当前位置:文档之家› 经典流行的中英文麦词




哟https://www.doczj.com/doc/a816396771.html,ndies Gentialmen..see boys and girls.Everybody 不理日ds fo不莱克dj一日不蓝的闹OK,lets have a break.Its the best time for your guns with your girlfriend or may bo with your boyfriend after this。https://www.doczj.com/doc/a816396771.html,e on.

Landies Gentialmen welcome to ** disco.This is DJ** and MC** take this house music just now.Boys and Girls are you ready?Come on.


Landies Gentialmen boys and girls.Welcome to the party in the POP music of the poor night

好了,准备你的心情,带上你的情绪,继续感受前卫的节拍送给你们,OK,我们的舞蹈DS 在期待各位帅哥的鲜花和掌声哦。好了,准备你的心情,继续跟上我们的音乐,感受我们最前卫的节拍is so poy dj.sowge why so poy dj,前卫的歌曲在次让我们摇摇摇,跟上DJ感受最前卫的旋律带给你们电子感觉,一首风格不同的歌曲蠹遥黄鸨壬涎劬椿孟胍幌氯厍虿煌绺竦慕谧啵皇追浅:锰母枨忝欠浅C曰玫母芯酰舛问奔渎涌炷愕慕挪剑涌炷愕男奶笥业幕味幌履愕纳硖澹黄鹄吹轿颐堑腦X舞池当中,找到你最棒的感觉,一起来来感受一下XXDJ带给你们非常棒的感觉,不同的音乐,不同的风情,闭上你的眼睛享受来自我们XXX的高雅节奏,最震撼的感觉带给你们在前卫的歌曲

lets go huose miues you dj meilin kaluner

you dj no1 you no1 dj

公元七十七年,这里是一个DJ and MC的王朝,歌舞盛典.富饶强大,我们将带领我们的子民共同跨越20个世纪来到公元两千零6年,一睹之DJ and MC辉煌年带。我们将征服现代的音乐世界,欢迎你走进mC·为你DJ㊣阿風带来的疯狂https://www.doczj.com/doc/a816396771.html,ndies Gentialmen.Welcome to the kalawu(克拉舞).欢迎进入XXX音乐盛典,XXX跳舞潮流.XXX音乐空间.与你共享至嗨境界。跟上音乐,一起来舒缓你的身体.依然保持你轻松的感觉,来欣赏音乐的快乐.轻松的感觉多一点,跟着时尚的Disco music动起来.我们的音乐依然带给你们轻松快乐的地带一起来分享一下好听的DSmusic.属于我们的激情音乐节奏,走进我们这个充满音乐的舞池.通过今天晚上第1场音乐party.来交流你我的感情.交最好的朋友.所以在舞池当中的朋友,在这个时间请准备好你们的心情,让我们感受一下MC小3在2005年为你带来最时尚kalam (克拉母)house.期待一下我们自己想听的音乐节奏.首先调整一下你们的身体.hi..在这里放松一下你们的身体.让我们带上享受音乐的思想.同时让你们的身体盘桓上我们的舞池当中.跟上节奏一起来跳动一下.走进今天晚上第1场慢摇世界一起来享受一下第1首非常经典的慢摇音乐.不同的音乐在午夜十分送给支持我们的好朋友.嘿one mo tai(万莫太).音乐慢慢上升的感觉再一吃浸泡全场开心的朋友.用你性感的身体做好备.DJ.Nowei.you are sek some

Yes Disco we like party.告诉我你们现在的感觉怎么样?很爽但是很热是不是?如果热把你们的衣服脱下来一起甩一甩好不好?



Hello,Landies Gentialmen,boys and girls.Welcome to the Dick disco party.Now lets enjoy first




OK,lets have a break.Its the best time for your guns with your girlfriend or may bo with your boyfriend after this,your guns can have the second crease disco party time.

欢迎各位朋友光临我们**DISCO。在下面的时间调整好你的情绪,离开座位来到我们的舞池中感觉一下我们来自2002年的音乐,跟上DJ节奏一起来。YAO BABY。Y AO BABY COME ON。

欢迎你走进DJ**为你带来最HI的DISCO摇头派对,带上你的舞伴,一起投入倒我们的舞池,做一下做简单的热身运动,https://www.doczj.com/doc/a816396771.html,e on.

Landies Gentialmen welcome to ** disco.This is DJ** and MC** take this house music just now.Boys and Girls are you ready?Come on.

放松你的心情一起来摇摆.here we go again


So dance for the Disco music just.now.Everybody shake song.

Hey,baby come on

最爽的感觉从这里开始,just house music.

Come on baby fellow me.跟着我们的音乐,享受你的快乐,钻进我的音乐世界,踏上我的音乐旋律,插上你动感的翅膀,让我们一起飞翔.Are you ready?I ready for dance...

OK.大家有感到HI了吗?DJ**要让你们跳的一丝不挂,然后,七孔流血,最后,精尽人亡..... 我已经看到下面的帅哥了,举起手,能不能再高一点,OHYEAH,我需要美女的尖叫声来一点...

再次跟着我的HOUSE MUSIC摇起你的脑袋伸出你的手.Everybody shake yourbody.DJ** let this party one two here we go.


OK OK.不要再压抑自己了,来一点疯狂的感觉,让我们一起沸腾一下,双手举起来.


Landies Gentialmen boys and girls.Welcome to the party in the POP music of the poor night.Are you ready?Everybody rock yourbody or my run.

闭上你的双眼,享受我们最正点的跳舞节拍,Shake yourbody rock yourbody.Let we


2020演讲比赛主持词开场白(中英文) 精彩的开场白可以吸引听众的注意力,激发听众的好奇心,并且能够让听众明白你为 什么要听这个演讲。 中文演讲比赛开场白主持词: 尊敬的各位领导、嘉宾、同学们: 大家——晚上好! 欢迎来到1201“美丽一班你我同行”演讲比赛现场。我很荣幸担任今晚的主持。 为积极参与1201班“美丽一班”大讨论系列活动,广泛传播“快乐、健康、幸福、 和谐的美丽一班”这一共同愿景,使“美丽一班”内化为每个同学的责任感和精神动力, 特举办此次“美丽一班你我同行”演讲比赛。 本次活动围绕“美丽一班”主题展开,共有9支代表队27名选手直接参赛,征集 “美丽一班梦想”51个,余名亲友团成员及热心观众激情助阵。比赛打破了传统演讲模式,采用团队竞赛的形式,设计了命题演讲、即兴演讲、现场互动、梦想征集、幸运抽奖等环节,旨在通过比赛增进团队意识、展现你我风采、营造共建美丽一班的良好氛围,同时培 养同学们的语言表达、逻辑思维、快速反应等能力。 本次活动得到了各级领导的大力支持,今晚他们也在百忙之中抽出时间来到了比赛现场,他们是: 让我们以热烈的掌声对各位领导的到来表示欢迎! 今晚评委阵容强大,他们是: 让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位评委和嘉宾的到来! 此次比赛共分三个环节,首先是命题演讲,主要考察选手的逻辑思维、语言表达和艺 术表现等,要求选手围绕“美丽一班”主题自拟题目,进行3分钟命题演讲;接下来是即 兴演讲,主要考察选手快速反应、现场控制和口头表达等,要求选手根据大屏幕上给出的 若干题号随机选择题目,根据所选题目进行1分30秒即兴演讲;最后是评委提问环节,主 要考察团队配合、综合素质、快速反应等,评委就参赛选手表现及其他相关问题提问,选 手即兴回答。 本次比赛实行团队积分制,每支参赛队的3名队员分别参加1个环节的比赛,按命题 演讲50分、即兴演讲30分、评委提问20分进行团队积分,满分100分。根据积分排名,将评出团队金、银、铜奖各1个,分别奖励纪念品并颁发荣誉证书,其他所有参赛队伍均 评为优秀奖,分别奖励纪念品并颁发荣誉证书;评出个人最佳演讲技巧奖、最佳反应敏捷奖、最佳综合素养奖各1名,分别奖励纪念品并颁发荣誉证书。比赛中间我们还将穿插


关于回忆的英语句子(中英互译)关于回忆的英语句子 1、Will you suddenly appear, in a coffee shop around the corner, I will bring the smiling face, and you say, not to say once upon a time, just say, say to you, just say, long time no see. 你会不会忽然的出现,在街角的咖啡店,我会带着笑脸,和你寒暄,不去说从前,只是寒暄,对你说一句,只是说一句,好久不见。 2、I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is. But I feel happy every day for this. 我知道这世上有人在等我,尽避我不知道我在等谁。但是因为这样,我每天都非常快乐。 3、I like a lonely puppet, lost and I follow like a shadow another puppet, never show will not move, was abandoned in the corner of dusty, alone in despair, in a desperate sad, then continue to missing you. 我像是个孤单的木偶,失去了和我形影不离的另一个木偶,从此不会表演不会动,被人遗弃在角落里落满灰尘,在孤单中绝望,在绝望中悲伤,然后继续不停地想念你。 4、We all live in the past. We take a minute to know someone, 1 / 11


经典广告词中英文翻译 2. Obey your thirst.服从你的渴望。(雪碧) 3. The new digital era.数码新时代。(索尼影碟机) 4. We lead. Others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机) 5. Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机) 6. Take time to indulge.尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌) 7. The relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车) 8. Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)9. Come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country. 光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。(万宝路香烟) 10.To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。(轩尼诗酒) 11. Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋) 12. Ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋) 13. The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡) 14. Feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星电子) 15. Intelligence everywhere. 智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机) 16. The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。(百事可乐) 17. We integrate, you communicate. 我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工) 18. Take TOSHIBA, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子) 19. Let’s make things better. 让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子) 20. No business too small, no problem too big. 没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。(IBM公司) 1 Good to the last drop? ?滴滴香浓,意犹未尽??麦式咖啡Maxwell 2 Time is what you make of it? ?天长地久? ?斯沃奇手表Swatch 3Make yourself heard? ?理解就是沟通? ???爱立信Ericsson 4Start ahead? ? 成功之路从头开始? ? 飘柔rejoice 5Diamond lasts forever 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传第比尔斯De Bieeres 6Things go better with Coca-cola? ? 饮可口可乐万事如意 7Connecting people Nokia? ? 科技以人为本? ?诺基亚Nokia 9A Kodak moment? ?? ?就在柯达一刻? ?? ?柯达Kodak 10Mosquito Bye Bye Bye,蚊子杀杀杀雷达牌驱蚊虫剂RADAR


开场白: 单:Dear leaders ,teachers ,colleagues ,Good morning! 亲爱的领导,老师,同事们,早上好! 单:Time flies ,the youth are bloom here. 时光荏苒,青春在这里绽放。 单:As time goes by ,our dream are still bright. 岁月更迭,梦想依旧灿烂。 单:The situation now is full of beauties ,sweet and passion. 此情此景是美好的,是温馨的,是充满激情的。 合:We get together.Let’s enjoy the fun . 我们相聚在这里,让响彻云霄的快乐在这里汇成为欢乐的海洋。 单:We are very honored to host this party, Our colleagues prepared some splendid programs. 我们非常荣幸,组织了这场汇报演出,我们的同事精心准备了一些极好的节目。 单:Everybody, are you ready?And then,Let the party begin. 大家做好准备了吗?让我们开始演出吧。 视频:《贸大生活》 单:How time flies ,we have finished the three-month study,all precious moments will be remembered forever,Now, let’s go for the VCR to search for the valuable memeries. 眨眼间,三个月的学习生活已结束,所有的瞬间都在此刻定格,于是便有了我们独有的回忆,下面就让我们在VCR中去回味,感悟最美好的曾经。 。。。。。。。。 单:Give more thanks to GongXiannan and ZhaoXingmin.After the VCR,We will show our strong confidence.Let’s invite DongGuoqing declain a poetry 再次感谢巩向楠和赵兴民,接下来我们将呐喊出心中最强的信心,下面有请董国庆带来的诗朗诵《I Think I Can》 单:Have you ever seen our study achivements?Please allow us to continue our learning show.Next, we will watch a scene play. 大家是否看到了我们的学习成果了呢?让我们继续我们的学习秀吧。下面我们将看到一出情景剧。 单:As we all know,love is the most beautiful thing in our life.For love we are willing to devote our life.For love we are wlling to stay away from home.Then, let’s enjoy an English song 正如我们所知,爱是生命中最美好的东西。为了爱我们甘愿献出生命,为了爱我们甘愿远离家乡。下面让我们聆听一首爱情歌曲《哦,苏珊娜》 单:Thank you for bringing us a lively song.Next,let’s watch a fierce negotiation. 感谢我的同事们,为我们带来了一首欢快的歌曲。下面我们将欣赏到一场激烈的商务谈判。单:.................Let’s enjoy an amazing kongfu show from WangGang. 。。。。。。


2015年英语风采大赛主持词 女:Good evening, everyone. Welcome to our English Speech contest. I t’s pleasure to be the host forthis conte st. Today Many contestants will take part in it. 男:尊敬的各位来宾,亲爱的同学们。大家晚上好。欢迎大家来参加我们的英语演讲比赛,也很高兴这次活动由我们英语社主办,今天将有很多优秀的选手聚集于此,展开激烈角逐。 女:为了提高全院学生学习英语的热情、促进和提高我院大学生的口语水平、营造良好的学习氛围、活跃校园文化生活、提高大学生的综合素质、为此我院英语部落与开封大学合力举办两校联盟英语风采大赛,面向全院再读大一、大二、大三学生。 男:此次活动是由在上一届活动成功举办的前提下,我们这次比赛形式更加新颖、内容更加有趣,可以吸引众多的参与者,带动同学们形成一个良好的英语学习的风潮。 女:现在请允许我为大家介绍本次英语风采大赛的评委与嘉宾,他们分别是 评委 英语社口语部部长:腰贵灵; 英语社宣传部部长:桑邵峰; 英语社组织部副部:李亚雷; 浣纱国学社会长:牛家威;

合分人:李凯亚; 活动嘉宾为部分社团负责人. 男:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位评委嘉宾的到来 现在为大家宣读本次比赛规则及流程 1.参赛选手每人两分钟英文自我介绍。 2.参赛选手每人三分钟才艺表演。 3.参赛选手赛前选题并作扣题演讲和才艺展示。 4.得分评比4人次为一轮,依次宣布各项得分及总分。 5.各位选手依次从我的左手边上长右手边下场。 女:现在我宣布“青春使命,继往开来”黄河水院英语部落2015年英语风采大赛 合:现在开始! 女:有请一号选手上台演讲,二号选手做准备。 男:感谢一号选手的精彩表现,下面请二号选手上台演讲,三号选手做准备。 女:感谢二号选手的精彩表现,下面有请三号选手上台演讲,四号选手做准备 男;感谢三号选手的精彩演讲,下面有请四号选手上台演讲。 女:感谢四号选手的精彩演讲,1至4号得分情况.下面有请五号选手上台演讲,六号选手做准备。 男:比赛环节告一段落,比赛结果稍后公布,现在有请***为此次比


经典中文的英译 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 We wish each other a long life so as to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even though miles apart. 独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。 A lonely stranger in a strange land I am cast, I miss my family all the more on every festive day. 大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。 The endless river eastward flows; with its huge waves are gone all those gallant heroes of bygone years. 二人同心,其利断金。 If two people are of the same mind, their sharpness can cut through metal. 富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能曲,此之谓大丈夫。 It is a true great man whom no money and rank can confuse, no poverty and hardship can shake, and no power and force can suffocate. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 A bosom friend afar brings distance near.

合抱之木,生于毫末,九层之台,起于累土;千里之行始于足下。 A huge tree that fills one’s arms grows f rom a tiny seedling; a nine-storied tower rises from a heap of earth; a thousand li journey starts with the first step. 祸兮,福之所依;福兮,祸之所伏。 Misfortune, that is where happiness depends; happiness, that is where misfortune underlies. 见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。 On seeing a man of virtue, try to become his equal; on seeing a man without virtue, examine yourself not to have the same defects. 江山如此多娇,引无数英雄尽折腰。 This land so rich in beauty has made countless heroes bow in homage. 举头望明月,低头思故乡。 Raising my head, I see the moon so bright; withdrawing my eyes, my nostalgia comes around. 俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。 All are past and gone; we look to this age for truly great men.


年终晚宴主持词中英文 公司年终晚宴主持词 (开场) L:尊敬的各位领导 H:各位同事 合:(大家)晚上好 L:XX年已经过去,充满机遇和挑战的XX年已悄然来临。回首往昔,对于我们每一个人来说都难以忘怀,她给予了我们经验、收获;展望未来我们更是踌躇满志。 H:展望即将来临的一年,我们满怀憧憬,激情澎湃,更好的产品等着我们去开发,更大的市场等着我们去征服,一项项壮观的事业等着我们去挥洒智慧和才能。 L:我们满怀信心,开足马力,奔向更加辉煌的XX年。 H:今天我们在这里举行迎新春晚宴,欢迎各位的到来。 L:同时,也热烈欢迎相关部门各部委办局的领导,掌声欢迎!H:出席晚宴的有 L:Ladies&Gentlemen,WelcometoMFLEXannualparty!Firstofa llIwishtoextendaNewYeargreetingtoallofyouandwishyou goodhealth,happinessandasmoothcareerforthenextwhole year.Todaylet'scelebrateanddreamthegreatfuturetoget her.Andwearehonoredtoinvitetheofficersfrom,alsothel

eadersof.Welcome! H:让我们再次以最热烈的掌声感谢领导的光临! L:Thankyouforjoiningus.Nowlet'swelcomeMr.togiveusNewY eargreetingsonthestage.Welcome! H:现在由请为本次晚宴致辞,掌声欢迎! (致辞完毕后H手持酒杯上场) 合:干杯!cheers! H:祝大家在新的一年里,吃好喝好身体好,玩好乐好精神好; L:穿好戴好财运好,给点掌声好不好呀~~~ (节目环节) 1/2 (结尾) L:光阴似箭,岁月如梭,在忙碌中我们不知不觉地送走了XX 年。 H:喜庆新年即将来临。 L:今天,我们相约在这里,享受这段美好时光; H:今天,我们相聚在这里,迎来了充满希望的XX年! L:我们在拼搏中成长,在奋斗中前进,在创新中神采飞扬。H:用我们的热情,用我们的汗水,去创造更加辉煌的明天。L:


首届英语文化节英文演讲比赛主持稿 (A 男 B 女) 准备开始 A:May I have your attention please! The competition is about to begin, please take your seat, and keep quiet! B:同学们请注意!比赛即将开始,请大家坐好,并把手机调为振动或关机状态,以保持赛场安静。 比赛开始 A:Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the 1st YongJiang University's culture of English and Speaking_English competition. My name is WangYingFeng. Next to me is lovely LiJing, We’ll co-host this competition together for you, tonight ! B:尊敬的各位嘉宾,亲爱的同学们! (AB)大家晚上好! B:欢迎参加本次邕江大学首届英语文化节开幕式暨英文演讲比赛。我是本次节目主持人李静(A:我是王迎峰。)下面我宣布:本次邕江大学英语文化节开幕式暨英文演讲比赛——(AB)现在开始! (介绍嘉宾) A:Let me introduce our judges, and honored guests. They are: (嘉宾稿) A:OK, let’s warmly welcome their present! B:欢迎,欢迎我们嘉宾的到来! (开幕词) A:Before the beginning of competition, Let warmly welcome Mr. ___________ give a speech for us ! B:好,在比赛开始之前。让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎_________ 老师为我们致辞!!!


1.Health is above wealth, for this cannot give so much happiness as that. 健康比财富更重要,因为财富不能像健康那样给人以幸福。 2.Here great disturbances at the heart of the earth caused mountains and volcanoes to rise above the water. For hundreds of years tiny coral creatures have worked and died to make thousands of ring-shaped islands called atolls (环礁). 在那里,由于地心引力的剧烈干扰,一道道山脉,一座座火山升出水面。千百年来,微小的珊瑚虫在这里繁衍、死亡,形成了数不胜数的被称为环礁的环状岛屿。 3.Old lines and methods of communication do not work easily or efficiently with as much information as we now have. 由于我们今天的信息太多,那些旧的通讯线路和方法已不能灵便有效地处理他们了。 4. Scarcely can any law be made which is beneficial to all; but if it benefits the majority, it is useful. 法律难顾及所有人,于大多数人有利足矣。 5.The water spread out for miles in places in Kenya and Somalia, cutting off villages and forcing herders to crowd with their livestock onto a few patches of dry land. 在肯尼亚和索马里的某些地方,河水漫出河床,宽达数英里。洪水切断了村与村之间的联系,迫使牧民们和家畜挤在一起,困缩在一块块狭小的陆地上动弹不得。 6. The snow falls on every wood and field, and no crevice is forgotten; by the river and pond, on the hill and in the valley. 雪,在四处飘落着。雪花撒在树上,撒在田野里,撒在河边、湖畔、山上、谷底——没有一条岩缝墙隙里不飘满雪花。 7. When his door opened they saw a slender man of more than average height with gleaming eyes and a face so striking that it bordered on the beautiful.


经典广告词中英文翻译2.Obey your thirst.服从你的渴望。(雪碧) 3.The new digital era.数码新时代。(索尼影碟机) 4.We lead.Others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)5.Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机) 6.Take time to indulge.尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌) 7.The relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车)8.Poetry in motion,dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)9.Come to where the flavor is.Marlboro Country. 光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。(万宝路香烟) 10.To me,the past is black and white,but the future is always color.对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。(轩尼诗酒) 11. Just do it.只管去做。(耐克运动鞋) 12. Ask for more.渴望无限。(百事流行鞋) 13. The taste is great.味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡) 14. Feel the new space.感受新境界。(三星电子) 15. Intelligence everywhere.智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机) 16. The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。(百事可乐) 17. We integrate, you communicate. 我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工) 18. Take TOSHIBA, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子) 19. Let’s make things better.让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子) 20. No business too small, no problem too big. 没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。(IBM公司) 1 Good to the last drop 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽麦式咖啡Maxwell 2 Time is what you make of it 天长地久斯沃奇手表Swatch 3Make yourself heard 理解就是沟通爱立信Ericsson 4Start ahead 成功之路从头开始飘柔rejoice 5Diamond lasts forever 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传第比尔斯De Bieeres 6Things go better with Coca-cola 饮可口可乐万事如意 7Connecting people Nokia 科技以人为本诺基亚Nokia 9A Kodak moment 就在柯达一刻柯达Kodak 10Mosquito Bye Bye Bye,蚊子杀杀杀雷达牌驱蚊虫剂RADAR


大型幼儿歌舞晚会主持中英文串词good evening dear grandpa, grandma, father, mother and children, welcome to watch our show. 秦爱的爷爷奶奶、爸爸妈妈、老师、小朋友们大家晚上好: 一、中班组合 ——晶晶宝贝爱唱歌,晶晶宝贝更爱跳舞,在艺术的殿堂里自由翱翔,请欣赏《中班组合》 ——let’s appreciate the dance welcome 二、舞蹈《明亮的心》 ——花儿放清香,鸟儿把歌唱,明亮的心情,奔向大自然。请欣赏舞蹈《明亮的心》 ——let’s appreciate the dance welcome 四、童话剧《司马光砸缸》 ——小朋友们,相信你们一定知道《司马光砸缸》这个 故事吧,我们要像司马光一样聪明、能干。请欣赏童话剧《司马光砸缸》 ——let’s appreciate the dancewelcome 七、舞蹈《 》 ——“赵钱孙李、周吴郑王、冯陈诸卫、蒋沈韩杨”聪明的小

朋友们快看看这百家姓里,你们知道多少呢?请欣赏舞蹈《百家姓》——let’s appreciate the dance welcome 八、舞蹈《越来越好》 ——我们的祖国越来越强大,越来越繁荣昌盛,我们的日子越 过越红火,请欣赏舞蹈《越来越好》 ——let’s appreciate the dance welcome 九、舞蹈:《铜鼓声声》 ——新年的钟声即将响起,我们又将迎来万象更新的春天,让 我们敲起锣,打起鼓,欢天喜地除旧岁,请欣赏舞蹈《铜鼓声声》——let’s appreciate the dance welcome 十二、舞蹈《大树一地根》 ——动感的音乐,优美的舞蹈,让我们沉浸在这片欢乐的海洋里,请欣赏舞蹈《大树一地根》 ——let’s appreciate the dance welcome 十三、双簧《争功》——晶晶宝贝能歌善舞,晶晶宝贝说弹唱 奏样样精通,请欣赏双簧《争功》 ——let’s appreciate the dance< 十五、中班组合《景东》 ——晶晶是快乐的源泉,晶晶是梦想的天堂,请欣赏中班组合 ——let’s appreciate the dance from chenjian jingdong


英语演讲比赛主持人主持词 英语演讲比赛主持人主持词 英语演讲比赛受到越来越多的关注和重视,体现了时代对英语口语技能日益增高的要求。下面就是小编给大家整理的英语演讲比赛主持词,仅供参考。 英语演讲比赛主持人主持词 (比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒: My friends this competition is beginning,please switch off your cell phones,thanks for your cooperation比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!) X:Good evening ladies and gentlemen,welcome to Qingdao Huanghai College 20xxEnglish Speaking Competition.My name is Wang Ruixue,beside me is Wu Xuan you might recognize.She is co-host of big movements of our school. Y:尊敬的.各位领导,各位来宾,亲爱的老师们,同学们,大家(合)晚上好!欢迎来到青岛黄海职业学院20xx英语演讲比赛决赛现场。

X:Well this Competition is organized by Qingdao Huanghai College and sponsored by -------- This Competition is undertaken by Foreign Language Department. In today's Grand Final,there 15 finalists;they are all the winners of the preliminaries.These contestants have given very impressive performances,So,we know that today will be a very rigorous competition. Y:本次大赛由xxx职业学院主办,外语系承办由----赞助。 X:Firstly,let's introuduce today's honorable leader and judges and guests. I have the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this Speech Contest. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr.xxx from... Y:光临今天大赛现场的领导和嘉宾是: X:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位领导的到来! Y:Welcome. 今天来到比赛现场的还有来自各兄弟系部的参赛选手和观看比赛的同学们。我们以同样热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。


经典古文英文翻译CLASSIC LITERATURE IN ENGLISH TRANSLATION -- EXTREMELY USEFUL AND HELPFUL 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 We wish each other a long life so as to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even though miles apart. 独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。 A lonely stranger in a strange land I am cast, I miss my family all the more on every festive day. 大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。 The endless river eastward flows; with its huge waves are gone all those gallant heroes of bygone years. 二人同心,其利断金。 If two people are of the same mind, their sharpness can cut through metal. 富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能曲,此之谓大丈夫。 It is a true great man whom no money and rank can confuse, no poverty and hardship can shake, and no power and force can suffocate. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 A bosom friend afar brings distance near. 合抱之木,生于毫末,九层之台,起于累土;千里之行始于足下。 A huge tree that fills one’s arms grows from a tiny seedling; a nine-storied tower rises from a heap of earth; a thousand li journey starts with the first step. 祸兮,福之所依;福兮,祸之所伏。 Misfortune, that is where happiness depends; happiness, that is where misfortune underlies. 见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。 On seeing a man of virtue, try to become his equal; on seeing a man without virtue, examine yourself not to have the same defects. 江山如此多娇,引无数英雄尽折腰。 This land so rich in beauty has made countless heroes bow in homage. 举头望明月,低头思故乡。 Raising my head, I see the moon so bright; withdrawing my eyes, my nostalgia comes around. 俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。 All are past and gone; we look to this age for truly great men. 君子成人之美,不成人之恶。 The gentleman helps others to achieve their moral perfection but not their evil conduct. 君子独立不惭于影,独寝不愧于魂。 A righteous man never feels ashamed to face his shadow when standing alone and to face his soul when sleeping alone. 君子之交淡如水,小人之交甘如醴。君子淡以亲,小人甘以绝。 The friendship between men of virtue is light like water, yet affectionate; the friendship between men without virtue is sweet like wine, yet easily broken. 老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼。 Expend the respect of the aged in one’s family to that of other families; expend the love of the young ones in one’s fa mily to that of other families. 礼尚往来。往而不来,非礼也;来而不往,亦非礼也。 Propriety suggests reciprocity. It is not propriety not to give out but to receive, or vice versa.


新年晚会英语主持词 导读:本文新年晚会英语主持词,仅供参考,如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 A : Good evening , boys and girls , welcome to our dumpling party . B : 晚上好,朋友们,欢迎来到我们的“饺流天下”晚会。 A : Dumpling is a traditional Chinese food , full of delicious taste and ancient intelligence . B : 饺子是中国一大传统美食,深深蕴藏着鲜香美味与古人的智慧。 A : Tonight , it's our honour to gather together and enjoy the entertainment of making dumplings and sharing cultures . B : 今晚,让我们欢聚一堂,共同分享包饺子的乐趣,共同体验多文化的魅力! A : Nothing more to say , just let's start our fantastic journey of dumplings ! B :别的也不再多说,就让我们现在开始我们的“饺子之旅”! A : Ready ? Go ! Show time演出阶段 A:After such a busy and happy time , let's just be relaxed and enjoy excellent performance. Now , it's the show time !

B : 结束了忙碌充实的动手时光,现在让我们都来放松心情,一起欣赏来自中外的精彩表演! A : First , let's enjoy an amazing kongfu show from the association of Taijiquan . B :下面让我们来欣赏来自太极拳协会的武术和太极表演。 A : Terrific ! Chinses kongfu is full of magic , have you been excited by that ? Ok. Now, let's enjoy a classical music , a Er Hu recital from Zhang Yi . B : 中华武术博大精深,是不是已经震惊在座了呢?那好,现在我们来欣赏一曲中国传统艺术,来自张怡的二胡独奏,大家欢迎。 A : Beatiful ! That's the first word appears in my mind . What do you expect next ? all right , still from the music association , let's welcome Zhao Lingxiao and his Gusuxing ! B :行云流水!这是不是第一个出现在你脑海里的词呢?那么我们不妨在欣赏一曲管弦独奏,有请音乐协会赵凌霄和他带来的《姑苏行》! A :Enjoyed so much traditional shows , do you think it's time to change a pace . Now , let's waiting for our foreign friends and their songs ! B :欣赏了那么多传统节目是不是也想换换口味了呢?那么现在就请要求我们的外国朋友为我们带来他们的精彩演出! A : There is always no boundary among songs , having


英文主持词范文4篇 a,b:good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! welcome to our christmas party! a,b:晚上好,亲爱的女士们和先生们!欢迎来到我们的圣诞晚会 a:with the snow flakes falling from the sky, 随着雪花从天上掉下来, a:with the christmas carols resounding around our ears 圣诞颂歌响亮的左右,我们的耳朵 b:with the christmas presents passing through our friends and ourselves b:随着圣诞礼物穿过我们的朋友和我们自己 a:with the kindest santa christ in red walking towards us a:用亲切的圣诞基-督在红向我们走来 a,b:let's shout,"christmas is coming! merry christmas!!! a,b:让我们大声叫喊:“圣诞节就要来临了。圣诞快乐! a: _________,at this special moment, i can't be more excited. how about you? a:_________,在这个特别的时刻,我也更兴奋了。你呢? b:of course,__________, me too. and i dare say that i've never been so happy in my life. i bet you do, yeah? b:当然,_________,我也是。我敢说,我从来没有这么开心,能在

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