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例:Theboysaidtothis mother“Iwanttobuyabag.”






























¥ 初中宾语从句和定语从句混合练习 1.--- Could you tell me __________ --- Fill in this form and I will give you a card. A how I can meet Cathy B where I can meet Cathy C when I can meet Cathy D why I can meet Cathy ? 2.--- There are many volunteers __________ are helping the children in Sichuan. --- And most of them are college students. A which B when C whose D who 3.I don’t know the teacher __________ is talking with Miss Wang. A what B whom C which D who @ 4.The skirt __________ is made of silk is very expensive, I can’t afford it. A what B who C that D whom 5.--- Could you tell me __________ ---Just go straight. It’s on your right. A where the police stations is B what your name is | C which country you come from D why you like koalas 6.---Do you know ______the girl in red is --- I’m not sure. Maybe she is a teacher. A when B how C where D what 7.【 8.Who is the man __________ is reading a book over there A that B which C whose D what 9.---What a new computer! Can you tell me __________ --- Just the day before yesterday. A how much you paid for it B how much did you pay for it

最新中考英语常见易错题 宾语从句和定语从句 易错点分析总结及配套真题

最新中考英语易错题型:宾语从句和定语从句 【2019 ? 四川省凉山州】—Simon, you look smart in the T-shirt. Could you tell me ___________ it? —OK. I bought it in a store online. A. where you bought B. where do you buy C. when you buy D. when did you buy 【参考答案】 【试题解析】句意:——西蒙,你穿这件T恤看起来很帅。你能告诉我你在哪里买的吗?——好的。我是在网上的一家商店买的。宾语从句中,从句通常用陈述语序,排除B、D。从I bought it in a store online. 判断句子询问在哪里买的,用where 引导。故选A。 丢分探因 此题考查宾语从句,学生想做对宾语从句的题,必须掌握住三个原则:一、宾语从句应用陈述语序; 二、宾语从句的时态应和主句保持一致;三、选择正确的宾语从句引导词。此题中A项和C项都是陈述语序,根据句意可知此处问的是他在哪里买的衣服,故选where作引导词。 查漏补缺 宾语从句的种类 宾语从句是一种名词性从句,在句中作及物动词的宾语,或介词的宾语,或形容词的宾语。根据引导宾语从句的不同连词,宾语从句可分为三类。 1. 由that引导的宾语从句。that只有语法作用,没有实在的意义,在口语和非正式文体中可以省略。 He said (that) he wanted to stay at home. She doesn’t know (that) she is seriously ill. I am sure (that) he will succeed. 2. 由连接代词who, whom, whose, what, which和连接副词when, where, why, how引导的宾语从句。这 些连接代词和连接副词在宾语从句中充当某个成分。 Do you know who (whom) they are waiting foe? He asked whose handwriting was the best. Can you tell me where the No.3 bus stop is? I don’t kn ow why the train is late. 3. 由if或whether引导的宾语从句。if和whether在句中的意思是"是否"。


从句小结 从句总述: 从句有主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句、定语从句和状语从句6类。 由于主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句及同位语从句在句子的功用相当于名词,故而这4种从句又通称名词性从句。 1.主语从句(Subject Clause):用作主语的从句叫主语从句。引导主语从句的关联词有从属连词、疑问代词、疑问副词、缩合连接代词、缩合连接副词等。 2.表语从句(Predicative Clause):用作表语的从句叫表语从句。引导表语从句的关联词与引导主语从句的关联词大都一样。 3.宾语从句(Object Clause):在句子中起宾语作用的从句叫做宾语从句.宾语从句分为三类:动词的宾语从句,介词的宾语从句和形容词的宾语从句. 4. 同位语从句(Appositive Clause):在复合句中用作同位语的从句叫同位语从句。它一般跟在某些名词后面,用以说明该名词表示的具体内容。其关联词多为that。 状语从句还可以分为条件状语从句、原因状语从句、方位状语从句和时间状语从句等。 宾语从句 学习宾语从句要抓住三要素:时态、语序、连接词。 一:时态和语序 1·主句用一般现在时,从句可用任意时态。 2·主句用过去时,从句用过去某个时态。 3·主句用过去时,从句是真理时,只用一般现在时。 语序:宾语从句只能用陈述句语序,坚决不能用疑问句语序。 二:连接词 ①从属连词 连接宾语从句的从属连词主要有that,if,whether. that引导表示陈述句的宾语从句,而if和whether引导表示“是否”的宾语从句. 例句: He told that he would go to the college the next year 他告诉我他下一年上大学. I don’t know if there will be a bus any more. 我不知道是否还会有公交车. ②连接代词 连接代词主要有who, whom ,whose ,what ,whoever ,whomever ,whosever, whatever, whichever等. 连接代词一般指疑问,但what, whatever除了指疑问外,也可以指陈述. 例句: Do you know who has won Red Alert game 你知道谁赢了这一局红警游戏吗 ③连接副词 连接副词主要有when,where,why,how,whenever,wherever,however等. 例句: He didn’t tell me when we should meet again. 他没有告诉我什么时候我们能再见面.


如何区分定语从句、宾语从句和状语从句?(附习题)| 虫虫讲英语 2018-12-02 14:52 「虫虫讲英语」老少咸宜的英语学习号——有时候,语法换一种方式讲,就听懂了。 如何区分定语从句、宾语从句和状语从句,是学生最常问我的问题之一。今天,我们通过青铜、白银、黄金、王者四级难度的例句,一起研究下怎样一眼辨别英语3大从句。 01 概念 3大从句的区别均在于前面两个字:定语、宾语和状语: 知道了这几个概念,这三种从句就很好理解了: >> 定语从句:作定语的从句,做adj.修饰先行词;

在这里,dog “狗子” 是先行词,即“走在定语从句前面的名词”;定语从句 that shits a lot 其中的 that,指 代了前面的 dog,告诉我们这是一条怎样的狗子:拉很多的狗子。 >> 宾语从句:作宾语的从句,放在动词或介词后面; 第一句,宾语从句为普通的陈述句,放在 think 这个动作后面,由连接词 that 引导。 第二句,宾语从句已经改成陈述句语序,原来人讲的话则是一般疑问句Do you let it go “你丫放不放手” ?该从句放在 depend on 的介词 on 后面,一般疑问句由 whether/ if 引导。 >> 状语从句:作状语的从句,给主句增加信息量。 状语从句,是3大从句中比较好记的一种:有个完整的主句,从句是提供更多信息的,比如上述例句告诉我们他为什么养狗。只要熟悉九大状语从句的引导词(← 戳可查看),几乎一眼就能辨别出状语从句。 02 当堂练习 现在,我们一起看几个句子找找感觉。请判断下列句子是定语从句,宾语从句还是状语从句? >> 青铜 1. If it is fine tomorrow, I will visit you. 2. I helped an old man who lost his way.


英语学科中考专项复习 宾语从句和定语从句教学设计 一:教学内容: 宾语从句的定义和结构、引导词、语序和时态 定语从句的关系代词 that, which, who ,whom,whose 二:学情分析: 九年级学生的英语水平参差不齐,成绩好的学生能够很好的掌握各个知识点,成绩中等的学生对于有些知识点可能是模糊不清,成绩不好的学生对英语可能完全是一窍不通。此次宾语从句和定语从句的专项复习,很多学生对两种从句认识不清,对他们应遵守的语法规则认识模糊,直接影响学生的理解句子的能力,尽管宾语从句和定语从句的考核只有两分,但它们涉及的面是广泛的。因此,我对这两种从句进行了详细的分析并通过历年各市的中考题来加深学生的印象。 三、教学目标 知识与技能:复习宾语从句的定义和结构、引导词、语序,掌握时态的变化以及定语从句的定义、结构和关系代词。 过程与方法:通过课堂活动,熟悉话题进行简单的交流,从历年中考题目中找出有关的信息,理解题意,并能简单归纳知识点。 情感态度价值观:通过课堂探究培养学生积极思考,踊跃发言的能力,增强他们解决问题的决心,提高学习英语的兴趣。 四、教学重点、难点: 重点:宾语从句的语序;定语从句的关系代词:that,which,who,whom,whose的使用。

难点:宾语从句中,主句与从句在时态上的相互呼应;定语从句中关系代词的使用 五、教具: PPT课件、资料 六、教学过程: Step1、进行中考考情考点分析 分析:岳阳中考题型 2016,2018年考的特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句,2017,2019年考的是定语从句.2019年湖南省有5个市考了定语从句,6个市考了宾语从句,而且都是由特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句。所考题型都以单项选择题为主。 Step2、板书一些宾语从句和定语从句,让学生分析它们的相同之处以及不同之处,然后老师进行总结。 I heard (that ) he got into a good high school last year. I like music that sounds good. This is the most interesting book (that) I have ever read. Could you tell me who he talked to just now? Tom prefers the singers who write their own songs. Do you know which city he has been to?


定语从句 定语从句是在主从复合句中修饰某个名词或代词句子,它在句中作定语。被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词,连接先行词和定语从句的词叫引导词(也叫关系词)。如 I know the girl who is sitting under the tree. 我认识那个正坐在树下的女孩。 ↓ ↘引导词↓ 先行词从句 (定语从句) This is the most interesting book that he has ever read. 这是他所读过的书中最有趣的一本。 ↓ ↘引导词↓ 先行词从句 (定语从句) · 考点1:先行词是人时引导词的选用 (1). 先行词是人,引导词后紧跟动词时用who或that. 如: Here comes the man who (that)wants to see you. 想见你的那个人来了。 (先行词是the man, 引导词后紧跟动词wants, 故引导词用who / that) (2). 先行词是人,引导词后紧跟的不是动词时要用who, whom, that. 如: This is the person whom (who, that)you are looking for. 这正是你要找的人。 (先行词是the person, 引导词后紧跟的是you, 不是动词, 故引导词可用who / whom / that) ) 考点2:先行词是物时引导词的选用 (1).先行词是物时,一般情况下引导词可以用which或that. 如: Mary like music that (which) is quiet and gentle.玛丽喜欢安静柔和的音乐。 (先行词是music, 引导词可用which / that) The film which(that) we saw last night was very interesting.我们昨晚看的电影非常有趣。 (先行词是film, 引导词可用which / that) ` (2).以下情况,引导词只能用that, 不能用which.


宾语从句和定语从句讲解 (一)that 引导的宾语从句 宾语从句的引导连词有that, who, whose, what, which, 副词when, where, how, why, whether, if 可以跟that 从句做宾语的动词有:say, think ,wish, hope, wonder, know, suppose, see, believe, agree. 1、在学习宾语从句的时候要知道宾语从句的构成 I heard that he would come here later on. 主语谓语动词引导词一个句子作宾语 2、要注意在宾语从句中主句与从句的时态要呼应 (a)当主句用一般现在时,从句要根据实际情况,选择时态 例如:I believe(that)you did your best for that. I believe(that)you will do your best for that. (b) 当主句的时态用一般过去时,从句要用相应的过去时态(过去时代包括,过去进行时,一般过去时,过去将来时,过去完成时等过去时态) 例如:I hear he will come here later on . I heard he would come here later on. I can’t tell him that his mother died. (c)当主句的时态用的是过去时态,但是从句的内容是对客观事情的叙述,从句依然用一般现在时态。 例如:My teacher said that the earth goes around the sun. That 引导的定语从句和that 引导的宾语从句的区别 定语从句在句中作主句的定语,修饰前面的名词或代词。被修饰的词叫先行词,引导定语从句的词叫关系代词。我们今天要学习的时由关系代词that来引导的定语从句 一,that在定语从句中既可指代人也可指代物。先行词是人或者物时,可以用that 来引导 如:Have you seen the woman that is wearing red coat


复合句:由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成的句子叫做复合句。 主句是句子的主体,从句只用作句子的一个成分,不能独立。 从句可以担任复合句的主语(主语从句)、表语(表语从句)、宾语(宾语从句)、定语(定语从句)、状语(状语从句)。中学阶段主要学习含有状语从句、宾语从句、定语从句的复合句。 A.状语从句:在复合句中修饰主句中的动词、形容词或副词等的从句叫做状语从句。状语从句根据它表示的意思的不同可分为时间、地点、原因、结果、让步、比较(或方式)和条件等类。 ○1时间状语从句:由when, while, as, the moment, the minute, once, whenever, before, after, ○2条件状语从句:由if, unless, so long as, as long as, in case , if only, provided that等引导。(注: 在条件状语从句的将来时态要用现在时和过去时,表示相应的将来时)。 I’ll show you around the city if I am free tomorrow . / If I had enough money, I would buy the car ○3原因状语从句:由because(因为), as(由于), since(既然), for(因为)等引导。 He was absent yesterday because he was ill . / As it was already dark, they decided to stay in the town for the night . ○4目的状语从句:由so that, that, so, in order that, in case等引导。句中常有may, might, can, could, should, would等情态动词。 He got up early so that he could catch the early train. / He studied hard in order that he might succeed . ○5结果状语从句:由so…that, so, so that, such…that等。 The film is so interesting that everyone likes to see it again . / Nothing more was heard of him, so people thought that he was dead . ○6比较状语从句:由than, as…as, not as(so)…as, the(+比较级)…the(+比较级)等引导。Today is not as warm as yesterday. / He listens to the teacher more carefully than I .


宾语从句 1. I asked Mary . A. when was she born B. if she was interested in computer C. what she will do after supper D. how she has done it 2. Please tell me . A. what’s the matter with you B. what’s the wrong with you C. what the matter is with you D. what was the matter with you 3. I don’t know your brother is. A. why B. which C. what D. whom 4. There is no difference . A. whether will she come or not B. whether or not she will come C. if she will come or not D. whether she will come or not’ 5. He asked me I could go with him. A. weather B. what C. if D. that 6. My father had told me many times that the moon around the earth. A. had gone B. went C. goes D. was going 7. We knew nothing about it because the teacher did n’t tell us and . A. what to do; how to do it B. to do what; how to do C. what to do it; how to do it D. what to do; how to do 8. She was quite sure the teacher said was true. A. that B. which C. who D. what 9. –Do you know , Xiao Ming? -- On August 8th , 2008. A. when the Beijing Olympic Games held B. when did the Beijing Olympic Games hold C. when the Beijing Olympic Games will hold D. when will the Olympic Games hold 10. –Can you tell me . -- In a small town near Beijing. A. where was your sister born B. where your sister was born C. when was your sister born D. when your sister was born 11. I wondered . A. how much he cost the radio B. how much the radio has cost him C. how much did he spend on the radio D. how much he paid for the radio 12. – I wonder if he . -- I am sure will . A. will come; will be B. will come; is C. comes; will be D. comes; is 13. Do you happen to know . I have something important to tell her. A. where does Mary live B. where did Mary live C. where Mary lives D. where Mary lived 14. –I don’t know . --Peter told me that he was born in England. A. when he was born B. how he came from


定语从句和宾语从句怎么区分?怎么用? 最近很多读者在我们英语周报学习交流群内提问有关定语从句和宾语从句的问题,这是目前大家英语学习中的重点、难点,也是考试中常见的考点之一,掌握它们的用法非常重要。下面小编就帮大家梳理、总结一下定语从句和宾语从句的区别及具体用法,希望能对大家的英语学习起到帮助作用,好了,一起来学习吧! 定语从句 在复合句中,修饰名词或代词的从句叫作定语从句。被定语从句修饰的词叫“先行词”。引导定语从句的词叫关系代词或关系副词。下面我们结合例句来看一下由that, which, who和whom引导的定语从句。 1. 关系代词that引导的定语从句。that在从句中作主语或宾语,可以指人,也可以指物。如: A plane is a machine that can fly. (作主语,指物) That’s is the best hotel that I know. (作宾语,指物) Who is the man that is reading a book over there? (作主语,指人) The girl that we saw yesterday is Jim’s sister. (作宾语,指人) 2. 关系代词which引导的定语从句。which在从句中作主语或宾语,只可以指物。如: They planted some trees which didn’t need much water. (作主语,指物) The fish which we bought this morning were not fresh. (作宾语,指物) 3. 关系代词who和whom引导的定语从句。who和whom只可以指人,分别在从句中作主语或宾语,口语中通常用who代替whom。如: The boy who broke the window is called Tom. (作主语,指人) The person to whom you talked just now is Mr Smith. (作宾语,指人) 【即学即练】用who, whom, which或that完成下列句子。 1. It’s a book ________ introduces how to cook. 2. There are many volunteers ________ are helping the poor children. 3. This is the bike ________ my brother gave me for my birthday. 4. The girl ________ is standing under the tree is my little sister. 5. The woman ________ you met yesterday is my aunt. 6. Bruce, there is someone outside ________ would like to see you. 7. Do you know the boy ________ threw the stone at the window? 8. I am looking for the backpack ________ I bought yesterday. 宾语从句 用作宾语的从句叫做宾语从句。引导宾语从句的词有:连词that, whether, if;连接代词who, whose, what, which;连接副词when, where, how, why等。如: I doubt whether he will succeed. I wonder what he’s writing to me about. I’ll tell you why I asked you to come. 注意: 1. 宾语从句既可跟在及物动词后面,也可跟在介词后,还可跟在形容词后。如: I don’t know who all the people are. Please find out when the ship sails for New York. He was afraid that the other kids would laugh at him. 2. 当宾语从句后有宾语补足语时,则需要用it做形式宾语,而将宾语从句后置。如: I find it strange what she said at the meeting. We have made it clear that we will learn to deal with various difficult problems.


2018年九年级英语专项练习—定语从句和宾语从句 Name__________ Grade__________第一部分单项选择。(本题共45小题,每题1分,计45分) 从每小题所给的A、 B、 C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )1.— kind of tea would you like —I love tea has a fruity taste. A. Which;what B. What; which C. Whose; that D. What; who ( )2.—Excuse me, how long will it take me to get to the post office —Well, it depends on . A. how you will get there B. when you will get there C. where you will get D. how will you get there ( )3.—Excuse me. Could you please tell me ______ —Sure. Go along this street and turn left. It’s on your right. A. when I can get to the bookstore B. when can I get to the bookstore C. how I can get to the bookstore D. how can I get to the bookstore ( )4.—Why are you so worried —I’ve lost the watch ______ my dad bought me on my birthday. A. what B. who C. whose D. which ( )5. She often parks her car near the house _____she can easily get to. A. where B. who C. which D. what ( )6. Could you please tell ______ A. how can I make the machine work B. how I can make the machine work C. how I can make the machine to work D. how can I make the machine to work ( )7.—What did the manager ask you after the meeting —She asked me__________. A. what I do for the project last week B. if can I finish the work on time C. how did I deal with the problem D. why I was late for the meeting


顺口溜巧记定语从句宾语从句 【定语从句】定语从句顺口溜 1.定从分类有奥妙,限与非限看逗号; 定前必有先行词,名代两类最适宜;定从先行很紧密,代副两词拉关系; 2.关系代词有六个,听我逐一来说破;which表物人用who,人物都有that顾;which用在逗号后,意表前句你要know; who做主语很称职,whom用到宾语里; 3.that用法真有趣,两个地方它不去;逗号后边它不去,介词之后不考虑; 4.That which代表物,区别听我来叙述;先行若是不定代,that就把which 踹;先行词前有两数,就用that定无误;先行词前最高级,还用that必无疑;句中若有there be, that应把which替;先行主中做表语,避免重复从句里;

(Just the only very same last, 其后也要用that;) 5.指人可用that who, 以下情况多用who; Those people做先行,There be的结构中; 先行指人不定代,从中做主who要在; 两个定从一起来,不要重复你有才; 6.定从之中少定语,whose为你唱一曲; Whose指人又指物,所属关系要记住。 7.As/which在句末,若有否定as错; 句首只能用as,还有认知猜想词; 固定结构用as, the same /such/so/as; So /such …that宾不离,so/such…as宾要弃; 8.关系代词到这里,主宾表定作用起; 关系代词做宾语,省与不省全靠你; 9.关系副词when/where/why, 从中做状莫懈怠; 时间用when原因why,地点where经常在; 关系副词可替换,介词加上关系代; 关系代,关系代,that与who要除外; 挑选介词要聪明,必看动词和先行;


定语从句+宾语从句练习 1.The place _______interested me most was the Children's Palace. A. Which B. where C. what D. in which 2.Do you know the man _______? A. whom I spoke B. to who spoke C. I spoke to D. that I spoke 3.This is the hotel _______last month. A. which they stayed B. at that they stayed C. where they stayed at D. where they stayed 4.Do you know the year ______the Chinese Communist Party was founded? A. which B. that C. when D. on which 5.That is the day ______I'll never forget. A. which B. on which C. in which D. when 6.The factory ______we'll visit next week is not far from here. A. where B. to which C. which D. in which 7.Great changes have taken place since then in the factory _______we are working. A. where B. that C. which D. there 8.This is one of the best films _______. A. that have been shown this year B. that have shown C. that has been shown this year D. that you talked 9.He asked ________ for the violin. A. did I pay how much B. I paid how much C. how much did I pay D. how much I paid 10Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see __________. A. who he is B. who is he C. who is it D. who it is 11.It there anyone in your class ______family is in the country? A. who B. who's C. which D. whose 12.I'm interested in ______you have said. A. all that B. all what C. that D. which 13. Little Tommy was reluctant to tell the schoolmaster _________ he had done the day before. A. that B. how C. where D. what 14. These wild flowers are so special I would do _________ I can to save them, A. whatever B. that C. which D. whichever 15.He talked a lot about things and persons ________they remembered in the school. A. which B. that C. whom D. what 16. It is generally considered unwise to give a child _________ he or she wants. A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever 17. Although Anne is happy with her success she wonders _________ will happen to her private life. A. that B. what C. it D. this 18.You're the only person ______I've ever met ______could do it. A. who;/ B./; whom C. whom;/ D./; who


宾语从句与定语从句 Exercises for Objective Clause ( 宾语从句练习) Part 1.引导词的选择 1. You’ll have to decide ___car we’ll use, yours or mine. A.which B.what C.whose D.whether 2. You’ll have to decide ___car we’ll use, the old one or the new one.A.which B.what C.whose D.whether 3. You’ll have to decide ___we’ll use the new car for. A.which B.what C.whose D.whether 4. You’ll have to decide ___we’ll use the new car. A.which B.what C.whose D.whether 5.I believe ______ what he said is true. A.that B.whether C.if D.X 6.Make sure ______ the door is locked before you leave the lab. A.that B.if C.whether D.when 7.I wonder _____ it is true or not. A.that B.whether C.if D.X 8. She do esn’t know _____ she should stay at home. A. what B. where C. whether D. that 9. Do you know _____he didn't finish his work for? A.how B.why C.when D.what 10. He asked me ____ to build this factory. A. how long it was taken B. how long it had taken C. how much time did it take D. how much time it was taken Part 2.从句的谓语动词的形式 1. After a careful examination, Doctor Johnson asked me what _____for breakfast. A.had I had B.have I had C.I had had D.I have had 2. The voyage proved that the earth _____ . A. was round B.is round C.has been round D.had been round 3. Our teacher suggested he _____ his homework before class. A.hand in B.handed in C.hands in D.hands on 4. The teacher demanded that we _____ home before handing in the exercise books. A.should go B.didn’t go C.not go D.don’t go 5. I insisted that Tom _____ the work at once. A.does B.will do C.do D.did 6. ---My father will be here tomorrow. ---Oh, I thought that he _____ today. A.was coming B.is coming C.will come D.comes 7. Have you decided _____Canada? A.when will you leave B.when you will leave C.when are you leaving D.you are leaving when 8. I really don't know when she ____ . If she ____ ,I will tell you at once. A. will come, will come B. comes, comes C. will come, comes D. comes, will come 9. Could you tell me _____ ?

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