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人教版高一英语必修三 unit2 知识点复习总结

人教版高一英语必修三 unit2 知识点复习总结
人教版高一英语必修三 unit2 知识点复习总结

B3Unit2 low-salt diet


protection peach 桃子n.保护pork 猪肉

protective adj.保护的柠檬lemon cucumber 黄瓜protect...from... eggplant茄子豌豆pea

protective clothing 豆子mushroom蘑菇bean

3.balance烤羊肉串vt. 平衡,权衡kebab pepper 辣椒

c. protective 给予保护的天平,称u.平衡,均衡

weigh v.→weight vitamin 维生素protein 蛋白质n.

lose weight

羊肉mutton kebabs 烧烤

put on weight/gain weight spaghetti 意大利面羊肉mutton

keep/lose onenut ' vinegar 坚果醋s balance

out of balance


sense of balance v.(使)保持平衡,(使)均衡,权衡重点单词keep a balanced diet 日常饮食n. 1.diet 节食vi.balance the budget

a healthy diet

daily diet

balance between...and... 7.hostess n.女主人,女主持人

host n.主人vi.变细,减肥v.主持4.slimraw adj.生的,未加工的

adj.苗条的,纤细的raw vegetables

a slim body/figure体型8.lie v.说谎,躺下薪水slim salary n.谎言tell s

b a lie a slim chance of success lie to sb

a white lie 渺茫的成功的机会一个善意的谎言

vi. 说谎v.签名,示意lie,lied,lied,lying 5.sign

vi 躺指示牌,标记,手势,迹象n. lie,lay,lain,laying

lay,laid,laid,laying 放置,下蛋v. 信号signal n. 发信号vt.

n.顾客,消费者9.customer a road/traffic sign

手语sign languageregular customer 常客sign to习俗,习惯custom 示意n. sign up for报名参加,登记注册海关n. customs

6.curiosity v. 折扣10.discount n. 好奇心n. 打折扣a discount shop/store 好奇的adj. curious

discount prices/fares

好奇地adv. curiously

11.weakness n.缺点,弱点be curious about对...感到好奇

satisfy one's curiosity weak adj.虚弱的

满足某人的好奇心weaken v.减弱

strengthen one's confidence 长处,力量12.strength n.


14.strong consult咨询,请教,商量,查阅vt.strengthen one's confidence

顾问n.consultant strengthen your muscle

physical strength consult with sb about sth u.体力,力气

build up one 查字典consult the dictionary 's strength

=look up sth in the dictionary inner strength u.意志力

strength of will

=refer to the dictionary

have/find the strength to adj. 有毒的,15.poisonous

毒药n.poison economic strength 实力u.

s living 优点,长处c. 16.earn one's living 'strengths and weaknesses =make one 谋生=make a living 出于好奇13.out of curiosity

earn money

limitation n.限制,局限

20.benefit v./respect/the fame(reputation) 有益于,受益

sth be benefit sb/sth n.债,债务17.debt

sb benefit from

sb be in debt/get into debt

n.利益,益处out of debt 不欠债benefit of

for sb' s benefit 'pay off ones debt还清债务be of (great) benefit to vi.怒目而视,闪耀18.glare

=be beneficial to 怒视,炫目的光n.


be of great use/value/importance glare at 怒视


stare at 盯着看,凝视https://www.doczj.com/doc/a910027064.html,bine v. 联合,(使)结合glance at瞥一眼/组合,兼顾,兼备n.结合(物)19.limit限制,限定. vt combination n.结合,组合,联合n.界限,限度,极限combined with adj.limited 有限的combine with

limit to...将限制在(某范围内)22.operation n.合作,协作 ... 受限制与be limited to... 开刀,动手术...对v. operate 无限的limitless adj. cooperate v.合作,配合,协力cut off切断,中止,隔绝

27.before long n.叹息声 . 不久以后vi. 23.sigh叹息,叹气

long before sigh with relief 很久以前

It will be+符号,标记一段时间+before n.24.sign

+(做坏事)被放过25.get away with一般现在时要过多久才

It was/took+一段时间+before 使理解get sth across(to sb)

+一般过去时脱离,逃离从get away (from) ... 过来多久才

相处,进展...与get along/on with

get down to (doing) sth



get over...克服,从中恢复get through完成,接通电话,通过cut down 26.

削减,删减,砍倒,减少cut in插话cut up切碎,连根切掉删除cut out

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