当前位置:文档之家› 2020版高考英语一轮复习Unit1Names教案(含解析)重庆大学版



Unit 1 Names 一、单词——在语境中默写,在联想中积累




②truthful 诚实的

③forgetful 健忘的

④helpful 有帮助的

⑤skillful 有技巧的

⑥meaningful 有意义的

⑦careful 仔细的2.盘点ex-开头动词


②exchange 交换;交流

③exist 存在;生存

④expose 暴露;显露

⑤explode 爆炸;爆裂


①open-minded 虚心的

②absent-minded 心不在焉



⑤broken-hearted 心碎的

⑥kind-hearted 心地善良

⑦light-hearted 心情轻松


①childish 孩子气的

②selfish 自私的

③foolish 傻的,笨的

④bookish 书呆子气的


1.“v .+with ”短语小结 ①go with 与……相配 ②agree with 与……一致 ③compete with 与……竞争 ④cope with 应付,处理 ⑤deal with 与……打交道;处理

2.“by +n .”短语荟萃 ①by name 凭名字 ②by force 用武力 ③by nature 天生地;生性

④by birth 生来;在血统上



1.say vt.表示;表明;指示;说

[经典例句] I would like to say how much we appreciate your hard work. 我想说我们对你的辛勤劳动非常感谢。

①It_is_said_that the new mayor will come into power next month.


②They left two weeks ago; that_is_to_say,_they have been away for two weeks.


2.adapt vt.使适应;改编

[经典例句] It was the culture, rather than the language, that made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad.


adapted from

and like in other cases, adaptations (adapt) are never better than the original books.


②During the one-month stay, I had to adapt_myself_to their American lifestyle and help them understand the best part of Chinese culture.


[名师指津] 在使用时,注意adapt与adopt在拼写和意思上的差别。adopt是“采纳;收养”的意思。

3.convey vt.传达;表达;运送,输送

[教材原句] Performers also use their eyes and facial expressions to help convey the specific meaning.



①It’s said that a bus will convey us from hotel to the scenery spot.


②In this letter, I would like to convey my sincere appreciation to you for your help.




1.A notice has been put up on the blackboard, saying (say) that our holiday will be put off.

2.Our every emotion and mood can be_conveyed (convey) with the use of facial expressions and body language.

3.My father became forgetful (forget) these days because of the negative effect of the medicine.

4.Respected_guests (尊敬的来宾), welcome to live in our hotel.

5.It is reported that it was smoking that shortened_her_life (缩短了她的生命).




①It is never easy to adapt to big changes.Those who can do it faster are more likely to succeed.

②The author is going to adapt his stories for television.

③The new film is said to be adapted from a famous novel of the same name.



④He quickly adapted_(himself)_to the way of life there.(adapt v.)

⑤He made_a_quick_adaptation_to the way of life there.(adaption n.)




(D)n.发言权 (E)n.意见

1.Just say you won the lottery — what would you do?__B__

2.Parents should talk to their children but at the same time they should lend

an ear to what they have to say.__C__

3.The fact that she never apologises says a lot about what kind of person she is.__A__

4.Don’t interrupt her; let her have her say.__E__

5.We are considering giving them greater say in such matters.__D__


1.make up占,构成;弥补;编造;整理;化妆;和解;组成;虚构;拼凑

[经典例句] He made up some excuse about his daughter being sick.


[一词多义] 写出下列句中make up的含义

①They made up for their inexperience by careful preparation for each lesson.弥补

②They quarrelled the other day but they made up soon.和解

③Leave this notice hanging on your door, asking the servant to make up your room.整理

④I don’t like to see women making up in public.化妆

⑤Farm workers make up only a small section of the population.占,构成

⑥Don’t make up any excuse for your being late again.编造,虚构

⑦We live in a world in which only the strongest can make it to the top.


⑧A month before the marathon, the author made up his mind to run.(2018·北京高考)


2.be short for是……的缩写/简称;简略的;缩写的

[教材原句] One of the most common names in the English language is Smith, which is short for blacksmith.


graduates are_short_of


②In England, people usually call me Jim for_short.



①It_is_not_unusual to throw rubbish everywhere in some places.


②You can’t be too careful while driving the car.


③Use your head and you will find nothing is impossible in the world.





①The two paintings look so much alike that I cannot tell them apart.

②I never used to_enjoy (enjoy) science,but last year I changed schools, and the science teachers at my new school were excellent.

③He has fame, money, and everything that goes with it.

④It is not unusual for students to_play (play) phones instead of reading books.

⑤The father as well as his three children goes (go) skating on the frozen river every Sunday afternoon in winter.


I have a friend whose name is Rob, which ①is_short_for (是……的缩写) Robert.He comes from Australia.He has a twin brother, and I can’t ②tell_them_apart (区分他们).He ③becomes/is_known_as (以……出名) an expert in the English language.I haven’t seen him for many years, but I came across him in the street yesterday.He still ④stays_the_same (保持不变).He told me that he lives in Shanghai now.He has ⑤been_used_to (习惯于) living there.I was very happy to see him again.




①UK是the United Kingdom的缩写。

UK is_short_for the United Kingdom.


Located in the heart of Toronto is the Canadian National Tower, which is often called the CN Tower for_short.


In_short,_he is one of the most promising students I’ve ever known.



Five players make up the basketball team.

①The basketball team is_made_up_of five players.

②The basketball team is_composed_of five players.

③The basketball team consists_of five players.


I have ④made_up_my_mind (下定决心) to ⑤make_up_for (弥补) the lost time.So I have made a plan, which ⑥is_made_up__of_three_parts (由三部分组成).To carry it out better, I want you to supervise (监督) me.You can go through it.If there is something that you can’t ⑦make_out (理解), I will explain it to you.I believe that I will ⑧make_it (取得成功) with your help.



1.As far as I know, he is going to adapt his novel for TV play.

2.Chengdu is famous for various kinds of snacks.They are prepared in different ways, featuring (feature) different tastes, good quality and low prices.

3.In general, Chinese cars are very reliable and breakdowns are rare.

4.The flight leaves in twenty minutes — we’ll never make it.

5.Caroline doesn’t have a gift for music, but she makes up for it with hard work.

6.She called them one after another by name, but no one answered.

7.In short, the girl insisted that she did not know them.

8.Use your head and you will find nothing is impossible (possible) in the world.


1.Mary as well as I have been to the Great Wall.have→has

2.“It’s pity that you didn’t come to the party,” she said in a low voice.pity 前加a_

3.I’ll see you in a week, it is to say next Monday.it→that

4.Not only has she adapted her to the fast rhythm of city life, but she is becoming more and more outgoing.her→herself

5.Mr Li, conveyed his disappointment with our job, marched out of the room with anger.conveyed_前加having

6.She was used to receive admiring glances from others.receive→rece iving



comes_from (来自) London.She is kind and generous to us, but used_to (过去) be very poor.Although her dress is always common, her pink shoes match makes_up (编造) funny stories to amuse us.She is known for her sense of humor.①Her class is not only interesting but also lively, so we are all interested in her class.②With her help, we have made great progress in English.



(1)commo n→plain



(1)用as well as 改写句①

Her_class_is_lively_as_well_as_interesting,_so_we_are_all_interested_in_her _class.



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