当前位置:文档之家› 英语五年级下阅读周周练(第九周)



1. plastic adj. 塑料的

2. wrap v. 包裹

3. issue n. 问题

4. waterproof adj. 不透水的;防水的

5. rot v. 腐烂

6. burn v. 燃烧

7. poisonous adj. 有毒的

8. food chain 食物链

一、读短文,列出尽量少用塑料袋的原因。(Identifying cause and effect)

1. _______________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________


( ) 1. Our grandparents often used paper bags for shopping.

( ) 2. Today most people use paper bags.

( ) 3. Plastic bags can cause lots of environmental problems.

( ) 4. Plastic bags can easily rot.

( ) 5. From this reading, we know the writer hope people use fewer plastic bags.


1. Do you often use plastic bags? Why or why not?

________________________________________________________________ 2. Do your parents reuse plastic bags? If they do, how do they reuse them?

________________________________________________________________ 3. Write something to describe (描述) your schoolbag?

_________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________



五上《快乐英语阅读》Unit 1练习题 选择 ()1.The crow is thirsty and _______. A.hungry B. tired C. happy ()2.The crow sees _____. A.some water in the jar B.some milk in the jar C.some coffee in the jar ()3.The crow drops _____ into the jar. A.some water B. some stones C. some pebbles ()4.The crow finds a house _______. A.in a park B.at the foot of the mountain C. in the hill ()5.The crow rests _______. A.in a tree B. on a chair C. in a bed ()6.The crow sees many pebbles ____ the house. A.in B.inside C. beside ()7.The glass jar is _____. A.tall and big B. small and soft C.short and hard ()8.Finally, the crow _________. A.gives up and flies away B.drinks the water happily C.dies of thirst ()9.What do you think of the crow? A.clever B. silly C. greedy ()10.What do you learn from the story? A.Never too old to learn. B.Where there is a will there is a way. C.A friend in need is a friend in deed. 判断 ()1.The story is happens in a summer day. ()2.The crow rests in a tree in a forest. ()3.The crow wants some bread to eat. ()4.There is a glass jar outside the house. ()5.There is a little water in the glass jar. ()6.There are some pebbles inside the house. ()7.At last, the crow doesn’t drink the water. ()8.The crow is thirsty and hungry. ()9.The glass jar is small, so the crow can drink water easily. ()10.The crow gives up after a long time of flying. 阅读短文,选出正确答案 It’s a hot summer. A thirsty crow rests in a tree in a desert. He wants to drink some water. After a long time flying, he finds a house at the foot of the mountain. The crow is excited to find a glass jar with a little water inside the house. However, he can’t reach the water because the jar is tall and big. There are many pebbles beside the house. He has an idea. He keeps collecting pebbles and dropping them into the jar. Finally, the water is close to the top of the jar. He drinks the water happily. ()1.Which season is it? A.spring B. summer C.winter ()2.What does the crow want ? A.some food B. some water C. some pebbles ()3.How can the crow drink the water finally? A.He drops some pebbles into the jar. B.He breaks the glass jar. C.He flies away. ()4.What do you learn from the story? A.Never too old to learn. B.Where there is a will there is a way. C.A friend in need is a friend in deed.


Unitl 兴趣阅读 提姆七岁了。他每天都上学。因为学校离他家不远,所以他都步行上学,通常都能准时回家,但是今天他回来晚了。 他妈妈问他:今天为什么回来晚了?” 我在校长办公室的”提姆说。 那你为什么要去校长办公室?”他妈妈问。 因为校长在教室里问了个问题,这个问题除了我谁都回答不岀来” 回答老师问题是好事。”提姆妈妈说道。 提姆回答道:但是那个问题是谁把墨水倒在了我的椅子上?”。 经典故事 筷子的故事 从前有一个叫饮食餐具的镇子。一些餐具住在那里,比如像碗,杯子,盘子等等。 一天,一些新邻居搬来了这个镇,有叉,刀,勺子和筷子。餐具们非常开心,都去欢迎新邻居。 伙伴们,欢迎来我们镇!” 让我们和平相处吧!” 好的,我们还要互相帮助!” 就这样他们互相帮助变成了好朋友。每个人都有工作做。叉们戳食物送食物。刀们切食物。勺子舀食物送食物。但是 筷子却没工作做。他们各自单独做不了任何事,只能相互干扰彼此工作。 其他餐具开始不喜欢筷子。 走开!,你们什么事都做不了,真没用!” 筷子们很伤心。 一天,所有的筷子们聚到一起聊天。 伙伴们,我们得想办法工作。”但是我们什么都干不了,我们很没有。” 不!我们能找到办法工作。让我们大家一起想! 他们思考了几天。一个筷子想到了一个主意。他召集所有筷子一起。 伙伴们,我有一个好主意。让我们每个人都找个合作者,我们组队工作。”然后怎么做?” 一起合作把食物夹起来! 这个办法有效了。他们可以轻松地夹起食物。筷子们现在开心了。他们去找其他的餐具并把他们的技能展示给他们。 从那天起,其他餐具不讨厌筷子们了并且变得对他们友好。他们幸福地生活在一起。 筷子们相互合作,一起努力工作。组对工作并不容易,但是他们从来不放弃。他们一直坚持一起工作,是不是很伟大? Unit 2 兴趣阅读 萨姆住在纽约。他的爸爸在那有个店。他的妈妈是个医生。他七岁了,周一至周五他都上学。学校离他家很远。他爸爸每天开车送他上学。他的老师们都喜欢他因为他是个可爱的男孩。 那是一个星期一的早上,格林老师教他们一到十的数字。萨姆学得很努力。很快他就会数数了。格林老师很高兴,问道:你家有多少人啊,萨姆?” 萨姆站起来说:两个,格林老师。” 啊?”格林老师很吃惊。她说:你们家有三个人啊。” 但是我现在不在家,我在学校啊。” 小小剧场 狮子的口臭 狮子是非常强壮的动物。在搏斗中没人能打败他。一天他遇到一只猴子。 猴子:早上好,陛下,你今天看起来真棒! 狮子:当然! 猴子:额!


初中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji 测试范围:八年级上册Module 8 (2016.10.27) 命题人:李晓会审核人:李晓会班级姓名单项选择(共15分,每小题1分) 从各题后所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( ) 11. —Do you often write ________ your parents? —No. I often talk with them ________ the phone. A. to; in B. for; on C. to; on D. for; in ( ) 12. Tom ran ________ the street to help the old woman. A. at B. across C. with D. over ( ) 13. The doctor checked the girl and gave her some ________. A. luck B. danger C. peace D. medicine ( ) 14. —Let’s have a cup of coffee ________. —OK. I know a good place. Let’s go! A. somewhere B. anywhere C. some time D. any time ( ) 15. —________ we got home, it began to rain. —You were lucky. A. If B. Before C. As soon as D. Because ( ) 16. These birds always ________ in warm weather. So you can see them in early summer. A. enter B. appear C. leave D. sleep ( ) 17. —I’ve got a new camera. —Really? Let’s ________ some photos in the zoo. A. take B. pass C. touch D. book ( ) 18. The driver promised ________ the old man to the hospital at once. A. send B. sending C. to send D. sent ( ) 19. The fat woman was riding a bike. Suddenly she ________ the bike and broke her legs. A. fell on B. got on C. fell off D. got off ( ) 20. Who ________ my new ruler? It was on the ground just now. A. looked after B. picked up C. tried on D. heard from ( ) 21. —I called you at 9:00 pm yesterday, but there was no answer. —Oh, I’m sorry. I ________ in a supermarket. A. shop B. shopped C. am shopping D. was shopping ( ) 22. —Did you see the dog come in? —No. I ________ a football match on TV at that time. A. watch B. will watch C. watched D. was watching ( ) 23. I ________ at the bus stop when I ________ my first teacher yesterday morning. A. was waiting; met B. waited; was meeting C. was waiting; was meeting D. waited; met ( ) 24. While my mother ________, I ________ a football match of the World Cup this morning. A. slept; watch B. was sleeping; watch C. was sleeping; was watching D. slept; am watching ( ) 25. —________ You look very tired. —I have a lot of work to do. It’s difficult for me. A. Are you sure about that? B. Don’t worry. C. Pretty good! D. Are you all right? Ⅲ. 完形填空(共10分,每小题1分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Eric was ready to go for a bike ride with his friends. He was getting ready to leave, but his mother 26 him and said, “Wait a minute, Eric. Where is your helmet (头盔)?” “I don’t want to 27 a helmet,” said Eric. “It makes my hair look 28 . It makes me look funny too. All my friends will laugh at (嘲笑) me.” “I don’t mind if your friends will laugh at 29 . You are not going for a bike ride 30 a helmet.” “Why do I need a helmet?” “Because the helmet can keep your 31 safe. If you are in an accident, it can 32 your head.” “I won’t get in a(n) 33 , Mum. I can ride bikes very well.” “I know you are good at riding bikes,” she said with a smile. “But there are some 34 drivers. They drive their cars so fast. If you don’t pay attention to their 35 , you may be in trouble. So I have to do something to keep you safe. ” ( ) 26. A. paid B. excused C. stopped D. cheered ( ) 27. A. buy B. wear C. return D. offer ( ) 28. A. cool B. beautiful C. funny D. clean ( ) 29. A. me B. you C. them D. us ( ) 30. A. on B. for C. in D. without ( ) 31. A. hands B. head C. legs D. hair


五年级语文下册第四周周练 学校 :——————年级:——————姓名:_________ 得分:_________ 一、看拼音,写词语。 zhì nèn gēng yún sī zì hú dié xiā nào ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) dù jì bù zhì bǐng xìng nà hǎn wán liè ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) shén jī miào suàn tiān zào dì shè liàng liàng qiàng qià ng ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、辨字组词。 绰()禽()瑜()眷()悼()擒()榆()誊()三、改正下列成语中的错别字。 自抱自弃()食不裹腹()不能自己() 衣草附木()默守成规()一愁莫展()四、给下面句子中带点的字选择正确的解释,将序号填在括号里。 透:A 伸; B 喘; C 穿过; D 显露; E 达到充分的程度。 (1)阳光透过玻璃窗照了进来。() (2)小妹妹的脸白里透红。() (3)这场雨下透了,旱情得到了缓解。() (4)天气真热,热的人透不过气来。() (5)小草的根往地里钻,小草的芽向地面透。() 五、根据提示写句子。 1.老师拿着月考成绩单走进来了,我的心里真是_________________。(填歇后语)

2.田田今天感冒了,看她没精打采的样子真是_______________________(填歇后语) 3. 诸葛亮神机妙算,我比不上他。(给句子换个说法,意思不变) _____________________________________________________ 4.造纸术是我国古代四大发明。(修改病句) 六、口语交际。 经过调查发现,许多学生以买学习用品为由来讨要家长的钱,然后去买零食、玩具。这样的行为不仅我们的身体健康,而且会影响学习。小学生该如何处理自己的零花钱呢?请你至少提出两条建议。 _________________________________________________________________ 七、读短文,回答问题。 有一个成语“学富五车”,是形容人读的书多,学问大。问题来了:学问何以用 车来装载.(zǎi zài)呢? 原来,这与写字用的纸有关。 汉代以前,在纸还没有发明出来的时候,人们把字写在竹片上或木片上。当时人 们把竹子和木头削.(xiāo xuē)成又长又薄的片儿,在上面写字,然后用麻绳或皮条把他 们穿在一起,便成了册。竹子做的叫“筒”,木头做的叫“牍”。可想而知,一篇文 章稍微长一点,就是成堆的“筒”“牍”。据说,秦朝的丞相李斯写一篇奏章给皇帝,要两个身强力壮的武士才能抬上朝呢。 竹子编成的书越来越多,自然就有了藏.(cáng zàng)书家。在战国时,有一个叫 惠施的人,藏书用五辆大车才装得下,此人在当时被认为是学问极渊博的人。这样就 有了“学富五车”的成语。 1.给短文中加点的字选择正确的读音。 2.根据意思在文中找出相应的词语写在括号里。 (1)身体健壮,力气很大。() (2)指不必亲见、亲闻就可以想象或推想出来。() 3.读短文,完成填空。 “学富五车”的意思是_______________________________,这个成语的由来与 写字用的“纸”有关,这里的“纸”指的是_______________________ 。 4.判断下列说法是否正确,正确的打“”,错误的打“”。 (1)“学富五车”这个成语的来历与秦朝丞相李斯有关。() (2)惠施是个藏书家,是战国时学问极渊博的人。()


溱东镇学校(小学部)“双语阅读” 五年级快乐英语测试题 一.Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs The animals take Snow White to a forest、There is a little hut(小屋)、In the hut, there is a little sitting room, a little kitchen, and a little bedroom、In the middle of (在、、、、、、中间) the kitchen, there is a little table、Around the table, there are seven little chairs、On the table, there are seven little cakes and seven little glasses、 “This juice is too sour(酸的)、”“This juice is sour too、”“Sour、Sour、Sour、”“Oh, this juice is sweet、” Snow white is tired、There are seven beds in the bedroom、 “This bed is too short、”“This bed is too small、”“Small、Short、Small、Short、”“I should put the beds together、” When Snow White awakes(醒来),she is surprised(惊讶的)、The seven Drafts(七个小矮人) stand near the bed、 A、Please fill in the form according to the passage、 What table chairs the Seven Dwarfs Where B.Read and choose ( ) 1 The animals take ___ to a forest、 A Snow White B the Seven Dwarfs C Goldilocks D two bears 、( ) 2 There are seven little cakes and seven little glasses on the ___

牛津译林版英语七下 第九周周练

七年级下册英语第九周周练 班级姓名得分 一、单项选择(15分) ( ) 1. My home is in small city. It’s about 60 kilometres from ____ center of Yancheng. A. a; a B. the; an C. a; the D. the; a ( )2. -----What are your brothers? ----- They are______, they both work in a restaurant. . A. teachers B. doctors C. cookers D. cooks ( )3. Today’s children are very _______. Their parents get e verything ready for them. A. friendly B. lucky C. kind D. polite ( )4. I think Peng Liyuan is a beautiful First Lady, and I like _____ songs like My Motherland and On the Field of Hope. A. her B. his C. she D. hers ( )5. My mother is always very busy. She has lots of housework ______ every day. A. do B. to do C. does D. doing ( )6. -----How are you today? ------I’m not feeling ____ today, I have to see a doctor at once. A. good B. better C. well D. bad ( )7. ----Excuse me , which is the way to the museum ? ----Sorry, I don’t know . This is my _____ time here, too. A. one B. two C.second D. first ( )8. What can you see on _______ sid e of the river? A. another B.others C. other D.the other ( )9. -----Xu Ke’s new film The Taking of Tiger Mountian is wonderful.Don’t miss it. ------ I _______ it tomorrow if I have time. A. watch B. will watch C. watches D. to watch ( )10. ----- ________ is it from your home to the hotel? ----- It is about 30 minutes’ drive. A. How long B. How far C. How often D. How much ( )11. The shop on your right sells _________ clothes only. A. boy’s and men’s B. boys ’and mens’ C. boys’ and man’s D. boys’ and men’s ( )12. There __________ a football match in our school tomorrow. A. will have B. will be C. are going to be D. has ( )13. ---How do you go to school every day? ---On foot. The house ______ is not far from my school. A.in my own B. on my own C. by my own D. of my own. ( )14. ---- It is raining outside , I _______ stay at home. A. have to B. must C. has to D. can ( )15. ----Hello,________________ ? -----Sorry . But Tom Green isn’t in . Who is that speaking? A. are you Tom Green B. this is Tom Green C. may I speak to Tom Green D. Who is Tom Green. 二、完形填空(共10分) London is such a wonderful city. It is very large. The Tames River (泰晤士河) runs 1 the city from west to east. So the city has 2 parts, the South and the North. In the North are important buildings, shops, big parks and interesting places. 灿若寒星制作


于都县小学五年级语文第十周周练 题号一二三四总分 得分 一、积累展示台(35分) 1根据拼音写出正确词语,用△标出整体认读音节(5分 jìdiànèhào xièméi dīyín ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2.选择下列括号里正确的读音或字。(4分) 咀嚼(jiáo jué)系(xìjì)铃铛蒙(méng měng)古包亡(wáng wú)赖(即既)使寂(莫寞)严(历厉)(贯惯)通 3、认真观察,注意将下列字写正确美观(5分) 肆贼梁貌赋 4、用○图出下列错别字,并依次改正在()里,(5分) 杯水车新迫不急待随心所浴美仑美奂冲锋馅阵() 5.课文连接(10分) (1)时间过得真快呀!让我想起朱熹在《偶成》里的名言, 激励自己珍惜少年时间。类似的名言还有: (3分) (2)我会用、、、等四字词语来赞美人物的优秀品质。(2分) (3)《舟过安仁》的作者是朝诗人,诗句, 写出了渔船小童的调皮(3分) (4)本学期,通过学习我认识了的杨氏子,的晏子,的老班长,的老汉,其中,最令我难忘的是,因为:(3分) 6、根据提示写句子(5分) (1)瘦西湖的景色真美丽。(扣住处“美丽”将句子写生动形象)(2)今天下了大雨。小红仍然坚持到少年宫去学习。(用关联词合成一句话) (3)修改病句 a、我们班人数是全校最多的班级。 b、她对答如流地回答了老师的提问。 c、黄河游览区的春天是个美丽的地方。 二、口语交际(5分) 走在大街上,小丽把果皮随手乱丢,其实不远处就有果皮箱,你看见了,你会怎么劝说她呢?她会怎么做?又可能会说些什么呢? 三、阅读天地(30分) 短文一(15分) 我有一个好爸爸,他非常疼我,有什么好吃的自己舍不得吃,都留给我吃。 今天,爸爸很晚才回来,我奔过去对爸爸说:“爸爸,今天给我带来了什么好吃的?”爸爸说:“厂里的阿姨给了我一个桔子,叫我带给你吃。”只见那个桔子又大又圆,黄澄澄的,晶莹透亮,味道肯定不错。我剥了皮,掰下一块放在嘴里,轻轻一咬,果然甜滋滋的。我想:这么好吃的桔子怎能不让爸爸尝一尝呢?可爸爸肯定又舍不得吃。怎么办呢?突然,我想出了一条妙计。我捂着牙大声道:“唉呀,这桔子怎么这么酸啊?”正在厨房里吃饭的爸爸听了我的叫声,赶紧跑进屋看看,对我说:“不会吧?”我更加大喊大叫了:“还不酸,牙都疼了。”爸爸将信将疑地说:“真的吗?”我剥了两块放进爸爸的嘴里,对他说:“不信?你试试吧!”爸爸轻轻一咬,奇怪地问:“咦,这不是很甜吗?”这是,我大声嚷到:“爸爸上当了,爸爸上当了。”爸爸愣了好半天,才明白过来。他一下把我抱进怀里。我们俩都笑了,笑得那么欢,笑得那么甜。 1、“舍”在字典里的读音有两种,分别时()和()这两种;字义有:①舍弃;②施舍;③房屋;④养家畜的圈。文中的“舍”应取读音(),应取字义()。(2分) 2、写出下列词的近义词。 将信将疑()肯定()(2分) 3、不改变句子的意思,把划线的句子换另一种说法写下来。(2分) ____________________________________________________________ ___ _____ 4、“突然,我想出了一条妙计”,“妙计”在文中是指;我使用这条妙计的目的是___ ____________;从中体现了____________________。(3分)


五年级快乐英语下册一 一、句意填空 1.What do you do on duty 你做什么值日 2.The sun never rises in the west. 太阳从不从西方升起 3.Chinese is different from English. 汉语不同于英语 4.What’s in the living room--------Some chairs. 客厅里有什么 5.| 6.The bedroom is between the kitchen and the bathroom. 卧室在厨房和浴室之间 7.Welcome to the animals park. The animals are waiting for you. 欢迎来到动物园,动物在等你 8.He like movies. I also like movies. I go to the cinema every day. 他喜欢电影,我也喜欢电影,我们每天都去电影院 9.My father is tired but happy every day. 爸爸虽然累,但是很开心 10.There is no air on the moon. 月球上没有空气 11.《 12.On rainy days we have PE in our gym. 雨天在体育馆上体育课 13.Are there any trees in your school 14.I’m from America, but I go to Shanghai in China. 我来自美国但是我来自上海 15.I get up after 6:00 and go to bed before 9:00. 我6点之后起床,9点之前睡觉 16.My school is different from your school life. 17.The old people often do morning exercises every day. 老人每天做晨练 18.@ 19.At night we see many bright stars in the space. Bright/beautiful 晚上,我们能看见漂亮的星星 20.I go to work sometimes by bike and sometime on foot. 21.I’m a farmer , I get up when the sun rises ,I go home when the sun sets. 22.Can you sweep the floor by yourself 你能自己扫地吗 23.I can see many trees on my way to school. 在上学路上我看见许多树 24.Tom often helps his mum do housework such as washing clothes and sweeping the floor. 25.He always helps his mum take out the trash . he is his mother’s good helper.


高三英语第九周周练 第一节单项填空(共15小题) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 1. —I think Mary can hardly learn all of these idioms by heart. —_____. She will succeed as long as she works harder. A. I don’t think so B. It is true C. I’d rather not D. It isn’t the s ame 2. While listening to the terrible story, I feel my facial _____ begin to change. A. impression B. appearance C. expression D. surface 3. Mary, study even harder _____ you won’t get a pass in the driving test. A. and B. or C. if D. unless 4. My mother _____ bear people talking when a film is on TV. A. won’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. mightn’t 5. After the prisoner was set free, he _____ his ways and became a famous artist. A. repaired B. made C. found D. mended 6. _____ that little boy were not given timely treatment, he would be disabled for the rest of his life shocked his parents terribly. A. If that B. That if C. If D. That 7. —Doctor, I still have an ache in my leg. —Don’t worry. You will be better _____ if you rest more. A. by the by B. by and by C. one by one D. side by side 8. In yesterday’s football game, our school football players performed well —they were in _____ of the ball most of the time. A. favor B. support C. memory D. possession 9. Mr. He, I’m going to Germany in October, so I must _____ my German. A. polish up B. keep up C. set up D. put up 10. Building inspectors should have a(n) _____ knowledge of construction materials. Otherwise, quality problems will come up. A. apparent B. deliberate C. thorough D. frequent 11. The time is not so far off _____ e-mail communications can be used in most of China’s vast countryside. A. where B. which C. as D. when 12. —Jim, our grandfather _____ smokes, _____ he? —No. That’s one of the reasons why he is always in good health. A. frequently; isn’t B. rarely; doesn’t C. frequently; is D. rarely; does 13. When I first met with Professor Wang,he _____ with a large bundle of magazines. A. was burdening B. was burdened C. burdened D. had burdened 14. —Can you see that red building clearly?


五年级语文下册周周练5班级:姓名:得分: 积累运用 líng líng shì shì( )巧年( ) 电( ) ( ) 验( )听摇( ) 暗( ) ( )世( )钱盛气( )人解( ) ( )力( )墓 ( )珑装( ) ( )合 三、按要求写成语:(至少4个,多写加0.5分,最多加2分) 1、龙的成语: 2、表现人物心情的: 3、表现诚信的: 4、有关读书的: 四、按要求写出名言警句:(至少1句,多写1句加1分,最多加2分)

1、有关书的: 2、有关信任与诚实的: 3、关于幸福的: 4、爱国的: 五、1、请先读一读《名人治学三字经》,然后回答问题。 陈景润说学习要有三心:一是信心,二是决心,三是恒心。 高尔基说:“学习的东西,一回见生,二回见熟,三回成好朋友。” 徐特立读书有三法:日积月累法、古今中外法、借书摘抄法。 马克思读书的三字秘诀:博、记、读。“博”就是博览群书;“记”就是用各种各样的方法加强记忆;“读”就是阅读背诵。 你从名人治学的经验中受到哪些启发呢?请写一写你的见解。 我说,学习要有三(): 2、选择恰当的关联词语填在括号里。 不但……而且……因为……所以……即使……就…… 既然……就……如果……就……无论……都…… 只有……就……只有……才…… (1)( )明天下雨,我( )上学。 (2)你( )提出去放风筝,你( )应该动作快一些。 (3)爸爸( )去书店, ( )给我买书。 (4)赵玲( )学习刻苦,( )积极参加集体锻炼。 (5)( )走到哪里,我( )忘不了自己的老师。

(6)( )天气很冷,我们( )坚持按时到校。(7)( )努力学习,( )掌握建设祖国的本领。


五年英语上册 Unit 9 What’s the weather like today? 教学设计 教学目标: 1.能听懂、会读本单元核心语言:What’s the weather like today? It’s… What’s the weather like in…? I think it’s… 2.能听说、认读单词:weather, cold, hot, cool, warm短语:have a trip, enjoy your trip, pack for, check online 3.以旅游的形式来引导四个城市的天气,通过课堂活动的设计、操作,使学生能够积极参与各种课堂学习活动,达到能够自由谈论天气。 教学重点及难点: 1.重点:运用本单元核心语言对天气的话题进行问答。 2.难点:将本单元核心语言应用于恰当的语言环境中。 课前准备: 1.本课有关课件。 2.自制地图。 3.单词、短语、句子卡片。 4.小红旗。 教学过程: A、热身导入 1.Greeting:Introduce myself first.

2.Warm up:Chant:follow me. 3.Lead in: What’s the weather like today? Talk about the weather.Red and spell the word.It’s good for travel.Let’s have a trip.操练短语have a trip. B、新课 1.出示Harbin的旅游照片,出示What’s the weather like today?的句子,引出cold,拼读、书写练习。引导学生来谈论What’s the weather like in Harbin? 用It’s…句型回答。对话练习。操练短语enjoy your trip. 2.出示Hainan的旅游照片,出示What’s the weather like today?的句子,引出hot,拼读、书写练习。引导学生来谈论What’s the weather like in Hainan? 用It’s…句型回答。对话练习。 3.出示Kunming的旅游照片,出示What’s the weather like today?的句子,引出cool,拼读、书写练习。引导学生来谈论What’s the weather like in Kunming? 用It’s…句型回答。对话练习。 4.出示Shanghai的旅游照片,出示What’s the weather like today?的句子,引出warm,拼读、书写练习。引导学生来谈论What’s the weather like in Shanghai? 用It’s…句型回答。对话练习。 C、练习

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