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共 12 页

Part I. Vocabulary (20 marks)

Section One

Directions: In each of the following sentences, there is one word underlined, followed by three possible choices. Choose the one that is closest in meaning to this word. (10 marks)

1.The appointment of the new director aroused controversy.

a. concern

b. urgency

c. dispute

2.The world economy has proven to be elastic from various kinds of great disasters,

such as the two world wars.

a. capricious

b. resilient

c. destructive

3.The Foundation is one of the world’s wealthiest philanthropic organizations intended

to help the needy people.

a. prolific

b. humanitarian

c. multinational

4.Anyone over the age of eighteen is eligible to vote.

a. reinforced

b. expected

c. entitled

5.Diplomatic misunderstanding can often be traced back to blunders in oral

interpretation or written translation.

a. insults

b. arguments

c. mistakes

6.The draught, which lasted several months, caused famine, diseases and deaths.

a. starvation

b. malaria

c. poverty

7.Trying to figure out the working of the human mind is like groping in the dark.

a. fumbling

b. staggering

c. discerning

8.Hostilities have broken out between the two countries.

a. contacts

b. disturbances

c. antagonism

9.It is true that during their explorations they often faced incidents of the most perilous


a. exciting

b. offensive

c. dangerous

10.A mixture of milk and water is an insipid drink.

a. flavorous

b. vapid

c. healthy

11.Heaven’s vengeance is slow but sure.

a. abhorrence

b. surrender

c. revenge

12.The world recession might curb the demand for and consumption for oil.

a. increase

b. restrict

c. rebuke

13.In ancient civilizations, thunder was believed to be a manifestation of the wrath of

the gods.

a. message

b. sound

c. anger

14.Abraham Lincoln was a staunch protector of the sovereign rights of citizens..

a. devoted

b. celebrated

c. successful

15.The company is trying to repel an unfriendly takeover.

a. replicate

b. repulse

c. restore

16.It has been pointed out that walking briskly, daily jogging, or staircase climbing

strengthens the heart and the lung.

a. energetically

b. regularly


17.Despite the fame he gained from his early novels, his later plays were given a

lukewarm reception by both critics and the public.

a. suspicious

b. enthusiastic

c. indifferent

18.The bombardment obliterated the town.

a. leveled

b. obligated

c. conquered

19.This medicine will dilate the blood vessels and prevent clotting.

a. compress

b. repair

c. expand

20.The committee temporized instead of reaching a decision.

a. delayed

b. executed

c. ended

Section Two

Directions: Write down the Chinese equivalent for the underlined word or words in the answer sheet. (10 marks)

1. A person’s ability to cope with frustration is also an important factor in one’s life


2.The President reviewed a guard of honour.

3.I feel that this youthful experience contributed to a certain growing introspection and

curiosity about the relationship of science to the world about it.

4.The men who founded modern science had two merits which are not necessarily

found together: immense patience in observation, and great boldness in framing hypothesis.

5.It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions in favor of vegetarianism while the wolf

remains of a different opinion.

6.The toll from strong winds lashing the south coast yesterday includes two men

missing in heavy seas.

7.But public outrage over abuse of official privilege continued to mount, fueled by

allegations of unpaid bills at luxurious restaurants and extravagant junketeering at taxpayer expense.

8.From a wider range, the Peking summit is merely the capstone of a dramatic

bridge-building process that has sprung up to embrace all of Asia.

9.Such a long rough journey would be very taxing for an old man.

10.Despite this backwardness in the communications,China hopes to leapfrog into the

digital era by bypassing many of the costly transitional technologies.

11.When the first Boeing 777 rolled off production line, it immediately raised fears that

its enormous size would overwhelm airports, overload passenger terminals and overstress taxiways and runways.

12.The cooperative principle alone cannot fully explain how people talk. It explains how

conversational implicature is given rise to but it does not tell us why people are often so indirect in conveying what they want to say.

13.We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are

endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.

14.Increasingly nations are waking up to the fact that they are unwisely holding a

rapidly declining US currency which has been the Achilles’ heel of global economy.

15.I wish peace could be saved at the eleventh hour.

16.The report attempts to whitewash recent events.

17.The Environmental Law provides for the implementation and enforcement of the

national air quality standards.

18.It is not a difficult task. It should be child’s play for an experienced mountaineer.

19.John had called Harry a coward, but the boys made him eat his words after Harry

bravely fought a big bully.

20.You don’t suppose, do you, that our friends here are in earnest. They have just been

pulling our legs very wittily.

Part II. Reading Comprehension (50 marks)

Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow.

The alligator (Alligator mississippiensis), whose great size is legendary, is one of the two members of the order Crocodilia found in the U.S. The anatomy of the alligator has been studied from the middle of the last century up to the present, and hundreds of papers have been written on the subject. A fairly comprehensive treatise published by Reese in 1915 has been a guide for much of the more recent work, and is still helpful to those using the alligator for research. Neither the physiology nor the biochemistry of the

alligator had been studied in much detail prior to the work described here. In the early years of the century when metabolism was being investigated in many different types of animals, several experiments were conducted on reptiles. Benedict, Krehl, and Soetbeer, and others used the alligator, and comparisons were made of the caloric requirements of cold- and warm-blooded animals.

1.Krehl and Soetbeer studied ________.

a. the size of the alligator

b. the anatomy of the alligator

c. the metabolism of the alligator

d. the natural history of the alligator

2.The aspect of the alligator that has been studied the longest is ________.

a. its anatomy

b. its great size

c. its metabolism

d. its caloric requirements

3.The word “legendary” means ________.

a. famous

b. enormous

c. incredible

d. interesting

Since the original sections of New Orleans had been built upon a natural levee or embankment, which had been further heightened as the years passed, the natural drainage of all streets was away from the river in the direction of the swamp leading ultimately to Lade Pontchartrain. Whatever may have been the disadvantages of this drainage system, it was possible to flush the gutters by means of hydrants located at the heads of those streets running diagonally from the river. In its aim to keep the streets as clean as possible, the Board of Health ordered that public hydrants on the main streets be opened for one hour each morning and evening. The sixty-inch annual rainfall in New Orleans originally had been sufficient to clean out the gutters, but as the population grew and the dirt and refuse accumulated, the rainwater soon proved inadequate. Whatever impact flushing the gutters may have had on health – and this is a debatable point – the aesthetic results must have justified the practice.

4.The city of New Orleans seems ________.

a. to have been located in a valley

b. to have been located between a river and a lake

c. to have had no natural levee to help in its drainage

d. to have been built on land so high that it needed no further heightening

5.New Orleans usually had ________.

a. little rainfall

b. sixty inches of rainfall a month

c. sixty inches of rainfall a year

d. enough rainfall to eliminate completely the need for extra drainage systems

6.The flushing of the gutters ________.

a. definitely improved the health of the New Orleanians

b. had no real effect on the health of the New Orleanians

c. may have made an improvement in the health of the New Orleanians

d. had some effect on the health of the citizens of New Orleans, but no other

noticeable effect

Petroleum products, such as gasoline, kerosene, home heating oil, residual fuel oil, and lubricating oils, come from one source – crude oil found below the earth’s surface, as well as under large bodies of water, from a few hundred feet below the surface to as deep as 25,000 feet into the earth’s interior. Some times crude oil is secured by drilling a hole through the earth, but more dry holes are drilled than those producing oil. Pressure at the source or pumping forces crude oil to the surface.

Crude oil wells flow at varying rates, from ten to thousands of barrels per hour. Petroleum products are always measured in 42-gallon barrels.

Petroleum products vary greatly in physical appearance” thin, thick, transparent or opaque, but regardless, their chemical composition is made up of only two elements: carbon and hydrogen, which form compounds called hydrocarbons. Other chemical elements found in union with the hydrocarbons are few and are classified as impurities. Trace elements are also found, but these are of such minute quantities that they are disregarded. The combination of carbon and hydrogen forms many thousands of compounds which are possible because of the various positions and joinings of these two atoms in the hydrocarbon molecule.

The various petroleum products are refined from the crude oil by heating and condensing the vapors. These products are the so-called light oils, such as gasoline, kerosene, and distillate oil. The residue remaining after the light oils are distilled is known as heavy or residual fuel and is used mostly for burning under boilers. Additional complicated refining processes rearrange the chemical structure of the hydrocarbons to produce other produces, some of which are used to upgrade and increase the octane rating of various types of gasolines.

7.Which of the following is not true?

a.Crude oil is found below land and water.

b.Crude oil is always found a few hundred feet below the surface.

c.Pumping and pressure force crude oil to the surface.

d. A variety of petroleum products is obtained from crude oil.

8.Many thousands of hydrocarbon compounds are possible because ________.

a.the petroleum products vary greatly in physical appearance

https://www.doczj.com/doc/a87242218.html,plicated refining processes rearrange the chemical structure

c.the two atoms in the molecule assume many positions

d.the pressure needed to force it to the surface causes molecular transformation

9.Which of the following is true?

a.The various petroleum products are produced by filtration.

b.Heating and condensation produce the various products.

c.Chemical separation is used to produce the various products.

d.Mechanical means such as the centrifuge are used to produce the various


10.How is crude oil brought to the surface?

a. Expansion of the hydrocarbons.

b. Pressure and pumping.

c. Vacuum created in the drilling pipe.

d. Expansion and contraction of the earth’s surfac


11.Which of the following is not listed as a light oil?

a. Distillate oil.

b. Lubricating oil.

c. Gasoline.

d. Keroin


Glands manufacture and secrete necessary substances. Exocrine glands secrete their products through ducts, but endocrine glands, or ductless glands, release their products directly into the bloodstream.

One important endocrine gland is the thyroid gland. It is in the neck and has two lobes, one on each side of the windpipe. The thyroid gland collects iodine from the blood and produces thyroxine, and important hormone, which it stores in an inactive form. When thyroxine is needed by the body, the thyroid gland excretes it directly into the bloodstream. Thyroxine is combined in the body cells with other chemicals and affects many functions of the body.

The thyroid gland may be underactive or overactive, resulting in problems. An underactive thyroid causes hypothyroidism, while an overactive one causes hyperthyroidism. The former problem, called myxedema in adults and cretinism in children, causes the growth process to slow down. A cretin’s body and mind do not grow to their full potential. Hyperthyroidism, on the other hand, results in extreme nervousness, an increase in heart action, and other problems.

Either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism may result in goiter, or an enlarged thyroid gland. A goiter will appear when the body is not getting enough iodine. Goiter is less common today, since most people use iodized salt.

12. The thyroid gland is called an endocrine gland because ________.

a. it has ducts

b. it has lobes

c. it exercises directly into the bloodstream

d. it is located in the neck

13. A cretin is ________.

a. a child with hyperthyroidism

b. an adult with an underperforming thyroid gland

c. a young person with hypothyroidism

d. an extremely irritable child

14. Which of the following is a probable result of myxedema?

a. Sluggishness.

b. Hyperactivity.

c. Overproduction of thyroxine.

d. Perspiration.

15. A goiter is _________.

a. a person with myxedema

b. a swollen thyroid gland

c. an underactive thyroid gland

d. a chemical

As far as 700 B.C., man has talked about children being cared for by wolves. Romulus and Remus, the well-known twin founders of Rome, were purported to have been cared for by wolves. It is believed that when a she-wolf loses her litter, she seeks a human child to take its place.

This seemingly preposterous idea did not become credible until the late nineteenth century when a French doctor actually found a naked ten-year-old boy wandering in the woods. He did not walk erect, could not speak intelligibly, nor could he relate to people. He only growled and stared at them. Finally the doctor won the boy’s confidence and began to work with him. After many long years of devoted and patient instruction, the doctor was able to get the boy to clothe and feed himself, recognize and utter a number of words, as well as write letters and form words.

16. The French doctor found the boy ________.

a. wandering in the woods

b. at his doorstep

c. growling at him

d. speaking intelligibly

17. In this passage, the word litter most nearly means ________.

a. garbage

b. master

c. offspring

d. hair

18. The doctor was able to work with the boy because ________.

a. the boy was highly intelligent

b. the boy trusted him

c. the boy liked to dress up

d. the boy was dedicated and patient

19. Which of the following statements is not true?

a.She-wolves have been said to substitute human children for their lost litters.

b.Examples of wolves’ caring for human children can be found only in the

nineteenth century.

c.The French doctor succeeded in domesticating the boy somewhat.

d.The young boy never was able to speak perfectly.

20. In this passage, the word preposterous most nearly means ________.

a. dedicated

b. scientific

c. wonderful

d. absurd

Almost every day the average teenage girl is judged and criticized by other teenage girls, on clothes, complexion, hair, makeup, and figure. But where does the teenage girl’s idea of beauty come from? One of the answers is magazines. Magazines such as Teen, Seventeen, YM (Young and Modern), and Teen People have models on every page, pictures of the perfect body, smoothest hair, and flawless features. When we teenage girls see these flawless faces and gorgeous bodies, an idea of the perfect woman gets placed in our heads, and this idea sticks.

The ideal of the 110-pound, size-three, C-cup, five-foot nine-inch blond woman is one that many of us will go to extremes to achieve. We will deprive ourselves of food in pursuit of this image. When we can’t reach this unrealistic goal, too many of us end up

binge eating because we’re depressed. Then, in order not to gain weight, we are likely to purge ourselves of the food we consumed. So the destructive cycle of eating disorders begins. As if disrupting our eating habits is not bad enough, we will wear uncomfortable clothes to look “better,” high-heeled shoes to look taller, too-tight jeans to look smaller, dyed hair to be blond, and uncomfortably revealing outfits to look more like the young women in the magazines. But why exactly do we teenage girls torture ourselves so to change our looks and try to take on the supposed perfection of the models in magazines? What is in these magazines that appeals so much to girls who are becoming young women?

Horoscopes, advice, beauty and body tips, questions and answers on all topics, and interesting and informative articles are some of the things you will find in the many magazines targeted at teenage girls. In some of the many articles they have about anorexia, bulimia, and other eating disorders, the magazines tell about the devastating effects—medical and psychological—of those disorders along with firsthand accounts of people who have suffered from them. Yet, on just about every page, there are young women who are so thin they look as if they have those very disorders. Other interesting stories that these magazines sometimes have are firsthand accounts of “shopaholics,” or compulsive buyers, while on just about every page there are advertisements practically screaming, “Buy, buy, buy.” Ads for clothes, bathing suits, makeup, hair care, nail care, and “feminine needs” are everywhere. These ads lead teenage girls to believe that if we manage to obtain all of these products, we will somehow be transformed into the glamorous women in the magazines who, because they are “beautiful,” must also be happy. The advertisements thrust on young women the idea that we need—in fact, that we must have—all of these beautifying products to be socially accepted.

Although magazines create impossible desires for young women, there are also many features that will help us through this awkward stage of life. In traditional cultures, there are coming-of-age ceremonies that provide very clear guidelines and rituals for how we are supposed to act as we experience our adolescence; however, American girls in our times are left to fend for ourselves during the stage between childhood and womanhood. Magazines such as Seventeen have articles about some of the life-altering decisions that must be made during this time, decisions such as whether or not to have sex, do drugs, concentrate in school and go to college. These articles are supplemented with advice columns with names like “Beauty,” “Boys,” and “Saying Goodbye,” which go over teenagers’ problems and their solutions.

Sometimes teenagers, like all other people, want to forget our problems, even if it means laughing at other people’s misfortunes. Columns that poke fun at other people are “Trauma-rama,” “Most Mortifying Moments,” and “Why Me?” It’s hard for teenage girls

to find our way in life, so we sometimes want to read about someone else who has had

bad or embarrassing experiences. More importantly, however, magazines publish articles

on hard-to-deal-with, widespread experiences—divorce, domestic violence, difficult breakups, peer pressure, and even rape. These articles show young women that we are not

alone in dealing with these problems and refer us to people who can help. Family

members are the hardest people to talk to about these problems, and sometimes these

articles can explain to teen girls some possible ways to inform our families about what

we’re going through.

With parents, friends, teachers, and peers telling the young women of today who to

be and how to act, it is easy for girls to get lost trying to find who we truly are. In the adolescent girl’s search for her identity, the teen magazines can be both bad and good. On

the one hand, they instill in our minds an unrealistic and unachievable goal of beauty. On

the other hand, they help us find ourselves and understand better how to accomplish our

goals in life. If we can find a way to tune out the messages from the models and ads, or if

the magazines themselves would rule them out, I think these magazines would be mostly

beneficial in allowing young women to take advantage of learning from others’ mistakes.

After all, we would all like to learn from mistakes without making them ourselves.

21. The author believes that teenage girls’ emphasis on appearance is largely caused by


a.other teenage girls’ criticism and judgment

b.their desire to look better than other teenage girls

c.their belief that clothes and makeup can create beauty

d.influence of magazines with pictures of “perfect” women

22. Which of the following sequence describes how eating disorder is caused?

a.depression – eating more – gaining weight – eating disorder

b.eating more – gaining weight – depression – eating disorder

c.depression – eating more – throwing up food we eat – eating disorder

d.eating more – depression – throwing up food we eat – eating disorder

23. Which of the following statements is true according to the text?

a.Wearing uncomfortable clothes is even worse than having eating disorder.

b.Some teenagers went through much physical discomfort trying to look good.

c.Wearing uncomfortable clothes will worsen the problem of eating disorder.

d.The magazine models look perfect since they use many beautifying products.

24. By reading stories of other people’s misfortunes, teenagers can ________.

a.learn how to seek help and solve some of their own problems

b.forget their own problems since others encounter worse problems

c.understand why it is hard to talk to family members about their problems

d.develop sympathy towards those who have had bad experiences in their lives

25. According to the author, teenage magazines can be beneficial to teenagers if they


a.have a clear goal of life and are determined to achieve it

b.learn from others’ mistakes and achieve their own goals in life

c.get the main messages from the models and ads in the magazines

d.read them with their parents, who tell them what to do and who to be

Part III. Critical Reading (30 marks)

Read the following paragraphs or passages and answer the questions that follow.


I make a difference between good manners and good breeding; although, in order to vary my expression, I am sometimes forced to confound them. By the first, I only understand the art of remembering and applying certain settled forms of general behaviour. But good breeding is of a much larger extent; for besides an uncommon degree of literature sufficient to qualify a gentleman for reading a play, or a political pamphlet, it takes in a great compass of knowledge; no less than that of dancing, fighting, gaming, making the circle of Italy, riding the great horse, and speaking French; not to mention some other secondary, or subaltern accomplishments, which are more easily acquired. So that the difference between good breeding and good manners lies in this, that the former cannot be attained to by the best understandings, without study and labour; whereas a tolerable degree of reason will instruct us in every part of good manners, without other assistance.

——Jonathan Swift, “A Treatise on Good Manners and Good Breeding”

1. Write a short complete sentence in your own words stating the main idea.

2. Why does the writer use the word ‘subaltern’?


I was yesterday invited by a gentleman to dinner, who promised that our entertainment should consist of a haunch of venison, a turtle, and a great man. I came, according to appointment. The venison was fine, the turtle good, but the great man insupportable. The moment I ventured to speak, I was at once contradicted with a snap. I attempted, by a second and a third assault, to retrieve my lost reputation, but was still beat back with confusion. I was resolved to attack him once more from entrenchment, and turned the conversation upon the government of China: but even here he asserted, snapped, and contradicted as before. Heavens, thought I, this man pretends to know China even better than myself! I looked round to see who was on my side, but every eye was fixed in admiration on the great man; I therefore, at last thought proper to sit silent, and act the pretty gentleman during the ensuing conversation.

——Oliver Goldsmith, “A Little Great Man”

3. Write a complete sentence in your own words that expresses the main idea.

4. Why does the writer use the word ‘entrenchment’?


For those who want to develop or use semantical methods, the decisive question is not the alleged ontological question of the existence of abstract entities but rather the question whether the rise of abstract linguistic forms or, in technical terms, the use of variables beyond those for things (or phenomenal data), is expedient and fruitful for the purposes for which semantical analyses are made, viz. the analysis, interpretation, clarification, or construction of languages of communication, especially languages of science. This question is here neither decided nor even discussed. It is not a question simply of yes or no, but a matter of degree. Among those philosophers who have carried out semantical analyses and thought about suitable tools for this work, beginning with Plato and Aristotle and, in a more technical way on the basis of modern logic, with C. S. Peirce and Frege, a great majority accepted abstract entities. This does, of course, not prove the case. After all, semantics in the technical sense is still in the initial phases of its development, and we must be prepared for possible fundamental changes in methods. Let us therefore admit that the nominalistic critics may possibly be right. But if so, they will have to offer better arguments than they have so far. Appeal to ontological insight will not carry much weight. The critics will have to show that it is possible to construct a semantical method which avoids all references to abstract entities and achieves by simpler means essentially the same results as the other methods.

——Rudolf Carnap, “Empiricism, Semantics, and Ontology”

5. What is the main idea of the above paragraph?

6. What can you infer from the last sentence?

7. Why does the author use the word ‘ontological’?


There is some impertinence as well as some foolhardiness in the way in which we buy animals for so much gold and silver and call them ours. One cannot help wondering what the silent critic on the hearthrug thinks of our strange conventions — the mystic Persian, whose ancestors were worshipped as gods whilst we, their masters and mistresses, groveled in caves and painted our bodies blue. She has a vast heritage of experience, which seems to brood in her eyes, too solemn and too subtle for expression; she smiles, I often think, at our late-born civilization, and remembers the rise and fall of dynasties. There is something, too, profane in the familiarity, half contemptuous, with which we treat our animals. We deliberately transplant a little bit of simple wild life, and make it grow beside ours, which is neither simple nor wild. You may often see in a dog’s

eyes a sudden look of the primitive animal, as though he were once more a wild dog hunting in the solitary places of this youth. How have we the impertinence to make these wild creatures forgo their nature for ours, which at best they can but imitate? It is one of the refined sins of civilization, for we know not what wild spirit we are taking from its purer atmosphere, or who it is — Pan, or Nymph, or Dryad — that we have trained to beg for a lump of sugar at tea.

—— Virginia Woolf, “On a Faithful Friend”

8. Write a complete sentence in your own words that expresses the main idea.

9. By what means does the author develop the above paragraph and reveal her opinion?

10. What does the writer intend to express when he writes the last sentence?

Part IV Composition (50 marks)

Topic: Constant Dripping Wears Away a Stone


人员素质测评与评估 第一章人员素质测评概论 1.(单选题) 素质虽然是内在的与隐蔽的,但他却会通过一定的形式表现出来,这是指素质的() A 内在性 B可分解性 C 表出性 D 稳定性 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:C 问题解析: 2.(单选题) 以鉴定与验证某种素质是否具备或者具备程度大小为目的的素质测评是() A 选拔性素质测评 B 配置性素质测评 C 开发性素质测评 D 考核性素质测评 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:D 问题解析: 3.(单选题) 在人事管理中,晋升测评以及人员录用与招聘多属于() A 无目标测评 B 常模参照性测评 C 效标参照性测评 D 综合测评 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:B 问题解析: 4.(单选题) 在素质测评中要求整个素质测评过程对于每个被测评者来说,有利性相对平等,不是对某些人特别有利而对其他人不利。这体现了选拔性测评操作中的()原则。 A 公平性 B 公正性 C 差异性 D 准确性 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:A 问题解析: 5.(多选题) 下列中哪几项是素质测评的功能? A 评定 B 反馈 C 监督 D 预测 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:ABD

A. B. C. A. B. C. A. B. C. . .

. . . . . A. B. C.

人才。 A 科举 B 九品中正 C 察举 D 试举 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:C 问题解析: 3.(单选题) 下面四种方式中,哪一种的信度优于其它三种? A 科举 B 察举 C 九品中正 D 世袭 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:A 问题解析: 4.(多选题) 下列哪几项是察举的衍生? A 贡举 B 荐举 C 试举 D 科举 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:ABC 问题解析: 5.(多选题) 下列哪几项属于古代人员素质测评活动中所采取的技术? A 观 B 听 C 问 D 荐 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:ABC 问题解析: 6.(多选题) 中国古代的测评思想主要包括哪几个方面? A 人员素质测评是必要的 B 人员素质测评是可能的 C 人员素质测评是一个长期的过程 D 人员素质测评可以量化 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:ABD 问题解析: 7.(多选题) 测评方法改革的趋向包括哪几个方面? A 评价型转向开发型 B 主观随意性转向客观化 C 单一型转向综合型 D 传统型转向现代化。 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:ABCD



实验报告课程名称:计算机组成与体系结构 学生姓名:张璐鹏 学生学号: 学生专业:网络工程 开课学期: 2017年10月

实验一运算器组成实验 地点:楼 房; 实验台号: 实验日期与时 间: 评分: 预习检查纪录:实验教师: 一、实验目的 1.熟悉双端口通用寄存器堆的读写操作。 2.熟悉简单运算器的数据传送通路。 3.验证运算器74LS181的算术逻辑功能。 4.按给定数据,完成指定的算术、逻辑运算。 二、实验电路 图3.1示出了本实验所用的运算器数据通路图。参与运算的数据首先通过实验台操作板上的八个二进制数据开关SW7-SW0来设置,然后输入到双端口通用寄存器堆RF中。 RF(U54)由一个ispLSI1016实现,功能上相当于四个8位通用寄存器,用于保存参与运算的数据,运算后的结果也要送到RF中保存。双端口寄存器堆模块的控制信号中,RS1、RS0用于选择从B端口(右端口)读出的通用寄存器,RD1、RD0用于选择从A端口(左端口)读出的通用寄存器。而WR1、WR0用于选择写入的通用寄存器。LDRi是写入控制信号,当LDRi=1时,数据总线DBUS上的数据在T3写入由WR1、WR0指定的通用寄存器。RF的A、B端口分别与操作数暂存器DR1、DR2相连;另

外,RF的B端口通过一个三态门连接到数据总线DBUS上,因而RF中的 数据可以直接通过B端口送到DBUS上。 DR1(U47)和DR2(U48)各由1片74LS273构成,用于暂存参与运算的数据。DR1接ALU的A输入端口,DR2接ALU的B输入端口。ALU(U31、U35)由两片74LS181构成,ALU的输出通过一个三态门(74LS244)发送到数 据总线DBUS上。 实验台上的八个发光二极管DBUS7-DBUS0显示灯接在DBUS上,可以 显示输入数据或运算结果。另有一个指示灯C显示运算器进位标志信号 状态。 图中尾巴上带粗短线标记的信号都是控制信号,其中S3、S2、S1、 S0、M、Cn#、LDDR1、LDDR2、ALU_BUS#、SW_BUS#、LDRi、RS1、RS0、 RD1、RD0、WR1、WR0都是电位信号,在本次实验中用拨动开关K0—K15 来模拟;T2、T3为时序脉冲信号,印制板上已连接到实验台的时序电 路。实验中进行单拍操作,每次只产生一组T1、T2、T3、T4时序脉冲,需将实验台上的DP、DB开关进行正确设置。将DP开关置1,DB开关置0,每按一次QD按钮,则顺序产生T1、T2、T3、T4一组单脉冲。 三、实验设备 1.TEC-5计算机组成实验系统1台 2.逻辑测试笔一支(在TEC-5实验台上) 3.双踪示波器一台(公用) 4.万用表一只(公用) 四、实验任务


附件2: 华南理工大学教授简介 1、汪晓军 博士,华南理工大学环境与能源学院教授,博士生导师。主要从事废水处理及其相关的生物技术开发研究工作;首创化学氧化与曝气生物滤池技术,在垃圾渗滤液处理及废水深度处理得到广泛工程化应用;目前正开展以亚硝化-厌氧氨氧化为主导的废水新型节能降耗脱氮技术研发及工程应用工作;已发表学术论文超200篇,获国家授权专利超60项,相关成果已广泛应用工程项目中;曾获国家发明展览金奖、广东省环境保护技术二等奖、环保部环境保护技术三等奖。 2、姚顺春 博士,华南理工大学电力学院副教授,硕士生导师,广东省能源高效低污染转化工程技术研究中心副主任,广东特支计划科技创新青年拔尖人才,中国光学工程学会LIBS青年科学家,中国光学工程学会激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)专业委员会委员,广东省能源基础与管理标准化技术委员会委员,广东省碳普惠专家委员会委员,广东省发改委钢铁行业淘汰落后产能专家委员会委员。主要从事能源清洁转化与系统优化研究,重点开展燃烧诊断、排放监测及其控制技术研究;主持2项国家自然科学基金、6项省部级项目,承担华电集团、广东电网公司、粤电集团等单位委托项目多项;发表论文60余篇,SCI/EI 收录50余篇;授权发明专利10件、实用新型专利17件;相关成果

获中国南方电网公司科技进步三等奖、广东省科技进步奖三等奖等。 3、马邕文 工学博士,教授,博士生导师。2001年进入广东省“千百十人才工程”,长期致力于工业污染控制及清洁生产新技术的研究,提出了“造纸废水封闭循环技术”及“工业废水处理系统的嵌入式三层网络控制方法”和“造纸废水的物化-生化一体化处理方法”,在国内外发表了一系列的研究论文及获得中国发明专利授权并在全国八十多家造纸厂应用,每天共处理造纸工业废水七十多万吨,每年通过节水、节电、沉渣回用等直接为社会创经济效益2.07亿元。其“二次纤维造纸废水的封闭循环及其污泥回收利用”清洁生产技术及理论目前已被学术界认可并被越来越多的造纸厂采用,在该领域的研究工作已处于全国领先水平。 4、付名利 博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师, 华南理工大学大气环境与污染控制学术团队成员,挥发性有机物污染治理技术与装备国家工程实验室、广东省大气环境与污染控制重点实验室、广东省环境应急与风险防范工程研究中心等科研平台核心骨干。研究方向包括大气环境与污染控制和环境功能材料;有机废气(VOCs)治理与移动源排气净化功能材料、反应机理等。 5、浦跃武 博士,教授,博士生导师。2002年以来,作为项目主持人,已完成技术转让项目13项,现正推广染整污水生化处理、高浓度有机



2009年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Research on animal intelligence always makes me wonder just how smart humans are.1the fruit-fly experiments described in Carl Zimmer's piece in the Science Times on Tuesday. Fruit flies who were taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly 2to live shorter lives. This suggests that 3 bulbs burn longer, that there is an 4in not being too terrifically bright. Intelligence, it 大5家out, is a high-priced option. It takes more upkeep, burns more fuel and is slow 6the starting line because it depends on learning — a gradual 7— instead of instinct. Plenty of other species are able to learn, and one of the things they've apparently learned is when to 8. Is there an adaptive value to9intelligence? That's the question behind this new research. I like it. Instead of casting a wistful glance10at all the species we've left in the dust I.Q.-wise, it implicitly asks what the real 11of our own intelligence might be. This is12the mind of every animal I've ever met. Research on animal intelligence also makes me wonder what experiments animals would 13on humans if they had the chance. Every cat with an owner, 14, is running a small-scale study in operant conditioning. we believe that 大15家animals ran the labs, they would test us to 大16家the limits of our patience, our faithfulness, our memory for terrain. They would try to decide what intelligence in humans is really 1, not merely how much of it there is. 大18家, they would hope to study a 19question: Are humans actually aware of the world they live in?20the results are inconclusive. 1. [A] Suppose [B] Consider [C] Observe [D] Imagine 2. [A] tended [B] feared [C] happened [D] threatened 3. [A] thinner [B] stabler [C] lighter [D] dimmer 4. [A] tendency [B] advantage [C] inclination [D] priority 5. [A] insists on [B] sums up [C] turns out [D] puts forward 6. [A] off [B] behind [C] over [D] along 7. [A] incredible [B] spontaneous [C] inevitable [D] gradual 8. [A] fight [B] doubt [C] stop [D] think 9. [A] invisible [B] limited [C] indefinite [D] different


华南理工大学本科生综合测评及奖励办法(修订) 为全面贯彻党的教育方针和《高等教育法》的重要精神,以全面推进大学生素质教育,培养合格的社会主义建设者和接班人为宗旨,进一步做好学校本科生综合测评工作,表彰德智体全面发展的优秀学生,创建良好的校风、学风,特制定本办法。 一、组织与实施机构 (一) 学生工作部(处)负责指导并会同各学院开展本科学生综合测评和先进个人与先进班级评选工作。 (二) 各学院成立“本科生综合测评及先进班级、先进个人评审工作领导小组”(以下简称“评审工作领导小组”),成员由主管学生工作和主管教学工作的负责人、学生辅导员、班主任、学生代表等7至9人组成,具体负责指导和实施本学院的本科生综合测评和先进个人评选、先进班级评比工作,接受和处理学生的申诉和异议。 (三) 各学生班级应在本学院评审工作领导小组的指导下成立“班级学生综合测评和先进个人评议小组”(以下简称为“班级评议小组”),由班主任主持,由班长、团支书和经民主推选出的6至9名办事公正的学生组成。 二、本科生综合测评 (一) 本科生综合测评应坚持学生自我总结评价、班级评议小组评议和班主任(学生辅导员)确认三方结合的原则,对学生的综合素质进行测评。 (二) 班级评议小组成员应接受班主任(学生辅导员)的具体工作指导,对学生的品德操行和文体活动等情况在集体评议的基础上进行评价,做到客观、公正。 (三) 班级评议小组应将学生综合测评结果以适当的形式告知学生本人。学生本人可就异议之处向班主任或班级评议小组申请复核,对复核结

果有异议可向所在学院评审工作领导小组说明情况。 (四) 本科生综合测评总积分由德育成绩积分、智育成绩积分和文体成绩积分三个方面组成。具体测评内容和积分统计办法见附件1。 (五) 本科生综合测评采用学生信息管理系统实行网上操作。 三、奖励 (一) 奖励金标准 1.先进班级奖励金 ⑴先进班集体标兵:2000元; ⑵先进班集体:1000元。 2. 先进个人奖励金 ⑴国家奖学金:8000元/人(如有变动,以教育部规定为准); ⑵国家励志奖学金:5000元/人(如有变动,以教育部规定为准); ⑶学校奖学金:一等:3000元/人,二等:2000元/人,三等:1000元/人; ⑷捐赠奖学金:奖励金额根据学校与捐赠单位的协议确定。 (二) 荣誉称号 1. 学校对获得先进班集体标兵的班级授予“先进班集体标兵”荣誉称号,对获得先进班集体的班级授予“先进班集体”荣誉称号; 2. 学校对获得国家奖学金、国家励志奖学金、学校奖学金、捐赠奖学金的同学授予“三好学生”荣誉称号; 3. 符合国家奖学金评审条件,同时符合以下条件之一者可申请“三好学生标兵”荣誉称号: ⑴本学年度荣获省级以上“三好学生”或“优秀学生干部”等具有重大影响的荣誉称号; ⑵必修课单科首次成绩90分以上(含90分); ⑶获得国际级科技学术竞赛或科技成果奖(含个人项目和集体项目)


网络工程与网络管理作业 第1章网络工程概述 1.1网络系统集成的步骤包括:【D】。 A.网络系统规划B.网络系统设计 C.网络系统实施D.以上都是 1.2网络系统集成的任务包括: 答:网络系统集成即是在网络工程中根据应用的需要,运用系统集成方法,将硬件设备,软件设备,网络基础设施,网络设备,网络系统软件,网络基础服务系统,应用软件等组织成为一体,使之成为能组建一个完整、可靠、经济、安全、高效的计算机网络系统的全过程。从技术角度来看,网络系统集成是将计算机技术、网络技术、控制技术、通信技术、应用系统开发技术、建筑装修等技术综合运用到网络工程中的一门综合技术。一般包括:1、前期方案2、线路、弱电等施工3、网络设备架设4、各种系统架设5、网络后期维护。 1.3什么是集成、系统集成、网络系统集成? 答:集成是把各个独立部分组合成具有全新功能的、高效和统一的整体的过程。 系统集成是指在系统工程学指导下,提出系统的解决方案,将部件或子系统综合集成,形成一个满足设计要求的自治整体的过程。 网络系统集成就是采用系统集成的方法,建设高效、高性价比的计算机网络。 第2章网络工程理论与技术 2.1下列协议中属于TCP/IP协议参考模型运输层(TCP层)的是:【D】。 A.HTTP B.FTP C.ARP D.UDP 2.2计算机网络中有四种地址,这些地址包括域名地址、端口地址、IP地址、MAC地址,其中对应于网络体系协议层次的网络层的地址是:【C】。

A.端口地址B.域名地址 C.IP地址D.MAC地址 2.3 VLAN主干(trunk)连接采用的标准是:【B】。 A.IEEE 802.3标准B.IEEE 802.1Q标准 C.IEEE 802.2标准D.IEEE 802.1A标准 2.4写出专用(私有)IP地址的用途,以及专用(私有)IP地址的地址范围。 答:为了组建Intranet(也称为内联网、企业网)的方便,因特网名字与号码指派公司(ICANN)规定了在Intranet内可以使用的IP地址的三个地址范围,称为专用IP地址,有时也称为私有IP地址,用于组建Intranet网络时,在内网对IP地址分配和使用。专用IP地址公可以在内部网络中使用,若要访问外网,需要通过网络地址转换(NAT)。专用(私有)IP地址的地址范围: A类地址范围10.0.0.0~,一个A类地址10. B类地址范围172.16.0.0~172.31.2555.255,16个B类地址172.16~172.31。 C类地址范围192.168.0.0~,256个C类地址192.168.0~192.168.255。 2.5列表说明IEEE802.3系列组网技术标准。 答: 技术标准以太网类型传输速率(Mbps)拓扑结构最大网段长度(m)传输介质 IEEE 802.3 10Base-5 10 总线500 50Ω粗同轴电缆IEEE 802.3a 10Base-2 10 总线185 50Ω粗同轴电缆IEEE 802.3b 10Base-36 10 总线1800 75Ω同轴电缆IEEE 802.3c 1Base-5 1 星型250 2对3类UTP IEEE 802.3I 10Base-T 10 星型100 2对3类UTP IEEE 802.3i 10Base-F 10 星型2000 多模或单模光纤 IEEE 802.3u 100Base-TX 100 星型 100 2对5类UTP 100Base-T4 100 4对3类UTP 100Base-FX 2000 多模或单模光纤 IEEE 802.3z 1000Base-CX 1000 星型25 STP(屏蔽双绞线) 1000Base-SX 1000 星型500 多模光纤 1000Base-LX 1000 星型550 3000 多模光纤 IEEE 802.3ab 1000Base-T 1000 星型100 4对超5类UTP


2009年考研英语真题和答案 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Research on animal intelligence always makes me wonder just how smart humans are. 1 the fruit-fly experiments described in Carl Zimmer’s piece in the Science Times on Tuesday. Fruit flies who were taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly 2 to live shorter lives. This suggests that 3 bulbs burn longer, that there is an 4 in not being too terrifically bright. Intelligence, it 5 out, is a high-priced option. It takes more upkeep, burns more fuel and is slow 6 the starting line because it depends on learning — a gradual 7 — instead of instinct. Plenty of other species are able to learn, and one of the things they’ve apparently learned is when to 8 . Is there an adaptive value to 9 intelligence? That’s the question behind this new research. I like it. Instead of casting a wistful glance 10 at all the species we’ve left in the dust I.Q.-wise, it implicitly asks what the real 11 of our own intelligence might be. This is 12 the mind of every animal I’ve ever met. Research on animal intelligence also makes me wonder what experiments animals would 13 on humans if they had the chance. Every cat with an owner, 14 , is running a small-scale study in operant conditioning. we believe that 15 animals ran the labs, they would test us to 16 the limits of our patience, our faithfulness, our memory for terrain. They would try to decide what intelligence in humans is really 17 , not merely how much of it there is. 18 , they would hope to study a 19 question: Are humans actually aware of the world they live in? 20 the results are inconclusive. 1. [A] Suppose [B] Consider [C] Observe [D] Imagine 2. [A] tended [B] feared [C] happened [D] threatened 3. [A] thinner [B] stabler [C] lighter [D] dimmer 4. [A] tendency [B] advantage [C] inclination [D] priority 5. [A] insists on [B] sums up [C] turns out [D] puts forward 6. [A] off [B] behind [C] over [D] along 7. [A] incredible [B] spontaneous [C]inevitable [D] gradual 8. [A] fight [B] doubt [C] stop [D] think


随堂练习提交截止时间:2020-06-14 23:59:59 当前页有10题,你已做10题,已提交10题,其中答对10题。 1.(单选题) To top it off, the skewers were presented on a plate with potatoes, sour cream, and a ____ tomato sauce. A. spicy B. excessive C. frozen D. cheerful 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:A 问题解析: 2.(单选题) _____ drinking can lead to stomach disorders. A. Spicy B. Excessive C. Frozen D. Cheerful 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:B 问题解析: 3.(单选题) The ground was_____ solid. A. spicy B. excessive C. frozen D. cheerful 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:C 问题解析: 4.(单选题) I’m going to_____ and cancel my reservation. A. put on B. show up C. call up D. leave alone 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:C 问题解析: 5.(单选题) It’s my girlfriend’s birthday party. She will be very upset if I don’t _____. A. put on B. show up C. call up D. leave alone 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)


华南理工大学奖学金评定规则 组织与实施机构 (一)学生工作部(处)负责指导并会同各学院开展本科学生综合测评和先进个人与先进班级评选工作。 (二)各学院成立“本科生综合测评及先进班级、先进个人评审工作领导小组”(以下简称“评审工作领导小组”),成员由主管学生工作和主管教学工作的负责人、学生辅导员、班主任、学生代表等7或9人组成,具体负责指导和实施本学院的本科生综合测评和先进个人评选、先进班级评比工作,接受和处理学生的申诉和异议,并将解决方案提交学生工作部(处)审定。 (三)各学生班级应在本学院评审工作领导小组的指导下成立“班级学生综合测评和先进个人评议小组”(以下简称为“班级评议小组”),由班主任主持,由班长、团支书和经民主推选出的7或9名办事公正的学生组成,具体负责对本班级参评人员的评议。 本科生综合测评 (一)本科生综合测评应坚持学生自我总结评价、班级评议小组评议和班主任(学生辅导员)确认三方结合的原则,对学生的综合素质进行测评。 (二)班级评议小组成员应接受班主任(学生辅导员)的具体工作指导,对学生的品德操行和文体活动等情况在集体评议的基础上进行评价,做到客观、公正。 (三)班级评议小组应将学生综合测评结果以适当的形式告知学生本人。学生本人可就异议之处向班主任或班级评议小组申请复核,对复核结果有异议可向所在学院评审工作领导小组说明情况。

(四)本科生综合测评总积分由德育成绩积分、智育成绩积分和文体成绩积分三个方面组成。 (五)本科生综合测评采用学生信息管理系统实行网上操作。 (六)获奖学生建议名单须经班级公示、学院公示,获奖班集体建议名单须经学院公示,公示期均为3天。无异议后学院在学生信息管理系统中审批通过获奖学生及班集体建议名单。 奖励类别及金额 奖励金 1.先进班级奖励金 (1)“校园十佳班集体”奖励金:2000元; (2)“先进班集体”奖励金:1000元。 2.先进个人奖励金 (1)“十大三好学生标兵”奖学金:10000元/人; (2)国家奖学金:8000元/人(如有变动,以教育部规定为准); (3)国家励志奖学金:5000元/人(如有变动,以教育部规定为准); (4)学校奖学金:一等奖:3000元/人,二等奖:2000元/人,三等奖:1000元/人; (5)社会捐赠奖学金:奖励金额根据学校与捐赠单位的协议确定; (6)学习进步奖:800元/人。 荣誉称号


1.(单选题) They cancelled the basketball game because of a _____ of interest. A. lack B. need C. lot D. common 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:A 问题解析: 2.(单选题) Learning is a long and exciting ______. A. situation B. process C. person D. sign 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:B 问题解析: 3.(单选题) I’m _____because I have received lots of presents. A. pleased B. unhappy C. angry D. resent 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:A 问题解析: 4.(单选题) I got confused, too. I seem to have ______ in dealing with numbers A.knowledge B.development C.challenge D.difficulty 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:D

问题解析: 5.(单选题) People use more words when they ______ with each other. A.complete B.communicate C.associate D.acquire 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:B 问题解析: 6.(单选题) ―How are you doing, Frank? ―_______________ A. How are you doing? B. How do you do? C. Great, thanks! D. It’s nice meeting you! 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:C 问题解析: 7.(单选题) ―Hi, it is nice to meet you! ―______________________ A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Fine, thank you! C. Good to you. D. How are you? 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:A 问题解析: 8.(单选题) ―Hello, I’m Robin.


华南理工大学 电子与信息学院研究生综合测评和先进个人评选办法 (2012.6) 为鼓励研究生勤奋学习、积极进取,培养热爱祖国、具有优良道德品质、良好合作意识、坚实理论基础、较强科研能力的高层次人才,进一步做好研究生综合测评工作,表彰德智体全面发展的优秀研究生,创建良好的校风、学风,根据学校相关文件精神,特制定本办法。 一、组织与实施机构 1、学院成立“研究生综合测评及奖学金评审工作小组”(以下简称“评审组”),该 小组具体负责指导和实施本院的研究生综合测评和奖学金评选工作,接受学生的申 述和异议。 组长:才建东 副组长:姚若河、淡瑞霞 成员:冯穗力、李斌、陈艳峰、周军、研究生代表2人 秘书:吴春风 2、各学生班级应在学院评审工作小组的指导下成立“班级学生综合测评和奖学金评议 小组”(以下简称“班级评议小组”),该小组由班主任主持,由班长和经民主推 选出的6名办事公正的同学组成,班长为该小组具体事务负责人。 二、研究生综合测评 1、研究生综合测评坚持公正、公平、公开的原则,对学生的综合素质进行测评。 2、班级评议小组成员应接受班主任的具体工作指导,对同学的学习、科研和社会活动 等情况在集体评议的基础上进行评价,做到客观、公正。 3、班级评议小组应将学生综合测评结果以适当的形式告知学生本人。学生本人可就异 议之处向班级评议小组申请复核,也可直接向学院评审工作领导小组说明情况。 4、研究生综合测评总积分由学习成绩积分、科研积分、品德及社会公益积分三个方面 组成。具体积分统计办法见附件。 三、先进个人和奖学金评选 (一)基本条件 1.遵守国家法律和学校规章制度; 2.有良好的学风,热爱集体,尊师爱校,团结同学,积极参加各项有益的集体活动; 3.努力学习,完成培养计划所规定的内容,成绩优良; 4.本人提出申请且导师同意参评; 5.有以下情况之一者不能参加奖学金的评定: (1)本学年度因违反校纪校规而受到警告以上(含警告)处分或考试作弊、剽窃他人学术成果者; (2)本学年度学位课程考试有一门以上(含一门)不及格者,或有三门成绩偏低而被跟踪培养者;


A. B. D. The high quality and reasonable price make the customers have strong A. B. D. More practice can help you to get ________ of your shyness in public. A. B. D. To forget is natural ________; to remember is unnatural and require A. B. D.

A. B. D. There is no reason for an able man to ________ himself that he can’t A. B. D. Erase the negative notion and adopt a ________ spirit, and you gain A. B. D. ________ makes success a certainty, while inconstancy often results A. B. D. Unit Two A. B. D. Life without passion would be ________.

A. B. D. We are supposed to ________ nothing but dreams. A. B. D. Many people felt ________ to help the victims after being told the A. B. D. In the U.S., there are some limits on what you can ask or expect A. B. D. The sex discrimination goes ________ the principle of equality. A. B. D. Really friendly people respect everyone ________. A. B. D. Unit Three


关于印发《华南理工大学专业技术职务 评审规定(试行)》的通知 各学院,校直属各单位,机关各部门: 经反复酝酿和广泛征求意见,学校制定了《华南理工大学专业技术职务评审规定(试行)》,经2010年第八次校长办公会议讨论通过,现予以印发,于2010年9月1日起执行,试行一年,请各单位认真贯彻执行。各单位在执行过程中,如对文件有意见和建议,请及时向学校人事处反映,以便进一步研究和修订。 附件:1. 华南理工大学专业技术职务申报条件(试行) 2. 关于《华南理工大学专业技术职务申报条件(试 行)》的说明 3. 华南理工大学专业技术职务申报条件期刊分类标准 4. 关于专业技术职务申报外语条件的说明 华南理工大学 二○一○年七月十九日

华南理工大学专业技术职务评审规定 (试行) 第一章总则 第一条为适应高等教育的发展,建立充满生机和活力的用人制度,合理配臵和有效开发人力资源,进一步规范专业技术职务评审工作,建设一支数量充足、素质优良、结构合理、流动有序的专业技术人员队伍,提高专业技术队伍整体水平,根据《中华人民共和国教师法》、《中华人民共和国高等教育法》等法律法规以及国家人力资源和社会保障部、教育部相关文件精神,结合我校实际情况,制定本规定。 第二条申报我校专业技术职务者,应遵守职业道德规范,治学严谨,团结协作,作风正派,有良好的师德。专业技术职务评审实行学术道德一票否决制,对任现职期间剽窃他人学术论文或成果、伪造科研数据、发生重大教学事故或申报材料弄虚作假者,学校已有规定不能申报的,按学校规定执行;学校未明确规定的,取消发生问题当年及下一年的申报资格。 第三条如申报2次未能晋升者,需暂停一年申报。 第四条申报者申报的专业技术职务应与现从事岗位一致,并符合《华南理工大学专业技术职务申报条件(试行)》。 第二章评审范围和评审分类 第五条专业技术职务评审范围 (一)符合我校专业技术职务申报条件的教师系列、专职科研系列、工程系列、实验系列、高教管理系列和教辅系列的在职人员(其中新机制人员、在站博士后只评审资格); (二)海外引进人才和具有高级专业技术资格的国内非“985工程”高校调入人员。 第六条专业技术系列分为:教师系列、专职科研系列、工程系列、实验系列、高教管理系列、会计系列、审计系列、卫生系列、图书档案出


提交方式:文本框粘贴 1.We Need A Green World Everyone wants to have a blue sky, everyone wants to breathe fresh air, everyone dreams of a green world. But our city is sick, his blue eyes are covered by sand and dust, and he can't see us clearly; his beautiful voice is eroded by the haze and can't sing with us. What shall I do? What shall I do? The teacher said to take good care of the environment, start from everyone. The best and most effective way I can think of is to travel green. If we go to a place, we can walk or ride a bicycle, and take a bus at a distance. My parents and I went out by bike this weekend. If we reduce the number of times we drive private cars, the exhaust of cars will be reduced. If adults protect the environment, the exhaust gas of the factory will also be reduced, then PM2. The value of 5 will decrease. Our


物理与光电学院实验中心实验技术人员岗位设置方案 一、设置原则 1.一岗一人,责任落实; 2.二岗(或三岗)为一组,取长补短,发挥团队优势; 3.个别岗位时分多工,保证工作量饱满; 4.协调差异,体现特色,提供个人可持续发展机会。 二、实验室分类 各种教学实验室,按年教务处备案的开课学时数、人时数两个指标计算,若有一个能达到学院平均水平,则定为A类实验室(含其辅助用房),否则为B类实验室(含个别功能房,特点:开课量不大,但涉及学科范围广或前沿、提供创新实践等,体现中心特色实验室,同时需要管理人员花费大量精力进行建设和运行管理)。A、B实验室分类与任务要求见表1.《岗位设置列表》、表2.《物理与光电学院公共实验中心岗位情况表》。 三、应聘要求 1.实验技术方向负责人及以上: 实验室管理岗位工作量组成:Z=N×A+Σk×B+C+J(Σk≥1) 2.团队骨干: 实验室管理岗位工作量组成:Z=N×A+Σk×B+C+J(Σk<1) 3.一般成员: 实验室管理岗位工作量组成:Z=N×A+C 说明: (1)A为A类实验室,参照表1.岗位设置列表,每人竞聘A类实验室数量N为0-2个,按实际竞聘结果择优录取后,上岗工作;需负责实验室到聘期结束的运行维护工作,保证仪器设备固定资产账、物、卡相符率达到100%,设备完好率达90%以上;签订实验室安全责任书并落实安全管理责任,实验室警示标志张贴到位;管理制度及操作规程上墙,实验室使用和安全检查记录完好。承担实验项目更新工作。同时聘期内需承担开课实验室课程。 1

(2)B为B类实验室,每人竞聘B类实验室参照表1.岗位设置列表中相应B类实验室;需负责实验室到聘期结束的运行维护工作,保证仪器设备固定资产账、物、卡相符率达到100%,设备完好率达90%以上;签订实验室安全责任书并落实安全管理责任,实验室警示标志张贴到位;管理制度及操作规程上墙,实验室使用和安全检查记录完好。承担实验项目更新工作计划。应聘时需提供工作思路报告,优先安排能提高B类实验室本科教学使用率、服务层次与水平的竞聘人上岗。 (3)C为教学工作量,由竞聘A类实验室数量,根据学院5号文,即管理 1 个实验室,则聘期内至少完成教学学时数128 /年;管理2 个实验室,则聘期内至少完成教学学时数64 /年; (4)J为绩效工作量,按《华南理工大学第五期“兴华人才工程”实验教学团队建设实施办法》文件,六选三,三项不限类。 (5)此外,学校要求实验技术人员需要坐班制,严格按照学校上下班时间考勤,按月报送给学院和学校,并随时抽查。 2

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