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剑桥雅思听力全真试题 4 --‐ 09 T est T hree--‐Section O ne

W: Sarah, I've heard that you want to move into a home--‐stay family, is that correct?

S: Y es, t hat's r ight. I've b een s taying w ith m y a unt a nd n ow m y c ousin i s a rriving from S ingapore a nd m y a unt n eed s erve a r oom f or h im.

W: Oh, that's bad luck. Well, I'll need to get some particulars first. Err, Sarah, what's y our f ull n ame?

S: S arah L him, a nd t hat's S arah w ith a h a t t he e nd.


W: Sarah, I've heard that you want to move into a home--‐stay family, is that correct?

S: Y es, t hat's r ight. I've b een s taying w ith m y a unt a nd n ow m y c ousin i s a rriving from S ingapore a nd m y a unt n eed s erve a r oom f or h im.

W: Oh, that's bad luck. Well I'll need to get some particulars first. Err, Sarah, what's y our f ull n ame?

S: S arah L him, a nd t hat's S arah w ith a h a t t he e nd.

W: E n, h ow o ld a re y ou S arah?

S: 23, o nly j ust. I t w as m y b irthday o n t he 21st o f A ugust.

W: A h, h appy b irthday f or y esterday. H ow l ong h ave y ou b een i n A ustralia?

S: A year in Adelaide and 6 months in Sydney. I prefer Sydney. I've got more friends h ere.

W: W hat's y our a ddress, y our a unt's h ouse?

S: F lat 1,539 F orest R d. C anterbury a nd t he p ost c ode i s 2036.

W: O kay. W hat y ou s tudy n ow?

S: I was studying general English in Adelaide. And now I'm doing academic English b ecause I'm t rying t o g et i nto m edicine n ext y ear.

W: T hat s ounds g ood, b ut i t'll t ake y ou a l ong t ime. W hen w ould y ou l ike t o m ove out f rom y our a unt's?

S: M y c ousin a rrives o n F riday m orning. S o I'd b etter t o b e o ut o n T hursday. W: W hat...the 7th o f S eptember. --‐S: Y es, t hat's r ight.


W: T hat d oesn't l eave u s m uch t ime. R ight, o kay.

I need to know what kind of accommodation you'd like, so I can get you something s uitable.

S: C an I s hare r oom w ith s omeone e lse.

I've been alone in my room of my aunt's and I've always shared with my sister and I l ike t hat.

W: Y es. F ine. T hat'll s ave y ou m oney t oo.

Would y ou l ike t o l ive w ith t he f amily o r d o y ou t hink t hat a s ingle p erson w ill b e

better f or y ou.

I h ave l ots o f v ery n ice s ingle p eople o n m y b ooks.

S: D o y ou h ave a ny w omen l iving a lone, r etired w omen?

W: Y es, I've q uite a f ew w hose c hildren h ave g rown u p a nd l eft h ome.

In f act, I h ave s ome r eally l ovely r etired l adies l iving b y t hemselves w ho j ust l ove the a ccompany o f s tudents.

Most o f t hem l iving i n f lats b ut t hat's n ot a p roblem f or y ou, i sn't i t?

S: N ot a t a ll. I'm u sed t o t hat. M y a unt l ives i n a f lat t oo, r emember?

I'm n ot u sed t o a b ig h ouse w ith a g olden s wimming p ool, p ets a nd s o o n t hat. W: O kay f ine. I k now q uite a b it a bout w hat y ou w ant n ow.

I s hould l et y ou k now t hat y our r ent w ill b e 160 d ollars p er w eek.

You'll h ave t o p ay m e 320 d ollars a s a d eposit b efore y ou m ove i n.

The d eposit i s a s i nsurance i n c ase y ou b reak s omething.

You n eed t o p ay m onthly t o m e b y c ash o r c heque, I d on't m ind.

You don't need to pay for gas, like electricity or water. But you'll need to pay your p roportion o f t he p hone b ill.

Most f amilies d o t hat o n t heir o wn s ystem b ut y ou h ave t o w ait a nd s ee.

(En) , H ave y ou g ot a ny m ore q uestions f or m e?

S: W hen w ill y ou k now w here I c an g o?

W: I'll work on it now. So come and see me tomorrow and I should have some news f or y ou t hen. --‐S: T hanks a l ot.

W: Goodbye, see you tomorrow. After lunch will be better for me. --‐S: Okay, see you t hen. B ye.

W: 萨拉,我听说你想搬进住宿家庭,是吗?

S: 没错。我一直和我姑姑一起住,现在我表弟从新加坡回来了,我姑姑需要给他准备一个房间。

W: 真不走运。那么我首先需要了解一些情况。萨拉,你的全名是什么?

S: 萨拉·林穆,萨拉的结尾有一个h。

W: 萨拉,我听说你想搬进住宿家庭,是吗?

S: 没错。我一直和我姑姑一起住,现在我表弟从新加坡回来了,我姑姑需要给他准备一个房间。

W: 真不走运。那么我首先需要了解一些情况。萨拉,你的全名是什么?

S: 萨拉·林穆,萨拉的结尾有一个h。

W: 萨拉,你多大了?

S: 刚23岁。8月21日是我的生日。

W: 祝你昨天生日快乐。你来澳大利亚多久了?

S: 我在阿德莱德待了一年,悉尼待了六个月。我更喜欢悉尼,我在这里有很多朋友。

W: 你姑姑家的地址是什么?

S: 坎特伯雷,福雷斯特路539号,1号公寓,邮编是2036.

W: 好的,你现在学什么?

S: 我曾经在阿德莱德学习通用英语。现在我正在学习学术性英语,因为我明年想学医。

W: 听起来不错,但是这会花费你很长时间。你想什么时候从你姑姑家搬走? S: 我表弟周五早上回来。所以我最好周四就搬走。

W: 9月7日。--‐S: 是的,没错。

W: 没剩下多少时间了。好吧。


S: 我能和别人合住吗?


W: 当然好。这样也能帮你省钱。



S: 你那里有单独居住的退休女士吗?

W: 有,我这里有几个,她们的孩子都长大成人离家了。



S: 没关系。我习惯了。我姑姑也是住在公寓里,记得吗?


W: 好的,我现在差不多知道你想要什么样的了。








S: 什么时候你知道我能搬去哪儿?

W: 我现在就开始找。明天你再来看看,那时候我应该会有一些消息给你。--‐S: 非常感谢。

W: 再见,明天见。最好午饭过后来找我。--‐S: 好的,到时候见。

剑桥雅思听力全真试题 4 --‐ 10 T est T hree--‐Section T wo

GEOFFREY: Good evening, and in this week's edition of 'Focus on the Arts', Jane Hemmington is going to fill us in on what's in store for us at this year's Summer Festival. O ver t o y ou, J ane.

Jane: Thank you, Geoffrey. This year, the Summer Festival is the biggest we've ever s een, s o t here s hould b e s omething f or e verybody.

This i s t he t hird y ear t hey've r un i t a nd t he t iming's s lightly d ifferent: f or t he l ast couple of years it's been around the fifth to seventeenth, but this year they wanted to allow everyone enough time to recover from the first of January celebrations a nd t hey've p ut i t a t t he e nd o f t he m onth.

The p rogram h as s ensational t heatre, d ance a nd l arge n umber o f a rt e xhibitions, but t he t hing t he F estival i s m ost f amous f or i s i ts g reat s treet m usic.

For t oday's r eport t hough, G eoffrey, I'm l ooking a t s ome o f t heatrical e vents t hat you m ight l ike t o s ee; i n p articular, a t t his y ear's t heme --‐--‐ c ircuses.

I'm going to tell you about two circus performance, but there're plenty of others in t he p rogramme.

I've chosen these because they represent distinct movements within circus performance.

The f irst i s t he C ircus R omano f rom I taly.

As this is a travelling circus, it follows a long tradition by performing in a marquee, w hich i s r eally l ike a c anvas p ortable b uilding, u sually p ut u p i n a g reen space o r c ar p ark, r ather t han i n a t heatre o r s tadium.


In spite of this, Circus Romano isn't at all like the traditional circuses I grew up with.

There a re n o a nimals, j ust v ery t alented c lowning a nd a crobatic r outines.

The show has a lot of very funny moments, especially at the beginning, but the best p art i s t he m usic a nd l ighting. T hey're m agical.

At f orty--‐five d ollars i t's v ery e xpensive a nyway. I t's r eally f or a dult t astes.

In fact, much of it would be wasted on children, so I suggest you leave them at home.

The s econd c ircus p erformance i s C ircus E lectrica a t t he S tudio T heatre.

The p urists a re s uggesting t hat t his i sn't a c ircus a t a ll.

It's a showcase for skills in dance and magic, rather than the usual one you expect i n a c ircus.

With only six performers, it's a small production, which suits the venue well --‐--‐ the S tudio o nly s eats a bout t wo h undred p eople.

For my money it's the aerial displays which are outstanding as well as the magical t ricks --‐--‐ f eatures w hich a re m issing f rom C ircus R omano.

An i nteresting f eature o f t he s how i s t he p erformers a re s o y oung --‐--‐ t he y oungest

is o nly f ourteen.

But i t's s till w ell w orth s eeing, a g ood o ne f or t he w hole f amily.

And finally, as it's summer, you may wish to see some of the Festival performances t hat a re b eing p resented o utdoors.

Like the famous Mekong Water Puppet Troupe, performing in the City Garden this w eek.

Now w ater p uppetry i s a mazing.

It's l arge p uppets o n l ong s ticks, c ontrolled b y p uppeteers s tanding w aist d eep i n the l ake.

The p uppets d o c omedy r outines a nd t here i s s ome t errific f ormation d ancing. This is a fantastic show and the best one comes at the end --‐--‐ seeing the puppeteers.

When t he t roupe w alks u p o ut o f w ater, y ou g et t his a mazing f eeling.

It's r eally h ard t o b elieve i t w hat y ou've b een w atching i s l ifeless w ood a nd c loth. As an adult, I had a great time, but I did note that other older people in the audience w eren't q uite a s t aken w ith a s I w as.

It's a m ust f or y oung c hildren t hough, a nd t hat's t he a udience i t's r eally a imed a t. Well, that's all I've time for today, but I'll be back next week with more news of what's w orth s eeing a nd w hat i t's b est t o m iss.


















这里展示的是舞蹈和魔术的技巧,而不是你期望在马戏团里看到的那些普通节目。 里面只有6名艺人,它是一个小型演出,很适合这个场地。剧场只能容纳大约200个人。















剑桥雅思听力全真试题 4 --‐ 11 T est T hree--‐Section T hree

Officer: H ello. E r, I'm D awn M atthews.

Student: Yes, hello. I've been referred to you because I'm enquiring about the refresher c ourses t hat y ou r un. I'd l ike t o f ind o ut a b it m ore a bout t hem. Officer: O K. W ell, w e r un q uite a f ew d ifferent s hort c ourses f or s tudents w ho a re either r eturning t o s tudy o r s tudying p art--‐time. U m, t ell m e a bout y our s ituation. Student: Well, I think I really need some help in preparing for the coming semester, e specially t o b uild u p m y c onfidence a b it a nd h elp m e s tudy e ffectively because y ou s ee, I've b een o ut i n t he w ork--‐force f or n early t wenty y ears n ow, s o it r eally i s a l ong t ime s ince I w as l ast a s tudent.

Officer: Y es, i t c an s eem l ike a l ong t ime, c an't i t?

Um, w ell, l et m e s tart b y t elling y ou w hat c ourses w e h ave t hat m ight s uit y ou. Are y ou a n u ndergraduate o r p ostgraduate? A rts o r S ciences?

Student: U ndergraduate, a nd I'm i n t he B usiness f aculty.

Officer: Right then. First of all, there's our intensive "Study for Success" seminar on t he f irst a nd s econd o f F ebruary.

It's a imed a t s tudents l ike y ou w ho a re u ncertain a bout w hat t o e xpect a t c ollege, and l ooks a t a f airly w ide r ange o f a pproaches t o u niversity l earning, t o m otivate you t o b egin y our s tudy a nd b uild o n y our o wn l earning s trategies.

Student: Mm, that sounds good. What're some of the strategies that are presented.

Officer: W ell, w e t ry t o c over a ll a spects o f s tudy.

Some o f t he s trategies i n w riting, f or e xample, w ould b e i mproving y our p lanning for writing, organising your thinking and building some techniques to help you write m ore c learly.

With reading, there will be sessions aimed at getting into the habit of analysing material as you read it, and tips help you record and remember what you have read.

It r eally i s v ery i mportant t o b egin r eading c onfidently r ight f rom t he b eginning. Officer: There's also advice on how to get the most from your lectures and practice i n g iving c onfident p resentations a s w ell a s h ow t o p repare f or e xams. Student: W hat a bout t he m otivational s ide o f t hings?

Officer: Ar, well, there's a range of motivational exercises that we do to help student f eel p ositive a nd e nthusiastic a bout t heir s tudy.

The process of learning and exploring a subject can lead to a whole new way of looking at the world and the study skills and techniques you build up can be applied i n a ll s orts o f d ifferent w ays.


Student: Actually, I... I'm very excited about the whole thing of taking up study again but, you know, I'm a little nervous about whether I'll manage to get everything d one.

I s uppose i t's t he s ame f or a ll m ature s tudents?

Officer: Of course, it is. Two of the key components of the course are time management a nd o vercoming p rocrastination.

People discover that, once they learn to plan their days, all the work can be accomplished a nd t here'll s till t ime b e f or l eisure.

Student:Is t here a n e nrolment f ee?

Officer: Well, er, oh, just a minute, let's see... Ah, the cost is 30 pounds, which includes a ll c ost m aterials a nd m orning t ea. Y ou h ave t o a rrange y our o wn l unch. Student: That won't be a problem. Er, I already make sandwiches for my three kids a nd m y w ife a nd m yself e very d ay. I w on't h ave t o c hange m y r outine. Officer: No. Now, I need to tell you that this is a very popular course and it's essential t hat y ou b ook w ell a head o f t ime.

In f act, t he C ourse C onvenor t ells m e t hat t here're o nly f ive p laces l eft.

Student: W hat o ther c ourse m ight b e g ood f or m e?

Officer: There's one other that you can benefit from. It's simply called 'Learning Skills for University Study' and is on three consecutive mornings starting on a Monday f rom 9 t o 12 a nd c osts 25 p ounds.

This is aimed at upgrading the study skills most school--‐leavers have and help them c ope w ith t he i ncreased d emands o f u niversity s tudy.

It f ocuses m ainly o n m aking s tudent m ore r esponsible f or t heir o wn s uccess. Student: W hat s ort o f t hings a re c overed i n t his c ourse?

Officer: Well, basically, it's more advanced thinking, note taking, reading and writing s trategies b ut a lso s ome i nput a bout s tress m anagement.

Student:I think I'd better off starting from the basics and looking at all the strategies, d on't y ou?

Officer: Yes, from what you've told me, I think that's more in line with your situation.

Student: Alright then, um, can I book a place on the 'Study for success' seminar course n ow?

Officer:Yes, l et m e j ust g et o ut a r egistration f orm a nd t ake d own y our d etails.























人们发现一旦他们学会规划好每一天后,所有的工作都能完成并且还有休闲时间。 需要注册费吗?







目的是帮助多数离校的人员提高学习技能,帮助他们应付要求渐高的大学学习。 重点是让学生为他们自己的成功负责。


基本上,更多的是培养先进思想、记笔记练习、读写策略和一些压力管理方面。 我想我最好从基础开始,看看所有策略,你说呢?




剑桥雅思听力全真试题 4 --‐ 12 T est T hree--‐Section F our

We're very grateful that the Committee has agreed that a representative for the Students' Union can present students' suggestions about the design for the proposed n ew U nion b uilding.

We a ppreciate t hat s ome o f o ur i deas m ay n ot b e f easible i n t he c ircumstances. But we do feel that it is important that the ultimate beneficiaries of the facilities should h ave s ome s ay i n i ts d esign.

If I could start by briefly explaining what steps were taken to find out student opinion, a nd h ow w e h ave a rrived a t c onclusions.

Firstly, a m eeting w as h eld i n t he c urrent U nion f or o ur S U c ommittee t o e xplain the o ptions.

Then we invited all students to submit written suggestions for the design, placing c ards i n a s uggestion b ox.

These suggestions then provided the basis for the design of a questionnaire which was completed by approximately two thousands of the College students over a p eriod o f t hree w eeks.

Finally, t he S U C ommittee c ollected t he r esults a nd d rew u p a r eport.

If I c an j ust h and a round t he c opy o f t hat r eport.

This presentation is essentially a summary and discussion of the key points of this r eport.

So, i n b road t erms, t he c onsensus w as a s f ollows.

Firstly, regarding the crucial matter of the site, we presented the three options that y ou h ave p roposed. O ne: i n t he c ity c entre, n ear t he F aculty o f E ducation; two: on the outskirts of the city, near the park , and three: out of town, near the halls o f r esidence.

We asked students to cite reasons for and against these sites, and .... and there was r emarkable a greement o n a ll t hree.

Site O ne w as u npopular b ecause o f t raffic a nd p arking p roblems.

Site Two had a number of supporters, mainly because it was close to most lecture r ooms.

And Site Three, out of town, near the halls of residence, was clearly the most popular b ecause o f a ccess f rom l iving q uarters.

It w as c lear t hat t he U nion w as m ainly t o b e u sed a fter l ectures.

It w as a lso f elt t he l arger s ite w ould a llow m ore r oom f or a c hoice o f f acilities. Our s econd a rea o f i nterest w as o bviously t he f acilities.

There was minimal interest in having a library on the premises. But one option seemed t o b e a r eading r oom i nstead, m ore u seful.

We w ould l ike t he c urrent t able g ames r oom t o b e r eplaced w ith a s mall g ym a nd if p ossible, s mall s wimming p ool, n ot, o f c ourse, O lympic s ize.

There was a large number of respondents in favour of a travel agent's and

insurance c entre.

We also request that there be the offices of the Student Counselling Centre, moving t his f rom t he R efectory.

There w as h owever m uch d isagreement a bout w hether t o b uild a d rama t heatre. Just over forty percent of the respondents were in favour, but largish minority were s trongly a gainst i t, c laiming t hat i t i s e litist a nd a w aste o f f unds. Essentially t he j ury i s o ut o n t hat.

Finally, given a number of unfortunate incidents in the current Union over the past f ew m onths, a s trong p oint w as r epeatedly m ade a bout s ecurity.

The recommendations would be at least video surveillance and security personnel w ho w ould c heck S tudent U nion c ards o n r equest.

We d oubt i f i t w ould b e f easible t o h ave a c heck r eception o f a ll p eople c oming i n. Well, t his i s t he s ummary o f t he v iews o f s tudent p opulation.

As I say, further details are given in our report but I'm happy to take any questions i f y ou h ave t hem...







这些建议为问卷的设计提供了依据,3周内有大约2000名大学生提交了意见。 最后,学生委员会收集结果并起草报告。



























雅思剑桥真题 拼写内容词汇(听力)

SECTION 1 答案拼写内容 a break 一次休息 a concert 一场音乐会 a good dictionary 一本好字典 a relative 一个亲戚 a single item 一件 a yellow box 黄色盒子 Academic English 学术英语accommodation 住宿 Advance Insurance Co. 前进保险公司Advance English 高级英语advanced level 高级水平 airport 机场 alarm system 报警系统 all ages 所有年龄 American Museum 美国博物馆answer the phone 接电话armchair 扶手椅 Australian 澳大利亚人 back door 后门 back pain 后背疼痛 back wall 后墙 backing n.帮助,支持 bad eyesight 视力不好 band 乐队 bank statement 银行对账单 bank transfer 银行汇款转账bargain n.特价商品 bath 沐浴,浴缸 bathroom 浴室 bed sheet 床单 bedroom 卧室 bed-sit 合租房中的一间 beginner 初学者 behind the station 在车站的后面Berlin 柏林 bicycle 自行车 bills n.账单 black 黑色 black raincoat 黑雨衣 black skirt 黑裙子 blue gate蓝色大门 blue sweater 蓝色羊毛衫bookkeeping簿记breakfast 早餐 brick 砖 bridge 桥 bright 光亮的 Bristol 布里斯托尔(英国西部港口)brother-in-law 内弟/兄,姊妹的丈夫building 建筑物 bus stop 公交车站 bus time 公交车间隔时间 bushes 灌木丛 by cheque 付支票 by fax 以传真的形式 by plane 坐飞机 by subway 乘地铁 by the door 在门的旁边 cab 出租车 café 咖啡馆 cake 蛋糕 call the police 报警 camera 照相机 campus 校园 canteen食堂 carpet 地毯 cars 小汽车 casual clothes 休闲服 cathedral 大教堂 CD 光盘 central 中心的 central heating中央供暖系统Central Park 中央公园 Chapter 10 第十章 chemist’s 药店 chicken 鸡肉 church 教堂 City Center Branch 市中心分店classroom 教室 clean 清洁的 cleaner 清洁工 clear voice 清澈的嗓音 climb the tower 爬塔楼 clothes 衣服 coffee 咖啡 coffee break 喝咖啡的休息时间College Dining Room 学校食堂


Tapescripts TEST 1 SECTION 1 WOMAN: Good evening. King's Restaurant. Example MAN:Good evening. I’m ringing about the job I understand you have vacant. WOMAN: Oh yes. MAN:I'd like to find out a few more details, if I may. WOMAN: Yes, of course. Can I take your name? MAN:It’s Peter Chin. WOMAN: Okay Peter. Well, if you want to ask about the job and then if we’re both still interested, we could arrange for you to come for an interview. MAN:Great, thanks. I’m afraid I missed the advert for the job but heard abo ut it from a friend. WOMAN: That's no problem at all. What would you like to know? MAN:Well, um, what sort of work is it - washing up? WOMAN: It’s answering the phone. Q1 MAN:Oh right, fine. WOMAN: And not waiting at table. MAN:That'd be good. And how many nights a week would it be? WOMAN: Well, we’re really only busy at the weekend. MAN:So two nights? WOMAN: Three actually, so it would work out at twelve hours a week.


S e c t i o n 1 题目解析: 原文难句 1.Will that work out to be any cheaper? 那样会不会便宜一点呢? that 指代前面所说内容:I know the conference is for three days but actually I want to attend on the Friday and Saturday only. 一般对于前面所重复的信息不会在下一句话中重复出现,避免语句重复现象,用指示代词 that/this/these/those等指代即可。 work out的本意为:解决;算出;实现;制定出;消耗完;弄懂;锻炼,但是在这句话中没有特别的含义。 2.They are only £15 per night, but they are very basic and you’ll have to get your own breakfast, because they don’t provide you with that. 那些房间每天晚上只需15磅,但是房间里面只有一些基础设施,而且你要自己买早餐,因为它们不提供早餐。 basic指的是房间内只有一些非常基础的设施。get 的意思有 vt. 使得;获得;受到;变成n. 生殖;幼兽vi. 成为;变得;到达,在这句话里面指的是自己买早餐吃。 provide sb. with sth. 给某人提供什么 3. The details are all in our conference pack, which I’ll send you. 细节内容在我们的会议安排表内有具体说明,我会邮寄给您的。 pack的本意是n. 包装;一群;背包;包裹;一副 vt. 包装;压紧;捆扎;挑选;塞满vi. 挤;包装货物;被包装;群集。在这句话中的意思是“所有费用都包含在会议的费用之内”。which引导非限定性定语从句,指代前面所说conference pack 4.Otherwise, you can take the bus which runs every half an hour from the station - that's the 21A — and it brings you straight to the conference centre. 或者,您可以乘坐21A路公共汽车,每半小时一趟,直接到会议中心。 which引导限定性定语从句,指代前面所说bus that's the 21A是插入语成分 straight a.直接的 题目答案: 1. 75 2. cheque/check 3.15 4,.25 5. 10minute(s')/min(s') 6. conference pack 7. South 8. library 9. 5 10.21A


重要的事情要说3遍!剑桥雅思听力真题要听3遍! 经常会有学生问我,剑桥雅思听力都听完了,还有哪些听力材料适合拿来练习。这种情况通常我都会问他们剑桥雅思听了几遍,而大部分同学都说听了一遍对完答案就没有再听了,甚至都不会翻书后的听力原文。这简直是暴殄天物啊!剑桥雅思真题作为全宇宙最有权威的指导书籍,它的听力材料中的题目一般都来自于官方题库的真题,具有很强的实战价值,这样精华而且珍贵的材料只听一遍就丢在一边,实在太可惜了!那么接下来点课台的老师就来告诉大家,到底应该如何去运用剑桥雅思才能更充分高效地提高雅思听力。 首先,你要记住,听力真题要听三遍!听完第一遍之后,千万不要就心急火燎的去对答案,这个时候,再听一遍录音,把自己第一遍没有听到的或者不确定、蒙出来的答案尽可能地听到,效果会更好。虽然正式考试录音只放一遍,但是平时练习的时候,要多给自己一次机会,锻炼自己寻找正确答案的能力,带着疑问去听录音,可以更有针对性的去练习自己的弱项,提高耳朵的灵敏度。 听完两遍之后对答案,把做错的、蒙对的、听了两遍还是听不出答案的题目都做上记号,然后去书后翻看听力原文。如果答案句中有某个单词不认识,那么立刻把这个单词抄在单词本上,回头务必把它背下来。如果单词全部都认识还听不出答案,那么就要分析一下原因了,有可能是同义词替换,有可能是对单词的发音不够熟悉,也有可能是单词的形式错误。分析完原因之后,再听一遍听力材料,这回就应该全都能听懂了,本来听不懂的现在能听懂,这不就是进步嘛! 最后再强调一下听力原文的重要性。大家千万不要以为只看答案句就行了,其实每份雅思听力原文都可以视作一份阅读文章,有具体的场景、前后文以及丰富的词汇。做完题目后,去仔细阅读研究听力原文,不仅能帮助你找到听不懂的地方,而且可以补充大量的词汇。所以,在做完练习后,一定要认认真真的把听力原文研读一遍,把生词查出来,不是光会拼写就行了,最重要的是要学会发音,毕竟我们练习的是听力! 雅思考试再怎么变,它总归是有范围的,而剑桥雅思的内容就是这个范围的精华。所以Phoebe老师希望这篇文章能够教会大家充分利用剑桥雅思的听力材料去猛提分数!

剑桥雅思 Test 听力Section答案+解析

剑桥雅思4T e s t3听力S e c t i o n1答案+解析谈话场景:租房场景。 人物关系:租房中介咨询员以及租房者。 谈话话题:交流租房信息,房源、客户要求、客户信息以及房租等问题 交际与语言表达 1. 租房场景是Section 1 的高频场景。学生若住在学校公寓,离教室和图书馆都比较近,相对方便一些。若住在当地人家里( host family),房租一般比学校便宜,而且可以深入到当地人生活中,深入沟通,感受文化;若选择和同学或朋友一起在外租房,大家可以在生活上互相照应,在学习上经常一起交流心得体会,了解不同的文化和思维方式。 2. “I was studying general English in Adelaide and now I’m doing Academic English, because I’m trying to get into Medicine next year.”我在阿德莱德的时候学的是通用英语,现在我学的是专业英语,因为明年我准备开始学医了。一部分没有过语言关的留学生会选择先读语言学校,然后再攻读学位。有些攻读硕士学位并要更换专业的学生还需要读一些“bridge courses”( 衔接课程). 3. “Would you like to live with a family or do you think that a single person would be better for you? Do you have any women living alone, retired women?”你喜欢和一个家庭一起住还是觉得一个人单独住更合适?你那儿有单独居住的退休女士吗?“single person”指“一个人”,“single”还有“单身”的意思,例如:Married people usually have a different view of life from single people. 已婚的人与单身的人通常有不同的人生观。“live alone”表示“单独居住”,例如:I live all alone but I never feel lonely. 我虽孑然一身, 但从不感孤寂。 4. “Most families do that on an honor system, but you have to wait and see.”大多数家庭都是用信用制度来付电话费,到时候你就知道了。留学期间,如果住在当地人家里或者和同学合租房,大多数房东不太愿意为了给学生出租一段时间的房子另行申请一个新的电话号码,一般房东和房客共用一个号码,付费的时候,靠大家自觉。 剑桥雅思4Test3听力Section 1答案+解析 Question 1 1.5 years 观察所给图表,可知此对话是关于住房申请的问题。需填信息分别为:在澳大利亚居住的时间、目前住址、目前课程,以及所需住房的时间段。此题一定要注意题目要求。题目要求的是每空所填单词不得超过三个,所以在填空的时候,不能把原文一字不变地照搬下来。原文提到“a year in Adelaide and six months in Sydney”,实际上填空的时候,考生可以将其简化为“1. 5 years”。


Section1 剑桥雅思5Test3听力Section 1答案+解析 谈话场景:售车中心购车咨询。 人物关系:售车中心工作人员与购车客户。 谈话话题:购买合适的汽车,讨论车况细节以及客户信息。 交际与语言表达 1. 本篇文章主要讨论购车咨询过程中的细节问题,这也是雅思生活场景听力试题中经常涉及的内容之一,考生对一些常用的买车购车以及汽车的词汇和表达法要耳熟能详,并且还要了解填写顾客情况调查表时所涉及的一般常用问题。 2. 在售车中心,或者在一般性商场,工作人员或者是销售人员都会主动向顾客问好,并且通常会说: How can I help you? 或Can I help you, Sir/ Madam? 或者是Is there anything I can do for you? 考生在听到这一问题后,应首先反应到下面的对话应该是属于买家与卖家的对话。 3. Had you got any particular make in mind? 您心里是否已经有了特别钟意的( 汽车) 牌子了? 许多考生可能不知道、或者没有留意到make 这个词在这句话的实际意思,但该词直接影响到第一题的答案。事实上,如果我们事先注意到题目的设置,我们就会知道make 在这里是指“汽车牌子”。 4. Any idea? 您有什么想法/ 意见吗? 该句是地道的口语表达,两个人在说话的时候都有针对前文的省略语,很多地方必须理解说话人

上句话才能理解下一句,这在口语中很常见,所以考生一定要对这种省略语倍加注意。这句话如果补充完整应该是: Do you have any idea of the engine size? 下文中a 1. 4 should do 和I don’ t think I need a 1. 6 or anything 以及Mileage? Roughly? 都是如此。 5. I presume you’ d want a manual? …but I assume that’ d be OK? 这两个问句都是售车人员在征求顾客的意见,其中presume 和assume 都等于think,但售车人员在问这两句话时一般都是期望得到顾客肯定的答复。 6. Have you given that any thought? 您是否考虑过这一点? give thought to sb./ sth. 意思是:考虑某人或某事。 7. I think I’ ll go for that. 我想我还是选择那个吧。 go for sth. 意思是:选择某事物,这里的go for 等同于prefer。 8. The cash price is going to be somewhere in the region of seven and a half thousand. 现金支付的话大约是7, 500 英镑。考生要注意该句中出价的表达方法和黑体部分,这句话可以简单地表达为The cash price is going to be about 7, 500。下句Are you in a position to pay cash?您是否愿意现金支付? 同样可以简单地表达为Are you going to pay cash? 注意这两种表达方式的区别。 9. Could I have your full name? 请问您的全名是什么? 这样的问法要比What’ s your name? 有礼貌的多。类似的说法还有Is there any possibility that I can have/ get your name?

剑桥雅思听力材料 6 手打 可打印

Text1: Section: 1 1-4 complete, no more than three words

9-10 write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer 9 To join the centre, you need to book an instructor’s 10 To book a trial session, speak to David (0458 95311) Section: 2 11-16 choose, What change has been made to each part of the theatre? Part of the theatre 11 box office 12 shop 13 ordinary seats 14 seats for wheelchair users 15 lifts 16 dressing rooms 17-20 complete, no more than two words and/or a number

21 choose 21 What is Brian going to do before the course starts? A attend a class B write a report C read a book 22-25 complete, no more than two words 26-30 complete, no more than two words The Business Resource Centre contains materials such as books and manuals to be used for training. It is possible to hire 26and 27. There are materials for working on study skills (e.g. 28) and other subjects include finance and 29. 30membership costs £50 per year.


剑桥雅思听力超详细解析(1) 场景背景介绍 在国外留学时,学生在学习过程中经常要针对某一专题找资料,整理之后在课堂上以演讲的方式展示给大家。老师经常布置这类任务,有的还要评分。 在这段对话中,由于是第一次课堂演讲,所以不评分。因此,男生听到这个消息后会说“Good news”。 本节必背词汇、词组 presentation n. 针对某一专题发表的演讲overhead projector 投影仪 assess v. 评估scale n. 规模 historical a. 历史的resource n. 资源 geographical a. 地理的brochure n. 小册子 overview n. 综述literacy n. 识字,读写能力;有学问 nope ad. (口语)不encyclopaedia n. 百科全书 seminar n. 研讨会enthusiastic a. 有激情的,热情的 positive a. 确定的,肯定的tutorial n. 指导课,个别指导 词汇拓展 assignment n. 作业survey n. 调查,研究 deadline n. 最后期限,截止日期questionnaire n. 调查问卷 extension n. 延期 文本及疑难解析 1. No...not this time round...because it's the first one...you know. 不,这一次不评分,你知道,因为这是第一次。 该句的难点:“this time round”的意思就相当于“not this time”。另外“you know”没有什么具体含义,只是一个口头禅。


剑桥雅思听力超详细解析(2) 场景背景介绍 味精是许多人在烹调的时候会使用的调料,但却很少有人了解它的历史。这部分听力的主要内容就是关于味精的历史。实际上,许多种调料在进入人类的厨房之前都经历了一个复杂而又曲折的过程。味精也是一样,它最先是由人们在一种海草中提炼出来的。 本节必背词汇、词组 monosodium Glutamate 味精intensify v. 加剧 enhancer n. 促进剂evolutionary a. 进化的 cuisine n. 烹饪,烹调法associate professor 副教授 seaweed n. 海草,海藻protein n. 蛋白质 extraction n. 提取carbohydrate n. 碳水化合物 amino acid 氨基酸toxin n. 毒素 commercially ad. 商业地spoilage n. 损坏,腐烂 crisp n. 油炸马铃薯 词汇拓展 leek n. 葱pepper n. 花椒 ginger n. 姜hot pepper 辣椒 garlic n. 蒜rosemary n. 迷迭香 文本及疑难解析 1. Now, MSG as you probably know, is a flavour enhancer which is used particularly in Chinese and Japanese cooking. 大家可能知道,味精是一种增味剂,尤其在中国和日本的烹调中很常用。 该句中开始的“now”没有什么意义,仅仅是一个语气词。

2. The main reason why MSG is more commonly used in Japanese meals is tradition. 为什么日本人经常使用味精呢?最主要的原因是,这是他们的传统。 这句话的主句是“The main reason...is tradition. ”“why”引导的是一个定语从句,修饰前面的“reason”。 3. From 1908 until 1956, glutamate was produced commercially in Japan by a very slow and expensive means of extraction. 从l908年到1956年,日本谷氨酸的商业生产方式非常缓慢而且费用很高。 被动句是英语中使用非常频繁的句式,而中国学生在口语和写作中使用得却很少,这是因为汉语中很少使用被动句。 4. So, how exactly does MSG work? 那么,到底味精是如何起作用的呢? 该句中“exactly”被提前是为了强调。还可以说成:How does MSG work exactly?这样就没有强调的意思了。另外,“work”一词用法很多,在这里它是“起作用”的意思。 5. It does make perfect evolutionary sense that we should have the ability to detect or taste glutamate because it is the amino acid which is most common in natural foods. 因为谷氨酸是在自然食物中很常见的氨基酸,所以我们能够发现并尝出它的味道,从进化的角度看,这是说得通的。 该句中的第一个“it”指的是下文的that从句;第二个“it”指谷氨酸。代词在英语中使用非常频繁,对中国考生来讲,这是一个难点。 为了解决这个问题,最好的方法就是多做快速阅读。如果在读到代词的时候可以快速还原,那么在听到代词的时候也可以很快知道其指代对象,这对增强听力理解的能力有很大帮助。 6. John Prescott, an associate professor at the University of Chicago, suggests that this fifth taste serves a purpose just as the other tastes do. John Prescott是芝加哥大学的一位副教授,他认为这第五种味道和其他的味道作用相同。


剑桥雅思4Test3 听力Section 1 答案+解析 谈话场景:租房场景。 人物关系:租房中介咨询员以及租房者。 谈话话题:交流租房信息,房源、客户要求、客户信息以及房租等问题 交际与语言表达 1. 租房场景是Section 1 的高频场景。学生若住在学校公寓,离教室和图书馆都比较近,相对方便 一些。若住在当地人家里( host family) ,房租一般比学校便宜,而且可以深入到当地人生活中,深入沟 通,感受文化; 若选择和同学或朋友一起在外租房,大家可以在生活上互相照应,在学习上经常一起交流心 得体会,了解不同的文化和思维方式。 2. “I was studying general English in Adelaide and now I ’mdoing Academic English, because I ’m trying to get into Medicine next year. ”我在阿德莱德的时候学的是通用英语,现在我学的是专 业英语,因为明年我准备开始学医了。一部分没有过语言关的留学生会选择先读语言学校,然后再攻读学 位。有些攻读硕士学位并要更换专业的学生还需要读一些“bridge courses ”( 衔接课程). 3. “Would you like to live with a family or do you think that a single person would be better for you? Do you have any women living alone, retired women? ”你喜欢和一个家庭一起住还是觉得一 个人单独住更合适?你那儿有单独居住的退休女士吗?“single person ”指“一个人”,“single ”还有“单身”的意思,例如:Married people usually have a different view of life from single people. 已婚的人与单身的人通常有不同的人生观。“live alone ”表示“单独居住”,例如:I live all alone but I never feel lonely. 我虽孑然一身, 但从不感孤寂。 4. “Most families do that on an honor system, but you have to wait and see. ”大多数家庭都是用信用制度来付电话费,到时候你就知道了。留学期间,如果住在当地人家里或者和同学合租房,大 多数房东不太愿意为了给学生出租一段时间的房子另行申请一个新的电话号码,一般房东和房客共用一个 号码,付费的时候,靠大家自觉。 剑桥雅思4Test3 听力Section 1 答案+解析 Question 1 1.5 years 观察所给图表,可知此对话是关于住房申请的问题。需填信息分别为:在澳大利亚居住的时间、目前 住址、目前课程,以及所需住房的时间段。此题一定要注意题目要求。题目要求的是每空所填单词不得超 过三个,所以在填空的时候,不能把原文一字不变地照搬下来。原文提到“a year in Adelaide and six months in Sydney ”,实际上填空的时候,考生可以将其简化为“ 1. 5 years ”。 Question 2 Forest 当听到录音中说“What’s your address at your aunt ’s house? ”意味着第二题的答案即将出现:“Flat one, five three nine Forest Road, Canterbury. ”答案即为Forest Road. 注意“forest ”的尾音“t ”有吞音现象,比较难捕捉。

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