当前位置:文档之家› 常用医学词汇与行医英文对话




mental hospital精神病医院 clinic诊所

physician/internist科医生 oculist/eye doctor眼科医生surgon外科医生 dentist牙医

vet兽医 shrink心理医生

symptom症状 have/catch a cold感冒

have a sore throat嗓子痛 have a stomachache胃痛have a fever发烧 pneumonia肺炎

flu流感 have a cough咳嗽

have a headache头痛 have a toothache牙痛

liver trouble肝炎 allergy过敏症

twisted/sprained扭伤的 feel dizzy头晕

feel chilly觉得发冷 asthma哮喘

diabetics糖尿病患者 cramps抽筋

vomit/throw up/nauseate呕吐 diarrhea腹泻

vomitive/pukey恶心的 luggies/phlegm痰

have a stuffed nose鼻子不通 cholera霍乱

stiff neck脖子发僵 abscess脓肿

yellow fever黄热病 hay fever枯草热

pills药丸 mixture合剂

eyedrops眼药水 syrup糖浆

pad药棉块 vitamin维他命

tablet药片 penicillin盘尼西林

antibiotic抗生素 ointment药膏

medication药物 aspirin阿司匹林

bandage绷带 syringe注射器

stethoscope听诊器 injection注射

preventive injection预防针 gauze纱布

cold cure感冒药 sweating medicine发汗药

febrifuge退烧药 capsule胶囊

case history病历 extract拔牙

take one''s temperature量体温 see a doctor看病

send for a doctor请医生 feel one''s pulse量脉搏

take one''s blood pressure量血压 give a prescription开药方

have an operation 动手术 make an appointment预约

About a week now.

About five days running already.

I can't lift my right arm.

I cough a great deal at night .

I don't feel like eating anything.

I feel a bit off color.

I feel a pain in my left leg.

I feel absolutely rotten.

I feel chilly.

I feel dizzy and I've got no appetite.

I feel feverish. I feel hot and cold.

I feel like I'm burning up.

I feel like vomiting.

I feel poorly.

I feel rather unwell.

I feel shivery and I've got a sore throat.

I feel sick. I feel so ill.

I feel very bad.

I feel a dull pain in the stomach.

I have a headache.

I have a splitting headache.

I have a stomach-ache.

I have a stuffed-up nose.

I just feel all pooped out.

I keep feeling dizzy.

I really feel terrible.

I seem to have pain all over.

I think I'm dying.

I tried some sleeping pills,but they have done nothing for me. I'm a bit stuffed up.

I'm aching all over.

I'm afraid I've got a temperature.

I'm feeling rather out of sorts these days .

I'm having some trouble sleeping.

I'm rather sick.

I'm running a fever.

I'm running a temperature .

I'm suffering from insomnia.

I'm under the weather.

It all began yesterday.

It came on last night.

It hurts terrible.

It keeps hanging on.

It sort of hung on


2.blood transfusion输血

3.autologous blood transfusion自体输血

4.abdominal aortic aneurysm,AAA腹主动脉瘤

5.abdominal injury腹部损伤



8.acute abdomen急腹症

9.acute cholecystitis急性胆囊炎

10.acute cellulitis急性蜂窝织炎

11.basal energy expenditure,BEE基础能量消耗

12.basal anesthesia基础麻醉

13.basilar invagination颅底陷入症

14.basic life support,BLS初期复

15.cardiac contusion心脏挫伤

16.cardiac rupture心脏破裂

17.cardiac index 心脏指数

18.cardiac output 心脏排除量

19.cardiac transplantation心脏移植

20.chest trauma胸部挫伤

21.chemical burn化学烧伤

Useful Words and Expressions

internal medicine 科

surgery 外科

ophthalmology 眼科

stomatology 口腔科

pediatrics 儿科


gynaecology and obstetrics 妇产科

Unit Two Asking the Patient about the Illness ( 询问病情 )

1. What’s the matter with you?


2. What’s your complaint?


3. Do you cough?


. Are your bowels regular?


5. Do you feel tired?


6. Do you have any appetite?

7. Are you feeling dizzy?


8. Do you have a fever?


9. Do you have difficulty in breathing?


10. Have you ever had this experience before?


11. How long has this been going on?


12. When did the pain start?


13. How’s your sleep?


14. What did you eat yesterday?


15. Do you bring up any phlegm?


16. Does your phlegm have any blood?


17. Have you had any chills or fever?


18. Does anyone in your family suffer from hypertension?


19. Have you lost any weight recently?


20. Are you allergic to anything?


Useful Words and Expressions

allergic 过敏的

weight 重量

Unit Three Describing the Illness(述说病情)

1.I don’t feel well, doctor.


2. I have a headache, a sore throat, and my arms and legs feel weak. 我头疼,喉咙疼,手脚无力。

3.I feel like vomiting.


4. I cough a great deal at night.



6.I have a stuffed-up nose.


7.I have got a runny nose.


8.I have chills.


9. I keep feeling dizzy.


10.I feel a pain in my abdomen.


11. It hurts terrible.


12.I have got a humming.


13. My eye sight is failing.


14. There is a bitter taste in my mouth.


15. It all began yesterday.


16.I seem to have pain all over.


17.This tooth hurts.


18. My chest hurts.


19. It’s not a sharp pain; just sort of a dull ache. 这不是剧痛;只是有些钝疼。

20. It’s been hanging about for nea rly a week.


21. I feel numb in my right arm


22. I’m suffering from insomnia.


medical apparatus and instruments: 医疗器械pharmaceutical factory: 药厂

drugstore; chemist's shop; pharmacy: 药店pharmacopeia: 药典

prescription: 药方

write out a prescription: 开药方

drugstore; chemist's shop; pharmacy: 医药商店

hospital pharmacy; dispensary: 医院或诊所里的药房

expenses for medicine; charges for medicine: 药费a pot for decocting herbal medicine: 药罐子chronic invalid: 药罐子(经常生病的人)apothecaries'measure or weight: 药衡

medicinal herb collector; herbalist 药农

herbal medicine shop: 药铺

1.Pharmacodynamics 药物效应动力学

2.pharmacokinetics 药物代动力学

3.drug 药物

4.absorption 吸收

5.(re)distribution (再)分布

6.metabolism 药物代

7.first pass elimination 首关代

8.excretion 排泄

9.blood-brain barrier 血脑屏障

10.placental barrier 胎盘屏障

11.blood-eye barrier 血眼屏障

12.bound drug 结合型药物

13.free drug 游离型药物

14.(plasma) clearance (血浆)清除率

15.Bioavailability 生物利用度

16.Bioequivalence 生物等效性

17.steady-state concentration 稳态浓度

18.first-order elimination 一级消除动力学

19.zero- order elimination 零级消除动力学

20.half-life 半衰期

Any vomiting?

Are you feeling all right?

Are you feeling nausea?

Are you feeling well?

Are your bowels acting properly?

Are your bowels regular?

Did you have pains here before?

Do you cough?

Do you feel short of breath sometimes?

Do you feel short-winded?

Do you feel tired?

Do you have any appetite?do you have difficulty breathing? Does it hurt?

Have you ever had this experience before?

Have you got any chronic diseases in the past?

Have you got any feeling of nausea?

Have you lost weight recently?

Have you taken anything for it?

How about your appetite?

How bad is it?

How far pregnant are you?

How long has it been this way?

How long has this been going on?

How long have you been ill?

How long have you been like this?

How long have you had it?

How long have you had this trouble?

How're you feeling now ?

How's your rheumatism?

How's your sleep?

Is the cut still painful?

Since when have you been feeling like this ?

What did you eat yesterday?

What do you complain of?

What hurts you?

What seems to be bothering you?

What seems to be the matter?

What seems to be the problem?

What seems to be the trouble ?

What sort of pain do you get there?

What's bothering you ?

What's the matter with you?

What's the trouble ?

What's troubling you?

What's wrong with you?

What's wrong with your ear?

What's your appetite like?

What's your trouble?

When did the pain start?

When did you begin feeling unwell?

Which tooth is troubling you?

Why's that?

Your case record ,please.

You're suffering from an allery?








a + neur + ism





an + ox + emia



Ⅲ、angei-,angi-,angio- 血管

1、angeitis脉管炎 7,angiochondroma血管软骨瘤

angei + itis angio+chondr+oma




2、angiectasis血管扩 8,angiodermatitis皮血管炎

angi + ectasis angio+dermat+itis



3、angitis脉管炎 9,angiolipoma血管脂肪瘤

ang + itis angio+lip+oma




4、angioblast成血管细胞 10,angioneuromyoma血管神经肌瘤

angio + blast angio+neuro+my+oma



5、angiocardiography心血管造影术 11,angioparalysis血管麻痹病angi + cardio + graphy angio+paraly+sis








1、artery动脉 6,arterole 小动脉

arte + ry arteri + ole


动脉 n.suf(名词后缀)动脉小管


2、arterial动脉的 7,arterialization (静脉)动脉化

arteri + al arteria + liza + tion


动脉 a.suf 动脉化 n.suf(同前)


3、arteriarctia 动脉缩窄 8,arteriodilating 动脉扩的

arteri + arct + ia arterio+dilat+ing



4、arteriectasia 动脉扩 9,arterionecrosis 动脉坏死

arteri + ectas + ia arterio+necro+sis



5、arteriectomy 动脉切除术 10,arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化arteri + ectomy arterio+sclero+sis









1、atheroma 粥样(粉)瘤 5,atheronecrosis 粥样坏死

ather + oma athero+necro+sis



2、atherogenesis 粥样硬化形成 6,atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化athero + gene + sis athero + sclero + sis



3、atherogenic 致粥样硬化的 7,atherosis 粥样硬化

athero + gen + ic athero + sis


粥样致 a.suf(…的)(同前)粥样病

4、atheromatosis 粥样硬化病




Ⅶ、atri- atrio- 心房

1、atrial 心房的 5,atriotome 心房切开刀

atri + al atrio + tome


心房 a.suf 心房(切开)刀

2、atrium 心房 6,atriotomy 心房切开术

atri + um atri + otomy


心房 n.suf 心房切开术

3、atriocarotid (心)房颈动脉的 7,atrioventricular 房室的

atrio + carotid atrio + ventricul + ar


心房颈动脉的心房室 a.suf(与…有关的)

4、atrioseptopecy 房间隔修补术

atrio + septo + pexy





1、bicuspid 二尖瓣,二尖瓣的 2,bigemina 二联脉

bi+cuspid bi + gemin + a


二尖(瓣)二成对 n.suf

Ⅱ、brady- 徐缓、迟缓

1、bradycardia 心动过缓 3,bradydiastole 心舒期延长

brady + cardia brady+diastole



2、bradycrotic 脉搏徐缓的





Ⅰ、capil-, capillar-, capillar-, capillari-, capillaro- 毛细(血管)1、capillary 毛细血管的 5,capillariomotor 毛细血管运动

capill + ary capillario+motor


毛细血管 a.suf(与…有关的)毛细血管运动

2、capillarectasis 毛细血管扩 6,capillarioscopy 毛细显微镜检

capillar + ectasis capillario+scopy



3、capillaritis 毛细管炎 7,capillaropathy 毛细管病capillar+itis capillaro+pathy



4、capillarity 毛细现象或作用

capillari + ty


毛细 n.suf(表特性)

Ⅱ、cardia-, cardio- 心

1、cardiac 心的 7,cardiant 心兴奋剂

cardi + ac cardi + ant


心 a.suf( …的) 心药剂(医学上)


2、cardialgia 心痛,胃灼痛 8,cardiasthma 心性喘息cardi + algia cardi + asthma



3、cardiamorphia 心畸形 9,cardiovascular 心血管的cardia + morphia cardio + vascul + ar


心形态病心血管 a.suf

4、carditis 心炎 10,cardiophonography 心音图

card + it is cardio+phono+graphy


心炎心血管 a.suf

5、cardiogenic 心原性的 11,cardiopulmonary 心肺的cardio + gen + ic cardio+pulmon+ary


心原 a.suf心肺 a.suf

6、cardiomegaly 心肥大




Ⅲ、catherter 导管

catheterization 导管插入



导管化 n.suf

Ⅳ、circula- 循环

circulation 循环

circula + tion


循环 n.suf(表抽象含义)

Ⅴ、coron- 冠状

coronary 冠状的

coron + ary


冠状 a.suf

Ⅵ、cyan-, cyano-, cyanot-, 青紫、绀、蓝、氰

1、 cyanamide氰酰胺 3, cyanotic青紫的,紫绀的

cyan + amide cyanot + ic


氰酰胺青紫 a.suf(…的,属…的)

2、 cyanosis紫绀

cyano + sis








abacteria 无菌的,atony 无力,anemia 贫血(无血之意)。Abiosis 无生命,abraehia 无臂畸形,adaerya 无泪,asaetylia 无指(趾)畸形,asendrie无树突的,adermotrophia 皮肤萎缩(即无皮肤营养之意),adiaphoresis 无汗症。


asymmetercal 不对称的,asynergy 不协调,astnthests 不连接,aststole 心搏停止(心脏不收缩)。Atactic 共济失调的(不协调),astnchronous 不同步的,askyllabia 拼音不能。


aspiration 吸引(即吸除之意),aberrent 迷走的(即离开正常途径的)。

4、 An-在元音前用an-

Anaerove 厌氧菌,anesthesia 无感觉,麻醉,analgesia 无痛法,痛觉消失,anamniotic 无羊膜的,anangioplasia 血管发育不全,anapepsia 胃蛋白酶缺乏,anaplasia 发育不全,anascitia 无腹水的,anastigmatic 无散光的,anacholia 胆汁缺乏。


abnormal 不正常的(即背离正常的),abapical 离尖的,离心尖的(尖以外的,心尖外的)。Abarticular 关节外的,abaxial 轴外的,离轴的,

abduct 外展神经,ablactation 断奶(离开奶)。Abneural 神经外的。


antagonistic 对抗的,antioxin 搞毒素,antibody 抗体,antigen 抗原,antacid 制酸剂,antipyretie 解热剂,antibiotic 抗菌素,antispasmin 解痉剂,→antiamylase 抗淀粉酶,antieoagulant 抗凝的。


deacidification 去酸作用,deactivation 灭活性,deacylase 脱酰基酶,dealclholizafion 脱醇作用,deallergize 脱过敏,deamination 脱氨作用,deaquation 脱水作用,deviate 背离,decrease 减少,descend 下降,decimpose 分解,decomprese 减压, deficiencky 不中,不全,缺乏,deceleration 减速度,deformity 畸形,变形(非正常形态之意)。Degeneration 退行性变,变性(即背离正常性质)。Decentration 偏心(即离开中心),decerebrate 去大deckortication 去皮质,去皮层,defibrillate 除库,deficit 短缺,deflection 偏向,detail 详细(de 也有表示完全之意)。


disability 丧失劳动力,disacidity 去酸,disaggregation 感觉综合不能,disassimilation 异化作用,dislication 脱位,disassociation 分离,discharge 放电,discission 切开,discomfort 不舒适disconnect 分离,不连接,descrimination 辨别(含分开之意)。Disequilibrium 不平衡。


1、 In-非,无,不

Inactite 无活性的,inablity 无能力,inaccurate 不精确的,insolrble 不溶解的,inadequate 不适当的,inadaptable 不适应的,inacidity 无酸,inaction 无作用,inanimate无生命的,incapacity 机能不全,incoagulable 不能凝固的,inalimental 无营养的。

2、 Im-为in-的变形,在b,p,m,之前用im-

Impossible 不可能的,imperforation 无孔,impermeability 非渗透性,imbalance 不平衡,immature 不成熟的,immiscible 不可混合的,immobility 不活动,impalpavle 不可触知的,impotency 阳萎(阴茎不能勃起),inpkutre 不纯的。

3、 Il-为in-之变形,用于1之前

Ill-health 健康不佳,ill-effect 不良作用,ill-humor 心境不佳,ill-nourished 营养不良的。

4、 Ir-为in-之变形,用于1之前

Irregular不规则的,irreversible 不可逆的,irreducible 不可还原的,irrespirable 不能呼吸的,irresuscitable 不可复的,irrhythmia 心律失常,心律不齐,


non-absorbent 非吸收性的,nonacid 非酸性的,nonallerglic 非变态反应性的,nondevelopment不发育,nonconductor 非导体,nonimmune 非免疫性的,noncongestive 非充血性的,nonmotile 无运动的,noninfective 非传杂性的,非感染性的,nonhemolytic 非溶血性的,nonmetal 非金属的,nonsutgical 非手术的,非外科和,nonspecific 非特异性的,nonviable 不能生活的。


unavoidable 不可避免的,unbalance 不平衡,unknown 未知的,unconsciousness 无意识,uncomfortable 不舒适的,uncompleted 不完全的,uncompemented 未给补体的,undifferentiation 未分化。


护理常用英文术语集锦 Nursing processes 护理过程 assessment 估计 nursing diagnosis 护理诊断 planning 计划 intervention (implementation, management)措施(实施、管理)evaluation 评价Daily care of the patient 对病人的日常护理morning (evening)care, AM (HS)care 晨(晚)间护理bedmaking 整理床铺 oral hygiene (mouth care)口腔卫生 brushing the teeth 刷牙 flossing the teeth 清牙垢 denture care 清洗假牙 bathing 洗澡 cleanliness and skin care 清洁与皮肤护理 perineal care 洗会阴 hair 梳头 shaving 刮脸 Care of nails and feet 指甲修剪和洗脚 changing hospital gowns 更换住院服装 massage 按摩

bedsore care 褥疮护理Measurement of vital signs 测量生命体征taking oral (rectal, axillary)temperature 量口腔(直肠、腋下)体温 taking a radial pulse 测量桡动脉脉搏 counting respirations 计呼吸次数 measuring (taking)blood pressure 量血压Catheterization 导管插入术 cardiac catheterization 心导管插入术 laryngeal catheterization喉插管术 retro-urethral catheterization 逆行导尿管插入术 urethral catheterization 尿道导管插入术Clean techniques, medical asepsis 消毒灭菌 asepsis 无菌(法) integral asepsis 完全无菌 disinfection 消毒 concomitant (concurrent)disinfection 随时消毒,即时消毒steam disinfection 蒸汽消毒 terminal disinfection 终末消毒 disinfection by ultraviolet light 紫外线消毒 Sterilization 灭菌,消毒 chemical sterilization 化学灭菌法 fractional sterilization 间歇灭菌法


中医英语常用词汇英文翻译02 气化不利dysfunction of qi in transformation 畏寒喜热aversion to cold and preference for heat 气分热盛excessive heat at qi phase 气郁化热stagnation of qi transforming into heat

温养脏腑warming and nourishing the viscera 瘀血阻络blood stasis obstructing the collaterals 清肺润燥clearing the lung and moistening dryness 破瘀通经breaking blood stasis to promote menstruation 内伤头疼headache due to internal injury 祛瘀eliminating stasis, expelling stasis 逆传心包reverse transmission into the pericardium 气不摄血failure of qi to check the blood 宁心安神calming the heart and tranquilizing the mind 血液循行circulation of the blood 惊悸不安palpitation due to fright 气的运动形式the moving styles of qi 血液生成不足insufficient production of the blood 平肝止血soothing the liver to stop bleeding 血液亏虚deficiency of the blood 离经之血abnormal flow of the blood 津液的形状、功能与分布form, function, and distribution of the body fluid 气血生化之源source for the production and transformation of qi and blood 脉细无力thin and weak pulse 肌肤干燥dry skin 肌肤甲错squamous and dry skin 血脉调和流畅smooth and normal flow of the blood


basic medical sciences integrated course anatomy histology and embryology physiology pathophysiology pathology pharmacology morphology experiment locomotorsystem osteology skeleton bone diaphysis epiphysis metaphysis medullary cavity epiphyseal cartilage epiphyseal line compact or dense bone spongy or cancellous bone diploe periosteum bone marrow vertebra vertebral column atlas axis cervical vertebra thoracic vertebra lumbar vertebra sacrum coccyx sternum manubrium body of the sternum xiphoid process sternal angle jugular notch rib costal arch skullor cranium frontal bone occipital bone sphenoid bone temporal bone parietal bone ethmoid bone

lacrimal bone nasal bone vomer maxilla palatine bone zygomatic bone mandible hyoid bone inionor external occipital protuberance superior nuchal line groove for superior sagittal sinus anterior cranial fossa cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone middle cranial fossa hypophyseal fossa optic canal dorsum sellae foramen lacerum foramen rotundum foramen ovale foramen spinosum superior orbital fissure posterior cranial fossa foramen magnum hypoglossal canal jugular foramen internal occipital protuberance groove for transverse sinus groove for sigmoid sinus carotid canal styloid process stylomastoid foramen pterion infratemporal fossa pterygopalatine fossa orbit supraorbital foramen infraorbital foramen mental foramen lacrimal sac nasolacrimal canal superior nasal meatus middle nasal meatus inferior nasal meatus paranasal sinus maxillary sinus fonticuli fontanelles clavicle


实验室及功能间常用英文术语整理了实验室和各个功能间的中英文对照。包括如下几个部分容: 一、容器与耗材(vessel & consumable material) 二、实验操作(manipulation) 三、仪器(apparatus) 四、化学试剂(reagent) 五、实验室各个功能间名称 一.容器与耗材(vessel & consumable material) 小瓶vial 量杯measuring cup 烧杯beaker 量筒measuring flask/measuring cylinderer 坩埚crucible 坩埚钳crucible clamp 试管test tube 漏斗funnel 比色皿cuvette 鱼缸aquarium 烧瓶flask 锥形瓶conical flask 塞子stopper/plug 洗瓶plastic wash bottle 玻璃活塞stopcock 试剂瓶reagent bottles 玻棒glass rod 搅拌棒stirring rod 容量瓶volumetric flask/measuring flask 移液管(one-mark) pipette 吸液管pipette 滤器filter 滤纸filter paper 培养皿culture dish 移液枪pipette 移液枪枪头pipette tips 剃刀刀片razor blade 手术刀scalpel 垃圾袋disposable bag 垃圾桶garbage bin

橡皮筋rubber band 托盘Tray 铝箔aluminium foil 洗耳球rubber suction bulb 保鲜膜preservative film 研磨钵mortar 研杵pestle 小滴管dropper 蒸馏装置distilling apparatus 桶bucket 广口瓶wide-mouth bottle 离心机转子rotor 试管架test tube holder/rack 酒精灯alcohol burner 酒精喷灯blast alcohol burner 搅拌装置stirring device 石蜡封口膜Parafilm 微量离心管(EP管)Eppendorf tube 载玻片Slide 盖玻片Cover glass 离心管Centrifuge tube 电泳槽Gel tank 电线Electrical leads 牙签Toothpick 螺丝钉Screw 锁紧螺母Nut, Cap nut 复印纸Copy paper 复写纸Carbon paper 钉Nail 试管刷test-tube brush 计时器Timer 闹钟Alarm clock U形钉Staple 衣服挂钩Coat hanger 电泳用的梳子Comb 扳手Shifting spanner 订书机Stapler 订书钉staple 圆珠笔芯Refill 灯泡Globe 记号笔marker pen 注射器syringe 注射器活塞plunger 铁架台iron support 万能夹extension clamp 止水夹flatjaw pinchcock 圆形漏斗架cast-iron ring 橡胶管rubber tubing



护理常用英文术语集锦 Nursing processes 护理过程 assessment 估计 nursing diagnosis 护理诊断 planning 计划 intervention (implementation, management)措施(实施、管理) evaluation 评价Daily care of the patient 对病人的日常护理 morning (evening)care, AM (HS)care 晨(晚)间护理bedmaking 整理床铺 oral hygiene (mouth care)口腔卫生 brushing the teeth 刷牙 flossing the teeth 清牙垢 denture care 清洗假牙 bathing 洗澡 cleanliness and skin care 清洁与皮肤护理 perineal care 洗会阴 hair 梳头 shaving 刮脸 Care of nails and feet 指甲修剪和洗脚 changing hospital gowns 更换住院服装

massage 按摩 bedsore care 褥疮护理Measurement of vital signs 测量生命体征 taking oral (rectal, axillary)temperature 量口腔(直肠、腋下)体温 taking a radial pulse 测量桡动脉脉搏 counting respirations 计呼吸次数 measuring (taking)blood pressure 量血压Catheterization 导管插入术 cardiac catheterization 心导管插入术 laryngeal catheterization喉插管术 retro-urethral catheterization 逆行导尿管插入术 urethral catheterization 尿道导管插入术Clean techniques, medical asepsis 消毒灭菌 asepsis 无菌(法) integral asepsis 完全无菌 disinfection 消毒 concomitant (concurrent)disinfection 随时消毒,即时消毒steam disinfection 蒸汽消毒 terminal disinfection 终末消毒 disinfection by ultraviolet light 紫外线消毒 Sterilization 灭菌,消毒


实验室常用英文术语集锦 容器与耗材vessel & consumablematerial 小瓶vial量杯measuring cup烧杯beaker量筒measuring flask/measuring cylinderer坩埚crucible坩埚钳crucible clamp试管test tube漏斗funnel比色皿cuvette鱼缸aquarium烧瓶flask锥形瓶conical flask塞子stopper/plug 洗瓶plastic wash bottle玻璃活塞stopcock试剂瓶reagent bottles玻棒glass rod搅拌棒stirringrod容量瓶volumetric flask/measuring flask移液管(one-mark) pipette吸液管pipette滤器filter滤纸filter paper培养皿culture dish移液枪pipette移液枪枪头pipette tips剃刀刀片razorblade手术刀scalpel垃圾袋disposablebag垃圾桶garbagebin橡皮筋rubber band托盘Tray铝箔aluminiumfoil洗耳球rubber suction bulb保鲜膜preservativefilm研磨钵mortar研杵pestle小滴管dropper蒸馏装置distillingapparatus桶bucket 广口瓶wide-mouth bottle离心机转子rotor试管架test tube holder/rack酒精灯alcoholburner酒精喷灯blastalcohol burner搅拌装置stirring device石蜡封口膜Parafilm微量离心管(EP管)Eppendorf tube载玻片Slide盖玻片Cover glass离心管Centrifugetube电泳槽Geltank电线Electricalleads牙签Toothpick螺丝钉Screw锁紧螺母


中医英语常用词汇英文翻译02 来源:医学全在线更新:2008-10-6 医学英语论坛 气化不利dysfunction of qi in transformation 畏寒喜热aversion to cold and preference for heat 气分热盛excessive heat at qi phase 气郁化热stagnation of qi transforming into heat 温养脏腑warming and nourishing the viscera 瘀血阻络blood stasis obstructing the collaterals 清肺润燥clearing the lung and moistening dryness 破瘀通经breaking blood stasis to promote menstruation 内伤头疼headache due to internal injury 祛瘀eliminating stasis, expelling stasis 逆传心包reverse transmission into the pericardium 气不摄血failure of qi to check the blood

宁心安神calming the heart and tranquilizing the mind 血液循行circulation of the blood 惊悸不安palpitation due to fright 气的运动形式the moving styles of qi 血液生成不足insufficient production of the blood 平肝止血soothing the liver to stop bleeding 血液亏虚deficiency of the blood 离经之血abnormal flow of the blood 津液的形状、功能与分布form, function, and distribution of the body fluid 气血生化之源source for the production and transformation of qi and blood 脉细无力thin and weak pulse 肌肤干燥dry skin 肌肤甲错squamous and dry skin 血脉调和流畅smooth and normal flow of the blood


第一章医学英语词汇 医学领域涉及的科学和专业广泛,不仅包括基础医学和临床医学的诸多学科,还涉及化学和物理两大基础学科领域,甚至社会科学领域中的诸多学科和专业。因此,医学英语词汇数量庞大,其词汇量高达数十万。同时,由于医学专业的历史渊源,医学英语词汇大多含有希腊语和拉丁语成分,一些医学英语单词显得古怪而陌生,单词结构长而复杂。但就其构词法上基本遵循普通英语单词的构词规律,也往往由前缀、词根、后缀组成,虽然具有其自身的特点,也是可以找到规律的。因此,医学英语词汇构词法,理解与掌握单词尤其是组合词构成的基本知识,牢记必要的基本词素,就能找到掌握医学英语词汇的捷径。 第一节医学英语词汇的结构 一、医学词素 一般认为,词是语言中可独立使用表达意思的最小单位。但是,从结构方面来看时,词并不是最小的语言单位,许多单词可以细分为更小的,同时也是具有意义的单位.这些最小的有意义的单位就是词素。 医学词素(morpheme)是医学语词的组成部分,是医学英语中语音和语义的最小结合体。一个医学语词可以由一个词素构成,也可以由两个或两个以上的词素构成。从语义方面来看,医学词素有两种类型。一种医学词素含有明确的词汇意义,表达单词的主要意义,这类词素称为词根。例如,orth(o)-(正常的)、plasma(血浆)、reticul(o)-(网状)等。其中,plasma可以单独使用,这类词根称为自由词根。另外两个不能单独使用,是黏着词根,这类词根必须与其他词素结合使用。还有一类医学词素是词缀。词缀也有两种,一种屈折词缀只有语法意义而没有词汇的意义(如表示名词复数-s);另一咱派生词缀有一定的词汇意义,但只表达单词的次要意义。 二、医学词根 医学词根(root)是医学语词的基本形式,承载着医学语词的核心意义。一般认为,词根是同根词共有的、可以辨认的部分,也就是说,词根可以在不同的单词里出现,但它的基本形式和含义相同。例如,erythroblast(成红细胞)、erythrocatalysis(红细胞溶解)、erythroclasis(红细胞破碎)和erythrocytopenia(红细胞减少)都有一个共同的词根“erythr(o)-”(红的)。这一词根在不同的语词里出现,但形式没有什么变化,含义也相同。


实验室常用英文术语 1. 1.当你进入国外的实验室之前,如果不能熟练掌握实验过程中相关物品的英文名称及读音,你与同处一室的技术人员之间必将产生强烈的交流障碍,实验效率也将因此大打折扣。这里我汇总了数篇文章的相关内容,并结合自己实验室的情况,补充了大量词汇,希望对即将出国留学的生物学科研人员有所帮助。欢迎大家补充指正。 一.容器与耗材(vessel & consumable material) 小瓶vial 量杯measuring cup 烧杯beaker 量筒measuring flask/measuring cylinderer 坩埚crucible 坩埚钳crucible clamp 试管test tube 漏斗funnel 比色皿cuvette 鱼缸aquarium 烧瓶flask 锥形瓶conical flask 塞子stopper/plug 洗瓶plastic wash bottle 玻璃活塞stopcock 试剂瓶reagent bottles 玻棒glass rod 搅拌棒stirring rod 容量瓶volumetric flask/measuring flask 移液管(one-mark) pipette 吸液管pipette 滤器filter 滤纸filter paper 培养皿culture dish 移液枪pipette 移液枪枪头pipette tips 剃刀刀片razor blade 手术刀scalpel 垃圾袋disposable bag 垃圾桶garbage bin 橡皮筋rubber band 托盘Tray 铝箔aluminium foil 洗耳球rubber suction bulb 保鲜膜preservative film 研磨钵mortar 研杵pestle 小滴管dropper 蒸馏装置distilling apparatus 桶bucket 广口瓶wide-mouth bottle 离心机转子rotor 试管架test tube holder/rack 酒精灯alcohol burner 酒精喷灯blast alcohol burner 搅拌装置stirring device 石蜡封口膜Parafilm 微量离心管(EP管)Eppendorf tube 载玻片Slide 盖玻片Cover glass 离心管Centrifuge tube 电泳槽Gel tank 电线Electrical leads 牙签Toothpick 螺丝钉Screw 锁紧螺母Nut, Cap nut 复印纸Copy paper 复写纸Carbon paper 钉Nail 试管刷test-tube brush 计时器Timer 闹钟Alarm clock U形钉Staple 衣服挂钩Coat hanger 电泳用的梳子Comb 扳手Shifting spanner 订书机Stapler 订书钉staple 圆珠笔芯Refill 灯泡Globe 记号笔marker pen 注射器syringe



护理专业常用英语词汇 一、Commonly Used Nursing Terms(常用护理技术用语) (2) 二、Commonly Used Nursing Equipment (常用护理器械) (8) 三、Organization and Members of A Healht Care Facility (医院部门及主要职务术语) (13) 一、Commonly Used Nursing Terms(常用护理技术用语) Nursing processes Assessment Nursing diagnosis Planning Intervention (implementation, management) Evaluation Daily care of the patient Morning (evening) care, AM (HS) care Bedmaking Oral hygiene (mouth care) Brushing the teeth Flossing the teeth Denture care Bathing Cleanliness and skin car Perineal care Hair care Shaving Care of nails and feet Changing hospital gowns Massage Bedsore care 褥疮护理 Measurement of vital signs 测量生命体征 Taking oral (rectal, axillary) temperature Taking a radial pulse Counting respirations Measuring (taking) blood pressure Catheterization Cardiac catheterization 护理过程 估计 护理诊断 计划 措施(实施、管理)评价 对病人的日常护理晨(晚)间护理 整理床铺 口腔卫生 刷牙 清牙垢 清洗假牙 洗澡 清洁与皮肤护理 会阴部护理 梳头 刮脸 指甲修剪和洗脚 更换住院服装


[学科] 中医①traditional Chinese medicine②traditional Chinese physician ①中医学的简称。 ②本学科专业职业队伍。 中药Chinese materia medica 在中医理论指导下应用的药物。包括中药材、中药饮片和中成药等。 中医学traditional Chinese medicine 以中医药理论与实践经验为主体,研究人类生命活动中健康与疾病转化规律及其预防、诊断、治疗、康复和保健的综合性科学。 中药学Chinese materia medica 中药学科的统称。研究中药基本理论和各种药材饮片、中成药的来源、采制、性能、功效、临床应用等知识的学科。 中医药traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology 本草:Materia medica 中药:Chinese materia medica,Chinese medicinals(包括植物药、动物药、矿物药等) 中草药:Chinese Herbal Medicine,Chinese medicinal herbs 中药学:Chinese pharmaceutics 药材:Medicinal substance(material) 中西医结合integration of traditional and western medicine 中医基础理论basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 中医诊断学diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine 方剂学 prescriptions of Chinese materia medica, Traditional Chinese Medical Formulae/ prescriptions 中医内科学internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine [阴阳]The Theory of Yin and Yang 阴阳对立:Opposition of yin and yang 阴阳制约:Restriction of /between yin and yang 阴阳互根:Interdependence of yin and yang 阴阳消长:Waxing and waning of yin and yang 阴阳转化:Inter-transformation of yin and yang [五行学说]The Theory of Five Elements 五行:water,fire,wood,metal,soil 生:promote, generate, engender 克:act, restrict, restrain 乘:overact, over-restrict, over-restrain, subjugate, overwhelm 侮:counteract, counter-restrict, counter-restrain, rebel [整体观念] concept of organic wholeness 辩证法dialectics 生长化收藏sprouting, growth,transformation,ripening,storage 内外环境统一性the unity between the internal and external environments 机体自身整体性the integrity of the body itself 古代唯物论和辩证法classic Chinese materialism and dialectics 矛盾统一the contradictory unity 互相联系、相互影响related to each other and influence each other


一、绪论 中医学TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine), 中医学理论体系的形成Origination of TCM, 形成formation, 发展development 中医学理论体系的基本特点 The basic characteristic of Traditional Chinese Medicine theory 整体观the whole concept, 辨证论治syndrome differentiation and treatment 第一章阴阳五行学说 阴阳Yin-yang , 阴阳的特性the property of yin-yang 阴阳之间的相互关系Interaction between yin and yang 阴阳对立制约Opposition of yin and yang 阴阳互根互用Interdependence between yin and yang 阴阳消长平衡Wane and Wax between yin and yang 阴阳相互转化Mutual transformation between yin and yang 阴阳学说在中医学中的应用 The applications of the theory of yin-yang in TCM 说明人体的组织结构Explanation of the histological structure of the human body 解释人体的生理功能Explanation of the physiology function activity of the human body 阐释病理变化Explanation of pathogenesis 阴阳偏盛Relative predominance of yin or yang 阳偏盛Relative predominance of yang 阴偏盛Relative predominance of yin 阴阳偏衰Relative decline of yin or yang 阳偏衰Relative decline of yang 阴偏衰Relative decline of yin the five elements, 五行 五行特性the five elements property 第二章中医学的生理观 藏象“Zangxiang”, 五脏five Zang-organs, 六腑six fu-organs,生理功能the physiological functions , 气qi, 血blood , 津液body fluid, 气的生成、运动和分类the production ,moving and classification of qi, 血的生成和运行the production and circulation of blood


常用护理术语专业英语词汇 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《常用护理术语专业英语词汇》的内容,具体内容:每行每业都有其专业术语,护理也一样,有许多专业英语词汇需要学习。今天我为大家整理了常用护理术语,希望对你有帮助哦!常用护理术语assessment 估计nu... 每行每业都有其专业术语,护理也一样,有许多专业英语词汇需要学习。今天我为大家整理了常用护理术语,希望对你有帮助哦! 常用护理术语 assessment 估计 nursing diagnosis 护理诊断 planning 计划 intervention (implementation, management) 措施(实施、管理) evaluation 评价Daily care of the patient 对病人的日常护理 morning (evening) care, AM (HS) care 晨(晚)间护理 bedmaking 整理床铺 oral hygiene (mouth care) 口腔卫生 brushing the teeth 刷牙 flossing the teeth 清牙垢 denture care 清洗假牙 bathing 洗澡 cleanliness and skin care 清洁与皮肤护理

perineal care 洗会阴 hair 梳头 shaving 刮脸 Care of nails and feet 指甲修剪和洗脚 changing hospital gowns 更换住院服装 massage 按摩 bedsore care 褥疮护理 taking oral (rectal, axillary) temperature 量口腔(直肠、腋下)体温 taking a radial pulse 测量桡动脉脉搏 counting respirations 计呼吸次数 measuring (taking) blood pressure 量血压 cardiac catheterization 心导管插入术 laryngeal catheterization喉插管术 护理专业术语词汇 retro-urethral catheterization 逆行导尿管插入术 urethral catheterization 尿道导管插入术 asepsis 无菌(法) integral asepsis 完全无菌 disinfection 消毒 concomitant (concurrent) disinfection 随时消毒,即时消毒 steam disinfection 蒸汽消毒 terminal disinfection 终末消毒


中医术语英文翻译对照表 治则在对临床的具体立法、处方、用药等具有普遍的指导意义,因而在治疗疾病时必须遵循的基本原则。 治病求本针对产生疾病的根本原因进行治疗的原则。 急则治标与缓则治本相对而言,在大出血、暴泻、剧痛等标症甚急的情况,及时救治标病 缓则治本与急则治标相对而言,针对病势缓和、病情缓慢的情况,从本病的病机出发,采取调理、补益为主的治疗原则。标本兼治针对病证出现的标本并重的情况,采用治标与治本相结合的治疗原则。 治未病采取一定的措施防止疾病产生和发展的治疗原则,包括未病先防和既病防变两个方面。 同病异治表现相同的病证,可因人、因时、因地的不同,或由于病情的发展、病机的变化、病型的各异、正邪消长等差异,采取不同治法的治疗原则。 异病同治表现不同的病证,由于发病机理相同,采取相同治法的治疗原则。 因时制宜考虑到时令气候寒热燥湿的不同而选择适宜的治法、方药的治疗原则。 因地制宜考虑到地域环境的不同而选择适宜的治法、方药的治疗原则。 因人制宜 's 考虑到病人的体质、性别、年龄、生活习惯

以及过去病史等个体差异性的不同而选择适宜的治法、方药的治疗原则。 扶正祛邪对于正虚为主、因虚致实的病证,应采取扶助正气为主,使正气加强,从而达到驱除病邪目的的治疗原则。 祛邪扶正对于邪气实而正气偏虚的病证,应采用以消除病邪为主,扶助正气为辅,使邪去正安或正复的治疗原则。 扶正固本对于正气亏虚的病证,采用培补正气以愈病的治疗原则。 攻补兼施对于虚实夹杂,或虚实病情相当,可采用既祛邪又培补,即攻邪与扶正并重的治疗原则。 正治法又称“逆治法”。 针对疾病的本质,从正面进行治疗,即逆病性而治的常规方法。寒者热之针对寒性的病证应使用温热方药进行治疗的 原则。 热者寒之针对热性的病证应使用寒凉方药进行治疗的 原则。 虚者补之又称“虚则补之”。 针对虚弱性的病证应采用补益方药进行治疗的原则。 实者泻之又称“实则泻之”。 针对性质属实的病证应采用攻泻方药进行治疗的原则。 反治法又称“从治法”。 针对疾病出现假象,或大寒证、大热证用正治法发生格拒的情况,


dys-,dis-,坏的,有病的Dysfunction 机能不良Dysphonia 发声困难Dysgraphia 书写困难 anti-,相反,反对,抵抗Antioxidant 抗氧化剂Antibody 抗体Antiallergic 抗变应性 homeo-,homo-,相同的Homeostasis 体内平衡Homeotherapy 同种疗法Homogeneity 同种 tachy-,速,快速Tachycardia 心动过速Tachyphylaxia 快速免疫Tachypnea 呼吸急促 -therapy,疗法Electrotherapy 电疗法Physiotherapy 物理疗法Chemotherapy 化学疗法 geno-,基因Genohormone 基因激素Genome 基因组Genospecies 基因型群fibr-,纤维 Fibrescope 纤维内窥镜Fibrllation 纤维性颤动Fibrinolysis 纤维蛋白溶解myc(o)-,真菌 Mycetology 真菌学 Mycoplasma 支原体 Mycotoxicology 真菌毒理学 myo-,肌肉 Myoalbumin 肌清蛋白 Myoatrophy 肌萎缩 Myocardial 心肌的 -algia,痛 Neuralgia 神经痛 Odontalgia 牙痛 Rectalgia 直肠痛 path(o)-,病理,疾病 Pathography 病情记录 Pathogenesis 发病机制 Pathomorphism 病理形态学 chrom(o)-,色 Chromoblast 成色细胞 Chromosomal mutation 染色体 突变 Chromophototherapy 色光疗法 neur(o)-,神经 Neurobiology 神经生物学 Neurocirculatory 神经与循环 系统的 Neurodermatitis 神经性皮炎 tox(o)-,毒,毒素 Toxoid 类毒素 Toxinemia 毒血症 Toxuria 尿毒症 -asis,状态,情况(病的) Cholelithiasis 胆石病 Nephrolithiasis 肾石病 Schistosomiasis 血吸虫病 hyper- 过多,过度,超过 hyperadrenia 肾上腺机能亢进 hyperglycemia 高血糖,血糖过 高 hyperlipidemia 高血脂症,血脂 过多 poly- 多,多数 polyclonal 多细胞株的,多克 隆的 polyase 多糖酶,聚合酶 polycythemia 红细胞增多症 erythr(o)- 红 erythroblast 成红细胞 erythromycin 红霉素 erythropenia 红细胞减少 -cyte 细胞 acanthocyte 棘红细胞 leucocyte 白细胞 lymphocyte 淋巴细胞 -lith 石,结石 broncholith 支气管石 cholelith 胆石 urolith 尿(结)石 brady- 缓慢迟钝 bradyarrhythmia 听觉迟钝 bradyarthria 言语过缓 bradycardia 心动过缓 lev(o)- 左左旋 levocardia 左位心 levodopa 左旋多巴 levodopaduction 左旋眼 pro- 前前体 proaccelerin 前加速素前加 速因子 proactivator 前激活剂前激活 源 proal 向前运动的 kine- 运动 kinematics 运动学动力学 kineplastis 运动成形切断术 kinesalgia 肌动痛运动痛 -oma 瘤 cerebroma 脑瘤 epithelioma 上皮瘤 hemangioma 血管瘤 Xantho- 黄色的 Xanthoma 黄色瘤 Xanthopathia 黄肤症 Xanthoprotein 黄色蛋白 Xanthopsy 黄视症 Hydr(o)- 水、积液、氢 Hydrogymnastic 水中运动的 Hydroappendic 阑尾积水 Hydrocholesterol 氢化胆固醇 Opto- 可见。视眼 Optometer 视力计 Optometrist验光师 Optophone 光声机 -ostomy 造口术 Cholecystoduodenostomy 胆囊 十二指肠吻合术 Gastrostomy 胃造口术 Neocystostomy 膀胱再造口术

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