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外文文献及翻译 题目:利用固定化过氧化氢酶 回收纺织品漂染的废水 专业食品科学与工程 学生姓名梁金龙 班级B食品072 学号0710308119 指导教师郑清

利用固定化过氧化氢酶回收纺织品漂染的废水 Silgia A. Costa1, Tzanko Tzanov1, Filipa Carneiro1, Georg M. Gübitz2 &Artur Cavaco-Paulo1,? 1纺织工程系, 米尼奥大学, 4810吉马尔, 葡萄牙 2环境生物技术系, 格拉茨技术大学, 8010格拉茨, 奥地利 ?作者联系方式(Fax: +351 253 510293; E-mail: artur@det.uminho.pt) 关键词:过氧化氢酶的固定化,酶稳定,过氧化氢,纺织印染 摘要 过氧化氢酶固定在氧化铝载体上并用戊二醛交联,在再循环塔反应器和CSTR反应器中研究贮存稳定性,温度和pH值对酶的活性。固定化酶的在的活性维持在44%,pH值11(30?C),对照组是活性为90%,pH值7(80?C),过氧化氢酶固定化的半衰期时间被提高到2小时(pH12,60?C)。用过氧化氢漂白织物后,洗涤过程中的残留水被固定化酶处理,可以用于再次印染时,记录实验数据。 1 序言 由于新的法规的出台,从生态经济的角度来看(Dickinson1984年),对于纺织行业中存在的成本和剩余水域的污染问题,必须给予更多的关注。过氧化氢是一种漂白剂,广泛应用于工业纺织工艺(Spiro & Griffith1997年)。在去除H2O2时,会消耗大量的水和能源(Weck 1991, St?hr & Petry 1995),以避免对氧气敏感的染料(Jensen 2000)产生后续问题。过氧化氢酶可用于降低过氧化氢的含量(Vasudevan & Thakur 1994, Emerson et al. 1996),从而减少水分消耗或方便回收印染洗涤液。过氧化氢酶的使用主要问题出在漂白时温度和清洗液碱度过高。以前,我们试图通过筛选新的嗜热嗜碱的微生物(Paar et al. 2001)或使用不同的酶稳定剂(Costa et al. 2001)来解决此问题。但是染料与蛋白质之间的潜在相互作用(Tzanov et al. 2001a, b)表明,可溶性过氧化氢酶的使用是不恰当的。固定化过氧化氢酶的使用还有一种选择(Costa et al. 2001, Amar et al. 2000)。在这项研究中,我们对氧化铝进行共价固定并使用戊二醛作为交联剂,这种方法在商业中得到验证。本项研究的目的就是探讨过氧化氢酶的固定化动力学,及其稳定性和工艺条件,这将使我们能够应用此系统,以处理可能被用于清洗染色的反复使用的酒。 2 材料和方法 2.1 酶 Terminox(EC1.11.1.6),50L以上,由AQUITEX- Maia提供,葡萄牙产。 2.2 过氧化氢酶的固定化 取Al2O3颗粒或薄片(Aldrich),直径分别为3和7毫米,在45摄氏度下,先经浓度4%的γ-氨丙基三乙氧基硅烷(Sigma)烷基化,再放入丙酮中浸泡24小时。用蒸馏水洗涤硅烷化载体后,放入浓度为2%戊二醛水溶液中室温下浸泡2小时(Aldrich),重复清洗一次并在60?C下干燥1小时。取五克的烷基化载体,室温24?C下浸泡在25毫升粗酶制剂中(Costa et al. 2001)。得出,每克Al2O3


(一)科技英语特点和翻译原则 科技文本:科学专着、科学论文、科学报道、试验报告、技术规范、工程技术说明、科技文献以及科普读物等。 科技文本的特点:用词非常严谨,行文规范,注重客观;描述平易,一般不带感情色彩;准确,正式,逻辑严密。 1. 科技英语的词汇。 i. 普通词汇 ii.半专业词汇 半专业词所表达的意义根据不同的学科内容而定 .:1. pencil 光学中:光纤锥,射束 机械中:metal pencil 焊条 2. concentration

1)Electrode potential depends on the concentration of the irons.(浓度) 2) A concentration process is important now that the depletion of high grade ores is possible. (富集) iii.专业词汇 i.词义专一,构成呈多样化,前后词缀,如:auto-, a-, semi-,micro-等。 ii.外来词多 2.科技英语中长句较多, 汉译英时注意拆分 科技英语重表示某些复杂概念时用的长复合句大大多于一般英 语。长句特点是从句和短语多,同时兼有并列结构或省略,倒装顺序,结构显得复杂。但其所表达的科技内容严密性、准确性和逻辑性较强。 见4. . 3.科技英语专业术语性强,汉译英是强调术语翻译的正确性。 专业术语语义具有严谨性和单一性 平时阅读与所译材料同类的英文材料 给概念以约定俗成的译名 .:药品的“保存期”是“shelf life”而不是“storage period” 肺活量是“vital capacity”而不是“lung capacity” 科技英语重缩略语情况也比较多,需勤查相关专业词典或参考书,采用公认的缩略形式。


Friends or 'Enemies?' When I was younger, my Dad used to tell me: "Boys don't want to be your friend." He then left the rest to my imagination. At the time, I didn't agree. I thought: I can crack a good joke, I know how to shoot a hoop, and I'm a cheerful person (but not in an annoying way). What kind of boy wouldn't want to be around that kind of girl? Turns out, my Dad was right. Not to be all "Samantha Brick" about it, but in my experience, single, heterosexual men aren't actively looking for an exclusively platonic relationship with a woman they find sexually attractive. This of course is not a revolutionary concept. In fact, it seems pretty natural to me. Now, I will be the first to say that it is really and truly the most wonderful thing in the world if the attraction is mutual. But the Powers That Be seem to like to play these complicated little mating games with humans where the guy we want to re-enact scenes from 9? Weeks with sees our attractiveness level as akin to that of a discarded dishcloth, and the most physical we could see ourselves being with the guy who actually likes us is a game of ping pong over an especially long table. All of which means that someone usually ends up getting rejected. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I have struggled with the scenario where I am not interested in a man romantically, but I want to keep him as a friend because he is funny and I enjoy his company, or he has shown himself to be that rare specimen known as "a nice, genuine person, " or he simply doesn't mention his therapist in every other sentence. Rather than string him along and give him hope, I feel compelled to somehow communicate to him sooner rather than later that we'll just be staying friends, nothing more. Otherwise, I think I am being unfair to him. Why should he waste his romantic stamina on me when there are loads of other single women out there who might fall instantly in love with him? The thing is, it can sometimes be tricky to reject a man and keep him as a friend. If the operation is not executed carefully, you may end up creating a "menemy." It requires a certain amount of skill to be able to turn down a man's sexual advances or romantic gestures and then get him to agree to meet you for blueberry pancakes the following weekend and chat about the latest Woody Allen film. Some men aren't satisfied with just that. I'm not clear why. What's so bad about friendship? Everyone needs buddies. But I've seen men react poorly or simply fall off the face of the earth. I get it -- their feelings are hurt. None of us likes getting rejected. But in my experience, some men find it especially soul-crushing. I am only bringing all of this up because I recently had to go through this scenario again. I had spent some time cultivating a friendship with a man who, in my defense, I thought was gay. So I didn't see the harm in him buying me the occasional falafel, or accepting an invitation to see a film with him. Isn't that what friends are for? But a mutual friend shed light on his sexual orientation (straight) and suggested that his intentions -- and attentions -- weren't platonic. He had never "made the moves" but now it was all crystal clear -- that explains the way he had looked at me that time the tahini sauce dribbled down my chin! Since he had clearly been too timid to express his feelings, I thought I would be clever this time and subtly mention the dates I had been going on, focusing on the one guy I was kind of keen on, so that he would know that I was "unavailable" for heavy petting and those sorts of activities, but that I was available for things like roller skating, falafel-eating and shooting the breeze. Doesn't that sound nice? That way, he would known not to try to lean in for a kiss, and I wouldn't have to pull the Stevie Wonder dance and dodge him went he went for it. It was like pre-rejection, yet I was sparing his feelings because he didn't even have to put himself out there! I really thought I was being brilliant. It backfired, of course. Said man ended up sending me an email rant accusing me of being insensitive by talking about other men when he had "feelings for me." As if I am psychic, by the way, just because I am a woman! How was I supposed to know that? I think in his mind we were dating. In my mind, he was my new gay BFF. In the end, I got mad at him for getting mad at me, and now the friendship has ended. And I have created yet another "menemy." Look, I have also tried the direct thing: "I really like you, but only as a friend, " but you can only do that when the guy has made his intentions clear, and in my experience, they either cope okay (though rarely do I feel much enthusiasm for friendship after that), or they really don't cope well. I also tried the thing where you make them think they are rejecting you, but it gets quite confusing and only works if the guy isn't very sharp, and why would I -- or you -- be hanging out with someone not that sharp in the first place? As we all remember, Billy Crystal's character says men and women can't be friends in When Harry Met Sally because the sex stuff gets in the way. I do have single, male, heterosexual friends with whom I have an easy, non-romantic rapport, but I honestly don't know if they would walk away if I was sprawled naked on a bed calling out to them. I may not be everybody's cup of tea, but sometimes, I wonder if they wonder. And they may wonder if I wonder. If so, I hope they'll keep it to


毕业设计说明书 英文文献及中文翻译 学院:专 2011年6月 电子与计算机科学技术软件工程

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PLC论文中英文对照资料外文翻译文献 外文资料: PLC technique discussion and future development Along with the development of the ages, the technique that is nowadays is also gradually perfect, the competition plays more more strong; the operation that list depends the artificial has already can't satisfied with the current manufacturing industry foreground, also can't guarantee the request of the higher quantity and high new the image of the technique business enterprise. The people see in produce practice, automate brought the tremendous convenience and the product quantities for people up of assurance, also eased the personnel's labor strength, reduce the establishment on the personnel. The target control of the hard realization in many complicated production lines, whole and excellent turn, the best decision etc., well-trained operation work, technical personnel or expert, governor but can judge and operate easily, can acquire the satisfied result. The research target of the artificial intelligence makes use of the calculator exactly to carry out, imitate these intelligences behavior, moderating the work through person's brain and calculators, with the mode that person's machine combine, for resolve the very complicated problem to look for the best path We come in sight of the control that links after the electric appliances in various situation, that is already the that time generation past, now of after use in the mold a perhaps simple equipments of grass-roots control that the electric appliances can do for the low level only;And the PLC emergence also became the epoch-making topic, adding the vivid software control through a very and stable hardware, making the automation head for the new high tide. The PLC biggest characteristics lie in: The electrical engineering teacher already no longer electric hardware up too many calculationses of cost, as long as order the importation that the button switch or the importation of the sensors order to link the PLC up can solve problem, pass to output to order the conjunction contact machine or control the start equipments of the

英语美文赏析 带翻译

(Reports on Britain Under the Bombs) Night after night, in the hot summer and early fall of 1940, a deep, steady voice came over the Atlantic Ocean from England to America, telling of England's battle for survival under the waves of German bombers. This strong and steady voice, an American voice with a slight accent of North Carolina, belonged to Edward R. Murrow, head of the European staff of the Columbia Broadcasting System. "This is London," said Murrow, while the bombs fell and flames spread on the streets of the city. His voice had a tone of sorrow for the suffering of that ancient city, and a tone of confidence, too -- a feeling of belief that London would be there, no matter what it had to endure. It could not be destroyed. The heavy raids began in the middle of August, and Nazi bombs started to fall along England's Channel Coast. The German bombers cast dark shadows over the white cliffs of Dover, and England's Home Guard prepared to fight on the beaches, on the cliffs, and in the hills, until the last Englishman died or the invaders were driven off. Air Marshal Goering's bomber pilots were sure of their ultimate triumph over England. Hitler and Goering believed that when London became a burned city like Warsaw and Rotterdam, England would surrender. But the English were more fortunate than the Poles in Warsaw and the Dutch in Rotterdam. They had the English Channel as a barrier against the Nazi ground forces, and they had the Royal Air Force(RAF) to battle the Nazis in the sky. The hardships of London really started in the first week of September, when Hitler was at last convinced that the English did not intend to give in. On September 7, 1940, nearly four hundred German bombers hammered the city with bombs in broad daylight. Marshal Goering boasted, "This is the historic hour when our air force for the first time delivered its bombs right into the enemy's heart." Fires burned, houses fell, gas pipes burst, and dark smoke rose from the streets. Men, women, and children felt the effect of the bombs. Radar sirens wailed, ambulances rushed from one place of agony to another, and fire fighters faced the flames hour after hour.


步进电机的知识 什么是步进电机: 步进电机是一种把电脉冲转化为角位移的执行机构。通俗的说:当驱动程序收到一个步进脉冲信号,将驱动步进电机轴旋转一个固定的角度(步进角)。您可以通过控制脉冲个数来控制角位移,从而达到准确定位的目的;同时,你可以通过控制脉冲频率来控制电机的旋转速度和加速度,实现速度控制的目的。 步进电机的种类: 步进电机分为三种:永磁式(PM),反应式(VR)和混合式(HR)永磁式步进电机一般为两相,转矩和体积较小,步进角一步7.5度或15度;反应式一般有三相可以实现大转矩输出,步进角一般是1.5度,但噪声和振动大。在欧洲和美洲80个国家已被淘汰;混合式步进是混合了永磁式和反应的优势。它由两相和五相:一般两相的步距角是1.8度,而的五相步距角为0.72度。是使用最广泛的的步进电机。 步进电机允许的最高表面温度 步进电机温度过高首先会的磁性材料退磁,导致转矩降低甚至失步,电机表面温度允许的最大值取决于的磁性材料退磁点;一般来说,磁性材料退磁点在摄氏130度以上有些材料甚至高达摄氏200度高,所以步进电机表面温度在摄氏80-90度是正常的。 步进电机精度为多少?是否累积 一般步进电机的精度为步进角的3-5%,且不累积 如何确定步进电机驱动器直流电源 A.电压确定 混合式步进电机驱动器的电源电压范围较广(比如IM483的供电电压12?48VDC),电源电压通常根据电机的转速和响应要求来选择。如果要求较快的运行速度较高的响应速度就选用较高的电压,但注意电源电压的峰值不能超过驱动器的最大输入电压,否则可能会损坏驱动器。 B.电流确定 电源电流一般根据输出相电流I来确定。如果采用线性电源,电源电流一般可取I的1.1?1.3倍;如果采用开关电源,电源电流一般可取I的1.5?2.0倍。 步进电机的主要特性 在步进电机关机时要确保没有脉冲信号,当电机运行时 如果加入适当的脉冲信号,它会转过一定的角度(称为步距角是)。转速与脉冲频率成正比。 2龙式步进电机步距角7.5度,旋转360度,需要48个脉冲来完成。 3步进电机具有快速启动和停止的优良特性。 4只要改变脉冲,可以很容易地改变电机轴旋转的方向。 因此,目前的打印机,绘图仪,机器人设备以步进电机作为动力核心。 步进电机控制的例子 我们以四相单极步进电机为例: 四个相绕组引出四个相和两个公共线(连接到正极)。一相接地。会被激发,。我们使用四相八拍控制,即第1阶段第2阶段交替反过来,会提高分辨率。步距角0.9°,可以转移到控制电机励磁是为了转移如下: 如果电机反转的要求,传输的激励信号可以逆转的。2控制方案 控制系统框图如下


单词汇总(数据库专业一点的词汇其实主要就是每章后面review items的内容,在这里简单列一 下,如果你实在没时间看书,至少这些单词要认识。): 1. 数据库系统:database system(DS),database ma nageme nt system(DBMS) 2. 数据库系统(DS),数据库管理系统(DBMS) 3. 关系和关系数据库table= relation,column = attribute 属性,domain, atomic domain, row= tuple , relati onal database, relati on schema, relati on in sta nee, database schema, database in sta nee; 4. 表=关系,列=属性属性,域,原子域,排=元组,关系型数据库,关系模式,关系实例,数 据库模式,数据库实例; 1. key 们:super key, can didate key, primary key, foreig n key, referencing relati on, referen ced relati on; 2. 超码,候选码,主码,外码,参照关系,被参照关系 5. 关系代数(relational algebra): selection, project, natural join, Cartesian product, set operations, union, in tersect, set differe nee ( except\m in us), Ren ame, assig nment, outer join, group ing, tuple relati on calculus 6. (关系代数):选择,项目,自然连接,笛卡尔积,集合运算,集,交集,集合差(除负), 重命名,分配,外连接,分组,元组关系演算 7. sql组成: DDL :数据库模式定义语言,关键字:create DML :数据操纵语言,关键字:Insert、delete、update DCL :数据库控制语言,关键字:grant、remove DQL :数据库查询语言,关键字:select 8. 3. SQL 语言:DDL,DML,DCL,QL,sql query structure, aggregate functions, nested subqueries, exists(as an operator), uni que(as an operator), scalar subquery, asserti on, in dex(i ndices), catalogs, authorization, all privileges, granting, revoking , grant option, trigger, stored procedure, stored fun cti on 4. SQL语言:DDL,DML,DCL,QL,SQL查询结构,聚合函数,嵌套子查询,存在(如运 营商),独特的(如运营商),标量子查询,断言指数(指数) ,目录,授权,所有权限,授 予,撤销,GRANT OPTION,触发器,存储过程,存储函数 8. 表结构相关:Integrity constraints, domain constraints, referential integrity constraints 9. 完整性约束,域名约束,参照完整性约束 5. 数据库设计(ER 模型):Entity-Relationship data model, ER diagram, composite attribute, sin gle-valued and multivalued attribute, derived attribute, binary relati on ship set, degree of relati on ship set, mapp ing card in ality, 1-1, 1-m, m-n relati on ship set (one to one, one to many, many to many), participati on, partial or total participati on, weak en tity sets, discrim in ator attributes, specialization and generalization 6. 实体关系数据模型,ER图,复合属性,单值和多值属性,派生属性,二元关系集,关系集, 映射基数的程度,1-1,1-米,MN关系集合(一对一,一对多,多对多) ,参与部分或全部参与,弱实体集,分辨符属性,特化和概化 10. 函数依赖理论:functional dependence, normalization, lossless join (or lossless) decomposition, First Normal Form (1NF), the third normal form (3NF), Boyce-codd normal form (BCNF), R satisfies F, F

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