当前位置:文档之家› 英语感谢信范文加翻译





Respect leadership and colleagues:You are good!

I due to personal reasons, quit OA development engineer position, leaving our xx group.

Thanks to the xx Group I bring opportunities and challenges!

Thanks to all the leaders of my concern and trust!

Thanks to all my colleagues on the work support and help!

To xx this huge enterprise, I think I was lucky, here to learn a lot, feeling a lot, and last year right out of high school, has matured a lot ... ...

In xx year, for me is the most important thing in my life experience. Here I have experienced the defeat, also achieved success, there have been depressed, there have been happy. Failure is the imprint is engraved on my heart., it will become an alarm, a cornerstone to goad me unceasingly enterprising; achievement is another person happy, they will becomes a new target, show me the way.

As a technician, I yearned to see their increasingly adept, also understand xx such environment will certainly be able to provide experience their own opportunities, just as we can not completely predict natural disasters, some objective contradiction I don't know how to solve, how to avoid, a single selected topic, one of two, will be homes.

There is no all feast, Kuwata sea, between transform is natural, for colleagues only bleand expectation, blemy colleagues all the best, and we look forward to xx everything is going smoothly!

A letter of resignation letter of thanks



我因个人原因,辞去OA开发工程师的职务,即将离开我们的xx 集团了。







天下没有无不散的筵席,沧海、桑田之间变换已成自然,送给各位同事的只有祝福与期待,祝福我的同事们一切顺心,期待我们的xx 一帆风顺!


Dear Interviewer,


It was great meeting you today, and I appreciate you taking the time to interview me. I'm excited to be considered for the (name the position) as well as all of the opportunities the company presents. I had a good time discussing my [en]passion of (insert what you're passionate about) and really enjoyed learning more about (insert what new tidbit you learned about the company).[/en]


Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to following up with you.


Best regards





英语感谢信范文(带翻译)(精选5篇) 英语感谢信范文(带翻译)(精选5篇) 在日常生活和工作中,越来越多的事务都会使用到感谢信,不同种类的感谢信使用的场景也会有所不同。相信大家又在为写感谢信犯愁了吧!下面是小编整理的英语感谢信带翻译,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 英语感谢信带翻译篇1 Dear Mr Li, I’m very excited to write to express my thanks to you.I am now a freshman of Wuhan University,which I have been dreaming about.Mr Li,I still remember the days when you taught me English. My English has been improved greatly because of your creative work.However,at one time,the pressure of examinations,too much homework and the high expectations made me depressed. I was tired of the warning that if I didn’t do my best,I wouldn’t have the chance to go to college.Thanks for your encouragement;if not,I wouldn’t have realized m y dream.And now I really understand you. I wish more and more of your students could go to their ideal colleges.Are you still so busy?How I miss you! Hoping to hearfromyou soon. Yours, Li 亲爱的李先生: 很高兴写信表达对您的感谢。我现在是武汉大学的大一新生,这是我一直梦想的。李老师,我还记得您教我英语的日子。由于你的创造性工作,我的英语得到了很大的提高。然而,考试的压力,太多的


英语感谢信范文和翻译 英语感谢信范文和翻译 人们在交往中常需要相互致谢,收到别人赠送的礼物,得到别人的帮助、受到别人的慰问,都应该表示感谢。感谢信是人们常用的一种感谢方式。下面我为大家精心整理了英语感谢信范文和翻译,希望能给你带来帮助。 英语感谢信范文和翻译篇一: Dear Sharon, I am riting to tell ou ho ver muh I enjoed the das at Chiago. Everthing as just about perfet. You ertainl kno ho to make a guest feel at home. Your deliious meals ere a treat, and our flexibilit in adapting to m irregular shedules made man things possible. I hope ou and Peter kno ho I appreiate our hospitalit, and our man kindnesses to me. I ount mself fortunate indeed to have to suh generous harming friends! With thanks again and best ishes to ou. Yours Alie 亲爱的沙龙, 我写信是想告诉你我非常喜欢在芝加哥的日子。

一切都很完美。你当然知道如何使客人有宾至如归的感觉。你的美味的食物是一个治疗,和灵活的适应我的不规则的时间表让许多事情成为可能。 我希望你和彼得知道我很欣赏你的热情,和你对我的许多帮助。我很幸运有两个这样的慷慨的迷人的朋友! 再次感谢和最好的祝福给你。 你的 爱丽丝 英语感谢信范文和翻译 篇二: Dear Mr. Liu, Thank ou for purhasing our Moon Series puters. We are dediated to manufaturing the most advaned business mahines and hope that our produts are meeting ith our approval. Your ments are important to us beause the help us provide the best servies in the industr. Please take a moment to fill out the enlosed ard in order to reeive lifetime tehnial support, speial pries and updates. If ou have an questions onerning our produts, please all our Customer Servie Department at 1234-56 7. Again, thank ou for our purhase. Sinerel ours, WuLei 亲爱的刘先生,


英文感谢信范文以及翻译 英文感谢信范文以及翻译篇一:Dear John,I am writing to thank you for looking after me after that unfortunate accident the other day, when I was knocked off my bike by a taxi. But for your assistance, I fear that the consequence might have been much more serious.The doctor says that my broken leg is healing well, and that I would be able to stand up again in a week’s time. In addition, the taxi company has agreed to pay my hospital bills.Anyway, everyone agrees that it was your quick-witted response in that emergence that has led to this satisfactory outcome(满意的结果). I feel I owe you so much, so please accept my most sincere thanks.Yours sincerely,Li Ming亲爱的约翰,写信是要感谢你在我不幸事故之后对我的照顾,几天前,一辆出租车撞了我的自行车,我摔了下来。 要不是你的帮助,恐怕后果会更加严重。 医生说我受伤的腿恢复的很好,一周之内我就能站起来了。 而且,出租车公司也同意支付住院费用。 无论如何,每个人都认为是你在危机关头的机智的反应才有今天满意的结果。 我觉得欠你很多,所以请接受我最真挚的感谢。 您真诚的,李明英文感谢信范文以及翻译篇二:Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith,I am now back to China safe and sound. In this letter I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you and your lovely children for your


感谢信英语作文带翻译 感谢信能够及时地表达谢忱,那么感谢信英语作文带翻译该怎么写呢?下面是小编为大家整理的感谢信英语作文带翻译,希望对大家有帮助。 感谢信英语作文带翻译篇一 Mum 妈妈 Such is sons‘ nature,I really do not know how to express my thanks to you.However,I can imagine,on the day 18 years ago,when you gave birth to me,what a complex feeling you had.In the past few years,every day you struggle me up in the morning and prepare breakfast for me,then in the afternoon,you always welcome your only son with delicious fo ods after a day‘s hardwork.Now your son has been 18 and will go to university soon,like a bird is leaving its parents.Nevertheless,your footprints on my heart will never ever fade and-----I love you mum! 这是儿子的天性,我真的不知道该怎样来表达我对你的感谢。然而,我可以想象,18年前的那一天,当你生下我时的那种复杂的感觉。在过去的几年里,每天早上你拽我起床并煮早餐给我吃,然后下午,在你辛苦一天工作后,你总是用美味的食物欢迎你唯一的儿子。现在你的儿子已经18岁了,不久就要上大学,就像一只正在离开父母的鸟。然而,你们的足印将永存我的心里——我爱你妈妈! your son 你的儿子 感谢信英语作文带翻译篇二 Dear Mary and John, Now that I can finally sit up and write letters, I want to thank you both for the flowers and books you sent me while I was ill—and most of all, for your many cheerful notes. You have no idea


一封感谢信英语作文带翻译 一封感谢信英语作文带翻译 一封感谢信英语作文带翻译1 Dear Mr.John, How are things going with you in Beijing? I am writing to show my thanks to you. You tutored me in my spoken English before you went to Beijing. With your help I made such rapid progress that I won the first place in the Spoken English Competition of the city. My achievement is owed to your help. Thank you very much. I have heard that you and your wife will pay a visit to my school. I am very glad at the news. In that case we can see each other again. I am looking forward to your coming. I am sending you a telescope as a small gift. I hope you will like it. All the best. Yours, Liu Jie 亲爱的约翰先生: 您在北京过得怎么样? 我写信向您表达我的谢意。 去北京前您辅导我的英语口语。 在您的帮助下我很快取得进步,所以能在市里举办的英语口语比赛中取得第一名。 我的成绩应该归功于您的帮助。


英文感谢信范文及翻译 内容 dear john, i am writing to thank you for looking after me after that unfortunate accident the other day, when i was knocked off my bike by a taxi. if it had not been for your assistance in giving me first aid and taking me to a nearby hospital, i fear that the consequences might have been much more seriousdear staff, i am writing to show my sincere gratitude for all of you. now that i am home and on my own again i feel extremely happy. during the time i lived at the rehabilitation center and was under your tender care, i promised myself i would write a letter of thanks as soon as i was thanks to each one of you for your patience, expertise and genuine concern. it was you who helped me believe in myself and gave me assurance that i could walk again. i would never forget each word you said to me and the things you have done to me. forgive me for the times i lashed out at you in frustration and thank you for understanding and remaining firm with me. never stop your beautiful way of working with people. your help really means a lot to me and anyone who in trouble as , wang fang 译文 亲爱的全体工作人员:我写这封信是为了表达我对你们的真诚感谢。现在我又可以一个人在家了,我真的非常高兴。我在康复中心接受你们的关照时,就已经决心只要一有时间就给你们写感谢信了。 对于你们每个人的耐心、专业精神和关心我表示深深地感谢。是你们使我相信自己能够站着走路。你们说的每一句话、做过的每一件事我都不会忘记。请原谅我在受挫时对你们大发脾气,谢谢你们的理解和对我的严格要求。继续你们美丽的事业吧。你们的帮助对于我和其他需要帮助的人来说有着非常重要的意义。


英语感谢信范文及翻译文章 英文感谢信作为一种日常信件,对维系人们的社交活动具有重要意义,这也考验到你的英文水平。想要写一封合格的英语感谢信,该如何写呢?为了英语语法过关,平时还得多多学好英语才可哈。下面店铺为大家精心整理了英语感谢信范文及翻译,希望能给你带来帮助。英语感谢信范文及翻译篇一 Dear Professor Sun, I am writing to extend my gratitude to you—without your help I would not have been a postgraduate student of Applied Mechanics Department of Yale University. Last June, you helped me with no reservation when I applied for Yale University. You wrote a recommendation letter for me to Professor W, the dean of the department. You gave me instructions on how to fill the application forms and write the application letters. What?s more, you also taught me how to take care of myself and get along with others, which I believe are life?s great lessons. Your help enabled me to fulfill my dream to pursue my studies in a great university. In the following days I will remember what you have told me and work and study hard to be a capable, conscientious and responsible person. Yours truly, Li Ming 亲爱的太阳,教授 我写信是为了致以感谢你没有你的帮助我不会有耶鲁大学应用力学专业的研究生。 去年6月,你帮助我当我申请耶鲁大学没有预订。你为我写了推荐信,教授W,院长。你给我介绍如何填写申请表格和写申请信。更重要的?年代,你还教我如何照顾自己和与他人相处,我相信这是人生?年代伟大


感谢信英语作文加翻译 感谢信英语作文加翻译 在学习、工作、生活中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织能力。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?下面是小编为大家整理的感谢信英语作文加翻译,欢迎阅读与收藏。 感谢信英语作文加翻译1 Dear Teacher: This is a special day, we have presented a bouquet of flowers, gifts to the world of your peaches and plums, spectrum a Ode to Joy, for your eyes flicker disperse tired, for you loosen the amount of wrinkled patterns. The singing is to thank: the teacher, thank you! Thank you do not make learning to become crafts, but have become a kind of joy; Thank you for letting me know their value; Thank you for helping me find their expertise, but let me do things better; Thank you for being one I can never trust people - will be in trouble in their lives to help people. The singing is a blessing: teacher, happy holidays! Insatiable in learning, be tireless in teaching, peaches and plums fragrance, their music is happy and harmonious. I wish you a happy holiday! Not only in the Teacher's Day today, there is a tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, T ai Houtian, I wish your life every day, every minutes, every second, the surface is always the same smile. The singing is concerned about: the teacher, you worked hard! Your use of sweat, nurturing the tender shoots of spring have just ground-breaking. Your care is like the genial spring, warm our hearts and minds. Let us protect your healthy growth, formed in the autumn fruit.


英文感谢信范文及翻译_英语的感谢信带翻译 在日常生活和工作中,感谢信应用范围很广,那么该如何写好一封英文的感谢信呢?下面店铺为大家精心整理了英文感谢信范文及翻译,希望能给你带来帮助。 英文感谢信范文及翻译篇一 Dear Mary and John, Now that I can finally sit up and write letters, I want to thank you both for the flowers and books you sent me while I was ill—and most of all, for your many cheerful notes. You have no idea how much they meant to me! You’ve been more than kind, you two, and I won’t ever forget it. My love and deepest gratitude, now and always! Sincerely, Sun Hong [译文] 亲爱的玛丽、约翰: 我现在终于能坐起来写信了。感谢你们二位在我生病时送给我的鲜花和书籍,—尤其是你们写来的那些使人鼓舞的信件。也许你们还没有想到那些信对我起了多么重要的作用! 你们二位对我如此友好,我永远不会忘记。请接受我现在和永久的对你们的爱和感谢。 您诚挚的 孙宏 英文感谢信范文及翻译篇二 Dear Mrs. Hackett, My niece, He Xia, has written to tell me how very kind you have been to her during her stay in Washington. Li Hong and I deeply appreciate your courtesy, and we hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating when you are in Beijing.


用英语写感谢信的模板及翻译英文感谢信范本(一) thank you for interview ii dear (bosss name), thank you so much for seeing me yesterday. the interview confirmed what others have told me - that (company name) would be a terrific place for someone with my skills and interests. i am convinced that i could make an impact and add value as a (job title) in your department. as we reviewed my background, i hope that you came to a similar conclusion. it was indeed a pleasure to discuss the opportunities with you. i thank you again for the opportunity and look forward to our next interaction. again, you can reach me (when) (call time) at (telephone), or you may leave a message on my answering machine, and i will return your call promptly. sincerely, (signature) 谢谢你采访二世 亲爱的(所名称), 非常感谢你昨天看到我。面试确认别人告诉我,(公司名


感谢信英语作文翻译 在日常的学习、工作、生活中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,以下是小编整理的感谢信英语作文翻译,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 感谢信英语作文翻译1 Dear Mrs. Benton, Thank you very much for those four wonderful days at Shady Acres! Every moment was a delight; I can’t remember ever having enjoyed myself so thoroughly anywhere! It was good of you and Dr. Benton to invite me, and I deeply appreciate your hospitality. Sincerely yours, Han Li [译文] 亲爱的本顿夫人: 非常感谢您们让我在林荫庄园度过的.四天!在那里,每一时刻都会令人高兴,我记不起在别的什么地方比在那里过得更愉快了! 您和本顿医生对我的邀请太好了,非常感谢你们的盛情招待。 您真挚的 韩丽 感谢信英语作文翻译2 Dear Mrs. Hackett, My niece, He Xia, has written to tell me how very kind you have been to her during her stay in Washington. Li Hong and I deeply appreciate your courtesy, and we hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating when you are in Beijing. With many thanks to you for entertaining He Xia so


感谢信英语作文加翻译 赞颂真善美,批判假恶丑。那么英语加翻译该怎么写呢?下面是小编为大家整理的感谢信英语作文加翻译,希望对大家有帮助。 感谢信英语作文加翻译篇一 Dear Mr. Liu, 亲爱的刘先生, Thank you for purchasing our Moon Series computers. 谢谢你购买我们的卫星系列电脑。 We are dedicated to manufacturing the most advanced business machines and hope that our products are meeting with your approval. 我们致力于生产最先进的商业机器,希望我们的产品与你的批准。 Your comments are important to us because they help us provide the best services in the industry. 你的评论对我们来说也是很重要的,因为他们帮助我们提供最好的服务。 Please take a moment to fill out the enclosed card in order to receive lifetime technical support, special prices and updates. 请花点时间填写附件卡为了获得终身技术支持,特殊的价格和更新。 If you have any questions concerning our products, please call our Customer Service Department at 1234-567. 如果你有任何问题关于我们的产品,请致电我们的客户服务部门在1234 - 567。 Again, thank you for your purchase. 再次感谢您的购买。 Sincerely yours, 谨致问候, WuLei 感谢信英语作文加翻译篇二 Dear Mr. Seaton,


篇一:英文作文感谢信(带翻译) 感谢信 dear mr. liu, 亲爱的刘先 生, 谢谢你购买 我们的卫星系列电脑。 we are dedicated to manufacturing the most advanced business machines and hope that our products are meeting with your approval. 我们致力于 生产最先进的商业机器,希望我们的产品与你的批准。 你的评论对 我们来说也是很重要的,因为他们帮助我们提供最好的服务。 please take a moment to fill out the enclosed card in order to receive lifetime technical support, special prices and updates. 请花点时间 填写附件卡为了获得终身技术支持,特殊的价格和更新。 if you have any questions concerning our products, please call our customer service department at 1234-567. 如果你有任 何问题关于我们的产品,请致电我们的客户服务部门在1234 - 567。 again, thank you for your purchase. 再次感谢您 的购买。 sincerely yours, 谨致问候, wulei wulei manager, channel marketing department 市场部经理, 渠道 中国通用电 脑公司 篇二:感谢信英语作文范文 感谢信范文


英语版的感谢信范文加翻译 英语感谢信范文加翻译篇一Dear Teacher: This is a special day, we have presented a bouquet of flowers, gifts to the world of your peaches and plums, spectrum a Ode to Joy, for your eyes flicker disperse tired, for you loosen the amount of wrinkled patterns. The singing is to thank: the teacher, thank you! Thank you do not make learning to become crafts, but have become a kind of joy; Thank you for letting me know their value; Thank you for helping me find their expertise, but let me do things better; Thank you for being one I can never trust people - will be in trouble in their lives to help people. The singing is a blessing: teacher, happy holidays! Insatiable in learning, be tireless in teaching, peaches and plums fragrance, their music is happy and harmonious. I wish you a happy holiday! Not only in the Teachers Day today, there is a tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, Tai Houtian, I wish your life every day, every minutes, every second, the surface is always the same smile. The singing is concerned about: the teacher, you worked hard! Your use of sweat, nurturing the tender


英语感谢信范文及翻译文章 篇一 Dear Professor Sun, I am writing to extend my gratitude to you—without your help I would not have been a postgraduate student of Applied Mechanics Department of Yale University. Last June, you helped me with no reservation when I applied for Yale University. You wrote a recommendation letter for me to Professor W, the dean of the department. You gave me instructions on how to fill the application forms and write the application letters. What?s more, you also taught me how to take care of myself and get along with others, which I believe are life?s great lessons. Your help enabled me to fulfill my dream to pursue my studies in a great university. In the following days I will remember what you have told me and work and study hard to be a capable, conscientious and responsible person. Yours truly, Li Ming 亲爱的太阳,教授 我写信是为了致以感谢你没有你的帮助我不会有耶鲁大学应用力学专业的研究生。 去年6月,你帮助我当我申请耶鲁大学没有预订。你为我写了推


感谢信英文带翻译 是一个人在获得他人的帮助、接受他人给予的鼓励或他人提供的方便、恩惠、利益,使自己得到提高、进步、完善、圆满、成功之后,出于内心的感激之情,那么,感谢信英文带翻译该怎么写呢?下面是小编为大家整理的感谢信英文带翻译,希望对大家有帮助。 感谢信英文带翻译篇一 Dear Mr. Liu, 亲爱的刘先生, Thank you for purchasing our Moon Series computers. 谢谢你购买我们的卫星系列电脑。 We are dedicated to manufacturing the most advanced business machines and hope that our products are meeting with your approval. 我们致力于生产最先进的商业机器,希望我们的产品与你的批准。 Your comments are important to us because they help us provide the best services in the industry. 你的评论对我们来说也是很重要的,因为他们帮助我们提供最好的服务。 Please take a moment to fill out the enclosed card in order to receive lifetime technical support, special prices and updates. 请花点时间填写附件卡为了获得终身技术支持,特殊的价格和更新。 If you have any questions concerning our products, please call our Customer Service Department at 1234-567. 如果你有任何问题关于我们的产品,请致电我们的客户服务部门在1234 - 567。 Again, thank you for your purchase. 再次感谢您的购买。 Sincerely yours, 谨致问候, WuLei


一封感谢信英语作文带翻译一封感谢信英语作文带翻译 一封感谢信英语作文带翻译1 Dear Mr.John, How are things going with you in Beijing? I am writing to show my thanks to you. You tutored me in my spoken English before you went to Beijing. With your help I made such rapid progress that I won the first place in the Spoken English Competition of the city. My achievement is owed to your help. Thank you very much. I have heard that you and your wife will pay a visit to my school. I am very glad at the news. In that case we can see each other again. I am looking forward to your coming. I am sending you a telescope as a small gift. I hope you will like it. All the best. Yours, Liu Jie 亲爱的约翰先生: 您在北京过得怎么样?

我写信向您表达我的谢意。 去北京前您辅导我的英语口语。 在您的帮助下我很快取得进步,所以能在市里举办的英语口语比赛中取得第一名。 我的成绩应该归功于您的帮助。 非常感谢。 我听说您和您的夫人要来我们学校访问。 听到这个消息我非常高兴。 那样的话我们就又可以见面了。 期盼着您的到来。 我给您寄去一件小礼物“望远镜”。 希望您喜欢。 万事如意。 您的朋友刘杰 一封感谢信英语作文带翻译2 范文: Dear Mr.and Mrs. Smith, I am now back to China safe and sound. In this letter I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you and your lovely children for your kindness and hospitality to host me when I was in New York. Your generous help and tender care made me feel warly welcomed and transformed my first American trip into a beautiful memory.


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