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The terminal

A poor fool

Viktor Navorski, a poor fool from Krakozhia, met not the democracy and freedom in Uncle Sam’s publicity when he came to United States but rejection. He was forbidden to come into his dream state because of the rebellion in his motherland. Without the passport, he couldn’t come back to Krakozhia and come into New York City. He was trapped on the island of politics and indifference. Faced with this dilemma, he must adapt to this environment and survive from it. He was the modern Robinson.

The system and the human nature.

In Chinese proverb, we have a saying that”Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.” A family, a department, a company and a country all need a system to maintain the operation.

The system is the law of doing things, but it is not perfect and has a variety of flaw. John Rawls, the famous political intellectual, said:”Any behavior of sacrificing interests of few people for the most public is i mmoral.” Although our system is built on the basis of safeguarding the interests of most people and is immoral in the words of Rawls, we couldn’t do non-compliance of the system and blame our mistakes on imperfection. Let us imagine that what will happen when the system meets people’s feelings. Our Chinese people always say that Law is no more than human relationship, is it true? In the movie, Viktor helped this man keeping his father’s saving drugs with his wit when the Russian man was detained by the Customs and Border Protection for some so-called illegal things. We all criticize the indifference of the

director, Frank Dixon and praise Viktor for his wit and courage. But the officers strike on their principles and safeguard the system, are they wrong? We break a running well system just for one’s adversity, are we right? In our real life, most good system is damaged because of the pretence of sympathizing with others. So I argue that the officers do nothing wrong. We can sympathize with the week, but not at the expense of damaging our running well system.


The title of this movie is the terminal, what does it mean? Perhaps it means that Viktor can return to motherland after finishing his father’s last wish. Perhaps it means that Viktor and his compatriots have suffered their painful life. Perhaps it means the end of Viktor’s journey.

Waiting, the most frequent word that

Viktor mentioned in the movie. When Frank Dixon cheated that he could sneak into New York, Viktor said I would wait. When he talked with the airhostess, Amelia Warren, Viktor said “I am waiting”. Waiting may be a negative way to solve one thing, but in some cases could be the most effective one. Faced with unexpected difficulties, the indifference of people around and the irony of the fate, Viktor used the approach of waiting to struggle. He warmed people’s cold hearts. He let the lost people find themselves. He encouraged people who were teased by the fate to choose resistance. He told us the truth, “the terminal is the starting point.

@@@@The story is Directed by 斯蒂文?

斯皮尔伯格 Steven Spielberg , Actor 汤姆?汉克斯 Tom Hanks

Story takes place in the last century, the late 80s, Victor (Tom Hanks) is an inter-Coscia people, in order to complete his father's wishes, to be the first jazz band Dream 57 signatures to the United States .He learned of the motherland at the airport, the news of the war.

Victor's passport and identity documents, and immigration documents are all lost their usefulness. Victor neither go back to his country nor to USA, he was detained at the

airport,suddenly,he has no home,no country,and his english is so poor,at the begaining he has no money to eat,no one to ask help.

In desperation, he could only stay at the airport, sleeping in the hall chair, taking a bath in the bathroom, servicing for the passing passengert to make money. He now has only its own freedom in the body, as well as a small suitcase was filled with washed clothes, a razor, and a disposed of identity documents.

I like this story because the hero is very clear what causes difficulties, knowing his own strength could not change anything, All he can do is to adapt to the situation. At the airport, he met a lot of trouble, Fortunately, his indomitable spirith help him found a lot of support from his friend,and these guys are all worked at the airport.

We can learn o lot from this

story ,Life is waiting.when there was something wrong in our lives,we should

konw that complain will help nothing,and in this story Voctor just facing,and never say a Negative word .


Threat because the then customs Secretary, the character played by Tom Hanks, said that if he does not return to boast Waukesha (his homeland), took to help his old cleaners repatriation (because the old cleaners hadown motherland killing a policeman, go back to take a seven-year jail), the distribution of food, we should also just married that guy expelled.

When the the old cleaners know is because of their own reasons, Tom Hanks must return home and can not step into the New York, he firmly heading for the plane about to land, so that he will have to attack aircraft suspect must be investigated the results of the survey can be imagined, he will certainly be repatriated. He did so in order to let his friends can reach a desire. Really great friendship.


科学怪人读后感 科学怪人读后感范文19世纪英国浪漫主义诗人雪莱之妻玛丽雪莱1818年的小说《科学怪人》曾多次被搬上戏剧舞台及电影银幕。发明家托马斯爱迪生的公司就曾于1910年制作了《科学怪人》的首部默片,但直到1931年詹姆斯惠尔执导的首部有声《科学怪人》问世,观众及电影公司才真正承认了恐怖影片作为经典类型片的地位。 美国南加利福尼亚州大学研究上世纪三四十年代美国电影的教授里克朱厄尔说:“它是偶像级电影之一,影响力巨大。它真正确保了恐怖片成为好莱坞较有影响力的影片类型之一。” 《科学怪人》获得成功,富有创意的化妆师杰克皮尔斯功不可没。据报道,给卡洛夫在电影中饰演的怪物化妆常常要花上4个小时的时间,皮尔斯和他的助手们为塑造出高大骇人的怪物形象费尽心思。他们在卡洛夫头部垫上棉布卷,使他看上去更高且头部呈方形。同时,皮尔斯在卡洛夫的脖子两侧安上电极,还在他脸上涂上了厚重的粉,使其看上去冷漠麻木。 影片完成后,曾有人担心电影会吓跑观众,因此在1931年12月6日首映当天,有关方面特地安排一名演员在电影放映前提醒观众电影的可怕程度。电影获得了巨大成功,虽然观众们时常大声尖叫,但他们对影片十分着迷。

《科学怪人》当年为环球电影制片公司带来了数百万美元的收入,如今这部电影的主创人员早已去世,但那个人造怪物依然活跃在荧屏上。从恐怖片到喜剧,改编自《科学怪人》的英美影片迄今已达数十部之多。 科学怪人读后感范文我最近看了一本印象深刻的书,名着《科学怪人》。内容虽然有些惊悚,但是却透露出一些真情。 文中的“我”为科学痴狂,用科学创造出了一个其丑无比的怪人,“我”厌恶自己创造的人,人们也不欢迎他,使怪人由本性善良变成了一个恶人,他四处杀人,最后把“我”杀了,忏悔者…… 这是一个以悲剧结尾的故事。我觉得主人公一开始就做的不对。1.他根本就不应该因为自己的好奇而创造出人,这就可以看出他的不冷静;2.他看见怪人的面目后十分厌恶,不给予怪人任何美好的情感,而是施予憎恶,所以才导致自己以及自己的亲人被怪人杀死。 由此可见美好的感情对人的重要性啊!感情是人类精神的支柱,美好的感情更是人类本性所向往的、单单想拥有的、宝贵的东西啊! 还有曾经我看过一篇文章,写的是政府将执行把囚犯精神禁锢的方法,先由一位警察试着执行,结果他遭到众人的


幸福终点站观后感英文 幸福终点站观后感英文 life is waiting yesterday,i saw a film called "the terminal".this film is shot by a famousdirector whose name is steven spielberg . you can say that the film is a comedy or a romantic,eyeryone hasbeen to have we ever noticed the people who work in the airports oreven live in the airports?this film tells us such a story: an ordinary man whosename is viktor navorski .he was from a small country called order torealise his father's dream----getting an autograph of a musician he loved,and inorder to get away from the war in his own country,he left his own country forthe united unfortunately, when he reached the airport ,he was toldthat his country was in war and his license was meant that hewouldn'd be able to enter he had to live in the airpout and first ,he had a lot of touble and got in great goes later,he got used to the made many friends and had a happytime made a friend


《弗兰肯斯坦》读后感 《弗兰肯斯坦》被认为是世界第一部真正意义上的科幻小说。小说揭示了作者玛丽雪莱的观点:她认为人具有双重性格——善与恶,长期受人嫌恶、歧视和迫害会使人变得邪恶,乃至发展到不可收拾的地步。 它讲述了一位名叫弗兰肯斯坦的科学家自少年时期潜心研究自然科学,将尸体拼接起来,用电流赋予它生命,却在最后发现创造了一个拥有可怖外表的怪物。在恐慌与无措中,他选择了抛弃。怪物开始自己探索世界,起初它以善意对待世人,甚至因知道自己的丑陋而把自己藏了起来,暗中帮助他喜欢的一户人家,结果在小心翼翼袒露身份的那天却遭到鄙视与唾弃。渐渐的它开始仇恨这个世界,这股愤怒驱使他杀死了弗兰肯斯坦的弟弟和新娘。它失去了所有,它也不再顾虑或期待,用小说原文来说,它就像一股不受限制的飓风,将死亡带给弗兰肯斯坦的家庭。最终弗兰肯斯坦死去时,怪物也宣布它的复仇结束了,接着消失在冰原中。 对于这本书,我最感触的是怪物在与它的创造者重逢时说出的这句话“我本性也是仁慈的、善良的,都是痛苦让我变成了魔鬼。”细想一下,是什么让当初用好奇的眼睛捕捉周围一切的怪物变成了杀戮狂魔?是它所处的环境啊。即使它拥有一颗善良的心,可是人们一看到它的脸就躲避、尖叫,甚至拳脚相加;即使它的初衷是救助溺水的女孩,最终只得到了一颗冷冰冰的子弹。世界的冷漠剥去了它内心柔软的外壳。它也想过变好,可是怪物承受了太多人类的恶意,悲剧不断重现,最终彻底浇灭了它的希望。 而其创造者弗兰肯斯坦创造怪物的初衷是为了让人们免于死亡,因为他的母亲,一位善良可爱的女士,死于猩红热。他明明成功复活了死亡,却因此陷入无尽的悲痛与折磨。我认为弗兰肯斯坦就是人类的一个代表,他代表着自我矛盾。 可以说世上本没有怪物,但自从世上出现了人,怪物也就出现了,因为人本来就是怪物。某位大家曾说过:“人类为什么可以统治地球,那是因为没有任何生物可以比人类更残忍。”异想天开的弗兰肯斯坦无法接受自己创造的怪物,残忍地将其抛弃,造成了无法挽回的悲剧。现实中,往往我们的无情与冷淡无意间就会让我们自己成为弗兰肯斯坦,想想,社会上那些相貌丑陋亦或身体残疾的人群人们都得到了平等对待么?玛丽?雪莱可能就是要告诉我们善 待同类的同时也要善待异类吧。否则人类也终将会因为自己的残忍毁灭自己。 高三(4)班黄一文6号


电影幸福终点站观后感2000字 《幸福终点站》是一部美国的爱情喜剧电影,不知道大家有没有看过呢?影片主要讲述了主人公维克多在前往美国的过程中,却因为家乡发生政变而被迫留在机场的故事。网友们对这部电影有怎样的感受呢?下面就跟一起来看看吧! 在光怪陆离的现代社会,谈论幸福、追求幸福、收获幸福,似乎是一件矫情而奢侈的事情。在日复一日的喧嚣与苟且之中,我们满足于口腹之欲、声色之娱,或者守着一颗荒芜的心,过着麻木的生活。幸福二字,要么羞于提及,要么不再想起。然而,那些冠名为“幸福”的影片,却总能不经意地撩动你的心弦,比如《幸福来敲门》,比如斯皮尔伯格执导的这部《幸福终点站》。 据说是在一个真实事件基础上延伸、编织而成的故事:上世纪80年代末,维克多.纳沃斯基(汤姆.汉克斯饰)自东欧小国克罗西亚(虚构国名)飞到美国,却因祖国发生政变而导致 __明失效,进退两难的维克多被困机场,一呆就是9个月。在如此 __人生境遇中,在机场这么一小块方寸之地,他竟然 __地站稳了脚跟,赢得了尊重,收获了友谊,甚至遇见了爱情。 维克多的幸福,究竟有何“密码”呢?

维克多,这个憨憨的中年男子,因祖国的一场政变莫名其妙地迷失了自己的身份,但自始至终,他唯独不曾迷失真实的自己。 他不曾迷失底线。机场负责人弗兰克为了甩掉他这个麻烦,企图采取“钓鱼”行动,故意撤掉保安留出空档好让他能够走出机场,这样就可以合法地拘捕他。如果此刻维克多“精明”一点,他完全可以走出机场大门,但最终等待他的只有镣铐。可这个傻不拉几的家伙,__地选择了不越雷池半步。 他不曾迷失方向。他是带着已过世父亲的梦想而来,只为去纽约见到父亲的爵士乐偶像并要到签名。他一直守护着那个装满了签名的小罐子,他日复一日向机场小姐姐提交护照和申请表,因为他始终不变地守护者自己的期望与方向,从不曾忘记,永不会迷航。 正因为这一份坚定,他安之若素地在机场里安营扎寨,努力用洒脱面对尴尬,用乐观化解狼狈,用进取超越绝望。 他不曾迷失善良。一名 __乘客携带了为父亲救命的药品,按照有关规定,缺乏相关手续的人类药品只能被扣留。在乘客哭求、下跪均无济于事之后,临时抓丁充当翻译的维克多,将药品的治疗对象翻译成“山羊”,从而救乘客于绝望,成全了他的一番孝心。后来弗兰克


英语名著读书笔记 【篇一:300字英语名著读后感】 frankenstein was a good scientist.he wanted to use elestricity to help people,and he wanted to discover the secrets of life.he worked very hard on these two things.he wanted to create a new life, but he was not allowed to make such medical experiments.he made a body in his laboratory and he didnot let anybody enter his labtatory or his flat while he was doing this awful work.he bought or stole all the pieces of human body that he needed,and slowly and carefully, he put them all together. he used electricity from lighting to give life to the body. in the beginning, the monster was kind and helpful. but when he was hated everywhere by his creator and people,he felt very painful. he became hated everything and wanted to destroy everything.he killed frankensteins son, william and fiancee ,elizabeth.frankenstein filled with anger chase him with his creation demonic monster, finally, frankenstein and the monster in the fight they died. it is a very terrible story. frankenstein created a monster, in this society in which the subject of ridicule, discrimination, so that he eventually became hate everything, trying to ruin everything. this is not just to create a simple person, but to create a satan, a devil. if people all show kindness for the monster, it would be a good man.there would not be many people losing their lives.in the story,the monster asked frankenstein to make a second creature. but at last, frankenstein did not.i think he is right.if he does that,there may be more people to be dead.maybe in the future,there will be no person on earth. it is awful. from the story,i learned that everyone should have sympathy. do not only care about appearance. 【篇二:英文名著读后感】 外国九大名著英文版读后感 【小王子】 title: the little prince author: antoine de st-exupery


《幸福终点站》读后感 人生中最可怕的事情是什么?是等待。想像一下:一个人在漫长的等待中彷徨,把握不到未来,寻找不到出路,一切都淹没在未知中,你能感觉到时间和生命在你手中无情地消逝,而你能做的,却只有等待,那是一件多么令人不安的事情啊!而《幸福终点站》就是一部发生在等待中的故事。 影片《幸福终点站》描述的是这样一个故事。为完成父亲临终遗愿,不通英语的维克多.纳沃斯来到美国。从飞机起飞到在肯尼迪机场落地的这一段时间,他的国家发生政变,维克多因此突然成为了没有国籍的人,无法入境,也无从出境;纵然纽约和美国就在数米之遥的门外,他仍然只能等在候机大厅里,直到身份明确。这一等,便是9个月! 在这9个月的等待中,维克多一点没有虚度;靠着自己的双手,他在待改建的67号登机口给自己造了一个家;靠着自己的智慧,帮了一个买药救父的俄罗斯人,撮合了一段姻缘,邂逅了一段浪漫,征服了一群原本拿他当笑话的人;当他离去的时候,这个初时语言不通的东欧人,已经让整个机场为之感动。一百多分钟的片子,除了最后的几分钟,几乎都浓缩在极其有限的一个小空间里---肯尼迪机场候机大厅.然而,就在这么小的一个候车大厅,维多克让我们收获了太多的感动,有爱国情的、友情的、爱情的。 首先,只身远赴重洋外,最难割舍是家国。维多克来自东欧的一个普通小国,然而,在富有的美国人面前,面对着富庶美国大地,谈起自己的祖国时,他仍旧可以还不犹豫的举起自己的大拇指,这是怎样的爱国情怀,怎样的国家自豪感。突然噩耗传来,他的国家发生的巨变,他变成一个没有国籍的人,这是怎样一种冲击啊。即便如此,当机场管理高层为了减少麻烦,诡计迭出,甚至创造机会,企图诱使他“偷渡”美国去时,站在大厅的门口,望着数米之外繁荣的美国大地,他犹豫了。最后,他选择了留在


寻找幸福的起点读后感 导读: 寻找幸福的起点读后感(一) 文/唐诗祺 《寻找幸福的起点》这部影片主要讲的是一对夫妻,从意大利来到俄罗斯,他们想在孤儿院领养一个孤儿。这对意大利夫妇最后挑选了六岁的男孩凡亚。于是孤儿院的其他人给凡亚起了一个新的绰号:意大利佬。他们非常嫉妒凡亚,想象他将在意大利过上安逸舒适的一生。可事实上这个孤儿院肮脏龌龊,所谓“收养”,实际是贩卖儿童。然而有一天,一位妇人到访,她表示终于有能力带回她的孩子抚养,可他的孩子早就被外国人领走了,院长无情的痛斥她,赶走她,只有小凡亚好心的和这个无助的妇人聊天。就在当天晚上,听到再也要不回自己的孩子的妇人选择在车站卧轨自杀。当噩耗传到孤儿院时,这让凡亚惊觉到了,如果有一天自己的亲生母亲过来找他,他却不在,怎么办?于是他决定去寻找自己的亲生母亲。为了看懂档案上的地址,凡亚学习认字,之后自己坐上了火车去找妈妈。孤儿院的人发现他逃走之后联系警方一直在追捕他。后来,院长发现了他,当时凡亚就敲碎了啤酒瓶狠狠的朝自己的手臂扎去,之后院长被小凡亚感动了,并且把他放了。最后凡亚也找到了自己的亲生母亲。 影片中有一个腐败的孤儿院院长与贪婪成性领养掮客女人暗自勾结,贩卖儿童,揭示出了那些因为钱财。利益而做出违背道德的事的人。影片中还有一个人也给我留下了印象,那就是帮助凡亚逃出孤

儿院的女孩伊卡。她先是教凡亚认字,然后又帮他买了新衣服和火车票,走之前还塞给了凡亚一些钱等等。从这些事就能看出她是个善良的人,没有她也许凡亚也逃不出来。最后就是主人公凡亚,他虽然小,可是他却已经有了一种坚持不懈的精神,当他下定决心去找妈妈的时候,他不惧怕任何阻碍和困难。首先他是千辛万苦的拜托别人教他认字,之后机智的拿到自己的档案,又自己独自坐火车,在车上应付一些陌生人;被大孩子欺负,机灵的逃走。遇到危险知道临危不惧。在这个六岁的小男孩身上我看到了机智。勇敢。不畏艰难。锲而不舍。我还看到了他的这种找母亲的努力和执着,为了寻找自己的幸福他不向恶势力低头,而是充满了勇气去对抗。 有一个特别触动我的画面那就是在葛丽莎把他逼到墙角让他无路可去的时候。当时我以为凡亚要被抓回去了,可就在那时,凡亚做出了一个让我震惊的动作,他竟然捡起地上的酒瓶砸碎然后使劲朝自己的手腕划去。那一幕在我脑海里久久不能忘记。当时葛丽莎看到这一幕也很惊讶,同时也被他为了回到妈妈身边而不怕做出任何牺牲的决心打动了,最后他决定放了他,不再抓他回去。 最后整部剧留给我印象最为深刻的还是凡亚为寻找自己幸福的起点不惜一切的那种胆量和勇气。也许是对未来幸福的憧憬,所以愿意付出一切去寻找。我希望,以后自己在追逐幸福的道路中也有这样的勇气,不会被途中任何困难所吓倒,不会被任何阻挠屈服。做一个勇敢的人,做一个勇于追求自己幸福的人。 不要说你怕,不要说你胆怯。没有哪一个人天生就是勇敢的,


我,弗兰肯斯坦短评 全部共2782条热门 / 最新 / 我关注的 21 有用披着人皮的死鬼 2014-03-08 这货哪是什么科学怪人明明神雕侠侣 16 有用我是大皮哥 2014-01-25 火花四溅魂魄飞散的打斗场面顿时唤醒所有战神系列玩家在主机上操控奎爷虐杀小喽啰的激爽回忆,配合流畅的飞行攀升俯冲视角、恰到好处的推拉镜头,营造出很好的临场感。缺点是太像游戏关卡,从头到尾拼杀动作设计基本一致,人物也呆板缺少变化。非《黑夜传说》系列粉可放心将本片排除在2014必刷清单之外 15 有用九万 2014-02-15 也就那种劣质网游过场动画水准! 9 有用大白汐 2014-03-07 这片子或许在剧情方面欠缺,但是说人家是劣质网游过场动画级别的人,你懂个JB老子麻烦你尊重一下后期制作人员,那些人拿钱是按镜头不是按时间,你不了解这行的幸酸就TM别出来乱叫,你懂什么是电影级吗,麻烦你去看看《少年派之后的日子》那个纪录片,艹 10 有用无趣 2014-05-03 这是部关于一位手持二棍的二货棒打恶魔的故事的二逼电影 3 有用梦见乌鸦 2014-03-28 跟《基督再临》差不多,玩砸了的神魔片,这种片子剧情差无所谓,但没有逻辑就不对了。视觉效果不错,有成为《范海辛》的潜质,但在30分钟之后就开始胡来了,反派恶魔变身后的头套丑爆了 0 有用fallingraining 2014-03-08 真的比较乱。 4 有用清澈透明的春春 2014-03-08 不错啊,要特技有特技,要场面有场面,虽然情节简单了些,结局草草了些,但还是洋眼的娱乐商业电影。 1 有用Jo 2014-05-08 cg还是不错的 1 有用新琇 2014-03-19

幸福终点站 The Terminal 中英文剧本

幸福终点站The Terminal 中英文剧本[Tannoy] United Airlines announcingthe arrival of Flight 9435 from Beijing, 联合航空公司的从北京飞来的9435号航班即将降落 Customer service representative,report to Gate C42, 客户服务代表,请到C42门报道[repeats announcementin Mandarin Chinese] [chatter] [Tannoy] All visitors to the US shouldline up at booths one through 1 5, 所有旅客排好队从15号通道到一号亭[customs official]Please have your l-94 forms filled out. 请填写一下I-94表格(入境/ 出境记录)- What's the purpose of your visit?- What is the purpose of your visit? - 您此行的目的是什么?- 您此行的目的是什么? What is the purpose of your visit?Business or pleasure? 您此行的目的是什么?商务旅行还是观光? Just visiting. Shopping? 观光…购物? Au plaisir, 观光 - Pleasure.- Business. - 观光- 商务旅行 How long will you be staying? 您打算逗留多久? Could I see your return ticket? 能出示一下您的回程机票吗? - What's the purpose of your visit?- Business or pleasure? - 您此行的目的是什么?- 商务旅行还是观光? Enjoy your stay. Next. 祝您此行愉快,下一位 [Tannoy] Please have your passports,immigration forms, 1-94, 请出示您的护照和I-94 表格 and customs declarationsready to hand to the inspector, 准备好您的报关证明以备核查 - Stand by. He's fishing.- [man] Copy that, - 准备,有情况- 收到 See this bunchof Mickey Mouse sweatshirts? 看见那些穿米老鼠T恤的人了吗? That's the tour from China,connecting to Orlando. 中国来的旅游团,去奥兰多的 When was the last timeyou saw Chinese tourists 你什么时候见到中国的观光者 on their way to Disney Worldwithout any cameras? 去迪斯尼而不带相机的? Possible forged documentson 1 0 and 1 1. 10号和11号通道发现有伪造文件嫌疑的旅客 [shouting] Sir. Sir. Passport. 先生,先生,护照 Thank you. 谢谢 Welcome, Mr. Navorski. 欢迎,纳沃斯基先生。 Purpose of your visit? 您此行的目的是? - [speaks Bulgarian]- Business or pleasure? 商务旅行还是观光? [speaks Bulgarian] [beeps] Sir, I have an lBlS hit on six. 先生,6号台发现一个护照有问题的[man] No!. 不! Mr. Navorski, please follow me. 纳沃斯基先生,请跟我来[Tannoy],,,flight number 746 from Montreal …从蒙特利尔来的746航班 must proceed to US 1mmigrationbefore claiming their luggage, 认领行李之前请先到移民登记处 All right, Mr. Navorski,we'd like you to wait here, please.


Thoughts about Frankenstein Frankenstein is regarded as the first science fiction written by British novelist Mary Shelly about a fanatical scientist who creates a monster and the disasters after that. It is a novel with Gothic elements and it reflects the darkness of human being. Beginning in the form of letters, the author uses flashback and makes the reader less boring when reading this book. The monster is one of the main character of the novel. He is created by a seemingly crazy scientist, Frankenstein and suffers the unfair treatments of human being. Then he takes revenge to the creators and his family and finally moves down to the path of destruction by himself. Actually in my opinion, the corruption of the creature has something to do with the behaviors of human beings. He lives in the jungle alone and takes notice to the old man and his poor family besides him. He cuts fire woods for them and even learn speaking and reading by himself in order to understand that poor family. When he takes his determinations to make friends with the kind family, they are too sacred about his ugly appearance and fights to get rid of him. That hurts the monster. He suffers so many similar events and finally goes to the path of self-destruction. I think it is the discrimination of human being that renders the changes of the monster. There is an old Chinese saying, “people at the beginning of goodness.” No one is born evil. To some extent, life changes people. Imagine that the monster gets fair treatments and lives a normal life. The ending of the story will be different. There are also examples in modern life. Ma Jiajue who was a good student and got many honors at school killed four classmates because of feeling despised. Maybe it is the poor family background and long-time self-abasement that causes the psychological illness of him and the harsh words from his classmates that cause the tragedy. When some tragedy happens, there are both immanent and external cause of it. When we turn our eyes to the creator, Frankenstein, we can see that he is a figure with different characteristics. When he is a scientist, he seems determined and crazy. When he wants to prove his lovely friend is innocent, he seems coward. Combined with the time of the creation, people are experiencing the fast development of technology and it has many great influences. When we pay more attention to the development of high technology, we should sometimes slow down and think about the impacts to our normal life. Technology is a double-edged sword and if we abuse them, it

The Terminal(幸福终点站影评

The Terminal 影片讲述主角为了给父亲完成心愿前往美国,途中家乡发生政变,政府被推翻,所持证件不被美国入境当局承认,被拒绝入境,却又不能回国,被迫滞留肯尼迪国际机场期间的故事。 影片赋予Viktor Navorski的人物性格更多的是执着、坚持、忠诚、敢于承担责任 他的坚持甚至在世人面前是傻的表现 反衬出美国社会的人情冷漠。其实Viktor Navorski坚持的这些优点正是当代美国信守的信条 但是在钱权纵流的美国社会里谁还会将这些美德高高置上 我们看到的是冷漠的职业操守 淡漠的人际关系 一夜情和乱交似的合欢 没有人情、没有责任、没有爱情 这就是导演要说的 这就是淡薄人性的商权社会的真实写照。Viktor Navorski是一个忠于自己国家的人 而现在忠于祖国的人多哉 不多也 改变自己的国籍成了时尚 成了地位、权势的证明 尽管那是自由…… 个人认为这部片子和爱情的关系并不大 只是说生活吧 一是执着 二是善良 其实只要有一个平常心 我想幸福总不会太远。 1、主人公因为国家失控、语言不通,因此滞留在机场。 2、正因为语言不通,主人公无法良好地自我表达,他的自我价值便只能体现在自己的行为上。 3、主人公正是通过自己真诚、智慧的行为,赢得了他人的理解、尊重,并进而获得他人真诚的帮助。 4、主人公拥有执着的信念。正是这种信念,令他身陷困境,但不失信心与乐观,并且乐于助人。 5、这部影片是一部现代都市童话,但也告诉我们一个道理:不要让歧视和偏见使我们失去公允之心、理智之思和善良之行。 The Terminal tells a story about a man named Viktor Navorski (Tom Hanks acted) who comes from Krakozhia, was told that his motherland was at war. Soon, he became a person with no personality, he could neither enter into the America Border, nor return to his country, because of his unacceptable visa, therefore, he had to stay in the Kennedy International Airport until the war has stopped。 I am also impressed by some splendid dialogue. Like: Amelia: "Are you coming or going?" Viktor Navorski: "I don't know. Both." From these sentences, we can see, Viktor was at sea. He didn't know what will happen next, but he has a strong willing, that is, he must fulfill his father's promise, go to New York to get the signature. And he got it finally! Just as people in the movie The Terminal The movie is about Viktor, a man came from a small cou


跨文化交际结业作业 学号:1014120023 姓名:赵紫颀

Life is waiting —— The Terminal “I’ve been waiting my whole life, just don’t know what the hell for.”In the movie, this is Amelia’s confusion. In everyone’s life, it can be different in details, but the same in essence. Viktor, a man came from a small country Krakozhia, who was trapped in the airport because of the war in his country. He was waiting, waiting for his freedom, waiting for peace in his country, waiting for the permission for him to go into America legally and realizing his father’s dream. Viktor’s father is waiting. He spent 40 years on collecting the signs of the 57 members of his favorite band. After he died, he was still waiting, waiting in heaven, waiting for his son to get the last sign for him. Frank, director of Customs and Border Protection of JFK, is waiting. Waiting for the old principle’s retiring, and also waiting for Viktor’s leaving. Amelia, a kind of woman who can get any guy she wants, had waited for a married man’s promise from 18 years old to 39 years old in the hotel. Enrique, a driver of a restaurant car, who was waiting for a chance of dating with Officer Torres and getting her love. Gupta, a janitor, who was wanted for assaulting a police officer back in India in 1979, was waiting for going home, for meeting his family. People in the airport are waiting, some are waiting for picking up; some are waiting for meeting with families or friends; some are waiting for a delayed flight. But there are some people who even don’t know what they are waiting for. Business man are waiting for big deals so that they can make more money; young ladies are waiting for a perfect husband; students are waiting for getting good grades and being admitted into universities they dreamed; politicians are waiting for a higher position. While waiting, some are working hard to achieve their goals sooner, but some are just wasting time. While watching the movie, you will find that some plots are seemed to have met before. When Gupta is sitting there to wait for the careless people’s falling down on


科学怪人读后感 科学怪人读后感 《科学怪人》这本科幻小说就是讲述弗兰肯斯坦这位生命科学家受虚荣心主宰,原本想创造了一个生物体,但不料创造了一个丑陋强 壮高大的怪物(称科学怪人),随后抛弃它,让它自生自灭.初生的科学 怪人什么都不会,就像一个新生娃娃,不懂语言,不懂世间尘俗.于是乎,本无恶意的它到处受到社会上他人的嫌弃,甚至是唾骂,驱逐.科 学怪人便由善变恶,企图报复这个社会,一路杀害了主人翁弗兰肯斯 坦的亲人.小说最后是讲诉弗兰肯斯坦后悔没有及时消灭科学怪人, 而一路追杀科学怪人但最后累倒致死的内容.科学怪人此时才意识到,世界上仅存的亲人弗兰肯斯坦都被自己消灭了,于是乎觉得生活毫无 意义,便纵身跳入冰川,沉入海底. 这小说批判了世人的虚荣心和责任心,人容易被虚荣冲晕头脑;人应该对自己做的事情付出责任. 我最近看了一本印象深刻的书,名着《科学怪人》。内容虽然有些惊悚,但是却透露出一些真情。 文中的“我”为科学痴狂,用科学创造出了一个其丑无比的怪人,“我”厌恶自己创造的人,人们也不欢迎他,使怪人由本性善良变 成了一个恶人,他四处杀人,最后把“我”杀了,忏悔者…… 这是一个以悲剧结尾的故事。我觉得主人公一开始就做的不对。1.他根本就不应该因为自己的好奇而创造出人,这就可以看出他的 不冷静;2.他看见怪人的面目后十分厌恶,不给予怪人任何美好的情感,而是施予憎恶,所以才导致自己以及自己的亲人被怪人杀死。 由此可见美好的感情对人的重要性啊!感情是人类精神的支柱, 美好的感情更是人类本性所向往的、单单想拥有的、宝贵的东西啊!

还有曾经我看过一篇文章,写的是政府将执行把囚犯精神禁锢的方法,先由一位警察试着执行,结果他遭到众人的冷落,谁也不和 他说话,他的日子过的苦不堪言。最后请求长官不要执行这种方法 折磨囚犯,还是被枪毙好!试想一下,他会怎样?日日遭受众人的鄙 视眼神,大家都甚至懒得看他;说话不跟他说;卖东西不卖给他;警方 随时关注他的`动态,他一有什么异常的行为便要公诸于众,多可怜 呀! 我们的当今社会,科技在进步,人心在冷漠、在石化,原本那些美好的感情在岁月中消逝了。一切,都源于人心…… 《科学怪人》叙述了作者在北极探险时所遇到的一个科学怪人讲述的故事。 原来。这个科学怪人是贵族弗兰肯斯坦,他发现了死亡的秘密,于是他从尸体中寻找材料,制造了一个生命。并利用科学方法将这 个生命激活。不过可惜的是这个高达8英尺的怪物在被赋予了生命 之后,却变得奇丑无比,连弗兰肯斯坦也被吓得昏了过去。 这个怪物虽然丑陋却很善良。开始他是十分热爱这个世界的,他躲藏在山里并学会了使用火,并遇到隐居在山中的一位盲爷爷和一 对青年男女。怪物白夭趁青年男女出去的时候就偷偷帮助盲爷爷打柴,并偷出书来学习。他也像人一样开始渴望艺术和爱情。一夭, 怪物潜入盲爷爷家,发现只有盲爷爷在家,便与之海阔夭空地聊了 起来;这时青年男女突然归来,小伙子气愤地把怪物打出门去。他的 自尊心受到了伤害。看到这里,我很可怜这个怪物。长得丑陋是他 的错吗?他是被人类制造出来的呀。就像有些人夭生丑陋,也不是自 己的错一样,别人不应该嘲笑他的。再说,怪物还有一颗善良的心 灵呢。 后来,受到伤害的怪物开始向人类复仇,他杀死了科学怪人的弟弟和新娘。 看完这本书,我的心久久不能平静。对怪物既感到可怜,又感到生气。可怜他,是因为他很善良却没有人接受他、喜欢他;对他生气,


《幸福终点站》观后感 六年级六班石子绪今年寒假,班主任为我们推荐了一部电影《幸福终点站》,一听名字我就喜欢上了这一部电影,于是开始了漫长的下载,但是我相信这几个小时的等待是完全值得的。 刚开始,我就被深深的感动了。这是一个机场,有着来来往往的人群,这不是一个停留之地。人们总是为了很多理由而奔走,有可能是为了财富,金钱,也可能是为了家庭,人们需要回到自己温馨的家庭享受自己的安逸人生,尽管旅途辛劳,可是都想起能够餐桌旁家人的微笑,相信每个人的脸上都会露出绽放地笑容,还有很多理由让人从飞机上走进飞机场。机场对每一个过客来说,它仅仅是一个休息的地方,短暂的停留,没有人会把自己留在进场,就是有,那也是短暂的。可是就有这么一个人存在——维克多。《幸福终点站》就是告诉我们一个关于在机场等候的故事,这一等就是9个月。 他的签证到期,没法进入美国,自己的国家内战,没法回国。他失去了国家的依托,所以他成了整个机场唯一没有归属的人。维克多成了这个机场里唯一的居住者。 他用男厕所的水龙头洗澡,他拼凑起椅子都自己的睡床,他还在大楼里打工赚取自己的生活费。没有人知道他为什么要这样,他只是一个奇怪的漂流者。可是他却有真诚和善良。 他没有自暴自弃,而是充分利用自己的能力赚取自己的生活费,而且这种能力得到了大家的承认。虽然没有了归属感,但是他却让整

个机场的人把他当成了自己的家人,这不是同情,而是利用自己的能力来赢得了大家的认可。 快到电影结束的时候,国家内乱结束了,他可以回国了,不过他却高兴不起来,因为他并没有实现父亲的愿望,那是一张明信片,上面有每一个人的签名,唯独缺少了一位明星。他为了实现父亲的愿望,必须去一家歌厅去要明星的签名。但是签证到期了,他没法走出机场。当大家知道了这种情况之后,大家都鼓励他大胆的去,要不就没法实现自己的愿望了。 在大家的配合之下,机场的保安主任也被感动了,当他走出机场大门时,机场的保安主任也走了出来,当时大家都以为他是来组织维克多的,但是他却把自己的大衣脱下来给维克多披上,鼓励他勇敢的去实现自己的梦想。 看完了这部电影,我感觉一个人心中必须有梦想,只要有了梦想,我们才会去坚持!学习也是这样,我们必须有一个目标,才会取得更大的成绩!

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