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2010-2011学年度下学期四年级必读书目考级试题 班级姓名等级 一、填空 1、《野性的呼唤》这部作品的作者是,故事叙述一名叫的狗历经磨难,最终回到自然的野生环境的故事。 2、巴克的第一任主人是名叫的法官。 3、由于体力超群、机智勇敢,巴克最终打败成为狗群的领队狗。 4、巴克有一种造就伟大的品质是。 5、在艰辛的拉雪橇途中,主人几经调换,巴克与最后的一位主人结下了难分难舍的深情厚谊。 6、在桑顿和马修森的打赌中,巴克五分钟内拉动了磅的雪橇,为桑顿赢得了美元。 7、巴克在离开营地,在入海的河流里捕捉,在这里他还杀死了一头被蚊子盯瞎了眼睛的。 二、选择: 1、在登上迪亚海滩的第一天,()几乎被众狗撕成了碎片而丧命。 A、弗朗索瓦 B、索尔雷克 C、柯莉 2、在狗队中是()至死也不放弃职责,坚持拉雪橇,以至于被混血儿用左轮手枪打死。 A、巴克 B、德夫 C、派克 3、在塔基拿河口,一天晚饭后,达布发现了一只() A、雪兔 B、灰兔 C、山猫 4、巴克杀死了(),为它最后一任主人报了仇,回归森林。 A、爱斯基摩人 B、印第安人 C、美国人 5、在贝利河口,一向不声不响的()突然疯了。 A、多丽 B、斯比茨 C、库那

二、判断: 1、佩罗是一名淘金者。() 2、一年秋天,在一处凶险的河道里,桑顿掉进了水里。() 3、巴克的第三任主人是苏格兰混血儿。() 4、巴克最喜欢躺在火堆旁边,后腿盘在身下,前腿朝前伸着仰着头,眼睛望着火苗梦幻般眨着。() 5、巴克在山涧源头遇到的巨大的雄性麋鹿有九英尺高。。() 三、问答题 通过阅读《野性的呼唤》,你对巴克有哪些了解,你的读书收获是什么?并说说你的感受! 附加题:还读了哪些书?可以介绍一下书的主要内容或者书中最喜欢的人物吗?

野性的呼唤读书笔记全英文版 之 作者简介

1 J ack London was born in San Francisco on January 12, 1876, the illegitimate son of Flora Wellman, the rebellious daughter of an aristocratic family, and William Chaney, a traveling astrologer who abandoned Flora when she became pregnant. Eight months after her son was born, Flora married John London, a grocer and Civil War veteran whose last name the infant took. London grew up in Oakland, and his family was mired in poverty throughout his youth. He remained in school only through the eighth grade but was a voracious reader and a frequent visitor to the Oakland Public Library, where he went about edu-cating himself and laying the groundwork for his impending literary career. In his adolescent years, London led a rough life, spending time as a pirate in San Francisco Bay, traveling the Far East on sealing expeditions, and making his way across America as a tramp. Finally, temporarily tired of adventure, London returned to Oakland and graduated from high school. He was even admitted to the University of California at Berkeley, but he stayed only for a semester. The Klondike gold rush (in Canada’s Y ukon Territory) had begun, and in 1897 London left college to seek his fortune in the snowy North. The gold rush did not make London rich, but it furnished him with plenty of material for his career as a writer, which began in the late 1890s and continued until his death in 1916. He worked as a reporter, covering the Russo-Japanese War of 1904 and the Mexican Revolution in the 1910s; meanwhile, he published ov er fifty books and became, at the time, America’s most famous author. For a while, he was one of the most widely read authors in the world. He embodied, it was said, the spirit of the American West, and his portrayal of adventure and frontier life seemed like a breath of fresh air in comparison with nineteenth-century V ictorian fiction, which was often overly concerned with what had begun to seem like trivial and irrelevant social norms. The Call of the Wild, published in 1903, remains London’s most famous work, blending his experiences as a gold prospector in the Canadian wilderness with his ideas about nature and the struggle for existence. He drew these ideas from various influential figures, including Charles Darwin, an English naturalist credited with -developing theories about biological evolution, and Friedrich Nietzsche, a prominent German philosopher. Although The Call of the Wild is first and foremost a story about a dog, it displays a -philosophical depth absent in most animal adventures. London was married twice—once in 1900, to his math tutor and friend Bess Maddern, and again in 1905, to his secretary Charmian Kittredge, whom he considered his true love. As his works soared in popularity, he became a contradictory figure, arguing for socialist principles and women’s rights even as he himself lived a materialist life of luxury, sailing the world in his boat, the Snark, and running a large ranch in northern California. Meanwhile, he preached -equality and the brotherhood of man, even as novels like The Call of the Wild celebrated violence, power, and brute force. London died young, on November 22, 1916. He had been plagued by stomach problems and failing kidneys for years, but many have suggested that his death was a suicide. Whatever the cause, it is clear that London, who played the various roles of journalist, novelist, prospector, sailor, pirate, husband, and father, lived life to the fullest. 1


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 分析《天使,望故乡》的精神主题 2 对跨文化交际中肢体语言的研究 3 On Disillusionment of “American Dream”--A Comparative Study on Fitzgerald and Dick Diver 4 A Comparative Study on Gratitude Expressing Approaches of Chinese and Western Relatives 5 An Application of Schema Theory in Interpreting 6 克林顿总统就职演说之体裁分析 7 解读《金色笔记》中的女性主义 8 凝视与对抗:《屋顶丽人》中的两性战争 9 论《野性的呼唤》中对人和自然和谐的呼唤 10 浅谈非英语专业学生英语词汇的学习方法 11 欧?亨利短篇小说中的美式幽默风格的翻译 12 培养中学生认识并有意识的使用词汇记忆策略 13 《傲慢与偏见》中的女性意识分析 14 中式菜名的英译 15 英语新闻的互文性研究 16 汽车商标词的翻译特征和方法 17 跨文化视角下研究英汉民俗词语的不等值翻译 18 相同之爱,不同诠释——从美剧《吉尔莫女孩》看东西方母女关系之异同 19 英汉禁忌语异同之分析与比较 20 浅析中学生英语学习中的情感因数 21 浅析目的论下宣传标语的英译失误 22 论《奥兰多》中双性同体观 23 中英动物习语的文化内涵及其差异 24 论田纳西?威廉斯戏剧中的象征主义手法—以《玻璃动物园》为例 25 “土生子”叛逆精神探源 26 Analyzing the Development of English Color Term and Its Chinese Translation 27 美国梦的矛盾心理-伟大的盖茨比主题分析 28 英语阅读有效教学活动设计研究 29 翻译美学理论下的唐诗英译意境美研究 30 文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响 31 浅谈企业形象广告设计 32 Cooperative Learning: An Effective Way to Improve Junior Students’ Integrative Language Ability 33 方位介词“over”的隐喻含义研究 34 英汉礼貌用语对比研究 35 从礼貌原则看英语委婉语的构成和社会功能 36 浅析爱默生的《论自助》——人生自主的源泉 37 A Reflection upon American Heroism Based on Reviews of Hollywood Movies 38 浅析《德伯维尔家的苔丝》中造成苔丝悲剧的因素 39 英语政治委婉语的语用功能 40 如何提高小学生对英语学习的兴趣


野性的呼唤读后感精选范文2020 野性的呼唤读后感1 当我一看到是关于写动物的书,我便很高兴,特别是读过沈石溪先生写的几篇动物小说,如《斑羚飞渡》、《老马威尼》。而且对于《野性的呼唤》这本书也早有听说。看了之后的第一反应,便是将杰克·伦敦写的另一篇小说《白牙》结合起来。如果说谁更加幸运,这还挺难说的,因为一个得到了温馨、幸福的生活而另一个则是重返了森林,找回了自己原有的生活。但有点却是共同的:从原来的森林被人推到苦难中,再被善良的人用爱救了回来,从苦难中解脱出来。 巴克原是米勒法官家的一只爱犬,经过了文明的教化,一直生活在美国南部加州一个温暖的山谷里。后被卖到美国北部寒冷偏远、盛产黄金的阿拉斯加,成了一只拉雪橇的狗。它目睹了人与人、狗与狗、强者与弱者之间冷酷无情和生死争斗,于是为了生存,它学会了只求活命、不顾道义的处世原则,变得凶悍、机智而狡诈。最后,在森林中狼群的呼唤下,巴克狼性复萌,逃入丛林,重归荒野。在小说中,杰克·伦敦运用拟人手法,把狗眼中的世界及人类的本质刻画地淋漓尽致,反映了资本主义社会冷酷的现实和“优胜劣汰,适者生存”的客观现实。巴克渴望并奔向了自由,这也正是作家的追求和理想的体现。在巴克所遇到的狗与人中,充满了“棍棒与犬牙法则”也就是“胜者为王,败者为寇”的法则。巴克与其他的狗和人一样,充满了对于权力的占有欲望,于是巴克与一个个挑战者经历了长久的斗争,其中的第一个敌人也就是当时巴克所在狗对的头儿--斯皮茨,初出茅庐的巴

克斗得是遍体鳞伤,当最终还是将对手打到争夺了领袖地位。巴克的领域感也非常强,谁要是侵犯它的领域,要么归顺,要么倒下。 在巴克的一生中还有一个人十分重要--约翰·桑顿,是他在危急时刻救了巴克,并且给了巴克以无限的爱和温暖,桑顿在巴克的心中的地位可谓是举足轻重,然而也正是因为这点桑顿的死给了巴克沉重的打击,也迫使它走向野蛮。 《野性的呼唤》以一只狗的经历表现文明世界的狗在主人的逼迫下回到野蛮,写的是狗,也反映人的世界……我有点当心我会像巴克一样,一旦自己最重要的东西突然失去,我会不会也走向“野蛮”?我想应该不会,因为巴克是个野兽,野蛮是他的天性,野性会让它返回森林,它是别无选择的,因为城市里已经容纳不下它了。 野性的呼唤读后感2 不得不说,它作为一条狗,活出如此风采,当真是霸气了得。 充沛的阳光,精美的食物,并没有懒惰它的气魄。被辗转带到冰天雪地的遭遇,也没有拖垮它的身体。适应力和顽强的生存欲望,在它的身上体现的可谓是淋漓尽致。为真心疼爱它的主人赢得一千六百美元的赌金,是它懂得感恩的赤诚之心。最后化身为狼,是它最棒的结局!它就像一位尖子生交给老师的答卷,完美,无一丝瑕疵。 我一直以为,因为杰克?伦敦的过于崇拜达尔文等人的学说,所以在作品中,也会体现出来,而这如果用在人类的活动上,就显得有些粗暴和过简了,可如果用在动物小说上,便是完美的契合。我想他肯定也意识到了这一点,所以“海狼”的结局那么悲惨,而巴克却获得了


野性的呼唤英文阅读报告 A Report on 《The call of the wild 》 Introduction At the beginning of this century, many new writers emerged with the introduction of many new ideas. Jack London stories successfully reflect the contradictory views of man’s nature and destiny in and against the wild, and his "fight to survive" notion has gained him and his works timeless popularity, particularly, the Call of the Wild His most famous novel is the call of the wild . Although it is a story about a dog, Buck, it vividly depicts the life in the primitive North where people rushed for gold and fortune. Buck, used to belong to a judge, was kidnapped and sold to North. Then he became a member of a dog-team pulling a sled (雪橇). In the days of pulling a snow-sled, he learned to conform to the law of nature and obey the master. Finally, he found a basic instinct hidden inside him, which enabled himself to survive the tough environment. This is the call of the wild. Brief introduction

《荒野的呼唤》主题分析 毕业论文

【标题】《荒野的呼唤》主题分析 【作者】龚琳 【关键词】适者生存;人性;自然主义 【指导老师】张亚军 【专业】英语 【正文】 I. Introduction Before there was Hemingway, Steinbeck, Kerouac, and Mailer, there was Jack London. Perhaps no other American writer led a life as exciting as that described in his fiction. Born in San Francisco to an unwed mother from a wealthy background. Jack London grew up in the slum area of Oakland, California, a place which he later called “the cellar of society.” Born out of wedlock on January 12, 1876, he never knew his father, William Henry Chaney, who had left Jack’s mother, Flora Wellman, before Jack’s birth. On September 7, 1876, Flora Wellman married John London, from whom her son Jack took his name. By the age of fifteen, London had turned delinquent. Barely seventeen, he signed aboard the schooner Sophie Sutherland, bound for Japan and the Bering Sea. Returning from the voyage in 1894, London began to be interested in the plight of the underprivileged and working classes, so he joined a group of militant workers who were going to Washington to protest the wretched working conditions in the country, caused by the Depression of 1894. He did not reach Washington, however; he deserted this “Industrial Army” in Hannibal, Missouri, and for a time he traveled around the country as a hobo. At Niagara Falls, he was arrested for vagrancy and sentenced to the Erie County Penitentiary. He was released after thirty days, and he quickly caught the first train heading West, arriving eventually in Oakland. It was probably soon after his release from the penitentiary that London became seriously interested in politics, and as a result, he joined an Oakland branch of the Socialist Labor Party in April 1896. Then soon afterward, he enrolled as a student at the University of California at Berkeley, where he attempted to further his studies in the most influential scientific and philosophic theories of the late nineteenth century—Darwinism, Social Darwinism, Nietzscheism, and Marxism. He soon became restless, though, and he left the university during his second semester as a student. From California, he went North, to the Klondike to search for gold, and his adventures there became the basis of many stories. In fact, two of his most famous novels, The Call of the Wild and White Fang,


野性的呼唤读书心得全新范文摘选 = 野性的呼唤整个故事以阿拉斯加淘金热为背景,讲述了在北方险恶的环境下,巴克为了生存,如何从一条驯化的南方狗发展到似狗非狗、似狼非狼的野蛮状态的过程。今日小编就为大家整理了关于野性的呼唤读书心得范文,欢迎借阅学习,一起来看看吧! 野性的呼唤读书心得1 《野性的呼唤》这本书的每一个细节,都促使我忍不住之后往下读,可能是读的太融入,而导致我连早饭也忘了吃。 这本书主要讲了一只壮健聪明的狗――巴克,在阿拉斯加荒野的残酷环境下,为了生存和群狗进行殊死的争斗,随后她身上狼祖先的野性逐渐恢复,最终最终逃进了原始森林,变成了狼。 令我印象最深刻的是:在荒无人烟的雪野里,在饥饿和野狼的威胁下,一个伤痛缠身、孤独一人的淘金者,和死亡作着殊死的搏斗。仗着求生的愿望,他不畏艰辛,拼死抗争,最终以坚强的毅力战胜死亡,奏响了一曲对人类精神和生命的赞歌。 告别了这一件件触目惊心的事件,我渐渐觉得,巴克是一只勇敢的“狗”,坚强的“狗”,还是一个能为了生命的永存而与死神殊死拼搏的一只神圣而伟大的狼。而促使他和死神斗争的是它那渴望让生命永远沸腾的活力火热的心! 应对巴克的种种精神,我显得有些惭愧,我往往应对自我立的誓言,不会坚强的去做,而会退缩。记得有一次开学,妈妈给我买了许多卷子,我决定在一个学期内,教师讲到哪里,我就写到哪里,可是到了开学,刚刚前两天我每一天按时完成作业,可是坚持的不到一个星期,便败下阵来,最终到了期末,一整沓卷子,也就是完成了不到四五张。 读了这本书以后,我渐渐明白了,不管是在生活中还是学习中,做事情都应当追求坚韧、坚持的信念,为了一个目标竭尽自我所能,终不后悔。遇到困难不要气馁,不要丧失信心,要转换自我的思想观念,树立目标,奋起直追。 野性的呼唤读书心得2 我觉得巴克很能适应环境。在红衣男人的棍子下,它懂得了服从和忍耐。刚到北极时,它不适应那里的寒冷与残酷,但很快,它就适应了那里的寒冷,并且变得坚强而又狡猾。 我觉得巴克勇猛而又机智。它想获得领头狗的地位,就咬死了领头狗,自己成为领头狗,并最终成为狗群的霸主。当面对狼群的挑战,巴克勇猛地击退狼群的攻击,最终被狼群接纳,加入到狼群的队伍中。 我觉得巴克很忠心。只要你对它好,它就会舍生忘死地回报你。巴克的主人被激流冲到河里了,巴克就不顾生死、坚持不懈地把主人救上了岸。 读了这篇小说,我觉得动物和我们一样,有一颗感恩的心,我们要善待它们,不能伤害


The Call of the Wild 野性的呼唤 1 To the north Buck did not read the newspapers. He did not know that trouble was coming for every big dog in California. Men had found gold in the Yukon, and these men wanted big, strong dogs to work in the cold and snow of the north. Buck lived in Mr Miller's big house in the sunny Santa Clara valley There were large gardens and fields of fruit trees around the house, and a river nearby. In a big place like this,of course, there were many dogs There were house dogs and farm dogs, but they were not important.Buck was chief dog;he was born here, and this was his place .He was four years old and weighed sixty kilos .He went swimming with Mr Miller's sons,and walking with his daughters .He carried the grandchildren on his back, and he sat at Mr Miller's feet in front of the fire in winter. But this was 1897, and Buck did not know that men and dogs were hurrying to north-west Canada to look for gold.And he did not know that Manuel, one of Mr Miller's garden-ers, needed money for his large family. One day,when Mr Miller was out, Manuel and Buck left the garden together.It was just an evening walk, Buck thought.No one saw them go, and only one man saw them arrive at the railway station.This man talked to Manuel, and gave him some money .Then he tied a piece of rope around Buck's neck. Buck growled, and was surprised when the rope was pulled hard around his neck.He jumped at the man.The man caught him and suddenly Buck was on his back with his tongue out of his mouth. For a few moments he was unable to move, and it was easy for the two men to put him into the train. When Buck woke up, the train was still moving. The man was sitting and watching him, but Buck was too quick for him and he bit the man's hand hard.Then the rope was pulled again and Buck had to let go. That evening, the man took Buck to the back room of a bar in San Francisco. The barman looked at the man's hand and trousers covered in blood. ‘How much are they paying you for this?’he asked. ‘I only get fifty dollars.’ ‘And the man who stole him—how much did he get?’ asked the barman. 第 1 页 共 42 页


野性的呼唤英文读后感 篇一:野性的呼唤英文>读后感 At the beginning of this century, many new writers emerged with the introduction of many new ideas. Among them, Jack London was the most popular one. His most famous novel is the call of the wild . Although it is a story about a dog, Buck, it vividly depicts the life in the primitive North where people rushed for gold and fortune. Buck, used to belong to a judge, was kidnapped and sold to North. Then he became a member of a dog-team pulling a sled . In the days of pulling a snow-sled, he learned to conform to the law of nature and obey the master. Finally, he found a basic instinct hidden inside him, which enabled himself to survive the tough environment. This is the call of the wild. When you read the story, you will feel that Buck is a man instead of a dog, struggling with his fortune and conforming to the law of nature. Though short, it is really a thrilling story. What you never forget is the tough life in the nature, the brave and crafty dog. Maybe the wild is calling you to go ahead. While writing for only 16 years throughout his life, London produced an amazing body of work among which, White Fang, Martin Eden, the Valley of the Moon are representative. 篇二:野性的呼唤英文读后感 In the 19th century ,the west of America was under cultivation .Hundreds of adventurers were moving to the west .At the same time ,it was said that gold had been found in large quantity in Northern California ,so thousands of people went to the west for gold .There were so many people ,but in the freezing cold North ,transportation was the biggest problem .At such situation ,dogs and sleds was the best choice ,so in the North ,dogs and sleds was the main transport tools then .Of course ,millions of dogs were needed urgently ,from then on ,there were plenty of dogs like Buck began their unfortunate difficult journey life. The author Jack London was one of the members who went to the North for gold ,he went through the hardships of the journey himself ,witnessed the cruel and miserable life of dogs .According to his this experience ,the story of buck


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野性的呼唤答案 【篇一:野性的呼唤——读后感】 一首歌,小小的世界,这是狼群之歌。”(第七章发声的野生)这是 当最后一句话从我的眼中消失,我仍然可以感知这一首歌,一个野 生的歌曲回声,这使我头晕目眩,总是乐呵呵地没有质疑地陷入所 谓的文明世界。野生,不再是一个弱肉强食的象征,而是一个流出爱,热情,勇敢,忠诚,友情,风险,竞争和容忍的源泉,所有这 些美德可以很容易的在野性的呼唤中发现。 杰克伦敦(1876-1916)是世界著名的小说家。他的小说成功地反 映人的本质和命运,表达了他对野生的相互矛盾的看法,他和他的 作品特别是《野性的呼唤》,普及了他“为生存而战”的概念。 它讲述了一个名叫巴克的巨大的狗,原本生活在一个丰富而舒适的家,不幸被偷走,被迫学会作为一个阿拉斯加雪橇犬生存。一开始,巴克十分野蛮,不能陪伴人类。直到他偶然遇他挚爱的主人——善 良的约翰松顿。最后,约翰的偶然死亡打破了巴克与人最后的连接,驱使他进入他长期渴望的野生世界。在故事中,巴克和约翰轻而易 举地接受了自身野性的呼唤。说到巴克的想法,终有一天他会离开 他的主人约翰,他想做的只是帮助他完成淘金之旅。他“从那时起, 白天和黑夜,从未停止,在绝望中,他突然的飞行很长一段时间, 不待他(约翰)……”(第七章发声的野生)巴克希望永远记得约翰 的样子,他“两天两夜没离开营地,从不让松顿走出他的视线。他跟 着他工作,看着他夜间进入毯子又在早上离开……”(第七章)当我 读到这些话,我的眼泪夺眶而出。一个真正的人类能够这样献身于 忠诚和友谊吗?另一方面,约翰松顿不仅是一个爱狗的人也是一个 勇敢大胆的人。他是如此的简单直接,正是这种简单直接让他成为 一个乐于助人的随和的人。一旦一个目标扎根于他的心脏,似乎除 了死亡没有什么能阻止他去实现它。我不知道坚持是否是使一个人 成功的最重要的因素,但我知道的是,一旦拥有它,你离成功便不 远了。 杰克伦敦让我从喧嚣和绝望的城市中逃离,进入活生生的野生世界。在那里,我不能否认的巴克的吠叫对我的吸引力,它启发我去追求 几乎失去了一半的人类本性,并挖掘出生命真正的意义。我们能不 能大胆猜想一下,杰克伦敦是不是故意利用巴克给我们大家树立了 一个完美的人物模型(除去野蛮)?答案是肯定的。我们人类,作


读《野性的呼唤》有感最新范文5篇 这本书主要讲了巴克是一只壮硕的狗;它的主人是米勒先生,住在加州,之后因为不辛被曼紐尔卖给了城镇去拉金子,在这之间巴克受过许多许多的主人可是巴克是在最终一个主人身上第一次感受到了人类的爱。以下是小编整理的读《野性的呼唤》有感范文5篇,希望可以分享给大家进行参考和借鉴。 文学总是人学,尽管小说的主角巴克是一只狗。1000个人眼中有1000个巴克,作为在校大学生的我,读出了的是一个青年的转变过程。 刚开始巴克从嗷嗷待哺到逐渐成长的四年(大学躺着也中枪)来,它在法官家过的是悠闲、富足的贵族生活。恰如优秀青年在学校无忧无虑地学习,常年拿着专业课第一,各种奖项应有尽有。 可是,生活就像心电图,当一马平川时你已经挂了,要活着,必然是高低起伏的。巴克被人卖了,先受到了红汗衫男人的调教,得到了第一条醒悟: 在拿着棒子的人面前永远没有机会战胜他。(在一个高富帅拿着钱向你炫耀时没有机会战胜他。所以北爱中吴狄和安迪打赌是很傻很天真的。) 巴克之后又被带到了北极,正如在校青年正式踏入了社会。作者十岁左右就开始做报童和罐头工人,在街头斗殴中练就了一身本领,成了小流氓头。经历融化在作品里,变成了残酷社会的真实写照。第一次对巴克的触动就是生命的凋零。当同行的一条狗柯利热情地向前迎向一条爱斯基摩狗时却被不分青红皂白,也没有任何宣告,狠狠地咬了一口,又被三四十只爱斯基摩犬踩在身下,兴奋地叫着、咬着直至死亡。在南方(学校),奉行着爱和友谊法则,尊重私有财产和个人感情是很自然很正常的事情;而在北方(社会),肆虐的却是棒子和牙齿法则,谁还顾全研究仁义道德,谁就是傻瓜!谁遵守这些道理,谁就要被淘汰。 于是巴克开始学会了各式各样的生存,学会了不挑食(刚开始找工作不能挑三拈四的)学会了狡黠诡秘地偷窃(资本的原始积累)最终长成了一条壮壮的狗(扎稳根的青年)。 《这个杀手不太冷》中当小女孩问“生活是一向如此艰辛,还是仅仅小时候如此?”雷诺回答:“一向如此。”过了一关还有一关,接下来巴克碰到了领头狗(公司老总)的挑战。“它预料布克会是一个危险的对手。于是,它觉得应当先下手为强,只要有任何展示它牙齿的机会,它绝不错过。”而巴克学会了“把自我的野心掩藏起来,耐心地等待时机。”最终夺得了领头狗的位置,很快学会了管理手下的狗,让大家跑起来“像一条狗一样”

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