当前位置:文档之家› 英语四级翻译真题练习150题




1. There is no time limitation in such classes so students can repeat exercises______(想要多少次都可以)

[参考答案] as many times as they need

[详细解答] 考查连接结构as…as,表示“同…一样达到某种程度”。

2. The media are_______(起着越来越重要的作用) in leading fashions and trend.

[参考答案] playing an increasingly important role。要注意副词increasingly的用法。

3. _______(这件夹克不但太大), the jacket don't match my trousers either.

[参考答案] Apart from being too large

[详细解答] apart from在此相当于in addition to还有一个意思等同于except for。

4. Now that the cold war is over, we must begin to____(集中更多的精力来谋求世界和平).

[参考答案] concentrate more on world peace

[详细解答] 此处考查动词concentrate的用法。另外注意代词more的用法。

5. She has got used to____(用吸管喝牛奶) though she is only two months old.

[参考答案] sucking milk through a straw

[详细解答] 此处used是形容词,表示“已适应,已习惯”,to 后接名词或动名词形式。

6. Depending on what you are looking for, you have to judge for yourself______(这些资料对你来说有多大的相关性)。

[参考答案] how relevant the material is for you

[详细解答] 此处考查how引起的宾语从句的用法,表示“多么,到何种程度”。

7. Mary received unemployment compensation__________ (当他从工厂下岗后)。

[参考答案] when she was laid off from her factory job

[详细解答] 此处考查动词短语lay off的用法。

8. __________(第一次也是最后一次) did I quarrel with my beloved parents.

[参考答案] For the first and last time【外语@教育网https://www.doczj.com/doc/a614798212.html,】

[详细解答] 此句为倒装结构。注意first和last的连用情况。

9. True friendship foresees the needs of others_________(而


[参考答案] rather than proclaims its own [详细解答] rather than意思相当于instead of。

10. I tried every means to get a copy of her newly issued album,______________(却没有得到).

[参考答案] but failed。此处考查动词fail的用法。


1. We don't laugh at___________(那伙敢于尝试的人) no matter how many errors they make.

[参考答案] those who dare try

[详细解答] 此处考查定语从句的用法。注意情态动词dare 的用法。

2. America is frequently referred to as a "throw-away society" because________________(大多数产品都是用过就扔的)

[参考答案] most products are made to use and then discard

[详细解答] 注意此处两个动词use和discard的用法。

3. The Committee decided that a proposal______________(应立即提交给国会).

[参考答案] (should)be submitted to the state council immediately

[详细解答] 此处考查虚拟语气。另需注意动词submit的用法。

4. __________________(强迫证人作出对自身不利的证词) is against his constitutional rights.

[参考答案] Forcing a witness to testify against himself

[详细解答] 考察动词testify的用法。另注意动名词forcing 的用法。

5. Even if all government money for research were cut off, the force of competition_______ ____(仍将带来技术的近步)

[参考答案] would still bring about advances in technology。此处考查虚拟语气。

6. Many private companies______(不得不宣布破产) when they begin to lose business to their competitors.

[参考答案] are forced to declare bankruptcy 被动语态,非谓语动词注意动词declare的用法。

7. I bought a large box of fast noodles thinking_____(他能够我一个星期吃的).

[参考答案] it would last(me)the whole week 考查动词last的用法,表示“足够维持”。

8. Doctors use medical histories to help diagnose problems


[参考答案] prescribe medical care for patients 考查动词prescribe的用法.

9. _________(他们最担心的) is their 30 year old daughter who is still single.

[参考答案] what worries them most 考查主语从句。同时考查动词worry的用法。

10. Sometimes I fight for Morn and sometimes I fight for Dad, but I wish____(让我从中完全解脱出来)

[参考答案] they would leave me out of it completely。考查虚拟语气。同时考查leave的用法。


1. A lighted cigarette_______(被扔出汽车或火车窗外) can start a fire.

[参考答案] thrown out of a car or train window。考查动词的过去分词。

2. It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene____ (来搭救这几个幸存者)

[参考答案] to rescue the survivors。

[详细解答] 此处考查动词rescue的用法。It was not long before...表不“不久就…”。

3. The earthquake left thousands of people ______ (急需要医疗照顾). 【外语%教育网https://www.doczj.com/doc/a614798212.html,】

[参考答案] in urgent need of medical care。空格处是句子的补语成分。注意形容词urgent的用法。

4. There is____(无可否认)that he has directed the most popular films in ten years.

[参考答案] no denying the fact。空格处是there be结构的主语成分,应该用动名词形式。

5. We booked rooms at the hotel lest______________(我们到达时没有空房).

[参考答案] we should find no vacancies on our arrival

[详细解答] lest引导的状语从句中常用动词原形或should+动词原形,表示“惟恐,以防”的意思;“我们到达时”可以翻译成词组“on our arrival”。

6. I have never have_____________(告到法院) if I hadn't been so desperate.

[参考答案] resorted to a court of law

[详细解答] resort to意为“求助于,诉诸于(某种不太好的手段)”,

尤其是在没有别的办法的情况下,resort to 正与本题中说到的万般绝望的情况相符。

7. It is high time that____________________ (终止这种做法)

[参考答案] such practices were ended

[详细解答] 在lt is high time that…结构中,that从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟语气,以过去时表示现在时。

8. The continuous rain______________ (推迟了小麦的收割) by two weeks.

[参考答案] set back the harvesting of the wheat crop

[详细解答] 本题考查词组set back,意为“阻碍,减缓进程”,set的过去式仍是原形;动名词短语the harvesting of the wheat crop做set back的宾语。

9. Research findings show that we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter_______________(白天我们可能做什么).

[参考答案] what we may have done during the day

[详细解答] no matter what引导含让步意义的从句,白天的行为应在晚上dream之前发生,所以用完成时表达,再加上语义要求是一种可能性,故“可能做什么”可翻译成may have done sth.,表示对过去情况的不肯定猜测,而且此处情态动词may语义上具有让步功能,


10. Joe is not good at sports, but______________(说到数学),he is the best in the class.

[参考答案] when it comes to mathematics

[详细解答] when it comes to sth.表示“说到、谈到某事”,用来引起另一个话题,本句从“运动”到“数学”,是话题的转换;从原句中其他部分可知此从句也应是一般现在时。


1. Things might have been much worse if___________(母亲当时坚持要求抚养孩子的权力).

[参考答案] the mother had insisted on her fight to keep the baby

[详细解答] 主句“情态动词+动词完成式”的形式是对过去事实的虚拟,所以从句应该用过去完成时,表示与过去相反的假设,“坚持要求”可用词组“insist on sth.”,故从句谓语翻译为“had insisted on”;“抚养孩子的权利”可翻译为“one's right to keep the baby”。

2. It________________________ (使你享受原价至少50%的折扣) of either frames or lenses when you buy both.

[参考答案] entitles you to at least 50%of the regular price【外语%教育网https://www.doczj.com/doc/a614798212.html,】

[详细解答] 本题考查固定表达entitle sb.to sth.意思是“给某人…的权利或资格”,本句说到的折扣就是一种优惠;“原价的50%”可以翻译为:50%of the regular price。

3. By the time he arrives in Beijing,______________(我们就已在这里呆两天了).

[参考答案] we will have stayed here for two days

[详细解答] by the time后接表示将来时间的词、短语或一个表将来动作的从句(如本题)时,主句要用将来完成时,表示在将来某一时间之前完成的动作,故谓语动词应为“will have stayed”。

4. He asked us to__________________ (帮助实施他们的计划).

[参考答案] assist them in carrying through their plan

[详细解答] 本题考查两个固定搭配形式assist sb.in doing sth.意为“援助,帮助”;carry


5. Doctors warned against chewing tobacco__________ (代替吸烟).

[参考答案] as a substitute for smoking

[详细解答] substitute意为“代替;代用品”,as a substitute for sth表示“作为…的代用品”。

6. But that____________(当时他缺钱), he could have come to help us.

[参考答案] he was short of money at the time

[详细解答] but that意为“若不是”,表示虚拟的条件,主句表示假设条件的结果要用虚拟语气,而that

从句表述的是事实情况,故从句中的动词用陈述语气;“缺钱”可以翻译为“be short of money”。

7. Her sun-tanned face suggested that__________ (他很健康).

[参考答案] she was in excellent health

[详细解答] suggest作“建议”讲,其后的从句需用虚拟语气,但当“暗示”讲时,其后从句需用陈述语气。此句suggest意为“暗示,表明”,故后面从句翻译应用陈述语气;“很健康”可翻译为:be in excellent health。

8. His wife is constantly___________(挑他的毛病), which makes him very angry.

[参考答案] finding fault with him

[详细解答] find fault with sb.表示“挑某人的毛病”,是固定搭配;原文用现在进行时表示一般时,表达一定的主观感情,在原句表达的是一种“不耐烦生气”的感情。

9. If only__________________ (他愿意按我告诉的去做),but he won't.

[参考答案] he would do what I tell him

[详细解答] "if only”意为“但愿,要是…就好了”,由if only引导的句子谓语动词需用虚拟语气,如果表示现在的愿望,用would/could + do,如果表示与过去事实相反的愿望,用would/could + have:done,根据题于的后半部分,可知句子表示的是与现在事实相反的愿望。

10. The British constitution is__________(在很大程度上)a product of the historical events described above.

[参考答案] to a large extent 固定搭配“在很大程度上”。


1. Supposing__________(你有出国的机会), where would you go?

[参考答案] you had the opportunity to go abroad

[详细解答] supposing与providing等本身形式上是现在分词,但在功能上被视为连词,同if,only等一样可以引导虚拟条件句,本题

就是由supposing引导的虚拟条件句,因为主句的时态是将来时态,故从句用过去式:had the opportunity。

2. Do you think we may meet your ridiculous demand? That's_________(不可能的).

[参考答案] out of the question【外语%教育网https://www.doczj.com/doc/a614798212.html,】

[详细解答] out of the question表示“不可能的,办不到的,不必谈的”,注意:out of question表示“毫无疑问” (= no doubt)。

3. The millions of calculations involved , had they been done by hand,_______ ( 早以失去其实际价值了) by the time they were finished.

[参考答案] would have lost all practical value

[详细解答] 原句中had they been done by hand是一个因省略了if而倒装的虚拟条件句,该从句用的是过去完成时,表示与过去情况相反的假设,所以主句也应表示与过去情况相反的事实,用“would+ have +过去分词”形式。

4. She is a good girl: she never laughed at others,______________(也不乱发脾气).

[参考答案] nor did she ever lose her temper

[详细解答] 句子前部分含有否定意义,需要翻译的句子也表示否定,故应用表示否定的nor(或neither)连接,且应当用倒装结构;“发脾气”翻译为“lose one's temper”。

5. There is___________________(没法时入)the house from the main road.

[参考答案] no access to access to sth.意为“接近或进入某地的方法;通路”。

6. Jack wishes that he_____________________(学的是商务)

instead of history when he was in university.

[参考答案] had been studying business

[详细解答] wish引导的从句中谓语动词常用虚拟形式,表示一种与事实相反的愿望。如果是与现在相反的愿望,就用动词的一般过去时,如果表示与过去事实相反的愿望就用动词的过去完成时,与本身的时态无关。本句是表示与过去他在大学期间的事实相反的愿望,所以用过去完成时,由于“学习”(study)是在过去某时间段内持续进行的一项动作,故用过去完成进行时had been studying。

7. The author of the report__________________________(对医院中的问题非常熟悉) because he has been working there for many years.

[参考答案] is well acquainted with the problems in the hospital

[详细解答] be acquainted with是固定搭配,意为“了解,熟悉”,且根据后面原因从句的现在完成进行时可知主句需用一般现在时。

8. _____________________(这个女孩接受教育)in an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents wished for.

[参考答案] The girl's being educated

[详细解答] 分析题干,句子谓语动词是was,但缺少主语,要求翻译的部分应该是非谓语动词形式。动名词复合结构作主语,由于the girl是被教育的对象,所以用被动语态,其逻辑主语用名词所有格

9. He____________________(向顾客让步了) and halved the price.

[参考答案] yielded to his customers

[详细解答] yield to sb.意为“屈服于…,顺从…”,又根据and 后并列谓语的过去式可知翻译部分也应是过去时态。

10. The bank is reported in the local

newspaper________________________(被抢劫)in broad daylight yesterday.

[参考答案] to have been robbed

[详细解答] It is reported that sb.does sth.常用来表示众人的观点,表示“据说,据报道…”的含义。该句型相当于由动词不定式作主语补足语的sb.is repotted to do sth.形式。如果不定式的动作和report 动作同时发生,则用不定式的一般式,如果不定式动作先于report动作发生,则用不定式的完成式。本句中,抢劫的动作发生在报道之前,而且银行是抢劫的受动者,所以用不定式完成时的被动式。


1. (万一)_________________the project not being a success, the investors stand to lose up to 30 million

[参考答案] In the event of

[详细解答] 考查固定词组in the event of意为“万一……倘若…”。

2. Although a teenage, Fred could resist_____________________ (别人告诉他该做什么) and what not to do.

[参考答案] being told what to do

[详细解答] resist意为“抵抗,抵制”,后面要求跟名词或动名词,本句主语Fred是动词tell的受动者,所以应该是动名词的被动形式being told。

3. The teacher_______________ (清点了一下学生) as they got on the bus.

[参考答案] checked on each pupil

[详细解答] check on意为“清点,查对”,由从句中的一般过去式可知主句的谓语也应是一般过去式。

4. What a lovely party! It's worth___________________(铭记一生).

[参考答案] remembering all my life

[详细解答] worth后可接名词或动名词,接动名词时,以主动语态表示被动的意思,故直接用remember的动名词形式。

5. I suggested he______________________(让他自己适应)his new conditions.

[参考答案] should adapt himself to

[详细解答] adapt意为“使适应”,常用于adapt oneself to的搭配,意为“调整自己以适应···”;另外,suggest 表示“建议”时后接的宾语从句中的谓语应用should+动词原形的结构。

6. Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completely___________________(忘却了外界的情况).

[参考答案] lost to the outside world

[详细解答] 分词短语可以作句子的状语,表时间、方式、伴随等状况。如果分词的动作是句子主语发出的,就用现在分词;如果是被动动作,就用过去分词。本句主句的主语是Anna,与lose之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词lost的形式,表示伴随的状态。

7. ___________________ (无论我们碰到什么问题), we'll help one another to overcome them.

[参考答案] Whatever problems we may come across/run into

[详细解答] 本题考查的是条件状语从句中whatever的用法。注意“碰到问题”常用come across或run into。

8. I suggested he should ________________ (学会适应新的


[参考答案] learn to adapt himself to the new condition

[详细解答] 本题考查的是动词短语adapt…to的用法。I翻译时应该注意adapt后应该接反身代词oneself。

9. Mike's uncle insists_____________________ (不要呆在这个宾馆里).

[参考答案] on not staying in this hotel

[详细解答] 本题考查的是动词短语insist on的用法,应注意on后面应该接动名词形式。

10. He always did well at school___________________________(尽管时不时要做兼职工作).

[参考答案] in spite of having to do part—time jobs now and then/though he has to do part.time.jobs I now and then

[详细解答] 本题考查的是让步状语从句的用法和固定短语now and then。


1.With______________________(气温下降得如此之快), we couldn't go on with the experiment.

[参考答案] the temperature falling so quickly

[详细解答] 本题考查的是伴随状语,with后应该接动名词形式。

2. I don't mind_________________(你推迟作决定) as long as it is not too late.

[参考答案] your delaying the decision/your delaying.making

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