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小学生必读现代散文15篇 一.白色山茶花 席慕蓉(台湾) 山茶花又开了,那样洁白而又美丽的花朵,开了满树。 每次,我都不能无视地走过一棵开花的树。那样洁白温润的花朵,从青绿的小芽儿开始,到越来越饱满,到慢慢地绽放;从半圆,到将圆,到满圆。花开的时候,你如果肯仔细地去端祥,你就能明白它所说的每一句话。就因为每一朵花只能开一次,所以,它就极为小心地绝不错一步,满树的花,就没有一朵开错了的,它们是那样慎重和认真地迎接着唯一的一次春天。 所以我走过一棵开花的树,都不得不惊讶与屏息于生命的美丽。 三.春天吹着口哨刘湛秋 沿着开花的土地,春天吹着口哨; 从柳树上摘一片嫩叶; 从杏树上掐一朵小花, 在河里浸一浸,在风中摇一摇;于是欢快的旋律就流荡起来了。哨音在青色的树枝上旋转,它鼓动着小叶子快快地成长。

风筝在天上飘,哨音顺着孩子的手,顺着风筝线,升到云层中去了。呵,那里面可有蜜蜂的嗡嗡?可有百灵鸟的啼啭?可有牛的呼叫?沿着开花的土地,春天吹着口哨; 从柳树上摘一片嫩叶; 从杏树上掐一朵小花, 在河里浸一浸,在风中摇一摇;于是欢快的旋律就流荡起来了。它悄悄地掀开姑娘的头巾,从她们红润润的唇边溜过去。 它追赶上了马车,围着红樱的鞭子盘旋。 它吻着拖拉机的轮带,它爬上了司机小伙子的肩膀。 呵,春天吹着口哨,漫山遍野地跑;在每个人的耳朵里,灌满了一个甜蜜的 声音——早!

四金色花 [印度]泰戈尔 假如我变了一朵“金色花”,只为了好玩,长在那树的高枝上,笑哈哈的在风中摇摆,又在新生的树叶上跳舞,母亲,你会认识我么? 你要是叫道:“孩子,你在哪里呀?”我暗暗的在那里匿笑,却一声儿不响。我要悄悄地开放花瓣儿,看着你工作。 当你沐浴后,湿发披在两肩,穿过“金色花”的林荫,走到你做祷告的小庭院时,你会嗅到这花的香气,却不知道这香气是从我身上来的。 当你吃过中饭,坐在窗前读《罗摩衍那》,那棵树的荫影落在你的头发与膝上时,我便要投我的小小的影子在你的书页上,正投在你所读的地方。但是你会猜得出这就是你孩子的小影子么? 当你黄昏时拿了灯到牛棚里去,我便要突然的再落到地上来,又成了你的孩子,求你讲故事给我听。 “你到哪里去了,你这坏孩子?” “我不告诉你,妈妈。”这就是你同我那时所要说的话了。


Times are changing, and not necessarily for the best. There was a time when parents who wanted an educational present for their children would buy a typewriter, a (1) novel or an encyclopedia set. Now those items seem hopelessly (2) old-fashioned ; this Christmas, there were a lot of personal computers under the tree. People are becoming more and more (3)convinced that computers are the key to success. Parents are (4)insisting that children be taught to use them in school as early as possible. The problem for schools is that (5)when it comes to computers, parents don't always know best. Many schools are (6)yielding to parental impatience and purchasing hardware. At the same time it is clear that these schools are not ready to have any web-based course with (7)sound educational planning. All of this has made things difficult for teachers. Teachers find themselves caught in the middle of the problem, (8)caught in a str. Educators do not even agree on how computers should be used. A lot of money has been put into research for computerized educational materials. The results show (9)it is not neces. Many people are trying to convince parents of this problem. (10)have access to to the very young.


xx必读现代散文15 篇 一.白色山茶花 席慕蓉(台湾) 山茶花又开了,那样洁白而又美丽的花朵,开了满树。 每次,我都不能无视地走过一棵开花的树。那样洁白温润的花朵,从青绿的小芽儿开始,到越来越饱满,到慢慢地绽放;从半圆,到将圆,到满圆。花开的时候,你如果肯仔细地去端祥,你就能明白它所说的每一句话。就因为每一朵花只能开一次,所以,它就极为小心地绝不错一步,满树的花,就没有一朵开错了的,它们是那样慎重和认真地迎接着唯一的一次春天。 所以我走过一棵开花的树,都不得不惊讶与屏息于生命的美丽。 三.春天吹着口哨 刘湛秋 沿着开花的土地,春天吹着口哨; 从柳树上摘一片嫩叶; 从杏树上掐一朵小花, 在河里浸一浸,在风中摇一摇;于是欢快的旋律就流荡起来了。哨音在青色的树枝上旋转,它鼓动着小叶子快快地成长。风筝在天上飘,哨音顺着孩子的手,顺着风筝线,升到云层中去了。呵,那里面可有蜜蜂的嗡嗡?可有百灵鸟的啼啭? 可有牛的呼叫?沿着开花的土地,春天吹着口哨; 从柳树上摘一片嫩叶; 从杏树上掐一朵小花, 在河里浸一浸,在风中摇一摇;于是欢快的旋律就流荡起来了

它悄悄地掀开姑娘的头巾,从她们红润润的唇边溜过去。 它追赶上了马车,围着红樱的鞭子盘旋。 它吻着拖拉机的轮带,它爬上了司机小伙子的肩膀。 呵,春天吹着口哨,漫山遍野地跑;在每个人的耳朵里,灌满了一个甜蜜 的声音——早! 四金色花 [印度]泰戈尔 假如我变了一朵“金色花”,只为了好玩,长在那树的高枝上,笑哈哈的在 风中摇摆,又在新生的树叶上跳舞,母亲,你会认识我么? 你要是叫道:“孩子,你在哪里呀?”我暗暗的在那里匿笑,却一声儿不 响。 我要悄悄地开放花瓣儿,看着你工作。 当你沐浴后,湿发披在两肩,穿过“金色花”的林荫,走到你做祷告的小庭院时,你会嗅到这花的香气,却不知道这香气是从我身上来的。 当你吃过中饭,坐在窗前读《罗摩衍那》,那棵树的荫影落在你的头发与膝上时,我便要投我的小小的影子在你的书页上,正投在你所读的地方。 但是你会猜得出这就是你孩子的小影子么? 当你黄昏时拿了灯到牛棚里去,我便要突然的再落到地上来,又成了你的孩子,求你讲故事给我听。 “你到哪里去了,你这坏孩子?” “我不告诉你,妈妈。”这就是你同我那时所要说的话了。 五.橡树(生与死相互交替的规律) [意]费拉里斯


初一英语听力mp3材料文本 [00:05.59]Lesson 13 1.Listen,read and say [00:12.85]What's this in English? [00:16.40]It is a clock. [00:19.25]And what's this? It's a pencil-box. [00:25.42]Lesson 14 2.Look,ask and answer [00:37.77]A:What's this? B:Is this a cup? [00:42.95]A:No,it isn't. B:Is this a map? [00:49.01]A:Yes,it is. B:What's this? [00:54.36]A:Is this a book? B:No,it isn't. [01:00.11]Is this a pencil-box?B:Yes,it is. [01:06.27]Lesson 15 1.Ask and answer [01:16.54]Is this a pen? Yes,it is. [01:22.10]Is that a pencil? No,it isn't.It's a ruler. [01:29.55]Is this a map? Is that a book? [01:35.71]Lesson 16 1.Listen,read and say [01:47.49]What's this in English? [01:50.97]It's a bike. [01:53.82]What's that in English? [01:57.29]It's a bus.


Passage One 【听力原文】 [26] I first met Joe Gumps when we were both 9 years old, which is probably the only reason he is one of my best friends.If I had first met Joe as a freshman in high school, we wouldn’t even have had the chance to get to know each oth er. Joe is a day student, but I am a boarding student. We haven’t been in the same classes, sports or extracurricular activities. [27] Nonetheless, I spend nearly every weekend at his house, and we talk on the phone every night. This is not to say that we would not have been compatible if we had first met in our freshman year. Rather, we would not have been likely to spend enough time getting to know each other, due to the lack of immediately visible mutual interests. In fact, to be honest, I struggle even now to think of things we have in common, but maybe that’s what makes us enjoy each other’s company so much. When I look at my friendship with Joe, I wonder how many people I’ve known whom I never disliked but simply didn’t take the time to get to know. [28] Thanks to Joe, I have realized how little basis there is, for the social divisions that exist in every community. Since this realization, I have begun to make an even more determined effort to find friends in unexpected people and places. 26. Why does the speaker say Joe Gumps became one of his best friends? 27. Where does the speaker spend most of his weekends? 28. What has the speaker learned from his friendship with Joe? Passage Two 【听力原文】 It was a bad night for Louis. His research in the neighboring town had taken longer than he expected. [29] It was late and he was very tired when he drove home. He turned into his building’s parking lot, but all the spaces were full. He drove back out onto the street looking for a parking space. The first block was full. The next block was almost empty. Louis didn’t see a no-parking sign, but he suspected that if parking were allowed there, most of the spaces would be filled. Then he saw a small parking lot with two free spaces. He was so glad to see them that he didn’t even think to read the sign by the entrance. He drove in, parked, and hurried home to go to bed. [30] The next morning he went back to the lot to get his car. It was gone. He ran home and telephoned the city police to say that his ear had been stolen. It took the police only a minute to tell him what had happened. His car had been on a private lot. It had been taken away by the police. [31] Louis had to take a taxi to the city garage far from the center of town. He had to pay a fee of $40 to get his car back. In addition, he got a parking ticket—his first one ever in Greenville. 29. Where did Louis intend to park his car when he came back from work one night? 30. What did Louis think had happened to his car the next morning? 31. Where did Louis finally get his car back? Passage Three 【听力原文】 [32] Well, to pick up where we left off last time, I believe we agreed the creativity is a mysterious idea.It’s one of those things we all recognize when we see it. But we don’t really understand what it is. We seem to feel that some people are naturally creative, but we don’t know how they got that way. Is creativity a natural gift like good looks? Or is it something that can be acquired like knowledge? Perhaps if we analyze the creative process carefully, we might get some insight into what it is and how it might work in our lives. [33]The creative process has always been accepted as the source of all important work in the arts. But we should not think the creativity plays a role only in the arts. [34] Every major scientific discovery began with someone imagining the world to look differently from the way others saw it. And this is what creativity is all about:imagining the world in a new way. And despite what you may believe about the limits of your own creative imaginations, we all have the potential to imagine the world in an absolutely new way. [35] In fact, you were born with it. It is your birth right as a human being. And what’s more, you use it every day almost every moment of your life.Your creative imagination is what you use to make sense of your experiences. It’s your creative mind that gets the meaning from the chaos of your experiences and brings order to your world.


2020年初一英语听力材料 (一) 一、听句子选出准确的应答语,每小题听一遍。 1.Can they speak Japanese? 2. Where does Mr. Green live? 3. Do you like English? 4. Go straight along and you will find it on the right. 5. I hope you have a good trip to Beijing. 二、听对话回答每段对话后面的问题,在各题所给的三个选项中选出一个答案。每段对话听两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第6小题: M: What's your name? W: My name is Jenny. 听第二段对话,回答第7小题: M: Helen. is this your pencil sharpener? W: Yes, it is 听第三段对话,回答第8小题: W: I can see your notebook. M: where's it? W: I t's on the bed. 听第四段对话,回答第9小题:

M: Hi, Lucy! W: Hello, Jim. M: Lucy this is my mother, Mrs. Green. 听第五段对话,回答第10小题: W: Who is that? M: That is my brother Tom. He has a blue and white hat.听第六段对话,回答第11—12小题: M: Where's my English book? W: Is it in your backpack? M:No, it isn’t. W: Wait a minute. Is it on the table? M: Yes, it is. Thank you 听第七段对话,回答第13—15小题: W: Excuse me M: Yes? W: That notebook is my teacher's. M: All right. How do you know? W: She was looking for it this morning M: OK. What's your teacher's name? W: Kate Green M: Here you are. Please give it to your teacher


The real problem with pollution is people—/the way people think about their environment and their relationship with it. /We are all reluctant to accept the fact that our natural resources are fixed –/fixed, in fact, since the earth was created. /We want to go on using virgin materials./ We are not educated on reusing resources, /or even placing a value on ‘waste’ products. /We are a crisis society. /Currently, we are fearful of losing the use of our water and air to pollution./ In one context, it is probably a good thing /that we are so concerned because now we will begin/ to adjust our thinking on the values of natural resources. /We once thought of water and air as free. /They are not, not any more than the land is free. /People have not wanted to be educated on the part/ they must play in solving our environment problem.


散文作为中国当代散文的一种创作现象,它的创作理念和具体作品都对散文界产生了重要影响,具有较高的研究价值。下面为大家带来适合4年级看的经典散文大全的内容,希望对你有用。 适合4年级看的经典散文篇一学会等待 世事在变,我也在变。 我以前是个不会等待的人,想干什么就马上行动,片刻也等不了。不是因为我想争取时间,而是因为我的心静不下来。 就说等车吧。放学后,我等车回家,但公交车很慢,要等很长时间,可把我急坏了。我是个急性子,“慢”这个字是我的克星。我等得焦头烂额,不停地喃喃自语“车子怎么还没来,怎么还没来呀?时间过得太慢了,太慢了!”我皱起眉头直跺脚,还时不时地唉声叹气。好容易来了车子,我便一个劲地窜了进去。 但现在不同了,我学会了等待。等车的时候,我可以站在树荫底下,看看蔚蓝的天空,听听悦耳的鸟鸣,逗逗可爱的甲虫,一切焦躁不安早就烟消云散;或者呆呆地在站台上,一动不动,眼睛凝然注视着一个地方,什么都不想,忘了世界,也忘了自己,傻傻地站着,这样可以放松自己。 有了等待,愿望的满足才更令人喜悦;耐心地等待,才能欣赏到身边美好的风景。学会等待,等待让人心平气和,等待让人快乐。 适合4年级看的经典散文篇二那样纯洁的心灵 关爱是无私的,快乐是无限的!宽容和包容是伟大的! 操场上人山人海,热闹非凡。有的在跳绳;有的在跑步;还有的在打排球。 我静静地坐在操场上,仰望着这精彩、快乐的“画面”。突然我看见一个小弟弟用脚踢到了一个二、三年级的小妹妹,小妹妹摔了个狗吃屎。小妹妹坚强地站了起来,我把目光停在了这个小弟弟和小妹妹的身上。 “没事吧!”那个小妹妹和蔼的对那个弟弟说。 小弟弟似乎惊呆了,我仿佛听到了他的心声“这个姐姐怎么回事儿啊?” 妹妹再一次问了那个小弟弟。 小弟弟终于开口说话了“没事儿,没事儿,你被我踢到了,你的腿还疼吗?”“我也没事儿!” 上课了,小妹妹和小弟弟慢慢的向B教学楼走去。


小学生必读现代散文15篇 一、白色山茶花 席慕蓉(台湾) 山茶花又开了,那样洁白而又美丽得花朵,开了满树。 每次,我都不能无视地走过一棵开花得树。那样洁白温润得花朵, 从青绿得小芽儿开始,到越来越饱满,到慢慢地绽放;从半圆,到将圆,到满圆。花开得时候,您如果肯仔细地去端祥,您就能明白它所说得每一句话。就因为每一朵花只能开一次,所以,它就极为小心地绝不错一步,满树得花,就没有一朵开错了得,它们就是那样慎重与认真 地迎接着唯一得一次春天。 所以我走过一棵开花得树,都不得不惊讶与屏息于生命得美丽。 三.春天吹着口哨刘湛秋 沿着开花得土地,春天吹着口哨; 从柳树上摘一片嫩叶; 从杏树上掐一朵小花, 在河里浸一浸,在风中摇一摇;于就是欢快得旋律就流荡起来了。 哨音在青色得树枝上旋转,它鼓动着小叶子快快地成长。 风筝在天上飘,哨音顺着孩子得手,顺着风筝线,升到云层中去了.呵,那里面可有蜜蜂得嗡嗡?可有百灵鸟得啼啭?可有牛得呼叫?沿着开花得土地, 春天吹着口哨; 从柳树上摘一片嫩叶; 从杏树上掐一朵小花, 在河里浸一浸,在风中摇一摇;于就是欢快得旋律就流荡起来了。它悄悄地掀开姑娘得头巾,从她们红润润得唇边溜过去。 它追赶上了马车,围着红樱得鞭子盘旋。 它吻着拖拉机得轮带,它爬上了司机小伙子得肩膀。 呵,春天吹着口哨,漫山遍野地跑;在每个人得耳朵里,灌满了一 个甜蜜得 声音——早! 四金色花 [印度]泰戈尔 假如我变了一朵“金色花”,只为了好玩,长在那树得高枝上,笑哈哈得在风中摇摆,又在新生得树叶上跳舞,母亲,您会认识我么? 您要就是叫道:“孩子,您在哪里呀?”我暗暗得在那里匿笑,却一声 儿不响。我要悄悄地开放花瓣儿,瞧着您工作。 当您沐浴后,湿发披在两肩,穿过“金色花”得林荫,走到您做祷告得小庭院时,您会嗅到这花得香气,却不知道这香气就是从我身上来得。 当您吃过中饭,坐在窗前读《罗摩衍那》,那棵树得荫影落在您得 头发与膝上时,我便要投我得小小得影子在您得书页上,正投在您所读得地方。但就是您会猜得出这就就是您孩子得小影子么? 当您黄昏时拿了灯到牛棚里去,我便要突然得再落到地上来,又成了您得孩子,求您讲故事给我听。 “您到哪里去了,您这坏孩子?” “我不告诉您,妈妈。”这就就是您同我那时所要说得话了. 五。橡树(生与死相互交替得规律) [意]费拉里斯


七年级英语听力训练 班级___________姓名__________学号_____________评价_____________ 一、听下面的10段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 ( )1.A. A flower shop. B. A toy shop. C.a bookshop. ( )2.A. Shoes B. A dress C. A skirt ( )3.A. Playing basket ball. B. Running. C. Playing tennis ( )4.A. 200 yuan B.150 yuan C. 350yuan ( )5.A. Mr Green. B. Miss Green. C.Mrs Green. ( )6. A. Her hair clips. B. Her books. C. H ( )9.A.A teacher. B.A doctor. C.A dancer. 二、听下面2段对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。听第一段对话,回答11-12小题。 ( )11. How much did Peter spend? A.200 yuan. B. 2 yuan C. 460 yuan. ( )12. What did Susan buy for her sister? A.A video game. B. A map of Shanghai. C. An Mp3 听第二段对话,回答13-15小题 ( )13.What are the man’s favourite sports? A. Running and jumping B. Swimming and jumping C. Swimming and running ( )14.What does he dislike? A. Vegetables and milk B. Fish and eggs C. Wine(酒), coffe and meat ( )15.Why does he drink a lot of milk? A. Because he likes drinking milk. B. Because it is good for his health. C. Because he has nothing to drink but milk. 三、听下面的短文,回答16-20小题。从题中所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 ( )16. How many floors are there in the shopping mall? A. 2 B.3 C. 4 ( )17. What’s Eric doing now? A. Playing for a CD. B. Listening to music. C. Looking at a basketball. ( )18. Where is Millie? A. In a sports shop. B. In a music shop. C. In a restaurant. ( )19. Where is the fast food restaurant? A. On the ground floor. B. On the first floor. C. On the top floor. ( )20. Which is TRUE? A. Eric is looking for his mother. B. Mrs Black is having breakfast. C. David wants to buy hamburgers. 七年级英语听力训练(十四)材料 一、听下面的10段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 1. W: Hello, can I help you? M: I’d like to buy a toy bear for my sister, her birthday is coming up.


最新小学英语听力文章范文5篇 1.Bob's Daydream(鲍勃的白日梦):It's a very nice day in October.The students are having a math class.But Bob is looking out of the window and watching the clouds moving across the blue sky."Boy,what a day to play football!"he thinks.Just then the bell rings and wakes him from his daydream.He closes his notebook sadly,stands up and walks slowly to his next class. 2.Who's the Printer?(谁是印刷工?):The professor is giving the final lecture of the term.He speaks about students' work and asks them to prepare for the final exam well.He says ,"The exam papers are now in the hands of the printer.Are there any questions?" There is silence.But suddenly a voice from the rear asks,"Who is the printer? 3.A Small Farm(一个小农场):This is a small farm.There is a cow in the field.There are some sheep in the field,too. the sheep are eating grass.The cow is standing under the tree.It is a very tall tree.Bob is climbing the tree.His brother,Jack, is climbing it ,too.Mary is standing near the tree.She is looking at Bob and Jack. 4.Having Lunch( 吃午饭):Jack is having lunch with his friend George.George is very fat.he likes good food ,and a lot of it.They sit at a table.They buy some nice things.After lunch they eat some other food."We must go.George,"Jack says."We are here for a long time.It's three fifty now." "We can't leave now,"says George."it's time for tea." 5.My Good Friends(我的好朋友):I have a good friend at school.She is a girl.Her name is Lucy.She is twelve.We are in


1.《南方的夜》董卿深情朗诵 2.《教我如何不想她》朱军朗诵 3.《预言》崔永元周涛朗诵 4.《荷塘月色》朗诵:珍惜 5.《雪》朱军徐莉朗诵 6.《送给天堂的孩子》范冰冰李冰朗诵 7.朗诵:《做你的红颜好吗》 8.朗诵《清淡的女人》 9.《为了那盏温暖的灯》张丹丹朗诵 10.电视散文诗《邂逅》 11.《春》作者:朱自清朗诵:珍惜 12.诗朗诵《拥抱春天》 13.朗诵《感悟清明》

14.《电视诗歌散文》朗诵:珍惜 15.《别》刘芳菲王小丫朗诵 16.诗朗诵《淡淡兰香》 17.诗朗诵《一个人上路》 18.《悼念一棵枫树》海霞陈铎朗诵 19.朗诵《海燕》 20.诗朗诵《再别康桥》 21.朗诵《我骄傲,我是中国人》 22.朗诵《大漠深处的胡杨》 23.电视散文《雪乡》 24.《你是人间四月天》方言朗诵 25.《你是我心底的一首歌》欧阳夏丹朗诵 26.《灵魂朝拜的天堂》电视散文

27.《蜀道难》方明朗诵 28.朗诵《父亲是我生命的过往》 29.《满江红》朗诵-野狼 30.《望星空》王小丫朗诵 31.《沉静中的流年》作者海狼朗诵珍惜 32.朗诵《海棠花祭》《无题》海霞张泽群朗诵 33. 34.电视散文《尚湖寻梦》朗诵 35.《等我们老的时候》朗读雪冰子 36.《我眷恋这土地》管彤崔治刚朗诵 37.朗诵《一朵微笑》 38.朗诵《你是我生命中最美丽的相遇》 39.朗诵《离开网络我们还能爱多久》 40.《地球我的母亲》濮存昕朗诵

41.《冬之韵》作者:快乐的漂泊朗诵:珍惜 42.《一棵开花的树》音乐朗诵 43.《岳阳楼记》鲍国安朗诵 44.《点燃一盏心灯》朗诵:珍惜 45.《我爱这土地》任志宏朗诵 46.《多情自古江南雨》朗诵珍惜 47.《女人如花》朗诵:珍惜 48.《思念北方》康辉朗诵 49.《将进酒》朗诵濮存昕 50.《在寒冷腊月的夜里》梦桐朱军朗诵 51.《声声慢》李清照名词浅析作者:商山人诵读:珍惜 52.《十里长街送总理》朗诵 53.《以生命的名义》潘虹等朗诵


初中英语听力:下载mp3测试材料第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听卜ici 5段对话每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a,b,c 三个选项中选出 选项,并标在试卷的相对应位置听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答相关小题和 阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.what does the woman plan to do during the summer? a.to teach. b.to stay at home and rest. c.to go to china for a visit. 2.what did the woman buy her husband for christmas? a.a book. b.a watch. c.a case for coin collection. 3.what does the man intend to do? a.he intends to put something into the boxes. b.he intends to ask the woman to help him carry boxes. c.he intends to help the woman carry boxes. 4.what does the woman mean? a.she doesn’t agree with the man. b.me man shouldn’t eat the fish. c.the fish is safe to eat.

5.how much will the woman lend the man? a.$6 . b. $4 . c.$7. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1 .5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每题 所给的a,b,c三个选 项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相对应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小 题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每 段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6.what is going on in the dialogue? a.a formal talk between the boss and his secretary. b.a formal talk between a professor and a student. c. an interview between the interviewer and the job applicant(申请者). 7.which of the following is not true about ms.jenkins? a.she types well. b.she speaks italian. c.she can say not only one language. 8.when(:art m5.jenkins know the result? a.in 2 days. b. in 14 days. c.in 40 days. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。


英语听力文章:转折 1.I was going to write you a letter,but I decided to call you instead. 2.Thank you for inviting us,but I don't believe that we will be able to make it. 3.The hat isn't mine but the coat is. 4.The State University team usually wins all of its games,but this year it lost two of them. 5.Jane usually comes to the ALI to meet her tutor, 6.Mike was planning to go to graduate school,but he didn't have enough money. 7.Mrs.Baker was told that her illness was incurable,but she never gave up. 8.She doesn't like the dorm,but she does like her roommate. 9.The office is usually closed on Saturdays,but this week the secretary will be there until noon. 10.We ordered an egg salad sandwich,but the wait_ress brought us tuna fish instead. 11.The doctor isn't in right now,but he should be back shortly. 12.His visa expires in November,but the is eligible to get a three_month extension.

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