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Reading the novel is not the first time of my knowing The Joy Luck Club . When I watched the film , the meaning of the title , the theme of the novel , the reason for the arrangement of stories from four mothers and their daughters and other important things were all unknown to me . But I knew that was my type for it is about feelings between mothers and daughters , and especially chinese speaking Eglish .

Amy Tan , a Chinese American writer , is the author of the book in which she explors the mother-daughter relationships . Originally , the relationships between mother and daughter seem to be quite complex in a family but in Amy Tan's work , it is perfectly typical for its portrayal of conflicts between the traditional Chinese mothers speaking shabby English and the open wholly Americanized daughters who just wear a Chinese face but speak fluent English . I never think it is richly dramatical , and instead these kinds of conflicts , in fact , truly ecists in many Chinese immigrants' family .

The novel is written impressively and deeply especially , I think , in understanding of mothers' love for their daughters for reasons that the previous experience of her with her mother provided the basis for her novel . It is said that the exprience of anthor is similar to that of Jingmei woo . Maybe , the novel implies the deep and complex feelings of auther for her mother and her closest relatives in China .

It gives me a greatly deep impression that the book is begun with Feathers From a Thousand LI Away . It penetrates the mothers' hope and love for their daughters through a swan's feather . Through the old woman's words "In America I will have a daughter just like me. But over there nobody will say her worth is measured by the loudness of her husband's belch. Over there nobody will look down on her, because I will make her speak only perfect American English. And over there she will always be too full to swallow any sorrow! She will know my meaning, because I will give her this swana creature that became more than what was hoped for." and the mothers' former tragic sufferings , we will find that all the mothers are in hope of their daughters

never suffering from their sufferings .

And the mothers waited, year after year, for the day , they could tell their daughters it is their hope through a feather of the swan in perfect American English . At first , it is a little difficult to understand the reason for these words . However , through the whole novel , in fact , you will find the old woman represents the four mothers , the feather of swan embodies the hope of mothers for their daughters . These sentences show implicitly the feelings of author and her understandings for mothers . In fact , in the Joy Luck Club , the feather indeed is gained by Jingmei Woo . And from the beginning to the end ,the feather has been existing .

Only if one high-quality novel , like a perfect verse , needs you spending much time reading once more , you will understand something . I thought that the novel is loosely plotted and is in disorder . But the fact verifies that I am wrong . Through the whole story , the novel begins with the death of Jingmei's mother and ends in Jingmei visiting China to see the twin-half sisters whom her mother had been forced to abandon when

the Japanese attacked China many years ago . What's more , in detail , the stories of four mothers and four daughters have relative connections in theme about love between them and the mothers' hope for their daughters .

And the theme shows the comflicts and harmonization between different cultures .Then I think why the author titled the novel " Joy Luck Club " . I am puzzled by it and the purpose of writer . The name of club made mention of by Jingmei's mother . And the author directly titling the novel the name of their meeting implies her feelings for her mother . I can guess that the title originated from a kind of hope or belief . According to mothers' former sufferings , they were not happy . Even at the present , all of them hides the previous tragic experiences . Maybe , the club is a place where they can pretend to be happy or avoid the past memory or worries or even the shock of culture .

Reading the novel is as we are reading our life and then think our past , present and futere . Especially , the conflict between Waverly Jang and her mother impresses me most . Waverly is a woman who is quite independent-mined and intelligent , but her mother's

constant criticism is terribly annoying . She once had a gift for international, when she realized her mother taking advantage of her achievement and talent to show off in public , especially to the strangers , she felt terribly ashamed and annoyed . She shouted to " you can not make me " . From then on , her mother felt cold at Waverly and were particularabout her favorite things . In fact , I think Waverly felt sacred subconsciously at letting her mother down and something that she did was aimed at flattering her mother . When waverly brought her boyfriend , Rich , to her families , her mother just smiled but she still was particular about Rich's appearance , having many spots on his face . Description about the conflicts of manners between Chinese tradition and American notions has given me a greatly deep impression and quite interesting .

These words of " And then he had helped himself to big portions of the shrimp and snow peas , not realizing he should have taken only a polite spoonful, until everybody had had a morsel . " vividly express the American character of being casual which counts as discourtesy in China . The part of Rich criticizing her

mother's cooking is quite funny and impressive . Our Chinese habit of making disparaging remarks seems to be extremely common . Being modest and avoiding showing off are parts of Chinese traditional manners . Her mother complaining about " This dish not salty enough , no flavor " , in fact , was a cue to eat some and proclaim it it the best she had ever made . But the Rich did not understand . From the following description of her mother being horrified , I judged that her mother was strongly objective against Rich and even their marriage . Waverly also had such an opinion . But I am wrong and from their conversation I understand something more important . Mother is the only one that understands their daughters or sons in the none of the mothers do not love their children . And the heaty conversattion can make a strong bridge between the different generation or even the peonple from the different cultures .

I find that if you would not like to tell your hearty words out , others are not able to know what you are and what you think . People each have different opinions about the same things . Waverly had thought that her

mother disapproved of her marriage and hated her Rich . However , her mother's meaningful words surprised Waverly and even me . Just be particular about who I really care for and love. It occured to me that whoever we hurt is always who we really love for reasons that others would not care for our complaint . Yes , who will care for those who you do not love ? The answer is known by us fron the beginning to the end . It is the love for Waverly that her mother has been showing her . Waverly , a wholly Americanized girl , never trully knew her mother and was ignorant of the love for her . Indeed , the language and the culture did make a great difference in the exchange of feelings , which is a terribly high barrier between Waverly and her mother , also between other three mothers and their daughters . But love and understandings , finally will prevail over others .

Personally , through the whole novel , the conflict between mothers and daughters , virtually , is that of the cultures between the East and the West . Mothers represent the classic, traditional Chinese culture but the daughters are the symbol of just , free , open and modern American one , which are two kinds of

contradictory elements . However , through the whole novel , it is easier to find that finally they can understand each other and be in harmony . When Jing-Mei saw her twin-half sisters , she was surprised at this kind of familiarity . "And now I also see what part of me is Chinese. It is so obvious. It is my family. It is in our blood. After all these years, it can finally be let go. " shows that Jing-Mei understood her mother's stubbornness and love and was struck by mother's greatness . The resolution of the contradiction shows that the cultures of the East and the West can be in harmony with each other .

" Hamlet " of Shakespear is a classical representative work. This book certainly does not have the big difference in the superficial plot with the historical fable, spoke or the Danish prince the story which revenged for the father, in which fills the rank smell of blood violence and like the dramatis personae Horatio said: " you may hear to to rape massacre, the unusual repair behavior, the dark center decision, accidental slaughter, borrows the hand murder , as well as falls into suicide result." Windingly elects the

plot, tightly centers on the revenge to launch. Hamlet Wittenberg hurries back the home in a hurry from Germany, is attends his father's funeral, enables him to accept, he not catches up with father's funeral, actually witnessed the mother and the Uncle Claudius' wedding ceremony, this had caused Hamm the Wright suspicion at the heart, added night above meets in the royal palace castle with father's ghost, the ghost sorrow sued, this pile atrocity was Uncle Hamlet the behavior, and wanted him to revenge for the this, he started the difficult revenge course, launched the life and death contest with Claudius. Finally, sent out sword the revenge to Claudius.

Scarlett , a very personality figures ,the two mans she love ,neither does she know her, I was compelled to admire, admire her strong and brave, admire her to lay down in the environment, farm workers previously suffered education, admire her to disregard the community to create their own expression of the cause .She is in the whole story, all a person full of fighting will full of vitality . I appreciated most , it is this " Tomorrow is another day of hers. " .

Promising forever, full of fighting will , will never give up, never desperate. I think I'm moved by , whenever I meet difficulty, the mood is not good, I will tell oneself : " Tomorrow is another day. " 'Gone with the Wind' is absolutely a good book that is worth sampling repeatedly, the characters are graceful , the plot rises and falls, exciting boldly and unconstrainedly, though the subjective factor because of the author among them , the appraisal on 's Civil War is not objective and overall, but as to angle of literature, this one fine piece of writing generation definitely absolutely, worth visiting.

Do you know Harry Potter? one of my favourite sparetime readings and it’s written by J. K. Rowling. She had the idea about Harry Potter when she was on train, “Harry just walked into my head.” She said later. She started writing the first edition of Harry Potter the next day.

Harry Potter is a magical school student who wears glasses and has no parents, now he is 16 years old. He is very brave and known by everyone because he is the only person who will not die by devil. At school, he

has two good friends, they are Rone and Henry.

When read the book my first time, I feel very exciting and interesting. So I read it again and again, each time I have different feelings, sometimes I even feel as if I’m one of Potter’s partners. Now there are five edition of Harry Potter published and they are very popular with young students. Books about Harry Potter have sold millions of copies all over the world. Do you like Harry Potter? If you haven’t rea

d th

e book yet, read it now and you’ll find a wonderful world.


关于《子夜》读后感1000字5篇《子夜》是中国著名作家茅盾描写上海旧社会的文学作品,下面是小编为大家整理的子夜读后心得1000字5篇,希望你会喜欢! 子夜读后心得1000字 茅盾先生的《子夜》写出了30年代初期中国民族工业资本家們生存的困境。外侑连连的战事,内侑帝国主义所豢养的买办金融资本家們的打压。在這样一茖时代背景下,像吴荪甫一类想以工业振兴中华的宏伟梦想只得是幻像,像肥皂泡泡一样,飞得再高,也终究逃不过破碎的命运。 吴荪甫是民族工业资本家,也是《子夜》的主人公。祂机智果断,抱负远大,在尙海那茖灯红酒绿拜金的大城市中占侑一席之地。祂精明强干,为自己的梦想雄心勃勃地拼搏。祂一口气吞并了八茖小厂,想成为工溢领袖;祂与大兴煤矿公司总经理王和甫等人创建了益中信托公司;也曾在公债市场尙狠赚一笔。但祂生不逢时,正处于半殖民地半封建社会的中国不能让祂施展自己的才略。双桥镇的农民暴动摧毁了祂在家乡经营的产业;祂苦心经营的丝厂工潮迭起;处心积虑组建起來的益中公司又因为产品滞销而成为箍在身尙的“湿布衫”;在公债市场尙又饱受买办金融资本家赵伯韬的打压。但当祂想放弃时,祂仍对自己说:“不!我还是要笇去的!中国民族工业就只剩下屈指可数的几项了!丝业关系中国民族的前提犹大!——只要国家像茖国家,政府像茖政府,中国工业一定侑希望的!”這是《子夜》给我印象最深的一句话,尽管吴荪甫最后终因为在公债市场与赵伯韬的角逐失败而破产,祂的這一句话,还是给我留下了无数的感动与钦佩。 但在欣赏吴荪甫的同时也得承认祂的短处。 祂企图从工人身尙挽回因外货倾销和军阀混战所造成的企业不振,想吸尽工人的血汗弥补祂在投机市场尙所受的损失。這些都是祂对工人的剥削和压榨。祂自尊心太强,太死要面子,祂无法抗拒历史的必然法则为祂安排下的失败命运。祂只能用伪装的镇静來掩饰内心的惶惧和不安,从來不让人家看见祂


名著读后感1000字左右 四大名著或有的外国名著比如《》:毅力乃成功之本,是一种韧劲,一种积累,有云:锲而不舍,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。 毅力的表现往往是一个人在挫折中所展示地惊人的一股力量,有了它,人们就不会向挫折和困难低头,更会坚强地去面对。读了《钢铁是怎样炼成的》这本书后,我才领悟到:一个人的毅力对他的一生是有很大影响的。就说这本书中的主人公帕唯尔吧,他的一生非常坎坷,然而他凭什么使自己继续活下去呢?是毅力。毅力给了他无穷的力量,老天也使他有了三次生命。像他这样,十几岁就立足杀场,英勇杀敌,热爱祖国,在战场上,他被砍了好几刀都大难不死,为什么?仍然是毅力。年轻的帕唯尔后来疾病缠身,但他仍不停地忘我工作,有休假疗伤的机会他也不愿意放弃工作,毅力真是一种锲而不舍的精神啊! 生活在和平年代的我们,生活中一点小小的困难没什么大不了,只要勇敢地去面对,等事情一过,你会发觉,原来自己是有毅力的。 人生不如意十之八九,不要自卑,要有信心,因为挫折是培养毅力的必要前提。巴尔扎克曾经说过:挫折是块磨刀石。再锋利的刀一直不用,也会变得钝。这时,就需要挫折这块磨刀石使它重新锋利起来。人的一生很精彩,有酸甜苦辣,没有悲欢离别的伤心,又怎能有重逢的喜悦呢?

要想一步登天,那是不可能的许多名人志士也是在挫折中锻炼了自己,考验了自己,使其成为千古佳话。不要以为当作家写一本书是件很容易的事情,因为往往在这过程中会有挫折和困难等着你去迎接。例如马克思写《资本论》用了40年,李时珍的《》了30年时间,司马迁编《》历史20多年等等。古今中外,有谁能够一步登天呢? 毅力需要坚持,同时也需要毅然断然的决断,正所谓当断不断,反受其害。有毅力的人面对严峻的考验是能断然处之的,而这种断然之处,又非常有利于持之以恒。 在坚持的同时,还要有生活节律。提倡毅力并不是主张一味蛮干,是毅力和节律并行,两者都不容忽视。节律过快,频率过高,要一直坚持下去,是十分困难的。生活犹如长跑,一下冲在前面,并不一定就能夺标。相反,如果保持适中的节律,就能取得好成绩。 为什么说毅力是成功之本呢?你想想,如果没有坚强的毅力,又怎样克服前进道路中种种的困难呢?这样就永远没有成功;反之,坚强的毅力是通向成功的捷径。 成功者前进的每一步也许是细小的,但他一直前进着,永不停滞,积之一年,十年,几十年,那就十分惊人,十分可贵了,忽冷、忽热、忽松、忽紧,说不上毅力。如果一天打网,两天晒网,其毅力何在?所以我们一定要坚持,坚持,再坚持! 看了《钢铁是怎样炼成的》,内心有了很大的震撼,作为一名团员,我知道了我应该做什么! 阅《钢铁是怎样炼成的》之读后感中外文学名著是我从小就很喜欢的书籍,只是由于过去家境不好没条件满足我阅览群书的愿望。


Mark Twain and his book The prince and the Pauper Helen Keller once said these to parise a master : I love HIM------who wouldn’t love him? Even God, giving him wisdom and painting a rainbow of love and faith in his heart. William Faulkner applaud him as “the first real American writer.”This lovable man is Mark Twain. Regard as the Mirror of America, many of his famous works had revealed the problems of the America .Every people pursue the equality and freedom.But racial discrimination still existed. The work had exposed the mask of democracy and freedom of the American capitalist ,revealed its worship of money, racial discrimination and the true face of aggression. In his early time, he writes about Children Literature, works like The adventures of Huckleberry FInn, The adventures of Tom Sawyer, and the book I only read The prince and the pauper. The prince and the pauper first published in 1881 in Canada before its 1882 publication in the United States. The book represents Twain's first attempt at historical fiction. Set in 1547, the novel tells the story of two young boys who are identical in appearance: Two boys borned in the same day but lead a total different life. Tom Canty ,a pauper, lives in a poor family in a the slum of London. His father is a abusive person, his mother and his two sister were clumsy but comely. Only his grandma loves him. Little tom wish that one day he will become a honorable prince living a rich and populous life. To most pauper this is only a beautiful dream, but to Tom Canty this dream came ture. Prince Edward was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He is a royal prince and the King of The British Empire in the future. Everyone loves him. He had been arranged to learn the royal manner and other knowledges. That’s to cruel for a kid. Little young


读《如何阅读一本书》读后感1500字 导读:读书笔记读《如何阅读一本书》读后感1500字,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 读《如何阅读一本书》读后感1500字: 范多伦的《如何阅读一本书》,从最初阅读,我就对它充满期待。为什么这么说呢?因为我渴望自己有更好的阅读能力,能更快更好地阅读更多书。我更幻想自己看完整本书之后,阅读能力马上就能有一个飞跃。当然,这是不可能的,任何一项技能的提高,不会是一蹴而就的,它需要一个学习和实践的过程。可当我试图运用作者总结的方法去阅读其他书的时候,我发现自己很难很好的运用。 最初我以为只是对作者总结的15条规则不够熟悉,后来我意识到用作者总归的规则去阅读需要花费大量时间和精力,阅读速度不但没有提高反而大大减慢了。这和我最初选择阅读这本书的初衷似乎背道而驰,因为在我之前的观念里,阅读能力和阅读速度是成正比的。虽然在阅读完《如何阅读一本书》以后,我了解到作者范多伦的观点:阅读的数量并不是越多越好,也不是阅读速度越快就越好,阅读追求的是质量,是阅读中的思考,是需要带着问题去和作者对话,阅读是一门可以帮助读者提高理解力的艺术。但是我最终体会到:去明白了解作者的观点到自己内心完全接受并付诸行动还是需要一个过程的。 当我第一次读到我作者范多伦的观点,我就觉得是正确的,也是接受的,但在具体自己实践的过程中,还是碰到了障碍。这正是我当

时内心尚未真正完全接受“为了提升自己的理解力去阅读”这个观点,而只是停留在如何更快更多的获得书里的资讯,我内心还是限制在急于追求阅读数量。我开始探索自己的阅读目的。我为什么要追求阅读速度和阅读数量呢?我发现自己会因为阅读完很多本书而沾沾自喜,我开始反省自己。阅读过多少本书对我而言不过只是一个数量,充其量只是我对这些数量的书中的内容有所了解而已。只有当书里的内容帮助自己有所提升,这才是阅读真正的意义,这才是我真正需要的阅读能力。当我自己的观点和作者的观点能真正达到统一的时候,作者指引的方法才会有效。 这时我发现这本书的观点非常明确:指导阅读者如何进行主动阅读。主动阅读就是提高理解的阅读,与一般阅读的根本区别在于不只是获取信息而是主动思考,增进理解力。这时我就愿意放慢阅读速度,去以提升理解力为目的进行阅读。 作者提出阅读的四个层次的概念帮我们更好的逐步进行阅读训练:基础阅读、检视阅读、分析阅读、主题阅读。阅读的层次是递进的,在高层次的阅读中一定会包含低层次的阅读,每个层次的阅读都是不容或缺的。基础阅读不是本书讨论的重点,能顺利阅读本书的基本都达到了基础阅读这一层次。 检视阅读作为分析阅读的基础,其中包括两个步骤:略读和粗浅的阅读。略读可以使我们了解书的架构。通过阅读书名页、序、目录页、索引、出版者的介绍、摘要说明、最后的两三页以及选几个与主题相关的篇章来阅读,这些控制在一小时以内。略读后判段是否需要


关于名著读后感1000字 那一本厚厚的《西游记》已安放在我的书架上,有时我会望着它沉思,是否我也可以 像吴承恩一样再创一部神话呢? 今天,我终于读完了世界名著《飘》,独坐书桌前,忍不住低头沉思,《飘》究竟是怎样 一本书呢? 这是一本关于战争的书。书中大部分都是对美国南北战争的描写,是对战后重建的描写,战争的残酷与无情,描写的淋漓尽致,战争的无奈和痛苦,也写得入木三分。本书的主人 公斯佳丽小姐就是在战争的大背景下成长起来的一个女人,由战前不谙世事,只懂得谈情说 爱的娇小姐成长为一个战后坚强有力、无所畏惧、勇敢向前的女强人,当然,战争为她带来 的恐惧、痛苦、悲伤和磨练,也是绝无仅有的。 《骆驼祥子》讲述的是旧中国北平城里一个人力车夫祥子的悲剧故事。祥子来到城市,渴望以自己诚实的劳动,创造生活。他怀着买车的信念,拼命的赚钱,就像是一个旋转的 小陀螺。终于,祥子得到了梦寐以求的车,那辆车对于祥子来说,不知道是他磨破了多少 双鞋换来的。可是命运捉弄人,车接二连三的被人夺走,祥子的梦想之火一次次的熄灭。 但祥子仍然不肯放弃,不断的振作起来,再度奋斗。在此,我不由地感动和怜悯了,对祥 子那坚持不懈,为梦想而拼搏的那股韧劲而感动;对祥子被悲惨的命运所折磨,而只能无 奈地沮丧和失望感到怜悯。这教育了我:要坚强的面对困难,失败了靠自己站起。 他静静的卸载城市的喧嚣,用心写下孤独。每次看他的书都是一种震撼,他思考人生,让我的心如净水般澄澈。他让我感到敬畏,原来一个人的生活这里是这样的,他的一生是 如此的简单而又芳香扑鼻,虽然短暂而又意蕴深远。他的精神世界绚烂多彩,而且是精妙 绝伦,世上这样的智者怕是中有些许吧。 这是一本有关爱情的书。书中描绘了斯佳丽与卫希理的爱,斯佳丽与白瑞德的爱,卫希 理与媚兰的爱。种种爱情,在作者的如花妙笔下,被描绘的淋漓尽致,感人至深。特别是白 瑞德对斯佳丽的爱,那是一个成熟的、有能力的、有主见的、桀骜不驯的男人所能给予女 人的最深沉的爱。为了斯佳丽他付出了一切,他开解她、安慰她、在她最需要的时候帮助她,最后,为了斯佳丽的幸福,他冒着不为她爱的极大风险娶了她。卫希理对斯佳丽的爱不 叫爱,充其量是一种肉欲的吸引。斯佳丽的爱比较复杂,最初,她盲目的爱上卫希理,而且爱 的坚定、执着而长久,纯洁美好而无奈。有一个时期,卫希理成为她生命的支撑,没有他她 简直活不下去。而对白瑞德的付出和深爱,她始终没有感觉,直到媚兰去世的那天,她才明 白了自己的真爱,找到了心之所向往——白瑞德。而此时,被斯佳丽数次所伤的白瑞德终于 伤心难忍,悲伤的离去了。斯佳丽终于失去了最爱她的男人,不过,她还有希望,因为它永远 都是向前看,永远都是有希望的。


名著读后感1000字以上 名著读后感1000字以上范文一 近日读完《红楼梦》,才明白其妙处所在。 《红楼梦》以贾、史、王、薛四大家族为背景,以围绕事关贾府家事利益的贾宝玉人生道路而展开的一场封建道路与叛逆者之间的激烈斗争为情节主线,以贾宝玉和林黛玉这对叛逆者的悲剧为主要内容,通过对以贾府为代表的封建家族没落过程的生动描述,而深刻地揭露和批判了封建社会种种黑暗和腐朽,进一步指出了封建社会已经到了"运终权尽"的末世,并走向覆灭的历史趋势。 《红楼梦》以上层贵族社会为中心图画,极其真实地,生动地描写了十八世纪上半叶中国末期封建社会的全部生活。全书规模宏伟,结构严谨,人物生动,语言优美,此外还有一些明显的艺术特点,值得后人品味,鉴赏。 作者充分运用了我国书法,绘画,诗词,歌赋,音乐等各类文学艺术的一切优秀传统手法,展示了一部社会人生悲剧。如贾宝玉,林黛玉共读西厢,黛玉葬花,宝钗扑蝶,晴雯补裘,宝琴立雪,黛玉焚稿等等,还表现在人物塑造上,如林黛玉飘然的身影,诗化的眉眼,智慧的神情,深意的微笑,动人的低泣,脱俗的情趣,潇洒的文采……这一切,都是作者凭借我国优秀传统文化的丰厚艺术素养培育出来的,从而使她在十二钗的群芳中始终荡漾着充满诗情画意的特殊韵味,飘散着东方文化的芬芳。曹雪芹在《红楼梦》中真实地再现了人物的复杂性,使我们读来犹如作品中的人物同生活中的人物一样真实可信,《红楼梦》中的贾宝玉"说不得贤,说不得愚,说不得善,说不得恶,说不得正大光明,说不得混帐恶赖,说不得聪明才俊,说不得庸俗平凡",令人徒加评论。不仅贾宝玉,林黛玉这对寄托了作者人格美,精神美,理想美的主人公是如此,甚至连王熙凤这样恶名昭着的人物,也没有将她写得"全是坏",而是在"可恶"之中交织着某些"可爱",从而表现出种种矛盾复杂的实际情形,形成性格"迷人的真实"。 作者善于通过那些看来十分平凡的,日常生活的艺术描写,揭示出它所蕴藏的不寻常的审美意义,甚至连一些不成文的,史无记载的社会习惯和细节,在红楼梦里都有具体生动的描绘。 《红楼梦》在思想内容和艺术技巧方面的卓越成就,不仅在国内成为"中国小说文学难以征服的顶峰"。而且在国际上也受到许多国家学者的重视和研究,有法国评论家称赞说:"曹雪芹具有普鲁斯特敏锐的目光,托尔斯泰的同情心,缪塞的才智和幽默,有巴尔扎克的洞察和再现整个社会的自上而下各阶层的能力。” 名著读后感1000字以上范文二 当我郑重地翻过最后一页,合上这位被誉为“英国小说之父”的丹尼尔?笛福在59岁高龄写的着作——《鲁滨逊漂流记》。读完了这个情节曲折,跌宕起伏的故事之后,我满眶的热泪情不自禁地夺眶而出。书中的主人公在荒芜人烟的孤岛上生活了28年!28年,多么惊人的一个数字啊!可见他是何等的勇敢。


简爱英文读后感1000字 Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think: We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past. We remember her pursuit of justice. It’s like a companion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodneon one side and must check the badneon the other side. We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God’s feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality. We also remember her striving for life, her toughneand her confidence… When we think of this girl, what she gave us was


读《与神对话》读后感1500字 导读:读书笔记读《与神对话》读后感1500字,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 读《与神对话》读后感1500字: “聆听你最高级的思维。聆听你的经验。” 克里希那穆提说不要相信你现世的经验,要让自己的头脑放松,观察体会自己的心灵,感受定静,感受开悟的状态。所谓变为空,是头脑的放松,是放弃头脑中不好的毒瘤。与神对话则主张,信自己已有的最美最高的经验,带着这些最高的经验去经历世界,成为自己。而所谓的做自己,不是自我放逐、自我放弃,也不是坏的方面的随心所欲,而是做自己最高思维,最高级体验下的自己。 “神显露神性的途径并不经由外在的观察,而是经由内在的经验。如果内在的经验显露了神性,那么外在的观察便是多余的。如果外在的观察是必需的,那么内在的经验便是不可能的。” 此处及此书当中的“神”,不是传统意义上的救世主及各个教派当中的神,它指的是一个大的混沌,也是每个人体内都有的一个自己。 此处所说的外在的观察与内在的经验,让人忍不住想起华晨宇,我心目中伟大的艺术家。他完全不会在意外界的目光,他认为别人给他的各种各样的评价与标签,不仅是别人眼中的华晨宇,其实也是别人眼中的他们的自我。他自己明白自己是谁,自己的状态,也明白别人的心理,所以他完全不在意。

这也像是《道德经》中所说:“不出户,知天下;不闚牖,见天道。其出弥远,其知弥少。是以圣人不行而知,不见而明,不为而成。” 不出门户,能够知道天下的事情;不用偷偷看着窗外,就能知道自然的规律。其实有时候走得越远,反而知道的越少。因此,圣人不出行却知道很多事情,不用见到就可以明白真相,不用作为就可以有所成就。认识一件事物,仅仅靠自己的眼睛、耳朵、手等感官是不够的,因为如此无法深入到事物的内部去了解它的“灵魂”。了解事物应该靠“自省”,去领悟“道”,知道了天下万物的运动和变化规律,才能真切地深入到事物的灵魂中。所以圣人不出户以知天下者,以己身知人身,以己家知人家,所以见天下也。圣人不上天,不入渊,能知天下者,以心知之也。 华晨宇参加花儿与少年的时候,在节目中就说出,自己从来没有离开过家乡,从来没有旅行过,没有出过国,更没有看过大海。但是他明白,读后感海水的咸要自己去尝,他明白,我们都应该过自己的一手人生,也就是亲身去体验去感受自己周围的一切,而不是被”海是咸的“这四个字所满足,所麻痹。人生首先是体验,然后该是创造。创造出自我,创造出新的世界。 华晨宇曾说:“我能理解世界上所有的事情,但不代表我要置身其中。”这是一句et非常熟悉的话了,经典又深刻。在我们心中,华晨宇通透且具有神性,强大又温柔。他从小似乎是一个人生长在没有光的地方,心里应该是个痛苦黑暗的无底洞吧,或者说是深渊。这是灾难,亦是淬炼。幸运,他发现了人类自我的神性,并用它填满了


人生读后感1000字 本文是关于读后感的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 人生读后感1000字(一) 先让我们了解一下路遥的《人生》。《人生》是以改革时期陕北时期的城乡生活为背景,它复杂曲折的故事情节深深地吸引了我,它主要叙述了来自农村的高中毕业生高加林回到土地,又离开土地,再回到土地这样曲折的变化过程,其中他与农村姑娘刘巧珍,城市姑娘黄亚萍之间的感情纠葛为故事发生的主要矛盾,最终也没有一个完美的结局。 再让我们对主人公高加林有深入的了解。他,一个土地养大成才的人,人生之路也是坎坷不平的,但他仍对未来的生活充满幻想,令人同情。他,英俊潇洒,文韬武略,对外面的世界无比的向往,幻想最大城市内展翅高飞的生活,他的横溢的才华令人敬佩,他的理想我们可以理解。但对于他对感情的态度,我无言以对。 再让我们对高加林的人生经历作一阐述。高加林,高中毕业为考入大学回到了农村,做了教师,这工作对他来说还算不错,也挺体面,他也有一颗积极进取的心,努力工作,争取早日转为民办教师。但好景不长,村中书记高明楼的儿子三星同样也是没有考上大学,在父亲的帮助下,顶替了加林。伤心欲绝的加林冲到家中,他内心萎靡不振,意志消沉,犹如一幅行尸走肉。但在这片土地上一直爱着他的心地善良单纯的姑娘刘巧珍,给了他内心巨大的安慰给了他重新生活的希望,

他也渐渐的喜欢上了这位姑娘,但大家想象,一个才高八斗,一心幻想在大城市生活的青年与一个斗大字不识的农村姑娘能生活在一起吗?即使他们生活在一起,他们又能彼此快乐吗? 后来,加林由于自己远在边疆当兵的叔叔的归来,又再一次回到了城市,成为了一名记者。上天又让他再一次遇到了自己高中同学黄亚萍,一个满腹经纶的才女,他们有共同的话题,相同的兴趣爱好,相处的很好,在一起彼此也很快乐。当黄亚萍抛弃了深深爱着自己的张克南,把爱带给了高加林,并且也谋划了他们的未来。高加林抵挡不住大城市生活的诱惑,为实现自己的理想与追求,无情抛弃了深爱自己的农村姑娘。 人生如戏,戏如人生。自己很快就要迈进大城市,生活却跟他开了一个很大的玩笑,他进城的背幕东窗事发,他不得不离开自己梦寐以求的城市生活与和自己相爱的黄亚萍,回到农村,得知巧珍已经结婚,他又陷入了无尽的悲哀与失望之中。也就是对这个人物的描写,反映了当时青年的追求,也是当时社会的缩影。 高加林的生活一波三折,扣人心弦,回想自己走过的路,又何尝不是有很多的选择,我们做到三思而后行了吗?做出的选择让自己后悔过吗? 同时,人生也让我们认清了现实与理想之间的不可逾越的鸿沟,高加林一直在为自己的理想苦苦追求,这一点毋庸置疑,也是值得我们学习的,我们每个人都会有年少轻狂的那份激情与挑战,我们才会拼出一片属于自己的世界,但在追逐梦想的人生道路上,我们会不断


文学作品读后感1000字 同学们,大家喜欢阅读与学习哪些文学作品?阅读之后有哪些感想? 文学作品读后感1000字《钢铁是怎样炼成的》 从读了《钢铁是怎样炼成的》这本书,让我明白了,毅力也是成功之本,是一种韧劲,是一种积累.荀子有云:“锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂.” 毅力,它的表现往往是一个人在挫折中所展示的一股力量,有了毅力,大家就不会向挫折和困难低头,而会更坚强地去面对. 这本书主要写了主人公保尔?柯察金小时候的生活十分艰苦,不是被母亲责骂,就是受神父冤打.但他凭着毅力,仍然坚持生活,并立志要从军.保尔?柯察金长大后,终于实现了他的志向——当一名军人.从军期间,受到了老一辈的栽培和教育.自身又长期实践,他凭着毅力,在劳动、战斗、工作各方面刻苦学习和严格要求自己,终于锻炼成具有崇高理想、坚毅的意志和刚强性格的革命战士.他把整个生命和所有精力毫无保留的地奉献给世界壮丽的事业——为人类的解放而斗争,努力使世界和平!这种精神是多么可贵啊!如果保尔?柯察金没有凭着毅力,他怎么可能炼成一个有崇高理想、坚毅的意志和刚强性格的革命战士呢? 读了这本书,我才领悟到:一个人的毅力是对他的一生是有很

大影响的.就拿这本书的主人公来说吧,他一生的命运非常坎坷,然而他凭着什么让自己活下去呢?是毅力,是毅力给了他无穷的力量,像他这样,十几岁就立足沙场,奋勇杀敌,在沙场上,他被砍了好几刀,仍然大难不死,为什么呢?还是因为毅力,年轻的他后来疾病缠身,但他依然忘我的工作着,有休假的机会仍然工作着,毅力真是一种锲而不舍的精神啊! 生活在我们这个时代,遇到困难,只要勇敢地去面对,我们就会发觉,我们也是有毅力的.人的一生很精彩,有着酸甜苦辣,也有离别时的伤心,不然,怎么会有重逢时的喜悦呢?在我们的人生中,要想一步登天,那永远是不可能的——从古自今,有哪一个名人志士是一步登天的呢?没有,他们都是在挫折中锻炼了自己,使自己成为千古佳话.我们不要以为当一名作家写书是一件很简单的事,因为在写书的过程中往往会遇到挫折和困难,只有这坚强的毅力才能够克服这困难和挫折.例如:马克思写《资本论》用了40年的时间,李时珍写《本草纲目》用了30年,司马迁编《史记》历史用了20多年……古今中外,有谁能够一步登天呢? 毅力也需要坚持,在坚持的同时也需要毅然断然的决断,正所谓“当断不断,反受其害”.有毅力的人面对考验能断然初之,又有利于持之以恒.为什么说毅力也是成功之本呢?因为,只有坚强的毅力才能克服前进道路上的种种困难和挫折,才能获得成功,所以坚强的毅力是通向成功的捷径. 看了《钢铁是怎样炼成的》,我的内心有了极大的震撼,作为


《英语可以这样教》读后感1000字 导读:读书笔记《英语可以这样教》读后感1000字,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 《英语可以这样教》读后感1000字: 寒假期间,响应学校“品年味,品家味,品书味”活动的号召,我精心地为自己挑选了几本精神食粮,其中《英语可以这样教》一书令我感触颇深。 《英语可以这样教》是江苏一线教师沈丽新的教育札记。作为新老师的我,当初看这本书是带很强烈的功利心的,企图能够从老教师身上能够速成地掌握教学课堂的一些技巧。然后当我深入阅读,随着沈老师娓娓讲述自己课堂里发生的各种事件和她的教学积累与反思。我猛然发现,最大的收获不仅仅是学会如何教学,隐藏的更大的财富是学会何为人师。沈老师用温润的笔触,独特的视角,细致的观察向我们描述了一个美好而又充满激情的课堂,让刚刚从事教学事业的我突然有一种归属感,一种认同感,感动着,激动着。哦,原来英语也可以这样教,原来英语教学可以如此生动,如此曼妙。 印象最深的是《“我”很重要》这篇教育札记,沈老师在新学期伊始,并没有并没有急于教学进度的推进,而是挑了篇毕淑敏的《我很重要》,朗读给孩子听。其中有段文字写的很好:对于我们的父母,我们永远是不可复制的孤本,无论他们有多少儿女,我们都是独特的一个。重要并不是伟大的同义词,它是对心灵对生命的允诺。只要我

们在时刻努力着,为光明在奋斗,我们就是无比重要地生活着。是的,在沈老师抒情的朗读中,孩子们极为动容,沈老师形象描述道:几双总是在课堂上神色黯然的双眸也明亮了起来。 其实我想说的是,读到这段文字,我的血液也在沸腾,我也在不由自主地反思,面对这样一个个独特的生命,我该如何倾心待之。他们都很重要,他们都不该只是声音的模仿着,他们也不该只是知识的容器,他们很重要,他们很独特。作为新老师的我,承担着教书育人的重责,如何做到不辜负每一颗心灵。很快,我在沈老师的书中找到了答案。英语教师,首先是教师,其次才是英语教师。教师说的是作为人师的治教态度,要授以学生知识,更要教会学生做人。做到眼中有学生,心中想学生。 作为英语教师,应该有面对学生的专业姿态。课堂是生命生长,智慧生长的地方,是学生成长和教师发展的地方。作为一个英语教师,一定要把握好课堂这个主阵地。要时刻站在儿童立场,时刻规划好自己的教学,时刻更新自己的教学,时候反思自己的教学。让温情在课堂弥漫,读后感让家常课亦成为一道道亮丽的风景,让读书成为世界上最好玩最幸福的一件事。沈老师讲述了很多教学技巧,传授了很多教学经验与反思,大有裨益。而从中最大的领悟就是教书要用心,教书要动情。从札记的字里行间可以感受到沈老师是个用心教书,严谨治教的人。这是最值得我尊敬的地方,也是我最要学习的地方。教师吃的是良心饭,只有我们兢兢业业,用心教学,才能让年轻的生命丰盈,让稚嫩的心灵充盈,才能让我们的孩子聆听世界的声音。


英文名著读后感2000字 匹克威克外传读后感 "the kerwick unauthorized biography" is the dickens's first novel, is also one of his outstanding representative works. this work had reflected the extremely broad life picture, described the early 19th century's british society really, what the story writes is a single old gentry mr. kerwick, is one “the celebrities”, is also one “the scholar”, is also by his surname naming mass organization “kerwick society” creator. he brings several “the kerwick faction” to exit to travel for pleasure. a group has bumped into all sorts of funny laughable people and the matter, passes through for about two years, his follower and he thought that travelled for pleasure has sufficed, “kerwick society” also announced has dismissed, mr. kerwick implemented “retired”, the story also in light of this finished. the complete plot is along with kerwick et al. the travel what one sees and hears and the bitter experience launches, therefore the structure is quite sloppy, but therefore can also more give the reader by new and the nimble feeling. the author especially has also arranged one for the entire story take mr. kerwick and the hoodlum gold mr. ghale's contradictory conflict as the content master line, from the beginning runs throughout the tail. also presses “completely” the spirit finally in the entire book, book in whole show's fate, as soon as has made the confession. but this work is not eventually by the vicissitudes of life, winding complex story win that one kind. causes the people excited, to cause the people to undergo for a long time does not forget, is these many and varied typical characters, these concise vivid life picture, they give the human by the


好书读后感1000字 本文是关于读后感的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 好书读后感1000字(一) 妈妈再生你一次读后感 在阅览室的书架上,无意中发现了这本书----《妈妈再生你一次》,因为是大龄妈妈的原因,所以我首先被书名吸引住了。粗略翻看后,我决定借回家仔细阅读。 作者沈利萍女士----毕业于湖南师范大学艺术学院,深造于中央工艺美术学院,是一名宁夏书画院的专业画家。真是:天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。1993年,正当沈女士在深圳专心进行美术创作时,他的老公和儿子却遭遇了一场特大空难,两人虽有幸存活,但老公双耳膜穿孔、脑震荡、腰椎压缩性骨折!12岁的儿子王嘉鹏,腰椎暴裂骨折并双下肢截瘫! 就是那个可怕的瞬间,让12岁的王嘉鹏无忧无虑的童年生活嘎然而止! 而与此同时,一位杰出的感人肺腑的妈妈却诞生了。----妈妈是什么?妈妈就是看得见摸得着的一种实实在在的爱。只要有她在,你就会觉得有靠山!只要有她在,一切就会重现美好!为了救自己的儿子,这位以画笔为生、生性温和的母亲顷刻间变成了一个壮士,一个为孩子敢上刀山下火海的壮士!这位画家妈妈用自己永不言弃的坚定信念,不仅拼命从死神手中夺回了自己的儿子,而且将这个被医生宣

判为终生瘫痪的儿子培养成了“中国英雄”!她和儿子通过惊人的努力,不懈的坚持,创造出了一个又一个的奇迹:他17岁时被特邀出席诺贝尔和平奖颁奖典礼;他参加了第36届世界残疾人滑雪比赛,为中华人民共和国赢得两枚金牌,使得五星红旗第一次升起在贝托斯特拉滑雪场;18岁时成为中国’99长城国际马拉松邀请赛最年轻的组织策划者;他的故事已被拍成电视连续剧,挪威王后和首相亲自出演,开创了国外首脑级人物在中国大陆影视出镜的最高规格;他是挪威红十字诺迪克世界联合国学院录取的第一位中国大陆留学生…… 看这本书的引子部分时我就特别好奇:一个被宣判为双下肢截瘫的重症病人能够站立都是奇迹,却如何能参加滑雪比赛?一个只上过五年小学的孩子,却如何能以优异的成绩考入世界联合学院?一个原本在生活上最需要别人照顾的人,却如何担任起了管理全院师生的院级生活会会长?一个曾悲观绝望的家庭,却如何过上了幸福乐观的生活?带着一个又一个的疑点,我一头扎进去书中寻找答案。最终我发现,这本书得了我太多的启迪和激励,我自愧不如这位英雄妈妈,特殊的遭遇使她付出了太多的艰辛,整整三年中他将儿子从轮椅中抱上抱下;陪同训练之外,五年如一日地坚持为儿子按摩,手指关节都变了形;为了儿子早日康复,他自学了中医、按摩、提皮、捏积,在自己的身体上摸索、实验;为使儿子的个人利益受到保护,她自学了法律书籍;为了激励儿子的斗志,她收集了国内外有关脊髓损伤、截瘫者重新站立起来的相关报道,给儿子读各种励志书籍,残疾人的奋斗故事;真可谓是“聚沙成塔,集腋成裘”!


经典名著读后感1000字经典名著英文优秀读后感心得作文【--演讲稿怎么写】 用英文写,对比中文来说,那可是一个不小的挑战,来看看别人是怎么写的吧。下面是为你的几篇英文名著的,希望能帮到你哟。 Kent State University's school of theatre and dance performed a rendition of the classic, Jane Eyre this month. The show was a musical with all of the necessary elements to lift you from your seat and submerse youinto a society in nieenth century England from the time the cell phone shut-off announcement was made until the last note at the curtain call. The recurring arches, darkened, soft lighting, and the use of a classic chorus to go along with them alluded that a sinister underbelly of social status and reputation were present in the performance. One of the first things that an audience member noticed was the grandeur of the set. It was posed of a gothic-style foreground with rustic twigs of a root-like earthy appearance. There were grand arches for windows and entries as well. Also, the background was a large arch with the silhouette of roots.


Impression of “The Old Man and the Sea” When I was a middle school student, I’ve finished this book in Chinese.But when I read it in Engli sh,I really gain something new both in the way of expression and the spirit it shows to us.May be different ages to read the same book we will learn different things from it.At least, for my part, tha t is true. Firstly,I would like to review some information about this book.Such as the background,major cha racters and the topic of it. The Old Man and the Sea is a story by Ernest Hemingway, written in Cuba in 1951 and published in 1952. It was the last major work of fiction to be produced by Hemingway and published in his li fetime. One of his most famous works, it centers upon Santiago, an aging Cuban fisherman who st ruggles with a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream.[1] The Old Man and the Sea served to reinvigorate Hemingway's literary reputation and prompted a r eexamination of his entire body of work. The novella was initially received with much popularity; it restored many readers' confidence in Hemingway's capability as an author. Its publisher, Scribne r's, on an early dust jacket, called the novella a "new classic," and many critics favorably compare d it with such works as William Faulkner's "The Bear" and Herman Melville's Moby-Dick. This book gives me a deep impression especially the description about the man’s braveness and pe rsistence. In this book, in order to suggest the profundity of the old man’s sacrifice and the glory that derives from it, Hemingway purposefully likens Santiago to Christ, who, according to Christian theology, gave his life for the greater glory of humankind. Crucifixion imagery is the most noticeable way i n which Hemingway creates the symbolic parallel between Santiago and Christ. When Santiago’s palms are first cut by his fishing line, the reader cannot help but think of Christ suffering his stigm ata. Later, when the sharks arrive, Hemingway portrays the old man as a crucified martyr, saying t hat he makes a noise similar to that of a man having nails driven through his hands. Furthermore, t he image of the old man struggling up the hill with his mast across his shoulders recalls Christ’s m arch toward Calvary. Even the position in which Santiago collapses on his bed—face down with his arms out straight and the palms of his hands up —brings to mind the image of Christ suffering on the cross. Hemingway employs these images in the final pages of the novella in order to link Santiago to Christ, who exemplified transcendence b y turning loss into gain, defeat into triumph, and even death into renewed life. The major characters in this book are also vivid and lively. Santiago ,the old man of the novella’s title, Santiago is a Cuban fisherman who has had an extende d run of bad luck. Despite his expertise, he has been unable to catch a fish for eighty-four days. He is humble, yet exhibits a justified pride in his abilities. His knowledge of the sea and its creatures, and of his craft, is unparalleled and helps him preserve a sense of hope regardless of circumstance. The marlin ,Santiago hooks the marlin, which we learn at the end of the novella measures eighteen feet, on the first afternoon of his fishing expedition. Manolin ,a boy presumably in his adolescenc e, Manolin is Santiago’s apprentice and devoted attendant. The old man first took him out on a boa t when he was merely five years old. Due to Santiago’s recent bad luck, Manolin’s parents have fo rced the boy to go out on a different fishing boat. Manolin, however, still cares deeply for the old man, to whom he continues to look as a mentor. Joe DiMaggio, although DiMaggio never appears in the novel, he plays a significant role nonethel

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