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八年级英语 短文改错专项练习

八年级英语 短文改错专项练习
八年级英语 短文改错专项练习






This is X iao Hua’s bedroom. 1.

It is not very big, and it’s 2.

very bright. Xiao Hua clean 3.

her room every day.

There are any beautiful flowers 4.

and a glass of water on table 5.

you can find a big picture in 6.

the wall . It is a picture for some 7.

boys or girls. Over the picture , there’s 8.

a round clock, and its nice and 9.

new, Xiao Hua like her room very much 10.


It’s on Friday today. It’s fine . Jim 1.

and her three friends are going to 2.

see his uncle . There are lot of 3.

apple trees on his farm. So he 4.

is too busy to picks the apple on 5.

them. So Jim went to help him 6.

every year. The farm is no far 7.

from here. The children are all 8.

going there on bike . They say it’s good9.

for their health. We are going to meet 10.

at the gate of the school at seven o’clock.


I’m Mr Black . I come from English . I’m an 1.

English teacher. I’m teach English in a middle 2. school in China.

John is my son. He is middle school student. 3. We’re in same school. He’s good at his 4. lesson. He likes maths, and English but his 5. Chinese is not so good. He often helps his 6. classmates for their English. And his classmates 7. help with his Chinese. John likes football 8. and basketball very much.

John thinks Chinese people are very 9. friendly. He love to live in China now. 10.


I t’s Sunday morning. There are some 1. childrens in the park. They are having 2. good time .Some are playing games 3. in a big tree .Some are singing, 4. and dancing. Some boys and other girls are 5. flying the kites on the hill. Other 6. are swiming in the lake. Where is 7. Li Lei? He’s sitting by lake 8. what’s he doing? She’s reading a book.9. Where is Meimei ? She behind some flowers. 10. She’s running after a black cat.


Today is Kate’s birthday and is 15 1. years old. His father’s name is Mr 2. Smith. He works in hospital in this 3. city. People think he is a good 4. doctor. Kate mother is a teacher. 5. She is a very much good teacher . Kate 6. have a brother and a sister. Now 7. her brother studies a school in China. 8. He speaks Chinese very good and has many 9. good friends in China. Her sister is a student also. 10.


This is our school library. It opens 8:00 1. o’clock in the morni ng and is closed at 5:30 2. in the afternoon . There are much kinds of 3. books in the library . We often come there to 4. borrow and return the books after the class. 5. We can borrow the books for only two 6. weeks. And there’s a read room in the 7. library. We can see the books, the magazines(杂志) 8. and some newspapers there every day, so 9. we can’t take any of them out the room.10.



The boy over there is our classmates .His 1. name’s is Li Lei. His uncle is our teacher. 2. He works very hardly. We all like him. He 3. likes us too. He didn’t at school yesterday. 4. His son is ill in bed. He had to 5. stay at the home. His son is our classmate. 6. So we are going to see them after school. 7. We are going to buy some chocolates(巧克力) to 8. him. He must like it best. Oh! Listen! 9. That’s the bell. Let’s go to the cla ssroom. 10.


Mrs Green is a good mother . In every morning 1. she gets very early. She dresses her 2. daughter and then goes to work on bus. 3. She works in a shoe’s factory. It’s not from 4. home . But sometime Mr Green takes the 5. children to school in her car and then he 6. goes to work. In the afternoon Mrs Green comes 7. to home at five o’clock . Then she cooks supper. She8. always does all kind of housework . she goes 9. to bed very late. What’s a good mother she is!10.


Miss Jones was a teacher. Her house was far 1. from her school. She always walked to there in the morning. 2. All pupils in the school were very young. 3. Miss Jones walked to school in a very cold 4. and wind morning in November and the cold 5. wind went into her eye and her tears began 6. running out of them. She reached at the school, 7. opened the door and going into the classroom. 8. It was nice and warm there and Miss Jones was 9. very happy. Her students were looking at her in smile. 10.


Dick has a friend. His friend name is George. He 1. works on big ship every day. The ship goes from 2. England to China, for George is often on the 3. ship for many months at one time. And very 4. often ,he can’t only see the sea. But George is 5. at home in this morning .And it’s nine o’clock 6. in the morning .He wakes up and looks 7. of the window. What does he sees? There are 8. some trees not far away him. So he jumps 9. out of the bed and cries(大声叫): “The ship has10. hit the land.”


An old woman has a cat. A cat 1. is now much old, she can not run 2. faster and bite(咬). One day the old 3. woman sees a mouse, she jumps and 4. catches the mouse and she can’t 5. bite it, so the mouse gets out of 6. the cat and runs away.

After the old woman gets very 7. angry and beats it angry .The cat 8. says to the woman: “Don’t so rude(粗鲁的) 9. with the old. When they are young,10.

they can do good jobs.”


A dog had the piece of meat in his 1. mouth. As he was walking on a bridge. 2. he looked up and saw himself. He 3. thought it was other dog. That dog had a 4. piece of meat in his mouth, either . He 5. said to himself : “I wanted to eat more 6. meat, I must get my meat. Then 7.

I can have three pieces.” He opened8. his mouth and bark (叫) . His meat fell down 9. into the river. He had something to eat. 10.



It’s on Sunday tomorrow . We are going to watch a 1. football match. It’s between a Japanese team with 2.

a Chinese team. I’m sure our Chinese team 3. win the matches, because our team has all the 4. strongest players.

The football match is going to be at the four 5. o’clock in the morning . We are going to there 6. by bike. Our teacher, Mr Li and Mr wang 7. are going to watch the football match with us. 8.

I think they must like the football games as many 9. as we do. We can go back at six in the evening. 10.


Aunt Liu is twenty-three. She lives on the eighteen floor of this 1. building. She lives with her father, her mother and her brother. 2.

Every morning she gets down by the lift and leaves her home 3. at eight and gets back to home at about half past five. 4.

She worked very hard in a bookshop . The bookshop is about 5. hundreds meters from the building , so she goes there on foot. 6.

She stands at the counter (柜台)and there have many books 7. on the bookshelf .She knows many interested stories and she 8.

has many books in her room, too. She often speaks us 9. stories, so Children in this building are all like her. 10.


Liu Ying is always very busy. She wants to do a lot things but 1. she ever has much time to do all of them. Like others, she spends time 2. on the telephone, talking to her friend. She likes basketball and ping 3. -pong very much. And of course she has a lot of homework to do. 4. This term she is much busy than before. She is on the school 5. basketball team now. The P.E teacher asks us to play basketball after 6. school every day. She too likes ping-pong very much. So she often 7. goes to school to play with her friends on Sundays. 8.

It’s Janua ry, this term will over soon. Her parents want her 9. to do much more exercises than basketball. So she does. 10.


Today I visited the Smith . It was my first time to visit an American 1. family. They lived in a small town. It was very kind for them to meet 2. me at the bus station and they drove me to their home. The Smiths did 3. his best to make me feel at home. We drank coffee and other drinks 4. together. We have a good time all the day. We were talking and laughing 5. happy. They wanted to know everything about China and asked me lots 6. of question about it because they are going to visit China sometime 7. next year. I said to them, “Welcome to China the ne xt year. I shall show 8. you around my school and the city and bring you to the Great Wall for a 9. visit. I think you have a good time in China.”10.


Dear Peter,

Thanks you for your letter and some wonderful stamps. I like them 1. very much. I also like collect stamps(集邮). I’m sending some Monkey King 2. stamps to you. I think you’ll like them.

Now I’m going to answer some of your question. You asked me 3. about the weather in Beijing in w inter. It’s quite cold and it seldom snows 4. in winter. After snowing the ground is white. And I can skate on the really 5. ice. It’s very interesting to skate on the real ice. I like winter better . 6.

You asked me, “When is the best time to go to China ?” I think7.

the best time come to China is in spring or in autumn. It’s very warm8. here in spring and autumn. But it’s often too hot in summer and it’s too9. cold in winter. I have to finish your letter. Welcome to China. 10.


John liked to wear his hair very long . Some of his 1. friends thought that he looked like a girl, and they 2. never made jokes(玩笑) about his hairs . Because he was a 3. big, strong young man. John always went out to the barber’s (理头店) 4. twice a month to have his hair cut and washed. And

one day the barber says to him: “Now Let me cut most 5.

of your hair off and make your head tidy. Everybody 6. would recognize(认出)me if I did that. I am sure.”7. John said nothing a few seconds and then he 8. said: “ Maybe you are wrong . But I’m sure that nobody9. would recognize you too if you did that to my hair.”10.



Li Lin and Hua Tong are good friends. Now Li Lin is in Hua 1. Tong’s home. Look at the clock on the wall. What’s time? It’s nine 2. o’clock. What are they doing ? Are they doing their homework? No, 3. they aren’t. They are watching TV, because there is a world’s basketball 4. match on TV.

Basketball is their favourite(最喜欢的) games . They both like basketball very 5. much. They often play it together. And they are all on the school basketball 6. team. Yesterday their team play against the No. 11 Middle 7. School basketball team. . It’s pity, they won the match. It was 45 to 50.8. Today they all felt happy at school. But their teacher said “Don’t worry,9.

I’m sure we will win in next time, if we play hard.” 10.


Alice is a good friend of me . She was born in a small town near 1. London on the November 3rd 1980. Her father was a worker and her moth- 2.

er was a teacher in England. When we were in Grade First , her family 3. moved to Shanghai. Her father find work there. 4 Now her father works in a big factory. Her mother is still teacher 5.

in China. She doesn’t lives in Shanghai. Everything in Shanghai is 6. very dear. Her home lives very far from the school. So they have to get up 7. very early in the morning every day and go to school by bus. Because 8. she is new here, she has a few friends here. “Life is not so happy here,”9. she often tells to me. I think I should help Alice. 10.


A man was setting out to visit one of his friend early in the morning. 1. He brought some cakes with him for the lunch. When he was walking 2. on the road, he thought, “My friend is sure to give me a nice breakfast.” 3. He threw away his cakes on the road for he wanted to walk fast .He 4. went on and at last he came into a river. To his surprise, the river 5. became very wide and he could cross it. He had to wait for a boat. 6. When the sun was beginning to set, there were no any boats, so he had 7. to come . He walked and walked and he felt more and more hungry. 8. Suddenly he found the cakes by the road. He picked them up and 9. eat them with great difficulty. 10


I have happy family. My father and mother are 1. old workers. They work on a big factory. They work 2. very hard. They make a lot different machines for the 3. farmers. These machines can help the farmer to do lots of 4. farm work. I have a brother and a sister. My brother lives 5. in Beijing . He studies in a middle school there. 6. He teaches English. My sister and I are all students. But 7. we are in the different grades. She’s in Grade 38. and I’m in Grade 2. I’m very good at English. My sister9. often helps me with it. They study hard for the people. 10.


I am a Chinese boy. My name is Li Lei. I’m fourty .I have 1. two sister. My elder sister’s(姐姐)name is Li Ling. She is six- 2. teen. My younger sister’s name is Li Mei. She is nine. We are both 3. students. We study in the different schools. We don’t have no 4. classes on Sunday. We all like our school. 5. My father works in a factory. He’s a driver. My mother did 6.

housework(家务事)at house .She cooks meals(做饭)for us. 7. We all love her . Before school, we do homework, then help mother 8. do housework. Look! My younger sister helping father clean the 9. car. So I think my family is a happy one. 10.


My name is Jim. My family is No.24 Jiefang Street. In 1. the morning my father goes to work. My younger sister and me go 2. to school. My father takes us to the school. My mother stays at home. 3. She does the housework. In the afternoon she usually see her 4. friends .They often eat tea together. In the evening we come 5. home early than my father. At nine we usually do our homework 6. then go to bed. My father usually reads newspapers, but my 7. mother watches TV. On weekends my parents take us go to the 8. park. And we all have a good time there. On Sundays we don’t go9. to the school. Sometimes I go to visit my classmates. 10.



When you look at the sky at night, the moon

looks bigger than the stars. In fact, the moon is more 1. smaller than the other stars and the sun. It is much 2. smaller than the earth. And the moon is much closer 3. to us than some any star. That is -why it looks so big. 4. If you hold a coin close your eyes, it looks big. 5. If you look at it across the moon, it looks small.

The moon moves round the earth. It does one trip 6. in about four weeks. The moon looks flat(平的) for us, 7. but it is a round ball, as the earth. 8. People once thought the moon had fires on it. 9. They thought the fires make bright. Now we know 10. the moon is like a minor. It gets its light from the sun.


John finished his middle school half a year before and 1. then he worked as a postman in his small town. As he is 2. afraid of dog, he often had a lot of trouble. One afternoon 3.

he tried take a post card to a big house by bike. When he 4. reached the house and got off from his bike at the gate, 5. at once a large dog came run at him with much noise. 6. John quickly threw the card through the gate. To his much 7. surprise, the dog didn' t make any noise. It ran fast to 8. the card, picked it up with its mouth, carried it towards 9. the house. John thought for a while and said to him, "The 10. dog is a better postman than I am. "


Every morning John goes to work by trains. He 1. always buys a newspaper, it helps to make the time 2. pass more quickly.

One Thursday morning, he turned on the sports 3. page. He wanted to see the report about an important 4. football match the night before. The report was such 5. interesting that he forgot to get off at his station.

He didn' t know it when he saw the sea. He got off 6. at the next station, and had to wait long time for a 7. train to go back. Of course, he arrived very late 8. at the office. His boss were very angry when Tom 9. told him why he was late.

"Work is very more important than football!" 10.


Mike lived in a small town. Today he’s very happy(高兴). 1. It is first day of a new school term. Mike wants to go back to 2. school soon. He wants to see friends. He is going to meet his 3. new teachers. He wants to make friend with them. 4.

Mike gets up early in the morning .He puts up his new 5. clothes. Look! He is having breakfast with his sister. Now he is 6. ready(准备好)for school.

He goes to school by bike. He meets his friends outside of the 7. school’s gate. They are talking about something. Then th e bell 8. rings(铃响了). Everyone runs to his and her classroom. Every student 9. will try to study good in the new term. 10.


Mary is an American school’s girl. She is now in Beijing with 1. her parents. Mary doe sn’t know many Chinese. But she is trying(试)to 2. learn and say it. She often tries to speak Chinese to her Chinese 3. friends. Sometimes they can understand(懂) her because 4. she can’t speak Chinese very well.

It’s Sunday m orning. She goes to out. She is walking in the 5. street. She is going to the zoo to see the elephants and monkeys, 6. but she doesn’t know how get there. She asks a Chinese school7. boy. The boy can’t understand her. Then she takes a pen and 8. some papers . She draws(画)an elephant on it, and shows(给9. ……看)the picture for the boy. The boy smiles and then he shows 10. Mary the way to the zoo.


Today is fine. The sky is blue. Now is nine o’clock in the 1. morning. There’s a sports meeting in the forest(森林) on the big 2. hill.

Look, a horse, a panda and a cat are runing . Over there a 3. dog with two tigers are jumping. Two monkeys are climbing the 4. trees. Four birds are flying around and sing. 5. There’re some animals there, too. The elephants are 6. standing. A monkey is sitting on an old elephant. A monkey has 7.

a flag(旗)in his hand. Polly is sitting in the tree. A fox, a baby 8. panda and some small animals are sitting on the trees. They 9. are all watching. All animals in the forest are very happy. 10.



Lucy is a nice school girl. She often 1. help people after school. She is very 2. ready to do good things for other every 3. day. She cleans house for Aunt Huang 4. on Sunday. And she fetches (取) the milks for 5. Aunt wang’s baby on every Saturday. She 6. helps her classmate with their English 7. twice a week.

At the school, she often helps the teacher 8. cleans the blackboard and hand in the exercise 9. books. She’s also good to her studies.10.


It is on Sunday today. But 1. Miss Gao isn’t at the home. 2. She is now at school with us student. 3. We all at wok in the classroom. 4. Some are cleaning windows. 5. Others is cleaning the desks and chairs. 6. Li Lei is putting some flowers on the teachers’ desk7. Miss Gao is writing on the blackboard with 8. English : “Welcome to our classroom , Xu Dong!”9. Xu Dong is coming to here tomorrow. 10.


Let’s me te ll you an interesting story. After I 1. left the small village in the Farmaland of 2. France, I drove on to the next village. By 3. the way to it, a young man asked him for 4.

a lift(顺路搭载). When he got to the car, I said 5. good morning to him in France and he 6. answered in the same Language. I knew a few 7. French words and we didn’t say after that.8. When we reached at that village, the young man asked 9. slowl y : “Do you speak English?” I knew at once10. he was English, too.


My name is Li Ming. What did I do yesterday? At 1. first I got up about seven o’clock. I washed, had breakfast, 2. listened to some music on radio and wrote some letters. 3. Then I went out of the home at about twelve. I 4. met one of my friends outside of the Zhongshan Park at 5. half past twelve. We then went a walk in the 6. center of the city. We talked with sports, music and 7 .

things as that. We bought two hamburgers at a 8. fast food shop. After a long walk we all felt quite tired, 9. then we came home by bus. Then I watched TV and 10. took the dog for a walk.


After I finished the school this year. I began 1. to look for work. And several month later, I still 2. hadn’t found the job that I was interested. Last Sunday 3. morning I received a phone call from a man calling him 4. Mr Smith . He said to me on the phone, “I hear you do 5. very well in your studies. I may have a job for you.” 6.

I went into his office with beating heart(跳动的心). How I 7. hoped I will go through the job talk today and he 8. would take me on as a lab assistant(助手). But to my surprised, 9. what he said disappointing(令人失望的).He only needed a model. 10.


Mike worked in an office at a small town. One day his boss 1. said to him, “Mik e, I want you go to Richmond, to an office 2. there, to see Mr Shute. Here’s address.(地址)”

Mike went back to Richmond. When he walked out of the station, 3. he thought, “The office isn’t far from the station. I’ll find it easy.” 4. But after an hour he was still looking at it, so he stopped and 5. asked an old woman. She said, “Goes straight along this street and 6. turn to the left in the end, and it’s the second building on the 7. right.” Mike went and found it.

A few days after, he went to the same city, but again he did 8. not find the office, so he asked everyone the way. It was the same 9. old woman, and she was quite surprised(感到惊讶的) “Are you still looking 10. for the place?”



Lucy likes English very well. She works 1. hard. She sees English every morning. She likes 2. speaking English. She often listens on the radio 3.

at home. She likes to watching TV, but she 4. often watches them on Saturday evening. 5. She doesn’t like dancing , and she likes 6. singing. She sings very good. She likes 7. driving a car, too. Her parents like her 8. And both the teachers like her, too. And Lucy 9. often helps her classmates for their English. 10.


I’m Mr Watson. My first name is Barbara. 1. I’m a nurse and work in hospital. 2. I’m married(结婚) with Robert Watson. He’s a scientist. 3.

My husband with I live in New York. 4. That’s one of the state in the USA. 5. We live a house, our house isn’t new 6. and isn’t large, so we like it very much.7.

We have one daughter . Her name is Helen. 8. Her room is on upstairs(在楼上). It isn’t big but it 9. is very nice.

We too have a young son. Its name is Tom. 10.


Mrs Brown went to see her son in London. Her

son worked in a big shop here. Mrs Brown did n’t 1. know London very well . But she couldn’t find her way. 2. She saw a man at bus stop. She wanted to 3. ask the man the way. “Excuse me, and could you 4. help me , please? What bus goes to Miller’s shop?” 5. Mrs Brown asked.

The man was very friend .He smiled. But he 6. didn’t know little English. He spoke French. He was new7. in London .He put his hand to his coat and 8. took out a small book. He opened them and read 9. something on it . “I’m sorry. I don’t speak English.”10.


Mary is and English girl, so she lives in Paris(巴黎). 1.

She is seven. A day, her mother said to her, “You are 2. seven now, Mary. You are going to school there. 3. I’m sure if you are going to like it very much ,It’s 4.

a nice school, “Is it the English school?” Mary 5. asked. “Yes, it is,” her mother said. It’s 6. September and new school opens . Mary goes to 7. school every day. She likes her lesson very much and 8. works hard for them. Her father drives a car 9. into the factory at nine every day. He takes her 10. to school in the morning and comes home in the afternoon.


A mother and her young sons got into a bus in a small city and 1. sat down. The bus conductor(售票员) came to them for her tickets. The 2. mother said, “I will want one ticket to London.” and gave her two 3. pounds.(英镑)

The conductor looked at the small boy for a moment then 4. said to him. “How old are you?” 5.

The mother began speaking, and the conductor stopped her, 6. and the boy said, “I’m four years old at the home, and two and a 7. half in buses or trains.”8.

The mother took one pound out her bag and gave it to the 9. conductor. She gave her one and a half ticket. 10.


Mark Twain was an American writer. One day he went into a 1. city by train. He wanted to see one of his friend there. He was a 2. very busy man. He usually forgot anything. 3. When he is in the train, the conductor asked him 4. for his ticket(票). Mark Twain looked at it here and there(到处). 5. But he could not find . The conductor knew Mark Twain. 6. She said. “Show me your ticket on way back. And if(如果) 7. you can find it, it doesn’t matter.”8.

“Oh, it does,” said Mark Twain , “I must find it . If I can’t find9. it, how can I know why I’m going?”10.



Tom is a schoolboy. He often want to 1. stay at home for few more days. After 2. the summer holiday, he doesn’t want to 3. go back school again. Now he is calling his 4. teacher and tries to speak as his 5. father. “I’m glad to say that Tom is 6. ill in bed and can’t come to school for7. three or four days.”

“I’m sorry to listen that. But I 8. want to know who is calling.”9. “My father, sir.” Tom says. The teacher is very angry. 10.


Harris was looking out of the window while 1. he saw a woman to come out of a house. 2. The woman walked to a car that was parked 3. beside the house. She got on and started 4. to back the car(倒车). She had just began when 5.

a small boy ran out. The woman did not have a 6. time stop the car. The boy turned and saw 7.

the car, but it was very late. The woman 8. came out and walked for the boy. She helped 9.

the boy get into a car and drove him to 10. hospital right away.


One day a ill man went to see his doctor. After 1. examined him carefully,the doctor said,"Well, 2. there is nothing wrong for you. Your only trouble 3.

is that you worry too much. You see, I have a man 4. with same trouble as you a few days ago. He was 5. worried because he couldn't pay for his tailor's 6. bills. I told him not worry about them any more, 7.

and two days ago, who told me that now he felt 8. quite good again. ""Yes, I know all about it," 9.

answered the man, “but I am just that man’s tailor.”10. (四)

After supper Li Hua came and asked me go 1.

and see a film with him. In our way to 2.

the cinema we saw the little girl sitting by 3.

the roadside cry. We bought her a cake to 4. stop her crying. But when we asked where she 5.

had lived she said she did not know. So 6. when we took her to the police station and 7. asked the policemen to take care for her. After 8.

this we went to the cinema. But when we 9.

got there the movie was near at its end. 10. We missed the movie, but we did a good deed.


One day last week I went a walk in the country. 1.

In the morning the weather was well and the sun was 2. shining. The sky was blue and there are no clouds. 3. Soon a cool wind started blow and black clouds 4. were covered the sun and then it started to rain. 5. There were no houses in sight, but I got very wet. 6. After a hour or so, I managed to catch a bus which 7. took me home. But when I arrived I was shivering 8.

and I knew that I had had a bad cold. I must 9. have taken my coat. I had nothing to do but to stay 10.

at home and wait for a doctor.


The village was always very quiet. The people lived there 1. were busy with working in their fields during the day, and 2. went to bed early at night, tiring after a long day's hard 3. work. All of them had lived in a village for all the 4. time and had never left for more than one day at a time. 5. On the days when they left, they got up early in morning. 6. They filled their carts with fruit and vegetables and sheeps, 7. and went on the market(市场) in the town beyond their valley. 8. They come back in the evening with some money and perhaps a 9. present for their children. That was their life .hard yet 10. simple, but not unhappy.





2.and改成but. 前后两句话意思之间存在转折关系。

3.clean→cleans. 主语Xiao Hua 是第三人称单数,所以动词clean要改成第三人称单数。4.any→some. 此句是肯定句。any通常用于疑问句或否定句中。


6.in→on. on the wall在墙上


8.or→and. or通常用于疑问句或否定句中。

9.its→it’s. its意思是“它的”而“it’s=it is”

10.like→likes. 主语Xiao Hua是第三人称单数



2.her→his. Jim是男孩,代词应该用his

3.lot前加a或lot→lots, a lot of 相当于lots of

4.So→But. 该句与前句话构成转折关系

5.picks→pick. to后加动词原形

6.went→goes. 时态错误



9.on→by. by bike“乘(骑)自行车”



1.English→England. 英国应该是England.

2.teach→teaching. 该句谓语动词是现在进行时

3.middle 前加a

4.in后加the. 形容词same往往和定冠词the连用



7.for→with. help sb. with sth. 是一个固定短语,意思是“在某方面帮助某人”

8.help后加him. 指John.

9.Chinese前加the. the Chinese people “中国人民”

10.love→loves. 主语He是第三人称单数




3.good前加a. have a good time是固定短语,“过得快乐”“玩得愉快”

4.in→under. “在树下”用介词under.


6.other→others. other意思是“其余的,其他的”,通常作定语用。others意思是“其他的人或物,其用法相当于other后加名词的复数形式。


8.by后加the. by the lake在湖边


10.she→she’s或she 后加is。该句缺少谓语动词


1.and后加she. and后的句子缺少主语,she指kate





6.much去掉。very常用于修饰形容词或副词,而very much常修饰动词



9.good→well. well是副词,修饰动词speak

10.also→too. also常用于位于句中而too用于句尾




3.much→many. much修饰不可数名词,many修饰可数名词的复数

4.there→here. 根据文章大意,可知说话人就在school library, 所以说com here. 5.class前的the 去掉,after class “课后”

6.borrow→keep. borrow是短暂性动词,不能和for only two weeks 等类似于表时间段的时间连用。其实汉语说“这本书借两个星期”就是指“保存keep这本书两星期”

7.read→reading. reading room “阅览室”

8.see→read. “看书、读书”应说“read”

9.so→but. 前后两句话构成转折关系

10.out后加of. out是副词后面不能加宾语,out of后才能加宾语,表示“从……出来”




3.hardly→hard. hardly是“几乎不”的意思

4.didn’t→wasn’t. “在学校”要用be at school. 不要少了动词be

5.is→was. 从前一句话可知his son是昨天生病

6.the 去掉,at home“在家”

7.them→him. him是指his son

8.to→for, buy sth. for sb. “给某人买……”

9.it→them ,指前文chocolates 是复数名词



1.In 去掉。every morning可以不和介词连用,直接作时间状语

2.gets后加up. get up 起床

3.on→by. by bus“乘公共汽车”相当于on a bus, 用介词on 时,后面的名词要有修饰成份,用by时,后面的名词只能用原形

4.shoe’s→shoe. shoe factory“鞋厂”

5.sometime→sometimes. sometime“某个时候”,sometimes意思是“有时”

6.her→his. 指Mr Green’s


8.to去掉,come home“回家”

9.kind→kinds. kind是可数名词,前面有修饰成份all,所以要用复数



1.far前加not. 根据下一句可知Jones的家离学校不远


3.All后加the, 特指学校的所有学生

4.in→on, “在早上”用介词in,但当morning前有修饰成份时,要用介词on



7.at去掉. reach“到达”是个及物动词

8.going→went. 时态错误


10.in→with. with smile“带着微笑”


1.friend→friend’s . 用名词所有格作定语,修饰name.



4.one→a. at one time 意思是“曾经”,而at a time的意思是“每次,一次”


中考复习改错专项训练 1. Old Sarah was a strange rich woman. He did not 80. ________ hope to see any of her relative. She felt what they 81. ________ were interested in was her money. She was all right 82. ________ After she died, the relatives got together to hear Sarah's 83. ________ lawyer(律师) to read her will (遗嘱). They were sure that 84. ________ Sarah had left many money and they quarreled strongly 85. ________ with each other when they waited the lawyer to arrive. 86. ________ After the lawyer came in the living room, he asked them 87. ________ to sit down. He began to read the will in a seriously 88. ________ voice. Sarah has left all her money to her cats. 89. ________ 2. Mr Green come from England . 81. _________ He teaches English in middle school . 82. _________ He can speak some Chinese. He 83. ________ goes at Chinese classes very week . 84. __________ He likes working in Chinese very much . 85. _________ 3. Have you ever wanted to write a song? Two Sister. 59._________ Mildred and Patty Hill, once write a little song. 60._________ It was a happily song that they loved to sing. It 61._________ was calling "Good Morning to You. "However, most 62._________ other people didn't know the song very well. A day, 63._________ Mildred and Patty had a idea. It turned out (证明) to be 64._________ a very bad idea. They changed the words of the song. They 65.__________ called the new song "Happy Birthday to You." Theirs short 66._________ birthday song is now very famous. Almost every body know 67.__________ the words, Did anyone sing it at your test birthday party? 68.__________ 4. Hundred of years ago, news was carded by 6. _____________ people on foot or by a horse. It took a long 7. _____________ time people to receive news. Now it is possible 8. _____________ to send words and pictures in seconds. Billions of 9. _____________ people learn about news either by watching TV and by reading. 10. ____________ 5. Yesterday I went for shopping for shoes. The largest pair 1. I could find was an size 9 and I wear an 11! Everyone 2.


初二英语短文改错。 第一单元 (一)This is X iao Hua’s bedroom. 1. It is not very big, and it’s 2. very bright. Xiao Hua clean 3. her room every day. There are any beautiful flowers 4. and a glass of water on table 5. you can find a big picture in 6. the wall . It is a picture for some 7. boys or girls. Over the picture , there’s 8. a round clock, and its nice and 9. new, Xiao Hua like her room very much 10. (二)It’s on Friday today. It’s fine . Jim 1. and her three friends are going to 2. see his uncle . There are lot of 3. apple trees on his farm. So he 4. is too busy to picks the apple on 5. them. So Jim went to help him 6. every year. The farm is no far 7. from here. The children are all 8. going there on bike . They say it’s good9. for their health. We are going to meet 10. at the gate of the school at seve n o’clock. 第二单元 (一) The boy over there is our classmates .His 1. name’s is Li Lei. His uncle is our teacher. 2. He works very hardly. We all like him. He 3. likes us too. He didn’t at school yesterday. 4. His son is ill in bed. He had to 5. stay at the home. His son is our classmate. 6. So we are going to see them after school. 7. We are going to buy some chocolates(巧克力) to 8. him. He must like it best. Oh! Listen! 9. That’s the bell. Let’s go to the classroom.10. (二)Mrs Green is a good mother . In every morning 1. she gets very early. She dresses her 2.


八下英语语法集锦练习题 1. If you _____ to the party, you’ll have a great time. A. will go B. went C. go D. going 2. I ____ her the answer if she ____me. A. can tell, will ask B. will tell, will ask C. would tell, ask D. will tell, asks 3. – What are you going to do tomorrow? --We’ll go to the library tomorrow if it ___. A. isn’t rain B. rain C. won’t rain D. doesn’t rain 4.—Do you know when he will come back tomorrow? --Sorry, I don’t know. When he ____ back, I’ll tell you. A. comes B. will come C. come D. may come 5. I’ll give the book to him if he ___ here next Sunday. A. will come B. comes C. is coming D. came 6.May I stop my car here? No, you____. A. can't B. mustn't C. needn't D. don't have to 7. Must we clean the house now? No, you _______. A. needn't B. may not C. mustn't D. can't 8. Linda ate nothing this morning, ___? A. didn’t she B. was she C. did she D. wasn’t she 9. There’s hardly___ milk in the bottle, _____there? A. no, isn’t B. some, is C. little, isn’t D. any, is 10. He has never ridden a horse before, ___? A. does he B. has he C. hasn’t he D. doesn’t he 11. He can’t be her father, _____ he? A. is B. isn’t C. can D. can’t 12. They have no time to visit the museum, _____? A. do they B. haven’t they C. don’t they D. will they II. 将所给直接引语变为间接引语,每空一词: 1. “I never eat meat.”he said. He said that ______ never ______ meat. 2. He said, “You can sit here, Jim.”He ______ Jim that he ______ sit there 3. “You must come here before five.”he said. He said that I ______ to go ______ before five. 4. The teacher said, “The sun rises in the east and goes down in the west.” 5.The teacher said that the sun ______ in the east and ______ down in the west. III. 时态练习题。 1. I _____ to the cinema. I ______ there every Sunday. A. go…go B. am going… go C. go…am going D. am going…am going 2. Look, they______ a good time, ____ they ? A. have…do B. have…don't C. are having…are D. are having… aren't 3. ______ a sports meet last Sunday ? Yes, they ______. A. Did they have... did B. Did they have... had C. Had they... had D. Had they (i) 4. This time yesterday Jack _____ his, bike. He _____ TV. A. repaired… didn't watch B. was repairing… watched C. repaired… watch ed D. was repairing… wasn't watching 5. I _______ fifteen years next year. A. am B. have been C. will be D. was 6. _____you _____ the text yet ? Yes, we _____ it two hours ago. A. Did…copy…did B. Have… copied…have C. Have… copied… did D. Did …copy…had 7. _____ you ______ the film before ? Where ____ you _____ it ? A. Have… seen… did… see B. Did…see…die…watch C. Have…seen… have… seen D. Did…see…have…seen


英语改错题 1:There is going to have much beef on the plate. have → be 2: I don’t think his dress is dearer than Kate. Kate → Kate’s 3: I can’t hear you. Could you speak it louder. 去掉it 4: It’s kind for you to help me to do the cleaning. for → of 5: Mr. Black, a good friend of me, likes drawing horses. me → mine 6: Don’t stay at home. You had better to go out for a walk. 去掉to 7: We will hold a sports meeting next Monday if it won’t rain. won’t → doesn’t 8: The boy called Tom was born in the morning of May 2nd, 1990. in → on 9: Jim is much cleverer than any other students in Grade 3, but he doesn’t work hard. students → student 10: Look! Two hundreds students are watching a football match on the playground. hundreds → hundred 11: Is there new anything in this talk. new anything → anything new 12: Neither Ann nor I are a League member. are → am 13: Hurry up, and you won’t catch the train. and → or 14: This story is not so longer as that one. longer → long 15: How long will she be back, in three days or a week. How long → How soon 16: Mrs. Smith found that difficult to study English well. that → it 17: There is little water in the glass, isn’t there. isn’t → is 18:Three fifths of books here is mine. is → are 19: Father told me that light travelled faster than sound. travelled → travels 20: Tom said he was feeling even worst. worst → worse 21: Ann didn’t know how work out the problem in class. work out→to work out 22: How did you do with the bad eggs . How → what 23: I’ve forgotten the number , you should look up it again. look up it → look it up. 24: He will have trouble learn English well in a year. learn → learning 25: I’ll telephone you as soon as he will come back. will come → comes 26: Why not ask for help when you were with trouble. with → in 27: Look! What happy the children are in the garden. what → how 28: You’d better speak as more English as you can. more → much 29: with my help , he finished made the kite at last. made → making 30:We have learned English since two years and a half. since →for 31: I’ll go back home as soon as school will be over. will → is 32: You’d better speak as more English as you can. more → much 33:Could you please to clean the classroom ? to clean → clean 34: Father tells his son how far is it from the earth to the moon. is it → it is 35: Neither he nor I were sending e-mails then. were → was


专题练习一 A (2017·山西省大同市灵丘县模拟) The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military book __1__(date) from the 5th century BC.__2__ (write) by the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu (“Master Sun”,also spelled Sunzi), the book consists of 13 chapters, each of __3__ is devoted to one aspect of warfare. It is__4__ (common) thought of __5__ a great work on military strategy and tactics(战术). It __6__ (place) at the head of China's Seven Military Classics in 1080 by Emperor Shenzong of the Song Dynasty , __7__ it has long been the most influential strategy text in East Asia. It has had__8__ influence on Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy and beyond. Its first complete English translation was completed and published by Lionel Giles in 1910. __9__ (leader) such as Mao Zedong, General V o Nguyen Giap, General Douglas MacArthur and so on have drawn__10__ (inspire) from the work. 答案与解析 文章介绍了“孙子兵法”这本中国古代杰出的军事作品,以及对后人的影响。 1.dating考查非谓语动词。此处dating from是现在分词短语作定语,修饰book。 2.Written考查非谓语动词。分析句式可知,write和句子主语the book 之间是被动关系,故用过去分词形式表示被动。 3.which考查关系代词。根据句式可知,此处是一个非限制性

八年级英语 短文改错专项练习

短文改错 如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾(√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正: 该行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉;该行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词;该行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。 注意:原行没有错的不要改。每行最多只能加、减、改动一个词,缩写算一个词。第一单元 (一) This is X iao Hua’s bedroom. 1. It is not very big, and it’s 2. very bright. Xiao Hua clean 3. her room every day. There are any beautiful flowers 4. and a glass of water on table 5. you can find a big picture in 6. the wall . It is a picture for some 7. boys or girls. Over the picture , there’s 8. a round clock, and its nice and 9. new, Xiao Hua like her room very much 10. (二) It’s on Friday today. It’s fine . Jim 1. and her three friends are going to 2. see his uncle . There are lot of 3. apple trees on his farm. So he 4. is too busy to picks the apple on 5. them. So Jim went to help him 6. every year. The farm is no far 7. from here. The children are all 8. going there on bike . They say it’s good9. for their health. We are going to meet 10. at the gate of the school at seven o’clock. (三) I’m Mr Black . I come from English . I’m an 1.


专项训练题 短文填空篇 Unit 1 一、基础篇 A. What do students do at the Green High School ? Here are the results of the students activity survey ______(1) Green High School. Most students exercise three _____ (2) four times ______(3) week. Some students exercise once or twice a week. Some students are very active ______(4) exercise every day. ______(5) for homework, most students do homework every day. ______(6) students do homework three or four times a week. No students do homework once or twice a week. The results _____(7) “watch TV' are interesting. All students watch TV ______(8) or twice a week. Some students watch TV three or four ______(9) a week, ______(10) most students watch TV every day. 1._______ 2.________ 3. ________ 4. _________ 5. _________ 6.________ 7. ________ 8.________ 9. _________ 10._________ B. I'm pretty healthy. I exercise every day, usually _____(1) I come home _____(2) school. My _____(3) habits are pretty good. I try _____(4) eat a lot of vegetables. I eat fruit and drink milk every day. I never ______(5) coffee. _____(6) course, I love junk food too, and I eat it two _____(7) three times a week. Oh, and I sleep nine hours every night. So you _____(8), I look after my health. And my healthy lifestyle _____(9) me get good grades. Good food and exercise help me to study _______(10). 1._______ 2.________ 3. ________ 4. _________ 5. _________ 6.________ 7. ________ 8.________ 9. _________ 10._________ 二、综合提高篇 A. John and Sally are in ______(1) same school. Their home is far _______(2) school. They get up early _____(3) the morning and _______(4) the bus to school after breakfast. Sometimes they ______(5) lunch in the restaurant. John likes hamburgers ______(6) meat. ______(7) Sally likes vegetables and fruit. After lunch John goes to _____(8) volleyball and Sally goes to the classroom. She _____(9) English songs or listens _____(10) music.


初中中考英语短文改错考题训练 初中英语短文改错试题解析 初中中考必备短文改错 初中英语短文改错 初中英语短文改错也是初中英语考试中经常看到的题型,下面是小编给大家总结的十篇初中英语短文改错训练题,希望对大家有帮助。 练习一: I have come in China for two years. My friends in 1. __________ England sometimes write to me, ask me how long 2. __________ I’ll stay here, when I’m thinking of returning 3. __________ home. The answer of their questions is simple: I 4. __________ do not know when I return home. At the moment, 5. __________ I have no reason to return back to England. I like 6. __________ living in China; I enjoy meeting Chinese people 7. __________ and travel around the country. My work is very 8. __________ interested, and there are so many things I don’t know 9. __________ about China that I hope to discover it in the future. 10. ________ 【答案解析】 1. 将come改为been。come是终止性动词,不与时间段连用。 2. 将ask改为asking。现在分词作伴随状语。 3. 在when前加and。 when引导的从句与how long引导的从句是两个并列的宾语从句(作asking的宾语)。 4. 将of改为to。在answer, key, way, entrance等名词后,习惯上用介词to。 5. 在return前加will。这是将来时。注意:不要误以为when引导的是时间状语从句,用一般现在时代替将来时。事实上,when引导的是宾语从句。 6. 去掉back或将return改为go。因为return=go back。 7. 此行正确。 8. 将travel改为traveling。因为traveling与meeting并列,作enjoy 的宾语。 9. 将interested改为interesting。表示某事物“令人……的”用-ing 形容词;-ed形容词则表示某人“感到……的”。 10. 将it改为them。因为此处是指many things。 练习二: Mary is my best friend. We’re all from Henan, 1. _____ but now I live in Beijing when she lives in 2. _____ Guangzhou. We don’t look each other very often, 3. _____ but we’re keep in touch all the time. I often write 4. _____ to Mary and telling her about the things that 5. _____


高一英语短文改错专项练习(一) 命题人:右臂审题人:左膀 2016.11.8 高老师的左膀右臂祝大家期中考顺利~ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改. 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 A Nearly five years before, and with the help by our father, my sister and I planted some cherry tomatoes(圣女果)in our back garden. Since then for all these year we had been allowing tomatoes to self-seed where they please. As result, the plants are growing somewhere. The fruits are small in size, but juicy and taste. There are so much that we often share them with our neighbors. Although we allow tomato plants to grow in the same place year after year, but we have never had any disease or insect attack problems. We are growing wonderfully tomatoes at no cost! B It is three years now since I graduate from Xinhua High School. Last Sunday, the class that I was on held a get-together, which took us a long time prepare. It was indeed not easy to get in the touch with everybody and set a well time for all of us. We all enjoyed a precious day greatly, remember the time we spent together and the people they were familiar with. It was a pity which some of us were not present as they had gone to abroad for further studies, but they called back or sent greeting card from different places. C I'm an Australian boy aging 17 and I'm crazy about music. It is one of the most important thing in my life. I listen music whenever I can. I have a minidisk player, with it I can have access to music whether walking in the street or ride on the bus. At home, there has a CD player in my room, and the music is on all the time. I like rock music best of all. My favorite band is Rolling Stones, which had produced 40 albums since 1966. It so happened that there was a living concert of Rolling Stones last Sunday. I decided to go. It was a great fun. I am also fond of classical music. I especially enjoy playing Beethoven once I am doing my homework.

八年级英语 48篇短文改错专题练习(共8个单元)

初二英语短文改错 此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾(√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:该行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉,该行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词;该行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。注意:原行没有错的不要改。每行最多只能加、减、改动一个词,缩写算一个词。 第一单元 (一) This is Xiao Hua’s bedroom. 1. It is not very big, and it’s 2. very bright. Xiao Hua clean 3. her room every day. There are any beautiful flowers 4. and a glass of water on table 5. you can find a big picture in 6. the wall . It is a picture for some 7. boys or girls. Over the picture , there’s 8. a round clock, and its nice and 9. new, Xiao Hua like her room very much 10. (二) It’s on Friday today. It’s fine . Jim 1. and her three friends are going to 2.


14.You may in Beijing if you want to go to America. A. take one plane B. take two planes C. take three plane D. not take any planes 15. How many planes may you take in Beijing if you want to go to Australia? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four. VI阅读填词 当你遇到困难时得到过佰生人的帮助和鼓励吗?来看看本文作者是如何因为一个陌生人的帮助而放弃了自杀念头开始新生活的吧。 Several years ago, I became very sad. There was something w with my left eye. At last, the doctors told me that I could never see from that eye again. This was the saddest n for me. At the time, I f so lonely. So I went to my boss(老板)and asked for some help. He told me to go back to work. One night I was waiting for the train. I wanted to jump in front of it. Then a man came and sat down n to me. He turned to me and s .Then he said,“You look like you need a f to talk to .” We sat there for hours just talking like old friends His w were so kind. Then he gave me a wonderful hug (拥抱). I will never f it. Then he went to get on the train. He gave me another of his big smiles and said,“Remember, when you smile, it is because the angels are lifting the corners of your mouth up to heaven(天堂).” I never saw him again. But he will be in my memories(记忆)forever. A smile can o doors and tear down(拆除)walls, You can smile at a s in the street. They will smile back and you will be filled with happiness too. VII.书面表达 中青旅要招收一名导游,你想尝试一下吗?请给中青旅写一封自荐信。 You must: good health good at history and geography like traveling good at spoken English outgoing 9


改错训练专项训练 4 One afternoon my father and me went fishing along a river. 1 ________ We found the water too dirty that we could not see the bottom. 2 ________ We also found rubbish and dead fish float on the water . That 3 ________ afternoon my father catches only some small fish. 4 ________ What did the fish in the river die for? That was because a lot of 5 ________ factories along the river always emptied its waste water and rubbish 6 ________ into the river, but the river got polluted. Thus, most of the fish in 7 ________ the river were killed . If all the rivers throughout the country are polluted like this, all 8 ________ living things in the water will killed. Clean water is very important 9 ________ to life. We expect that water in every river will be made more 10 ________ cleaner and cleaner before long. 5 I have been planning to join in our college basketball team 1 ________ next year, so now I am spending as more time as I can 2 ________ with other people who likes to play. They are teaching 3 ________ me the most important rule and techniques of the game, 4 ________ and I am getting the better all the time. We have a 5 ________ neighborhood team that play against other teams in the area. 6 ________ One of my neighbors is helping rest of us 7 ________ improved our skills. Tonight we are playing against 8 ________ one of the best teams in the city , and I think we can 9 ________ beat them if we won't make any mistakes . 10 ________ 6 We were late as usual . My husband had insisted on watering the flowers in the garden by himself. When we 1 ________ realized how he couldn't manage, he asked me for help. 2 ________ But now we had only an hour to get to the airport. Luckily, 3 ________ there were not many more cars or buses on the road and we 4 ________ were able to get here just in time. We checked in and went 5 ________ straight to the big hall to wait for our flight be called, 6 ________ but no announcement is made. A girl there told us the plane 7 ________ hadn't come yet. In the end , there came an announcement told 8 ________ us that the passengers waiting for Flight LJ108 could get the 9 ________ free meal and that the plane hadn't left London for some 10 ________ technical problems. 7 American people have a habit saying " Thank you" 1 ________ whenever something kind is done for them and something 2 ________ polite is said to them , no matter what easy or common the 3 ________

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