当前位置:文档之家› 山东省春季高考语分类汇编——短文填空



【答案及解析】 本文为说明文,主要介绍如何寻找幸福。


1.success 本题考查词汇的拼写。根据汉语提示以及上下文可知此处应用“成功”的名词形式。

2.oursclves 本题考查代词的用法。“幸福取决于我们自己”,所以应该用 we 的反身代词形式。 本题考查主谓一致。分析句子结构可知本句的主语为“a few secrets",所以谓语应该用 are. 4.as 本题考查固定词组。such as 意为“例如”。


As a teenager, do you know how you can talk with your parents happily? If your answer is no, the following might be 1. __________ (help) to you.

3.are Try to start your talk with something fun. This will 2. __________ (make) talking easier. For example, ask them some 3. __________ (question) about their day and work. They love this.

Make it clear what you want to tell your parents.4. __________ they have different opinions. let them5. __________ (finish) their talking and don't stop them. Ask them to do the same for you.

Show them respect by listening 6. __________ them 7. __________ (careful ). Look them in the eye.

8. __________ (be) honest. Honesty 9. __________ (build )trust. Life is good when your parents trust you. If your 10. __________ don't understand, that's OK. It doesn't mean they don't love you. Sometimes you have to explain the things to them again.


6.who/that 出答案。


本题考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知此处应填定语从句的引导词,根据先行词 people 得 7.healthier 本题考查形容词的比较等级。根据上文的 happier,可知此处应填 healthy 的比较级。

8.sccret 9.helping 10. If 本题考查上下文语境。根据短文第二段的“The first secret of happiness 。可知答案为 secret. 本题考查非谓语动词。介词的后面用动词的-ing 形式。

本题考查状语从句。分析句子结构可知第一句为 if 引导的条件状语从句,因为位于句首,所以 要大写。


1. helpful 本题考查词性转换。根据行文含义此处应该填 help 的形容词 helpful,意为“有帮助的”。

2.make 本题考查动词时态。空前的 will 表将来时,后面应该用动词原形。

3.questions 本题考查名词的单复数。question 为可数名词,其前面有 some ,故应该用 复数形式。



4.If /When 本题考查状语从向的引导词,句意: “如果当他们有不同观点时,一定让他们把话讲完,不 要打断他们。”所以这是一个条件或时间状语从句。



5.finish 本题考查固定词组。let sb. do sth.意为“让某人做某事”,动词用原形。 ①形容词、副词:考查比较级和最高级,备考方法:准确判断出考点,并且熟练掌握不同 形容词和副词的比较级、最高级的形式。

6.to 本题考查固定词组。listen to sb.意为“听某人讲”。

7.carefully 本题考查词性转换。根据句子含义“听他们仔细讲”,可知所填词用来修饰动词 listen,作方 ②动词:考查谓语和非谓语动词,即时态语态、分词、动名词、不定式。

谓语动词的备考方法:了解各种时态的标志词以及特征,判断句子主被动,掌握主动表被 动的句型运用。

式状语,所以应该填 careful 的副词形式 carefully.

8.Be 本题考查句子结构。该空所属的句子是一个祈使句,应该用动词原形开头。

9.builds 本题考查动词的时态。“诚实创造信任”,这是一个客观事实,谓语动词应该用一般现在时,再 根据主语 honesty 是单数,所以此处应该填该词的第三人称单数形式。

本题考查行文逻辑。句意:“如果父母不理解你也是没关系的,这并不意味着他们不爱你。” 非谓语动词的备考方法:掌握加to do 以及加doing 的固定句型,准确判断动词在充当非 谓语功能时的时态和语态。

10.parents (3)不设关键词:考查冠词、介词、代词、情态动词、连词的用法(情冠连介代)。 ①冠词:考查定冠词和不定冠词,备考方法:准确判断语境是特指还是非特指。 ②介词:考查搭配及具体语境的用法,备考方法:熟练掌握固定搭配以及本身用法。 ③代词:考查人称物主代词、不定代词、指示代词、反身代词,备考方法:注意判断句子 结构(尤其是所缺成分)以及语境的呼应。

所以句子的主语应该是 parents.

【考点总结】____________________________________________________________________ 阅读短文,在空白处填人适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。

Most people want to be happy, but few know how to find happiness. Money and __________ (成功) alone don't bring happiness. Happiness depends on 2. __________ (we). Here 3. __________ a few secrets to help you be happier.

④情态动词:考查各个情态动词的用法,备考方法:注意观察语境中暗含的情感和态度。 ⑤连词:考查并列连词和从属连词的用法,备考方法:判断上下句之间的逻辑关系或熟练 判断各种复合句结构,掌握连词的特定用法。

The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life, such 4. __________ spending time with close friends, listening to your f __________ music, or reading a good book. People 6. have close friends enjoy happier and 7. __________ (healthy )lives.

Another 8. __________ of happiness is to be active and have hobbies. We can collect stamps, go fishing or play a sport.

Finally, many people find happiness in 9. __________ (help) others.10. __________ you want to feel happier, do something nice for someone.

山东省春季高考语法考点分类汇编共 1页第 1页

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2014---2021年高考语法填空考点汇编(非谓语动词) 1. [2021浙江卷1月] In 1985, urban men and women in more than three quarters of the countries 62 (study)had higher BMIs than men and women in rural areas. 2. [2021浙江卷1月] This maybe due to some disadvantages for people 64 (live) in the countryside. 3. [2020课标I] Chinese researchers hope to use the instruments on board Chang’e-4 ___66___(find)and study areas of the South Pole-Aitken basin. 4. [2020课标II] They represent the earth 63 (come) back to life and best wishes for new beginnings. 5. [2020课标II] They make great gift sand you see them many times 65 (decorate) with red envelopes and messages of good fortune. 6. [2020课标II] They are easy 68 (care) for and make great presents. 7. [2020课标III] The next morning he hired a boat and set out 67 (find)the well-known painter. 8. [2020课标III] And when he saw the mists rising from the river and the soft clouds 69 (surround) the mountain tops, he was reduced to tears.


山东省2018年普通高校招生(春季)考试 语文试题 本试卷分卷一(选择题)和卷二(非选择题)两部分,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。考生请在答题卡上答题考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 卷一(选择题,共50分) 本卷共20个小题,在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项字母代号选出,填涂在答题卡上。 一、(本大题10个小题,第小题2分,共20分) 1.下列词语中加点字的读音,全部正确的是 A.羞赧.(nǎn)剖.析(pāo)同仇敌忾.(kài) B.紊.乱(wěn)炽.热(chì)垂涎.三尺(xián) C.畸.形(qí)污渍.(zì)瞠.目结舌(chēng) D.箴.言(zhēn)亲.家(qìng)针砭.时弊(biǎn) 2.下列各组词语中,没有错别字的是 A.别致绊脚石迫不急待B.沧桑名信片拔地而起 C.暴躁水彩画集思广益D.寒喧协奏曲彪炳史册 3.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的是 实现蓝图,需要大家时刻准备付出更加艰苦的努力。 我们应认真查找管理上存在的问题,并把问题在萌芽状态。 离开多久,他对老宅怀有深深的牵挂和担忧。 A.宏伟消除无论都B.宏大消除即使也 C.宏伟解除即使也D.宏大解除无论都 4.下列句子中标点符号的使用,正确的是 A.山谷一侧是整齐的小粮库、紧闭门户的小仓房;另一侧散落着五六家农舍。 B.苏州拙政园的“留听阁”,命名采用了“留得枯荷听雨声。”这句诗的意思。 C.夫妻俩正谈论着城里人喜欢什么口味的点心?哪家粮油店的面粉最便宜? D.我握过各种各样的手——粗手、白手、嫩手,但是都没有留下什么印象。 5.下列句子加点成语的使用,正确的是 A.除了几件旧衣服,他现在一文不名 ....,为了糊口,必须出门挣钱。 B.上次学业水平考试,多数同学的成绩比较理想,不合格者凤毛麟角 ....。 C.他演讲时联系现实生活,妙语连珠,巧舌如簧 ....,给年轻人很多启发。 D.河东的鞭炮响彻云霄,河西的鞭炮振聋发聩 ....,两下争强斗胜,互不相让。 6.下列句子中,没有语病的是 A.我国宏观经济年均增速约7.3%左右,对全球经济增长贡献率超过30%。 B.有人说,掌声是另一种语言,它既是情感的表达,也是情绪的反映。 C.由于生活的压力和高强度的工作,让不少年轻人经历着“成长的烦恼”。 D.这次活动之所以成功,原因是由于解决了“为了谁”“依靠谁”的问题。 7.依次填入下面横线上的语句,排序最恰当的是 日头要落山时,采莲人背起竹篓,戴上斗笠,涉入浅浅的泥巴里,把已经成熟的莲蓬一朵朵摘下来,放在竹篓里。,,,,。 ①得先挖出里面的莲子②采回来的莲蓬③要用小刀一粒一粒剥开 ④莲子外面有一层粗壳⑤晶莹洁白的莲子就会滚落一地 A.②①④③⑤B.④①⑤②③C.②③④①⑤D.③②①④⑤ 8.下列有关文学、文化常识的表述正确的是 A.“豆蔻”“弱冠”“巾帼”“而立”都是古人对年龄的称谓。 B.小说《阿Q正传》《窦娥冤》的题目中都含有主人公的名字。 C.《张衡传》是《汉书》中的一篇人物传记,作者是南朝人范晔。 D.“举酒欲饮无管弦”中“管”代指箫、笛之类的乐器演奏的音乐。 9.李湖到建筑公司面试时,他的自我介绍有以下内容,其中表达最恰当的是A.我叫李湖,男,21岁。籍贯,济南。从小到大,我读了13年的书。 B.大学时,我把业余时间都用在了健身上,我的外号是“运动达人”。 C.我学的是土木工程专业,节假日常到建筑工地实践,锻炼自己。


2014年-2016年高考真题语法填空汇编 2014年 Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. (A) My Stay in New Y ork After graduation from university, I had been unable to secure a permanent job in my small town. So I decided to leave home for New York, (25)______I might have a better chance to find a good job. (26) ______ (earn) some money to pay the daily expenses, I started work in a local caféas a waiter. I believed that (27) ______ ______ ______ I was offered a good position, I would resign at once. Over time, the high cost of living became a little burden on my already (28) ______ (exhaust) shoulder. On the other hand, my search for a respectable job had not met with much success. As I had studied literature at university, I found it quite difficult to secure a suitable job in big companies. Mother had just said that (29) ______ I wanted to have a better career advancement, I had to find work in the city. Perhaps (30) ______my mother had told me was deeply rooted in my mind. I just did as she had expected. Soon I had lived in the city for over six months but I still did not like it. Apparently, I had difficulty (31) ______ (adapt) myself to life in the city, let alone finding a job to my delight. After nine months of frustration, I eventually decided to go back to my small town. Not until I returned (32) ______I realize that a quiet town life was the best for me. Passage A 【答案】25. where 26. To earn 27. as soon as / as long as 28. exhausted 29. if 30. what 31. adapting 32. did 【解析】: 25. 本题考查非限定性定语从句。由于先行词为New York,故填关系副词where引导定语从句,同时在从句中做状语。 26. 本题考查不定式在句中做目的状语。根据后面内容some money to pay the daily expenses (一些钱来支付日常费用)可知,是为了赚钱,故填To earn。 27. 本题考查状语从句的连词。根据设空以及后面内容I was offered a good position, I would resign at once(我被提供一个好职位,我就马上辞职)的逻辑关系可知,这里填“一……就……”或“只要……”。故此处填as soon as 或as long as。 28. 本题考查过去分词表示“人的心理感受”。句意为:经过一段时间,高额的生活费用成了我本来就已经疲惫的肩膀上的负担。故填exhausted。



提 示 词 为 动 词 高考英语专题【语法填空】限时训练题02 (请在30分钟内完成) 语法填空(共10小题)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式(每空至多3词)。 A In human history,many ancient and splendid civilizations were born and died. China is the only country ____1____ uninterrupted human civilization. Chinese civilization was born on the shores of the Yellow R iver. And the rich land ____2____ Chinese civilization began is Henan Province. The Yellow River goes across ____3____ (center) Henan. It is China's main north-to-south and east-to-west artery(干线).China's most ancient tribal ____4____(lead),the Yellow Emperor and the Yan Emperor,were born here. Even today,Chinese people all over the world still ____5____(proud) call themselves the descendants(后裔) of these two emperors. The river holds ____6____ unshakable position in the heart of every Chinese,____7____(respect) by every generation and called “the Mother River”.With intelligence,hard word and determination,Chinese descendants pursue coexistence and common prosperity on this land. The 5464-km-long Yellow River breaks the last barrier and flows into the broad plain,____8____ (form) the cradle(摇篮) of Chinese civilization. Till now,the Yellow River ____9____(raise)13 dynasties' capital Luoyang,8 dynasties'


定语从句高考真题2010-2017 2017年高考英语定语从句汇编 1.(2017天津)My eldest son,________ work takes him all over the world, is in New York at the moment. 2.(2017江苏)In 1963 the UN set up the World Food Programme, one of ________ purposes is to relieve worldwide starvation. 3.(2017北京)The little problems ________ we meet in our daily lives may be inspirations for great inventions. 4.(2017江苏)The publication of Great Expectations, _________was both widely reviewed and highly praised, strengthened Dickens status as a leading novelist. 5.(2017江苏卷)We choose this hotel because the price for a night here is down to $20,half of_________it used to charge. 2016年高考英语定语从句汇编 1.(2016·江苏高考)Many young people,most of ________were well-educated,headed for remote regions to chase their dreams. 2.(2016·天津高考)We will put off the picnic in the park until next week,________ the weather may be better. 3.(2016·天津高考)One day,mentally exhausted,I wrote down all the reasons ________ this problem could not be solved. 4.(2016·浙江高考)Scientists have advanced many theories about why human beings cry tears,none of ________ has been proved. 5.(2016·浙江高考)I made friends with the natives,and their reaction amazed me.They gave me presents of their favorite artworks ________ they had refused to sell to tourists. 6.(2016·四川高考)One important biological factor________helps women live longer is the difference in hormones between men and women. 7.(2016·北京高考)I live next door to a couple ________ children often make a lot of noise. 8.(2016·北京高考)So condors with high levels of lead are sent to Los Angeles Zoo,________ they are treated with calcium EDTA,a chemical that removes lead from the blood over several days. 9.(2016·全国Ⅰ)A nurse ________ understands the healing(治愈) value of silence can use this understanding to assist in the care of patients from their own and from other cultures. 10.(2016·全国Ⅰ)I had one trip last year________I was caught by a hurricane in America. 2015年高考英语定语从句汇编 1.(2015·江苏高考)The number of smokers, ________ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in just one year.


阳谷二中20l3年高三(春季)期中考试 语文试题 本试卷分卷一(选择题)和卷二(非选择题)两部分。满分120分,考试时问120分钟:考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共48分) 本卷共24个小题,在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求.清将符合题目要求的选项字母代号选出.填涂在答题卡上。 一、(24分.每小题2分) 1.下列加点字的读音,完全正确的是() A.同胞(bāo)混淆(xiáo)长堤(dī)玷污(diàn) B.承载(zài)横财(héng)模样(mó)纤细(xiān) C.埋怨(mái)兴奋(xīn g)曲折(qū)笨拙(zhuó) D.给予(gěi)颈项(jìng)即使(jí)筵席(yán) 2.下列句子中,没有错别字的是() A.金庸的武侠小说风糜华语世界,征服了亿万读者。 B.这首诗歌脍灸人口,被多种版本的中学语文教材选用。 C.春天的西湖如一幅淡淡的水墨画,吸引着中外游客纷至踏来。 D.近来,由于媒体的报道,人们对“数字地球”这一概念产生了浓厚的兴趣。 3.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,正确的是() ①星期天上午,我去找李明打篮球,他走亲戚去了。 ②冬去春来,山上的冰雪了.汇成一条条小溪,从山上流下来。 ③这位音乐家最高兴的获得了大奖,在音乐中领悟到了人生的真谛。 A.恰好溶化不仅而且 B.恰好融化不是而是 C.恰巧融化不是而是D.恰巧溶化不仅而且 4.下列句子中标点符号的使用,正确的是() A.多美呀!这万物复苏、生机盎然的春天。

B.“请弹一首欢快的曲子吧,”她说,“帮大家驱走忧伤。” C.儿童的游戏,究竟是为了学习?为了娱乐?还是为了锻炼? D.燕子去了,有再来的时候,杨柳枯了,有再青的时候,桃花谢了,有再开的时候。 5.下列句子中加点成语的使用,正确的是() A.这对失散多年的姐妹终于破镜重圆了。 B.虽然常年在恶劣的环境中从事科研工作,队员们却乐此不疲。 C.今年的国际风筝节如期开幕.世界各地的风筝爱好者趋之若鹜。 D.当代印刷业发达,出版的书刊寥若晨星.必须披沙拣金,才能觅得好书。 6.下列句子中,没有语病的是() A.她是我校的一位有30多年教学经验的优秀的语文教师。 B.由于同学们无私的帮助.使他感受到了集体的温暖。 C.谁也不能否认徐志摩不是一位才华横溢的诗人。 D.与会代表大都是各个单位的中坚和骨干。 7.填入下面横线处的句子,排序正确的是() 那夹江两岸连绵起伏的高山,有的耸峙云霄;有的横枕江面:有的像虎豹迎面扑来,似已躲闪不及:有的像天女腾空飞起,仿佛转瞬即逝。,,,.给江 峡涂上神奇的色彩。 ①从高山的缺口伸出几道光束②如同仙人伸出发光的手臂 ③只偶然透过青蒙蒙的薄雾④太阳隐去 A.③②④①B.④③①②C.②①③④D.④①②③ 8.下列句子中,修辞的运用不同于其他三项的是() A.我们聆听智者的教诲.犹如花儿沐浴着阳光.小草吮吸着甘露。 B.蝴蝶如同会飞的花朵,装点着美丽的春天。 C.烟囱发出呜呜的声响,如在黑夜中哽咽。 D.叶子出水很高,像亭亭的舞女的裙。 9.在不影响原意的情况下,对下文必须删除的词语,判断正确的是() 质量监督部门查获的假冒伪劣商品中,①又②再次发现假的“沙宣”洗发露。这些假洗发露③完全④仿照中外合资广州宝洁有限公司⑤生产的⑥真正的“沙宣”深层滋润 洗发露.达到了⑦以假乱真的⑧仿真程度,让消费者真假难辨。 A.①③⑥B.②④⑧C.②⑤⑦D.①⑥⑧ 10.下列有关应用文知识的表述,不正确的是() A.招领启事应写明拾到物品的具体数量和特征。 B.事务性通知只把通知事项写清楚即可,不必发表议论。 C.求职书的附件主要包括个人简历、证书复印件和发表作品复印件等。 D.目标、步骤、措施是计划的三要素,其中“措施”解决“如何做好”的问题。11.下列有关文学、文化常识的表述,正确的是()


2018年度山东省春季高考 语文模拟题 1、下列词语中加点字的读音,正确的一组是() A、嬉.戏( xī)琴弦.( xuán ) 撰.写( zhuàn ) 恰如其分.( fèn ) B、经传.( zhuàn) 削.壁( xiāo)劲.厉(jìng )豁.然开朗(huò) C、皮癣.(xuǎn)蓊.郁(wěng )瓜蔓.( wàn ) 心宽体胖.( pán ) D、庇.护(bì)苍虬.(qiú)创.痛( chuāng) 一哄.而散(hōng ) 2、下列词语中没有错别字的一项是() A、松弛记忆尤新慷慨得志躁而相逐 B、摇蓝曲赠谥美显重于社稷谈笑风生 C、度假村嘻笑怒骂轻解罗裳绿树成荫 D、老两口衷心喜悦投环道路坚忍不拔 3、依次填入下文横线处的词语,恰当的一组是() 多想出智慧,深思能---------。毕升是我国北宋时一个优秀的刻字工人,他的手艺很--------,刻的木板印出来的书很受欢迎。但是,

他在长期的----------劳动中深深感到雕版印刷有很多缺点,经常苦苦思索要设法-------它。 A、创造精巧艰难改进 B、创新精巧艰辛改进 C、创造灵巧艰辛改进 D、创新灵巧艰难改造 4、下列划线的词语使用有误的一项是() A本来不错的一篇文章,让你们这样改来改去,反而改的不三不四了。 B、这人一贯爱贪便宜,碰到对自己有好处的事,总是让当仁不让,所以大伙都不怎么喜欢他。C、幸好另一棵榕树安然无恙,仍以它浓郁的绿叶荫庇着乡人。 D、他是一个非常懦弱的人,平时总是逆来顺受,唯唯诺诺的。 5、下列句子没有语病的一项是() A.李老师退休了,但他无时无刻不牵挂着那些孩子。 B.经过刻苦学习,在选拔赛上他射击的五次成绩平均都在95分以上。 C.一篇议论文,观点正确,论据充分,结构完整,是衡量其好坏的重要标准之一。 D.今天老师在班会上表扬了自己,但我觉得还需要努力。 6、下列各句中,标点符号使用正确的一句是() A、只要掌握解题技巧,你就会懂得如何解答同类问题了?

专题07 语法填空-2020年高考英语4-5月最新全国卷模拟题汇编(原卷版)

专题07 语法填空 (2020届安徽淮北市高三第一次模拟考试) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 You've heard of getting lost in a book. Now,get ready to get lost in a “river of books” Zhongshuge,a bookstore in Yangzhou,China. When 41.(walk ) into Zhongshuge,you're surrounded on all sides by a tunnel of books. An 42.(architecture) studio called X+Living designed Zhongshuge. The shelves 43.(arrange) in curved shapes to create the tunnel-like appearance. The floor is covered with black mirrors,reflecting the shelves above and creating the feel 44.the bookshelves continue down past the floor you’re standing 45.. As it turns out,the store's design has more 46.(significant) than just a fun feel. Yangzhou is full of canals and rivers. X+Living,therefore,47.(combine) this concept with Zhongshuge 48.(perfect) ,and tried to create a "river" of books. As if all that weren't enough,Zhongshuge has49.amazing space for children's books as well. The bookshelves are shaped like houses,clouds,and even a hot air balloon 50.(offer) them a paradise. (2020届安徽六校教育研究会高三第二次素质测试) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 For nearly a thousand years,tea stayed the secret of the East. Then,in the 1500s,the Portuguese 61.(gradual) arrived in China. They’d travelled to the Far East hoping to control the spice trade. But soon 62.tasting the brew for the first time,the 63.(explore)quickly realized its potential and decided to focus on exporting tea instead. The Portuguese called the drink cha,just like the people of southern China did. From the port of Canton,the Portuguese shipped the 64.(process) leaves down through Indonesia,under the southern tip of Africa,and back up to 65.(west) Europe. But long before the root word “cha” made 66.(it) way across the oceans to Portugal,another trade route called the “Tea-Horse” road 67.(spread) tea westward. 68.bricks of tea packed up high on the carriers’ backs,the leaf travelled to India via Persia,69.the Chinese “cha” turned into the Persian “chay”. Depending on the region of India,most Indian dialects use some variation of the root word “cha” 70.(describe) tea. (2020届安徽省合肥市高考第一次模拟) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 A painting with a 41.(long) of 1014. 37 meters has received a Guinness World Record title for the longest


2017年山东春季高考语文模拟试题及答案III 一、知识积累与语言应用。(20分) 1、古代诗词中,写草的句子很多,请你写出两句。 (1) (2) 2、,映日和花别样红。(1分) 3、曾经沧海难为水,。(1分) 4、土地平旷,,。(2分) 5、4月1日,美侦察机侵入我南海领空,撞毁我机,造成我飞行 员下落不明。美国这一霸道行径,得到了世界各国的反对指责,正所谓 (1分) 6、,,小园香径独徘徊。(2分) 7、选出和“树林一直在唱着那首欢快的歌”修辞方法相同的一项()(2分) A、这里的人们非常好客火一般热情。 B、一路上,稻田绿,菜花黄,江水银,绘成了一幅幅田园巨画。 C、生命是一条河流,有奔腾也有平缓。 D、天气炎热,那张乒乓球桌子也在睡觉。 8、选出作家、作品、文体关联不正确的一项() A、鲁彦——《听潮》——散文诗 B、巴金——《家》——小说 C、鲁迅——《社戏》——小说

D、范仲淹——《岳阳楼记》——记 9、依次填入空缺的词语,恰当的一项是()(2分) (1)济南古老的城墙一角,仍被保留着。 (2)塔,在我国古代建筑中,是形势变化最丰富、艺术创作最 的一类单体建筑。。 A、精致精确 B、精确精炼 C、精心精湛 D、精美精密 10、把下面五个句子组成一段话,排列正确的一项是()(2分) (1)那周柏,树干劲直,树皴裂,顶上跳着几根青青的树枝,偃卧在石阶旁。 (2)还有水边殿外的松柏槐柳,无不显出苍劲的风骨。 (3)这里的树以古老苍劲见长。 (4)那唐槐,老干粗大,虬只盘屈,一簇簇柔条,绿叶如盖。 (5)有两棵两树:一棵是周柏,另一棵是唐槐。 A、(5)(4)(1)(2)(3) B、(3)(5)(4)(1)(2) C、(3)(5)(1)(4)(2) D、(5)(1)(4)(2)(3) 11、小刚要参加全区朗诵比赛,每天晚上都练习得很晚。一天,邻 居张伯伯对他说:“小刚你学习真刻苦,每天我们都睡了,你还在 大声念书。”小刚说:“伯伯过奖了,我还差的远,还需继续努力!” (1)张伯伯的话强调的意思是:。 (2)小刚理解张伯伯的话的意思是:。


名词(2个):单数变复数 词性转换 2016一卷 But for tourists like me, pandas are its top____61_(attract). The nursery team switches him every few __69__( day) with his sister so that while one is being bottle-fed,the other is with mum-she never suspects. 2016二卷 Then, h andle the most important tasks first so you’ll feel a real sense of 42 (achieve). Recent 46 (study) show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks regularly . 2016三卷 He influenced the 48 (develop)of chopsticks. 2017一卷 There has been a recent trend in the food service industry toward lower fat content and less salt. This trend has had some unintended side 62 (effect) such as overweight and heart disease-the very thing the medical community was trying to fight. 2017二卷 It ran for just under seven kilometers and allowed people to avoid terrible __61__(crowd) on the roads. This development was only possible with the ___69___ (introduce) of electric-powered engines and lifts. 2017三卷 She is determined to carry on with her 66 (educate). She has turned down several 67 (invitation) to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies 动词(3---4个):谓语动词(时态,语态,主谓一致) 非谓语(to do ,doing,done )


山东春季高考语文试题 及答案 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

山东省2018年普通高校招生(春季)考试 语文试题 本试卷分卷一(选择题)和卷二(非选择题)两部分,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。考生请在答题卡上答题考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 卷一(选择题,共50分) 本卷共20个小题,在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项字母代号选出,填涂在答题卡上。 一、(本大题10个小题,第小题2分,共20分) 1.下列词语中加点字的读音,全部正确的是 A.羞赧.(nǎn)剖.析(pāo) 同仇敌忾.(kài) B.紊.乱(wěn)炽.热(chì) 垂涎.三尺(xián) C.畸.形(qí)污渍.(zì) 瞠.目结舌(chēng) D.箴.言(zhēn)亲.家(qìng) 针砭.时弊(biǎn) 2.下列各组词语中,没有错别字的是 A.别致绊脚石迫不急待 B.沧桑名信片拔地而起 C.暴躁水彩画集思广益 D.寒喧协奏曲彪炳史册 3.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的是 实现蓝图,需要大家时刻准 备付出更加艰苦的努力。 我们应认真查找管理上存在的问 题,并把问题在萌芽状态。 离开多久,他对老宅 怀有深深的牵挂和担忧。 A.宏伟消除无论都 B.宏大消除即使也 C.宏伟解除即使也 D.宏大解除无论都 4.下列句子中标点符号的使用,正确的是 A.山谷一侧是整齐的小粮库、紧闭 门户的小仓房;另一侧散落着五六家农舍。 B.苏州拙政园的“留听阁”,命名 采用了“留得枯荷听雨声。”这句诗的意思。 C.夫妻俩正谈论着城里人喜欢什么 口味的点心哪家粮油店的面粉最便宜D.我握过各种各样的手——粗手、 白手、嫩手,但是都没有留下什么印象。


2019山东春季高考语文试题 1.下列词语中加点字的读音,全都正确的是 A.猝.然(cù) 蜚.声(fěi) 振聋发聩.(kuì) B.泅.水(qiú) 半晌.( shǎng) 舐.犊情深(shì) C.应.届(yīng)挫.折(cuò) 有的.放矢(dí) D.慰藉.(jí) 竹篙.(gāo ) 殒.身不恤(yǔn) 2.下列各组词语中,没有错别字的是 A.呕歌提纲明辩是非语无伦次 B.凑和泯灭面面俱到莫明其妙 C.蛰伏诙谐层峦叠嶂侃侃而谈 D.喟然迷团奋发图强大相径廷 3.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的是 ①职校学生要实现美好的青春梦想,从一开始就得良好的意志品质。 ②做一个有有品位的人,我们才能真正享受人生。 ③在实现民族伟大复兴的道路上,我们守候在静止的岸,做飞速行驶的舟。 A.塑造修养不但而且 B.锻造修养与其不如 C.锻造涵养不但而且 D.塑造涵养与其不如 4.下列句子中标点符号的使用,不正确的是 A.多么美呀,多么精巧啊,我们祖国的语言! B.遇上亲友家中有喜丧事,母亲必亲自去贺吊——份礼也许只是两吊小钱。 C.清漪园(后来的顾和园就是在这个基础上建造起来的)是圆明园的许多属园之一。

D.我已经爱过、恨过、欢笑过……细细想来,便知晴日多于阴雨,收获多于劳作。 5.下列句子中加点成语的使用,正确的是 A.人们対教育的期待总是水涨船高 ....,我们要始终坚持优先发展教育事业。 B.为学生搭建成长的舞台,是学校领导首当其冲 ....的任务。 C.运用信息化手段进行教学,有些教师不知所措,有些教师却如坐春风....。. D.火灾前的巴黎圣母院是一座美轮美奂、高屋建瓴 ....的著名建筑。 6.下列句子中,没有语病的是 A.不但我们的作品要立足文化传统,而且还要关照文化现实。 B.新的时代是否具有互联网思维,能够帮助个人实现创造性发展。 C.经过这次全国大赛的锻炼,使我的技能有了大程度的提升。 D.以”绿色生活、美丽家”为主题的北京世国会吸引了八方游客。 7.把下列句子组成语义连贯的语段,排序最恰当的是 ①撩逗起人生悲欢离合的回忆和对明天深远的情思 ②但它是痴迷于秋天的歌手③听不懂诗人们的咏叹 ④蝈蝈虽然不知人间事⑤蝈蝈在秋风起秋叶落时对着夕阳吟唱 A.④②⑤③① B. ④③②⑤① C. ⑤②④③① D. ⑤①④②③ 8.下列有关文学,文化常识的表述,不正确的是 A. 曲牌都有一定的曲调、唱法、字数、句法等,如“端正好”“叨叨令”。 B. 老舍,现代作家,代表作有长篇小说《骆驼祥子》《四世同堂》等。 C. 古代把一夜分为“五更",“一更”大致相当于晚上23时至次日凌晨1时。


语法填空(2020全国1卷)China has become the first country to land a spacecraft on the far side of the moon. The unmanned Chang’e-4 probe (探测器) - the name was inspired by an ancient Chinese moon goddess ___61 (touch) down last week in the South Pole-Aitken basin. Landing on t he moon’s far side is ___62 (extreme) challenging. Because the moon’s body blocks direct radio communication with a probe, China first had to put a satellite in orbit above the moon in a spot 63 it could send signals to the spacecraft and to Earth. The far side of the moon is of particular 64 (interesting) to scientists because it has a lot of deep craters (环形山),more so 65 the familiar near side. Chinese researchers hope to use the instruments onboard Chang’e-4 66 (find) and study areas of the South Pole-Aitken basin. "This really excites scientists,"Carle Pieters, a scientist at Brown University, says, "because it 67 (mean) we have the chance to obtain information about how the moon 68 (construct)"Data about the moon’s composi tion, such as how 69 ice and other treasures it contains, could help China decide whether 70 (it) plans for a future lunar (月球的) base are practical. 语法填空(2020全国2卷)Decorating with Plants, Fruits and Flowers for Chinese New Year Chinese New Year is a 61 (celebrate) marking the end of the winter season and the beginning of spring. This is why decorating with plants, fruits and flowers 62 (carry) special significance. They represent the earth___63___ (come) back to life and best wishes for new beginnings. These are some of the most popular in many parts of the country: Oranges: Orange trees are more 64 decoration; they are a symbol of good fortune and wealth. They make great gifs and you see them many times 65 (decorate) with red envelopes and messages of good fortune. Bamboo: Chinese love their “Lucky Bamboo” plants and you will see them often in their homes and office. 66 (certain) during the holiday period, this plant is a must. Bamboo plants are associated 67 health, abundance and a happy home. They are easy 68 (care) for and make great presents. Branches of Plum Blossoms (梅花): The 69 (beauty) long branches covered with pink-colored buds (蓓蕾) make fantastic decorations. The plum trees are 70 first to flower even as the snow is melting(融化). They represent the promise of spring and a renewal of life. 语法填空(2020全国3卷)In ancient China lived an artist 61.________ paintings were almost lifelike. The artist's reputation had made him proud. One day the emperor wanted to get his portrait (画像) done so he called all great artists to come and present their 62.________ (fine) work, so that he could choose the best. The artist was sure he would. 63.___________ (choose), but when he presented his masterpiece to the emperor's chief minister, the old man laughed. The wise old man told him to travel to the Li River - perhaps he could learn a little from the

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