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Dog owners who lived near Chicago’s Soldier Field knew how to watch out for the coyote (草原狼).

The wild,doglike animal lived somewhere among the tall buildings near the football stadium.As the sun went down each evening,the coyote would lie in the grass next to a parking lot,waiting.Within his view,people walked their dogs along a bike trail.Each night,the coyote would charge at the first dog to come along.

Dr.Stanley Gehrt,a scientist at the Ohio State University,led the team that solved the problem.Besides studying coyotes,he and his co-workers taught people ways to avoid problems with coyotes.In short,he says,“Don’t feed them,and manage your pets.”

The secret to the coyote’s success is intelligence.To survive in the wild,a coyote must hunt small animals,and avoid becoming a meal for wolves or bears.“This way of living creates a super-smart animal,”Dr.Gehrt says.One of the smartest changes coyotes made was to hide during the day and come out mainly at night in the city.

Coyotes have also learned to avoid their biggest killer:cars.One coyote has been seen sitting patiently at a busy crossroads.She may not know how traffic lights work,but she has learned that the cars will soon stop long enough for her to cross the street.

The male (雄性的) that charged at passing dogs near Soldier Field is an example.Dr.Gehrt and his co-workers had already been watching the coyote for months,and the animal had always avoided dogs.But now he and his mate had a home with young coyotes on top of the parking lot nearby.He was charging at the dogs to protect his family.

The researchers solved the problem.When the coyote pair appeared in the evening,they ran toward them,shouting and shaking a noisemaker—a coffee can with coins rattling (发出咔嗒咔嗒的声音) inside.“Usually,that’s all you have to do,”Dr.Gehrt says.“You do it once,and you’ll never see that coyote again.” Finally,the coyote pair moved out of the parking lot.

1.What troubled the dog owners living near Soldier Field?

A.Their dogs being attacked by the coyote.

B.Their outdoor play being lessened.

C.Limited space to walk their dogs.

D.Increasingly heavy traffic.

2.What did the researchers find out about city coyotes?

A.They were not as smart as dogs.

B.They were getting used to city life.

C.They needed more care from people.

D.They usually hunted during the day.

3.How did the researchers solve the problem with the coyote pair?

A.By frightening them away.

B.By throwing cans at them.

C.By catching them in the evening.

D.By sending them away from Chicago.

4.What’s the best title for the text?

A.Smart Animals in the City

B.Meet the Coyote Next Door

C.Watch Out for the Coyote Pair

D.Our Love-hate Relationship with Coyotes


When my boss started talking about pension arrangements,it suddenly dawned on me:I was going to be stuck working in an office for the next 40 years.I’d always dreamed of working outdoors but I ended up doing a law degree at the University of the West of England in Bristol,thinking that this would bring me a better job.

After graduating,I became an adviser.I enjoyed the work,but knew it wasn’t the right career for me.At this point,my 98-year-old grandma died,leaving me enough money to pay for an agricultural course.I decided to study agriculture at the Royal Agricultural College in Cirencester.I loved the programme.I spent my holidays from milking cows to helping in farm shops.I spent time lambing (照料母羊产羔羊) on a beautiful hill farm in Wales.I’d get up at 5 am in the morning and go out to care for the lambs that had been born overnight.

In my old job,getting up early to go to the office was a struggle.It’s easier on a farm,where you know there are animals that rely on you.They’re living things,and if you don’t turn up something serious might happen to them.

I’ve also been fortunate enough to find a job as industry communications manager with Red Tractor,the largest food assurance scheme (保障计划) in the UK.The role is very varied:one day I might talk at an agricultural show,educating children about where their food comes from;the next day I could be managing the design of the new food and farming standards.

My advice to anyone wanting a career change is to seize the moment.To those interested in working in agriculture,try to get as much work experience as you can.

5.What does the underlined part “dawned on” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?





6.What does the author think of her job on a farm?





7.What did the author do at Red Tractor?

A.She milked cows.

B.She helped in farm shops.

C.She took care of lambs on the farm.

D.She gave speeches on agriculture to children.

8.What is the author’s advice to readers?

A.Work as a volunteer on a farm.

B.Make a career change as soon as possible.

C.Take the chance to do what you want to do.

D.Get enough work experience before looking for a job.


My bike was stolen last Saturday.Left with a lock and a 1 heart,I decided to leave the thief a


Armed with yellow paint,I 3 a big cardboard sign and hung it on my gate.It said:

“To the person who stole my bicycle:

I need it to get to work.I can’t 4 another one.

PS:Bring it back.”

I felt a little 5 writing the sign.But I knew other people’s bicycles had been stolen in the neighborhood,and the least I could do was 6 what had happened.I left it up for seven 7.

On Wednesday evening,a young man knocked at my door,carrying a 8.

“Did you get your bike stolen?” asked the guy.“I had this bike 9 around,so I figured you might be able to use it.” I was surprised by the 10 and tried to explain my intentions,saying I really appreciated it, 11 wasn’t sure if I’d be able to use it.What was clear,however,was that it wasn’t about the bicycle;it was about the desire to 12.Finally I accepted,very 13 by the kindness.

A snowstorm came the next day,and my husband suggested I 14 the sign.I 15—my bike was stolen on the weekend,so the sign would stay up until the next weekend.

On Saturday morning,I got another 16 on the door.It was a middle-aged woman.She said she drove twice around the block so she could 17 read my sign.“What kind of bicycle do you need?” she asked.“If I 18 one,I’ll bring it to you.” Then she gave me a big hug.

I felt strengthened.This sign was 19 things.So much kindness was pouring out from such a simple gesture of 20 myself up to the universe.

1.A.warm B.soft C.big D.heavy

2.A.lesson B.note C.problem D.picture

3.A.read B.followed C.made D.saw

4.A.lose B.lend C.choose D.afford

5.A.wrong B.happy C.foolish D.dangerous

6.A.say B.know C.ignore D.realize

7.A.hours B.days C.weeks D.months

8.A.bike B.sign C.board D.gun

9.A.traveling B.turning C.lying D.playing

10.A.answer B.advice C.promise D.offer

11.A.but B.or C.and D.so

12.A.return https://www.doczj.com/doc/a92251589.html,e C.help D.pay

13.A.confused B.amazed C.excited D.touched

14.A.look for B.take down C.hold up D.give away

15.A.refused B.obeyed C.agreed D.doubted

16.A.knock B.pull C.gift D.poster

17.A.hardly B.fully C.easily D.silently

18.A.borrow B.find C.steal D.deliver

19.A.providing B.showing C.changing D.running

20.A.holding B.picking C.giving D.opening


One of my favourite things to do in my free time is do voluntary works.I’ve volunteered for a variety of difference organisations.The activities include simple,everyday ones like cleaning our city square and take dogs for walks at an animal rescue centre.By volunteering,I’ve not only gained valuable experience and also built confidence in talking about strangers.I was used to be a shy person,but my volunteering experience gave us the opportunity to meet new people.Doing an activity I wouldn’t normal do with other volunteers made me had a really fun time.These are just few of the reasons why I think volunteering is worthwhile.


一、【篇章导读】本文是说明文。越来越多的草原狼开始出现在美国北部的城市里,为了生存下来,它们逐渐适应城市生活,与此同时它们也对城市中的宠物狗构成了威胁。1.A细节理解题。根据第一段的内容及第二段中的“Each night,the coyote would charge at the first dog to come along”可知,在Soldier Field附近住的狗主人要谨防自己的狗被草原狼袭击。

2.B推理判断题。根据第四段中的“One of the smartest changes coyotes made was to hide during the day and come out mainly at night in the city”及第五段的内容可知,草原狼


3.A细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“they ran toward them,shouting and shaking a noisemaker—a coffee can with coins rattling inside”可知,人们跑向这对草原狼,并向它们吼叫、摇晃手中带有硬币的易拉罐来吓跑它们。



5.A词义猜测题。根据第一段中的“I was going to be stuck working in an office for the next 40 years.I’d always dreamed of working outdoors”可知,作者突然明白她以后都要待在办公室里了,但是她其实更喜欢户外工作。hit意为“使人突然意识到……”。

6.D细节理解题。根据第二段中的“I loved the programme”以及第三、四段的描述可知,作者很喜欢农场的工作。

7.D细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“one day I might talk at an agricultural

show,educating children about where their food comes from”可知答案。

8.C推理判断题。根据末段中的“My advice to anyone wanting a career change is to seize the moment”可知,作者建议要抓住机会,做自己想做的事情。


1.D由本段第一句“My bike was stolen last Saturday”以及“Left with a lock...”可知,“我”

很“难过(a heavy heart)”。

2.B由“a big cardboard sign”以及“To the person who stole my bicycle ...Bring it back”可知,“我”决定给小偷留张“便条(note)”。

3.C由本句中的“Armed with yellow paint”以及下文中的“writing the sign”可知,“我”用


4.D由“I need it to get to work”以及“Bring it back”可知,“我”“买不起(can’t afford)”另


5.C由“But I knew other people’s bicycles ...had happened”可知,“我”觉得写警告牌这个举动有些“愚蠢(foolish)”。

6.A由本句中的“But I knew other people’s bicycles had been stolen in the neighborhood”可知, “我”愿意将所发生的事“说出来(say)”。

7.B由下文中的“my bike was stolen on the weekend,so the sign would stay up until the next weekend”可知,“我”让警告牌在大门口挂“七天(seven days)”。

8.A由下文中的“I had this bike ...to use it”可知,他扛着一辆“自行车(bike)”。

9.C由本句中的“I figured you might be able to use it”可知,“我”这辆自行车“闲置着(lying around)”。

10.D由上文中的“I had this bike ...to use it”可知,他的“帮助(offer)”使“我”惊讶。


12.C由下文中的“I accepted ...the kindness”可知,“我”改变主意不是因为这辆自行车,而是因为他很想“帮助(help)”“我”。

13.D由该空前的“I accepted”可知,此处指他的善意让“我”很“感动(touched)”。

14.B由“A snowstorm came the next day”以及“my bike was stolen ...the next weekend”可知,“我”的丈夫建议“我”把警告牌“拿下来(take down)”,“我”“拒绝了(refused)”。


16.A由“It was a middle-aged woman”可知,此处表示“又有人敲门(another knock on the door)”。

17.B“she drove twice around the block”的目的是能够“完全(fully)”读懂警告牌。



20.D结合整篇文章以及第二段中警告牌的内容,此处表示“我”只是“将心中所想说出来(opening myself up)”,却收到如此多的善意。









高三英语限时训练二(30分钟,满分100分) 一.(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)(2018全国III卷) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 I’m not sure 1 is more frightened, me or the female gorilla (大猩猩) that suddenly appears out of nowhere. I’m walking on a path in the forest in the Central African Republic. Unexpectedly, I’m face-to-face with the gorilla, who begins screaming at 2 top of her lungs. That makes her baby scream, and then a 400-pound male appears. He screams the 3 (loud) of all. The noise shakes the trees as the male beats his chest and charges toward me. I quickly lower myself, ducking my head to avoid 4 (look) directly into his eyes so he doesn’t feel 5 (challenge). My name is Mireya Mayor. I’m a 6 (science) who studies animals such as apes and monkeys. I was searching 7 these three western lowland gorillas I’d been observing. No one had seen them for hours, and my colleagues and I were worried. When the gorillas and I frightened each other, I was just glad to find 8 (they) alive. True to a gorilla’s unaggressive nature, the huge animal 9 (mean) me no real harm. He was just saying: “I’m king of this forest, and here is your reminder!” Once his message was delivered, he allowed me 10 (stay) and watch. 1.____________ 2.____________ 3.____________ 4.____________ 5.____________ 6.____________ 7.____________ 8.____________ 9.____________ 10.____________ 二.(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)(2018年6月浙江卷) Few people I know seem to have much desire or time to cook. Making Chinese 1 (dish) is seen as especially troublesome. Many westerners 2 come to China cook much less than in their own countries once they realize how cheap 3 can be to eat out. I still remember 4 (visit) a friend who’d lived here for five years and I 5 (shock) when I learnt she hadn’t cooked once in all that time. While regularly eating out seems to 6 (become) common for many young people in recent years, it’s not without a cost. The obvious one is money; eating out once or twice a week may be 7 (afford) but doing this most days adds up. There could be an even 8 (high) cost on your health. Researchers have found that there is a direct link between the increase in food eaten outside the home and the rise in 9 (weigh) problems. If you are not going to suffer this problem, then I suggest that the next time you go to your mum’s home 10 dinner, get a few cooking tips from her. Cooking food can be fun. You might also begin to notice the effects not only on your health but in your pocket. 1.____________ 2.____________ 3.____________ 4.____________ 5.____________ 6.____________ 7.____________ 8.____________ 9.____________ 10.____________

高三英语 限时训练6

华美实验学校 高三英语限时训练(六) 第一部分阅读理解(共9小题;每小题2分,满分18分) 第一节: 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Planning a visit to the UK? Here we help with ways to cut your costs. AVOID BIG EVENTS Big sporting events, concerts and exhibitions can increase the cost of accommodation and make it harder to find a room. A standard double room at the Thistle Brighton on the final Friday of the Brighton Comedy Festival (19 Oct.) cost £169.15 at https://www.doczj.com/doc/a92251589.html,. A week later, the same room cost £118.15. If you can be flexible and want to know dates to avoid—or you?re looking for a big event to pass your time—check out sites such as https://www.doczj.com/doc/a92251589.html,, which allow you to search for events in the UK by city, date and category. STAYAWAY FROM THE STATION If traveling to your destination by train, you may want to find a good base close to the station, but you could end up paying more for the sake of convenience at the start of your holiday. Don?t be too choosy about the part of town you stay in. Booking two months in advance, the cheapest room at Travelodge?s Central Euston hotel in London for Saturday 22 September was £95.95. A room just a tube journey away at its Covent Garden hotel was £75.75. And at Farringdon, a double room cost just £62.95. LOOK AFTER YOURSELF Really central hotels in cities such as London, Edinburgh and Cardiff can cost a fortune, especially at weekends and during big events. As an alternative consider checking into a self-catering flat with its own kitchen. Often these flats are hidden away on the top floors of city center buildings. A great example is the historic O?Neill Flat on Edinburgh?s Royal Mile, available for £420 for five days in late September, with rooms for four adults. GET ON A BIKE London?s …Boris bikes? have attracted the most attention, but other cities also have similar programmers that let you rent a bicycle and explore at your own pace, saving you on public transport or car parking costs. Among the smaller cities with their own programmers are Newcastle (casual members pay around £1.50 for two hours) and Cardiff (free for up to 30 minutes, or £5 per day). 1. The Brighton Comedy Festival is mentioned mainly to show big events may ________. A. help travelers pass time B. attract lots of travelers to the UK C. allow travelers to make flexible plans D. cause travelers to pay more for accommodation 2. The passage shows that the O?Neill Flat ________. A. lies on the ground floor B. is located in central London

2013高考英语二轮 阅读理解25分钟限时训练(3)

2013高考英语二轮(阅读理解)25分钟限时训练(3)及答案 阅读理解 A篇 Bayfield Shopping Coupons (赠券) If you spend $100 or more in our stores you will receive six hours of free Offer until November 14. Win your choice of $1,000 worth of CDs from JB Music Store. Just buy any two Competition ends November 14. Prize drawn on November 21. Check store for more information. Buy one shirt or tie at Daniel’s Menswear, and get another shirt or tie of Choose from any of our dress shirts and we will give you another one at no Hurry! Offer ends November 14. Offer limited to one per customer. Present this coupon at The Book Store to get a 10 We have lots of books to choose from, including children’s books, novels, enjoy. Shop now for Christmas. We have plenty of toys as gifts for you and


限时完形+阅读套题训练 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 One Bite at a Time Stephen was on campus(校园)to register when I first met him. One summer day 36 I was headed over to the administration building, I heard someone call my name. I 37 around and saw Philip, one of my colleagues standing with another young man. As Philip introduced me to the young man, named Stephen, he reminded him that he would be taking one of my 38 , Introduction to Literature. With a somewhat 39 expression, Stephen asked if my class was going to be “hard”. Would he be able to pass? I 40 he was concerned about failing before the 41 day of classes. We talked about what the class would 42 and I saw Stephen’s eyes getting b ig with 43 . Then I remembered a bit of classical dialog: Question: “How do you eat an elephant?” Answer: “One bite at a time.” I told him to 44 his work that way. To do his assignment(作业), all of them, and to get them in on time. I added that most 45 students I knew made a timetable of all the assignment so they could 46 their workload. As time went on, I learned more of Stephen’s story. He had 47 in middle school. It had taken him longer to finish than most young people. Family members, including his mother, kept reminding him that he was a 48 . Now, in the face of their negative-saying he had been admitted into college. He told me that before coming to our campus no one had believed he had much 49 . S tephen didn’t become an “A”student. He didn’t make any honor rolls. Still, he managed to 50 most of his courses by being in class every day, turning in all of his assignment on time and breaking down his studying into 51 digestible parts. By passing course after course he began to gain a measure of self-respect. He was a great singer and he was 52 the school’s cross-country team. Every time I saw him on campus, he would brighten up and say, “O ne bite at a time.”Whenever he introduced me to his friends, he would tell them that he was 53 when he was supposed to be failing. His 54 , he said, was that he was 55 what I taught him before classes ever started: “Take it one bite at a time.” 36. A. after B. when C. until D. once 37. A. turned B. sat C. moved D. went 38. A. jobs B. tests C. classes D. projects

浙江省杭州市萧山区第三高级中学高三英语限时训练1月日 含答案

A Famous centenarians (百岁老人) still active in arts, science are in no mood to retire. "Those who stand still, die," is one of Oliveira's favorite phrases. He knows from experience what it means, as the Portuguese film director has reached the age of 102 and is still active in his profession. Every year, Oliveira shoots a film and is currently working on his next project. "You have to work, work, work in order to forget that death is not far away," he said. When asked about his age, Oliveira said with some humility: "It's down to mother nature. It gave to me what it took from others." Being both mentally and physically fit in old age is partly a matter of luck, but it also has something to do with character. Not every white-haired person is wise and social skills, openness and the ability to train the brain are essential for senior citizens. Along with the architect Oscar Niemeyer (103), Nobel laureate Montalcini (101) and director Kurt Maetzig (100), Oliveira is one of those people of whom it would be very wrong to think as members of a listless elderly generation. Another master in his profession is the architect Oscar Niemeyer. The 103-year-old Brazilian is best known for his futuristic-looking(未来派的)buildings in Brasilia, but he also speaks out on behalf of the poor. "The role of the architect is to struggle for a better world where we can develop a form of architecture that serves everyone and not just a privileged few," said Niemeyer recently. He spends almost every day working in his office in Copacabana, and even when he falls ill he keeps working on ideas: After a gallbladder (胆囊) operation he composed a samba tune (桑巴舞曲) in the clinic. Another man who could sing a song about age is 107-year-old Heesters. The Dutch-born opera singer spent most of his life performing in Germany, where he still works. Recently Heesters said: "I want to be at least 108-years-old." He also plans to keep performing. "Should I just sit at home and wait until they come and pick me up?" Heesters has not given up trying to add to his tally of awards and is looking for a "good stage role". Italian scientist Rita Levi-Montalcini, who is 101-year-old and is still active in medical science, has described the force that keeps driving her on: "Progress is created through imperfection." In 1986 she and her lab colleague were awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine for their work on nerve growth factor. She's convinced that humans grow on challenges.

2020高考外研版英语-限时规范练35(选修6 Module 5)

限时规范练35(选修6Module5) 核心素养关键词:培养学生人与社会、克隆科技的素养能力意识 一、阅读理解 A The news that researchers have used cloning to make human embryos for the purpose of producing stem cells may have some people wondering if it would ever be possible to clone a person.Although it would be immoral,experts say it is likely biologically possible to clone a human being.Since the 1950s when researchers cloned a frog,scientists have cloned dozens of animal species,including mice,cats,sheep,pigs and cows. With mice,researchers are able to use thousands of eggs,and conduct many experiments,to work out these problems.“It’s a numbers game,” said Dr.Robert Lanza,the chief scientific officer at a biotech company.“But with primates (灵长类动物),eggs are very precious,and it is not easy to get them to conduct experiments.” In addition,researchers can’t simply apply what they’ve learned from cloning mice or cows to cloning people.Cloning an animal requires that researchers remove proteins that are necessary to help cells divide.In mice,this isn’t a problem,because the embryo that is created is able to make these proteins again.But primates aren’t able to do this,and researchers think it may be one reason that attempts to clone monkeys have failed. What’s more,cloned animals often have different kinds of abnormalities.These abnormalities are common because cloned embryos have just one parent rather than two,which means that a process known as “imprinting (印记)” does not occur properly in cloned embryos. “Problems with imprinting can result in extremely large embryos,which leads to problems with blood flow for the baby,” Lanza said.“The extremely high rate of death and the developmental abnormalities from cloning make cloning people immoral.It’s like sending your baby up in a rocket knowing there’s a 50-50 chance that it’s going to explode.” 1.What can we learn from Paragraph 1? A.Animal cloning is illegal. B.Human cloning is possible. C.Human embryos may have new functions. D.Animal embryos can be used for medicine. 2.How does the author develop Paragraph 2? A.By making comparisons. B.By showing processes. C.By offering analyses. D.By using statistics. 3.How were the experiments on cloning monkeys?


新课标高三英语限时阅读训练 第一部分完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36—55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 If Mickey Mouse slips (滑倒)on a banana skin on TV, viewers laugh. But for ordinary people, falling is not 36 . For example, if you 37 off your bike, you have to take days to get well. For 38 people, the result of a fall could be worse. Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh, USA, wanted to know why some people are 39 likely to fall than others. The researchers found that 40 means more than putting your feet on the ground and standing tall. Your brain 41 your sense of balance with information from your eyes and inner ears and the 42 from your feet and legs. If something goes wrong with any of these, you’re 43 to fall. People 44 to fall more often as they grow older because their senses are slower. State of mind is important too. The research shows that when people know they’re walking on a slippery surface, they 45 their pace and walk with flatter feet. As a result, they fall less often. “We actually 46 people slip and fall,” researcher Mark Redfern said. People of different ages fall on 47 in his lab. Cameras 48 their falls and a computer analyzes the information. Scientists then can 49 people who fall often how to be more watchful. “If they get 50 to a lifelike but controlled environment, people can 51 learn to handle the 52 thing,” Redfern said. Falls happen to everyone sometimes. 53 you see someone fall, think about why and offer a helping 54 . This person’s painful experience may 55 you from falling at the same place. 36.A.unhappy B.exciting C.amusing D.foolish 37.A.drop B.fall C.knock D.get 38.A.slow B.young C.old D.active 39.A.too B.less C.very D.more 40.A.balance B.control C.fall D.walk 41.A.remains B.imagines C.thinks D.keeps 42.A.touching B.feeling C.walking D.moving 43.A.likely B.surely C.possible D.certain 44.A.refuse B.mean C.tend D.like 45.A.increase B.quicken C.lower D.slow 46.A. encourage B.make C.stop D.challenge 47.A.purpose B.ground C.accident D.agreement 48.A.broadcast B.record C.play D.catch 49.A.persuade B.force C.practise D.train 50.A.close B.informed C.accustomed D.know 51.A.eventually B.firstly C.regularly D.mainly 52.A.uneasy B.real C.creative D.hard 53.A.Even if B.While C.As far as D.Next time 54.A.hand B.stick C.word D.leg


高三第一学期第1周限时训练英语试题 一、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) I remember quite well a day 17 years ago.That day,our twin sons,Chad and Brad,1their car and left home to attend college.I realized that our 2would soon become a"table for two".3,the boys would come home on the weekends,but 4,I knew our family life would never be exactly the same again.The boys walked around each room to 5they hadn't forgotten anything they needed.I packed a cooler with 6and their favorite cold snacks.I found a box and filled it with essential 7items.I thought they might go to bed hungry that night.I 8my wallet and placed the little bit of 9I had in their hands.We all walked 10.Chad and Brad gave me big 11and quickly got into their car.I 12as they drove away.When their car was 13,I sat down on the driveway and cried 14than I had cried in a long time.My husband Roy tried to 15me,but I could see grief in his eyes,as well. There are many parents who would 16this period.Bittersweet feelings will be17while I cannot explain them adequately.I can still remember 18I felt when we began that new chapter in our lives. 19time going by,however,Roy and I are now accustomed to our table for two and we enjoy our lives together.I have to admit I still miss our children and the old 20we had together. 1.A.repaired B.washed C.loaded D.decorated 2.A.room B.garden C.chair D.table 3.A.So B.Yet C.Sure D.Therefore 4.A.even then B.even so C.ever since D.ever after 5.A.make sure B.look around C.think about D.sort out 6.A.water B.drinks C.wine D.medicine 7.A.food B.clothes C.book D.supply 8.A.tidied B.cleaned C.closed D.emptied

2020高考外研版英语-限时规范练48(选修8 Module 6)

限时规范练48(选修8Module6) 核心素养关键词:培养学生人与自然、保护环境的素养能力意识 一、阅读理解 A Children from four Buckinghamshire primary schools visited Epilepsy Society to plant a hedge (树篱) as part of a Plant-for-the-Planet project.The children from these schools were planting a hedge in the garden of the Queen Elizabeth House at the charity in Chalfont St Peter.Plant-for-the-Planet gives children across the globe the opportunity to learn about the threats of global warming to the environment,and then put their new knowledge into practice as they plant new trees. The day was organised by Bob Sherren who showed the children how to plant the planet-friendly line of trees in protective chambers (防护室) to shield them from hungry wildlife as they settle in their roots.Bob said,“The day really was ‘Thinking Globally,Acting Locally’ put into action.The children learned about the importance of planting trees as a way of helping to bring about climate justice for many living in poorer nations and of course enjoyed planting the trees too.” The eventual hedge,which will grow to full size over ten years behind the Queen Elizabeth House,is made up of trees such as oaks,silver birches and so on. Bob added,“The children were also able to help people living at Epilepsy Society because they will gain some well-needed privacy from the hedge in time.The natural wildlife benefits too from the fruits and nuts that a hedge made from native species can provide as well as the possibility for any number of nesting sites.” Emma Darlington,Epilepsy Society’s volunteer officer,said,“I think it’s so important to encourage the younger generation that the future is in their hands and that they can make a difference,whether it is through taking part in projects like this or spreading awareness.We hope they learn a little bit about the work we do at Epilepsy Society too — the trees they planted will be enjoyed by everyone here for years to come.” 1.What is the purpose of the Plant-for-the-Planet project? A.To help children learn more about society. B.To offer children colourful after-school activities. C.To raise children’s awareness of global warming. D.To teach children how to protect natural wildlife. 2.What does the underlined word “shield” in Paragraph 2 probably mean? A.Separate. B.Take. C.Get. D.Protect. 3.How did Bob Sherren feel after organising this activity? A.Tired. B.Proud. C.Discouraged. D.Peaceful.

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