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Step by step 3000 Book 2

Unit 12 Dictation

Item one

Judith Wallerstein studied 93 children over a generation. Her findings haven’t been published in a medical journal, only in her book.

She says children of divorce are more likely to abuse drugs, and that 40 percent of them avoid marriage themselves. When they do marry, fail at nearly twice the usual rate.

Wallerstein’s families divorced a generation ago. Times have changed and with them the attitude toward divorce and the attention to divorce’s innocent victims.

“In our parents’generation people who got divorced didn’t talk about it, they were embarrassed by it.”

Programs like Kid’s Turn try to mitigate some of the effects of divorce with family counseling. So the next generation more aware of the trauma may be better equipped to handle it.

Item two

Mondays are generally seen as the worst day of the week because people feel grumpy and tired at having to go back to work after a weekend with a different sleep pattern.

However, it’s not all bad! Many people feel optimistic at this time, that things can only get better. Psychologists offer suggestions of how to combat feeling blue. These include spending 15 minutes doing “gratitude exercises” thinking about and writing down what you are grateful for, such as health, family, friends and so on.

Taking up a new hobby, doing some exercise, going to bed earlier, eating a healthy breakfast, and listening to some uplifting music, are all recommended as ways to feel more cheerful.

Item three

We are not born with courage, but neither are we born with fear. Maybe some of your fears are brought on by your own experience, by what someone has told you, or by what you’ve read in the papers. Fears, even the most basic ones, can totally destroy relationships. Fears, if left unchecked, can destroy our lives. Do battle with the enemy. Do battle with your fears. Build your courage to fight what’s holding you back, what’s keeping you from your goals and dreams. Be courageous in your life and in your pursuit of the things you want and the person you want to become.

Item four

College graduation brings both the satisfaction of academic achievement and the expectation of a well-paying job. But for 6,000 graduates at San Jose State this year, there’s uncertainty as they enter one of the worst job markets in decades. Ryan Stewart has a freshly minted degree in religious studies, but no job prospects.

When the class of 2003 entered college the future never looked brighter. But in the four years they’ve been here, the world outside these gates has changed dramatically.

Ryan Stewart may just end up going back to school.

“I’d like to teach college some day and that requires going to more school, which would be great in a bad economy.”

To some students a degree may not be the ticket to instant wealth. For now, they can only hope that its value will increase over time.

Item five

On February 28th, 2003, the Vietnam-France Hospital in Hanoi asked Carlo Urbani for help. The Italian doctor was an expert on communicable diseases. He was based in Vietnam for the World Health Organization.

The hospital asked Doctor Urbani to help identify an unusual infection. He recognized it as a new threat. He made sure other hospitals increased their infection-control measures.

On March 11th, Doctor Urbani developed signs of severe acute respiratory syndrome. Four days later, the World Health Organization declared it a worldwide health threat.

Carlo Urbani was the first doctor to warn the world of the disease that became known as SARS. He died of it on March 29th, 2003. He was 46 years old.

Item six

Lance Armstrong was born on September 18, 1971. Athletic from the start, Lance became a professional athlete by the age of 16. Lance entered this first Tour de France in 1995. Unfortunately, in October of 1996, everything changed. Lance was diagnosed with testicular cancer. With chances of recovery less than 50%, Lance began a course of treatment that would include two surgeries and chemotherapy. Remarkably, though, just five months after his initial diagnoses, Lance was back on a bike rebuilding the strength he had lost. Lance went on to fully recover and, amazingly, win the Tour de France a record seven times since his bout with cancer. He is a beacon of hope and source of inspiration.

Item seven

The latest fashion on British TV is Reality TV. Reality TV means that shows follow and film ordinary people in artificial situation. This could be at work, or in some kind of competition.

One of the first and most popular Reality TV shows is Big Brother. In this show, 15 complete strangers have to live together in a house for 11 weeks. They are filmed 24 hours a day, and shown on television. Each week, the viewers vote to evict one of the housemates. Finally, only one is left, and they win the prize money – 50,000 pounds!

The snow was an instant hit, and runs in several countries. The housemates often become stars as a result of the show, and appear in national newspapers and on other shows.

Item eight

A number of big chain stores in China are trying to popularize cotton shopping bags to reduce the amount of plastic ones being thrown away.

However, the China Youth Daily reports that the cotton shopping bags are not selling well, because people still prefer free plastic ones.

The paper says it’s not wise to charge for these cotton bags, and supermarkets should think about how to encourage customers to use them by making it more convenient and cheaper. The paper suggests that supermarkets provide the cotton bags for free and encourage people to reuse


Meanwhile, the paper also gives advice on how to reduce costs for supermarkets selling these cotton shopping bags. It says they should encourage donations from businesses to print advertisements on the sides.

Item nine

More than 160,000 people died or disappeared in northern Sumatra on December 26, 2004, when towering waves battered the coast. Tens of thousands more perished in a dozen countries surrounding the Indian Ocean.

With the help of international donors and aid organizations, Indonesia has built more than 100,000 houses to replace those destroyed in the disaster. That puts housing reconstruction three months ahead of schedule. Teams are on target to finish 20,000 more by next April.

Other new construction includes 2,000 kilometers of roads and about 800 schools.

International donors have spent $4.6 billion to rebuild Aceh. The Multi-Donor Fund was scheduled to finish it’s a ctivities in 2010, but now plans to extend work until 2012 to help with the transition.

Item ten

A new report says the number of boys born in the United States and Japan has decreased every year since 1970. The report says the reason for the decrease is unclear. But is says environmental and other influences might be involved.

American and Japanese researchers studied thirty years of birth records from the two nations. The researchers say they found fewer boys were born in comparison to girls. They say the decrease in births was equal to 135,000 white males in the United States. In Japan, the decrease was equal to 127,000 fewer males.

Item eleven

People around the world have been invited to take part in an unusual experiment this month. People of all ages are being asked to look at the sky from October first to the fifteenth. They are looking for one of two groups of stars called constellations. The event is called the Great World Wide Star Count. It is part of an effort to make a map of stars seen around the world. It is also educating those taking part about the stars. The Great World Wide Star Count is free to anyone who wants to be involved. Planetariums and scientific groups around the world are also taking part.


奉献也是一种爱 时钟滴答,日历一天撕去一张。在茫茫的人海里,我们走着人生的旅程。有时勤奋,有时懒散,有时快乐,有时郁闷。喜剧,悲剧,就在这人生的舞台上交替上演着。 人生如大海,无所不包。真正的人生,无人能一语涵盖,它错综复杂。但人生有一个铁的规律:拥有对某种事物崇高的爱,将成为一个对社会,对国家,对世界有用的人。 一个初冬的夜晚,我乘车从市里往我所在那座城市赶,车出市区没多久,上来一对母女,女孩五、六岁光景,母亲牵着她的手,扫视了一下车厢,便坐在靠近车尾的座位上。没多久,母女俩闹出了动静。先是售票员高喊:“塑料袋,快点,快点。”她迅捷地从司机旁边扯出几个塑料袋来,跌跌撞撞地跑过来,把塑料袋塞给了母女俩。很快,车厢里便飘散着食物酸腐的味道——母女俩晕车,并开始呕吐了。 这是一辆全封闭的客车,没有窗户可开。售票员嘴里嘟囔着,“咣咚”一声,就把车后部的天窗推开了,霎时间一股凉气灌了进来。车后的一些乘客都纷纷挤到前边去,坐着没动的除了我,那母女俩,一个学生摸样的男孩和他的母亲。男孩的妈妈关切地问:“儿子,你冷吗?”儿子摇摇头说:“不冷。”“真的不冷?”“不冷,真的。” 车继续前行。车窗外,暮色四起,两旁的建筑已变得模糊,人们能感受到的除了“呼呼”的风声外,什么都没有。这时候男孩妈妈的话语打破了车内的宁静,“儿子,冷吗?要不,妈妈把天窗关上。”“妈妈,我不冷,这样凉快呢。”儿子的话很小声,说完还把妈妈加在他身上的单衣扔在一边。 到达小城后,已是华灯初上。大家开始收拾行旅准备下车,就在这时,我发现男孩一把抓起单衣,迅速裹在身上。下车后,男孩的妈妈唠叨起来:“你不是说不冷吗?我说关上天窗的,你还说不用,看你现在冻成这样。”她一边说,一边埋下头给儿子系好衣扣,男孩规规矩矩地站在母亲面前,对她说道:“妈妈,我是想那晕车的母女俩肯定比我受点儿冷更难受,所以,我冷,但我不想说出来……” 年轻的时候,我们追求的是知识和理想。中年的时候,我们追求的是事业的成功与发展。在现实生活中,我们往往忽略了爱的存在,学会了爱,才能懂得奉献爱。在人生的道路,让我们的爱纵横驰骋吧。 :爱在无言中 我是暗地里的孩子,拥有冷漠如兽的神情。我踩着枯黄的落叶,独自走在秋日里……——题记 重温林黛玉的《秋雨》竟有几分感动,那“秋花惨淡秋草黄”的萧索,那“秋窗已觉秋不尽”的悲凉,这点点滴滴的愁,将我带进那秋日里的时光。

(人教版)初中英语九年级 Unit 12单元测试卷(附答案)01

Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. 单元测试 第一卷听力部分(15分) Ⅰ. 听句子,选择与所听句子相符合的图片(5分) 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. Ⅱ. 听对话,选择最佳答案(5分) 6. Why was Fred exhausted? A. Because he kept studying all night. B. Because he kept singing all night. C. Because he kept watching TV all night. 7. How did Jimmy go to school this morning? A. His parents gave him a ride. B. He ran to school. C. He went to school by bike. 8. Did Mary show up at the meeting this morning? A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t. C. It’s not mentioned. 9. When did the movie start? A. At 8: 15. B. At 8: 30. C. At 8: 45. 10. What was the matter with the man yesterday? A. He was late for the costume party. B. He was very cold. C. He was ill. Ⅲ. 听短文和短文后面的问题,选择最佳答案(5分)


Lesson One: The Time Message Elwood N, Chapman 新的学习任务开始之际,千头万绪,最重要的是安排好时间,做时间的主人。本文作者提出了7点具体建议,或许对你有所启迪。 1 Time is tricky. It is difficult to control and easy to waste. When you look a head, you think you have more time than you need. For Example,at the beginning of a semester, you may feel that you have plenty of time on your hands, but toward the end of the term you may suddenly find that time is running out. You don't have enough time to cover all your duties (duty), so you get worried. What is the answer? Control! 译:时间真是不好对付,既难以控制好,又很容易浪费掉,当你向前看时,你觉得你的时间用不完。例如,在一个学期的开始,你或许觉得你有许多时间,但到学期快要结束时,你会突然发现时间快用光了,你甚至找不出时间把所有你必须干的事情干完,这样你就紧张了。答案是什么呢?控制。 2 Time is dangerous. If you don't control it, it will control you. I f you don't make it work fo r you, it will work against you. So you must become the master of time, not its servant. As a first-year college student, time management will be your number one Problem. 译:时间是危险的,如果你控制不了时间,时间就会控制你,如果你不能让时间为你服务,它就会起反作用。所以,你必须成为时间的主人,而不是它的奴仆,作为刚入学的大学生,妥善安排时间是你的头等大事。 3 Time is valuable. Wasting time is a bad habit. It is like a drug. The more time you waste,the easier it is to go on wasting time. If seriously wish to get the most out of college, you must put the time message into practice. 译:时间是珍贵的,浪费时间是个坏习惯,这就像毒品一样,你越浪费时间,就越容易继续浪费下去,如果你真的想充分利用上大学的机会,你就应该把利用时间的要旨付诸实践。 Message1. Control time from the beginning. 4 Time is today, not tomorrow or next week. Start your plan at the Beginning of the term. 译:抓紧时间就是抓紧当前的时间,不要把事情推到明天或是下周,在学期开始就开始计划。 Message2. Get the notebook habit. 5 Go and buy a notebook today, Use it to plan your study time each day. Once a weekly study plan is prepared, follow the same pattern every week with small changes. Sunday is a good day to make the Plan for the following week.


话题作文写作技巧 写好话题作文应注意以下几点: 一、把握文体 话题作文往往不限文体,允许考生自由发挥。但是,不限文体并不等于不要文体。话题作文的“文体不限”其实是指不限于一种文体,让学生有选择文体的自由。当你选定了一种文体时,还得按照这种文体的特点来谋篇布局进行写作。有的同学观察能力强,生活积累丰富,不妨将生活中精彩的片断撷取出来写成一篇生动感人的记叙文;有的同学想象丰富,擅长编写故事,不妨写写童话、寓言或科幻小说;有的同学逻辑思维能力强,擅长推理,不妨写成一篇理据充分的议论文;有的同学感情细腻丰富,不妨写成一篇优美抒情的散文,肯定会非常出色。 二、缩小范围 话题作文只提供写作的话题,而没有中心、材料、结构、文体、语言等等的限制;给了考生一个比较开放的构思空间,使考生能最大限度:地发挥想象力和创造力。但是,如果不注意把握话题,缩小写作的口子,就会出现“下笔千言,离题万里”的毛病。因此,不管所给的话题多么宽泛,我们都要善于缩小“包围圈”,要选择一个小小的切人口,如一件事、一个人、一样物品、一种感受、一点看法等等,集中笔力加以突破,把你所选择的话题角度写细写深写透,做到“以小见大”。 三、拟好题目 标题是文章的“眼睛”。俗话说:“题好一半文”。话题作文允许自己拟题目,因此,我们要努力提高拟题水平,力争使自己拟的题目准确、凝炼、含蓄、新奇,使阅卷老师“一见钟情”。 四、善于联想 话题作文是一种开放性的作文形式,要求考生放开手脚,尽情地驰骋在想象的空间,善于多方位地展开联想,这样,才能生发出丰富多彩的思路来。比如话题“风”,你可以联想到自然界的风:微风、大风、狂风、飓风、龙卷风等等;你还可以联想到社会风气:拍马风、送礼风等等;你可以联想到一种像风一样的流行时尚:金庸热、韩寒热等等;你甚至可以联想到假如你是风,假如你遇到风等等。 五、写出新意 话题作文既然是应试作文,总得给评卷老师一个好的感觉,得—个好的分数。因此,写出特色、写出新意是十分重要的。我们在写作时,要善于“独辟蹊径”,也就是要求我们在立意上要有特的感悟,不入云亦云;选材上要有独到


阅读下列材料,你有怎样的联想和思考,请根据自身感受或所见所闻,以“爱之心”为题,写一篇文章,记叙、抒情、议论皆可。 爱人者,人恒爱之;敬人者,人恒敬之。 ﹣﹣《孟子》慈母手中线,游子身上衣。临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。 ﹣﹣《游子吟》为防止偷猎者盗走野鸭蛋,钓鱼的老F守在水塘边七天,直到孵出的5只小鸭随鸭妈妈安全游走。 ﹣﹣钓鱼迷的故事只要人人都献出一点爱,世界将变成美好的人间。 ﹣﹣《爱的奉献》要求:(1)除诗歌外,文体不限,文体特征鲜明; (2)不少于600字; (3)不得抄袭,不得套作; (4)文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等信息。 【解答】【例文】 爱之心 哲学家说:“爱是人间最美的情感,因为有爱生命才会意义非凡”爱心是一泓清泉,让沙漠中的旅人找到绿洲;爱心是一缕暖阳,照亮黯然阴霾的世界;爱心是一把花伞,给骄阳下的游子荫庇;爱心是一座灯塔,引导迷茫的浪子重回正轨;爱心是一勺蜜糖,让久饮黄连的人尝到甘甜… 现代社会,爱之心创造多少佳话传奇。想当年,时代的楷模雷锋曾将自己省吃俭用的200元钱,寄给战友重病在家的母亲,做好事不留名;革命先驱李大钊在家庭经济极为拮据的时候,毫不犹豫把解燃眉之急的稿费给一位贫穷老者;国学泰斗季羡林不忍拒绝求学心切的学生,抽取时间用小楷一字不错不漏地抄写万字珍稀古籍;世界首富比尔盖茨把毕生财富捐给慈善事业;“感动中国”杨善洲造林价值3亿,全部造福百姓…,这是爱心的真实写照,这是雪中送炭的动人真情。 让爱之心伴我而行。孔子说:“爱人者,人恒爱之;敬人者,人恒敬之。”如果我们

能用爱心彼此真诚相待,将心比心,那么生活必定会美如春天,我记得春寒料峭的假期,我去舅舅的门诊,在他的口袋里放了一个小热水袋,让他焐手,使他的手始终热乎乎的,我的举动不仅出于关心亲人,我想:舅舅用温暖的手给病人看病,会让病人感到安心、信任,可以激发病人治愈疾病的信心。我的爱心换来了舅舅门诊的第一面锦旗,金光闪耀的题词是:医德点滴,爱心无价。 让爱之心伴我而行。苏林霍姆斯基说:“爱,首先意味着奉献,意味着把自己心灵的力量献给所爱的人,为所爱的人创造幸福。”爱心是雨露孕育花儿的恩泽;爱心是花儿回报自然赠予的馥郁;爱心是看见自己的奉献体现价值;爱心是赠人玫瑰时手留余香的迷醉。 出入商场时,我们为后面的人轻扶几秒玻璃门;同学困惑时,我们伸出帮助的双手;山区孩子失学发生灾害时,我们为“希望工程”、“红十字会”贡献自己的微薄之力。让爱心凝聚,幸福似鲜花绽放。 让爱之心伴我而行。谚语说:“只要人人献出一点爱,世界将变成美好的人间”,我们携爱心之手成长,令人生飘漾茶的馨香。爱心是幸福诞生的原点,在酝酿人生的过程中,生命因爱之心闪光!


初中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji 七年级下册Unit 12单元测试题(附答案) 一、单选题(30分) ( )1. He ______ his mom ______ dinner last night. A. helps, cook B. helped, cooked C. helps, cook D. helped, cook ( )2. We can’t _______ others, but we must ______ the old to make them hear us. A.shout to, shout at B. shout at, shout at C.shout to,shout to D.shout at,shout to ( )3. “You did a good job.” “ ____.”A. Don’t say that B. No, I didn’t. C. It’s nice of you to say that. Thank you. D. You did better than I. ( )4.Everyone in our class their holidays.A. enjoyB. enjoying C. enjoys ( )5.____ sheep on the farm last year.A.There was many B. There were much C. There was much D. There were many ( ) 6. ______ you ______ snakes? A. Do, afraid B. Are, afraid of C. Are, afraid D. Do, afraid of ( )7. The first morning, I played soccer on my computer.A. In B. At C. On ( )8. My father often ______ us stories under the moon when we were young. A. tell B. told C. say D. said ( )9. The old song made me ______. A. smile B. to smile C. smiling D. smiled ( )10. –Where did you go on Mid-autumn Day?—I wasn’t out. I just ______ at home. A. stayed B. was C. stay D. am ( )11. Mr. and Mrs. Green went _______ the mountain ________ the weekend. A. to climb, in B. climbed, over C. climb, in D. to climb, over ( )12. ______ your brother ________ your aunt 2 days ago? A. Does, visit B. Did, visit C. Did, visited D. Does, visits ( )13. It’s interesting, _______ difficult for me. A. but little B. and a little C. but a little D. and little ( )14. He with his uncle ______ away from the city two years ago. A. is B. are C. was D. were


Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live 在美国,不少人对乡村生活怀有浪漫的情感。许多居住在城镇的人梦想着自己办个农场,梦想着靠土地为生。很少有人真去把梦想变为现实。或许这也没有什么不好,因为,正如吉姆·多尔蒂当初开始其写作和农场经营双重生涯时所体验到的那样,农耕生活远非轻松自在。但他写道,自己并不后悔,对自己作出的改变生活方式的决定仍热情不减。 Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life Jim Doherty 有两件事是我一直想做的――写作与务农。如今我同时做着这两件事。作为作家,我和E·B·怀特不属同一等级,作为农场主,我和乡邻也不是同一类人,不过我应付得还行。在城市以及郊区历经多年的怅惘失望之后,我和妻子桑迪终于在这里的乡村寻觅到心灵的满足。 这是一种自力更生的生活。我们食用的果蔬几乎都是自己种的。自家饲养的鸡提供鸡蛋,每星期还能剩余几十个出售。自家养殖的蜜蜂提供蜂蜜,我们还自己动手砍柴,足可供过冬取暖之用。 这也是一种令人满足的生活。夏日里我们在河上荡舟,在林子里野餐,骑着自行车长时间漫游。冬日里我们滑雪溜冰。我们为落日的余辉而激动。我们爱闻大地回暖的气息,爱听牛群哞叫。我们守着看鹰儿飞过上空,看玉米田间鹿群嬉跃。 但如此美妙的生活有时会变得相当艰苦。就在三个月前,气温降

到华氏零下30度,我们辛苦劳作了整整两天,用一个雪橇沿着河边拖运木柴。再过三个月,气温会升到95度,我们就要给玉米松土,在草莓地除草,还要宰杀家禽。前一阵子我和桑迪不得不翻修后屋顶。过些时候,四个孩子中的两个小的,16岁的吉米和13岁的埃米莉,会帮着我一起把拖了很久没修的室外厕所修葺一下,那是专为室外干活修建的。这个月晚些时候,我们要给果树喷洒药水,要油漆谷仓,要给菜园播种,要赶在新的小鸡运到之前清扫鸡舍。 在这些活计之间,我每周要抽空花五、六十个小时,不是打字撰文,就是为作为自由撰稿人投给报刊的文章进行采访。桑迪则有她自己繁忙的工作日程。除了日常的家务,她还照管菜园和蜂房,烘烤面包,将食品装罐、冷藏,开车送孩子学音乐,和他们一起练习,自己还要上风琴课,为我做些研究工作并打字,自己有时也写写文章,还要侍弄花圃,堆摞木柴、运送鸡蛋。正如老话说的那样,在这种情形之下,坏人不得闲――贤德之人也歇不了。 我们谁也不会忘记第一年的冬天。从12月一直到3月底,我们都被深达5英尺的积雪困着。暴风雪肆虐,一场接着一场,积雪厚厚地覆盖着屋子和谷仓,而室内,我们用自己砍伐的木柴烧火取暖,吃着自家种植的苹果,温馨快乐每一分钟。 开春后,有过两次泛滥。一次是河水外溢,我们不少田地被淹了几个星期。接着一次是生长季节到了,一波又一波的农产品潮涌而来,弄得我们应接不暇。我们的冰箱里塞满了樱桃、蓝莓、草莓、芦笋、豌豆、青豆和玉米。接着我们存放食品罐的架子上、柜橱里也开始堆

Unit 12 单元同步测试题(附答案)

Unit 12 单元同步测试题 Written test part (共80分) Ⅳ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )16. He took a walk with her under _______ moon. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 ( )17. Mary was late for school _______ Monday morning. A. at B. in C. on D. of ( )18. _______ are important to us. We mustn’t cut them down. A. Animals B. Forests C. Vegetables D. Rivers ( )19. I heard him say so with my _______. A. eyes B. nose C. ears D. mouth ( )20. Mike is _______ after the long trip. He needs to sleep. A. tired B. busy C. dirty D. strict ( )21. My mother started _______ the kitchen at 3:00 p.m. A. to cleaning B. to clean C. clean D. cleaned ( )22. I saw Jim _______ the violin in the music room. A. to play B. plays C. to playing D. playing ( )23. _______ your brother at home last night? A. Did B. Was C. Is D. Does ( )24. —Did your cousin go to the zoo yesterday? —_______. He saw many animals. A. Yes, he did B. No, he didn’t C. Yes, he does D. No, he doesn’t ( )25. —_______? —He went swimming. A. How was his vacation B. What did he do on vacation C. Why did he go on vacation D. Where did he go on vacation Ⅴ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Yesterday was my grandmother’s 60th birthday. My parents and I got up early in the morning, and then we took the subway to 26 home. After we arrived, my mother 27 lunch in the kitchen. My father played 28 with my grandfather in the living room. They like to play chess and they are in a chess club. I 29 with my grandmother about my school life. She was very interested in it. At lunchtime we gave our 30 to my grandmother. My parents 31 a beautiful dress for her. I drew 32 picture as her birthday gift. We sang the birthday song (歌) together (一起), 33 she made a wish before blowing out the candles. We had a very delicious lunch. 34 lunch, we went to the park and took many photos. How 35 we were!

新世纪博士生综合英语Unit 1 课文及译文

Unit1 The Burden of Womanhood Too often in the Third World, a female?s life is hardly worth living. By: John Ward Anderson & Molly Moore 女人的负担 往往在第三世界,女性的生活几乎是不值得活的。 约翰.沃德.安德森和莫莉.摩尔 1.When Rani returned home from the hospital cradling her newborn daughter, the men in the family slipped out of her mud hut while she and her mother-in-law mashed poisonous oleander seeds into a dollop of oil and dropped it into the baby?s throat. As soon as darkness fell, Rani crept into a nearby field and buried her baby girl in a shallow, unmarked grave next to a small stream. 当拉尼抱着她刚出生的女儿从医院回到家时,男人们溜出了她的土屋,她和她的婆婆将有毒的夹竹桃种子捣碎成一团油,并将其塞到婴儿的喉咙里。夜幕一降临,拉尼就蹑手蹑脚地来到附近的一块土地,将她的女婴埋在一条小溪浅旁边的一个不深的、没有标记的坟墓内。 2.“I never felt any sorrow,” Rani, a farm laborer with a weather-beaten face, said through an interpreter. “There was a lot of bitterness in my heart toward the baby because the gods should have given me a son.” “我从来没有感到任何悲哀”,脸部饱经风霜的拉尼通过翻译说,“我的心对孩子充满了辛酸,因为神本应该赐予我一个儿子”。 3.Each year hundreds and perhaps thousands of newborn girls in India are murdered by their mothers simply because they are female. Some women believe that sacrificing a daughter guarantees a son in the next pregnancy. In other cases, the family cannot afford the dowry that would eventually be demanded for a girl?s marriage. 在印度每年有数百甚至数千名新生女婴被他们的母亲谋杀,只因为他们是女孩。有些妇女认为,牺牲一个女儿将保证下次怀孕是儿子。在其他情况下,家庭买不起女孩结婚时所需的嫁妆。 4.And for many mothers, sentencing a daughter to death is better than condemning her to life as a woman in the Third World, with cradle-to-grave discrimination, poverty, sickness and drudgery. 对于很多母亲而言,判处女儿死刑胜过让她在第三世界作为一个女人生活,经历一辈子的歧视、贫困、疾病和劳苦。


话题作文写作技巧 第一步,导入用小鸟与树林作比,激发学生兴趣,引入课题。第二步,指导明确话题作文的写作要求,用具体的作文实例引导学生归纳出话题作文写作的一些要求。第三步,具体的话题作文训练,学生从话题所包含的内容生发开去,围绕自己最熟悉的材料,选择最佳、最小的切入点,选择自己最擅长的文体作文,然后师生共评。第四步,小结。 一、课堂导入 林子让你选择,你会选择什么?我想每只小鸟的答案都会是:鸟语花香的林子。为什么小鸟们的选择只此一个?原因很简单:因为鸟语花香的林子就是小鸟们的最美的渴望和归宿。进一步说,小鸟们之所以把林子当作一致的选择,无非是林子能带给它们更多的美丽、自由和快乐的东西。而话题作文的出现,其实就好比是把同学们带到一片鸟语花香的林子面前,因为相对于以往传统作文命题形式,话题作文能带给每个同学更多的作文自主性。 二、指导: 出示学生作文实例(话题作文《真》),学生阅读后简要评析。 指名谈自己对这篇作文的评价,包括成功的方面和需要改进的方面。教师从审题立意、构思创新、表达方式等方面引导分析。 教师根据学生意见归纳出话题作文写作时要注意的几个问题: 1.理解话题内涵,明确作文要求; 2.话题≠文题,标题和内容都要新颖; 3.选择最佳切入点,围绕中心,大题小作; 4.写熟悉、生动、鲜活的内容; 5.表达真情实感; 6.多种表达方式综合运用。 三、训练: 展示一些表现“爱心”的图片,学生观察思考。然后出示训练话题:“爱心”,明确要求,学生写作。(写成片断、开头、提纲都行。一两百字) 教师提示要求:即前面由学生评价归纳出的几条要求。特别强调要正确理解话题的内涵、选择最佳切入点,写自己熟悉的东西、擅长的文体。 学生写完后自评,再和同桌互评,最后交教师。 教师抽取其中有代表性的一两份展示,师生共同评价。 布置作业:课外将自己写的东西扩展成一篇作文,不少于600字。 四、小结: 这就是话题作文,它为我们的作文送来了一片鸟语花香的林子。话题作文实实在在给我们的作文带来了更为开放的空间,在这个开放的空间中,我们必将更能平等地获得放飞自己的机会。我们是自由的鸟儿,让我们在鸟语花香的林子面前,引吭高歌吧! [话题作文实例] “真”话题作文 [提示]教育家陶行知先生曾这样说过“千教万教教人求真,千学万学学做真人。”一个“真”字道出了教育的根本,做人的真谛。生活中,惟真才善,惟真才美,惟真才坚……


以“平等关爱”为话题的写作指导 【文题设计】 阅读下面的材料.根据要求作文: 国外某护士学校开学的第二个月,教授给学生们来了个突然的小测验,试卷的最后一道题是这样的:“每天清扫学校的女士叫什么名字?”面对这道试题,学生都感到奇怪,教授怎么会出这样的题目?清扫学校的女士尽管大家都见过,可她叫什么名字谁也没问过。下课前,一个学生问教授:“最后一道题是否记分?”“绝对会记分的!”教授肯定地说,“在你们的职业生涯中,你会遇到许许多多的人,每一个人其实都是重要的。他们都值得你去注意、去关心,哪怕仅仅是微笑一下,问个好。”学生们都说:“这是一堂令人刻骨铭心的课。” 请以“平等关爱”为话题,写一篇作文,所写内容必须在这个话题范围之内。 注意: ①立意自定; ②文体自选; ③题目自拟; ④不少于800字。 【写作指导】 要写好这样的文章,首先要理解平等的含义、关爱的含义。



星湾学校2009~2010学年第二学期五年级 英语学科第1、2单元练习 TheSecondT ermof2009-2010XingwanSchool---Grade5Unit12T est of English 班级(Class) 姓名(Name) ___ 学号(Number) 成绩(Mark) __2010.3 听力部分(30%) 一、听录音,选出与你所听到的单词同类的选项5% ()1.A. tooth B. head C. backache ()2.A. thirsty B. fever C. tired ()3.A. speak B. some C. better ()4.A. day B. Monday C. yesterday ()5.A. subject B. lesson C. Science 二、根据听到的问句,选择正确的答句5% ()1.A. I’ve got a fever. B.She’s got a fever.C. Mike’s got a fever ()2.A.I am ill. B.I hope you get better soon. C. I can get some fruit for you. ()3.A.This is Helen speaking B.Y es, I’m Helen. C. No, I’m not Helen. ()4.A.I feel hungry. B.I can get some fruit for you. C. I’ve got a bad cough. ()5.A.Y ou’ve got a headache. B.I’m sorry to hear that. C. I’m sorry. 三、根据听到的对话,选择正确答案5% ()1.A.She’s got a fever. B.Her mother is ill. C. She’s ill. ()2.A.He’s got a cold. B.He’s got a fever.C. He’s very high. ()3.A.it is 5710903. B.it is 5170309. C. it is 5710309. ()4.A.Monday. B.Tuesday . C. Sunday. ()5.A.I feel thirsty. B.I can get some water. C. It’s over there. 四、听短文,选择正确答案5% ()1.A.She’s ill. B.Y es, she’s speaking. C. Mary is. ()2.A.Y es, she is. B.No, she isn’t. C. Y es, she does. ()3.A.She’s got a stomach ache. B.She’s at home. C. She wants to go to the supermarket. ()4.A.Y es, she is. B.No, she’s having a rest. C. No, she isn’t.()5.A. She’s Nancy’s teacher. B.She’s Nancy’s student. C. She’s Nancy’s friend. 五、听录音,填入所缺单词10% Today is _________. Helen’s got a _________. After _________, she


《综合英语教程》第二册课文、扩展阅读课文译文 Unit 1 Text 等候的人们 我坐在一个机场,观察着等候所爱之人到达或离开前最后一刻的人们。他们有的不安地来回走着,有的互相凝视着,有的拉着对方的手。此时的感情是强烈的。 一位讲西班牙语的女士正来回转圈地跑着,想要将全家人集中起来道别。她的嗓门很高。当登机前的最后时刻到来时,她用双臂搂着儿子,似乎这一紧紧的拥抱能保佑他将来平安地归来。 在我候机坐位旁的栏杆边站着一位祖母和她的孙子,该来接他们的人还没到。他们旁边有两位女士,互相之间显然没有关系,但她们的眼光都象扫视着大海的探照灯一样朝通道口仔细地搜索着。一位怀抱婴儿的母亲正与丈夫吻别。泪水打湿了她的面颊。这时刻十分令人动情。 在第13号出口处,抵达者们刚刚进站。“我看见她了,她在那儿。”以同样感人的激情,这些抵达者融入了庞杂的人群,仿佛他们是这人群中失而复得的一个组成部分。泪水、笑容,和由衷的快乐洋溢在久别重逢的欢声笑语中。 我坐着边翻书边等着我的登机时刻,感到有点孤独,因为亲人与我的时间不配;而我要去见的人,我的女儿,却在我旅程的另一端。 我在回想往日的离别和重逢。忆起我看见女儿,就是我现在要去见的女儿,正从那狭窄的通道走过来,肩上背着背包,怀里抱着塞得满满的行囊,带着的耳机让她无暇顾及身旁川流不息的人群。她当时上大学一年级,11月回家度假——8月份以来第一次回家。我紧紧地拥抱着她,似乎我曾失去过她。 今天我乘坐的航班晚点两小时。手里的书今天读起来没劲,不如观看眼前这熙来人往的人群。一个5岁左右的男孩第一次见到他的祖父。他一点点往上看,半天才看到了对成人来说并不算高的一位男人的脸。一高一矮的两人脸上都放出了喜悦的光芒,我不知道人们如何能用语言和胶卷来捕捉这一时刻。 当我的航班终于呼叫登机时,我收起书本和行李。既然无人相送,我就没有回头看看来时的方向,而是在想上班的丈夫此刻极想知道我是否已起飞,在另一端的女儿也正惦记着同一件事。 登机时,我回想起另一种离别和重逢。有一次我新婚不久,91岁的祖父去世了。我们的关系一直很密切,那天傍晚,我参加完他的葬礼乘飞机返回,一边离开机场一边哭着。我们刚刚结婚一年的丈夫等候在出站口,把我拥抱在怀中。满脸的泪水招来了大家对我的关注,但我并不在乎。不管怎么说,我内心的那种感受在机场没有什么不合时宜的。 生命始终都需要这般关注。我祝愿所有旅行的人们归来时都能看到有人在等候迎接他们。我也祝愿他们出发前有人去送行。我想到自己的祖父并认识到,如果死亡就像这样,一次旅行而已,那么,我就不会害怕。 (吕睿中译,胡一宁审校) Read more 重要之事


Unit 12 单元测试题 Written test part (共80分) Ⅳ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )16. My uncle worked ______ a farmer on a farm two years ago. A. for B. of C. as D. with ( )17. Mother was ______ after work, so she went to sleep early. A. lazy B. tired C. lucky D. friendly ( )18. There are seven ______ in the picture. A. sheep B. cow C. horse D. chicken ( )19. Look! A plane ______ in the sky. A. flies B. flew C. flying D. is flying ( )20. —Where ______ you yesterday morning? —I ______ at my uncle’s home. A. were; am B. are; am C. are; was D. were; was ( )21. We saw some people ______ in the park. A. exercising B. exercises C. to exercise D. to exercising ( )22. Who ______ this morning?


綜合英語二上冊課文翻譯 lesson1学校要是教给我们这12种本领就好了卡尔·萨根 1.二战刚结束,我在纽约和新泽西的公立学校上了初中和高中。现在想来似乎是很久远的事了。学校的设施、教师的水平在当时的美国大大高于一般水准。因而,那时的我可以说是受益匪浅。我所学到的最重要的一点,就是要学的东西实在是太多,而我还没有学到的东西也太多。有时候,我想那时要是能学点真正重要的东西,今天我会多么地心存感激。在有些方面,当时的教育十分狭窄;关于拿破仑,在学校里我所学到的仅仅是美国从他手里买下路易斯安那。(在一个约95%的居民不是美国人的星球上,学校当局认为只有美国历史才值得讲授。)在拼写、语法、数学基础知识以及其他重要的学科的教授上,我的老师们做得相当不错。但是还有许多其他的东西,我曾希望他们教授给我。 2.或许该教而没教的缺陷自那以后已经得以纠正。照我看来似乎有许多东西(主要是态度问题、认识问题,而不是简单的对事实记忆的问题)学校应当教授——那些在以后的生活中真正有用的东西,即那些能使国家更强大、世界更美好,也能使人们更幸福的东西。人类乐于学习。这是我们人类比这个星球上其它物种做得好些的为数有限的几件事中的一件。每个学生都应该经常体验一下说出“啊,原来是这么一回事!”时的感受——也就是你以往不懂的或是不知道自己不懂的事情,一下子变得豁然开朗时的感受。 3.下面就是我列出的方法: 挑一件难事,从中学习 4.希腊哲学家苏格拉底曾经说过这是人类最大的乐趣之一,确实也是如此。与其涉足多门学科而略知一二,莫如选其一两个学科学深学透。只要你对所选的课题感兴趣,只要你的研究不脱离课题本身更为广阔的人文环境,你的课题是什么并不重要。教会你自己一个课题以后,你就会对教授你自己另一课题的能力更加充满信心。你会逐渐发现你已获得了一种主要技能。世界的变化日新月异,你必须在一生中不断地教授你自己。但不要沉溺于你感兴趣的或你擅长的第一门学科而止步不前。这个世界充满了奇妙的事物,有些我们完全长大成人之后才会发现;很遗憾,大部分我们一辈子也发现不了。 不要害怕问“愚蠢的”问题 5.许多明显幼稚的提问其实是很深刻的问题,诸如草为何是绿的,太阳为何是圆的,为什么我们的世界需要55000个核武器。对这些问题的回答很可能会使你对事物有深刻的理解。尽可能明确你有哪些事情不明弊同样也很重要,提问题就是找出不懂之处的办法。提“愚蠢的”问题,对于提问者来说需营勇气,对答问者来说需要知识和耐心。不要把自己的学习局限于课堂。与朋友深入地讨论观点或想法。明知会引起嘲笑而提问要比把问题埋在心里、对周围的一切变得麻木不仁要勇挂得多。 仔细倾听 6.很多情况下人们谈活时,总是争相表现自己,这类交谈对双方都无多大益处。当别人在谈话时,不要费时去思考自己接下来打算说什么,而是设法搞懂他们说的是什么,什么样的经历才使他们说这些话,你从这些话中能学到什么,你对说这些话的人又能了解到什么情况等。老年人所经历的世界与你所经历的截然不同,你也许对其知之甚少。老年人及来自其他地方和其他国家的人们有可以丰富你的生活的十分重要的对事物的看法。 人人都会犯错误 7.每个人对事物的理解都是不全面的。要乐于接受改正,学会纠正自己的错误。你应该感到丢人的倒是没有从错误中吸取教训。 了解你所处的星球 8.这是我们仅有的一个星球。要了解它是如何运作的。我们往往为了短期的利益,在尚不了解(这些做法)长远影响的情况下,正在改变大气层、改变地球的表面以及地球的水系。任何一个国家的公民至少对我们人类要走向何处都有发言权。如果我们不理解这些问题,我们就是放弃未来。 科学与技术 9.除非你了解科学与技术,否则你不会了解你所在的星球。我记得学校的理科课程专讲科学的次要方面,而对科学的深层含义几乎只字不提。现代科学的每项重大发现同时也是对人类精神的重大发现。例如,

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