阅读 1.喜欢阅读,感受阅读的乐趣。养成爱护图书的习惯。 2.学习用普通话正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。学习默读。3.结合上下文和生活实际了解课文中词句的意思,在阅读中积累词语。借助读物中的图画阅读。 4.阅读浅近的童话、寓言、故事,向往美好的情境,关心自然和生命,对感兴趣的人物和事件有自己的感受和想法,并乐于与人交流。 5.诵读儿歌、儿童诗和浅近的古诗,展开想象,获得初步的情感体验,感受语言的优美。 6.认识课文中出现的常用标点符号。在阅读中体会句号、问号、感叹号所表达的不同语气。 7.积累自己喜欢的成语和格言警句。背诵优秀诗文50篇(段)。课外阅读总量不少于5万字。 (三)写话 1.对写话有兴趣,留心周围事物,写自己想说的话,写想象中

的事物。 2.在写话中乐于运用阅读和生活中学到的词语。 3.根据表达的需要,学习使用逗号、句号、问号、感叹号。(四)口语交际 1.学说普通话,逐步养成讲普通话的习惯。 2.能认真听别人讲话,努力了解讲话的主要内容。 3.听故事、看音像作品,能复述大意和自己感兴趣的情节。4.能较完整地讲述小故事,能简要讲述自己感兴趣的见闻。5.与别人交谈,态度自然大方,有礼貌。 6.有表达的自信心。积极参加讨论,敢于发表自己的意见。(五)综合性学习 1.对周围事物有好奇心,能就感兴趣的内容提出问题,结合课内外阅读共同讨论。 2.结合语文学习,观察大自然,用口头或图文等方式表达自己的观察所得。 3.热心参加校园、社区活动。结合活动,用口头或图文等方式表达自己的见闻和想法。 第二学段(3~4年级) (一)识字与写字 1.对学习汉字有浓厚的兴趣,养成主动识字的习惯。 2.累计认识常用汉字2500个左右,其中1600个左右会写。3.有初步的独立识字能力。会运用音序检字法和部首检字法查字典、词典。 4.能使用硬笔熟练地书写正楷字,做到规范、端正、整洁。用毛笔临摹正楷字帖。 5.写字姿势正确,有良好的书写习惯。 (二)阅读 1.用普通话正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。 2.初步学会默读,做到不出声,不指读。学习略读,粗知文章大意。 3.能联系上下文,理解词句的意思,体会课文中关键词句表达


一、本册教材的学习目标 1.认识500个常用汉字,会写500个汉字。 2.喜欢学习汉字,有主动识字的愿望。 3.学习用普通话正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。了解词句的意思,对感兴趣的人物和事件有自己的感受和想法,并乐于与人交流。(说明:朗读在低年级的阅读教学中占有特殊地位,要引导学生边读边想像画面,这是培养语感的重要途径。当然,在朗读中还应适当抓一点对重点词语的理解。)4.初步学习默读,逐渐养成默读的习惯。 5.重视和加强语言的积累,在生活中学语文。 【教学重难点】 1.认识555个常用汉字,会写555个汉字。 2.学习用普通话正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。了解词句的意思,对感兴趣的人物和事件有自己的感受和想法,并乐于与人交流 二、教材内容及其编分析 本册教科书以专题组织单元,以整合的方式组织教材内容。共设八个专题,分为八组:多彩的春天,家庭生活,保护环境,快乐的夏天,动脑筋想办法,我们的生活多么幸福,我们都有好品质,我们身边的科学。八个专题贴近儿童生活,体现时代特点,蕴含教育价值,把知识、能力、方法、情感融为一体。每个专题内涵都比较宽泛,避免了教材内容的局限性。 每组包括1课“识字”、4-5篇课文和1个“语文园地”,各部分相互联系,构成一个有机的整体。识字课包括词语、三字经、对对子、谜语、谚语、诗歌等多种形式。课文共34篇,内容丰富多彩。“语文园地”包括四个栏目:

我的发现--鼓励学生探究发现,引导学生掌握学习方法,主要是识字的方法;日积月累--引导学生积累好词佳句、优秀段篇;口语交际--与专题联系,在双向互动中培养口语交际能力;展示台--给学生提供展示学习所得的舞台。八组之后有五篇选读课文。最后是两个生字表。 三、教学进度安排 具体内容及授课安排: 单元 主题 语文园地一 12—15课时 2 家庭生活 识字2 5看电视 6胖乎乎的小手 7棉鞋里的阳光 8月亮的心愿 语文园地二 12—16课时 3 保护环境 识字3 9两只鸟蛋 10松鼠和松果 11美丽的小路 12失物招领


小学语文新课程标准阶段目标 中年级段(3~4年级) 识字与写字 1、对学习汉字有浓厚的兴趣,养成主动识字的习惯。 2、累计认识常用汉字2050个,其中2000个左右会写。 3、会使用字典、词典、有初步的独立识字能力。 4、能使用硬笔熟练地书写正楷字,做到规范、端正、整洁。用毛笔临摹正楷字贴。 阅读 1、用普通话正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。 2、初步学会默读。能对课文中不理解的地方提出疑问。 3、能联系上下文,理解词句的意思,体会课文中关键词句在表情达意方面的作用。能借助字典、词典和生活,理解重启的意义。 4、能初步把握文章的主要内容,体会文章表达的思想感情。 5、能复述叙事性作品的大意,初步感受作品中生动的形象和优美的语言,与他人交流自己的阅读感受。 6、在理解语句的过程中,体会句号与逗号的不同用法,了解冒号、引号的一般用法。 7、学习略读,粗知文章大意。 8、积累课文中的优美词语中、精彩句段,以及在课外阅读和生活中获得的评议材料。 9、诵读优秀诗文,注意在诵读过程中体验情感,背诵优秀诗文50篇(段)。 10、养成读书看报的习惯,收藏并与同学交流图书资料。课外阅读总量不少于40万字。

习作 1、留心周围事物,乐于书面表达,增强习作的自信心。 2、能不拘形式地写下见闻,感受和想象,注意表现自己觉得新奇有趣事的、或印象最深,最爱感动的内容。 3、愿意将自己的习作读给人听,与他人分享习作的快乐。 4、能用简短的书信便条进行书面交际。 5、尝试在习作中运用自己平时积累的语言材料,特别是有新鲜感的词句。 6、根据表达的需要,使用冒号、引号。 7、学习修改习作中有明显错误的词句。 8、课内习作每学年16次左右。 口语交际 1、能用普通话与人交谈,在交谈中能认真倾听,领会要点,并能就不理解的地方向对方请教,就不同的意见与人商讨。 2、听人说话能把握主要内容,并能简要转述。 3、能清楚明白地讲述见闻,并说出自己的感受和想法。 4、能具体主动地讲述故事,努力用评议打动他人。 综合性学习 1、能提出学习和生活中问题,有目的地搜集资料,共同讨论。 2、结合语文学习,观察大自然,观察社会,书面与口头结合表达自己的观察所得。 3、能在老师的指导下组织有趣味的评议活动,在活动中学习语文,学会合作。 4、在家庭生活,学校生活中,尝试运用语文知识和能力解决简单问题。


一年级教育目标 一、学生特点分析 小学生处于由童年期向少年初期发展过渡的阶段,具有半童年、半少年的心理和行为,有独立意向,但单纯幼稚,容易受成人和周围环境的影响,具有可塑性大、可变性强的特点。 特别是一年级新生,由于环境的改变,他们活泼好动、好奇心强的特点更加突出,期望、兴奋与紧张、不安交织在一起。他们渴望了解新学校、新老师、新同学,希望在心得集体中被肯定。有些学生可能回因为不适应而受挫,更多的学生会更加努力进取、自信。 学生发育较快,生理变化大。 二、培育目标 (一)身体素质 形成锻炼习惯,做好“两操”,认真上好体育课。学会科学用眼。 (二)思想品德素质 1、关心国家大事,尊敬国旗、国徽,唱好国歌;升降国旗、奏唱国歌时,能肃立,脱帽,行注目礼,少先队行队礼。 2、能适应新的学习、生活环境,有新的努力目标,初步掌握学习方法,有良好的学习习惯。 3、热爱集体,能自觉遵守学校和班级的规章制度。 4、尊敬、理解师长,听从父母教导,对人诚实,友爱热情,有礼貌。 5、认真做好值日生,积极参加家务劳动和校内外公益劳动。

(三)个性心理素质 个性活泼、开朗,能尽快地以积极心态适应小学生活,具有一定的自控力和自信心。 (四)智能素质 主动学习,积极思考,有一定的观察力、记忆力、想象力。 三、教育要求 (一)行为规范教育 帮助学生养成良好的生活习惯、学习习惯、劳动习惯和其他文明行为习惯,引导学生遵守《中小学生守则》和《小学生日常行为规范》,适应小学学习和生活,顺利地实现由幼儿园向小学的过渡。 (二)集体主义教育 引导学生积极参加集体活动,增强集体荣誉感,树立集体主义观念。 (三)学习目的与态度教育 引导学生珍惜学习时间,改进学习方法,培养优良学风,认识到学习是学生的基本职责。 (四)热爱民族、热爱祖国教育 引导学生了解中华民族精神的基本内容及具有代表性的人和事,树立民族自尊心和自豪感,产生热爱家乡、热爱作国地热请和行为。 四、具体教育目标 阶段一:秋季开学至期中考试 [主题] 迈好小学第一步


学段目标与内容 识字与写字 第一学段(1-2年级) (1)喜欢学习汉字,有主动识字、写字的愿望。 (2)认识常用汉字1600个左右,其中800个左右会写。(3)掌握汉字的基本笔画和常用的偏旁部首,能按笔顺规则用硬笔写字,注意间架结构。初步感受汉字的形体美。(4)努力养成良好的写字习惯,写字姿势正确,书写规范、端正、整洁。 (5)学会汉语拼音。能读准声母、韵母、声调和整体认读音节。能准确地拼读音节,正确书写声母、韵母和音节。认识大写字母,熟记《汉语拼音字母表》。 (6)学习独立识字。能借助汉语拼音认读汉字,学会用音序检字法和部首检字法查字典。 第二阶段(3-4年级) (1)对学习汉字有浓厚的兴趣,养成主动识字的习惯。(2)累计认识常用汉字2500个左右,其中1600个左右会写。 (3)有初步的独立识字能力。会御用音序检字法和部首检字法查字典、词典。 (4)能使用硬笔熟练地书写正楷字,做到规范、端正、整

洁。用毛笔临摹正楷字帖。 (5)写字姿势正确,有良好的书写习惯。 第三学段(5-6年级) (1)有较强的的独立识字能力。累计认识常用汉字3000个左右,其中2500个左右会写。 (2)硬笔书写楷书,行款整齐,力求美观,有一定的速度。)能用毛笔书写楷书,在书写中体会汉字的优美。3(.(4)写字姿势正确,有良好的书写习惯。 阅读 第一学段(1-2年级) (1)喜欢阅读、感受阅读的乐趣。养成爱护图书的习惯。(2)学习用普通话正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。学习默读。 (3)结合上下文和生活实际了解课文中词句的意思,在阅读中积累词语。借助读物中的图画阅读。 (4)阅读浅近的童话、寓言、故事,想往美好的情境,关心自然和生命,对感兴趣的人物和事件有自己的感受和想法,并乐于与人交流。 (5)诵读儿歌、儿童诗和浅近的古诗,展开想象,获得初步的情境体验,感受语言的优美。 (6)认识课文中出现的常用标点符号。在阅读中体会句号、文号、感叹号所表达的不同语气。


一年级音乐(下)教学计划 一、班级学生情况简析 班级学生情况简析一年级大部分学生无论在生理还是在心理上,都 不同程度地带有幼儿的特征。其思维以具体形象思维为主,抽象思维 尚处于初步发展的阶段。从行为上看,他们往往表现出好奇、好动、好模仿的特点。从情感上看,他们易兴奋、易激动、不够稳定,对具 体的人和集体能够产生感情:对音乐艺术,能够表现出愉快的心情并 产生美感。从意志力上看,他们显露出一定的坚持性和自制力,但在 总体上说,其意志品质还是比较薄弱的。 二、总的目的与要求 在唱歌方面要求学生学会正确的演唱姿势、表情,恰当的情绪,能够用自然的声音歌唱。 在基本技能方面,陆续了解一拍X、半拍X、一拍半X. 等音符的形状,长短,并能读出他们的长度。 在动的方面,让学生积极参与,发挥自己的创新意识。 在欣赏方面,让学生多欣赏一些百益歌曲,了解打击乐器以及他们 的音色,能初步了解音乐形象。 三、提高教学质量的措施 1、和小朋友们做好朋友,多谈心,多交流,让孩子们爱上音乐。 2、用简易的方法,有趣的方法让学生快乐轻松的掌握! 3、根据不同的班级制定有所不同的教学方法! 4、鼓励学生多听有益的歌曲,了解课外音乐。 5、组织小比赛的形式,激发学生的热情。 6、让学生享受音乐,用音乐美化学生。 7、以学生的音乐审美能力发展为核心。 20XX年3月1日

一二年级学段目标: 1、激发和培养对音乐的兴趣。 2、开发音乐的感知力,体验音乐的美感。 3、能自然地、有表情地、演唱,参与其他音乐表现和即兴创作活动。 4、培养乐观的态度和友爱精神。 一、感受与欣赏 音乐表现要素: 1、感受自然界和生活中的各种声音能有用自己的声音或打击乐器模仿喜欢的音响。 2、能够听辨歌唱中的童声、女生和男声音色。 3、感受乐器的声音。能够听辨常见打击乐器的音色,并能用打击乐器奏出强弱、长短不同的声音。 4、能够感受并描述音乐中力度、速度的变化,并对二拍子、三拍子的音乐作出相应的体态反应。 音乐情绪与情感: 1、体验不同情绪的音乐,能够自然流露出相应表情或作出体态反应。 2、体验并说出音乐情绪的不同于相同。 音乐题材与形式: 1、聆听儿童歌曲,聆听音乐形象鲜明、结构较为简短的进行曲、舞曲及其他体裁的音乐段落。 2、能够通过模唱、打击乐器对所听音乐做出反应。能够随着进行曲、舞曲音乐走步、跳舞。 音乐风格与流派: 聆听不同国家、地区、民族的儿歌、童谣及小型器乐或乐曲片段,初步感受其不同的风格。 二、表现 演唱: 1、学唱儿歌、童谣及其他短小歌曲,参与演唱活动。 2、能够用正确的姿势、自然的声音,有表情地独唱或参与齐唱。 3、能够对指挥动作做出反应。 4、能够采用不同的力度、速度表现歌曲的情绪。 5、每学年能够背唱4--6首(其中中国民歌1--2首)。 演奏: 1、学习常见的课堂打击乐器,参与演奏活动。 2、能够用打击乐器或其他声音材料合奏为歌曲伴奏。 综合性艺术表演: 1、能够参与综合性艺术表演活动。 2、能够配合歌曲、乐曲用身体做动作。


课程目标与内容解读 《语文课程标准(2011年版)》主要包括四部分:前言(课程性质、课程基本理念、课程设计思路)、课程目标与内容(总体目标与内容、学段目标与内容)、实施建议(教学建议、评价建议、教材编写建议、课程资源开发与利用建议)、附录(附录 1.优秀诗文背诵推荐篇目、附录2.关于课外读物的建议、附录3.语法修辞知识要点、附录4.识字、写字教学基本字表、附录5.义务教育语文课程常用字表)。 《语文课程标准(2011年版)》主要涵盖以下内容:一是课程理念,二是课程目标,三是实施建议。下面,重点对课程目标与内容予以解读,并从策略、思路、方法等方面提出建议,供老师们参考。 (一)把握课程目标的基本内容 课程目标是课程标准的核心内容,也是教师教学的基本依据,需要教师切实把握。 1、了解课程总目标 课程标准的第二部分是“课程目标与内容”,包括“总体目标与内容、学段目标与内容”两部分。“总体目标与内容”与原来的“总目标”大同小异,只是在文字的表述上做了一些修改。 这个部分的修改,强调了课程目标三个维度的特点。开头部分增加了如下一段话:“课程目标从知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观三个方面设计。三者相互渗透,融为一体。目标的设计着眼于语文素养的整体提高。”这里特别强调了“三者相互渗透,融为一体”,在教学中不可把三者分割开来。 课程总体目标一共有如下十条: 1.在语文学习过程中,培养爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义思想道德和健康的审美情趣,发展个性,培养创新精神和合作精神,逐步形成积极的人生态度和正确的世界观、价值观。 2.认识中华文化的丰厚博大,汲取民族文化智慧。关心当代文化生活,尊重多样文化,吸收人类优秀文化的营养,提高文化品位。 3.培育热爱祖国语言文字的情感,增强学习语文的自信心,养成良好的语文学习习惯,初步掌握学习语文的基本方法。 4.在发展语言能力的同时,发展思维能力,学习科学的思想方法,逐步养成实事求是、崇尚真知的科学态度。 5.能主动进行探究性学习,激发想象力和创造潜能,在实践中学习和运用语文。 6.学会汉语拼音。能说普通话。认识3500个左右常用汉字。能正确工整地书写汉字,并有一定的速度。 7.具有独立阅读的能力,学会运用多种阅读方法。有较为丰富的积累和良好的语感,注重情感体验,发展感受和理解的能力。能阅读日常的书报杂志,能初步鉴赏文学作品,丰富自己的精神世界。能借助工具书阅读浅易文言文。背诵优秀诗文240篇(段)。九年课外阅读总量应在400万字以上。 8.能具体明确、文从字顺地表达自己的见闻、体验和想法。能 根据日常生活需要,运用常见的表达方式写作,发展书面语言运用能 力。 9.具有日常口语交际的基本能力,学会倾听、表达与交流,初步学会运用口头语言文明地进行人际沟通和社会交往。 10.学会使用常用的语文工具书。初步具备搜集和处理信息的能力,积极尝试运用新技术和多种媒体学习语文。 以上十条,涵盖以下三个方面的内容: 1、第1、2条,侧重于情感态度与价值观。 2、第 3、4条,侧重于“过程与方法”。


用户事务部年工作总结 (至) 现代教育技术中心: 本学年度即将结束,在现教中心直属党支部和行政领导和支持下,新组建的用户事务部在制度建设、岗位工作规范、科室工作协调等方面取得较好的工作成效。现将本科室年下半年和年全年工作情况汇报如下: 第一部分(年月—月) 一、重点工作完成情况 、校园网、闭路电视网及其重要设施二期建设 为了学校“一地办学”的校园建设,完成了两网配套的弱电建设如下: ◆二期校园弱电(计算机网、闭路电视、防盗系统、广播系统等)建设工程方案设计和调研。 ◆二期校园网光缆工程方案设计和研讨。 ◆校园网和闭路电视网二期建设布线工程。 ◆二期网络汇接中心、数据中心和电源机房建设方案设计。 ◆二期网络交换设备和服务器、安全网络管理设备与系统建设方案设计。 ◆成都校区校园网整合方案设计和工程实施方案设计。 ◆中心机房强电、空调、监控系统等设计。 上述工程招标技术标书拟写、修改和工程实施。 、校园一卡通系统建设 ◆校园一卡通系统光缆工程方案设计和施工。 ◆一卡通布线工程与一卡通管理系统平台及管理中心建设。 ◆完成校园一卡通系统的综合查询系统的搭建并启动服务。 ◆完成学生一食堂、学生二三食堂、教工食堂,学生、公寓布线和消费类子系统建设及多台刷卡器的安装。 ◆完成公共浴室控水管理系统()建设。 ◆完成图书馆管理系统及接入、图书馆通道管理系统及接入和3M自助借书管理系统接入。等待刷卡器设备安装调试即可正式使用。 ◆完成思学楼机房管理系统及接入安装。 ◆完成教工和学生嘉兴超市新系统安装与运行。 ◆完成学生老开水房所有刷卡设备的安装,线路整改,正常投入使用。 ◆学生一食堂二楼西餐厅线路整改,正常投入使用。 、建立数字校园服务中心和各服务点 ◆完成数字校园服务中心的建设,包括:工作间强弱电线路设计、数字校园服务中心校园网、校园卡系统服务工作平台、电视信息系统和工作服务平台建设、电子显示屏系统与监控制系统安装等。 ◆完成校园一卡通系统个服务点以及学生公寓,栋重要节点建设,建立校园卡服务网络。 ◆完成了校园一卡通系统及其服务器等从图书馆楼向明理楼搬迁,实现“数字校园服务中心” 对外开展服务。 、校园信息化“十二五规划”研讨会议 ◆完成中心下达的“高校校园信息化“十二五规划”研讨会议有关筹备和会务工作。


一年级语文下册学期教学分析 一、识字、写字 1.喜欢学习汉字,愿意主动识字。 2.认识550个生字,会写其中250个。 3.掌握字的基本笔画和常用的偏旁部首,能按笔顺规则写字,注意间架结构。初步感受汉字的形体美。 4.认识大写字母,熟记《汉语拼音字母表》。 5、能用音序法查字典,学习独立识字。 二、关于阅读 1.喜欢阅读,感受阅读的乐趣。 2.学习用普通话正确、流利地朗读课文,了解词句的意思,体会文中的感情和语气。认识课文中出现的常用标点符号。在阅读中,体会句号、文号、感叹号所表达的不同语气。(说明:朗读在低年级的阅读教学中占有特殊地位,要引导学生边读边想像画面,这是培养语感的重要途径。当然,在朗读中还应适当抓一点对重点词语的理解。方法是结合上下文和学生的生活经验,不搞以词解词,提倡自读自悟和学生之间互相启发。古诗只要求读熟背会。)3.初步学习默读,逐渐养成默读的习惯。(允许有个从指读到不指读,从出声到不出声,从只顾读到一边读一边想的训练过程。这一册重在默读习惯的培养。读的内容可由段到篇,要求要逐步提出,一步一步地严格训练。) 4.借助图画阅读,了解课文的意思,乐于与人交流自己的感受和想法。 5.感受语言的优美,积累自己喜欢的词句。 要重视通过课内的朗读、默读,逐渐培养阅读的兴趣──关键是读课文读出味道,读出乐趣,读有所得。使学生自然而然地“喜欢阅读,感受阅读的乐趣”,这和喜欢识字同样重要。重视语言的积累。课内要求背的、一定要背下来。还要鼓励学生自觉地更多地积累词、句、段。 三、写话 1.对写话有兴趣,在写话中乐于运用阅读和生活中学到的词语。 2.会写一句或几句意思完整的话;会用逗号、句号、感叹号、问号;知道标点符号的正确书写与占格原则。 四、口语交际 1.学讲普通话,逐步养成讲普通话的习惯。 2.能较完整地讲述小故事,能简要讲述感兴趣的见闻。 3.能认真听别人讲话,努力了解讲话内容。 4.听故事,看音像作品,能复述大意和精彩情节。 5.表达自信,与人交谈态度自然、大方,有礼貌。 五、综合性学习 1、对周围事物有好奇心,能就感兴趣的内容提出问题,结合课内外阅读,共同讨论。 2、结合语文学习,观察大自然,用口头或图文等方式表达自己的观察所得。 3、热心参加校园、社区活动。结合活动,用口头或图文等方式表达自己的见闻和想法。总之,一年级语文基本功的培养 a 认字认准,并在其他环境中认识。 b 主要写好,写对写好养成正确写字习惯,了解字义,口头或书面。 c 语文要读好,读出味道、乐趣。 d 培养良好的听说态度和规范使用祖国语言的习惯。 e 对写话有兴趣,写自己想说的话,写想像中的事物,写出自己对周围事物的认识和


苏教版五年级《科学》上册学段目标与内容 五年级教材仍按主题单元建构 主要有以下几个单元: * 《白天和黑夜》地球与宇宙 * 《光与色彩》物质世界 * 《电和磁》物质世界 * 《呼吸和血液循环》生命世界 * 《解释与模型》方法显性化 一些重要的科学概念、原理及科学方法不可能一蹴而就,需滴水穿石、聚沙成塔之功。教材从探究对象、探究水平、探究方法三个方面螺旋上升。 第一单元:白天和黑夜 本单元是根据《课程标准》中“地球与宇宙”中“天空中的星体”这部分内容标准编写的,这方面内容在本套科学教材中是第一次出现,选取的研究对象为学生常见的影子、太阳、月亮,通过一系列学生感兴趣的活动,在初步认识太阳、月亮、运动的基础上,将学生的视角逐渐引向昼夜交替变化对生物以及人类的影响,这是人类认识宇宙的开始。主要是让学生知道昼夜变化与地球的自转有关;了解古代人对昼夜变化的猜想;了解昼夜变化对人及动植物的影响。 教材的编写以五个话题展开: * 1.太阳和影子(2课时) * 2.太阳钟(1课时) * 3.昼夜交替(1课时) * 4.看月亮(1课时) * 5.昼夜对动植物的影响(1课时) 1、太阳和影子 教学目标:学生能借助身体和器物进行观察,发现影子变化的规律;能进行太阳的运动与影子变化的模拟实验;知道一天中气温和影子的变化变化与太阳的运动有关。教材结构:本课分为两部分:(1)观察太阳在天空中的位置和高度。课文通过日出和日落的照片,唤起学生已有的感受体验,接着指导学生用叠加拳头的方法测定太阳高度。(2)观察阳光下物体影子的变化。这是本课教学的主活动,组织学生在阳光下观测物体影子的变化,并记下当时的时间。在观察后运动手机筒模拟太阳来了解太阳的位置和影子长短方位变化的关系。 教学设想:1、在阳光下观察太阳的影子(重视观察前的指导)2、研究阳光下物体影子的变化(画影子,并记录温度和时间)3、模拟太阳的运动,观察影子的变化(如何控制手电筒的运动) 2、太阳钟 教学目标:知道太阳钟是利用太阳与影子的关系制成的;了解古代的计时工具日晷及其原理;能做用太阳的影子表示时间的“钟表” 教材结构:本课分成三部分:(1)了解有关日晷的知识。课文主要是用四幅图片展示了四种日晷。(2)制作简易太阳钟。课文以图文结合的形式,介绍了两种简易太阳钟制作方法,一是小棍投影,石头标标影位;二是半圆纸上标刻度,纸板尖


一年级教学总目标和要求 一、汉语拼音 1、学会汉语拼音,能读准声母、韵母、声调和整体认读音节,能准确地拼读音节,正确书写声母、韵母和音节。 2、能借助汉语拼音识字、正音、学说普通话。 二、识字与写字 1、喜欢学习汉字有主动识字的愿望。 2、认识常用汉字400个,会写100个。 3、掌握汉字的基本笔画,能按笔顺规则写字。字写得正确、端正、整洁。 4、初步养成正确的写字姿势和良好的写字习惯。 三、阅读 1、喜欢阅读,感受阅读的乐趣。 2、学习用普通话正确、流利地朗读课文。 3、学习借助读物中的图画阅读。 4、对读物中感兴趣的内容,乐于与他人交流。 四、口语交际 1、学说普通话,逐步养成说普通话的习惯。 2、能认真听别人讲话,努力了解讲话的主要内容。 3、能与别人交谈,态度自然大方,有礼貌。 4、有表达的信心。积极参加口语交际,踊跃发表自己的意见。 学生在幼儿园就已经初步接触过汉语拼音,但不系统、不规范、

发音不够准确。由于学生受一些客观因素的影响,学生的知识经验、认知水平和语言表达能力都存在着较大的差异。个别学生在幼儿时期就已经认识了许多汉字,具有主动识字的愿望;大部分学生能认少量汉字;个别学生连自己的名字也不能正确书写。部分学生能就感兴趣的内容提出简单的问题,个别学生有表达的自信心,能积极地发表自己的见解,而部分学生则缺乏自信,较为胆怯,学习的主动意识不够,对意愿的表达较为模糊。提高教学质量的主要有以下措施: 1、对于5、6岁刚上一年级的孩子,掌握抽象的汉语拼音,显然是困难的,也是枯燥乏味的,针对学生年龄的特点,结合《语文课程标准》,力求做到汉语拼音的教学具有趣味性、富有童趣,让学生在和谐的课堂气氛中掌握汉语拼音。 2、识字是阅读和作文的基础,在低年级语文教学中至关重要。低年级学生容易记住一些具体的、形象的、有颜色的材料,所以在识字的教学中,将加强形象化、直观性,引导学生去学。通过形象、直观的教学,加上丰富的意象,学生就能掌握所学的汉字。 3、“阅读是学生个性化的行为”。因此在阅读教学中,采用自主、合作、探究的教学方式,将阅读的主动权交给学生。同时,把阅读教学从课堂延伸到课外,再把课外阅读所得运用于课内,二者紧密结合,协调发展阅读能力。 4、在教学中,积极引导、鼓励学生质疑,把学生引入问题的天地,让他们各抒己见,勤于质疑发问,在问题、求解答的过程中提高口头表达能力。同时,低年级语文教材中,课文内容丰富,并有一定



学段目标与内容 识字与写字 第一学段(1-2年级) (1)喜欢学习汉字,有主动识字、写字的愿望。 (2)认识常用汉字1600个左右,其中800个左右会写。 (3)掌握汉字的基本笔画和常用的偏旁部首,能按笔顺规则用硬笔写字,注意间架结构。初步感受汉字的形体美。 (4)努力养成良好的写字习惯,写字姿势正确,书写规范、端正、整洁。 (5)学会汉语拼音。能读准声母、韵母、声调和整体认读音节。能准确地拼读音节,正确书写声母、韵母和音节。认识大写字母,熟记《汉语拼音字母表》。 (6)学习独立识字。能借助汉语拼音认读汉字,学会用音序检字法和部首检字法查字典。 第二阶段(3-4年级) (1)对学习汉字有浓厚的兴趣,养成主动识字的习惯。 (2)累计认识常用汉字2500个左右,其中1600个左右会写。 (3)有初步的独立识字能力。会御用音序检字法和部首检字法查字典、词典。 (4)能使用硬笔熟练地书写正楷字,做到规范、端正、整洁。用毛笔临摹正楷字帖。 (5)写字姿势正确,有良好的书写习惯。 第三学段(5-6年级) (1)有较强的的独立识字能力。累计认识常用汉字3000个左右,其中2500个左右会写。 (2)硬笔书写楷书,行款整齐,力求美观,有一定的速度。

(3)能用毛笔书写楷书,在书写中体会汉字的优美。 (4)写字姿势正确,有良好的书写习惯。 阅读 第一学段(1-2年级) (1)喜欢阅读、感受阅读的乐趣。养成爱护图书的习惯。 (2)学习用普通话正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。学习默读。 (3)结合上下文和生活实际了解课文中词句的意思,在阅读中积累词语。借助读物中的图画阅读。 (4)阅读浅近的童话、寓言、故事,想往美好的情境,关心自然和生命,对感兴趣的人物和事件有自己的感受和想法,并乐于与人交流。 (5)诵读儿歌、儿童诗和浅近的古诗,展开想象,获得初步的情境体验,感受语言的优美。 (6)认识课文中出现的常用标点符号。在阅读中体会句号、文号、感叹号所表达的不同语气。 (7)积累自己喜欢的成语和格言警句。背诵优秀诗文50篇(段)。课外阅读总量不少于5万字。 第二学段(3-4年级) (1)用普通话正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。 (2)初步学会默读,做到不出声,不指读。学习略读,粗知文章大意。 (3)能联系上下文,理解词句的意思,体会课文中关键词句表达情意的作用。能借助字典词典和生活积累,理解生词的意义。 (4)能初步掌握文章的主要内容,体会文章表达的思想感情。能对课文中不理解的地方提出疑问。


学校年度工作计划一、指导思想: 以“党的十八大精神”和《国家中长期(2016—2020)教育规划改革和发展纲要》为指导,在县教育局的正确领导下,以办人民满意教育为宗旨,以立德树人为根本,以实施素质教育为主题,全面提高教学质量,探索特色学校建设,不断提升学校教育整体实力,确保学校可持续发展。 二、工作目标: 1、加强安全管理,保障师生生命安全。 2、强化师德活动,助力教师专业成长。 3、细化德育要求,促进学生个性发展。 4、利用创强成果,抓好课堂教学质量。 5、抓好中考备考,力争中考成绩提高。 6、大力着手推进均衡县及信息化建设。 7、加强后勤管理,巩固校园文化成果。 8、加强财务管理,促进学校持续发展。 三、具体措施: (1)、加强安全管理,保障师生生命安全。 1.安全设施常检查。近年来,随着教育强镇的创建,学校添置了许多新的教育教学设备,学校安全管理领导小组要组织人员做好设施设备的安全检查工作。班主任、科任教师、

功能室负责人要密切关注责任区内设施设备的使用状况,发现问题要及时上报,力求将安全隐患消除在萌芽状态。 2.安全教育不放松。校园安全,特别是学生的人身安全,近年来越发受到全社会的关注。溺水事件、交通安全、人身攻击时有发生。校园活动时意外伤害事故也频频出现。针对这一情况,学校要认真思考对策,例如通过升旗集会、晨会、班队活动、网络、广播等渠道,切实加强学生安全意识教育,自护能力培养。再如加强学生文明活动教育,通过组织推广健康的游戏项目改善校园追逐等不文明现象,将意外伤害事故降低到最少限度。 3.食堂的安全常检查。要认真做好学校食堂的安全管理工作,严格把好食材的采购、加工关。食堂工作人员要定期做体格检查,严禁杜绝带病操作。要严格按照卫生监督所要求,坚持做到生熟食品分开存放,每日食物做好留样备查。 4.安保要求严落实。认真落实门禁制度,学生在校期间,外来人员进入校园要做好登记手续。同时,也要求班主任引导学生加强自身防范意识。 (2)、强化师德活动,助力教师专业成长。 1、进一步加强教师职业道德教育,不断增强职业责任感和危机感。全体教职员工要确立服务意识,营造和谐顺畅的工作环境。全体教师一定要转变观念,强化全员服务的意识。学校要服务于社会和家长,教职员工要服务于学生,教


人教版一年级语文课程标准 (一)识字与写字 1、喜欢学习汉字,有主动识字的愿望。 2、认识常用汉字550个,会写250个字。 3、能按笔顺规则用硬笔写字,注意间架结构。 4、、养成正确的写字姿势与良好的写字习惯,书写规范、端正、整洁 5、认识大写字母,熟记《汉语拼音字母表》。 6、能借助汉语拼音认读汉字。 能用音序法查字典,学习独立识字。在教学工作中,要帮助学生借助汉语拼音学习汉字,利用汉字来巩固汉语拼音;查字典这个目标就是在一年级下学期末完成的。孩子会查字典了,犹如架起了通向课外书的桥梁,这对她们今后进行大量阅读有很大的帮助。 (二)阅读 1、喜欢阅读,感受阅读的乐趣。 2、继续学习用普通话正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。 3、借助读物中的图画阅读,瞧图学文相结合。 4、结合上下文与生活实际了解课文中词句的意思,在阅读中积累词语。 5、阅读浅近的童话、寓言、故事,向往美好的情境,关心自然与生命,对感兴趣的人物与事件有自己的感受与想法,利用自习乐于与人交流。

6、诵读儿歌、童谣与浅近的古诗,展开想象,获得初步的情感体验,感受语言的优美。 7认识课文中出现的常用的标点符号。在阅读中,体会句号、问号、感叹号所表达的不同语气。 8、积累成语与格言警句、谚语,背诵优秀诗文。课外阅读不少于1万字。 9、喜爱图书,爱护图书。 (三)说话练习 说话,不要求写。 91页为讲故事、用“一边……一边……”说话。 106页为用“那么……那么……”说话。 154页为用“已经”说话。 教学时可以先让学生读读书上的句子,体会用法(“一边……一边……”表示两种动作能并且同时进行,“那么……那么……”那么表示程度深,有“非常”的意思,两个“那么”连用就是说同一事物的两个方面。“已经”表示事情完成了。),然后再仿造 (四)口语交际 1、学讲普通话,逐步养成讲普通话的习惯。 2、能认真听别人讲话,努力了解讲话的内容。 3、能较完整地讲述小故事。 4、与别人交谈,态度自然大方,有礼貌。


一、二年级课外阅读目标 1、初步培养爱读书的兴趣,感受阅读的乐趣。 2、用自己喜欢的方式借助读物中的拼音、图画进行阅读。 3、在教师的指导下,能阅读浅近的童话、寓言、故事,儿歌、童谣、浅近的古诗,并乐于与人分享阅读的快乐。 4、培养在阅读中积累优美词句的习惯。 5、背诵课内外优秀诗文70篇,培养有感情地朗读自己喜爱的文章的习惯,培养初步的理解能力和欣赏能力。课外阅读量不少于3万字。 6、培养学生喜欢图书,爱护图书的习惯。 三、四年级课外阅读目标 1、喜欢阅读,感受阅读的乐趣,适当提高学生的阅读速度。 2、粗知文章大意,乐于将阅读的内容与他人分享,能讲述读物中的主要内容。关心作品中人物的命运和喜怒哀乐,能评析文章中人物的善恶美丑,从中受到教育。 3、学习汲取阅读材料和生活中的优秀信息,养成做读书笔记习惯。根据文章实际或摘录优美词语和句段,或写读后感,写下自己对阅读内容的理解和感受。 4、会做简单的“读书卡”,能用简短的几句话写写自己的阅读收获。 5、养成读书看报的习惯,收藏并与同学交流图书资料。 6、背诵优秀诗文50篇,课外阅读总量不少于40万字。 五、六年级课外阅读目标 1、喜欢阅读。养成一有空就看书的习惯,每天课外读书时间不少于半小时,初步学会制定阅读计划。 2、自觉养成读书看报的习惯,会挑选适合自己的各类读物。在阅读过程中,能感受作品中人物的命运和喜怒哀乐,主动与他人交流自己的读书感受。在交流讨论中,敢于提出自己的看法,做出自己的判断。 3、默读有一定的速度,默读一般读物每分钟尽量达到300字。 4、尝试把自己掌握的读书方法运用到课外阅读中。联系上下文和自己的积累,学习推想读物中有关词句的意思。


大一:夯实基础。观念上将“要我学”转变为“我要学”,脚踏实地学好基础课程,特别是高数、英语、计算机。再大规划下要有小计划,坚持每天记英语单词、练习口语,并从大一开始就坚定不移地学下去。根据自己的实际情况考虑是否修读双学位或辅修第二专业,并尽早做好资料准备,此外还应该多和师哥师姐们进行交流,适当参加社团活动,担当一定的职务,提高自己的组织能力和交流技巧,为以后的发展奠定基础。大一:夯实基础。观念上将“要我学”转变为“我要学”,脚踏实地学好基础课程,特别是高数、英语、计算机。再大规划下要有小计划,坚持每天记英语单词、练习口语,并从大一开始就坚定不移地学下去。根据自己的实际情况考虑是否修读双学位或辅修第二专业,并尽早做好资料准备,此外还应该多和师哥师姐们进行交流,适当参加社团活动,担当一定的职务,提高自己的组织能力和交流技巧,为以后的发展奠定基础。 大二:承前启后。在这一年里,既要延续大一时的学习方法,稳抓基础,又要在原有的学习方法的基础上有新的突破,做好有基础课向专业课过渡的准备。在学好课程内的知识外,还要拓展自己的知识面,充分利用图书馆内的有利资源,尽可能多得阅读各种名著,来充实自己。而且这一年,手中应握有一两张有分量的英语和计算机认证书了,并适当选读其他专业的课程,是自己知识多元化。另外,要多参加有益的社会实践,还应该尝试到与自己专业相关的单位做兼职,多体验不同层次的生活,培养自己的吃苦精神和社会责任感以及受挫能力。大三:深入发展。大三,对于信电学院的学生而言又是一个崭新的阶段,因为信电学院的学生在大三时才刚刚接触专业知识。专业知识对于每个大学生而言都是非常重要的,所以学好专业知识应该是每一个大学生学习生活中的重中之重。所以我要在学习专业课程的同时主动加深专业课程的学习。而且对于大多数同学来说,大三是到了快要把自己抛向社会的时候,因而要多向大四的师兄师姐大厅求职信息、面试技巧和职场需求情况,请教写求职信、个人简历的经验,并在假期开始为自己心目中的职业进行实践。 大四:扬帆千里。目标既已锁定,该出手时就出手。对于大四的学生而言,大学生活即将结束,随之而来的便是社会中的工作竞争,所以提前做好工作申请准备是极为必要的。首先应该对前三年的准备做一个总结,编写好个人的求职材料。然后积极参加招聘活动,在实践中检验自己的积累和准备。最后,准备扬帆起航!


新课标第一学段课程目标 一、识字与写字。 1.喜欢学习汉字,有主动识字、写字的愿望。 2.认识常用汉字1600个左右,其中800个左右会写。 3.掌握汉字的基本笔画和常用的偏旁部首,能按笔顺规则用硬笔写字,注意间架结构。初步感受汉字的形体美。 4.努力养成良好的写字习惯,写字姿势正确,书写规范、端正、整洁。 5.学会汉语拼音。能读准声母、韵母、声调和整体认读音节。能准确地拼读音节,正确书写声母、韵母和音节。认识大写字母,熟记《汉语拼音字母表》。 6.学习独立识字。能借助汉语拼音认读汉字,学会用音序检字法和部首检字法查字典。 二、阅读。 1.喜欢阅读,感受阅读的乐趣。养成爱护图书的习惯。 2.学习用普通话正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。学习默读。 3.结合上下文和生活实际了解课文中词句的意思,在阅读中积累词语。借助读物中的图画阅读。 4.阅读浅近的童话、寓言、故事,向往美好的情境,关心自然和生命,对感兴趣的人物和事件有自己的感受和想法,并乐于与人交流。 5.诵读儿歌、儿童诗和浅近的古诗,展开想象,获得初步的情感体验,感受语言的优美。 6.认识课文中出现的常用标点符号。在阅读中体会句号、问号、感叹号所表达的不同语气。 7.积累自己喜欢的成语和格言警句。背诵优秀诗文50篇(段)。课外阅读总量不少于5万字。 三、写话。 1.对写话有兴趣,留心周围事物,写自己想说的话,写想象中的事物。 2.在写话中乐于运用阅读和生活中学到的词语。 3.根据表达的需要,学习使用逗号、句号、问号、感叹号。 四、口语交际。 1.学说普通话,逐步养成说普通话的习惯。

2.能认真听别人讲话,努力了解讲话的主要内容。 3.听故事、看音像作品,能复述大意和自己感兴趣的情节。 4.能较完整地讲述小故事,能简要讲述自己感兴趣的见闻。 5.与别人交谈,态度自然大方,有礼貌。 6.有表达的自信心。积极参加讨论,敢于发表自己的意见。 五、综合性学习。 1.对周围事物有好奇心,能就感兴趣的内容提出问题,结合课内外阅读共同讨论。 2.结合语文学习,观察大自然,用口头或图文等方式表达自己的观察所得。 3.热心参加校园、社区活动。结合活动,用口头或图文等方式表达自己的见闻和想法。


2021学校年度工作计划和目标5篇 在执行工作计划的过程中发现问题,对人员和方法进行更合理的调整,确保工作计划的顺利进行。下面就是小编给大家带来的2021学校年度工作计划和目标5篇最新,希望能帮助到大家! 2021学校年度工作计划一 一、指导思想: 认真学习贯彻精神,把精神溶入到学校科普工作中,以“三个代表”重要思想来指导学校科普工作,以科协指示精神为依据,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,努力增强新时期科普工作的自觉性的责任感,深入到群众中,广泛听取群众对科学知识了解的需求,制订切实可行的措施,转变工作作风,使科学知识的普及率得到加强,科普意识得到明显提高,努力营造良好的校园科普氛围。 二、工作要求: 1、进一步健全组织网络,成立科普工作领导小组,发展科普志愿者队伍,使科普意识渗透到全体师生当中。学校成立以梁锦堂校长为组长,叶钜明主任为副组长的科普领导小组,组员有卢晓强、尹柳崧、钟扬波、尹雪斐、徐小玲、吴远仪、林琳、黄校明等科普骨干老师,对各项活动认真组织落实,抓好抓出成效。同时,以骨干教师为带头,带动部分新教师参与到这方面来,增强学校科技项目的实力,使学校科技方面的活动开展得更为活跃、有效。根据学校的实际情况,把本校的科技活动划分为八个组别,设立各小组组长,明确分工,责任到

位。同时,充分挖掘校内科普人才资源,将热心于学校科普工作的人员,聚集到学校科普工作上来。此外,科普工作还受到学校领导的高度重视,已将其纳入学校的工作规划和年度工作计划,在学校年度工作中占有一个相当大的比重。 2、以科技艺术节活动为载体,开展形式多样的活动 公众的参与是科普宣传的主体,今年,我们还将继续举办科普讲座、科普活动,满足人们对科学知识的求知心态。本学年,将继续开展“河滨小学第五届科技节”,以及出版《河滨.科技》第五期。我们以纸结构承重赛,科学小实验、创新设计、创新绘画、科技金点子评比、水火箭比赛、海模足球赛等形式,把科技艺术节活动推向高潮。另外,我们还利用节假日,组织学生开展寓教于乐的科技实践活动,带领他们接近自然、拥抱自然,激发他们对科技,对自然想象力与动手能力,这样既拓宽了学生们的视野,又培养了他们热爱生活,创造未来的自信心。 3、抓示范、显特色,进一步提高师生的科学文化素质 在科普工作中,我校科技之星的评选,使科普工作更加接近学生。今年,我们继续加大此次评选活动力度,树立典型在学校里推广,以点带面使学校科普工作再上一个台阶。同时,加大学校各个级别学生对科学知识的学习兴趣,从文化、环保、科技方面满足不同人员的要求。使学生时时都可以学到科学知识,并运用在日常生活中。 4、对科普教师和科普志愿者进行科普科技教育培训,采取“请进来。走出去”的方式,一方面创造多种机会,让科普教师和科普志愿者

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