当前位置:文档之家› 英文简历中各行业地道用语




【世贸人才网:国际贸易商务人才门户更新时间: 2008-06-11 】【打印】【关闭】


A responsible administrative position, which will provide a challenge as well as freedom where I can bring my initiative and creativity into full play.


An executive assistant position utilizing my training and experience in an office administration environment.


A position in management training programs with the eventual goal of participating in the management rank of marketing.


An entry-level position in sales. Eventual goal: manager of marketing department.


A position requiring analytical skills in the financial or investment field.


To begin as an accounting trainee and eventually become a manager.


An entry-level position in an accounting environment, ultimately leading to financial management.


An entry-level position in computer programming.


Administrative assistant to an executive where shorthand and typing skills will be assets.


Responsible managerial position in human resources.


A position in the Foreign Trade Department, with opportunities for advancement to management position in the department.


A position as a design engineer in an engineering department.


To serve as sales promoter in a multinational corporation with an aim for promotion and assignment in parent company's branch abroad.



【世贸人才网:国际贸易商务人才门户更新时间: 2008-05-26 】【打印】【关闭】


一、说明信(Cover letter)

一封介绍性的信笺,介绍你自己以及你应征的目的,并有机会在其中概述你的技能和你能为公司做出的贡献,大多数公司除了要履历之外还要求附上一封说明信。(An introductory letter which introduces yourself,states your intent,and gives you an opportunity to summarize your skills and sell what you can offer to a company. Most companies require a cover letter in addition to a resume.)主要包括三部分:开场白(Anfang)、自我介绍(Selbstvorstellung)和结束语(Schluss)。


一个正规的个人鉴定,描绘出专业目标、工作经历和教育背景以及与某专业相关的其他的活动,或参加的专业组织,等等。这是一种向一个可能成为你老板的人推销你技能和专业技巧的手段。(A formal document which identifies a person,outlines professional goals,describes work history and educational background,and identifies other activities,memberships in professional associations,etc.,which are relevant to a career. It is a tool by which you market or sell your skills and expertise to a potential employer.)



一份描述你专业抱负或是职业目标的陈述报告。(A statement which expresses your professional ambitions and/or career objectives.)包括:目标(objective)、工作目标(job objective)、职业目标(career objective)、谋求职位(position sought)、希望职位(position wanted)、申请职位(position applied for)等。例:

1.Executive and Managerial管理部分:

Executive Marketing Director市场行政总监Vice-President副总裁

Assistant Vice-President副总裁助理Controller(General)管理员

Vice-President of Administration行政副总裁manager经理

Production Manager生产经理Operations Manager操作经理

Chief Executive Officer(CEO)首席执行官President总统

Chief Operations Officer(COO)首席运营官Branch Manager部门经理

Controller(International)国际监管Director of Operations运营总监

Claims Examiner主考官General Manager总经理

Property Manager房地产经理Field Assurance Coordinator土地担保协调员District Manager市区经理Regional Manager区域经理

Hospital Administrator医院管理HMO Administrator医疗保险管理

Import/Export Manager进出口经理Insurance Claims Controller保险认领管理员

Program Manager程序管理经理Insurance Coordinator保险协调员

Project Manager项目经理Product Manager产品经理

Inventory Control Manager库存管理经理Warehouse Manager仓库经理Manager(Non-Profit and Charities)非盈利性慈善机构管理

Manufacturing Manager制造业经理Vending Manager售买经理Telecommunications Manager电信业经理Transportation Manager运输经理Service Manager服务经理Food Service Manager食品服务经理

Retail Store Manager零售店经理Assistant Store Manager商店经理助理2.Administration行政部分:

Office Manager办公室经理Administrative Director行政主管

File Clerk档案管理员Receptionist接待员Secretary秘书

Executive Assistant行政助理Executive Secretary行政秘书

General Office Clerk办公室文员Typist打字员

Inventory Control Analyst存货控制分析Staff Assistant助理

Mail Room Supervisor信件中心管理员Stenographer速记员

Order Entry Clerk订单输入文员Telephone Operator电话操作员

Shipping/Receiving Expediter收发督导员Ticket Agent票务代理

https://www.doczj.com/doc/a612727501.html,cation and Library Science教育部分:

Daycare Worker保育员Nanny保姆Teacher教师

Developmental Educator发展教育家Head Teacher高级教师

Foreign Language Teacher外语教师Physical Education Teacher物理教师Guidance Counselor指导顾问Music Teacher音乐教师

Library Technician图书管理员Librarian图书管理员

Principal校长College Professor大学教授ESL Teacher第二外语教师

School Psychologist心理咨询教师Vocational Counselor职业顾问

Special Needs Educator特种教育家Teacher Aide助理教师

Art Instructor艺术教师Computer Teacher计算机教师

Coach教练员Assistant Dean of Students助理训导长


(二)个人资料(Personal Data):

主要是介绍你自己(Introduce yourself),包括个人的一些自然状况:姓名(name)、年龄(age)、出生日期(date of birth)、住宅电话(home phone)办公电话(office phone)、民族,国籍(nationality)、籍贯(native place)、家庭状况(family status)、婚姻状况(marital status)等。


在何种程度上,教育背景及工作背景适合从事某一工作。(The degree and/or depth to which a person’s work and educational background is a good fit for a particular job.)如:

1.教育背景(Educational background):

即正规学校教育/或培训(A history of a person’s formal schooling and/or training.)包括:学历(educational history )、教育程度(educational background)、知识背景(knowledge background )、所学课程(courses taken)、专业课程(specialized courses)、进修课程(refresher course)、脱产培训(off-job training)计算机科学(computer science)等,及掌握情况。

2.工作背景(Work background):

即专职及兼职工作经历。(A history of a person’s professional and/or

non-professional employment. )包括:工作经历(work experience)、职业经历(professional history)、具体经历(specific experience)、兼职(Part—time)、实习(Intern)、实际业绩(Performance)、工作成就(achievements)、个人能力(People)、市场开发(Marketing develop)、关键问题的解决(breakthrough)、成功的要素(Element of Success)、胜任力(Competence)、被认命的职位(appointed position )等。


你擅长的工作,你所拥有的积极的个性特点,你想向你未来老板推销的你的一些技能。实力包括较强的思想交流能力、分析能力、技术能力、管理能力、创造力、团结力和可取的个人品质。(Tasks which you feel you excel at,positive personality traits that you feel that you possess,and skills that you sell to a potential employer. Strengths can include superior communication skills,high analytical ability,technical skills,managerial prowess,creativity,people skills,and desirable personality traits.)例如:

良好的沟通能力(Good Communication skill)

敏锐的商业头脑(Sharp Business Mind)


能当机立断(I’m willing to make decisions.)

我和他人容易共事。(I work well with others.)

我能有效进行时间管理。(I can organize my time efficiently.)


你认为你自身需要改进的地方,无论是工作习惯,还是专业知识,或是交流能力,等等。任何一个潜在的弱点必须附有能使之转变为一种潜在能力的积极有效的方法。(Areas that you perceive that you need improvement in,whether it be work habits,business knowledge,communication,etc. Any potential weakness must be spun into a positive answer which converts it into a potential strength.)例如:

我有时对自己要求过于严格。(I tend to drive myself too hard.)

我对别人的能力期望过高。(I expect others to perform beyond their capacities.)

我喜欢速战速决。(I like to see a job done quickly.)



弹吉他(play the guitar)、阅读(reading)、话剧(play)、慢跑(jogging)、

长跑(long distance running)、集邮(collecting stamps)、打桥牌(play bridge)、打网球(play tennis)、下棋(play chess)、旅游(traveling)、缝纫(sewing)、听交响乐(listening to symphony)、搞泥塑(do some clay scultures)



为更专门的工作(for more specialized work)

为晋升的前途(for prospects of promotion)

为更高层次的工作责任(for higher responsibility)

为扩大工作经验(for wider experience)

由于公司倒闭(due to close-down of company)

由于雇用期满(due to expiry of employment)


应聘之前应该做到对相关行业及相关职业的薪酬有个大致了解,同时最好先能确定一下自己的底线,但除金钱外,应聘者还应该将该单位的员工福利如假期,发展空间,行业前景等因素考虑进去,这样作决定时才能不目光短浅,才能符合自己事业发展的整体规划。如:基薪(Base Salary)、全面薪酬(Total Compensation)、年度奖金(Annual Bonus)、业绩奖金(Performance Units)、红利(Benefits)、津贴(Perquisites)、特殊津贴(Perquisites)、业绩股份(Performance Shares)等。




【世贸人才网:国际贸易商务人才门户更新时间: 2007-11-15 】【打印】【关闭】

一、首先,自己的姓名,地址,联系方式。比如电话或者电子邮箱等等。一般采用居中的方式,其他的则居左就可以了。如下: Name


Phone No. Home

Cell phone No.

Email Add



A sales management or business development position where my strategic and consultative selling, cross-cultural relationship building, team facilitation, business management, organizational insight, and advanced technical skills will be continually challenged. I aspire to senior management responsibility and seek a company that embraces growth and change, where compensation is performance-based and increased levels of responsibility offered those with demonstrated potential.





四、Experience 工作经验。这一点,别人可帮不了你,得自己写。不过以什么样的形式写,我可以给大家一个建议,比如:

2005 - Present Company

Sales Executive - Financial Services

Just started an exciting new position selling data integration solutions to the insurance and financial services vertical for Pervasive. Will try to update soon.



以上这些是必写的内容。还有一些可以有选择性的写,比如:Associations(参加的社团组织),现在的公司对计算机或者外语能力都有一定的要求,所以还可以写自己的Computer background(计算机能力)和Language skills,最后还可以写一栏Personal profile(个人评价),比如:

A dynamic, articulate, talented leader, manager and sales professional who inspires confidence and respect, grasps ideas and concepts quickly, is adept at organizing complex projects, recognizes or creates solutions to problems, believes in setting and achieving goals, and possesses the integrity and commitment to high quality performance that produces outstanding results of lasting value.



【世贸人才网:国际贸易商务人才门户更新时间: 2007-06-06 】【打印】【关闭】


Balance Sheet基本方法

选择要应聘的工作后,必须看清招聘广告上所列出的每项要求,再将自己的学历、能力与兴趣逐一与之比较,作一张balance sheet.

例如,一则关于marketing management trainee和job requirement是这样写的:

We are looking for a competent person to fill the captioned position:

-University graduate major in Marketing Management. Prepared to develop career in the commercial field

-Outgoing personality

-Able to communicate at different levels

-Good knowledge of PC operations

-Proficiency in written and spoken English/Mandarin


-University graduate with major in Marketing

-Having actively participated in Business clubs activities and learned accounting and management

-Good in communication with people and like a lot of out door activities, know how to tackle with people from all walks of life

-Skillful in operating Words, Excel, Lotus1-2-3, etc

-Fluent in English and Mandarin

这个方法的好处是可让求职者清楚了解该职位是否适合自己,而本身资料又是否切合要求,而且,明白了各项要求后,就可依据每一点在履历表上重点提出自己在该方面的强项。突出卖点(selling point),将之放在最吸引人的地方,使招聘者一眼可见,有利于present 自己。

Work experience工作经验的陈述





1996/7-1996/8 General Clerk, IBM

1995/7-1995/8 Account clerks, Manley Toy Trading

1994/6-1994/8Salesgirl, Esprit.


Three years of job experience in different positions have offered me opportunities to understand different job aspects.

-As a General Clerk (IBM),Accounts clerk (Manley Toy Trading), I have learned how to prepare purchasing orders,place orders, handle accounting matter, check voucher,… also (Salesgirl, Esprit) developing the technique of selling, servi ng and stocking.


Job objective 事业目标

通常,一般求职者只会在履历表开端简单地写上所应征的职位-Position Applied: Management Trainee或I am applying for... 其实,若懂得利用这小小空间写出自己的事业目标(job objective),更能显示出你对该工作的热诚及憧憬,能令招聘者对你加倍留意。


Job objective

To begin as a Marketing Management Trainee, with opportunity to advance to executive level and contribute to the development of firm.


【世贸人才网:国际贸易商务人才门户更新时间: 2008-03-12 】【打印】【关闭】


Name:Junjun Du


Birthdate:May 25, 19xx


Married :No married




Address:No.29, Beisanhuan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing 100029, China


An accounting position offering the opportunity to utilize my professional financial expertise,extensive business experience, and ability on a worldwide basis.


*Accountant and Administrative Manager of mediun-sized motor components manufacturing and distribution company serving national and international markets. *Hands-on experience with firm of certified public accountants and auditors.

*Certified public accountant and auditor.




*Managed,developed,and maintained all aspects of finance,accounting,foreign exchange dealings,marketing,and data processing of company and its overseas offices in London and New York *Controlled budget,cash flow,and capital expenditure

*Reviewed, analyzed, and evaluated finances and securities pertaining to advances and shipping for client base of about 200.

*Established and maintained close relationships with bank executives,auditors,and attorneys,ensuring compliance with all regulatory bodies.

1985-1988 RABINO PRODUCTS, Meadville, PA


*Developed and implemented corporate and project-oriented financial strategies. *Provided financial overview and leadership for all major operating considerations and activities, including development of business and profit plans.

*Controlled line management for all accounting,production costing,EDP,and financial functions.

1981-1983 MANNINGS,DAWE,AND BOND,Pittsburgh,PA


*Auditor private companies,listed companies,partnerships,and individual businesses.

*Prepared financial statements and schedules.



Bachelor’s Degr ee,with major in Accountancy,Marketing, and Business Finance,1981 Summary of qualifications highlight candidate’s strengths.


地道美式英文简历模板 YOUR NAME 555 Mockingbird Lane, Apt 125, Everett, WA 98203 ? (425) 555-8024 ?tingroom@https://www.doczj.com/doc/a612727501.html, OBJECTIVE:Human Resource Management / Meeting Planning / Accounts Payable PROFILE:Seasoned Administrative Assistant / Office Manager with more than 18 years' experience providing destination management, administrative support and office / staff management for expanding health care and consumer retail organizations. Core Competencies ? Cost Control / Reduction ? Meeting / Spe cial Event Coordination ? Client Cultivation / Management Strategies ? Tax Filing Preparation / Bookkeeping ? Employment Law ? Employee Benefits Management ? Liability Insurance ? Office Procedure Development ? Multi-Million Dollar Accounts Payable ? Staff Training & Development


常见英文简历用词汇总 个人资料有用词汇 A Useful Glossary for Personal Data name 姓名 alias 别名 pen name 笔名 date of birth 出生日期 birth date 出生日期 born 出生于 birth place 出生地点 age 年龄 native place 籍贯 province 省 city 市 autonomous region 自治区prefecture 专区 county 县 nationality 民族,国籍citizenship 国籍 duel citizenship 双重国籍address 地址 current address 目前地址

present address 目前地址permanent address 永久地址postal code 邮政编码 home phone 住宅电话office phone 办公电话business phone 办公电话Tel.电话 sex 性别 male 男 female 女 height 身高 weight 体重 marital status 婚姻状况family status 家庭状况married 已婚 single/unmarried 未婚divorced 离异 separated 分居 number of children 子女人数none 无 street 街 lane 胡同,巷 road 路

district 区 house number 门牌 health 健康状况 health condition 健康状况blood type 血型 short-sighted 近视 far-sighted 远视 color-blind 色盲 ID card No.身份证号码 date of availability 可到职时间available 可到职membership 会员,资格president 会长 vice-president 副会长director 理事 standing director 常务理事secretary general 秘书长society 学会 association 协会 research society 研究会


学生工作 团委 the League Committee 学生会 the Student Union 学生社团/协会students’ association/society 勤工助学 work-study program 志协 the volunteers association 骨干 backbone/mainstay 外联部 the public relations department 咨询部部长 Secretary of the Consulting Department 团支书 Secretary of the Youth League Branch Committee 副主任 Deputy Director 副书记 Vice Secretary 级长 chairman of the class committee 秘书长 secretary-general 辅导员助理 assistant to the political instructor/ assistant 党建小组 Study Group on the Party Construction 文体委员 Recreation and Sports Secretary 学习委员 Study Secretary (Commissioner?) 生活委员 Life Secretary 宣传委员 Publicity Secretary 组织委员 Organization Secretary 云山自律委员会 Yunshan Self-discipline Commision 晚会主持人 the host on the entertainment / evening party 礼仪队 reception team/ protocol team 社会实践 三下乡 serving the country people in three aspects/ Volunteer activities for the country people/ Bringing three voluntary services to the countryside or rural communities 广东省大学生职业生涯规划大赛 Guangdong College Students Career Planning Competition 广交会(中国出口商品交易会) Chinese Export Commodities Fair / Canton Fair 大运会 National University Games 民运会 Traditional Ethnic Minority Sports Meet 奖项 优秀团日活动 Excellent League Activity 优秀团员 Excellent League Member 三好学生 Excellent Student/top students in IQ, EQ and PE/ “Three-goods” student 文明学生 Well-behaved Students


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 人事职员英文简历范文 Name: XXX Sex: Female National: Han Political features: members Education: tertiary Profession: public relations secretary Graduate institution: Nankai University Department of Chinese The course: secretarial, clerical writing, public relations practices, school talks, interpersonal psychology, public relations, public relations language, application writing, political economy, philosophy, foreign culture, file management, such as China’s cultural history. Another: Xu Guozhang English self-study have been 1-4. Undergraduate education is the administration of academic qualifications and English II. And I have a driving license. I have in the international standard of the work of large-scale 1 / 13


Robin Green robinjgreen@https://www.doczj.com/doc/a612727501.html, 32 Gilmore Lane West Springfield, IL 23408 Home: (412) 555-1212 Objective An entry-level position in international banking WORK EXPERIENCE June 1999 - Present STANDARD CHARTERED BANK Springfield, IL Data Services Manager/Administrative Assistant Prepare for meetings and correspond with member representatives on upcoming meetings Prepare correspondences, document invoices, including materials for payment of trainers Maintain in-office calendar and training calendar, keeping track of schedules/appointments Format monthly newsletter and membership directory Create and reconfigure client databases Supervise, manage and train 22-person office staff April 1997 - June 1999 STANDARD CHARTERED BANK Springfield, IL Bookkeeper/Training Coordinator Received cash and check receipts, maintained ledger book and computer record of band deposits Wrote and distributed employee and contractor checks Posted billing and ran various invoices for member and non-member agencies Organized materials for various training sessions, registered participants, prepared room and organized catering February 1996 –April 1997 STANDARD CHARTERED BANK Springfield, IL Receptionist/Information Specialist Answered phones, greeted and assisted visitors, and handled general administrative duties, such as filing, faxing, copying and mailing Organized mailing of monthly newsletter June 1995 - February 1996 IMEX MARKETING Memphis, TN Customer Service Representative Checked order forms, confirmed and canceled magazine orders Corresponded with customers EDUCATION WEST SPRINGFIELD UNIVERSITY West Springfield,IL June 2004 Master of Business (MBA) International Finance Coursework includes: international finance, contract negotiation, legal issues in international banking. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel PowerPoint Lotus Spreadsheet

Resume 中英文简历常用词汇

中英文简历常用词汇对译 履历表(Resume’或称Curriculum Vitae)是你的求职信中必须附加的部分,对方往往会先审阅各来信中的履历表,因为它是以列表形式出现,如果对方一收信就是数十或数百份,较为省力的初步挑选就是先读应征者寄来的履历表,所以履历表很重要。 在履历表中须包括:1.个人资料;2.教育背景;3.工作经验;4.担保人。在履历表中不须有完整句子,但必须将有关资料以整齐、有系统的方法表达出来。求职 信本身,履历表须打字,除非对方特别要求书写。 此外并须在履历表上贴上一张照片 。 1. 个人资料有用词汇 A Useful Glossary for Personal Data name 姓名alias 别名pen name 笔名date of birth 出生日期birth date 出生日期 born 出生于birth place 出生地点age 年龄native place 籍贯province 省city 市 autonomous region 自治区prefecture 专区county 县nationality 民族,国籍 citizenship 国籍duel citizenship 双重国籍address 地址current address 目前地址 present address 目前地址permanent address 永久地址postal code 邮政编码 home phone 住宅电话office phone 办公电话business phone 办公电话Tel.电话 sex 性别male 男female 女height 身高weight 体重marital status 婚姻状况 family status 家庭状况married 已婚 single/unmarried 未婚 divorced 离异 separated 分居 number of children 子女人数 none 无 street 街 lane 胡同,巷 road 路 district 区 house number 门牌 health 健康状况 health condition 健康状 况 blood type 血型 short-sighted 近视 far-sighted 远视 color-blind 色盲 ID card No.身份证号码 date of availability 可到职时间 available 可到职 membership 会员,资格 president 会长 vice-president 副会长 director 理事 standing director 常务理事 secretary general 秘书长 society 学会


英文简历的个人品质常用词汇able 有才干的,能干的 adaptable 适应性强的 active 主动的,活跃的 aggressive 有进取心的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的 amiable 和蔼可亲的 amicable 友好的 analytical 善于分析的 apprehensive 有理解力的 aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的 audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的 capable 有能力的,有才能的 careful 办理仔细的 candid 正直的 competent 能胜任的

constructive 建设性的cooperative 有合作精神的creative 富创造力的 dedicated 有奉献精神的dependable 可靠的 diplomatic 老练的,有策略的disciplined 守纪律的 dutiful 尽职的 well--educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的 energetic 精力充沛的expressivity 善于表达 faithful 守信的,忠诚的 frank 直率的,真诚的generous 宽宏大量的 genteel 有教养的

gentle 有礼貌的humorous 有幽默impartial 公正的independent 有主见的industrious 勤奋的ingenious 有独创性的motivated 目的明确的intelligent 理解力强的learned 精通某门学问的logical 条理分明的methodical 有方法的modest 谦虚的 objective 客观的precise 一丝不苟的punctual 严守时刻的


后勤工作人员英文简历范文 sandy lin 15/f,tower2 ,bright china,building1,beijing. work experience 1987 to present human service relief worker:temporary resources,columbus,in work as a temporary substitute in a variety of human service programs including specializing clients in hospital,direct care of developmentally delayed clients,counseling and supervising adolescents in group homes and substitute teaching at institutions such as the stafford school for the deaf. 1984 to 1986 residential manager:allied group homes,columbus,in worked in several residential programs for all levels of development delayed clients.taught skills in daily living,cooking,hygiene,and community awareness.provided emotional support to clients.interacted with clients families.implemented behavioral programs. 1982 to 1983 residential counselor:harrison house,mooresville,in staffed community residence for five developmentally delayed clients.implemented behavioral programs.taught activities of daily living skills directed toward independent living and community integration.后勤工作人员英文简历范文


NAME Seeking for a sound engineer assistant position https://www.doczj.com/doc/a612727501.html, 123456789 EDUCATION 09/2010 - 06/2013 Jobs Communication University Diploma of college, major in recording arts AUDIO WORKS A short film ‘The devil's game’, respon sible for the production of sound effects and background music Link: https://www.doczj.com/doc/a612727501.html,/duanpian/q1u7e3o9r4u7t5 A documentary film 'Qiaobu life', responsible for recording during production Late work Link: https://www.doczj.com/doc/a612727501.html,/jilupian/w389ero49towe934 Mixing work: https://www.doczj.com/doc/a612727501.html,/hunyin/398asdeohe94teh KMPLAYER RELATED EXPERIENCE 12/2012 - 06/2013 XXXXXXXXX Audio Post Producer ?Understood each plot, added sound effects, according to the circumstances of the story sound stacking ?According to the contents of advertisements and the customer request add music sound, post-production on advertising ?In professional motion picture and television production, dialogue, music, and sound effects recordings are treated as separate elements 09/2012 - 06/2013 XXXXXX Director ?Helped the radio host filter that has nothing to do with programs on the phone ?Responsible for broadcasting in the process of tuning, sound control, etc ?Maintained necessary tuning school radio equipment PROFESSIONAL SKILLS ?The primary recording engineer certificate ?Familiar with audio mixing software (cubase, Pro tools) HOBBIES ?Love music, play the saxophone ?Have a habit of collecting all kinds of film and television music


常用词汇 ●英文简历常用词汇:职业目标 for more specialized work 为更专门的工作 for prospects of promotion 为晋升的前途 for higher responsibility 为更高层次的工作责任 for wider experience 为扩大工作经验 due to close-down of company 由于公司倒闭 due to expiry of employment 由于雇用期满 offered a more challenging opportunity 获得的更有挑战性的工作机会 sought a better job 找到了更好的工作 to look for a more challenging opportunity 找一个更有挑战性的工作机会 to seek a better job 找一份更好的工作 ●英文简历常用词汇:证书 普通话水平测试:二级甲等证书 Putonghua (Mandarin) Proficiency Test: Level II, Grade A 国际商务单证员证书International Commercial Documents National Qualification Certificate 全国翻译专业资格证书 China Aptitude Test for Translators and Interpreters 上海市英语中级口译资格证书Certificate of Shanghai Interpretation Accreditation Test (Intermediate Level) 高校教师资格证Qualification Certificate for Teachers in Colleges and Universities ●英文简历常用词汇:奖励 一等奖学金 major award 二等奖学金 minor award 三等奖学金 third-class award 一等奖 first prize 二等奖 second prize 三等奖 third prize 优秀奖 merit award/honorable mention 成功参赛奖 participate award/Successful Participant


英文简历范文:技术人员个人简历(一) Robert T. Smith 195 Braxton Street Mendota, IL 61342 Phone: 815-539-9083 Email ID: robert_smith@https://www.doczj.com/doc/a612727501.html, OBJECTIVE To further my career with a growth-oriented firm that will allow me to utilize my experience and knowledge as a technology manager. KEYWORDS Perl, Linux, Apache, Mason, HTML, XML, XSL ,JavaScript, Java, MS C++, ASP, 8086 Assembly, Fortran, COBOL, network firewall and hack-proof server installation and configuration, and automatic mass website building. EXPERIENCE XYZ Technologies, Dallas, TX Manager, 1998 - Present Organized and managed various computer-related projects. Supervised a research and development team of twelve employees. Designed and implemented fresh employee training programs. ABC Systems, Dallas, TX Lead Programmer, 1993 - 1998


更多招聘信息尽在:https://www.doczj.com/doc/a612727501.html,/ 求职资料下载请关注:https://www.doczj.com/doc/a612727501.html,/

01.行政助理Executive Assistant简历 这份行政助理人员简历的简历中应聘者描述了自己的实际执行操作能力,和处理人际关系的沟通能力,同时列出了自己的工作经验(由于篇幅有限,工作经验部分只是列举几条),同时该应聘者还有教学和社区服务经验,在简历的最后,还提到了自己的教育背景。 BUSINESS SKILLS: Word processing:Microsoft Word Other applications:PowerPoint,Microsoft Publisher,QuarkExpress,PhotoShop,Excel,Access,File Maker Pro,Microsoft Outlook,Lotus Notes,Reference Manager Writing ability(proposals,newsletters,presentations,resumes,cover letters) Internet skills Event coordination:trade shows,seminars,user conferences -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRENGTHS: Interpersonal skills-ability to put people at ease;Dependable,organized,efficient;Team player; Self-starter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUSINESS EXPERIENCE: The Health Institute,Division of Clinical Care Research,New England Medical Center,Boston,MA November2000-Present,Executive Assistant to Director and to Research Scientist Created prepress drafts for flyers,catalogs,order forms,and price lists Managed digital image library Formatted digital images for Website Coordinated co-op program and produced credit memos Wrote memos,presentations,and correspondence for Vice President


关于英文简历中自我介绍常用词汇 有良好的交际技能。 Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality. 愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。 Willing to assume responsibilities. 应聘者须勇于挑重担。 Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills. 思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。 Energetic,fashion-minded person. 精力旺盛、思想新潮。 With a pleasant mature attitude. 开朗成熟。 Strong determination to succeed. 有获得成功的坚定决心。 Strong leadership skills. 有极强的领导艺术。 Ability to work well with others. 能够同他人一道很好地工作。 Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality. 上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。 The ability to initiate and operate independently. 有创业能力,并能独立地从业。 Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit. 有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。 Be highly organized and effecient.


医疗人员英文简历模板 医疗人员英文简历该怎么写?下面小编为大家搜集医疗人员英文简历模板,很希望能帮到你! 医疗人员英文简历模板一 Name: Sex: Female Age: Address: Suite , No. , Lane , East Hanyang Road, Shanghai Phone: Mobile: E-mail: Educational Background: 2020 - 2020 Had studied at Pharmaceutical Research Institute of Kobe Gakuin University, Japan. Had obtained a master’s degree. 2020 - 2020 Had studied Japanese language at Japanese Language School. Career Experience: June 2020 - Now Has acted as a senior manager of Medicine Manufacturing Division of a big-sized group enterprise the “;China XX Group Corp.”; - a subsidiary company directly owned by the Chinese central government. Had mainly handled the following related jobs of project investment in establishing a big-sized liquid medicament manufacture base owned by the group company l Selection of transfusion product, conduct of marketing research and handling project scheming etc. (the Marketing Division) matters with partners at home and abroad such as project initialization, equipment bidding invitation and technology importation; (the Outsourcing Affairs Division) l Promotion and co-ordination of new product in the stages from their research and development to launching them onto the market; (the New Business Development Division)


地道的英文简历模版 Robin Green Objective An entry-level position in international banking. Experience STANDARD CHARTERED BANKJune 1999 - Present Data Services Manager/Administrative Assistant Springfield, IL Supervise, manage and train 22-person office staff. Prepare for meetings and correspond with member representatives on upcoming meetings. Prepare correspondences, document invoices, including materials for payment of trainers. Maintain in-office calendar and training calendar, keeping track of schedules/appointments. Format monthly newsletter and membership directory. Create and reconfigure client databases STANDARD CHARTERED BANKApril 1997 - June 1999 Bookkeeper/Training Coordinator springfield, IL Received cash and check receipts, maintained ledger book and computer record of band deposits. Wrote and distributed employee and contractor checks. Posted billing and ran various invoices for member and non-member agencies. Organized materials for various training sessions, registered participants, prepared room and organized catering STANDARD CHARTERED BANKFebruary 1996 - April 1997 Receptionist/Information Specialist springfield, IL Answered phones, greeted and assisted visitors, and handled general administrative duties, such as filing, faxing, copying and mailing. Organized mailing of monthly newsletter IMEX MARKETINGJune 1995 - February 1996 Customer Service Representative memphis, TN Checked order forms, confirmed and canceled magazine orders. Corresponded with customers. Education WEST SPRINGFIELD UNIVERSITYJune 2004 Master of Business (MBA) International Finance West Springfield, IL Coursework includes: international finance, contract negotiation, legal issues in international banking. Skills Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Powerpoint Lotus Spreadsheet


个人品质 able 有才干的,能干的adaptable 适应性强的 active 主动的,活跃的aggressive 有进取心的ambitious 有雄心壮志的amiable 和蔼可亲的 amicable 友好的analytical 善于分析的apprehensive 有理解力的aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的capable 有能力的,有才能的careful 办理仔细的candid 正直的 competent 能胜任的constructive 建设性的cooperative 有合作精神的creative 富创造力的 dedicated 有奉献精神的dependable 可靠的 diplomatic 老练的,有策略的disciplined 守纪律的 dutiful 尽职的well--educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的energetic 精力充沛的expressivity 善于表达faithful 守信的,忠诚的 frank 直率的,真诚的generous 宽宏大量的 genteel 有教养的gentle 有礼貌的 humorous 有幽默impartial 公正的 independent 有主见的industrious 勤奋的 ingenious 有独创性的motivated 目的明确的intelligent 理解力强的learned 精通某门学问的 logical 条理分明的methodical 有方法的 modest 谦虚的objective 客观的 precise 一丝不苟的punctual 严守时刻的 realistic 实事求是的responsible 负责的 sensible 明白事理的sporting 光明正大的 steady 踏实的systematic 有系统的purposeful 意志坚强的sweet-tempered 性情温和的temperate 稳健的tireless 孜孜不倦的 教育程度 education 学历educational history 学历educational background 教育程度curriculum 课程 major 主修minor 副修 educational highlights 课程重点部分curriculum included 课程包括specialized courses 专门课程courses taken 所学课程 special training 特别训练social practice 社会实践 part-time jobs 业余工作summer jobs 暑期工作 vacation jobs 假期工作refresher course 进修课程extracurricular activities 课外活动physical activities 体育活动recreational activities 娱乐活动academic activities 学术活动social activities 社会活动rewards 奖励 scholarship 奖学金excellent League member 优秀团员excellent leader 优秀干部student council 学生会 off-job training 脱产培训in-job training 在职培训educational system 学制academic year 学年 semester 学期(美)term 学期(英) supervisor 论文导师pass 及格 fail 不及格marks 分数

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