当前位置:文档之家› 英语期末模拟题1






( )21. ---- Mom, I want ___ MP4 so that I can listen to some music.

---- OK, I will buy one __ you if you get a good mark in the exam.

A. a, to

B. an, for

C. an, to

( )22.---- I would rather _______tennis than _______TV. What about you?

---- I prefer to read books.

A. playing , watch

B. play, watch

C. plays , watches

( )23. ---- The potato chips taste awful. --- Why?

----There’s ___ salt in it, so they are __ to eat.

A. too many, too salty

B. much too, salty enough

C. too much, too salty ( )24.---- __ the teacher’s help, we can get the first place in this competition.

---- That’s right. Let’s go to say ____ our teacher.

A. Thanks for; thanks to

B. Thanks to; thanks to

C. Thanks to, thanks for ( )25. ---- I was doing my homework ______ it began to rain yesterday. What were you doing?

---- I ______to my friend, Jane.

A. when, was writing

B. while, writing

C. when, wrote ( )26---- What is the weather like in Harbin?

---The weather in Harbin is different ___that in Beijing, but it’s the same ___

that in Washington.

A. to ,as

B. as ,from

C. from, as

( )27. ----Mary is singing in the next room. What do you think of her singing?

----It ______very wonderful. But if you practice ,you _____better.

A. sounds, sing

B. sounds, will sing

C. sings , will sing ( )28. ----What’s wrong with you? You look _______.

---- The instruction (说明书) of the computer is too__. I don’t know how to use it.

A. confusing; confused

B. confused; confusing

C. confused, confused ( )29.---- You have been away from your hometown for many years.

---- Yes. But I still remember the days _____ I spent with you there.

A. when

B. on when

C. that

( )30. ---- You look much better than before.

---- Thank you. I ______ to work by bus. But now I ______ to work on foot.

A. used to go, used to going

B. am used to going, used to go

C. used to go, am used to going

( )31.There are five _____ students in our school. Now _____ of visitors want to visit our school.

A. thousands, thousand

B. thousand, thousands

C. thousands, thousands ( )32.---- Did you remember _________ in class?

---- Yes, he told us that the earth _________ around the sun.

A. what did the teacher say, goes

B. what the teacher said, goes

C. what the teacher said, went

( )33. Are you often invited to have dinner with someone? If you eat with others,

some polite ways are very necessary. What are polite eating ways?

①Circle your plate with your arms.

②Don’t push the plate back when finished. Leave where it was.

③If you want a dish far from you at table, you should ask the nearest person for


④ Take a huge mouthful of anything.

⑤ After finishing dinner, you should put the fork and knife across the plate.

A. ①②⑤

B. ②③④

C. ②③⑤

( ) 34. Last week, Wang Ming was asked to make a survey of the five hottest jobs among the students in his school. The following diagram shows the result of

the survey. According to the diagram, we know that the number of the

students who want to be teachers is _____ larger than the number of the ones who want to be computer engineers.


B. twice

C. half

( ) 35. Which stress is different from others?

A. Chopsticks

B. Realize

C. Confused


Success is not easy to talk about because the word itself has hundreds of definitions (定义). For some, it means power; for some, it means wealth; for others , it means fame. But I have my own understanding of it.

I think success means trying your best. Many people believe that success means winning. 36 , in my opinion, it means trying your best and do 37 you can, no matter if you will win or lose. When you are taking part in a long-distance race, if you keep on running as fast as you can, you will be successful, even if you are the last to 38 the finishing line. You have showed your best to

39 ,and you have made your greatest effort(努力)to win.

I think success means working hard. 40 can succeed without hard work. Thomas Edison succeeded because he had experimented(实验) thousands of times to find the 41 material(材料) to make an electric light bulb(电灯). Every success calls for hard work. So, 42 you want to succeed, work hard first!

Lastly, I think success means not losing heart. No one can win all the time. You will certainly lose or fail some day, but what’s important is not to lose heart. A person who 43 his or her heart is just like a tree without roots(根). It will be 44 blown down by the wind. Nobel failed many times when he was doing his experiments. Sometimes his lab was set on fire and he was nearly killed, but he never lost heart. He kept on 45 and finally invented a new explosive(炸药). So, whenever you fail, just stand up and try again!

( ) 36. A. And B. But C. However ( ) 37. A. something B. everything C. nothing

( ) 38. A. past B. passed C. pass

( ) 39. A. the other B. another C. others

( ) 40. A. Anybody B. Nobody C. Everybody ( ) 41. A. good B. better C. best

( ) 42. A. if B. when C. since

( ) 43. A. is losing B. has lost C. will lose

( ) 44. A. suddenly B. quickly C. easily

( ) 45. A. try B. trying C. to try

四、阅读理解(本题共20分,每小题1 分)


We usually get the sight of the rainbow(彩虹) in the sky after rain. And rainbows are one of the most beautiful things in nature. But how and why do rainbows come out? Most people will say that a rainbow is“the light going through raindrops or something else.”This is right,but it’s not the complete answer.

You know that light is made up of many colors. To understand rainbows,you have to start by understanding what is happening inside a prism(棱镜) and how it splits(分裂) the color of white into other colors. A prism takes in white light on one side and has its own mini-rainbow on another side. The rainbow is just caused by dispersion(分散) of sunlight. It is made by sunlight shining through very small drops of water in the air. Then the little drops of water split the sunlight into colors.

The rainbow is always in the part of the sky opposite from the sun,so we see it when the sun is behind us and the falling rain is in front of us. In fact, the rainbow is a band of colors. The order of colors in a rainbow is easiest to remember by the following mnemonic (a helpful way that helps one remember something):ROY G.BIV.R=red,O=orange,Y=yellow, G=green,B=blue,I=indigo and V=violet. Red is at the top edge(边界) of the rainbow and violet is at the bottom edge, with the other colors in between,though not all of them can be seen.

Whenever a good rain washes the world, a rainbow appears in the sky. As the saying goes,“Behind every dark cloud is a rainbow.”So try to know more about rainbows and remember that the rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow.


( )46.The underlined word “mnemonic”in the passage means“”in Chinese.




( )47.According to the passage,which picture shows how a prism(棱镜) works?

( )48.We can see rainbows .

A. when the sun is in front of us and the falling rain is behind us

B. when the sun is in the clouds and the falling rain is far from us

C. when the sun is behind us and the falling rain is in front of us

( )49.Which of the following is NOT correct according to the passage above?

A.When the rainbow appears,it is always in the part of the sky, next to the sun.

B.The saying “Behind every dark cloud is a rainbow.” means the rainbow is a

sign of hope.

C. Rainbows are a band of colors and often appear after rain.

( )50.The best title for this passage should be .




( B )

( )51.Lucy wants to see the movie Summer time.She can see at any time except ___.

A. 14:30

B. 11:20

C. 15:20

( ) 52. At 14:30, Ben can choose any movie except _____.

A. The singing bird

B. The dead end

C. Tina

( ) 53. John is ten years old. If his parents take him to see a movie on Saturday, they have to pay _____.

A. ¥130

B. ¥100

C. ¥140

( ) 54. School is over at 5:00 in the afternoon from Monday to Friday. Which of the following movies can students go to see after school?

A. The singing bird.

B. The dead end.

C. Life is wonderful.

( ) 55. Which of the following statement is TRUE?

A. Ann and Jim want to see the movie Tina. If they get there at 12:45, they

should wait one hour.

B. If Mr. Wang wants to take his 6-year-old son to see a movie on Friday, he

should pay 80.

C. Peter is 15 years old. He has 8-year-old twin sisters. If their parents give

them ¥120, they can go to the theatre to see the movie on weekends.

( C )

Eddie is a handicapped child. He was born blind and deaf in one ear.

His parents were worried about him and took him to many famous doctors but none of them could help him. Though he is disabled, Eddie is a determined(有决心的)boy and he seems to have a good sense of music. His mother knows that and bought him a toy piano for Christmas when he was 8.

At church that day, Eddie listened silently while the rest of the family sang

along with the music. As soon as he returned home, he sat in front of the little piano and began to practice. He seemed angry at it as he produced only noise, so his mother put the toy piano in the closet(壁橱). Two weeks later, after returning from the church once more, Eddie uttered (发出) his first words, “Mommy, piano, piano.” This time he started to play the song he had heard in church. Though it was not very beautiful, he could play it much better than last time and he remembered most of the tunes. All his family members were surprised at him. His mother decided to ask a teacher to help him learn music.

Since then, Eddie has been taught by a young teacher from a university. He works very hard and often practices for a long time . His house often fills with music. Now he can perform classic music by Mozart and Schumann. He has learned to read music. He also plays jazz, pop and background music he hears on TV shows. “The boy has a bright future.” his teacher says.

Now he is an excellent player but he never spends one day without practicing .

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart .


( )56. There is something wrong with Eddie’s eyes and ears.

( )57. At the age of 8, his mother bought him a toy piano as Christmas present ( )58. Eddie often went to church with his family and played the piano well at the first time.

( )59. After he failed for the first time, he could play music much better the following week.

( )60.Eddie goes to university and studies music from a teacher.



( ) 61. of the students like from Chart 1.

A. More than half, basketball

B. Less than half, badminton(羽毛球)

C. Half,badminton

( ) 62. students do sports games because .

A. Most,they care about their health

B. Most, they like sports

C.28%,their parents ask them to

( ) 63.The students who spend are more than those who spend in a week.

A. more than 5 hours,2-5 hours

B.2-5hours,more than 5 hours

C.1-2 hours,less than 1 hour

( ) 64.We know that from the chart.

A. no students like table tennis

B. most students like football

C. most students don’t have much time to exercise

( )65.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Students only do sports training as their teachers ask them to

B. Most students do sports training because of their interest.

C. The students who spend the least time on sports training spend the most

time on study.



Mike was in Beijing .He explained that palace was 66 than he imagined. He told his friends that some buildings on the postcards were much older than other buildings .He explained that there were some 67 in the palace, so some buildings had to be 68 again. On 69 postcard, Mike pointed out a stream that runs around the palace. It showed that there are some bridges over the stream. He told his friend that the stream is called 70 Stream. He also explained that seven bridges go over it.

( B )

Wang Huansheng is a young man with a handicap. When he was seven years old, he became ill. After that, he couldn’t walk. At first, he tried to go to school like everyone else. But it was hard for him to travel to and from school. When he started middle school, it became hard for him to keep up with his classmates, But he didn’t quit studying for his classes. He took online classes. Thanks to his “never-give-up” attitude, he got a good education and he succeeded.

任务1用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,使文章通顺,连贯,合理(每词限用一次)66.__________ 67. __________ 68. ___________ 69. __________ 70. __________ 任务2:根据英文释义及首字母提示,拼写单词

71.h________ a problem with body or mind

72.s________ do the thing one is trying to do


H e didn’t quit studying for his classes.

He didn’t 73._______ 74._______ studying for his classes.

任务4根据短文内容简答问题What helped him succeed ?



(A) 从方框A—G 选项中选出五个句子补全对话,有两个句子为多余选项。A: I helped my brother with his homework last night. 76 .

B: While you were helping your brother, I was playing basketball. 77

A: Well, he was doing his homework, and he looked confused. As soon as I explained it to him, he realized how to do it. 78 How long have you been on the team ?

B: 79 Before that, I was on the baseball team.

A:I see. Did you win the game ?

____ (B)填入一个适当的词,补全对话,每空一词:

A: Tim, who is a person 81 you admire?

B: One of the best persons that I admire 82 Yang Liwei.

A: 83 do you admire him?

B: He is very smart and I admire his determination. What 84 you, Liu Chang?

A:I admire Yao Ming. He works hard and never quits.

B:I admire Yao Ming, 85

81._________ 82._________ 83._________ 84._________ 85.________


(A) 阅读短文,根据短文内容完成表格,每空一词。(本题5分,每空1分)

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” is a popular saying in the United States. It’s true that all of us need recreation(娱乐).We can’t work all the time if we are going to have good health and enjoy life.

Everyone has his own way of relaxing. Perhaps the most popular way is to take part in sports. You can swim, run, skate and climb mountains if you like to be outdoors.

Not everyone who enjoys sporting events likes to take part in them. Many people like watching TV or listening to them on the radio. So many people like some forms of indoor recreation, such as watching TV, singing and dancing.

It doesn’t matter we like indoor recreation or take part in outdoor sports. It is important for everyone to relax from time to time, and enjoy some forms of

86. 87. 88. 89. 90.

(B) 假如你是学生会宣传委员李伟,请你根据外教Mark老师刚刚给你的留言内容用英文写一篇通知,并告知同学们参加锻炼,为运动会做好准备.要求包含所有

Our school is going to hold a sports meeting on May 10th. __________

Student Union

26 八.书面表达(15分)



2.至少80 词。


4 .题目自拟。


____________________________________________________________________ ____


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