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71.__________ (锻炼) early in the morning has become part of his retired life. ( take )

72. ---- Why, Jack, you look so tired!

---- Well, I _____________ (在粉刷) the house and I must finish the work tomorrow. ( paint )

73. The 2010 Expo has brought about great changes in the city of Shanghai, so many visitors feel Shanghai is no longer __________________ (过去的模样) . ( use ) 74. I don’t know ______________________ (谁的建议更重要) for the improvement of my English, my teacher’s or my classmate’s. ( advice )

75. The doctor ordered the patient _______________ (不许吃) all solid food for at least twenty-four hours. ( keep )

76. In the first two months of the new term, she has made rapid progress_____________(她为此感到骄傲). ( take )

77. Chang'e-2 will enter a lower lunar orbit about 100 km above the surface, _________(和----相比) the 200-km altitude of Chang'e-1.( compare )

78. The teacher gives us advice ______________ (我们不带) cell phones into classrooms. ( take )

79. A great man once said it is necessary to drill as much as possible, and ____________ ( 你运用越多)it in real situations, the more natural it will become. (apply )

80. Not until you have finished your project __________________(你才能出去) to play. ( go )


71.____________________ (虽然很恼怒), the headmaster listened to us with great patience. (as)

72.When the American war of Independence ____________________ (使得不可能) for England to send prisoners to North America, Australia was chosen as a new place where prisoners and criminals were sent. (make)

73.In order to apply for the 2008 Olympic Games, they did _______________________________(他们所能做的) to show that Beijing is suitable to host the world’s largest athletic event over the past 2 decades. (what) 74.____________________ (被分离) from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. (separate)

75.I’m trying to catch up with my classmates. If only I ____________________ (没有落后) them! (fall)

76.With each classroom ____________________ (装上) a computer, the students have easy access to whatever information they are in want of. (equip) 77.There are many kinds of birds on the island, and over 140 species of snakes, _______________ (其中许多) are extremely dangerous. (many)

78.In later years, the question arose who was the first ___________________ (登上顶峰) of Mount Qomolangma. (reach)

79.The town has changed beyond recognition; now it is ____________________ (五倍大) what it was 20 years ago. (size)

80.As is reported in the newspaper, dozens of people were arrested but none of them ___________ (被指控) the robbery. (charge)


71.As a new graduate, he doesn't know ___ _ (需要什么)to start a business here.(take)

72.If you have a job, do ___ _ (投入)it and finally you will succeed, (devote)73.Listen! Do you hear someone __ __ (呼救)? (call)

74.—Is everyone here?

—Not yet "-Look, __ __ (来了)the rest of our students! (come)75.The fact ___ _ (德国队输了)1-0 against Spain in last night's semi-final saw the Spanish team through to Sunday's final against the Netherlands (lose)76.George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but I'd rather he __ __ (更多关注)its culture, (focus)

77.____ (正如所报道的)in the newspaper, talks between the two countries are making progress.(report )

78.Had it not been for his help, we ____ (不可能完成)the project in time.(complete)

79.You've failed to do what you ____ (期望做的)and I'm afraid the teacher will blame you.(expect)

80.This plan won't work: ___ _ (首先), it's not realistic, and secondly, it'll cost too much.(start)


71.It’s universally acknowledged that never __________ (我们能期待)a bluer sky unless we create a less polluted world.(expect )

72.We breathed a sigh of relief at last.Had she known about the risks, she _____(也许没完成)with the operation.(go)

73.________ (急需钱), he tried to persuade her to marry him, but she changed her mind and declined.(desperate)

74.With ________(所有人抛弃)him, he went abroad and asked for shelter.(desert)75.My dog is too fat.It’s evident that I ________(不该喂)him with so much food.(feed)

76.______ (给我印象最深的)is the beauty of the white clouds floating in the blue sky.(strike)

77.I was very nervous because it was the first time that I ________ (受邀请)an opening banquet.(invite)

78.We wonder ________(是什么)caused so many strange things to happen.(it)79._______ (毫无疑问)that honeybees communicate information of the feeding place to each other by dancing.(doubt)

80.It’s likely that such a question, if it can be called a question, ________ (你提的), can’t be answered by any human beings.(raise)


71.They wanted her to meet police and fire officers in town,so she would know what

to do ____(万一有紧急情况)(case)

72.___________(随着一场致命台风的爆发),more than 600 people were listed as either dead or missing on August the 21st,2009,in Taiwan.(break)

73.We ____________________(认为那是不明智的) give up his job security and salary in an international information business to risk starting his own business.(wise) 74._____________(必须采取措施)by the government to meet the tough challenge of finding jobs for workers when the global financial crisis is bitting deep into the Chinese economy.(take)

75.____________(当比较不同文化时),we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the similarities.(compare)

76.It is an order that some Chinese soldiers _________(被训练) participate in the scheduled military parade at the Tian’anmen Square in Beijing.(train)

77.A survey was recently carried out about senior students’ mental health,__________ (其结果) was surprising.(result)

78.The official who is responsible for punishing officials was _____________(应该受到责备)after being caught driving drunk.(blame)

79.Wang Lin was told about a health care project that provides treatment at half the cost or less,____________(取决于病人的要求)。(depend)

80.Although older people seem to be much harder than others to get infected,if they do get the new H1N1 flu,they ____________ (更有可能) die.(likely)


71.______________(更糟糕的是),when we stepped deep into the forest, we lost our way.(make)

72.It is clear that caged animals _____ (已经习惯了生活)with humans.(accustomed)

73.___________(如果消防队员没到)in time, the factory would not have been saved.(suppose)

74.In area, Australia is approximately the same size as the USA, which, however, has _________ (14倍的人)as Australia.(many)

75.It was the computer which broke down halfway ________ (该责怪)for the loss of all my files.(blame)

76.(被解雇)by one company doesn’t necessarily mean that you have on way out to support yourself.(lay)

77.I was on the highway when a car passed me followed by a police car. It

(肯定一直在)driving at least 150 miles per hour.(must)78.A good advertisement often uses words to (人们赋予了)positive meanings.(attach)

79.The young man was sitting under the tree with (他们的眼睛看着)the apple.(fix)

80.Not until the teacher explained it again (我们才理解)the sentence.(sense)


71._______________________(禁止吸烟)in many public places.(forbid)72.This is the first time that my teacher ______________________(批评我)in


73.The gas _______________(一定用光了), for the fire went out of itself.(use)74.At present e-mail, as well as telephones, ______________(正发挥重大作用)in daily communication.(play)

75.I try to understand ________________(是什么)that prevents so many Chinese from being as happy as one might expect.(it)

76.He is wondering __________________(将需要多少能量)to raise the temperature of oil by 10℃.(take)

77.Do you feel like going out for a change or would you rather we two ___________(吃晚饭)at home? (have)

78.It __________________(仍然不知道)whether he will appear at the party or not.(remain)

79.He made the suggestion _________________ (他们所做的工作应该受到表扬).(acknowledge)

80.So ___________________(我感到它是如此之难)to live in an English-speaking country that I determined to learn English well.(feel)

71.Mr.Smith won (两倍的奖杯)in 2006 as the year before.(medal)72.The mine explosion in Heilongjiang Province caused 104 deaths, with four other miners still _______ (困在地下).(trap)

73.Hong Xingge, (已赢得)the recommedation of the headmaster for an interview at Peking University, is the youngest of the 90 students nationwide.


74.(无论何时开会)makes no difference to me.(whenever;hold)75.When Edison died, it was suggested that the American people (关掉)all power for several minutes in honor of this great man.(turn)

76.Our eating habits have changed, (我们的生活方式也是如此), and the fuel we need for our body is also different.(as)

77.It was four o’clock in the afternoon (他们到达)the museum, where an official warmly received them.(reach)

78.The mother rather than the twins (在动手术)by Doctor Thomas now.(operate)

79.By the time this letter reaches you, I (已离开)the country.(leave)80.There’s nobody here. They (必定回家了).(must)


71.They worked day and night about three days (一切才恢复)to normal.(return) 72.I can’t imagine (他们多么激动)when they received these Christmas presents.(how)

73.(如果参加)eco-travel and you will find it will help you understand the importance of nature.(take)

74.Not (知道如何解决)the problem, he turned to his teacher for help. (work) 75.The doctor insisted that the patient (动手术)as soon as possible. (operate) 76.With (一场致命的台风爆发), more than 600 people were listed as either dead or missing on August the 21st, 2009 in Taiwan. (break)

77.To every one of us, (被录取)Beijing University is a great honor. (admit) 78.The news spread quickly through the village (战争已结束),making the villagers wild with joy. (end)

79.I’ll pay you a visit tomorrow afternoon if (你方便). (convenient)

80.I would have come for the lecture given by professor Lee the day before yesterday, but I (没受到邀请)(invite).


71.________________ ______(有这么多人交流)in English, it will be more and more important to have a good knowledge of English . (with )

72.At present, lots of food ,water ,tents and medicines _____________(正被运往)from all over China and other parts of the world to the earth-stricken areas . (transport)

73.The village _________________(我成长的)is a very beautiful place in the mountain.(grow)

74.It is well known that the Olympic Games ____________________(每四年举行一次).(hold).

https://www.doczj.com/doc/aa16207717.html,munication becomes more convenient nowadays . Cellphones ______________(使得这成为可能)for us to talk to anyone from anywhere. (make)

76.Most of us often say ____________(这是多么重要)to take good care of ourselves and our planets, but we don’t always do as we say . (how )

77. What do you think ______________ (生活会怎样) in the future? (like)

78. ______________ (万一碰到紧急情况), one should stay calm and take immediate action if

necessary. (case)

79.It’s believed that the harder you work,___________________________________(你就会取得


80.Look at the trouble I am in! If only I___________________________________(要是听了你



1.There were many talented actors out there just ____________________________ (等

着被发现). (discover)

2.Four hours is __________________(所需的时间)for you to travel from Wuhan to

Shanghai on a high-speed railway linking the two cities. (take)

3.Having introduced the new equipment, our factory turned out_______________(三

倍的汽车) in 2007 as the year before. (as)

4.I’m tired out. I __________________________(购物)all afternoon and I don’t

seem to have finished anything. (shop)

5.She was so desperate to find that there wasn’t a person

_________________________________(她能求助的). (turn)

6.The Cheese you bought yesterday smells bad. It _____________________(一定变

质了)and should be thrown away immediately. (go)

7._____________________(有经验)dealing with problems about computers, he is of

great help in our office. (experience)

8.He seemed ___________________(察觉到)that he was being followed, so he stopped

in front of a store as if he was intending to buy something. (sense)

9.Was it not until you began to work ___________________(你才意识到)how much time

you had wasted? (realize)

10.Thank you for all your hard work last week. I don’t think we

________________________(能处理)it without you. (manage)


71. He built a transparent wall ___________________________(通过它他能观测)what went on inside. (observe)

72. Alexander tried _____________(使他的工作得到认可)in the medical circles. (recognize)

73. --- Guess what, we’ve got our visas for a short-term visit to the UK this summer.

--- How nice! You ___________(会体验到) a different culture then. (experience)

74. Charles was alone at home, with no one ________________(照顾)him. (look)

75. Little _____________(Rose 担心) her own safety, though she was in great danger herself. (care)

76. I __________________(不该看)that movie--- it’ll give me horrible dreams. (watch)

77. I’m sorry you’ve been waiting so long, but it’ll still be some time ________________________(Brian才会回来). (get)

78. ____________________(参观了)the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Bird’s Nest for the 2008 Olympic Games. (show)

79. It is the protection for trees, rather than how many trees are planted, ____________________(真正起作用). (matter)

80. But for the help of my English teacher,I ______________(不会赢得)the first prize in the English Writing competition. (win)


71. ______________(不像)her mother, she is not beautiful in appearance. (resemble)

72. The factory produces a million computers every year, ________ (其中80%销往) abroad. (sell)

73. By the time they got back to the camp, they ___________________ (用完了) water. (run)

74. When __________________(告知) the news that a plane crashed and exploded in Yichun, all of us felt shocked and deeply saddened. (inform)

75. _____(不管发生了什么事)between Mary and my husband is none of your business. (happen)

76. The mudslide is reported _______ (已夺去) more than 1400 lives in Zhouqu County. (claim )

77. It is the first time that the EXPO___________ (举办) in a developing country. (hold)

78. When was it ______________ (你给我打电话) yesterday? (call v)

79. __________ (众所周知) is that Africa had contacts with India from the earliest times. (know)

80. After the Philippines hostage-taking incident, the Chinese government demanded that the problems_________ (被提到的) be paid special attention to. (refer)


71.In ________________(在制定计划时), they went to the library to refer to many books. (draw)

72.________________(聚集在入口周围) of the cave, villagers nervously watched him go down and disappear

in the darkness. (gather)

73.________________(她是否喜欢这个礼物) is not clear to me. (like)

74.________________(多给与关注), the trees could have grown better. (give)

75.________________(我突然想到) I had left my cellphone behind at the bookstore. (occur)76.Don’t be too rude to your father. Never in his life ________________(对他说话) in that way up to now. (speak)

77.The government is trying to do something to ________________(促进更好的了解) between the two countries. (promote)

78.The road outside is wet.It ________________(准是一直在下雨) last night. (rain)

79.It seems that he is not fit for the job, ________________(他所需要的) is more experience. (call)

80.Some species of animals have become extinct because they ________________(不能适应) the changing environment. (adapt)


71.—What’s that noise?

—Oh, I forgot to tell you.The new machines ____________ (检测).(test)

72.I didn't know_________(他说了些什么)to his teacher, (say)

73.When Mark opened the door, he saw a woman_________ (站在那里).He has never seen her before, (stand)

74.Not until we know more about the environment _________ (我们将能够)improve the situation, (able)

75.When was it ________ (他们到达)the city of Johannesburg? (arrive)

76.If Rachel had known that Go dfrey was marrying her for her money, she (就不会同意)get engaged to him.(agree)

77.____________ (他们是否能完成)that task on time is still a question, (finish)78.After enjoying Dinosaur World, the children came to Panda Park, _________ (那里他们看见了两只大熊猫).(see)

79.I fount it easy_____________ (和他相处)(get)

80- _________ (和他一起埋葬)were some of the tools he used when he was alive, (bury)十六

71. Philip seemed _________(被介绍给了) to Jane. He knew her well. (introduce)

72. The two high officials’ _______________(逮捕) has caused a stir among the common public.


73. Thank goodness for poetry, without which I __________(不会度过) so wonderful a

childhood. (spend)

74. At first, t hey took it for granted ___________(每个人都可自由进入) the library. (access)

75. We accepted the invitation. Only later _____________(我们怀疑) it might be a trap.


76. The National Development and Reform Commission _____________(一直在跟踪) the

trend of the food prices recently. (follow)

77. On account of the upward oil price, it ___________(已建议) that people should share

their cars and give each other lifts. (suggest)

78. I called the clothing agent _____________(我发现她的电话号码) on the Internet. (find)

79. In the Asian Games in Guangzhou, China got nearly ___________(四倍的金牌)as Japan.


80. Production of wine is almost completely European, with France _________(占有) 40%。



71.It remains a question (他是否会赞同)the plan to be discussed at tomorrow’s meeting.(approve)

72.(无论你多么努力), working towards a career for which you are you are not suitable is not going get you there.(try)

73.This book is (值得一读).(worthy)

74.When I came into the house, I found him seated on the sofa, with his eyes (盯着电视).(fix)

75.Jim took out a package and placed it upon the table; it was the set of very precious combs that Della (一直渴望).(long)

76.Only after Miss Aurelie had given them a bath, told the little boy a bed-time story and sang sweet songs to the little baby. ,(他们才入睡)(fall) 77.(非常重要)for the team and its coach to strike the right balance.(inprotance)

78.—How did you get to know each other?

—It was in the case (我们遭到怀疑)cheating I the exam and were kept in the same office.(suspect)

79.Let’s start the meeting, (首先), we welcome Mr. Zhou to make a speech.(begin)

80.It is necessary that we (对自己严格要求).(strict)


71.(他需要的)is a good night’s sleep.(what)

72.The questions worthy (广泛讨论).(discuss)

73.You look pretty! This is the first time I (看见你穿着)a skirt.(wear) 74.Polluted water is not allowed to be piped into rivers (未经处理).(deal) 75.I (本想来拜访)you, but I was too busy then.(think)

76.Please tell me (这个事故是怎样发生的). I am still in the dark.(come) 77.I find (与那些人相处困难)who always stick to their own opinions.(get) 78.Teachers and actors, (如果作比较的话)carefully, share many similarities. 79.The injured boy (在动手术)while his parents waited anxiously outside.(operate) 80.Water in that area is now (被充分利用起来)to make electricity.(advantage)


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2010届高考题库(书面表达题) 请根据表格中所提供的信息,写一篇介绍中国第一位航天英雄杨利伟的短文。要求:要有适当的题目; 1.短文连贯,逻辑清楚,包含表格中全部要点; 2.词数:120词左右 姓名杨利伟出生时间1965年出生地辽宁省 飞行情况1.1987年加入中国空军,空中飞行时间为1350小 时; 2.2003年10月15日9时乘坐“神舟五号”飞船进入 太空,环绕地球飞行14圈,在太空中度过了21小时,于次日早晨6时23分成功返回地面; 3.进入太空前,他花了5年时间训练。在太空中他记录 下了他看到的一切,并向电视机前的观众展示了中国国旗和联合国的旗帜。 China’s First Spaceman---Yang Liwei Yang Liwei was born in an ordinary family in Liaoning Province in 1965. He became a pilot in Chinese Air Force in 1987, spending 1,350 hours in the air. He has spent 5 years training to become a spaceman. Yang Liwei was sent into space at 9 a.m on October 15th by China’s Shenzhou V spacecraft, which orbited the earth 14 times. He landed safely at 6:23 a.m the next day, making China the third country successfully sending a person into space after the former Soviet Union and the USA. Yang Liwei came back to the earth after a 21-hour trip to space. In space Yang recorded everything he saw and showed China’s national flag and the United Nations’ flag to the people watching on TV at home. All of the Chinese are proud of our first spaceman---Yang Liwei. 3 假若你是北京某中学的一名学生,你参加了申奥宣传活动,请你根据提示,用英语给China Daily写一篇短文,表示北京一定有足够的实力成功举办2008年奥运会,让更多的外宾了解北京。 1. 中国首都,约3000年悠久历史,交通便利,有许多名胜古迹。 2. 举办过大型运动会,投巨资治理污染,改善环境。 1.中国人口众多,体育大国,经济快速增长。 2.中国政府和人民支持北京承办奥运。 注意:1.字数:120左右; 2.不要逐条翻译提示,可根据需要增加有关细节。 参考词汇: 经济economy(n.); 治理bring sth. under control; Beijing, the capital of China is a both ancient and modern city with a long history about 3 000 years. I am sure Beijing can successfully hold the 2008 Olympic Games. First, Beijing is a beautiful city with convenient transportation. It has many places of interest. All the foreigners will enjoy themselves here. Second, China is a populous nation with a big sports industry. What’s more, China is one of those countries with the most rapidly growing economy, and the national power is being steadily strengthened. Third, Beijing has


湖北高考完成句子汇编 1.____________________________(多亏了)her assistance ,we succeeded in starting the engine.(turn) 【答案】Owing to 2.When you are finished with the electric iron,don?t forget________________________(关掉它).(turn) 【答案】to turn it off 3.During his last lecture,the scientist________________________ (觉得)casier to explain the theory to those with some background knowledge.(find) 【答案】found it/ found(that)it was 4.________________________ (获得奖学金) gave Martin the chance to go to a college in one of the northern states.(win) 【答案】Winning a scholarship 5. If times________________________(变了),have our ways of thinking changed too?(change) 【答案】have changed 6. At the award ceremony,Mr.Jackson said,‖for me ,there has been________________________(没有更大的回报)than your support.‖(great) 【答案】no greater reward/ no reward greater


考情分析 书面表达,是对考生语法、词汇、句子组织及逻辑表达能力、语言综合应用能力的考察,在高考中占25分,考察体裁与题材都很丰富,且对题材的涉猎更加广泛;就近五年的高考真题来讲,分别考察夏令营课程申请、学校教育、扶贫基金申请、学习方式思考、活动选址等,且题目也多以图片或话题形式呈现。 试题探究 1、思维导图形式先呈现整体框架 2、重难点 高级词汇及短语的恰当应用: 表达内容的清晰与条例性; 句型的丰富性与多样性; 3、不同体裁考点解读(注意相关模板句子、连接词和高级句型、词汇) Exercise one 图片类 下面的一幅漫画描写了当前社会的教育状况,请结合自己的感受谈谈你对这种状况的看法。你的作文必须包括: ●漫画所反映的社会教育状况。 ●你对这种现状的观点和看法。 参考范文: In the picture, a boy who is bound by a lot of after-school lessons looks very upset. This image indicates a

common phenomenon in a funny way that students today are forced to take too many lessons after school. As far as I am concerned, taking one or two lessons after school is acceptable and will improve our ability. But overtaking extra lessons really does no good to students. First of all, after studying hard on weekdays, most students are quite exhausted and need a break at weekends. However, many of them are robbed of the chance to relax themselves. Long-term working may cause them to have difficulty concentrating on their studies and may even affect their daily life. On the other hand, are those students interested in the after-school lessons or just forced by their parents? If they are not willing to learn, they won’t try their best to obtain the knowledge and skills. It’s a waste of time, and money. Last but not least, some tutorial centers are not as qualified as expected. They just care about making money but pay little attention to teaching. I’m afraid that students who enroll in the courses won’t learn what they want to learn. To sum up, taking lessons after school is a way to help students study better, but it shouldn’t be a burden. What really works is not those lessons but your own efforts. (235 words) Exercise Two应用类 某高中校方在全校征求学生建议。李佳给校长写了封信,建议学校培养学生学习能力,以提高他们在这个信息爆炸的世界上的竞争力。同时建议学校组建学生俱乐部,学生得以展露才华,培养兴趣,获得更多的生存能力。 参考范文 Dear Headmaster, I am most pleased to learn that our school is seeking students' suggestions on how to make our school life better. I am writing this letter to share with you my suggestions. First of all. our school should lay more emphasis on cultivating students' learning methods. As the saying goes, teachers should not only pass on knowledge to students but also teach them how to study. In a world of information explosion, if students can he equipped with independent learning skills, no doubt they can have an advantage in this increasingly competitive world. In addition, students' after school life can never be overlooked. Our school should set up more clubs where students can display their talents and acquire some survival skills such as how to get along with others and how to be a team player. Allowing for more leisure time means that students can devote more time pursuing their interests and hobbies, which may well turn out to be a welcome supplement to their beautiful life later. Thank you for spending your precious time reading my letter and I hope my suggestions can be of some help. Best wishes, Li Jia Exercise There 议论类 现在高中学生申请出国的现象非常普遍。人们对此看法不一。请谈谈你对此事的看法。 参考范文: Nowadays, it is very common for high school students t apply to foreign universities for admission. The phenomenon has aroused heated discussion among students and opinions on it vary from individual to individual. Some people are in favour of the practice, saying it helps it broaden their horizons, while others are strongly opposed to it. They argue that it is purely a waste of money. As for me, there are both merits and demerits lying in the debatable problem. On one hand, the expense of learning abroad is beyond what an average family can afford. Many parents will


2018高考英语作文13大热点预测+范文 热点预测一:新四大发明 1.关于高铁 【题目要求】 高铁给人们的出行带来了快捷和方便,请你写一篇短文简单介绍武广高铁。 基本情况:1. 始建于2005年,2009年12月26日开通运营,干线全长1068公里; 2. 途经湖北、湖南和广东; 3. 列车时速高达350公里/小时,目前世界上最快。主要优点: 1. 武汉至广州仅需3个小时,比先前减少7个多小时; 2. 高铁列车设施齐全,安全舒适。美中不足: 1. 票价偏高; 2. 车站离市中心较远。 【优秀范文】 First built in 2005, the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway went into operation on December,26th,2009. Overall length of its main line is 1068 kilometers, and it goes through the following three provinces: Hubei, Hunan and Guangdong.

The speed of the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway is 350km/h,the fastest speed in the world now, which makes it only three hours needed from Wuhan to Guangzhou, seven hours less than before. Besides, there are all kinds of facilities in the train, which make your trip safe and comfortable, so it is more humanitarian. However, the only fly in the ointment is that the train fare is too high and the station is quite far away from the downtown area. 2.移动支付 【题目要求】 随着微信,支付宝、银行APP等的发展想必大家都爱用他们支付购买。那么,通过网络进行的货币支付或资金流转给我们的生活带来了哪些好处呢?请你以移动支付的好处为主题写一篇英语短文。 【优秀范文】 The Advantages of Online Payment Online payment has been advocated around the world, which is the future way to pay bills. In China, Alipay is popular everywhere, even the small business can be finished by this advanced way. People play the joke that they don’t need to worry about the lack of cash. The advantages of online payment are obvious. Firstly, it saves people’s time to pay bills. The use of online payment is carried out with a smart phone. Especially when we go to the supermarket, there are always a lot of people waiting in the long line. The process of costing


【精选】20篇高考英语话题作文优秀范文 The Best Movie I like to see movie so much. When I have time, the first thing I’d like to do is to find the hot movies and then buy some snacks, enjoying my movie hours. After appreciating so many movies, The Lord of the Rings impresses me the most. This movie has three series and I like them all. Though the moive was made in about 2000, its technology is still not out of date. In the movie, the scenery is so beautiful that I can’t move my eyes away. It was shot in New Zealand and I have made up my mind that I must go there someday and have a look at the beautiful scenery. The movie shows me a scientific world with all kinds of creatures. It broadens my vision. 最好的电影 我很喜欢看电影。我有时间的时候,我想做的第一件事就是找一些热门电影,然后买些零食来享受我的电影时光。 在欣赏了那么多电影后,《魔戒》让我印象最深刻。这部电影有三个系列,每个系列我都喜欢。虽然这部电影大约在2000年拍摄,但是其技术却不过时。在电影中,景色是如此美丽,我都无法转移目光。那是在新西兰拍摄的。我已经下定决心,一定要去那里看一看那


高考英语作文热点突破 高中三年的学习生活即将结束,三年来,在与同学们的交往中,有让你感动的瞬间吗?有哪些往事让你记忆犹新?下个月学校的英语角为即将毕业的同学们开辟了“Say you,say me”专栏,现在请你根据下面的提示内容用英语写一篇短文。 1)给你留下印象最深的他(她)是谁? 2)他(她)做了什么事情让你印象深刻? 3)你从他(她)所做的事中悟到了什么? Possible versions I’d like to say something about my best friend Lily, who is optimistic and crazy about flowers. There was a potted plant in our school. Every morning, after getting to school, Lily would walk to the plant and enjoy its loveliness. When asked why, she answered that because the plant needed her praise. With the daily praises and tender loving care, the plant bloomed at last. So did Lily’s face. The flowers brought Lily satisfaction because of the wonders of their beauty, and she delivered the happiness to all of us. With a kind and rosy heart, Lily makes everyone around her comfortable. The plants need our admiration just as we need others’ support. Thus, we can lead a blessed life. Everyone welcomes love, like a flower welcomes the sunshine. 每个人都有自己的小秘密。作为一个90后的青少年,你愿意把你的秘密与你的父母分享吗?对这个问题存在着不同的看法。现在请你持赞同的观点发表你的书面看法,文中应包含以下内容: 1)你的观点;2)你的理由;3)你的具体做法。. 四、Possible versions Teenagers have their own secrets, but many of them wouldn’t like to share their secrets with their parents. Personally, I think that as teenagers, we should share our secrets with our parents. For one thing, our parents care for us so much that they certainly deserve to be trusted. For another, lacking in experience, we teenagers do need some help and support from them in making decisions or solving problems. As for me, I always let my parents know my secrets, and we often have a heart-to-heart talk like close friends. As a result, they can know what I need, and even what I am upset about or eager for. If necessary, they are always ready to offer me valuable advice in time, which can prevent me from doing wrong or help me make the right decisions. 5月20日是中国学生营养日。某中学生英文报为此开展征文比赛活动,请根据以下要点写一篇征文,谈谈你对中国肥胖儿童现象的看法和建议。 内容要点: 1.描述现状:中国肥胖儿童1200多万; 2.说明理由:常吃快餐、缺少锻炼; 3.提出建议:…… 注意:


NO.1 2018全国I卷高考英语作文 【试题回顾】 假定你是李华,你的新西兰朋友Terry将去中国朋友家里做客,发邮件向你询问有关习俗。请你回复邮件,内容包括: 1、到达时间 2、合适的礼物 3、餐桌礼仪

【范文】 Dear Terry, How are you doing? In your last letter, you asked me about being a guest to a Chinese friend’s home. Now,I am writing to inform you of some relevant details. To begin with, according toour tradition, you are supposed to arrive early, so that you can help thefamily prepare the dinner, which is not only meaningful but also interesting.Besides, you’d better bring some gifts, such as a book or a Chinese knot. What’smore, when you are enjoying the meal, you need to avoid making noises whilechewing food. Hopefully, these suggestionswould be helpful for you. I have the confidence that you will have a greattime. I am looking forward to your good news. Best wishes! Yours, LiHua


高考英语作文话题-语言与学习-范文+详解(全) [话题解读]“语言与学习”是高中英语新课标24话题之一,也是高考常考的话题之一。本话题包括英美英语的差异、英语和文化、语言学习的困难和策略、语言和交际的态度、学习方法和学习策略等方面。这些话题与学生的日常学习密切相关,通过这些话题的学习和考查,可以让学生了解西方语言的特点及其语言背后的文化差异,研究学习方法和策略,激发学生学习外语的热情,促进他们的身心健康。 [高考探究]近几年高考英语中本话题常以听力、阅读理解、完形填空和书面表达的形式来进行考查,例如2016年四川卷完形填空;2016年浙江卷阅读理解C、D两篇;2016年北京卷阅读理解A、D两篇;2016年江苏卷阅读理解A篇和天津卷阅读理解A篇;2015年天津卷阅读理解C篇;2014年新课标全国卷Ⅰ阅读理解D篇;2012年四川卷书面表达等。 假如你是李夏。你看到美国留学生Sharon在网上发帖,希望有人能帮助她提高普通话(Mandarin)水平,她可以教英语作为回报。请根据以下提示用英语给她写一封电子邮件。 1.表达你给她提供帮助的意愿; 2.说明你能胜任辅导的理由; 3.给出讲好普通话的两点建议;

4.提出你学习英语的具体需求。 佳作欣赏 Hi Sharon, This is Li Xia.I learned from your post that you want to improve your Mandarin. I think I can help you with Mandarin.In my class my Mandarin is the best,and I won the first prize in a contest last month.Besides,I often teach my English teacher who comes from America Mandarin in my spare time. If you want to speak Mandarin well.First,you should read more and watch more Chinese TV programmes.Second,you should often talk with Chinese people so that you can improve your oral Chinese.In this way I think you can make great progress in your Mandarin. I’m glad that you can also help me with my English.It is just what I want.We can communicate in both English and Chinese.I’m free on weekends,so we can contact at that time.I’m eager to improve my oral English.I think I can improve it with your help. Looking forward to your early reply.


2007-2012年高考(湖北卷)完成句子 07年高考(湖北卷)完成句子 31.They sat together around the table, with (门关着)。(shut) 32.I haven’t the slightest idea (他正在说什么).(talk) 33.The fact________(他失败了数次)makes him very upset.(he,fail) https://www.doczj.com/doc/aa16207717.html,st night,John was answering the letters that (寄给他的) during the past two weeks.(arrive) 35.He believes that children (应允许……学习) at their own pace.(allow) 36.She has an excellent (对名字的记忆力), which helps her quite a lot in her work.( memory) 37. (他是否出过国)does n’t make much difference.(he, abroad) 38.The factory’s output of cars this year is (大约是去年的三倍).(as, great) 39.Not only___________(要帮助)the disabled to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for those who need it.(give) 40.It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones: he ______________(可能参与) in planning the monument, or in helping transport and pull up the stones.(hand) 答案 31.the door shut 32.(of) what he’s talking about 33.that he has failed (for) several times 34.had arrived for him 35.should (ought to/must) be allowed to learn (study) 36.memory for names 37.Whether he has been abroad or not 38.about three times as great as that of last year 39.will help be given to 40.may (might/could) have had a hand 08年高考(湖北卷)完成句子 31. ______(最长的三条河流)in the world are the Niles, the Amazon, and the Changjiang River.(long) 32. ______(他们玩)video games ever since they entered college.(play) 33. The city ______(我成长的)is very hot and damp in summer.(grow) 34. ______(我花了)one thousand dollars to buy the painting last week.(cost) 35. I feel so sick. I wish Mum ______(没有逼我)to eat so much.(force) 36. —You’d better go and ______(把你的轿车洗洗). —No, I’ll do it myself.(wash) 37. With the rapid development of science and technology, I can’t im agine ______(我的家乡会是什么样子)in ten years.(what) 38. It is your efforts, not your intelligence, ______(决定)your success.(determine 39. He looks sleepy. He must ______(熬夜了)last night, writing the essay.(stay) 40.At present, lots of food, water, tents, and medicine _______________(正在运往) from all over China and other parts of the world to the earthquake-stricken areas. (transport)


2016高考英语作文热点话题作文 1、低碳生活现在全世界都在倡导“低碳生活”(low-carbon life),即:降低二氧化碳的排放,采取低能量、低消耗、低开支的生活方式。低碳生活对我们大家都有好处,请你写一篇短文向一家英文报社投稿。内容包括:你的具体做法、你的感受以及建议。 提示词语:be good for, everyone, ride a bike, think, make a difference, environment, suggest, reuse ★范文 Low-carbon life is good for everyone. To help with the environment, I always walk or ride a bike to school instead of taking a car. Besides, I will try to use things that can be recycled and I never forget to turn off the lights when I leave the classroom. I think it’s my duty to live a low-carbon life. And even the simplest activities can make a real difference to the environment. So I suggest we should reuse books as long as possible. And we’d better not spend much money on expensive clothes. If everyone does something for the environment, I believe the earth will be a better place。 2. 假如你是Li Lin,你的英国笔友Eric来信询问你家乡是否有雾霾(thick haze),情况如何。请按提示写一封不少于60词的电子邮件回复他。要求卷面整洁书写工整;内容可在包含要点的基础上适当发挥。 提示:1. 感谢他的关心; 2. 介绍:(1)去年冬天有多次雾霾; (2)空气被严重污,危害:车祸,生病等; 3. 正采取各种举措减少其发生。 Dear Erik, I’m glad to receive your letter. You asked if there is thick haze in my hometown. Thank you for your caring for the weather and my health. There was heavy haze last winter. The air is badly polluted. Many traffic accidents happened and more and more people have to go to see the doctor because of the smog. People have realized the great harm caused by the smog and the importance of protecting the environment. The government suggests people to go to work or school with the public traffic, such as the bus and the underground. Also we should plant more trees. According to me, I will go to school by bike or on foot, and I won’t throw the waste anywhere. Would you like to tell me some good ideas? I’m looking forward to your reply.


高考英语作文题目及优秀范文 英语作文在英语科目中很重要,想要英语成绩好,那么英语作文就得多下功夫,多积累一些作文素材。下面就和大家分享高考英语作文,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 高三英语作文篇一 Dear Robert: How time flies! The happy days we shared often shines in my memory. What about you? As you know, my college entrance exam is approaching, which also announces the end of this sort of pressing study life. However,I intend to have a meaningful summer vacation. First, I will learn to drive to get a driving license, which is a new activity for a high school graduate in China. I will have a good rest, enjoying my hobbies. Then I will take some English courses to improve my English communication ability, With the 20X.X Olympics beginning, I will be a participant of it, watching the basketball match between China and the US. I have been dreaming of Kobe’s performance long. After that, I will pay a visit to some tourist attractions to widen my horizon.

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