当前位置:文档之家› 《认识钟表》单元测试卷二


















1.(1)12 (2)5 (3)6时(4)①3:00 ②12:00 2.

3.12 12

4.8:00 8时10:00 10时2:00 2时5:00 5时5.(1)8:00 下午2:00



常见的光学仪器单元测试题 1.显微镜能对微小的物体进行高倍数放大,它利用两个焦距不同的凸透镜分别做为物 镜和目镜,则物镜和目镜对被观察物所成的像是 A 、物镜成正立、放大的虚像 B 、物镜和目镜都成实像 C 、物镜和目镜都成虚像 D 、目镜成正立、放大的虚像 2.下列物理现象中:①老人用放大镜看书;②在岸上看水中的鱼;③太阳灶烧水: ④水中的筷子变弯.其中属于光的折射的是 A 、①②③ B 、①②④ C 、①③④ D 、②③④ 3.在放映幻灯片时,要使得银幕上的像更大一些,下列操作中正确的是 A 、使幻灯机靠近银幕,并使幻灯片与镜头的距离变大 B 、使幻灯机远离银幕,并使幻灯片与镜头的距离变大 C 、使幻灯机靠近银幕,并使幻灯片与镜头的距离变小 D 、使幻灯机远离银幕,并使幻灯片与镜头的距离变小 4.如图B4-5,是一种称之为“七仙女”的神奇玻璃酒杯,空杯时什么也看不见,斟上酒,杯底立即显现出栩栩如生的仙女图.下列对仙女图形成原因的探讨,正确的是 A 、可能是酒具有化学显影作用 B 、可能是斟酒后杯底凸透镜焦距变大,使图片在一倍焦 距以内,成放大的虚像 C 、可能是图片在杯底凸透镜焦点处成放大的像 D 、可能是酒的液面反射,在酒中出现放大的像 图一 5.如图二所示,虚线框内的一透镜,MN 为透镜的主光轴,O 是透镜光心,a (双箭头)和b(单箭头)是射向透镜的两条光线.已知光线a 通过透镜之后与MN 交于P 点,光线b 通过透镜之后与MN 交于Q 点..由图可知,下列说法中正 确的是: A 、透镜是凸透镜,距离OP 小于焦距 B 、透镜是凸透镜,距离OP 大于焦距 C 、透镜是凹透镜,距离OQ 小于焦距 D 、透镜是凹透镜,距离OQ 大于焦距 图二 6.在下列图三中,哪个能正确表示光从空气斜射入水中的情况 图三 7.某兴趣小组同学在研究凸透镜成像规律实验时,记录并绘制了物体离


Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling 单元检测 (考试时间:100分钟,满分:120分) 第一部分第二部分第三部分总分题号 ⅠⅡⅢⅣⅠⅡⅢⅣⅠⅡⅢ 得分 第一部分听力(20分) Ⅰ. 听对话,选择正确图片。每段对话读一遍。(5分) A B C D E F G 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ⅱ. 听对话及问题,选择正确答语。每段对话及问题读两遍。(5分) ( )6. A. A double room. B. A standard room. C. A single room. ( )7. A. To see sunrise. B. To see film. C. To visit Xiangshan. ( )8. A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Windy. ( )9. A. To work in Ren’ai English School. B. To study in Ren’ai English School. C. To buy a Ren’ai English machine. ( )10. A.¥320. B.¥160. C.¥260. Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。(5分) ( )11. What are they talking about? A. Their parents. B. Sports. C. Holiday. ( )12. When did the boy go? A. Last month. B. Last year. C. This year. ( )13. The boy enjoyed himself in . A. climbing mountains B. climbing trees C. fishing ( )14. Where did they go to climb mountains? A. Guilin. B. Dali. C. Lijiang. ( )15. Who is going to travel with the girl? A. Her father. B. Her mother. C. Her parents. Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分) ( )16. I will travel to Mount Tai with my ____. A. classmates B. parents C. friends ( )17. We are going to ____ on the top of the mountain. A. book two rooms B. have a rest C. take some pictures ( )18. We can see ____ on the top of the mountain. A. the cloud sea B. the sunrise C. both of the above ( )19. We will go to Mount Tai ____.


七年级数学(下册)第八章单元检测卷 一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1.将方程2x +y =3写成用含x 的式子表示y 的形式,正确的是( ) A .y =2x -3 B .y =3-2x C .x =y 2-32 D .x =32-y 2 2.已知? ????x =1, y =4是方程kx +y =3的一个解,那么k 的值是( ) A .7 B .1 C .-1 D .-7 3.方程组???? ?x -y =1,2x +y =5 的解是( ) A.?????x =2,y =-1 B.?????x =-1,y =2 C.?????x =1,y =2 D.? ????x =2,y =1 4.小明到商店购买“五四”青年节活动奖品,购买20支铅笔和10本笔记本共需110 元,购买30支铅笔和5本笔记本需85元.设每支铅笔x 元,每本笔记本y 元,则可列方程组( ) A.?????20x +30y =110,10x +5y =85 B.? ????20x +10y =110,30x +5y =85 C.?????20x +5y =110,30x +10y =85 D.?????5x +20y =110,10x +30y =85 5.已知x ,y 满足方程组? ????x +6y =12,3x -2y =8,则x +y 的值为( ) A .9 B .7 C .5 D .3 6.若a +b +5+|2a -b +1|=0,则(b -a )2018的值为( ) A .-1 B .1 C .52018 D .-52018 7.已知关于x ,y 的二元一次方程组?????2ax +by =3,ax -by =1的解为? ????x =1, y =-1,则a -2b 的值是 ( ) A .-2 B .2 C .3 D .-3 8.为了丰富学生课外小组活动,培养学生动手操作能力,王老师让学生把5m 长的彩绳截成2m 或1m 的彩绳,用来做手工编织,在不造成浪费的前提下,你有几种不同的截法( )


Unit 6 单元测试 第一部分听力(20分) Ⅰ. 听句子,选择与你听到的句子意思相同或相近的选项。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )1. A. There are lots of trees in our school. B. There is a school near here. C. There are 800 students in our school. ( )2. A. Kangkang usually writes a letter to his sister. B. Kangkang never writes to his friends. C. Kangkang writes a letter to his friends once a month. ( )3. A. Excuse me, how can I get to the hospital? B. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the post office? C. Excuse me, do you work in the post office? ( )4. A. The parking lot is near here. B. There is a parking lot here. C. There isn't a parking lot near here. ( )5. A. Why not go to the park? B. Don't go upstairs, please. C. Let's go upstairs and have a look. Ⅱ. 听对话,选择正确图片。每段对话读一遍。(5分)


议论文单元测试题及答案 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分。在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目 要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。) 1.《秋水》中,庄子用“吾在天地之间,犹小石小木之在大山”来说明宇宙无限而人的认识有限的道理,这种论 证方法是() A.演绎法和例证法 B.例证法和对比法 C.对比法和类比法 D.类比法和演绎法 2.庄子《秋水》(节选)的主旨是() A.阐发为政以德的政治道理 B.阐述清静无为的人生哲学 C.阐析人的认识有限的思想 D.阐明实行王道的根本措施 3.《寡人之于国也》中,孟子用“狗彘食人食而不知检,涂有饿莩而不知发”来揭露当时社会的贫富悬殊,这种 论证方法是() A.演绎法 B.归纳法 C.类比法 D.对比法 4.《五代史伶官传序》的中心论点是() A.“盛衰之理,虽曰天命,岂非人事哉” B.“满招损,谦得益” C.“忧劳可以兴国,逸豫可以亡身” D.“祸患常积于忽微,智勇多困于所溺” 5.下列四组词语中,最能体现《五代史伶官传序》中心旨意的一组是() A.忧劳与逸豫 B.盛与衰 C.天命与人事 D.满与谦 6. 庄子用“壘空之在大泽”、“稊米之在大仓”、“毫末之在马体”来阐发宇宙无限、人的认识有限的哲理 , 这种论证方法是() A. 例证法 B. 类比法 C. 对比法 D. 演绎法 7. 下列属于史论的文章是 ( ) A. 《秋水》 B.《五代史伶官传序》 c. 《寡人之于国也》 D.《赵武灵王胡服骑射》 8. 北宋诗文革新运动的文坛领袖是 ( ) A. 欧阳修 B. 司马光 c. 王安石 D. 柳宗元 9.胡适在《容忍与自由》中认为,缺乏容忍雅量的心理根源是() A.年轻气盛 B.狂妄自大 C.喜同恶异 D.愚昧无知 10.《五代史伶官传序》的中心论点是() A.满招损,谦得益 B.本其成败之迹,而皆自于人 C.忧劳可以兴国,逸豫可以亡身D.祸患常积于忽微,而智勇多困于所溺 11.《就任北京大学校长之演说》既肯定大学的宗旨是“研究高深学问”,又批评“求学为升官发财”的腐败风气,这种论证方法是() A.演绎法B.例证法 C.类比法D.对比法 12.《吃饭》中,从吃饭想到结婚、想到政治,这种联想方式的基础是() A.时间统一性B.地点统一性 C.相似性D.对比性 13.《吃饭》中,用音乐与烹调来阐发“和而不同”的治国道理,这种联想方式是() A.时间统一性联想 B.对比联想 C.地点统一性联想 D.相似联想 14.爱因斯坦在《我的世界观》中所说的“宗教感情”,指的是() A.对最深奥理性和最灿烂美的执着追求B.对占用了同胞的过多劳动而难以忍受 C.承认有一个能够赏罚一切的上帝存在 D.相信肉体死亡之后灵魂还会继续活着 15.从《我的世界观》看,爱因斯坦的政治理念是() A.崇尚民主,反对专制B.人是为别人而生存的 C.全神贯注,献身科学D.不承认万能上帝存在 16.《就任北京大学校长之演说》中,蔡元培强调大学宗旨时所批评的不良风气是() A.不正当娱乐泛滥 B.求学为升官发财 C.不尊重师长学友 D.不注重购置书籍 17梁启超在《论毅力》中引用孔子的话说:“譬如为山,未成一篑,止,吾止也。”这几句话被凝缩成的一个成语是()

Unit 6 单元测试题

Unit 6单元测试题 Written test part (共95分) Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )21. Mr. Green is a kind man. He always tries his best to help ______ weak. A. a B. the C. an D. 不填 ( )22. We have different opinions ______ the matter. A. about B. of C. in D. at ( )23. We won’t put off having the sports meeting ______ it rains. A. if B. unless C. as soon as D. so that ( )24. —Mom, I want to drive to my grandparents’ home. —Don’t be ______. You are too young to drive. A. silly B. noisy C. nervous D. sad ( )25. Susan, come on! Keep ______. You will be the winner! A. to run B. to running C. run D. running ( )26. The letter was personal, so he ______ it in the drawer. A. used B. shared C. hid D. swung ( )27. —The math problem is too difficult. —Don’t worry! Let’s find a good way ______ it. A. to solve B. solve C. solving D. to solving ( )28. I’ll visit her as soon as she ______ to her city. A. returned B. returns C. was returning D. will return ( )29. My grandmother’s ______ is my grandfather. A. brother B. uncle C. husband D. father ( )30. Jim made a plan ______ the Great Wall this summer. A. visited B. visiting C. to visit D. visits ( )31. Alex is ill, so I volunteer to water the trees ______ him. A. instead of B. instead C. because D. because of ( )32. Dale, please remind me ______ the windows after school.

大班数学 认识时钟整点

大班数学: 认识时钟整点 活动目标: 1、了解时钟的结构及分针、时针的运行规律,学会辨认整点。 2、能结合一日活动的作息时间表拨整点,建立初步的时间概念。 活动准备: 物质准备:实物大钟6个,小闹钟人手一个,自制时钟人手一个;时钟课件。 经验准备:事先把小闹钟投放到分区材料中,供幼儿自由观察;老师有目的结合一日活动的作息时间,提醒幼儿看点钟进行各项活动。 活动过程: 一、老师以钟表店老板的身份出示各种实物闹钟,引出活动内容。 ★以提问的方式,请幼儿说出点钟在生活中的作用。 “如果我们的生活没有点钟那会怎样?”(它会提醒我们几点了该干什么事了。) 二、认识钟面,了解钟的结构。 1、以游戏的口吻引导幼儿给各种点钟找相同。 “第一个游戏就是“找相同”。“它们的形状不太一样,但是他们身上有相同的地方,小朋友你们能找出来吗?” 2、利用课件帮助幼儿梳理自己的发现。 课件重点: ①认识分针和时针:看点钟只要看这两个针就知道是几点了。 ②每个钟上的12个数字排得是不是都一样? 三、了解分针与时针的运转关系。 1、幼儿操作实物时钟,了解分针与时针的运转关系。 ★“时针和分针和小朋友一样都很爱运动,它们每天都要进行跑步比赛,现在他们都在数字12的起跑线上了。请你们猜猜谁会赢?好,比赛就要开始了,预备—开始!” ★“分针和时针跑的时候,你看到了什么?还发现了什么秘密?” 2、老师利用课件帮助幼儿梳理和验证。 与幼儿一起小结:“分针走一圈,时针走一格(数字),这就是一小时。” 四、出示“整点作息表”,引导幼儿观察并认识整点。 1、“现在是7点整(10点、11点),小朋友在干什么?”

2、引导幼儿发现这三个时间都有一个共同的地方,分针都是指向数字12。 3、与幼儿一起小结:★整点时,分针都指向数字12上; ★当分针指向12上,时针指向数字几就是几点整。 4、利用课件再次出示四个钟面,请幼儿辨认各是几点。 五、学习拨时钟。 依次演示三幅图片,请幼儿看图片说出画面的内容,(小朋友上幼儿园、午睡、放学离园)说出那应该是几点?你会拨出这个时间吗?(幼儿用自制小时钟拨) 六、以游戏的口吻结束活动。 今天太高兴了,因为我们小朋友学会自己看整点,还学会了拨整点,希望小朋友能够学会看点钟做事情,做到上学不迟到,做事不拖拉,做一个守时好孩子。 活动延伸: 1、继续投放实物点钟,供幼儿观察、探索。 2、游戏《抽牌拨钟》 两人6张图片牌,一人从中抽出一张牌,根据背面的时间在小钟面上拨出相应的时间。拨对了,牌就由他收起,换另一人继续抽牌。 活动反思: 《指南》明确提到:我们要观察孩子的需要,解读幼儿,才能真正帮助幼儿。对于大班下学期的幼儿,我们关注的是做好幼小衔接工作。从幼儿的一日生活活动中,我们观察到幼儿做事拖拉,时间观念淡薄,同时,我们与家长沟通中也发现这些问题,我想这也是城里和乡下孩子共性的问题,所以,为了解决幼儿的时间和责任意识,我选择了这个活动下乡。 我发现《指南》在各领域的教育建议中,都非常强调幼儿的学习要渗透在一日生活中,让幼儿在生活的同时实现学习和发展,本次活动除了对时钟结构及运转规律的充分感知后,我更注重目标2的制定与落实。 通过《指南》的学习,在准备过程中也有很大的改变,以往我们一般通过集中活动之后,再让幼儿在分区活动中继续玩、继续巩固。这种方式我们一线老师都会发现幼儿的兴趣不长久,甚至老师精心准备的材料得不到孩子们的喜欢。现在,我们是大胆在活动之前与幼儿一起收集自己的小闹钟并投放下去,这些形状各异又是自己喜欢和熟悉的闹钟能吸引幼儿充分去感知,自己去


七年级数学(下册)第八章单元检测卷 一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1.将方程2x +y =3写成用含x 的式子表示y 的形式,正确的就是( ) A.y =2x -3 B.y =3-2x C.x =y 2-32 D.x =32-y 2 2.已知???x =1 y =4 就是方程kx +y =3的一个解,那么k 的值就是( ) A.7 B.1 C.-1 D.-7 3.方程组???x -y =1 2x +y =5 的解就是( ) A 、???x =2y =-1 B 、???x =-1y =2 C 、???x =1y =2 D 、???x =2y =1 4.小明到商店购买“五四”青年节活动奖品,购买20支铅笔与10本笔记本共需110元, 购买30支铅笔与5本笔记本需85元.设每支铅笔x 元,每本笔记本y 元,则可列方程组( ) A 、???20x +30y =11010x +5y =85 B 、???20x +10y =11030x +5y =85 C 、???20x +5y =11030x +10y =85 D 、???5x +20y =11010x +30y =85 5.已知x ,y 满足方程组? ????x +6y =12 3x -2y =8则x +y 的值为( ) A.9 B.7 C.5 D.3 6.若a +b +5+|2a -b +1|=0,则(b -a )2018的值为( ) A.-1 B.1 C.52018 D.-52018 7.已知关于x ,y 的二元一次方程组???2ax +by =3ax -by =1的解为? ????x =1 y =-1则a -2b 的值就是( ) A.-2 B.2 C.3 D.-3 8.为了丰富学生课外小组活动,培养学生动手操作能力,王老师让学生把5m 长的彩绳截成2m 或1m 的彩绳,用来做手工编织,在不造成浪费的前提下,您有几种不同的截法( ) A.1种 B.2种 C.3种 D.4种 9.若关于x ,y 的二元一次方程组???x +y =5k x -y =9k 的解也就是二元一次方程2x +3y =6的解,则k


八年级下册英语Unit6单元测试卷 一.单项选择。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) ( )1. -Keep working hard, Paul. You will surely realize your dream of being a writer you give it up halfway. -I will, thank you, Miss Rowling. A. unless B. if C. though D. as soon as ( )2. -Who lives together with your grandmother? - .She lives alone. I often go to see her. A. Nobody B. Somebody C. Anybody D. Everybody 3. It's wrong for the salesman to the old man of some money. A. remind B. cheat C. shout D. hide 4. Get around the beautiful town when you are free, and you will soon it. A.take care of B. come up with C.run out D. fall in love with 5. It was snowy yesterday. They stayed at home instead of football outside. A.play B. to play C. playing D. plays 6. She was stupid I didn’t want to explain it to her again. A. such; that B. so; that C. too; to D. enough; to 7. Sally wanted to Bob, so she went to the country with him. A.get married B. marry with C. marry D. marry to 8. Finally, a god was so by Yu Gong that he sent gods to take the mountains . A. moving; away B. moved; off C. moved; away D. moving; off 9. bad people, the Monkey King uses a magic stick. A.To fight B. Fighting C. Fought D. Fight 10. -We lost the match. - .Better luck next time A. No problem B. Hope things work out i C. Never mind D. Have a good day 二、完形填空。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) Today I’d like to tell you a story about the ten suns. Long time ago, 1 were ten suns. They appeared in turn(逐个)in the 2 every day. Each 3 the ten suns and their mother washed in a lake in the east. Then only one sun would move off 4 the sky. It would have a lone-day journey to 5 a mountain in the west. One day,the ten suns decided to take the journey 6 .They had a good time, but it was so hot on the earth that people couldn't 7 it. The suns father, Di Jun, tried to ask his children to appear in turn. 8 , they didn't listen to him, So Di Jun asked Yi to frighten(吓唬)them. To his surprise,Yi 9 nine suns, leaving only one in the sky, Di Jun was so 10 that he turned Yi into a common person. ( )1. A. there B. those C. they D. we ( )2. A. mountain B.ground C. sky D. sea ( )3.A. year B. month C. day D.hour ( )4.A.to B. from C. with D. upon ( )5.A.go B. get C. arrive D. reach


《认识钟表》单元检测 一、用yòng 两liǎng 种zhǒng 方fāng 法fǎ 表biǎo 是shì 下xià 面miàn 的de 时shí 间jiān 。(8分) 二、填tián 一yi 填tián 。(每空1分,共12分) 1.钟面上有( )个数字。钟面上较长的针是( )针,较短的针是( )针。把右图钟面上缺少的数字补充完整,钟面上的时间是( )时。 2.时针指向4,分针指向( ),是4时。 3.分针指向12,时针指向( ),是11时。 4.时针与分针重合时是( )时,时针与分针成一条直线时是( )时。 三、选xuán 一yi 选xuán 。(4分) 1.分针指向( ),时针指向几就是几时整。 ①3 ②10 ③12 2.钟面( )的时间是快2时了。

四、连lián 一yi 连lián 。(12分) 五、圈quán 出chū 正ahèng 确què 的de 时shí 间jiān 。(12分) 六、对dùi 的de 在zài 括kuò 号hào 里lǐ 画huà “√” , 错cuò 的de 画huà “×”,并bìng 在zài 横 héng 线xiàn 上shàng 改gǎi 正zhèng 。(8分)

七、在zài 钟zhōng 面miàn 上shàng 画huà 出chū 缺quē 少shǎo 的de 时shí 针zhēn 或huò 分fēn 针zhēn 。(8分) 八、写xiě 一yi 写xiě 。(8分) 1小时前是( )时 2小时前是( )时 1小时后是( )时 2小时后是( )时 九、这zhè 样yàng 的de 钟zhōng 表biǎo 你ni 认rèn 识shí 吗ma ?(8分) 十、请qǐng 写xiě 出chū 下xià 面miàn 时shí 钟zhōng 的de 时shí 刻kè ,猜cāi 一yi 猜cāi 第dì 四sì 个gè 时 shí 钟zhōng 应yīng 该gāi 是shì 几jǐ 时shí ?并bìng 给gěi 它tā 画huà 上shàng 指zhǐ 针zhēn 。(10分)


Test for Unit 5 (时间:120分钟,满分:120分) 听力部分(25分) Ⅰ.听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片。(5分) ( )1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. Ⅱ.听句子,选择最佳答语。(5分) ( ),I do. B.No,I won't. C.Yes,I was. ( ) B.Enjoy reading. C.Do some cooking. ( ),I can. B.This is Jenny .I'm here. ( ) was taking a shower. B.In a library. C.Mary. ( ) same to you. B.You're .I you. Ⅲ.听长对话,选择正确答案。(5分) 听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 ( ) happened at about 10:00 a. June 20th,2013 A.China was sending Shenzhou X. B.Shenzhou X was flying back to the earth. C.The astronaut was having class in Shenzhou X. ( ) was Li Lei doing at that time A.Studying for a test. B.Having his class. C.Watching TV. 听第二段对话,回答第13-15小题。 ( ) jumped into the river A.A young man. B.A driver. C.Rose. ( ) did the accident happen A.At 7:20 a.m. B.At 7:30 a.m. C.At 7:40 a.m. ( ) many people are mentioned (提及的) in the accident A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. Ⅳ.听短文,选择正确答案。(10分) ( ) was the speaker doing in the morning A.Cooking breakfast. B.Running. C.Reading. ( ) did the speaker usually go to work A.By car. B.By bike. C.By bus. ( ) was in the bike's basket (车筐) A.The bag. B.The umbrella. C.The book. ( ) did the speaker get to the bus stop again A.At 7:00. B.At 7:40. C.At 8:20.

牛津译林版8B英语 Unit6单元测试卷含答案

Unit 6 单元测试卷 一、单项选择(共18分,每小题1分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( ) 1. Mr. Jiang, as ______ elderly man, took part in the Special Games for ____ elderly, and finished _______ second in the race. A. a; the; the B. an; the; / C. an; an; the D. the; an; / ( ) 2. Before working as a businessman, his first ________ was to be a volunteer for the 2007 Shanghai Special Olympics World Games. A. work B. task C. job D. duty ( ) 3. We students can _______ food and old clothes to the homeless people, and the teachers can __________ learning skills for the poor children. A. provide; give B. provide; offer C. offer; give D. give; provide ( ) 4. As you know, we can organize our ideas in different ways according to the type of writing. For example, when we describe a place or an object, we use _______. A. Time order B. Space order C. General to specific D. Specific to general ( ) 5. The ______ boy has been in hospital for about two months. The doctor says he has a serious heart ________. A. sick; disease B. ill; illness C. sick illness D. ill; disease ( ) 6. Mr. White says the doctors will __________ on my mother, and it will ____ about 200,000 yuan. A. have a check; take B. provide an opeation; spend C. do an operation; cost D. take a good care; spend ( ) 7. —The volunteers really provided the athletes with support. —Exactly. __________ they helped make the event! A. What a great success B. What great success C. How a great success D. How great success ( ) 8. As a top student in our class, itt’s good ____ Jim to help us when we’re in need, and also good _____ him to exercise for an hour every day. A. of; of B. for; for C. for; of D. of; for ( ) 9. —How many letters have you got from your online friends since last year? —_______. We’re just chatting with each other when we’re free. A. Nothing B. None C. No D. No one ( ) 10. —What do you think of Jack when has save the boy from the river? —I think it’s _______ of him to do so, for the boy was in great danger. A. important B. necessary C. brave D. honest ( ) 11. Daniel ________ the Party last month, and _________ our activities to help people at the community center. A. joined in; took part in B. joined; joined in C. took part in; joined D. joined in; took part in ( ) 12. —Look! The two brothers are arguing about what to do next. —Oh, well. In fact, the _____ brother’s idea is _________ the younger’s. A. older; the same as B. elder; similar to C. elderly; as good as D. older; different from ( ) 13. It was a hard time for those students because of losing the game, but they did not ______ hope. A. give up B. give off C. give in D. give out ( ) 14. It’s dangerous_________ a close look at the tiger in zoo. A. for us taking B. of us to take C. of us taking D. of us to take ( ) 15. After the earthquake in Sichuan, all the local governments were trying to help the ________ people to rebuild (重建) their homes.


平面向量单元测试题及 答案 https://www.doczj.com/doc/a918951474.html,work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR

2 平面向量单元测试题2 一,选择题: 1,下列说法中错误的是 ( ) A .零向量没有方向 B .零向量与任何向量平行 C .零向量的长度为零 D .零向量的方向是任意的 2,下列命题正确的是 ( ) A. 若→a 、→b 都是单位向量,则 →a =→ b B . 若AB =D C , 则A 、B 、C 、 D 四点构成平行四边形 C. 若两向量→a 、→b 相等,则它们是始点、终点都相同的向量 D. AB 与BA 是两平行向量 3,下列命题正确的是 ( ) A 、若→a ∥→b ,且→b ∥→c ,则→a ∥→c 。 B 、两个有共同起点且相等的向量,其终点可能不同。 C 、向量的长度与向量的长度相等 , D 、若非零向量与CD 是共线向量,则A 、B 、C 、D 四点共线。 4,已知向量(),1m =a ,若,a =2,则 m = ( ) A .1 B.3 C. 1± D.35,若→a =(1x ,1y ),→b =(2x ,2y ),,且→a ∥→ b ,则有 ( ) A ,1x 2y +2x 1y =0, B , 1x 2y ―2x 1y =0, C ,1x 2x +1y 2y =0, D , 1x 2x ―1y 2y =0, 6,若→a =(1x ,1y ),→b =(2x ,2y ),,且→a ⊥→ b ,则有 ( ) A ,1x 2y +2x 1y =0, B , 1x 2y ―2x 1y =0, C ,1x 2x +1y 2y =0, D , 1x 2x ―1y 2y =0, 7,在ABC ?中,若AC BC BA =+,则ABC ?一定是 ( )

Unit6单元测试 (2)

Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling 单元检测 (考试时间:100分钟,满分:120分) 第一部分听力(20分) Ⅰ. 听对话,选择正确图片。每段对话读一遍。(5分) C

B A G E F D 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Ⅱ. 听对话及问题,选择正确答语。每段对话及问题读两遍。(5分) ( )6. A. A double room. B. A standard room. C. A single room. ( )7. A. To see sunrise. B. To see film. C. To visit Xiangshan. ( )8. A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Windy. ( )9. A. To work in Ren'ai English School. B. To study in Ren'ai English School. C. To buy a Ren'ai English machine. ( )10. A.¥320. B.¥160. C.¥260. Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。(5分) ( )11. What are they talking about? A. Their parents. B. Sports. C. Holiday. ( )12. When did the boy go? A. Last month. B. Last year. C. This year. ( )13. The boy enjoyed himself in . A. climbing mountains B. climbing trees C. fishing ( )14. Where did they go to climb mountains? A. Guilin. B. Dali. C. Lijiang. )15. Who is going to travel with the girl? ( A. Her father. B. Her mother. C. Her parents. Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分) ( )16. I will travel to Mount Tai with my ____. A. classmates B. parents C. friends ( )17. We are going to ____ on the top of the mountain. A. book two rooms B. have a rest C. take some pictures ( )18. We can see ____ on the top of the mountain. A. the cloud sea B. the sunrise C. both of the above ( )19. We will go to Mount Tai ____. A. by bus B. by train C. by car ( )20. We will arrive at Mount Tai at ____. A. 7:00 a.m. B. 9:00 a.m. C. 10:00 a.m. 第二部分英语知识运用(65分) Ⅰ. 单项选择。(15分) ( )1. China is ____ the west of Japan and ____ the east of Asia. A. in; to B. to; in C. on; to D. at; in ( )2. They ____ Miss Brown at the airport when she arrives this afternoon. A. will meet B. met C. meet D. meets ( )3. I think Mike is ____ student in my class. A. more careful B. the most careful C. careful D. careless ( )4. If it ____ tomorrow, I ____ not go there by bike. A. rained; will B. rains; will C. is going to rain; do D. rains; do

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