当前位置:文档之家› 常用医学英语口语对话




P: Good morning, doctor.

D: Good morning, please sit down. What seems to be the matter? P: I think I might have caught a cold.

D: How long have you been sick?

P: For two days.

D: What symptoms do you have?

P: I have a runny nose and I ache all over.

D: What was the discharge like?

P: Watery.

D: Is it the same today?

P: No, it is yellow and thicker today.

D: Do you have a fever?

P: I haven’t taken my temperature yet, but I feel feverish.

D: Let me take your temperature. It will take 10 minutes. ... Yes, you do have a fever. Were you exposed to cold temperatures? P: Yes, the day before yesterday when I went to work, the weather was warm so I didn’t wear extra clothes. In the evening the

temperature dropped down rapidly. On the way home I felt very cold. After arriving home I began to sneeze. When I got out of bed the next morning my nose was stuffy and running. D: Do you have a cough?

P: I just started coughing today.

D: Do you have phlegm?

P: Yes, but not much.

D: What color is it?

P: Pale yellow.

D: Is it easy to cough up?

P: Not very. I have to use effort to cough it up. The phlegm is a little sticky.

D: Have you been sweating?

P: I sweated a little after taking some medicine for fever last night.

D: Are you thirsty?

P: Yes, I feel like drinking cool water.

D: Do you have a sore throat?

P: Yes, I do.

D: I want to look at your throat. Please open your mouth. D: Do you feel any other discomfort?

P: I feel sore everywhere and I feel very tired too.

D: Please stick out your tongue and let me have a look. You have a red tongue with thin and yellow coating, which indicates wind and heat in the superficial area. Please put your hand here and let me feel your pulse. ... The pulse is superficial and rapid.

P: What does a superficial and rapid pulse mean?

D: A superficial pulse means the attack of pathogens to the

exterior layer of the body which is called exterior syndrome in Traditional Chinese

medicine, while a rapid pulse indicates heat.

P: What is the diagnosis of Chinese medicine for me?

D: It is a common cold. According to the symptoms, the manifestation of the tongue and pulse, you have got a

common wind-heat type cold.

P: Can you explain it more in detail?

D: Pathogenic wind heat often attacks the body through the nose and mouth. The lung is involved first. Pathogenic wind of yang nature is characterized by upward and outward dispersion. When a fight goes on between the pathogenic wind heat and the body resistance, fever, slight aversion to wind and

sweating result. When the pathogenic wind heat attacks the head, symptoms like pain and distending sensation occur in head.

P: That’s interesting.

D: When the lung fails to disperse and descend, a ten-year-old patient has a cough with yellow, thick sputum. When the

pathogenic wind heat stifles the air passage, the patient

experiencing a congested sore throat with thirst. Thin, white or yellowish tongue coating, and superficial rapid pulse are the signs showing the lung and the defensive system being attacked by the pathogenic wind heat.

P: I see. I’d like to be treated with Traditional Chinese medicine. That is why I came here. What kind of treatment will you give to me?

D: I suggest the prescription Yin Qiao San for you. It is a typical formula for treating wind heat type of common cold. We may modify it by adding some more herbs to relieve the sore throat and the runny nose. I will give you four doses. Every day take one. Every dose brings to a

boil and drain off the liquid. Add cold water and bring it to a boil the second time. Drink the liquid from both times. Do you understand?

P: Yes, I do.

D: Also, I’ll now give you acupuncture treatment on the points of the lung, large

intestine and bladder meridians, using the reducing method. This

will be very effective in relieving your headache and runny nose.

P: Will it be painful?

D: No, just like a mosquito bite. After that we may apply cupping to your upper back.

( After the treatment)

P: Oh, I feel much better after the acupuncture treatment. My headache has gone and the sore throat has lessened. Thank you.

D: After returning home be careful to rest and drink more hot water. This is your prescription. Go to the Chinese medicine pharmacy and fill your prescription.

P: Ok. Thank you very much, doctor.

D: You are welcome.















医生:让我先帮您测体温。大概需要十分钟。 ... ... 是的,您确实是发热。




























病人:我想以中药治疗。这就是我来这的原因。你们将会予我什么治疗呢, 医














D: Good morning, what seems to be the problem today, Mr. Chen?

P: Well, I’ve had nocturia for six months and I started losing weight four months


D: Any other problems? Have you noticed any changes in your urine?

P: Yes, it’s darke r, reddish. I wonder if it could be blood.

D: Have you noticed anything else?

P: Yes. I’ve felt sick several times in the morning and I’ve noticed my legs are

swollen after work in the evening. Also, I’ve felt really groggy

for some weeks now. I

don’t seem to enjoy my food any more and I’ve lost weight.

D: How much?

P: About 6Kg.

D: How long have you had this trouble?

P: About 4 months really.

D: Have you ever had trouble with your urine before?

P: Yes. Two years ago I had a burning sensation when I passed water. The doctor

said that I had high blood pressure as well and he put me on tablets and it cleared up.

D: Well, I’d like to examine you. Please come to the examination room, remove your clothes except your underpants, and lie on the table.

(After examination)

D: You can get dressed now ... well, it looks like you have some reduced kidney

function. I want you to take some blood tests, X-rays and kidney function tests. I’d like you to collect your urine for 24 hours. The nurse will tell you exactly how to do it.

Then we’ll ask you to come in for an ultrasound examination of the kidneys. This is

a very simple procedure to make sure

there is no obstruction.

P: Can you tell me exactly what is wrong with my kidneys?

D: Well, the tests show that you are in a condition called chronic glomerulonephritis,

which has damaged the kidneys.

P: Is the chronic glomerulonephritis severe? Are there any good treatments to repair

the kidney damage?

D: Yes, of course. You’d better stay in the hospital fo r treatments, and observation.

We’ll have to insert a tube into your abdomen to flash out toxic substances in the

blood stream.

P: How long will I have to stay in hospital? Will I have to stop working?

D: For about 3-4 weeks. Just remind me. What’s you r job?

P: I’m a teacher.

D: Well, I should advise you to have a 2-month rest.

P: Thank you doctor.

D: Not at all.




医生:还有别的不舒服吗,您有没有留意过您小便跟以前有什么不同吗, 病







病人: 大概4个月吧。










病人:那慢性肾小球肾炎严重吗,有针对肾功能损害的好的治疗方法吗, 医生:



病人:那我大概需要住院多长时间,那我是不是需要停止工作呢, 医生:大






D: What’s the matter with you?

P: I have been feeling thirsty recently, and I am always tired. D: How about your urination?

P: I pass more urine than I used to.

D: How many times a day?

P: About eight times.

D: How about your appetite?

P: My appetite has been good, but I still feel I am losing weight. D: Any other symptoms?

P: I c an’t concentrate on anything for long, and I always feel weak.

I have said that, I guess. Sometimes I also feel dizzy.

D: How old are you?

P: I’m 45 this year.

D: Sir, do you have anyone in your family who has diabetes? P: Yes,

my father has had diabetes for nearly 15 years. What do you mean, doctor? Do you mean I have got diabetes?

D: According to your symptoms and your father’s history, there is a strong possibility that you have got diabetes, as the disease runs in families. Of course, we need to do some checks. First please go to the Laboratory Department and examine your urine and blood sugar. Come back

to me with the report.

(Later with the results of the examination)

D: The examination shows an elevation of blood sugar and you have

sugar in your urine. You have got diabetes.

P: Is it serious? What’s a normal blood sugar level?

D: It is <130mg%, Generally it is 80—120mg%. Diabetes is a

disease due to the poor function of the pancreas, which brings about metabolic disorder of sugar, fat and p rotein. It’s a

chronic disease. At the time being there is still no way to cure it. But as I said your case is not serious now. If you pay

attention to treatment your diet and you will get better


P: What else should I pay attention to? Is there a diet for diabetes?

D: Having your urine tested regularly to see how your disease is

going is very important. On the other hand, you should try to omit sugar from the diet. This

includes candy, cake, ice-cream, etc. High starch foods such as bread, potato, rice, etc

should be limited, too.

P: Thank you very much, doctor. Godbye.

D: Goodbye.













病人: 45岁。








医生:那是<130mg%, 经常是在80—120mg%。糖尿病是由于胰腺功能的






D: Good morning! Please have a seat. I just need to get some information from you.

Could I have your name please?

P: My name is Wang Ping.

D: What kind of work do you do?

P: I am a taxi driver.

D: That’s fine. Now, tell me what’s bothering you.

P: Well, I’ve got a dreadful stomachache and I’ve lost my appetite. D: How long have you been feeling this way?

P: For about one year. First it was just a slight a pain, but it’s got much worse recently.

D: Could you tell me exactly where the pain is?

P: Yes, it’s right here. This is the worst spot.

D: Is it a fixed pain?

P: Yes, it doesn’t seem to move.

D: Does the pain ever spread to any other area?

P: No.

D: What sort of pain is it? Sharp? Dull?

P: It’s a distended feeling, and it gets worse if I eat anything cold. D: Do you ever fell it when you’re hungry?

P: Yes, often, but it gets better if I eat something.

D: If you rub or massage it, does it help?

P: Yes, it does.

D: Do your hands and feet often feel cold?

P: Yes, often ... and very cold too.

D: Is the pain constant, or does it come and go?

P: It comes and goes.

D: And how long does each attack last for?

P: Oh ... about two hours.

D: Do you feel the most painful in the daytime?

P: Yes, I think so. Usually about three hours after meals. But sometimes it wakes me up at night.

D: Are you aware of anything that brings the stomachache on? P:

It’s hard to tell. First, I think it comes after I eat raw and cold food. Recently I’ve felt it when I’m busy at work or I’m in a bad mood.

D: Generally, how’s your appetite?

P: Not so good. I always feel bloated. So I don’t feel like eating anything. What’s more, no matter what I eat, it’s tasteless. D: Do you have any burping or acid regurgitation?

P: Yes, I burp a lot.

D: Have you been very thirsty lately?

P: No, I’m not interested in drinking anything.

D: Do you prefer hot or cold drinks?

P: Oh, definitely something hot.

D: Have you got any unusual tastes in your mouth?

P: Yes, a sour taste, and I get acid regurgitation, too. D: What are your bowel movements like?

P: They’re soft and sometimes I have diarrhea.

D: Any problems with passing water?

P: No, I don’t think so.

D: Have you lost any weight lately?

P: No, my weight is the same as it was.

D: Have you ever had any other problems?

P: I’d always been in good health and never had any serious problems, not even a cold.

D: Do you smoke or drink or have any other habits that might affect your health?

P: I don’t smoke, but drink a little.

D: Have you ever had an X-ray or ultrasound B for this problem? P: Yes, last year I had an X-ray and the doctor said I had a duodenal ulcer.

D: Have you ever had any treatment before this?

P: Yes, I’ve taken lost of tablets, but they haven’t had much

effect. So this time I’d like to try some Chinese herbs.

D: All right. Now let me look at your tongue, and then take your pulse. Mm ... the tongue is pale and a dull purple color. The coating is thin and white. Your pulse is deep, slow and uneven. According to the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the stomachache you’ve got is caused by deficient cold affecting the Spleen and Stomach. The treatment principle is to warm the center and dispel the cold. I’ll write a prescription for you ... .Here you are.

P: Thank yo u. I’ll go and get the prescription filled right away. D: Come to see me again after you have taken the medicine. P: Yes, I will. Goodbye!

D: Goodbye.


医生:早上好。请坐。我想先了解一些情况。请问您叫什么名字, 病人:我







病人:大约一年了。开始的时候只是一点痛,但是最近痛得厉害多了。医生: 能告诉我具体哪里痛吗,








































医生:您平时吸烟或喝酒的吗,或者还有别的什么会影响健康的习惯吗, 病人:





病人:有,我吃过很多的药,但是没什么用。所以这次我想试试中草药。医生:好的。让我看看您的舌头。然后给您把把脉。嗯,舌紫淡暗,苔薄白,脉沉缓结。根据中医理论,您这种胃痛属于脾胃虚寒证。治疗原则是温中袪寒,我会写张处方给您。 ... 给您。





D: Good morning. What’s the trouble?

P: I’ve been getting terrible headaches recently.

D: Is there anything else?

P: Yes. Sometimes I feel a bit nauseous. But that’s it.

D: When did the headache exactly begin?

P: About two weeks ago. I’ve had slight headache on and off for the last few years, but none has been as bad as recently. D: Have you ever visited a doctor or taken any medicine for it? P: Ten years ago I went to the local hospital for a check-up, they told me that I had hypertension. Five years ago I was


英语面试自我介绍 A类: B: May I come in我可以进来吗 A: Yes, please.请进。 B: How are you doing, Sir My name is xxxx. I am coming to your company for an interview as requested.你好,先生。我叫xxx,我是应邀来贵公司面试的。 A: Fine, thank you for coming. Please take a seat. I am xxxx, the assistant manager.好的,谢谢你过来。请坐,我叫xxxx,是经理助理。 B: Nice to see you, .非常高兴见到你,吴先生。 A: Nice to meet you, too. Tell me about yourself and your past experience. 我也很高兴见到你。说说你自己和你过去的经历吧。 B: I have worked as a secretary for six years. I get along well with peers, clients, administrators and bosses. I thrive on challenge and work well in high-stress environments. 我已经做执行秘书6年了。开始是为一家贸易公司工作.现在是一家信托公司。我和同事、客户、行政管理员以及老板相处得非常好。我能应付挑战,而且在高压力环境中也能工作很出色。 A: So why did you choose our company B:As far as I know, your company is one of several leading international consultant corporations which came to China after China entered WTO. I think working here would give me the best chance to use what I’ve learned. A: Sometimes we are very busy and need to work overtime. How do you feel about that 有时候我们工作很忙。需要加班。你觉得如何 B: That's all right. But could you tell me how often and how many hours I should work overtime 没关系。你能告诉我加班的频率和时间长度吗 A: It just depends. If we have important visiting delegations, you have to stay with us. It's not unusual. 这得看情况。如果我们有重要的访问代表团。你必须留在我们身边。这种情况很正常。 A: What are your salary expectations 你期望多少薪水 B: I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary. Maybe you could tell me what is budgeted for the position.


Study English (1.1) A: Oh, hey, you look so worried, what's wrong? B: Um... Well, in fact, it's about my English. A: English? Is there something wrong with your English? B: Yes.Although I am always working hard in my English. I can't get a good mark in the test. A: That's why you are so upset? B: I think so. A: Well, guy, could you listen to my opinions? B: Of course. A: First, you should be absorbed in the class and summarize the main point what the teacher says... B:Yes,I do,But sometimes I can't keep up with teacher, A: Hey, listen to me.You don't need to write down all the things.When you are listening,just write down the long point and only the important parts. B:OK, and what? A:Secondly, you must be abiding and as soon as you meet a problem, go ahead to have the teacher to solve.Only if you do this, you can make it. B: Oh, I will take it from now on and thank you very much. A: That's all right. Likes and dislikes (1.3) A: Do you have any hobbies?What are they? B: I'm interested in reading or other relaxing sports. A: How do you spend your spare time? B: I usually read some books or do so some sports. A: What kind of book you are interested in? B: My favorite books are those of detectives. A: Well, those books are really good.I like them too.Do you think you are introverted or extroverted? B: In fact, I wouldn't call myself extroverted. Sometime I enjoy being by myself very much. But other times, I like sharing activities with others too, especially during these past few years. A: What kind of sports do you like? B: I like almost all sports, and I enjoy both playing and watching.I specially like tennis and mountain climbing. A: What kind of personality do you think you have? B: Well, I approach things very enthusiastically. I reckon, and I don't like to leave anything half-done. It makes me nervous—I can't concentrate on anything else until the first thing is finished. A:Really?Maybe I should learn from you. Oh, I remember I have something to do after a while, so I must say goodbye to you. B:OK, see you next time.


日常英语口语对话 日常英语口语汇总- 日常英语口语对话_英语日常对话汇总,最好的、最权威的、最新的日常英语口语对话汇总! 日常英语口语对话_英语日常对话、习惯语500句(高级)(之一) 1. Hold on 等一下(口语中,人们不太用wait a minute)如果两人辩论,吵架,抬杠,你要别人“打住”,可以说,hold it right there. 2. I hate his guts. 我最讨厌他。也有说I hate him guts. Guts 是肠子,相当于“恨之入骨”的意思。He doesn’t have much guts. 他是个胆小鬼。ut feeling 直觉 3. Nuts, 果仁,核,为复数时,意为“疯子”,He is nuts。他有神经病。He went nuts and killed a guy.他发疯了,结果杀了一个人。You are driving me nuts. 你真是要把我逼疯。a tough nut to crack, 一项艰巨的任务,一个难解之题 4. How is everything? (还好吗?) I am just stuck in a rut, doing the same things every day. I wish I could do something different. (烦死了,每天都是干同样的活,我真想换个活法。) rut 日常的,每天都如此,get in a rut,日复一日,天天如此 5. I have totally sold out to your idea. 我100%地赞同赞同你的意见。类似的话还有If you are not careful enough, you will buy into his bad idea. 如果你不小心的话,你就会采纳他的这馊主意。 6. I am just ecstatic about going to visit you soon. 马上要见你,我高兴死了。


【医学英语】医生常用英语口语1、What can do for you? 你有什么事? 2、May I help you? 我能帮你什么忙? 3、Please take a seat! Please sit down! 请坐。 4、Wait a moment, please. 请等一等。 5、Sorry to have kept youwaiting. 对不起让你久等了。 6、It is not serious. 病情不严重。 7、Don't worry. There is nothing to worry about. 不必顾虑。 8、You need a thoroughexamination. 你需要做一个全面检查。 9、You will have to stay inhospital for sevral days. 你需要在医院里住几夭。 We think that you hadbetter be hospitalized. 我们认为你最好住进医院来。 10、You should stay in bed for afew days. 你需要卧床几天。 11、You can keep on working.

You can carry on with your work. 可以继续工作。 12、You should be very carefulfor a week or two. 这一两周内,你需要很注意。 13、Try to relax and keep calm. 尽量放松保持镇静。 14、You'll soon be all right. 你很快就会好起来的。 15、1'm sure this medicine willhelp you a great deal. 这药对你肯定会很有效的。 16、Feeling well again is arather slow process, I'm afraid. 恐怕痊愈将是一个很慢的过程。 17、You will have to wait fortwenty minutes. 你需要等20分钟。 18、Complete recovery will takea rather long time. 彻底恢复需要一段很长的时间。 19、You will have to come herefor periodical check-ups. 你需要定期来门诊检查。 20、If you feel worse, pleasecome back to the clinic right away. 要是你觉着病加重了,就请马上来门诊。 21、If you feel worried, don't hesitate to go to the clinic anytime, day or night. 你要觉着难受,无论白天黑夜都赶紧上医院看去。 22、I'll come right away. 我马上就来。 23、I'm going to make arrangements for your admission. 我去给你安排住院。 24、Please come with your interpreter next time.


英语口语情景对话 一、祝愿、祝贺和应答(Good wishes, congratulations and responses) 1.- Well done and congratulations to you. - Thanks very much. 2.- I hope you‘ll succeed in everything. - So do I. 3.- I wish you success. - Thank you. 4.- We send you our best wishes. - Thank you very much. 5.- Happy new year ! - Happy new year! (The same to you.) 6.- A merry Christmas to you. - Thank you. 7.- I hope you‘ll have a good time. - Thank you. 8.- Happy birthday! - Thank you. 二、邀请和应答(Invitations and responses) 1.- Would you like to come to the party? - Oh yes, thank you. 2.- I hope you can come to the dance next Saturday. - I‘m sorry, but I can‘t. 3.- Will you go dancing with us? - Of course. I‘ll be glad to. 4.- Will you come to our English Evening? - Yes, thank you. 5.- Would you please give us a talk on English Learning? - OK. When? 6.- You and your friends must come over to my house and see mooncakes. - OK. Thank you very much. 三、表示同意和不同意(Expressing agreement and disagreement) 1.- I think the shop is closed at this time of day. - No, I think it‘s open. 2.- I think foreign languages are more interesting than science. - I really can‘t agree with you. I prefer science. 3.- I think I shall read a book instead. - Good idea. That‘s much better than watching a bad TV Programme. 4.- I don‘t think that it‘s true. He‘s always telling strange stories. - I know. But this time I can‘t decide if he is right or not.


英语口语 Jack: Good morning .sir .what can I do for you?琳达:早上好。先生。我能为你做什么呢? Robbie: Good morning .My name is Robbie Stewart. And this is Alex Pappas. 罗比:早上好。我的名字是罗比·斯图尔特。这是亚历克斯·帕帕斯。 Alex: Hi .Good morning. Yesterday we found dog named Gemma.亚历克斯:你好。早上好。昨天我们发现这只名叫Gemma的狗。 Robbie: We have thought many ways to find it is host, but we don't succeed ultimately. 罗比:我们认为许多方法来发现它的主人,但我们不能成功最终。 Jack: Oh, wait a while. You know I must make a record in terms of rule. 琳达:噢,等一会儿。你知道我必须做一个记录。 Robbie: No problem. 罗比:没问题。 Jack: OK .Your name will do Mr. Stewart. Then, please tell me your address? 琳达:好的。你的名字将会做什么,Stewart先生。那么,请告诉我你的地址吗? Robbie: 46 Linden Street, Riverdale. 罗比:林登街46,Riverdale。 Jack: Where did you find the dog? 琳达:你在什么地方找到这条狗的? Alex: Speak exactly , not we found her . It's she found us in Robbie `s house. 亚历克斯:讲到底,不是我们发现她。这是她发现我们在罗比是房子。 Jack: Have you tried calling the number on the collar? 琳达:你试着打领子上的号码吗? Robbie: Yes, but the number is no longer in service . So we only call for you. 罗比:是的,但是号码也不再服务。所以我们只有你的电话。 Jack: And there is no address on the dog tag? 琳达:并没有地址在狗身上的标签? Alex: There is no other information. 亚历克斯:没有其他信息。 Jack: No ID number. Without that, it is hard to find her host.


日常简单英语口语对话 A:Howareyougoingallthesedays? A:这些天过得怎么样? B:Fine,thanks. B:还行,谢谢。 A:Butyoulookdepressed. A:可你看上去情绪不高。 B:Ihavesomeproblemwithmywork. B:工作上有点问题。 A:Isitserious? A:严重吗? B:IcanI'msolveit,thanks. B:我可以解决,谢谢。 A:Howaboutyourfamoly? A:家庭还好吧? B:EverythingisOK.AndassoonasIseemysonathome,allmyworries vanishintotheblue. B:一切都好,我回家一见儿子,所有的忧虑就消失得无影无踪了。 A:Hehascometolifeintheend. A:他终于醒过来了。 B:Oh,thankGod.Weallfeltfrightenedbythebadnewsabouthim.

B:噢,真是感谢上帝。一听到关于他的坏消息,我们都吓坏了。 A:Yes.Fortunately,anambulancepassedinthenickoftime,andwe gothimawaytohospital. A:就是,幸亏一辆救护车经过,我们才把他送到医院去。 B:Right.Unless,whoknowwhatwillhappen. B:是呀,不然,谁知道会发生什么事。 A:Wishhimbehealthysoon. A:但愿他赶快好起来。 A:AreyoureallydatingwithFrank? A:你真和弗兰克约会吗? B:Yeah.Butinmyheartofhearts,Ifindhe'snotverymuchtomyliki ng. B:是的,可是,我从心眼里并不是非常喜欢他。 A:Thenwhynotkeepawayfromhim? A:那么于嘛不离开他呢? B:TheproblemisthatIjusthavenoonetoturntorightnow. B:问题是我还没有找到更好的人。 A:That'sstupid. A:那样做是很愚蠢的。 看了“日常简单英语口语对话”的人还看了:


Asking a patient about his illness: Any vomiting ? 有没有呕吐? Are you feeling nausea ? 你觉得恶心吗? Are your bowels regular ? 你大便正常吗? Did you have pains here before ? 你这儿以前痛吗? Do you cough ? 有没有咳嗽? Do you feel short of breath sometimes ? 你有时觉得气急吗? Do you feel tired ? 你觉得疲劳吗? Do you have any appetite ? 吃东西有胃口吗? Does it hurt ? 痛不痛? Have you ever had this experience(trouble) before ? 以前有过这样吗? Have you lost weight recently ? 你近来体重减少了吗?Have you taken anything for it ? 你吃过什么药了吗? How bad is it ? 厉害到什么程度? How far pregnant are you ? 你怀孕多久了? How long has it been this way ? 这样有多久了? How long have you had this trouble ? 你得这病多久了? How are you feeling now ? 你现在感觉怎么样? How is your sleep ? 你睡眠怎么样? What did you eat yesterday ? 你昨天吃了什么东西?What hurts you ? 你有什么不舒服? What seems to be the problem ? 大概什么毛病? What sort of pain do you get there ? 你觉得这儿是什么样的疼痛?What’s matter with you ? 你有什么不舒服? What’s the trouble ? 什么不舒服? What’s wrong with your ear ? 你的耳朵怎么了? When did the pain start ? 什么时候开始痛的?Which tooth is troubling you ? 你那个牙齿不好? Your case record, please . 请把病例卡给我。


口语对话 1 赶时髦(go after fashion) A: Fashion show is around the corner, I’m so excited! 时装表演即将来临,我很兴奋! B: Are there any good!这有什么好的! A: I didn't see anything wrong with the clothes; they looked pretty nice to me. I think you don’t like it! Why?我没看出衣服有任何问题;在我看来它们都很不错。我觉得你不喜欢!为什么? B: It was dumb. I think it's stupid for women to wear clothes like that. 这是愚蠢的。我认为女人们穿成那样是很愚蠢的。 A: The benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom. 仁者见仁,智者见智。B: Do you really think people can wear that stuff and walk around the streets? 你真的认为人们可以穿那种东西走在街上? A: Yes, I do. At least, some people certainly can. They wear high-fashion clothes to show off their sense of style and wealth. 是的,我这样认为。至少,有人一定会。他们穿着时尚的衣服展示他们的时尚感和财富。 B: Well. I still think they're dumb. It makes more sense to spend the money on more practical purposes.我仍然认为他们是愚蠢的。把更多的钱花在更有意义的地方比较实际。 A: So you think it's bad if I wear it?所以你认为我穿成这样很不好吗? B: If you wear it I must speak nice! 如果你穿成这样我一定说它很好看! A: I know you will say that.我就知道你会这样说。 B: Only you know me!知我者非你莫属!


Lesson 1 Introduction 第一课介绍 introduction介绍;推荐come来here向这里,到这里yes是,嗳,我在这儿mom妈妈pleased 欣喜的;愉快的see会面,晤见;遇见so如是,如此 Mom: Come here, Bo-Bo.来,波波。 Bo-Bo: Yes, Mom? 什么事,妈妈? Mom: This is Li-Li.这是莉莉。 Bo-Bo:How do you do?你好! Li-Li: How do you do? 你好! Bo-Bo: Pleased to see you.见到你很高兴。 Li-Li: So am I.我也是。 Lesson 2 Greetings and Goodbye 第二课问候与再见 hello喂! fine有精神的,健康的thank感谢,谢谢very很,非常well健康的,安好的 So long! 再见! Li-Li: Hello, Bo-Bo! 你好,波波! Bo-Bo:Hello,Li-Li!你好,莉莉! Li-Li: How are you? 你好吗? Bo-Bo: I'm fine, thank you. And you? 我很好,谢谢你。你呢? Li-Li: Very well, thanks.很好,谢谢。 Bo-Bo: Good-bye, Li-Li.再见,莉莉。 Li-Li: So long!再见! Lesson 3 About Bo-Bo's Family 第三课波波的一家 Li-Li: How many people are there in your family, Bo-Bo?波波,你家有几口人? Bo-Bo: There are three: Father, Mother and I.有三口人:爸爸、妈妈和我。 Li-Li: What is your father? 你爸爸是做什么的? Bo-Bo: He is a professor. 他是位教授。 Li-Li: And what is your mother's job? 那你妈妈是干什么工作的呢? Bo-Bo: She is a writer. 她是位作家。 I love my parents very much. 我非常爱我的父母亲。 how many (成语)多少people人,人们professor (大学)教授job工作,职业writer作家;作者 love爱,热爱parents父亲;母亲;双亲very much非常,很 Lesson 4 Getting up 第四课起床



【医务人员常用语】 1.What can do for you? 你有什么事? 2.May I help you? 我能帮你什么忙? 8.Please take a seat! please sit down! 请坐下. 4.Wait a moment,please. 请等一等. 5.Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起让你久等了. 6.It is not serious. 病情不严重. 7.Don't worry. There is nothing to worry about. 不必顾虑。 8.You need a thorough examination. 你需要做一个全面检查. 9.You will have to stay in hospital for sevral days.

你需要在医院里住几夭. We think that you had better be hospitalized 我们认为你最好住进医院来。 10.You should stay in bed for a few days. 你需要卧床几天. 11.You can keep on working. You can carry on with your work. 可以继续工作。 12.You should be very careful for a week or two 这一两周内,你需要很注意。 13. Try to relax and keep calm. 尽量放松保持镇静。 14.You'll soon be all right. 你很快就会好起来的. 15.1'm sure this medicine will help you a great deal. 这药对你肯定会很有效的. 16.Feeling well again is a rather slow process,I'm afraid. 恐怕痊愈将是一个很慢的过程. 17.You will have to wait for twenty minutes.


小学英语口语情景对话 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

小学英语口语情景对话情景一 模板对话: Is this your football Yes, it is. Thank you. May I use it Please! Sure! No! it isn't. It is my hat. Here you are. Thank you very much. 对话一: Robbie, is this your football Yes it is. Thank you. Is this your hat, Robby Yes it is. thank you . 对话二: Is this your nice cake Yes it is. May I use it Please! thank you. Is this your ink bottle Yes it is. May I use it Sure. 对话三: Is this your hat, Mr White No! it isn't. Is this your football No! it isn't. 对话四: Is this your hat Yes it is. It is my hat. Here you are.

Thank you very much! Is this your glass No it isn't It is my glass. Here you are. Thank you very much! 情景二 模板对话: What's this It's a cake. What's that It's an orange. Are you hungry Oh! nice. May I have some Excuse me! Is that your apple May I have it 对话一: What's this Edda It's a cake. What's that It's an orange. 对话二: Edda! are you hungry Yes, what's this It's a cake. Oh! nice. 对话三: Mom, What's this It's a melon. May I have some Of course. 对话四: Excuse me, Is that your apple May I have it Please!


常用英语口语对话海关入 境 Prepared on 22 November 2020

常用英语口语对话:海关入境情景 (1)MayIseeyourpassport,please. 麻烦请给我你的护照。 (2)Yourcustomsandhealthdeclarationforma,please请出示您的海关申报表和健康申明表。 (3)Hereismypassport/Hereitis. 这是我的护照。 (4)Whereareyoustaying 将在哪儿住宿 (5)lwillstayatBostonHotel. 我将住在波士顿饭店。 (6)1wanttotakealookatyourbag. 我想看看你的背包。 (7)Nothingbutpersonalbelongings. 只有些私人物品。 (8)Yourpassportseemstobeinorder. 您的护照看来没问题。 (9)DoyouhaveareturntickettoTaiwan 是否有台湾回程机票 (10). 有的,这就是回程机票。

(11)HowlongwillyoubestayingintheUnitedStat。一 预计在美国停留多久 (12)1plantostayforabout10days. 预计停留约10天。 (13)Howmuchmoneydoyouhavewithyou 你随身拥带多少现金 (14)lhave800dollars. 大约吕的美元。 (15)Anyotherformalities 还有别的手续吗 (16). 你所有的东西都需要特殊检查,请稍候。 (17),youmustbefined200USdollars. 新鲜水果是不允许带人境的。根据规定你被罚款200关元。 (18)Youmaylockupyoursuitcase. 你可以将行礼锁上了. (19). 祝你玩得愉快。


2020常用医学英语口语对话 针对学生英语口语能力较低,口语发展不平衡等特点,通过在教学中使用探究型教学模式,并将之贯穿课堂与课外两个层面来提高学生英语口语能力的研究和实践。下面就和大家分享医学英语口语,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 睡眠问题 【Situation 场景】 下列会话发生在药房里。医生正在和一个顾客交谈,询问一些疾病方面的情况。 "Good afternoon. Can I help you?"“下午好,我能帮您什么吗?” 这是打开话匣子最简单、实用的方式,适用于任何场合。当然,除此以外,也可以使用类似于如下的句型来询问对方:"How can I help you?".“我能帮您什么吗?” 该句子也能达到Can I help you?的效果。 以下是打开话题的、最常用的方式,记住这些句型,有利于您的口语的提高:

Can……? 能……? What……? 什么? When……? 什么时候? Do……? 一般问话方式 Have……? 一般问话方式 【Dialogue 对话】 Pharmacist: Good afternoon, can I help you? Customer: Yes, lets hope so. Thank God, you speak English. Pharmacist: Well, just a little. What seems to be wrong? Customer: Ive got an upset stomach-its pretty bad. Ive been up all night with it. and now Ive got a bad headache, as well. Pharmacist: I see. When did it first start? Customer: When I went to bed. Pharmacist: Do you think its something you have eaten? Customer: Oh, for sure. Im not used to all this wining and dininng. Pharmacist: No-it can be pretty strong.



Telephone Calls A: Hello, thank you for calling Bradford and Sons. This is Tracy speaking, How may I help you? B: Hello. I would like to speak to your director of human resources, Ms. Jenkins, Please. A: Just a moment. I'll check to see if she is at her desk. May I tell her who is calling? B: This is Bill Burton from Milford Insurance, I'm calling in regards to our meeting next Tuesday. A: Thank you, Mr. Burton. Can you please hold for a moment? I’ll check to see if she is available. B: No problem. A: I'm sorry. Ms. Jenkins is away from her desk. She has already left for lunch. Would you like to leave a message for her? B: Yes, please have her return my call when she returns to the office. It's best if she can get in touch with me before 3 pm today, she can reach me at my office number, 635-8799. A: I'm sorry. I didn't quite catch that, could you please repeat the number? B: No problem, my office number is 635-8799. Tell her to ask for extension 31. A: I'm sorry, Mr. Burton, just to confirm, your name is spelled B-U-R-T-O-N, is that correct? B: Yes, and I represent Milford Insurance. A: I will make sure Ms. Jenkins receives your message and returns your call before 3pm this afternoon. B: Thank you very much. Memos A: I have been waiting here in the conference room for ten minutes already, what


英语口语情景对话,职场常用英语句型大盘点 外企职员必备的一项基本技能。很多员工头疼自己的英文过不了关,一碰到要用英文进行文书或是要和老外进行交流就六神无主,今天小编特地为大家搜罗了一些经典且常用的句型,大家不妨做个有心人收藏着,莫到用时方恨少呢! 1. I am writing to confirm /enquire/inform you… 我写信时要确认/询问/通知你… 2. I am writing to follow up on our earlier decision on the marketing campaign in Q2. 我写信来追踪我们之前对于第二季度营销活动的决定。 3. With reference to our telephone conversation today… 关于我们今天在电话中的谈话... 4. In my previous e-mail on October 5… 先前在10月5日所写的信… 5. As I mentioned earlier about… 如我先前所提及关于… 6. As indicated in my previous e-mail… 如我在先前的信中所提出… 7. As we discussed on the phone… 如我们上次在电话中的讨论…

8. From our decision at the previous meeting… 如我们在上次会议中的决定… 9. As you requested/per your requirement… 按照你的要求… reply to your e-mail dated April 1,we decided… 回答你在4月1日写的信,我们决定… 今天我们要讲的习惯用语都是以thin这个单词为主。Thin就是瘦,或者是很薄。要是人们有选择的话,恐怕许多人都喜欢瘦一点,而不愿意太胖。但是,今天我们要讲的前两个习惯用语都包含消极的意思。 1. wear thin 打折扣;逐渐消失 Wear在这里的意思是某一样东西在一段时间里,它的功能和价值在逐步降低,也就是中文里说的损耗。这可以指具体的东西,也可以用在其他方面。举例来说吧。 例句-1:Your patience with another person may wear thinif he keeps doing something you don't like. 要是一个人老是做你不喜欢的事,那你对他就会越来越没有耐心。 我们再来举一个例子。要是一个人问你借钱,他保证在一个月后还给你。但是,到了时候他没有还。而且还不断地找借口,拖延不还。过了半年,你对他实在没有耐心了,于是你对他说: 例句-2:Joe, remember that money you borrowed six months ago. You told me you'd pay it back in 30 days. But you keep finding reasons not to return it. Now I really need it back, and I must say that all your excuses for delay are beginning to wear thin. Joe, 记得你六个月前问我借的钱吧。当时你说你一定会在一个月后还给我。

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